If 10 THE WASHINGTON WASHINGT N TIMES SUNDAY AUGdBT 5 1906 190 190PictuffesQUe 1966Picturesque
Picturesque Home = on the Potomac for Districts Old People J
= = r = = = = =
Summers End Finds Strik Striking Striking Striking
ing Changes in Chases ChasesTheater ChlSesTheater ChasesTheater
Theater TheaterOF TheaterOF TheaterOF
Popular Home of Vaudeville Opens NewSeQ9IiNm Ne NeSeason
Season SeQ9IiNm Next Mt Xaay 4ay With a a Beau Beautifully 13e1Iti Beaxtifialy ¬
tifully ti dly SJNa Relwd J d Ittcriar htcrierhass IttcriarChasa Iftcri Iftcrihass
Chasa hass preparations for polite vaudo vaudoMlle va vtth111e nde cle clelI1e
Mlle lI1e patrons of f the nearit nearseason n r + UOI aaon3ia7 of oftit1
tit1 11 3ia7 11 are completed Those who wo enterthe enterthe
the lobby this tbl week in Quest cf t perms permsltent permafrient pennaItlent
frient reservations o will behold in rt rtthe r1 r1the
the compelte fulfillment by Chase Chasecenl Chaseenk
Wicenlo cenl enk artist and stage manager GeorseThompaotl GeorgT
T T Thompson of the ntanageptenthrnmtae aJUW l1ti l1tiJrmise
j Jrmise > rr > mise to make this summer the mos mosk C Cklab
klaboratts klab k ratt improvements ever involved involvoftin InvolvedL1n ed
tin the annual scheme 8Ch of beautification beautincationThe beautificationThe beautldcatlonThe
The florid style at le of decoration typical typicalf typicalCrt 1
Crt > f the French renaissance renalrmcohai J has been fol followed foli1 fo1oWed ¬
i1 lowed oWed Wed in n the tinting and onuuoentation onuuoentationc a
lot c > f the walls wal dadoes friezes frlese and cell ceilings cellaUK cellYngs ¬
ings aUK and those parts of the great iat lobby lobbythe lobbyhe
the he auditorium and the adjacent pardors par partIIrs
dors are rich and varied in blending blendingtints blendlDKot blends blendstints nit
tints of ruby red Ivory t vary Iry green Ereenand and d gold goldenhanced goldenhanced ld ldlhanced
enhanced > by ornate plaatic p1a Uc relief crea creations creatlII1S crewtints ¬
tints Throughout Throu < < bout the theater beginping begin beginning bednlin ¬
ping lin inside the resplendent resplendeatarol a arc rep a dado dadorif dad dadrlf o
rif antique oak design follows the walla wallathrough wag wagthrough to
1 through the mosaic tile tiI lobby acroa th thbeautiful the thebeautiful tbelotttutitul e
beautiful drawing room on the elevation elevationBbovf elevationnllH elevatlontOVN n nsir
Bbovf nllH the box office and thence along alongtho ado adothe Jone Joneth sir sirsagas
the th theater lbat r terminating telll naUn with theh the tbe1htnlrlA sameli same
li 1htnlrlA i lunlng effect e < < ect along alon the stage front frontAll frontA frontAu
All A U the t he dcx doors > rs and wainscoting wablacoU have 1 bee been beengraiiHd beenJ n
graiiHd J r fa t hwd hu d In correspondenceTh correspondence correspondenceTho
fll Tho mosaic tile floor in the lobby lobbyn has hastn baalxtendecl
tn n t lxtendecl x tended to the jnaJn mn n stairway staarwayd A Ad An
d > rich rk It new neW carpet aide bannonioualt hannoniously hannoniouslyt Y
t > i the hf h coloreffect color effect of the draw dra draRiag draRiagti log lD < < room roomil roomtl11
tl11 ti il 1 th the > auditorium Allegorical grouIn groups groupsin JJrOu ps l lil
in il it rth sh tints tlntdeeorate decorate the ceiling and andthe under underthe undertw n
the flr drat t balcony and the panels at t tcages the thec tMd
c cages d < ises l > S are occupied by plastic relief net floral floraldesigns Aoraldsigns floradsigns t
dsigns In ivory and ad gold colors eolorsfruta The Thefi < ritefllIt
fllIt fi > nts of the tiers of box WXOf pxop p i fash aah aahRau With Withgold
gold 11 mounted ornamentations omabientaUoaya and aiqi t tpilasters the thepilasters theIHlafttrs be
pilasters are almost hidden ht tn under beau beautiful beautiful beautiful ¬
tiful and heavy heaV plastic relief work workJIodeled worktOOeled workModeled
Modeled tOOeled After tit Tuilleries TuilleriesAll
All the chairs in the theater tbea ter have havel havefn bav bavKeen e
l Keen > een reupholstered and freshly recur securtd MCurb1 recuri1
td making them ideally comfortable comfortableSupports com comfortabfupports tor table tableJlIpports e
Supports Every spot pot of bare floor un under unt1er undrr ¬
der the scats 8 U has received a triple coat coatIng coatJng coating
Ing of paint in conformity eoIdOrMtt with the most mostDecent JIHNItecent mo moscent t
Decent ecent requirements reqh e ts of theater tet hygiene hygieneTh hyxHmeI by g iaw
Th rho brass work ork of t everything ev ever tbl ig has been beenIn JxotonIn bee beeIn n
In the hands of professional burnishers burnishersftnd Dumtaber8nd burnisbersytnd
I ftnd nd It shines with almost dasmling dasmlingl da > sl slirehtness W g
l jr rchtness < hntu from the electrolier and wall wallPxtures wallfixtures wallftxtures
fixtures The general effect may mayd be bedescribed bet
described t d t r < trlbed as presenting an ensemble enJel b in inwhich Inwhich i iwhich n
which the striking designs in plastic 1daaUclit re relief relid ¬
lid lit f and ivory tracings tractn are d dcftly tly and andharmoniously aDdharmoniously a aharmoniously id
harmoniously supplemented te by the theground t tground j jground
ground work of ruby red and vari varihtded varlshadtd van vanFhaded
Fhaded htded green greenIn grte greenIn o oIn
In the ladies retiring room fresh freshiuhes Ireekouches
ouches < > of the painters pa1 ters brushes brushesind blUllh blUllhlnd bruahestad
tad more work by the plumbers haveLaded have haveidded havelddpd
Laded new beeuties and convenience tohc to tohc tohC
hc chamber which is i modeled after att1tJmiJar a aiJmilar alinilar
iJmilar place tot the TuiUerfc The Thetitateat Thep he heTnt
titateat p Tnt l atest st perceptible change in the three threejnrlora threearJor threelarlnr3
jnrlora arJor that invite the theater patrons patronsit patronIt
it intermission ill is i at the windows whose whoseithf whceathrriral Olte Oltea
a athrriral ithf t hd < lral ral lines of structure b hxye a ve veInntuatof vebeen vebeentr been beenitcfntuatert
itcfntuatert tr ntuatcd by bcathe4lra1 cathedral cathedral stess Iii which wtlcheniper3 whichiempeid w1lchifmptli
iempeid the light with alltjie all the striking strikingtolars atrikingyolnra uljdnc010rll
tolars of the panes pang as it pwiee JMM JMl in Ino InoJp o oUP
7 UP Jp F interior jnt rjol How much this takes from fromJle fromhe
Jle 1 emptiness of interiors such as a these thesej thEealrlors thesepirlnrs
j pirlnrs > irlors can be imagtaed The wallr wallrlave wan wanaYc wallalre
lave aYc been colored with a henry bendIf bend bandf
If > f dark green with gold stencil t ncil cn designs designsLlove deeignLoe designsilve
Llove the dado The rieMts and ceilings ceilingsJcllow celinacHow ceilingsyellow
cHow the general style of decoration d < coratJon
rile rh magnificent French mirror in gor gorrcous gorous gorrrmhs
rcous ous gilded ild > d frames hang from the weat weatrn weatn westtrn
trn rn n wall in the flrst floor parlor Drap
tries of green plush velvet with massive
trimmings with gold bullion cord CC over
inn tnng K the windows windowsA
t A New Venetian Drop Curtain CurtainThe CurtateThe C1trtabtTLe
The upper parlors and lid balconies have
K k en ii treated in the same lavish fashionus fashion
us I to colors and designs and they are areoth
toUt > oth as elegant in their tb lr conditions condltJoD8t as asHost ssf
Host f t theaters th < > ater provide < < Ovldo for their tbel orches orchesra orebeJa oreht
ra patrons patr ns No electric wires are any 0 1
l hre 1 tie > visible isible as ail the disfiguring mold I
tgS have been be ft removed and the wires wiresrihedded wiresI ire8
rihedded rdb I bedded dded beyond sight t In conduits in
lie f to walls and floors
making aaf
safety ty a ateitainty aIertaint atertainty
teitainty Iertaint The stage has h been reward rewardHi
Hi with a new floor r and the lb dressing
tooras lOor have been rendered additionally
hviting ltlllg to the artists The scenic in
frbtiture btlturt of the features tEatu this s season < son has hastn
Ken tn supplemented by a beautiful olio
hop tt up Placid Pjac d Venice and by afar a f4 fancy tar tarJ1t y
J1t pterior rior of white blue and g gold > 1d 1dlhes Idttasrs
lhes hoses will awaken to amusement life lifeFREE liteFREE lif lifFREE e
or our new preparation to gums guumaTBIS giunsTHIS gumsms
18 Set of Teeth Taethold TeethSold
Sold old Crownfridge Crown CrownBridge CrownIndge
Bridge Work WorkPorcelain Worktoroelain Workoroeladn
Porcelain Crowns Crownstrold Cro
Teethfi fi
300 300irold 00 00Scold ft
Scold Plllinr f 1 1Ulver 1J11ver lsilver
silver PUling PUlingConsultation
roman Poroela1n rUUng rUUngo1lBU1tation 50c i ionwultation
Consultation o1lBU1tation IreeWork Free Work Guaranteed GuaranteedSours GuaranteedKours GuaranteedHours
Sours 8 to S t J Sunday Sand jto io to 1 1Dr 1Dr
2 Dr > r J K MoDONTAIil MoDONTAIilPlione MoDONAL1t3 >
13 t3 pennsylv Pennsylvania a Ave N WPhone W WPhono
Phone Slain 680311
House for Aged Ajed poor poorReady poorReady
Ready in One Month MonthTwo
Two Hundred and Thirty Thir y Inmates of Alms Almshouse Almshouse Almshouse
house house Will Take Up Residence in Handsome Hand Handsome Handsome ¬
some Building at Giesboro Point
Three years ago airo spurred on by an aninsistent anIubltent
insistent public pUbilcdeinand demand the District DltrtcfCommfssiosers DistrictCommissioners DlatrlcfCommluloneril
Commissioners cooperating with the theDistrict theDl theDistrict
Dl District trlcl Board oant of Charities formulated formulatedand formulateda ormu1ated ormu1ateda
a plan for the care ot the local aged agedaDd
and infirm poor based on ideal lines 1tn and andwith aDdwUh andwith
with the particular design of removing removingtnit removingU
thin U public iihttanthrophy Ithro br from the en environment environment environment ¬
vironment of the District workhouse workhouseCongress workhouseCongress workhouaMCOn8NS
Congress appropriated appr riated W26fiW for the theneeded theneed theneeded
needed need buildings and one month hence henceimbued he ce ceImbued
imbued with a keen desire dNlr to spend spendtheir spendtheir spendtheir
their crippled or declining years amid amulsurroundings amidaurroun4tnu
surroundings far more congenial con < < enta1 thanheretofore than thanheretofore thanheretofore
heretofore 280 2a0 or more inmates of the theDistrict theDatrfcl
District almshouse Inwhou will otl1 bid goodby to totheir toI
I their present quarters and move into intothe
I the new neW Home for the Aged and In Infirm InI ¬
I firm located Ioca at Shepherds Landing Landl just justbeyond jutbeyOlt4
beyond beyond Qfisboro bOro Point on the Potomac Potomacriver Pot Potrlver Poloat
river riverAbout rlverAbout riverAbout
About tteeeQuarters of a mile from fromthe fromthe fromth i
the th e rtver is i a grov4 of nearly 275 275ot 75 sets aereeof
of as picturesque lruque country as can be befound befouncl
found in the vicinity of the lraibaalCapital National NationalCapital MatloftalCapital
Capital and built with a view to af affording aftordl atfording ¬
I fording tordl every comfort and Dd modern med n con convenience convenlce conveniepce ¬
j venience the new home hv ill regarded rrdeda regarded as asa
a model of its kind kindThe k1ndTh
The Th taeU facy hc thai the erection erectiCinot erectir < n of suck ek an aninstttntkm aninobltatloti n n1nnttutioft
instttntkm fills fig Ulp a JonK Jonlcfelt ong elt lack in the theDistrict theI
I District and that yip ts tat doors will be bethrown bethMwn
thrown open wlthht wlth tu the text ct thirty thirtydays thirtydaya
days has aroused its Intended occupants occupantsmany oecupaDtamany
many of whom will in n this phi take their theirMonday tbeJrXODda
Monday XODda August Au 32 a day y earlier than thanlast thanlaat thanpeat
last year ear Preliminary activities will willcommence willcomtee
commence a week in 11 advance at t the box boxoMce bo1cnMce
oMce beginning tomorrow tonMwHW and d continu continuing contlnuIn ¬
lug In < < throughout t the week trhetNUtarer trhetNUtarerand The treasurer treasurerand
and his corps corps of assistants 8tantt willbe wilt tit b be raen raenloroed N8n10f10ed
forced this year year W by two phones pbo Main Ma 71 71and 71and
and 72 1 7w These will 111 expedite tlreadiance the advance advanceorders
orders for reserved seats and nd permanent permanentreservations pennnentraertions
reservations In future there should be beno benq benq
no nq unweJeeme n eIe9e Wires tnts busy bu when whenChases wh whCh1ii
Chases la called One phone or the theother th thotbtr
other Will llf insure Insur instant attention attentionA attentionA
A Stron Strong Vaudeville Vaud Vaudeville vi1le Season SeaseaOhasea o4lon o4lonblUl
Chases < blUl S will nlso oleo contjinje its undeviat undeviating uncleriatIng undevlatng
ing ng pathway of popularity with regard regardto
to the daily dall matinees and the low and andevcrtaatltig andevorlastloig nd ndevenUti
evcrtaatltig evenUti scale of prices prt pricesdally daily lIy matt matinees maUnees ¬
nees 16 cents evenings X and ad SO cents eentswith centMjth centswith
with jth never an Increase lner on holidays boUdayaor boUdayaorwhen or orwhen
when extraordinary attractions enuUl enuUlexpenditures emH4txpendlturetl enrx enrxexpenditures
expenditures that eliminate all aJtJOlJldbie aJtJOlJldbieprofit possible possibleprofit
profit for the week weekThe eek eekThe
The bills bUs forzthea0ar for 2 Ute rheas season will willowing m mowiaJ
owing te the recent concentration of con control control ¬
trol in the general nnerata n flaltl 4 of vaudeville vaudevillebooking vaudevUJebooklnl vaudevillebooking
booking management attain a standard standardof stan rd rdof
of excellence eXCEJIen that will make ake compari comparisons COIftplrlona compnrsons ¬
sons ona with past bills belittle belittle even the thepopular thepopular
popular offerings offerings that I Ibered
are still till remem remembered ¬
bered The influx of foreign fore ioretgn attractions attractionsthe attraotionsthe
the enforced norCed development of American Americaninventiveness AmwlcanInftntlve
inventiveness Inftntlve eM and ingenuity and the theaccretions theaccreUOIUI theaccretions
accretions from the th land of the legitn legit legitlfo leKltIfII
fo n te t drama have Lave prodMcea KOd pprnna j almost a asuperabundance aaU8labuadn aauperabu
auperabu superabundance anes of novelties all tending tendingto
to strengthen II eIIlthtft the cause of gayi gayty > ty t The Theinaugural ThemauUral Theinaugural
inaugural program for the weex Wee of Au August AuKuat August ¬
gust IS includes Edwin Stevens assisted assistedby 8861tOOb ssieteiby
by b Miss flu Marshall Iantha Sam SamWaons Watsons Farm Farmyard Farmj Farmjyr ¬ j jyard
yard yr Circus the Schubert Quartet the theWilton theWIlton theWditon
Wilton Wditon Brothers Br ther Juliet Wood and Com Company CompaulY Cornpany ¬
pany the u Hooney Sisters James and andFlora andFlora andFlora
Flora Simpson and nd the American Vitagraph Vita Vitagraph VIt3pb
graph graphQUAINT graphQUAINT pb pbI
LONDON Aug 4 4Among Among the curious curiousold curiousold curiousold
old customs still UIl surviving in English Englishrural EnglIhparisheo Englishrpral
rural parisbea one of the quaintest isthe is isthe Istb
the tb the observance OhfierYlUlce of St Swithins day at atthe atthe atthe
the villas vIII village of Old Weston Huntingdon Huntingdonshire Huntlngdonshire Huntingdonshire ¬
shire shireSt shireSt shireSt
St Swlthln is the patron t saint of thevillage the thevillage thevUle
village church and every ever year ear on the thededication thededleatiOft thededication
dedication festival the floor of the an ancient anetent ancleat
cleat building is strewn with newmown newmownhay newmownhay newmownhay
hay This is done In n accordance acoo lnce with withthe wltbthe withthe
the will of of a donor who left left a field fieldfor fteldfor fieldfor
for the benefit of the church on condi condition condition eondltdon ¬
tion that th t It was w mown mown every year Just Justbefore jUlitbefore Justbefore
before St Swithins Day Da and the cut cutting cuttlnK cutting ¬
ting thrown down in the aisles of the thechurch thechureh thechurch
church churchThe churehThe churchThe
The purpose of the hay on the floor la lasaid Ispaid I Id
said d to havo been to muffle the squeak squeakIng squEakInK squeaking
Ing of new boots worn by the Old Wes Weston Ves VestOD ¬
ton parishioners who always came to tochurch tochurch tochurch
church on feast eut day newly shodSICK shod shodPositively sbodPoait1v17
Positively cured by bythese bttheo bythcao
these Little PDI PDIThey Pills PillsThey Us UsThey
They also relieve
Distress from 2 h > ys yspepsla Yapepsla s
1TTl pepsla Indigestion Indigestionand Indlge1Uon Indlge1Uonand
and Too H Hear HMrEatlnr HearSating rty rtyi
VER i Sating Satingntneoiy A API perfect perfectremedy Drtetzz > erCect erCectremedy
remedy for Diztl Dtuln Diztlness
ness n e 8 8 Nausea NaueaJ
PI S Aovvamessw Drowsiness r Bad 13ad
Taste in the the Mouth
Coated Tongue Ton If u e
Pain In the Side
They regulate the Bowels Purely veg ¬
etable etableSmall etableSmall
Small Plii Pill Small Dose Small Price PriceCARTERS PriceGenuine
1 n LE FaaSimila Signature SignaturoER SignatureBEFUSE
last pilgrimage to a pitch p1t of anticipa anticipation anticipation anticipaion ¬
tion t ion
Aside from the th sentimental interest interestnaturally Interestnaturally Interestnaturally
naturally attached to the opening of this thismodel thismodel thismodel
model home the detail of its construc constructk construetJoa constructbs
tk tbs > a planned pla ned alter a careful study of ofthose ofhe
those tno t he of o similar Institutions In tltuUon In other othercities othereU othercities j
cities eU are worthy orthy of o the highest praise praisefor praisetor praisefor
for those who made it t possible possibleTha passibleThe I
The plan of the buildings which hlcb are areconnected areooaneeted
connected by long corridors in order orderto orderto orderto I
to give lit easy y access to both Inmates and andattendants ft andattendants nd
attendants was w adopted after the pavlUon pa pavtUon I
I vflion system similar to that in the theconstruction thfcontncetlon theooatructon
construction of many hospitals hospitalsThe hospitalsThe
The four main buildings bu 41DP in which the thea theeel theaged I
a aged ed and cripples wilt have their living livingquarters Ihlnsquarters lyingquarters
quarters and lounging rooms roo face di titrecUY directly ¬
rectly to the southwest making it t pos possible po poalba poasiWe ¬
alba sible for them to receive the benefits benefitsof benefttaot benefltao
of o Mtnnght aII1t and southern exposure expo exposureOne ure ure0tM
One o of c the features teatUI of o these buildings buildingsthe buUdlnpt
the t he lack of which has been considered considereda COOIIlderedtaU
a fault in h many similar 8Ia 1ar home awes is the thefour tb tbtour thefourgiaslaciaed
four fourgiaslaciaed glassInclosed lneIOMd lounging rooms fronted front fronted tronte ¬
ed e I by open porches porch Stretching along alongthe aloD aloDtae alongthe
the front of each of the buildings buildingsmeasuring butldiDprlDIC bafldMgaeasuring
measuring m rlDIC twenty tweotynx aix by seventy Jive flueeet Jivefeet Uett
feet f eet and arranged arnuag to give < < in ample com comfort GItM GItMtort otoNtufort ¬
fort to all they fulfill in the truest truestsense tMM truestau t tthe
sense au the stated object ob t of the DMttietBoard Dtstriet DtstrietBoard DIKriotB
Board B Board anI of Charities Cbariu to give tlle to its Itaand aged agedand agedand
and crippled dependents the best bft t that thatpubUc tkatpu thatublic
pubUc pu p ublic Hc charity through throu h a generous tax taxpaviuz taXpayil16 taxpaYfua
paviuz people can afford affordGOOD affordON affordN
LONDON Aug 4 4The The The society woman womanwho womanWho wpmanwho
who desires d4 dr a to be economical can now now nowby
b by y dealing with aceitaln a certain French drass drassmfc cI drsratetoit I
mfc c t to London effect a saving vta of ofMAt ft ftpar
p par er cent gent hi her dress dr U bills billsWhen bin billsWhen
When wh a she has worn an expensive expensiveevening expensivevening
ev e evening toilette to et at half hal a doses func functions tvRctSon furhrtloos ¬
tions tSon and ad Is tired of it she be CA ca tak take it itback ItMete titback
back to the raddtote in question utton who whowin whowUlallow
win wUlallow allow her a quarter of the proe pricetoward proetoward proet01arcl
toward a new frock frockIn trockIn frockIn
In this tbl way ay court gowns wadCta wadCtadress wlidttag wsdEingresses
dress 4rNH1and d resses as sad other ornate totiettee wU w wtih wtihare 1h A Aare
are too conspicuous to be worn 01 oi oiare O oCcer oCcerare Let Letare
are exchanged for less Ie costly frocks fur fureveryday fureveryday fureveryday
everyday wear wearThis wearThis
This ingenious Intrenl Frenchwoman makes makesgoed makubwdnfWI makesgeed
geed business out Ut of o tits fashionable tuhlonableolbait
< foible of shedding a distinctive Unetlv j t tcctume
as soon as she becomes noted note < l I Ifor
It j
Famous Navassars to Play PlauThis PlayThis PIauThis
This Week at Luna Park
ReturnFifty Return Engagement o of ofFifty
Fifty Talented Lady LadyAlusicians Lady1usicians Lad LadMusicians
Musicians AlusiciansTh 1usiciansXavuara
Th The Xavassars Ladi Ladies r BasKLoC JJaiII ol fifty fiftymusJeiaws ttlymusicians f ft
musicians t and the Great Albas AI sensa sensational M MtIonaI ¬
tional tight tht wire p perl perloa romar ger r I wftl b 1MI 1M UM UMleadinc
I I feature of Lima Parks inter interastins tnterM1ng
bill for this week weekSince weekSInce weekSince
Since their last appearance in Wash WuhI ¬
I the Navassars Nav have be nowt a making maktn maktnIl
Il tour of the Luna Parks of Scranton ScrantonCJevelaad
and Ptttsburg coming ta 18Waablactoa
direct from toe latter 1UerIUnUMmeDt
resort Cfcief ttef asaos among 00 < < their theirust Uaelrbetlt
known soloists are Miss 1 Lillian Lillianfr Lillianr
fr r eornoUst and Miss gist Ida Beltesrombone Reltw Reltwmbone neltwtnlRboae
tnlRboae mbone soloist The 11t aaxapbone 8 Sex ex exlet x xt
t which made s such ch a great hit hitrtth hU1I1t
1I1t Limas Luna patrons daring dllftft < < their lat latjncaxement aM aMCaKement
CaKement is still aloadias a kadfng favorite f avorit avoritto voHt voHtMI
MI the program at each eac concert It is isd i iAd
Ad d that the ladles of the band are arexiou areutloul4 arernnbuK
utloul4 xiou to agala appear on the White Whitect Whitedurbac
< ct durins then oomtas oo coming atna engagement engagementheir epgrtgosaaerttheir D pnMftt pnMfttbelr
heir former concert there haYing been beenrath beeIIOtb
rath a novelty to the musicians them tnetntelves themItthell
as well as a unique treat to the theRusiclovers thenwdeJovers
of th the District DistrictAlbas Dtatr1cAlbu DistrictAllrss
Albas will remain at Luna Park an anttber
week giving vtnc his tlsjhtwire per perorroanc perormAllce
orroanc every afternoon and evening eyeninKila eveningIfs
greatest s oatest tet aehievenont and one onerhieh
is almost suicided in character
left until the last This Tba is the thrill thrillng
slide Ude for life down a 90root root wire wlreReline wireN
Not Xotonce N nee e the th e opening of the resort
M During August AugustUMJIM We Close at t 5 p in Saturdays 1 p m mon mH mWREN
WREN fN IiDJlJlT4UY Ali AliM Alillcrrmannas II IIH
II H ouse H llcrrmannas errmann errmannCDR
CDR ° t EZ F J r EEnJH EEnJHSlashing
Slashing in Reductions Reductionson I Ion
on All GoCarts GoCartsOur II IIOur
Our entire stock stockof stockof II IIof
of Gocarts and Car Carriages Carriages earriages ¬
riages is now offered offeredat offeredat offeredat
at a very big reduc reduction reduction reductian ¬
tion in price rice for forquick forquick forh
h quick clea clear clearance ranee raneeAlthough an c e II
Jr t Although we still stillhave stillhave
i ll i have a very large as assortment assortment asj asjsortment ¬
sortment of pat patterns patterns patterns ¬
> terns the quantities quantitiesare it itm
m are more or less lim limited Ema ¬ II
a ft ° iced ited so the quicker quickeryour quickeryour quickeryour
your choice the bet better better ¬
11 ter your chance of ofgetting ofone II IIr
r getting gent lug one exactly exactlyto
V VtOYour
to tOYour tOYourFinal your liking likingon likingI
I I Final Reductions Reductionson =
Refrigerators RefrigeratorsIf
II on Ii IiI
If you have been waiting until you could buy buya
I a good Refrigerator at rockbottom price now is isyour isyour is isyour
your opportunity We have made the final price pricereductions pricereductions kP
fl reductions of the season in order to dispose of thebalance the thebalance JIlt JIltI
I balance of our stock before fall goods commence commenceto II
to arrive arrive We have a good assortment of all prac practical practical ¬
I tical sizes sizes at present but we would advise you to tomake V
11 make an early selection to insure getting g et suited suitedWe II
We handle only reliable makes that we gladly gladlyguarantee gladlyguarantee
nteeto to be tJig
guarantee guar trustworthy Sit SitI
has there been so many free attractions attractionsas
as are now being belocaaDOuDeed announced from weekto week weekto weekto
to week at Luna Park Kilo a Hindoojail Hindoo Hindoojail H1nCooJa11
jail breaker gives 8ly daily performances performancesof
of expert chain releasing Kadln Saint 8amihas Saintbaa
has added ded a fatt laile Me Kmvpean EUft peD importation importationcalled importationcalled
called Hindoo T Telegraphy hy which basproven has hasBroven huINOIren
proven even move mystifying than his hieprevious a apreio hisprevious
previous preio acts In the Scenictorium AI Alphonso AIhon8Q Aipbonao
phonso hon8Q Zelaya Zel wellknown to Washing Washington WaahinctoI1peopJ Washington ¬
ton toI1peopJ people from his hI recent marital trou troubles Ironbins ¬
bins 1 here ha hen been especially engaged encagedas
as II pianist giving yJ recitals from the time timethe timethe timethe
the park opens until the dose Other Otherrecent Otberrecent Otherrecent
recent features atu that have M mat with in instant IDstant instoat ¬
stant favor is the free dancing providedduring provided providedduring provideddurin
during durin < < the afternoons and the fro Ires tr ad admission adJDIuIon admission ¬
mission to all school children whetherresidents whether whetherrosidenta whetherretde
residents retde ta in Washington or not every everySaturday everySalurda everySaturday
Saturday Salurda afternoon afternoonManager atUlrPOOGanacf afterpoonManager
Manager anacf > r George 080 E O4U amtounees amtouneesthat amaOUftMlthat annotmoesthat
that Ralph Johnstone late of the New NewYork NewYork NewYork
York Hippodrome will be toe outdoor
free t attraction aUr etloG all of next wek His litework 1 Hiswork s swork
work consists COIUde of trick bicycle acts cu with witheltwud
backward eltwud an an41 I forward somersaults en enthe entbe enthe i
the moving wteei wteelINDIRECTLY wteeiINDIRECTLY Wi WiINDIRECTLY
Jellick have you contributed anything
to t the campaign fund yet yetHave yetHave et T Tulfa
ulfa Have if I f Ive e been contributing to1M to tothe tothe
the campaign calftPl P funds twa of both parties for foryears forytlra foryears
years and years I am a large consumer consumerof eonsumerof OItJIUJD8Iof
of b beef ef and kerosene I have boso beeIJ fleeced
by Wall Street operators and I have havedropped hodrepped havedropped
dropped Uuundl U > usands of dollars at French FrenchLick FrenchLICk FrenchLick
Lick Springs SJW1nI i
Rural FiretNlghter Out for a GoodTime Good GoodTime GoodTime
Time Wasnt OverlookingAny Overlooking OverlookingAny OverlookingAny
Any Bets BetaWhen BetsWhen Betshen
When hen the treasurer at the Academy Aeadamycamo Academycame AnIY AnIYcamo
camo to the theater Thursday morning morningto
to open op n tho sale s le for the Convicts uConvlotJ5Daughter ConviotsDaughter ConvictsDaughter
Daughter company an old man with withthe wltltthe willthe
the unmistakable atmosphere of the thefarm thetarm thefarm
farm hovering round him sat tannl fanninghimself fanning fanningbtras g gblmnlt
btras himself lf with a battered hat on the step stepof stepof stepof
of the main entrance and nd be plantedltlraeelf planted plantedhimself plantedh
himself h Uillt in front of the ticket window windowand windowand windowand
and waited until the man behind the therack therack therack
rack announced armoun ed he was BS ready red for bual bualn bualHew bualneas business ¬
ness n
Hew be ye yeT ho called cheerily and andupon aBdupon andupon
upon receiving reeeivto the aiSrntation that the thetreasurers thetreuurer1 thetreasurers
treasurers health helthwas was was of f th the best b st he haqueried hequed hetiuered
tiueredA1nt queried queriedAlnt
Alnt you the feller that seas the thetickets thetlekets thetickets
I tickets for the troupe troupeThis trouJ trouper trouperThis > er erThltl
This time a nod fromvUift fromVhe man at the thewindow thewlndou
window was all be received receivedHe reobedHe reosvedHe
He gfauieed gtaIt04tdNek back without oosrn oou rn at atthe atthe atthe
the angry faces of the rapidly farming farmingline termingUAeot terming termingline
line UAeot of waiting purchasers and slowlydrew slowly slowlydsew liiowlydMW
drew from rom an Inner pocket a cnpaolou cnpaolouwallet C paotou paotouwaJtt s swallet
wallet walletMow waJttHow walletHow
How much mueiiFifty mueh1PItty muchirifty
Fifty cents down stairs tair twentyfive tIeft twentIYfluecents twentyfivecoats nve nvecaa
coats caa up upWhaf upWAta upWhats
Whaf guilt on 1 TH The Hn line squMmShe squirmed qutmte4JItte J JThe
Itte The Convicts DaMgtotsr responded respondedthe respondedthe ed edthe
the treasurerDown treasurer treasurerDown trurerDown
Down stairs stairsThe ata1raT ata1raTTbe stairsTbe
Tbe Convicts DaughterfSo Da Daughter Dulgftterb
io m he b slowly JIkri < ty laid the t amount amounton t
on the window a a alckst at t a tim timwhats tiMe tiMewhat tlasewhats
whats what fata on > up p stairs stainsTb l stairsThe tatnrfH tatnrfH1De
Tb The tfftatiwer tfwe sr as nearly 413 n oattep + + ed d but buth buthe buthe
he h managed to answer p1 pleaqantlr t1J the theaid tlMtF theold
aid any tF deposited the th 4Wket et t tn h ht hiswallet his hiswafiet
wallet t and restored the relic to its itsinner It ItJnn ItsInner
inner Jnn resting re cmg place and with a a pleasant pleasantSolong pleaaatSoIoeg pleasantSoIowg
Solong moved slowly away oblivious obliviousto obliviousto
to the mutterings of the impatient lineLONGNECKED line lineLONGNECKED lineI lineLONGNECKED
LONDON LONJ Aug 4 4GlraJre 4Gtr Girafles es Iththelr withtheirlong with IththelrJon their theirlong
long Jon soaks are e a frequent source of oftrouble ottroubkt of oftrouble
trouble to the telegraph service in the theAfrican theAtrleA theAfrican
African jungle A breakdown on theVictoria the theYldorSa
Victoria Victoria Falls line US 1 > 6 mile miles from t Bulawayo Bul Bulawayo ButWtlyo
awayo tother the other day da was due to a herd herdof heroof herdof
of these Jbf lOfty ty beasts getting their necks necksentangled necksentaagled necksentangled
entangled in the wires They pulled pulleddown 111eddown pulleddown
down about a mile of wire and brokedown broke brokedown brokedown
down three of the iron poles polesThe poluThe polesThe
The interruption lasted only a a few fewhours fewhourM fewhours
hours as the lineman happened to bein be bein bein
in the neighborhood at the time titaeSince timeSince timeSince
Since the Victoria Falls line was open opened opened opened ¬
ed six Interruptions have occurred occurredthrough occurredthrough occurredthrough
through the interference of the wildbeasts wild wildbeasts wildbeasts
beasts with the wires
USee See Se that man with the reenforced
forehead and prominent teeth Thats
Mouldypast Hes He more sought after
by literary men and critics critlc just jl t now
than any other man in n the room
What for forHe torHe forHe
He claims to have unearthed an orig ¬
inal manuscript hitherto unpublished
from the P peJ pen n of Martin Farqubar Fuq ubar Tup Tuppar TupIor Toper
par p er author of Proverbial Philosophy Philosophysuppress
I see They are try trying to t see hh lilm lilmsuppress to tolIuppre
suppress lIuppre It ItWatch ItWatch itWatch
Watch Your Thirty Fee Feeof Feetj Feetjof Feeqof
of Bowels BowelsY I IOU IYOU
OU have thirty feet of loteetinealWhat intoetlnea intoetlneaJ httcetlnC2t httcetlnC2tWhat
YOU Y J What makes food travaj travajthrough t rav ravthrough r av o I Ithrough
through thousA theta thetaA t tA
A sat s of MttscioB that t at Moo thq thqwaBs thqals th Q Qwalla
waBs als of these th e Intestines Inte tines or Bowels BowelsYhen BowoleWhen Sow SowWhen
When a piece of Food rubs tho well waljjof wan wanof
of the Intestines those t Mc Mtuebs 1i lighten lightenbehind 11th hten htenbehind ten tenbeh1ftd
behind It and thee thW tm it starts trts a MusJewava MusJewavawhich Mus Muaidewavowhich = lewav lewavwhIch
which drives it through the whvle length lengthof Itng Itngof lengt2tof
of the Bowels BowelsIt ds dsIt
It should take tak about t12 12 hours to do this thiaproperly thisproperly thisproperly
properly so o that nutritious parts par of the foodmay food foodmay foodmay
may have itae limeto to be batIeotad < eated and absorbed absorbedBat aborbcdBUf1f absorbedButif
BUf1f Bat if It takes twice twlo or three S r O timea timeathat tfm tfmthat ttmeq ttmeqthatperld
that thatperld period the food spoils k in passing g and andbecomes andbeoomes andbecornes
becomes as poisonous as if it Had decayed decayedbefore dccay deca e ebefore ct ctbefore
before being eatenNow eaten eatenHow eatenw
How w the cause of delay d y Constipation Constipationis
is simply Weakness or Laziness Lutae of ofBowclM tin tinBowelMuscles thZBowclMuscles
BowelMuscles BowelMusclesWant BowclM ulClcs ulClcsWant I IWant
Want of Exercise indoor Faa Employment Employmentweakens Jlf oyment oymentweakens ent entweakens
weakens these BoweiMuseiag Jt jtm t t as Itweakens It Itweakens ItArm e
weakens Arm and ztd Leg Le Muscles MuseiecI
C e C CPhysic
I I Physic like Silts S as Calomel JalapPhoapitaie Jalap JalapPhospfcate JalapPho
Phospfcate Pho te of Ssda Mineral Waters simply Bimptyiflushout Bimplyftushout simplyflushout
flushout the Bowels for the one occasion socasioaonly eoc occasiononly loo looonly
only onlyTney
They ey do donotremovetheCause not remove the tt Cause of Con ConsUpation ConsUpalton ConeUpatton
sUpation sUpationBut sUpaltonBul eUpattonBut
But this is different with Cascarels CascarelsCascarets CucarctsC83CUots CascaretsCascarets
Cascarets act t on the Muscles of the theBowels thaBowels thoBowe
Bowels Bowels Bowe s V and fld Intestines They act Just a3 a3Cold asCold a aCold
Cold Water or Exorcise act on a Lazy Luymln LuymlnThey man manThey mane maneThey
They got act like I re exercise exerciseA
A Cascarat C tproduoea produces tho th = sasna fjort sort rt of ofNataral orNatural of ofNatural
Natural Tosult that a Six Mil Mile walk W Jk in the thocountry thQceuntry thecountry
country would VoOUId produce produceThe produceThe produceThe
The Vest Pocket Box is sold old by air airDruggists airDruggists airDruggists
Druggists at TeA Cants Cantse C CentsBe ta taBe
Be e ver very careful carel to get the genuine genuinemade renui renuimade enuina enuinamade
made only by the Sterling Remedy CoTT CoTTand co coand o
and never sold in bulk Every taMef taMefstamped tloJettamped table tablestamped
stamped CCC II 7 jtf
i r t Washingtons WashingtonsProgressive WashingtonsJiI
JiI Progressive ProgressiveBusiness c
0 0c
c Business Men MenAlphabetically 1 1Alphabetical
Alphabetical Alphabetically Arranged ArrangedWhat Arrangeda
What a You UlI Buy They e Stand a n nl By ByArt
l 1 1Art
Art Paper Fittings FittingsExactly Commercial Photographer PhotographerAKATOira > = r Parasols ParasolsnAnrnr ParasolsAVATEt1B ParasolsAMATEtlE
Exactly Right RightWall bpIht r I develop and a d malt make terga photos from fromemail TO
email films ftJ s If you Shere oe U apjHcl aptNCiata a u exealUnt exealUntwork exeellentWan t MATCH 7 TOUR OUR SUIT SUITSemetiilaer SUflCoverings
Wall CoverIngs Covo for every room We V > ar arbowing al arp work bring them here hereBLUB
seething JMwln MW in all shades badftsat
bowing something different from the theentf theentflaiy er enIf + df BLUB PRINTS PRI TS A SPECIALTY SPBCIALTT3T
laiy paper or for home twatitifying 1 Ar Are y u
at A GZSWO GltrSWOLD GltrSWOLDIcsll 3 >
enough g to inspect theaa tYeasartiatie fMe artistic t = 3T 1LA A TASKBAM gaS P pst St K W WDecorating
Icsll 118 f 411 Eleventh
street Northwest NorthwestPhoto
RICHARD E PASS Decorating D ecprat ng Paiflt Fainting FaintingABB P all1 ti ng lg
726 13th St N W WCarpet
ARE YOTT YOTTBiiATTTxrrzzra Photo Su Supplies SuppliesJeweler SuppliesBEAUXIrYmG PP PPEEAIITIFYING lies
Carpet C arue t Cleaning CleaningIme CIe Cleanln a nlng g painting No Now r la eta the We proper are time artlata for In decorating decoratingpaintlacr this line linoand Phone Main 4330 Enlarging EnlarfflBITotlco
Notice to
and can guarantee entire satisfaction Let Letua Letua LeI LeIus Amateur Photographers PhotogrrapteraCimOMB
ua do the painting for you youT OU CimOMB ALUM f 1Jb cartWM tti ttiBROWNIE JII JIIN ItT
T N MOHiEE 180S 7th at nw nwPhone BROWNIE CAMERAS 1 sad a tI Jt JtxS it 1
Time Ime to Save Your Carpets Cleaned CleanedIf Phone Connection des < xS CAMERA CulERAIt J JW
thoroughly If you wish ant them carefully made te ol 61eaneddrel l leek ned k BOW BOWthoroughly drop dropme Jeweler J ewe ew eler I er and an d Optician OpticianCATHOLIC 0 n p t ti can i W JOSEPH KKOTISE
409 10th Street N W WHeal
me a postaL postaLThomas poltaLThomas
Thomas lee Heely l y CATHOLIC GOODS GOODSof Real Estate EstateBEAUTIPini Estateof t
ofAll8inda of All Kinds KindsE Xind
713 11th St w VTCatering
In grow growler lag eosins oo a Otl tl n of f Korthw Northwest t at J Jet letN t W f feet feetJeweler et etJeweler t ttront
Jeweler 735 Seventh St N W WLivery host lie fe feet t deep et four rooms ee ea eaabS euifAMr euifAMrCaterIng eaehAsrA r rA
A rare b bargain for
Catering CateringPhone EasjTc 54500 54500Easy 4500
Livery Easy sy Terms TermsTimes 1ermsT
927 G N NI1tAN3 W
Phone JUe Your Order OrderIe
bt i Weddl ltedlag reelllms Ie Creams CreamsFanal g Cakes i go 224236 LIYEI3YIeePCres LVIY 14th St W l w 7 7Phone Times T TimesWant TimesWantFarmy Imes Want W an t Ads AdsBring rYU rYUa A
Phone Ph D ne Main bfai 4292 4292Voull 49 49a
a = speci specialty Farmy Fanal Fanala rty rtynuI trace nuI y Voull set the right t rig PVri P rf t
POE QUALITY f hero Bring Results Resu 11 ts i
hone 796 81510T1i 815 10TH ST S N W