ir19 > f < 1 19 THE WASHINGTON TIMES SUNDAY AUGUST 5 1906 Many Pleasure SeekersG SeekersGo Seekers SeekersGo Go G to Colonial BeachDelight BeachDelight Beach BeachDelight Delight in Crab Fishing Yachting PartiesStraw Parties PartiesStraw Partiestraw Straw traw Rides and Dancing DancingMen Men Wear WearRibbons WearRibbons WearRibbons Ribbons on Their Arms i COLONIAL BEACH BEA H Va Aug Au < < 4 4Tomorrow 4Tomorrow a aTomorrow Tomorrow Is the first August Sunday Sundaywhich Sunda Sundawhich Sundaywhich which la expected to be one of the thelargest th thuKrat thelargest largest uKrat of the present taeDt season seasonThe eeasonTho lIOn lIOnThn The past Sunday brought t a reoern reoernIreaklng reootl reootlI Ireaklng I crowd of pleasant pI seekers IIMk to tothe totht tothe the beach attracted by the cool breesea breeseafrom breeseafrom breeseefrom from the Potomac and the ortunlty ortunltyof wtunltyof utunltyot of partaking partaJ q of the salt water bathing bathingThat bathln bathlnlha bathingThat That lha t tomorrow will ecHps Itpee all previous previousrecords prevtouarecords prevtenwreeords records In attendase attends ae la an assured catertion cs csEHTtion If IfttrUon EHTtion and the local hostelries are aremaking aremaking aremaking making arrangements to accommodate accommodatea a large number numberThough numbernough numberThough Though many watering waterm places IlUea have havefrom havetrom havefrom from time to time been started along alongthe alan alantilt alongthe the Potomac tome having havln < < been entire entirely entirey ¬ ly 1 y abandoned and others having ha ring made a aartial aIartill apartial partial artial > success for a quarter of a cen century century century ¬ tury during durln < < which time many things thingshave tbl tblIae thlnjahave have Iae happened to arremLlh progress Jro8 esa of ofenterprise 01tnterprl ofnterprlee enterprise tnterprl Colonial Beach has steadily steadilyforged steadilyforged eadlty eadlty1ortd forged 1ortd ahead as uevJcleneeci evidenced by the large largenurarer 1r 1rJlumter largeuumler nurarer ot 0 Washington btfttOft families 1nmlU who whospend whond whomend spend nd their the annual vacations eaUn at this thuj u uJlOln thismint j JlOln mint t A Jelly J Iny Cr Crwa CrwaThe CrewdThe wd wdThe The crowd at the beach during the thet theJ1ut thepast past w week k wee a jovial Jot t and every every1ody everylody 7 1ody > ody was like brother and sister ter and andalways andlwas andalways always lwas 11 In thj t beat of humor Mirth Mirthprovoking Mlrthprovoklnll Mirthprovoking provoking Jests and all sorts of comical comicalactions eomlealnctlon comicalnctlona actions to arouse laughter prevailed all allluring alltunnK allhiring luring the day and nel at night when the thtboardwalk th4boardwalk theboardwalk boardwalk was being held down th thaeattonfu the thevacationists theraeattonista vacationists had a fine time timeMM timeI timeIdea MM I Wear Ribbon RibbonA A fad with the masculine vacationists vacationistsis is the Vearfng wear1 wea g < < of a pink ribbon on the theright theright theright right arm at the elbow AU A l who wear wearthe weartle wearhe the aforesaid atoreealt1re are members me of the eomnuUte torn conunutteft tornmttteeacme nutteft mttteeacme some Impromptu association l ot otlovesick O O1ov orLovesick lovesick 1ov 8iek pikers minus their intended intendedones Intendedns Intendedonea ones ns This fad really tickles tlckl a the soil soUt soiltillers and the form their theiriplnlon tht theirpinion > lr tillers t Ulr 1 > rs to death they pinion of the committee gang at sight sightTh sighTh 1 < < 11 11Th Th soiltillers of three adjacent adJa nt coun ¬ ties make a weekly weekl invasion of this tlli ler burg burgon rs rson j jon on Saturday nights after ohr oheres s te tedone 1Mdone ledone done and paid for forCase forCase II IICase Case of Delirium DeliriumA A few days ago a sounds > > of loud howls hewlaas howlsHe hOI1iI He 1iI if a riot had started at the Town TownHall TownHan TownHall Hall or as if some woman wOman had lost t her herfalse hert1ee herfall false teeth tt1 in the surf were heard by bythe hythe bythe the folks folk In the vicinity and the two twepolice t tpoUce twopollee police surmised that they could mk mkan makan makean an arrest and incidentally make 6 10 cents centsper cMaper eentaThe per i iThe perThe The noises nol es were ere soon traced to a aavenue aaVetU6Qr as asavenueor avenue aVetU6Qr or a road as aaO1 you may term It Itfacing Itfacing j jfacing facing the beach beach and the culprit was wassoon w waa waasoon a aoon soon oon found making her way y to the VIilage vil village VilJ ¬ lage J drug store accompanied by a small smallchild stallchill fttAJlchild child Both were colored cued the larg largaet largto largest est to the howler had her left hand placed placedupon plaoedupon placedupon upon her left ear earThe earThe earThe The howler howled the erewd crowded crowdedabout crod crodabout crowdedabout about her h and the pharmacy Ram noon noonturnod lIGOnturnod soonturned turnod Into an emergency hospital hospitalmuch ltO hoapitalmueh p1tal p1talmueh mueh to the delight of the lookerson lookeraonThe lookersonThe lookersonThe The attack of delirium was only ly tem ternStraw temporary temporary porary Straw Hide HideStraw RideStraw RidesStraw Straw rides rt and yachting parties are arenightly arenightly arenightly nightly in vogue the different board boardIng bMrdIng boarding Ing house supplying the demand The Thebathing Thebathing lbobathlDg bathing hour is in the afternoon after afterthe ILttertbe afterthe the arrival of the St Johns and every averybody everyBody everybody body is soon attired in bathing suits suitsready aulUiready aultaready ready for a a dip In the salt water and andafter anftaner andafter after a two hours swim crabbing is isthe 111Ithe Iathe the next event of the days day program programThe prolPlUftThe programThe The nightly amusement ts l chiefly chieflydancing chiendanetn r rdenting dancing danetn In the spacious pavilion with withthe withthe withthe the refreshing refreehln breezes off the Potomacand Potomac Potomacand PotoMAead and ad when the the couples are not parading paradingaround paradingrouncl paradingaround around rouncl the wax floor a ride oil o the Hy Hying SI SIIng flylag ¬ ing horses i Ic taken and then the bowl bowling boIIng bowling ¬ ing and pool tables tabl are b basiiy blan later engaged engagedby enpgOdby engagedby by the gentlemen as well a as the ladies ladieswho ladlNwbo ladleswo wo who aho show a keen interest in the sport sportDeliriously sportDeliciously sportDeliciously Deliciously Flavored Ice Cream CreamC C A I S velvet kind Druggists OLDEST POSTOFFICE EMPLOYE EMPLOYEIN I IN POINT OF SERVICE DEAD JOHN DEDERICK STRASBURG STRASBURGWho STRASBURGWho STRASBURGWho Who Worked Under Sixteen Presidents Clerk In JIT the Louisville tou sville Of Office Offic Office ¬ fice fic for Sixtythree SixtythreeYears SixtythreeYears SixtythreeYears Years YearsThere YearsTher YearsThere There died in Louisville Ky J one 0 day daylast cia cialut daylaat last week John Deoertek De ertek Strasburg Stra Strapoetal a apostal apoatal postal emnloye who was w in point of ofservice otHrlce ofmrvice service the oldest clerk in the postof postofiice PMtOtbee poetot11e bee 11e service in the United States StatesMr BtateaMr StatesMr Mr Straeburg Stra burlf entered the postal serv service service erv ervice ¬ ice back in the forties tort his l s first position poaittonbelne positionbeing positionbeing being that of an aasorter a aorter When the thegold theold thegold gold old fever swept the country in instmaburr Inhtra 49 49atrasburR stmaburr htra bu was among the first te an announce announce n nJ1U ¬ nounce J1U Oe his Intention of casting caatln hsfor his h for ¬ tune tun with the transient minors of DMoy Ute1Iont oy dy Bont go 0 John was u theadviee the advke given givenhim gtenl1m givenhalm him by the postmaster He I Ie changed his hismtnd II IIMItac hieisind mtnd and nd remained at his post in the thelittle theIItU thelittle little IItU Mottles tDtace at Loulmrllle IAU which stthat that time was u a small 1 village Ftoryears years and ad years 8 Stnurixirg BtruiMIr struggled struggledOn trunledoat On oat being reappointed and reappointed reappointedu reappointeduaW reappointeduntil until u UI he began to betleve a probable re rejection reJeedoa rejetties ¬ jetties impossible Sixteen Presidents Presidentscnate Presidentsca Preaidentacame came ca and went and still he retained retaJn his hisposition hispoaIUon hispoidon position He was always alwa studious and andcourteous andCOUrleoa andcourteous courteous and was well liked by sit sitwith anwith allwith with whom he came in contact contactDuring contctDurtntr contactDuring During the early days of last winterthe winter winterthe wintertbe the old man began to fall In health healthThe healthThe healthThe The postal authorities wanted want him to totake totake totake take a vacation but his active spirit spiritwould spiritWould apiritwould would not permit idleness kUenaeven even in time OEA DEATH TH SENTENCE SENTENCEIN IN HIS POCKET POCKETBody Body of ExSpy Found Hang Hanging Hanging Hanging ¬ ing After Execution by byRevolutionists byRevolutionists b Y YRevolutionists Revolutionists RevolutionistsODESSA RevolutionistsODESSA RevolutionistsODESSA ODESSA Aug 4 4FaUel Father Gapons execution ex execution oxecutlon ¬ ecution as a traitor is resulting re ulUng in a awhole awhole awhole whole series aeri of similar aeta a t of revolu revolutionary revolutlOrt revolutiottnry ¬ tionary tlOrt vengpanoe veng anoe Formerly the revo revolutionists revolutlonl revelutionistr ¬ lutionists lutlonl shot hot their victims in the street streetand streetand streetand and fled They are now seizing formally formallytrying Cormanytryln formallytrying trying tryln and solemnly executing them themIn themIn themIn In Tambofc the body of ai all exrevolu exrevolutionary eXr8oluUOnft exrevolutionary ¬ tionary UOnft tY police spy was a found last week welksuspended weeksuspended WMkliuli suspended liuli nded from a tree tr In the spys spyspocket lipyapocket spyspocket pocket VJ13 a J sentence of death dub dubHlgneC dul dulIgt dulyslgnet HlgneC Igt with the pseudonymns p eudonymn8 of three threemembers threemembera threemembers members of the revolutionary court courtThe courtrbe courtThe The police discovered the courts court ad address addrH8 address ¬ dress raided the house ho and found docu documents dooumea documanta ¬ manta mea l containing e fttalnlng names and accusa accusations aCCueatSorn accusationo ¬ tions against seven Jl ven other spies pIe whom whomthe whomthe whomthe the revolutionists revoluUorJ had predestined to todeath toflea todeath death deathIn flea deathIn th thIn In Astrakhan A rakhan a gendarme officer had hadhie badI hadIda Ida I sentence tenee of death pinned linned to his back backby backby backby by the knife which hlck killed him himEverything himJlverythlng himEverything Everything points to a new more systenattlo sys systematic SStemaUc ¬ tematic campaign against a t the authorltles authorl authorities authorlU authorlerneM ¬ ties tiesf U tlesof erneM of f sickness So popular P tMIlar did the old clerk clerkbecome clerkMeome clerkbecome become that tba t the officials orAcla of the poet postoffice poetotftef poetofAee office made him nave nave his picture taken takenand tak takdd takenand and dd It U frequently been exhibited in inthe Inthe inthe the potofflce poot pc t tftce displays at the various varloNIarp variouslarge variouslarge large arp err e 1 ruona uons beginning with the theWorlds theWorkIs theWorlds Worlds Far at Chicago ChicagoMr Ch ChMr ChicaoMr Mr Strlhiburg iltnkhur was born in Hanover HanoverGermany HamivprGermany Germany G rmany June 2 ItW and came with withhhi withIts if h hII Its II parents to America in 101 He w iat iatappointed i iappointed appointed clerk In the Louisville post postoffice postofAce office March areh t R ISO during the adminfatration admin administration a ¬ istration of President Pr ldfJlftt Taylor and until untilhis untilhis untilhis his death had been in constant service serviceIn servicein rvtoe rvtoeIn In that office for more than sixtythree sixtythreeyears sixtythreeyears years 3 MIfj EASY PICKING PICKINGHow PICKINGHow PICKINGIIow How do you pick the wlnnersT wlnnersTBy wlftnersTBy winne Y YBy By the way ay they carry their heads headsI I dont understand understandWell under understandWeil taDd taDdeU Well eU youll always find that the winner win winner winner ¬ ner is the horse that carries his head headin headIn headin in front of the > other horses 00 Scottys Coin Is footOf Loot LootOf I IOf Of Stagecoach Robbers RobbersHas Has Found Their Hiding Place PJaceHis His Trans Transcontinental Transcontinental Transcantinental ¬ continental Dash Was Paid For With Legal LegalTender L LegalTender gal galTender Tender He Had Dug Tp TONOPAH N Nev v Aug 4 4Seotty 4Seottywho Scottywho Scotty ScottyWk Wk who created mild Interest by his flying flyingride fiyiqrldQ flyingride ride on the Coyoto special the antics anticsof antlcaof anticsof of hiJ h < t mule mul Jim and his hi tale tal of a aDead aDeotI aDead Dead Valley mine is a sensation sensatlonthroughout sensationthroughout aenl8ttonthroughout throughout Nevada Th The secret o of his hismine hilimine hismine mine has bean discoveredScotty discovered discoveredSoqtty dtlleOver8dScotty Scotty has MIs found the oldtime oIdtlmeeache oIdtlmeeacheot cache cacheof cacheof of the robbers who held up the trans transcontinental trancontinental transcontinental ¬ continental stages stag in the early days daysDozens daysDosena aYII aYIIDoaeua Dozens of WellsFargo WelJ lIarp Atchison AtchteonTopoka Atcftl AtchisonTopeka on onI Topeka Top k and Santa Fe safe lelf dragged draggedfrom draggQltrom I from the coaches were never nev heard of ofagain oragain ofagain again until nowGreat now nowGreat nowGreat Great Generosity GenerosityA A party of experts and ad Easterners Easternerswas EutemersWas EaatLmerawag was traveling in the Death Valley reg region regIonS reg1cm ¬ ion IonS in an automobile recently when whenthey whentheymet > they theymet met a prospector prospectorBeen proepectorSMn prospectorSeen I Been Scotty II he was W IJ asked The Theprospector Thepro Theprospector prospector pro 1 = to1 explained that Scotty was wa UNION LABOR HAS WON WONVITAL WONVITAL VITAL COURT DECISION DECISIONLOUISVILLE DECISIONLOUISVILLE DECISIONLOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE Ky Aug 4United 4UnitedStaten Unlted UnltedStates Unltedlkate States Commissioner Comml slonr Caasin gave his hisdecision hisdeal hisdecision deal decision lon in the case of J M We Scott chief chieftrain chlettrain chieftrain train dispatcher d pateher of th tM Louisville and andXashvilte aadNawhvJlle andNashville Nashville Railroad Company holding holdingScott 1w holdingScott IcI1n IcI1nScott Scott In 109 1 bond to answer for alleged allegedviolation alleged10Ia1l01 allegedviolation violation 10Ia1l01 of the Brdman arbitration arbitrationlaw arbitrationlaw rbltratlonlaw law lawi i lawTht The > ease is considered by union unlo labor labormen JaborI I men to be one of the th most important Importantreeent importantin j jin in recent years yearsThe Yn1The yearsThe The Brdman act which applies a to toemployes toemploy toemployes employes employ engaged e pged In the moving of In Interstate Inttate Intestate ¬ testate commerce provides proYkl that no noemployer noyer noemployer employer yer or his hI agent shall halt require req any anyagreement anygrMnMnt anyagreement agreement from an employe ploYe to abstain abstainfrom ahMa1nfrom abstainitem from Joining a labor union unionBaltimore unionBaltblMre unionBaltimore Baltimore and Return 125 25 Baltimore BaltimoreA A It Ohio R R every er Saturday and Sun Sunday Sundy Sunday ¬ I day All trains both way both days daysexcept daysxctpt daystxcr txcr except pt Royal Limited somewhere ahead of him because keecaueehad becausebad 1iI had stopped in I the tbe8bade shade of his hI mult multrost mullV mu murest rest while Seotty pushed on onH onH onHe H He snowed me some high grad lr1at ore oreand o oand oreand and hes he goln out to realize on it t II IInnds nDds HAnds Ands Dds out Im broke br > ke pulls puiS out a lot lotp of ofgold f fgold gold p IcI eagles 881 and ft4 he stakes me to 300 3AOre 300Ore IO IOOre Ore Is a Blind BlindIn BlindIn BlindIn In the light of the lamps Jam the prospec prospector propector prorpector ¬ tor held out some gold eagles for the themen tilemen t tMen men to look at The be date was 1840 on oneach oneh oneach each eh of them tem with mint mark of D DIn DIn DIn In 1 1544 there wan no mint at Denver but butduring butd1ir butdurir during d1ir the rush a mint in DelganaCa Deiganas DeiganasGa eIpne eIpneGL Ga coined money mon 3 for a time timeThe timeThe timeThe The prospector pr tor went on onThose onTJsoe onThose Those ore samples pI fteotty carries rrle are area area area a blind He gets to a town to dumps out outthe outthe the sand in his h bags b and turns up wit witlegal witI witt wittlegal legal I tender money Hes He got the old oldstage oldstcoach 18188 stage stcoach e eto coach cache and hes he Mick enough enoughto to keep it too SCRATCH FROM A FISH FISHCAUSES FISHCAUSES FISHCAUSES CAUSES BLOOD POISON POISONMILWAUKEE POISONJlIlAWAUIC POISONMILWAUICZE MILWAUKEE JlIlAWAUIC > > E Wls Aug Au < < 4HerJ 4Han 4HanJ J Bickler is dead from blood poisonliv poisonlivA c ctew A few days day ago Co when fishing ftahin one O1 O1the onothe r rthe the catches scratched his thumb wi wiits wiSUI r rIts its tin a small portion rtlon of the fin blra blralodged b belrglodged > lrt lrtlodced lodged in the flesh Mr Bickler r rmoved r rmoved rmoved moved th this and thought nothing of ti tiwound tlwound tL tLwound wound until his thumb became swollen swollenwhen 8W01CI swolleEwhen I when It was too late to save Ma Is lif lifOFFERS life lifeOFFERS liftOFFERS OFFERS 500000 BONUS BONUSFOR BONUSFOR BONUSFOR FOR ClfY C Y WATER WORKS WORKSOMAHA WORKSOMAHA WORKSOMAHA OMAHA Neb Aug 4 1Barker Barker Yt Vener V Vner Ytner ner of New York formerly president presAfnttbe pres dent dentthe r rthe the Omaha Water atfr Company ofters t tbuy tbuy tbuy buy the local plant paying IMOOC Iit > > orJ ov IV IVthe > r rthe rthe the amount of the appraisement whie whi whithe whitbe the city is I fighting fightingThe fichUnjThe fightingThe The Best Floral Work WorkGudefe WerkGoo WorkGuder Gudefe Goo floral designs are artistic The Thefinest Th ThftnEl t tfinest finest ftnEl t flowers are used 1214 121 F rr PEARL PEAB L BUTTONS BUTTONS8c < WOMENS OI IIBIt1S HOSIERY HOSIERYChoice HOSIERY8c 8c a card cardREAL cardREAL g a Choice 25cREAL 25c 25cWOMENS REAL OCEAN PEARL BUTTONS UTTO S in bur 1 > ur different differentsizes differentsizes WOMENS Black Lace Lisle Mercerized Stockings seam seamless seamsizes ¬ sizes These are in selfshank and sewthrough styles Regu Regularly Re ¬ 8th g th ST 51 a PA AVE AVETHE lessiarly less larly selling for from 12Jc t3c to 19c a card Special a card card8c 8c 8cTrimming oJ oJTrimming r t ALSO Plain Gauze Lisle Hose full regular made with withgarter withTrimming Trimming Dept pt First Floor FloorS S Kann Sons Co I THE T H E BUSY B U SY CORNER CORNERMOND Co N ER garter tops double soles heels and toes Hermsdorf dye dyeMONDAYS dyeMONDAYS MOND MONDAYS rS NOTION SALE A GOOD Gs ONE ONEALWAYS ONEALWAYS ONEALWAYS ALWAYS THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE LEAST MONEY HATTOrS Favorite Shirt ShirtWaist ShirtWaist trt trtWaJat Waist Shield sages 2 3 and 4 Regular price we f r ra c a pair Special four foUtpairs fourpairs 2 5 S Spairs pairs fort for forr r t W E EAR A R A Laceedged LaceedgedShirt La LaceedgedShirt edJJed edJJedShirt Shirt Waist Shield Guaran Guaranteed Ouarantfed Guaranteed ¬ teed odorless odorle eas easily eaalit easil ¬ ily lit il laundered launderedChoice f t r rChoice C C4 Choice Choice any glue glueper 2 L Lper per pair < 4 ii SANITARY Safety Pl Pins PittsIn PinsIn s sin in black or nickel color colorHave colorHAve colorHave Have th thand them In All AllWorth alluses uses Worth Ie Ie w C and 5c a down Spe Special SpeclaJ Special ¬ cial two dosen dosenSUN dOllenSUN dosenSiJN SUN English Pins PJ PlPa Reg Regularly Regularly Itegularly ¬ ularly worth So 33 a pa papapers JtI JtIper paper per Special for l4on l4onda Ion C day da y a selling liang tnree ththreepapers tnreepapers 5 papers for only ly KINGS RWyard f spool spoolBasting spootBasting r Basting CotV Cottfft Cot > ns Regular Regularpr Replarprice Regularprice pr price ce 5c a spool t rr rrSpecial C Special price thre threspool threspools 1 1 1 Oc lu luspools spools for only onlyS IV IVS S I ILK L L K A T KEN Crochet CrochetThread CrochetTbreed CrochetThread Thread regularly larty sold ok for for6c torfie forbe 6c a Srol spool Special t fC C tomotTW tomorrow X apeoia spoetafor Hpoolfor 1 ill illf 0 for f r nnlv only IV HDont Dont neglect your opportunities opportunitiesIs Is good advice especially pecially in reference to opportunities to buy buyWomens buyWorriens buyWomens Womens dresses dressessuits dressessuits dressesI suits 1 I and skirts skirtsat skirtsat at such prices pricesWomens pricesVomens pricesWomens Womens dresses which include handsome handsomenet net dresses d for both ladles Jadl and mss ms msaes e s elaborately trim trimmed trImmed trimmed ¬ med with narrow ribbon fine lawns nr nrcess made In pretty prln prlnr prlncena 6 75 75Von1ens with insertion trimming fact dress cess effects a k kremaining every o oremaining remaining r In stock = 7 Included in this tot Values up n tiIledue r I IReduces Reduces Iledue t to toVornens < u J JWomens Womens wash suits beautiful linens in inwhile j jwhite white and an 1 the seasons Ma ons popular colorings Lac La Lacx trimmed trimmedwith trimmedwith L Lwith 675 7 5 with JOO got < KMI quality lace Every wash suit remaining In I Iftoek iJ iJstk J JJltodi stk ftoek is formerly tormerl selling HS high as a 115 JS Reduced Rttd to toVomens toWomens J JWomens Womens cloth skirts p plaIn and fancy fancyPanamas fancyPanamas fancyPanamas Panamas many beautiful plaid effects of the latest style styleMade styleMade tyle 4 Mad Made 1n stylish circular cln cular and pleated models Some SomolI r f fsplendid 498 9 8 lI splendid tendSd values to the lot Skirts Sktr selilagas selltiur HI as high as tIt f0Reduced lt ltReduced o I Reduced to toVom t tWomens j j1Vomens Womens Vom ns cloth skirts a fine lot of all high highgrade highgrade highgrade grade skirts finely tailored latest models circular rand and andplain andplain plain laln effects Materials atertaJ all n fine imported cloths In InC Ind Ina Inchecks f fchecks 875 8 7 5 checks C stripes a and l plaids Values I from 1276 to t SlLTf SlLTfReduced 1176 71 71Vomcns o oReduced Reduced d to toWomens toWomens Womens skirts Mohair and nd Panama in inblack inblatk inblack black navy and cream and a variety of novelty mix mlxturea mixtures ¬ tures In medium shades They are made In both kilted kiltedand k1ltNland kiltedand 2 298 298McCall 9 8 and sunflare model This Thl skirt has b proved extreme extremetola ¬ o ly tola popular and Justly so Regular J6W W and JCOO values valuesTomorrow valuesTomorrow S SSuit Tomorrow TomorrowSuit TomorrowSuit t Suit Department DepartmentSecond Second cond Floor FloorS 3 KAHN lCA1 SONS R CO COMcCall COpatterns McCall patterns lOc and 15c 15cSome 15cSome ISeSome Some delightful innovations are to be seen in the styles for fall fallAll faUAll fallAll All the latest and practical ideas are to be had in the McCall Pat Patterns PatternsI PatternslOc ¬ terns ternsI ternslOc lOc Dc and I5c Get advance September fashion sheet FREE Afterstocktaking ro i items itemsFrom tems temsFrom From the trimming department departmentNow departmentJTOftJ departmentT Now 11 T o > ti is the time t HC for good offerings ojfe1 1tgs at lowest prices pricesRead r rices ricesRead es esRead Read the t e list below belofutake take time to examine exa1H te the tit goods andIt and andIt alldI It I t will be money in your poceet poceetOne poceetOfte PoceetOne One lot of Trimming Braids most mostly ¬ One lot of Trimming BraldsSer BraidsSerly Braids Ser SerpenUne ly narrow widths wIcIt 1 in pull pu II braids braidsbandings b d s penUne petaneWash penUnebandlngafancy bandings andfancy fancy fancyother otherbr br brstyles braids a 8 few te fewpetane wash braids and other styles s not notmentioned bandings In the seasons ta tavorlte mentioned In plain colors and two twovorUe twovorlte vorlte colorings Worth from rt 1 1 r rlOc C tone effect effectg v to 1 Inch Inchwide Inch10C Inchloc lOc to 19c a yard Tomorrow 2 K wide Regular Reg lar prices from n i 1 C t r r13c a yard 13c 3c to 2c a yard Tomorrow Tomorrowa 7 a yard sh Co CLIMAX Sewing Slut we wehave wehave wehave have this t in black only onlySpecial ool oolSpecial onlySpecial Special sale price p r rfor C for for Monday 4 spools Jipoolafor apoolatot 5 S c cfor tYARD 5 TARD r ARD prJCCE Mercer Mercerised XereerIHd Mercerised ¬ ised Skirt Braid Black or orcolors Ofeolora orcolors colors R e g u i any rj 57C 7 r rworth C worth ISe 1 c aptom apteeepsoial J JIpeotal psoial 1 tomorrow Z4TARD 2f T ARD roll Cotton CottonTape CottonT CottonTape Tape T t e Colors are areblack 8eblaek ajeblack black and nd white whiteMACEY whiteonly bJte C only Per roll tomor tomorrow tomorrow 8 row for torMACEY forMACEY MACEY Rustproof Hook Hookand Hookand Hookand and Eye in black and andwhite andwhite d dwhlt white whlt All sixes sI Regular Regularprlc RgularprtCft Regularprice prlc price v per card los losSpecial 1 C Special price K kcard acard Kcard 7 card ALLSILK Tie Laces Lacesinches LaceaIneh Ii Iiinches inches Ineh long Ion In black only onlyiiarly on1 on1Replrly onlyRegularly Regularly iiarly worth 1epair l lie c cYour C Cmorrow pair Your choice t tu tuJIIOfro J Jmorrow 8 morrow JIIOfro a pair pairDAINTY paIrp pairDA1NTY DAINTY p NTr Sanitary aJdtary Belts Beltshave Beltsba Beltshave have ba ve them m m all at atRegularly uses 1IhIMnegularly usesRegularly Regularly worth lac laceach e C each Special tomor tamorrow tomorrow 1oMorro 9 row ro each II HAT PINS in assorted assortedstyles assortedstyle rt8 rt8styl styles styl cut crystal Regu Regular Recular Regular ¬ lar prices lOc and and2fcs d C 2fcs 2fcsprice Special sale saleprice 1 1price 5 price Monday MondayFKATHERSTITCH MondayFEA MondayFEATI FKATHERSTITCH FEA FEATI THERSTITCH Braidassorted Braid Braidassorted Braided assorted ed patterns patter white whiteand whited whitesad and d colon I yards to j jto C a pteee P IelUlarly loo 10 10to 5 to lie Special Doublewidth Doublewidthin DoublewidthBei Doub1ewidthBeIge Bei BeIge e suiting 8 8c c yd ydill in woo wool patterns These goods goodsnever goods11ever goodsnever never before offered offeredunder under 12 12c c yd ydTHILE ydWHILE ydRILE THILE RILE they have been a prominent feature in summer stocks the truth is that youll find findnothing findnothing find findnothing WHILE nothing more suitable in weight durability or patterns for early fall wear Look just like all allwool I wool goods and may be washed fearlessly Colors are positively fast Weve a splendid lot of ofpatterns ofpatternsmixtures I Ipatternsmixtures patterns patternsmixtures mixtures in green brown tan blue gray and black together with some in plainer mixed ef effects ef effects ¬ I Ifeets fects fects overplaids and invisible checked styles Some have just a faint touch of color colqr that adds immensely immenselyto to their general beauty If you 3 3goods qu bought these goods go < ds from appearance alone youd pay the the price for allwool allwoolgoods allwoolgoods goods but you dont need to The price prk for tomorrow and while the lot lasts is 8c 8te 8 c yard yard13 13 less than thanregular thanregular thanregular regular J JA JA A lot ot worth 12ic 12 2 1 c and 15c at 4Ic 4 7 c a yard yardOdds Odds and ends of Batistes and Lappet Swisses in white and colored ground styles figures and andstripes andstripes Andstripes stripes ALSO a few indigo ground with abstract designs Included at the same price youll find fma find a few fewplain fewplain fewplain plain Tan Voiles and Variegated Voiles VoilesTissue VoilesTissue VoilesTissue Tissue zephyrs worth 25c a yard at 81 8 8c 8cThese c a yard yardThese These are the goods we put on sale last Monday And how they did sell Been keeping up allweek all allweek aUweek week and the lot although large now will not last long They are yarndyed goods and the patterns are areall areall areall all in the prettiest striped effects self and contrasting colors on light blue tan pink green and whitegrounds white whitegrounds whitegrounds grounds Actually 25c a yard goods goodsAll goodsAll goodsAll All on First Floor Bargain Tables tomorrow tomorrowS S Kann Sons Co I LARGE Belt Pin lt Book 100 1 pins assorted sixes jet jstHeads jetbeaM netbead Heads Regular price r1 t f C Ccnd lOc a box Special SpecialMonday Hw HwMonday Monday MondayFan MondayJAPANS cnd cndJ J JAPANS Ie l Folding FoldingPans FoldingFans Fan Pans Useful and pretty prettyRegular prettyRegular MettyRftIfUlar Regular prices lOc r r rand c and lie l c Spedalprloe SpedalpriceMonday Special SpedalprloeMonday price 5 S SMonday Monday HAIR N NETS ETS > Z have them themm thmIn this thisIn m In all n colors to match any anyhair anyhair 1 1hair hair Price regular regularly p f C ly Sc i each Special 5peeSalMonetay SpecialMonday 5 V Monday two for forMCDONALDS torMcDONALDS forMcDONALDS + MCDONALDS Shirt ShirtWaist ShirtWaistand Waistand Waist Waistand and Skirt Supporters SupportersRegularly SupportersRegularly Regularly priced prt < < at I ISc C Sc each Special fOr torMonday fOronday forMonday 5 Monday onday We are going to let et you have these thesello theseWaists thesetheir Waists diSlbataDOUtIMll diSlbataDOUtIMlltheir llo O at sf about dhntit half halftheil halfIt ilO IT their theirWaists real Sireal worth worthr r I FOR Jap Silk lk Waists aists in white hite only made broad broadI It 2 I 00 0 li 0 I i pleated style Fasten in front Have long sleeves sleevesf sleevesRegu1ar sleevesRegular f vfvr 1 Regular price of these waists is 450 450ir 450hits ir c J r FOR White lV lVfronts hits Persian Lawn Waists allover embroidery 8 9 1 l fronts long sleeves Reduced from 150 150A 130FOR f FOR White hite Persian Lawn Waists made with three threerows threeq q 1 1 00 A j 1 A I p 4 rows fine Swiss Embroidery and cluster tucking tuckinge tuckinghave e vfv have l 1ve long sleeves Fasten in front Vere 200 200FOR 200f 200FOR FOR White hite Persian Lawn Waists entire front fro nt of ofallover ofallover ofallover allover embroidery Long sleeves Fasten jn the theback 5 II J k back Deep eeP tucked cuffs A great eat variety of ofihand ofihandsome hand hand3U liandfa 150 150Beautiful 1 fa 3U 5 0 f i some patterns to choose from Only 10 dozen in inlot inlot inlot lot All sizes from 34 to 44 bust measure Regu Regular Regular ReguJar ¬ lar value 350 350Waist 350list 350Waist I Waist list Shop ShopSecooo Second Floor FloorS S Kann Ka n Sons Co CoBeautiful Coeautiful Beautiful B eautiful fiveinch 1 15 5 Eo d WZVcl WZVclmessaline d messaline ribbons 1 JWr cay c d a yard yardALLSILK V ar arALLSILK L LALLSILK ALLSILK MESSALINE MESSA LINE in the seasons light colors and black blackThe blackThe blackThe > The prettiest width and weight possible for the new rosettes bows bowsand bowSand bowsand and girdles Our customers have been delighted to purchase this thisribbon thisribbon thisr thisribbon ribbon for the th regular price of 25 2SC 25c r c a yard But this small lot lotshall lotwhich lotwhich which we were were able to secure rtt a special p price ce concession we weshall 15c shall place on sale tomorrow at a yard yardRibbon yardRibbon yardRibbon Ribbon Dept DeptFIrst First Floor FloorS S KAHN SONS CO The craze for white never ends endsSo So these special prices are particularly timely Extra fine sheer sheerPersian slurJerslan sheerPersian Persian fawn 40 o in inches indies 11 11elees ¬ dies wide and a quality qual quality qua quart ¬ ity rt that is s worth iSc 8c a ayard aard ayard yard ard Special S e 71al at yard yard12ic yardrl ard ardi i 12ic 12 rl c ci i r Assorted lot 1 < < of fig figured fiKtired figured ¬ ured madrns striked strikedtaunt sir cd cdlawN edlawn lawN and plain 1 + laiH mer mercerized mercerized mercerized ¬ cerized fopNnettc o OjliMe1 lz1kUe izc izcand rztc rztcalld z2leand and jjc goods at yard rard 8 4 3 c cI I I u Oitfy Os y zoo pieces lieces ces is isyards r3ytlnls r ryvds yards fa If the ficcf ett silk stikfinished s11kfillislletl silkfinished finished English nab nainsook nabsook naiimsook ¬ sook worth 175 per perKe jer jer2lieie er erpiece piece 2lieie Ke SJSetialtonorrow Special S eda tomorrow 135 J r5 S pieces onty of offine offine ffine fine white jincA 6inch ineh jei jeicale er ercale n ncale cale that has sold s < d all allsummer allslimmer allsummer summer at iSc rSca a yard yardSfedal yardS IlI IlIS Sfedal S edal tomorrow yd ydI2ic I2ic 12 2 c First floorbargain floor floorbargain bargain tables and white whlteloods joods department departmentr r I i 1 jfjinch Persian Perszanl PersianJOWH Persianlawnvery JOWH l lawnvery < < wlIvery very fine gradefermkkh grade gradef cradrIIIlowlriclt f IIIlowlriclt rtvhich weve weve wevealwgiys wevealwgiysgof ahtteys ahtteysgot alztJflJscot got j 3Sc jr a yard Special Specialtomorrow S Sfecialtomorrow aal aalt tomorrow t morrow yard yard21c llrd llrd21c 21c 21cr r Chamois Chastoisferush finish Eng English English nc ncHslt ¬ lish long lon D1Ig cloth of o supe sulei superior st e ¬ rior i ior quality in jsyard jsyardpieces r2Jraldteces 12yardfeces pieces teces specially s Cl lJy priced pricedfor pricedfor for tomorrow piece iHL 115 I Washingtondimity Washingtondimity Washington Washingtondimity dimity 15clb 15clbWorth 15c lb lbWorth IbWorth Worth 25cIn 25c 25cIn 25cIn In fact you cannot get t better betteranywhere betteranywhere betteranywhere anywhere at 25c 100 sheets to tothe to tothe tothe the pound Its nice to write writeupon writeI writeupon I upon and cheap enough to use useliberally useI useIliberaUy useliberally I liberally First Floor IliberaUy t