OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, August 05, 1906, Woman's Magazine Section, Image 27

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1906-08-05/ed-1/seq-27/

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At the close of hili hi working day Au August August August
gust 28 Sf MM 1I Roger floet r Williams derl o othe ot otthe ofthe
the Excise Board known to his MM MMelates MIIOclatea o oelates
elates as a the regulator of saloons saloonswill uJOOJIIwl11 aDOnL aDOnLwilt
will have we Met1Ii8 tite ile twentyeighth yea yeaof yr yrot yearof
of uninterrupted service under the Die Dtatrlct D Dtrlct Dietriet
trlct government Mr William al although althoulh atthough
though yet a a young man mane Is I one Ofl o othe of ofthe ofthe
the oldest employee In point of service servicetoday lHtnJoetuday eervoe eervoetoday
today In District departmental life lifeHe litelIe lit litF
F He b bepn gan his hi departmental career 01 01August on onAligust onAugust
August 28 28 187S 1IlI beginning with a clerk clerkship clerkfhip clerkihip
ship and at one time thu serving eervjn as DIe Dtatrlct DIetrlct Dietrict
trlct Assessor r His record summed mmeel up upmeasures upmeaeurea upmeacuree
measures approximately S90Q SW workin workindays working wOtklnldays workingp
p days the handling of an incalculable inclculablinumber incalculablenumber Incalculablenumber
number of licenses and the settlemen settlemenof ettlementlit
of If many ticklish questions growing ou ouof out outJt outif
of Jt disputes over local liquor interest interestThis IntereatThis interesteThis
This In itself has stamped him as ai aiofficial an anofficial anofficial
official of high caliber but to hav havearned have havetarned haveearned <
earned for himself the distinction of be beIng be being beIng
Ing ever kindly courteous and impar impartial impartial Impartial
tial has his friends think won for him hina hima
a niche In the District hall of fame fameMoodys f fMoodys 1anteMoodys
Moodys Pleasant Trip TripTheodore TripThfodore TripTheodore
Theodore L 1 Moody of the auditoroffice auditor auditorofflce auditorscftlce >
office will Ill start tart In a few days da on a trig trigamong trip tripamong tpamong
among the New Jersey ore eaa eaab ° re resorts resortslie ruortaHe resOrtaHe
He will spend most of his thirty days daysvacation dayaacatlon daysvacation
vacation at Atlantic CitY following i icustom a acllstom acutonl
custom of several years yearsMr YMnr yesreMr
Mr r Moody is one of the enthusiasticoarsmen enthusiastic enthWilaatlccaNlmtn enthusiasticarsmen
oarsmen of the District being < a a prom prominent promJnen promhent ¬
inent t member of the Analostan AJU Mtan Boat BoaOub BoatIuh Boata
a Oub Iuh and for several years 7 past t dress dressIn dressed dreuedIn
In rowing togs he has made himself himselffamiliar a afamiliar afamiliar
familiar figure skimming up and dow dowtae down downtHE downtne
tae river on warm eveningsTwo evenings emTwo eveningsTwe
Two Expert Penmen FrameaFor PunuFor PenmenFor
For some Ume past there has been beenriul beenul beenAut
riul Aut ul > > a rivalry between Daniel Donovan Donovanthe Donovantho
the auditors guide Ide and nd Joe Reed of ofth ofth ofth
th < same office oftl as to which one Oft should shouldenjoy shouldnjo should3oy
enjoy njo 3oy the designation premier penman penmanif
if L tho th District service The books of oftth ofl
tth l th are kept in matchless style are areriMoj arer arent
r riMoj ld < of penmanship and d neatness ana anath aDatl aDOti
th ti < feeling prevails preval among amon < their ease associt aa80us easeats
cit us > s thai th first honors 10 do Justice t tI to to11h tot
I 11h nth h should sho shotitd 1d be paired between them themMr themtr themir
Mr tr Reed will desert his > desk this thlrw thisWffk thiswk
Wffk w > f k for a trip to the home of relative relativela reiaUvea reiaUveab relativesIa
la Virginia returning later In August AugustFor AuaWltFor AugustFor
For Fiah ik SterieAlonzo Sterie Steri SteriAlonzo StriesAlonzn
Alonzo Tweedale Tw deputy auditor auditorIweedale Mrs MrsTweedale InTweedale
Tweedale and their son Leo are spend spending spend1ng spendIng ¬
ing the month of August at their cot cottage cott cotlago ¬
tage t g6 on Tfllghmanfi Island on the east eastern easteln t tfom ¬
ern shore of Maryland Before leavingthe leaving leavlnc1h leaving1h
the 1h city Mr Tweedale promised his 001 colIfajmea 0011agUg 0011agues
Ifajmea to have upon his h1 return a new newAssortment newsrt newaertment
Assortment srt men t of Hfish fish stories Remem Remembering RememcrJng Remembering ¬
bering crJng those of last season the memben membenof membef meznbencit
of f the auditors staff are wondering wonderiniwhether wonderll wonderllWhEther wonderingwhether
whether Tweedie as they know him himhanded himwill himwill
will spring eom ot the th v ve bIe on on11andd ones oneshanded
handed him during the SUIVVTKT fAIt stinr nr of ofby otb 31C6 31C6by
by b the natives of that Chesapeake reef reefHftpkina reefHepkiM reefHspkins
Hftpkina in Baseball BaseballAmong BU BaseballAmong bal1 bal1Among
Among the wellknown cottagers th thsummer this thlafummer thisuiumer
summer at Washington Grove is I W1HU W1HUA William WUllAmA
A A Hopkins Hopkl who with witI his family familyjoined baa baajoined baajoined
joined the District Building < colony colonythat at atthat atthat
that popular resort Mr Hopkins tel following toll tellowing ¬
lowing l lng the bent of boyhood days cia h hrevived ha harevived has hasrevived
revived his interest in baseball H Hwas Hit Hitwas Hewas
was recently elected captain of tb tbmarried the themarried themarried
married Mens W n team t am and on sunlit Sat Saturday Satnrday Saturday ¬
urday afternoons is to be seen cavort cavortnpr eavortnA cavortng
npr on the village vOla diamond coaching hi hiteammates AItammat his histammstes
teammates tammat on to victory against t th thThe the theE therngle
E rngle nlrle men menTAe menThe
The Major r Sylvester SylvesterBy Syl lter lterH
By H virtue of Commissioner Wests ac acquiescence acClule acqukseence
quiescence Clule cenee Major Richard Sylvester Sylvestertiip Sylveeterflrrlntendent Sylvesterupr1ntendent
tiip flrrlntendent + rintendent of police will have i iiiamesake a aiumsake
iiamesake among the Potomac river rlveicraft riverCrittt rivercraft
craft Yesterday Commodore Sutton Suttonharbormaster Suttonluuoormaater Suttonlarbormaster
harbormaster and commander of the pa palie pob p p1li
lie boat Vigilant requested the Com Commissioners COIIImissioner Cornnsloners ¬
missioners approval of a plan to DaMe naimthe DaMethE namethe
the new smallboat attached to the Vig Vigilant ViiJunt Viglurt < ¬
ilant in honor of the popular popol Chief ol olIollce of ofInlh ofI
Iollce IollceUpon Inlh Inlhrpon I ollc ollcTpon
Upon receiving it he promptly called calledtogether calledtogtth calledtogether
together togtth r his crew and without any anyflourish JUt7tJourish anyfour1sh
flourish of trumpets set t speeches or orvhe orihe orhe
vhe he proverbial bath of warship cham champagne chaMragnE chantyagne ¬
pagne spoke the words which chris christened clartttntd christened ¬
tened the craft Major Sylvester It Itwill ItwUl Itwill
will be so known m In the future futureSpencer tutureSH futureSpuser
Spencer SH BHr for Hew Pier PierA
A popular Washington girl Miss MissKmilie M MEmili MIsminiili
Kmilie Webster daughter of William I IWebster L Lebsteof LVebster
Webster ebsteof superintendent of construe construction conatruetlon construetion ¬
tion of the District had the honor of ofb of1Hlng ofhiing
b 1Hlng lng sponsor spon or at the opening of Youngs YoungsIIT
4 IIT Atlantic City u few days ago agoMiss agoMiss
Miss Webster who is a beautiful and andaccomplished anelflompUahed andii
accomplished ii young woman and a popu popular popuar
1 lar 1 ar r student at udent of the Central Centra High School SchoolIs 9choolIs
Is 1 spending the thewauner summer with her mother motherat motharat mothertt
at tt this Jersey J resort r which is a a Mecca Meccafor Meccafr Meccai
for i r the he District government employes employesthis employJ employJthis
tht this season seasonMr iEl seasonMr 8On 8Onr
Mr r Young you owner of Youngs Youn < > Pier Pierpresented PierNtsfnted Pierlrecnted
presented this charming cbarmt sponsor with withas a af aFson
f Fson < ason as n pass va to the attnuctona of the thepier t tJer thepier
pier Jer
Personal Gossip GoeeipDr
Dr William Tindail secretary to the theBoard theBoard theBoard
Board of Commissioners has ha developed developedInto developedinto
Into a continental traveler By way
of taking his annual leave yeatrtda yeatrtdaafternoon Y yeetedYafternoon teda7 teda7afternoon
afternoon he started off on acrossthj acrossthjcontinent a acrasthecontinent crossthe crosstheconUnent
continent journey his Jntentlon ntentlon beln beini ti tivialt to tovi1t tOvisit
visit Pikes Pike Peak and traverse the Yel Yellowstone Yellowtone Ye Yelowatone ¬
lowstone country countr looking in on the r reently re recently re recently
cently discovered gold fields of Ne Nevada Ne Nevada Navada
vada vada thence on to Seattle Wash aw awhome and andhome andhome
home by way wtl of the th Canadian Pacific Pacificthrough Pacificthrough Pacificthrough
through the Canadian Rockies On th thJourney the theJourney thejourtte3 <
Journey westward he h will ill atop St0 over al althe at atthe atthe
the Irrigation Congress which meetiat met metat meetsat
at Boise B iae City Clt Idaho during August Augustrepresenting AugustrepreHnUng Augustrepresenting
representing the District Dl trlet an a delegate delegateThis delegateThis degateThis
This is I the first ftr t trip of any length that thaiDr thatDr thatDr
Dr TIndAll has taken in these many munjyears many7eara manyyears
years and before locking his desk d k yes yesterday yetlterday yeaterday ¬
terday afternoon the Jovial doctor jj gatit gatitereit aUl aUlered th thered
ered his hi boys b07 Livingston Ll lngaton Johnson JohnsonRalph John80nRalph JohnsonRalph
Ralph Pratt and nd Louis Wilson Uson around arounihim aroundhim aroundhim
him to promise e that on his return h hwould he hewou1d hewould <
would have many reminiscent stories storlwfor storiesfor storiesfor
for their enlightenment enlightenmentDuring enlightenmentDuring enlightenmentDvrlnK
During the absence ab eRce of Dr Tlndall TlndallLivingston TlndftllLivingston rht ll llLtvtpton
Livingston Johnson will act as aeere aeeretary ecretary secretary
tary to the Board of Commissioners CommissionersThat CommlNlonersThat CommissionersThat
That he will acquit himself htm elt in his hi tem temporary temporary ternporary <
porary capacity with credit goa so goes with without without without ¬
out saying yin for Secretary Johnson Johnsongrasp JohnsonP Johnsonsgrasp
grasp P on the manifold duties of this thlibusy thisbuy thisbuay
busy oftlce i Is already one on of the mar marvels marvel marvels ¬
vels vel of the District governmental ser service serice norvice ¬
vice iceVrPJIU
While VrPJIU Engineer Commissioner Biddle Biddleis
is away at Mt Gretna Pa with the theDistrict theDlatriot theDistrict
District National Guard renewing his hisacquaintance hisaequa1ataao hisacquaintnoe
acquaintance with Ith the ways of the thesoldier theIIOldlr thesoldier
soldier in the field his hi desk de k is being beingheld beingheld
held down by b Capt Jay J Morrow and andincidentally andIncidentally andIncidentally
incidentally by Secretary uDrn uDrnGar Drn DrnGarges DrnGargee
Garges Gar The everbusy captain wb9 wb9when wb wbwhen wbwhen
when not playing at District Dl trlct govern governmental governmental governmental ¬
mental affairs attatrparUeuJarly particularly with 1th road roadand roadand roadand
and sewer extensions surveys and andwhatnot andwhatnotplays nd ndwhatnotplays
whatnot whatnotplays plays a notable game of ofgolf ofpit ofgolf
golf la arranging some > Important ap apportionments apportlonntenta p pportlonment ¬
portionments of sewer extensions to be becompleted becompleted becompletd
completed this thl year There will no nodoubt nodoubt nodoubt
doubt be a few heartburnings In local localities locallUes localities ¬
ities not included In the schedule be because be becaUH because ¬
cause of 01 lack of funds fund > but Captain CaptainMorrow CaptainMorrow CaptainMorrow
Morrow who conceals a big store of ofwisdom ofwtadom ofwiedom
wisdom and whose fairness falrne in these thesematters th88ematters thesematters
matters is I proverbial according to his hisassociates hieaaaoetatea hisassociates
associates will make the appropriation appropriationstretch aproprSaUOftatreteb appropriationstretch
stretch to an unusual limit limitErnest limitErnut limitErnest
Ernest Bales BaI upon a recommendation recommendationby
by Superintendent Ztnkhan has been beenappointed beenappointed beenappointed
appointed by the Commissioner CoMml atcmera atcmeraphaJmacutt as aspharmacist aspharmacist
pharmacist and hospital clerk at the theWashington theWaahiqton theWashington
Washington Asylum The position positionpays poat positionpays lion lionpay
pays pay UO 720 per annum Aln and dates from fromAugust tromupat fromAugust
August upat upatTbe 2 2The 2The
The resignation of Dr Charles a ajMarbury CWarbury C CMarbury
jMarbury Warbury as surgeon rgwn to the polio and andfire andAre andlire
fire departments has been accepted by bythe bythe bythe
the District Commissioners with regret regretDr re regretDr ret retDr
Dr Marbury served in that capacity capacityfor capaclt7for capacityfor
for the past six years and won the theesteem tbeeeteem theesteem
esteem of the men of both departments departmentsduring departmenteduring departmentsduring
during his hi incumbency Dr Marburys Marburyssuccessor MarburaUCC Marburyssuccessor
successor UCC aNiOr will be appointed through throughcompetitive throuAhcompetitive throughcompetitive
competitive examination the date of ofwhich otwhleh ofwhich
which will 111 be decided upon later by b the theCommissioners theCommllonent theCommissioners
Commissioners CommissionersAnother CommllonentaOtbfr CommissionersAnother
Another pilgrim to Atlantic City this thissummer th8ummer thinsummer
summer > Is I J J Kennelly of the Water WaterDepartment WaterDepartment Waternrtment
Department Mr Kennelly XlMtne I whose who skill skillat skillat kilt kiltat
at golf promises to open some of then thenJerseymens thCllfI thCllfIJ theacJerseymens
Jerseymens J ymen eyes in wonder left yes yesterday Y8terda yesterday
terday terda for a twoweeks stay stayGone stayGone stayGone
Gone a hunt huntln in in Arkansas was wasthe wasthe 8 8the
the announcement made yesterday at atthe Atthe atthe
the Water Department by K P Nattaa Nattaaebonyhucd Xa1W8ebonyhuel NaIlenebonyhued
ebonyhucd meseeager m Ker by way 8Y of ex explaining explaining axplaining ¬
plaining the vacation of that populai populaitaemtoer populaJmemMr populabeember
taemtoer of Superintendent McFar McFarlands MeFar1anel McFarlands
lands 1anel staff sta < to be Hot Springs Ark MiNalte Mi XlNaUe MrNafle
Nalte left accompanied by Mrs Mr Nalto Naltoon Nn Nnon Nalleon
on Friday and will ill be away one month monthHe
He 11 promised before leaving to bring bringback brln bringback
back a a trunk full of antlers the result resultof re resultof ultot
of his mountain climbing and nd unerring unerringskill unerrinuskill
skill with the th rifleWilliam rifle rifleWilliam
William IIISam Burnell another of Super Superintendent su SuperIntendant ¬
Intendant McFftrlands efficient fold left leftyesterday letLyeaterday leftyesterday
yesterday on a visit to the family tamU home homestead hOM hOMtead homestead
stead > tead in the quiet city of Norwalk Com Cotulie ComHe CowsBe >
lie pledged himself to bring no wooden woodennutmegs WOCMI8hnutme woodennutmegs
nutmegs 8 back with him himClaude himClaude hintClaude
Claude B Koontz with friends from fromWheeling fromWhee1Ift fromWheeling
Wheeling W V Va is spending two twoweeks twoweek twoweeks
weeks > at Atlantic City CityIT CityII CityH
IT B Berkeley Brkeis of the auditors auditor staff staffand staffand > tatt tattaael
and Chafes CU B Church his fatherin fatherinlay tatherinJay fatherInJay ¬
Jay are at the New Jersey ey metropolis metropolisfor metropolltor metropolisfor
for their vacation They will be away awayfor awaytor awayfor
for thirty days daysMiss dayaI daysMiss
Miss Daraeille a sister ter of Assessor AssessorHopewell AssessorHopewell A r rHopewell
I Hopewell H Darneille who baa been ill illat mt IIIat
at t her home in Georgetown for the pest pestthree postthree lit litthree
three weeks left the city yesterday for fora fora fora
a trip to the mountains of Maryland MarylandE
E W W Griffin G 11 of the excise board boardis boardIa boardIs
is spending his vacation at Atlantic AtlanticCity AtlAntiaClt AtlanticCity
City CitySimon Clt CitySimon
Simon McKlmmie of the auditors auditorstan auditorsalalr auditorsstaff
staff tan returned yesterday after a months monthsvacation monthlIvacation monthsvacation
vacation at the old family homestead homesteadin
in Westmoreland county Va Mr Mc McKlmmie McKlmade McKimmie ¬
Klmmie reports that tha the natives there thereabouts tberebout thereabouts ¬
abouts > have taken up with enthusiasm enthusiasmQuoit enthusiasmquoit enthusiasmquolt
Quoit pitching as their popular summer summerport summersport > ummer81Ort
sport port The tact that blacksmith blekamlthabound shot 8botbound shotabound > < >
abound there in great numbers numbe JII he telv telvhas teI teIhas
has relieved them of the necessity neee neceeeit elty of ofsailing otcalling ofcalling
calling on the local sporting goods goodsitores g gdsstores > d dtorN
torN for the required quoit irons
W O of igjeeni elJIeIJ
During a call upon Capt J W V Roe Rossi ROIIelter ¬
4 si alter ter at No No4dIM 4 engine house this week a ashower ashower ashower
shower passed over the city and the theboys theboys theboye
boys were ItIe kept busy setting out outbuckets outbucket8 outbuckets
buckets pans and the coal scuttle to tocatch tocatch tocatch
catch the drippings from the ceiling 1In < in inthe Inthe inthe
the dormitory No 4 engine en tne house has haslong baalong haslong
long hen a disgrace d ee to the department departmentto
to the Commissioner and to Washing Washington Whln Whlnton Washington ¬
ton Beside the building being beln old oldbadly oldbadly oldbadly
badly located and unsuited to the pur purpose puroe purpnse ¬
pose oe for which it is used the roof leaks leakslike leaks1Ike leakshike
like a sieve
Feline Patriarch PatriarchNo PatriarchNo
No 4 company numbers among its pets petsOld petsOld patsOld
Old Jerry said to be the Nestor Nestoramong Nestoramona Nesteramong
among the eats of the department Jerry Ierry1n JerryIn I Iin
in his hlsyoupger younger days was Jet t black with withwhite wlthM
M white white star under his throat throat and nd white whitetips whitetips whitetips
tips on Ws J5 paws aW But Jerry la ten tenyears tenyear tenyears
years old and his once glossy coat has hasmany hasmany hasmany
many white hairs in It It indicative of offeline offeUne offeline
feline decrepitude Jerry has been a agreat agreat agreat
great hunter in his day and it was wasonly wasonly wasonly
only the wisest t old rodent of South SouthWashington SouthWaahlDAton BouthVashtngton
Washington that could escape his tee terrible t trlble teerible ¬
rible teeth and claws Jerry now does doesnot dOM110t doesIkot
not kill many ruts spending moat of ofhis ofhis ofhis
his time sleeping en a a warm cushion ou hlon in inthe Sftthe Int
t the office
Personal Notes NotesDeputy NotlSlcfut Iotoslcputy
Deputy Chief Engineer Frank J Wan Wanner Waitnero Wagncr ¬
ncr nero accompanied by Mrs Wagner left
for Atlantic City last Friday where they theywill theyWIll theywill
will spend two weeks Capt J W WSmith WSmith WSmith
Smith of engine company No 14 is aot acting aotInK aoting ¬
ing deputy chief in Mr Wagners ab abCapt abJlence abCapt
Jlence JlenceCapt
Capt A Buecher of No No9 9 returned returnedfrom returnedfrom returnedfront
from twenty days d 3s leave on WednesdayHe Wednesday WednesdayHe
He was in Baltimore visiting relatives relativesand retativesand relativesand
and friends Assistant Engineer Brown Brownof Brownof Brownof
of No S L Is now absent fcpm tx m duty and andla andis andIs
is spending his vacation In the city cityCapt cityCapt
Capt Ca t Charles Harper of No 16 Is Isagain Is1aln isagain
again 1aln on duty after a brief Illness He Hespent Hellpent Hespent
spent a few days at his brothers home homein homeIn homein
in VirginiaCapt Virginia YlrglnlaCapt 9rglnIaOapt
Capt Tim Donohuo of chemical No S Shas ahaA 3has
has returned from annual leave and andPrivate andPrivate andPrivate
Private OConnor of the samo company
is now taking a rest rest He said he did didnot eltdnot didnot
not expect to leave town townPrivate townPrivate townPrivate
Private D W Bradley Bradle of No 10 10 is isgreeting 18greeting thgreeting
greeting old friends at Reading Pa Pa PaDetore PaBefore I IBefore
Before long it would aaom the nations nationsmunt nfttlonmust nationsmust
must adopt the oftoxpresaod ott reuad theory theorythat thflOrythat thoo thoothat
that vowed anarchists are no mom en entitled entI entitled ¬
titled tI tied to tp freedom than arc wild boasts boastsof bcmsbJor boastsof
of prey pre find initiate a n vigorous and andunited andunited andunIted
united campaign against ft8a1n t these danger dansarOUB dan dangercue sr srous
cue eneml en enemies mes a or uoclety Civlllaatlon hag hagno hsno ha hano
no place for the anarchist nnaroh1stP1ttsburg nnaroh1stP1ttsburgGaetteT1mcs anarohlstPlttsburgGamttoTlmcs Pittstourg PittstourgGazetteTimes
mo thco1imet1 I
Capt John C Daley was the first one oneof oneot
ot the newly elected captains to appear appearon I
on the street with two h bars on his hisshoulders hisIIhouldenr hisshoulders
shoulders Up until yesterday all of the thoother theother theother
other nine police captains were wearing wearingtheir wearingtheir wearingtheir
their old lieutenant uniforms with only onlythe onlythe onlythe
the one bar on the shoulder At Police PoliceHeaduqarterB PoliceHeaduqartws PolicoHeaduqartees
HeaduqarterB some of hl his friorids friot friends ls had hadthe hadthe hadthe
the temerity to offer a jesting joItln remark remarkthat remarkthat remarkthat
that Captain Daley must have sewed sewedon sewodon ewodon
on the bars barsThe barliJThe bareThe
The Terrier Policeman PolicemanSeldom PolicemanSeldom PolicemanSeldom
Seldom Is Bill Young of the First Iflrstprecinct 11rtprecinct Firstprecinct
precinct seen patrolling his bent with without without without ¬
out little Dick big hi prize fox fo terrier terrierJogging terrierjogging terrierjogging
Jogging at his heels Strange enough enoughDlok enoughDick enoughDick
Dick l V the mascot nA t of No 14 Engine EngineComyaay EngineComA1Y BuginoComiaay
Comyaay but saloon a n as the Jovial and andkindhearted ondkindhearted andkindhearted
kindhearted Bill l appears for duty at atnight atnlJltht atnight
night Dick deserts the firs 111 laddies and andstarts andatarta andstarts
starts on his nightly tramp trampDick trampDick trampDick
Dick is the dog that laid low a crim criminal orlmlnal orimbud ¬
bud Young was wa chasing A dark fIark night nightome nightaome nightsome
some time tlm ago when Young wa shot shotseveral shotseveral hot hotveral
several veral times timesThe UmuThe timesThe
The dog seeing its master had been beenfelled beenfelled beenfelled
felled by bullets bulle from the gun of the thefleeing theOMing thefleeing
fleeing criminal madea md dive for the cul culprits culprit culpitts ¬
prits prit leg and threw him to the ground groundYoung groundYoung groundYoung
Young then staggered toward his man manand mana1 manand
and handcuffed him while he blew his hiswhistle blswhtle hiswhistle
whistle and brought other policemen to tohis tohi tohis
his hi aid
From Books to Bricks BricksHarry BricksHart BricksHarry
Harry H Hater > ster who 00 was for a little littleover littleover littleover
over a year desk sergeant at the Third Thirdprecinct Thirdprecinct Thirdprecinct
precinct Htationhouee is now a a real po policeman poU p0liceman ¬
liceman U man and is pounding the bricks bricksin brickIn bricksin
in Southwest Washington Hester Is Isathletic Isathletic isathletic
athletic and agile and was for two years yearsa 80fUS 80fUSa
a a student at the University of Virginia VirginiaIt VirginiaIt
It was during his summer vacation that ththe thtLthe thathe
he decided to go on the police p llce force and andaccepted mdaccevted andaccepted
accepted the Job of desk sergeant sergeantPrivate sorgeantPrinte sergeantPrivate
Private Hoi Molton ton Woolf roolf who has the thereputation thereputation thereputation
reputation of being 1H the biggest t man on onthe Oftuct onthe
the pollee force has been relieved reli ved of ofhis ofhill ofhis
his assignment of guard HU duty In the thevicinity tbYiclnlty theylcinity
vicinity of Pranklin Square SquareLieut SquareLieut quar quarLleut
Lieut James Hartley appeared on OHduty onduty onduty
duty la last t week with 1th the first piece of ofhis tfhI ofhis
his new lieutenant regalia It was 8 his hisnew hft1WW hisnow
new armylike cap P with the abeeno abeenoof ftOoC abeeaoof
of the gold Id braided wreath This will be besupplied b b1ilUp Insupplied
1ilUp supplied 11ed later laterAfter 1418Atter laterAfter
After over twenty years y of pollee duty dutythrough dulythroucb dutythrough
through the southeast section of the thecity thttcity thecity
city LJeuumant Mulhall who was re recently re recently recetttly ¬
cently promoted and transferred to the theFourth th thfourth theFourth
Fourth precinct a a month ago said it itwas Itwae Itwas
was Hk like going < into a a new city Therewta There Theawu Thcaz
wta az hardly a man woman or child in inthe 1ftthe inthe
the Fifth precinct he did not know knowIt knowIt knowIt
It is I likely llkei that when the new union uniondepot uniondepot unIondepot
depot has been fully completed and th thpresent thi the thepresent
i present squad ua t of depot detectives has hasbeen ha haI hasbeast
I been reorganised that Chester Chs r Ramp Sampson 8mVson Rampson ¬
son the strong man of the police force forcewill forcewill fore forewill
will be made Itut a a plain clothes cloth man at atthe atthe atthe
the new M station During the test year yearSampoon year8ampsoit 0111 0111SamlMOn
Sampoon has distinguished dl tlngulabed himself an s a adetective acltttaettvf adetective
detective detectiveSergeant cltttaettvfSergeant detectiveSergeant
Sergeant McTaggart who Is detailed detailedat 1etanedat
at headquarters at night is said ld to be1 be1engaged be beMg1iged becngsgad
engaged in writing a book on horti horticulture horticulture horticulture ¬
culture and practical Ajneriean garden gardening gardeftlng gardening ¬
ing The sergeant rpant is I himself a past pastmaster putma peatmaster
master ma ter in the arts art and at one time timebefore time timebetore timebefore
before going on the poliqe force Coreean was wasan wasan
an instructor in horticulture horticultureJ
J O B Gray lawyer wrestler lin linguist IInXUIt unguist ¬
guist and nd newspaper nftwp r man as s well ell as asdesk asdtaIc asdesk
desk sergeant of the First t prednot prednotwill preetnotwill t twill
will leave 1 the humdrum of city life lifethis litethl lifethis
this thl week to spend a short bort vacation vacationat
at his fathers country home in south southern southern southera ¬
ern Virginia VirginiaPoliceman Vlr1nlPolleeman VirginiaPoliceman
Policeman Buddie Owens 0 of the theFirst theF1ritt theFirst
First precinct announced to his friends friendsyesterday trleodliyesterday friendsyelterday
yesterday that that when hen the gunning sea season S8Oft seasot ¬
son otfene oiene they will all 11 have invitations invitationsto
to visit his hi shooting box on the Po Potomac Pot Fetomac ¬
t tomac c
Personal Gossip GossipCapt GossipCapt GossipCapt
Capt H B Klllott IlIott of the Tenth pre preiHCt preclact preelnct
clact iHCt will soon leave eave on a vacation cation to tois tohis tohis
his is old home In Indiana IndianaPoliceman IncU IncUPolleeman IndianaPoliceman
Policeman Charles CharI Baum stationed stationedt sta tIIoned I Iat
at t the White House lIou has 1 been granted grantedifteen grantedAtteen grantedSfteen
ifteen days leave for a trip to his hisjome bishome hishome
home jome in southeastern southee tern Virginia VirginiaixPolieeman VlrlnlaExPolleeman VirginialxPollceman
ixPolieeman W Yo S Parker now an anisher anuaher anusher
usher at the White hlte House Hou is rusticat rusticatng rustleatI rusticatIng
I InA ng at t Culpeper Va and at the same sameime sametime sametime
time ime hoeing weeds on his big farm farmarker tarmParker farmParker
Parker arker has one of the finest farms in inhat inthat Inthat
that hat section M tlon and he produces many manyrinds manykinds manykinds
kinds of fruit for the market marketThe marketThe marketThe
The Tenth precinct police have bad liadheir badtheir hadtheir
their ranks temporarily depleted be beause beuse because
cause use of vacation time and sickness sicknessmong slekneamong sicknessamong
among several members of o the force forceE forceB
E 5 L Fletcher M M Jennings and an J JCavanaugh JI JKavanaugh
I Kavanaugh are on annual leave leave On One Onthe I
the e sick list are J S Bryan E S Sreen SGreen SGreen
Green reen O Sneer and J L Giles GilesPoliceman GibePoliceman 1 1Policeman
Policeman J F Mackenzie of the theIghth theElshth theEighth
Eighth Ighth precinct has taken annual annualeve IUlnuallf1lve annualleave
leave eve and has scheduled a delightful delightfulrip delightfultrip delightfultrip
trip rip to Chesapeake Bay Mackenzie is isfisherman Isa Isa
a fisherman fishermanBill rtflhermanBill IlehermanBill
Bill Sanford of the First precinct precinctlag nreclncthall precincthas
hall lag returned from his watermelon c
patch In Port Royal Va Sanford wll wllship will willship willship
ship many thousand melons during thi thipresent the thepresent thepresGnl
present season seasonBIcyolf seasonBicycle on onBlcyolf
Bicycle Policeman Charlie Vermlllor Vermllloris
is i on fifteen ltte days leaVe In h the moun mountains mountains mountaina
tains of oflrglftla oflrglftlaPoliceman ofVirginisPoliceman Virginia VirginiaPoliceman
Policeman Jim Lee of No No1 1 is o ofive on onfi048 onfive
fi048 five days leave breathing the th salt alt ai aiof air aJrot airof
of the coast coastJohn oo oostJohn st stJohn
John J Gorman wit wit comedian an ancustodian arid aridcustodian andcustodian
custodian of secrets among the eagle oagUeyed eagleeyed
eyed detectives det Uv of the bureau aoeom aoeompanled aocolnpftloo aecoinpanied
panled by b several friend will start sturiwithin startwithin tart tartwithn
within a a few days for a fortymile sat satdown san sandown saildown
down the Potomac PotomacPoliceman PotomacPollceman PotomecPoliceman
Policeman Martin Brown who she shehimself shot shothlmselt shothimself
himself accidentally through the lej lejwhlie leg legwhlie legwhile
whlie boarding a street ear on Penney Ponnsylvanla Peftnsylvania PenneyanIa
vanla anIa avenue aVell reoently continues CORtinu to im improve Impr hitprove
prove proveSergL pr proveSergt ve veSetJtt
SergL J J Whalen one of the kindest kindeehearted klnd kindesthearted t I
hearted Irishmen 1rlm of Washingtons Po Police Police Felice
lice Department and one whose rccon rcconIs record rccordIs
Is replete with achievement has left JettGeorgetown leftGeorgetown cf cfGeorgetown
Georgetown and gone to a mountain mountaliresort mountainresort mountainresort
resort in VirginiaPoliceman Virginia YlrglnlaPoUcman VirginiaPoliceman
Policeman McTaggert the veteran veteraiamong veteranamong veteranamong
among the local polio poU who says h hIs he heIs hais
Is hale and hearty at an advanced ago agtbecause agobeoaUN agobecause
because he has never indulged in drink drinior drinkor drinkor
or tobacco will leave within a a fe fedays few tewdays fewdays
days for a good fishing hing trip McTaggar McTaggaralso McTaggartalao McTggartalso
also bears the reputation of having havingtaken bavinctaken havingtaken
taken less J time off for vacation than thaiany thanaRy thanany
any man in th tM service servicePolicemen serviosPolicemen rvtoe rvtoePolloemen
Policemen J J MoKeever and J T TIttehferd TRatchford Tl1atehfoed
Ittehferd of the Sixth preoinet have havetaken Aavetaken havetaken
taken several eral days cia leave I and have left lefithe 11ftthe leftth
th the city for the quiet retreat of country countrylife eountrylife
life lifeIrrisade
Friends Ft1e of Officer Oa G S Catts Ctt of th thire the thelre the1irs
lre 1irs ire precinct pit deplore de his serious ss ill illMW 1 iiihose
improvement is note noten noted notedIn
f hose MW Only Oly slight It Spt k
In n his hs condition conditionPrivates codt1onPrivates lt ltPrivt
Privates Privt C G BatemaH DtJ L L W it G Gates GatesC t a
C C 1 H Dawson D and a R R M Caaady Cy ef thetinth the tMNlftth theNinth
Ninth precinct t have hve been 1 granted t leave leaveor kavefor ve vetor
for or several vea days daysPhil d7 d7Phl daysP1111
Phil Phl Brown Dw allround alrA athlete atW is I isported re reorted reprted
prted ported orted sick aek at a his b home h The T phytttoia phytttoiahlnka ph711 ph711thlfke physleisathinks
thinks thlfke he h will wU be b able a to resume r duty at athe atte atthe
te the he Ninth Nith precinct penct within wtln several vral days daysAmong dy dyAm daysAmong
Among Am the Third Tid precinct pet police pll Pn Pna PMv Privaes
P B Breedon N NI NB
v vaes a es e J B Aahton Ato Dr
MoGlnnto have been beeniven beengiven
B I Fields Fd and J W Monnl
Slve given iven leave lve say of absence absenceW Ane AneV absencecv
W V W w Andrews AMW of tb t1 the Wh White House Housaquad Housesquad
quad u is away a on O sandal mial leave leaveAdoiph 1 1Adolph heaveAdolph
Adolph BckloJtthe Ekl ECkIOtf tlii oldest oet man Jft of the theoree Uetor th thfore
tor fore oree is unable un1 to report rp for duty dut on onccouat onaccount
account CJt f tBrAet sickness sicknessBraest sicknessBreest
Braest BrAet X iL Brooks B Alfred fre B Jack Jackon Jack Jackln Jackson
ln son on and an Theodore Te Kunsa KUa all al private privatet prIvetat i iat
at t No 6 station Iton are I enjoying eyag a short shorteave shortleave
leave eave on o the th fishing hlD streams e encircling encirclingWashington erUng erUngwlg encirclingWashtngt
wlg Washtngt Washington WashingtonPoliceman n nPlcan nPohicman
Policeman Plcan I H Ward Wan has h gone g06 to tohe tothe tothe
the he mountains mntln of northern nl Virginia Vtrgti for forshort fora
a a short shot stay stayChar ety etyCt stayChres
Ct Chres Char < M Campbell CaMpMl has h been appointed appointedipon aplDte appointedupon
up upon ipon Major r Sylvesters vte reoommenda reoommendaion relftea relfteatln racommendation
tln tion ion to be b patrol ptr driver driverAmong drve drveAm driverAmong
Among Am the Georgetown GeAetwf precinct prent po polos p police ¬
los lc BL E l C Blake Ble and aa J 8 6 Kneter XtC are on onhe onthe
tb the he sick a list 1s Those T on o leave are J J Jftltalen IPle 3Whalen
ftltalen Ple D W Lewis Lwis and aa S I Young YoungTaptaln Yong YongCpin YoungCaptain
Captain Cpin Schneider Shnk ie I still ll at t the th helm helmn b8m b8mIn helmin
In n Georgetown GeorgetownJames Gegetn GegetnJamH GeorgetownJmee
James M Waason W toe U terror trrr to toileves tothlev tothieves
thlev thieves ileves of the U Fifth Ftt precinct JMat te k still stilleported > UI Ull Ullreported
reported ill 11 Waseon WI has h been H awar awarrom aTfr awnyfrom
rete fr from rom his post J some le time tM and a the tl phyrt phyrtn ph7 ph7cn phystclan
cn clan n now nw says be b e can soon 8 return reurn to toW todut o odutt
dutt dut
W r G Sweet Swe and a F Munroe Ua privates privatesAttached pnt pntattc privatesattached
attc Attached to t the Harbor Hab precinct Iat are areway arewy areaway
away way wy on o sick M leave leaveJ le leP
J P Holmes HolN J B i Ale U and an F S W Wwrka
wrka privates plvte of the tI Fourth Frt precinct precinctre pet
re absent abt on O leave leaveCapt leyo leyoCp leaveCapt
Capt Cp Robert Rot B Boerdw B Boszdmsa chief of ofie
ie Detective Dctve Bureau Bu will wl take tkQ a a rest restand ret retS
and go S West WestDetective WestDetective Wet WetDtedhe
Detective Dtedhe Tom Hartlgan HaUpn has returned returnedtm rCtulu d
tm a trip trp to New Ne York Yok where he went wenta
a I representative reMlUe of the police p e de dertment
rtment on o important ImptJt business businessWilliam bne bneW1Jam businessWilliam
William W1Jam McDonnell McDnnel a private pivate of the theIrst te
Irst precinct te k confined cfne to t his home homey
y illness tUMS prent During Durn ODonnoUs ODn ls fifteen fifteenears ffe
ears service He he has h never never had hd a day dayf
f sick sek leave teve until u1U recently recentlyDetective rety retyDetothe recentlyDetective
Detective Detothe Frank Fk Baur Bur is I in 1 the whirl whirlAtlantic
h Atlantic Atanti City Cit and d te pulling pmag in big bigPawn bigh bigPawn
Pawn Inspector lnpt Charlies Charfe Evans Bvns who whosaW
saW to resemble reb Secretary Sretry Taft TlCt to tonvaleacing S isonvaleec1ng
nvaleacing onvaleec1ngPoliceman nvaleacingPoliceman
Policeman A R IMngberg IOftgberg and a J H Hayman
ayman of the First Ftr precinct are now nown
n i their vacations
ourt awrz rs
Monoure Moncre Burke assistant 8slstant clerk of the theDistrict theDistrict theDistrict
District Court Cort of o Appeals Appels will wi leave leaveWashington leaveWahingon leaveWashington
Washington Wahingon shortly ahory for Hampshire Hampshirecounty Hampshireounty Hampshirecounty
county ounty W V Va i7 where has will wi spend spendhis spendhis spendhis
his vacation oaton Mr M Burke will wi make makethe makethe makethe
the Hampshire Hamphir Club near ner Romney Romne his hisheadquarters hishequarers hisheadquarters
headquarters hequarers during his stay In the thecounty theou thecounty
county countyAttorney ou countyAttorney I IAtorney
Attorney Atorney Hayden Johnson has ha Just Justreturned justreiurne justreturned
returned reiurne to the city from frm a a two weeks weeksouting weeksoutng weeksouting
outing outng at Atlantic Atantc City Ciy As soon as R ho hoattends he heattends hoattends
attends to some business which de demands dQmands d dmands ¬
mands his Immediate attention attenton he will willleave wi willleave
leave Washington for New York Yorkprc Yorkprcprator pre preparatory proparatory ¬
paratory to going ging to Germany Ge an where he hewill hewi hewill
will wi spend several months monthsAttorney monthsAtorney monthsAttorney
Attorney Atorney Joseph Salomon will wi be off offin ot offIn
in a a few days as for his usual usua annual annualouting annualouting
outng outing at Atlantic City Ciy He will wU prob probably prb prbably probably ¬
ably visit vlsltot other er Bdasldo Bs1do resorts rosors along alongtho alongtho alongthe
tho Atlantic Atloto before returning raturlng to Wash Washington Washington Washington ¬
ington before tim opening openng of tho fall falltoxin tal fallterm
toxin tor of tho Supreme Court of tho Dis District District Dietriot ¬
triotAttorney trict trictAttorney
Attorney ttrey Edwhi Edw lfldwip C Dutton Duton special specialounsel specialcounsel
counsel couDlol of tho Washington Wa hlngton Legal Aid Aidloelety AidSociety Id IdSoelety
Society will w1 leave leaV Washington V lhlngton the 23th 23thinstant 2th 2thInstt 2thinstant
Instt instant for Philadelphia rhUacDhln preparatory to toailing toalnI toaitlng
ailing alnI tor Buropeiroro 1ulXwom that Umt city 9It Dar Dur Dttz ¬
ing his absonee absaa Mr r Dtittan Duton will wi visit visitLondon visitLondon visitLondon
London Paris Berlin Brln and a other Euro European Bro Bropen Buropean ¬
pean pen capitals capitalsDeputy cpitls cpitlsDeput capitalsDeputy
Deputy Deput United Unie States Stte Marshal Marha O G GStutler GStuter GStutler
Stutler Stuter left Washington Vahlngton last night for forTerra torTerm forTerra
Terra Alta In the mountains of West WestVirginia WestVirginia rest restYlrgnla
Virginia Ylrgnla where he will wi spend spnd part of ofhis otIlls ofhis
his vacation vaton After remaining about abouttwo abouttwo abouttwo
two TTdeks eks at Terra Ter Alta lt Mr Stutlor Stutlorwill Stuter Stuterwm Stutlorwil
will go to Parkersburg W V Va Va where wherehj wherehr whereho
hj hr will wi remain until unti September when whenhe whenhe
he will wi return retur to I Ithis this city cltyAttorney cityAtofey cityAttoney
Attorney Atofey Balva A A Lockwood Lokwo who whowill whowi whowill
wi will represent r prsont Washington Wahingon at the te an annual annual annual ¬
nual convention conenton of the Universal Peace PeaceUnion Peace PeaceUnion PeaceUnion
Union which will wl meet In Milan man Italy ItalyIn Itly ItlyIn Italyin
In September Septembe Is also a delegate deegate to the theconvention theconvento theconvention
convention convento of the International InternatonlLl League Leagueof Lege Legeot
of Press Clubs which will wn convene In InDenver InDenver InDenver
Denver August Sst 27 2 Mrs Mr Lockwood Locwood was wasa wasa
a member momhe1 of the first frt convention cnventoq of the theUniversal theUniversal theUniversal
Universal Peace Peac Union which was held heldin heldin heldIn
in Paris Pars in 1BS9 1BS9William 18f 18fWUIa l9William
William WUIa C Taylor deputy register of ofwills ofwis ofwills
wis wills for the District left Washington Washingtonlast Washlngol Washingtoztlast
last night for r Atlantic Atantc City Ciy whore he hewill hewIl howill
wIl will remain ain a a week eek or 01 more before befor go goIng goIng goIng
Ing West est where wheo he ne will wi spend the thegreater theeater thegreater
greater eater parfctof parof bis ta holiday hoUy
Thoopinlon Tooplnlon of the Department of Jus Justloe JUBtoe Jusflee
flee toe that battleship btlhlp construction conltructon under undeicontract undercntraot undercontract
contract cntraot does d9 not come cme under tho eight eighthour elghthour eighthour
hour law is not accepted accepte as a conclusive oonclusiviby cnclusive cnclusiveby conclusiveby
by the tle American Americn Federation Feeraton of Labor Laboiwhich Lbor Lborwhich Laborwhich
tin tinenforcement the theontorcoment theonforcomont
which has h been pushing the flghtfor
enforcement of the eighthour law am amwhose and andwhose andwhose
whose activity actviy resulted reule In the to l Issuance IMuanceot u nc ncof <
of President Prelcnt Roosevelts ROVOUS famous not notfor note notefor notefor <
for Its It observance observanceThat obernce observanceThat
That former Attorney torey General Goeral Grlgg Grlggin GriggaIn
in 1WO 11 upheld upeld a law of Congress Congl to this thliaffect th thoeot thiseffect
affect oeot effect in the th opinion oinin of the tl t America AmericaFederation AmericanFederation meran meranFederaton
Federation Federaton of t Labor Labr loaders led does dO no nocarry nat natOtT notOfl3
carry OtT any weight yeKht with lh It It and a will wf no nobe not notbe notbe
be accepted aoop o as as final finalj fna linsiTho
j Tho union labor labr leaders ds are determine determineto determinedto
to press pre the v vnto vantste nU o they the have hve seeurei seeureifrom secured securedfrom
from the fearless frlC position 0lkm ouitioa taken tken by Iy th thPresident te tePrhet the thePresident <
President Prhet and w W311 ti push pW the case CEe for t tfinal a aOnal afinal
final test te If I necessary neeHry to a decision defln o othe of ofthe ofthe
the highest hlghet tribunal tribunalThey tribnl tribnlrhy tribunalTluy
They express expre th opinion opni that all work workof worktt workof
of whatever w > atever nature ntre done doe for fo the te Got Government Go Goornment Gotornment
ornment comes cm under uder the eighthow eighthowlaw eighthourlaw IKh hor horlaw
law and that tht law should shld be b rigldy rigidj7 en enforced enforee enforced
rgil the Gov Government Govdrnmeftf Govtrnrnent
forced foree in the departments dertent of te
ernment and on o all al contract ctrct work alike alikeLabor alk alkJ alikeLabor
Labor J r leaders lee are ae awaiting awitng with wit de dp dpIntet deep1ntteet i iinterest
interest Intet t a final fnl decision deon of heads he4s 01 01department of ofdpartmet ofdepartment
department dpartmet on o this tJ question qusto On 11 11hinges I it ithinges
hinges hinge their teIr future course CUrH They Tey an andetermined aredetermined
determined determine and ad prepared prepre to test lelt the tlusoundness te tesundnH thesoundness
sundnH soundness of the law on o which any any ad adverse a aver adverse ¬
verse ver made dec1 decision to their ter Interests Interets may ty b bmade be bemade <
General Labor Lbr Notes NotesThe NotesThe NotesThe
The Pittsburg Pttbrl district d1 trt council cncl of t tBrotherhood the theBrothenhood
Brotherhood Brothero of Carpenters Carpters received reeve th thpast the theINUK thepast
past week J509 5O 0 from trM the national ntol head headquarters 1 beadquarters
quarters qurer In Indianapolis Indlan S to pay Jy Btrtk Btrtkbenefits strke strkebMe strike strikebanelfls <
benefits bMe The carpenters crnterz have been M ou ouin ot otIn out outin
in the te Smoky Smok City Cty for some sme time timeThe tme tmeTh tim timThe
The Th International Intenatinal Union Unio af Teamster Teamstermeets T1ter8 T1ter8Int Teamstersmeets
meets Int in annual session Mn In Chicago Chigo to tomorrow t tmorrow tomorrow
morrow T J Minehan Mlnehn of Boston Btn na national n ntol notional
tional tol organizer ornt has h Just jus finished Alahe or organKing C Cgnzng organining
tamtersln in Fittstntrg FittstntrgScarcity PittebarsScarcity
ganKing gnzng the teamsters t4ter Plttrg Plttrggrety
Scarcity grety of bar br Iron 11 has b caused cU i islowdown a aowd aMowdown
slowdown owd of many mn of the th tin plate pt an ansheet and andsheet
sheet lh mills ml in the th Pittabwg PUbg districtand district diatrictand ret
and 1 the workers wker are losing 1ng time u on e th thaccount that thataccount
account ant Books D are full of o orders ordersPlants ode odePnt ordersPlants
Plants Pnt > of the Pittsburg Pttbg Plate Plt Gl GlCompttiy G GCompy Glass GlassComptty
Compttiy at t Charlerol Charleo and an Crelghtohave Crelghto Creghton Creghtonhaye Creightonhave
have shut hut down on of eli account aan aecoun of a strike strikIn strikein trike trikeIn
In the cowl 01 mines mn of the O company cpny tha thasupply tht thtSUpl7 that thatsupply
supply SUpl7 fuel fue The Te miners mlne are ar out ot for i iten I Ite a aten
ten te per p cent Increase in Many an glasamei glasameiare gisasmenare
are thrown out ot of work workMiners wrk wrkMines workMiners
Miners Mines in I the anthracite anthrt coal cl region rg o oPennsylvania ot otPeDIn ofPennsylvania
Pennsylvania say they are not able t tmake to tomke toutah <
PeDIn 8Y t1 n
make mke utah living wages w under uM present lt eon eondittoes o poeditloes
dittoes dIUo due dI to the th shortage 8rte of ears or ti tihaul to tol tohaul
haul l the output otpt of the th thDniel mines miaesDaniel minesDaniel
Daniel Dniel C Rlpiey Rite president peet of the theAmerican theAmerican he heAmer
American Amer Association AHaUO of Flint 1lat Glass GlassManufacturers GI GIMaufeturers GlassManufacturers
Manufacturers Maufeturers is dead deadThe ded dedThe dadThe
The Amalgamated Journal Jorn the th organ organof Cg oegnof
of the Amalgamated mgmated Iron Ir Steel StM and andTin andTin
Tin Tn Workers Vorkes predicts preict an I early ey settle settlemeat settiemeat t tmeat
meat of the th strike srike in the Eastern Etern cUe dtetrict cUetrlet dietrict
trict since MAe the th ranks rnk of the opposition oppositionhave oppositionhave
have been broken by the agreement en entered entered ¬
hve boken 1 te ageMet ageMettered
tered Into by the American Amein Car and andFoundry andFoundry
Foundry Founr Company Cmpny which whh operates oete mills millsat mU mUt millsat
at t both bth Berwick Bick and Milton Mit Pa PaAn Pa PaAn PaAn
An ordinance odinn has ha been ben passed pR by Phil Philadelphia Phl Philadeiphia ¬
adelphia dephl ene councils forbidding fobding firemen firemenand ftremenpole firemensnd
and policemen pole to do any ny mechanical mechanicalwork mhni mechanicalwork
work wok upon un station saton or o orflr flre fre houses housesThe hs hsThe housesThe
The United Unie Brotherhood Brthh of Carpenters Carpentersand Crpten carpentersand
and 1 Joiners Joaer will t hold ho its fourteenth fourtet an annual ananal n nnUAl ¬
nual session Hn at Niagara N I ara Falls Fall Septem September Sepem Sepembr Semher ¬
her br 19 19A 1 1teem 15A
A telegram teem from frm Chicago CIP says saysAn 8S 8SAn eaysAn
An offensive oMMve and defensive alliance alliancebetween aUi aliiancbetween
between bt6 the steamfittera stmiUtr of four for States StatesMichigan Stt Sttlel StatesMichigan
Michigan lel n Indiana Inn Illinois Ilno and aVI Wiscon Wisconsin Wisconsin ¬
of oftwenty 01twtleen oftwenty
sin was arranged rn at a convention Ovitl
twenty seven delegates The convention conventiondecided conventiondecided
twtleen dt te T
control refuse to torecognize torenls torecognize
dee decided to ctr helpers hep rtuse
recognize renls the union of Junior jnior gteamflt gteamfltters Iteft Iteftter stesinfltters
ters and refuse to handle material man manufactured manuteetured ¬
ter n rfU hdJe mtarlal m mutaeture
ufactured utaeture by b the t L 1 J Mueller ueler Boiler BoilerCompany BI8 BI8Cmpn BoilerCompany
Company Cmpn of Milwaukee > lwuke which is fight fightins fpt fptiftg fightIng
ins iftg the union unionThe uni uniTbe unionThe
The sweatshop wetshp evil evi la I being bng deeper desperately dHlr dHlrtely deeperately ¬
ately tely fought toght by union labor lb In New NewYork NewYo NewYork
Yo York It I is I hard ban to kill kl as tenement tenementdwellers temt temtdweUeN tenementdwellers
wretchedly underpaid underpaidprefer underpaidprefer
dwellers though thgh wreteMly uneri unerirter
prefer rter to t do d the work in their thr homes homesOn hoe hoeOn homesOn
On the tht principle prlnelpe of 0 law 1 that a mans mansome manshme Jnitahome
hme home ome is his castle Qle which the th king kng may maylot my mynot maynot
not lot enter eter it I offers oters protection proteti to sweat sweatihop sweatshp sweatshop
shop shp methods methos in employment empomet of minor minorchildren minorchilren minorchildren
children of the slums slumsThe slumsThe
chilren sum sumTh
The Th strike strke of coal r l miners in aubdis aubdisrlct suDi suDitrit subdistrict
trit trict rlct No No5 i In Ohio which wblc has hs been bn on onInce onsine onsince
sine since Ince April Apri has h been ben settled Itte and ad the
80 8000 000 men affected aete have returned reture to tofork toork towork
work fork ork Settlement Settement was wa reached reche on a a com comromlse comprom cornpromise
prom promise romlse IN the te 1908 10 scale 6le being bing adopted adoptedhe adope adoptedThe
The he strike coat Ct Loss Lo to miners miner 4K009 4K009icss 4aO 452OOOhiss
lbs hiss icss to operators opertrs in profits prftil 800000 10 ex cxensos expeses expenson
peses penson > ensos of operators oertor 575WO iO total tot S7OW SfflOA S7OWA O OA
A dispatch dlspteh from fm Indianapolis Indianpols says saysresident sys sysPeident saysPresident
resident Peident John Mitchell nchel of the t United UnitedMine Unite UnitedMine
Mine Workers Worker makes mkes no effort efter to kill killiff ki kiof killoff
of off iff the boom bom for to the Vice Ice Presidential Presidentialnomination PrMieUal PrMieUalnomlnton Presidentialnomination
nomlnton nomination which was started strte for him himn himin hintin
in n the anthracite athrcle coal c country ountr some time timei tme tmeago timeago
ago i go i iCal
Cal Wyatt Wat general organizer orgnizer of the theAmerican theAmercn theAmerican
Amercn American Federation Feerton of Labor Lbr has re reurned reture returned
turned ture to Plttslwirg Ptsburg A conference cnteence will wille wi willbe
b be > e held with wih reference to formulating tonullLtng a atfan aplan aplan
plan tfan for the carrying omlng out of President PresidentJompers Preident PreidentGomper PresidentGompers
Jompers Gomper orders on the unions unios in poll pollLies pol poltc polltics
Lies tc tcTle LiesThe
Tle The strike of ofthe the brewery workers worker In InBaltimore SnBaUmor InBaltlmore
Baltimore BaUmor set for the tat 14 Inst was wasiverted wa waavorted wasaverted
averted by a a compromise settlement settlementBoth settement settlementBoth
Both sides side profited 1rofite by the arbitration arbitrationrhe arbitraton arbitratonThe arbitrationThe
1 week In Inreaso Increaso increase
The rhe employee omploc obtained obtaine the a
crease reaso demanded demande by thorn thor but they th y will wille wi willbe
be > e compelled compele to work ork nine hours during duringIght durinl durinleight duringeight
eight Ight months of the year Yr and eight hours hourslurlnjr hour hourdurng hoursduring
during durng tho remaining four Their Ther orlgl orlgltal orllnal orlginal
nal tal demand had been for an eighthour eighthouray elKbthourday eighthourday
day ay during six months of the year year and andninehour anda anda
a ninohour day during the remainder remainderThe remander remanderThe remainderThe
The labor situation siuaton In Frisco Frsco is com comillcated cm cmplcttd cornplicated
plcttd plicated illcated All Al laborers laborer pavers pvers and other otherrorkmen otherworkmen otherworkmen
workmen engaged engnge on the repairs roplrs and andonstructlon ondconstrcton andconstruction
construction constrcton of the United Unied Street rail railrays ri riways railways
ways rays have been bee called out Linemen and andlectricians andelectricians andelectricians
electricians wero previously out The Therouble Thetrouble Thetrouble
trouble arose over the discharge of mom rnemer members mombers
bers er who were active acte In the Interests Interet of oftie atthe ofthe
the tie union Demand is made for their teir re reistatement reinstatement reinstatement
instatement Increase Increse of wages wag and an anJghthour aneIghthour aneighthour
eIghthour day instead of ten tenEdward tenEdward tenEdward
Edward W Gaines of Norfolk Norolk has haseen ha habeen hasbeen
been een named by Commissioner Doherty Dohertyas
as s special agent a ent to see that the thf labor laboriws labor laborlaws laborlaws
laws iws of Virginia Vlrlnln are or enforced He is a arinter aprinter aprinter
printer rinter and former torermemJer member of the Leg Legilature LK LKi5lature LegIslatura
ilature i5latureTIe IslaturaThe ilatureThe
The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi Engiiersmet Englneermet Engine
neermet ne iersmet remet In Baltimore Baltmore the te past pat week wee and ad
held a banquet at the Hotel Lexington LexingtonP
P I A A Nelson Nelsn represented rereente Washington WashingtonThe WashIngtonThe VBln VBlnThe
The Patternmakers Pattemakars Association Asslaton o oSan ot otSn ofSan
San Sn Francisco Jr1clso has returned returne to outside outsldiassociations outide outideasolatons outsideassoeiatns
asolatons associations that tht contributed Cltributd to t thol tholaid their tholraid theiraid
aid after ater the te earthquake erhquake 45 per Val cent o othe ot otthe ofthe
the fund sent It it It was wa hot neoddd neodddSimon neod neodSimon neededSimon
Simon Burns Durni general gQn8ra master mater workman workmaiof wokman wokmanot workmanof
of the Knights of Labor Lbr has ha called calledmeeting cane a ameeting
meeting meetng of ofthe the general geerl assembly in Ne NeYork New NewYork NewYork <
York In September Septembr which will wU be th thfirst the thefrt thefirst
first frt since slne November Novembr 10tt IG lD The object objocof objot objotot objectof
of the meeting metng is to create crete harmony hrmony ani anito and andto aid aidto
to stop the litigation ltgaton that tht has Ia been li lithe In Inthe inthe
the courts curts of the District Dstrict of Columbia Columbiifor Columbiator Columbiafor
for nearly nerly six years yearsThe yer yerThe yearsThe
The strike tllke of machinists maclnl8l in the Baltl Baltlmore Balt Baltimore
more and Ohio shops so at Glenwoed Gcwo nea neaPittPburg n nPttburg near nearPlttsburg
PittPburg Pttburg is still tl on o General Manage ManageThomas ManagerThomas
Thomas Thou Fitzgerald Fitzgerd of the company cmpny i itreating 1 Is Istreating
treating tretnJ with Uh the men me Unless Unl6 quiekl quieklsettled quickly quicklysnte quicklysettled
snte settled the th e strike promises Joml to t spread pred it itsympathy 1f hi hisympathy
sympathy s7mpthy over the te entire etre system systemVoicing systemVoicing te teVolng I
Voicing Volng their ther disapprobation dl pprbUo of the at attitude atttude attitude
titude ttude of the th Philadelphia Phladelpla police pice towkr towkrthe twkd twkdthe towkrdthe <
the striking strking girl shirUnakers shirtakers by speeches speechaand sPheaand speechesand
and transparencies tranapreelwr 3009 30 of the git gitstrikers Irl Irlstrike irlstrikers
strikers strike and male sympathizers sympthizers marche marcheto ntarehedto
to City Ct Hall al Plaza Plaa under unde Mayo MayoWeavers 1fayor 1fayorrever MayorSVaaverg
Weavers rever office offtc window winow The girls car carriod cr crr carrind
rind r large lage lettered lettro placards plards bearing bMrng sue sueinscription such 8ucbSnirlpUon suchInscription
inscription SnirlpUon aa a 5 We re are here to protest proteaagainst poteat poteatfgl protestgaInst
against fgl t the unjust actions actons of the Phlla Phlladelphia Phl Philadelphi
delphl delphi police policeThe polc polcTe policeThe
The Te strike srike of Plumber PUMBr Union No Noof 2 2of
of New York Yor t against the MaFtor Plum PlumIng Plumb Plumbera
er era ANluo Aaaociatton wu der deciared oft pd pdl pond pondlag
lag l negotiations negoUaton8 for a settlement settemet wit witthe with withthe I
the 0 masters muter association acaton and Local La 41 41of 40 40of
of the United Unie Association AJaUon of Plumber Plumberand Plumbersand
and al Gas Ga Fitters l1tr of the t United UnlG States Stte an anCaituda and andGaiiuds nd I
Caituda n Hie strike has in
CUdd stike been ben progress progresfor progressfor
for to about abt a month monthWashington mont monthWashington I
Washington Washngton Notes NotesPresident NotesPrt NotesPresident
President Prt Samuel Sue Gompers Gpr has bs rfr rfrturned returned
turned bare from fro an a extended ete business DnM trip tNI ii iithe In Int InTey inthe
the t Ket KetTuesday ZastTuesday
Tuesday Tey last the t Amalgamated ma8ted MeaCutters Mea Iret IretCt MeatGaiters
Cutters Ct and Hatchets Btu Union Uni held he it itannual lu luanul itsUU1
annual anul UU1 outing outig at Luna ln Park Pul It wa walargely v walargely
largely lrJ Attended atte The m features ttre of th thday the thedy theday
day dy were wre the Ut old o Virginia Vlrgn barbecue brbe i ilarge a arge alarge
large rge ox being bng dressed dN and an roasted rate Oi Oithe on onthe
the grounds ragtime fun fW and music e an anathletic and andaPiletic <
1 g rgme a B
athletic ale sports SDortsThe 8rt 8rtCapt sportsCapt
Capt Capt J Walter Waltr Mithl Mitchell just ete elected electedcommander
commde commander of t the Dtrct District or Cumbi Columbia ColumbiaUnited
Unied United Spanish vnth War rar Veten Veterans Is a amember
member etDr of Cumb Columbia Typographical TypographicallTnlon
Unon lTnlon No1 No1I No lot lotTb
I The Th Tb Trades Trad TradeaLnionist Unionist Uniist official el ergan ertn of ofCentral otctal ofCentral
Central ctal Labor Lb Union URt Washington Washingtonbranch Washingtonbranch
b branch American Aen Federation FeerU Fd ratlon of f Labor Laborof Lr Lro Laborof
of o this city cty is f booming bng Greater Greter Wash Washington Washingten a aSgt ¬
ington Sgt in its It news and aa editorial elorlal columns columnsThe elumas elumasT oolumnsThe
The T Trades Unionist says s Mr 1 Lav Lavalette LavaJette Lawaiatte
alette the first colored man admitted admittedto
to Columbia Union brings 1l stack of ofunion ofunion ofunion
union cards bearing date from 1MB to toJune toJune toJune
June of this year ear over a generation generationThere generRtlonTh8le generationThere
There will be a meeting of the Worn Womans Wornans Vomafts ¬
ans Auxiliary of Columbia C Typograph Typographical TpogphoaI ¬
lea Union at Typographical Temple TempleMonday Templ6Mondy TempleMonday
Monday evening eveningThe ennlngThe eveningThe
The American Federationlst the organ organf organot organof
ot > f the American Federation of Labor in ints Inlu InIts
lu ts August number quotes President PresidentTompers PresidentGomperll PresidentGompers
Gomperll Tompers as a saying Tlng in connection with withhe withthe ith iththe
the he political movement inaugurated by byhat bythat bythat
that hat organisation For the toilers to totccaslonally tooccaalonaUy tooccasionally
occasionally show sho their teeth is more moreffectlve moreetteetlve moreeffective
effective than to continually bellow theirthroats their theirhroats theirthroats
throats sore over the old political party partytacks part parthack partyhacks
tacks hack who are owned body boots and andireeches andbrMChe8 andbreeches
breeches by corporate C power and pre prelatory predatory predatory
datory wealth The fact that a Senator Senatoror
or r Representative in Congress calls hint hlraelf nlmselt hintself
self elf a a Republican or Democrat does not notiv notgle notglv
gle glv iv him a vested right in the work worknens workmens workmens
mens votes votesH vot votH votesH
H F Mitchell Itehell business agent of the theegal theLegal theLegal
Legal egal Security Company of America Americaith Americawith Americawith
with ith home offices In Philadelphia will willresent willpreent willpresent
present resent a business proposition propO ttlon of inter interit Intereet interest
est it to local trade unions to the Central Centralabor CentralLabor CentralLabor
Labor abor Union oi Monday evening eveningThe eveningThe eveningThe
The object of this organization is to toict toct toact
act ict ct as legal advisers a to labor organiza organizaMbs or orgenizatithe nl2a nl2at1de8
tithe and look after the enforcement of ofill ofall ofall
all ill labor laws lawsThe JawsThe lawsThe
The annual outing of the BxDeiegetes BxDeiegetesVaeociatkm ExDelegatesAHOCtatloR xDoIegatosAssociation
Association of Columbia Typegraph Typegraphcal T Typographical pegr ph phleal
leal cal Union was held at Luna Park yes yeeerday yesterday etJ etJterday
terday It was a great reat event and largely largelymended larlelyattended largelyattended
attended by the printers their families familiesmd tamUl tamUland is isand
and friends and all had d a good time timeThe timeThe timeThe
The entertainment committee in charge chargef chargeof chargeof
of > f the outing was T A Bynum chair chairnan rhairman halr halrmn
nan Miss Anna WIson secretary IHCreta W WH WH Yo YoR
R H H Love in charge of field events C E IS2rump ECrump ECrump
Crump refreshments Mark Barman BarmanMiblic Barm11pUblic Bartmnpublic
pUblic Miblic comfort comfortThe comtortThe comfortThe
The field events included a fiftyyard fiftyyardoot Ottyardfoot fiftyyardtoot
foot oot race for gins daughters of mem memers members membars
bars > ers of Columbia Typographical Union Unionsgg Unionegg Unionegg
egg sgg race for Iar1 latlps > s limited to families familiesf
of > f members of No 101 foot race open openo opento opento
to o all male members of Columbia Union Unionoot Unionfoot Unionfoot
foot oot race open to members of the Ex BxJelegatea ExDelegates ExDelegates
Delegates Association only threelegged threeleggedace
race ace open to all sack race for boys boyspen bo8open boysopen
open > pen to all and other events for the en enertainent entertalnent entertainent
ertainent of old and young youngThere youngThere oung oungThere
There will ill be a a special meeting of ofentral otCentral ofCentral
Central entral Labor Union today for the pur purOSi purpose j jse
pose se of taking action in aid of the move movelent movement movement
ment lent to secure bail and a speedy trial trialf tr1alot trialof
ot f Heywood He OOd Moyer and Pettibone the theibor thelabor thelabor
labor ibor leaders who have been in an Idaho Idahoill Idahojail Idahojail
jail ill so long William Y1ll1am D Hevwood He wood is the thesum thelabor thelabor
labor candidate for Joernor ovemor ot Cot ColorAdo Cotorado
orAdo Central Labor Union appropriated appropriateda
a sum to the campaign campal fund fundIn tundIn fundIn
In Chicago Sunday Harry G Creel jr jrrlth jrwith jrwith
with rlth solemn ceremony was dedicated to tohe tothe tothe
the he cause of union labor The Theldea Idea is iso Isto isto
to o make him a leader of men John JohnIltchell JohnMitchell JohnMitchell
Mitchell took part in the ceremony The TheRd Thead Thead
ad is eighteen months old Harry G GIreel
Creel Ireel the father Is head of a union unionibor
labor ibor news bureau bureauPROMINENT bureauPRO bureauPROMINENT
Gen J C Jamison a Mlssourlap of ofie
the ie old school is probably probabl the greatest graa test
bird Ird lover In Oklahoma his present presentome pr jent
home ome and Is advocating that the 3tate 3tateadopt qateadopt tate
adopt dont as a a part of the curriculum the theudy thestudy thestudy
study udy of birds and their protection In
the 10 public schols scholsEdward scholsEdward scholsEdward
Edward M Grout who declined to toanger
longer anger serve as comptroller of the city clt cltof cItyof
of f New York since his return to his hisw
law w business has become be Ome < interested In a aumber anumber anumber
number of suits of large importance importanceich Importanoeach importanceeach
each ich one of which will pay him mere merei
in i a year than did his office during his aisitlre filsentire hisentire
entire itlre term termAsa termAso termAsa
Asa Dokluger has been chosen chief of ofie
the ie Apache Indians to succeed Geroni Geronimo Geronimo
mo 10 who Is rapidly failing in health healthhlof
hlof Asa is i a graduate of the Indian Indlanehool Indianschool
school hool at Carlisle Pa and has great greatifluence
Influence with wlthhls his tribe Next August Augustie Augustthe Augustthe
the ie Apaches will have been prisoners of ofr ofwar
war 81 r in Oklahoma for twenty years yearshere yearsThere yeai yeaiThere
There here are 2S7 in the tribe tribeClaude tribeClaude tribeClaude
Claude Kempner whose father Is Iso Isovice a aIce avice
vice Ice admiral of the British navy nav has hasillsted hasenlisted hasenlisted
enlisted illsted In the United States Marine Marinerps Marinecorps Marinecorps
corps rps and Is now stationed at the Nor Norilk Nortalk Norfolk
talk ilk navy yard Mr Kempner Is twen twenflve twen13five twentyfive
13five flve years old and saw hard service servicei servicein servicein
in i the Boer war taking part in several severalthe severalof severalof
of the hottest engagements engnpements I like likemerlca likeAmerica likeAmerica
America merlca he says and especially her herivy hernavy hernavy
navy ivy I desire to become a part of it iti ItIn itIn
In i years to come the son of a British BritishImlral
Imlral may win glory In his adopted adoptedJUntry adoI > ted
If a Candidate Gandidatefor for Marylands MarylandsGovernor MarylandsGovernor MarylandsGovernor
Governor Unions Will WillSupport WillSupport WillSupport
Organized Labor Unanimous in its itsPraise itsPraise itsPraise
Praise of Fair Decision bv Navy NavyDepartment NavyDepartment NavyDepartment
Department DepartmentActing DepartmentActlftg DepartmentActing
Acting Secretary of the Navy a New Newberrys NewberrYs Newberrys
berrys decision deol lon in the machinist daIItt navy navyyard Davyard navyyard
yard ard ease last week he has won 00ft organized organizedlabors orpnlzedlabora orjanizedlabors
labors unanimous support and Indorse Indorsement Indonement Indoreemeat ¬
ment mentShould mentSbould meatShould
Should Secretary of the th Navy Bona Bonaparte DonalMtrte Bonaporte ¬
porte decide de lde to retire from the h Cabinet Cabinetand Cabinetattd Cobinetand
and accept the Republican nomination nominationfor nominationfor nominationfor
for gubernatorial honors in Maryland Marylandhe Karylandhe
he will be backed by the enthusiastic enthusiasticsupport ent1nltaatlcsupport enthusiasticsupport
support of labors vote voteThis voteTbla voteThis
This important fact developed during duringthe duringthe duringthe
the past week weekActing weekActing weekActing
Acting Secretary of the Navy New Newberrye NewberryfI Newberrys
berrye prompt disapproval of Captain CaptainLeutze6 CaptalnLeutzes CaptainLeutzes
Leutzes proposition as commandant commandantof
of the Washington navy yard to change changethe changethe changethe
the hourworking system to one on a apremium 0ptomlum apremium
premium or or r piece basis has met with withunanimous withunanimoull withunanimous
unanimous and enthusiastic enthWll8atlc approval cf cfthe c cCthe t tthe
the local labor unions irrespective Irr pective of oftheir ottbelr oftheir
their line of work In a number J of ofInstances oflnetaDCe8 ofInstances
Instances Mr Newberry has been high highly highly highly ¬
ly praised praJ ed and nd commended by resolu resolutions reaoJuUona resoluthin ¬
tions thin of the unions unionsUnions unionsUnions unionsUnions
Unions Praise Unstinted UnstintedIn Un tbtted tbttedIn
In Baltimore the Central Federated FederatedTrades FederatedTrad8 FederatedTrades
Trades Union with which the ninetysix ninetysixlocal nksetystxlocal tysix tysixlocal
local trades unions of that city are areaffiliated reamllated areafliliated
affiliated during the past week passed passedcongratulatory paasedcongratulatory passedcongratulatory
congratulatory resolutions re by unani unanimous unanimous unanimona ¬
mous vote vote in which Secretary Bona Bonaparte 13onaparto Bonnporte ¬
porte receives rectllv the highest praise praJaefor praJaeforthe for forthe forthe
the course his hi department took in de deciding decldlng deelding ¬
ciding that Important matter in favor favorof favorof favorof
of the employee employ of the navy yard The Theaction Theaction Theaction
action of the navy yard official respon responsible reaponsible responslide ¬
sible for the proposition propo ltion to change the thesystem thesystem thesystem
system of work was wa severely condemn condemned ¬
ed while the officials of the Navy De Department De DeJrtmont Dopartment ¬
partment were given unstinted praise praisein pral praisein e eIn
in suppressing what union labor con considers contder conaldent ¬
siders a monster as s detrimental to or organized organized organized ¬
ganized labor as the sweatshop sweata p system systemSimilar systemSimilar tem temSimilar
Similar action was taken by organizedabor organized OI5anlzedlbor organizedlabor
labor bodies bodl in various sections < tona of the theiountry thecountl thecountry
country Both of the Baltimore lodges lodgesf lodgesot lodgesof
ot f machinists took the Initiative in this thisnovement thl thlmovement thismovement
movement as a mark of appreciation of ofhe ofthl ofthe
the he fair treatment shown their Washing Washingon Washington aahlnJt aahlnJtton
ton on brothers brothersAttracted brothrsAttracted brothersAttracted
Attracted National Attention AttentionA
A labor Idader 91 no little prominence prominencempioyed prominenceemploed prominenceemployed
employed in the local navy yard in con conection connection connection
nection with the praise pral e that the Navy Navyepartai8nt NavyDepartm8ftt NavyDepartment
Department > epartai8nt officials are receiving said to toTimes t toa
8 a Times reporter yesterday ye terdy This his matter matteras matterhas matterhas
has as ttracted the attention of organized organizedabor orJ organisedlabor > anbed anbedlabel
label all over the country and has been beenfiven beengiven beengiven
given national prominence and an its set settemwnt settlemttnt settiement
temwnt meets with unanimous approval approvalt pproaLIt
It t was an act of o Justice due the work workngmen workIngmen workingmen
Ingmen ngmen That the Maryland unions have haveaken haetaken havetaken
taken such prompt and favorable action actionndlcates acUonIndicates actionIndicates
Indicates ndlcates that Secretary Saer tary Bonapartes BonapartesfelJowcttlzons Bonapartesfellowcitizens s sellowcitlzens
ellowcitlzens ho 1eJng being a native natl of that thatCommonwealth thFitC thatCommonwealth
C Commonwealth are proud of him and andnore andmore andmore
more than appreciate the action of his hisiepartment hisdepartment hisdepartment
department departmentContinuing departmentContinuing iepartmentContinuing
Continuing he said This unison of cfiction ofaction ofaction
action of the Maryland unions carries carriesrlth carrlesw1tb carrieswith
with it a e4gnDcatee not at t first ft t percep percepible perceptible perceptibia
tibia analyze1 it and you will see an anindercurrent anundercurrent anundercurrent
undercurrent that will ill In the near future futurenaterlalize futureterl8lIze futurematerialize
materialize terl8lIze into tangible force forceLabor CoreeLabor torusLabor
Labor Will Support Bonaparte BonaparteAsked BM Be apatt apattAsked apaitAsked
Asked for for an explanation be said saidYou saidYou aaidYou
You can wager real money on it that thatbe thtthe thatthe
the labor leaders of Maryland will wtUtako wtUtakosuch take takeuch takesuch
such uch steps throughout the State a M the theituation thesituation thesituation
situation when it t arises ri may demand demandVhen demandhen p pVhen
> Vhen hen they the act you OtI will 111 see results ltll un unnietakable unmistakable unmistakable
mistakable mistakableUnlon mistakableUnion nietakableUnion
Union labor Is not unappreciative wtappreclativeto uaappreclatiDo
Do to them Justice j stleo and should the oppor opporunlty opportunity opportunity
tunity arl arise i at any time in the future futureou futureou futuroyou
you ou may depend upon it that they will wille wUlbe wiltbe
be > e found ready to stand by him who whoroved wh whpro whoproved >
roved pro their friend friendWhile friendWbHe friendWhile
While the gentleman would not further furtherlluminate furtherilluminate furtherilluminate
illuminate his hidden meaning the In Inerence inference Inference
ference erence was that if Secretary Bonaparte BonaparteIs
Is s the Republican candidate for the next nextgovernor nExtoernol nextgovernor
governor oernol of Maryland he will find at his histack hisbaek hisback
tack the united vote of organised labo labon Iaboift laboein
ift n his State supplemented by the strong strongest trongest strongosi ¬
est est influences seeking his election from fromabor fromJabor fromlabor
labor leaders all n over the country countryA countryA countryA
Some months ago Secretary Shaw un unertook undertook Undertook
dertook a statistical investigation of ofhe ortbe ofthe
the he financial condition of the employes employesof
of if his department They were ere asked askedu nakedOIL
OIL > u assurance a of privacy to fill Il out cer cerain certain cartam
tain tam ain blanks showing to what extent ent theywere they theyvere theywere
were In debt and various other otherltem otherltemAmong item itemLmong items itemsAmong
Among those replying was 8S one excellent excellentmploye excellentemploye excellentempleye
mploye who showed a deficit d clt in his hisomestlc hiddomestic 1Tisdomestic
domestic exchequer The Secretary sent sntor Hntfor sentfor
for or him and asked in a kindly wy why whyie wh whbe whylie
be ie was so much in dM dlbt dlbtVeIl dpbtWell > t tWell
Well air rr Secretary It is most on onccount onaccount onaccount
account of the doctor oetor was the answer answerlven answerglvcn answergiven
given glvcnGood givenGood lven lvenGood
Good deal of sickness s in the family familyNot familysymjathetlcally familysympathetically
symjathetlcally sympathetically Inquired Mr Shaw ShawNot Shawot
Not ot so awful much and I kept pretty prettyven ptettyeven prettyeven
even ven until the last pair came cameLast cameLlU5t centsLast
Last pair Whats Yhat hats that pair of ofhoes ofshoes r r8h
hoes 8h s pair of Jacks or what asked askedhe ask askedthe d dthe
the he Secretary SecretaryThe Secretar SecretarThe SecretaryThe
The last pair of twins explained explainedhe explainedthe explainedthe
the he clerk clerkFor clerkFor clerkFor
For goodness sake how many pairs pairsave ralrshave raIrshave
have ave you oul remarked the astonished astonishedecretary utonl8h astonishedSecretary d dSecretary
Secretary SecretaryOh SecretaryOh ecretaryOh
Oh they the come in pairs up at my myousc m mhouse myhouse
house ousc weve < 0 had three pairs now and andmanaged andI
I managed to keep even with 1th the doctor doctorllthe doctortill doctortIll
till llthe the last pair came but now 1 1 owe owe1m oehim owehim
him 1m 86 S6 declared the clerk clerkWell clerkWell clerkWell
Well said the head of the Treas Treasiry restry Treasitry
try iry I guess you OU are entitled to have havehe h3vethe hxvethe
the he slate cleared Ill pay for the last lastlr lastPlr lastpair
pair lr And reaching for his check checkook chekbook checkbook
book ook he did
In 1862 a number of newspaper men menere menere menwere
were ere in the Democratic Domocr tle headquarters headquartersmveraing beadClUarter3conversing headquartersconversing
conversing concerning concomln the thedlfterencs differences be beweon bltweon betweon
tweon weon Grover Cleveland and David B BThey Bum Balt
um umThey They all agreed that the party would woulde wouldhe wouldhe
he e invincible if those two leaders tt era could couldnly couldonh couldonly
only nly get together when Colonel Bill Billterrett BillSterrett BillSterrett
Sterrett terrett broke forth dogmatically dogmaticallyThats dogmaUcallyThats dogmaticallyThats
Thats all nonsense non nse They cant get getjsether gettogether gettogether
together no moren the North and a el South Southoles Southpoles Soul h hpoles
poles oles can get together Neither one of ofism otthom ofthem
thom ism knows knows how to give in Its be beluse b bC8UN bcause
cause luse theyve been bachelors b chelors all their theirves theirlives theirlives
lives ves Cleveland married when nearfift near nearfty nearfifty
fift fifty fty so hes a bachelor to all intents intentsnd Intentsand intentsand
and nd purposes purposesMarried purposesMarrled purposesMarried
Married men learn how to give in oc ocslonally occaslonaU orcaslonally
caslonaU slonally but bachelors never Cleve Clevena Cleeland Cleveland
land na and Hill all their lives have been beent beenIn n nIn
In t the habit of going to bed at all hour hourt hoonsot houFaof
ot t the night throwing one shoe under underic undfrthe tinderthe
the ic bcJT beh and carefully placing the other otheri othfron otheron
on i the t e mantel and then cUMin the thondlody th thllindhdy thelandhdy
llindhdy ndlody next mornin for disturbing disturbingleir dlsturb dlsturbitgtheir lg lgtheir
their leir attire Oh no Old bachelors bachelorssver bacMlorsnever bachelorsnever
never sver get together cau C cause USt 6 they the cant

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