OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, August 05, 1906, Woman's Magazine Section, Image 29

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1906-08-05/ed-1/seq-29/

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Fi i
Edwin Kemoys the sculptor has hasmoved hasmoved hasmoved
moved from Twentythird street to 1633 1633Twentyninth 1613Twentyninth 1633Twentyninth
Twentyninth street straet1 where the abun abundant abundant abundant ¬
dant room of this fine old mansion will willgive wl11give willgive
give him a better b tter opportunity for the thearrangement thearran thearraflgeat
arrangement arran ent of his completed work and andhis andhla andhis
his collection of curios that he has en enJoyed enjoyad n nJoyed
Joyed during his residence in Washing Washington Washington Vashlngton ¬
ton tonMr
Mr Ir Kemeys is the pioneer in his par particular particular particular ¬
ticular specialty the sculpture of ant animals anlmals antmats ¬
mals and while some sculptors have havemade havemade havemade
made occasional studies in which ani animals animals antinaI ¬
mals inaI have played some minor part none nonehave nonehlLve noneJiave
have made this branch of work his life lifework lifework lifework
work to the exclusion of all other otherclasses otherclasses otherclasses
classes of work as has Mr Kemeys In Inhis Inhla Inhis
his studies of animal life there is shown showna
a more than superficial knowledge k owledge of ofthe oCthe ofthe
the subjects which he has reproduced reproducedin
in plaster plt r and bronze His work shows showseerloua showstierlouB showserioua
eerloua study atud of the animal anatomy anatomyand ana anatomyand tom
t tand
and a faithful interpretation of animal animalaction animalaction animalaction
action to such a degree that his hS work workseems worksum workseems
seems to possess poNe a to a large extent an anexpression anexpreulon anexpression
expression of vitality than is usually usuallyfound u8ua usuaIYfound 1y 1yfound
found in studies of thip thlficlaS8 thlficlaS8To thi class classTo classTo
To become so thoroughly thorough familiar with withtae withtue withthe
tae habits and movements of wild IInl IInlmals snimats nl nlmals
mals the artist has studied them in their theirnative theirnative theirnative
native haunts For months at a time timehe timehe timehe
he has lived among Amon th the hunters and the theIndians theIn theIndians
Indians In lans of the plains and the Pacific Pacificslope PacUlcslope PaCificslope
slope In the wigwams of the Indians Indianshe Indianshe Indianahe
he has observed o rved the work of the Indian Indianpotters IndianIottera IndianIotters
potters and learned what could be belearned belearned belearned
learned of their methods His skill In Inmodeling Inmodellmc inmoeItn
modeling moeItn Blay Iay into the forms of the buf buffalo butfala bufd ¬
d falo tab ana ant pantner has excited the cur curiosity cur1osih curbatty ¬
batty of thes theM primitive workers werkelSIn workersIn I IIn
In hunting what is known as a asgame big biggame biggamp
game he e has had an opportunity for forstudy forfltudy forstudy
study of animal nt 1 life which hioh has ha been In Invaluable Invaluable Invaluable ¬
valuable in giving to his work that thatforce thatforCe thatforte
force and life which is so strongly em emphasiied emphasiaM1 emphasized
phasiied For year eara Mr fr Kemeys emeya lived livedthe lIedthf livedthe
the life of a hermit in order that th he heml hemlp hemipnt
ml mlp mipnt nt give dve closer cl r study to his work workHay werkHay workHay
Hay Portrait Obscured ObscuredIt
It I the diplomatic diploma tic reception room of ofth otthf ofth
th thf < > Department pt > partment of State a room al already alrf 1 1ready ¬
ready rf > ally overcrowded with the theportrafts portraits ef efformer offormer f fformtr
former Secretaries of the State Depart Department Departmfnt Department ¬
ment there hat ha been recently hunt hun the theportrait theTirtralt therrtrait
portrait of John > Hay HayThe Ha HaTh HayThe
The Th > portrait is the work of Miss Ue tIss Ellen EllenEmmett EllenG EllenU
G Emmett who occupies uple a studio in inNfw InXfW Incew
Nfw York during durln the winter and a atudio atndio astudio
studio in Salisbury SaU buT Conn during the thesummer thesummer thesummer
summer season The work shows Mr MrHay MrHay Mrhay
Hay seated Ills body Is turned slightly sHghtlyt
t to < > the left his face is in full light and andfaces antifefoM aMfas
faces directly front one hand rests up upi upln upUn
ln i > n the arm of the chair the other hand handi
i unon the knee kneeWhile kn knIule kneeiiiIe
While Iule th the portrait has been a given givenjxare givenplllet givenraP
jxare > of o prominence promlne c It is unfortunate unfortunatetuit untortunatet
t tuit t f glass KI has been used in the framing framingv frandnJhih framingbkh
v hich is I otherwise excellent for the thei thelISOn
i lISOn nson 0 iflfl that the location of the portrait portraiti
K i such S lIth that it Is I Impossible Impo slble from any anyI any1il1t
I 1il1t Mint int of view lew to t seriously study this new newi n newttiIiLiOfl w wHlItion
HlItion i Uittion to the already alrad overcrowded overcrowdedloom overcrodec11Im oYercrOWde4lzom
loom In the picture Mcture are re seen the re reiVctions reIictons rei1etiins
iVctions of the manyarched ceiling ceilingthus cJllnct ceilingthw
thus t II us producing an exceedingly xctdIn < < ly disagree dlsagreealle disagreeaI4e
alle if not an uncanny sensation The Thereflection Thentteecton Ther1eeIon
reflection r1eeIon of the chandelier Is I also ob observed obbrt obrved
served brt rved > d obtruding itself it elt and one loses losesthe Jo losesthe e
the t hf opportunity to consider the merit of ofthe oft ofthe
the t hI picture on account aceoun t of the dtstract dtstractshadows diatractshadows
shadows and nd reflections reflectionsIt redectlol > > l lIt
It may be urged by some that the he pic picture c cre ¬
ture t lire re is a falthrul likeness liken and represents representsIt repre ents entsb
It tier work than some other examples examplesincluded exmpletiIlldudfCl eampIeItciuded
included in ui li room others may argue arguethat ILIguethat arguetlitt
that ther i air > r < many examples of a ahigher fthlghEr ahigher
higher order of art Be this as a it may mayttc maytt maytte
ttc tt to work is seriously don dOM and is I great greatly greatly eat eatIy ¬
ly handicapped by the glass with tth which whichU hlch hlchIt
It is covered and the location which hleh has hasLeon b bIJfn haslefn
Leon selected selectedAnd selectedA selectedAnd
And A nd yet Its location is perhaps better bettertlim bettertlltn bettertht
tlim tht that given to the portraits of many manydistinguished manyl1itlnguh manythringulahsd
distinguished Secretaries The portrait portraitdf
df If t Thomas Thorn Jefferson J Is found on onrouth the theyouth
youth wall a 11 and as a the only source of oflishtin oflgiit
l lgiit lishtin ht In this room is from the south the thelortrait theIortralt theIortrait
lortrait as a well as others occupying occupyingIlarcs occupyingjIoccs
Ilarcs 11 < 18 on the south wall an is so poorly poorlyj poor poor1lacd poorlyJlaCed
j 1lacd laced that but for the titles UUe on the theframes thl thlfram the1rtnee
frames fram one might never b be able to de detrmine detrmlne detrmtne
trmine whom horn the portraits are intended intendedt
t to > represent representIn represeoLIn
In many of the public departments in inFloomy inr inrluomy
Floomy r Itom corridors poorly poorl lighted may mayl ma malie maie
l lie > e found portraits of men who have havenbly bav bavII
nbly II bly served the Government of which whichthey whichthey hlelt hleltthE
they thE were at one time UJ e prominent fac factors tactfS so soirs ¬
irs These portraits have been pur purchased purlLased purthased ¬
chased by the th Government or by ad admiring Ad AdmirIng adlithing ¬
miring friends fr1en4l5a as a tribute to their hon honorable bonHable hoeFable ¬
Fable service aervl and a pd Nl yet they might as aswell asnIl aswtl1
well be turned to the wall as to be given givensuch giveftsuch givensuch
such scanty recognition as a dim corri corridor corrldol corn corndon ¬
don or an overcrowded ov rcrowded room roomPersonal roomPorsonal roomPersonal
Personal Notes NotesW NotesH
W v II BeH has recently received a alommiasion alomml at
lommiasion lomml t aton from Georgetown College Collegefor ColleAfor Collegea
a for a portrait In oils of the Rev Father FatherLouis FatherLouis
4 Louis Martin S J superior general generalSpain genfralSpain generalSpain
Spain The portrait Is I to be of uniform uniformsize unltormsize uniformsize
size with the portraits of other ills distinguished illstingutehed 1lstlnKll8hed ¬
tinguished fathers of the society and andlas andhas andlas
las been ordered for the purpose of ofmaking ofmakinit ofmaking
making more complete the collection of ofportrait ofrortralt ofrortratti
portrait now In the possession po se Ion of the thecollege thecoIl thecollege
college collegeJames coIl collegeJames eKe eKeJameli
James Henry Moser Moae has na been obliged obligedto
to abandon his intention of continuing continuingelusion
his ttdio at NI F F street after the con conclusion concluslort
elusion of the repairs now In progress progressand progrtlssand progressand
and has ha taken a studio t dlo at SM F street streetwhere streetwhere streetwhere
where his effects were moved a short shorttime shorttime shorttime
time since A few friends called on bun htmone bunone um umone
one day last week to tender congratula congratulations congra congratulstiona tula tulations ¬
tions on hill improved studio quarters quartersbut quartersbut quartersbut
but the formal opening of the studio studiowill studiowHl studiowill
will b be delayed until u tll the commence commencement commencemtnt commoncment ¬
ment of the season 80ft when general invi invitations InvltaUonli mv mvtations ¬
tations to call sac an inopect I t the new newstudio n8 n8tudlo newstudio
studio = will be issued issuedMr iHUedr issuedMr
Mr r Moser will leave the city during duringthe duringthe duringthe
the early ari part of the week for Byrd ByrdCliff ByrdCliff rd
Cliff In the Catskill Cat kUl Mountains where wherehe wherehe I i ihe
he will be two weeks MIc sketching and will willthen willthen 111 111then
then go to to Connecticut where he will willremain willremain willremain
remain with his family family until October Octoberwhen Octoberwhen Octoberwhen
when be wil return to his work in the theCorcoran theCorcoran theCorcoran
Corcoran Art School SchoolMiss SchoollU SchoolMiss
Miss lU Hattie E Burdette has ba been en enjoying enjolng enjoying ¬
joying a short vacation at Martinsburg Martinsburgand
and Oakland Her studio tudlo at 14Ji New NewYor NewYor NewYor
Yor avenue has je ten e < m n closed during duringi
t I i vacation but will m be reopened again againin againIn againIn
in a L few days upon her return to the theccity thecelt theceity
ccity ccityThe celt ceityThe
The Th friends of Howard Helmick genre genrepainter genreralnter genrepainter
painter will m be gratified to know that thathis thathi thathis
hi his condition ie now rapidly improving improvingand Improv1nganfl Improvingtnt
and the the prospects of his ultimate re recovery retry ret ¬
covery t try are far more encouraging than thanit
it was at first hoped io for Mr Holmick Holmickhas Holmlekhns Holmiekhns
hns been seriously Mou ly 111 for more than a amonth ILmonth amonth
month and while he is not at present presentable presentaNt presontable
able to leave his room he is gaining gainingstrength gainingstrength gainingstrength
strength from day da to day dayTn tIayTn dayT
Tn T addition to the annual house clean cleaning cleanirs cleanirg ¬
irs in the theFlscher Fischer art galleries in Fff Fffrenth Fffnth Ffenth
renth enth nth street Important Improvements ImprovementsQ
e in progress such as the building
of a small library in the south store storewhere storeowhere stonewhere
where reference books on art subjects subjectswill subjectswill subjectswilt
will be made more accessible acce6sl le Tho walls wallsof wallsot wallsof
of this store will be retlnted and a alarge alarqe alarge
large show window will be constructed constructedf
f tr r the north store tore giving a better op opportunity 01 01J 03portunity ¬
portunity J > rtunlt for the display dl play of art works worksthan worksthan workstitan
than the windows now used for or this thispurpose to topurposQ ttispurpose
purpose It Is expected thnt those th 8e Im Improvements Improvements tInprovements ¬
provements will be completed before beforeOctober beforeOctober beforeOctober
October 1 1Alexander 1AJexal1er 1AlexantlerYoung
Alexander AlexantlerYoung Young Youn an English art t50 t50lector cot cotiector vol3ector
lector has during the past week con conclud concludm concludd
clud cludm d one of the most gigantic sales of ofart otart ofart
art works orks of modern times the th amount amountof amotiPof amotliflof
of the consideration for the pictures pictureswhich pictureswhich pictureswhich
which were purchased IlUrch JI cl by Messrs MessrsAgnew 1IersAgJ1ew Mee rS rSAgpew
Agnew of London Is stated at 2600000 2600000This 250 2500000This t tlhl
This lhl purchase comprises the result ot otyears orers otyears
years ers of collecting Cll tlns by a man who while whllengaged wnllengaRed whileengaged
engaged In large financial enterprises enterprisesfound entlrprl1ie5found enterprisesfound
found time to add to hi hll collection from fromtime fromtime fror frortime
time to time art ar works of the Barbizon Barbizonschool Barblzonsehool Barbizotschool
school and of the modern m ern Dutch paint painters painters paintens
ers His faith in the rapid increase In reue hi hivalue h hvalue Invalue
value of thene paintings PlnUn 1i led him to cot collect eotleet cotbet ¬
bet some 700 7 examples exam > > l of the schools schoolsreferred sehoolrefeoITtkl schoolsreferred
referred to and it is doubtful It any anyof anror anyof
of his financial ventures Yentur < have resulted resultedIn
In more liberal returns returnsAmong returnsAmon returnsAmong
Among Amon the most prominent painter painterrepresented J1lnhurepresented psintererepresentet
represented in this collection arc Carot CarotMarls CarotMarhl CaretMarie
Marls and Israels Two of If the l last IAtnamOO lastnamed t tnamed
named painters most celebrated can canvases canaS6S canvases ¬
vases aS6S The Cottage Cotta e Madonna and and4fThe andThe andThe
4fThe + The Shipwrecked MaVlner IRrlner are in included included included ¬
cluded In this unique collection collectionThe oollectlonThe collectionThe
The change of the popular opinion opinionconcerning oplnkMconc opiatesconcrnIng
concerning conc rnlnr the merit of works of art Is Isoften Isorten Isoften
often the means m a of great financial gain gainAt lainAt gainAt
At the time of the exhibition ot otWhistlers 1 1hl tWhistlers
Whistlers hl Utrs famous jortralt of his hlamother tlbmother hismother
mother in New e York it is stated that thatthis thatthis thatthis
this portrait could have been purchased purchasedfor purcha purchator
for tor JSOO 56O Those who ho knew Its value valxwwere vaJwwere valuewere
were without t the ready cash Those Thoewith ThjleIth Thosewith
with Ith plenty of money failed f ned to see its itsvalue Itlllnlue Itsvalue
value and the picture p ture afterward be becain beCKm became
cain came the property of If the t e French gov government IIOvernment goverament ¬
ernment and Is now no among the thecltotee thecltoteeexamples choice choiceexamples choiceexamples
examples of portraiture DOrtralire In the Luxem Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxentbourg ¬
bourg bourgDistrict bourgDistrict bourgDistrict
District People PeopleAt PeopleAt PeopleAt
At Chautauqua ChautauquaCHAUTAUQUA
CHAUTAUQUA N No Y Aug 4 4MI88 4MI88Judith 4MIssJudith Miss MissJudith
Judith L Steele associate principal of ofFairmont ofJlMlrmont ofFairmont
Fairmont Seminary Seminar has ha been here for foralmost foralmo foralmost
almo almost t two we week k She expects to re return return return ¬
turn to Washington Monday MondayCupt MondayClpt rond rondC
Cupt C pt and Mrs J A Travis of Cap Capitol Capitol Captint ¬
itol Hill have arrived at Chautauqua Chautauquaand ChautauqUAand
and are staying at the Pearl since they theypoW theyfIOki theysoki
poW their own cottage cottageMrs cottageINI cottageMrs
Mrs > INI Ellen EIl n 1C Hooker and an Miss nli Agnes AgnesHooker Agneshooker oxftea oxfteaHooker
Hooker of the National Cathedral CathedralSchool CathedlalSchool CathedralSchool
School are at the Englewood EnglewoodOther EnglewoodOther EnglewoodOther
Other Washingtonians ailhln onlans registered regt tered here hereare hereItre hereare
are Mr and Mrs Bennett A Alien Mr Mrand Mrand 11 11And
and Mrs Frank H Thomas Mrs CorL ComV CorLV CorLV
V Miller Miss USfi Annette Searle Miller MilterMies Miller11M MillerMiss
Miss 11M Sara Catherine Ossman Leland C CQulnn CQuinn CQulati
Quinn and Miss Clara R Nour NourH NourHGOSSIP NourseEIIJSSIP e eGOSSIP
There will be a meeting of o the true truetees tn tnt truetees
tees t of the Capitol Heights Catholic CathollChurch CatholicChurch
Church this evening at S oclock a athe
the residence of William A Cady Cadytiixtytirst Cad CadixtyJlrst CadySixtyfirst
tiixtytirst street and Baltimore ave avenuwhich aven ayenutwhlch
nuwhich n hleh all the gentlemen interested interestedboth Interestedboth interestedboth
both in Capitol Heights and vicinity vicinityare velnttyILre vicinityare
are earnestly earnestl requested to attend Th ThRev <
Rev Father Bart will address the t e gen gentlemen Kentlemen gentlemen
tlemen on business bulnesApertatnlng pertaining to th thchurch <
church churchWork churchork churchWork
Work ork has been completed C Dlpleted on the tem temporary telftPOntO ternporary ¬
porary structure erected for the pur purpose purPOH purpose ¬
pose of holding services of the CapitoHeights
Heights Church nonsectnrian nonsectnrianAmong nonsectnrianA nonsectarianAinong
Among A 1f the visitors altors at the home o oRubert
Robert H > > hert W V Brooke during the past wee weewere
were Mr and Mrs Walter B Brooke Brookeof DroolteoC Breokeof
of New York and Mrs J B Finotti Finottiof Flnottlof Finottiof
of Washington WashingtonMrs WashingtonMrs ashlnstonlrs
Mrs lrs Joseph J St > pft F Carroll Carr U and son sonJoseph sons SONIJOStph sonsJoseph
Joseph F jr and Francis Carroll o oBaltimore
Baltimore visited Islled her cousin Mrs oIls F FF FF FF
F CArrick during the weok weokMrs weokMrs weokMrs
Mrs L F Litz is on an extendervisit
visit tAlt to her sister in Youngstown YoungstownOhto YoungstownOhio YoungstownOhio
Ohio OhtoMrs OhioMrs OhioMrs
Mrs Mary IAr Hurd and niece Mrs Cor Cornlel Cornlel Conniel
nlel of Montana have been
a few days with Mrs Ir J E Weast WeastWilliam WeastY WoastWflhlam
William Y lIam Steele and family have move moveinto
into their new home on Kingston ave avenue avelIUO ayeflue
flue which has recently rccontl been completed completedMr
Mr and Mrs 115 H T Woodfleld lefSaturday
Saturday SAturda for a a two t o weeks visit to th thhome
home h m of Mrs trs Woodflelds mother a aNorthfork
Northfork Va VaMr VaMI VsMi
MI and Mrs Irs Varnell Varnellleft left Friday t tpass
in Wash WashMrs Washington Vuhlngton
pass a few weeks with friends
lngton lngtonUrs ingtonMrs
Mrs S R Mundell is spending a ft few fewdays
days with her daughter daughter Mrs William WilliamA
A Cady CadySHIP Cad CadSHIP CadySHIP
MILWAUKEE WIs Is Aug 4 fE E G GCrosby GCrosb GCrosby
Crosby Crosb head of the Crosby Transpor Transportation Transportation Transportation
tation Company has located the steameMichigan
Michigan which sank twentyone year yearago yecrago cftr cftrago
ago in 10 feet of water about ten mileoff
off the Michigan shore It Is said tinvessel
vessel essel is In a remarlable state of pres preservatlon preservation preservation
ervation ervatlonCaptain ervationCaptain ervationCaptain
Captain Crosby has b been en crulslhg neaiHolland
Holland for two weeks In an effort t tfind tfind <
find the boat She was a twin flste flsteof tlst tst
of the steamer Naomi which At Attime t <
time of the disaster to the Mlchlgawas
was called the Wisconsin Wicoons lsoonRr Insuranton
on onthe the sunken vessel easel amounteJ to J200 oo ooThe
004 00
004The The Michigan left MIIW9IIJC Mllwaulce with i icargo
cargo of flour for Grand GrandHtwCf1 Haven Janu January January January
ary 22 1SSK 1SS and was wa caught in a fleltof ale aleof
of Ice Seventeen men on board reacheiland
land after terrible privations and thi thiboat
boat sank ank March 19 1885 1885A I8 I8A 1835A
A queen ot of ancient Egypt Egyptwore wore ove
the light blue head covering coverlnJ covenin fashion fashionable fashionable
able ble for her sex an elaborate headdres
IP it place of a n crown This was
in the form of some symbolic 5 mboUc animal animalor
or else It bore a symbol symboln n bird th
heads of serpents or the horns o ooxen ooxen
Continued Continuedfrorn from Fourth Page Pageeuchre Pageeuchre Pageeuchre
euchre when Leonard LeonardMoyer Mover lIo er was the thesuccessful thesuccessful
I successful player ph er winning as a prize prizein prizeI prizea
in n a box of candy na A watermelon feast wa wai Wflthe Wets Wetsthe
i the feature of the evening HIT cottage cottageveranda cottngtt cottngttveranda cottageveranda
veranda was brilliant vith Japanese Japaneselanterns JaI Japaneselanterns > nese neseJanterns
lanterns lanternsTh JanternsThfl lanternsThe
Th The recitations of Miss Mamie Walk Walkor Walkor Walkor
or or have won much commendation Sha ShaIB Sh Shis
IB I a charming and obliging oblhln elocutionist elocutionistand elocutionistRnd elocutionistand
and the happy poaseseor 08se Dr of an unusual unusualshare unusuulshart unusualshare
share of good looks It Is frequently frequentlynot rrequenthnotttdbt frequentlynoted
not notttdbt noted d hat tho various acrnpllshmenUi acrnpllshmenUiof
of 0 thp t3 guests provide most sonorously sonorouslyfor gonero goncroitslyfor sh shfor
for the diversions of everyone here hereAt horaAt boreAt
At a very enjoyable game am of seven sevenhand sovenhand sevenhand
hand euchre on Tuesday uesday evening Mrs MrsLownnberg 1118LowllnberK MrsLowunberg
Lownnberg was s hostess The players playoraincluded plaersInoludfd playersincluded
included Mrs Osborne Mrs Hecht l e ht Mrs MrsBarrew Mrsarr IfrsBarrow
Barrow arr w Mrs Waddlll Mrs Pope PopcMrs PopcMrsLutermftJ1 Mrs MrsLotttrmon MrsLetermrtn
Lotttrmon LutermftJ1 and Mrs Lowonberg Mrs MrsBarrow Mr8narrow MrsBarrow
Barrow the winner of the prize was wasgiven wasgiven aft aftgh8n
given a book The booby a fan went wentto wentto wentto
to Mrs Mr Oaborno OabornoAugust O OsborneAugust Orno OrnoAugust
August brings a rush of gayety gft oty as aswell a8well aswell
well as new giiaets lr1e ts at the Rockbrjdgo RockbrjdgoAlum RockbridgbAlum BockbrdgeAlum
Alum yet there are many familiar faces facesamong fac6samong facesamong
among the th arrivals of the last week weakFrom weekFrom weekFrom
From Wllllamsburg Va comes Mrs MrsTyler MrsTyltr MrsTyler
Tyler wife of Lyon G Tyler ler president presidentof
of William and Mary MaT College By right rightof rlKhtot rightof
of her own grace of manner she At Attracts attracts t ttraets ¬
tracts a large circle of friends friendsFew friends1e friendsPew
Few 1e people have Impressed themselves themselvesmore themsevemoro themselvesmore
more favorably than the Mauberrets Iauberretsereole a acreote acreole
creole family from New Orleans There Thereare Thereare Thereare
are five In all Mrs V Mauberret Miss Missea 111168N ¬
ea MattlMe Mattlh e and Geraldine and Claude Claudeand Claudeand Claudeand
and Richard MauberreL Miss Geraldine Geraldlnefej
fej a gifted r1a rIa1at rIa1atFrom rlatysL rlatysLFrom at atIfrnm
From Norfolk Va eame Mrs Irs Harry HarryL
L Ix I Lowesbeng 6wenber > wenberg and children The arrival arrivalof arrivalof arrivalof
of Mrs fr Lowenherg fA bt > r is I always the signal signalfor signalor I ft t tfor
for or a run or delightfuL entertainments entertainmentsFrom entertAlnm entertainmentsFrom > nt ntVMm
From Philadelphia Phlladf > llhlft le I Mrs frs A II Nonl Nonland Nehland Nohia Nohiaand
and from rota Atlanta Ga Mrs Jti W H Pat Patterson Pattr Patterson
terson tersonRegistered tr tersonRegistered on onReafstNil
Registered from Richmond this week weekare weekare weekare
are Mr and Mrs Ir George K Wls Wise Mm MmT MrviT I IT
T P 1 Wise b Mr Mrs Irll 8 L Gunter Mrs G GH GH CH
H Snooner Stt fter Arthur M f Cannon and ant N ND ND ND
D Sells SellsOther SellsOther SellsOther
Other gueats guststiiclude include P E Tucker TuckerGoeHan TutkerGo TuckerGoehen
GoeHan Go fm Va V D W W p Porter Newport NewportNew wport ewportNews wportXew
New Va J 1 W Hinsdale H1n dale Raleigh N NC NC NC
C Mrs Irs Sherman W V Jones JonesMrs Mrs W WA WJ WA
A J Jones Miiw MIs U ft Sallie Mrs W p E Blth Blthand BllhantI Bithand
and Mlwj iLIes IJifl W E Burreli Louisville Ky KyAndrew KyAndrpIt KyAndrew
Andrew J White Phlte and E L Mayer syer Nor Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk
folk Vn F l E Fenton and C E Beetle BeetleGoflhen BertieGOfIhn BeetleGoshen
Goshen Va A G and James E Good Goodbar GOCM1bar Goodbar
bar Alton Va dIM Lucy Wall Pall Nor Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk
folk Va C E Sessford 58Qrd Washington WashingtonKemp WshlngtonKemp VashlngtonKemp
Kemp P Battle Jd V nstonSalem nstonSalmC N NC l lC
C J E Arnold Owensboro Ky Miss MbmMalone MissMalone n nMAione
Malone and Mie Miss USIII Flos Ma Malone lone Qulncy QulncyFla QuineFla QulneyFls
Fla MM II Sue H FL Verger and Miss H Bee Bessie Be Besle Beesic ¬
sic W Yo Yerger Yerp Memphis Tenu Mr MrA Mrs MrsA Ira IraA
A K Phillips Miss nSll U I G Reynolds and andMlM andUN antMass
Mass UN J E Martin Fredericksburg Va Vand Vaand Vsand
and nd W E McCormick Chicago ChicagoNewport ChkapNewport ChicagoNewport
Newport Eager EagerWith EagerWith EagerWithWelcbme
With WithWelcbme WithWelcbmeNEWPOILT WelcomNEWPORT Welcome WelcomeXBWPORT
NEWPORT Aug X 4New cXe New Lon London Lonldot Lendoii ¬
don rather than Newport con continues onnttn eontinues ¬
ldot tinues ttn the hub of the universe univer from frompurely rein a aI apurely
purely social point of r view TIe today t ay For ForIt ForIt ForIt
It is there that the huge fleet of the New NewYork XewYork NewYork
I York Yacht Club with lIth all the masculine masculineelement mueuUaee1 masculineelement
element e1 meftt of our Four Hundred aboard is isat 18at isat
at anchor over Sunday while hne engaged n aJil In Inits Inits inits
its anual cruise the tb sixtysecond Ixty of the thej therl theseries
j series rl Although only the yachts belong belonging b8Ion b8Ion11n < < ¬
11n 1 lag < < to th the club are juppoetd to partlci partlciI parUelplite psrUeipate
I pate in this i yearly i ouUn outing l WA yet luMta DoLts flir flirrt Ay AyIIK Itymg
rt IIK g the flags of all sorts Mr l of other organ organizations erpnjoin organIsatlone ¬
izations join In th the wake w e of the squad squadron squadrnn squadron ¬
ron or are there to welcome tl me its arrival arrivalat
at the various ports of call n So It is no noexaggeration noexalrreratlon noI
I exaggeration to assert that well nigh nighthe nighI nighall
I all the pleasure craft both steam and andisall andI andsail
isall san In commission in Eastern waters watersare wterAre watersare
I are sharing In the fun When hen It is borne bornein bmneIn borneI
I in mind that the membership of the theNew the1ew theNew
New York Yacht Club alone exceeds txceedstoo 2 2SW 2gIG
SW that most of the men belonging to toIt toare toit
It are on board one or another of the theyachts theyachts theyachts
yachts and that the latter moreover moreoverearn mortoOvercaro moroVercarry
earn a very large number of guests be belonging belongin belonging ¬
longing to other Ith r yachting organizations organizationsthat organlzaUnftsthat organizationsthat
that the entire male moiety of New York Yorksociety Yorkaoel YorksocIety
society aoel ty te afloat afloatTomorrow a atloatTomorrow oat oatTomorro
Tomorrow this huge fleet which Is un under under ustier ¬
der the command of Commodore Cor Cornelius Cornelius Corashes ¬
nelius Vanderbilt V nderbllt leaves New Ne London Londonfor Londonfor Londonfor
for Newport where th thff Astor Cup races racsare ra raarf racesare
are to take place on Tuesday and the thecontent theconteart thecontest
content for King Edwards handsome handsomecup hantlsomeCUI handsomecup
cup on Wednesday while on Thursday Thursdaysail Thursd ThursdMil Thursdaysail
sail will be set for Vineyard Vlne ard Haven HavenWomen HavenWomen HavenWomen
Women Who Disappear DisappearThe
the theJesuit theJesuit theJesuit
The eightday retreat organized by b
Jesuit Father and by b the nuns of the thenew thenew thenew
new Convent of the Cenacle at Newport Newportwill Newportwtll Newportwill
will have the effect of preventing a anumber ftnumber anumber
number of charming women from figur figuring figurIng tigerlag ¬
ing in the festivities testlvlte The Te withdrawal withdrawalof lhdraw lhdrawIt
of It Mrs Mr William VtUam 1C K Vanderbilt Vanderbl Jr Mrs MrsDelancey MrsDelancey Ir IrDelance
Delancey Kane Mrs Mr Charles Charlo M OJ OJrlchs 01rlchs Olniche
rlchs Mrs Henry Henr S Lehr Mrs JJrs Lewis LewisQuentln LewisQuentn LewisQuentin
Quentin Quentn Jones Jone Mrs Royal Phelps Phelp Car Carroll Carroll Carroll ¬
roll Mrs John La L Farge Mrs Cameron CameronM
M 1 WJnslow Mrs Irs Harry Har O Havemey Havemeyer favpmey favpmeyI 1avcmeyci
I er e ci and ad others oter during durln a period prio of eight eightdays pIght pIghtat eightdays
days at the height of the season ses from fromevery fromeery fromevery
every form of social PIAI activity actviy cannot cnnot but butseriously butsorlouMly butsoriously
seriously affect atcc the movments rovmets of the thefashionable theI thefashionable
I fashionable fahionable set et at Newport Nevport and mar marthe marthe marthe
the program of gayeties Kay ts that had been beenmapped bon bonmalped beenmapped
mapped out in connection connecton with wih the cup cupraces cuprace cupraces
races race on Tuesday Tuesay and Wednesday next nextBut nextBut nextBut
But this Is the first occasion lceaslon of a re retreat retreat ¬
I treat tret taking taklnE place at Newport Newprt It I In Involves Involves invoWels ¬
volves religious relgious exercises exercise religious religiousmeditation relgious relgiousmeditton religiousIflodltRtiofl
meditation meditton and a a series serie of addresses addressesthroughout addrGSSeSthroughout
throughout troughout the day silence slenco and abstin abstinence abstn abstnence abstinence ¬
ence from all gayetles gy Ues being exacted exactedA exacted exactedA exactedA
A Bright Bdg t Irish Irsh Girl GirlAmong Grl GrlAmong GirlAmong
Among those who are ae at New London Londontoday
today toay and ad who will wl be at Newport this thisweek
week for the visit vlsl of the New York YorkYacht
I Yacht Club squadron Suadron Is Miss 188 Kathleen KathleenBeresford
Beresford daughter of Admiral Admlrl Lord LordCharles
I Charles Charles Beresford who has ha so many manyfriends man manfrhmds
friends in this country countr and who is com coming comIng corning ¬
ing over here early this fall f 1 after re relinquishing reInqulshlnJ relinqushing ¬
linquishing InqulshlnJ his command of Englands Englandsnaval
I naval forces force in the Mediterranean Miss MissBereafords
Bereafords beauty is of the distinctly distinctlyIrish
I Irish Irih type typ For while her hair is I darkand
and curly curl her eyes oos are gray ga ay blue andher
her complexion clear cler re rod and nd white whiteShe whiteShe whiteShe
She Is I as simple and unaffected unatecte In man manner manner manncr ¬
ner as her father is as accomplished ac omplshed as asher
her mother a once celebrated celehmto beauty beautyand beut beutand beautyand
and as behooves behovos a Beresford can ean swim swimilke swimlke swimlike
like lke a fish and ride rde almost flmost anything anthlns on onfour
four legs
It It Is All in August AugustAugust AugustAugst AugustAugust
August Augst is i the month o of the year a aNewport
Newport as virtually virtualy all al the entertain entertainments entertaInments entertainI
I ments of any an Importance Importnce are crowdexInto
I Into the four weeks that intervene be between between between
tween the end of July and the HorsShow
Show at the Casino on oi the first days o oSeptember
September which always constitutes constiutes thi
death knell knel of the Newport season ZlOson But ButIt ButIt Butit
It cannot cnnot be said that the season seon this thisyoar thlsOr thisyoar
yoar Or Is a 1 very brilliant one To begin beginwith beginwih beginwith
with wih tho weather w ther is abominable and andthen ttndthen nd
then there are ae a a number of people polle w syho syhoare vO vOare o oare I
are either absenting themselves alto altogether altogether ¬
gether this year er from trm rota Rhode Island or orwho orwho orwho
who have failed faie as a yet et to put In an ap appearance appearnce appearance ¬
pearance pearnce They include Mrs rrs Ogden OgdanMills OKdenMis OgdenMills
Mills Mis and her Daughters Qlughter Mr Mrs Vander Vanderbilt Vanderhit Venderbill ¬
bill hit sr and ad Miss Mis Gladys Vanderbilt VanderbiltMrs Yanderbl VanderbiltMrs
Mrs Astor sr Colonel and Mrs John JohnJacob JohnJ JohnJacob
Jacob J eob Astor Mrs frtJ Henry Clews CleW Mr Mrand MrIrs MrantI
and Mrs Irs Arthur Burden Mrs Robert Robertuoelet RobQrtuoelet RobertUoelet
uoelet sr Mr and Mrs Harry Payne PayneWhitney PanoVhtno PayneWhitney
Whitney Vhtno Mrs 111 Herman Oelrlchs Mr Mrand Mrand Mrand
and Mrs J Lauren LAuren Van n Allen Alen Besides Besidesthese BeIdes BeIdesthoo Besidesthose
these thoo there are many in mourning mourningMiss mourln mourlnMiss mourningMiss
Miss Blight Blght Is There ThereAnother Therenother ThereAnother
Another nother pretty girl who will wi share the thehonors thohonors thehonors
honors at Newport Newprt with wih Miss Is Kathleen KathleenBerqsford KathleenBeresford athloen athloenDerQlfor
Berqsford DerQlfor this week we ok is Miss Mls Evelyn EvelynBlight EvelynBlight
Blight daughter of o f Atherton Athertn Blight Blsht and andone andone andone
one of a trio of lovely sisters the te others othersbeing othersbeing thers thersbolng
being Mrs r William VllaDl Payne Thompson Thompsonand Thompnand Thempeenand
and Mrs Gerald Lowthor Lwthor wife of the theBritish theBrItsh theBritish
British BrItsh envoy ono at Tangiers Her engage engagement engagement engagemont ¬
ment has just been ben announced announcedBar announee announeeBar announcedBar
Bar Harbors Boom BoomBar BoomBar BoomBar
Bar Harbor on the whole wholoseems seems to tobe tobe
be having a more successful 8UO08stul season seasonthan 6easonthan seasonthan I
than any other summer resort rert Now NowYork NewYork NowYork
York society is even eon more mre extensively extensivelyrepresented extenshol extensivelyrepresented
represented repreente at Bar Harbor Harbr than at atNewport atNewprt atNewport
Newport Newprt Southampton Suthampton or Lenox Lnox Every Everycottage Eey Eeycottge EveryCottage
cottage cottge has been leaned leaa gayetloS gy to of every everyconceivable everYooncehable everYconceivable
conceivable description derlpton succeed aucee one an another another another ¬
other without interruption Interrptin and n the Wed Wednesday Wednosday e ¬
nesday n6da dances dan at the Malvern Malver alternate alternatewith alernate alernatewith alternatewith
with the dances dane at the Swimming Swmming Club Cluband Cub Cuband Cluband
been taken for forthe torthe forthe
and all al the boxes be have te
the Hors Show a fortnight fotnight hence henceLenox henc hencLenox henceLenox
Lenox Far Behind BehindWith BehindIth BehindWith
With Ith regard rgar to Lenox Lenx things there thereare therear thereare
are ar unusually unWualy dull dul and there has ha been beena
a pretty prety general exodus exous for Bar Br liar Harbor lar larI liarher ¬
I her br the Adirondacks AcUronack and for Newport NewportEven NewportEven ewprt
Even men Sir Mortimer Mortmer Durand goes go to New Newport NewIrt Newport ¬
port Irt tomorrow to t present pent In his cape capacity cap capecity ¬
city ciy as British Drltlh ambassador ambldor King Ed Edwards Edwards Edwards ¬
wards cup cp to t the winner Inner of the races raceson raceson raceson
on Wednesday WednesdayCapon WednesdayCapon ednea edneaCapon
Capon Springs SpringsIn
7 In Gay Whirl WhirlCAPON WhirlCPON
CAPON CPON SPRING SPRINC SPRINGWVa WVa W Va Aug 4 4En 4EntertatnMO 4Entertalnnionts En Entertainments ¬
tertainments tertatnMO are now nw crowding crowing each eachother eeh eehoth eachother
other oth r so rapidly pl at Capon Qp that tht note notebooks nte ntebk notebooks
books bk are ar being b brought bught out ot and all al en engagements enIsemet engagements ¬
gagements Isemet strictly atrctl entered etere to prevent preventnot prev preventnot nt ntnot
not only a confusion ctull of dates dtu but bt also alsoof aboof alsoof
of hours In the matter of o acceptances acceptancesThe acptanee acceptancesFlit
The Jb present pesent week we has b been b one of con continuous e conthtuous ¬
tinuous trUW gayety gayetyOn gayetyOn
pety petyOf
On Of Saturday Stura evening evenln last lst a supper supe at atCapon atCap atCapon
Capon Cap Lake Lke Inn was given Slve by W tS A AXoore AMoore
Moore MoT of Washington in honor hor of Miss MteeLouise MissL MiscLouise
Louise L Robertson Rotn of Chicago Chicgo On O Mon Monday Mo Menday ¬
day dy morning mon Joseph JOph K K Cart GI of New NewOrleans NewOrlll NewOrleans
Orleans Orlll gave gve a large I e bowling bwlng party rty for forMieoes tor torI f or orMisses
I Misses MI Helen Hel and Lilian Utan Webb Web of Bal Baltimore Bl BlUm Haltimore ¬
timore Um at which the th highest hKb prize niae was waswon wasI wasby
I w won by b Mice MI Hannu Hanf Taylor and the thesecond theb thesecond
second by b Miss X Claribel Crb Canals CMn both of ofWashington ofWnto ofWashington
Washington Wnto In the th evening several severalsmalt severalassail verl verlaaH
assail aaH card cr parties prt were we given Kve Among Amongtnoee Amongthose
those tJ entertaining entertlaln < in this tbe informal InorMI fash fashion tuhion f ash ashIon ¬
ion were wtre Mrs 11 G A Big Blllow Bigetow low Philadel Philadelphia Phlldtl Phlldtlphl Philadetphis ¬
phia phl Mr Mrs r M 1 D OConnell OCoMI Washing Washington Washingtoit Pllng Pllngd ¬
ton and d Miss 1 Bowling Bwlf Baltimore BaltimoreOn Blmre BaltimoreOn
On Tuesday morning ornl a large and an very veryhandsomely veryhandsomely
handsomely handh arranged arance card cr party prty prtyavn was wasivt wasglva
avn glva ivt n In the le ball bl room rm by Mrs Mr W p Rob Robertson Robfrt8n Roberteon ¬
ertson frt8n and an Mrs rs R L Matheaon Mat of Chi Chicago ChlC0 Ciiicago ¬
cago C0 Mrs K W D Wyville yl8 ot o Washing Washington Waing Waington ¬
ton ton the tb mother mthr of Mm MI Robertson RotsOft as assisted asstate asslated ¬
slated state in receiving rh1 g Both Bth bridge brdge and andeuchre AndI Andeohr andeuchre
I euchre eohr were wr picyed pyed the prixe prlz which whichwere whlh whlhHe whichwere
were He exceptionally excpily elegant elent being won wonas wOftas wonas
as follows Colow First Frt bridge Mrs r Forney ForneyReese ForneyRee ForneyReese
Reese Ree Norfolk and Joseph Joph K Garr GarrNew GI GarrNew
New Xpw Orleans O s second 8en bridge brge Mrs Mr A AW AW
W V Armstrong Arntrnl Alexandria Alexandra Va Euchre SuchreHss Juhre JuhreU EuchreMIsS
MIsS Hss U Josephine Joplne McClure cCure Philadelphia PhiladelphiaMrs Phiadelphi PhiladelphiaMrs
Mrs 1 Dudley Duley Webb Peb and E M Vlekery Vlekeryof
of Baltimore Bltmore At the conclusion eeluson of the thegames thelJamu thegames
games luncheon lunehe was w served servedTuewtay Jre aeredTuesday
Tuesday Tuey evening e nln a large supper supperchiefly spr sprcblefy supperchiefly
chiefly cblefy for or the older or Baltimore BIUmore coterie coterievas cteri coteriewas
was vas V given Yen at the Riverside Riversie House Housewhile housewhile
while hle at the th Inn on O the th op OPltte opposite oeUe tw bnk enk enkof nk nkof
of Capon Cap river rver Joseph Josp K Cern GI of New NPWOrleans NrwOrHn NewOrleans
I Orleans OrHn gave a supper uppr for the younger youngerset ynger yngerset youngerset
set at the th Springe Sping chaperoned chpre by b Mr MrRichard Mrs MrsI Irs IrsRihar
Richard Cook of
f I Rihar Washington uhlnrton Among AmongJ
J other othfra present pesnt were er Mls MIS Misses ee Louise Iule Rob Robertson HobI Robertson ¬
ertson ert Chicago Chleo Helen Hele Webb Yeh EI1 EI1Miller EI ElskMUter I IImer
I Miller Imer Baltimore Bltme Jessie JNe Armstrong Arstrfng
Alexandria Alpxandr Va Stewart Darrance Drrance rrence and andMay andMay andMay
May Hedge Hole Philadelphia Phiadelphi and W A AMoore AMon AMoore
Moore Mon and Paul Mackall Mackal Washington WashingtonR Pahlnton PahlntonJ
R J W v Tllney Orange OranlJa N 1 J George GeorgeReW Gerge GergeRei GeorgeReid
Reid Rei and an Forney Porne Reese Rees Norfolk and andWilHam andWiHam andWilliam
William WiHam Johnson Jonn Plttsburg PlttsburgAn Pltbrb PltbrbAn PittsburgAn
An Afternoon Afteroon Euchre EuchreA
A large afternoon arfmo euchre was s given givenWednejidsy ghtn ghtnWen givenWednday
Wednejidsy Wen y in the ballroom blrm by b Mrs MrsFannie MrsFannl MrsFannie
Fannie Fannl J Barrett
Brrett of Washington Waalngto as assisted 8 asstated ¬
stated ltC by her daughter Miss MI Brrett BrrettThe n BsrrettThe rrtt
The decorations dfolatls were ere in delft effects effectsthe letl effectsthe
the score srecrd8 cards representing rtpreslnl Dutch Dtdl tiles tilesThe Ue UeThe tilesThe
The winners of the
I prl2e were ere Dr and
Mrs fJ G Wythe Cook Cok Mrs Mr E F Mack Mackall lfackt81 Mackj5ll
t81 j5ll all Miss U8 Daisy > atey 8Iy Mackali fAcka1 and Paul Mack Mackall Mackall MackI
I all all of o Washington ahln ton and Joseph Jo Pep Pepper Pepper ¬
I per Norris 1orrl of Philadelphia Phiadephia Pp Refresh Refreshments Refreshment Refreshmeats ¬
meats ment were wert served srve both bth during and ad after afterthe aft afterthe r rthe
the games gamesAn game gameAn gamesAn
An equally euAly attractive atractve card cfrd party was wasgiven wasIvln wasgiven
given Ivln Thursday Thursay morning mnlnK by Miss Mi Hanna HannaTaylor HennaTaylor
Taylor daughter dau htEr of Hen and Mrs 1rs J JHannlg JHannis JHannia
Hannlg Taylor T lor of Washington and andMies andJII andMig
Mig JII Mary Iaty Brady BrAd of Baltimore Baltmre which whichproved wblh wblhprove whichproved
proved prove tho most mot Important Imprtant event of the theseason theseson theseason
season seson In the married mrrie pet to which whlth th thinvitations thInvittins the theInvitations
invitations Invittins were limited lmied Mrs Hannls HannlsTaylor Hannis HannisaYlor Hannislaylor
Taylor aYlor Mrs Mr James Brady Brd and Miss MissTaylor 1151 1151I 3ilss1Taylor
I 1Taylor Taylor assisted a lte in receiving reelln The tables tableswere tablesI tables1were
I 1were were placed place In the ballroom blrom one portion portionjbcing prton prtonbclng portionbelng
jbcing bclng devoted dcvote to bridge brige and the other otherI otherto etherto
I to euchre The winners wlInes of the prizes pIZC prizes1quislte
j loqUISle 1quislte exquisite small smal articles artcles in gold silver silveror slver slveror silveror
or bricabrac being First bridge
brlrabrac bing Miss MissWinnie MIssI MissWinnie
I Winnie of Norfolk orolk and Paul Pall Mackall MackallI Mnckn 3ackalWashIngton
I IVhlnqton Washington second scond bridge brldle Miss ElolSi ElolSiMiller Elol ElotsMiller
Miller Morristown N J and W p pMooro A AMooro A AMoore
IMUer Moore Mooro Washington Wthlo tn euchre cu hre Miss 11s Daisy DaisyMackali DaisyMackl DaisyMachall
Mackali Mackl and H J Miller MUtr Washington WashingtonMiss 1ahlnston WashingtonMiss
I Miss May Hedge Hoge Philadelphia IhladohJhla and andFrederic andFrederic andFrederic
Frederic Kidder KidderWilmington Wilmington Imlngton N C CAnother CAnother
1 Another onother very attractive atractvc card rrd party partyTvlilch prt prtwhch partywhich
which whch ranks among Amog the leading lerlng events eventsof eventsof
of the season aoson was that tlat ghen on Thurs Thursjwashlngton Thursday hurs hursdAY
dAY evoning by Mrs r J A Norri Norris ot oti ofWasltington
i jwashlngton I Pahlnston wife Wfe of Captain Cptln Norris U US UIS US
IS S N A number of very Pr sry elegant prizes prizesI prizesiwere
iwere I wore distributed dstrlbue at It the close tose of the thej thesame thegames
j games same after afer which a n seated sEated supper WASaerel was wasserved wasSCFVOl
served aerel in the cat Captain Cptln and fnd Mrs MrsNorris MrsNorris MrsNorris
Norris were assisted atJsto In receiving by Mr Mrand Mrand Mrend
and Mrs lr Carnal and Mr llr and Mrs Ir C CF CF CF
F Carusi Crsl of Washington WashingtonI WahlntonPersonal
I Personal Notes NotesS
S P Warner American consul at atLelpslc atI atLebsic
I Lelpslc and son of B H Warner arner of ofWashington ofVashlngton ofWashington
Washington spent the early week at atCapon atCapon atCapon
Capon previous to going sins to New York
from which hlCh city ciy he sails alL today on hi hireturn hlretur his hisreturn
retur return to his hll hi post postHon postRon postHon
Hon Hannls T Taylor ylor fonor former mi4st9itp mlnlgtSF mlnlgtSFV lnltr lnltrt
t tp V > Spain apa ant arid h head of of thedepartmept the departments departmentsof
of diplomacy dlpJoma and Int International matonal law atashlnston atWashington at atWashington
Washington Unlversl University ha has jined joined MrsTalor MrsTaylor Mrs MrsTaylor
Taylor TaylorJudge t tJudge
I tI
Judge Maurice D OConnell OConnel IB Isanothor Isanothorimportant another anotherimportant r
important arrival of the week atCappn atCappnwhere atCap atCappnwhere n nwhere
where Mrs ODonnell ODonnel has ha alroady been beanestablished beenestablshed beenestablished
established establshed for several weeks weeksAmong w weeksAmong eks t tAmong
Among the arrivals arrvals of the week are areMr areIr areMr
Mr Ir and Mrs Mr C F Cirrus Cans I and family familyMrs tamly tamlyrs famiiyMrs
Mrs rs William llam John Joh Miller ler H J Miller MillerT M1er 1 1L
T L Miller MUer R T Beadke Mrs Rosa RosaC RosaI RosaC
I C Pennobakor and ad son and Mrs J JGranville JCranvilie 1 1Granvie
Granville Granvie Meyers and child chid all al of Wash Washln Washinton alh alhIn
ln inton ton and Mrs A W Armstrong Miss MissJesse Mlsf MissJosse
Josse Armstrong and A G Armstrong Armstrongof Armstrng Armstrngof
of Alexandria AlexandriaHorse Aleandra AlexandriaHorse c cc cHorse c
Horse Is Kin KinAt King KingAlt KingAtSaratoga
At AtSaratoga AtSaratogaSARATOGA Saratoga SaratogaSARATOGA
SARATOGA SARATOGA SPRINGS Aug 4 4From 4FromI 4Fromnow From Fromnow
now on and for the next net few weeks weekseverything weekse4rythlng weeksevirything
I everything e4rythlng hWe lere ere will w1 be of the horse horsehorsey hre hrehore horsehorsey
horsey hore But little lte else will w1 be b heard heardand herd j jIQd Iacd
and IQd m n fact faet few care to hear her anything anythingelse anythlng anythlngese anythingelse
else In anticipation anUelpUOft of the opening on onMonday onIonday OnMonday
Monday of the summer 8ummor meeting meetng of the theSaratoga 1 1St 1Saratoga
Saratoga St g Racing RcJng Association Asolton the town townhas tow townhas I Ihas
has been b filling filng up for the past pt few fewdays fewday fewdays
days day Today the influx was large and andtomorrow andtomrrow andtomorrow
tomorrow tomrrow it is expected epte that tha the lot followers to lotlowers ¬
lowers Iter of the th th elusive kings of the th turf turfwill trf trfwl turfwill
will wl come ce in here by the train load loadWhile lHUl lHUlhUe loadWitUe
While hUe there ther is h complaint cpllnt that tht the stable stableroom stableroom tble tbler
room r at Horse Ho Haven is inadequate Inadeute to tosupply tosupply tosupply
supply the demand it is I questioned qUfsUoe if ifthe Ifthe ifth
the th town will wl be b able to take ttke care cat com comfortably cm cmfortbly cornfortably ¬
fortably fortbly of those tho who wh desire delre accommo accommodations acmmo acmmodatofs accommodatious ¬
dations datofs for the next three thr weeks weeksMuch weks weksluch weeksMuch
Much luch regret regrt is expressed expre at the failure failureof
of the town to secure eure the Democratic DemocraticState Demotc DemotcState DemocraticState
State convention cnvento The citizens etlzens general generally geera ¬
ly had airly pinned pinne their ther hopes hope on O the theconvention te teI theconvention
convention e k coming to t the Spa SP and were weremaking wee weemaking weremtkIng
I making plans plns accordingly acordlngl The Th coming comingof cming cmingt comingf
of t th the convention cnvention would wol have ha meant ment a amuch amuch I Imuc
much muc longer season sesn than an usual usualPolo usul usulPolo usualPolo
Polo is claiming cJlmlng considerable csiderble of the theattention tbeatentin theattention
attention atentin of August Augs Belmont Blmont jr the theSmith theSmth theSmith
Smith Smth boys os and a D W Mabee ab Jr thee theedays tb tbdls thesedays
days dls The field eld is in perfect prfet condition conditionand CIUon CIUonan conditionand
and an almost dally daly practice games gme are areplayed ar arpla8 areplayed
played pla8 The matches mth are quit quit quite spirited spiritedand sprte spiritedand
and there ten is usually uaualy an Interested Interete gal gallery g gallery ¬
lery leryBesides 1 leryBesides < 0
Besides nellde 0nellde being one oe of the show shw places placesof pac
of the town Canfletds Canfels Park is 1 the th fav favorite fv fvorie isvorlte ¬
orite orie strolling strlng place for many man of the theyouths th thyoth theyouths
youths yoth and maiden md8 these th days da and andevenings an andevenings
evenings venlngs Old maids mala with Wth dogs do are arebarred arebITet arebarredat
barred bITet barredat at least s1 the dogs dos are ae and andusually a andusually
usually usualy when hen a maiden of uncertain uncertainsummers uler uncertainsummers ln lnBummer
summers Bummer finds Ans that tht she he Is not allowed allowodto allwt
to take tae Tricky Triky inside Inse the gate gate of ofparadise ofrals ofparadise
paradise rals she remains outside ot8 and an says saysunpleasant 8 saysunpleasant
unpleasant unplfnt things thing about abt man in I general generalFrank terl generalFrank
Frank Hitchcock Hithck president prHet of the theRacing ta theRacing
Racing Raenf Association Atl took tk pO5 p possession eston of ofhis ofhis ofhis
his Fifth FIth avenue cottage cottge on O Friday FridayAs lrl1 FrayAs
As usual usal his hi brother brtbe Thomas Tou Hitch Hitchcock Wt Hitchcock ¬
ck cock is with wth him Later lte Lt r Mrs Mr Hitch Hitchcock Hlt Hitchcock ¬
cock ck and the children chldre will wn join jon Mr MrThomas MrTom MrThomaa
Thomas Tom for a few days daysThe daysTh daysThe
The Th Francis Fracs Bishop Blsho bungalow bn oV on O Nel Nelson Nelsn Netson ¬
son sn avenue is about abt completed eomplte and an will willbe willbe 11
be b occupied ocupie by Mr 11 and Mrs Bishop BihOp be before b ii iiI ¬
I fore the tl month Jth is i over O The Th bhe bishop place placeis p
r I is one of the show places p of the t town townthis twn twnI townthis
I this season BM The Te bungalow bnglw style 81 of ofhouse ofhse ofhouse
house hse is II fast gaining 8nln in favor and a It Itis I itis
is l rumored rmr that before bfore anothe Jte year yearothers ye yearothers
others of similar shfllr type typ will wl be acted actedby at actedby
by New Yorker who ho prefer prett thai thai sort sortor sortof
or O aecommodat aemmoU xi to t the stuffy tucy rooms roomsA 1 1ot roomsof
ot a hoel hotel or the moe more mora modern cdal cottage cottageA
A New York York auto party prt at the theWorden tMVorden theWorden
Worden includes Incu s Mr II and Mrs IrtJ R R A Ajar AjarMiss jar jarMiss r rUs
Miss Us A Avery very and ad Mr Cavanaugh CavanaughI Cavanaug
I Dr and an Mrs JIr William P WllWn W I In of ofNew nfNew ofNew
New York are guests get of Dr Strong StrongThey Str StrongThey <
They are accompanied accmpl by Miss Mis Harriott Harriotti HarMt HarniottWellknown
I i Wellknown Veiknown New NeV Yorkers YorkeN at the theGrand U theGrand
Grand Union include Inelue Mrs rs Edwin Par Parsons Parss ParSons ¬
sons ss Miss 1Iss Sawyer Swyer Alfred Sawyer Sfwyer Mr Mrand Mrand Ir IrAnd
and Mrs 1r E Bold Bld Mr and Mrs fr H K KBurnas Kl3urnas
Burnas and Mr r and an Mrs rs William WilliamShields WilliamShields Utam UtamShields
Shields ShieldsSociety ShieldsSociety ShieldsSociety
Society Notes NotesFrom NotesFrom NotesFrom
From Leesbur LeesburLEFSBURG Leesburg LeesburgJEFSBURG LeesburgLEESBURG
LEFSBURG JEFSBURG Va Va Aug UI 4 4The The Te Mid Mklhad 1tk Midillesex
dlex illesex Hunt Club or Bto Boston AIaa Mass ha has hashad
had the use ue of Mayfield 1Jayftlld a fine estate ftte fttener estatenear wtntenear
near ner here hert belonging bonging to Mr Tnman of ofi oft ofI
t i New York offered offere for or Its It headquarters headquartersduring hedquartes hedquartesdurln headquartersduring
during durln the te hunting huntng season sea this tll fall fallMayfleld fal fallMayfiel4l
Mayfleld Ma feh was wa formerly the American AmericanStock AmerlanStock AmericanStock
Stock Farm Far of Mr Curtis Curti ot South SouthAmerica SouthAmerloa SouthAmerica
America Amerloa who erected ertcto thereon theren large lrge and andhandsome andhRndsome andhandsome
handsome stables A bungalow bnalcw which whichwas wi whichwas
was occupied ICUIle by the manager maaser of 0 the theI thefarm thelanai
I farm will be enlarged cnlase and used ss a aI acub aclub
wi an use
I club cub house houseThe huse huseThe houseThe
The Leosburg LOburg Riding Rldn Club was aR enter entertained et8 entertamed ¬
tained at tea te this afternon atern by Mr and andMrs an andMrs
Mrs David B Tennant at Redgate RedgateGeorge Uegte UegteGeorge ItedgateGeorge
George E Chandlee Chandle and party prt of ofWashington ofVahSngon ofWashington
Washington VahSngon passed Psed through Leesburg Leesburgtoday Leesburgtoday burg
I today toay In his large touring car car The Theparty Theprty Theparty
party prty had been on a trip to the Luray LurayCaves Lura Lura LuraCaves
Caves having stopped stoPP6 at Leesburg Leeburg and andPaeonlan ad andPaeontan
Paeonlan Springs Sprln s en route routeBouie route routeBoule routeBouie I
Bouie Chipman and family aml of Wash Washington WashIngton Washington ¬
ington who have been occupying OCUPhlg the theMetzger te teltz theMetzger
Metzger ltz cr House In Leesburg Lceburl returned Iturne on onWednesday onWedne5da onWednesday
Wednesday to their home homt in Washing Washington Wuhlngton Washington ¬
Mrs Arthur Artur Talks Talk and Miss 115S Talks of ofWashington ofVashlnvtln ofWaslllnvt4n
Washington are guests guets of Mrs Ir J A ACarr AI ACarr
Carr of f this town townJamas townI townJames
James J am s C Dllwell Dlwel of High Point S C Cis c Cis
I is visiting relatives relatves in this town townEgbert tow towI townEgbirt
Egbert Van Alstyne and party of Win Winchester Winchester ¬
prty I
chester heter Va passed psd through Leesburg Leesburgthla Lesburs Lesbursthl Leesburg Leesburgtlis
I in inhia Inhis inhis
thla thl week en route to Washington Walhlngtfn
his large automobile automobll Mr Van Va Alstyne Alstyneis Alstne AlstneIs
is the author of In the 3h Shade 3hs4e e of the theOld theApple theOld
Old Apple Tree TreeMiss Tre TreMlss Trees TreesMiss
Miss Marcelllne Iarcclne Peugh Pourh who has been beenthe ben bentho beenthe
the guest Uet of Miss Mi Mary Conrad has re reI returned returned
I turned to her home hom homeinflelta In Delta Pa PaIDIOMS PaIDIOMS PaIDIOMSOF
At a reception recepton at the American em embay embassy 1 1woman
bay bassy In Paris ft vivacious French Fronchwoman Frenchwoman
woman had asked one of the attaches attachesto attaeho
to relate some of his blsadventure adventures In InAmerica InAmorlclShe InAmerict
AmorlclShe America She was somewhat somewhat dlsap dlsapponted dleapfuted disappnnted
ponted when informed Infored that the Indians Indiansno
no longer ambushed ambushe travelers travelel In Vest WestVirginia VestVirginia VestVirginia
Virginia but insisted that he must have havehad havehad havehad
had some thrilling thrilng exjperlences exjperlencesWell exJprlence exjpeniencesWell
Well Vei the attache attche admitted amltod I was wasrobbed wat wasrobbed
robbed once onceQue on onQue onceQue
Que cest Interessant Interessnt Do tell us of ofzat orzat ofzat
zat she said saidWell saidel saidWellS
Well WellS el I woe Wa at a rather lonely rail railroad railroad railroad ¬
road station located on the outskirts outskirtsof
of a ntown a town I had h noticed notced several severl dead deadbeats deadbeat deadbeats
beats beat hanging haging around aroundAh aroundAh aroundAh
Ah she sh interrupted I know what whatze whatze whatze
ze beat bat Is Ishe he is ze t windier Indler oh An Anzare Anzare
zare z re was wa several dead dea onea on z hangln hanglnaroun hanglnarounIt hanginarounit
I lynch aroun arounIt It hat been what you ou call cal ze zelynch zelynch zelynchl
News fews ens and andPersonals andPersonalsOf anciPersonals anciPersonalsOf Personals PersonalsOf
Of Virginia Towns
The Falls Fals Church Bank began opera operatons operalone pera peraIn
tons In on on Wednesday Ven day Some of the fur furfture furSture furtiter
titer > fture had hd not yet Y4t arrived but that tat did didot didlot didtot
lot ot daunt Cashier Cahier Hawxhurst HawxhurstC Havhurst HavhurstC
C C I Grossman CIlman has h8 sold a lot nnxt nnxtb nAt
0 b the h6 Lewis Lewl let to S E Thompson ThompsonWlllar4 Thompon ThomponWlar ThompsonWitlar4
Wlllar4 Wlar hipman son sono of the te Rev RG 8 8Shlpman f 13Shipman
t > Shipman at one time tme pastor pator of the thelethodift tneIethodht theStethodist
lethodift Church here was wa married m rre at atoclock atoolock atoclock
oclock on Wednesday Venosay morning mOnlng to toUse t tohiss
Use m Frances IranceE E Roberts Uobert of Ridley Rldle Md MdThe MdThe MdThe
The funeral of Chauncoy Chauncy G Seny who wholed wholed wholied
led lied led last Saturday took place plael on Mon Manlay Monjay Monlay
lay morning from the Southern Souther Metho Metholist Mebt Metholist
list Church Mr Sonys death deth was a aid asad
f sad id surprise surrise to many as he bad hd not notteen notieon nottoen
ieon toen teen sick a week He leaves leye a wife wifend wie wiefnd wifeand
fnd and nd two infant children childrenThe chHdro chHdroThe childrenThe
The funeral of James JamO L Donaldson Donaldsonvho Donaldeonwho Donaldsonwho
who died Monday night took tok place from fromils fromsic
sic 118 late residence reIdenee Wednesday WenN y afternoon afternoonntermont aternon aternonnteront afternoonInterment
Interment nteront was at Park Cemetery CemeteryThe Cemeer CemeerThe CemeteryThe
The Young Yong Ladles Club met with withrs wih wihlrs withrs
lrs rs Arthur Arhur S Hull Hul on Tuesday Tuesay morn mornThe morning mornag
ing ag
The Te Rho Rh Sigma SIga Club was entertained entertainedty
t by ty Miss Ml Nora Nora Moffat at Its is last lat meet meetThe meetII meetinc
II inc
The Ladles Lla Aid Society Sley of the South SouthMethodist Southera
e era Methodist Metolt Church Churh met with wih Mrs Mrste MrsKate
Kte Kate te B Wright Vrght Thursday TbuI4ay afternoon afternoonMrs ate ateMrs afternoonMrs
Mrs Dr Hunt entertained entertaine a a few fewriands fewtM fewfriends
friends tM nds at lunch on Tuesday TuesdayThe Tesday TesdayThe TuesdayThe
The Choral Chral Society Soiety has ha discontinued discontinuedis dl
its is meetings mHtng until untl the te second send week in inSeptember InSep inSepLmber
September Sep SepLmberMrs SeptemberMrs ber berMr
Mrs Mr L S Abbott Abbot Mrs Kennedy Kenney Mrs MrsA MrsS MrsS
S A Ball Bal Miss lu Carrie Ball Miss Mis Vale Valeamp ValeCamp ValeCamp
Camp amp and an the Misses Mlsse Harriet and andlabel andIabe andMabel
label Iabe Kennedy Keftney went wet on a a picnic picic to tohe tothe tothe
the he Great Falls Jal en n Wednesday WednesdayJ W8ne Y YJ
J H Maddox and I family rami who wh have havebeen ne neen havebeen
been en living UviS Jft in n Stuart Pooles Poles House Ase on onWashington ontashlngton
Washington ashgt street for the last six sixmonths sixmnth sixmonths
months mnth have bve moved e to t Ashburn Ahhrn Va VaMrs VAMr VaMrs
Mrs Mr Harry Hry C Jlrg Zg and children chilren are areat areat
at Ocean Ocen Cfty cfy with wth her sister Mrs MrsSamuel MrsSmul MrsSamuei
Samuel Smul Styles StylesMr StylesMr
Stye StyeMr
Mr and a Mrs Mr Claries Carlo8 H Buxton left lefton loftNi 8ft 8ftN
on N Wednesday Penedy for Atlantic AtanUc City Cl where wherethey wherethy wherethey
they thy will wn visit vsit their son Fred Fre and amifamily andfamily
family famiy for a a week before bfore going gng for fora fora fora
a trip to t the White Vhle Mountains Mentlns Mentlnsnt MountainsMiss f fMiss
Miss nt Maude Maue RIley ntey Is passing Psln the week weekat weekt eek eekt
at t Ocean OO City Cty guest get of her sister sster Mrs MrsSamuel MrsSamuel Irs IrsSJuel
Samuel SJuel Styles StylesW StINE StylesW
W E Moore ore and an wife w1 left on o Friday Fridayfor Fa Fafor Fridayfor
for a weeks weks drive drve through Urog Loudoun Loudouncounty Ldon Ldonent Loudouncounty
county countyK ent entE
E V Thompson T and ar family who vo have havebeen h havebeau ye yeb
been b passing pg a a week uk with wth their ther aunt auntMrs Auatrs anaLMrs
Mrs rs Rudolph Uuoh F Bar Brte Bartle tie have e gone 0P to toColumbia toColumbia
Columbia Cumb Pike Pke for the t rest ef the te sum sumW SUMnH setsmen
nH men menIV
W Yo H H Nowlan and aR wife wlte who h have havebeen havcb havebeen
been b passing pstRg the th last a few weeks eQks in inAftnburii hiAshburn
Aftnburii Albru Va Ya have hve returned rere He Is Isvery isvr isvery
very vr much J improved ID1Ne in I health healthMr halk halkMr healthMr
Mr Reader Reee of o Dover Del De spent et a afew afe afew
few fe days dQs during the week with his hisdaughter hiscuKhte hisdaughter
daughter cuKhte Mrs A A J Arnold Af whose whe little littleboy Utte Utteb littleboy
boy b is I very ve sick siekDr sek sekD sickDr
Dr D Carl Cr Kenning HeBlng oC New York Ye ASH ASHbeen hasbeen u ubn
been here bn passing plng a few feW days dai8 with 1th friends friendshere friendshe friendshere
Walter Pale Birch Birh and aa wife wfe who wh have havebeen haveb havebeeti
been b visiting viitg their aunt Mrs Mr Will WillSttreve WillShrove
Shrove 5ree for the last Jt month mth have re returned returned ¬
turned e to their Ur home me In I Washington WashingtonMr Vahlngten Vahlngtenr
Mr r Birch Brh has hs accepted acete a position plon la lathe Inthe
the Columbia Clumbi National aUonal Bank BankMisc Bnk BnkU8 BankMiss
Miss U8 Jeannette Jennete Jewell Jewel of Washington Washingtonspent Washingtonspent VashlngtonTesay
spent Tuesday Tesay with her aunt Mrs Will William Wiltlam 1 ¬
lam W Kinsley Rlnsle on O Washington street streetMis zeotMisc
Mis Misc ISI Nina Nia McEween left on Tuesday Tuesdayfor Tuemay Tuemayfo Tuesdayfor
fo for a months moths stay sty at at Delaware Delvr6 Water WaterGap WaterGap WaterGap
Mrs Mr George Geg W W HawxHurst Hawur is passing passingthe pHlng pHlngUe paseingthe
Ue the month meth of e August at Ocean OC n Grove GroveN GroveN
K N J JMrs JIrs JMrs
Mrs Irs P L 1 Dodd D Mrs Ir A A P Berry Berryand Berryand
and Miss Mis Mattie Sonic Sole have cone goe on a atrip atrp atrip
trip trp to Norfolk Ocean Oco View Edgewater Bdgewaterand Edgewaterand Edgewaterand
and Lamberts Lbrts Point and a1 stop for a aPoint aPoint
Point Pnt Comfort ComfortMiss Cmort CmortMiBS ComfortMiss
Miss Isabelle Isbele Metz Ietz who ho has ha been beenaway ben ben8wa beenaway
8wa away for some months has returned returnedhome returnedhome
bme bmeMrs homeMrs home homeMrs
Mrs Charles M 1 Sparkes Sprkes of t Seaforth SeaforthDel Se SeaforthDel rth rthDel
Del Del is visiting visitng her sister Mrs 1 rs P H HSmyths HSlythe HSirytho
Smyths SmythsMiss Slythe SlytheMIM SirythoMiss
Miss MIM Ida Id Havener left on Wednesday Wednesdayto Wenesday Wenesdayto
to visit vist friends friens in New York YorkMiss York1Iss YorkMiss
Miss 1Iss Leonora Leor Wright 1Prlght has returned returnedfrom returnedrem
from rem a visit Islt to her uncle uncle the Rev RevHarry RevHaT RevHarry
HaT Harry Febrey at Jarretsvllle JartSte Md MdMrs MdMrs Id IdMr
Mrs Mr John Gibson was s the the hostess hostesslately
lately of her cosin cousin 1 Mrs s M I E Hill HillAnd Hi Hilland
And her daughter daghter Clara Clar and grandson grandsonE gandon gandonJ
E li J Watson all of New York YorkAmbrose YorkAmbrose YorkAmbrose
Ambrose C Moore More of New York has haseturned hasretured hasreturned
returned retured after afer making makinI a flying visit to toiIs tohis tohis
his iIs mdther m ther Mrs Mar Mal Mary D Moore on onlaple onMape onMaple
Maple avenue avenueMiss avenueMiss avenueMiss
Miss Nettle Nette Greenwell Greenwel and Miss Kath Kathrlne Kat Kathorine
erine rlne Bull left lef on Saturday for Buffalo BuffaloY Butnlo ButnloN
N Y After Ate visiting friends In Buffalo BuffaloHs Burtao BurtaoMIl BuffaloMise
MIl Mise Hs Greonwoll Greonwel will wi proceed proco to Clove Clovoand Cleveland CloveIand
and > Ohio to spend a few weeks with withler withher ih ihher
her ler mother motherMisa motherAIs motherMiss
Miss AIs Rodie Cooksey Coksey of Washington ahlnJton Is Ispending Isspnding isspending
pending spnding a n few days dfs with her friend friendliss trQnd trQndMls8 fniqndMiss
Miss liss Gertrude Gertrde Kibler KlblerMrs KiblerMrs KiblerMrs
Mrs Benjamin Held of Washington Washingtonvho Washingtonwho Washingtonwho
who vho has been boarding bording with wih Mrs W V H HJarkesdale HBBrltesdale HBnrlcesdale
Jarkesdale for the last month returned returnedtiome returnedhome returnedhome
home on Thursday ThursdayThe Thurda ThurdaThe ureday uredayThe
The Misses Anna Anna and ad Margaret John Johnton Johnston ohn ohnslon
slon ton of New York are visiting Isltng their theirunt theIraunt theiraunt
aunt unt Mrs Mra T A Hodgson HodgsonMiss Hodgson HodgsonMis HodgsonMiss
Miss Mis Jeannle Jeanie Hadgson left lef on Salur Saluray Snlurday Saturday
day ay to visit vsi friends at Wilmington Wimington ilmfngton N C CMrs CMrs CMrs
Mrs McCardle of Frederick Frederck Md 1d and andlittle andltl andlittle
ltl little < daughter are guests gests of A A E ERowoll ERowrJ ERoweil
Rowoll RowrJ on Broad DrOd street streetMrs streetMrs streotMrs
Mrs A A H Woodall oodal of Washington Washingtonind Wahington Wahingtonand
and daughter Mrs Hughes Hugha have moved movedInto movedInto movedinto
Into the Atchison house on Brown ave aveMrs avenue evenue
nue nueMrs nue
Mrs I B Nordlingor NortUnger and family aml of ofGeorgetown ofGeorgetown ofGeorgetown
Georgetown who have boon boarding boardingwith barding bardingwith hoardingwith
with Mrs Mr Harry Harr A Fellows Felows returned returnedhome returnedhome
home on Wednesday WednesdayMrs WednesdayMrs WednesdayMrs
Mrs William VIUam F Chester was the host hostess hostFZlS hostss ¬
FZlS ess ss on Wednesday Wedneday of her old school
friend Miss MIs Emma Emm Grtowold GrwJ ml o Des DesMolnes DesMoines DesMoines
Moines iowa owa and ad her friend te frifra 3Ir r Ev Everett Everett BYerett ¬
erett J Calendlne of Wa5 Wa5Mr Washington WashingtonMr
Mr and Mrs lrsHer Henry Storey Sor were the theguests thegest theguests
guests gest of f Mrs Mm Rufus H Darby DD during duringthe duringthe duringthe
the week weekMrs weekMrs
1 1Mrs
Mrs William Wilam M Ellison EI l h has w returned returnedfrom reure returnedfr
from fr m a n visit to her heI brother brote Rev e Ben Benjamin BenjamlnF Benjamin ¬
jamin jamlnF F Ball Bal of Wayneaboro Vayb W Va VaMiss VaMiss VaMiss
Miss Emma Pruitt of Baltimore Btme spent spenttwo spenttwo pt pttwo
two days with th her friend fr Mrs 1 Mr S H HAnderson lL lLAnderson HAnderson
Anderson at Hill H HW Crest CrestWostlake CrestWostlake
Wostlake W take Adams Adam Is visiting tg relatives relativesat reativs reativsat
at Hume and Orlean OrleanVa OrleanVaMiss Va VaMiss Va VaUss
Miss Uss Kitty Kity Moran oran has Iu boss bo for fo a week weekat wHkat weekat
at Atlantic Atantc City Cty N NRev J JRe JRev
Re Rev Charles Ckarlo J Allen AJen now RW of Brook Brooklyn Brok BrokIfn Brooklyn ¬
lyn X Y if I spending sptfg some Se time tne with withhlg 1t withhis
his parents prents at the old eel horn hornDr hm hmDr homDr
Dr Sidney S Simmons Simm of o Lynchburg Lynchburgaccompanied LJ Lynchburgaccompanied hbrg hbrgaompnie
accompanied aompnie by his hi wife and a two chil children chl chldre children ¬
dren dre is the guest gest of Mrs Simmons Sml sis sister slater atetar ¬
ter Mrs Kale Kae B Wright WrightPaul WrightPaul Prlght PrlghtPal
Paul Pal Perigo returned returne on O Tuesday Tuesay from fromhis fromhis fromhis
outing outrg
Gordon Mareey JJa spent t Saturday Stn y and andSunday andSUday antiSunday
Sunday Md SUday with wth French Prenh Price Pris at Berwyn BerwynMd BCwn BCwnXd BeowynMd
Mrs Mr Lizzie LizIe WfcUe Wlo of o WIle Ie Va Vaspent Vaset Vsspent
spent set eey last lat week with wit Mrs Mr Fannie lu le Mar Mareey Mareey Marcey ¬
Miss l Sadie Sle S die Mareey loft Jlt last ki Wednes Wednesday Wenea WeneadaJ Wednesday ¬
day for tor Blue Ridge Rhge Va where wle she will willsoend wi willsoend
soend sien two weeks weeksRain weekRalft weeksRain
Rain Interfered with wiJ the U lawn n party partywhich prty prtyVef partywhich
which Vef was wa advertised adnrUle to toH be hold at Mt MtOlivet MtOlvet MtOlivet
Olivet Olvet Church Chuh Wednesday Weeay night nightLightning nightLiwhtning gt gtIhrhtnlng
Lightning Ihrhtnlng knocked knke a f tw w bricks bik off offthe of offthe
the residence resden e of A A C Thomas MS last week weekMr wek wekIr weekMr
Mr Ir and an Mrs Ir8 Henderson HedwS are 8 at t Bar BarHarbor BarHarbor r rHarbr
Harbor Harbr for a short shot vacation vacationMr Ycii vacationMr
Mr and Mrs Irs w William Elliott Bllett and aa Miss MissMaud MINIaud MissMaiid
Maud Iaud Wilson V I sn have returned rotune from fr Col Colonial ColonIal Cotenial ¬
onial Beach BeachMrs BeachMrs BeachMrs
Mrs J J Gill Gi and an her lor mother MI Mrs MrsJ Xr MrsJ
J E Norris of Falls Fal
Xorls Church Cu spent spentWednesday spentWednesday pnt pntenesd
Wednesday enesd visiting viitng friends rle at a Balls Bll Baliston BalistonGLENCARLYN ton tonGLENCARLYN tonGLENCARLY
The Merry Merr Bell Bel Club gave gv a straw strawride sraw srawrde strawride
ride rde to Reeds Res Mill MillMrs Mi MiiiMrz
I Mrs Mr W V H Olcott Olct with 1th her he pest Mrs MrsC Mr MrsC
C E Moody Io and the Mimes Mi Oicott Ott cott left leftfor I leftI tt ttI
I for Barereff Barerott Hayfield Hayfel Va Va on e Wed Wednesday We WedI
I nesday neay morning rlng W H Oteott Ot will wl join joinhis jin jinI joinhis
his family famiy this week weekMr weekMr weekMr
I Mr and Mrs Irs W V p H Barston B1 with withtheir withter withtheir
their ter grandson brandS William UUal Hart Harrison of ofWashington orI orPahlngt of1Washington
I 1Washington Washington Pahlngt visited I Mrs Raittsdell RMeR RMeRC RatsadellI
C 1
Miss Mis Jeaanie Joanle L Ramsdell RaMsel to visiting visitingfriends vbtng vbtngfries visitingfriends
friends fries in Washington WashingtonCLARENDON Washingto WashingtoCLARENDON WashingtonCLARENDON
The building biding of the tb h church ouf by b the theSouthern theSthern theSouthern
Southern Sthern Methodists Mehlst is progressing pgren rap rapMly rapIl rapidly
idly Il > There has h been In some sme delay 4e in get gettins getUu getting
tins Uu the lumber in but bt it t has ha not se seriously 8er1sl seriousty ¬
riously r1sl interfered Intererl with the th work woI It I has hasbeen hasa hasbeen
been a stated stte that tht this thll church churh will wl be bei b bebuilt
i built bui upon upn voluntary ountar contributions Ctrbtolthat Ctrbtolthatthere cootribuijonathat cootribuijonathatthere that thati
i there will wi be b no n entertainments entertt given givenfrom glvtn glvtnfr givenfront
from fr which wBh to raise ral funds funs to further furtherthe furthei furtherthe
the project projectMr prjet prjetIr projectMr
Mr Ir Spittle Sptte of Lyons Ly addition adiion WAS WASslightly WTS WTS8igbty wsslightly
slightly 8igbty hurt on on o one of the tn trdlQ trdlQear trtlitycars llcy llcyi
i cars ear by b being bens thrown thrn against aginst its side sidewhen sidewi aidewhen
when wi eft the car er lurched lurchedThe lurch lurchTe lurchedThe
The Te continual oRUnual rains rin in this neighbor neighborhood nihbr nihbrho neighborhood ¬
hood ho have ha made mae the Erase b beautiful uUtul all allsummer al allsummer
summer but bt It has caused caa a great KrMt deal dealof del delof dealof
I of work keeping keepng down the th weeds weedsJohn weedsJohn es esJohn
John V Wright jr J son 1 of Judge JudgeJohn Judgethn JudgeJohn
John thn V Wright Wriht of o the General Geerl Land LandOffice Lnd LndOtce LandOfilca
Office and brother Mrs Londie
Otce to rs Frank Lyon Lyondied Lyondied
died die in Panama Panma on July IS 1 where he hewas heW8 hewas
was W8 working workng in connection cnneton with th the thecanal thec8nsl thecanal
canal Many Man years er ago Mr Wright Wrightraslded Wrightasided Prght Prghtaslded
raslded in this county cunty and was well wellknown wellknown 11
known by many man people pple here hereSWELL hereSWELL hereSWELL
LONDON L DO Aug 4Ameleans 4Americans Americans are arecrowding arecowding arecrowding
I crowding cowding the Grand Grnd Hotel Harrogate Harrogatein Harrogate HarrogateIn
in Yorkshire which is being bing run by byMrs byMrs byMrs
Mrs Mercer 1erctr Pell Pel of New York YorkMrs YorkIr YorkMrs
Mrs Ir Pell who wh was one oe of the hand handsomest handom handsomest ¬
somest om et women presented preented at the last lastcourt lat latcrt lastcourt
court crt at Buckingham Palace is making makingr makIngrpl
a r rpl rpal l success succes of the hotel hoel and an she is isattracting IsatracUng Isattracting
attracting atracUng not only onh her countrymen eountrmen and andcountrywomen andcuntrwomen andcountrywomen
countrywomen cuntrwomen but many English EnsU h pee people pe peepie ¬
ple as a well wellEvery wel wellEvery
Every EeT week some little ltte social sA affair is isgotten Isgotten isgotten
gotten up in an Impromptu Imprmptu wtiy w nysome nysometimes ysome ysometmes some sometimes ¬
times tmes theatricals therllssmetme theotrlcalssometimes sometimes a little littledance lttle lttledancesometmes littledancesometimes
dance dancesometmes dancesometimes sometimes progressive proSelve games gamesOf gEs gEsOf gamesOf
Of course the majority majrty of the j Jple Jplestaing people peoplestaying > eople eoplestaying
staying at the Grand are going through throughvarious tlrough tlroughvarious throughvarious
various Hacrogate Harrogate cures cure but this thisdoes thisdoes thisdoes
does not in the least lest interfere Interfte with withtheir withtheir withtheir
their enjoyment enjoment Mrs Pelt Is a hostess hostessfirst
1 first afterward afterwardPIANOS afterwardPIANOS and a a very ver capable cpble manageress manageressafterward manageres manageresafterward manageressafterward
Fine FIne Instruments at MidSum MidSummer MidSummer MidSummer ¬
mer Bargain Prices PricesLESS Prce PrceLESS PricesLESS
Excellent Excelent 400 and 5500 500 Uprights
5165 165 to S2 25 5 on 5 Monthly MonthlyPayments MonthlyPayments MonthlyPayments
Payments PaymentsA
I A local lol newspaper recently renty took tk occa occasion oa oasion occaslon ¬
sion to advise Its It readers of the great greatadvantage greatadantg greatadvantage
advantage adantg in buying almost any ay sort srt of ofmerchandise ormerchndis ofmerchandise
merchndis merchandise in midsummer said sd Mr MrVan MrVan MrVan
Van Wlckle Ickle Vice President of the F G GSmith GSmih GSmith
Smith Smih Piano Co 12S 1 Pa ave aveIt aveI aveIt
It I is e e wellknown welknown fact that tat this is the thedullest te tedulest thedullest
dullest dulest period of the year er 1 In in almost all allUnas al alllines
lines Ino ot 01 business busne and merchants mechants are areobliged areo areobliged
obliged o Uged to offer extraordinary extrornr Induce Inducements InduceI inducemeats ¬
meats ment in the way of bargains bplOR to t encour encourage encur encuraJe encourage ¬
buying and keep their stores
I age aJe stres busy busyThis busyThbl busyThts
This is particularly patclarly true tr e of the piano plar plarI pianobusiness
I j business bURine t At this tis season n of the te year ytar we weoffer Steoffer e eofer
offer ofer most unusual opportunities opprtunites to buy buygood buygod buygood
good god pianos pinos at very yer low figures fgur During Duringour DurIngour
lour our annual August Augst clearing cearng sale sle now in inprogress 11 inprogress
progress we are closing out all the ¬
I progrc ae out al up upright upright upright
right pianos returned reture from rental rentl in including i ineluding ¬
cluding many fine Instruments Instments of of lead leading ItadIns leading ¬
ing makes mae that sold for 400 40 and S 500 at atl6
185 to 225 2 25 and on the easiest of easy
terms term We will wi sell sel any of these pianos pianoson pianoson pianoson
on 5 monthly payments This Thi in con connection connecton eonneetlon ¬
nection necton with wih the thp fact that tht the metro instruI Inatrament metromeats
I meats ment are sacrificed at less than factory factorycost factoryI factorycost
cost st ought to appeal to anybody anybdy wh whwats nho nhowants lti ltivants
wants wats to secure ecure a good gO piano cheap heap
I Now Is the time tme to secure the bargain bargainfor bgin bginfor bargainfor
for long these tese before instruments fall will wi all al be sold

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