OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, August 05, 1906, Woman's Magazine Section, Image 30

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1906-08-05/ed-1/seq-30/

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Iy MYraUASWL1 MYraUASWL1Rert tIiv ll llRI
Rolrt RI tt W WPIIL ellf t llfl will r Ttpre rpreaent present ent soutl soutlrrn lIOuthtm
rrn 11 Maryland on the reception pUon commIt uommitee commIttee omm1tee
tee which will greet rHt Wilham JennlniBryan Jennings JenningsBryan JennInBryan
Bryan when hen he h arrives at New Yor YorMr York YorkMr YorMr
Mr Wells 7eU is Ij prominent In Maryland Marylampolitics Marylando1ltlc Mary1aiolltk
politics o1ltlc as ft well as in the legal profei profeision profeliislon profesfoi
sion He Heaas has always been a warm warmporter sui suiporter aup aupporteI
porter of Mr tr Bryan and was largelresponsible largely largelyftsponslbJe largeresptnstble
responsible for the conduct of t the caw cawpaign campaign eazipaign
paign In this th section at the time ttmeBryans o oBryans or orBrans
Bryans second nomination Mr Well Wellserved VeI Ve Veserved i i8ervffl
served two terms in the Legislature re recently recant1y r reently
cently but at present te l devoting devoUngentire hi hientire his hisentire
entire time to his h law business bu bO1neUaucceedd lneaa H Hsucceeded He He8uc
succeeded 8uc ecI James Jam C Rogers R er MS 5 attorne attornefor attorney attorneyfr attornfr
fr th the corporation ef rpuntU n of o HyatUviH an anhe and andhe arhe
he also represent the Washlngtoi Washlngtoibranch Vahinte Vahintebrsnch Pashtngtonhran
branch hran h of the Baltimore BaJUm red and Ohio rail railroad ratlrO ra raroad
road rO d Mr Wells will be a prominent prominenfactor prominentfator promtnesfactor
factor In the coming Congressional elec election election ele eleeon
tion His name is being Deln urged for th thDemocratic the theDt t tDfmncretIe <
Democratic Dt CnLtle nomination nominationMeeting nomtftationMeeting nomhhtioRMeeting
Meeting ef the Council CouncilReports CouJtCilReporta CouncilReporte
Reports from the > various standii standiit standlnc standlnclmmlttes Mandircrflntttis
t nmmlttjes occupied occup1 d tbe majority of th thtime thE thEtime 9time
time at the council meeting on Mon Monday Monday Mwday
day evening evHnin The joint report of th thcommittees the thecommittees Uiommlttee
committees ommlttee on ot a 28weril ewers and nd water wa wasubmitted w wsubm1ttd ail ail8ubmJtt
submitted 8ubmJtt by b J Jhn hn Fainter jr r Th Thprice The Theprice Ttprice
price for sewer connection with depot depotand depoland t tan41
and hotels oteIs tls was ftx tIyd d at I 8 for tw twclosets two twoclosets tecbeets >
closets and it 2 fu u each additional fix fixture ftxturt tb tbture
ture The Th committee eomltt also requests requestspermission r rtqueeteIerzThselon que ted tedpfrmiSBlon
permission to purchase JUrcJ i8 e three water wateimeters watermeters wat watmeters
meters for the purpose ot ascertainini ascertaininithe aacertalnhKthe aacertaninthe
the amount of water used under vari various vr vrou8 ri rious
ous conditions conditionsIn
In connection with this th Dr Owen Owenstated Oeal1tRted OwesFtated
stated that the town ltop ho hoped d to have ta8meter havemeter i imeter
meter in the home of every watertake watertakein watertakerIn
in a years time timeThe UmeThe t1nIfThe
The report including several evera mine minerecommendation minorrecommendation inincrecommendat1on
recommendation was wa adopted and andth andthcomnIte tin tinrommltve tbe tbeommlt8
rommltve was 5 empowered to act upon upoiall uponall upoall
all the recommendations rec mmendaUonli made therein thereinMayor tberelnAyor therelrItyor
Mayor Ayor Owens staifed sta l that in view Iew c cthe o othe 01 01the
the numerous numerc complaints as to the mud muddy muddy jnutldy
dy condition of the wer he had hadmltted sub subroltted Mbmltted
mltted 3anipe3 samples samp s to Dr Fulton of Bait Baitmore Baltimore BaILmore
more > and H J Patterson Patt enotl of the ex exp 8Xptrlment e epriment
p ptrlment rlment station for both a chemlca chemlcaand cbemIcaland ehemlesand
and a bacteriological b examination examinationThe examinationTht examinationTh
The Th correspondence with the Balti Baltimore Daltlmore Baltimore ¬
more and Ohfo Oh Railroad Company re respecting reo reostectlng respecting
specting a bill for Utt dated two yean yeanago yea yeaago yearago
ago for the services Mr C4dI of an inapecteand Inspectoi Inspectoiand llUlpectorand
and workmen work during durin the th laying of sew sewera sewers w wfOra
era nder Its It tracks was read r in ful
1 v Attorney Wells Wen and ar arettsed r iia d consrable con cons conable
s srable < able discussion The T11 company companythreatens eoMlNUtythn eotnpsnthreatens
threatens thn < ntena to prosecute pro the case caseWhite ca caWhite caseWhite
White Oak Festival FestivalSi
SL Marks l1rk Episcopal Church the Rev RevC Ke KeC
C C 1 La Roche pastor held a f festive tttYal tttYalAt festiveat estivaat
at White Whit Oak near Beiteville Delt wtlte Wednes Wednesdiy Wedn WedndtY W dnea dneaafternoon
diy afternoon Mwste I by a a Washington Washington1ind WubI WashInttoi1u1i ioft ioftl
1ind l nl and a baseball game were the U at attrftctionr attrftctlonp attrttetlone
trftctionr The laflies lall of o the eh church churchrv churcirvcd r i ij
j rved rv d refreshments refreshmentsW rAt refreshmentsWerk ah tL tLWlrk
W Wlrk rk If f Builders BuildersImprovements B BttiMerImprovements ik1us ik1usImprovEMenUI
Improvements are jeing Mn > made on l lBrentwood the thel1rfntoocl tb tbflrentwood
Brentwood school ho noH Me Work upon a aaddition ai aiad4ltion n n1d
addition 1d lltlon < will begin be n shortly shortlyThe 1horU 1horUThE hortIyThe
The Brentwood Methodist t Mplsoapa MplsoapaChurch p4uooiusChurrh nll4Nl nll4NlChuh
Church is also In the hands han of the ear earBMrned carIHT1 earPfl
IHT1 tan
BMrned ty b Rifle Sbt SbtJoseph SbetJOi ShetJoseph
Joseph JOi pt Pardon son of Mr > r Farden l mn o othe of oftht othe
the firm of Rogers Rote A Farden was burn burned 1RtrJted burned
ed al about > out the face this tn week while load loadIng loadinK leadIng
Ing a rifle The ejector was w defective defectiveand detectivemd defectivefl4
and fl4 the th full charge was U thrown bee bcInt beelnij bek bekInb
lnij Int Fardens face White Wbl the wppei wppeipnrt vppsiprrt pper pperTrt
pnrt nf the face was burned he will no nolost not fbi fbilost <
lost lo t his sIhtGranelithic sight sightGranolithic ht htGranlithic
Granolithic Sidewak SidewakDr
Dr Joseph h A MuM chairman of the thecommittee thelmmitt thcrnznittet
committee lmmitt rnznittet under whose direction the thegranolithic theKrlnollthlc thcgranolithtc
granolithic sidewalk on Johnson avenue avenueis avenueIII avenueI
is I being construct eonstrucd sd states that th thwork the therk thewrk
work rk on the pavement is progressinit progressinitmore prG prorefnsnore < nJr nJrmore
more rapidly than he had hoped for forHe torlIe forlIe
lIe is especially pleased with the quality qualityof quaJltyor qualityof
of the material which is being beln < furnish furnished furnlahed furnished ¬
ed by the contractor contractorParties eontraetorpzutiea contractorParties
Parties and Meetings Keetiagsthf MeeChlpGUt MeetingsGuests
GUt Guests ta at a weekend lawn party at atth atth
thf th home of Mrs 18 C E Stelnmeyer are araMisses areMqea
Misses 1 Es Grace Swart Annie Browning Browningand Brownl Brownland Browningand
and Messrs Ieers Julius Johnson of Panama PanamaWinter PaaaJltaVlnttr PananaWinter
Winter Swart of Washington and Mts MtsHattie MIst MIstHattie MissHattie
Hattie Coulton of Virginia VirginiaA
A lawn party was 11 given by the Young YoungLidiea YOUftKL YoungLLdAet
Lidiea L dieil Missionary Society in the Pres Presbyterian Fr FrL Preebyterian ¬
byterian L ttrian churchyard on Friday eveninguf evening eveningof evniftXof
of this week weekA weekmonthly eek eekA
A monthly meeting of the Ladies LadiesAuxiliary Lad LadAuxiliary LgdIesAuxiliary
Auxiliary of the Rlverdaie Cftisens Ausotation As Association A Aoctatlon ¬
sociation will take pteee on Tuesday Tuesdayevening TuMyevening
evening at the home of Mrs G A AMeyer AMEn AMeyer
Meyer MeyerThe MEn MeyerThe r rThe
The ladies of the Brentwood Order OrderNo oro oroI OrderNo
No I 0 11 of the lb Maccabees will hold their theirannual tMtrannual theirannual
annual outing at t Luna Park en It the 7th 7thGene 7thGene 7thGene
Gene te the Camps CampsA
A number of boys left this week W k tojoin to tojoin tojoin
join the camp of the Hyattsviile Inde Independent Independent hidependent ¬
pendent Club at Colonial Beach Among Amongthese AftItOftgtheft Amongthese
these are C Alexander Raison H Gilbert GilbertWissman QU OtibortWisuman rt rtlslman
Wissman Fred rd Davis and an Robert Cow Coward Co Con1 Cowu1 ¬
ard n1 n1Jerome
Jerome Wilsle Ilalo is a member of thenational the thenational U
national guard encampment at t Mt MtGretna XtGretna MtGretna
Gretna Pa PaY PaV s sV
V Elmer Harvey of Laaham Latham is with withthe withthe withthe
the District National Guard at Mt MtGretna MtG MLGrttna
Gretna GretnaKirk G GrttnaKirk mL
Kirk fin has returned from Ocean OeeanCity Oceant1ty
City N J where bere h ha has been camping campingwith caMpmawith campingwtth
with the High School Cadets CadetsTaken Clade CladeTaken CodetsTaken
Taken to Hospital HospitalMiss Ho HospitalMias pUal pUalliss
Miss Alma Rushe was removed rem 1 ed to the theJohns theJohns theJohns
Johns Hopkins University HoepiUtI HoepI iL on onMonday u uMunday a aMunday
Munday to be treated for tDrJilphutl spinal trouble troubletrouble trouble1I8s troubleMiss
Miss 1I8s Ituah uu been siiffeulng ttwlns with Uh thlll thllltrouble Ui UiI
trouble I for some time timevm timeVill v vWjll
Wjll Vill Act as Mayor MayorJohn MayorJohn MayorJohn
John Fainter 1It jr will assume auu the theduties tJMduties theduties
duties of mayor during the absence of ofJoseph ofJoseph
Joseph 1 oseph It Owens Owe who left on Thurs Thursdav TltUMfdav Thursday
dav morning < to pass pa the t month with withhid IthI withhi
hid hI son at t Rockaway Beach BeachOutlet BchOutlet BeachOutlet
Outlet Under Track TrackTh TrackThf TrackThe
Th The City and ReI Suburban Railway Com Company Co Copan Centpan3 ¬
pany pan has received orders from thecounty the thecounty thecounty
county commissioners to lay pipes under underJts uJMlerJts untlerIts
Jts tracks at a t the Rlverdate crossing Pt to toprevent toprevent toprevent
prevent damming nnnln of the water waterPeople wat watPeQple watePeopleof
People Peopleof ef f Hyattsville HyattsvilleThe
The Misses 1Us es Middleton and Nay Naylor lor ar arguests arguest arguests
guests at the Dorsey home in Franklin FranklinAir rankUa rankUastreet rank1instreet
street streetr streetfr
Air fr r and Mrs Harry Dorsey are
Of Hyattsville Who Will Be One o oThose of ofTtose oThose
Those to Greet Mr Bryan Bry n at atNew atNew atNew
New York Yorkspending YorkspendinK Yorkspending
spending the summer months at Fron FronRoyal FrontXoyal FronRoyal
Royal Va VaCharles VaCharI VaCharles
Charles CharI H Stanley of Laurel LAur l was wanvistXor t tvisitor a avlsUor
visitor at the home of Col and Mrs J JL JL 1 1L
L MeGee MeGeeMrs MeGeeMrL S SMrs
Mrs Swingstone Browning 1 is recov reeevering recovering recovering
ering from h her r recent irlhe irlheJullue mn mnJuU ifl ote oteJulius
Julius JuU Johnson J ha na returned after t tstay A Astay 1 1stay
stay of a year and a half at atPhSIn Panama PanamaWhite PwnaineWhile
White PhSIn In Riverdale Rlv h ltitJa ho is visiting Mrs MrsCharies I MrsCliarint MI MICharles
Charles B m Steinmeyer Ha Mill ll leev leevfor lean leantor leavfor <
for Boston the tb latter part of thii thiimonth thimonth j jJlMftth
month JlMftthMr monthMr monthMr
Mr Carter Car i la enjoying e an outing a aOcean At AtOee aOe
Ocean Oee Oe i City CityJohn CIt CItJohft CityJohn
John J JXau Nau of Washington has hasfor Mft Mfttor hon honfor
for a atew a few weeks with t1t hi him a brotherin brotherinlaw brotherinlsw rotherIftla
law la Alfred Mfr Reachman ReachmanTV
TV 1 D Hlnckley la at West eat Point Pointbusiness PointeuMnesa Ii Iibu
bu business connoted with his posUio posUiowith MNItUOftwith poettloiwith
with the Government GovernmentMr
Mr and Mrs Ruth of Baltimore Baltimorewere BaltiMOrewere Baltimorewere
were the guests thia week of thuldaughter thul tholrdaupter thcidaughter
daughter Mr Mrs Howard Galther River Riverdale Riftrdale RtverMr
dale daleMr
Mr 1 and aPfi Mrs Waddey adtMy have mov movinto MOVed niovoc niovociste
into 10 the U new heme 1toM erected for them b bPawl 61 61PattI hPatti
PattI J Hladon Ita on Jefferson Je < eraon and Arthu Arthustreets Artbur Artbur5tfteta ArthUiMreeta
streets Rtverdale RtverdaleMilton RfYerdaleJIU8 RnerelaleMien
Mien LoitJ McGee who returned Ian Jaslweoek Ianweek
week toM George Washington Uatver Uatverstty Untvcrutty
stty ROIIPUa1 loepita hi back t her desk In tlM the theColorado
Colorado butkUng butkUngUllon heIIkIngMilton
I Ifew
Milton D Mackintosh acktftta is spending spendingfew a a aow
few ow weeks in Lovdoun county 17 Va VaMr YaIrs VsMrs
Mr Irs Peltit of Louisville Ky to isng vtett vtettng ttinK
inK ng her iet mother Mrs George SchornRiverdale Schorn SchoraRiverdale SchornRI
Riverdale RiverdaleMr RI RiverdaleMrk Verda If IfIJ
Mr Mrk IJ R i A Van Horns departure ds grture rbn for forDorsy tory totroreny
Dorsy y Station was delayed until Fri Friiay Irrlday Frilay
day of this th week ek owt o1fg g te illness in the thefamily thefamll theninny
famll famllJoUi family familyMifc ninnyMIu
Mifc Eunice uaioe Ulte un is Ill at A t her home in ineltsvilte InDelwUM hieItavIlIe
DelwUM DelwUMWis eltsvilte eItavIlIeMiss eltsvilteMiss
Miss Mamsle faJ Owen Oe of Atlanta Atlanta1 will willpn4 wini Willpett4
i pn4 the month th of August AI with Mrs MrsI MraC
C I La I Re RealM RealMXrs RseheMrs he heMr
Mr Mrs Lithe um Weidman and her two chil chilIren d11drea cJtiIIron
drea Iron have been visiting < Mrs Weldmans Weldmansunt WMdansauft Wekimansunt
auft unt < Mr Mrs Emma mrna Coward CewmrdMr Co CowardMrs rd rdire
Mr ire Fieaharty of f f Washington has hasn hasHeft baaeen
Heft een n the guest of Mr Mrs ilenry Henry Lyons on onDenser onSpenaet onip
Spenaet ip Denser snet street streetMrs streetMrs reet reetMrs
Mrs Howell of Petworth rt Qrth and her herwo Mrtwo herwe
two wo nieces teeN from tro Trenton N J areisiting are arerteltlng arevisiting
visiting Mrs John Frohlieh rehUeh ef Chillum ChltlumMiss ChlUumloll ChillumMiss
Miss loll Constance Phlllpitt IB th the guest guelf IUMlof
Railroad Railroadivenue RaUrCMLdAvenue Railroadvenue
Emma Coward on
of > f Mrs
Avenue AvenueMJLLena ivenueIrs venue4frs
MJLLena Irs Lena Brown and Miss Swollen Swollenve BMollcnJeave
Jeave ve this week w k for Chicago ChicagoMrs ChkawoMrs ChicagoMrs
Mrs Martin rt1n te the g JtUst guat wt of Mrs Mrseorsje Mrseem frs frsi
i Georp eorsje H Qteawm Chlllum ChftluutMbu ChlllumMiss ChlUulftIi
Ii Mbu Elizabeth Hayden of St Mars Marsc Maryssunty
c unty IS passing pLn veral weeks with withIi withtin
Ii tin nth Burftskle Burftsklei BurneMeMies
i Miss Margaret arpret Welsh of Wine vine avenue avenueft avenueleU avenueft
leU ft on Wednesday W nIay for a short stay with withelatlves withdatives Ith IthrelAtiy
relAtiy datives in Aquaeoo Md MdMr MdMrs d dII
Mr Mrs W P Magruder and son are arepending arespettdlg areicoding
II pending a few weeks at Harpers Ferry FerryMr 1 FerryMr rr rri
i Mr and Mm James Jam C C Rogers Jt 9III will willave willthis willave
ave this week for Ocean CityArthur City CityArthur lty ltyArthur
Arthur B Gahan assistant as tant State onto entotogiat ontooIe to tomoIotbt
moIotbt oIe togiat st has returned from Manhattan Manhattanan ManhattnXan Manhattanwhere
Xan an where tttere he was called by th the sud sudMt sudlien suden
lien Mt iiiness mn of his father Mr Gahan Gahana Gahanwasnot Gahanuznot
wasnot a not able 1I1e to reach his fathers fsthersbed fsthersbeddo therf Jibed JibediJkIe < bed bedde
iJkIe de before his deth dethIt dearth dearthR
R C Wiley chemist at the Maryland Marylandgrteultural MarylandAart Marylandariultural
Aart grteultural ultural College Is spending his va vaition vaeatloft vattkin
eatloft ition at Still StiUater water Okla OklaMiss OklaM1M 0km 0kmMies
Miss Augusta Nixon of Richmond is isguest IsI Isguest
guest at the home of A E Kennedy KennedyVine Kennedyq55 KennedyVe
Vine avenue avenueIMward 1L8IIUoward avenuedwrd
IMward ward Chase and family are at Ocean Ocaan5ity OceanCity Oc an anIt3
City 5ity It3 for two weeks weeksDr weeksDr weeksDr
Dr T r J Chew is 1 spending a month monthrtth moftthwith month4th
with rtth relatives m In HyattsvJlle HyattsvJlleJohn HyattsvtlleJ Hyattsvflle1hn
John J n G Holden of Ralston avenue avenueloceotpanled avonueaOC4tlftptlaled avenueeconped
loceotpanled by George Cooper Cct per of New Newor NewYort Nework
Yort ork or sailed this week tor Lendonbile London LondonVhtie LenftonbUe
Vhtie bile abroad Mr Holden will also visit visitMiss tlSlt tlSltPar lstare
Par are areMis
Mis Miss Laura L L Lyman ef Kansas an a IsIs1ing is istotting I IUng
totting Ung her sister ala leI Mrs W S HalL HalLMiss HalLn HaftMies
Miss n Anna Risley and Enoch Craft Crafteft CraftIJeon Craftitt
IJeon eft itt this week for their homes in Newerk New Newfork NewI
YOfk fork erk after spending dtng a week at the home homef homeQuhicy
I I or f Qulncy Quu y R Craft CraftMrs CrattI CraftMrs
I Mrs James T TFord Ford and children have haveeturned havetrom haveturned
turned from their stK stay > in Kentuck KentuckC Kentucky IentuclQC
C Calvert Calvt > rt Hose a Washington patent patentttorney patentattorne patentttorney
attorne ttorney has been visiting his mother
Kvil KvilThe
The scholarship of St Johns College Collegha Collegehap Colleihac <
ha hap been awarded by the board boardcounty 01 01county ot otounty
county school commissioners to Clark ClarkBrown Chrkern ClsriBrown <
Brown rn of BrookvlIIe subject to th thapproval thapproval Uiapproval <
approval of State Senator Blair Lee The Thiprovisions TheflroI Pt Ptproviione
provisions flroI lone of the la 4 requiring evident evidentas evklenas
as to the moral mom character of thb tht appli applii appUtotal appi appitlflla I
tlflla i total nU and fld the inability of the itarents t tdefray to tod I Idfrny
defray d rrtt their expenses tAt at college wen wencomplied weremrlled wotC
complied C mrlled with by the board by allowinj allowinja allowlnil1 silowhii
a il1 i 1 applicant an opportunity to sub subrnlt suhmt su1mt
mt such evidence vjd It developed lflel pecl from fromihc tromthe trwiie
the iie evidence submitted aubtlt ed on behalf of L LI I ID
I D > Pfrsey who received rec the higbes higbesgrade hlrbettLgnul higheegiade
grade gnul In the examination that hi hihttther hli hlihrother hlahr
hrother hr t her had just ju t enjoyed a scholaraht scholarahtat acho1AJahIIbt
at St Johns John College for four years yoar eara ant anttiiat and andthat an anthat
that his father h has property to the et ettont ex extent ex extpnt
tent of 10600 in excess x of nay llblll llblllties UbUttl Ilbilltits
ties tl The parents of all of the oUiei oUieiapplicants othlrPTIt othsipplicants
applicants PTIt < ant were shown to be e triable u ugive to togive I Igive
give their respective reilpe th sons a college edu eduration eduatlm edtt
t ration Mr Brown received r8C lved the th next nexliMBhesi nex nexligtst
iMBhesi grade rMe to Mr Parsley in the theexamination theexamination Ui Uiexauiinatlon
examination examinationThe examinationlhtt exauiinatlonThe I
The principal competitors for thli thlicholarship thl thlholarshlp thueiiolarshIp
cholarship < arc good friend riecuJi ami wen wenlass wereISis werlass
lass ISis and roon mates at the Westerr WesterrMaryland Vestr VestrMaryland Pe8tern Pe8ternlln
Maryland lln rylan They are lM both th bright stow stowtoward etOO etOOtoward stootoward
toward the th head of their eiaas an anhave and andhave andhlve
have bean waging wa waingthtr tngth their r contest for th thscholarship thscholarshl titscholarship <
scholarship scholarshl and for class cl u honors wmors in thf thfbest Ui Uibest
t tJrim IP
best of spirit spiritJrn tbf1
Jrn T 1 Heffner ef Boyda Boyd died Satur Saturly Saturclay Setturday
clay < ly last after a lingering illness 111ft o oBrigJts ot otBrtlftS a aBrights
BrigJts disease dl ae He H was nftynln nftynlny ftltyulneyr flftyulnyear
yr y ar old He was a former resident o oBth ot ottthndA a aBethesda
Bth Bethesda da district dl trlct Three brothers hi his hiItt histcnd
s Itt stcnd < x > and nd wife and their six children an anor and andore anore <
ore or daughter dau < tter by his first wife wit survly survlyhim JturvlvehlR surwlvhim
him I IThere
There will be a reunion of the pupil pupilo
o oi Andrew Small Academy at at thirties Darnestown DarnM1 thirtiestows
town on August t 15 15 bommenelng at 1t 1 a am am a aif
m Prominent speakers are expectet expectetand expftctliMland expeotsiand
and 4 band will m be In attendance attendanceWill AUelldAncoWi11 attendancewi1l
Will Wi11 of J John hn Braedy BraedyThe BraedyTIM BraedyThe
The will of John Bready Bread who died re recently 1 1eently recently ¬
cently st t his lit home near Norwood thU thUcounty thl thleounty thicounty
county has been died in the orphans orphanscourt orphaJUlcourt orphanscourt
court here Ell and George W F Bready Breadysons Bready110I8 BrendySons
without withoutbond wlthoubond Ithout Ithoutbond
sons are name named as executors
bond The Instrument Intrum nt bequeaths uealh as asfollows ufonowlI si sifollows
follows To Ell Bready a son n two twofarms twifarms
farms of 2Zt and M acres respectively respectivelyknown rOllpectivelyIi I
Ii known i flown as the th horn home farms and located locatedneai locatedrea locateiieaz
neai rea Norwood to Annie E l Bready a alaugh a adtuchlr i idaughtr
dtuchlr laugh i r a farm of 250 acres near nearWashington nearVahlnton non nonWashington
Washington Grove and during her sin sinale sinIe n nIle
ale Ie life a home and support In the thedwelling thedwetllns thi thidwelling
dwelling on the farm devised to El ElBready Ell EllDready ElBredy
Bready to George W F Bready a son i iBready a afarm aarm
MaurlCe MaurlCereat MaurlcBrandy
farm arm ot 2 41 acr acres near Olny to
Brandy reat a son 10ft a farm of MS 11 aer aernear acreta acretanNr acreinear
near CHney usney Olney to Mahasca Bruseup Bruseupniee Bru cup a anleee i iniece
niee nleee i 3M The personal estate tate amount amountto anaountsto
to HT5W HT5WMrs 7SIJ 7SIJlitre I IWill
Mrs Lucella BeaU an estepmjd esterned tId rest resifent rtWddeat resteiit
fent eiit of Oakdale this th county died on onlast Oftlut or orIsst
last Saturday at the home of h hnephew her hernepbew hosephew
nephew Watterson Watteu < tn Belt aged a eighty eightyfour elahtylour eightyfour
four years yearsJ YC8 YC8J
J Edward Davis of Fountain MUle MillsFrederick MilteFrederick MUleFrederick
Frederick county and Miss Mamie T TBurdette TBurdette TBurdette
Burdette of Brownlngsvttle this county countywere countywere countywore
were married on Thursday at Buckeye Buckeyetown Duckeyt BuckeyeLewn
t town wn Frederick county by the RevFather Rev RevFather RevFather
Father Harrington HarringtonThe Hr1n Harr1ntonThe n nb41
The W C T U of Speneersvttte has uwaelected haselected haselected
elected th tM following officers for om omyear ODeyeat onerear
year President Miss Xi L B LaMer 8taMervice Btaltlerylee LaMerrice
vice president Mrs Luther Poole sec secretary Me MeretaIY secrotary ¬
rotary Mrs Robert Lumley treasurer treasurerMrs treanrerXra treasurerMrs
Mrs Edward BrownJacob Brown BrownJacob Brown1aeob
Jacob Miller for many years a adetlt rest restjest resident ¬
dent of this vicinity died on Thurs Thursday Thunclay Thesesay ¬
day of last t week at Manassa Va Vawhere Vawher Vawhere
where he had been staying for some sometime SOMeU someLimo
time U He was about seventyflve Hytft years yearsof rearaot yentaf
of f age
Personal Pe nal Notes NotesMrs Not NotMrs NotesMrs
Mrs Kate Cummins widow of the thelate theJate theate
late Augustus Cummings Cunamin natives of this thiscounty tnlaeounly thisouaty
county with her son and his wife are arethe ar arthe arthe
the he guests of Mrs R T VeIn VeirsThe VraThe VeInThe
The Rev W V S S O Thomas havim havimgone havtnltlone havtnlone
lone to Atlanta Oa to visit his hisbrother h hbrother hisrothsr
brother C Norman Bottle of Rockville Rockvillewill R Roekvillstill CkY1n CkY1nm
will m address the congregation of the Ger Germantown Germanto1 Gornantown
mantown Baptist Church on next xt Sun Suaelay Sunr es eslay
11 and at Upper Seneca at att sta
lay at a a m
r t n m mThe inThe
The sixtyeighth birthday aY anniversary anniversaryf nnlv rsary rsaryot I
ot f Augustus Ulfu tua C Flack a wellknown wellknownesident wellk wellknownesident own ownresident
esident of the lower section of this thisminty thiscnunty thisunty
minty unty was U celebrated last Sunday at atts atts t tltlS
ltlS ts home on the Seventh street pike pikeV ikeA
A V fine dinner was served to a large largeompany JarxeVmpaftY largepmpany
ompany Miss Valeria Flack his hislaughter idelaughter hsdauchter
laughter being the hostess hostessrrs boeteINI hostessirs
INI irs B S Calvert HUM He will spend a aart apart aart
part art of his vcatlon at Ocean City CityA CityA CityA
A C Quieenbcrry and children are areit areat aret
at it t the Colonial Beach Hotel HotelH HotelH HotelH
H W V Shepherd cashier of the looal looalink laoalbank boalank
bank ink and Mrs lrs Shepherd returned on oniturday onSaturday onturday
Saturday from Harpers Ferry FerryMiss FerryMiss err errtIN
Miss Hines Mrs Flnley flnley and Cecil eeIt Fin Ftneare FlnIare Fint
In Hyatts Hyattsille Hyattslie HyattaIlls
Iare eare t sre spending the summer
Ills IllsHenry illeHenry lie lieHenry
Henry S Well formerly a member embor of ofooaevelts orROOMvelts oftooeeyelts
ooaevelts Rough Rou h Riders and Miss Missoolen MI MIBoollilft Misstoolen
Boollilft oolen of Virginia have been visiting visitingIrs vlaltln vlaltln1lrs visitingEre
1lrs Irs Huee Huse wine h t Inc avenue avenueDr avenueDr avenueDr
Dr Charles borles A Wells eUs was In Baltimore Baltimoren
on n Thursday nur c1ay to attend a meeting mHUn of ofhe otthe ofhe
the he bard rd of directors of th the Maryland Marylandlate Marylandtate larylAndState
State late Reform School o of which he is t a atember amember atember
tember memberIrs temberMrs temberMrs
Mrs William wnitam Noel leaves on Friday Fridayo Fridaysp
with her mother in infaitmore InBaIUmote frialtimore
to o spend sp > nd a ii week
faitmore BaIUmoteMi85 faitmoreMiss altimoreMiss
Miss Emily and Miss Ml Kate Jarboe ofash1ngton of ofVashincton ofValhlngton
Vashincton have been visiting their theirunt theiraunt theirtint
aunt tint Miss o Miss Edith Hill HillMiss nmlUM 11111Miss
Miss Eunice Sasscer eer of North Keys Keysas Keysw Keysas
w as the guest this week of Miss 1188 Mar Martret Marirbt ar arprt
prt tret Baden of Baden Station StationRexford StationRexford StationRexford
Rexford Smith C A M Wells andLates and andtates andStates
States tates Attorney Hampton Magruder r der are areraising arecruln areuising
cruln raising on the Potomac In Mr Wells Wellsaeht Wellsecht eUs eUsyacht
yacht yachtMINI aeht aehtMiss echtMiss
Miss Gertrude GertrudSehmldt Schmidt of Lanham Lanhamat Lanhamat
Is at Oc4 Ocena an City Md MdMiss MdMiss Id
Miss Edna Wlnans Flnans of Washington is isIslting Isvi issiting
vi Islting Mrs Florence l rce Seufert SeufertMIs SeufertMl SeufortMls
MIs Ml Ida Clemra of Baltimore is at atinham atLanham atanham
Lanham inham as the guest of Mrs C M MMipln MGilpin HCharles
Mipln GilpinCharles MiplnCharles
Charles Howser and wife of Phlladol Phlladolhla Phlladolphla PhIladolitia
phla hla are visiting Mrs MrsF F T Howser HowserMiss HowserUIMi HowserMiss
Miss UIMi Bock of Washington n has been beendth beenwith beenIth
with dth Ith Mrs Mr Guy Gu S Meloy during the past pastireek pasteek at atweek
week weekr ireek ireekDr eek eek3r
Dr r J M I Temple has returned to his hist hisltdtpe hIsilpe
ltdtpe t ilpe ne at Lanhan after an extended visit visito visitto
to o a number of Northern cities citiesMaster citIesI citiesMaster
Master Haskell Farish of Baltimore Baltimorei
I 1 i at the home of his grandfather the thelev theI theev
Rev lev ev Daniel Haskell HaskellThe HaskellTh HaskellThe
I The Th Misses Ml e Maude Schultz and Annothillen A Annoth Annotitlien noth nothAllen
Allen lien of Seat Pleasant left this week weekor weektOt weekIt
tOt or It a two weeks stay at Newport News NewsDr NewsDr NewsDr
Dr Charles C Marbury of this county countyill countywUl countyill
wUl ill spend the month of August in Eu Buope Europe EuIpe
rope ropeHarold ope opeHarold Ipe IpeHarold
Harold Whiting returned this week weekrom weekfrom weekom
from rom om a short stay at Colonial Beach BeachCharles BeachCrles BeachCharles
Charles Leannardo of Washington Washingtontas Pul1InAtonwu
wu tas as the guest of the family of JohreCormick John JohnIcCormlck John JohnMcCormick
McCormick on Sunday SundayMiss Sunda Sunda11is8 SundayMargaret
Miss Margaret Shough 1 IS at Atlantic AtlanticCity
City ity
1Censingl 1CensinglThe c Keisinicrn KeisinicrnThe
The annual Tournament and Festlagiven Festlvi Festlvigiven Festhdgiven
given by St JohnV John Roman Catholic CathollChurch CatholicChurch CatholChurch
Church at Forest Glen will 111 take placon place placeon pla plaon
on Tuesday next August 7 Th Thtournament Thtoul1ment Ti Titoiiriment
tournament Is i under the managemen managemenof managemenlof managemOlof
of Mr 1 r Blandfcrd Uland to rd of Burnt Burnt Mill MUlL Th Thjudg Thb Thbjud8 Ti Tijudges
judg judges are Messrs WlHUun Pierce PI rce Ol Ollie Ollie 0 0lie
lie Clark and Samuel Samuel Waters GeorgW Goorjw Georg GearaW
W Hardy is to be chief chle marshal wit witW with withY wilW
W Y I Wimflttt and W Ware a as aide aideThe alduThe aideTie
The rnwn of UI 20 2 18 1 li and J6 wll wllbe wlU wlUb wi wibe
be b > x > rtli iryipg trI ryig g for and it is i expect expectentries expected expectedthat expctthat
that th thei wl 1 bea be a large n number numberentries mb4tr of ofent1l
ent1l ent1ljh entries l lThe x xThe
The jh tnurnam tOHrna tmirzannt nt will begin at atoclock ateloek 1 1oeloek
oclock eloek T TIler Ttiere > iere 111 U be a baseball bft eoJ1 ipun ipunat pme pmeat gaisat
at 4 oclock B H Warner will m addrttfl addrttflthe MlrttHsthe ddrur ddrurthe
the knights > > the coronation coroftatloft address bf bfing hI hItug liibig
tug made by l y Blair Lee LeeA LeeA LeaA
A cold luncheon for 25 cents cent or orhot orhot orhot
hot chicken dinner for M cents will b bserved bit bitS I Ia
served S a rved during the th afternoon and even evenins everto an an1JJ
ins 1JJ
Hay Ride and Picnic PicnicThe Picnicrhe PicnicThe
The Sunday school of Warner Me Memortal Me MentOrl Mi Mimorlal
mortal Church went to Chevy Char ChasiLake ChaauLIIke CharLale
Lake for a picnic on Tuesday afternoon atternoon1tttyftYe a afternoonFiftyfive ternoi ternoiFiftyAye
Fiftyfive children were driven to tin tinpicnic the thepicnic til tilpicnic
picnic grounds in hay wagon tin tingrown the thegroWft Ut Utgrown
grown folks following toUowin later on the alec alectrie 8leetrie aloetiIc
trie cars Many of the men of the con congregation eongre ooiigregatlon
gregation gre tlon came cam out from Washington Washingtonand Washlngtoand
and Joined Ined their families tmlll at suppeswhich supper supperwhich 8UPlMrWhler
which Whler was served in true picnic styl stylon stylon tyle tyleon <
on the grass The older boys boy four fourthe found foundth6 founthe
the swimming delightful while boat boating buntIng
ing bowling the swings and othe otheamusements other otheraunUfICmentM oth othaxnuscment
amusements occupied the attenion o othe or orthe c cthe
the others
The Pasters Peaches PeachesOr
Or llanry Rumor pastor of Warnoi WarnoiM Wrn WrnMrmorIzl VarnorM
M MrmorIzl mori moIS1 < d Presbyterian Church left 01 01ThurHlay on onThun u uThurrday
ThurHlay Thun l1ay morning for a visit of a fewdays 1wdas few towday
day days to his farm in Delaware nesi nesiB iron ironBridgeilIe r rBrId
BrId B BridgeilIe ridge enle > llle Dr Hunter is hoping hC ptng for forirop i icrop A Arop
crop rop t > peaches large Jare enough this yea yeato yOlLt 70 70ti
to t ti reisIn rer rend > the loss 1J caused By the com Coinpet comper eompet
per pet failure of the peach crop dunn durinth durinlf durinlfthe dunnthe
th the two wo 0 years past pastSocial pantSelal at atSada1
Social GatheringsMI Gatherings GatheringsMiss Gatherha s sMI
Miss MI Alma Kaufman and Miss U Pautin PautinJones PauUftftJonM Paidintones
Jones had a Joint birthday celebration a athe M Mthe a ahe
the he recldnce of Willlnm Mannakee MannakeeSi OIl OIlk ca cah
Si Paut street Weduusday Wed a4ay afternooa afternooaof atternoosTieit at ternowi ternowiriee
Tieit wrc a number ot the th small all boYH boYHaJ boy boyUK
aJ r irk d of Kensington nresent present an anEUab and andthe anLhsy
the Lhsy lied NUl a good tim Urns Oft Mr > r KaalUi KaalUike Macasee
ke ee I beautiful lawn lawnE1I lawnElinbeth
EUab E1I Elinbeth b etb tfa Paull celebrated her birthda birthdaast birthday birthdaylast bIrthdnant
last Satiret Ratrnay Sa r4U evening by inviting a a fet fetit feiif few fewor
or if Hr r liUe friends to a party Thou Thotat Thoprat Thouat
prat at rere Helen and Florence Fen Fenj lInto71 PenJtjti
to71 j s It Jtjti vti t1 Branson Laura Laur Flier FU Mar Marrtt XArP Marp
P p rtt sritt i it 1 uherioe Chapman Pnyllb Pnyllban myUJaI1J fliyilli fliyilliInti
JaI1J Inti an i fcjd Dorothy > Herrmann Hosma Hosmalir HOIIMH1 Iosm IosmEii
H1 Eii lir lhCN uhoti bot Kelvin Celvin Kumler Gordo GordoJ GMClOftCb
Cb j J joe Mavson < n Cunningham Preseot PreseotWrelL PleMIOttTtM Preseotrisi
TtM risi WrelL reU and Kelvin Kiunlar ICumlerMarsh KiunlarMarshaK Kumlorfvshal
MarshaK Marsh fvshal B Cushirtans t11i family tamU met metparty mettarty i iurty
party urty of friends from Mt Vernon Va Vaid Vaand Vatad
and id attended the annual picnic of UK UKVoodlavn Ute UteWoocIln liiiVood1ava
Voodlavn Farmers Club of Virginia Virginiat
at It t Great rails iaJ1 on Thursday ThursdayThe TbundayTIN ThursdayThe
The Fortn Jortftlthty Thty Club of Forest Ql Qliet Glen OJeaJII6t GlennOt
JII6t nOt on Thursday evening 1ft at the horn hornf bOMe bOMeot hontiit
ot it f Mr r and nd Mrs Paul Cook LindenAttempted Linden lJJIcIeaAttpt LindenAttepted
Attempted Attpt Bjtrglary BjtrglaryDr
Dr and Mrs M Warren Price on return returnJJT relurnh returnix
h JJT from a drive late Tuesday evening evenlnsard eYeabtc eYeabtche eveningiear
he iear sard strange noises nol in their cellar anLfter an anfter and andafUr
afUr fter summoning 1MlIIUft0nin help found evtdenc evtdencutt evIcl ovidoncihat e ethat
that hat some me on one had tried tri to enter th thlouse the thebou thetouso
bou louse through the cellar way ay but w wrobably wai waiirobably 15 15probably
probably frightened tri te away awa by their r rurn re return rurn
turn urn home There te DO clue as to w wburglar who whothe whehe
the he burglar could have haveXBlt been beenKenstiigtefl beenXsesisgta
XBlt Kenstiigtefl People PoopIeayor PeopleMayor PeopleMayor
Mayor ayor Xckhardt has been lit for about aNuta aboutL abouweek
a L week tistt but is now rcov rcovN recoveringMrs recovering recoveringMrs
Mrs N SrI p Van Dorea of Wash Washngton WastaIncton Washitgton
ngton and Mrs W A A Van Doren and ander ancller aiKor
ler er little son of Cberrydala Va were wereL werelh wereL
lh L e guests on Wednesday of Mrs J Jaavry JIfa J1avT7
Ifa aavry T CunnU Cunningham gham on Warner street streetMrs streetMrs tr88t tr88tIrs
Mrs Kate Sweeney of Forest Glenas Glen Gleniss GlenhfiI
hfiI iss returned from a visit in Pennayl Pennaylania Pennaytvania
vania ania 015 Mrs X 18 Sweeneys son A J Jweeney JSweeney Jweeney
Sweeney weeney who has spent several years yearsalatztn yenniI lS lSIn
In I CaUtorn California has gone Into bWIIn business In InGalatzm Inlalatzin
alatztn Pa PaRev PaRev PaRev
Rev A A K E Spiel Spieiman and nd family are arepending areptondln arspending
> pending < their vacation at Leonard Leonardown lonarcltown Leonardown
town own Md MdMiss MdIu MdMiss
Miss Iu Willie Bell of Baltimore is the theTueet theHt theijest
Tueet Ht of MFss Ml w Lilian Brady Brad of Faweettvenue Faweett FaweettMrs Fawettavenue
avenue avenuefrL venueMrs
Mrs frL Bessie Sewsmith of Camden N Nand NJ Nand
J and Mrs BalUnger Bamn of Sherwood Sherwoodrg Sher ShMltOOdi ood oodCushman
VR rg were the guests 0 oi Mrs n Marsbal MarsbalB Marshall MarshallI
B I Cushman on Tuesday TuesdayMr TuesdayMr iUeedaMr
Mr and Mrs B H Warner mer have haveIsited havelted haveheitod
Isited lted Niagara la3ara Falls during < the past pastveek puteek pasteok
veek eek and are now with th t thr h r son sonVaraerx 1iJiOftPlaUiipclt sonWhiPS
PlaUiipclt WhiPS spend a few days with Ir IrVarnor Mrarnor
Varaerx arnor is mother in Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaMrs PenRSylftlaJtlrs
Mrs Sherman ShermanFlatt Plait of Washington Fhln is isislting isvIsltlnK IsIsiting
islting Mrs Hoel McQueen of otCapct1 otCapct1View Capitol CapitolNew Ceplt1 Ceplt1lew
New ViewMn NewMrs lewMrs
Mrs James Diekson who ho has been beensiting beenv1 beentatting
v1 tUnlt tatting for several weeks eeo at the Manse Manselas ManMha Manseas
ha las as returned to her home In Phlladel Phlladelhla Phnacl Phliadelhis l lphi
phi phir his hlaMr
Mr r and Mrs Jilr Casper G Dickson have haves
Martha Diekson Dieksonowe DloksonRowe Dicksonowe
as s S their guest Miss
Rowe owe of Texas TexasMrs Texa TexaIra ParseMrs
Mrs Ira John Palmer and her daughter daughterarnie dau daughterarnie hter hterlamle
lamle arnie and Mrs Arthur Morgan are areissing areuaasinK areissing
uaasinK issing a a couple of weeks at Colonialeach Colonial Colonialteach ColonialBeach
Beach Beachi teach teachMis eachMiss
Mis Miss i Mabel abel Kaufman of New York Yorki YorkIs
Is i I spending a few weeks with her auntrid aunt auntnd auntand
and nd uncle Mr and Mrs D J Kauf Kaufnan Kautman Kaufan
man nan an at the home of William Manna Mannaee Mannakee
kee ee St St aul Paul ul street streetMiss ItrtMia streetMiss
Miss Mia Amy Eckhardt and Miss Mary MaryIsherwood MaryIsherwood Iary
1 Isherwood are visiting Miss Minnie Minnietlacllwee Minnieacliwee 1InnleMacItwee
tlacllwee near Winchester Inchfster Va VaThe VaThe VaThe
The appointment appointment of James M 1 Proctor Proctorn
on n II Monday onday last to the position of assist assistnt assistant assistitt
ant nt District Attorney was very ver ery gratlfyIR gratify gratlryInl
Inl IR ig to his hi many friends in this part of ofhe ofthe ofIs
the he Is countryMr country countryMr countryMr
Mr and Mrs 1ra J Otto DeMon are arepending arespen arepending
spen pending ln the month of August with Mr Mrnd MrAnd Mrnd
And nd Mrs George H Snyder on Warner Warneritreet WarnerLreet arner arnerstrJet
strJet itreet itreetMies LreetMISs
MISs 11 Clara Little who has bean so soourning sojourning sornrning
ourning in the mountains of Virginia Virginiaor Vlrglnl8t1l
t1l or n several se ral weeks has returned home homenueh homamuch borneiueh
much benefited by her rIP rIPMis trip tripMiss tripMIii
Miss Clara Harrison who has been beenne beenone beenne
one > ne of a house party in southern Vir Vlrrtnla VirginiA Virmm
giniA rtnla mm for some weeks has returned to toLensinsrton toren8ln toensnton
ren8ln Lensinsrton oo and Is i with her mother Mrs MrsV rs rsV
V 1 D Thomas on Connecticut avenue avenueArchmore avenueArchmore avenueArchmore
Archmore Faweett Fa wett has received an ap apx appointment npldntment
pointment ldntment x to a position ll n with alfK Uh tKo the Cn Cnrn South Southern Southn
ern rn n Railway Rl lwAY Company and assumed his hlaexv hisnew hisSW
new exv pRBttlcn p RtUon on Wednesday WednesdayMis VedneMayMISi VsdneadayMiss
Miss Lavlnia Anderson has as a her heruest berguest herjest
guest jest for the week weekMlss Miss Ethel RobinsonDr Robinson Robinsonor RobinsnnWshinton
or Wshintonr VshlnJton VshlnJtonDr
Dr r and nd Mrs MrsWarrefl Warren Price and their theirttle theirlittle theirttle
little ttle dvr i hter Helen left Friday Frtda morn mornitz mornin mornfor
in itz for f r Atlantic < City Clt where they will willomain w1l1Tfmaln willtmaln
omain two weeks On their return i ihey
hey 151 wll W ii 11 pass the remainder of the thanonth themonth theorith
month of August with Dr Prices par parnu parants parits
ants nu its ne neav nea Hjattsvlile M Mo
6i 6iTIle
TIle lawn party partygivonat given at 613 A stree streesoutheast IItreet IItreetsoutheast streesoutheast
southeast for the mrpose of raising ralslnimoney raisingmoney raisinmoney
money to buy flowert to give to Hug HugHill Hugh HughHUJ HugHill
Hill who is I in a hospital h pltal 111 wit wittyphoid with withtlhold wittyphoid
typhoid fever over wis wi very successful Tbpersona Th Thpersons The Theprou
persons who took so much Inuohlntert interest ii iitheir Sa Satheir 3 3their
their friend were JEsther Gury VlrginlJ VlrginlJRiley Vlrinlrule VirgintJtIley
Riley rule ftn1 Marion Ma rtnll CarmichaeL aEs1Ht aEs1Htt aselstei aselsteity a ltlted ltltedti
ty t Ileien ICalstrom Ita1 tom Karl OUr am am7ilorton and andMorton anortott
Morton ortott Galloway GallowayThe GallowayThe GaliowsyThe
The garden gard n was profusely rrou ely decorate decoratewith decoratewith 1ecorated 1ecoratedwiUI
with Chinese Chine lanterns rugs pillows am amecz ancI ancIOtZ anocs
ecz I corners and lemonade cake am amcauUe and anoaios
cauUe 4 aM w were r served servedThe HrvfiiTh servedThe
The Th guM KU esnwr Ui Jue Misses n Sloan 1On Kemp KempCoffren KpCottrell Kent KentCotfren
Cottrell Brenlrer Mrs r Carrie Oury OuryMrs GuryJtlr8 Ourybins
Mrs Carmichael Mrs frs KlUmlller Mrs MrsHardy MnHftrdr MrsHardy
Hardy Mrs frs O Oauler u > err Mr Davis DR Mrand Mr Mrand VIrAnd
and Mrs Fred Kalttrow and daughters daughtersHelen daughtersHelen daughterHelen
Helen and Edith Mr Ir and Mrs Browi Browiami Brownand Browiand
and daughter Beanie Mr and Mrs MrsThomas IntThomas MrsThemes
Thomas J Hurd and son Thomas Mrs MrsClarence Mralar MrsClarence
Clarence lar nee Kalstrom Ha tlOnI Walter and Bernav Bernavdette Hmdtte Bernadette
dette Kalstrom Mrs Mamie Gury Ei Either EaLhtr Esther ¬
ther Karl and Clarence < Gury Mrs MrsClara IrsCr MrsClara
Clara Cr Kalstrom 11s rom Virginia Riley Rn Marion MarionCarmlchael 11doaCarmichael HanoiCarmichael
Carmichael Mary McFarland Grace GraceWeber Gra Graebr GracWeher
Weber ebr Margaret Kane and Luther LutherBFUley Lutherral1e LutheiRiley
BFUley Jack Kane Iane Clarence Moore MooreOscar M00MtOllloar MooreOscar
Oscar Luckett and LftRoy Bradley BradleyOrganist Bra4loyOrganist BradleyOrganist
Organist on Vacation VacationJoseph VacationJoerh VacationJoseph
Joseph O Harrison of K Fast aat Capitol Capitolstreet Capitolstreet Capitostreet
street street organist in the Ninth Street StreetChristian StreeChristian StNetChrleUan
Christian Church is spending his vaca vacation yacatlon vacation ¬
tion on the lower Potomac Pitorvia Mr Harri Harrison Harrison ¬ f f110ft
son has given very successful entertain entertainments enterta1nMenta entertainsnouts ¬
snouts st t the church and is recognived recognivedae rftCOPl rftCOPlat recogninotas
ae an organist orKanl t of marked mark Ad ability abilityMiss abilityMI abilityMiss
Miss Cowen will in the absence of ofMr otr o oMr
Mr r Harrison act in his hi stead at The Thechoir Tabotr Thebeir
choir botr whloh is discontinued for the thesummer tbeHmrner thesummer
summer months is waking arrange arrangements arraasementa arrangemerits ¬
merits for a concert and entertainment entertainmentin
in the fall for the benefit of the church churchdebt Ghurehdebt ehurc ehurcdebt
debt They will give a a sacred cantata cantatanot cantatanot osritnunot
not yet ftt selected and yltt iIiI III be assisted aa bted by bywellknown bywellknowft b bwellknown
wellknown local musicians musiciansGivas musiciansGiven telaAGiV6C
Given Card Party PartyMrs PartyIrs PartyMrs
Mrs Irs Johnston Hutching entertained entertainedon
on July Jul S 7 7 at her home at a a matinee matineecard mat matrard matinalcard I
card party given in honor of Miss Mary MaryGreenwood MaryGreenwood Mar MarGreenwood
Greenwood of Ohio The Tb ftrst prize priMlcluN a apicture a apicture
picture lcluN was won on by Miss > 1 Stone the thesecond theHeOnd thesecond
second a navy belt buckle by Miss MissAlston Jtn Jtnlston MissLiMos
Alston lston while i 1e the third priM pris a hand handsome uuIdm handsome ¬
some m handkerchief was drawn by Miss MissStewart x xStewart MissStewart
Stewart StewartMrs StewartMrs StewartMrs
Mrs Hutching guests were MissLambert Miss MissIjunbart X1uIamlMrt
Lambert Miss Morton Mien Barton BartonMiss BartonOM BartonMiss
Miss Miller Miss Barber Miss Terry TerryMiss TerryXia TerryMiss
Miss Barry Miss Allen AU Miss Weston Westonand Wtonand Westonand
and Miss Iaa Grant GrantSteamboat GrantSteamboat GrantSteamboat
Steamboat Party PartyMrs Partyrs Partydrs
Mrs drs rs Frank Dunnington of N North XlthCarolina Northcarolina rth rthCarolina
Carolina avenue gave ve a vecy et enjoy enjoyable eajoyaWe OnjOybie ¬
able bie evening party last Tuesday in inhonor laJtcmor inhonor
honor of her guest gUestj Mrs Elmer XVI XVImond JCNImond xatmon4
mond and son on au1 au tti Miss W Helen Clark Clarkeof Clarkot ClarkSc
of Baltimore The party Included Mrs MrsDunnington MrDunnington MrsDunnlngton
Dunnington and daughter Mildred andeon and andsen andlIOn
lIOn Frank Mrs Klilmond and son El Elmer EImer Eltiter ¬
mer Miss liN Helen Clark Miss Vance VanceSullivan VlUlcelulllYaIt VanceVullivan
Sullivan Mr Cringe Cr and Paul Brad Bradshaw BradaM Bradehaw
shaw shawThe aM ehawThe w wThe
The evening was spent upon the new newsteamer newMMuJter newiteamer
steamer Jamestown JamestownMiss J JamestownMiss ame towlL towlLMiss
Miss Grahams Visit VisitMiss VitJ VisitMiss
Miss J 88 Ella Graham of Went Virginia Virginiahas Ylrwtalhas Virginiaas
has as been visiting Mrs R K A A Church Churchf ChnrehIK a k kor
or f IK North Carolina CaroU avenue a for the thest tMpast theast
past ast st two weeks It is probebH that thatKHa tMtM1tt thatZIee
M1tt ZIee Ella will receive r Ye a visit in the theear t tnear thetear
near ear future from Doris Church ChurchHad ourcliHad ChurchHad
Had Fishi Fishing g Trip TripMr TripXl TripMr
Mr and Mrs Guy M Neely and their theirn theiron theiron
on on n Morton ortoni Mr and Mrs Otterback OtterbackHerbert Otterbaekad OtterbeckLad
ad Lad Herbert Kubel returned Fridayrem Friday Fridayrom Frida Fridafrom
from rom a a twoweeks stay tar at the club elubuse clubhou318 clublouse
hou318 louse use Oft the White 7hlte House Hou estate oppo oppoite oppoHIte otoiite
HIte ite Marshall Hall In their private privateacht prlvteyacht privateacht
yacht acht many fishing trips were taken in inhe 1ftthe inlie
the he waters of the Potomac PotomacMr PotomaeMr PotomacMr
Mr Kubel and a party v rty of gentlemen gentlemenrom gentlemenrem Uenteft Uentefttrom
trom rom the Geological Survey left Fri Friiay Friday Frilay
day lay to spend SOLCS 80 time on the estate estatend estat estatand entataLed
and Led nd to have full use of the tb yacht yachtting yachtBoaUng yachtbating
bating ting trips will be frequent frequentOn frequentOn frequentOn
On a Hay Ride HideMise RideMIMI RideMias
MIMI Alston of Capitol Hill enter enterIned entertained enteralned
tained Ined a a few of her friends recently recentlyy J
D IT > y a a hay ba ride to Laurel Md Miss MissAlstons JtU JtUAlstons MissUstons
Alstons guests were Miss JoU Weston Miss Misstewart JoII1 Misstewart
tewart Miss ls8 Parker Miss Gammon Gammonllss G4unmon1I8s Gmmonties
ties Howard Miss l1M Merritt Mr Grant Grantr Grant Grantr Grantfr
fr r Stewart Mr r Long Mr Compton Comptonr ComptonJlr
Jlr Er r Giles Mr Baker Ba er and Mr HartMr Hart HartMr Hartr
Mr r and Mrs r5 Lawrence Page have haveosed ba baoIoHd haveiod
oIoHd osed their home tm Capitol Caplt 1 Hill andaxe and amiive andbe
be axe gone West to remain until nUl some someime IOmetime someimo
time imo in November NovemberMiss NovemberMiH NovemberMiss
Miss Katherine Walnwright of Bast BastWashington BaslWashlngton Bsttaahlngtou
Washington will spend August and andiopteinber andSflptember andeptember
iopteinber at Ocean View ViewMr YlevMr ViewMr
Mr and Mrs Byrd Greene of Capt Capiol CaptI Captel
I tol ol Hill sailed tied from New York for Bu Buope Europ Bitope
rop ope where they Intend to remain sev sevral several soyml
eral ral months monthsIhe monthslhe monthslie
lie recent excursion given ven by the theaureis theLaurels theaurels
Laurels aureis was as very var successful from the theeport theroport theport
eport port of the oomnilttee in charge stat statng stating statig
ing ng that a satisfactory sum > um had been beenaallzed Menrealized beentallzed
realized and dates were selected v the thelances thedances theancea
lances ancea of the coming season all of ofrhich othlch ofhlch
hlch will be hold at Naval Lodge Hall HaJlFo Hallobrth j jfourth
Fo fourth rth street and Pennsylvania avuuue avuuueoutheast IlV itVoUUquthcast uue uuesoutheast
southeast southeastMIIIS outheastMiss uthcastMiss
Miss Olive Demarost t of Eighth street streetmo shtone
one mo 10 of Washingtons most promising promisingdnniats promlslnKpalnlstB promisinglanlata
palnlstB dnniats who has been abroad since the thepringr thespring theinfng
spring is expected to return today toda to toimerica toAmerica tornerica
America Mr Ir and Mrs Easton of New Newrork 1ewYork Nework
York ork with whom she has been traveling travelingre
are re her uncle and aunt Miss Domarest Domarestfill Domar Dornarestill t tvul
vul fill go with them to their summer home homet homeat
at t I Eaglesmere Pa for the Twt l t of the theummer thetruman thesummer
summer and will spend the fall with withhem withrem Ith Ith1cm
hem rem at their country place Rochelle Rochelleark RochelleFrk Rochalleark
Frk ark N J returning returnlngto to Washington ashlngt n in inhe Inthe
the he 10 late fall fallDr raIlDr fallDr
Dr and Mrs L A A Sadler of 817 817Jorth 417orth 11 11Xorth
Jorth Carolina avenue have returned returnedrom returnedfrom returnedem
from rom em a delightful two weeks spent at atlountain ittountain t tMountain
Mountain Lake Park ParkBrigadier Park13rlgadler ParkBrigadier
Brigadier General Elliott commandant commandantf commandantthe
of f tho Marine arlnc Corps and resident of the theirracka theoorraoka theirracks
irracka left l tt Washington last Tuesday Tuesdayr I
tor r a short vacation During hJs absenoc absenocDionel absence absenceolonel an Qnoe QnoeColonel
Colonel olonel Lauchhelmer adjutant and in inpector inspector inector
pector ector will be acting commandant commandantMrs commandantMrs commandantMrs
Mrs L L J Kaufman of Eighth streetspending street streeti streetIs
Is i spending several weeks at the Sum Sumilt Summit Sumit
mit ilt Park Hotel Gaitnereburg G 1thereburg Md MdMiss MdMiss MdMiss
Miss Lillian B Eaton of 734 Seventh Seventhtreet SeventhI Seventhreet
street reet and Miss Lulu Leahman of Six Sixeenth Sixteenth Sixenth
I eenth enth street northeast left on July 27 27or 27tor 7 7ir
tor or ir 0 a vacation in the Sapphire country
1 roo 61i1iLi1a 61i1iLi1aThe an C CThe
The excursion to Marshall Marshall Hall iven ivenby lvenby iveiby
by the Phunny Phellows last Saturclay Satur Saturday Saturflay ¬
day was a success sUCCe > both socially and andnnancinlly andftnancl are arefinancially
ftnancl financially lly Among the th amusements amu ementl en enjoyed enjoyed enjoyed ¬
joyed by all present pr fnt was a baseball baseballgame bIbal1pme basebalgame
game In which Bdward EdwardWarean Mareans team teamscored teamIICOred tonescored
scored twelve runa against ag Jn t two by b Fred FredTanslls lredTaMIls ProTanaiia
Tanslls team teamThe teamTh teamThe
The Th winners wha 14rtI In n th the various sportswhich sports spor1awhJeh sportswhich
which were managed by William Gal Galbralth Galbraltb GalbraIth
bralth were as s follow Hundredyard Hundredyarddash Hundredyandaalt
dash Fred Fr d Taaail half mile mIl run runCharles MiltCharles runChance
Charles Homer sixtyyard dash Fred FredTaneii Frst FrstTansli
Tan tli high jump Arthur Carpenter Carpenterthreelegged Carpentthreelgp CarPentertjrcele < I
threelegged tjrcele race nett Matthew Lepiey see seew and andW aadW
W Miller Mm broad broadjulftp jump Fred Tanell TanellLawn TarwULaW11 TanellLatvn
Lawn Fete F t8 Continues ContinuesTha CGntfnu ContinuesThe S SThtl
The St St Anthonys lawn fete retl which whichmmeneed wide widecommenced
commenced mmeneed Monday on the church churchrounds ehureAgrouncl ehurcgrounds
grounds rounds will tJI be continued Monday and andueaday aMTuesday
Tuesda Tuesday evening eveningEntertained eveningEntertained
Entertained Club ClubJoseph ClubJo ClubJoseph
Joseph Jo ph Noel celebrated his birthday birthdayon
on July M by entertaining at his h home homethe M bornethe M Mthe
the Phunny Pheliows Club Many Manymusical Manymu8leal Manymusical
musical numbers were rendered the themost themOBt therebut
most pleasing of which was a vocal solo soloby 8010by so4 so4by
by Joseph F Mathieus or Baltimore BaltimoreAmong BalUrnoreAmeng BaltimoreAmong
Among those e present pre ent were wer Martin aMFrank and andFrank
Frank McHugh Charles Hanna IIan Ralph RalphMoiater Ralpholtltv Raip RaipMoister
Moister oltltv Fred TaMil Edward Carpen Carpenter Carpenicr ¬
ter Charles Horner Horn r Matthew Lepley LepieyMilton LepleyLilton
Milton tlton Lentoir of New York and Joe Joseph Joecpu ¬
eph cpu ph F Mathieus of Baltimore Th Theleetfnn Tblectt I Iel
el eleetfnn lectt ttn n wf officers for the th coming year yearresumed yearrut yearulted
rut resumed ulted In the election of EdwardItarsan Edward EdwardMarean EdwardMarean
Marean vice president Ralph Moister MoisterMeretary l Moisterieeretary l ter
Meretary rharles Henna treasurer treasurertnd treasurerAM treasurertiwl
tnd Charles Chari Horner corresponding sec seeetary sectary NOrtltary ¬
rtltary tary A beast supper was served servedPersocl serv4NIPers servedPers1usl
Persocl Pers n l Mention MentitnThe MenUnThe MentionThe
The Rev Moian oIfan Jones and wife wifeave wltehave wifetave
have tave ave left for Em Euupe ope where they will willsome wUl11m willipend
ipend some time < in I England before re reurningr nturning reuniting
turning to Washingtcn WashingtcnMrs WaahlngtcJtXr WaahtngtcnMrs
Mrs MeKamarra aocADnpanied by byapt her herXttghtsrs hotIsughtots
Xttghtsrs apt Ruth and Trn 1r Irsre has been beenting beanvlaItinj
YI8Itlq ting Mrs rs Charles McGee McOeeJ M ee
J Snider Noel left yesterday tenla for St Steorges
Georp leorges eorges Island IslandMfces IlllandM IslandMisses
Misses M Edith and Elicabeth Mth Bell Bellormnriy BelltorJlutrly Deliommeriy
ormnriy of Brooktand win leave teaveThursday leaverhuraday ve veTbunMla
TbunMla Thursday for or Tarmoth Non ScotiaLad Scotia Scotiand ScotIa ScotIaand
and nd Acadia They will return by way wa wayit
or f Boston where they will remain one oner oneweek onereelL
week r k During their absence Miss Mary
Dell lwi will be a guest of Mrs Downingif Downing DownIa >
of if Thirteenth and Lawrence Lawre streets streetsshort streetaGeorlfe streetsGeorge
George Raymond of Seattle Seattlelea aah aahhas
has lea alter a short visit vt at the home ofitre of ofa
1 itre a JuUien left for New York YorkMrs YorkIn YorkMrs
Mrs K X C Burke BurkeotThlntenth of Thirteenth anA anAawrence antLarence ant antawrenee
Larence awrence streets KIeeU and Miss i Edithirown Edith Edithrown EdttitBrown
Brown rown of Baltimore left yesterday far1 far1where f f3rdt 3r 3rt
dt t BL St Mary Marys nr Emmlttaburg
Kdt d where they will remain until Sea Seaember S Sember
ember 1 1Mrs 1X 1Xr
Mrs X Xr J C Xonaghan onag aa of Twelfth and andonroe IUIdon andonree
onroe on st streets ets accompanied by her herjo hertOIl herocr
tOIl jo and daughter has left for CU CUll
na fawn N Y YMiss YMIM TMiss
Miss Edna Jullien has returned from fromvisit tronaa fromvisit
a visit to her sister i in New York YorkMrs YorkXra YorkMrs
Mrs R R R It West PeIJt and daughter dau t form formy tor tory formny
ny y of Brookland are Visitors at the theme thehome theome
home ome me of Charles G Lynch Newton XewtantreeL Ne Netreet Newtontreat
treat treeLMisses treetXI treatMisses
Misses Ruby Schnier Seln and Violet Horn Hornot Hor Horer Hornr
er r ot Twelfth and Jackson streets streetsve IItrNtiirelaraed etreseseve
eve ve returned from mAtlantic Atlantic City CityMrs CityMra eltylitre
Mrs Johnson of Baltimore is vtoltng visit vt ttIng visitig
Ing ng Mrs Mr Yeager of o Ninth and Law Lawence Lawrenee 1wSec
renee Sec streets streetsDr streetsDr reet reetDr
Dr M F Egan professor prof at t the thetholte t1MCalholle theatholIe
Calholle tholte University accompanied by byrs
111 Ire rs Egan and daughters I will sPend spsndugust 4uguat sPendugust
ugust at Eramittstourg Md MdMrs XdX NdMrs
Mrs X Alfred Jefferey Jeltf rfIT with her dill cMlren cWl cWldren dillten
dren ten is at Colonial Beach ck for a two twoeeks tvOweeD twoeaka
weeD eeks visit visitf YWttot
ot f North Carolina They will atop at atlany atmlUl atiaiiy
mlUl lany places of Interest among them themeine tbe tbebeing themsing
being sing Asheville SaltotMirr ad Lake Lakeoxaway LakeToxaway Lakeoxaway
Toxaway Toxaway1IIH oxaway oxawayMise oxawayMiso
Mise Louise Marshall arshal1 of East Capi Capitol Captd
tol d 1 street is J visiting Y1 Utn relatives in Souh Souhrn Sou1tern Sochnc
ern rn MarylandThe Maryland MarylandThe MaryladThe
The Misses Lizzie and Kathleen Yin Vlnent Yineent Vietnt
eent tnt of New York who have been beenpending beeRBpendll beenending
Bpendll pending ending their vacation in this city with withheir withieir IUt IUttheir
their heir ieir aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Mrsohn ireJohn Mrsahn
John ohn J Strain of 24X 24 Tenth street stle t de dewrted 4eparted daartod
parted wrted for their home last Sunday The Theoung Thoyoun TheDung
youn Dung ladies expect to visit this tbl city cityain citygain
gain ain 11 to the tb near future futureMiss fduraWI iutureMiss
Miss WI Annette Tyler Tylerof of Capitol Hill Hilleft HUIlett Hillft
lett eft ft last Sunday for Chicago to remain remainh remainthrough remainirough
through h rough the month of August AugustMiss AuJUstMillS AugustyIins
Miss Helen Clark of Baltimore who whos whoIs
Is s I visiting Miss Mis Dunnington DuJtnt of It ItNorth 44nrth 24 24forth
North forth Carolina avenue nvonu will not depart departor t ttor
tor or home until un l1 the middle of this thisnonth thismonth thistenth
month nonthMr tenthMr
Mr and Mrs Duncan of Capitol H1Htave Hilt Hilthave Hilt Hiltave
have ave taken a cottage cotta at Colonial Beac Beacor Beach Beachtor Beachit
tor or it the remainder of tne summer summerMiss aumr11H summerMiss
Miss Leah Clarke of orCapttol Capitol Hill is ismember Isa Ismember
a member of a house party part at Lau Lauel Laurol Luil
rol el il Md MdMiss Md1Uss W WitIss
Miss Sue Pembroke who has been beenhe beenthe beento
the he to house guest of Miss Mis Alston of Cap Captoi CapItol Ca Caol
Itol toi ol Hill has returned to her home homeOston in inBoston 1aBoston
BostonYrand Boston BostonMr OstonMr
Mr Yrand and Mrs Mr MrsGeorgescbsJfer George Schaffer will re reurn re returD reira
turD urn ira home after an extended trip to As Asmry A Abury Astry
bury mry try Park Rockaway Rock way Beach Orange Orangef
N f J and Atlantic City CityMr Clt CltMr CityMr
Mr Petrolo and a party of friends friendsave friendshAve fr frtve
hAve ave returned from a trip to the Coaji CoajiIver CoaItrlyer Coajver
rlyer Iver ver much benefited by the th vacation yagtj yagtjr aeationMr i ilr
Mr lr r Petrolo visited many p ports rts on the theotomac thePotomac theotomac
Potomac otomac while at Coan CoanFulton CoanFulton CoanFulton
Fulton Smith and Mr Farrel have re reuraed re returMd remood
turMd mood from La Piata Md They The both bothK bothlook bothok
look K ok > k much beneftted benefitedJoseph benefttedJo benefttedJoseph
Jo Joseph ph F Orth left rcenU recently to viMtn1ativM visitlaUren visit visitlatives
n1ativM laUren in Boston and also to stop atAtlantic atlantlc at attlantic
Atlantic tlantic Clt City and Alban Albany Il He wilt fit beaccamp beicompenied be beecompanled
accamp ecompanled nled by E E Titus They willturn willturn will willtturn
tturn turn about August 20faj 5 5hisi 20 20Maj
Maj faj Robert MOM Jrc Dutton recently recentlyitlred recentlyretired
retired tired from aotive service and detached detachedom detachedfrom detachedem
from om the t e Marine Barracks Navy Yard Yardi YardIs Yardordered
Is i ordered home homeMrs homeMrs homeirs
Mrs Joseph Kidwoll returns today todayem I Iom
from om a two weeks stay at Colonial Colonialeaoh ColonialBeaah Colonialmob
Beaah BeaahCaptain mob mobaptain I ICaptain
Captain Hopkins of No No8 S Fire Fir Engine Engineompany Bnglneirapany
Company ompany irapany is enjoying a twentyday tur turtugh tur11gb
lough tugh at Great Falls This Th trip Is is one onef oneoi onethe
oi f the many extensive flshing outings outingstken outingstaken outingsken
taken ken by the captain captainPrivate oaptalnPrivate oaptainPrivate
Private Cole of No No8 X lias returnedirs returned returnedom returnedfrom
from om Colonial Beach seemingly much muchmented muchbenefited muchnefited
benefited benefitedThe mented mentedThe nefitedhe
The he Rev E Her Swem pastor of the theioond theSeoond theoond
Seoond ioond Baptist Church Virginia Irslnja avenue avenueft avenuelind avenued
lind d Fourth street wIth his daughter daughterleft daughtert
left ft t last week for a visit to Mr Swems Swemsother Swem Swemmother Swemsitber
mother other In Indiana They will return returnto returnWashington j
to > Washington the second sec > nd week inptember in inspteraber
September ptemberby I I3uy
GUY Birmingham BirmnghamIsspending is spending his va vatlon vaCAtion vaLion
CAtion Lion at tho Eckineton Colonial Beach
1il mingd mingdTufiday
Tuesday evening evenln at th the residence J81den e of
W V C c Van Va Matrt 4 4t Seaton street north northrest northNt northwest
rest Nt Fidelity Tent No 1MB 114 Indepn Indepnlent I Iadeptnlent > n nilent
lent Order of Ilechabltes ItecIajJ was organlz i irtth 1with Iwith
with twentytwo charter members mern IL High Highhlof
Thief Cordell and High Secrei creuui Secreiar r bony lxnyrere l bonyar ony onypreeeat
rere ar present as teen Past High cuf cufluler CII t tRutr I IFuIet
luler John C Moore oore who by request requ l8t of ofbe otthe ofitt
the be high chief ruler instituted the tent tentTbx tentTb4 tentTb
Tbx Tb4 Tb visitors vIuit present were re Miss Rta RtaTay Rt Rtahfay l llIfay
Tay Atkinson Miss Amy L I Btekerton Btekertonfrt BleurtoMNt B1ckertotfrh
MNt frt May Cordell Rowe Mrs rw Fannie Fannieordell FannieCordell t tOrdeU
ordell Mrs rw Lola V Marks arb Mrs > no Mary Maryu
fL L u Her and Mrs Rosa V Parker of oftoward ofDttWJd ofnward
toward Tent Tent No M 1 Mrs Sue V Sny Snyer 8nyIeI Snyicr
IeI er Mrs Ucla P Murray and W W Wurtw WBurlew W3uziew
urtw of Parity Tent No Son 4 4These 1 1These
These n officers were we elected elected Past chief chiefuler chiefuIc hid hidruler
ruler W C Van Matre shepherd Dora Doratipple DoraRIpple Doratlpe
tipple chief ruler Hattie Ripple dep depty de de1ft deprty
1ft rty ty ruler Anna An E 1 Jefferson recordingOtWOtSXY recording recordingecretary recordingSf
Sf ecretary Nellie Van Maine Mat flaanr I Iweretar l lpcretary 1ocretary
pcretary Edwin H Babcock Ba k treasure treasureW treasurer
I r W V Jefferson levlt levite Jeaonette JeaonetteCoore he Jusjrnettedoor nett nettIoore
Coore door inside guard Louisa Vs V Van Matre Matreutalde MteMttaJde Matieertalde
utalde guard 8 S HeAter Jr JrD JrDaatha JrDeaths
Deaths D oaths and Funerals FuneralsLast PtmaralAuIt FuneralsLast
Last Monday JIadq Miss Ethel M X Fol Folughter rolkughter Foiaughter
kughter ughter of Mrs J C Foley died t1 t1lMn1ed Sheran ha hais
ran is buried from the residence of ofunt hr hrnt hfo hfoaunt
aunt unt nt Mrs F IL H Gshrmann alfhrmann Ill I L str atrr atrridwtnwest tr trItOrUlwMt t ttnwest
ItOrUlwMt tnwest Tnursday morning Mass wad wadJ wa waM waglid
M J at St St Aloysius Church Ivterment Ivtermentas t tJIUIlIe
rae as made at Mt t Olivet OilY Cemetery CemeteryThe CemeteryPus ITTIle
The funeral of Miss Alleaaa U V Johnon John Johnm JohnlIOn
lIOn on m took place Thursday at 1 p IlL m from fromS fromus
us 43 S a street trMt northwest northwestWhile JIOrthwatWha northwestWhile
While at Asbury Park N J 7 Marie Marieu MarjeScott Mariekott
Scott kott u > tt formerly of tXT jr N street north northest Bortht northrest
rest est t died Tuesday after a short rt illness fflnesate WnessWU illnessits
its te was burled at Ashen Asbury Park rar K J JPeapls JPeople JPeapJe
People in and 0 Ot t of 1 Town TtwaFrank TeWJIlIra TownFrank
Frank lIra k Grant and Master XuterDrerect Everett Lacy Lacyester LatyEIer LaeyesterS
EIer ester of 14 Qutecy place pIae are visiting visitingJsses ypWng0tLna visitingloses
loses Garner 0tLna < and WyvuTe at a Baden Badend BadenK4 BaderCd
K4 Cd d their summer hume humeCr homeMrs humeMrs
Mrs Cr B B Herbinger Herbin of 1C street north northest ftOrth1ItNt northe
1ItNt est e has as her guest her daufflUi daufflUiLrs cluah daughttiTI hr hrMnr
Mnr Lrs TI J D Stein of Marshall Tex TexMrs Tex1trL TenMrs
Mrs S L L Montanyne loIOfttan and aaaarhter aaaarhterla daughteris hter htercia
cia la Lu L Lw ML Montanyne ontanJle of IHT FIrst street streetthw Streettbwont tret t tUioothwM
UioothwM thw tbwont st are as visttins 1elting relatives in iniikesbarra InII inPikesbarre
iikesbarra II Pa PaMr PaXr PaMr
Mr a and 4 Mrs RtChajnft TTainniiaj fL py I 7 and anjrsiy an andIrGiy 1 1r
r rsiy ly spent t the teat tea A Aiafr dv at At AtatI Atmtr
iafr City CityMrs Cityhicrs
Mrs 11 Raua o1 aad her two daughters daughtersorthwesu daughterstiIe ters tersSef
Sef tiIe and Lou Lorries Ra Raps 01 N Street Streetstthwest trtH trtH1ortbwL
orthwesu have gone to Hares H Ferry Ferryw Ferryror
ror w r a a BH mtrth mtrthMr ath athMr th thIr
Mr Martin of 1MB 3tbrth ortb Capitol Capitolreet CapitolJUMt Capitolreet
JUMt reet has returned from a short visit visiti vie vieI iSi t tto
to i Atlantic City His daughter cIao ter Paulin Paulinartln PaulIIlMartin Pau1insntin
Martin artln was there ther for three weeks weeksCbarl w wCtIr weshaCbarIui
CbarIui Cbarl B Hanford of 7S M street streetyf streetrthwest treet treetaortlt
aortlt rthwest t Au left the city JDr a a few fewiqs eiv eivtys
iqs tys yf visit t to Virginia VirginiaMr YJI VirginiaMr n1a n1aMr
Mr and Mrs Albert R Hecht of K Kreet KltrMt ICrest
ltrMt rest northwest wst have returned to their theirante theuItOme theirSm
ItOme ante Sm after a a pleasant nt trip through C New Kework Newrork Newour
rork ork our Stattt They The were accompanied ed on onte O1tho on onI
tho te I trip by Miss 11 Helen Goldsmith GoI4all GoldSmithrest th thWest of ofrest
West rest Saratoga street Baltimore Md NdMr M MdMr < 1 1Mr
Mr and Mrs Herbert C Parker an In InMlrMnne nt ntdrienno t tdrienne
drienne Oasties of New Orleans on Lano La Lare Laare
are re visith visiting g Mr Parkers parents a an at t tII
II n 11 Florida avenue avenuenotthsst avenuenotthsstMr enue northeast northeastMr nortbefttire
Mr and nd Mrs Carl Auerbaeh have havaBturned haveiturned hayeretulBed
Bturned to their home on Sixth street streetnom atre streereat t tfrom
from nom a a two weeks trip to Oesan City Cityr Cat CttyJ y yN
N r J where they visited their 201 zoiapt 201lapr Zl011Cap
Cap apt Malchom Auerbaeh of the High HlgUebX lUg1SeIJ1 Highsbol
SeIJ1 ebX sbol > l Caol Cadets White there Mrs Auer Aucriaeh Auerbach Auerecu
bach aeh ecu was one of the patronesses patron of tho thaBO thotloO thoye
tloO BO hops given d by the theXJ cadets cadetsMiss cadetsMiss
Miss EUa Schmid of otfi5 47S t H street streetLbweM treetnortbweftt streetwthweet
nortbweftt wthweet LbweM accompanied aecoIR anMd by her aunt auntrs aunt1Ins auntie
1Ins rs Hines will be absent from the city cityr clt cltCor
Cor r r a two weeks trip to Philadelphia Philadelphiatd
IUWl td Atlantic CityThe City CityThe CItyTbe
The Rev Dr Ferguson of Wesley Wesleyethodist WeslevMetbocUet Wesleyothodlit
ethodist Church will spend two weeks weeksthe weeksin weeksthe
in the mountains mountainsBrightwood mountainri mountaInsTBr1gu14Dc
TBr1gu14Dc TBr1gu14DcBrlghtwood ri gl IDt IDtBrlghtwood
Brlghtwood track is practically aban abanoned abandoned abanmed
doned med The last of the local horses that thatill thatm thatIll
ill try tr for honors and purses left leftrightwood leftBrlcUw t trigItwood
rightwood od recently The bench IncludI includ IncludtMl
tMl 1 Bavins Brothers Bedworth Jr JrBedford
26 4 Bedford Boy 2W4 S D R R Rl7j
17 171 l7j Frank Thomas Thom unmarked trot trotir trotter trota
ter ir a Roxey and H XL C Copperthite CopperthltesK7ron Copperthlterryron s syron
K7ron yron C Co unmarked There was also alsolipped alsoshipped alsotipped
shipped lipped with this string the Huntington Huat1ngtonrunnen Huntingtontuners Hunttngtoninners
runnen tuners and Alack and Vibrator VibratorAutomobiles VitnatorAutomobilea VibratorAutomobiles
Automobiles Popular PopularThe Popu1arT1tQ PopularThe
The Automobile Club Cl b at Brightwood Brightwoodvery Brtglltw Enightwodvery od odia >
ia very popular judging < from the num number aiimrr numsr
ber sr of autos UtOll which appear on Bright Brightood Brlshtwood Brightsect
wood sect avenue each evening eveningReopening eveningReopcning eveningReopening
Reopening of Church ChurchRock C ChurchFlock unh unhRock
Rock Creek Church has h been much muchnproved muc mucImproed inuch inuchiproved
nproved In the interior and is ready readyr readytor
tor r I services next J t Shnday S aclay For the Lb past pastree putthre pastroe
thre roe Sundays the congregation of this thisurch thigunch thisckulch
ckulch urch has worshipped at the Chapel C of ofie ofthe
the ie 0 Holy H ty Comforter Brightwood ave aveThe aenue axeis
nue nueThe is isrh
The rh wonderful growth wth of this suburb suburbnoticeable suburbnoticeable uburbIs
Is noticeable on every 1 hand The erec erecon erection erecit
tion on it of comfortable and handsome handsomemes haJMJlQmehom harhiagmemm
hom mes are in progress pr in an sections of ofie otthe
the ie 0 town town
Mention of People PeopleMr Peplefr
Mr hr fr and Mrs O M McPherson on of ofM
1110 M 0 Princeton street left Washington Washingtonteently Wbln Washingtonesntiy ton tonrecently
recently for an extended vacation in the tberest theVest theeeL
Vest rest eeL They will be met in Chicago ChIea by byleir bytheir byair
their leir air soninlaw and daughter Rev and andrs anllMrs andis
Mrs rs E B Landis Land and their daughternid daughter daughteraud flauahterlItraoo
lItraoo aud and some Illinois 1l11no friends trI nda and andie anJthe antC
the ie C entire party will go to northern northernTlsooneln DOIthernVLooneln northernisoonain
Tlsooneln VLoonelners TlsoonelnMrs isoonaindna
Mrs dna Joel Hlllman Blllm n and daughter daughternsiHe dallpbtelmmlHe daughtersiUe
mmlHe nsiHe of Columbia Heights are ar spend spendg spendthe pendIn
In g the summer in AtlantIs Cityr City CityDr CttPDr
Dr r William Ay Newell and Mrs New Newl NeweU Newof
eU l of the Imperial Columbia road roadiva road18va roadto
18va iva to returned home after a three thr thre weeks weekssit weeksvistt weeksitt
vistt sit itt to the Great Lakes LakesDr Lak LakDr
11 11r
Dr r and Mrs Walter S Harban aie aieiw aJ j e enow eiv
now iw iv enjoying their summer vacation vacaUo at atland atlan4 t tPolan
Polan land J Springs Me Dr Harban Harba is isrll 15wU
wU rll 11 known at the Columbia Golf Club

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