OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, August 05, 1906, Woman's Magazine Section, Image 35

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1906-08-05/ed-1/seq-35/

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i ALK had run warmly if not Jtothleh nothigh nothigh
TALK high over over the stockyard tockrllnt scan scandals aeandais scandals ¬
dals that are making us a by byword BYword byword ¬
word and a hissing h18aift among aMOa all allcivilized allciyiJIzed sill
civilized peoplesMrs peoples peoplesMrs peopleIrs
Mrs Irs Brown was in her gloryIt glory gloryIt lory loryIt
It is a source of devout gratitude gratitudeto Pl tude tudet
to t me to reflect that I have never In lnaulted Insulted In8ulhd ¬
sulted my stomach and risked the lives livesown Uvuof liveaof
of my family by uslnr canned meata meataor meataof
or any kind ex except pt t those put up In my mywn myown
own > wn kitchen and under my own eye eyeshe eyeShe eyeshe
she said pharisaically pbart alcal1y One and allthey all allthey aUthfY
they are a deception They have no nodistinctive nodistinctive nodistinctive
distinctive flavor There is 1 a a little littlemore littlemore littlemore
more salt and a larger dash of salt saltP aaltpeter aUptpr
peter P > tor in ground und ham than In beet and andptted andp
ptted ptt p tted d grouse is 1 darker than chicken chickenOtherwise chlcceaOtherwl chickenOtherwlae I
Otherwise Otherwl there is no difference In texture tex texture ex exture ¬
ture or in taste If the recent revel revelJatlons rev rove rove3atk I IaUons
3atk Jatlons ns of the iniquitous practices of ofthose ofthose I
those who have made fortunes tortun out of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the health and lives of their fellow 1
4 Christians serve rve no other good ood purpose pur purpose I IJKRI
pose than to convert thousands toi toivegetarianism to tovegEtarlanlam tovegetarianism
vegetarianism the reformers will ill not nothave Mthaw nothuce
have labored in b vain vainWe vainWe vainWe
We have not bought boupttherefote boupttherefotehave therefore thereforehave
have not been poisoned pol8Oft by bYJrround bygroundham ground groundham
ham and potted tongue because we wedont wedont wedont I
dont like what taste they t ey have ob observed Dbs observed ¬
served s rved Mrs Mr White We W have an anaversion IUlaversion anaversion
aversion to ground round meats of o all allkinds allkInds allkinds
kinds kindsYou kIndsYou kindsYou
You are not alone 1on in that answer answered aaswered answered ¬
ed Mrs Ira Sterling Many a one who whoenjoys 1 1enjoys whoenjoys
enjoys a savory hash does not relink a amince IImln amince
mince mln < e
Cook Book Phrase PJtraseeIOIY PJtraseeIOIYt Phraseelee PhraseeleeI lgy lgyI
I thought t t they tM were ere one and nd the thesame theMme thesame
same airs Ira r rlive Irartins srtlns tone wa waa hMlutat hMlutattl8 nquiaitive
live and halt incredutou The auk eookbooks coaItbook aukbooks
books use the words wOlda as interchange interchangeable Interehanwea interchangeable ¬
able a bl
Cook books adapt their phraseology phraseologyto I hraaeol hraaeolto
to the usages of readers A hash ha strictlyxpeakirg strictly strictlysharp trletbpeaklr
xpeakirg peaklr I Is meat cut Into cubes with a asharp asharp
sharp blade A mince Is chopped meatJ meat meatfish meft meftfish
J fish fish or what not The English make the thedistinction theji thee
e distinction ji tlnttn plain laln in n recipes recl and in menus menusHence JlMftUHence menusHence
Hence our mince meat for pies In one oneof OMf oneoP
of f Charlotte Brontes letters lette home aht ahdtells sh shtells aht1d18 >
tells her h r favorite sister that she has a api Iiplture api
pi plture ture of her in her mind watching watchingh watch1 g ghb
h r < Charlotte while she cuts up the thehtsh thehlsh thehash
+ hash with a carving canrin knife knifeAnd kalteAnd knifeAnd
And vou recollect in one of Trol Trollopes TrollopE Trollnies
lopes lopE books a mothers uneasiness when whenher whenhtr whenher
her daughter daucJU r would not eat minced In veal veajf vealon veaion
f on > n Friday r chimed In novelloving novelIoYln < < MrsGrey Mrs MrsGrey MrsGrf
Grey GreyI Grf
I own that I am not fond t of finely finelyminced And1mlnc Anelyminced
minced mlnc 1 meat t of any Mod continues continuesthe continuethe
the hostess hoat It is not imaginationalone imagination imaginationalone anaUon anaUonalone I
alone that Induces the Idea that t It is iscomparatively 1aomparatJvI iscomparatlvely
comparatively flavorless The grinding grindinginto grlmdtujinto IMI IMIInto
into what is little better than a aJ roars roarspowder coarw coarwpowder
J powder > odfr break th OM meat t cells cell which whichcontain whichcontdn whichcontLin
contain the juteee ju juk and In 1 allowing aUowln these theseto th theseto e eto
to escape ff fE renders cIen the libers dbt > ra insipid 1 1can 1can 1can
can tell without fail from the taste tastewhether uurteWhNhEf tastewhether
whether meat m t has been beeaMepand prepared for forcroquettes forroil forcroquettes
croquettes roil UEttf8 and scallops by a a machine machineor mach machor
or by harm hantlThat hon honThat harmThat
That account put in Mrs Martin Martinimpulsively WartlnImpullilvely MartinImpulsively
impulsively for my detestation of hotel hotelan hotelanl hoteland
an and > l restaurant rflltaubat croquettes and chicken chickencutlets cbAckeftCutlEts chickencutlets
cutlets which are made out t of the thean theSa11c thesafe
an safe iic batch ofnomalouaamorphou ofanomalousamorphousAmalgaml of ofnomalouaamorphoum anomalous amorphous amorphousAmalgaml
Amalgaml m laml Mrs White supplied the I
alliterative for which the rattle seemed seemedto
to pause pauseThank pauseThank Nt UM UMThank
Thank you y u The very word ord To Toquote Toquote Toquote
quote Charlotte Bronte BIOft againdo Indo you yourecollect yourecolt yourecollect
recollect what hat she he says 75 of a Belgian Belgiandish Belgiandish Belgiandish
dish served by her 1 r cousin Hortense HortenseMoore HortenseIOOte HortenseMoore
Moore Moore Nature unknown but supposed supposedto
to h be miscellaneous miscellaneousread miscellaneousI
001 I say It 0 over to myself whenever I Iread Iread
read on a a menu menueroquettea croquettes Ugh UghTalk UghTalk UghTalk
Talk of your stockyards Dont we all allknow anXBOW allknow
know that our grand gra hotels and s swell swellre swellreataurants well wellrestaurants
restaurants re taurants have been n feeding us at atruinous atruinous atruinous
ruinous rates upon the same me ollanodrida ollanodridafor ollapodridafor
for years and years No wonder the theamalgam theamalgamthank theamalgamthank I
amalgam amalgamthank thank you for the word Mrs MrsWhite Mrshlt MrsWhitetastes
White Whitetastes hlt tastes tA t8il the same no matter what whatit whatIt whatit
it is called Itte It4I Is just scrapple not the thePhiladelphia thePhiladelphia thePhiladelphia
Philadelphia brand bMndthat that Is honest honestAnd bonestAJKl honestAnd
And very good Mrs Bistre lstre Is Philadelphia Phil Philadelphia Philadelpbl ¬
adelphia bom She responded at this thispoint thispoint thispoint
point as she might ml t in the Litany LitanyAmen Lltan LltanAmen LitanyAmen
Amen assented Mrs Martin catch catchtag catchIB catchlag
tag IB the tone 001 I would better say scrap scrappings scrapplDp scrapplugs
pings at once I picture the scene scen to tomyself tomY8 tomyself
myself mY8 lt more clearly than home sick sickCharlotte sickCharlotte sickCharlotte
Charlotte brought up the picture of the theparsonagekitchen thepars theparsonagekitchen
parsonagekitchen pars nagekitchen The plates g
scraped into a > het Mnoo hener > r and than thou the thestockyard theatocklrd thestockyard
stockyard In mlnisuurel miniaUwelDont mlnisuurelDont ndluwelDontr
Dont Dontr shuddered NCI we m 1ft unisonit unison unisonIt unlllont
It t was gruesome teatable chat But Butwe Butwo Butwe
we Americans should be hardened to tothe totw tothe
the tw like by now nowMrs no noIrs nowMrs
Mrs Irs Sterling reversed me tneourrenu currents as asIs ashft asIa
Is her wont wontnot not violently out effectual effectually etreetualI etteetually ¬
I ly To return to our croquettes croquettetihome croquettetihomeand home homemade ¬
made and savory savoryand vorand and Intelligible There ThereIs Thereb Thereis
Is no more delicious entree entr e when prop properly propI properly ¬
erly I compounded and cooked eook than a asweetbread afaweetbread asweetbread
faweetbread sweetbread croquette And one made of ofchicken orchicken ofchicken
chicken and mushrooms Is a not a whit whitj
j behind it I speak ak of course or the theI th thI thehomemade
I homemade article articleI artl articleThe lfI lfIThe
I I The trouble Is I said Mrs frl Black Thanki Blackthat Blackyour
i that your homemade article ArU le seldom seldomban 8 seldombas ldom ldomhat
ban the tender consistency Onst tffflcy of those man manufactured manutnetured manufactured ¬
ufactured by the thousand by the hotel hotelmill hottli hotelmill
mill I agree with Mrs Mr Martin Iartln In de detouting deI detesting
i touting the mongrels but tney do look looknice looknlef looknice
I nice and they are soft oCt inside although althoughi althoughfirm
i firm on the surface I confer M > nteMt frankly franklytha trankfvtha
tha I cannot make decanet croquettes croquettesn croquettes croquettesI
I n nor r ran an my cook cookno no matter what her herrationality herI herrationality
rationality and training trainingj trainingOr
j Or previous condition of servitude servitudemurmured flervttoofmurmured servitudemurmured
I murmured the irrepressible Virginian VirginianJ VirginianIlne VirginianMine
J Mine Ilne is the servitude rvltude snapped the theother tbeI theether
I other who as we all II know has n nI no notoricusly o otorluslv
torluslv bad luck with Uh her servants sorvantsMrs sorvantalr8 servantsMrs
Mrs lr8 StVrllng was we ready r ad with lth a second secondbuffer eeooIMIbllffr secondbuffer
I buffer bufferThere bllffrThfre bufferThere
There are three essential i ut the ex exrellence exCtlltnce oxcellence
rellence of croquettes First they must
be of the right consistency ir they ere eremixed IIoremixed arcmixed
mixed too stiff they are tough and un unless un unless unless ¬
less overcooked they are almost raw at atheart atheart atheart
heart heartWe We e do not need to be told what happens hap happens happens ¬
pens when they the are too soft softA sortA softA
A general general groan and shiver accentu accentuate accentuate accentuate ¬
ate Mrs Irs Greys confession confessionMine contosslonMine confessionMine
Mine go to pieces in the fat I should shouldsay shouldaay shouldsay
say they did disintegrate for I gave gaveover gaveOer gaveover
over trying to make them long ago Life Lifeis Liteis Lifeis
is too fulof full of unavoidable mishaps for forus torU8 forus
us to court certain disaster disasterJust disasterJuat d1sasterJust
Just my experience responded MrsOchre Mrs MrsOchre Irs IrsOchre
Ochre lately wedded and In the earlier earlierthroes earlierthroe earlierthroes
throes of practical housekeeping There ThereIs ThereIs Thereis
Is no medium between musn and brick brickbat brickbat brickbat ¬
bat batSec
Sec Rp11d nd went on our mentor se serenely seren serenely ¬
renely ren ly they must be properly prepared preparedfor preparodfor preparedfor
for the hot bath bathThe bAthTht bathThe
The Irrepressible once more demon demonstrated domontr1ted demonntrtted
strated her right to tho sobriquet sobriquetSomething sobrIquetSomethlng sobriquet4SomethIng
4SomethIng Something lingering something somethingwith eomcthlngwlth somethingwith
with belling oil she quoted quotedMust Cuot quotdMust < i i1YIust
Must Be Boiling BoilingThere BoiJingThere BoilingThere
There you are wrong my dear mad madcap madCAp madcap ¬
cap Not lingering lfn erlng The oil should ghoud be beboiling beboilingwe beboilingwe
boiling boilingwe we will come orne to that presently presentlyThe prespntlyThe presentlyThe
The croquettes must be prepared prt > pared to re resist re8111t resist ¬
sist It by a coating of egg and crumbs crumbsfipll crumbs1l
1l them Into shape taking care that
they are smooth on the outside If Ifrough Itrough Ifrough
rough they will bristle in the cooking cookingAs cookingAs cookingAs
As each is I formed lay it on a wellflour wellfloured ¬
ed dish When hen all are ar coated set the I Ij
j dish In the refrigerator reCrlgmtor for several severalhours severalI severalhours
hours In the days when hen I did my own ownfine ownfine ownfine
I fine cookery I made croquette over oVornight oV1rnight overnight
night and left them on the ice if they theywere thoywere theywere
were meant for breakfast If for dinner dinnerI
I molded them early In the forenoon forenoonNow tor torNow forenoonNow
Now Interposed Mrs frs Greene with witha
a strong sen a sense me e of Injury Injur upon her 1 1told 1told Itold
told my line Kitchen lady 114 to do ju just t that thatthing t that thatthing at atthine
thing and she he informed Inor ed me that the theonly theonly theonly
only way to make croquettes is to coek coekthem coektheen cookthem
them as soon as a they are made And Andshe AndMe Andshe
she has never nev lived with any but theSrst the thefirst thefirst
first families familiesThinlly famm fammTblrUy familiesThirdly
Thirdly smiled Mrs Sterling the thefat thefat thefat
fat must be deep I and hot hotactuaUy actually on onthe onthe onthe
the boll but not on 01 a bubble Boll up uponce UPonce uponce
once and draw dra the pan n to the side ld8 of ofthe orthe ofthe
the range while you slide the croquettesInto croquettes croquettesInto croqueUeahto
Into it from a flat spoon Each must musthave musthave muthave
have plenty of room in which to disport disportitself dtsporttMlf dieportitself
itself As A soon as one Is done assum assuming usuming assuming ¬
ing the right shade > > of o goldenbrown denbrown that thatbents thatb thatbefits
bents b t a wclbr wl1brM d crooutte lift it with witha
a perforated J < < forated spoon and transfer to a ahealed ahealed ahealed
healed colander Set the colander In Inan InAn inan
an open oven until you are ready to toserve toHrv toserve
serve Hrv HrvI
I Recipes for Menu MenuSteamed MenuSteamed MenuI MenuSteamed
Steamed Brown Bread Not Boston BostonILL BostQnFILL BostonILL
ILL a cup with bits of stale stalebreadas 1
FILL 4 bread breadas as much as you can prow prowinto pressInto praseinto
into it Pour upon the bread aM aMth allthe
th the warm arm water ater it will soak up upadding upadding upadding
adding gradually as it is absorbed Ah orMd until untilit untilIt untilit
it wilt hold no more morePour morePour morePour
Pour then into your mixing bowl and andadd andadd andadd
add a level teaspoonful of salt Dissolve Dis Dissolve DlIJIOIV8 ¬
solve half a teaspoonful of baking soda sodaIn sodain OOaIn
In a cup of sour our milk stirring to a abrisk abrtak abrisk
brisk foam and stir into th the soaked soakedbread soakedbread soakedbread
bread Dissolve another half teaspoon teaspoonful teaspoontul teaspoonful
ful of soda in half a cupful of molasses molassesand 1ftOlaSS88and molassesand
and stir > Ur to a foam Lastly beat into intothe intothe I
the mixture in the bowl a cupful of offlour offtour offlour
flour and double the quantity of of corn cornmeal cornmeal I
meal 1 The one cupful of flour and two twoof twoof twoof
of meal should > > hare MY b been n Deviously Deviouslywell previouslywelt
well 1 sifted together togetherHare togethMoHa togetherHave
Hare Ha ready greased a mold with a aetoeely acIoHl1 aclosely
closely fitting topalso greased Pour Pourthe Pourthe Pourthe
the bread into this set in A steamer atearaorand steamerand steamerand
and cook steadily four hours hoursDont hoursDont hoursDont
Dont imagine the dough is too stiff stiffwith atlttI stiffI
I cook with gas and when hel < I make makesame makethis makethis
this bread I cook cracked whut at the thesame thesame
same time a as each requires thn t three re > e hours hourscooking hourscooking hourscooking
cookingPut cooking cookingPut cookingPut
Put a covered pail inside of a kettle kettleof kettleot kettleof
of boiling water ter and the steamer over overit oyerIt overit
it replenishing the kettle when neces necessary necssary necessary ¬
sary with more boiling gwater gwaternice water waterYou waterY
You Y uu will find this Utt a very Ver veryand nice bread breadand breadand
and I am sure John Johnyour your John Johnand Johnandthe and andthe
the children will ask to have it again againE agal agalE againE
E J 1 G Chicago ChicagoTransparent ChicagoTransparent ChicagoTransparent
Transparent Rhubarb RhubarbSee RhubarbSee RhubarbSee
See Menu of Meals for a Day DayWah D DVuh
Wash scrape and cut the stalksshort stalks Into Intoshort Intoshort
short piece = 8 Lay in cold water for an anhour anhour anhour
hour Without Ithout wipng 1png put them theme drip drlple dripI dripping
vessel eel of ofboiler a dou double
I ping ng wet Into the Inner ve o
ble le boiler cover closely and simmer simmerently simmergently simmergently
gently ently until clear but not broken brokensweeten brokenSwtteten brokenSweeten
sweeten to taste and set away a wa in the theboiler theboiler theboUr
< boiler to cool When hen cold set on the Ice Iceuntil iceunttl iceuntil
until you are ready to serveCreamofSpinach serve serveCreamofSpinach serveCreamofSpinach
CreamofSpinach Soup SoupPick SOupPIck SoupPick
Pick over wash and stem half a a peck peckof peckof
of spinach put p t with no water except exceptsuch exceptsueh exceptsuch il ilof
such as clings to it from the washing washinginto washingInto washinginto
into the inner pall of a double boiler boilerwith boilerwith boilerwith
with boiling water in the outer and andcook andcook i
cook tender Rub through the colander colanderback colanderback colanderback
back into the saucepan Make a ooroux oorouxIn roux rouxIn rouxIn
In a frying tryl pan with Ith a heaping table tablespoonful tAbltspoonful tablespoonful
spoonful of butter and an even spoon spoonful spoonful ¬
ful of flour Stir until it is smooth and andbubble andbubblM andbubbles
bubble and add gradually to a pint pintof pintof pie
of rich milk heated with a pinch pinchsoda of ofsoda orsoda f
soda to prevent curdling Season the thespinach thenach thespinach
spinach nach with salt white lode pepper epp a tea teatpoonful t8poontul of
spoonful of sugar 8u ar and a a suspicion p pmace Icion of ofmace otlIHlee
mace and mix quickly with the hot hotmilk hotI hotmilk
milk Turn into a tureen and strew strewtiny strewUny strewtiny
I tiny dice of o fried bread on the surface surfaceHarmonizing surfaceHarmonizing i iHarm
Harmonizing Harm nlz1ng the Room RoomIt
It is the easiest thing In the world to toget toget toget
get the wrong tint in ones curtains and andBomatlmes andsomoUm andsometimes
sometimes s It is the hardest thing in the theworld theworld theworld
world to get just the right one Before Beforebuying Betorebulng Beforebuying
buying curtains the wall paper should shouldbe shouldbe shouldbe
be carefull ystudled studted With paper pap r that thathas thathas thathas
has a white background It Is always lt11as safe safeto sateto safeto
to use white curtains but If the back background bnckground background ¬
ground is s in col e 4 tones the greatest greatestcare greatestcarashould greatestcare
care carashould should be used in selecting mater material materIal material ¬
ial of a color that will harmonize and In Inbuying Inbuying Inbuying
buying curtains for a room tnat is al already alroad already ¬
ready road papered a sample or the paper papershould papershould papershould
should be taken along to avoid making makinga
a a serious mistake Of course if paper paperand paperand paperand
and curtains are bought at the same sametime sametime sametime
time it is a IV comparatively easy eas matter matterto mattcto
to have satisfactory combinations of col color color color
or orSometimes orSomt Sometimes Somt > tlmes no matter how much care caremay caremay caremay
may have been taken the result will be bestartilngly bestartilngl bestartiingly
startilngly wrong In this case much may maybe maybe maybe
be done with overhanglngs not of heavy heavystuff hoav hoavMutr heavystuff
stuff but of light texture a ana of f a color colorthat colorthat colorthat
that will tone in well with noth of the theconflicting theton theconflicting
conflicting ton 1cUng shades and that will do doTiuch donuch donuch
nuch toward harmonizing the whole ap appearance
I I pearance of the room roomif If l the ohU windows vlndowshae windowahave
I have Inside shutters they the too ou must be beconsidered bered beconsidered
considered > red in the color scheme it the theshutters theshutters theshutters
shutters are of natural wood the ma material materlal materlal ¬
terlal of the curtains should be Jess Jesstransparent leS8transparent lesstransparent
transparent than If used with white whitev whiteshutters whiteshutters
shutters v + t V Tf It JR is nuite Quite as important important tnr tnrthe that thatthe thatthe
the shutters and the curtains blend as asIf asit asif
If it is for the wall paper anJ the cur curtains curtains curtains ¬
tains to tolook look well together togetherHandy togetherHand tog togHand
Handy Hand Little Towels TowelsThe
The little individual towels that are arenow areno arenow
now no found among the fine household lin linens I1rlens lthens ¬
ens are boons to hostesses who entertain entertainmany entertainmlln entertainmany
many mlln guests for luncheons or dinners a atheir 8their atheir
their summer homes The towels ar arJust arjuSt are arejust
Just big enough to use once and an save ave the thesoiling thesomng thesoiling
soiling of big towels
L V August dust mosquitoes and andheat IIntlnet andheat
By B heat have reduced the average averageAmerican aveemrSca averageAmerican
American mrSca spirit t to pulp nod hie hieappetite hIf1altP hieappetite
appetite altP tlte to a pitiful state e of offlnteklness otftnlckln8N offlnickinees
flnteklness By keeping quiet dressing dressingcoolly d drooll dressingcoolly
coolly rooll and living In shaded houses or orbetter orbetter orbetter
better yet et by gating e tJftlr busy the best bestheat butheat bestheat
heat antidote known kno one may forcethe force forcethe tor f fthe
the former back to a fair state of cheerfulness cheer cheerfulness cheerfulne
fulness fulne but I ut even a hard worker must mustHave mWllhave musthave
Have an exceptionally exee lonan1 hearty hrt appetite appetitewho ap appetitewho tlte tltewho
who Is not in schoolboy parlance on onhl otbifl oft ofthis
hl his feed by midAugust midAugustNow mldAupstXow midAugustNow
Now It is perfectly pertectly useless to call callthis callthis callthis
this nonsense non ense and continue to force forcedown fore foredown or ordown
down three solid meals meal a day of hot hotsoups hotJIOUPB hotsoups
soups heavy meats and all kinds fade of offried oftried offried
fried mixtures mlxtur 8 This distaste di taste of winters wintersdiet Wintersdltt wintersdiet
diet is merely merf > ly natures natwe way a of showing showingshe ahowtnashe showingshe
she has more sense than we have It i ia la laa isa
a message the h wise housekeeper will ut not notdisregard notdisregard
disregard but will straightway arrange arrangeher arranceh4 arrangeher I
her h4 r dally daJl menu on a hot hotweather weather ther basin basifcBreakfast ha haDreaktst basinBreakfst
Breakfast should be light Icecola Icecolamelons Icecol4melons Icecoldmelons
melons or berries berrl I a cereal also thor thoroughly thoroughly ¬
oughly ol hly chilled toast and poeeibly J oetaIbI egg eggin eQ1I eQ1IIn ettgn
in n some form Is all any one need n needs at atthis atthis atthis
this season of the year Even if the thefamily tbetam thefamily
family tam II Is wedded to hot breads friespotatoes fries frteupotatoes trleupotatOti
potatoes and meats give them th m a apltethtY res respite respitethey ¬
pite pltethtY they will ill enjoy them all the mor morIB mo moIe more moreiB
IB the fall sincE their digestions will be beunimpaired beunimpaired beunimpaired
unimpaired by overeating in hot hotweather hotweather hotweather
weather weatherAt weatherAt weatherAt
At noon possibly po lbly more than at any anyoth aa aaothr anyother
other oth r time one ia S repelled by hot cooked cookeddishes cookeadlhe cookeddishes
dishes Fortunately Fnrtunat l we e can have really reallydelicious reaJl reaJldelicious reallydelicious
delicious little lunches with nothing nothingwarm noth nothwarm nothingwarm
warm on the table Late suppers > > Jhia Jhiamonth Jb18month his hismonth
month should also be cold Old Indeed th thonly the theonl theonly
only onl meal where the stove need bear bearan bearan bearan
an active part li i dinner with Uh the fresh freshvegetables freheg6tables freshvegetables
vegetables which are too healthful h thtul to tobe tobe tobe
be neglected > d Even then the sou sourhoulrt 8OU1o 8OU1orhouJd soukrhould
rhoulrt be jellied the salad chilled and andof AMof andof
of a light type with French dreeelng dreeelngrather Jr dreeingrather fl8Ina fl8InalAt
rather lAt r than mayonnaise and the desert desertfrozen des deemfrosen < < t ttrozen
frozen frozenThough trozenThough frosenThough
Though doctors rail iced beverages beveragestea
tea coffee and soft drinks drinksp1ay play an animportant 8ftImportant animportant
important part in the August menu menuAnything meftuAnything menuAnything
Anything alcoholic is too overheating overheatingto
to the blood to be advisable advl able for August AugustNothing AugustNothln AugustNothing
Nothing Nothln however is quite so refresh refreshing retreshInl refreshIntf ¬
ing during these the next trying days as the themany themany themany
many jellied dishes fish salads and des desserts desserts desserts ¬
serts and even the man who feels be bereft 1Hr 1Hrreft bereft ¬
reft without Uhout meat m at once a day d8 can have haveit haveIt haveit
it appetizingly appetizln h served cold in a dainty daintygelatinous daintygtlatlnous daintygelatinous
gelatinous form formCold formCold formCold
Cold soup Horrible says some somewomen som somwomen somewomen
women for strange to say 8 men are aremuch aremuch aremuch
much fonder of these th Se nourishing and re refreahlng refreshing
1 freshing consommes and broths than is isthe Isthe isthe
the average woman This dislike dislikealas is isalas Isalas
alas too often Justified for like the thelittle thelittle the thelittle
little curladorned girl jellied soup soupwhen SOUPwhen soupwhen
when good is 1 Very very ery very Cr good while whileits whileits whileits <
its horridness when bad is hard to toswallow toswaJlow toswallow
swallow swallowThe swaJlowThe swallowThe
The trouble Is usually that the taste tasteof tasteot tasteof
of the stock Is not fully disguised By Bythe Bythe Bythe
the way wa n trost Ist of these soups are pr prpared pre prepared pre prepared ¬
pared on the same general principle principleMake prlnclpeIake principleMake
Make Iake a strong clear cpar stock of beef beefchicken beetchicken beefchicken
chicken or veal eal strain well put back backon backon backon
on the stov stove and add gelatine when whanboiling wh whenboiling n nbnlllng
boiling Mix thoroughly and pour into intocups Intocups Intocups
cups to cool About a heaping hea > lng teaspoon teaspoonful teaspoonful teaspoonful
ful of the granulated gelatine Is requlrer requlrerto
to a pint and a half of stock tock Soak tin tingolatlne th thgplaUne tingelatine
gelatine in cold water and dissolve Ii liover Iiover hoer
over the teakettle before adding to the theboiling theboll1nJ theboiling
boiling soupAll soup soupAll soupll
All ll clear stocks to be jellied should be bemore bem6re bemere
more heavily heav1J seasoned than when served servedhot Sfroobot servedhot
hot and more vcg vegetables qtables should be beadded benddetl headded
added to remove the tastelessness tastelessneesA ta8telessne8lJA
A Jellied gumbo bUmbosoup soup with plenty of ofokra otokra ofokra
okra and tomato and cayenne pepper pepperIn
In it is particularly appetizing on a ahot ahot ahot
hot day da also a strong stron tomato broth brothFruit brothFruit brothFruit
Fruit soups served Icy cold are fa favorites faorlte8 favorites ¬
vorites orlte8 with the epicures These may maybe maybe maybe
be had in n unlimited varieties by b using usingthe usingthE usingthe
the juice of all small fruits and berriessuch berries berriessuch berriessuch
such as blackberries strawberries strawberriesplums strawberrleplnms strawberriesplums
plums oranges bananas red raspberries raspberriesand raspberriesand raspberriesand
and currants mixed pineapple grapes grapesand grapesand grapesand
and cherries It Is also an excellent excellentway excellentwa excellentway
way wa way to utilize the juice from canned cannedArrowroot cannedfruits cannedfruts
fruits fruitsArrowroot
Arrowroot In the proportion of one oneteaspoonful onettaspoonul oneteaspoonful
teaspoonful to every cup of boil juice ice is isadded Isadded Isadded
added to the syrup which whichto tois is is boiled un until until Until ¬
til It thickens when it la sweetened d t ttaste to totaste totaste
taste and set away to cool Serve in insherbet InJherbet insherbet
sherbet or grape fruit glasses set in incracked Incracked incracked
cracked Ice Bits of fresh or candled candledfruits candledfruits candiedfruits
fruits may mn be added to these soups soupsA soupsA soupsA
A very good sour cherry soup is made madefrom madefrom madefrom
from a quart of sour stoned cherries cherriesthe cherriesthe cherriesthe
the jarred ones do Just as well three threeor threeor threeor
or four rusks three pints of water two twoInches twoInches twoinches
Inches of cinnamon lemon rind one onefourth onetourth onefourth
fourth of a pint white whtteor or red wine one oneounce oneCounce oneounce
ounce of butter onehalf ounce of flour floura our ourn
a pinch of salt Put the the cherries cherrl chrries B with withthe withthe withthe
the kernels broken pieces of rusk cinnamon cin cinnamon cinnamon ¬
namon lemon rind and water watt > r all together to together togther ¬
gether and cook slowly for twenty mln mdntttes mlnVtes mlntes
Vtes tes then rub all through a a sieve Iee melt m lt
the butter in another pan add the flour flourand flourand flourand
and cook to a dark brown Moisten the thecooked thecooked thecooked
cooked cherry ehelT mixture the sugar r and andsalt aadaalt andBatt
salt and heft again for or twenty minutes minutesServe MuteaStsrve minutesServe
Serve very very cold This soup is equally equallygood eqlyood
good ood hot hotAspic hotAplc hotAspic
Aspic Jelly Is the foundation for many manyc
delicious c > > lIcloua cold meat flab and salad saladdishes uJadmala saladdlabes
dishes mala This is made t ade by using strong strongclear atronSclfr strongclear
clear highly hi < < hly seasoned 80ned beef chicken or orveal orfOl orreal
veal fOl stock tock to which bicb add a box 00 > of gelaUric gela gelatine pe1aU ¬
tine U to each quart of the boiling stock stockand stockand cockand
and flavor with juice of half a lemon lemonbottom lemonA lemonAs
A As It hardens a layer can be put In 1M 1MboUotft thebottom
bottom of a mold keeping k ptn the rest restwarm ftfI ftfIarm restwarm
warm arm then add lId fln nntly IInely ly chopped veal vealor vealor vealor
or any ingredient tncrfl lent you wish Cover with withanother with withanother withanother
another layer of o Jelly en and repeat until untilthe untilthe untilthe
the mold U ailed This his ts 1 particular particularly ¬
ly pretty when made with shrimps abrtft
An aspic jelly prepared by a famous famousKngiiah famousEn famousEnglish
English En J1ah woman is made as fellows followsTwo fellowsTwo fellowsTwo
Two quarts of jellied veal stock two twoounces twoOUneN twoounces
ounces of gelatine latlne onehalf o halt pint of ofsherry ofsherry It Itliberry
sherry onefourth etourth of a Pnt pt ot C vinegarthe vinegar vinegarthe olnfgarthe
the shells and whites of o two eggs one onebouquetgarnl onebouqUftpml onebouquetgarn
bouquetgarnl lrnl parsley IIr ley thyme and bay ba balaO bayyleaf
leaf laO two pieces of celery ceJ ry Let the stock sjockbecome SSOtcbecome stockbecome
become quite cold and remove all grease greasePut greasePut rfa rfaPut
Put into Inta a stew pan with the gelatine gelatineherbs < < fIAtioe fIAtioehrbs tine tineherbs
herbs celery cut into large hpl pieces plf ccs < < I c q g gshells J J6hfU
shells and slightly 51i sightly htl beatewhites beaten whites li Iiea Iieaover foat foatovr at atover t
over the Arc until nearly nnrl boiling ait aitthe vi IM IMthe I Ithe
the wine and vinegar 1ne r heat until quite quiteboiling quit quitbnUlnc quiteboiling >
boiling then the stand on the back of th thstove thatove the thestove
stove and simmer for ten fin minutes minutesStrain mlnut mlnutStrain minutesStrain
Strain and use In any form orM desired desiredThe tI desiredThe em red redThf
The aspic salads ladE are both delicious and andextremely andextremely andextremely
extremely attractive when served on oncrisp nttrlsp oncrisp
crisp rlsp lettuce leaves and covered with withmayonnaise withmayonnats6 withmayonna4s8
Housemothers Exchange
N accordau e with lth a custom lately latelyt latelyarnptal
I arnptal t > 7 TtM t d we + ve giv give tv our monthly monthlyThat monthlyJltenu monthlymenu
menu of meals for a day dayThat dayThat
That for today is a exceedingly exceedinglysimple ttxaeedlnglympl coeedinglysimple
simple mpl And i contributed by a disciple discipleof
of the Fourdollarsaweek FoJrdollar aweek school schoolRecipes schoolRecipes hool hoolRectp
Recipes Rectp for the preparation of the themore theMOre themore
more elaborate dishes dt will be inserted insertedla
la the co cot ier devoted t to culinary eultnar formulas for formulas ¬
mulas mu
Transparent TraAi parent rhubarb rhubarbBoiled rhuarltBoiled rhubarbBoiled
Boiled rice with cream creamPoached ermPoached creamPoached
Poached eggs on toast toastLUNCHEON la toastCoffee t tCoate
Cold roast veal ve sliced slicedvery very r thin thinHot thinHot thinI
Hot I iot potato salad saladIiot 51MBot saladIot
Iiot roilstarguerlJe rolls rollsMarguerite roUseXarguerlj
Marguerite and c cDINNER ooco oocoDINNBR cocoa cocoaDINNER
Cream of spinach soup sou with lth croutons croutonsLamp ClOUtonsLamp croutonsLamp
Lamp chops with ith tomato toma to sauce sauceScalloped SAUCeScalloped sauceScalloped
Scalloped hominy
Cup custards custardsCoffee cUlitardseolree custardsCoffee
Coffee CoffeeECONOMY eolreeECONOMY CoffeeECONOMY
ECONOMY Massachusetts MassachusettsWed MA MaaaectiueettsWeed Mcuutt McuuttWd
Wed Alcohol for Grass Stains StainsI
I have read the Housemothers Hou emothers Ex Exchange Exchange Exchange ¬
change for a long time with pleasure pleasureand plelasureand pleasureand
and profit Now No I have decided to send sendin sendin end endIn
in a few helps on my 01 own account accountand acoountand accountand
and to ask help in return
1 A majority of American mothers mothersuse mothersuse mothersuse
use more or less peppermint in their theirnurseries theirnurseries theirnurseries
nurseries and may ma like to know that thatif thatIt thatif
if they will m mix one ounce of oil of ofpeppermint ofpeppermint ofpeppermint
peppermint with one pint of alcohol alcoholthey alcoholthe alcoholthey
they the will find It stronger > > purer and andcheaper andchper andcheaper
cheaper than that sold In the shops shopschildren shopsXow shopsNow
Now that grass Is In Its glory and andchildren andchildren
children will sit and play pIa on it mothers moth mothers mthers ¬
ers may like to know kno that wood alcohol alcoholwill alcoholw1l1 alcuholwill
will remove grass stains and not harm harmthe harmtha harmthe
the most delicate colors
3 Wood Tood alcohol will 111 also remove removewhite remOVAwhite removewhit
white whit marks from varnished furniture
4 Skim Sic m milk will take fresh ink out outof outof outof
of a arpet Sop up the Ink with lth a soft softrag sottrKgi softrag
rag pour a little little n milk Hk on the spot pot sop sopup SQIIup supup
up that pour on more and sop it up upproceeding uppr upproceedng
proceeding pr edlng in n this manner until the spotdisappears spot spotdisappears apetdlsa
disappears dlsa disappearsb PlMa n
5 Tincture of larkspur will certainly
de destroy trov vermin venn In in the hair and make makean mak makan makean
an epd of the rlts U or eggs tnat cling clingto cllugto clingto
to the hair and promise other broods broodsB brOOdsHI broodsBe
B HI Be > careful to keep the tincture out of ofthe otthe ofthe
the reach of children child en as it Is deadly deadlypoison deltdlypolsnn deadlypoison
poison taken internally Internally Wet Vet the hair hairand hAirZnd hairand
and scalp well at bedtime for a week weekSome weelSO weekSame
Some SO > Dle time Urn ago I read that you ou had hadpublished hadpublished hadpublished
published a list of womans exchanges exchan exchangesin t1 t1In
in various parts of the country C untr Will Willyou W ill 111ou illvolt
you volt ou please send me one and an let me
know at the same time which you youthink youthink ou outhink
think there will be most sale for forbaby forbabyclothes forbabyclothes baby babyclothes
clothes and other fine fir sewing or for Torpyrography forpyrography or orpyrogralh
I think you are mistaken with regard regardto
to the publication of < he list you Ou speak speakof spookof speakof
of I have none such sudL although though I have haveoften haveotten haveoften
often wished Ished for It for the sake of ref reference rererenee reterenee ¬
erenee It may have appeared here but butI
I do d not recall the circumstance clra instance If you youwill youwin youwill
will send me a stamped and selfad selfaddressed seltadres selfaddressed ¬
dressed dres envelope I will put you OU into com communication communication commnnlcatloii ¬
munication with Ith a person who may be of ofservice otservice ofservice
service to you In the disposal of any anywork an anwork anywork
work that comes under the head af afartistic Atart16t1 ofartisttr
artistic artisticMaking artisttrMaking
Making Scrapple of Sausage SausagePerhaps SausagePerhaps Sausageerhads
Perhaps the modest and few sugges suggestions suggestions suggestions ¬
tions I have to offer will not be of useto nee neeto Ufetoan
to toan auy any of our family Still one Is never nevertoo nev nevertoo r rtoo
too old to learn and somebody may not notknow notknow notknow
know all I have to say sa This PIis Is I fly n
nrst ft t attempt at serving the corner cornerhave I Ihae Ihave
have derived so much benettt ben nt from Mm wlint wlinteditor wLntothers wbatothers
others ha have sent In and from wh 111 tt tJ tJltor the theeditor
editor ltor has said fd that I reel constral constraint constraintto > l ito ltn
to add a little
1 Put two tablespocnful tablt > spocnful of cold fj fjinto tJInto ttintoan
into intoan an apple appletle pie The tea will improve improvtthe SmJlliHthe improvethe
the flavor flavorI fIa flavorTo Yore
I 2 To keep the juice from oozing out outaround outarounel outaround
around the edges edgt of a pie hind a strip stripi stripof tri
i of t muslin about an inch in width around arounlthe arountthe aroundthe
the edge and sew or pin It In place placeWhen placehen placeWhen
When hen the pie Is done the bandage bandagemay btu1daglIftay bandagemay
may be removed without Ithout difficulty dltfteult
X I have seen several recipes for mak ¬
ing scrapple In your OU1 department They
all call for a pigs head and cornnual
Some of us cannot get a pigs head so sOIs
it is much easier and to my m taste la AtE just justas Jutas lustas
as good if not better bt > tter to make it of ofreally ofrNlI ofrealy
really rNlI nioe honest homemade homemad e sausage sausageas e
as a base adding cornmeal cornme l as In Phila ¬
delphia scrappleBoil scrapple scrappleBoil scrappleBoll
I Boil the sausage for fifteen tt n minutes in intwo intwo intwo
two quarts of water add the meal and anda
a teaspoonful of salt cook for twenty
minutes and pour into a deep dish to toset toset toset
set When ht > n cold and stiff slice for
4 If flour be stirred into drippings drippingsmeant drippingsmetUlt drippingsmeant
meant for gravy gra and browned then stir stirring stirring Stirring ¬
ring in the water wate1or or milk rapidly and andthoroughly andthoroughl andthoroughly
thoroughly there need be no fear of
lumpy lump gravy
A H J New ew York city cityI clt cltI
I have but one correction to offer to
the correspondent who has favored us
by a helpful and friendly letter
Were I making the scrapple with withsausage withsausage
sausage or with a pigs head I would wouldcook wouldcook wouldcook
1 cook the compound of pork and Indian Indianmeal Irdhtnmeal Indianmeal
meal twice as long as the recipe directs di directs dlrect ¬
rects rect Mush can hardly be cook cooked too
long The raw tastethst tasteth t clings to cern cornmeal ccrnmeal cernmeal80metlmes
meal meal80metlmes sometimes described as chicken
feedy feedd08ii does not belong to it by b right
When hen well cooked it loses the unpopu ¬
lar flavor entirely entirelyON entlret entlretON entirelyON
A long purse of o Japanese leather hav having havIng haylag ¬
ing on one side > a bronze crab and the thaother th thothE theother
other othE > r a long Ion bronze br nQ catch catchA catchA catchA
A plain gold bracelet set with a single singleamethyst 1JlnSlamethyst singleamethyst
amethyst amethystA
A collar of biscuitcolored linen em embroidered pmbroidered embroidered ¬
broidered In n white had a a long embrold embroidered embroldered embroldtred ¬
ered tab attached l1 tached to it itA ItA itA
A pair of long sleeves sleev s of fine French Frenchmuslin Frenchmuslin Frenchmuslin
muslin made into two puffs having cuffs cuffsand cuttsand cuffsand
and collar of Insertions and lace laceFor laceFor laceFor
For women ascot ties of white linen linenwith I1n linenwith n n1th
with 1th pearl pin In front frontLong trontLong frontLong
Long scarfs for the neck in gold amt amiblack An amtblack < t tblaK
black and silver and white have quite quitean quiteAn quitean
an Oriental effect effectA effectA trett trettA
A small and l1ndattracthe attractive clock In dul dulbrass dun dunbrnss dullbrass
brass to stand on ones desk deokCrystal dctlkCrystal deskCrystal
Crystal boxes in heart shapes sha s have havea haveIi
a frame of French gilt showing dancing dancingCupids d dancingCuPlda nclrg nclrgCupids
Cupids CupidsBuckles CuPldaBuckles
Buckles as a trimming for deep d eep girdles girdlesseem gt girdlesseem rdlC rdlClfot
seem lfot > m indispensable > many having nar narrow nsrrow navrow ¬
row ones on s to match In front frontNecklaces trontNecklaces frontNecklaces
Necklaces to match the costume are areamong areamong areamong
among the novelties for the season seasonSubstitute seasonSubslilule easonSuhslflule
Substitute for SaucersLittle Saucers SaucezsLittle SaucersLittle
Little round Japanese trays In true trueJapanese trueJapanese trueJapanese
Japanese style 8tle are used instead of saucers sau saucers lIaucers ¬
cers with the Japanese tea set Theselittle These Theselittle ThueIIttlc
little trays of either lacquer or dalnthy dalnthycarved dalnthycarved daintilycared
carved natural colored wood are to bE bffound bEtound befound
found among the Oriental Orlent l wares of the thebig thobig thebig
big stores stor s Many ltlan any women have been puz puzzled puzzled puzzled ¬
zled to know the meaning meal in of tne saucer saucerless saucerless saucer saucerless
less cups that accompany oriental tea teasets te teasrtg
6 srtg sets t This Thl is the thf explanation exJlnnat o

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