OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, September 01, 1906, Last Edition, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1906-09-01/ed-1/seq-1/

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1 1Fair
T Fair and and Cool Sunday SundayNUMBRR SundayNUMBBR Tonight Tonightand t CM e U fiintou < 11ime LAST EDITION EDITIONI
NUMBRR NUM 446x 6t
Announces rnnounces Plan to Edu Educate Educate u uCdlto ¬
cate Democratic Party Partyto Partyto Partyto
to His Views ViewsNEW ViewsEW
NEW EW YORK YOB Sept 1 William J JTrau Jr Jir
Trau ir r a au n will not ot retreat from his hi PO POitiin poitiH po pojai
jai itiin + n that the Federal ownership ownershipf
if < > f uilnwuls is the solution tloa of the them thell1tr8 theI
I m ll1tr8 trys t rvs transportation tnan portatlon problem problemUTS problemInt
UTS Int n t the paramount issue in the next nextThough nextrrtjllentlal next1t
1t rrtjllentlal itlenthd ClllDpaJp ClllDpaJpThough esmpalgnthough
Though his railroad declaration declarationJKIS declarationh eeJaratiODtirrec1
JKIS h stirred up tips a hornets aonset neat in the theIhonlOratio theIh
Drmocratie Ih msKratio ranks which threatens threatenst thrt a at
t < > mind r > nd tli the party in twain aa djd djdthe dJd111f didtit
the ufrte free silver I Jytr issue in 184 thec
c riuiirnonrr II 11 monrr believes that within the thein theTltt thert
in Tltt xt s two years his party will be beME leHUNTING beHUNTING
Sportsmen Out Bright Brightand Brightlnd Brightand
and l Early Return n With WithWellFilled lVithWellFilled
WellFilled Bags BagsAiming Bagsatlninc Bags4uning
Aiming season ov olelsed ened today todayr t dIW and aa4c
r the break of da daeni n rubberboted rubberbotednarmed JUbber JUbberillarmed rubberbotedr1
narmed r1 armed huntsmen have been stamp stampthrough stampr tampl
l through t h rQusb the marshes of Benning Benningttan Bennlncttnn Hennington
ttan ton Island FourMile Run and andlaces andTheel andlaces
Theel laces In quest of game me Accord Accordt
t 1 the he name ame laws 1 WII of the District it itTrntssible ItTmlslllb1e itt
t Trntssible to shoot deer snipe duckt duck duckmarsh duckIt
chickentnated chicken chickeninated ehtckenInated
It t marsh blackbird prairie
inated grouse plover pI oyer goose SOO reed reedrail reedi reedsail
i rail p1 or r ortolon from September 1t 1 1A 1t
= t l IJrlnG
1 A r > bateau h t au rowboat and skta t < < along alongvr aloner
vr t r front was pressed preu < < d rate service servicei servt servtiF
iF t i l Ii s many man as at four hunters scrambled scrambledne
I ne no > frail craft In their hurry to get gethunting gett
1 hunting i grounds groundsWhet groundLWhere OuD4L OuD4LWhere
Where Burls Bil Arc Plentiful Plentifuloe PluUf1dHNc1hrds
HNc1hrds It oe eTrds Urds aa and ad ortolans are plentiful plentifultie plUtutHi
Hi tie n p marshes and wild w 4 rice groves IPOv roves on onaicstan on1rratan
1rratan t aicstan < nstan Island and anI the banks of tha thatfrn thatirr thedt I
dt tfrn rn branch and It was at these theses th thI
I s that the largest prises prises were land 1ndc
c 1 y v the hunters hu en Sou Some 80 few ducks cl k8 were weret wereand
t and small snipe grouse poou e and 4 ducks ducksseen ducksi
t n i t seen but scarcely llCUCel any aa nf f them theme
e It f fired on because becau e of their diminutive diminutiveonally dlmiDuUves dlmiDuUvedlll
s ez
onally dlll alts a number t1um r of accidents occur occurihti occuri
c ihti i he first 1r t day of the hunting season seasonvu
< vu Iit t of of tht great number of rUle rtflej rUleJlowfug
r Jlowfug j lowing around through thei the theand
r = i and inability nbillt for one party part to toih tol toh
ih l h othr oth r At t n noon xm today DO accl acclis cccba cel celI
I is t a had been reported to the police policeiipri polleePl police1Pn
1Pn iipri Pl the sun was well up and after aftertid atterG
G tid td be befJ < i iic popping pping for several hours hoursiiiirdn bo boin1t hoursiiris
iiiirdn in1t ortolan Irtolal and blackbirds took tookr teokrr
r irom rr r tm m the t he marshes and got out of ofHi otn oftig
Hi n tig rang Many of the hunters huntersnVd hunt huntersr
nVd r ct u t to > the lh city with wellfilled wellfilledt
I nr 11 t ht hlga > iJRS ra According to hunters reed reedand reedro reedrid
ro and nd iiitulan were more plentiful plentifulthe
r L the Eastern Iest rn Branch than they theyixen theyteen
1 teen bt 11 fur 1 iL some years year but all of ofrti oCen ofi
en rti i i aTt re stili smallIt small smallit smallc
c it tuber mbe < r having an r in it the ther
r r seaaor opened today It is I be bei
01 i i hy i > y > rivt rlv rhrmtll rnien that this tb season oys oysltms oy oym oysl
l ltms ima m and a I otht other r shell bell fish will be beplentiful beItnUful be1entiiul
plentiful ItnUful than they were last year yearno yearn
S no n oyster lailtm latlt > t1 boat was an anl and an ant
d < l at it the t 11 < fish wharf this ti morning morningvtral morningtral morningvt
vtral vt tral ral are due this afternoon afternoonTHE anernoonTHE afternoonTHE
< ir i r and it nd moierately cool weather pre prehis preTtl1 prothis
> Ttl1 this his < morning moman < < everywhere east of ofp ot11Iislp ofsill
p sill Misi 11Iislp issippl lppi l river To the westward westwardu westwardthunder
u i thunder showers have occurred in iniiiwestern batlterrl Int
iiiwestern t nestern tlterrl Texas r sa Oklahoma Okl south southirn aeuthrn southt
> t irn rn Kansas Nebraska the Dakotas Dakotasi
i over w Wrn wt strn rn Lke l e superior superiorTEMPKBATUlUt Bu SuperiorT1MP1SRATURB enor enorf
Nn It ItStX
0 cued red trlhks ftteck m olM TbsreIometer TbsreIometeriurn IIMr < I rter rteri
i iurn n
1 1 m + 07 07SfN
a > t todnv
171 171r
r ± ry tUnturruw tUnturruwTIIiE J i iTIlJE
r tide e t Flay > lay 70ft 00 p m ma
l lde
a 1 title t today t IC iav Mj > p m mrdc
rdc de ic tomorrow ttn rrow6 72 6 a m 751 ii 1 p P m JUId mtomorrow
Id I tomorrow 110 a m IK 20 p m raUltPE mf mfA1rFRS
fA1rFRS f UltPE UltPElix 0 I PRS riRRYW FLRRY N Ya v a Sept 1 1wth
wth lix rivers muddy
educated to the belief that the Gov Government Goyerawea Governmeat ¬
ernment erawea is the natural owner of ofthe ofthr oftti
the thr tti railroads ralroadsTo railroadsTs lroada lroadaTeStart
Ts TeStart Start Ed Education cati Campaign CampaignMr
Mr Bryan proposes to lead the thepropaganda theWOpaaand thepropaganda
propaganda for tOIPedem1 Federal ownership owft4llfllal of ofrailroads otraUroada ofrailroads
railroads and between now and ad the next nextPresidential nextPreld4entlal nextPresidential
Presidential election two years hence 1te it itwill It111I itWill
will be his plan pi and purpose MJrpo to lend hte hteevery JdfIeve7 hieevery
every effort to educating educadn < < the members membersof mem memot
of his Ita party to his b belief Ten yearsago years yearsago y ya
ago a Mr Bryan made his h famous free freesilver free8tlyu iresliver
silver declaration The Nebraska Nebraskawas NebN8kuwu Nebraskanwas
was nominated for President on that thatplank thatplank thatplank
plank in a stampeded pede < < convention eonve Uoa Then Thenfollowed TIaenfollowed Thenfollowed
followed a campaign V ftt education ed within within with WIt1tID ¬
in a period of a few months preceding precedingthe pr prtM precedingthe
the election Bryan failed of election electionThe elee deadenThe oft oftrbe
The Nebraska N ebrukan1au has toM his friends friendsthat trtendathat friendsthat
that he will 1U begin n the campaign of ofeducation ofecIuetioft ofeducation
education for Federal control of rail railroads raUro48 railroads ¬
roads now and that when the hoer new ar arrives arrlvee ¬
t rives rI for the t e building ot the Demo Democratic DeIDoeraUc Democrude ¬
crude platform p tCOI for the next ext efectkm eiectk the thepeople tIMpeople thepeople
people will demand Ks incorporation inoorpotttleaamong tacorporaUnaonathe incorporationamong
among naonathe the avowed Democratic prin prtndpies principles prbtciples ¬
ciples ciplesSurpdtod ciplesSrpdaM dpiesSarptlaed
Surpdtod atf a Comment Prsvaked PrevekedMr PrsvakedMr PrevkeiMr
Mr Bryan was much surprised > > ulM1Md today todayto toda7te todayto
to learn lea that so many Democrats had hadregarded hadragrde tadNP
regarded NP the declaration of his bejief Iel In InPsderal Incoatnit InPeaerat
Psderal ooatr eontnjil l of traaaaertailOB traa tirar c ertadeu Hoes livesas Hoesas In InuhIa
as uhIa his obiter dictum ictant t tat the Democratic DesneeraUchLpo Democraticen D Dt
hLpo a ae aeen
en route from i1 M iteMlgepart JWao to New NewYork NewYork NewYork
t York today After he h had concluded concludedreading COftdudedrdiftA concludedrending
reading some of the sharp comments on onhis onhili onhis
his railroad ra road views vJew Mr Bryan said lei My
declaration at t Madison Square Squaretor Garden Gardenfor Gardenfor
for Federal control was only the expres expression expr expression ¬
sion of my opinion I tried to make that thatclear thatclear thatclear
clear at that time I have not talked talkedwith talkedwith talkedwith
with any 1 Democrats on the question questionand queeUoaADd questionand
and do not now know what they thigh thlakI tbbakftrml
I firmly ftrml believe m jft the le hederaleoiftrol hederaleoiftrolof P4Hlerttl1OI d ami control controlef tMI tMIot
ef railroads and ad I am swre rre that time Un will willJustify wtUjeNItIty wiltjustify
Justify me in the position I have taken takenI
I have no desire to comment on what whaothers wbaotbenI whatothers <
others have bav said > > Jcl now nowTe nowTe nowTe
Te Spread Views EverywhereWhen Everywhere EverywhereWhen EverywherWhen
When told that a prominent Demo Democrat Demoerat Democrat ¬
crat bad been quoted as saying that thatFederal thtFederal thatFederal
Federal control would CHIld disrupt the party partyas partyas partyas
as tree fre sliver had done ten years ago
Mr Bryan said saidI
1 dont care to discuss d c Illl what a prom ¬
inent Democrat says MY when his name me Is Isnot Isnot Isnot
not given tveft I only have this th to say y at atthis attb atthis
this tb time that I prefer IN ter to disease dl8ou 8 the
Issue ten In my own 01 way and not to answer answeranonymous aa answeranonymous wer werDOa7mo
anonymous DOa7mo argument In due du time I Ihope Ihope Ihope
hope to give my views to every 7 section sectionof NettOftoC sectionof
of the country countrythe eouatryIs
Is It not a tact that the reason why
the Southerners SOUtherlt are afraid of Federal Federalcontrol Fedwaleoatrol Federalcontrol
control is 1 because of the possible abolition aboli abolition aboltt10n ¬
tion of the Jim Crow cart car h he was wasasked wasuk wasasked
asked askedMy uk askedMy
My 7 idea o of or Federal control said ald Mr MrBryan YrBI7U MrBryan
Bryan 18 is QMU the National Government Govern Government Government ¬
ment should control the trunk lines 1Ine and andthat andthat ad adthat
that States so sokI ld control the lines lhe feed feedjPJ fMd1n feedlug
jPJ 1n lug Uw bi b11 UUK lotrK lines U linesin in their own ownRefuses ownes
8tatea 8tateaRef es esRefsss
Refuses Ref S ll te Discuss Jim Jim Crow Phase PhaseHow PhaseHow PhaseHow
How about Jtm Crow cars on trains trainspassing trahulpaaaing trainspassing
passing over trunk lines through sev several MVeral several ¬
eral States StatesN 8tatear 8tatearWell StateoiWell
Well N I prefer not to answer amnv < < these UI
details S In a fTSmet fragmentary tary way replied repliedaetaii replied
Mr Bryan 1 shall dlllCWIS thllf thl i Inane
In < detail later and In inMr my own way Wayfore
Mr r BIjar Bryar le left Bridgeport Bridgeport shortly shortlyWay b bsNell be
tore 8 ocloek today for New York after fter
spending the then nicht ht at the home of for
mer Senator eQator McNeU sNell of Connecticut He
ws tf accompanied T1111 to this th city ty by y Ken ¬
neth McNeil McN etl
who was mistaken for Mr IdsSenator
Bryan Bryans s private so secretary r
Senator Fairbanks says ys h he is 1 too tootary tootary
poor to travel wi with a prlYte secre
tary now that the new rat rate bill Ill 18 1ft
effect r arked a reporter
Weil Well Mr McNetl Inonot la not my
tary replied r8 replied 1ed Mr Brayn UughingT lllughing pecr lteere but e
in fact I never travel with a private
secretary except In a hot campaign I
wont say y anything aJlTthI t about Senator Fair alr ilr
banks and wont give him my sYmpa syntnapOBluon
thy for there are many other Republi Republli
caN In the same position po ltJon who need
sympathy You know I believe belle in equal equg
sympathy for all n and special sympathy
for none noneThe noneThe noneThe
The conductor on the train shook book Mr
Bryan by the hand and tOld him that
be bad h voted for him twice and hoped
to vote for him the third time
I hope they the havent scared > > you off offreplied oftreplied offreplied
replied Mr r BryanConfers Bryan BryanConfers BryanConfers
Confers With Politicians PoliticiansMr
Mr Bryan BrI t was driven at once ORe to the theVictoria th thVictoria theVictoria
Victoria Hotel on his arrival here and andwent andwent andwent
went into conference with Alfred Dulin Dullntreasurer Dulintlrer Dulintreasurer
treasurer of the Democratic National
Congressional Con nal Committee During the
day Mr Bryan will 1n hold several veral confer conferences ooftterencell conferences ¬
ences with Democratic politicians from fromall trontaU frontall
all over the country and uK will doubtless doubtlesssound doubtlenSIOUnci doubtlesssound
sound them on the now muchtalked of ofquestion otClUUOft ofquestion
question of Federal control of railroad raHradsMr raUradMr railroadMr
Mr Bryan will go to Newark this after afterJere arterBOOft afternoon
noon where > Jere be will make a speech and
later will return to Jersey Jer City where h hwill he
will dine at the Carteret Club After AftercUaller
dinner there ther will be a review of a a par ¬
ade de of 10990 10 of Jersey sons > > OnS Rod three ree
meetings uns which Mr Bryan will address addr
in various parts par of the city cityNew
Mr fro Bryan was 811chU slightly I hoarse oar J today
prom hi his speechmaking yesterday In
New England but otherwise the theof stress stressof stzeesof
of his trip had no ill effect on mm mmXConUnued InmLConUnued himContinued
Continued on Ninth Page
Says Past P ass st Abuses A AChargeable Are AreChargeable AreChargeable
Chargeable to Apathy Apathyof
of Merchants MerchantsCONDENSED MerchantsCONDENSED MerchantsCONDENSED
Important I lmPortantChanges Changes Promised PromisedFacilitating PromisedFacilitating PromisedFacilitating
Facilitating Shipments Shipmentsrto ShipmentsrtoCities ShiPmentsftoCities to toCities
Cities of Virginia VirginiaThat VirginiaThat
That Washington Whton shippers are Mcin McintIN in inth inthe
th tIN main more blamable tbw tb the therailroads thorafirda therallroath
railroads for the freight trella t dteuim dteuimInations dt diaarimtnathons urim urimbaattou
Inations both as to shiptnetns and andrates andrat andrates
rates rat which have so long made I1II1c1 this thisetty thi thicity thisetty
etty undnafrsMe U f as the rightful pur purchasing purcIauIaJ purchasing ¬
chasing point for Southern buyers buyershi
is the opinion held by Monroe MonroeLnchs MonroeLuehs MonrocLueh8
Lnchs vice see president of the Wash Washington WuhIDgtOJl Washington ¬
ington Tobacco Company and per permanent perJftIIDJlt permaneat ¬
manent secretary of the u Jobbers Jobbersand Jobbersand 1 abberaI
I and ad Shippers Asociatlon Much of ofthe ofthetntuble ofthe
the thetntuble trouble which has au arisen arisenthrough IUisenthroup arisenthrough
through the existence of burden burdensome burdenome burdensome ¬
some ome freigttt conditions Secretary SecretaryLuchs SeeretaryLueka SecretaryLucha
Luchs believe belie might It t have in a agreat ItKrea agreat
great Krea measarebeen measure been obviated ohriafo cl in the thepast theput thet
past t had Washington jobbers and andshippers andahfppen api apishippers
shippers gotten together ther In a concerted con concerted C n nefTtecl ¬
certed movement ano au appealed to tothe tothe tothe
the railroads to relieve them He Hethinks IIpthlAD liethinks
thinks that had ad there t ere been bee no de derisive d defatve decislve ¬
risive sction JOe tlOR on the part of local localshippers localshippers
shippers the t e railroads obviously obviouslywould obrlou obviouslywould Jy
would never have ha agitated tested the ques question flUfSt101t ques question ¬ t twcmld
tion of rates i nor does he hold old that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the rallroa railroads would have been en entirely entirely entlrely ¬
tirely to blame DJa for maintaining maintainingsilence maintainingIIilence maintainingsilence
silence under lurS1I auek condi eoadlo eoadloTIM conditiuna conditiunad1 ons onsThe
d1 d1The
The most mot important jrroUem roWeua 1Il now eon eonfronting eontroatinC eonfronting
fronting the Jobbers and Shippers As Association A AaoclaUon Assodatlon ¬
sociation Secretary 8ee tary Luch holds 1tolca is that thatof tutof thatof
of adjusting adJu8ti = existing ext t1n < < freight rates rau The Theentire TIMentire Theentire
I entire organisation has awakened to tothis totbi8 tothis
I this fact he says 1 and acting ae through throughIts
Its freight committee witt make a de determined 4 4termitte4 determined ¬
termined effort to secure railroad co cooperation cooperaUOft cooperation ¬
operation for without it little can CILIato be beflona bedare
dare to advance the meaning and pur purpose purOM purpose ¬
pose OM of th the organUuttoln organleatolnSeptic organUuttolnSeadf orpntoinSeBdI
Septic Oat O t Condensed ReportThe Report RepsrtThe Re rt rtThe
The activity of the Shipper and Job Jobbers JobheN Jobbore ¬
heN Association now centers e4tIIt In a cir circular circular drcular ¬
cular letter which the freight commit committee ctommittee OIIIlllittee ¬
tee Is having havlD < < prepared with the talon Intention IAtefttIOR talonlion ¬
lion of eroding it to the members of the theorganisation Uteon theorganisation
organisation on showing in the form of a acondensed IIcoftdelUled acondensed
condensed report the progress made by bythat bythat bythat
that committee committeeThe committeeThe committeeThe
The letter which bieb Secretary Lucks will willsend willend willsend
send end out tomorrow is J as follows Feel Feeling PeIa Feeling ¬
ing a < < that It t is better to attempt to rem remedy remeely remedy ¬
edy one evil at a time this committee committeehas eommltt eommlttbaa committeehas
has devoted its It entire attention to the thematter tMmatter thematter
matter of freight delays caused by re rebllllng rebilling rebilling
billing of freight shipments and ad the thetransfer thetrancer thetransfer
transfer of such shipments originating originatingat
at the Pennsylvania freight station stationWashington tJtaUOliWUhlq1on atationWashington
Washington and Dd reshipped at Alexandria Alexan Alexandria Alexandrla ¬
dria over connecting lines to Southern Southernpoints Southernpoints Southernpoints
points pointsMessrs pointsMessrs
Messrs Semme Droop and Merrel Harrelthe Merrelthe Merrelthe
the subcommittee appointed to investi InvfNltlpt invBStigate investigate ¬
gate pt theM delays delay report that W WBowie Vf VfBowie WBowie
Bowie general freight agent of the thePennsylvania thePenn thePennsylvania
Pennsylvania Penn ylvanla railroad has given them themevery themevery themevery
every assistance tance in the formation of ofplans otplant ofplans
plans looking to the elimination of thedelays the thedelays Utedelay
delays complained of He has promised promisedto
to recommend that ail freight originat originating origlnatlag originatlag ¬
lag in his hi office for Southern points be behilled bebilled b bbttled
hilled through to points of destination destinationand de destinationand Unatlon Unatlonand
and to use his influence to have this thischange thischange thischange
change effected effectedImportant ettectldImpertant effectedImportant
Important Change Promised PromisedWe Promisedbelleye PromisedWe
We believe this thl will be a very important im important important ¬
portant reform Heretofore such uch shipmanta ship shipments Alpmenta ¬
manta have been Men forwarded on memo memorandum memorandum memorandum ¬
randum from the freight yards here and andunloaded andunJoacled andunloaded
unloaded and rebind at Alexandria Alexandriacausing Alexandrfacausing Alexandriacausing
causing we have no doubt many if not notall notaU notall
all oC the delays Mr Green freight freighttraffic freighttramc freighttraffic
traffic manager for the Southern rail railway railway railway ¬
way which does do most of the billing blUln at atAlexandria atAlexandria atAlexandria
Alexandria has also al o premised preml ecl to give givethis givethi givethis
this thi proposed change his hl earnest sup support support support ¬
port portMr
Mr Bowie has also promised promlS that thathereafter tha thathereafter t threafter I
hereafter the Washington freight for forSouthern forSouthern forSouthern
Southern points win > In leave here at 490 490each 410each 910each
each day and go straight through to todestination todtlnaUon todestination
destination points lntll Instead of waiting
for the southbound freight trains from fromthe fromthe fromthe
the North as heretofore > This will save svamany 8V8m savemay
many m n y hours In freight delivery dellyeryhe
The he committee Ben has further gathered
information to the effect that the the Po Potomac Potomac Potomac ¬
tomac yarns yarc the new terminal for all
Southern roads connecting with th the
Pennsylvania lines out of Washingtonwill Washington Washingtonwill Vashlngtonwill
will soon be b ready for use and will at ¬
ford Improved facilities faclllU for Washington
freightTo freight freightTo freightTo
To Take Part in Jamestown Exposition ExpositionTills ExpositionT1 ExpositionThis
Tills T1 subcommittee having accom accomplished accompll aecompltahed ¬
plished pll hed such good work on this one onepoint onepoint onepoint
point has been asked to investigate Inve tlJate th thdelays thdelays the thedelays
delays resulting re ulUng from conditions similar similarto
to those at Alexandria on the Balti Baltimore DaJUmore Baltimore ¬
more and Ohio railroad at Brunswick BrunswickMd BrunwlckMd BrunswickDid
Md It Is believed that it will achieve achieveequally achfeQequally achieveequally
equally satisfactory resultsIn results resultsIn reeultsIn
In addition to this tbl an effort will in be bemade bemade bemade
made by the publicity committee to in interest Intereat interest ¬
terest Washington business men in the
desirability of oe being represented represented at the thacoming theoomlng thecoming
coming Jamestown s own Exposition x don This Thisproposition TblsCropoaltlon ThisproHitlon
proposition Cropoaltlon will be gone into to at a meet meeting mietng ¬
ing ng of the publicity commitee committee on next
Tuesday a at the American Security Seeuri S ecurijy t and
Trust Tru t Company when a plan an will wIlformulated lw
formulated to have Washington mar marchants marchanta
chants represented tnre re reeented en d there thereLabor thfreLabor thereLabor
Labor Day DayRaces DayRac DayBares
Races Rac at rJshtwodAdr Brlshtwod Adr
Hint That Officials Sanc Sanctioned Sanctioned Sanctioned ¬
tioned Loans Causes CausesRush CausesRush CausesRush
PHILADELPHIA Sept 1 IIt IItIked It ha haleaked has hasleaked
leaked out that when Adolph Segal Segalthe 8ep1the Qeegalthe
the hypnotizer said that there therewere therewore therewere
were others who passed MMeCI on and andfavored andIlore andfavored
favored Ilore his eftor enormous loans from fromthe fromthe tressthe
the Heal Estate aw Trust Company he hemeant liemeant e emeaJtt
meant certain lawyers who were weredirectors weredirectors weredirectors
directors in the defunct company eompanyand companyand eonapaJland
and were also 1a his Jd attorneys attorneysThis attoIJleprbl attorneysThis
This rbl is the most startling 1rtU I piece pieceof pieeeof pieceof
of news that has ha yet emanated from fromthis fromthla fromthis
this extraordinary financial fllum al rob robbery robbery ¬ I Ib
bery beryCornered b beryCornered I ICoruerec1
Cornered and with wi foh the stronghand strong stronghand tronalIand
hand of the law reaching out for forthem forthem forthem
them the board of directors of the thedefunct thedefunct thedefunct
defunct Real Estate Trust Com Company Compliny Cornpans ¬
pans have ha va become panic ptU e stricken strickenand strickenand strickenand
and are frantically fra > > taU endeavoring eJldeaTorin to toshoulder toshoulder toshoulder
shoulder the responsibility reapou iblHt upon uponsubordinate uponsubordinte uponsubordinf
subordinate te officials since hypocrite hypocritethief hypocritethief hypocritethief
thief and suicide Hippie has passed passedthe puaedtItC passedthe
the pale of the law lawBach JawBacb lawIl
Bach Il + aeh succeeding development since sincethe sincethe nee neethe
the closing clo tnft of the doors doo of the wrecked wreckedInstitution wreckedlnaatitutlon wreckedInstitution
Institution has clearly revealed one of oftwo ottwo oftwo
two conditions oontgdonsthat that the directors directo have havecriminally havecriminally havecriminally
criminally misrepresented the true state stateof stateof tat tatot
of affairs secondly aecondl that they hate hatebeen have havebeen baebeen
been criminally negligent JleCIi < < ent of t he belr belrtruateeablp r rtrusteeship rtrusteeship
trusteeship of funds of the depositors depositorsDisplayed depoaltorsI depositorsDisplayed
Displayed Interest InterestIn InterestIn
PHILADELPHIA Sept 1 IFrank IFrankn Prank PrankR
R Hipple the suicide president of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the wrecked Real R al Estate Trust Com Company Company Company ¬
pany it has just ju t been discovered discoveredgave di8eoeredgave discoveredgave
gave a fortune to a woman womanHippie womanllipplo womanHipple
Hippie advanced the money with withwhich withwhich withwhich
which a school at Bryn MHWT IlIwr was wasstarted wasstarted wasstarted
started by Miss MI Lila M MWright Wright a ahandsome Ithandsome ahandsome
handsome young woman of blond blondtype blondtJpe blondtype
type of beauty beautyThe bCAUtyThe beautyThe
The institution was incorporated incorporatedas
as Miss Wrights rights School for Young YoungLadies YoungLadies YoungLadies
Ladies with a capital of 70000 70000and 70060and 70000and
and it is admitted that tIta Hippie ad advanced advanced advanoed
vanced at least 80000 of the capital capitalHippie capitalHipple capitalRipple
Hippie was a regular and f frequent frequentvIsitor frequentvisitor requentvisitor
visitor of Miss fu Wright rlgh5 and spent spentthe apentthe spentthe
the afternoon with ftll her er on the day dayon dayon dayon
on which ho killed hinnacifIn himself himselfIn IdJNtelfIn
In Bryn Mawr women made the thecomment thocommcnt thecomment
comment that it was wa strange that thatMrs thatMrs thatMrs
Mrs Hippie did not object to the theContinued theCont1Dued theContinued
Continued on Ninth Page
The Rev Father Meyer MeyerLearned JIeyerLearned MeyerLearned
Learned Prelate Prom Prominent Prominent Prominent ¬
inent Candidate CandidateROMS
ROMS Sept 1AH the electors of th thSociety Ute Uteor theSooleiy
Society of Jesuits are here and ballot battothtg baDottor ballotbig
big for the general erat of the order will willbegin wtUtbla willbegla
begin this afternoon There Th is the great greatest peatlater greateat ¬
est Interest later among mOfts bets b4 > tft enurchmen Cfturc aHm and andlaymen andIn andlaymen
laymen in this meeting of the leaders leadersof 14enIof leadersof
of the most powerful missionary order orderof orderoC orderof
of the church The Jesuit electors de declined deeUneci dodined ¬
dined before going into retirement for forthe torthe forthe
the election to even discuss the elec citetloa election election ¬
tion with outsiders It is believed how however howeyer however ¬
ever that the American Father Meyer Meyerhas Meyerhas Meyerb
has b a fairly good < < eocI chance of receiving receivingthe reeelYIacthe receivingthe
the suffrages Itra < < of his followers followe and ad be become beoome become ¬
come the head of the peat order orderPapal orderPapal orderPapal
Papal Bull Road ReadThe Roadbe RoadThe
The be time has come when the be Catholic CatholicChurch CatbolteChurch CathogcChurch
Church should use all arms nIUJ at t its dis disposal dlltpoal disposal ¬
posal In lighting the enemies eneml who as assail uU assalt ¬
sail U her Nr both within and nd without wtt oat This Thisla Thl ThlJ Thish
la J the chief sentiment expressed prec by byPius byPius byPlus
Pius X in the papal bull read today todayat tocla7at todayat
at the general congregation of the theJesuit theJewit theJesuit
Jesuit Society SocietyThe SocJetyThe SocietyThe
The meeting was held in the German Germancollege GermaneoUe Germancollege
college eoUe < < e and the th papal bull was read d byFather by byFather byFather
Father Ruggero Freddi vicar general generaland pneraIand generaland
and present pre eht acting head of th the order orderIt orderIt orderIt
It confirms the extending of ancient ancientrivileges AAdentCrlVUeges ancientprivileges
privileges CrlVUeges to the Jesuits and the grant1 grant1Ing pant pantn granting
Ing n of new ne faculties and greater power powerto po1 po1to powerto
to th the order orderThe ordernIe orderThe
The important poet of general rat of the theCompany theCompAay theCompany
Company of Jesus has neon open since sinceMay sinceday mce mceXq
May day when h8ft the last general Father Mar Martin KarUn Martin ¬
tin died
Personnel ef Electors ElectorsThe EJect ElectorsThe rs rsThe
The will l of the late head of the or order order order ¬
der appointed as vicar Father Ruggiere RuggiereFreddi R RugglereFreddl re reFreddl
Freddl who ho was an assistant stant for the theItalian theItalian theItalian
Italian provinces The other assist aMtstant assistants 1 1ants
ants ant were Father Rudolph Meyer of ofprovinces oCSt ofSt
St Louis Mo do for the AngloSa AngloSaxon AngloSaxonprovinces on I IPlOVht
provinces PlOVht < < 8 Father Fatftt r Murice Meschlen MChl for forthe forthe forthe
the German Father John Delatorre DeJatorrefor Delatorrefor Delatorrefor
for the Spanish and Father Fine for forthe tortbe forthe
the French FrenchFather FrenchFathr FrenchFather
Father Meyer who ho is the youngest youngestof 3OUftC t tot
of the five assistants tam being only a alittle alittle alittle
little over fifty is well known kno1 in Amer America AmerIca Americe ¬
ica having served MrY cl as provincial of the theorder theorder theorder
order in St Louis and having been beenpresident beenrMent beenpresident
president rMent of the Jesuit colleges oelleg in inCincinnati InCI inCincinnati
Cincinnati CI nnat1 Chicago and Detroit Father FatherMeyer FatherMeyer FatherMeyer
Meyer Has lia made his home in Rome Romefor Romefor Romefor
for the past two or three years where wherehe wherehe bere berehe
he has had residence with the late lategeneral lategeneral lategeneral
general generalThe generalThe generalThe
The possibility of the election of ofFather oCFather ofFather
Father Meyer has created considerable considerableInterest coR8lclerabieInterut considerableInterest
Interest for the reason that the omce omcehas omce1ttta oilicebaa
has been held by Spaniards ItaliansGermans Italians ItaliansGermans ltaUanlGerm
Germans Germ Poles and Belgians Bellria but butnever butnev butnever
never nev by an n AngloSaxon or French FrenchIn Frenchman Frenchman
man manIn manIn
In the United States there are two twoprovinces twoptOvlnce twoprovinces
provinces of the Company of Jests that thatof thatof thatof
of Maryland the Catholic colonv there thereassisted therebaotnl therebasing
basing been founded by the Jesuits who whobated whoassisted
assisted bated Sir George Calvert In 1SB 1 and andthat andthat nd ndUaat
that of Missouri lli8Ourl the origin of Cathol Catholicism Catbotldam Catholicism ¬
icism there dating da Ung from the time timeFather of ofFather otFather
Father Marquette who in ISO while whilemaking whilemaking
making his way ay southwest t from rom Lake LakeMichigan LakeMichigan
Michigan discovered di overed the MississippiThe Mississippi MississippiThe Mlu18 lppl
The Maryland province which num numContinued numCoJ1t1nued numContinued
Continued Continued on Third Pago Pagel j gay
Dr MootgosatiyMd MootgosatiyMdWholly MantgoW Mont HeId HeIdWholly e1 e1Wholly
Wholly Responsible for forComplications forComplications forComplications
Complications ComplicationsThe
The discovery oti7 that inefficient colored coloredclass ceIorode reboreddass
class e teachers have been rempsototed rempsototedcomplete rettppoiatedmay
may dead to a complete C lftplete revision re of the theentire thetire theentire
entire tire list submitted bmltted to sad approved by bythe byue bythe
the Board of 0 Education at Its last 1a t meet meeting meetiDA meetlog ¬
iDA This procedure seems the only 0Dl way wayout wayout wayout
out of the difficulty di < < 1cultsr and it is understood understoodthat undentooclthat understoodthat
that at the meeting m dn < < of the board Tues Tuesday TueIIday Tuesday ¬
day Superintendent Chancellor will willpIOtI8Iy willprobably
1 probably ask that such action be taken takenwith tak takwith takenwith
with respect to the colored teacherslist teachers teacherslist a aU8t
list listDr Dr Dr Chancellor was wa apparently so busi bust1y busily busily ¬
ly engaged this thI morning that he could couldnot couldnot couldnot
not fled time to discuss dl8c the situation situationIt
It is a understood however that he will willsubmit wltlsubmit willsubmit
submit details to the Board and lid ask askthat Ukthat askthat
that body to ferret the matter out for forhim torhim forhim
him It Is his Intention to go over the theeligible thedWe theeligible
eligible dWe list and ascertain 8C < < taln to his b own owntion OWD8facUon ownsatisfaction
satisfaction 8facUon tion who of those recommended recommendedby
b by the colored superintendent are qual qualified qualtfted quali ¬
i ified for continuance in officeDr office officeDr ofneeDr
Dr Chancellor declares most mo most t emphati emphatically MIIphatican emphatically ¬
cally can that Dr Montgomery will be held heldresponsible he1clreapon8lbJe heldresponsible
responsible for the complications thathave that thathave thathave
have arisen nn in the list of colored teach teachers tebera teachers ¬
ers He H says the th assistant illtt superinten supertnteadent superintendent
i dent will be called upon to give Rlv a com complete complete complete
plete explanation to the board relattveto relative
to his recommendation mmendatlon or teachers for forreappointment torrppotntment forreappointment
reappointment whose averages did not notentitle notentitle notend
end entitle them to reinstatement reinstatementDr
Dr Montgomery ont mery according to a state statement statement statement ¬
ment said aId to have been made to Superintendent Super Superintendent SuperInten ¬
intendent Inten ent Chancellor defended his h ac action action noUon ¬
tion on the ground < < rOund that he suggested the thereappointment thereappointment thereappointment
reappointment of tho those e teachers whose whoseaverages whoaeaeragtw whoseaverages
averages ranked below tne tn required requiredgood requiredgood requiredgood
good standard in order to save ave the theboard theboard theboard
board any art embarrassment which hlch might mightarise mllbtr1 mightarise
arise r1 e if they the were not reinstated What WhatIs Whatis WbatSa
Is meant by this th statement is not dear dearto cIrto clearo
to o Dr Chancellor or to tn tae members of
the board boardDr boardDr boardDr
Dr Msatgemarya Defense DefenseDr DefaMeDr DefenseDr
Dr Montgomery this afternoon made madethe madethe madethe
the following statement tat t to The Times TimesBelieving TbneBeUevtn TimesBelieving
Believing BeUevtn < < that the dally press desires desiresto de lr lrlo
to soread the truth in Its work for the thecommunity theCOIIIlDwuty thecommunity
community I beg leave to be permitted permittedto
to set < < forth the basis for my judgment judgmentin Jud < < Jlle t tIn
in opposition Otpa ltion to that of the officer re responsible reaponalble responelble ¬
sponsible for the teachers rating for the thepast theput thepast
past school year yearAs yearAs yearAs
As assistant t superintendent it Itmy was wasmy wasmy
my duty specified fled In I the rules naa and reg regulations r8 r8utatlotui regulations ¬
ulations o of the Board of Education Bdwcatkmvide Xclucatlonvide Educationvide
vide rule rul 88 7 to t pass final 1 Judgment Ju4 < < Ment up upon upon upon ¬
on the ratings of the teachers i icolored 1ft the thecolored tecolored
colored schools schoolsRated ecboollRated schoolsRated
Rated Whole Teacher TeacherAH TeacherAU TeacherAlt
AH of these the e records did not come comeInto eomeinto comeinto
Into my hands for such Anal Judgment Judgmentuntil Jud judgmentuntil < < ment mentunUI
until the subject of the reappointment reappointmentof reapPointmentof
of teachers under the new superintend superintendent ¬
ent arose Whatever changes of rating ratingI
I deemed deeM nee necessary rosary to make were the theresult theresult theresult
result of very careful estimate Umate of the thewhole thewhole thewhole
whole teacher not only in the daily dailyroutine dailYroutine dallyroutine
routine work within lthln the four walls a11a of ofa ota ofa
a school room but in the larger and andInestimable andInUmable andinestimable
Inestimable work and influence extend extending extelldInlt extendleg ¬
leg to the home the theneighborhood neighborhood and andcommunity andcommunity andcommunity
community I did not hesitate to re reconsider reconsider reconsider ¬
consider the rating of a woman who whothrough whothrough ho hothroup
through a series of years of splendid splendidservice splendidservice splendidservice
service strong influence and exemplary exemplarylife exemplaryUfe exemplarylife
life had put the system under obligation obliga obligation obUgaUon ¬
tion to her herAnother herAnother herAnother
Another instance wherein I desire desireoffer i iotter d doffer
offer no excuses for exercising my m judgment Judg Judgment Judgmoot ¬
ment is 8 in the case of a woman whose whoseability who whoseability e eabiUty
ability to achieve Cbl striking results in indally Indati Indaily
dally dati instruction might not be of the thevery thevery thevery
very highest hl t order according to the thestandard thestncJatd thestandard
standard of the supervisor whose bust business bul bulneu bustfleas ¬
ness it la to measure and andreeord record such suchscholastic sucb8Chota8Uc suchscholastic
scholastic achievement but whose ten tender tender tendur ¬
der solicitude for the welfare of the theyoung theyoun theyoung
young youn girls sir who are and have been in inher InMT Inher
her charge eJu carrvrates rce rates her high on the roll of ofsocial otocal oft
social ocal t service and race uplift upliftAnd upUttAnd upliftAnd
And thus I might analyse if called calledon callednn ailedon
on each and every vtrv ca case w in which T tw set setmy > ot otmy t tmy
my Judgment over against that of therating the therating thefdUng
rating ita submitted to me
Penitent Tears Suffuse SuffuseFace SuffuseFace SuffuseFace
Face of Conductors ConductorsYoufhful ConductorsY ConductorsYou
Youfhful Y You ul As Assailant Assailant Assailant ¬
sailant sailantKNIFE sailantKNIFE sailantWOUND
Miss Strahan Subject to Mel Melancholia Melancholia Melancholia ¬
ancholia and Last March MarchTried MarchTried MarchTried
Tried to End Her Life LifePenitent LifePeAlteet LifePenitent
Penitent tears fitted ed the eyes of prettyViola prettyviola pretty prettyViola
Viola Strahan seventeen event1 yean old 014 who whocreated whoereated whocreated
created a scene last t night nt by b rushing rushingthrough IU8blnctbrough rushingthrough
through a street car and stabbing taItbIn < < her herlover bErJOY herlover
JOY lover Thomas Stalling SU Fourteenth Fourteenthstreet Jourteenthtreet Fourteenthstreet
street northwest t when aha was led ledoat ledoat ledout
oat of h her r cell this thJ morning and placed placedia placedIII placedhi
ia a van and whisked off to Police PoliceCourt Pol1c0Dart PoliceGoon
Court The girl rt had spent t the night ht in ina ina itsa
a dingy cell where she wept bitterly bitterlyfrom bitterlyroIft bitterlyfrom
from roIft the time she e was wa locked up until untilthis untllthl untilthis
this thl morning Her f free Jce e presented ted a hag hagsard bacIIIUd haggard
sard look and her eyes e were badly badlyswollen badlywol badlyswollen
swollen swollenThe swollenThe wol wolThe
The Intention of Assistant District Attorney At Attorney Attoraey ¬
torney Charles Cha H Turner to place the thecase theeM thecase
case on trial was not realised The girl girlwas girtwas jr1 jr1w
was w questioned closely by the attorney attorneyand attorntyad attorneyand
and ad the fact that she had ad used a deadly deadlyweapon deadlyweapon deadlyweapon
weapon in m II her assault t upon Stallings Stallingsrendered StaUtn StaUtnrendered tallingarendered
rendered the offense grave in the opin opinion oplnkr opin1or ¬
ion of o the officials o cials All plans to have havethe bavotbe havethe
the case trtoa trio today were frustrated by bythe hythe bythe
the appearance of young 7OIIJI < < Stalttnga in inthe Inthe inthe
the office of the District Attorney who whomade whomade whomade
made a plea to save saY8 the girl from un unfavorable unfavorable unfavorable ¬
favorable notoriety as a result of the thadisturbance thsdliltw1Jace thedisturbance
disturbance disturbanceStalling dliltw1JaceStaJJings disturbanceStallings
Stalling Pleads far Girl GirlStalling Girl8taJIJng GirlStallings
Stalling said he was only slightly slightlyhurt slightlyhurt 1I < < hUy hUyhwt
hurt and ad weald net go on the stand standagainst 8tandagatlwt standagainst
against his former sweetheart He was wasanxious wasanxlou wastaxtous
anxious to spare tow t es family t of the girl girlany A1rlaOJ girlany
any further publicity because of the inddnt In Incident IneIdeat ¬
cident ddntMr cidentMr eIdeatXr
Mr Turner Tal decided to release ntIea e the girl girlon girlon < < In Inon
on 1300 W bond the caa case having YIII < < been con contnmed conUInMd continned
tinned for a few days pending farther fartherInvestigation farthertaft8Updoa furtherlaveElgaboa
Investigation InvestigationThought taft8UpdoaThetsght laveElgaboaThought
Thought to B Bt Irrational IrrtialAn Irratl al alAn
An examination may be made as to tothe tothe tothe
the girls rts sanity It was ww stated at the theDistrict theDbltrtct theDistrict
District Attorneys ttorBey oAoe ones this morning morningIt MOII ng ngIt
It ts not believed that the gfarl was wasrational wasrational wasrational
rational when wh she made the assault u1t and andher andber andher
her actions have haY since seemed strange strangeMiss 8tnuleKJas strangeMiss
Miss Strahan this morning Dt Mtnc was not norvery notrr notvery
very rr communicative about the affair affairIn atrair1ft affairIn
In which she figured so prominently prominentlylast prominently1a prominentlylast
last 1a t night and while being bein < < questioned questionedhung qUMUonedhUllC questionedhung
hung her head In shame and refused to toanswer toannrer toanswer
answer many of the attorneys ques questions que queUOIUI questions ¬
tions Once or 01 twice abeexpreused she expl8Med expressed re regret npoet regre ¬
poet gre and said she wished It had not nothappened nothappeoned notha
happened ha Before the girls release onbond on onbond onbond
bondSher bond Sher her father appeared av red at t Police PoliceCourt PolicCourt PolkCourt
Court and made ma e an appeal in behalf of ofhis othis ofhis
his daughter He secured the necessarymoney necessary necessarymoney Jleceeaarymoney
money to gain her releaseTwo release releaseTwe reIea8eTwo
Two Were Sweethearts SweethartsStallings SweetllNrtsStalU SweetheartsStallings
Stallings StalU 811 is a conductor on a Columbia Columbiarailway ColumbiaraOway Columbiarailway
railway car and d makes half Jaal hour runs runsto ruJ1Sto runsto
to Bennlng where the Strahan girl girllires girllives irl irlUvea
lives The two are said Id to have been beenvery Menvery beenvery
very much enamored of each other for forsome forMnM forsome
some time tim and when the girl saw that thatlove thatlove thatlove
love was waning she became Jealous JealousThe jealouTM jealousThe
The girl told the attorney this morning morningthat morningthat morningthat
that Stalltngs had been slandering her herand herand herand
and that this thl had prompted her to stab stabhim at stabhim h hhim
him According to the girl < < irl Stallings Stallingshad 1Jta1llngshad StaUingshad
had been paying her some attention attentionand attentionand attentionand
and turned suddenly against her herGreatly herGreatly ser serGreatly
Greatly Incensed Ineen ed Miss JlU Strahan came camein cameIn camein
in from her country home yesterday yesterdayevening yeaterdayevenlftK yesterdayevening
evening with Ith the theat avowed purpose pu Book Bookha of ofgetting ofgettlng
getting back be at Stallings Staavowed ffie 8he took tookher tookher
her ha getting stand standsire a at t the corner of f Fifteenth Fifteenthand rhceenthami r1 enth enthalWl
and d H lnstand sire streets tnorthwest northwest northwestcorner t and and waited for forStallingV torStmn forStallings
Stallings Stallingsd Stallingscar StallingV Stmn car When W Wdashed it itt itdid did arrive she shedashed abedubed
dashed through the door of the car and anddrawing anddrawtn anddrawing
drawing drawtn the knife from the fold of ofher ofher ofher
her skirt buried it deep into Stallings Stallingsshoulder 8ta11lqsahoulder SId ings ingsshoulder
shoulder The moterman to of the car carrushed carruabed carrushed
rushed from the platform and wrenched wrencheduntil wrenchedthe wrenchedthe
the weapon from the girt and ad held her beluntil heruntil
until the police arriv arrivMany arrived arrivedMany arrivedMany
Many Witnessed Witnes oo Stabbing StabbiafThe StaDbiacTh StabbingThe
The Th stabbing was wa witnessed by several sev several v veral ¬
eral hundred people who rushed up upWhile upWblle upWhile
While waiting for the patrol wagon to totake totake totake
take her to the station house ho the girl girlswore girlswore ir1 ir1wore
swore vengeance against Stallings StallingsTh S STit
Th girl was taken tn th t the First pre precinct precinct proelect ¬
cinct station Stalling wa wu relieved relievedfrom relievedfrom relievedfrom
from duty and ad his hi wounds were quietly quietlydressed quLklydressed 1ut1 1ut1drMHCl
dressed Tacky his hi wounds wounc wre wredressed wredre woredressed
dressed dre 8ed again and the physician de declares Jec1are Ieclares ¬
clares that he is 1 not hurt seriously seriouslyMiss RrtouslyMiu seriouslyMiss
Miss Strahan it is said 14 has long been beena
a victim of melancholia On March 30 70she 30she 30ahe
she tried to commlte suicide by drinking drinkingcarbolic drinkingcarbolic drinkingcarbolic
carbolic acid cld while in the waiting room roomof roomat roomof
of the Columbia railroad at the corner cornerof cornrof cornerof
of Fifteenth and nd H streets northeast northeastMedical nortbeaftMedical northeastMedical
Medical attention was quickly sum summoned aUIrlmooed summoned ¬
moned and she eventually recovered recoveredTO recoveredTO veNd veNdTO
TOPEKA Kan Sept 1 IThe The Wptfe Wptfetown 6 etown 6town
town of Xnglawood 1 > a place with wttk1nhabltants wititinhabitants 4N 4Ninhabitants
inhabitants In the southeast lIOU t part of ofClark otClark ofClark
Clark county Is to be moved half a mile milesoutheast mI mIJIOUthe milesoutheast
southeast JIOUthe t of its present site te The Th rea reason reaiIOn reson ¬
son for t r the migration which is to begin beginthis beginthis n ntb
this tb week is that a flaw has been die discovered dlscovered diecovered ¬
covered in the title Uti to the land upon uponwhich uponwhlcb uponwhich
which the people hav have built their homes homesand nomsand honesand
and stores storesThe storetlThe storesThe
The majority of the buildings bu tnc will be beloaded beloaded beladed
loaded on wagons Wco s and trucks and hauled hauledto
to the new site for the townngiewood town townSnglewood to toEnglewood
Englewood was platted twenty tw twentytwo twentytwoC aUytwo aUytwoye two twoyears
years ye errs ns ago by Col C C D Perry PelT of Chi ChiLaw ChlC8l0 Chtcago
C8l0 C8l0Law cagoLew
Law Rates to Baltimore Aoowiat JuWle JnbikeCelebration JuWlecelebration
celebration Only U I f fr r the round trip tripfrom tr1 tripfrom p pfrom
from Washington via Pennsylvania pnm ylvania Rait Raitroad RL Roitroad l lroad
road tickets on sale September 9 10 10good 10good 10good
good to return until Sept ept 17 Inclusive InclusiveAdv iDc1u iacluslveAdv v vAdv

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