I > I SECOND S COND SECTIO a Eftt oa t cimr METROPOLITAN METRO OLITAN SEGTIOB SE lON 1 1 c WASHINGTON SUNDAY SEPTEMBER SL + PTEMBER2 2 1906 konN KOREAN t UPRISINGS UPRISINGSFULLY UPRISINGSEXPLAINED FULLY EXPLAINEDBY EXPLAINED EXPLAINEDBY BY nv THE JAPANESE JAPANRImaginary JAPANESEInlaginary JAPANESlY Imaginary IJ Delay De lty in Prom Promsed Promsed sed Reforms Caused CausedUnrest CausedUnrest CausedUnrest s Unrest UnrestOFFICIALS UnrestOFFICIALS OFFICIALS OFFICIALSi OFFICIALSSuspected UNDER R BA1 BA1Suspected BAN BANAI AI Suspected of Implication ii iithe in inthe i ithe the Revolts RevoltsCourtmar RevoltsCourtmartials Courtmar Courtmartials tials Will Follow FollowIONDOH FollowLONDON FollowI t 1Th Japanese ere ereiismy erohere et ethsav LONDON I NDON S dept iismy hsav here has airtlwrtaad a length lengthstatement len lengtlstatement h hat statement at fmtnt regarding Idl the situation situationnr tu tlon i iKorea in inI Intended to count counlra countfI cour courra Korea I nr Ia > a It hi evidently fI ra > r the many recent teeeat ent reports port regard regardiiK rPlJardi reaar reaartut J alle alleged ed bad faith In respec respeci rtspect respet tut iiK i II Japans it an i many promisea proI promtaea and administrate administratei i iul and nd the statement ateJ eftt referring pat patmtilirly parlillIllrly pa pat the Insurrection on of aom aomvka 80me 80mek son sonsays t mtilirly rui tn y to vka k l ago says saysno saysflA p < > no 11 result of the outbreak haa saa bee beei been beenf be beinduce i mlure the Japanese paneee military authorto author authorti giurriaon ruTt on whic whici wblch wblchI t ti i s to t redlatrlbute e the i I 1 nurly was stationed on the north northt c cih of oft t ih t h anital I of Korea sad 40 to alter thel thelu t t11nll trrargmenta u 11nll largomenta gmeta In nsgard rd to the th thm thl1tl1frn thr thruthern > m them provinces provlnceatn in which th the r rurred rial rialurrt rein reinurr urred urr d A close Inquiry Is being beingMHO bel JINUIe JINUIeth troa troai of ofthe the Insurre bIaIrrtIeUoft bIaIrrtIeUoftIt to toTill i MHO n O tho th l h true origin of t tiniial tIM tIMIpilal ti tifiat Till 11 It many 0 omcials M m and M out hail havfcii bavtac hailbn fiat iniial are under suspicion of bn ii implicated in the proceedings ploce t ti the thelId ti tii1fr i i1fr lId being hein l that the only way of otI gi gitins ge get I tins II ug at the facts would be by eourl eourlmartial eourtilia cons consmartial h htily 1NuI 1NuII bi bir martial ilia rt la I The Emperor tDperor of Korea t tr the the1ioltnt ti tir I r tily alit Uly accepted the proposal propoea of r 1ioltnt > iunt general that at Seoul t tlaijui the the1a U Uiaine be evidently elldftUyfd part parti uar 1a laijui 11 1 > gates should uld fd < 1 hy h troops and od police to prevent preventiiiKKis tJM tJMi1 U ULrgrtss iiiKKis i1 h R of unauthorised persons personsr aa art I II t I r < s being taken tak n to maintain 1DI ntaln the thoM u dIc dli dlin M i > r c th t h court and the welfare of ofvrejgi the theTfl U Un n vrejgi Tfl retg a a Seoul eoul 1 has for years n past pastAritable beeIt beeItritabl bel belcitable Aritable ritabl hotbed of intrigue hut t tgovernment the thernment U Uvrrnment government vrrnment rnment of f Tokyo was prepared f fbit for forI Is Ist bit I when it If undertook u ld k the work of r rform No No11n r rirn form 11n There have aave been no draIItIc draIItIc1il drad dradttttgt drs drsiiiR iiiR 1il 1 t > a suddenly carried out there baa baano ha hauo > 11 no repression of a somewhat 1 1til h bei beiU ll of mo4 mo4tiii modes JBOderatilJl1 modesthin U til press and the extreme fxt tiii has been beef enjoined upon all Ja Jaans Jaipreceedtag Tap ans 1110 proceedlna procee lac to the peninsula peninsulamiiir pel lUIU1a r aft aftIn miiir In 1 I I 1 r what their rank or av ayesUel ayesUel171x catlo catlomi ua mi 11 > have haveO1Ie baen baenOne is isOne One mt mtnne f gcpfffp j jof iwar iwarne nne < > ne of the heaviest h tasks ta Jq Janma laM laMlLd ha hato 1 lLd 11 to undertake has been the reft refti reform retort retortt i t the Korean currency for when i ii tile tilerganiauion tic ticr r i organisation of the Manes was wasFiin be beFm br brrm Fiin in October 1904 190 the condition conditionha W8I we weha ha 11 < I otic t tic 1 < there being a debased nicked ntekot nickedt the Korean gevernmen gevernmenKSII goventmee1s t t1i t r < linage ina w > which 1i KSII 1s tl I to mint In immense quantltiea quaatlt wl wlji with withI wit but moment momoaUi JDOmVtTY JDOmVtTYtdantlUe ar ar1t 1 ji a I regard Te rd to anything i tdantlUe 1t vantage its market value apeedllt spoedll spoedlltuff IlpeedUy1a1lln t 1a1lln fetiink to halt or leas than half of h hfrrc tuff value Counterfeits flooded floodeduntry Use Usentry tic ticU U entry ntry to make matters worse worseiracli ancI ancInad an iracli nad 7 ra l was Impossible lJD e The JapaneseE Japi Japipovernnent Japanese JapaJMMJdfrnM povernnent JdfrnM E rrernrtent nt stopped the minting am ammade aIMI aIMI111Hdp amr bank bNaJr notes 1ep1 1ep1ttndfr laptender legs legslonder r made t n a de th the first national it itwithdraw to towithdraw t twithdraw tender at the same me time arranging withdraw the nickels entirety from t clr clrulation elrtllatlon ekrelation relation < though tho1 they are still WI accept acceptan accepted aceepteJr an Jr payment of taxes taxesRussian taxeaRua taxesRussian Rua Russian aa Land Bank Reports RepartJAccording Reperbordins Reportslt According lt ordins to an official report from 3tPetersburg 3t atIdersbulS StIcteraburg Petersburg the report of the combineoperation < < combine Omblnedf c operation f lattonll of the Russian Peasant PeasantLand Peaaaat8Iand PeasantsIand Iand Bank and th the State Staie Noble Lan LanTank Land LandHalik LanJtarnk Tank for the month of August Augu t shows showstotal ahowsi ahowsitotal a atotal total of fiftynine estates Mtt with an are areacf areof ar art of t 57463 deaiattna transferred from prl prlvat prlYat psivats vat vats ownership to the disposal of th thpeasants tho thI 1 peasants < 118nt8 Bank during that period perl > d Th ThlarMst The Thetran ThlarMest ii iitlie In Intllf hthe larMst transfers tran have taken place the > Tauride Poltava Pelta and Volhynia gov govt KOVrnment govrnmenta t rnmenta the two last being regions regioniv regionswhere regionwhere v where here the agitation for increased Increae < < t tant perns pernsnnt paar ant r + nt holdings has been b en particularly prom promJnent promnpnt promanent how howover howfr however anent In the Voroneah government over fr another anoth r center nt of violent olent agrariai agrariaiisorder acmrlanhmrder agrarlait estates appear to hay haviome ha haycome e eome < isorder only two come ome under the th operations open u of the th banks banksiinee bankiSince banlulfOince Since the middle of last November th thtransactions the thetransacUou thtransactlona transactions of the Peasant Bank hay havTHyulted have haveYlulted hayT4ulted THyulted in the purchase purcb of 1WT365 1 ITNS deaf dezJntlns deafrtlns dHJi1 rtlns i1 tins and lh Use result re u1t of twelve month monthopt montttpIaU months monthst will probably amount to i itotal a attal t tt opt tpIaU t iw rations > 1UI 2WHW Z000Nceiatins 2WHWiirsiatlna 2 2Ifiatin total t tal purchase of more than iirsiatlna Ifiatin or more than 5580000 5 acres acresTH acre acresIn TH avid it i tion ion to these transaction trar actions then thenJjHvi thereLa theni h hS lf lfv In Inv certain number of eases i JjHvi La a Ve l been a have been sold direct dl t t tihi to toI a at v S hich i ich estates eats es I t Hit t t peasan peasants asnn without wttho t recourse r une to th the to toinvention tnttcnUon Intt invention tt rventlon of the barks but this ha hanl haa haad histy nl sty > bt been en possible i in a few government governmenthere governmenthere ta taure here ure the geasiuite u are to a position tkm t tifly to ton t tItly ifly n t y on their own resources resourcesSEINED resourcesi rfJ IOurce IOurceSEAWEED I i + f SEINED SEINEDFLOAT EAEE ANIII AN D OYSTERS UY8TE8FLOATFFTOGETE OYSTERSFLOAT FLOAT FLOATFFTOGETE FLOATFFTOGETEs IPTOGETHEI IPTOGETHEIScheme FF TOGETHER TOGETHERSehe s Scheme Sehe Dtviaad Devt iI fwr Pr Pr8ytiJl Prevstimg vmtiB vmtiBA Ule UleXlo thtElopement Xlo Elopement of t rcIetM Bivalrr Bivalrroft i ijra oft A Frtnek Coast CoastPARIS C CI Gantr < < I PARIS Sept i 1seweed Seaweed whi whipicks whlob whlobpicks whiehpicks picks up oysters 0 and float aoabl I oats away with withthem withthem withthem them was the be subject of a communl communlitation communtnl eoanmunication itation nl Uon to the Academy of Science re reently renlly noently ently nlly M II Posaergue Det explained boW to todestroy todestroy todestroy destroy the t bivalves btQ deadly enemyr enemy enemyHe y yHe r He explained that this particular particularkind particularkind particularkind kind of wood la furnished tural fur otghM ect with bulbs bulbawhich lMIlbewhich bulbswhich which at high tide fill with water but butwhen butwhtn butwhen when the water lowers 10 the bulbs empty emptyand eMptyand emptyand and fill with air As the tide comes inagain in inagain Inapln again the bulbs bulb rise to the th surface nrtaGeand surfaceR surfmcand R and as s the weed nouriahe ftouri pmrtleularl pmrtleularlIn particularly particularlyin In 1 n oyster oy ter beds bed it I t carries off 0 < < a lot 01 01the ot otthe ofthe the oysters with It They float out outto outto outto to sea ea and are lostThe lost lostThe lostThe The remedy rei tedy which whi < h is I now ow applied la lato 1 1o isto to o beat the beds bed with faggots of ofthorn ott ofthnrns hornat thorn t at low tide This destroys thebulbs the thebulba thebulbs bulbs and prevents the elopement ofthe of orthe ofthe the oyster oyaterc c Dame of ol France COUNTESS EDMOND DE POURTALES POURTALESWho POURTALESWho Who Has BeeR a Social LeAder in Paris for Party Yoan Yo rs Comment From England EnglandUpon EnglandUpon Upon the Approac Approach1n Approach1nFrench in l J French Church CrISIs CrISIsPope CrisisPope Pope Is IsSaid Saidto Said to Have Struck at the People a More Deadly DeadlyBlow DeadlyBlov DeadlyBlow Blow Than Even Adversaries Could Have Done DoneTribute DoneI DoneTribute DoneTribute Tribute to Mrs Craigie I LONDON Sept 1 L l1IM Th The Church of ofPrane o oJrraaee ol olFrance France is about t to undergo on OM of those thosecrises uoee tboeeCrises crises e which bare hav brought about down downthe d01Jtthe downthe the axes apparent failure but through throughit it eventual triumph The Church of ofFrance orJIrance ofFrance France will suffer < < er untold hardships hardshipsThe ban hardshipsThe ht htTbe The French law now forbids the public pub public publie ¬ lic celebration of worship 18h1p except in inconnection inconnection inconnection connection with a lawful association associationand auoclatloDaad associationand and the Pope forbids the Church of ofFrance otIrra ofFrance France Irra ce to make use of any such opportunities oppor opportunities opportunltle ¬ tunities A bolt has been hurled from fromwithin fromwithin fromwithin within the safe saf fe fortress tortr of the Vatican Vaticanbut vaUcanbut Vaticanbut but it wilt fall with cruel force oree on th thfaithful u utalthtul the thefaithful faithful clergy cler of France and upon the thepeople thepeople thepeople people who believe and hold to their re noltglon religion r6lIajon ¬ ligion ltglonThe ligionTh lIajonThe Th The Catholics in Germany and in inBwHseriand In8wtUlerlaacl inSwttaenland BwHseriand ea can do without Mam that thatwhich tbatwhich thatWhich which is now prescribed In France and andreligion aadrell andreligion religion rell oft will consequently be sacrificed sacrificedIn sacrldced7a criAced In 1 rejecting th the Associations Cuituellet CuI Cnltuelles CuItuellel tuelles the Pop Pope strikes atrfk ll at the Church Churcha a more deadly blow than even its ad adversaries advenartu adversarles ¬ versaries could hav ha have don done said the thepremier expremier ex expremier premier of France and yet In the face faceof faceof faceof of this apparent failure eventual eventualfailure eventUlfailure eventualfailure failure eventual triumph t must comebecauae come comebecause co cobecae because every eyel church chastened perse poreeouted persecuted penecuted ¬ cuted oppressed raises IlL m In the end to togreater toter togreater greater ter spiritual force stronger lro ger andtruer and andtruer aDdtruer truer than ever before beforeTribute 1MCeNTrUntte beforeTribute Tribute to Mrs CraigieThere Craigie CraigieThere CraigieThere There are some JI IIW whom it is difficult to toassociate toassociate I associate with the idea of death They Theyhave neyhave Theyhave have so healthful and so brilliant R per personality perMftallty persorsllty ¬ sonality that It is almost impossible to toecnceiv tothat toancMve ecnceiv that m th their ir youth and m In their theirbeauty thftrbeauty theirbeauty beauty the tl great t angel could overshadow overshadowthem over overshadowthem bdew bdewthem them This Th l was eminently th tIM ease with withthe withthe withthe the lat latlra late Mrs Craigie whose who writings writingsare wrltl wrltlare writingsare are so welt known under her pseudonym pseudonymof of John Oliver Hobbs HobbsSh Hobbe8Shl HobbesSh Sh Shl appeared always alw to me the very veryembodiment veryembodiment veryembodiment embodiment of life brilliant m In conver conversation convertIon oonversatioe ¬ sation tIon bristling with epigram full of ofready orready ofready ready and vivid sympathy and ad with a aheart aheatt aheart heart ready to b be touched and ready to torejoice torejolee torejoicee rejoice I know no one who brought an anatmosphere anatmosphere n naUttO atmosphere aUttO Pbere of more absolute humanenoes humane humaneness humaneJt ¬ ness Jt than did she sheThe sheThe he heTae The hut time it was my good fortunto fortune fortuneto fortuneto to meet her she came to me about bout aea a aease aeaIIe ease ea m in which she took great 8t interest interest9h InterMttraYeled Interestate ate 9h traveled down by ih 1M Metropolitan MetropolitanRailway MetropolitanaUwa MetropolitanRatlwar Railway aUwa to a a distant part of th the East EastI EutBDd EastEnd End in order olCler to And me and there she shebesought shehtwoqht shebesought I besought me to befriend her protege protegeIt protqeIt It would have been impossible to deny denyher denybel denyher her She threw herself with such energy energyinto eneryjato energyinto into her case and pleaded 110 so earnestly earnestlyami earnUyand earnestlyand and yet when I think of her with her hercharm hercharm hercharm charm and her beauty beau and her talent talentI I am glad that no illness t ness Jf marred her barphysically herphyU herphysically physically no weakness dimmed her hermind hermind hermind mind and no sense > > of helplessness helpln cripj crip crippled crlpIloci j pled fed her bright brth t tree spirit spiritDerides spiritDerides t tDerid Derides Derid 8 American Critics CriticsAnother i iAnother I IAnother Another critic has also arisen who whohalls whohtl whohalls halls htl from across the water but this thisUrn thl8lime thistime lime Urn it is an American and he attacks attacksthe attacksthe attacksthe the Englishman with no sparing parln < < hand handHe hand handH handHe He H tells us that w we are blatant con coneeltod conceited CODcelted eeltod prejudiced ucJIcedlDsur insular superior pi piratical pIratlcal ptratical ¬ ratical and hypocritical hypocriticalI I fear the weapon is too blunt to pene penetrate penetrate penetrate ¬ trate the national hide The English Englishman JngUshman Englishman ¬ man can listen unmoved to criticism be because becau because ¬ cause cau e he firmly believes it arises either from jaaloupy from f misunderstanding misunderstandingor umdtng umdtngor or from want of judgment j > t and tho pos possibilities IJOs8IbIIItI penaibltiUes ¬ sibilities 8IbIIItI ar are that m In the main he is isright Isn1t is isright right for such 8UC whotesal criticism of anation a anation anation nation con never be just You cannot cannottake cannottake cannottake take ceczain ce1 ft faults fa or failings and de describe deI describe ¬ I scribe be them as purely national nor is isthere Isthere isthere there any sense in so doing olnK for whole wholesale wholesale 1hol 1holIe ¬ sale Ie and indiscriminate criticism of this thissort thisIIOrt tht thtsort sort merely makes mak bad blood bloodIt bloodIt bloodIt It Is very easy asy y to find a thousand thousandfaults tbous thousandfaults nd ndtaulUi faults with tU the English nation but on onthe onthe onthe the other hand I suppose it would be beequally beequally beequally equally easy for th tIN English nation to tofind totlnd toAnd find a few flaws in the American There Thereis ThereI ThereIs is I no necessity to throw the 111 doingsof doings doingsof doingsor of a few individuals in the national faceand face faceand faceand and consequently the Insular superiority superiorityof of a few need not stand to represent representa a hypocritical temper for the entire na nation nation nation ¬ tion any more than th the meat scandals scandalsin scandalIn scandalsfn in Chicago Chl could dub America as a a na nation nBtlOft antielt ¬ tion of swindlers swindlersWemea awindlersW swindlersWomen Women W smell as ChemistsThere Chemists ChemistsThere ChemistsTh Th There are few women chemists says saysa say saya a French newspaper and y yet t it is 18accordtnc a acarter acsreer carter according to French thought thoughtvery thoughtYe17 thoughtvery very favorable to feminine aptitude aptitudEvery aptitudeery aptitudeEvery Every ery year Ave or pix ix students follow followth followthe followthe th the course of the School of Pharmacy PharmacyMil PharmacyMJIe PharmacyMile Mil Mile Babht has been foremost in that thatspecial thatapeda1 thatspecial special lln J of study tud She has taken takenher takenher takenher her degree etrr and is i tAW + w the sixteenth sixteenthncensod slxteentAJleeaMd sixteenthlleensed ncensod druggist and is preparing prep < < rtng h her hertheata herthesis r rthesis thesis for a doctors degree in phar pharmacy pharmacy pharmacy ¬ macy macyFrankl macyFrankie macyFrankle Frankie Magdalene Net Neil has won the thesame thesame thelame same honors at Carlaruhe Carl ruhe and is the thefirst thetint thefirst first woman in Germany who Is entitled entitledto to carry C JIY on a business as s a fully quail quailfled quall8ed quaillied fled chemist Jn order to make doubly doublysure doublysure doublysure sure as to her proficiency she has like likewise Iikewiae 1ke 1kewlae ¬ wise married a chemist and nd is a stand standing standIRK standing ¬ ing contradiction to th the assertion as rtlon that amutual a amutual aMutual mutual scientific Interest Is incompatible incompatiblewith Incomp incompetiblowith Ubl Ublwith with domestic bliss blissA bU bUA blissA A stranger calling however has been beenadopted beenadopted beenadopted adopted by Miss Mary Brooks of Log LogAngeles JcNIAnplell LosAngeles Angeles who hi employed empoy by the Medi Medical Medical Mediold ¬ cal Society there the to taste teet the medicines medicinesof medicineof of physicians suspected of practicing practicingwithout pr practicingwithout ctlclng ctlclngwithout without a license I Th The lady is Issl supposed supposedto ppoHd ppoHdto to have tasked d every evel drug krjwn to the thefaculty thefaculty thefaculty faculty and act still enjoys good health healthPersonally heRlthPt healthPeraonally Personally Pt MIOfta1ly I should uJd infinitely prefer the theling theetllnK theci etllnK ci ling of the ladles lad who have chosen chosento choeento cholOftto to keep druggists dru lta stores for other peo people people people ¬ ple than voluntarily to make ones self selfa set seta a repository of medicine medicineCopyrtfht med medclnecopynlght clne clneCoP7rlPt Copyrtfht 1M 1 by the H Hearst ar t News S Service SflVIeeASSORTMENT ServiceASSORTMENT rvic rvicASSORTMENT ASSORTMENT OF NOBILITY NOBILITYGATHERED NOBILITYGATHERED NOBILITYGATHERED GATHERED FOR RECEPTIONPARIS RECEPTION RECEPTIONPARIS RECEPTIONPARIS PARIS Sept 1 LMrs Mrs HughosHaJlet HughosHaJlethe the he American rIcaA Queen of Emerald courthas court courtas oourtJ has as given J ven her first ball of the season at atier ather atter her ier villa of Maaplaisir Mtlplal lr at Dlnard DlnardAmong DlnardAmonc DlnardAmong Among th the guests Ht wer were two princes prtnceIIIK1 princesjtd prineennd IIIK1 jtd nd two princesses prtace es seven marquises marquli S and andve andin andre in ve iMtrojnaes mmrqu1Ie thirty counts and as anuuty asIllAJtY aseasy IllAJtY easy countesses countes es fourteen barons and andwentytbree andtWftltytbree andwentythree wentytbree barone baronesaes ses and eight vip vl9ountH vl vlcount vipotlnts count ountH and vi vllloounte viwountesses ountesscs ses four pashas pashasind pashasand pashasand and and about half a dozen English noble noblenen nohlemen nobleen men en and women In addition to a a largo largeinner ar arn1m i iun n1m un inner ber er of wealthy but untitled suestk guests uestB uestBt I t HARVARD CREWTHE CREW CREWTHE THE FAVORITE FAVOR1TEBritishers FAVORITEBritishers Britishers Show Great In Interest I Interest n nterest ¬ terest in the Coming RaceWith Race RaceWith RaceWith With Cambridge CambridgeGIVEN CambridgeGIVEN CambridgeGIVEN GIVEN A ROYAL WELCOME WELCOMEMessage WELCOMEMescage WELCOMEMessage Message Sent by King Edward Sug Suggested Suggeet Suggoeted ¬ gested geet d by Little Prince PrinceLONDON Princeof Princeof of Walll WalllLONDON WalesLONDON LONDON Sept t 1 1Jt Jt wee little littlePrince HtUePrinee lltthPrince Prince Edward INwa of Wales w who InItiatetthe initiated initiatedthe taltlatedthe the Idea of 6 giving Itg a royal welcome to tothe tothe t tthe the Harvard erew Since Sine UM King IOn pre presented preNnted predented ¬ dented his grandson with a boat antput and andput andput put him in charge c alS8 of an Instructor the theboy theboy the theboy boy has developed a jmsslo fsr r rowing rowingone rOMaSone rowingone one of the few sport porta for which neither neitherthe neitherthe netthetthe the King nor the Prince of Wales al par particularly paJtlcuJarJy partlcularly ¬ ticularly cars caresLittle carsLittle earMLittle Little Prince Pri ce award was vary ftr excU uclt4d uclt4dabout axcltetabout d dabout about the Harvard crew and remarked remarkedhe remark remarkha he ha would like to send them a message messageand messagescud and if possible po bI to see them The ThePrinca ThePrince ThePrince Prince of ot Wales WaJ at once acted upon tosuggestion the thesuggestion th1 th1ugge suggestion ugge t1on and lid sent the cordial tele telegram telegraM talecram ¬ gram which so delighted th tM Harvartnon Harvard Harvardmen HuvarclMen men wizen 1 they were training at BonsaiThe Bourne BourneBn1 Bn1 Bn1The 1The 1 The interest In tfc the Igarvar4cambridge HarvaroVOuii HarvaroVOuiibrMgft KarnnlCalnbrkl brkl bridge rac race e in growing gror JOKI < Ing dally andman andmanprophets and andmany andmanyprOphet many manyprophet prophet declare that toe t 1M Harvard men menwhoso menwhoM menwho whoso who aty atle somewha resembles that thatof thatot thatrf of the victorious Belgian crow at Henrey Hen Henley HenMY ¬ ley rey Regatta will defeat the Cambridgesrsw Cambridge Cambridgeerew Cambridperew erew and so upset may rte my 7 old theories tbeort o oBritish ot otBrit of ofwritlah Brit British rowing rowingKing 1011 1011King rowingKing King Alfeases Alf ac s Secret Dip DipIf DipIt DipIf If it 1 t bad n Bft > t been for the discovery discoveryby dlacoYeryby discoveryry by ry a nsherm Ashermea ji of a a diamond ring rin < < be betging beJoa becaging Joa caging tging II to King Alfonao ltOIuIO nobody would wouldve wouldltave wouldrave ltave rave ve known Wft that his majesty of Spain SpainMid Spaintad j Mid tad d enjoyed a secret alp in the sea at atyde attyde t tRyd Ryd tyde yde Iris ale of Wight He did not go inrff In InI In8tf 8tf rff I a yacht adat but actually bathed from fromn froman fromsn an sn n antiquated Uquated bathing Utln machine with withaU withill aU ill 11 the tourists for the fun of the theJting tbethlag theMar thlagHe Mar MarHe JtingHo He was not Jt t recognised 1 Jrnld but on dtocov dscovring dtocovring ucoveriAX eriAX ring th tM loss of his ring rID < < ho gave a pri pelate priYate prists Yate ate hint to the pol1c police who offered IL a re reard reT reward ward ard The T e King Xtn < < prsaentsd Dr prem od th tae lucky luckyahaniHut luek7ft luckytshermam ft ahaniHut with a S note and a signed signedhotograph IidpedJ signedbotograph J hotograph of 0 himsstf himsstfOn hbaHItOft blrnoaLOn On Brnpress PI Cpcentes JeIIWs yacht the theOaS theOaSJOag young young3ng young1ng JOag 3ng gave an acrobatic poriormanoe to toM t trIM tohe rIM he M aged Empress great t ftettffct ftettffctThe ddyht ddyhtPMteod t tP tTits P PMteod iiii yak yakThe The grew at Barton ataire Hail Uncol UncolIre Licotbhire hire Ire the seat of Lard Mbnson XOD on arecaking are areking anklaX caking king a great fuss over the tenyear tenyearId teayearId ten tenold old Id daughter dauJ ater of Lady Monsost by her herirst herItr herrat Itr rat t hosband JtuaiNL d Lawrence Tttrnure offew of oflaw ofNew New law York YorkShe Ycx1tShe YorkShe She is i a typically America child and andg ancIba andes ba es g completely fascinated ted her British Britishtopfathar Britishtepfathr Br1dahateptat ateptat topfathar She is a wonderful dancer dancerjtd dADeraad dancerad aad jtd mince and although stiff u < < British Britishewr BritiabJew Britishew Jew ewr ew declare she is horribly horriblypot horriblypsi ribl1 ribl1IIPO IIPO pot Ot he M child e IId manages to keep all alllie allt allIe t lie Ie 8 house parties arttetl thoroughly amused amusedwyevenin AIINIMClerY amusedrosy wyevenin wyeveninLady rosy erY erYLad evenlsg evenlsgLady Lady Lad Monaonx mother Mrs Stone Stoneridowof 8toDewklow Stoneidow wklow ridowof idow of UM t e famous American general generalas eaeral eaeralIt It as been enjoymr a visit to Burton Hall Hallnd Haaland Hallnd and nd other Americans staying 1l L7taK there reently re r roently rasntly ently were W Mr and Mrs Hookfctson Hopklnonwith Hookfctsonmlth kIMoa kIMoaSmith Smith SmithThe with mlthThe withThe The Monoon 1 INOft marriage has au i proved roved KOYeclof ono onof oa oaf of f f the hamneat of AngloAaiericae AngloAaiericaelatehea AagloAaIelCaotheee Io Iomatcbe latehea theee and Lady Monson woo is very pop popiar 1HPular poptar ular iar tar with tenants and country try people peoplelike peoplealike peoplelake alike like Enjftyiag EDjeyi Cheap Tripe TripeThe TripiThe TripsThe The feature of th the present holiday boll lay lay80ft sea seahas seaitt 80ft itt has aU been the th extraordinary fadli fadlilee tadltUe facbles Ue lee es offered by the railway companies companiesrho eom companiesho who rho ho are vying with each other in ra raard r8garo reI reIaril garo aril to low priced tickets Th The result resulti reMdtIs resultthat Is i that the London cockneys who never noersought neverbought 1MVerthought bought formerly formertyof of f going farther thanieh than thanweb t aa aasuch such web seaside places as Margate Marplenamgate and andtamsgat andamsgate namgate tamsgat are now making for Scotland ScotlandVales Seot1atulValu Scotlandales Vales ales and ndborn1I Cornwall whither they are aretorne areborne asserne borne erne for absurdly cheap fares at sixty sixtynd sixtyid xt xtand and nd sometimes someUm seventy miles an hour hourSuch hoarSuch ouf oufSuch Such distances would appear PPMI ridlcu ridlcuuusly rl rldlcuuely Icu Iculou lou uusly 1y short to an American but to the thojonddn theLond theonddn Lond jonddn n cockney it seems eem as if he were werepolng weregoing wereslag going to the other end of the world worldarts WCK1dPAri worldaria PAri arts has b been n invaded oy London Londonheap Londonleap Londonob ob heap leap ap excursionists and in the East End JCndme Bndone Endto one me to can see any day ay a proud mhahi mhahiant Inbabltant Mhabirnt ant rnt of Whitechapel surrounded eurrou ded by byrionds byfrionds bylands lands to whom he is bragging about aboutils abouts bout bouthi hi ils s doings in Gay Paree Parsell1E8E Pareelemters PareeCHINESE CHINESE LABOR PLAN PEANSCORED PLANSCOREO SCORED BY ENGLI8embers ENGLISH ENGLISHMembers Members embers of H House neu use e of Commons Think ThinkAmericana ThinkAmericans ThinkAmericans Americans Unwise U wise in Using UsingCoolies UI UsingCoolies g gCoolies Coolies on Canal CanalLONDON CanalLONDON CanalLONDON LONDON Sept LPr8Md8 1 President t Reoselte Reose Reoseetfs n nYeWs YeWs etfs lte deei deet4en < 4on to t employ pIo Chinese later laterthe II laborthe tor toron on the Panama Canal te crttd criticised ed edla by bybor byor la bor or r members of the HUH of com comons eommOM cocoons mOM mOMKith ons onsK onsKeir K Kith ir Handle leader of the party said saidT MidI saidhope T I hope the matter has not progressed nrogrsjmsds PIOtI PIOtIto progressedthe to s the point of definite settlement My Myewe 7 1 ewe ws on the American question of Chi Chleae CbInelile Chino nelile eae no labor may be expressed in a sin slnle single sine gle le e sentence I hop hope that the people peoplethe ttOpieor ople oplef or f the United Unit States will have learned learnedrom IMmedtrom learnedon trom rom on the experience of th the British gov govrnmant pvernment govnment rnmant In South Africa and will keep keepie keepthe keepe the ie e Chinese out as they would the thaiague tta ttaplague theague plague plagueChlnNe iagueChineee ague agueChInese Chineee labor and Chinese slavery slaverynder slaveryider laYeryundtrthe undtrthe nder the conditions which obtained in inouth InSouth Inuth South outh uth Africa are associated In the pub pubc public pubmind lic c mind Prom the form in which th thews the thenews thews news ews ws reaches us I gather that the therms theterms thems terms rms ° ms under which Chinese Chine are to be bejtroduc beIntrqdueed beroduced Intrqdueed jtroduc roduced d ar are l8 almost Identical with withlose withone withthose those lose one which hleh governed their introduc introducon introduction tion on n into South Africa My sympe sympeilen 8ympalhl aympaiea lhl ilen iea A are therefore with the people of ofmerica ofAmerlca ofacrica Amerlca merica r G w Were first in m the field with a acomplete aIt i io J JI I complete It showing showin of new fall fallshoes in inshoes M Mf o shoes and dice theyre tbey TRIUMPHS OF OFSKILLED 1 f SKILLED S 1 L Lbetter LED AMERICAN LABOR LABORbetter LABORbetter better in In style fit a and intrinsic intrinsicworth intrinsicworth tltrtlrncworth worth than any shoes ever before beforer beforeshown befareshown > r shown in Washington WashingtonThe WashinpmThe Wasllin on onThe < The remaini remaining low 1owshoes lows shoes go a at atneverequaled atneverequaled atleverequaled neverequaled reductions tneres tneresplenty theresplenty t res resplenty plenty of warm weather still ahead while low shoes will be worn extensively extensivelyalt all winter winterWERE winterWERE winterWERE WERE OPEN UNTIL ONE OCLOCK TOMORROW TOMORROWGiving TOMORROWGiving TOMORROWGiving Giving you a chance to see the new shoes and take advantage of this weeks attractive specials specialsBENDEESY specialsBENDEESY specialsESY BEND BENDEESY E EThe ESY Boots BootsThe Boot I VENUS VENUES 350 Boots Bootsno f I TRIWEAR Shoes Shoesand eUeat is I val For bor boys and andmen men are so R well sid sidonly sidno d dahoe The famous HEAVYSOLED HEAVY8OLEDshoes Are e excellent WO womens Mft8 i favors favorably known mat we needEESY need needonly shoes that BEND as EE8Y EE8Yas u use useas no downtown store tore can canshow only say the new Fail styles stylesThey tyt are arein artIt as It soft slippers Worth four fourtime show 5 shoes that ar are more moreQUKENLY in Jnonly Theyre They re more anappfV anappfVshaped snappf t I Itime 1tlmea time tlmea their cost in comfort and andmade lid QUEENLY Y STYLED more morefinely shaped baped than ever before betoreftd and bet better betmade ¬ made in the handsomest hanc Omeat styles stylesand finely or substantially sub tantlaUy made madeMany ter tban ever in spite plte of t higherand higher higherleather hi < < ber berand and of the best be t leathers that thatmoney leather prices THRTCE aver average avermoney avermoney ¬ money can buy buy buyMens Many of the new styles Iftyl are arehere age shoe wear ana satisfactio satisfactioMens lIttfacUoR satisfactiehereIn hereIn here he in Arrest t patent pate t kid and andglased andmen andMens Mens men R t sand and Womans W Offi8n s 5 5I glued laJJed or Demiglazed Demt guaea kid kidlaced Mens TRIWEARS TRiWEARSs 358 358Boys 351For I For Girls and Little Boys BoysI laced blucher blu or button at I I Boys o s s Sizes 1 to Sf 5 251 2 51 51Boys I 2 to 350 I 3 350 50 I I Boys Bo s Sizes 9 to IH 13 210 210ONEFIFTY 214R J JI I ONEFIFTY ONEFIFTYSchool Hahns Hahntsfa1IOusS2 Hahn f fDollarsaving famoiis famoiisDollarsaving 50 Womens Wo en and andMens ttfRI RITEFORM RITEFORMGirls RITEFORMSchool E R 1f 1 Dollarsaving f Mens Men s Lines LinesBLACK Girls Shoesi Shoes School Soli Shoes ShoesHave ShoesWave I Wave always a1 been the themain ttpT tt i Are so shaped as to togive I BLACK BLACKRAVEN Cdd WASHINGTON WASHINGTONBELLE A Rl N GT main m a 1 In n spring pnnl of e oar oarYoung u UL ULYoung 11 give g gYoung 1V v e the snuggest s n penal possible polYoung ¬ ble At to young groritagment growing growingi Young Folks Depart Department ¬ VENBELLE N BELLE BELLEWomens > > feet teetwtUlout without crowding crowdingMad r rowdinglug ment ana II were wer show showIng RAVEN RAVENMens RA RAVE i Mad Made of staunch vict victkid viclIi yin yinvariety I lug them in greater greatervariety eater variety and ad better style stylethan Mens MensShoes 1VWn = Womens WomensBoots a men S kid with CUSHION CUSHIONOak CUSHIONthan CUSTHONthan S II Oak leather soles that thatGUARAIITEE t tgtvo tb t Ii than ever before We WeGUARANTEE W gtvo beat wear Sixes Sizesi2fsforyeaboysawandglib Sixesflfc Sleyou I GUARANTEE shoes you can that buy no noshoes at i itor Shoes Sh oes Boots B 00 t S flfc to totor X XSU I IwUl SU id 1It sines i2fsforyeaboysawandglib i2fsforyeaboysawandglibbuy Sa tor boys and girls girlswill 18 I Iwill I It 3 4 to u Ilbetter e s sCome will give < t f 1 00 better 50 Come in styles tyle t and qualities U A = equalled by no noshoes 13 13wear I tO t tJ tc I ITHIS = wear shoes and excelled by few 1860 shoes shoesTHIS THIS WEEKS J STRIKING SPECIAL PRICES PRICES69c PRICESOlld c w2 69c c 75 75c c w2 95c c eD2 eD2heel 95cChilds 95c 95cChilds Childs Olld kid spring Women and mi miss Boys and garb I Wosseas excellent t Mens and womens womenseel womensheel heel eel buttoWor button or 1ace4 ool ea o gced SOO U grads grad Ida U Lit best whit white duck IL L vtel Wd or pat best 0 1 white linen ilnenMueller linenshoes nen nenshoe shoe nines to f law 14 w shoes Mueller oxford oxt n1a eat t loather slippers duck low shoes shoesv 119 145 215 265 2O v 285 285Womro 285I Womro Ill gtrIII and ad Wom W Womens r and nd man men W Womil 0 m e n 1 a t fall U W Womens < HMH a to totan 13 4 Cans eD s 35 5 kid P patent patentWomens top topgood I tan Dori good eod xl 1110 110 JO Sf grade 4e SIM UI t te H ot Uu tow might t Wtme Wlwdtu au KrlUn atyb a tallweicht Iw i lt ltUgh sweJj rbtbt blucher uc ucJ ax axhLgh Ugh mere MM oboes > I M broken atac tae ss at te VJ J0 taw W hoes props mm and 4 Off feeds for forr forWrd J I r ATM HAHN U A UM COS h V Cor Seventh and andI9I4 K Sts Wrd 11 CJ I9I4 19141916 I 9I6P Pa a AveNW Ave N Nliale W 3 Reliable Re liale Shoe hoe Houses 233 P Pa Av Ave e Southeast Southeastff Souhe SoutheastHTlini44 as ase ase T HTlini44 + + ti4ii H + I4wi 4uini4 + + 44 444 + iffIIioi iffIIioiIf + e e ff tPberes tbere Hn Rn2tbing tbf ng Wou ou 1Ree 1ReeU IReeb IReebIn q s q U r mes UU1ant BOt BOttOOliURss k 4 e tOOliURss r st mon in < Dbta r re ra rn ning 1ft 1ftIn a In n Washington as in ton t theres ere s one direct erect connecting connectln linkT link linkbetween lln K Ketween T between etween t things to s you ou want an and t the o obtaining o fam in of o them themthats f em emt r rE E i thats t at s Times imes Want ant Ads s They e a appeal eal to mot more e people peopleevery peopleevery eo le lei + i every ever night n1i than t an can be e reached rase e by any an other meansat means meansat meansi i s si sI at a so little cost costI f i i f fi I fit I you ou need office help hel of any an kind t try Times Iiill1H Yt Want 1 A Ai Ag Agf i i 1ff f you ou need domestic help hel of an any kind t try ry IiJtE Times W Want lJlAtls Adsl Ads Adsff f fou i iit 1ff ff you are seekin seeking a position osition of an any kind try Y Times Iim Wast Wa t ti Adl d df it l i 11 lit f you au have rooms to rent ren t err errou t try Times r rm Want W Ads AdsIff l4 AdsI I + I Iff 11 mm f you vou ou want wantto to rent rooms of any an kind try t Times Im Want Jl Ads Adsmm Adsha d Hf mmHf 1 you ou have ha ve real estate to sell tr try Times Im Want W Jl Ads AdsHf Adsi Adsou i Hf 11 t you ou want to secure real estate try tr r Times IgL Want WPJ1 Ads AdsITf b b1Jf Adssift sift you yo o w want nt to rent re t property ro ert try t t Im Times Want W Ads AdsFQTICE h hNPTICEEither AdsI AdsNPTIC I r FQTICE NPTICEEither Either E > thtr bring br > the advertisement ddve > tI9e111 eat to the office di direct diI direst ¬ rect or leave eave it at 2l oue of our branches br Qldches enumer enumerated enumerL enumcrted ¬ I ated > ted on the Classified Page Or if neither nei that of ofthese ofthese ofthese L these methods is convenient convenientphone phone eMain52 Main 5260 5260and 5260and 60 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