OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, September 09, 1906, Metropolitan Section, Image 13

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1906-09-09/ed-1/seq-13/

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Revolt of Islam Takes on onFormidable onFornlklable onFormidable
Formidable Dimen Dimensions Dimensions DlmenSi4nS ¬
sions sionsCIVIL sionsCIVIL Si4nSCIVIL
eredity Chisf CJtiaftal aitw Arming 18Itftl Their TJieirTriblll TheirTribes
Triblll and Preparlac IK Reli RelitJprWlICo Rtligiewe
giewe UAtisingLONDON tJprWlICo tJprWlICoLONDON
LONDON Sept 1 The revolt I OIt of Ja Ja2nm 111Jam Ialam
Jam in Morocco to taking on formidable formidabledimension tonakIaWeimfnlllM formidablebntenelons
dimension imfnlllM and lid gooner or later a chit dvttwar cdvItwar chitwar
war is bound to break e k out which la labound s sFOUnd
bound 1 > OUIH to change ban < < e too lb political complex complexion oopIo1n ooaaplexi ¬
ion i On of the whole of Africa The au authority auhorH auhority ¬
thority horH uf the country la dented by byUirrequarterc bythnepquartfn bythreequarters
Uirrequarterc of his hi nominal subject aubJectsttna subjectanl ubjectMhllti
anl iU IK many have refused to pay taxes taxesAs tax taxAs uuceAs
As a a matter of sober ber fact If the Moor MoorI MOOtllJs8tlid Moorer
I Js8tlid r spaaed ss seed a tithe of the wild and brutalfanatk brutal brutalfanaticism rQtal rQtalLlIIatjlsm
fanatk fanaticism ism with which they are charged chargedI
I would be quite impossible in the ex existing ex1tll1g exitIng ¬
isting collapse of authority for any an Ku Kur Eur
r rran > reuq r m to live there thereAs thereAs re reJt
As jt 111 1 in the greater eater number of the thejuris th thrrtp thet
juris t rt where w here foreigner to are 1e allowed by byttvity b btPtty bytr
tr ttvity 4tp to reside they tbe are considerably considerablysiivi COfta14erablthan considerablyter
siivi ter than they would be in many man parts partsif part partd partt
if t f London Consequently Con quenUy the existing existinga
a uuihy Id pan hy is I of a passive character and andcome andome
1 come ome about with hardly a blow be beIK bflK betK
IK struck rllck by the people or their nominal nominalriiltus nomlhHlr
riiltus r idr filers filersceneroua
penerotu Xoftarea Caiiaet KVla KVlaThe R RtileThe 1e 1eThe
The causes cause of the be collapse 00 oC author authority autoor1t authority ¬
1t ity are not far to seek A despotic despoticmonarchy 4puticrnontrchy despoticmonarchy
monarchy d4tlUaD demands a despot and th thl the thetldplesb
l ldplesb > artless youn young Sultan Moulai Abdul Abdulziz AbdulAztz Abdulztz
Aztz ziz IK not made that way With a atruly 4trill atruly
truly trill royal generosity e t of heart ail ailf
f kindliness and nd grace c of manner he has hasutterly baauttrl hasutterly
utterly uttrl failed to rule the fierce and oftttntes oft j
times turbulent tribes trl which compote eompoaet j jt
t c > e greater part t of his empire pbe He Hev HeWIIItl Hetip
v WIIItl cold seem 8 em within the past few lewtl lewtltC mouthstt months monthsto
to tC nave nit ve given Ivea up in despair the atte attemp attempif p pto
to if control even en the small 11 portion ibui ibuiis tblllIs thatis
is left to him all allowing wing all affairs a < < aIn of ofbtate j jttate
ttate to be divided by his makhsen or orc
cabinet c binet of counselors some halfaoaea halfaoaeaurtirrs utt utturtitJS dng dngc
c urtirrs whose shameless sbamele vesMUttr bas basradr ha hamadr
madr them detested ctetat throughout th t Mor Morno Mort lor
t no a 0 with a fervor one must see tt la > COM oomT COMr ooeap
T r Lund LundReligious hrndReligion t
Religion ip Revolution Cewiftf CewiftfThere CtelagThere
There I Ja a religious reU revolution rev uUOft in the theiiuklriK tbeIJukln theking
king IJukln throughout the tb country Each Eachif FAchlo
if lo the th eeminarie t mlri attached to the shrine shrineirlamc ahrtac rtae I Ir
< r irlamc 110101 1tl ttnt moat revered saints lau baa be betnn bel befl
l tnn n focus toc of revolt Resistance is isopenly Japenly
2 cg openly organised every man manown maui
t owns own a t gun or horae b her Is I ready to torvo tor tort
rt rvo r e > under this or that great t chieftain chieftainviun ehlehaJftj Chlettatntche
viun tche j It n the moment lft IIIen t comes definitely deftftttel to tothrow t tthrow tothrow
throw off the u yoke 3ke of the hated hatednakhscn batecI1Ii1khaen batedntkhacn
nakhscn ntkhacnThe nakhscnThe 1Ii1khaenThe
The hereditary MN4tta chieftain e el themer themselves themselvesre e ef
f re at a t work day and Ad night arming their theirf atr
f 1 > tril tribes Trlbt < S amaaatng foodstuff too 8tufta and forage forageill teras terasdrlllln foragedrilling
ill drlllln drilling tiling their cavalry 117 and mobiliBig mobiliBigthtr JaObIlbdactwr rsoblllatagt
thtr t hi r various contingent caatlagrntsForces contingentForce coatlaIUtaFore
Force Fore Ar Art Coceatrattag CoceatrattagThe
The Th most obvious and probably ProbablyJl1St the themost them
most m + = t important center of the Islamic Islamicrevival Imlc11Ial Islamici
revival i ev I t al is I Marrakah or Morocco oroeeo city citywhich eftywhich citywhich
which has ha more JI Ore than once in history historydisputed hlatolTdisputed historydisputed
disputed successfully aucceutull with Fee 1 the right rightof rightlr rightcif
of lr predominance pred rn1AaJtce Nct Indeed ln Md that dif diff ditf
f < < ulty is I anticipated as tlclpated from the latter lattercity latterdty latterctty
city which is I if anything more anti antimakh antlmakhafn antirttakhen
makhafn makh en than any It other Around the thesouthern thesouthern thesouthern
southern capital the leaders of the themovement themovement themovement
movement are concentrating OOftcent tI theirinreee their theirforces theirtoreffII
forces Conference are of almost dallyoccurrence dally dallyoccurrence al alIcurrenc
occurrence whereat plan p and nd eombtnatlons combina combination OOMhhttlon ¬
tion tlons are discussed and 4 the policy of ofthe orth ofthe
the th movement defined definedAJI definedAs eftlledJ
AJI J far as s one can gather ptb Its It Itloint main mainpoints malep
points p loint into are these A wholesale change of ofmakhzen otnlakhafn ofmakhzen
makhzen or the present pr ent cabinet and andth andtht andthe
th the establishment of a substitute ba tute which whichshall whichtlhall whichshall
shall oppose by b force of arms ann if need needh needbA needbe
bA h the Introduction of any foreign for lp control con control control ¬
trol of the affairs of Islam As A a last lastresource lutn lastresource
resource n > source the declaration of the Jehad Jehador Jehador Jehador
or Holy War WarTiRnnrn WarALOllOU 1 1ALCOHOLIC
Many Titled Ladies La iM Are Teetotalers Teetotalersand Teeteta1ersaad Teetetalersand
and Brisk Mineral Waters at atState atState
State 5 te Diaiers DIBIfSLO DiarlersLONDON DiaiersLONDON
LONDON LO DON Sent IW While lIe King XbItrward Id Idward edward
ward 1 Ia fond of wine OM Ma preference pretenceold 1 1old Is Isold
old champagne none of the ladle of ofth ofthp ofthe
th the royal household ever drink wine winetjuet wtlteQuetn wineQuern
tjuet Quern n Alexandra never touches toueb wine at atthe atthe atthe
the state dinner she attends drinking drinkingnothing drtnklnKthlnlf drinkingnothing
nothing thlnlf but her favorite mineral water waterat waterat waterat
at meal meals > > The late Queen Victoria reared rearedall rearedU rearedall
all U her daughter and granddaughters granddaughtersH utritte utritteas
as H ptohlbttionlata Queen Victoria of ofSpain orSpain ofSpain
Spain doesnt know the taste of wine wineor wineor wineor
or beer her favorite tipple being or orangeade Grantreade orangeade ¬
angeade Her mother Princes Henry Henryof HenlTof Henryof
of Battenberg Is also a teetotaller and andwhen andwhen andwhen
when she be suffer from rheumatism rb < < 1Matl m a aBhe all allhe asshe
she he frequently doe doM she detest to drink drinkthe drlkt drinkthe
the t he Scotch whisky Wh1 7 the physician ph or orders ordelll orden ¬
ders dersWhile
While the Prince of Wale Wa like his htafather fthlaher hisfather
father the King la fond of cham chamItagne cftamagne champagne
Itagne agne and isnt averse te the flavor of ofScotch ofScotch ofScotch
Scotch whisky the Princew Prifte of Walls Watotaboos WaIeIItaboo Wallstaboos
taboos aU alcoholic beverage The Theprinoes TMprlnoea Theprinoeu
prinoes recently summarily mmartly discharged dischargeda t cbrJJeocl cbrJJeoclR
a governess Wffte8S who permitted her son sonthe BOnthe sonthe
the little Prince Edward to sip a aof glass gtaasof glassof
of claret at t the governess aov luncheon luncheonThe luncheonThe luncheonThe
The princes hi bringing hrbttrt up her chlidren chil children ehlldren ¬
dren to taboo wine and all alcoholic alcoholicbeverages alcohollebeverlfee alcoholicbeverages
beverages beveragesPrinces beverlfeePrlnoea beveragesPrincess
Princes Patricia of Connaught and andher aMher andher
her sister lateU never taste wine while whil an another 1tAother another ¬
other teetotaller teetota i Is I the Duchess Du o ot Ar Argyll ArnH Argyfl ¬
gyll The Oucben of Sutherland Sutbe aDCl and andmany aDdmany andmany
many other titled ladle are prohibi prohibitioniita pro problbitionlata lbl lbltionJta
tioniita So far a as the royal family familya faintlyand familyand
and a nd the aristocratic arltJtocra women close to toroyalty toloyalt toroyalty
royalty loyalt are concerned they can C n roverbe never neverincluded neverh
be h included among the smart aetwhose aet setosf aetWhot
whose osf drinking habits ha nits Father Vaughan Vaughanently YauEhanTntntly Vaughanrecently
recently ently rcundly denounced from his blspul1Jlt hispulpit
GiDson Gi Gibson son Walk Brings Fame and Riches RichesTo Riches RichesTo RichesTo
To Obscure American Servant Girl GirlWho GirlVho GirlWho
Who Will Marrv Heir to a Peerage
I v vi vMien a
J i
j i
KiM Came CHff CHIra r ad Her Fiance Fiancei PiaDectM Fiancetilt
i tilt Future L LeN rd Afeerdare AfeerdareLONDOK A1terdarLI AberdareI1I
I Niss I1I 1SS Camille Clifford CliffordActre CliffordActress
Actre Actress s to Become BecomeLady
Lady Lad y Aberdare AberdareLOlDON i
LONDON Sept 8 IThe The Gibson GIbe n Girl Girlbrought GIrlbroutrht Girlbrought
brought fame and fortune to her crea creator creatcM cresttor ¬
tor Charles Dana Gibson Glb on and ad the Gib Gibson Glb110ft 0thIon ¬
son Walk has h been equally I kind in incarrying laCIlrr71n8 iscarrying
carrying Miss MI Camille Clifford Into th thranks Ute Uteann theranks
ranks of English Eftlflt h peeraeees peer one es This young youngAmerican youngAmerican OUItC OUItCAmerican
American actress who soon will be become 1Mcome become ¬
come transformed into the future Lady LadyAberdare xJyAbeldare LadyAberdare
Aberdare of t his bl majesty Juty King Kd Kdwards Mwanl Iidwards
wards wanl exalted peerage pH came to t London Landantwo lAn4IoRtwo Londontwo
two years ago with worldly possession poonmslonBconsiatinft 1I0811113nnll 1I0811113nnllcouIatln possessionconsisting
consisting couIatln of the t dress she wore and andthe sadthe Ad Adthe
the walk walkThe walkThe walkThe
The walk proved her fortune As Asthe Asthe Asthe
the New York Girl in It the Prince Prl ceoe ceoePUMn of ofPilsen ofPilsen
Pilsen she he became the talk of the town tOW1lLondon townLondon tewnLondon
London saw in her ler a realisation in the theflesh tMlleeh theflesh
flesh of the tb naivel naively impudent CHbsoa CHbsoaGirl at atGirl GlbeopGirl
Girl and as she gracefuly paraded the thestage Uteatae thestage
stage with arms arm akimbo head thrown thrownback thrownback thrownback
back nose tilted superciliously and her herback herback eI eIback
back curved like the quadrant of Re Regent HeKent Regent ¬
gent street the Johnnies sat t up and andtook andtook andtook
took notice They voted her UjUK just rip rippins ripJJ ripping
pins JJ donoher know knowSo
So 0 Camille Clifford walked into promi prominence prominence IOIft1 IOIft1neece ¬
nence The Johnnies formed doubleflues double doublelines double1m
lines 1m at the stage door of the Shaftes Shaftesbury Shatt Shattbury Shaftesbury
bury Theater to see her as a she same sameout ame ameout me meout
out and vied with one another to have havethe Mvethe havethe
the pleasure of taking her to supper supperRealized supperRealized upperRea1i2ed
Realized the Possibilities PowibilitiesAt
At flr drat t Camilla Clifford was wa demo democratic demoeraUC democratic ¬
cratic She accepted invitations to din dinner dlnMr dinner ¬
ner and supper U t from American and andcommoners Mdconunoners andCommoners
commoners as they came the rule being beingflrst befngftnt beingfirst
first come drat ftr t served servedIt 1IeTVedIt servedIt
It was not long however before this thisorder thisorder thisorder
order of t things tbln was changed With Uh the thenative thenattve thenative
native adaptability of an American girl girlshe Airlabe girlshe
she quickly realised that from a utili nUlltarlan utilitarian utllltarltut ¬
tarian point of view the possibilities poeeiMHUeewere po possibilitieswere lblUU lblUUw
were w greater in lords dukelets prince princeling prinee1t princeflags ¬
ling 1t flags and such with barrel of money moneythan moneythan moneythan
than with ordinary Americans and corn cornSo comJnOft cornmawrs
JnOft mawrs mawrsSo < < tI
So Camille CamUl Clifford became the pet of ofthe otthe ofthe
the peerage ar and < l duke and earls eart shower showered abowereel showered ¬
ed attention ttotto and ftd presents upon her herThey herThey herThey
They took her to dinner they the bought boughtJewel boutjew boughtjewels
Jewel jew for her and ad in return she smiled smiledsweetly smiledsweetly Ue4 Ue48weetly
sweetly upon them and they were Jolly ujellywell Jollyw jollywell
w well H satisfied satisfied tided a aa they had to be beWhy beWhy beWhy
Why Not Take Jewels JewelsWhy Jewellv JewelsWhy
Why v Jty shouldnt I take their Jewel jeweler jewe1tl1sIN jewelershe r rshe
she said once to a friend I might ml < < ht as aswell aswell aswell
well have hay them as some 110m other girl and andI ad adI
I certainly need them as s much as any anybody anybody ny nybody ¬
body else elseActing eleeActtnK elseActing
Acting on this thl philosophy phl10 0phy Miss CUr Clifford Clltford CUrford ¬
ford accumulated a collection of Jewels Jewelsthat jewelsthat jewelsthat
that has few equals nrnong long the Jewel Jewelcollecting Jew Jewcollecting jewelcollecting
collecting actresses aetru e of London LondonAlthough LondonAlthou8h LondonAlthough
Although constantly moving with 1th the theupper theupper theupper
upper class cia of the lordly men about abouttown abouttown abouttown
town motoring dining supping and andboating andboating andboating
boating this young American girl never neveronce neveronce neveronce
once lent her hertOl poise e Success Succe did not turn turnher turnIMr turnher
her head nor make her forget the thrift thriftthat thrlttthat thriftthat
that her hard ard days as a a servant lI vant girl had hadinstilled hadlttUed hadinstilled
instilled into her herLived herLived herLived
Lived for 750 a Week WeekAs WeekAa WeekAs
As a uGlb Gibson on Girl in the Prince of ofPflsen ofPlIMIn ofPilsen
Pflsen earning mlng M a week she lived livedIn UvedIn livedin
In a small room on the top floor of ofJodgfng a alodging alodging
lodging house no in Torrington square She Sheonce Siteonce Sheonce
once declared she lih was living on 57fO 710 aweek a aweek aweek
week and produced figures to prove that thatsuch that UJatsuctt thatsuch
such was w the oase oaseWhen oaseWhea caseWhen
When the Prince of Pilsen returned returnedto
to the United States and Mtee 1U Clifford Cliffordwas CUtotdwas Cliffordwas
was engaged by Seymour Hicks at Mweek 99 99a 5 5j
a week in The Catch of the Season Seasonand SealJOnond Seasonand
and nd became a real actress with lines linesto linesto linesto
to apeak and a a song which she sang sangone IHlftgon sangone
one on night or so she continued to live liveIn liveIn livein
In the Mime me room in Torrington square squarefor squ squarefor re retor
for the same lIam 750 a week weekIt weekIt weekIt
It was not a large roon but fairly fairlysmall fairlysmall fairlysmall
small and handy to the roof In grim
contrast to the dingy iron I bed and theplain the theplain theplaia
plain oak furniture were the photo photographs pifotorapha photographs ¬
graphs of score of members of the theBritish tMBriUah theBritish
British nobility noblllt basket ha e l upon baskets et of ofmagntncent ofmapttceDt ofmagnificent
magnificent flowers ftow r and the gayly dec decorated deeorat4td decorated ¬
orated menu u cards of the counties counU din dinners dinne dinnera ¬
ners ne suppers and luncheons at Tn Vhoh Vhohshe hlCh hlChMle > en enshe
she had been the honored guest guestWas PdtWas guestWas
Was Perfectly Happy HappyShe HappyShe HappyShe
She was perfectly happy In her apr surrounding aprroundings r rroundlnp ¬
rounding The Th lessons IM Ons of her early earlydays earlydys earlydays
days of poverty and struggles tru es had nev never neYper never ¬
er been forgotten and the prospect p t of ofsimilar ofwtmtlar ofsimilar
similar rainy days day coming comln in the future futureSEARCH futureSEARCH future8EARK
LONDON Sept IHO LHopes Hope etI are enter entertained entert entertained ¬
tained t that the treasure ship hlp of the theSpanish theSpanhlh theSpanish
Spanish Armada which has lain for forcenturies forceturl forcenturies
centuries ceturl at the bottom of Tobermoy Tobermoybay Tobermoybay Tobermoybay
bay will soon OOfI be located and It its cargo cargoof CAr8Oof cargoof
of gold and silver recovered recoveredThe recoveredThe recoveredThe
The latest lat scientific method have havebeen haebeen havebeen
been used in a search reh which ha baa extend extended extended CteDd CteDdld ¬
ed over centuries Sand pumping and andmodern andIftOCIern andmodern
modern IftOCIern diving bell bel bells and other Inleni ingen ingenious ¬
i b ious us contrivance of which the earlier oarliersearchers earliersearchers 1IIer 1IIeraeareben
searchers knew nothln are brtnj bfIotn employed em employed omI ¬
I ployed and by b their aid the faeciuatlng faeciuatlngSpanish fueiuatingI faseluatingSpanish
I Spanish doubloon will once more see seethe Hethe seethe
the light of the day dayThe dayThe dayThe
The treasure tre aure ship Florencla was 981 981ton 911I 911to 941tons
I ton to tons and carried flftytwo gun guns One of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Quaint traditions still current aa to tothe tothe tothe
the sinking slnkin < < of the ship tp in the smooth smoothwaters smoothaten smoothwaters
waters aten of Tobermoy attributes the dis disaster disaster disaster ¬ i
aster to the work of the witches from fromthe fromthe fromthe
the neighboring nel hborinK island l land of Mull MullThese MuUTh MullThese
These Th the story run ruM appeared app red on onthe onthe onthe
the spars JMUS of the vessel in the form of ofblack otblaok ofblack
black cat eats and brought on the gale galewhich gl galewhich e ehleh
which hleh sunk her herAside JterABIde herAside
Aside from the tradition It hag defin definitely definItely definitaly ¬
itely been determined that the Floren Florencte Florenci Florencdw
cte ci 1 is actually at the bottom of the thebay tfteb tfteThe thebay
bay b
The Argyll family began the first flratsearch firstsearch firstsearch
search for the treasure trea ure about bout a century centuryafter centuryafter centuryafter
after the visit Ialt of the th Armada but since sincethat sincethat sincethat
that time various attempts have been beenmade beenmade beenmade
made and bras bra brass cannons one of eleven elevenfeet eleventeet elevenfeet
feet in length and of most elaborate elaborateworkmanship elaborateworkmanship elaborateworkmanship
workmanship with engraving attributed attributedto
to the great Benevenuto enevenuto Cellini money moneychests moneychests moneychests
chests and stray doubloons have been beenfound beenfound beenfound
wu wa always before her Therefore Ihenl she shesaved abesaved
saved ved and saved avec Her expense re remained remalned rematned ¬
mained ooneiant while her Income in increased IftcreuecI Increased ¬
creased and had uuI not the fortune of ofmaryina ormam ofmarying
maryina mam a title and wealth befallen be LI her herthe herthe
the power of saving vmS which she be beeel pass possess possessad ess essed
ed would alone alo have made her wellto welltodo wailtodo
do doThe The wisdom of her thrift was shown shownwhen shownWhe shownwhen
when she was w taken ill with appendi appeadlclUII appendicitta appendicitis ¬ j
citis An operation wa was necensary Dece art and andthe aMthe andthe
the best surgeons I Ir8eon were were employed and andthe an4tM andthe
the moot careful tre treJt funent requiredMiss required requiredMia
Mia M Clifford wan not obliged to appeal appealto
to any of her score of only onl too willing willingfriends willingfriends lIIng
friends for toraatance assistance but was able ablewhen ablewhen we wewhen
when the th bill bills for doctor and nurse nursewere nurseswere
were presented pre enteel to draw from her own owni ownlarge
large larlr bank account to pay pa them themTook th thTook themTook
Took Part of DtKfceM DtKfceMHer Dttcke DaeheseI
Her I Ier last appearance on the Kngtteh KngttehStape Jlft Englshstage h htge
stage tge was wa in Charles Frohmaas pro production prod product ¬
duction d duct loft ion of The Belle of 0 Mayfalr MayfalrLitbe MaTfafrLittle MayfairlAtbe
Little did the producers think when whanthey whenthey whenthey
they allotted her the part of a duchess duchemthat ducftfIfHIthat duchessthat
that within a very V < < J few month she shewould shewould > > he hewouht
would leave the sham aM title of the stage stagefor 19tagefor stagefor
for a real 1 Derbett hallmarked Xoarat XoaratJiae 1oarattine oarat
tine Jtt peerage peerageThe peeraKrhe peerageThe
The bump of common sense which this thisyoung thisyounc thisyoung
young American girl l possesses po eu68 never neverworked neerworked neverworked
worked to better purpose then in her herromance belromance herromance
romance with Lord Aberdares heir At Atfirst AtlIt Atfirst
first he wa was but one of 0 a crowd CIOW of titled titledmen titledmen titledmen
men following in her It train The more moretitles moretitles moretitles
titles the merrier seemed to be her hermotto hormotto hermotto
motto Soon however the process J IftCeIIM of ofelimination orellmlntion ofelimination
elimination began The married peerswho peers peerswho
who 1Ioht liked to be upy gay dogs do < < JI and be seen seenwith aeenWIth seenwith j
with wellknown actresses were the thefirst thefirst thefirst
first to be sent by the board Thon next nexton nextIi nexton
on Ii the list were the Indian rajahs and andprinceling andprincenngs
princeling princelingi JrlnceHnpTo
To Have Noted Kinsmen KinsmenSoon KinsmenSoon ci cion
Soon > on the Hat wa was narrowed to the mar marriageable m marriageable r rrJageable ¬
riageable enes ene with serious intentions intentionsIn
In this field the heir of Lord Aberdare Aberdaresoon Aberdaresoon
soon outdistanced ou UoKanced his rivals and during duringMl duringMies
Mies Ml s Clifford1 test 1t t few months in Eng England ng ngland ¬
land landhe she spent her time in the th company companyof COt1PUtyof
of her new no future husband hUAh nd exclusively exclusivelyThe enptueivolyThe Sluelvolp
The other claimant were given a polite politebut polltebut politebut
but firm farewell farewellLady farewellLady
Lady Aberdare that nt Is to he 1 alit 11 l have havea haYefino
a fins town house in the th ultra fashion fashionable faablonpoable fashionable ¬
able and select Bton square the real realheart rearheart reacheart
heart of the good solid English oelet soeletand society societyand
and a a number num r of places pla and some six sixthousand sixthousand sixthousand
thousand acre in which to hunt and andfish andfish andfish
fish i She will find a as relative the Ver Vernon Vernon
non Harcourte the noble Newport and andscore andscores andscores
scores of similarly exalted people The TheViscountess TheViscountess TheViscountess
Viscountess Newport will be her sis sisterinlaw sfaterlnJaw sis sister ¬
terinlaw ter inIaw
For 31 years the name of HAH HA H Hs has been a Household H usehold Word ford fordstanding
Our enormous buyingpower buyln g power pt w wcelebrated er enables us to have each of our many manycelebrated manycelebrated
celebrated shoes made especially lout to our order order in the bestwayof best bestwayof possible possibleway
way wayof of absolutely absolute Iv the best leathers so that HAHNS SCHOOL SCHOOLSHOES SCH SCHOOLSHOES OIJ OIJSHOES
SHOES have earned this enviable reputation reputationBEST r rdputationREST putation putationI
All our standard lines that have given iven you such uniform satisfaction in the past are here herebettered herebettered herebettered
I bettered if anything anythingwith with many entirely new distinctively styled shoes that thatll II give DOUBLE DOUBLEAVERAGE DOUBLEAVERAGE DOUBLEAVERAGE
A shoe that Is built on correct correetlines The only onlyIiEAY HBAVYSOLED lEA VY Y 10 fIOLED LED shoes shoesmade boe Exact conies co copies j jlines of our famous Ltt tltielima Lttmens KA KAmade
made that BEND > a as asdamp EAST EASTezcludtaas M Mslippers
lines to fit young growing feet feetsnugly slippers slippersmods thus 3us damp excluding excludingmoat ezcludtaas mens moue shoes IIb ea of the same me name and andlike andsmugly andsnugly
snugly without pinching Rite Ritealeo moat durable yet flexible BEND BENTK3CCY like Ilk them theyll give THRICE THRICEaverage THRICEI THRICEalso
K3CCY style IItyI and sadebeettha qualltle qutmosey are arepositively a shoe and nd satisfae satisfaeHJM tt
also in I n style 8Q I e and ana wear wearBig ebeetthaqutmosey average wear e
tfyely the th ebeettha beet that money eycan eycanbuy can canbuy
po positively
HJM TW jl f
II IIlected
tJon There v Jnacle of careluU careluUBig carefuU3 <
They Theyshoes cost moot
buy more
Big Girls Slzes200 S1zee2OJSizes Sizes 200 200Sizes ShoM shoes y but theyre worth double lected vlci kid gun metal and box boxor boxSizes noxor
Sizes 11 1 t to 2 S150 S150Sizes or velour calf caJfjMaekl8I positively the best bestshoes be beetSIzofs t tSizes
Sizes 8 8f 8to to 11 J 125 125Sizes 5200 2 2O 0 0 t to o 5350 5350SURESERVICE s 3 50 shoes you OU can buy your boys boysSizes boy boyI boysSizes
Sizes 5 to 8 100 100Little SzesJ Sizes to 5 5f 250 250Sizes 250t
Sizes 9 to 13 13S200 13S200I 200 200Girls
I A brand new line of 0 t boys bo y and andgirls an anI andLittle d
Little Gents excellent kid or calf ealflaced girls shoes b ee that we GUARANTEE GUARANTEEto GUARlLNTEESUO
a well as 12 Z shoes shoesyou Girls and misses m JLS viet
SUO L5o Arade school shoes to wear aS any kid kidbutton kidsizes
sizes to 11 U31 nls week s1 119 19 you ever ev bought boughtOnefifty button and laced boots with ft 9 5c r rkid rc
in t Onefifty shoes Jlb4M have ha always been beenour kid or patent tips This week weekour 7 3 3Childrens Jour
our stronghold troairhol < l but thes these th e shoes are aredistinctly aredlstinetly re redBUneU
distinctly dBUneU better than any an we have haveever ha haGirls haveever
ever had Viol kid or box calf calfbutton Childrens good wearing viet kid kidbutton
Girls good it 1 quaMt viet v kid
toed ced blu chers and an button or laced shoes sh shI oes oeswith with withspring
and nd button boots bootssizes boot fblu Iueb I
laced 48C 48Csizes
sizes 8V If to 1 I Thi This I week 69C button girls g1 of i all for f l or ages alf boys and andgirls 1 50 spring JtPrin heels sixes at to 8 8VENUS i
I Ir
I I Mens Ien and womens shoes were werepatented j Mens Ken shoes give THRICE THRICEaverage THRICEThese
Theee exoepUoniLlly fine ft Nom womens ¬ j patented pat nted by b us and are re sold Old no nowhere ¬ j average shoe wear and aIM satiafe satiafetion satisfaaens utlatuI utlatuIens
ens boots are QUEENLY QUEENLYSTYLED Q U J E B N L Y where else aM in America The i he din distinct ¬ tion because bee beca se theyre 16 6 shoes in ineverything
tinct advantage actyant of having havingHEAVYSOLED I I
STYLED and especially made for forus HEAVYSOLED HEA H1f VY8C1LED YYSOLE8ff shoes h4e thatll thatllBEND everything every thin except price The new newstyies newU newus
us U by the finest bench shoe work workers ¬ BEND a ayp ZAS EASY as soft softslipper styles At 1 have all those little JtW details detailsof detailsera I Ier
ers er In the land New things in inpatent slipper can only be appreciated appreciatedagree of style and nd finish fin finis that at belongtent belong belongwith lonK I Itent
colt or fine finegUaed by trying a patr r onyoure 001 with the highestpriced h1 < < beatprlced custom customdressers i iI
patent pa tent kid patent I dlally lrfvtte to d do 80 Youll made MOM Sty Styles I f n r extreme extremeglared
glared kid that no other local localshoe agree that these great shoes shoesare drf dressers > 8l1ers also for moderate andshoe and andultraconservative iJ1dshoe
shoe dealer ean offer f f f fyou are worth four flj ff i ultraconservative ultraconservativeyou < J f f I
you under r 6 See 3 50 S I I Ithem I times their cost in I 4J 5 00 II IIcomfort J men irher Every good goodthem 3 5 S i 0 1
th them m mUf Uf this week JeW I comfort alone ro eW j I leather leatherIDEAL + J JJ JJIDEAL I IIDEAL
IDEAL IDEALWomens I Hahns Hahn s Great Of 2 50 TA Womens and andDollarSaving II t sp p PRIME PRIMEMen RIME RIMElrfen I
Men Kens s and aJI womens womensshoes Wom ns a i
Women Nomni Nomniens ens S shoes are u sur surprisingly ¬ DollarSaving s Jv Mens Alen s Shoes ShoesKBlackjtoven shoes SbO S are actually aandctuallycameo aandctuallycameostai S Slot Slotvalues + > y yp iI I Isel
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1 ct thvalues I values but b t controlling c
due to t o the fact that ou we wesell KBlackjtoven 6e BI Black a c Raven Reenff v Washington K Belle the the theUUQutp UUQutp output t of troth trothMil their
thousands of them themaeh V
sell sel l r J makers mak were enabledI enabled enabledto pnatJf > d deuh
buttonseakMson each eachbuttonseakMson aeh season Laced or orbutton I Mens Shoes 5 Womens Boots BootsStyled I i j to sell them at at SUE 116i 116or
I button kkl Cg f for
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I Xew w styles
I Q f
or tipped I patent n v vtipped 50 I L Styled t ac geed as a S3504fe SJsOrc EJ3oslaees 3 ens M and wear better bettertkaa than tli mast mastJ I I i fall this l lW 1 l9S i M 95 S
Cor Seventh and K l Sts StsIV t
IV Is 111 19141916 9 1 Pa Ave A v e NW N w a
3 Reliable Shoe Houses 233 Pa P Ave Southeast SoutheastWill Sea ilea st stl
+ 4 444 + 1s + + + + + H + + + 4 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4 + + li4i4t + + iiiT1 + + + + + + + + Ho HoI 4 + + H44 H44t
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