OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, October 07, 1906, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1906-10-07/ed-1/seq-2/

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r 1
Provisional Governor
Given Free Hand by byPresident b bPresident byPresident
President PresidentLAW PresidentLA PresidentLAW
r H
CostQfLnteryeningGovern CostQfLnteryeningGovernment CostQflnt CostQLInteryeningGovernmentand rY ningGovern ningGovernmentand
ment mentand mentand and Salaries of Civil CivilEmployes CivilEmpl CivilEmployes
Employes Empl < yes Cubas Burden BurdenWhen BurdenWhen BurdenVhen
When Judge 7ud Charles BL E Magoon un until until unLu ¬
til Lu recently governor of the tit Canal na1 Zone Zoneand Zoneand Zonean1
and American minister 4iiIater ter to t1 Panama re relieves re relIev reIieves ¬
lieves lIev 8 Secretary of War Taft as pro provisional proi810nal proviiona1 ¬
visional governor of Cuba this week weekhe week1e k khe
he 1e will be b m supreme n and practically practicallyindependent practicallyJndfpendent prontleaflyindependent
independent command on the island islandThis t1andThis isndThis
This authority iuthorlt was vested in the new newgovernor Hewgonrnor newgovernor
governor by the President and Secretary Secretaryof SecretarYof
of State Root just prior to his depart departure c1eparture departlire ¬
ure yesterday yesterdayAs
As the new governor and the head of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the army are speeding southward the themachinery themachinery themachinery
machinery of the army is I turning rap rapidly rapidly rapidly ¬
idly day and night without a moments momentscessation momentscessation momentscessation
cessation in order to ruah troops to the thescene the8ene thesene
scene to cope with any possible poe situa situation akuation tua tuatJon ¬
tion that might arise More troops will willsail wntall wUleall
sail from Newport News today tocla and andwithin andwithin andwithin
within a week an army of over 1060 1060men IMmen L000men
men will be landed on the Island ready readyfor readytor reedyfor
for action actionGovernor actionGovernor actionOovornor
Governor Maroon and General Bell Bellleft Benleft Bellleft
left Washington VashlnFton Vashtn ton on a limited train for forFlorida totFlorida forF1orda
Florida They were accompanied panled by byMrs byMrs byMrs
Mrs Taft and Mrs rII Bacon and Captain CaptainWright CaptainVright CaptainWright
Wright the personal aide of General GeneralBell O4ltneralBell OeneralBell
Bell Previous to their departure there therewas therewag therewas
was a protracted conference at a t the theWhite theWhite theWhite
White House Hou and later at the Stile De Department De Department Dopartment ¬
partment In the White House confer conference conferencl oonference ¬
ence both b th the President and Secretary SecretaryRoot SecretaryRoot SecretaryRoot
Root went thoroughly into the situa situation sUuatlOn Mtuation ¬
tion with 11h the two officials and die discussed dlacussed diecueed ¬
cussed In detail the military and diplo diplomatic diplomatic diplomatte ¬
matic problems they are expected to towork towork towork
work out outMagoon outXXOOft outMaoon
Magoon Maoon Given Gi Free Hand HandHow HaMHow flaa flaaHow
How long lon General Bell will of 11 remain on onthe onthe onthe
the island was not determined but he hewill hewi hewHI
will wi II likely return with Secretary Taft Taftand Tattand Taftand
and Mr Bacon Neither of those officials officialswill olllciaiawHl oMcalwill
will leave Havana however till the theactuation theeituatlon thenituation
actuation has been fully grasped by byGovernor byGovrnor byGovernor
Governor Magoon he assuming umln < the themilitary themilitary theuilitary
military responsibilities from Secretary SecretaryTaft StcretaryTaft SecretaryTaft
Taft and the diplomatic duties duU from the theAssistant theAssistant theAssietant
Assistant Assistant Secretary of State The new newgovernors newgoernora newgovernors
governors line of work will WI scarcely be belaid Mlaid belaid
laid out for him by those officials how however howenr however ¬
ever for in the conference yesterday yesterdayafternoon yesterdaYafternoon yeterdyafternoon
afternoon the President and Secretary SecretaryRoot SecretaryR SecretaryBoot
Root R ot gave him practically carte blanche blancheto
to handle the situation as he thinks thinksbeat thlnabest thinkebest
best Following l1oUowia th the conference with withGovernor withGovernor withGovernor
Governor Maroon and nd General Bell Bellat Bellat Beltat
at the White House the governor was wascloseted wasclOseled weecloete4
closeted far I sow time with Secretary SecretaryRoot SecretaryItoot retary retaryRoot
Root in his h office oMcoin In the ti u State Depart Departmfnt Departynent
ment There the Secretary went more moreinto moreiot moreArtc
into iot detail concerning eoneerltln the diplomatic diplomaticduties diplomaticduties dIplomaticdutieg
duties of the governor in questions per pertaining pertanlng pertanlng ¬
tanlng to the affairs of the 1 Cuban goY government frOVrnment goYerl3ment ¬
ernment as related to the United States StatesIn Stat StatIn StateLIn
In In the White bUe House conference ques questions 11 11tions qutions < ¬
tions of great international importance ImportaAeepre Importancewere
were pre settled one of the most import important Important Important
ant being whether the sovereignty to be beexercised beexercteed
exercised should be Am Amerl Ameri1tn rUui < u or Cub Cuban Cuoan Cuban ¬
an the decision being In favor of the thelatter tbelatter thelatter
latter latterVill
Will Govern in Three Role RoleIt RoteIt
It was decided that Judge Tud Magoon MacoongunnlOr as asguvtrnor seguvrrnor
guvtrnor of Cuban will be the supreme supremeauthority SUPOeauthority suppemeauthority
authority of the Island and and while hU hUInstructions hiilnstructiOAII hianstructIous
Instructions were w general en he will be ex expected EXpetttd cxpeted
pected to rely rei upon his Judgment farm fwnted hrmed farmed
ed by b a close study of the tII conditions conditionsto
to work out the details His H I position positionwill pcNdUonwill poeltionwill
will be an unusual unUsUa one Oft iathat 1 that he h will willexercise willexerctH willexercise
exercise the authority of a provisional provisionalmilitary M previsionalmilitary YiMonaI YiMonaImilitary
military and civil governor all m In one oneHis one oneHis oneIlls
His authority is even en more general 1 than thanwas tba tbawas thatwas
was that of General Wood u a military militarygovernor mllltJgovernor militarygovernor
governor of Cuba following followl the Spanish SpanishAmerican Spanisht
t American war warWhe warWho warWits
Who Pays the t e Cost CoetVhlle CIItWhile CostWhile
While the question of who who pays the thecoat thecost thecoist
coat of the th irttr Jttrvenlftll venlng government was wasnot w wnot wasnot
not discussed dlac seJ at any length the in inference Interence ini
i terence from the decision of the Presi Presid Preaidfnt President
d dent nt which of course is the legal legalopinion Mplopinion legalopinion
opinion of Secretary Root is that the theCuban lheCuban theCuban
Cuban treasury will have to stand the theexpense thoeexpense theexpense
expense especially the salary of the thegovernor thegovernor thegovernor
governor and other Americans who may maybe maybe maybe
be employed In the civil service serviceWholesale serviceWholesale rvtce rvtceWholesale
Wholesale Frauds FraudsUnearthed lraudsUnearthed FraudsUnearthed
Unearthed in Cuba CubaHAVANA CubaHAY CubaHAVA
HAVANA HAY HAVA Oct Oct LWholeaaJe Wholesale frauds fraudson fraudson j jon
on the part of officers connected with withthe withthe withthe
the former Cuban government are ex exded oxcted j jpeted
peted ded to b bO revealed by 7 the American Americanauditors trnerlcanaudttors can canauditors
auditors who are examining examinln < the finan financial financial linendat ¬
cial status of the late republic Already Alreadyone Alreadyo
0 one scandal has been unearthed ed and It Itis Iti Itii
is i believed others otb n will follow In many manyof manyor manyof
of the governmental vernmental departments departmentsKnowledge departmentsKnowlMce departmentsKnowledge
Knowledge that an ai investigation investigationwould JnveaUpUOIllld iuveaUgaUonwuld
would lld bring bring to light such facts may mayaccount mnylCount mayaeount
account for the tenacity with which whichmany whichmany whichlThtny
many of the former Cuban officeholders officeholdersclung oftleeltoldenclung oliloelsoldersclung
clung to their poslttoM and opposed any anycompromise anyomlromlae anycnrnpromlse
compromise with the thelnsurgsnte 1 niwurgents ta which whichwould whichwould whichwoulit
would lead IQ t giving the Liberals power powern powermee
fn n office mee and sm opportunity to Investi Investigate JnveatlKah luvestiaat ¬
gate aat the manner Jll ner in which public affairs affairshid atraJrsh
hid h 1 I been coodlcted coodlctedTho condletedThe condtctedThe
The scandal already brought u bt to light lightis
is in the COven government nent commissary de department deplrtllWnt tIeprtment ¬
partment at Cienruegos An n inveetlga InvNttgatill Investlgatiri j jtiin
till of renditions dltlona shows bow that hundreds hundredsof hundredthousands
of thousands of dollars have been stolen stolenl tolen tolenI
l > i arnMment ti1t nt of rebels re le is going go on onsnxxthly onI onl
I snxxthly l thly today but the laying 1a71 down of ofrmo off ofrfl
f rmo rfl is little better than a farce The TheAmerican TbellfTicltn The11rrican
American llfTicltn officers oftI n ic Ii charge of the tb work workliiv worki ork orkh
liiv h i t been en compelled to wink at the sub substitution MtbFtiutlon substitut1n ¬
stitution o of old useless guns for their theirK theirfrke theiriO
frke K Tvke rifles iO by insurgents The per pcrrintue perTntlle perntae
rintue Tntlle ntae of even these t old kI weapons sur surrendered aurlendfred surierulered ¬
rendered in comparison c n to the th number numberM umber umberf
M f insurgents known Jato to have been in inarms inarms
arms is small Trouble Troub baa occurred occurredat
at l t several ge ral points throughout the Island Islandver Islander
< ver er horses confiscated by b rebels during duringinp duringt
inp t hI revolution revolutionGovernor rEvolutlonGovernor revolutiono
Governor o erflor Taft announced that insur insurgents Insurenls Incuryenta ¬
gents enls would be allowed to take tak horses horsesfc horsesreId S SJfld
fc reId ld by them to their homes Many of ofthe oCthf ofth
the th Insurgents n ul1enl are now trying to sell sellanimals Hitanlm peltanIm4Ia
animals anlm 1a they seised Instead of retaining retainingthem retalnlpgthem retainingthem
them This Tb1 has led to serious disputes
Inclement Weather Necessi Necessitates Necessitates Necessitates ¬
tates Postponement Un Until Until Until ¬
til Tomorrow TomorrowMARKSMAN TomorrowMARKSMAN TomorrowMARKSMAN
Turns in Score Card With Alleged AllegedForged AllegedForged AllegedForged
Forged Signature of Marker MarkerThereon MarkerThereon MarkerThereon
Thereon ThereonEvery ThereonJDftr ThereonBver
Every Bver kn known wn kind of ofweather dkMgreeaM dkMgreeaMweather dwwtiter
weather visited the th District militia mlUtlartlle mlUtlartlleTAngtt rilU rilUrang nil nilrange
rang on Congress Con 8118 Heights yesterday yesterdayafternoon YefiltenlayafternOOft ysterdayafternoon
afternoon and affected the shooting so somaterially 110Ift8teriaUy somaterially
materially that MaJ James BS Bell Bellexecutive BellexeeuUve BelleeeutIve
executive officer postponed the lwe lweyard 1 1yard 1000yard
yard nrtng in the Gerstenberr Senato Senatorial Senatorial Sonatailal ¬
rial and Distinguished Marksmans MarksmansMatch Mark MarksmansMatch man mantch
Match tch until tomorrow afternoon at a 1 1oclock 1oclock 1oclock
oclock The annual shoot will be bebrought bebrou bebrought
brought brou ht to a a close e weather permitting permittingabout permltttnlabout permittingabout
about t oclock tomorrow evening
The Second Regiment team shot its itsscore ItMeore itsscore
score in the special skirmish match
un under under untIer ¬
der a decided disadvantage because
the th men were wer caught cau ht in the windstorm windstormand wlndatormand windstormand
and driving drhln rain This accounted for forthe torthe forthe
the low score of 174 This team usually usuallysweeps usuallysweeps
sweeps 80 everything before It in skirm ¬
ishes and proved Its title to champion championship cbamPlonIIhlp championship ¬
ship honors by b winning the Washington
Post match with hands down on Thurs ¬
day the First Regiment team team which
took second place plec yesterday bringing bringingP
UJl P more than two score points point behind behindLeaders behindLeaders behindLeaders
Leaders in Other Matches MatchesThe MatchesThe MatchesThe
The Evening venIag Star match was conelua coneluae
e yesterday ye terday about noon and it was waastated 1 1atatecl wasstated
stated that Sergt William Farrow won
it with a score of M About bout 3 oclock
however Lieut B A A Byrnes appeared appearedwith appearedwith
with the score > card showing lihowl that he h
had piled up M 0 points on the theMO th 3 100
MO and Miyard yarel ranges ran This was the thehighest thehl thehighest
highest hl beat received and he was declared declaredthe cNelaredthe declaredthe
the winner of the handsome gold badge badgeSorgt bA4 bA4Sorst
Sorgt Farrow gets i 6 as the second secondprize MeOndhrKt secondprize
prize prizeitergt prizeSergt
itergt Farrows score of ft In the theHarris theHarris
Harris match was large e 8ftetqJk ogti to wJn wJna wnL 2n 2naUyer
a L silver cup to be held for one year and anda
a gold medal each given by R R Harris HarrisCo BarnCo HarrisCo
Co Capt M Magruder captured sec second Me Meond eeccod ¬
ond price I 5 in cash Three other primes primesof prIaHot prismof
of 2 1 and five prizes of 1 1 will also be beawarded beawarded beawarded
awarded in this match matchNo IntehNo matchNo
No one who ho could equal Limit Far Farrows Farrow Farrows ¬
rows row score 110O at 1000 000 yards put in S an ap appeareance ap appeareanee appearesnce
peareance at the range His figures for for1000yard follOC for1000yard
1000yard lOC > yard shooting < M points not only onlyshattered onlyshattered 11 11battered
shattered the District record but butequaled butequaled
equaled the one at Sea Girt K KLieut J JLieut JLieut
Lieut Farrow will receive a gold medal medalpresented medalpre medalpresented
presented pre nUMl by General Harries Han1 and S Sper Iper 0per
per cent of the entrance fees which whichamounted whichamounted dch dchamounted
amounted to a neat little sum in view viewt viewof
of the fact that each ma maR paid 1 for forthe torthe forthe
the privilege prlvll of shooting shootingHolt shootingHolt boot bootHolt
Holt Leads in Senatorial SenatorialLieutenant SenatorialI SenatorialLieutenant
Lieutenant I eutenant Holt has a substantial substantiallead subitantillead ubatantlalIdon
lead Idon on all 11 competitors ectt eesedtt rs in I the 11 Sean SenaforiaV SetaaIl SeanI
Il I foriaV match having < rolled up 106 106points 1 1points 100points
points and his nearest nfA n arest rt rival T Brown Brownonly Bro Brownwly wn wnI
1 only wly I f Tiiese flo figures 4urpre r are ejtiy 1 ly for fOr K Kd lOG 101ftd lOGSad
Sad d ftt lOIard yard shooting and the contort contortants COft conleatants t tPt
ants Pt have yet to lire seven shots hots at 1000 1000yards 10Cyards 1000yards >
yards yardsMorris yardsorrf yardsNorris
Morris orrf looks good in the Oerstenberg Oerstenbergmatch OenJttnbellrnatch Gerstenbergmatch
match having vl 11 1 points which hloh gives giveshim aiV aiVhim giveshint
him a lead of 13 over M J 1 Ryan The Thecontestants Theeonttaata Thecontestants
contestants have fired fifteen rounds roUlldst roUlldst1M at atW
1M W yard and have the same m number numberto
to use on the 1009vard range rangePrivate raawePrivate rangePrivate
Private Re Resorts rts to Forgery ForgeryCaptain F ForgeryCaptain rlery rleryCaptain
Captain TomMnson chief statistical statisticalofficer statlatlca1Mfteer statisticalolitcer
officer yesterday yesteld reported to Major Bell Bellthat Dellthat Bellthat
that Private Long of tle Signal Sl < nal Corps Corpsattempted Co Coattempteod Corpsattempted
attempted to pass an alleged forged forgedscore fOllfedeore forgedscore
score card for 1000 yards shooting ahoott l and andthe andthe
the matter matt r wll be brought to the atten attention attention attention ¬
tion of officers at brigade brl de headquarters headquartersMajor headquartersMajor headquartersMajor
Major Bell II said yesterday that the themeet theJfteet themeat
meet had proved the most successful successfulsince successfulsInce NStul NStulsince
since the establishment of the range rangeSTUFFY ranleSTUFFY rangeSTUFFY
Continued Continuedfrom from First Page Pageof PageoC Pageof
of elegancy ttI CY in contrast This is I no noflight nompt noflight
flight of o o1 fancy fitncyNo tane taneNo fancyNo
No Relief in Sight SightThe SightThe Sightrho
The unhappy prospect of longer en enduring endurtng enduring ¬
during these quarters because It is 1m 1mpOMibie impossible
possible to furnish the new court courtbuilding courtbulldllt courtbuilding
building before additional appropria appropriations approprtatIona appropriations ¬
tions are made by Congress reM is plant planting plafttIne plantlug ¬
lug deep rows of care and sorrow on onthe onI onthe
I the faces of the tireless ttrele officials who whobreathe whobreath4t whobreathe
breathe the Impure air of the old olddilapidated siddilapidated
dilapidated building buildingIt
It is practically certain that the new newbuilding newbulkltn newbuilding
building bulkltn will not be ready for oocu occupancy ooculeY oocupolicy ¬
policy by December 1 According to tocontract tocontraet tocontract
contract It was to have been com completed completed cornjIeted ¬
pleted by b November 1 but the griev grievances gorlevnoes grlevemcee ¬
emcee noes of the strikers have greatly greatl re retarded re retarded retarded ¬
tarded the work and these delays In Inconnection Inconneotlon inconnection
connection with Ith inability of the judges judgesto
to furnish the building until an enter entergency emergency mer mergenc
gency genc appropriation is forthcoming orthoomln ha hashattered sajj sajjttored hashattered
shattered ttored many cherished hopes that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the building would b b available for foruee forUH foruse
use before the New Year Now It la labelieved 1ab isbelieved
believed b that if sufficient money can be beprovided beprovided beprovided
provided through emergency measures measuresthe meaau meaauthe measuresthe
the building can be fitted out and ready readyfor readyor readyfor
for or occupancy by January 1 1907 1907Want 117Want I
Want Appropriation Increased IncreasedAn IncreasedAn
An effort will be made on the con convening COftenln convening ¬
vening enln of Congress to increase the ap appropriation ap approprlaUon approprlation ¬
propriation 4000 4000 rendering available availablefor availableror availablefor
for the purpose e of furnishing the new newbuilding newbuilding newbuilding
building 10000 10000 in Itself regarded re regar4 rded as asa asa asat
at a < minimum figure figureWhether ftgureWhether ligureWhether
Whether or not Congress will decide decideto decideto
to make the necessary Increase Incr in ap approprintlon i ipropriation ipropnaUon
propriation is purely conjecture How However However However
ever they will m be shown that during duringthe j
the past year the Police Court placed placedinto placedinto
into the District treasury over all ex expenses expen expenses ¬ I
penses pen for running runntn and maintaining the thecourts thecourts
courts over 72000 OOO The total earnings earningsof earnln earnlnot I
of the tb two courts aggregated a SUDooo SUDoooSo 120000 120000So 120000So
So that it is probably good argument argumentthat a argumentthat ment mentthat
that with such a revenue as the court courtis courtis I
is annually earning rnln at least suitable suitablequarters aultablequarters suitablequarters
quarters should ShOU Id be provided for them themAt themAt
At any an rate rate that Is the way the hon honorable honorable henerable ¬
orable judges view Iew the situation situationSUES altuatlo8SUES situationSUES
PARIS Oct Cc iAn An American woman womanMiss womanLoul womanMiss
Miss > Louise e Bennett residing near Ver Verles VernIt Vetsallies
nIt les has just brought brou ht an extract extraornry extra extractdinitry r rdtnary
dtnary nry charge against Count Caben CohendAnvers Cabend CabendAnvere
dAnvers d Anvera a wellknown member of ofFrench ofFrench ofFrench
French society Miss Bennett accuses accusesthe accu accutbe accusesthe
the young man of having hAvln appropriated appropriateda
a pearl necklace belonging to her and andvalued andvalued andvalued
valued at 40000
Select Band of Men MenBpys and andBpys a d dBpys
Bpys Trained With WithEspecial WithEspecial WithEspecial
Especial Care CareFATHER CareFATHER 1 1I 1FATHER I
School in Voice Culture Maintained Maintainedby Maintainea Maintaineaby Maintajnedby
by Church to Prepare PrepareSingors PrepareSinIBIS PrepareSingers
Singers SingorsTtwM SinIBISTtMIM SingersThos
TtwM who attend services at St StPauls StPauls StPtuts
Pauls Catholic Chttrjh CIrnr Fifteenth and andV andV andV
V streets IItr today WIlL witness 11tn the ad advent advent advent ¬
vent of the first 1r t liturgical 11 chancel chancelebotr chaneelcbolr chancelchoir
choir of laymen to appear in a a Cath Catholic CathoUe Ctholic ¬
olic Church In the District since Inee the theIssuance theIssuance i iuance
Issuance uance of the Popes moto proprio proprioIt
It has h been the Rev Ffether Macklns Macklnsambition MackInsambition MkIn1ambition
ambition for many years ear to have a aproperly aproperly aproperty
properly trained choir of men and boys boysand boysand boysand
and now that the Pope Po has so clearly clearlyexpressed clMrlyexprMlled clearlyexpressed
expressed his views vie with 1th regard to sup supplanting aupplanUng supplanting ¬
planting the women stagers with boys boysand boy boyand boysand
and men m he has announced that he will willspare wJllplue Iil Iilspar
spare neither pains nor expense to tomake tomake tomake
make the choir flr ftrt > t class M a a singing singingorganisation Iln singingorganization ng ngorsanJtlon
organization orsanJtlonChoir organizationChoir organisationChoir
Choir Well Organi2ad Organi2adThe Orfan Organi2odThe 26d 26dThe
The choir is well organized now and andthe andthe andthe
the best be t trained voices available have havebeen havebeen havebeen
been secured and have been rehearsing rehearsingdiligently rehearsingdlU rehearsingdiligently
diligently dlU ntly three times each week since sincelast atnc atnclut clnctelast
last March The choir is to be em employed employed employed ¬
ployed from October to June being beinggiven beingven beinggiven
given ven four months holiday oach year yearIn yearIn yearIn
In addition kd lt10a to the th regular choir a aweX awd aw
weX w organized or aaJt choir school is main maintamed maintained maintamed
tamed where wh e the boys receive their pre preliminary tro11ltl prolimleary ¬
liminary 11ltl ary training in voice culture Latin Latinceremcnial LatinccemcnJJ LatincrInGoIaJ
ceremcnial etc etcKrneMl etaErn etcErnest
Ernest Ern T Winchester has been select selected llelecteel selected ¬
ed as a the th organist organi and choirmaster and andis aDdS andIs
is equipped for this important work by bytwelve bytweJve bytwelve
twelve years practical and successful successfulwork sucefulwork successfulwork
work with boy choirs and from the thetrulnlrjr tbetr thetralnlLg
trulnlrjr tr 1nha he received under such masters mastersas
as a Dr Abloom ttonJa Dvorak Dvorak John White WhiteSigner WhiteSignor hlte hltelsaor
Signer lsaor FrencelH John Miller A O 0 Oand 0and 0and
and Brunt Oortatowskl OortatowsklMr GortatowsklKr
Mr Winchester sees a j great future futurefor tu tu1or futprofor
for the music of the Catholic athOIIC Church Churchas
as it is to be under the recent moto motoproprio motoproprio moteproprlo
PttMBBtl of f Band BindThe BandThe BandThe
The personnel of the new choir is as asfollows ufotlo asfollows
follows followsSopranos fotlo followsSopranos
Sopranos Masters en 8 Softest f ton Darr Joe JoeMurphy Toeurpby JoeMurphy
Murphy urpby John Rhode Arthur rthur Scillwell ScillwellRobert SdU1 StiuIweliRobert l lRobert
Robert King Kin John obn Delany Kdwtn KdwtnRoach Jt4w1nRoaeb dwtst dwtstRoach
Roach Ernest HoI omb Harry Smith SmithKdward SmithEdward SmithEdward
Edward Lynch Francis Batch Royal RoyalHoleomb RoyalHolcomb RoyalHolcotub
Holeomb George GHddens Claude Rob Roberts Roberts Rob00tS ¬
erts Raymond King Frank Myers MyersSothoron lyersIothoroa MyersSothoron
Sothoron FickMnj F1ckJba George Miokum MiokumCharles MlckumCharles MiokumCharles
j Charles Pickling William Ullam May Edwin KdwinReed EdwinReed EdwinReed
Reed Paul Donaldson Oscar Lehmann LehmannPa LehntannPalil LehmannPant
Pa Pant tl Hnrey George Gibson Barry BarryMelne BarryKelne Berrybtelne
Melne Rudolph Bartle altos Masters MastersCarrol XaaterCarrol Masterscsrroi
Carrol Bridget Norton Eaton Hall HallColclasler HaUCoIclaa1er HallCoIclazier
Colclasler Hawteon Ha wItIon boNo Messrs MessrsRyder Meurs1t7d MessrsRYd
1t7d Ryder r r Petty Connel CoR Fenwfefe Peftwlc Hall HallHopkuui HallHOPIda HallHopkinn
Hopkuui Waggoner Conner eo Carrol CarrolDunn carrolDuaa CarrolDunn
Dunn Furia Schulte tenors Messrs MessrsAJden MeanANd MessrsAdeit
ANd Bowline DowU Petty ty Albtmon AI OH OHbwt 0 0bt Oilbeet
beet Merchant Roach Bartle Pogarty PogartyReed lIoprhoReed ogarty ogartyReed
Reed librarian J K B Albtmon hi hicharge Incharge
charge char e of vestments W A A Merchant Merchantassociate Merchantassociate At Atuoclate
associate organist or AIt Hirry Hail HailThe HaltThe HallThe
The choir will stag today at 11 a m mat JRat n nat
at solemn sol mn high mass and in the even evenlrg eVnhS evenlrg
lrg at 730 the full Gregorian vespers vesperswill vpenwill vesperswill
will b be sung sungA BUnKA sunsA
A new chancel chaA 1 organ will be inetatted inetattedat l taIed taIedat
at an early date dateSEEK dateSEEK dateSEEK
TENDON J > NDON Oct IThe The secret of the thesteamship thetealp thesteamship
steamship Xema whi whih > h left London re recently re recenU recently ¬
cently cenU on a mysterious mytt > rtou diamond hunting huntingexpedition huntingexpedition huntingexpedition
expedition ha has been revealed through throughthe t throughthe lOUtrh lOUtrhthe
the rivalry of another expedition which whichhas whichhAIl whichhas
has sailed lied from the Cape to try and andforestall aIMIt andforestall
forestall t ta1t the Xema XemaThe XemaThe XemaThe
The manager of the English 1ayndi 1ayndicats syndi syndicate syndloate ¬
cats running the Xema expedition expeditionKenyon exp cIttkmKen70n expeditionKenyon
Kenyon Collls now admits that the thedestination thedeeUnaUcm thedestination
destination of the Xema is one of the theguano theJUO theguano
guano islands off WalflBch VaJft ch Bay on onthe ontbe onthe
the southwest coast of Africa Secrecy Secrecyhowever SecrecylIower Secrecyhowever
however Is still maintained as to the theprecise tbepr8Cl8e theprecise
precise island where the expedition ex expects exHeta oxects ¬
pects ects to find diamonds diamondsCARDINAL diamondsCARDINAL I II
ROME R ROIl arF Oct 1 The extraordinary extraordinaryspectacle extraordinaryspectacle
spectacle of the great Cardinal Merry Merrydel Merrydii erry errydel
del Val pick pIcknlkIng leknl nicking k1nIt with the HtudenlF of ofthe ortbe ofthe
the American trlan Ecclesiastical CoHte CoHtenear Colluqenear onlW onlWllfOar
near Castelgandolfo where ho Is I sp speni spenilug nJ nJIWK n nIn
lug In his h holiday has horrified the elderly elderlyarchiblshop elderlyarchtblsnap elderlyarch1blshp
archiblshop of dAbano d Abano Cardinal Agll Agllardl A311ar Agliant
ant ar l In whose province the tb castle < lies HepCATdmal 11 11CArdinal liesCsrdinnl
CArdinal Mary del Val al apparently en n ¬
joys th the society of the American stu students 8t1dtnts stidtntc ¬
dents more than that of anyone else elseand elwaDd elseand
and on every possible occasion he h in invites Invl Invitae ¬
vitae vl them to be his guests The other otherday otherclay othertIny
day he took the whole hole college on n a apknlc RpicnIc apicnic
picnIc up p Mt Cave CaveHumphreys
779 779u 7799llumhrcys
Humphreys u nphreysSeventy nphreysSeventyS Seventy SeventySqven SeventySeven
Seven S ven Cures Grip aii aiiChecked and andCOLDS antCOLDS <
Checked circulation of the blood bloodis bloodis bloodis
is the cause lassitude a gone let letdown letdown letdown
down feeling of weakness the first firstsign first5ign firstsign
sign of taking Cold Colda a dose of ofSeventyseven ofSeventyseven ofSeverItyseven
Seventyseven before the sneezing
begins starts the blood coursing
through the veins and so breaks up
the Cold ColdSeventyseven ColdSeventyseven ColdSeventyseven
Seventyseven cures a Cold in inmore inmore inmore
more advanced stiges sta stagesbtit but it takes takesa
a Httle longer longerSeventy loogtrSeventy IongrSeventy I
Seventy seven is put up up in a aSmall aSmal1 aSmall
Small Vial of pteasaant pellets that thatfits thatfits thatfits
fits the vest pocket pocketAt
At Druggists S cents er mailed mailedjOrftoctor mailedalsoctors d drI
rI jOrftoctor octor Book mailed free freeHumphrey treeHwnptl8 freeHumphrey
Humphrey Uomeo Medicine Co Cor C r VVll 111l1am VVllHam wu11am
Ham and John Streets Now ow York Yorkr
r v
Jury of Five Fi e Named to Con Condemn Condemn Condemn ¬
demn 0 Street Alley Alleyf AlleyProperty
f i rt Property PropertyO
i imenaoe
O street alter aJ long regarded as a am amenace
m menace na to health and a distinct social socialevil oclaleYIl selalevil
evil by b the residents of tho vicinity vicinityin vicinityIn
in which it la I located will won dUap dUappear dillappear disappear
pear from the District map and in its itsplace Its1lace
place will come a clean paved cant sanitary canttary n1 ¬ i
tary minor street streetProceedings streetProceedings I IProeeecIlnCIII
Proceedings looking JooI to this end have havebeen bavebeer
been ordered by the District Commie Commisalonors Commllslonortl
donors And the actual settlement U8llt nt of ofdamage ofcIaace
damage and assessments mentl is now in inthe Inthe
the th hand of a Jury Jury of Avb Av members membersappointed membersappointed
appointed by the court for the pur purpose purpo ¬
pose Assistant Corporation Counsel A AB A An
B Duvall assigned ned to this special eecIa1 duty
10 representing < the District in n the the mat matter tnlter ¬
ter of damages and assessments umenta This Thiscondemnation Thisc
condemnation c jury will meet before beforeJustice beforeTuatloe
Justice Barnard of the District Court Courton Courton
on o Wednesday when the evidence of ofthe orthe
the property owners adjacent to 0 Ostreet 0MrNt 0street
street alley will be heard heardThe h heardThe rd rdThe
The alley in question is located be between between ¬
tween 0 and P and Fourth and Fifth Fifthstreets o tth tthIItree
streets IItree l running 1 east and west but it itdoes ItdOO8 itdoes
does not extend through thro h to either street I
For this reason it is necessary nece that c cr crtatn r rtain
tain tam dwellings on both Fourth a 1 Fifth Fifthstreets FifthIItreets Fitttistreets
streets be demolished i
It 1 is estimated that the whole wbc proof procerd rocft fd l I Ilnl
log will 11 inquire I > an expenditure of nearly near I I2I ly
2I jaO000 10000 ooo all of which hlch will be aasviwed aasviwedagainst 8dW
against the property within wltb thj th four fourMurrouullng
Murrouullng MUrroU ell blocks blocksAfter blocksAfter 3 3Atter II IIMUrroU
After the conversion of 0 street alley aile
is completed the board of condemna condemnation ¬
tion will investigate the conditions conditio cur surrounding aurroundlnl currounding
rounding Snows Snow court Willow TlUow Tree al ¬
ley Bears Gap Queens court cot and a ascore aore
score eot ore of others all of which are regard regarded retrardeel regarded ¬
ed In police circles drcl as making uo the theworst theworst
worst of the Districts slums slumsBONDS slumBONDS
CHICAGO Oct 6The The J5000000 J5000000bonds 6000000bond I
bonds It will m issue will enable the Chi Chicago Chicago CutI ¬
cago Southern one ot the roads owned ownedby ownedby ownedby
by John R Walsh the banker who whowent whoweat whowent
went to smash some months ago to tocomplete tocomvlete I Icomplete
complete a a gap of about forty miles milesbetween milesbetween milesbetween
between its southern terminus and the thewestern thewestern I IwMtem
western terminus of the Southern In ¬
diana at Quaker Hill HillWhen HmWhen HillWhen
When this i ts closed cl the be direct line of
the Chicago Southern and Southern In ¬ I Idiana
diana dl which will be operated as one oneunder oneroad oneroad
road will m be completed Into Chicago CblCrouncleI I
under the arrangement Br ment with the Chi Chicago ChlcalO ChiI ¬
cago Terminal Transfer Company
The bonds will become a refunding refundln i
issue to refund the ANt 4000000 of ofoutstanding ofoutstanding t t toutatandtq
outstanding 6 per cent notes DOtt after afterwhich I Iwhich
which bleh there will be enough left to com complete om omplete I Iplots
plete the Chicago Southern The bonds bondsare bond bondar I Iare
are ar redeemable at 102 10234 With it itcompletion Its ItsCOIftjleUon itsi
completion the Walsh roads road will ex exgton
tend from Weatport tad through
Terre 1Jau flaute te the Bedford Quarry re re reglen
glen and the coal mines to the south southof Bouthor southof
of Terre Haute and direct to Chicago ChicagoDUTCH ChlcaoDUTCH ChicagoDUTCH
NEW YORK Oct 88 S F Van an On a aprominent arOlJUnent aprominent
prominent Dutch financier head of the thei tbebanking thebanking
banking house of Van 0 Co i TIM
Hague is here on his ninth inspection of
this country
He says a ys I Iperity m1unaxcd M MUM tr tfttf a As Asperity ¬
perity of the nation It leaSfone Ibe world
in business The economical ecoaomi lfl situation lu a
her here Is f unparaDetsjl unpac and will continue e
indefinitely Roast R Raisin is toe Lb other ex ¬
treme I am convinced that she 1b Is a
bankrupt bankruptOur bankruptOur bankruptOw
Our line of American securities is
largo and uncreaaing uDeC but we control no nocorporation 1Mcorporation nocor
corporation cor sratloii outright Years ago we con concentrated conceatratecl conceatrated
centrated on a Jew l w properties not now nowWe nowJoG nowso
JoG JoGWe We owned United States Steel eel common commonuntil coanoauntil commonuntil
until quotations reached about M than thanM t twe theawe
we sold 14t because we U4 IIo bought t around
M i At one on time U we w held feVOMylN o6ua0o of
Stewl common eo and 1 think We W a o too tooCAHILLAt too tooOOI1 tooso
OOI1 so
CAHILLAt Portland PortIaad On Or oa September
14 1 iSIS THOMAS i F beloved husband of
Mary C cahill tftH tftHNDdCI IK see Ooet Costefle CostefleIstles Uo UoNotice
Notice oc runerai lal leler tw r it itKLLISOn 1tXLLl itELLiSOs
KLLISOn XLLl Saturday October I 1 UN at 4 4oclock 4tclock
oclock a m IlL JOSEPH JO JnIK I XUU8 E1AIB asa
twetyv rear beloved eon oa of olElla o Jefca iaMd X Xand
HUTCHINOSONOei Saturday October C I
IMC 1JOI at M U46 p Po in n at her residence deDce Sn SnSecond mIkocond iiiSecond
Second street l1t southeast aoutb APOL4X APOLLONIA > KIA wife wifeof lo1tefit wifeof
of the late Thomas Hutchlngson in the theseventyseventh theventyventh the5rrent3sernth
seventyseventh rear of her ace aceFuneral ageFuneral
Funeral from dt It Peter Pe Petits r Cirarch at ata 110 110a IB IBam
a am m Tuesday October > Interment pri private private privat ¬
vate vat Kindly omit flower 40 flowers ocTrt ocTrtShe ocTh8IMt ocTfrill
She ill was a a native of this dty th the daugh daughter dau daughter h htel ¬
ter of the late Captain Bright who was Vi Via
killed = about a t thirty la yean ago IO by an aaa aaf ex ext oxpisMoli
pisMoli at t the Washington navy yard yardrtod yardAbout
About f Zertyflte yaars ago she was mar marTied
Tied In a this city 71 to Thomas Hutchlncson HutchlncsonSiw Hutthingeonshe u = n I
she la survived by T two cnlWren cIUtrirenJacob cIUtrirenJacobiutehl chiHrenJ Jacob JacobHutehtncMMi acob I
HutehtncMMi iutehl and Mrs 1 Agnus lrnus Muffett both bothof bothoC I Iof
of this city 8h 8M was a prominent churc churewo churcworker i iworker
worker er having been aflUiatod IIted with St StPet t tPete tPeters
Pet Pete Peters r Catholic Church for many man years yearsPKAR8ON elS t tPKAB80Non IPEABOONOn
PKAB80Non PKAR8ON On Saturday SMurda October Octet C liD 106aftor liDaft jiO jiOafter
aft < a lingering illnoM m MARY J beloved belovedmother belovedmotbec belovedmother
mother of Nannie ennle B B and widow of the late lateEdwin lateBdwta lateEdwin
Edwin H Pearson in th tIM vntythlrd emntytirdyear vntythlrdy
y year e ar of her n r ag agFuneral age ageFuneral Ie IeFuneral
Funeral Monday October S a at S ocloek ocloekp
p m from the pariora of Adolph J Sehlp Sehlpport 5ebtpMIt Sehlppert
port MM PennsylvanIa aysnu northwest northwestWheeling ROrthwestWheeUq northwestWheeling
Wheeling and Monnamrlll W Va Va pa papen pen papets
pen please copy coP it itRHONE ItRHo itRHONZDaprted
RHo RHONZDaprted RHONE EDrted DaparUd this life oa Saturday Oc Octobor OctobK Octeber
tobor I 6 B0 DN at S oclock cIock p m at her heranue herNetdeD08 herresidence
residence UO New York venue anue northwest northwestKn oortbwMtKn northwestMrs
Notice of funeral hereafter hereafterSNOOTS hereafterSN00T5At nero neroSfOOT8At
SNOOTS SfOOT8At At Childrenit Hospital on Satur Saturday Seturda7 Saturday ¬
day October 11tM 6 1M at I 610 M a II m MARY MARYALICE LARYALICE MARYALkE
ALICE ALICE daughter of Frank and the lat latKmnuL late IteBmma latenm
KmnuL nm B Snoots aged one month and seven aevenday sevendays ven vendan
day daySUTRRrn dan daysIUThRa
SUTRR SUTRRrn ft Saturday SaturdaJL October tober C I IMC at 150 150f 150II PlOa
II a In se NARY W 1ZABKTH BBTH beloved wifeof wife wifeof
of f O oorse orce J Jyear 1 SaW 1ft the MventIMCODl MventIMCODl7ea1 aevntyseconIyese
year of her a aFuneral ace ageFnmrat
Funeral 1 eervlces at her late residence residenceI lN fa faI 463I >
I street northwest ftOIth Monday the 8th instant instantat Instantat Instantat
at SJ 2 p p m Frieitda and relatives 1at1v cor cori corlavtted corsUy
i sUy Uy invited Interment private It ItShe 1tSIte ItShe
She was born In Alexandria Va V In 18W 18Wind 1SCnet 1834nd
ind net bad lived la I this city elt since she was waanln w wnine wasnine
nine nln rear old With her daughter oPter Mrs rs W WI WL
I L Cullen she > spent the to summer at Co Colonial Colonial Celonial ¬
lonial Beach About a week ao she was wastaken w wtaken I Itaken
taken ill with oatarrhal fever which was waithe ow I I Ithe
the immediate muse of death She U I Bur Burvlved curvivod ur urvived
vived by her husband two IIOIIJe oneJe e e C Cand Cand I Iand
and Robert D Suter Suterand and a daughter Mrs MraW InW MrsW
W L 1 L Cullen aad five grandchildren J
H a abort Illnee At t George GrsWaahincton GeorgfIJWuhlncton GeorgeWashington
Washington University Hospital Ho U1 CHARLES CHARLESG I
G 1 ZA XAXGE GE brother of Mary M E Stenz StenzRemains StenzRpmain I IRemains
Remains at t 3 6 Ninth street northwest northwestFuneral northwestFune1 flOIthwestFuneral
Funeral lervioea from the residence of his hisUlster hi histllter t i isister
Ulster Mrs M B E 3 Stem M6 Ninth Ntn street streetnorthwest streetnorthwest t t tnortbwMt
northwest Tuesday October 0ctOb I at 2 oclock oclockby f nelockp c10clc c10clcp
Creek CrTletel1 CrTletel1by I Iby
p m Interment In Rock Cemetery
by Pentalpna Lodge No B Free and Ac Accepted Accepted ¬
cepted Mason uons Relatives and friends in invtted Invlted I Ifled
vtted fled to attend Uelld cltt oc7ftFUNERAL ocTftFUNIRAL clttFUNERAL
of every aescrlntlon deScrlUonmoderate17 moderately priced pricedGUDE pricedGUDE prIccGUDE
1314 r 1 St NorthWest No J1wellt Phone M L427D L427DHINDLE 4219 4219HINDLE 279 279KINDLE
STH TH AND H STS NW NWEv6QUdng Everything first firstclase drlltdaH I Iclass
class and reasonable Personal and prompt promptfervfee PIOIDptnrvtee I Iservice
service Modern chapel Phou Main 837 837J 83 83urIk ci04k
urIk 04k
OS P Peap Penn nn Ave AV N WM W Wa W Washifliton hll1 nln ton tQD O C c ct J
t 1lJhon i1eb na JaJA 1Uii I23
Store Closes 6 p m Weekdays 9 p m Saturdays Tickets Given With Shoes ShoesFREE ShoesFREEScholars
FREE FREEScholars Scholars Companions Lock and Key and andOtberStyleswith Other Styles with School Shoes This Week WeekWE WeekWEWANT WeekWE
We want to invite to our ourStore ourStore S
Store all Feet that enjoy enjoystyl enjoystylish styl
ish comfortable and durable If Ti 5 1 I ft f ft M 11 HI T HP ft T 1 1 I IShoesall
Shoesall Feet that ache be H H 1 E f L L I L I I 0 H I li C I c E Ij N N I T I R K Kcause I LLt LLtcuse
cause of the pinching or rub rubbing S u u M d P v AE AEbin L4 L4bing
bin bing of the shoes they have 41 t WtfH w wi wibeen f
been wearing All Al Feet that thatwant 14 GIVE L i V M r I US SB I I Iwant
want the best Shoe value U 1 V M L U Uthat U 1IU 1IUthat I Ithat
that money can buy buyAll 001All I t tAll
All Feet that are suffering T TI liPplrHllii P T ti VP I U UforanytIngintheof
Y B 0 D
for foranytIngintheof anything in the wiry 1 of ofgood E IVLL11DULJJu IVLL11DULJJuYou li V 1 J It 1 II II i J i igood
good Shoes ShoesYou ShoesYou
You wrong your let I t if you refuse to bring them here or if you deny them permission to tobring tobring tobring
bring you here
hererw The Leather and the Shoemaking Shoe making stood the test of sharp scru scrui scrutiny
rw i tiny before we admitted them to our store
1 198 98 Mens Shoes worth 250 260 Kid and andMens ancICalt I ICalf
Calf Blucher and LaCe I
2 50 Mens Men Shoes worth 100 SOO Patent Colt Coltvirl CoJt CoJtVlrl J
S ViI Box Calf Cal and Gun Metal awing awinglast awinglast i ilast
last blucher lace and button buttonMens
3 00 Mens Shoes ShO 8 Worth 150 350 All fash fashionable tallhlonable ¬ I Ilonable
lonable leathern I
School and Childrens Shoes ShoesThe
The buying for our two large Shoe Stores for years fully convinced us of the f great reat importance importanceof
of having our School Shoes built of solid leatiiCr Ieati r Then we knew we had ha not only reliable stock stockbut stockbut stockbut
but shoes for Boys and Misses with style and fitting qualities seldom found elsewhere at manufacture manufactureDrias manufacturenrices
I II 45c 45c worth 75c 75c75c
I II 75c worth 100 I
n rc r Ladies Shoes worth 15 15KI4 Ly L Liw
9 y Sc iw Kid and box calf calfLadies calfe1
e1 1 t Ladies Ladl Shoes worth worthS160 worthSUO
p 1 i 19 i ij S160 Viet kid Cuban Cubanand Cubanass
ass S and andlowbeels andlowbeelsa low heels heelsfij1 bee
fij1 a i i A f r Ladles Shoes worth worthS worthq
S > 1 I I A1 q LL 045 51 175 175 75 Viet and dull duno
1 o Tr A s calf J t military h hflels hflelst Qels Qelsti ls
t 1 Ladies 141 Shoes worth worthSUG
D 169 1 D 6 9 i SUG 260 FIne glazed kid kidblucher
a e blucher and lace Cu Cuban Cubaa ¬
baa heels
98c werth 125
125 worth w rth 150
for CbUeren Cblidr lid Invalid Invalidjam J11dIfJltfNWJerlerJl InveUa InveUhenCe
a JltfNWJerlerJl fa M Md
d La hod hodtIGIII
henCe aSk tIGIII uuudtaly uuudtalys uuudtalyXUk ma mas
jam s s seetain Mts4n the petxm petxmMl etusi k k311k
Ml XUk to ato aM known kao tnoan to have w caused causedDIPHTHBBIA cauedat causedmOdemica
mOdemica at of ofD ofDIPZTKBZIA
DIPHTHBBIA D RTXEIA TVPSOXD 7I10tD and 41 ether etkcrEHTEXIC etherBNTB2IC t1er t1erB1IlTEXXC
EHTEXIC diseases diseasesA dIseaseA
A simple precaution consists eouIIIUSCALDDfG la laSCAXDESTG insCALDG
awl scalding it will NOT elect its itsigostlblllty Itafi8e ItsdIgestibility
igostlblllty fi8e After scalding < beep cool cooland coolcovered cooland
and covered coveredA
A regular r diet dl < for children oa eon eone eIJI1Ik conImsed
e Imsed need milk tHk 1Ik te Inadvisable InadvisableSpecial hladvlbsocm teadvisebleSOCII1TY
g BIlltI1XJCA 1lec7 1lec7vw SscyWI
WI favor vw a stsisst law w InIIIlfl prehihithag prehihithagthe I ItIN
tIN mis er Sm III lee euslie ol olCJtJlAK any anyCIAM
CJtJlAK set setSpecial all allSp
Special Sp GiaI Sale S 1e of o Glasses GlassesEyes GlassesEyes
Eyes Examined Free
1350 310 solid gold spring springBifocal
Bifocal Glasses Spe Specml 1 5 0 I Iclal
clal for thl thig week I 1
I IRlmleu IRimless
250 Solid Gold Spring o 1 A A j
Rimless Eyeglasses EyeglaaeaSpecial sp 1 j I llHj 0 0
Special for this week weekISADORE e eISADORE W WflTAHT
716 7th Street N W WBetween WBetween I
Between G and H Sts StsFull StsFull
I IFull
Full Dross D and Tuxedo Suits for Hire HireBlack HireBlack
Black B1 ck Thibet ThibetSuits ThibetSuits 111
Suits for forPersonally forPersonally I IPersonally
Personally guaranteed by us not notto notto notto
to fade or r crack Regular SIB 18 val values values valnec ¬
ues which I am oifering as a aGreat aGreat aGreat
Great Opening Special at 11 11HORN 11 11HORN
637 37 F Street StreetXO Street Streetso
Absolutely Only Painless Methods Used
Set Se of Teeth eeth that fit 300 300Gold j jGold I IQOI
QOI QOICrowns Gold GoldCrowns GoldCrowns
Crowns CrownsBridge CrownsBrtdC
Bridge BridgeWori BrtdCWort
LL = f Wori WorZ Worif 300
lIns lInsWashingtons
61 611 17th 1 7t 7tWashington 7th St Sr SrWasningrtona
Washington Painless Dentist DentistClean DentistClean DentistClean
Clean Pry Storage for forHousehold forHousehold forHousehold
Household EfSects EfSectsAt
At Attractive Hates HatesMXTliSrXEliD RatesLI BgtosLITTXErIIILD
MXTliSrXEliD LI 1L rmLD ATVOHD fis CO COKoom COItoam COoo1u
Koom oo1u 727 Colorado Building BulltUngJUi1t Buildingsef3tf
Iflh Iflhand
3 50 Mens Shoes worth 0100 400 Patent Colt Coltmnd
and Dull Calf uptodate toes But Button Button ¬ liii I
ton blucher and lace lacecolt laceS
S 4 0 3 Men hfens Shoes worth 601 500 beet Corona Coronacolt a aolt
colt olt glaxed vici Id and gun gunawing n metal tal Latent LtOiltawing Latestswing
awing last
139 worth 175 175SI49
SI49 149 worth 200
ToKalon on a wins win label labelstands labelstands labelstands
stands for purity and high qual quality qualityimportant qua quaityimportant ¬
ity ityimportant important factors in an anarticle anarticle anarticle
article of food or drink drinkToKalon drinkv drinkToKalon drinkToKalon
ToKalon Old Stock Port Portis
is a valuable tonic for or the Invalid Invalidand Invalidand invalidand
and convalescent and on account of ofits otIts
its absolute purity is a safe wine wineIn winein winein
In the sick room Quarts 75 cents centsPints ceo centsPints ts tsPin
Pints Pin t 10 cents centsToKalon can canToKlon centsToKalon
ToKalon White Brandy Brandygives
gives V 8 Brandied Peaches a a flavor flavornot ftavornot flavornot
not attained by any other Brandy BrandyIt Brabd BrabdI
It I t is the safest teat article for the care careful carefal ¬
ful housekeeper Me t quart lie pint pintJ250
J250 10 gallon gallonAsk pilonAsk gallonAsk
Ask for combination cork screw screwand 8erewand screwand
and beer opener free with every everypurchase everypurchaBe everypurchase
purchase purchaseTOKALON purchaBeTOHALON
611 Fourteenth FourtoonthSt FourtoonthStTEETH St StTEETH StI
Five Sets of Teeth TeethFive TeethFive TeethFive
Five Gold Crowns CrownsAhsalutely CrownsAbselutely CrownsAbsolutely
Absolutely Free Monday Oct 3 3Register 8a 2Register
Register a ster your name on entering enteringthe enteringthe enteringthe
the office the numbers ran from from1ao
120 Five of these numbers are arethe arethe arethe
the lucky ones This Jh1 is a bona bonande bonafide bonafide
fide offer If yott fail to be num numbered numDered nurnbered ¬
bered amongst the fortunate ones oneswe oneswe oneswe
we will make a set of Twentieth TwentiethCentury TwentiethCentttry TwentiethCentary
Century Teeth eeth or a gold crown for forI
I 9200 200 We take this means to ad adi adveruse advertise
i vertise the Greatest Painless Pa1n1essDcnta1 PathlessDental
j Dental Institution in WashingtonRED WashingtonRED Washington WashingtonRED
Hours e urs Daily 86 Sunday 102 102i
i 430 7th St at nw Phone Main 5259 5359SAFETY 5259SAFETY 5259i
It will shave the toughest beard beardan1 beardan beardani
an1 an its it use u gives he8 e enrlastlng rUsting satis satisfaction satisfatlon satisfaction
faction factionNO fatlonNO factionNO
siftDOCI I JO i Hardware HardwareStoro HardwareStoroiii HardwareStorofl1UfltLL Storo
IIORSEI IfiUnOuLL iii LIS O I 110507 7th fet fetTIMES t tTIMES tTIMES
Ladies Shoes S worth worthft I
1 198 9 8 i ft Highgrade pat patcolt pteolt liii liiicolt
colt and vici bhicher bhicherlace btucberlace ii i
lace and button buttonC1 HI
C1 n A Ladles Shoes worth worthq
2 AU q 49 sLOG Pat colt viel vieldull IIiI IIiIdull
7 dull calf and gun gunmetal gunmetal 1111 1111metal
metal bluebw lace and button buttonswing buttonawlnK liii liiiswing
swing last lasttft liii
< tft AO Ladles Shoes worth worthSiI liii
2 298 M 98 rS U SiI M P Pat cot and andF n
French F r n c to kid most mostfashionable moatfashionable
fashionable fashionabliazt last lastCO lastIJ I I
CO IJ r f Ladies Shoe worth orth orthJ lI
J 3 1 5 50 SIB 0 0400 400 and 100 00 Pat Patcolt ilIl ilIlcolt
rv colt pat pat vlci Iei and andFrench andFrttneh liii liiikid
French kid uptodate style
198 i9 1 98 worth wor thS2 S250 250 1 0 IlIi j
249 worth worthS300 300 1111 I
917 F Street StreetAnnounce StreetAnDOUllCe StreetAnnounce
Announce to the friend ad patios or Mr
J So P HilBurn Uburn formerly with Ith Beaton Perry rr
ad nd S Kaon SOB Son A Co C tJlat tiat MU ft ftconnected DW DWcoaneeted awconnected
connected with this tht ambaad wilt rill V 1te pWt SSJet SSJetto 1 1to 1 1to
to give hU b person penonaI attention U at1oa to providing JlrWj ing
their s fe from Porn the various line UIaH of SBka
Dress Dr Goods Suit Suits lj lAeMH LseesHss4ery CM H t T U Vader VaderAr VidarWoor i r rw
w Ar r etc Tour patronage pauonegis fknxwtly rUDeltlynt rUDeltlyntouneoal gnI gnIeourteously < nl nlcourteously
courteously ouneoal solicited it itPARTNERSHIP ItPARTNERSHIP itPARTNERSHIP
To Whom It May Concern This IK to togive tove togive
give ve notice that the limited copartner copartnership copartnership ¬
ship hlp heretofore b Jototore existing between Fred Fredertck Frederich l lerlck
erich Briggs and Clarence E Fowler of ofWashington orWashington OfWashington
Washington D C under the firm name nameof nm nmot nmeof
of Bras I Fowler Limited Llll ted dealers de In Inmeats Inmeats I r rmeats
meats and provisions is this day dis dissolved disIIOlvfd dissolved ¬
solved by mutual consent The business businesswill bwtlilessw1ll busineatwill
will hereafter be continued by the said
Briggy A Fowler as an unlimited equal equalcopa 8401COJMI equalcop
cop rtnership rtJMrBbJpFREDERICK rthershlpFREDERICK
October 3 1M6 1 oc53t oc53tTHE oc03tTHEk5ijLut
THE rn THEk5ijLut REGULAR GULAR Annual Meeting of oCiit the
Stockholders of the CHAPINKACKS
held at FleiMhmann Hotel Alexandria
Vaf Ya WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 1 10 U05 U05at 1JOOat 11O 11Oat
at 730 IO OCLOCK P M for the purpose purposeof
of election of its Directors Dtr Directorsand torsand and disposing
of any other regular business bu ine SAMUEL
C REDMAN Secretary oc4fit oc4fitWindow ocIitWindov oc4jt oc4jtWn1
Window Wn1 vviiiuuw 2U on OP Opaque Shade Shad 40a
Empire 5a Oil Opaque 60 Co
Shades Kln Klnt Scotch Holland 75o 75oHun 150h 5c 5chong
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