4 4 THE WASHINGTON TIMES SUNDAY OCTOBER 7 1906 General Wilsons 5 Birthday BirthdayIs i rthdov rthdovIs Is SixtyNine Sjxtv Nine Years Young He Continues Cpntin es ActivelyAt ActivelyAtWork ActivelYAtW Work W ark fo for or Welfare W elfare of ofOily ofOit o oO O Oily OilyIs Oit OitIs 1t 1tIs Is Admired AdoJ fed iivli in A1li lParts lPartscants Parts Partsof Partsof of Country QJlntfyWhere QJlntfyWherefie cants Where WhereHe WhereH He H is i Known KnownTomorrow Knovl1TomorrOw Knov n nTomorrow Tomorrow will be b the birthday of a aman aman aman man who has ha written wttftfnto into the term U US US S A retired a anew new definition and andhas aJNlhas andhas has made It signify fresh labor Ja Jat un unerasing unceastng ¬ t erasing ulng industry IIMII8t and great accom accomplishments accomli5hments accomplishments ¬ plishmentsTomorrow plishments plishmentsTomorrow li5hments li5hmentsTomorrow Tomorrow evening at 8JO oclock oclockti oclocktlf tlf ti n John M Wilson Corp C of o En Engineers Engmfer Engineers ¬ gineers misted m ted Staten State Sta army arlll will complete com compute eolllpkte ¬ pute hi his sixtyninth year In keeping keepingwith keeplntrwith keepingwith with the thecllancMr character of the man who whohas whohas a a1utS has won a icedal edall far r conspicuous gallantry gal gallantry lIallantry ¬ lantry In action and since ACe hi h his l retire retirement retlremen retirement ¬ ment men t has ha achieved many tIMA civic c = tyIC honor honorhe n 110001he ol olla he will observe 0 observe the day WittKmt Mttsotht eatentation eaten ostentation en entation ¬ tation or special > > ceremony The eongratt eon congratulation eongratulaUou ¬ gratt gratulation lationa of hi blM many BNW friend from fromll fromall all ll part parta of the country goUft ry will be suffi sufficient auftdent au16dent ¬ dent celebration ceJebra of hla entering upon uponhie UIJOnIus uponhts hie seventieth yearBut year yearBut yearBut But what make the event especially especiallyworthy eIIpeclallyworthY eapeolallyworthy worthy of mention 1 Is not what General GeneralWilson GeneralWilson I Wilson has h s done in the past but what whathe wb whathe Jt Jthe he is doing now and what be will do doin doin doin in the future No other man In the theDistrict theDistrict theDistrict District of Columbia Colum a perhaps is ao aotaken o otaken otaken taken up with project IOjectll for the public publicgood lublhgood pubikgood good as is J the general eneral Retired fromhis from fromhis fromhis his chosen cho enpretJii profession l1on by tho th meohewoal meohanlcalWorklnga meohautoalworkings meohewoalworkings workings of the law five years leara ago agohe agohe he laid aside aItk his military mUttar ualform and andentered andtntered andentered entered up Up1 > a civic charitable c arlt bJ and pub publicspirited pubtcsplrlted publcspldted ¬ licspirited enterprises ttllterprt wlterprieenterPdee eenterprtH enterprises which whichh wblchhi whichhe he h hi has helped forward and to which he hegives heg hegives gives g es his attention dallyRather dally dallyRather dallyRather Rather Wear Out Than Rust Out OutWhen OutWhen OutWhen When I left the army he said to toa toCungrefonal toLL a Cungreas Cungresfcjmal aa1 committee last win winter wlnttr winter ¬ ter I decitdd that I had rather wear weartut weartut weartut tut than met out outTo outr outTo To r 0 say aaytlt that the general geera t ill > AOt ot rusting rust rustics rustiJ ¬ ics iJ out js 11 deserfbing < se > tbing ttti1lI mOjHr hte nsany nsanyactivities any anyartlvitles nY nYnnlyltlea activities In IftekalC of e < t the V M1 atfonal atfonalCapital ooal ooalCapital aal aalCdpltal Capital CapitalThe CdpltalThe CapitalThe The story rf f John M Wilsons life lifepresents lifehresents It ItJltsentll presents Jltsentll a great sameness ameue in one way wayand wayand y yand and a a great surprise aurprl > > e in another The Thesameness nesameneu Thesameness sameness consist eoraal coasista ta in the uninterruptedmanner uninterrupted uninterruptedmanner alnt rupteid rupteidmanner manner in which he advanced ad aoM and madefriends made madefriends friends whether he was 1 as in the Bast Bastor 6srtor t tur I or in the West eat whether hether he toiled utlied on onthe Oftthe oilthe the field of battle or labored in Mia I ofttoe odtoefor ofttoeior I Ilor for the geed of the array The sur rhrprise surprise wI wIprise ¬ prise i III the number of things t1lln be baa hasdone baadone baadone done the number of undertakings that thatJK tbath thath h JK has completed completedThe ce completedThe plet d dThe The general is a a Washingtonii Washingtoniimroueh Whlngtonlantnr Waahingtonianthrough through tnr u h and through lli lUa Ile father her was wasborn wulwrn wasburn born on 7 F P street treat and aU < he 1e 1 was w a born on onG onstreet ont G t street i near De ear where Epiphany Eplp ny Church Churchnow Cburchnow Churchnow now stands It was in Epiphany EpiphanyChurch EpiphanyChurch EpiphanyChurch Church by the way that the beautiful beautifuland beautifulaJld beautifuland and charming chlir young rOUR Dung lady Mis Jt Miss u Augusta AugustaWall AqustaH H Wall WalleursbegaatQc WalleursbegaatQcBane al1 > iIw iIw15eeanle Became Senate Page Pagex PazeJllla h ntrast Jllla x 1w Sahel ral ral1r a a1r 1r u > step tep in pubUe PI Hie Ufewb 1 was wraa Ie eerter eerterUK hater haterift iter iterI States Sta Bewft He Hewim Hewont UK ift I Senate enato of the United wont there as a a page on the nrst 2tr t Mon Monui dfonu ui 11 a ijecember U4k > eJnber Itmt lIIi 1S4 and stayed there therelour therelV therelour lour lV year Scars ca He was aa there ther in the time timeo timeulll o such ulll statesmen as Clay Calhoun Calhouni i J oJule uu JettenKMi Je Croat Davis and Benton Beatoninv Bentonlee inv lee 1 young oUJlC boy who attended to hi hilUHKd hidH his hisdu lUHKd du dH acs well in the day went to school lIChoolC a 1 C nisht rs sht and was wIIIUke liked by the eminenttttesmen eminent eminentsiueimen eminentlteJmen siueimen lteJmen Mr Seward wa was a especially especiallyknit eapec1aUyknlt especiallyInd knit to him and Iin many an afternoon aXterneonviitn Atteloonhen afternoonwiser wiser hen the days day session aon waa over Jack JackWilson JacklslIn Jaektttisun Wilson lslIn was wu given en the privilege of rid riding rld11l ridsug ¬ ing 11l Mr SewaroVa horse horseme h horseone rM rMI me I e other thing he sw In those days dayshe clay claylit dayshr he has never forgotten That was the theday theJav theday day when the irascible Foots drew his hisjistol blMon hisritol jistol on Benton on the tb floor of the theSenate thesenate Senate SenateGiven 8 senateGiven nat natGiveli Given Give GiveAfter Appointment tfc West W t Point PointAfter PoiBtAtttr After four years as a a page re young youngWilson youn younW youngWilson Wilson W H on went to California going onE out outwith outwith outwith with one of the California Senators SenatorsFrom SenatorsFrom SenatorsFrom From that State he worked his way wayup wayup a aup up through throu < < h Oregon and finally reached reachedColumbia reachedlumbla reachedColumbia Columbia lumbla Waahlngton Territory He Hehad Hehad HeThad had not been there long I when he de decided delldtd decided ¬ cided to enter the Uni UnitVl UII dliltLes < aie army armyWithout armythout armyWithout Without thout much difficulty betaff betn known knownout knownuut knowntut out West for his hi industry In MtrT and sterling sterlingworth atrUng atrUngWurth sterlingwurth Wurth and being remembered Do in 1 InWash InWashrgton Washington Wash Yuhmgton ington for his falthfuIneaa falthfulne falthfulato to duty dtatyto laity as asa ast a to boy he was 8 appointed a a cadet to toWest toWest toWest West Point by the Washington Waabl Kton Terri Territory Territury Terrltury ¬ tury delegate in UH UHHe JI5iHe IlSbHe He was graduated In 1M 1Mait4 and wan pro promoted promotd promoted ¬ moted to brevet second lieutenant of artiUery ar artiUery artillery tiUery July Jul 1 110 110It I IIt 1810It It is curious to note that about abot shoat t this thistime thilltime thistime time occurred one on of the paradecce pared and xa in inthe inthe Inthe the generals career His l flrat nr3twJffrsnt nr3twJffrsntas it front frontas rant rantas as a cadet was wa issued ud to tihjj J tht bP byJ < ffer fferaon fferson < er erson son Davis then thenscretaor Secretary of f VIIttt W > for forthe forthe forthe the United State Stt sand and < < later President Presidentot of the Confeder Confederaeys eyi and ndhis hi his first commission com commission commisaion ¬ = mission as an offtoer o < < teer wa Wall m IIItJIWIl pMd by byAbraham byAbraham byAbraham Abraham LlncolnrPrMldettt Lincoln Pr5sidat Of tfUnlt tfUnlted ttliUntted ed States during the war of otthe the rebellion rebellionTwice rebelUonTwice rebellionTwice Twice Promoted for Services ServicesTwice ServicesTwice ServicesTwice Twice during the war he wa was promoted promotedfor pnnnoledfor uromotedfor for gallant and meritorious service serviceonce tervlcMonee serviceonce once at the battle battleof of Gain Gal Gaines xm MillVa MillVaand Va Vaand Vaand and once at the battle of Malvern Hill HillVa HillVa HillV4 Va It was for hi his bravery braver in action actionme actionat actionat at Malvem Hut that he was given tht thttnelal th1 th1medal me medal < al for gallantry gallantryi i It f the young otfle olOcors es rapid rise rI in inthe Intile inthe the army arm of hi his services on the battle battlerield batUeeld battlerleld rield eld in armyA0ulht army ar y noat DCNI J Jii y variouf varllO ripulparts part PIorUl of ofthe orthe ofthe the countryrvudof coup amdef Het this J 8 serviee in i this thisilty tAMdt thiscity city dt y as s bead had dot G ot the Corp C Cdrpe t of JSnglneer 1pgtnemand JSnglneerand ra raand and in charge of the construction natructlon of ofmany ornlJny ofnsany many public bull bulldI bulldtnev < lt tli r much has been beenwritten beenwrltttn beenwritten written It ia > to his Achievements and andmany andman andmany many man duties in the civic fields since his hisretirement AlartUrement hisretirement retirement that pubftC pebffc ibTh Jaterest aterNttufM aterNttufMThl turns turnsThe turnsThe The > folJowlng foIJ wln Jf W the s leralli ral civil civilliistory clvllIstory civill liistory l istory in an HW 1PIbretate4 breviatel > reviate fprm prm rm showing show showing how howing ¬ ing how he Is I tllitteemed teemed Jar W Presidents Preddentsand PrNldentdn Presidentsand and dn the hl hibest hijh Et t men of W tji country cownUyGenerals COUWUfG countryGonorala Generals G B ls Civil ctvU History HistoryDegree History HistoryDtgree HistoryDegree Degree of LLD conferred by Colum Columbian ColUMbian Colombian ¬ bian University 1MO 1MOMember l8IOember 1810Member Member ember of American Society SocIetyC T f f Civil CivilEngineers 0111Engineer civilEngineers Engineers 1816 to 101 101Past 1101Past 1801Past Past prestdent of tt Ute 3o Qtlkty tety T of Civil CivilEngin CivilEnglnfeu CivilEngineers Engineers Engin rs of Cleveland ClnoelI Id Ohio OhioMember Ok Okmber OhioMember Member mber of the Federal commission In In1U lato in1r4 1r4 1U 4 to Investigate the disaster to the thesteamer thetamer thesteamer steamer General G neral Slocum in New York Yorkharbor Yorkharbor Yorkharbor harbor In June ttft ttftMember U04 U04Yembfor 1904Member Member and pre presirifftt preskientef1 Viento6 the th the = boned oii d of ofvisitors atjsitorll ofvisitors visitors jsitorll of West Veet Point Military MIUtar Academy AcademyJune AcademyJune AeaMtnyJunt June MSH 4u 4uPreat P PrrmMit r J rrmMit 6 1 fifl t1 i 7t h 4t dull Ion GEN JOHN M WILSON Retired RetiredWJw RetiredW RetiredWhy Why W Celetoatea His Sixtieth BirtMav Birthday Te TMUrTew orrw in connection with the sale Ie of the Choc ChoctawrChlckaaaw ChoctawChlcltaaW Choctaw tawrChlckaaaw taw Chlekaaaw coal land 19M6 19M6Chairman UOIiChairman 19616Chairman Chairman of the Presidential inauguration inaugu inauguration InaUl1lration ¬ ration committee of etthwns IftMfi IftMfiPresident 11046P 1105President President P ent of the Washington Board of ofTrade orlradeat ofTrade Trade lradeat at present presentCommander pre preaentCommander nt ntcmmander Commander Loyal Legion of the Dis Dlatrlot District m mtrlet ¬ trict of Columbia IsWlMO IsWlMOQslpent 10161900l 1180 1180l Qslpent l tsltlent l ent of the Columbia Hospital fox foxWomen t tW fqc fqcWomen Women W OIneft ent e Training lralnfn < < School for Nurses Nursesthe Nu Number Nurseohies mber hies or the bossd bou of directors dlnMrtontReform iE iEthe tReform the Reform School for Qtrto from MM MMto 1tI8to 10 10to to JB JBOn 1900On toOn On board of directors of the National NationalEpiscopal NaUoaalXpillCOpa NationalEpiscopal Episcopal Foundation FoundationMember FOundationMember FoundationMember Member of the Washington Monument MonumentAssociation XOItuntAoclatlon 3rlonumentAssociation AssociationOn AoclatlonOn Association AssociationOn On the Corcoran Art Gallery board boarcIot boarcIotdllCton of ofdirectors ofdirectors directors directorsOn dllCtonOn directorsOn On executive committee of the CHI Citisets CHIsens CltlRelle sets Relief Association tIoet from IMC to to19M toltt4 19M 19MOn On the Anthracite Coal Strike Com Commission CottImt1ot1 Commission ¬ mission October 1903 1 K until March 1MB 1MBVice 1MVrtoe 1906Vice Vice president for the X District > istriet of Co Columbia Columbta ¬ lumbia of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Me Memorial Wemortal ¬ morial Association AsaociatlosOn AssociationOn On the board of directors of the t e Natlonsl Na National National ¬ tional Geographic SocietyWorks Society SocietyWorks SoetetyWerts Works Under Uft er FlagThere Flag FlagThese FlagTheM These are the thing thin that the generalhsa general generalha neral neralbaa ha baa done d ne and Is I doing To tbtm hegive he hegive give IIlv his unwavering attention His Hisoffice HI HIofttce Hisoffice office or r den on the second floor of hi hitastefully h htaatet his histastefully taatet tastefully Uy furnished house on Massa Masuchusetta Massachusetts Xauachueetts ¬ chusetts avenue Is I where bere he worksOn works worksOn workOn On his hl deck stands a small n United States Statesflag StatesSlag Stat Statfta flag fta < < so that that he works always under the thecolors tbecolon thecolors colors 1 lU His 1 U desk la kept ept scrupulously scrupulouslyneat acruRU acrugplowlyneat ly lyneat neat with his Capers japers In I jareful refl o oar oarIt ortfer ortferIt Qr QrIt It reminds yew yftbf of nothing not nothhtgso M o musk mnehr a amilitary amUltary as asmilitary military jM precta1onsad MeCbitonMld clslon And work workPersonally wt workPersonally rk rkpersonaUY Personally and a d physically phyB1 a y the the general generals 1 is s sixtynine dxtnlne years ean young He goes goesoSta CM CMdd dd oSta a flight of stairs with the agility agilityf acilityoC f a youth frequently clearing clearln the last lastIt Jaatate lastafz ate It at a single bound His hand clasp claspi Is i strong and steady Ktud In his hi eyes is the theight thellcht of enthusiasm and an < his high spirit spirittfo apritNo spiritNo No tfo rne can talk with Mm without ltbout be being beIng ¬ Ing ing impresned by the fart att that the general gen en eneral i ieral eral has achieved the unusual un ual and has haspreserved haaprelKrved haspreserved preserved his illusions illusionsWith mu iliuslomcWith lonll lonllWith With all his ld strength and capacity forwork for forwork forwork work he has a strong sense of humorand humor humorand hutltOrand and is a good story teller as well oeIl as agood a agood a allood good listener listenerBeleved lIatenerBelevad listenerBeloved Beloved Everywhere EverywhereOf Of his friendships nothing thine need needexcept be besaid j jsaid said except except that he has friends fIenM wher wherever wherever wherever ¬ ever fee has been and admirers wher wherever wherever wherever ¬ ever his duty has been discharged dischargedKindly dlllchallfedKII dischargedKlan KII Klan Kindly I andtturrttxMe charaetetizeil ch ch1UKlterlwdby ch1UKlterlwdbybtcn rsrteriz by bybfgh byhigh high breeding courteous to all courage couragepi courapin courageoils oils pi In all thing Gen John J hn M 1 Wilson is I literally beloved la every section ofthe of ofthe oftbe the country countryMcKlntey countrycKinMY countryMcKinley McKinley cKinMY and John Hay Ha were his hisfriend hisfrifonda hisfriends friend Cleveland and ad Roosevelt ar arname arUu are arenames name Uu which are in his hi dally life as asfriends asfrlDds asMends friends and companion A Democrat Democratall Democratall all hi his life he tea has s gone e through his hiscareer hi hiea hiscareer career ea et with the esteem of Republicans Republicanss > s well w 1I a IUI of those of his own political politicalpersuasion polltlclper politicalperjualon persuasion per perjualonA perA 1 A letter I ter from General Sherman is oneits one onefrtbtt oneef ef its frtbtt tit tI many tributes General Wiison Wiisonha WlillOnbaa W hson hsonhas ha baa received It wa was written in lied 1883and lll liedand 3 3alld and is as follows followsGeaeral folloaGe followGeaeral Geaeral Ge eral Shermans Letter LetterHeadquarters LetterH Headquarters H I rt18 Army rmy of the th Urite3Atatos United Unitedato UrItfJtca Atatos ato tca Washington WlUlhi J C Oct 31 U 188 81 1170 11 at night nightCol nlJhtCol nightCol Col John M Wilson U S Engineers EngineersWashington EnfrlneeraWhingt EngineersWaahingtwt Washington Whingt ft D D1er C CDear ear Dear ar Colmel CoImelI Col utelI I f ar I must leave the thecity tiutlty thecity city without doing what 1 ouhtthat ouhtthatIs ought that thatis is calling f nn n you and your good wife If in inyour inyour jryur your home b nte on ttonnecUvut tonnecti ut avenue but butam butam butam am going to ask you to accept the will willI willtOt willfar I for the deed along with the assurance assuranceof of the high hl r rJt rga H z Jn n which I hold you youpersonally youpersonalty personally and professionally pN lonan I bellvo bellvoi bell youc r rI c I i that no general ral officer has ever held the theomrineeni theJUI theengineers engineers JUI in higher esteem than I iavr iavrespecially hav havespecially h r rNpeClaUv especially when their usual knowledge is issuipletnint is8ulple is issuirpleui suipletnint 8ulple suirpleui rand > d as in your y out case with lth the thepractioal thernuUt therrucUnl practioal experience fxperi nce with i Iren en in the thecamp t tflaml to toramp camp in the fl 1144 > ld end 111 hi barracks btarra kllJ It Itivqulre Itraqllrel Itrequires requires jjr rat at km ImcIftlge > we < lge to t takr tJ t + th t rude rudjblocks rudeblocks ud udblockll blocks of marble and make of them a agrotr ll1t10Ir aprohe1 prohe1 grotr l arch eh tut still tlil greater greatfTtQ to take tAkemA a nmaw amaw maw mA of l rude u e men and work ork them intna into intoa tnt tnta a skilled army and Q d when Awn ite e > > glne glneur glneurcan > < tr trcan u uAn can An do l beth > eth well then he is a master masterI I believe 1wli f you y u to be one of th three e and andthat amithat anllthat that you appreciate my efforts to bring bringth bringth bringthu th thu coups ct > rp into more perfect harniony harnionywith hrnaonywtth h + trnsony trnsonywith with the tta whole army and that you fU do donot > lo Jon9t lonot not understand un r tM1d me as thereby a self4 lPnMy lPnMytt lft1yattee + ly lyattempting attee attempting tt nHlnK lMln to enlarge n my > y owr authority autluritrThe authorityTMe authnrttYTtie The fact that you iU have seen aeevice aeevicein serticein eai e ein in iUa JH artin ry and with an Itrmy rmy m mthe In Inth Inthe th the 8 field irt makes you a better engineer enginrerand engineerand englJurand and qualities yon for the command of ofmen otnitII ofmen men One le who stta Us tt down and exclaims exclaimsYhats exdatmsVhat exclaimsWhats Yhats Vhat the th use i r hen he not learned th thlesion thJtJIfn the thelesion lesion taught by history hlst < IY for honor and andfame andfme andfame fame will come ome to him who ho is best Pre Prepared pre prepared lrtfRled ¬ pared the more certain rtaln by reasi reason > n of oftlu oft111 oftin tin nwusslty nffl slh being oohl t sadden ioudd > n and unpetel un unprotecl unWeted > protecl Weted Though rhcu h with the morrow I will willcease willerase 111 111caae cease to be in authority auth lty yet I will non nonthe none nonetbe nonethe the l lose w be General G < nera1 Sherman and in int Intat inthat tat t jat capacity will watch Wi ch the ca career tr of ofthose ofthCi ofthose those thCi who have attracted my roller rollermen rotlc colicmean men 11 with brains and muscles mu cJft end hearts heartssnd heartsaid 11eart9a1d aid I o eg g you to f fuel el that I regard rt > ganl you youas youas 011 f as one n of the ghvatesi create t promise prome tint 1west 1 1will 1Will will rfjoics in your o > ur success and will willcheer willi willcheer i cheer tHI you on to deserve and reach the theItlKhtst theMgh thehighest highest Mgh t round of the ladder of fame fameSm famec fameSinxrely c Sm Sinxrely ereiy r8ly your friend friendW friendW friendw W T SHERMAN SHERMANFELL SH SHERM RMAN RMANFELL A A AFELL FELL FROM A WINDAW WINDAWOeor WINDAWa1eorce WINDAWeorge + Oeor a1eorce eorge e Charter colored > d fortyone yean yearsold yeanoM ILrd ILrdokl oM of 1308 1 First street southwest ojithw Kt fellfrom fell fellfrom feUrOal from rOal a i s secorulr cond OOdtNY tri ty y window w Indw He waif waaInjured waifInJur wanInjured Injured InJur 1 about se > ne iMck ek and was taken takento tAk takento n nto to the hl Emergency Emfrg nc Hosi bsL itl > t 4 SA SAN IffrR AR OYSTER OYSTERThR p HOUSE HOUSEBe HOUSE HOUSEr t r Be one place e TR r fn tewn t WI1 Hhereyoycan where wereyou you can get the best oysters shucked in n a acleanly aclaanly aOYBtErs cleanly and sanitary ianafr aaaert wH wltft Jhe the new pate pateRt t saRitar sa n 1 tarn oyster knifeOysters knife knifeOysters Oysters served rvoo raw or properly pro rly cooked In n th the way ay you like them best Excellent service Bervlcequlck quick capable waiters waitersThe waltrsThe waitersThe The cuisine is In charge of a steward of 25 Ii years experience and a aehf achltt achef chef who excels In prepari preparing palatable dishes dishesA dbJhelAn dishesA i A An new clean c1 Ari attractive place where y yU > u can always count on get gettlngrsomethlns getU gets tlngrsomethlns U tnething metbl good ood to eat eatflrolld eat8roJiM wiled flrolld Hv 1M I Iobtilfa b tfa 5 t tQ9 8 chops hop ea SAIM SAJtk 4s ete eteSanitary OleSanitary I I t + Sanitary Sa itarYSI1UCked Shucked Oysters OystersBy Oystert t By the M pint nt quart or gallon packed in glass g Jas Jars or white oiMtmeled oiMtmeledcan OftItneledwill onanteledcane can cane will be delivered lo families famiil in any part of f th the city cityA cityt cityt1422 t < A I422 L Pennsylvania nnsyivanla Avenue AvenueP t ti i t PW P A P W COLFORD COl FORD C D Prop F > P Telaphona M 2141 2141t 4 h hr4 r4 e fetio 9 tF9 + t a 0 t 0 0J J Popkins Assault Case Casev CaseScheduled CaS CaSScheduled CaseScheduled v Scheduled for TomorrowAmong TomoiwAmong Tomorrow TomorrowV TomorrowAmong V Among Other Important Ones to Be BeCalled Called alledin alledinCriminal in inCriminal inCriminal Criminal Court This Week is the Benning BenningRack BenningRack BenningRack Rack Track Gambling Case A great deal of interest is I being taken takenin lakenIn takenIn in the trial of John Popkin tomor tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow ¬ row in Criminal Court No No1 1 for his hisdeadly hisdeadJ hisdeadly deadly deadJ assault It upon hi his fourteenyear fourteenyearold old niece Mary rKry Popkins July S last lastAccording JutAccordlns lustAccording According to the story told at the time timeof timeot timeof of the assault the attack made by byPopkin byPopklna byPopkins Popkin WA w was most brutal and It i III a amiracle amiracle amiracle miracle that the girl i Is still living livingAfter ltvtngAfter livingAfter After the t attack upon his hi niece Pop Popkins Popkina Popkina kina attempted to end Ida own life lifebut 11 lifebut f fbut but was unsuccessful unsuccessfulOn unaucceutulOn On On the the date mentioned Popkf POpkilllC as who whoIs whol whois Is l twentyfour years old and 00 who it itla itIs Itis Is also al o said was desperately deapen teh la love lovewith 108with lovewith with his hi niece entered her home at 3846 Eighth street northwest and i Ilng lasa lasalag ss ssIng lag through the house went into the theback theback theback back yard and called the girl Receive Receiveing Reeelvlul Reedy Reedylog log no answer wer It is I said ald he became en enraged porailed enraged ¬ raged and going back into the House Houseand rieuseand iota e eand and finding hi his niece in the front room roomstruck roomstruck roomstruck struck her a a terrine blow with his hisflst hietIt hisfist fist tIt Fractured Girls Skull SkullHe SkullHe SkullHe He then caught the girl by her neck neckIt neckIt neckIt It i is said d and nd struck her er again anti amiagain antipln andagain again pln upon her bead fracturing her herskull herkuU herskull skull kuU It to said Popkins Popkl then took a arasor arasor i irAaor rasor from his hi pocket and slashed bed the thegirl theairl thegirl girl across her throat cutting the thejugular lbejucutar thejugular jugular vein veinSeeing vetaSeeing veinSeeing Seeing that she e still lived It Is s said saidPopkins MIdPopkllU saidPopkins Popkins stooped over her and drew dre the therasor theruor therazor razor across Bero one of her wrists several severaltimes severaltimes eral eraltimes times He then turned the razor upon uponhis uponhis I his own throat with intent to end his hislife hislife life lifeSUPREME lifeSUPREME lifeSPRME I SUPREME COURT GALL GALLON GALLON CALLtIM ON THE PRESIDENT PRESIDENTThe PRE SlOE NT NTlhe 1 1The The dignllted members of the Su Supreme Supremo Supreme ¬ preme Court Courtof ° of u th the Utttteo U UtpSttyes jWes will willcfll Willqf williIl cfll qf iIl l upo upon Ua Pre Pres9eo den ft of O Jtf b jUnited jUnitedstates United UnitedSlates Unlt d dt Slates t tinlMi 1 pwW I tCt t sslu uir dst < < 1 1245 1245They L LThey They The make the rait < < 4111 at the White House Houseat HOUHat Houseat at the beginning nll of o every term of their theircourt tbelrcourt theircourt court to Inform the President that they theyare the thetUng theysite are sitting tUng Just how many n years J the theeastern theAu theetartont eastern etartont ha Au been 1 een In vogue no ops about aboutdie aboutdIfe aboutthe die White House or Supreme aupr Court Courtseems Courts Courtseems seems s to know knowJ p pJ v vJ J M Wright marshal aat tff t tbeSUr thee1weme the tbeSUrJJr1O Sfa Sfapreme preme weme Court called upon the President Presidentyesterday PrnteRorday Presidentyesterday yesterday and made arrangement flmenta for forthe forte forthe the formal call of the jlutic i tlstcea < slic s The case wag wat set et for trial last Thurs Thursday Thurday Thursday ¬ day but on account of the Internee of ofthe orthe ofthe the court was WK not reached reachedIt It is expected xpeted that by the close elo ofthe of ofthe ofthe the week eek District Attorney Attorn Baker Da r will willhave willhave willhave have disposed dlapo d of nearly all the Jail Jailcase jaJleJieS jellcases case Benning Race Traek Case CaseThe Case CaseThe CaseThe The Benning Binning race track gambling gamblingcase gamblingcase lllbUag lllbUagclute case to test t lIt the validity of the Dis District Dilltrlct District ¬ trict gaming law has been tentatively tentativelyset set for Monday next This will be fol followed fotlowed followed ¬ lowed by either the Ice Ic trust UIIt cases ca orsome or orsome or80me some of o the eighthour law case being beingcalled beingcalled beingcalled called for trial The land l fraud cases casesare CIiUale casesare are also scheduled ch uted for trialThere trial trialThere trtalTbere There ara five persons person per ori In the Districtail District DistrictJail Districtjail Jail ail held on charges of murder and It is isexpected Ie8Xpeoted isexpected expected that the District Attorney Attorne will willcommencing wtllC4mmenolng willcommencing commencing on the last 1a t Monday ond in this thismonth Uti UtimonU thismonth month set et one Ot t these eases ca for trial trialeach trialeach trialeach each week until all have been t1IfWIA4 t1IfWIA4of titf tlla tllaot M d dof of ofThe The The cotton ootton leak scandal sea adal cases ca will be berevived berevived berevived revived In the local court next week by bythe bythe bythe the hearing on the t a motion of SpecialCounsel Special SpecialCounsel 8pect 8pectCoul Counsel for the Government Morgan MorganPI Morgan MorganH M Ipn IpnH H Beach to have the bond of Frederick Fred Frederick Frederick ¬ erick A Peckham forfeited and also by byargument byarKQment byargument argument for and against the demurrer demurrerflled dentUrrerftled demurrerflied flied by counsel for Edwin S 511 511i SHolmes Holmes Holmesjr jr i 1 who ho 1s 1 Indicted IMIottllli0batt7 h dlotpd Jointly with wlt1tPeck wlt1tPeckhKm with Peck Peckham Peckham ham for conspiracy racy to defraud the theUnited theUnited theUnited United State StatePeckhams Stat StatPeckm StatesPeckbams Peckhams bond bo d is UiO 0M and Ad hi his surety sure surety ure urety ¬ ty Is I William H TrouUtnd of this th cityYOMAM city cityMrs cityVOMAN VOMAN SEEKS DIVORCE DIVORCEFOR DIYOHCFU FOR FU VARIOUS REASONS REASONSKn Mrs Nellie T Bosey Bose in her b r petition petitionfor DfUtlOl1forJlmfted petitionor for forJlmfted or limited divorce from 1rox NoMo X JI Busey BuseyJM BuH BuHIn BuseyfNel JM fNel jL in the tnlocJi ocat covets zap ty tSoy wereps were werepiHed werecqnthe ps piHed fed1nZ1e cqnthe n he Ts pisjfcet tlL Jfhe J tneland tnelandttflther1lwbadif 1 > W and andthir andthfther1lubanl thfther1lubanl thir er TiuabanlTTrom rom rom jAe lie flrit litltralled litltralledto flf failed fulledto failedto to support her and in laaddltJoll addition to this thisspent thl thlnt thisspent spent nt her private pr atf fortune She also says sayshe sayshe YS YShe he has been cruel to her and beside as assaulting a aaulUn assaulting ¬ saulting aulUn her threatened to kill her herShe berShe herShe She arks uk the court to restrain him himi himfrom himfrom i from interfering wfUher with her In aay r way wayo wayce 10 o ccHfpel ce 1 him to svpport support port her arnd ad herit her herfrom herhU hU it Wil tit a1ft her 81 the cu eusrtidy dy ot ofher otr her r ic reand en and Uy to vent him hltnfrom himfrom from 1 leaving a tn the t h District Diet rlet to avoid a vola the thecon theconqu theconsequences con conqu consequences qu nc C48 a of h kr r suit Attorney AttorneyLeonard AttorneyLeonard Attora AttoraLeonard Leonard J Mather is named as counsel counselfor coun counselfor el eltor for the complainant SULTAN NEARS END ENDor ENDk ENDStricken or ffiS k JOURNEY JOURNEYStricken JUIYStricken Stricken Monarch Has to Be BePropped BePr BeProPPed Pr Propped pped Up While Wli1el Rid Riding Rid1nla id iding F ing 1nla in Carriage Carriage CarriageCONSTANTINOPLE CarriageF CarriageCONWPANfNOPLE I INftANt1NOPLE CONSTANTINOPLE Get S 5 > Th The dill disjMitetM dillpatdMII 41 41patches patches iisve ye alrdsdy alrdad borne 1forn the daethatt news iwwnthat newsthat that the Sultan Suits S lltaa hs hf tee inily s H few months monthsto motthaIto natdhato to live and his corxtfUon e < < HUdon is shown byvarious by byvarious various unmUlkabl > fcfea ikai Abdul AbdulHunid AbdulHmid AbdulHamid Hunid is so weak w k UH Uf h h MU to besupported t tnupjwrted be beJlup supported Jlup rted upright in Jite l aMcalrtatJe currta eon Oft hU hUw hi hiweekly hisweekly w weekly kly drive to the thetiftkmi1k feVlfcmllk by hisfavorite hi hifavorite his histavortte favorite wm NOR and on OM of hi hill minters minstersAfter mlniKenAttM mintersAfter After receiving the British Brlt and Frenchambaaaadors French Frenchambassadors JrrtfKhanlbaaMflon ambassadors recently the Sultan had a along aIon along long Ion ana Mn alarming aJarndn faintlpg tainting faJftt tit The dto dtoease d deue disease ease ha has been diagnosed as ca cafic c peer peerThe r rThe rThe The Sultan entountg and servants wnrfcnUknow servantsknow rvntal rvntalknow know how near death He is s One OAeIftcant aia aian sigtilflcant > tilflcant n meant symptom ymn < om i Is the InacUrfty pC < f the theInpenlal tneimperial tbeIperlal imperial corps of spies plus U Ute e itaest body bodyot bod bodof bodyof of spies at any an eastern court Tto There p men MWIIhuvs mfIhave menhave have MON or relaxed their tigHtsme vigUp I e be becajis bfoc because cajis c cause they th expect that the th the > mes tseg tlt icy y are areentree arewatcb areehplersil entree ehplersil 1e t watch wW > jSir > oe in inProf inPrtB inProf Prof PrtB Bergmjuwl 1UUI ad adnow 1JG I7G703er THer lJ r are arel aronft arenew now nft Jit f ir T t Itli l ft r YJJdIx Yildhcl Tit YJJdIxlJoa1c 11 11Kiosk l Kiosk lock After DrBler Dr BI Bier SSd d relieved reJ relieved s the theSultan theSuJtaA theSultan Sultan from the great t pain aln n lie was wa suffeting suf suffering HCferhaK ¬ feting recently his hI majesty a ttftrnd t d the theGerman theGoirman theG G German + srman doctor a II prluce JH1 r XWWKVCI xasaa d if hewould he hewould 1Mw w would remain remal J Ill1k ftke tJt i taWe htia as his per permaneut Jfm8neut permtnteut maneut a gtaideat 4 Ht t The doctor howeverwen however howeverWMS how ver verw wen w unwftiing to gin up hi his Berlin ap appointment Dppolntln4ht appointhnent ¬ pointment pointmentCourt polntln4htCourt pointhnentCourt Court officials say 1 that the reason ofUr of ofDr otDr Dr Biers Bier refusal of this tempting of offer otr offer ¬ fer r was that he knew kne very well ell he woulil wouuiroes woulilroan woultlIOQft roan be medical attendant att ant to Abdul AbdulHumid AWulHamld AbdulHamida Humid a successor successorAMERICAN auccaorAMERICAN successorAMERICAN AMERICAN WOMAN GIVES GIVESPARIS GIVESPARIS GIVESPARIS PARIS MESSENGER SERVICE SERVICEPARIS SERVICEPARTS SERVICEPARIS PARIS Oct 6At At last a longfelt longfeltwant 10nKfeltant longfeltwant want ant is to be supplied to Paris The city cityis cityIs is is to have h vo a district messenger service serviceA A great source of annoyance to Amer Americans Atnericans mer merlean ¬ icans lean here ha baa b MeA n the lack of a mes messenger Jn mosensor IJ IJHaKer ¬ sensor service serviceAnyone MrViceAnyone serviceAnyone Anyone washing to ashd a note byhand by byobliged bTbaad hand to an any pArt ot the clt city nsa l lobU tees teesobliged obliged obU ed to have recourse to the services servicesof MI cM cMor of a cafe cat employe emplo called the chaasfiiir chaasfiiirliable c chaeouror r ror or to depe depend d uP upon ft the more or J learn reliable re reliable liable services of the corner bootblackMessenger bootblaeltMeuenger bootblack bootblackMessenger Messenger boys exist but they the are at attached 81tached attached ¬ tached to t the postal department depatm nt and aMt1liver deliver tie tieliver liver only such message a as are mailed mailedhi mailedlo lied liedIn hi the U ordinary way wa with extra extraIn stamps stampsin in the special delivery Ivrr boxTo box boxTH 1aOxTIIct TIIct TH new service ervtee vIM has ha 1115 been organised by byan byan byan an American merIoaa woman Miss J u Andrews Andrewswho Andrewaw1l0 Andrewswho who ha haa been as UIIOC assoctsted ocMM 6 for several severalyears IHIveralyeartl severalyears years with Miss Marbury XrOO th tM + Americanagent American Americanagent lltllcanagent agent for the French Society of ofDramatic otDramatic Dramatic Dramatic Authors iRI8 PARIS MES ME88ENEH ME88ENEHE8TABL18ED ENG ENGESTABLISHn ESTABLISHn AT ATJT ATJTPARS 18T 18TPAR1I PARS oed 1 I 1At At l last k t Paris 4 4s tohave to tohave tohave have a district fltlU t mescftftger WIC WICA mes a et servfcfe txv txvA 1 A great aodree rile lit aupoyfnce onee to toleans ° er erleans ericans leans in Parts P fejte bees beeW title taei taeiroesaenger adt adtm f a amessenger messenger m servte ser1oe WUy OM on wish wishsend i8tt i tosend to toa send a note by hastd to te any part partcity ohe ohecity h hcity city has ha been ctiHjBfi sOU have ba have e reaout recoup 1 < < < 0 to tothe tothe 1 1the the chaswor chaa eur r fIi T itt t10 > depend upeirtbe upeirtbemore u Kite Kitemore e emore more or less Ie rettftWe re Me services rvlces Ofltithfe Ofltithfeeornor tb tbeornor the theearner eornor bootblack Messenger boysj bo boy ett ettbut Mst Mstbut 1st 1stbut but they are attached to the th e pos po4 po M de department d department dopartinent ¬ partment and Cetiver deliver only 0Dr such sucfisages 8UC S asages Sa sages as are a mailed Ied In the thewith a awitb ay aywith with exua xu stamp ataM In the theery 1If irmy IY IYery ery box boxThe boxThe f fTile The new service has been 01 01by o oby oby by an American woman Miss A Awho Awho s swho I Iyesn ryears who has been associated associated u Ioeiated for sari j ieral ml mlyears 1 years with Mis M Miss Marbury the American Americanagent AmSl ran ranagent an anacent agent for or the u French Society of Dra Dramatic pramaUC ra ramatle ¬ matic Authofs AuthofsSPURGBON Antho AnthoSPURGEON 1 < v 1v SPURGEON NOT A MEMB1 MEMB1if KEIBn KEIBnThe R RThe if ifThe S The Rev Thomas Bpurgeon malsJIaini malt maltS malsJIainithe mahitan mahitanthe ins insthe the same me attitude toward the theBaptist ash ashBaptist I IBapUt lierno Baptist Union nlon as his father lie liea not a member memtrotltand of IL it and has recent recentclared recta flI tie tiedared t tttared dared hi his purpose to remain out outI ou of ofIt r rIt I it as a long Ion RK fiI the present state stateters statetens L Lten ten continues continuesLOCAL continuesLQC continuesLOCAL LOCAL LQC L MENTIONS MENTIONSSunday MENJdH M dTION dTIONSunday Sunday SUBdaY1 Hours 3ttfS sp 5 Pb r11rp ie rr rTp P M MPntta xJIt Mpldht Pntta JIt Ia Ojrstejr Opt 0ysiprPhop < < X hop House 611 llth nw owHolmes nwHolmes nWHolmy 1 1Milk Holmes Milk nf Broad a jlf JLBMt JLBMtBMt I Beet BeetBest BwtBeet Best materials MlLteria and best bestHolme make makeBoI makeHolmes Holmes BoI genuine homemade homemadeBread Uk UkBread IlkBread Bread the most delicious and anditriUou pu putritious u uI itriUou bread b ad to be had taxed l tth tthraun th thmUk I raun instead of o water Delivered Deliveredaad fleah fleahand rPesa rPesao o and clean from oven to table fc tea teaI 14Mi 14MiI Ip t tDelicious I Delicious homemade pies SOc > > C UolilM UolilMBakery Ho HoBalter HohNesBakery I Bakery Balter 1st A E sis Pfcons Ph L14i0 JE144t l It ItI ItSpeciaI1 1441 1441v 1441Special 0 0Special v I Special SpeciaI1 tfoticej tfoticejor NoticclALL otkeJ otkeJALL ALL or bra MEATS K MELTS TS A AROGERBON sEX GOVJIU aovlptXxErrr GOVJIUKZNT KZNT IM SD D YGO YootMeeap0 YootMeeap0OPT t fJO fJOOft Oft Ts1E Ba8T r lOR pR ftI > MOMJIY MOMJIYF ol l6r l6rF F ROGERBON ROGERBONGas ROGE S > tu um tA VE E EW EGas N NGas W Gas Drop Lights L CBts 940 4C 150 fc fcUM hDIM sj UM G at > > t C CA A Muddiman A AC Col Of IIISea IS fl4t i iSea 1 1Sea Sea Foods Steaks CbopiSsiad OMfM e Siladi Sla Bc BcPMla Btc t tPWIa h hPldls PMla Oyster II Cbp C H He Hones us W U llth 11thT1tltrp AW AWTherpCarpet lilyh + h i iThe TherpCarpet T1tltrp The C t rpot t C1 C1w ClfDt Cieexfa q qCall Qo Qoas = Call as Make Make yo your r oM ea enrprti hick 8 8IWW enrw IWW w Pw Pwi Phone ne M JI IMS 10 3 1l < dis1ne dis1neaye i aw JIW w Goal Coal Ceal ll CoalBeet Coal CoalBest CNIBest Best coal and wood IwestBrtcea Luwest eIIt prlteII nee B 1L 1Lk J Jk Jk k iL M C One Oat A 1 F n fte na Phone ate E 33 33I 213Periection 313Perfection I Perfection i iD Oyster Csokisg CwkligPhila CsokisgPhils C CP1a Phils Oyster a Chop House 6U Uth nw i i I NOIT NOWORNEVEiii NOWORNEVEiiiA vv vvA OR NEV ER A A STANDING OFFE OFFER 5000 FORFEIT TO THE PUBLIC IF OUR CLAIMS ARE FALSE FALSEf FALSEOur FALSEOur Our OurOnly r 7 190 tCiJ1JNrnRCnooK vJNIeaGuFr i q Our OurOnlv OurI OurOnly I Only OnlyStore 2iLLq J Onlv OnlvStore Only OnlyStore Oniy2iLLq Store StoreNinth Store 506 f TTOTHE TTOTHEORDER TO 506 506Ninth 505Ninth ORDER 6 m Ninth NinthStreet Ninth NinthStreet NinthStreet NinthStreet I I J n gcrtAAL442 Street StreetN M VI e DOLLARS QLMKS Street StreetN StreetIN StreetN IN N W j N W WThis WI WThis I This is a bonafide sale salewe we must mustvrecate acate this store as the United Cloak and Suit Co has purchased our leases and factory factor We Ie must mustdispose mustdispose mustdispose dispose of our entire stock of Mens Men Womens Tomens and Childrens Cmvenette Rain Coats and Mackintoshes as we must vacate all branchesthroughout branchesthroughout branches benchesthroughout throughout the United States as soon as the stocks can be sold out JtVIens Islets Cravenette Rain RainCoats RainCoatsMens Coats CoatsMens CoatsMens Mens diagonal Mackintoshes worth 750 750Special 7 750Special 50 I 0 0 Special until next Saturday nightMens night nightMens e eday Mens s 5800 300 Mackintoshes t until i next Satur Saturday t tf f i A A Aday day night nightMens 200 200Mens M UU UUMens Mens Rain Coats single or double oubte breasted breastedwith br breastedwith 1sted 1stedwith with plaid linings with or without velvet velvet collar collarj collarworth rf FA FAworth worth 8 860 60 Choke until 10 oclock next Sattir Sattlrday Sat r rday = 3 5 HI 0 I day night nighti nightMens Jf eJ J JMens i Mens Men Highgrade Hi hgrade Rain Rai Coats worn in rain or ornext rt > f A Ashine shine lne worth i 1160 l6o Choice until to 10 0 oclock oclockSaturday next nextSaturday 5 5 1 0 1 1Saturday Saturday night nightMens nightMens r cP wf U UMens Mens Cravenette Rain Coats made in latest lateststyles rt Q Qstyle style loose loo effect effectj in plaids pl p lands ids worth or l 19 tQ Choice Ch Choiceuntil ice iceuntil 8 M 0 I lli lliuntil 0 until 10 oclock 0 dock next Saturday Satur y night nig nightMens t tMens V r U W WMens Mens Mens Cravenettes satin lined well tailor tailored tailor tailored tailored ¬ ed highgrade goods and latest styles in gray graytan g f f ftan tan black c worth up to 28 Choice until 11 I 1 2 5 10 oclock next Saturday SjtturdayInght SjtturdayInghtHlgi > night ight ightHig1grad 1 1 gj J JHighgrade Highgrade Hlgi grade Coats for men m men made up in the newest styles andsilk and andsilk andsilk silk lined the very finest garments tobe to be had at atany tf vfl rj r A Aany any price price Choice until 10 oclock next n xt Satur Jfc 12 I 5 0 il ilday day night r 1 MdiJ If Ladies L dies Gravenette ravens a Rain Coats CoatsLadies CoatsLadiesr Ladies Rain Coats that can be worn in rain rainor rainor or shine former price 7 Choice until 10 10oclock 10alcJock 10oclock 200 2 0 0 oclock next Saturday night nightLadies night ni a ht htLadies Ladies Ladiesostylish ostylish Rain Coats made in the latest lateststyle t style X875 875 value Choice until 10 oclock next nextSaturday 350 3 < 5 11 11Saturday 0 Saturday night nightLadies to toLadies 1 r i ij J j jLadies Ladies Highgrade Rain Coats made in the thevery f P A Avery very latest styles sold elsewhere for S1625 S1625Choice SI 625 5 H 5 H HChoice 0 Ii IiChoiceuntil10 Choice Choiceuntil10 until 10 oclock next Saturday night r r rLadies J9JJ J9JJLadies a aLadies Ladies Highgrade Cravenettes collar and collarless a effects effectsmade fleetsmade I Imade made up in twenty different styles assorted assort assortedcolors fr l I A A Acolors colors j sold regularly at 2350 Choice until untllP JA i II 0 0 0 1 10 oclock next Saturday night TJLvttUv TJLvttUvLadies I ILadies A e eLadies Ladies Finest Priestley Cravenettes exclusivestslesalid ex exclusive exdusiv clusivestslesalid clusive stylesaitti slylesandperfeclfittingj perfect lcrfecLftting fitting highly tailor tailored f p ped ed worth up to 2875 28 75 Choice until until10 10 oclock oclocknext oclocknext II i i 2 f fnext 5 next Saturday nightLadies night nightLadies 1 1 4W J JLadies Ladies Rain Coats the finest of Priestley PriestleyCravenettes g t j f p pCravenettes f furday Cravenettes Choice until 10 oclock next Sat Saturday Jft 1 1V 1 1urday 2 5 0 urday night v T Y r rWe 1 J V VWei Wei V also liaje Ye on dale le Boys and Girls GirIsRain Rain Coats made madein madtin madein in lateskst latest tits < les S With with long capes 300 and 400values 400 j jvalues values valuesr S r Choice i until i l < 10 oclock next t Saturday Saturdayi a > 2 5 i 1 1night night i i v ii n MENS 2500 AND 3000 PADDOCK RAIN COATS 1000 TO1250 TO1250These TO I25O I25OThese 12 50 50These These Prices Hold Good Only Until Ten oclock Next Saturday Might MightMail Iiightl NightMail Mail Orders Promptly Filled I 71 Accompanied by Money Orders When Ordering Send Height and Chest Measurement MeasurementBetween MeasurementGOODYEAR GOODYEAR RAI N COAT CO COBetween l Between B ween E and F 506 NINTH STREET N W Between E and F 1j