OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, October 09, 1906, Last Edition, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1906-10-09/ed-1/seq-3/

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Politicians Politit il ns Say Sa Y YBoss Attack on onBoss onBossWll
Boss BossWll Will h ill Save More Votes VotesThan VotesThaIl VotesTh
Than Th lrl ltWill It Will Cost CostRUSH CostR
First i nAY Dti > ijKi il r Kaf Rllletrati4n R istratien Indicates IndicatesTen bdicateaTeDH I > ltlicateaTeam
Team Ten Situation Sl SlfaationRfpablican SlfaationRfpablicanUp latlnRtpu Republican RepublicanUpstate 1ican 1icanrrp
Upstate rrp tate C Cam anaicia anaiciaThe jani airg airgThe JH JHThe
The muchmixed m hJlllxed situation In New NewY NeWy NewT
Y rk politic begins to clear a little littleApparently littleNurEntly littleAPPnrently
Apparently there Is a real feud betweenHe between betweenHearst betweenHearst
Hearst He = + rst and McCarren McC the Brooklyn BrooklynDemocratic Brooklynnemocratlo BrooklynIemocratb
Democratic bow and apparently appa tly theyare they theyare thE thEa
are a rt going gtI to fight it out to the end endHearst endHearat endHearst
Hearst and d hU league I lire are re seemingly seeminglygoing seeminglygoing seeminglygoing
going to flght ftl fl rt the whole McCarren McCarrenmovement McCarrenmOV1mnt 1ttcCarrenmovement
movement In Brooklyn and in doing so sothpy 8 8they a athey
they maybe may be Qlaytng piaylt > < t = good cod politics lwliticehearvt politicsHearst 1Utlc8Ilea
Hearst Ilea t mad tttad4 a wonderful run In inBrook inBrookll Brook Brooklyn Brooklyn ¬
ll lyn at last fall fall better than in vnyother any other ther boruugh bor boruugh I Iough
uugh He demonstrated real strength strengthWith rtrengthKith
With the people If be is i going pin < < to fight fighta I
a boss anywhere he could best do it itthere Itthtre itthere
there To open up p and press a bitter bitterwarfare bittervt I IWlrtAle
vt warfare arfan against < < ahuIt McCarren would poll pollti politicians poUtldans ¬
ticians ti + ians say distract attention largely largelyfrom largelyfrm largelyfrom
from his hl alliance with the bigger boss bossMurphy bo88Murphy bossbiurphY
Murphy of Manhattan M nbattan and by con convincing convlnclng convincing ¬
vincing many people that he is > a sincere sincereIn sincereIn sincerein
in In hr his independence of bosses might mightBare michtSI mightlaAVe
Bare SI va more m re votes YO than it would cost costPractical eo costPttctiail t tPracticalPolitia
Practical PracticalPolitia PracticalPolitiaThig PoliticsPhis Politics PoliticsThis
This is pointed ted out as the practicalpclltice practical practicalpolitics pracUeatpoUtlcaot
politics poUtlcaot Ot f It Hearsts league 1 has hasnamed hallTllml4 havrittmed
named a Congressional l ticket la Brook Brooklyn Brooklfn > lrooklxn ¬
lyn with wlthooe one exception dlatipct ctt 1Ict from fromthe tro trotht fromfair
the McCarren or organisation sfatel sfatelThe slate slateThe te I ITilt
The exception is I AntiPass AnUPa Baker the theman theman theman
man rrxtoonee who once CIft the th butt utt ejf more ridicule ridiculethan 1t4Ieuiet ridiculeinn
than t inn any any other In Congress Conare Is now ex exiUtlng ex1HJHlng exiiithag
1HJHlng iUtlng a vindication YiadlcatieIltt in all the uocJefft uocJefftuags th jnodorn jnodornuages Jrtodefnuagea
uages bound in full vellum vellumIJgue A Alngue
lngue 1 + gue ticket ticketoi of senatorial candidates candldatea1o is isiio toi1u
i1u iio 1o tq be named later laterThe laterTh later1t
The Th 1t + first day of registration In thestns the theriY
riY 1 n was wa yesterday and d the rush to the the1oiis thewas thel
1oiis l is ti was ty heavy Ind indicating cathtR a tense in interis intErtt inter
teris tErtt ter t in the situation titwttonafuyor situationMayor situationIuor
Mayor Iuor McClellan who Js using all allt a at1
t t1 r < power of his h office o < < 1ce over patronage patronaget
t tor < > fiftjit t1 lt + t Hearst and Murph accepted acceptedrjir rtsxeptedth pted ptedhi
th rjir hi + > resignation of John J Delaney Delaneycorporation DelaneylIrp Delaneyc
corporation c < lIrp + rprratloa ratlon counsel and his former formerpoiuioal fonnerrlilkal fornrerp
poiuioal p tlli al lieutenant Delaney It is un unarstoxl unc
arstoxl c 1 rSloult having decided decided to cast Ht in his hisIT bI bIlr he
IT with vt lth the organisation organ satfon Had ad adri he heint herl
int rl t resigned be would probably have haveinen haveen havei
inen i < en n removed
Cabinet ix i UpState Campaign CampaignPrsldent CampaBPrsldent Campai a ar
Prsldent r sldent BooaeveUs ve1tsCabblet Cabinet is to tofurnish tolInl toi
furnish i lInl + + + + i sh h music for the oratory orat iy of the up upState upHflte uPtiters
State rauamign ru to Df aCei cet iither where blt + lit it will willull willllll willc
ull c il Secretary Root Secretary Shaw Shawnl Sbawnl Shawml
nl Streaker Si > eaker ke Cannon will 01 give some somenme lIOIIelim wineum
lim nme to the State the lattering being beingrfi beIqi1I1 beingir
ir rfi i1I1 + nly < 1y announced for four speeches speechesSerretary epeech epeechJf speeebeat
Jf t Se Serretary + retary Shaw for st s sur = Secretary SecretaryTuft SeeNtar7fill
Tuft fill 1 + ir will do some work in the State Stateif Stateii
if possible TH p + ralbie olbie But he has already alrea been beenj
in WIs WIsHMII WI WI11I Wisrrtiin
j c i miisoJ II b for some speeches
11I HMII < ill Minnesota Missouri lcivaouri and Col Colra1p Collratto Culrt
lratto + ra1p rt + j in sbm sirntr close lo e Congress Co onsresv districts districtsjTiil 4Il aistrictsn trlcu trlcun
jTiil n l his Jlf h i S pt W1n uinptfJNT in t s w r York ta thought thoughti tboucbtljU thoughtuttul
ljU > i uttul Iful IfulSTIFF lI lISTIFF 1
mm AT NIGHT IHTDamages NIGHTDamages
Dam Damages e Heav Heavy Y City Cit Y YDarkness in inDarkness inDarkness
Darkness and Vessels Vesselsin
in Distress DistressBUFFALO DistressHUFF Distressht
BUFFALO HUFF ht FFALO ALa N Y Oct > 10 tOne of the tbaf thefircest thefirclt
fircest f rcest gales that ever came oft the i illke
1 llke ike struck tttruckDu BulCato II < uflale < < aIo last night and blewr blew blewFTut blewIr
FTut Ir r t guns gun throughout th thrort hotrt t the night nl < < bt fln flnWilag n n11Jlng rich richhtiit
Wilag htiit + g off today toda with with a downpour ofrar of ofr t tf
r rar in h and a aril ad < < broese broeseNiarly bneseiuly breeaeticuly
Niarly iuly everything e tIiinc portable was blown blownc own ownc
c t f position The entire city et was bin bint In Intvliuess Inlnt98
tvliuess t lnt98 r a sa the tbecreatec reater part DArt of tb tha a night nigbtt a t twires j jt
t storm putting the > eIf ei electric = etrIc cMcc wires wirest wirel
Houses were shak shaken vhakcT ¬
t r of + r commission
en 1 + H j the blasts of wind were ere hurled hurledi
i iin c t them causing great fright In Inr InJJ 1nhome
r MV JJ home There were we grave fears fearst tearatlt fear feari
t tlt i t a hur hurRealht > 4eane waa beginning its itsu Ital itstr
u l < mi treltlnn treltlnnlhf tr lion lionThf finnyh
Thf yh lhf full amount of damage caused cau ed by byt byt
t t trm has not yet been beeneatimated beeneatimateda estimated etimatedt j jit
it t id known that It was heavy heavyMf heAvYteer he + trY trYt
Mf t + a f teer fe lr r1 ° i felt for the safety of ofX oth ofn
X v 1 casels fsehi se ° eaiwfht In the th storm oft offr
r 1111 < i ports It Is understood under cod that thata
a + l vessehJ eaaels are In distress off Buttt But BufNO ButI
I Itt IttNO tt ttNO
s > l children hl1ct are aN today very VOI7 much muchi
of not t belngal belngalview helae beta al all alratted
i 11 t inted a + tcd baeape be 11U1 Jll
L l t II view r tf iPw > W the United U ratted f3 Spanish oleo War WarT Warrm
T rm ns parade It wa wap wapr announced announcedr
r < t da days 88 la ago a Eo EoE that a half holiday holidayt
t f t pr > r I bVbly pQbly bly be granted ranted and on thezi the theM
zi M 1 II i of this thl announcement theIta the theM
M 1 began Ita n to make great preparaI prepara preparathe
I r the th holiday Tiny flags and andf
f stored ribbons were procured procuredii procuredtrthlng
trthlng ii r thing weir In readiness for an anM ant
M t of pentup enthusiasms enthusiasm enthusiasmVimper enthualumlrnper
Vimper 1 lrnper was put on their th lr enthu enthun n nn thu
< n m ihi t nia morning o1J n < < when SuperiateDdt Sui SuperiateDd erintend erintendt >
t r ° a I ellor lIor announced that In view viewfat viewflkt
1 fat Pn t that no official offtc request from fromSi from1IRh fromt
Si 1IRh t > intRh War Veterans had been beenr
r z rljitiveto rlallve r + tatl v e to a holiday hull da y yI he would wouldt
t r rralm r laim R itTHIE RTHIEVES t tTHIEVES
M iT 1 HOIAT HtI LY N J Oct 9 9Oalnlng GalnlnR an antit aurtrln ant
tit t rtrln i n t i rr an n Jnto lnto th < h South Pomherton rall ralli ra11d
i + 11 ql + d stutfiJii ta atfpn at niBht thieves thie es hroke open opentiiiiwy open1l1I openncuwy
tiiiiwy 1l1I ty drawer d11lw r and got rot i t40 40 In 11 cash cashticket tlshtkktt sealticket
ticket cw d4be t > was smashed smaah Some of oftikw oftl ofi
tikw tl i kt1 l + ti were carrhd away and the them
lav m scattered sc = Utred over tIM th t floor 100 yit yitainps Pt PtmJlS att attrampsty
rampsty ainps mJlS and other articles wore tak takn taka k
< > n a 1 lv L r the th t h y thieves tht w8 whose hoee Weutity Ident ty isnnoS1n is isii I
1 + hnwn hnwnYour nnoS1nw ii iiI
w W Your Hair I II
I Contrary 6 6Is 1
11 I Is it inclined to run ewer aw y Dontpunish DontN Dont Dontpunish
N punish it with a cruel brush andcomb and andcomb I II
comb Feed It nourish it save It with withAyers withAyers withA
I Ayers A er s Hair Vigor new improved imfrOVd im roved formula for formula formula ¬
mula Then rear r ur hair will aril remain at athome atI athome
home on your mead ead just where it itbelongs itI
I belongs belpn s An ate elegant g gDoes ant dressing dressingf dresslngRoe
I f Does not stain rain or ohxsgft e fo J 0 OAjrorCo d n Co Cothe 1a
I the Roe color pf oftpelaair Wo tn hair I Lowe ow lU = r Mu
Picturesque Delegation of United Spanish War Veterans From California Califom ia Who Are Trying to Capture thePfezt the theNext theNext
Next Convention
IN LIVELY RAC RACContinued RACE RACEContinued RACContinued
Continued Continued from fro First Page PageVirginians PaceJlrtdnlalUl PalaZlrglnlatu
Virginians in the name of the Depart Department DepartJQent Department
ment of o the Potomac PotomacCommander Potomaceonder PotomacCotttmaader
Commander Sands 9a + rds and Captain 8kl 8klwith Skip Skipwith Sktpwith P
with responded respondedlta lta to the speeches 8P Pestle < < IeChea madobj JDa irtttde irtttdeGomauaders e
Commanders Mitchell and Entrtkin EntrtkinThey EntrikinThey EntriklnThey
They stated that they extended theAospi th thand the thehospitality
hospitality Aospi icy ot Rtehmond to tile veterans veteranssad etenuuIand
and wished w shed the next encampment would wouldbe w wouldbe Uld Uldbe
be held there Cordial invitations from fromMayor fromKayor fromlitayor
Mayor McCarthy and Governor Swan Swanson SwanIon Swaneon
son were presented and read 4 Thecom Thecommunications The COlD cornmunicatfonv COlDJaunlcaUons
munications were greeted with vocifer vociferous v vocilersus tter tterou ¬
ous ou cheerCom cheer cheersComical cheerComical
Com Comical songs dialogues monologues monologuesrecitations monolocues1 s srecite
recitations recite ion music uadc and yarns occttpf occttpfthe occupied occupiedthe oeeupleuthe
the Ume until the campnre was ex extinguished exUncuahed extinguished ¬
tinguished for the night
United ni e Veterans VeteransWelcome VeteransWelco e Brans Branse
Welcome Welco e come e New env Men MenNumbering MeTf MeTfNumbering n >
Numbering um erin erinLnaalmoualy 4500 4500Unanimously 4500UnanimoWll7 4
Unanimously voting votln for amalgamation amalgamationwth amalpmaUon11t amalgamationlath
lath 11t the tbeIui Legion D of l Spanish War Veter Veterans Veterans Veteran ¬
ans an of Massachusetts Maachu tta and New N w Hamp Hampshire liampahlre Iitunpshire ¬
shire a separate pantte and lid distinct dl ttnd organisa organisation 0fIIJ 0fIIJ1Ion otgania1lOn ¬
tion the United Ul Udited te Spanish War Veterans Veteransnow VetertUUIJtOW VeteransClow
now hi a nnmt r + > I l leasa IIRURIIIHtMlt8Iee4HI meampmont + wNareat weiean voieemod voieemodCWO l
< CWO new members mem f1I Into their ranks In Inthe IAthe lathe
the National Guard Xrraory ntIi ry today todayImmediately tl ti0dayImmediately day dayImm
Immediately Imm 1ate1y following the admission admissionof admonf
of f the legion Into the fold a debate as asto asto asto
to Its eligibility to vote at the election electiontomorrow eleetiontomorrow electiontomorrow
tomorrow was begun and lasted some sometime tometime oDM oDMtime
time timeMajor timeMajor timellajor
Major Frederick A Walkw Walk n com commander commander rnmmander ¬
mander of the legion stated tat that the theIliOO
9 1500 men whtrtr H 1nI represented re anteddid did notsik not notask notask
ask sik to be allowed to vote to a for the themenderlnchief QMn QMnmanderlnchief QQrU1manderInchief
manderlnchief Major Ma jar jarmembers Walker MUrtbe MUrtbemembers lIIiWtftememhen
members of the legion did not noteO hot ome tnar tnarthe to tothe t tthe
the encampment ehcam ant with any an Intention Intentionwhatsoever inter interwhrUeoever Ion Ionwbat8oever
whatsoever of of entering Into Int Intothe the tnepolttlce tnepolttlceLOCALMENTION politics poriticaL politicsLOCALMENTION
Malt Bread Bread Ia Pure and Clean ClainE CleanEvery
i iEY817
Every E stage of its making and baking bakingproceeds 1Jadn bakingunder < < i iproeeeb
proceeds under the most oet hygienic by solo coodi cooditkms coadltton eoadltbas
tton tkms Ask k for Schneider Malt falt alt Bread Breadand Brea Breaand Breadand
and get health bread At AtF groceryFxraltnre grocers grocersFurniture
Furniture F n tre Sale Tomwrtw rega ies A M IdThe MThe MThe
The contents of 1725 H st t at auction auctionby auctionby auctionby
by Brown A Tolsdn Auctioneers AuctioneersMasks Auction AuctionMuka AuctfoaeeRvI
Masks I + daak > t Costumes COItum Confetti ConfettiGundlachs ConfettiGun4lachs ConfettiGundUtchs
Gundlachs 813 ri > s 7th 7th st nw nwOrder nwOMer raw rawUrdar
Order Year Groceries Greceri l at Jehnstenset Jehnstens JehnstensBest JehnstensBest
Best et Faintly Famtl Flour 418 4 bbl 7 ill 7thnw 7thnwSpecial 7th tit nw rawSpecial nwSJHCial
Special K Netieel NetieelALL NetSeelALr deel deelALL
F KOOER8ON R > ti16R80N aril TH AND LA AtE E N W WParity WPurity tiePurity
Purity I II th the Watchw Here HereTh liereThe TiersThe
Th The finest vegetables and fruits only onlyare onlyare onlyare
are used u d Hygienic Dining Dtuln < < Rooms 1200 1200Q 109Gat 1206G
Q Gat st nw nwLet BWLet rawLet
Let R Royal yl Pilsan PiJ en Be the Light Lightbeer LightbeerOu Lighfbeer
beer beerOu you order for CorOUr your table Its a brewof brew brewof brewot
of the highest he8t typed qpedelleloua tips deitclouawholesome deitclouawholesomePhone Hc ous wholesome wholesomePhone wholMOmePhone
Phone W at AbnerDrury Brew Co CoThorp CoThorp Cor CoThorp
Thorp Carpet Cleaning Co CoCan CoCan CaCtirt
Can make y ynew GIltI T r old earpets look like likePlant likenew likePhone
new Mwnvr Phone Phoneaw Phone 1 7015 Plant 488 Maine MaineCM Maineavt
aw aw
Ceall CM CHi I Coal Co l Coal CoalBest CoalBeet CoalBest
Best coal C ftI and wood Lowest L wt prices R J JM JL JGrace
Ac M L C l liNe Grace 4th ft F ne Phone E 233 233We 233We
We Have Methods No Other DentistsHave Dentists DentistsHave DentistsHave
Have and Guarantee Our OurStatements OurStatementsTeeth Statements StatementsTeeth
Teeth worth wortha Jfr JfrOur 1 6 6Our
< a Our pric price JZM ltaoTeeth JZMTe 10 10TMth
Te Teeth th worth t750 t750Our 75ft 750Our 75ftOur
Our price H50 H50Teeth bi50Teeth UO UOTeeth
Teeth worth 112 112Our 113our l lOur
Our price ytro ytroPorrelafa 700 700Porcelain 100PorceJaln
Porcelain Enamel Ftt Filling > rR Me MeFtW c cPorcelain
Porcelain Prowns town ViVk ViVkCJoM lt6A
CJoM Crown CrownVERO CnorrunF1111n uP
F1111n FtW DR sDR s R YAhB V N8 Gradwrle Mdwt of Ph14t Ph14tDEiVTAL Pii
the Avenue AvenueWith AvenueWith Teftue TeftueI
Most floor to Raleigh RalelpJlotel Hotel on
With every ery cash purchase purchaseamounting purchAHamounUg PurchaseamountlAg
amounting to 5200 2W or more in our ourstationery ourtaUonery oceuk
I stationery department thiswe this weeK weeKwe week weekwe
we wUl give away awayof awayAbsolutely awayu
Absolutely s sQ sone u e Free Freeof l e
of Q Charge ChargeGold
one on fun quart bottle or Pauls PaulsGtld PaulsGold
Gold Seal Writing 1 rlUng Fluid Ink InkThis InkThis InkThis
This offer holds good for one oneweek oneweek oneweek
week only and fo < o gash a > h purchasers purchasersR purchasersR purchasersRa
R Ra P Andrews An dr esea w wIncorporated Paper er Co CoIncorporated CoIncorporated o
Incorporated >
62729 627 29 La Ave 6262830 D St StH StU StIf
H its it made of paper we keep It iG
tjf f an organisation of which they wees weesnot w ware warenot r rDot
not tneatberscar members membersFar ben benPer
Far Peace K Wet i Strife Strifeto Strifelie st fe
lie MId they I8Jt came lure to toted become becomemslga a ax allecem
x mslga iaalpntated mated ted J br r altted tried wife wt > ilt t the theJar thelargar thelargarY larger
body Y to look on and to enjoy f fselves t tselev
selves but not to stir np i 1f s strife rfle re tJ ai aicusseiuioR a
cusseiuioR dJueJud II over tke their ir right to Ct drat bef befots
Iota ots for the chief cbJ f office because becaua they U UnalIaed
waliaed fully that they th had nosujh nosujhprivilege no noprivUetre a r rPrivri
privilege Privri sea and would not contend for ft tt t
At the conclusion of his addsess the theveterans theveterane theveterans
veterans dropped dro the matter and Coe Co >
wanderInC manderinChief et Charles Charlesnounced R JiW Mill an ah
nouneed that la towlvhes aeconianoe ce with th Use themembers
wishes of Major WafhMrr q tW th jtormSr fo Of Ofon r
members of the l tm woutf o II = rrtp er
on the rolls rol as TSnetary delegates dew dewthe lerutes lo 0 oJost
the present encampment encam m a
Just where the votes vote of of the i a I 1500 wouldNew would
have gone = on one is a matter of conjecture cenjeMweHodgson
Ne New Hodgsongtbe ew England En gtbe fend is strong afro for It Itcandldats MaJor MaJorrallied
HodIPon the Dtetrlcts caD4lde for
conamaD commatrbertachief erlnchtf Men wh who have
rallied around aroundCap Capt CaDt t Ham Ward and
vow he will be the theatY next commander
say they could have ba ve controlled coxntrollsd almost of ofevery
every one of the votes General ne Monk 11fo fCJ1d ulr
tons ton supporter said saidWalt Id IdWatt IdWalt
Walt and see > > e tet where where they tbey t y 1ro go rte rteear neA
year y ear when w hen our man is up u f for or reelee e elion
tlon for the office of commaaderln commaaderlnchlef nab nabThe CIA CIAchief
chief chlefThe chiefThe
The veteran unanimously adopted < l the theresolution thereeolutJon thereeolutfon
resolution presented by Commander J 1
Wat Walter p llilchsil Mltcn > o of the Department of
the District providing provJ lnc that canteens be bereestabnvtoed bereevtablfehed ber
reestabnvtoed r tbI1bcJ In army posts
There will be no business bu basins lne session 00 this thisafternoon th18aftemoon thisaftern00n
afternoon because of the paradeRaeaptioa parade paradeReception e eJfe
Jfe Reception Jit ToaiehL ToaiehLTonight Tctl TtHi TtHiToNght t tToaflbt
Tonight the veterans and aDrmia ast members oi oithe ofthe of ofthe
the National Auxiliary will attend aire airecepUon a ssreceptfoa re recepUOIt
cepUon given Ivan ven by the Lineal Society In
the parlors of the Abaft House Hou at a I
oclock oclockDeD8rtmert
DeD8rtmert rtmert Commander J Water
Mltehelrs Mitt elYv cuolutioa to the effect that
the canteen should be reintroduced into
the regular army was received r with withunanimous Withunanlmoua withunanimous
unanimous approval and won the sup ¬
port of the entire assemblage assembly e Tcommittee The Thematter T Tcommltt
commltt committee on r nIIOlution retrrecl ref eel the thematter t tmatter
matter t to the Ie legislative < latfe IlD I committee mitt mittwith atitt8e atitt8ewith i iwith
with instructions that t t a bill be presental pre presented preHnted ¬
sented to Congress Concre at its it coming sea seasiosh veeslett e evolc1ne
siosh voldngthe voicing the o opposition orpoaJtlon tpovition of the Unit Unlte41ipanlah tinitedStpahish United ¬
e41ipanlah ed Spanish War Veterans to the exist ¬
ing in law relative to drink in the army
The Indiana Department offered a aresolution aretloluUon atetolutfon
resolution expressing themselves them elvu oppos opposed opposed opposed ¬
ed to all forms of favoritism in appoint appointing appointIntr appolnt1nB ¬
ing cadets to West R eat Point or Annapolis nnaJOiI nayp U Uademle
Academies c ademle The resolution zM tuUon was wb w adopt adopta adoptJMOlution ad op oped t
ed a
edA A resolution was was passed UI d requesting teu8tln rea + tt ttfntt < < of ofthe ofrite f fOle
the President Pred t and Congress that suit suitable uJt uJtable ultable ¬
able bronx > medals m al with ribbons be t Is Issued t tsued J JPled ¬
sued to each honorably discharged dlxur sol soldier 801iler sd3fer ¬
dier sailor and marine for service ren rendered rnd rnComra1 rendared ¬
dared deredComrade d daredComrrule
Comrade Keck Kec commander r of the De ¬
partment lttrent of New York ottered a 1 1lucao reso resolution t sa saba ¬
lution lucao tloa t that tLthe ba l the United U al fed Spanish pa War W a r rBrans Vet Veterans Veterans
erans should Id heartily indorse th tM meas measure meaaure me a aare ¬
ure Introduced Introd at the last y aevlon sion 100 of ofCougresa otCOlI ofCougresv
Cougresa COlI which provide that the en enlisted eolirted D DU ¬
listed U ted regular lar after tier twentylive years yearsservice y yMlv1ce Yt ars arsservice
service should be retired cn 75 S per J r cent centand centoC
01 h his pay recetIDtr 7076 75 fill arogtltly arogtltlyratio Ully UllylatloM
latloM ratio a and nd clothing and + L25 for formonthly torftHMIthly forndttltty
monthly Quarters And Ant + lights as a Just Justcompensation jwtcorrrhenvatfoa
I compensation for his service The Thelutlon reso resolution rnaolutlo ¬
lution n was unanimously unanimo unan mouE I adopted adoptedThe adoptfdThe adoptedpartm
The Department Departm partm nt of Indiana offered offereda
a resolution that veterans of the alullwar civil civilwar civilwar
war or the Spanish SpanlbAmerlcll1 Amerlc < n war hold ho d
Ing an honorable discharge dIBC ara i from the theservice tbeservice t tservice
service should be given van preference preferenceover Dreferenceover
rrettlEnce rrettlEnceover
over civilians in the Riling 101110 li a f positions pion
In the quartermasters quartermarteria department de p artmeat
The Indiana delegation in Introdd intred11ci4the introducing Introddthe
the resolution asked sited the assistance SStanH of ofthe Ofthe of ofthe
the United Spanish War Veterans V f > t rana Tao Tfcoresolution Taor8aoluUon T > te tensolutlon
resolution was aa unanimoualv f adopted adoptedorder red
With a view to Iettill gett + + r tJsethpr to et er aU
the memben of the naval 1rd + mlUtr7 miU miUoMer
order of the SpanishAmerican war
the companions of f the organisation Or anluU D
have called a meeting meetlll for 8 oclock o clocit to tonight tonleht to tonisht ¬
night The Shoreham Hotel has been
designated as the meeting D1aeeac place placeMacfarland
Macfarland ac ar a n Bids BidsWoman BidsWoman rs rsomen
Woman omen Patriots PatriotsHearty PatriotsHearty a rio s sear
Hearty ear Welcome Welcomerotjippf a come comeCsl
rotjippf Csl 01RlP gAJ4lAAer pjQner Matrfsrland v today y de delivered delivered dtllvered
livered the address delves of welcome to the be beane
idirrf WeV rs ard au Harle8 ane ea of tW BMrnlsfi 8plp ivh War WarVetarans WarV Wa WaVeiranv
Vetarans V during their heb t regular lar morning morningsession tttorningvdivloa aon nc ncll
session ll aloo tag hi htthe the red parlor of tbeEbbttt tftaEbitlttHottve tbeEbbtttHouse tbeEbblttHOU8e
House Mr Macfaria llacfarlsMd d Arrived arrIv Atthe atahehotel at Atthehotel the thehotel
hotel while wb e the women were We fnthe fnthemidst in themlcUt the themidst
midst of the ceremony ray of initiating a abakers abakere abakeCv
bakers dosenof doyen new > members into the thegdlth thedJt thedlth
gdlth dlth dJt K K Roosevelt R oevelt chapter and re retreated retreated retrested ¬
treated in haste to keep another Dotbel engage engageit en enaL Mgagareturning
it aL returning bier Jftterbe bier1N ter
8 be ceremony 0f inlUatlm wa wail at t
teod tended d with much mue dignity and tb tbsession tIM tIMaeaton thesersloa
session was w executive exeeutlveV18wed executiveViewed exeeut1veVlewfld
Viewed through the Internet intervening glass
doors the ceremony was attended attend by In ¬
teresting features It was w performed
by the color team of Isabel Alexander
Auxiliary of o Cleveland Ohio Mem ¬
bers of the escort wore white bite gowns gownsand gownand owns ownsand
and carried large American 1Ia flag flags They Theymet Theymet Theymet
met the prospective JI 8peCt1ve members at the thesame theme thesame
same me glass doors and each one of the theescort tbee thethat
escort e cort tdtoolt took charge of one of the nevi novitiateselect noYtUate nevisot ¬
that thattdtoolt tiateselect tiateselectAt Uate elect electAt sot sotAt
At the Conclusion of the ceremony ceremonythe ceremonythe ceremonythe
the minutes ltmtea of yesterdays yeatenia I session were wereread wereread wereread
read and by that time ttm Commissioner CommissionerMacfarland Commisdonertit r raetarlaDd
tit Macfarland aetarlaDd acfarl a nd had return returned e d and addressedthe addressed addressedthe addreuedtbe
the convention conventionThe conentlonlhe conventionShe
The convention adjourned at t noon to
Superintendent Sl1perj Sit P erintendent ten4ent of Public PublicLibrary Pij 1iC
1 Library lihrar Y Says Sa ays Y s Deeptiy DeeptiyWorks DeeptifWorks Dee P PWorks r =
Works Grow GrowThat GrowThat GrowThat
That the booktovers of Waabtogton Waabtogtonare WtoRare
are developing a decided tattle for the thedeeper thedf tbadeeper
deeper df > eper works in n preference to works of ofrtctlrn oCf1ct1 officthn
rtctlrn f1ct1 n Is the statement which Georg GeorgF GeorpBowerman Glorger
F < Bowerman llbtarian librarian of the Public PublicLibrary PublicIibrl PunkLibrary
Library Iibrl makes today 7 In his h anaaa annual report re report reI ¬
port of the workings of the Institution Institutionover lutttutlonover lnstitutlonover
over which he te the head headNot beadNot head1ot
Not only nl has there been an increase lnoetiuein increasein laCfl Ule Ulein
in the number of o books in the library librarysays Jibnltyay librarysay
say says ay Mr Bowerman but there has also alsotxcn a abn alsoIrern
txcn a distinct improvement hi the charucter char character ¬
acter of the books read The percentage percentageof
of fiction circulation which was 817 817per a1per 611per
per cent in I9M 1 t and 7LS per cent ceatyear last lastyear lastyear
year has dropped droPl to tt per cent ceatyear this thisyear t ri riyear
year In other words to the last two fwoyears twoYt111 tyroyear
years only onlyabout about ooethtrd one third of the great greatIncrease IP IPIncreue greatincrease
Increase o total circulation has been beenflctldn beentlcUdn beesflctldA
flctldn flctldnIndicating flctldAIndicattag H HIndtcattllg
Indicating the growing popularity ofreading of ofreading otreadln
reading readln Mr Bowerman states the num number number cumber ¬
ber of volumes Olum In the library has in increased IncreAHd increased ¬
creased from 71046 to 84M8 84 or nearly IS 16per ISper 11per
per cent The circulation clrcul on has increased I lncrMtssdper
22 2 per cent The total circulation was was4S80W wasua
4S80W ua c marking a gain of 18 liihfi Tlwaverage Th Thaverage TM TMaver
average aver daily attendance in n the reading readingroom twiMgroom c croom
room was Wl with 171 visitors on ft Sun Sunday StrnY a aday ¬
day Y a short day dayReferring cIa7Reterrlng dayReferring
Referring to the juvenile droukUton droukUtonindicating ctroulaUonIndleaU tdrepfaftonIndicattrtg
indicating IndleaU a decided deel ed increase Incr Librarian LibrarianBowerman LlbrriaftB LibrarianBowerrpaa
Bowerman B < Jwe1JltAll says saysIn uyen saysIa
In n Ult th Children Ram RamIn RohmIn RwrnIn
In the th childrens room re M the circula circulation e1reulaUon dreulaUon ¬
Uon increased 1 11 per cent oe t over last year yearand yeAraDd yearand
and > S per cent over two years MnI ago agoThe agoThe agoThe
The recorded attendance for the yearwas year yearwas yearw
was w njM nI > S The proportion pr portl ft of o t Action ActionI ftctioaread lotionread
read was wa reduced 11 per teat JutMr JutMraDd lat year yearand
I and ft per cent this year and now stands standstt steadsC ataada
tt per cent of the entire Juvenile circu circulation akculatlcNt otcatlatloa ¬
lation lationThe latlcNtThe latloaThe
The Public Librarys UbralJ needs are arebrought arebrovPt artbrouttltt
brought out strongly by Librarian Bwvertaaa Bow Bowerman Bowerman ¬
erman He says saysThe saysThe II III
I The vital needs of the library are aremore anmore erattwre
more books and more morestnta assistant En Endowments J lta ltadowtnents a a40wmenta ¬
dowments or donations donaU U to t buy certain certainclasses certainel eee Wn Wnclasses
classes el of books book are also much needed
The appropriation tor books should be bemade bemade bemade
made 115099 15000 annually aanuaU The special book bookappropriation bookapproprtaUon booka
appropriation a fund o Dri flora is exhausted exhausted t tfund And the desk d slc slcrettources
fund resources will soon be drained drainedThe drainedThe drainedThe
The otter of o Andrew Carnegie Cart I a to es evtaDlivh establish eMtabllah ¬
tablish several branch libraries 1Ibrarf In the thevicinity tIMviclnttT therldnlt
vicinity rldnlt of Washington Is I strongly a aproved aj ajproved aprorodx
proved prorodx by b Librarian Bowerman Bow Bowertttaatbly C Oft Ofttbls
this question querUoa he says saysCaraefies sa y yCarJNliel rCarlle s
Carlle Caraefies = ka Ulcer OfarThe OlarTIIe UlcerTlta
The trustees appeal for hearty heart pub public pablie Paotb ¬
lie cooperation o oo = eggerattoa per oa In a vigorous effort Cart n to topas totbroacIt toPaav
pas Paav through the u House Ho at the spPtroadting ap approaching approacblq ¬
proaching session on of Congress the bill britwhich billwhich bittwbJch
which has already passed pu ed the Senate SenateInvolving 6enateinrolving t tInvolriq
Involving the acceptance by Congress Congressof Con 8M
of Mr Carnegies offer to donate what whatever whatever wlutever ¬
ever money JDODe may be required from rose timeto time timeto
to time to baUd all necessary branch branchllbraiicJ branchlIbrarlcJ breachlibrarla I
llbraiicJ in the District on the usual usualmaintenance usuLttlltlnteattAee aha
I maintenance SQ1Ate terms upon upo which his gifts giftsare cttUiare giftsare I
are conditioned conditionedIn eoa41tloftedI
I In his ifs jatlmatea 1 t418 for fo r the support wppo r t of ofthe ofthe
II the public library during durl the fiscal year yearIMffS yearlfa9t I
IMffS Ltt Ltbc > rtan laa Bowermaa Bow a uklt k for torI a atotal aIOW
I total of SM0 icreae of t ia6W0 6WO 140 overthe over overthe I
I the sum appropriated for ensuing uln year yearThe yearThe eer
The Increase is to add to t the librarY iltJraryaworking I I Iworking
I working forc force twentyone assistants ai ailibrarians a aI alibrarGtnv
I librarians secretary at X1009 1000 a year a achief aI achief
I chief of circulating department t3fOd M0 M0year a ayear
year 7 reference f8NDce librarian UCU il ch chof chief chiefot chiefof <
of order department E SLOW 080 chief of ofI cata cat catIagne I Iers
I I Iagne e department ti 1iOO and nu numbers of ofother ofothers
other ers at various salaries Nlart Nlarts salarierc salariervkw I Iview
view s the parade The annual ball will willbe wfltbe wiltbe
be given tonight in the 3 Masonic + Temple TempleYusterdays TempeY TempleYwterdaYs
Yusterdays Y terdaYa meeting was a given over al almost almat I Imoat ¬
most entirely entl 8lv to sp JI echmaking and toscsclal to tosocial tosodal
social duties Mrs Mr M Me Very ry E Oedney Oedneypresident 06dne p pprealcfeftt c cpresident
president of the auxiliary delivered her herannual h herannusl > r I Iannual
annual address during which sbe said saidthat Aidthat sakithat
that the purpose of the women omen was to tojoin toJoin tojoin
join forces In the interest In rut of the prindpla prin principles prindple ¬
ciples which formed f rmod the foundation of ofthe otoe ofthe
the organisation organisationMrs OIpalatkny orgaaivatknMn
Mrs y Galloway department president presidentfor presidenttor presidenttor
tor the District said it gave her much muchpleasure muchpleuure muckplessrne
pleasure to welcome the members an4offlcera an4 andofficers an4otftcers
officers to tne Capital and d that shetrusted she shetrusted shetru8
trusted tru8 d the program prepared for theirante their theirente theirentetalnment
ante entetalnment talnment might ever serve erreltOuvenir as assouvenir a avouvealr
souvenir of Washington and live longa long l Dl
in a their memories
1 1i
He i Who Chews Ch w Will 1i11 Kn Know KnowThe vrr vrrThe
The Proof is in the CE Chewing dviaeg
The wholesome wboiesome flavor and delight delightful delightful deli g gfuI ht ¬
ful appetizing a PP etizin g gwg aroma of the tobacco tobaccogrown tobaccogrown
grown wg in the famous Piedmont to tobacco tobacco tobacco ¬
bacco belt continues to create and andpopularize andpopularize andularize
popularize PoP PoPin ularize mans fondness for chew chewing chewing ¬
ing in g gass tobacco Lovers of real tobacco tobaccopass tobaccopass
P pass ass the g good cod tiling then g along alongone alongonechewer alon g gchewer one onechewer
chewer makes another chewer chewerun cheweruntil cheweruntilthereare un until ¬
til tilthereare there are now nawman many Y Yand more chewers chewersand cheversand
and more P Pto pounds ounds of oftabaccochewed tobacco chewed chewedto chewedto
to the population PP PPwhere a elation in in those States Stateswhere Stateswhere
where SCHNAPPS tobacco tobaccowasfirst tobaccowasfirstere was first firstsold firstsold
sold than there th thwhere ere are in the States Stateswhere Stateswhere
where SCHNAPPS has not yet Y Yoffered et been beenoffered beenoffered
offered to the trade tradeOnly tradeOnly tradeoral
Only oral y ytore choice selections of well ma matured matured ¬
tured tore thoroughly thorou gY gYown hl cured tobaccos tobaccosrown tobaccosown
own own in In the famous Piedmont Piedmonttobacco Piedmonttobacco Piedmonttobacco
tobacco belt are used in making makingSCHNAPPS makingSCHNAPPS makiri makiriSCHNAPPS
Thats why wh Y it has a better quality qualityand qualityand alit Y Yand
and more lastin lasting g gtobacco flavor than the thetobacco thetobacco
tobacco formerly fcnmerl Y Ydoe sold to chewers at atdouole atdou61e
douole dou61e doe le the price P rice they the Y now pay PYSCHNAPPS a for forSCHNAPPS forSCHNAPPS
Thats why wh Y a 10cent plug Pg PgSCHNAPPS lu of ofSCHNAPPS ofSCHNAPPS
SCHNAPPS is more economical economicalthan economicalthan economicalthan
than a much larger tar g er plug P 1 of cheap cheaptobacco cheaptobacco rhea P Ptobacco
tobacco tobaccoThats tobaccoThats tobaccoThats
Thats whj why 1 1classes SCHNAPPS wins all allclasses allclasses
classes of chewers the rich because becausethey becausethey becausethe
they the Y do not find a chew to really reallyplease Tea1lyplease Beall Y Ylease
please P lease them better at any an YP YPr price rice the thepoor thepoor
P poor r because they the Y get g et their moneys moneysworth moneysworth move Y Yworth s
worth of the real sna snappy PPY chew and andflavor andflavor
flavor not found in the highly hi gY gYerred h1 sweet sweetened sweetened ¬
ened mixtures Neither the rich nor northe northe northe
the poor P Pinensel r wish to chew tobacco so sointensely sointensely
intensely inensel Y Yand sweet that its true flavor flavorand flavorand
and toothpreserving tooth P reservin g quality 9 uali t3 t3Look are lost lostLook lostLook
Look for the word SCHNAPPS SCHNAPPSon
on the tag to g and on the plug Pgtag lu under the thetag thetag
tag and then you Y Ywholesome ou have it itthe the most mostwholesome mostwholesome
wholesome tobacco P Pust produced roduced with withjust withjust
just J ust enough eno h sweetenin sweetening g to preserve preservethe preservethe P Pthe reserve
the quality qua1i q ualits J and bring bran g gthe out the flavor flavorthe flavorthe
the the real tobacco flavor that stim stunelates stimulates stimulates ¬
ulates and satisfies satisfiesSold satisfiesSold satisfiewSold
Sold at 50c per P er pound P PStrictl ound in 5c cuts cutsStrictly cutsaStrictlylOe c its
Strictl Strictly StrictlylOe Y lOc and 15c plugs P lu
R J REYNOLDS t EYiVOLD TOBACCO COMPANY WinstonaSalems iL ins4oe = Saiem N sl = C ftm
m + 3
Record RecordBreaking eaking Names NamesGtf NamesOf l arnes arnesOf
< Of Aristocratic A rstacr atic Family FamilyHead a ily ilyHead
Head of Old Norman Household Displayed DisplayedRemarkable DisplayedI DisplayedRemarkable
I Remarkable Ingenuity in Selecting Odd Oddand Oddand oaeli
i and Romantic Names for Children Childr n
LQI LOIfcDON L ION N O Oat t It LThe ilr The ToHemache ToHemacheToMenmche T TotleutschaTolbtflache llemachll llemachll1oUe1Mche
ToMenmche pronounced TaUnmsh TaU fam family tam11J famllr ¬
ily an aristocratic line l1n whose pedigree pedigreegoes pe4l pe4loe pedigroefoes
foes goes oe back to the Norman Conquest t anditeyottai and andbeyond andM
beyond M onctu make a specialty of o nojnerous nojnerousand ftUJftetOWi ftUJftetOWiand nttiiuerow4rtd
4rtd and extraordinary e names nam Illustrating itsdlltlpwIKortrwt its itsaaxQXNornUm lt ltaaxOllMornIIIa
aaxQXNornUm origin and its oonnec oonnectlaes connect ooatreotltpty
tlaes t with many of the great rent et titled titledfamlllea tlUedfal titledfaattllea
famlllea famllleaThrf fal falTh
Th Thrf approaching pproacl Ds marriage marr u uQuintw of ot Ceo CeoQuinius I o oQuCnulS
Quinius ToliomacbeToifmactoa 4 de Ovcl Orailana Ovcllana O I Ilana
lana Piantagepet antllg TolImacheTollMiaohe TolImacheTollMiaohehas TolI TollmachtToriaraohe TollmachtToriaraohehas rollohe rollohehaa
has brought bi ottght attention to this tl1 peculiarity peculiarityof pecnaiftyofhM
of ofhM his family fatallyThe familyThe tan tanbe
The be Rev Ralph Wiljtaja W1tl IvyfUfeT It7 Odel ToUe Toriepiacbe ToUemaebeToiWunache loUebeToI
piacbe maebeToiWunache beToI Toileuoaoha e had fourteen chil cglltirea children cbUand ¬
dren and t olsfilayed dWpla daYed e amaziag ingenuity lhgehuity9a ingenuity1n lu1ty lu1ty1D
1n flnding laldln tot lbeat hern II odd 4 And 4 rotaaatic rontaatlaaoanAing rotaaaticsounding rOJDARUen4inC
sounding n4inC names nam in 1I1ret great ratt variety The Thevariations Thevartal10na Thevariattions
variattions variations on his own owaname name Ly LYonelware Lyonel Lyonelwar nel nelwer
war ware parttoutariy mgenlous Jnl ou ta the tot folCAT foiCAT i iCAT
PERU l > > JRU IJMl Oct S = > KxhibU A In a alegal illJetra1 alegal
legal proceeding in the estate e tate of John JohnLOWSMV JnhnLowIMr JohnLowntly
LOWSMV deceased nor now ft W pending at t Tan TCaniwe TanJI Iianaae
iwe JI City CityM 1 to a big fray Y oat eleven d + ran years yearsof yea yeaof eAIII eAIIIor
of ace He has been a a lifelong resident rawvideatof residentof rP Jdent Jdentot
of Knox Ind and a few days day ago left leftthat Jeftthat leftthat
that city elt dU for Kansas x City to make hi hiappearanaa hW hWappeanm hieapPearama
appearanaa IR a the Miseouri eottrt andin and andin aadin
in establishing estabtivbfu tnc a claim m for fill 60 left byLowney by byLowney byLoWll4lJ
Lowney in his hi writ wittMrs writlrs i iMr
Mrs Mr WattUa L Swansea the thepardlaft CAV CAVguardian tyt s sgwrdlan
guardian to J acting utl tat hi h h1R chaperon eb pero onthe on onth 01 01the
th the journey sad a t to Her the money morae will willbe willbe wiNbe
be paid p d in n du due course of law lawIn lawIn lairIn
In IBM 1 a rkh relative relath of Lowney8 Lowney8died rown Lowneysdiawl y y4W
died and left jam some money so o he hehurriedly bebnrrbdiy Ie I
hurriedly departed tp take pcesMHrion pceaetvioalire lXuet doft J JMrs IXra
Mrs Swanson agreed to take care of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the eat Now f > > w Lowey has died leavlntflift leaving leavingMr 1eaviftCXn
Mr Xn Lewney i JfiGO for taking td g care of thepet the thepet I Ipet
pet It Is v demanded dem by the court that thatMrs thatXNI thatlira
Mrs Swanaon prove her Identity and andfrbe and5he tadthe
the i Is taking taidn the cat with r < 1th her as part Srartprcst partproof Partpnot
lowing selection Born t the TT fawns LuaYBias fawnsBible taad taadJllble
Bible shows showsMabel aboWIIMabel sborrra3dabd
Mabel JCimlaglwm Dnd81J Ktfcet lltJMItower A3bptiag A3bptiagtower 4Im th g gtower
tower Beatrice Blaaonbarrte Kvmageline Kvmage MflgeItae se4 se4line >
line Vise de Lou oe OreOaaa Or l l1lNata l1lNataPftet L7farttagenet laata laatagenet
genet Taedmag Saxon SaxonLyonesse kXOllL BaxoaLyonevse
Lyonesse L de d MattM Dora 1 1 7da Ag Apes ApesEmeatlne 4gaeallrncatias ea eaErnestine
Ernestine Curson PauNt Paul Pa WUbraham WribcabamJoyce WUbrahamJoyce WUbra am amJoyce
Joyce Engenie Bentley Saxoata Dysart DJoartpML DyvartPlantagenet DysartPlantagenet
Plantagenet PlantagenetLyulph PlantagenetLyuph pML pMLI4ulrb
Lyulph Ydwallo Odin Hester BatorC BatorCLyonel T blrr blrrLyoael rt rtJ4yone
Lyonel I4ulrb Taedmag H HSaxon Hudt ErcbenWyne ErcbenWyneSaxon Er at atx
Saxon fie x on E Esa as Cromwell Cromwellsart Cro wwell Orma rma Nevtn NevUlart Dy Dyrt
sart art rt Plantagenet PlanaegetwtLyons PlantagenetLyona PlantAgelNtLyona
Lyona Decima Varonlca Esytb th Tn Tndlne T7ndine radfne
dine Cyssa Cy Hylda Hylc1 Roweaa RoW Viola V Ia AdalaThyn Adela AdelaThyra AdelaTbyra
Thyra Ursula Ur ula Isabel Blanche lettua LehusDy Lel1uDyrt lettuaDysart
Dy Dysart art Plantagenet PlantnetLyonella PlantagenetLyonelfa
Lyonella Lyonelia Edith L dlth Begin Iegtaa Valentine V VAl JentiDe My Myra JlyPolworth Nyn
ra Polworth Avelioa Phlllppa Philippathe Xolan Xolantha Xo1e Xo1eth
the th de Orellana Plantagenet and andLyonulph an4Lyonulph sadLyonulPh
Lyonulph CoBjpatriek C Cospatr ePtrlek lek Brace Borke Borkeley BerkeoelJey HerkeIll +
ley Jermlne Tumbardifle Tl Ill ba bard Ie e Pewrstoaw p 6d 6dOraUaaa d dOr8l1ll delOreilena
OraUaaa Or8l1ll Dysart Planwg8t1OtGUIDED PlaetaBetlatGUIDED Plantaerooet PlantaerooetGUIDED
WELLS Me Oct fAfter 8 1A After er a awettinpt awettinptthat erttng erttngthat ntniilthat
that the spirit of his mother moth te J eon eoaUnually eontlnually oonJ oonJUnualJy
tlnually at his hl side James RUeottt lUcleoutWIM of ofWells ofNeils
Wells 3 Me X + tt is going through lee beingJ beingJguided beln belnguided bdnguided
guided he says ra In every word thought tlMucbttalld tbatghpgad thoughtand
and deed by the love of his departed departedparent deputedparent QePtrtotiparent
parent When going anywhere he be believes belin bey beylfarra
lieves lin he fed feels the touch of a hand upon upodhis 11POIiI uponhie
his arm armAccording armAccording
According to his story there hard havrtbeen havtt1Meft hardbean
been many 111 time u ia bit till when w wnett Klft bothhie both bothhis bothht
his ht money and hte Hfe have AaT been savedby saved savedby ftd ftdby
by his allowing himself to be governed governedby OWIII6d OWIII6dby
by what hat h 1M terms the votes pt his moth mothtr JIIOthtr mot mottr
tr trReturning trRetar Returning Retar iag from Portland ode day hd hoiyielded hdyielded hdyields
yielded to a presentiment and lid waited waltetifor waitedfor waitedtor
for a car that th t would follow folio the one one be hawas bewu bewas <
was in the habit of taking regularly regularlyHe regularlYHelet taBvlariyHs
He Helet let the latter one go by and a short shortdistance shortdlatanee shootdltance
distance out ut of Portland It t was smashed smashedin ed edIn
in a collision that mangled several pas passengers pa paengertl pasaeagen ¬
sengers and killed a man who wa was M in inthe IntM it itthe >
the seat t habitually occupied by Hideout Rldeotttr
Free Concerts Tomorrow a m a rro w at t 10 a m and 2 e p PMr ra raMr mMr me
Mr Lee Leaver one 00 of New Yorks most foremost tenors will appear appearIn appearIn appear1n
In concerts at 10 to if 1 1Z a m an and d 2 to 4 p m tomorn t morn1p w and every day daythis daytbia daythis
this week weekProf weekProt weekProt
Prot W G Brown accompanist accompanistMr aeoompan 1st 1stKr
Mr Leever will sing sln < < the following songs songsAre aoDASAre DogeAre
Are You Coming Clmtn Back to Your Old New Hampshire Home > Pova Codeea CodeeaBawn C CollleeaWhen Ueea UeeaBawn
Bawn When the Whi Whlppoorwill PPoor PPoorof 11 Singe Marguerite MarllUertc har erite Some otae One Thinks Thinksof 1btnnof
of Some One gnu I Said My Last FarewellYou Farewell FarewellYou FarewellY FarewellYYou
You are cordially Invited to be presentn present presentPays presentIt
n It Pa Pays v s to Deal at t Goldenbergs GoldenbergsThe s > >
1 1The
The De Dependable P endable Store StoreSeventh StoreSeventh
Seventh and K Streets StreetsSale
Sale of Silverware SilverwareAt + +
At BigS 1 C CAnd vings I IAnd i
And n nR4 large r e Economies c 4n om e S in n Glassware a SSA t are Etc EtcRogers c
O ORogers
Rogers R4 eri and other th t world worldknown known brands of Silvenvare Silva u lr re are as assemWed assemhled 1 1semtfted
semWed for f r a Wednesday Sale Sa1ea and the low prices make tha thaevent th j in jevent
event of the utmost saving save n g importance i mport once to every ever y housekeeper housekee pe r who whoneeds I Ineeds t tneeds i
needs a supply of Silverware In addition many many man special values valuesare valuesare 1 1are
are offered in Glassware Cut tiltGlass Glass and other Home owe Needs NeedsaU NeedsaUat y edsall edsallat all allat
at prices P rites that make a visit visi here tomorrow im imperative imperativeSilverplated Pe PeSilverplated native i iStIverplated
Silverplated Knife xnlte and and Fork Sets Se < 12 l piece in a box boxThe basThe I IThe
The knives cAlv are made of t bevvy Lilser Liberty Liberty silver p plflts t and a d the QjJ f j iof jtorks
forks are made of coin silver ITer plate pia te North Worth Vort 3r 2G 00 > 1L set Sato 1 e 19 y j
Sterling Silver SlI plated Steel SteelKnives SteelXl1lvy SteelICalves
Knives made by the Rogers Man lanu Manufacturing an anuta
u ufacturing uta f a c t u r I DC Gomprfhyt Q Mp tyC f Af Afworth C
worth 1200 a dowwi Sale Saleprice SalePrice 10C I if ifprice
v vWra
price each eaebWm eadti
Wm Ro Rogers era eralaced Silver SilverPlated SilverPlated S11 er
Plated P PiSc laced Ware Ware75c
75c Gravy Ladles 4e 40c3c 4e3Bc 4ieYc
3Bc Sugar Su ar Shells Ifte Ifte35c lh35c l0e85c
35c Butter Knives JSe JSe77c 1tc7k 1 1i5c
77c Tea Spocns set of 6 4Sc 4ScS149
S149 149 Table S Spoons ns set of 9Cc
il69 169 t Table Knives Ives set of 6 St119 St119JSP 8519Ds fU9 fU9Table
Ds JSP > Table Forks set of f 6 ll llChilds
Child Childs s Set worth We lieCut s 0c 0cSE c ci
Cut Glass Glass13iIS
13iIS SE i B Cut Qiftw GiltaBowly Bowls 5Inch size sizein size sizein atze1ralrlJ
in 1ralrlJ brilliant new eutting X22 S 225 225U5 O 9
Sale price priceat J JJL35
JL35 at U5 Handled Cut Glass at Nappies Nappiesin
in new net diamond design Ian 7 5 CC CCSale C CBale
Sale J J56c
price price50c price60c
56c Cut Glass G + Claret c et 2 25 O 5 CC CCTumblers c cTumblers
Tumblers Sale price IrlcefiOe pekefi0e J J60c
60c Cut Glass Toothpick 25 O 5 C CHolders C CHolders
Holders Sale SaI price pricec prtoetic ptkeft9c
tic c Cut Glass Knife and 3 37C 37CF OQc OQcT 9 c
T 11 ark > rk Ress ReseSal Sale price J
St Agnes A pe suye Silverplated rpltod platad Baby BabySpoons FabyS BabySpoons
Spoons S s warranted warrant l Spz Spzplate 1qtplate z zplate
I plate on on white wht mts math Res R Rtt = 19 I QC QCular C CulSl
ular price 4 4IQ o Seie S8Je > KI KIRogers
Rogers Ra g ere tt tV W fi R Re Brand BrandSilverware BrandSiIverWre
Silverware Sl er w wgizJ are
gizJ 125 Oyster Oyst r Forks set of 6 8Pk 8Pk111tri We WeH2C c cf26
H2C Ornnge Spoons set of it r159c r159cZi125 S9c S9cJL25
JL25 115 Ice Cream Spoons poort net of C tS9c tS9cT 889eTat 89c 89c75c
Tat T After Dinner Coffee Spoons Spoonsset SpoonsMet 3poonvvet
set of o 6 tfc 4 c
614 149 Soup Ladles each h 98c
82 249 i9 1 Punch Ladles each tlF tlFG7 L7tiGlas L7S L7SThhi
Glas G7 + ware wareThin i + 1 9b11 vi viThM
Thin blown aonnPabli TabTfe rabfirrunfhlera Tuirtblers plain plainsold plainsold platssold
sold regularly at 60c Oc OcSale
a dosen osen 3 3C i I
Sale price foe each J
1 19 > 2 Pres res But Plow Piewea y IOC 10 O c
Vases H 1o > inches h htII htIIate hytlrec lR IU
8 ate e Precut Qfa w Orange Oranps Oran CQC r 9c C
Bowls Bow in i n nw nEIW26c flewE6c sh ft3 3 328c
28c Footed JPtes iHif Y t fHC C
1 l0 Oc
Glass GI Bon Bon DWhfc DI D DIoc hII hIIlOe i ilOc
lOc Handled Ftedcut rescut ut Olass OlassOlive Gla GlaI lass lassOIlYe
Olive Trays la I a several re reshapes
5 5r SC
shapes 3 3r2 i it
t r2 r Colonial Coionlal Coionlal O otW aaf Liquor Sets Setsoon I Iooneittfng
oon ooneittfng lstlng t Deci 6 8 9 C CSlaaes Casses
Slaaes h asses and ua t ray
I CutPrice U 1 Domestics Ofl 1 S 1CS I
Yard wide Bleached Cotton a agrade agrade agrade
grade of excellent quality entire entirely enUrely entirely ¬
ly fri froe fr > e from dressing ofany of ofany ofany
any sort natural finish W 3 gregular Qp Qprow C
row regular l yd loo value l Tomor 7 4 46qUf1ter
6 quarter Pillow Case Cotton Cotton reg regular regular regular ¬
ular s width idth for making Jnakln pillow oasesrirtneven oases oasesnnneven cuesIInneyen
nnneven weave Quality f q qsold C
sold usualy I at 32fcc I c a yd ydfor U 9aC rV rVfor
for X XRegular 4 4ReguJar
Regular lZc 1 lE c Fall OutingCloths Outing OutingCloths OutingCloths
Cloths in n a good assortment ofleading ot otleading otJeadlng
leading styles styl and colors colorsThis colorsThis colorsThis
This grade rode ade is especially f3f C
desirable dts da childrens airstble rble for wear womens and andchlldrena Myf Myfchildrens 93C S 4
< i
Regular R cular l L 4c c Flannelettes heavy heavyclose heavyclose heavyclone
close nap sort in beautiful beautifulombre beauUtuloIDbre lxautlfulombre
ombre effects colors of ofpink ofpink
pink tan and light blue blueSpecial blotSpecial 13C 13C1al
Special SpecialGray SpecialGray = 1al 4 4OlAy
Gray Cotton C ttoft Suitings In in4 in4a1 all a1 thefashlonrthlc the thefashionable thetablo
fashionable tablo lbl overplald effects ea tiJ This Thismaterial TIllsntaterla1 Tltfetrraterlal
material has the exact appearance appearanceof a e eor
of the allwool suitings and andmakes andmakea j jmakes
makes the most mo t dash desirable dOlillrr ¬ r rable
able suits ul skirts and andwaists 1
C Cmw
waists r for women and andmlvses 12 i imisses
2 2ut
misses missesast mw mlvsesast
ast color colorAmerteaa American + n Prints inblue in inblue Inblue
blue garnet gray era tan tanand taAand teaand
and green also black and l lwhite C
dots white figures and polka polkadots polkadote 43C 4

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