r THE WASHINGTON W TIMES TUESDAY Y OCTOBER 9 1906 9 c It IN If IJYTHE THE WORLD fYORLD OF OFI OFFIJAlVCE I FINANCE fflFSTTHES ARREST THIEVES fLAN NEW LINE LINEON LINEONCHESAPEAKE ON ONCHESAPEAKE ONCHESAPEAKEBiiItimore CHESAPEA E EBllItimore Baltimore Business Men Will WillEstablish WillEstablish WillEstablIsh Establish Steamship on onBay onBay onBay Bay to Meet TieUp TieUpBALTIMORB TieUpIJIALTDlORJC TieUpLtLTIMORK BALTIMORB Oct Oe lWith Wlth no pros prosiwet proMt p pist iwet of an early resumption of traftjcon on th the MH IN mile mU of routes rout of the Mary Maryland WrylaJMI iary ¬ land Delaware and Virginia and the theBaltimore theBalUMore theB1Uore Baltimore Chesapeake and nd Atlantic AtlanticSteamship AUantiefltlp i 10tniahlp Steamship lines 1In the business men of ofBaltimore oCDa1thftore oflialumore Baltimore and the country onunti regions rIPo of ofthe orbe ofthe the States tMes interested are planning to toestablish toe8tah11ah toeatbltah establish immediately a new line to tohandle tohaDclle tohandl handle handl their tiedup goods Hundreds of ofthousands o othoanct ofthousands thousands of dollars worth of goods goodsare pedsare goodsare are stored on wharves wbaPv and in ware warehouses wreho warehOwlies ¬ houses ho in Baltimore waiting for an n end endof endof endat of the disagreement eement between the steam steamBhlp steamship teamII > ship II people and their masters and pilots pilotsOther piloteOther pilotsi i > Other hundreds of thousands of dollars dollarsworth doll dollarswottk ani aniwortk worth of goods are re on wharves wbrv at atlJMUag atlanding 35 35I I landing places on the Chesapeake bay bayHiul 1yI I Hiul nd its tributaries to which the v vof vessels veaelaor vesselsof of the two companies ply plyThis plyn plyThis This n freight has been accumulating accumulatingUtfnoa MeQmulatlngttlnoe umulaUng umulaUngnce Utfnoa ttlnoe nce the flrst of last week and ship shlppers ahlppen shipps pen have suffered greatly tly In cease consequence conaeqvenee ceasequeue ¬ queue of their tbe inability lna bUlty to get their theirgoods t theirgoods lr lrxoo goods to market or to get supplies from fromthe fromthe 1 the city The perishable character of ofgreat a ai art i great part rt of the freight ht < has caused causedf caused1M f theloasto 1M rt0P0 1 to be much larger than it would wouldocherwtee would01terwtae wouldotherwise otherwise have been beeni heeDAU beeSAll i All efforts to secure a settlement of ofthe ofthe ofthe the differences between the steamboat steamboatcompany steamboatcompany steamboatcompany company officials and the captains and andi andLa i pilots La have been unsuccessful and it is isi I II Is1use i I 1use because use there is no hope of an early earlyto earlyi earlysetUement i setUement tUement that steps atP are re being taken takenI takento I to start tart an indepen indepenance Independent line In accord accordance ance 500 with plans prepared by David DavidManufacturers H HCarroll Hcarroll Carroll prestdeat of the Merchant and andr andManufacturers r Manufacturers waaut cturere Association t tbe there will willbe wiltU U be a meeting of merchants and shippers shippersof of this city in the rooms of that asso assod a88Octton assoctgtlon d ctton tloir today and it is believed by byCarroll Mr MrCarroll Mrcarroll Carroll that arrangements will be made madeat madeat it at once for the relief of the congested congestedfreight congestedfretPt congestedt freight t situation by the leasing pf ot a asufficient auJrclent astent sufficient uJrclent number of 0 br v vessels < to haul the thenow thegoods goods now waiting for transportat transportation transportation0i on onOft Oft 0i the various Wbrvetl and nd JandaRir JandaRirplaeee landangplaces plaeee on the bay It I Is asserted that If IfV ifvessels V vessels 1 of ample capacity can canand be eeur eeured securml leaslnlf will be tot followed totlowed ed their temporary lowed by steps to secure their purchase purchaseaJMI purchaseand and the organisation af f an entirely new newtransportation ne neD8portation nowtransportation transportation D8portation company companyThe companyFlNANCAL companYF1NNC1ALGOSSIP FlNANCAL F1NNC1ALGOSSIP F1NNC1ALGOSSIPTue GOSSIP GOSSIPTiM I I 1 I The Treasury is better betterluPplied supplied with withu withm1I two months monthsvote JD ftlbaIUMl monthsas u m1I aota now than It was tw < 111 larger 1arserv largervul as and is meeting < the demand vote v tb It was WMdal washe ttien ttienrho he Stock ExebanP haa reeetvec off oftIeta I Icia dal eta notification from the New York YMkCentral YorkCentral iorkCentral Central and nd Hudson River Railroad Railroadin RailroadCcMny RailroadCompany Company of the 1 increase re116 in capital stock stockA atookfrom stockfrom from N1to N1toA to 250 250A A director cJ of the National Biscuit Biscuitays DtacultCoIIaIh7 iltecUltsays CoIIaIh7 says ays th the common dividend will willan wtureIMIk willat reIMIk uaeliDed at i pereent per cent There Therebe merep meremay p may W4Ve be an extra tT disbursement disbursementwas at the 7OUead U was u the case Jut histBank JutBaalc lastBk Bank deposits m lit Kantas are re more morethan JftCKtJMu morethait than 1ON 10t00 M W Wo or M5 f for or every man manwoman manWDMft martesaa woman esaa and child in the State tate This is isan L1It lenil an increase of 16GOO 10000000 1AO > K > In six months monthsThere monthslb monthsThere There lb Is 1 little doubt In tlYs t1 railroad railroadworld rUl03dw railroadworld world that J J Hill has control of the theChicago theCI thechicago Chicago Terminal Transit situation and andmany aDdman7 andmany many believe b he has arranged to round roundout roundout roundout out John R R Walshs Chicago Southern Southernr SoutherncheIne Southernseheme cheIne and put Mr r Walsh en his feet feetas feetrailroad feetas as a railroad manager managerVouchers manacerVCNehet1J managerYseeheri Vouchers for the payment of a second seconddividend MOOnd4hrtcIend seconddividend dividend of 38 per cent to the 32KJO de depositors de detorII dopseltors ¬ positors torII in the failed Milwaukee Ave Avenue Avenue Aceflue ¬ nue State tate Bank at Chicago Ctttca80bdac are arebeing arebeing being prepared by John C Fetser re receiver recetwr recofver ¬ ceiver who hopes to be able to distribute distributethe distributethe distributethe the money this week weekCharles weekCharI weekh weekCharles h Charles M Schwab Schwabwaa was a caller at the theWhite theWJdte theWhite White House yesterday afternoon He Hespent Heapeat Hespent spent a half hour alone with the Presi President Preeldent President ¬ dent and then repaired to the ordnance ordnancebureau ordnancebur ordnancebureau bureau of the Navy Department nepartment where wheret wherebe be spent t fifteen minutes m1nu with Rear Ad AdREAL Ado Adomtral mtral N E Ma n chief ot the bureau 1 4 REAL ESTAFE ESTA fE TRANSFERS TRANSFERSPLACED TRANSFERSPLACED I IPLACED PLACED ON RECORD RECORDWoodrtdge RECORDWoo RECORDWoodridgeCharles RECORDI I Woo WoodridgeCharles Woodrtdge rt aeCharJetJ Charles W Brown et ux uxto uxto uxto to J J K R Pay lots 10 0 and 11 block 6 63eventh 6 S96 S96Seventh I Seventh street southwest between F Fand Jfa 1 1and and a G jitreetaJesse treebtJell8e L 1 iielskell et al alto alt alto t fr0 to Amncn Behrend part of 0 lot 3 437 WO WOranktln 10raaJdln io ioFranklin Franklin ranktln street cet noithvest DOl thYet between betweenFourth betweecFOUIUI betweenFourth Fourth and nd fifth streets tretaL L Cnbrll WJI1 WJI1lamsosj wmI WiIIameo lamsosj I Iameo trustee tt t Cora L Matthew MatthewsMildred MatthewMUdred MatthewMildred Mildred York and Gertrude York lot lotTi lotTiIIQUUO 77 77e 77square S 5 5E1glit square e a aKiCbtfe KiCbtfe E1glit street 8 reet southeast between tw b band band bnn4 and B streets streetsRaymond Raymond Clomei et ux uxto uxto uxto to Qtus GItNI8pre pr < Condlno and Francesco FrancescoMnnarino FranceecoMannarino FiarICescoMannarino Mannarino part original l lot 8 S square squaret JlCluareI squareAddition t I S S260 S260Addition 1iI OAcJcIton Addition to Takoma Pnrk PnrkJtebert PnrkJtebertI Robert M MGray MGry I Gray Gra to William K Hill RUI lot I block blockFourth blockI blockrth 5 I SJG Fourth rth street southeast lIOutMaM between C Cand Cand Cand and D streets treet8Mlnnlt > Minnie K Bresbach et etvlr etIr etsir sir Ir Henry V to Magdalena Click Clickpart OUckpart Clickpart part original lot 7 square be 99 MO MOAddition 10Addition l0 l0Addition Addition to Congress Con Heights HeltrhtFrank HeltrhtFrankE Frank FrankE E Butterfield et ux to Walter A San Sanford Sanfonl Sanford ford lot U U square 9087 M1DobbtnaHarry M MDobbros 10DobblusHarry Dobbros DobbtnaHarry Harry A Wagstan to Laura LauraMt LuraS S and John M Kemper lot 24 i Wock Joek I 1 10 10Mt 1IMt IMt Mt Pleasant PleasantH tH H Bradley Davidson et etto ettnaat 1 tnaat truMe to Prank G Davtc bavidson on Je Jeto lets 6 to m block 1 1 1510 200 East Place pla near Twentysixth street streetnorthwest 8treetJl streetnerthwestLou4a northwest Jl rthwdtLou1ea Louisa F Erwin et vir John B to Reuben R Reiibe uben W Johnson part lot lotminare f tt square 1244 10 10W 10 10West 10West West W Woodbrldir WoodbrlcktoHenry Henry A Vieth et etal etAI al 1 to Orion I Jarret lots t and 4 block C eChurch aa aaChurch 110Cbureh Church street northwest between Fit Fifteenth FtrteentJI Fitteenth ¬ teenth and Sixteenth streets treet8She1don streetsSheldonJackson treet8She1donJckMm Sheldon SheldonJackson Jackson et t ux to Marion C Moebs oelM lot 71 lid part lot 13 53 square IN 194 10 10 10I4 149 1 I4 Corcoran Co n street northwestCharles E Bright et at to Hardy S and Mary IS m McMuilen KcMuJ lot 72 72 square 208 He HeSeventeenth IISeventeenth 10 10Seventeenth Seventeenth street at t northwest between L Land and M KlltJeet8AJftrtcan streets American Security and nd Trust Company om trustee truat to Salfle C T Wilder er nr part original tot 7 square Itt IttLe 111Le 10 14100 14100Lo Le Droit ParkHerbert N Keene Keen ot otlt ux to lt Jennie 11 1e Ii Webster part lot ot otdl 5 5naadlto 5 block U 110 110Randle naadlto dl Hiarhlands HiahlaadaNatlonal National Safe De Desquare De posit Security and Trust Company trutee trust to United Stat State Realty Com p pany Miiidle lot t 11 b1 block c and jj p pnrcel rcel A A 11 Helgb lTelghtsp U s Redty ty Como JNUaY to Otho w Hnmmonc1 Hntnio Jot square 5624 6 624 Ift IftAndl 104LandIe Andl Hftgh Heightsp tsl R Realty Com isn I to Rudolnh C S Schaefer haer lots G 21 Q IlJuar q uare lt7 7 t tHnth 1 11tnth 1tnth > Hnth strt et > northast C nnt lid D 1 y between twet > n Rtrts stroets lti r resctt Will W1IImS I PI PItt et lot tt ug to JOhn R and Catharine Cath anne R Ityon o 20 Yo equare 163 10 10 N Y STOCK MARKET MARKETQuotaUOftl Quotations furnished furnlsbdigobartss br Charles CIuu O Gates OataaA Gat GatA Gatesa A Co c Munaey Building Members New N w York YorkOpea YorkstoeIt YOt YOtSteek stoeIt SteekAllis h hOpen Open Hlca H Ix Law w J JAHIs JIt JItAUla > Allis Chalmers 718 1 iSST 17 17AHis 171L 18 18AUt 18Allis Allis AUt Chalmers Chlme Pr 45 48 44 44Am fI1 H HAm rAm Am Age A Chem 27 271A 21 2TK 27 7 27 N NA 27Amai A Amai 4 mal Copper ii IiI i iii l fl 115 115mt 115mt4C J15 J15Am IISAm Am Cat A AAm P 46 4C 4 h 45 454 4 4Am 4Am Am Cotton Ootto Oil 3 10 37 g t tAm 36 36Am J8J41 J8J41Am Am lee See 90 91 OIIi OIIiAm 00 00Am w 9 9Am Am LocorV Ltco a W 77 77 7 764 76 7 7Am 76 76Am Am tefeisTEajaaffl 7tefeisTEajaaffl Smelt 150 111 Ui8 Ui8Am 160 160Am Am Smelt ptd Jlfd115 11518 HIlA 114 115 15 116 116Am 116 116fm Am S Fy 10 J JOi 1 10 10 10Am 10Am 0 0Am Am Sugar 136 131 13 IJP4 11S 137 137Am mAm 137Am Am TobTpfd Tob ptd 9t 98 98Anaconda 99 99AtchXSJ 00 00Anaconda Anaconda AnacondaAtchison II 282 282AtchillOll AtchXSJ Atchison i 1 100 < i lC114 145 103 01 ion ionAtchison 1411 1411Atchton 1olAtchison Atchison wW tcI1 Wl l 101 10 101 Ol 101 101Balto 111Balte 01 01nAJto Balto A OWO 0101214 122 123 12314 122 ii iiBk US USBk 123i Bk Rpd Trans 7 jii 76 78 n 78 7SJ4 78 78Can 78Can 74fl Can fl Pacific Paclfte1Jt 179 M0 179 17ti 179 179Central 11tCentral 170Ctral Central Leather tber 37 3n Xfl 87 3T 774 374 S1 37 37Ches 37Che8 37Ches Ches A Ohio C2 arf 63 63Ch 63 9 C2 62i 62iCh 2 2Ch Ch A 0 Alt 35 J9I4 W 36 35 35 35Ch 35J4 3SCit Ch G W B 27 27 27 27 27Ch 27Ch 27Ch Ch M 1 St P Pl11 171 17 17C 174 176 17614 175 175Ch 175 175Ch Ch UntonTrac Union Trac 4 4a 4 4 4 4 4Ch 4Ch 44 44CII Ch Union Tree pf U 184 18 11 18 Col Fuel i7Vt 7 68 66 67 67Col 61Col 7 7Cot Col Sou 40 4 40 i iCot 44 40 40Col 40Cot Cot Sou id pf 64 4 54 54 5414 54 4 Coal Gas GA N Y1J 139 131 131 1 Den JI R G 41 t2 42 42 42 42 4 42Erie Dis Corp W 70 70 17 70 70 Erie 4 48J4 4 47 47 4 1 Erie lit pf T7 77 77 77 l7I Erie M pf 7 lQ g 70 7014 70 70 70 Fed Smett pf Wfc tt 17 > 7 M f7 > 7 Gen Elec 1S 151 184 182 alA 182 1IZ1AI Gt Gt Nor pf pt101 m U4 131 ffl III IIITIt 513DI tt ttIII III DI Cent Cent174 174 176 1 174 176 176Inter 17PA 175Inter Inter Metro MtrocPt pf 75 76 75 76 75 75 75Kansas 7i Kansas C So SoLouis so o 51 28 28 2B 2BRan 51Kansas Ran Kansas C So So p pf IftI4 00 804 00 60 toI4 40 40Louis Louis A Nash Na h 147 147 H7i 147 1474 147 147Man 147Man 147Man Man Kiev JJ1evHi 145 146 145 145 145Mex 141Mex 145Mex Mex Cent 21 22 21 21 21Mo 1Mo 21Mo Mo K K Tex 38 36 36 36 36Missouri 3 36Missouri Missouri Pan t8 t8National 04 M MNational 96 96National = a National Bin BIaPI tt 00Pr CK M MPr Pr Ste 8t Steel l Car 54 66 54 54 54Ry ifHy 54Ry Ry St SOT 54 54 W W 64 64Reading MReadlDl 51Rending Reading 112 1 1B3 1M 51 51Rep 151 151Rep 153Rep Rep S 0 I 38 38 384 38 38 38Hep 38Rep 4 4Rep Rep S A I pM MK 14 M ls 96 96Rock t tRock Rock island 30 30 JOI4 JOI4Hock 2 51 29 29Rock 29Poek Rock Island ptd 68 Da 68 68 6IP4 68 68SlosaSheff 6814 6814SlogSherr 64SloseSheft SlosaSheff 75 75 75 75 M M80uthern 75 75Southern 75Southern Southern Pac K 15 M tt 94 MSouthern 94Southern 94Southern Southern Ry 86 36 S6 3tJ i 36 36Southern 36 36utbern 38Pouthern Southern utbern Ry pfd K t5I4 96 98 98Nafl SG1 iJ iJNatl 38 38Natl T TN Natl Lead 7 11 80 74 79 79N 79N N Y Air Brake 145 loM 1 1X 145 1 145 l1 1 1N 14 14N N Y Central 13t 130 140 1 139 i 140 140N 1 1N 140N N Y O A West WestNorf 48 18 18 4 4Nort 48Nor Norf Nor A West WestNor t 1 90 II IINor 96 96 90 90Nor Nor Pac 21 4 2M 214 1 215 215Pac 215Pac 215PacCoait Pac PacCoait Coast 14 134 134 3 134 134Pac 11Pac 114PacMaIl Pac PacMaIl Mail 11 37 37 37 37 37Penn 11Penn 37Penn Penn R R R R 141 lOU16 143 10 141 148 148Peoples H HPeople 142Peoples Peoples Gas 88 89 89 89 89Texas R9TexPftc 89Texas Texas TexPftc Parifle 36 36Tol 31 U1 3t 3tToi 39Tot Tot St St J 14 A W WTol 38 3BW 38W as 3R 3Rrol 38Fol TolUnion Tol St L A W pi pi 51 61 5 fe 57 574 574Uron 57 57Union Union PacMc 00 1fT l 145 1i li7 8 8tnlnn 1871nlon Union PacM pf 92 tz 91U tI tII 92 92 92U 92USCIP U USCIP S C I P 59 M 5 iO d W WU fiGI 50USRubber U USRubber S Rubber 60 60V mw rAi4500 M 50 50U iOI 50U U S Rub Pr Pr130 110 110 110 110 1MU 110I 110U U S S Steel 4Tt 45 4 4 14 14u 48 4SU 4 4U U S Steel Pf Itl1tY11I 107 1M 107 107 107VaCaro 1 1YICaro 107Vacaro VaCaro Chem Client50 40 41 41Wha4Jh 40 40 40Wabash 40Wabash Wabash W 1 1i1t 19 1 16 lt ltWabash 1 1abuh 19Wabat Wabash abuh pf 4 It < 4 4C 4CWeat 44 4f 4fWest 4Vest West Union UntoftWIeeonaIn N 55 85 a aWisconsin 10 10Wisconsin Wisconsin Central 27 27UMCBLUUtttOC fT i tf tf1UiICIILtUfJmoua 21M1SCILAXZOU UMCBLUUtttOC BOKDa BOKDaU SONDSU BOND BONDU U s Steel 6s I JOO 100 tOOR I IR 99 19 19H R I 4s 4 80 I8f4 W II81 80 59 80 8 40R I IR R I 6s 1 91 91 91 913k 91 91Wabash 11Bs11 91Walsh Wabash Bs Bs11 81 1 81 81 l 11 11Tob 11Tob I ITob Tob 4s s 78 75 78 7444 78 78Tob 78 79 I ITob Tob Ts 111 111 111 111 111Atch 11lAtch 111Atch Atch 4s r 101 1014 101 01 101 101 101Eric 01 01Eric j Eric Conv CoDv1 107 MT 10 107 01 107 107Inter IIIInter 197Inter Inter Metro 4a s 83 81 83 8IA 83 834 83 83Penn 83 02Penn Penn Cony JtlT JI t7l 97 7 97 9714 97 97Money r roney 97Money Money oney 4 4 4 3 S 3 3Sales 9Sales Sales to noon today SOf3M SOf3MTotal 5061S0Total IM IMTotal I Total sales sale yesterday elltent 896300 IDO IDOCITIZENS 300CITIZENS j jCITIZENS CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK BANKDIRECTORS BANKDIRECTORS BANKDIRECTORS DIRECTORS ARE ELECTED ELECTEDAt At a monthly meeUng of the board of ofdirectors oCdirectors ofdirectors directors of the Citizens CiU Savings Savin Bank Bankheld Bankbeld Bankheld held yesterday the resignation rea1 of John JohnO TohnO O Johnson as director was accepted acceptedHarry acceptedHarry acceptedharry Harry M Packard and S So A Reeves Reeveswere Reeveswere Beeveswere were elected directors of the board boardmaking boardmaking boardmaking making up the full board of twenty twentyseven benteven twentyseven seven > directors directorsMr dlreetorMr directorsMr Mr Packard is cashier of the Law Lawyers LawyeNf Lawyen ¬ yers yeNf yen Title Insurance Company having < been connected with Ith the company since sinceits atneeI sinceIts its I ItsMr I organization organizationMr Mr Reeves is I the well known grocer grocerand poeeraAd grocerand and candy manufacturer manufacturerThe The president of the bank James A ASample A ASample ASample Sample reported that the deposits depositsamounted dellitaamounted depositsamounted amounted to over 98S909 800 being quite a arecord arecord arecord record for a savings bank for the first firstfour nnt19ur firstfour four 19ur months of its existence existenceBIG exltenceBIG existenceBIG BIG GAIN FOR YEAR YEARIN YEARIN YEARIN IN ILLINOIS CENTRAL CENTRALNEW NEW YORK Oct t IThe The full fullpamphlet fuUpamphlet fullpamphlet pamphlet report of the Illinois Central CentralRailroad CentralRailroad CentralRailroad Railroad Company made public yester yesterday yeaterday yesterday ¬ day covering operations for the fifty fiftysixth Attysixth fiftysixth sixth fiscal year ended June SO IMC IMCshows 1101shows 101 101show shows the largest t gross earnings in the thehistory thehistory thehistory history of the company these amount amounting amountIng amountlag ¬ ing to I61OC406 an increase Increa of 2m1Mas 2127755 2127755as as compared with the previous year yearNet yearNet yearNet Net earnings amounted to Sl 15116005 lK936 an anincrease AILIncrease anincrease increase of only 801181 1 due du to an in increase Incse Increase ¬ crease in operating expenses expen es of 725783 725783The 725763 725763The The amount expended on improve improvements ImprovemeutM Improvemeta ¬ meta was Cl73t 41 473 as compared with 100000 so spent during the preceding precedingyear precedingyear precedingyear year The surplus available for divi dividends dividends dlvideeds ¬ dends was w 10812 10862339 an n increase of oC12JIr 12JIr 721997 or equal to 1142 per cent earned earnedon on the MKtttMO 04OtoO capital stock etockof of the thecompany thetOmPany thecompany company The total surplus dividend dividendfund dividendfund dividendfundat fund fundat at t the close of the th year was 1 1 1NBZ7 313827 as a compared with 1269027 1 1 i in in1M 1M 1MFINEST 1906FINEST FINEST DOMESTIC CIGARS CIGARSFERMENTED CIG CIGARSFERMENTED RS RSFERMENTED FERMENTED IN THE LEAF LEAFThe LEAFThe LEAFThe The tobacco for small cigars che cheroots che1OOtII cheroots ¬ roots 1OOtII and all the cheaper brands is isgrown Isrown isgrown grown rown in the States of Wisconsin W lcomdn Con Connecticut ConMeticut Connocticut ¬ necticut New York Pennsylvania Ohio Ohioand Ohioud Ohioand and Florida says ys a writer in the theScientific theSclentlftc theScientific Scientific American That for the more moreexpensive moreexpenelve moreexpensive expensive brands is grown in Cuba and andthe andthe andthe the wrappers in Sumatra The leaf to tobacco tobftcco tobacco ¬ bacco as 11 thus selected lected and purchased purchasedIB ureba urebai8 IB delivered to the various leaf houses housesof houae8or bounceof of the American Cigar Company Here Hereit HereIt Hereit it to classified cJa lfted according to the brand brandfor brandfor brandfor for which hleh it Is to be used is i packed packedin in cases c and shipped to large storage storagehoute ator8lfehowel storagehoutes houte howel where it Is is kept for twenty twentyfour twentyfour twentytour four months and subjected bJeeted to natural naturalfermentation naturalfermentation naturalfermentation fermentation or sweating e tll1 the object of ofwhicu orwblCh ofwhici whicu is to sweeten ten and mellow the theleaf theleal theleaf leaf which otherwise oth rWtM would be betronK betronKand strong strongand strongand and rank and also give it a uniform uniformcolor uniformeolor uniformcolor color colorSPECIAL eolorSPECIAL colorSPECIAL SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS ATTRACTIONSAT AT HAGERSTOWN FAIR FAIRA A horse show daily flights by Beachy BeachyIn BfachyIn In his hi airship and music by b the Naval NuvalAcademy NayalAcadel1Y NavalAcadeny Academy Band will be the features featuresof of the entertainment atthe Hagerstowti HagerstowtiMd HK ratown ratownMd Md fair which begun today The fair talrwill fairwill continue until Friday FridayThe PriclayThe FridayThe The Naval Academy Band will give giver giveconcerts r ncer Wednesday and Thursday ThulsJaytvenlnp Thursdayevenings evenings from 7 until S oclock and a ahlghclaas ahighclass vaudeville performance is to tobe tobe produced before the grandstand JIIJId grandstand6a1ly tand tanddafly In addition to these attractions attractionsthe attractionsthe fair company will pfejaae horse honefanelen horseisnclem with th both runnlnirs runnln thKl d harness harnessr8ces harnessraces every afternoon The railroads railroadslIiter railroadsiffer special rates to excursionists to tolhe toLhu fair THE WASHINGTON 8llITOW MARKET MARKETSales Sales of the board including after aftercall a aftercall er call amounted to 1038 1 shares of stock stockFollowing stockFollowing Following are the sales MI and quota ¬ tions of todays tOday a market maret Washington Railway and Electric commonaotHO common G0 1iOfi 6 AejM AejMMergenthalerioeaoi Washington 1kinxton jnton GasS Gu Gaa1j Gaa1jMergeSthaler1oo1 > w S60Ss IeI IeIJderpnthalerlOjm Mergenthalerioeaoi 10511 10 201 Inston7ei4 Inston7ei4Grrene Lanaton i5tr1f Grrene Grt ene Copper Copper28 60 28 Mitchell Jdlt beJl Mining Minll1lfloot14 luftfHTt 5064 5064After 50041 Niltional C ty BankII 1fICPltt 1140After Union TrWltIHO After call callGreene Oreen Copper 100098 I Lt 1 1ferreo Il 28 fi 5tJ2K 542 50S 5 1v0me ieoz Whln aahlngton on nUwa Railwy and Eleotije eCtrt HO proWaskington ferreo fftredWashlnton MgS9 MgS9Washington Washington Hallway arid DIMtrio DIMtriocommon Jlleetrie Jlleetriecommon Ilisetriccommon common 80640 80640Qastationg seetO seetOQU 00i0Qutatione Qastationg QU tationl of Mont Mo t Active Issues IssuesBONDS IssuesBOHD IssuesIIONDW BONDS BONDSWaahmctOM BOHDwtnctoft IIONDWWashington Washington OM 4s 4scapital a aCpltal Ml 14 14Capital Capital Traction R K Jl JlColumbia 4a 1046 04 04Columbia Columbia R R Ja s 1 lIS MtR 140 140Columbia Columbia R It r Ss SsMetxopoltian 1tIIfa l tfc M MMetropolitan Metropolitan K R f I ii 111 m 111Waah 110Wash Waah Railway and Bloc 4e 4 4PololDae S7K flj IT Potomac Electric Light Va I s 14 14Norfolk 1Norfolk 1 1Norfolk Norfolk and Weak Steamboat oat I ls Itt HeC MM MMC 144C C It P I Telephone Vm Mi MiPUBLIC 1tIPUBLIC PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS IIlOCKtlCltlttal STOCKScaPIta1 TOCK TOCKCapital Capital Traction l 144 m mWiw 1 1WNh 14Week Wiw Week h Railway aliway and Electric earn earnWaah 0 04Tg ff Waah 4Tg Railway and ttfectrto lectrie pf Mft 4 w wNorfolk IINorftIk Norfolk and Wash W Steamboat ITS JIG JSOW JIGVu 510Wami W Vu Mngton ln8Ion O a aCMpeak if ifTYPE 5 5Chesepeaks CMpeak and Po Po TetepM e II IITYPIC 44TYPE TYPE MACHINK STOCKS STOCKSMergenthatar STOCKSMersellthaler STOCKSMergnthalr Mergenthatar 91 91Lanatou 511Iansto > 1 1LaJUltO Lanatou 1 14K 14 11 11MIKING 14MINING 4 4XIHING MINING STOCKS STOCKSOroene 8rOCKIGftIIeIt8 STOCKSOresne Oroene Copper pper 2 n nI 27 W WMitchell 10 10Mitchell I Mitchell 4 4il 4 4XATHMMAL 4WAT1OJtL I XATHMMAL BAKK STOCKS STOCKSCentral ftOCQi STOCKSCentral i Central C4ntrlty CentralCty 81 81City City ty MMt U0 MM4 MM4K 14t14C isj isjCuarctai C Cuarctai eretal 145 145Etropoiltait I K JUOpoUtaft tropolltan M MRlcca 134 134us i ip Rlcca RlccaSecond us usSecond p Second Hi J JTRUST It ItTRUST UITRUST TRUST COMPANY STOCKS STOCKSAmerican IIlOCUAmertcan STOCKSAmsrICafl American 0e Ihcwtlr trllr awl Trait TntatNadou1 SI9 JM JMNational 344National National 8af Bate 111 M MUnion 1M 1MUfti lOSUsia Union Ufti ft Trust 1M itub1D1rtOft Ml MlWashington 140Washington Washington Loan and Treat SIS 1 S SUV SUVFIR IJI IJIJIlR1 115SzxSukANCn FIR JIlR1 KeSUHAWCH STOCK STOCKArlington fiOCK1olArUDCton STOCKSArlington Arlington ArlingtonColumbia ArlingtonColumbia IlK IlKjf > Columbia ColumbiaPiremens J jf jfNational Firemen PiremensNational FiremenNational National Union 7 7Peoples IPeople 7Peoples Peoples S IK IKKI8CJDLLAXJIOUI 5 5MISCgLLAXa0US PeoplesXI0CBLLAXOUS XI0CBLLAXOUS ITOCKS ITOCKSOraphophone wrocxaGraphophone STOGICLOraphophone Oraphophone com 41 41Oraphophone 4 4Orsphophne ft ftGraphophrne Oraphophone pfd pldWaahlncton 44 JI JIWashington 10 10Washington Washington Market 1t 1tMILLIONAIRE 1E 1EMILLIONAIRE Vi ViHarburger MILLIONAIRE DUBS DUBSCORONER DUBSCORONERA CORONER A CUR CURHarburger CURHarburger Harburger Replies by Call Calling CalIing Calling ¬ ing Stokes a Crook CrookQuarrel CrookQuarrel CrookQuarrel Quarrel at Inquest InquestNEW InquestNEW NEW YORK Oct tTIM THe Jury befere befereCoroner betweCoroner betsreCoroner Coroner Harburger Hb after listening to tohalf tohalf tohalf half a dosen witnesses wltn today returned returneda returnedverdict a verdict that Al Adams Adama the policy policyking poIlcTking policyking king had come to his death from a self selfinflicted e1f e1findicted Coo CooInftlcted inflicted indicted pistol wound woundThe woundThe woundThe The Inquest was one on of the most tur turbulent tarbulent turbulent ¬ bulent ever held in the local coroners coronersoffice eoronecOan coronersoSlon office Oan It opened with a windy war be between between between ¬ tween Coroner Harburger Hrbur and W K Eo D DStokes DStoke DSLokes Stokes the millionaire proprietor of the theAnaonia theAnlnla theAssents Assents apartment in which Adams Adamshad A Ahad Adamhad had apartments apartmentsMr Mr Stokes called the coroner a a dirty dirtylittle dirtylt1le dirtylittle little cur and Harburger beside be lde him himelt himself with rage rae called Mr Stoke a amillionaire amillionaire amillionaire millionaire crook crookHe crookHe crookHe He declared that Adams was murder murdered munlered murdered ¬ ed and was not a a suicide suicideQPlinni suicideSCHOOL suicide8GOUL QPlinni ounuUL SCHOOL ITAPrJCRQ TEACHERS Itfluiltiio rfllU rfllUEvery PAID PAIDBY PAIDBY DHIfl BY C EK8 GKS YESTERDAY YESTERDAYEvery Every teacher in the public schools of ofthe otUN ofthe the District yesterday received their first firstpayment ftnttpayment flrstpayment payment of salary under the new organ arganiaxtion or organiaztlon an anlasdon iaxtion The checks were distributed distributedby dletrlbutect dletrlbutectby distributedby by the supervising principals nclpal of o the vari various various vailoils ¬ ous district districtSuperintendent dbltrlc districts districtsSuperintendent l lSuperintendent Superintendent Chancellor assistant assistantsuperintendents assistantsuperintendents ataat ataatsuperlntendenta superintendents director of intermediate intermediateinstruction IntermedlteInstruction IntermediateInstruction instruction and all others who come comeunder eom eomunder comeunder I under the heading of oMcers did not re receive re receive recelve ¬ I II ceive their salary This hIs was duo to tothe toth tothe th the inability on the part of Controller Controllerof of the Treasury Tracewejl to decide in intime Inttme Intime time the legal status of the case bearing bearingupon bearingupon bearingupon upon their appointment appointmentUntil appointmentUntil appointmentUntil Until it can be decided whether or ornot ornot ornot not these officials should receive their theirsalary theirsalary theirsalary salary in tenths or twelfths the matter matterwill matterm matterwilt will m be allowed to rest with 1th the control controller controller controlicr ¬ ler If the controller rules that the oft officers o oftcern t teers ¬ cern shall be paid in twelfths each ch of ofthe oCthe ofthe the officials occupying executive posi positions positlolUI posttion ¬ tions tion will receive threetwelfths of their theirannual theirannual theirannual annual salary On the other hand the thecontroller thecontroller thecontioiler controller may decree de r e that the salary salaryof salaryof Iao Iaoot of the officers omc rs should begin bt gin only only with withtheir withtl withtheir their tl > elr formal appointment to their new newpositions newpositions newpositions positions IN ALEXANDRIA ALEXANDRIAGang Gang Suspected of Having HavingLooted HavingLooted Looted Southern Railvyay RailvyayFreight J Freight Cars CarsSTOLEN carsI carsSTOLEN CrsSTOLEN I STOLEN GOODS RECOVERED RECOVEREDEats Eats and SUM Are Are Frnrad in One OneMans OneMan OneMans Mans Man HotiM Silk in inAnother inAHtJler inAnother Another AnotherWAaTKINOTON AHtJlerI AnotherWAHiNGTON I I WAaTKINOTON TTMB8 nunziuALXAND1tL BUREAU BUREAUALEXANDRIA U UALIICCANDRI ALEXANDRIA VA OCT OCTChief OCTChief 0 0Chief Chief Goods and Policemen Roberta RobertaYoung nobertayou RobertaYoung Young you Qarvey Bell and Ferguson yea yeaterday yeaterdaT yesterday terday arrested Edward Waters Wate Walter WalterSmith WalterSmith WalterSmith Smith Wilber Cook Lawrence Pettey PetteyEdward PetteyJcIward PetteyEdward Edward Maple and nd Albert Green cot colored 001ored cotorel ¬ ored on suspicion of robbing < cars of the theSouthern theSouthern theSouthern Southern Railway Company The police policesearched poUceI policesearched searched I the houses of Green Oret = n and andWaters andWater andWaters Waters In Greens Green house they found foundtwo toundtwo foundtwo two sacks of hats and one pair of shoes shoesand shoeand hOelland and in Waters Wter place they located some somesilk iIOMeetlk somesilk silk and an overcoat In the cellar of a abar abar abar bar room in the northeastern section sectionof JlecUonor sectionof of the city they the found two roll rolls of ofleather otleatber ofleather leather which is supposed to have ve been beenstolen beeftatolen beenstolen stolen and put there by the thief thtefIn thiefIn thiefIn In the Pollee Court this morning the thecase thecaae theCa case Ca was continued for ten days day on th thapplication the theapplication application of Commonwealths s Attorney AttorneyBrent AttorneyBrent AttorneyBrent Brent who stated that he had not had hadtime hadtime hadUme time to get et the evidence together Upon Uponthe Uponthe Uponthe the request of Mr Brent Justice tIce Caton Catondismissed Catonma18Nd ton tondtMlesed dismissed Welter Smith tIt b w not being bel belonrectd beingonnected Connected onrectd with the case e aM in any way waythis wa waWaters wayWaters Waters was represented at the heartn heartnthI hearing hearingthis this thI morning by Attorney L 1 11 Machen MachenChief MachenChief Chief Goods while making a search searchfor ebfor esrchfor for the stolen good severely wrenched wrenchedhis WNllcbedble wrenchedhis his right leg Ie trying to save himself biufrom himasitfront himselffrom from falling taJUn down a well In the cellar cellarThe ceDarThe cellarThe The chief was on duty dut this tit morning mornhi mornhibut but is suffering considerably eoaalderabl from the theaccident theaccident theaccident accident accidentAfter accidentJamM accidentJames James Sen Scanloa A Acqvftt AcqvfttAfter trftt trfttArter After being out only 0111 twenty minutes minutesthe minutesthe the jury at 030 30 oclock las Jut night re returned returned ¬ turned a verdict vogefl of not guilty pUt in the thecase thecase themae case of James Scanlon indicted for en entering entertn enteeing ¬ teeing tertn the house of o Mrs K Mary V Trarers for the the1 purpose of committing committinga COInmlttln COInmlttlna a felony felon The trial lasted all day and andattracted andatt andattracted attracted att ted much attention Scanlon Scanlonwas ScanlonrepreMntect Scallionwas was represented repromn by Attorney Lewis I H Maceh and C C Carlin while whU Com Commonwealths CommODwealths Cornmoowesiths ¬ monwealths Attorney Attonae Brent t conducted tb the prosecution prosecutionTa pl08eCUtlonTI prosecutioTo Ta iMpeee KnifhU Xl l ta TtmpUr Peasjlargminent j I Eminent Ineat Sir William Baulch Baul h of I IHampton Hampton will tomorrow evening enln in inspect In8peCt Inspect spect Old Dominion Commaedery Cotaae No 11 Knights Templar Tempi The Tb members memberswill membelllwill memberswill will assemble In their aartvw ha at 73t 73toclock T 730oclock 10 10oclock oclock tomorrow night in uniform afttto and andwill aa4Iwill saidwill will parade through the streets tit of theclt thecity the thecity city clt beaded by b the Naval Gut Paeto Factory Band or Washington WashingtonPvatral WaabJtonhaera1 WashingtonFvssril Pvatral FvssrilThe ABMttacftmtats ABMttacftmtatsheld The funeral ot David A A Brown was held this afternoon from the home homeof homeot homeof of his hi brother on North Royal street IJtreetThe streetThe The Rey Edgar Carpenter of Grace GraceProteatan GraceProtestant Protestant t Episcopal Church ota officiated otaetated olSclaIM ¬ claIM and the Interment wag In St StPauls at atul StPauls Pauls ul Cemetery CemeteryThe Cemeteryrhe CemeteryThe The funeral of Lawrence x WIeDee Xowlin the theinfant infant lntut80n son of W R B and Bessie Kowiln Kowilnwas HowUnwu Wowlinwas was held from the home of his parents parentsin PleDUIn Parentsin in upper Duke street this afternoon afternoonThe afternoonThe afternoonThe The Rev J H S S Ewell oMeJated o40 ated ted and andthe andthe andthe the Interment was made tnfte inS is Metho Methodist XetbocJ1at Methodiet ¬ dist Protestant cemetery cemeteryThe cemeteITThe cemeteryThe The funeral of Elhta EU Zltstthe the roaryearold daughter of W E Hammersley will be held at 4 oclock this thi afternoon afternoonam from am the home of her parents in Cmm Cmmon OametOn m meton etOn on street The Rev J H H S Ewell w111 11 111 officiate and interment will be bemade bemade bemade made In Bethel cemetery cemeteryriNAKCPAL eemeteryFINAfCPAL cemeteryFINANCIAL FINANCIAL riNAKCPALCapital FINANCIALcapital 0 Capital n IIOSOOI8UpiIus MOO BtirDl BtirDlRIQQS 11344055 11344055RIGGS RIQQS l NATIONAL BANK BANKIssues BANKIssues I Issues drafts direct available throughout the world worldlasues worldIs1uCIi worldIssues Issues letters ef t credit crtahtBuys creditBus creditBuys Buys and nd selis exchange cXhangtknsm Transmits knsm knsme money rJu rJubTor by bTor cable cableS Makes Investments e for cust custt3 cuatomjrs o 8 Buys and Mll sells stocks roek and 3ndfJ honda hondaZ1i t3 fJ SPECIAL PJ CAT DEPARTMENr FOR LADIES LDIESPa LADIESPa Pa Ave Opp U S Treasur Treasury VT WHEN WH N IN ffosn AIY uy of offind 0 0ouse 0House 8 House ouse Herrmann1 Herrmann1CM a CM 7t EYE gY J 7 SrJrIETJlW RZZ7 RZZ7Although = I IAlthough Although our prices are exceedingly low you will never neverfind neverfind find any fault with our qualities We Ve are too jealous of our ourreputation ourreputation ourreputation reputation to sell you anything that thatwill will not give good service i This excellent Oakframe Couch claw law feet Eet good goodRoomsize g r JIll II upholstering covering or pretty velour GffP IACtj turting tp 8 Ic 3 An exceptionally good value at e av eJ eJRoomsize Roomsize Koornensize v 0 Rugs RugsOur itugsOur V II IIOur i Our showing of Roomsize Rugs is very large and con contains contains iI tains all sorts of good patterns and pretty color effects elf eets We Wehave Ve Vehave Vehave have all makes and our prices are a good deal deal1awer lower than you youcan J J1n can 1n obtain anywhere else elseFine T I A IT 0 t I Fine Tapestry Brussels Rugs 9x106 9x106 9x106good p n I I 0 1 1 5 Hi Higood 0 good patterns m r 1 V Jl = i i f 0 FINANCIAL FINANCIALCharles FIN FINAfCIMCharles ANGIL ANGILOharles Charles 6 G11 Gates Co CoTRINITY CoTRISITY o oTRINITY TRINITY BUILDING BLILDINGI Bt1LDINGIii Iii 111nron Broadway w New York YorkWASHINGTON YorkW YorkWA4HIXGTON I WASHINGTON W A8HISGTOS OFFICE OFFICEHUNSEY OFFICEMUNSEY OFFICENUNSEY HUNSEY BUILDING BUILDINGDirect I Direct Private Wires WiresTelephone WJresTelephc WLreTe1ephen Telephc Telephone Mala 37037913792 37037913792Member anOa7t131ltnemlters 37S037913792Mmberu Member of ofAn All ExoHaage ExoHaageBRANCH CxOhlUtCeBBRANCH xhageBRANCH BRANCH OFFICES OFFICESThe oFJIIcaj oFJIIcajThe OFFIC OFFICThe The Waldorf WalcSorfAtOl1a Astoria New York TorkRailway YorkRailway YorkRHwy Railway Exchange Chicago ChicagoRookery CbIcoRookery o oRock Rookery Rock ry Building Chicago ChicagoAt ChtcagoAtIntlc At Atlantic Untie City N J JNtpolcoas 3f + 1 1I 1tWhathasHeDone f I tWhathasHeDone tWhathasHeDoneI What Has He Done I i Ntpolcoas Np l oa3 Famous FBl ulJ Quettloa QuettloaTrlftea Qucaileaf 1 1t f Trlftea make perfection t i ifecUoo ant per 1 1Renolda t t nin t Section t D ia s no n trifle aaid l td Sir Joshua JoshuaReynold Joshuao 1 1f o Reynold to a dilettante art student studentwho studentpresumed f who presumed to criUdse the Irftt Irfttpallat gicatSntr pallat Sntr because be botheNcl too f JDIda With trill trifle For over twenty twentyI twentyyenss yenss I have been atWftnc ttatyIn den clients clientswbshed who wished a builder who would wouldproperly 1 properly take car care of all dotalia dotaliagreat detatisS 1 S great and tuning Jlik sk k anyone Na NapoleonB Na Nantsons 1 poleonB pokoon ntsons famous question etion etionL What Whati i haa aa b be don d done me r concerning coDeeminCf concerningIARTHUR 1 f IARTHUR ARTHUR COWSILL COWSILLI COWS ILL I I The Builder t3ullderWhe WhenakwO Whe flakes Geed GeedD7 d I 307 D7 Colorado Building 14th 4 Q Sfs Sfsyou Sfs SfsJ SfsBUYERS StsBUYERS J BUYERS AND SELLERS SELLERSWhea Whea you want to a1l It anytbfnt anytbfntyou anthIn anthInyou you naturally go where wb whei purchasers purchasersmay parchaaenmay purchasersmay may be found When W en you want to tobuy tobuy tobuy buy you go 0 where you can ca9 ca select selectfrom MMetfrom selecttrots from the largest assortment We Weare W Ware are 15 kept pretty busy in att attto atteadlD attendtn attendtnto to this branch ot our businc busincyou bpi buninses tt ttyou ityou you want to buy or sell u let ug try tryto tITto tiyto to satisfy uty you youSwartzell youSvartzelI YOUSwartzell Swartzell Rheem RheemHensey Rheemensey Rheemliensey Hensey ensey CO COWARNER coWARKR < Co CoWARKER WARNER BUILDING BUILDINGMl DUILDIHGSTREET Ml F STREET NORTHWEST NORTHWESTANK NORTRWtSTB T TBANK ANK Accounts How However However However ¬ BANK B ever Small Are Wel Welcomed We Wecorned Velcorned ¬ corned by This Com Company CompBny Cornpgny ¬ pany panythe pBnyth pgnythe the th small accounts drawing drawtn the thesame thellame theName same rate of interest as the larger largeron JarBeronee largeronce on once onceDeposit onDeposit Deposit your money In our Bank Banking BaakIne RankIng ¬ ing Dept and reap the advantages advantagesof adVD adVDot of being Identified Id ntifted with this strong Interestpaying institution institutionNATIONAL institutionNATIONAL institutionNATIONAL NATIONAL SAFE DEPOSIT DEPOSITSAVINGS DEPOSITSAVINGS DEPOSITSAVINGS SAVINGS 6 TRUST CO COC COCar C Car r 15th St and New Yark Ava AvaFORTIETH AVJFORTIETH Ay AyFORT1ETH FORTIETH YEAR YEARCORPORATION YEARNATIO YIARytNPtTI0 ytNPtTI0 NATIO NATIOBANKING I Ie4 e4 BANKING BANKINGCORPORATION BANKINGCORPORATION CORPORATION CORPORATIONIIl5 2115 415 G street rthiretfl rthiretflCapital rlhweJlCapital rthwe4Capital Capital and Surplus Surp Surpiu65OOOOO tl 16500000 16500000EfTEREST 6500000DtTEREST 65OOOOOThTEJlEST EfTEREST DtTERESTpar 2 3 por cent Par r annum on draw dnmlag drawJIg drawthg lag accounts Higher rates OB e time timemoncj UmeBlone timemoney money Blone Particulars ea application applicationAetna appUcaUoAetna appllcatloLAetna Aetna Banking BankingTrust BankingTrust fc fcTrust Trust Company 1393 r 1 Street STertawaiie STertawaiiePays XertkweafPays NertkwentPays Pays 4 per cent interact OB SaTlars SaTlarsand Sa1lalSaDd Sayingiand and Time Depoelts DepoeltsOpea Depoel DepoelOIMA DepoettaOpen Open for deposit de 1t K W Id 17th and andl and11th and11th l 11th th until i oclock Saturday turday evea eveainss syseIngs v vlap lap I to S oeio ooIoqk ooIoqkT ooloqlcTHE c cTHE THE T WASHINGTON LOAN LOANAND LOANAND LOANAND AND TRUST COMPANY COMPANYOffice Office Corner aflnth and 2 1 Streets StreetsPA11JLP streetPAlDLP Streetei4UDtP PA11JLP CAPITAL 1 11COV 1 < M 1M 1MSURPLUS seSUItPLUS 9 9SURPLUS SURPLUS fM00 l OOeOl EARNED ARNiD ARNiDLoan WtNDLoans j Loans la II any amount made as asproved e spreed liP liPpnJud proved real e eltato uto or collateral at atsanable res nA1i000We ¬ 1i000We ide rat ratIstereet ratesInterest rates ratesInterest Interest paid upon deposits depo lts ea moatly JDOII 17 balance subject bJeet t to check checkTbte cbeckrb checkThis This rb company acta aa executor 4 4mlaletrator tinilaistrator < J Jmlnlstrator mlnlstrator trustee agent agen u U1I8SUrw U1I8SUrwnclatrar reenirec reenirecreglsIrsr acurr acurrrtslatrar rtslatrar and In all other fiduciary a Hoazy ca capacttlea eaJCltlea cepacitles pacttlea pacttleaBoxes JCltleaBoxes pacitlesBoxes Boxes for t rent la burglar and ftreproot ftreprootvaults ftre flreprootau1ts OOf OOfvaults vaults for t faf zafa at deposit ad storage tomS or ofvaluable orj orraluabla valuable jMtckagea jMtckageaJOHN ptkgeaJOHN JOHN j a alj JOY KD80N DSON DSONJOHN President PrHl4uJOHN JOHN A SWOPK BWOPBVIe Vlee PreiMtat PreiMtatELLIS Pre4ItELLIS PrainatELLIS ELLIS SPEAR SPEARBeeoDd Second Vice President PreeideatANDREW Pr PresidentANDREW ldet ldetANDREW ANDREW PARKER PAItK1tTreasurer PAItK1tTreasurerILABRY Treasurer TrurrHARRY i iHARRT HARRY O MEKM KJCXHAHtataBt AaMMaot Treasurer TreasursrDOYD TretUuruBOYD TreasurernoYi BOYD TAYLOR TA TAYLORAssistant IOR Assistant Treasurer TreasurerTHOMAS lreaurer1IJOMAS TreasurerTIIOPIAS THOMAS BRADLKT I1KADLKYReal Real el Estate Officer OfficerFREDK DmtuFPEIYK OcajFREDK FREDK EICHBLBBRQER EICHELBBRGERrruat Trust Officer OfficerREAL OftkerREAL OlflcejflEAL REAL EaTTATK DKFARTMKNT DKFARTMKNTIs Is prepared to assume the maaaeement et etyour 8tTour etyour your real estate Careful etul atteotlaa given ct ea to tosJI toII toaft aft 2tsJU < Proposals ProposalsJPROPOSALS ProposalsPROPOSALS ProposalsPROPOSALS PROPOSALS will be received at the theBureau theBqreau theBtreau Bureau of Supplies SUPfues and Account Navy Department Depart nt Washington ashlnton D C until 10 10OCLOCK 10OCLOCK 10OlLOCK OCLOCK A M OCTOBER 30 190 190at uos uosand 190Land and publicly opened ImmedIAtely there thereatwr theretfter atwr to furnish at the navyyard navyyardVaah navyyardVaahlngton Wash Washlngton Vaahington lngton D C a quantity of naval sup ¬ plies as follows Sch 202 Virginia Irgtnla pine pineoak pineoakSch SIneoakSch oak oakSch Sen 204 Flax and cotton canvas canvaselectrical canvaseltCtrical canvaselectrical electrical wire and supplies alundum alundumwheels alundumwhtels alundumwheels wheels recoil springs s tools leather belting phoaphorbronse rails r etc lard oil pipe fitting fttUn valvea valveaSch Sch Schetc JIS Plate slus Sites metallic paper profile cloth cJotbttc clothttc ttc Apolicadons for proposals should designate the schedules desired by Dum ¬ ber Blank proposals will b be furnished furnishedupon turntshedupon furnishedupon upon application to the Bureau H T B HARRIS PaymasterGeneral U S N Nocfi18 Nodl Nod1 ocfi18 ocfi18PROPOSALS odlPROPOSALS od1PROPOSALS PROPOSALS FOR CONCRETE FOUN FOU ¬ DATIONS DA TIONS AND PIER WORK VORKOfftce Office or Building for National Museum Library Libraryof of Congress Washington D C October OctoberS OctoberS9 S S9 1906 t Sealed Proposals will be re received re received received ¬ ceived at this office until TWO OCLOCK P M on THURSDAY Y the EIGHT EIGHTEENTH EIGHTEENTH EENTH DAY OF OCTOBER isce for torexcavations forexcavations or orexcavations excavations and concrete foundations foundationsand foundationsand and pier work on revised specifications specificationsine IJp pClftcatIonafor for the south pavilion ot the new Build BulldIn BuildmE ine In for the National Museum in this thiscity thiscity thiscity city and opened publicly immediately immediatelythereafter Immediatelythereafter Immediatelythereafter thereafter Specifications general in instructions instructions instructions ¬ structions and conditions and nd blank blankforms blankforma blankforms forms of proposal may be obtained on onapplication onapplication onapplication application to this office BERNARD R RGREEN R RG HGREEN GREEN G EEN Superintendent of Construction Constructionoc86t Constructionoc86t Constructionoc6t oc86t oc86tTimes oc6tS I ITimes S Times Want Ads Ad Bring Results Resu1 Resu1tl l FINANCIAL FINANCIALTurn FINANCIAL11urn FINANCIALTurn Turn About AboutIs AboutIs AboutIs Is Fair Play PlayYou You work for your money moneywhy moneywhy moneywhy why not make your money work workfor workfor workfor for you Put your yourspare spare dollars dollarsto ddllarsto dcl1arsto to earning interest in n our SAY SAVINGS SA SAYINGS V VINGS ¬ INGS DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTWe WWe We give you NATIONAL BANK BANKSECURITY BANKSECURITY BANKSECURIIY SECURITY and permit withdrawal of offunds otfund offunds funds whenever desired desiredTHE deiredTHE desiredTHE THE TRADERSNATIONAL TRADERSMATInMAI TRADERS TRADERSNATIONAL NATIONAL ItlI MATInMAI AU1t1LJ BANK flAME LJZLLU p ffAf ffAfYour IOTUST IOTUSTItlI ZA AVS AVSYour5avi k c cYourSavings Your YourSavings YourSavingsACCOUNT Your5avi Savings SavingsACCOUNT ngs ngsACCO ACCOUNTShould ACCO ACCOUNT UNT UNTShould Should be opened where youre youreassured youreassured youreassured assured every possible banking bankingadvantage bankingadVLlta bankingadvaltage advantage advantageThe adVLlta adVLltaThe advaltageThe The BANKING DEPT of ofthis ofthis ofthis this company pays interest on onALL onALL onALL ALL accounts sccountspermils permits you to towithdraw towithdraw towithdraw withdraw funds at will willUNION willUNION willUNION UNION TRUST CO 1414 F Street N W WEDWARD WBDWARD WEWAflD EDWARD J 8TKLXATAGBX 8lBLLWAGIIKPr STLLWAGZNPresident STLLWAGZNPresidentsoaos President PresidentGIBORGX ent entO O GIBORGX soaos > RO X II FLEMING FLEMINGBOSON Secretary ecretaryBfMIOK SecretaryBD0OK BOSON X I OU58 OLDSTreasurer Treasurer 1 4820545 48205 45 was cred credited credited credited ¬ ited our depositors on onJuly onJuly onJuly July 1 for interest on ontheir ontheir ontheir their deposits for the thehalf thehalf thehalf half year yearEvery yearEvery yearevery Every account was wascredited wascredited wascredited credited with its in interest interest interest ¬ terest by the night of ofJuly ofJuly ofJuly July 1 1I 2 per cent interest paid oa de deposits cIeJ doposIts ¬ posits subject to check checkCapital checJLCapital checkCapital Capital and surplus urpl t tAAERICAN 14400WAMERICAN 4etNXCOO 4etNXCOOAMERICAN AMERICAN SECURITY SECURITYND SECURXTYAND AN AND ND TRUST COMPANY COMPANYNorthwest COMPANYI COMPANYNorthwest Northwest Corner of ofFifteenth ofFifteenth I Fifteenth and Pennsylvania Are AreCharles AyeCharles Ve VeCharles I Charles J Bell President PresidentTHE PresidentTHE PresidentTHE THE THEUNION THEUNION THEUNION UNION UNIONSAVINGS UNIONSAVINGS UNIONSAVINGS SAVINGS SAVINGSBANK SAVINGSBANK SAVINGSBANK BANK BANKBOND BOND BTJTtBIHQ 714 14th St StInvites st stInvite StInvites Invites your Account AccountDeposit AccountKOKJY AccountDeposit Deposit branch at atWoodward atWocdward Woodward Lothropa LothropaPromptly LothropsI LothropsMONET I MONET A1 4 AfD 2TD 8 P1 PEE PEEWDomptIy CiJI CiJIt Promptly loaned en real estate t In the DUtrtet DUtrtetWMbia DtstrI = 1 Columbia WMbia LOWEST COMMISSIONS COMMISSIONSV COMI4LSSIONSaBtSXBLL JI l lKJUSX11LL KJUSX11LL l McLEBAJl McLEBAJlHU McLBB McLBBlees HU V ST T N W WLoan WLon WLoan Loan Lon Companies CompaniesNo No Payments Required for 60 Days DaysOB OB all twelvemonth loan to new CUB customers CUBtomen enstoinets ¬ tomers we allow two months before tint tintpayment Jratpyment Statpayment payment U I due You have u use of the themoney they tb tbmoney money y for thirteen months at our rerular rerulars regtisrrates 1ar 1arNtea s rates te for twelve t lvemoIlUul months We W tak taJL up uploam up10aDa upJeans loam from other companies omplU es and advance advanceyou advanceJou advanceYou you more money with smaller PAyments paymentTHE PAymentsTHE paymentsTHE THE LIBERAL COMPANY COSCPAXTCITIZENS COXPA COXPACITIZENS COMPANYrVIIIVMC rVIIIVMC LoanS LoanSTrust j jjII1LI11 CITIZENS jII1LI11 Lra Trust Trust4C9 Co CoM 4C9 4 Commercial Bank Building BuliaincN BuUdl BuUdlN N W Cor 14th and G Sta 51 Fourth Fl FlIF Floor lIIo1l IF YOU ARE PUTTING MONET MONEToables MONEYIs 1 Is a baBk bank you look for Oi the safe safeInstitution t tloaUtUUOD Institution why not UN the same sametars aRls aRlscare care when you deposit your val valuables valsables sables for a JoanT loaD We have a building ad aadsafes adsat andsales safes sat made for the purpose e All A business businessconfidential btuln8uCOftftdenUaI businessconfidentIal confidential Money KODe loaned OB watches watch die diamonds 4tad dieno ¬ monds no Jewelry etc Interest three per can canInstead caJnH Costinetoa Instead d ot tea teaH tenII r H K X FULTONS l LOA OAJT OFFICE OFFICErstabllflned OFFICEDtablbed OFIICBYstablished rstabllflned ISltt JH Ninth Street X W WFURNITURE wFURNITURE WFURNITURE FURNITURE LOANS 10 to 300 300Alsa Also loans loan en Pianos Organs Teams any n nPenooal Personal Property and to salaried Iarled employer employesAn emplOJoAAn employerAn An old oldesbl1abed established company companyPotomac companyPotomac companyPotomac Potomac Guarantee Loan Go COif 928 F 1 St N W WRooms WRooms Wileoms Rooms 21 23 2324 24 Atlantic Bulldla BulldlaSecond Bulldtl1Second 8ulIdinSecond Second Floor Flo r Fhona Main 333 333OWFY 53 53MONEY 53E OWFY Loanod at atReason atawIsw MONEY E awIsw l lilCiI a Reasonable Reason ble Rates RatesProm RatesFrom Ratesrrom Prom 500 to 5000 5000Business 5000Bualnes 5000Business Business confidential confidentialJOSEPH conftdentla1TOSEPH confidentialJOSEPH JOSEPH CAHN Room RoomJtnifer 406 406Jenifer 400Jenifer Jenifer Bld Bldg 7th and D at at nw nwTHE 602 6 0 2 2N = = 1 N WHEN IN NEED OF OFMONEY I MONEY MONEYTHE CRT XO XOI XOCan I I THE T CAPITAL LOAN L CO COCan CoCan Can and Will Help You YouWo Youw YouWt Wo w loan money on Furniture and andPianos andPianos andPianos Pianos at a minimum rate o ot interest interestLoans InterestLoans InterestLoans Loans with other companies paid off offand ortand offand and a larger sum advanced at a lower lowerrate lowerrate lowerrate rate than you are now paying payln paylnJ J 602 F Street N S W WEstablished I I IEstablished Established 1878 1878LOAMS 1I7SLOAllS s sLOANS LOAMS NEGOTIATED on clocks bends bendsbldff ben benbId bendsbldg bldff bId 1 and loan assca shares syndicate csr csrtlfs ee eeUta tsrtifa tlfs warehouse receipts etc low raze rateicourteous rcteJeourteou razecourteous courteous treatment THIS IS NOT A A LOA LOAXcoaepANY LOACOXPANY LOANCOXPANY COXPANY a C A BAKER ui 1W > v et lilt lilthODe iig3bou hODe 1i17 It 1 Loan Companies CompaniesSiO CompaniesMONEY CompanIesMPN MONEY MPN SiO 10 AND UPWARDS UPWARDSOn On Zonseaold onsekoId Goods Good GoodIarlB piano Viasosi pianoSalarlas i 8larles ete eteSPECIAL eMSPECIAL eteSPECIAL SPECIAL NOTICEI Wa w wiu positively Joan 3os you money mODe at RATES 10 0 CHEAPER than aay a other eompaay ia UM city cityCOME CUTCOME cityCOME COME TO US All you have t tIt to do Ie to ow us what nt rats yea eu HA Hayg VB tEEM igi JlJtoC or whet nt 78C ARE JytJK W We w1l1 reset t that Nt sad sa It 18 per uttt house ta 1iO 10 1 I t lower rate It cost costth Oa ou abIIolU abeolotsly ly nothing to YK1tr th there a statements statementsNo tattaNo tetemen tetemenNo No Charges Diduottd DiduottdMOKBT DduotddOHBY flsduotedMON34T MOKBT SAME DAY DAYIf DAYIt DAYZr If TOO cannot call callWrltt eaU eaUWrit cafiWrlt Wrltt Writ or Phoni PhoniTBZJEPBOKX Phon Phonan4 Phonsand and CUI UtlMaatlal agent t will can Oft 705 DeS give 70ti rates and run JIrtIoa1an JIrtIoa1anlBLBPIfClHlt sarticuisriTBLSPIKNn TBZJEPBOKX MAIN JOIi JOIiAMERICAN JaAMERICAN 3Si 3SiAMERICAN AMERICAN LOAN CO COJ3S6 J3S6 New York avenue northwest northwestM MrthW 011 M floor trout troutThe tJooatTheut lasetThcCut The Theut ut Rate Square Doa DeaiCompany DoaCompany DonsCompany Company CompanyTo To ask us for money All applicators appliea ors ra raeeive ro rocelve y ycelve celve prompt and courteous attention anentiObusiness f fbusiness CLbusins > business is isthe the iargestintho Lriestin thIS city Loarspa Loarspaoff Loa Loes Loesoff s r roff off and more money advanoad at aUowe lo lowe we m J It you w nud ed monty and want a tPrijJt pfat loan on you Ourfurnture r f u rnjtura piano i iafaotwulcattatonce etc wihcllt WI 4Cst re remonJftllouttb Temove monJftllouttb move moveagentyilIoeIlstoms sbkutk maUbtous aIt r 1 1eotwlUG afaotwulcattatonce eotwlUG lIt Pho fkeecqein luHteH Main433 Main433Addrwc 4s 433 433Ihna s sHIM HIM HIMAddr Addrwc AddrwcAmount Addr IC w wAmount Amount W WaftMd WaftMdDISTRICT ntd ntdDISTRICT DISTRICT LOAN CO CO639FStNW 639FStNW 639 F St St1 N W V Cor 7th F FItTouAreinNeedofAnySumfron U ItTouAreinNeedofAnySumfron OOI 10 io 3 300 300And m I And Want it the CHEAPEST It Can CanBe CanBe CaxiBe Be Had Come to toLoan toLoan toLoan Loan Headquarte rs 610 FNW FNWWe F N NOW NOWWe W WWe We loan on household goods horses horseswagons horeeswqona horewagons wagons pianos and fixtures You can caneret canget canget get the money within a FEW FE HOUR HOUKdiof BOU1 BOU1of I IoC of the time you apply applyTHE apply1HE applyTHE THE OLD RELIABLE RELIABLEWASHINGTON RELIABLEWASHINGTON RELIABLEWASHINGTON WASHINGTON MORTGAGE MORTGAGELOAN MORTGAGELOAN MORTGAGELOAN LOAN CO f 610 F Street N W Wloom WRoomPer Room 1 1r r Per 105 fan fanSave fano an anSate 2 SaTe Our OurW 3o by o M Month o nth System SstfmW SystemWe W We loan money to all 11 on their FumitarB Pianoa etc tc you return the theyou me jtl ii as asyou you xn eza Wa pay off other othermore loam ghe ghemore gi e emore more mousy and do verythlne strIct > jr jrvate Jrate jrrate rate ate No charge tor papers lull artS aourt aourtglv artSgiven r t tgiv giv given n For a quick loan gir p give us a tra Phone Main MO Agent t will call and expUnj expUnjrma eXr expiai expiaiterms dJJ terms tennaHOUSEHOLD termsHOUSEHOLD rma HOUSEHOLD rmaHOUSEHOLD LOAN CO COIll 616 F St N W Room 1 and 2 2 S Second Secondw cond F 01 01LOANS rr rrWH WH w 110 0 LOANS LOANSMONEY LOANSMONEY o1riy MONEY at atenemies atWe 3 3V V We e are not 1n the Trust because we wedo wedo do a as we ad advertise ertise and because Tie ar arenemies 3 3enemies enemies of the highpriced 10 per cent centmoney nIlmoney cer cermoney money sharks Look at the followus followusrates toll fullociLgrates wut wutrates rates A child can understand them 15 5 only 87c per mo 150 50 only H 166 L 6 p ponly rter ro roonly 15 only 123 L23 per mo 975 only 1249 2 349 p per DJ r 100 only 266 66 per mo moDont mOoDont meDont Dont be misguided or secure e ure a loaj loajuntil loan 11Uuntil loanuntil until you have consultei us usNATION ua uaNATIOTAL usLoan NATION AT Loan and NATIONAL 11 Al tulX 11 AL ALRoe investment InvesnnentC3 InvesnnentC3Reem41 CD CDTHIS tiReern4itieme Roe Reem41 Reern4itieme m 41 Home Heme 1 15th Cf j s G 4th 4thkr 4thkrLife rhJ rhJUfe Life Building BuildingTHISMEANSYOU Pro ProTHIS THIS THISMEANSYOU THISMEANSYOUThink MEANS MEANSYOU MEANSYOUThink YOU YOUThink Think Before Iou Borrow Money MoneySEE MoneYSEE MoneyaSEE aSEE SEE US FIRST FIRSTWe EIRSTea EIRSTeaWe We lean on furniture fumltu pianos etc and will willpay wHlpay wiltpay pay off o an any loan company you owe and ad advance advaaee advance ¬ vance you more money at rate rat cuejj clHapt clHaptthaa eirapthan 5 5than than you can borrow oa real estate eatateALL NltateALL estateALL ALL PRIVATE OFFICES AT ATThe ATThe ATThe The Metropolitan Loan Loanand Loanand Loanand and Trust Company Company5O5 Company505E Company505E 5O5 505E St N W WCOLD WCOLD WCOLD L COLD WAVE COMING COMINGRetiring COMINGet1IIDI COMINGNothing Retiring et1IIDI lUte bavin having u place to corn come to towhen towhen towhen when In aa emergency ergeocy People borrow money moneySURETY mneywbele xunrywhere where tbe they aN treated the best and PY the tbaLEAST theLEAST LEAST for lL it That Thats wIlT we ale so 0 wed wedknGwa catknown known Loans uB Furniture Pianos BrA BrASalaries r3 r3Salaries Salaries SalariesCall SalariesCall Call 01 Those X XSURETY 390 390SURETY SURETY LOAN GO GOBecona GOSecond COSecona Second Floor SOOBI aoo oo 1 Warder XnU XnUOeraer 1Iu11d1nar Corner HUtta aaa z 2 r streets streetsAsk StreetrO StreetsWE rO WE WELOAN at 3 3Ask LOAN N Money Moneyat3 Moneyat3Ask Ask the ether c companies what they theycharge the thecharge theycharge charge then SEE US and find out tot totyourself toryourself foryourself yourself how much lower our rates are areThe are areThe areThe The Interest on J10 10 is SCe a month monUlIs ii iiis i iIs is The a month 60 60 is i 150 150 a month nail nailIs 109 109Is io ioIs Is I S a month Other amounts In pr prportion prportion prportion portion portionMutual portionftiutuaI portionMutual Mutual Loan 6 3 Trust Co 913 G Street N Ne W WWHY WWH Wwift WHY WH wift DONT YOU TRY TRYThe TRYThe TRYThe The company that gives the cheapest cheapestrates chel eheapes eheapesrates est estrates rates most generous rebates and tla tlamost tLamo Uamost most mo t courteous treat treatLOANS treatment treatmentLOANS treatment treatmentLOANS LOANS LOANSOn On household gooos pianos horsey horseywagons horsf horsfwaeons horsowagons wagons fixtures salastes sala etc etcAll etcAJI etcAll All business strictly confidential ftdt1a1 N Nfees Xi XiMS i ifees fees MS You get the full amount ask askfor askl askltor asktifor for Private offices officesReliance officesReliance officesReliance Reliance loan and Trust CD CDei9 C J ei9 B st ar w wSionoy WMOl1ey WMoney Money Loaned Salaried feople feopleRetail JeopleRetail leopleRetail Retail merchants teamster boarding bouses bouseswithout houses housesIthout bourwithout without Ithout security large e business la ft 62 prta prtacipal PrtAdpa p pdpa1 cipal dUes ciU TOLMAK Roma iK i Ml 16tfl it itLOANS at atow 3r 3row ow owLOANS iOANS LOANS ON ON FURNITURE FURNITUREHere Here we are way down at the bottom bottomof bott Dt Dtor of the column columnm columnWHBN columnWHEN WHEN m N IN DOUBT about borrowing borroWin borroWinjust borrow inj just can on the company that blows blowsthe blow blowthe blowuthe > the least Thats us usNo UILADSOLUTJlLY usABSOLUTELY ABSOLUTELY ADSOLUTJlLYNo No publlctty pub1icttyno no prying into your yourprivate yourpr1v yourprivto private pr1v affairs affairsno no delay delayCOLUMBIA dejayCOLUMBIA deayCOLUMBIA COLUMBIA GUARANTEE CO COW 613 F ST N W PRIVATE OFFICE OFF