OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, October 10, 1906, Last Edition, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1906-10-10/ed-1/seq-1/

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I +
I I partlYcOUdYfrosttqnight Partly cloudy frost frosttanight frosttanightThursday tonight tonightThursday
II I I I Thursday fair warmer warmer larmerI us usNUMBER t n ton t me LAST AST EDITION EDITI01UMBER I ij
Second Tragedy of th thKind
Kind This Year in inHouse inHouse inl
House o of Pavle Pavlenoff Pavlenoff P five fiven l
noff noffHEBREWS noffHEBREWS n off offHEBREWS
B BGovernments BY Y PEOPLES
Governments Prestige Part Partly Partly Part1Y
ly Regained Through Mis Mistakes Mistakes Mistakes ¬
takes of Constitutional ConstitutionalConvention ConstitutionalConvention ConstitutionalConvention
Convention ConventionST
ST T r PBTEBSBUHG PsT IIRG Oet 10 lOA lOAdiipateJk 1oAdispatch A Adispute
dispute from TUte says JS tl that thatPrince thatPrince at atPrince
Prince Jason J Pavlonoff was w Bor yltrrdered Bordered r rd ¬
dered d r on a street in the riUaffe of ofGorki ofGorki ofGorki
Gorki Jfon None of the U vfllagei would wouldLandle wouJdandle woudhandle
handle andle the t body and it lies JI where ere it itfll Ititll Iteli
itll eli
Prince Juon Jasons uncle mtel Prince Greg Gregr GrofMV
MV 1 r v WM similarly slmltarl murdered last lastJune JutTune lastTune
Tune and His JlI body lay for ten tendays tenday tenJay
days day before it was removed for forImrial forIJllrial
Imrial ImrialODESSA IJllrialODESSA 1 urial urialODESSA
ODESSA Oct 10 1OID In tb the name of ofthe otI atthe
I the C Cur MT death tit to the Jews Jew to I the thesubstance thefubMtance tooFubstance
substance of an amazing inflammatory inflammatoryaidress btfIanuaaroryiddresa infhmmatOrywhIrese
aidress ittade iade by President Dubrovln ofthe of oftiie olthe
the Union tff Russian people peopleDubrcvln peopleDubrcvln peoplePubrcvin
Dubrcvln spoke to a band of 9fO arm armril Utahi arnct
ril members of the t union unt < a who had car carn cuflod carrid
n rid < d him on their shoulders to the rall rallivad rallltad
ivad 1 ad station t on his departure for KlvIn Kiev KievIn JCj JCjIn
In the name e oC 0 our beloved emperor e eI emperorY
1 bless ble you II be e saidThe said saidThe w wThe
The holy Russian cause is the exter extermination ext extninatlon extermination ¬
mination of t rebels You know who ho they theyare theyLife theyare
are and where to find them Clear the
Itusslan soil of them themThe t them themThe em emThe
The feuacian people wants neither neitherconstitution BetthermsUtution neitherr
constitution r nor parliaments but orth orthc orth1oXY orthcaoxy
c caoxy ioxy and autocracy autocracyKai autocracyo
Kai Kaia2 Uo ° ahead brothers
a2 death tQ the tn
rebels t bf beis
and Jews JewsDouma Jew JewAfter
After PNItle Prmidein t Duhwvhss tola
it the l > fl1 armed mea JItIetIed had
l ti prindpalatftebl ofthe city 17 17J 17th shoutt shouttDeath
Death th to the rebels bot death
J Jews Jewsnoulna to the theDouma
Douma May M a Y Not Meet MeetUnless MeetUnless MeetUnless
Unless Uprising Comes ComesST Com ComST
ST PETERSBURG Prr RBuRG Oct lOiRussia 16R nsia
probably will never have another meet ¬
ing of the douma Unless unl another revo ¬
lution similar to that which forced th the <
concession neelon of the putative puta ve national as astmbly utmlJly asyrmbly
tmbly recently dissolved by the Cur
makes makt > s it necessary n ry to call the assembly bly
together tog ther to allay ana the tb aroused people
temporarily tmporarll t mporarily in circles
clese to the Coy government CoyNJiment gorrnment ¬
ernment the opinion prevails that the thetiouma theouma
tiouma ouma despite promises > > rem from the tb Csar
will not be summoned for at least two twoJirs twotrs twoThe
Jirs JirsThe trs trsThe
The government now feels tee strong stro stroJIugh
p enough in view of the lore
0811 of influ influence In u uIII ¬
ence euc III sustained by the constitutional
it 11mlcraUc niooratlc party through its It backdown
Jn n its national convention COftvetion convention in Helaing Helaln
< <
fora ITs r to attempt a resumption of arbi arbl
trary rule Incentive to postpone call
Ing the douma for two years is found
In tht > offer made by b a foreign syndi Myndla ¬
c cate a < to t > to
make a new loan to Russia con conclttional ¬
ditional upon the abandonment of the
In IIato puns to reassemble the douma doumaGoreramaat doumaGovernmut doumaGovsrnmeat
Goreramaat Gttl Gale e Ground GroundIr
It is estimated that in two days daysnee daysneeth since sinceth sinceth
th > action of the constitutional demo democratic demonat democritic ¬
critic nat e convention became known the thegovernment theyernmnt thegovernment
government yernmnt has rained greater prestigethan prestige prestigejpars preetl preetltll1n
than it baa had at any time Urn within two twofar twoyears
years far The hope of the people pJ gener generally cenerl ¬
t ally 1y l have been abatt ahatttfd J by the con connt conntion8 conntiona
nt ntion8 Ions abandonment of strong oppotiUn oppo oppoMtiun opp oppfltin
Mtiun tiUn to the government in th the face of ofthroats oCtltrtats o otbreats t
throats from the authorities They feel feelthit feelnlt feeltht
thit they have MV been betrayed At pres present preetnt present ¬
ent they th > y have not the courage to try
t tt build up another organization organlsa on pow powerful powrlul powerful ¬
erful rlul enough to light ft < < bt the governmenttith government governmentith
tith ith it h any hope of success successThat succe succeThat successThat
That the constitutional democrats democratsr democrata1plIz
1 1plIz r c uliro they made a terrible mistake Isahotin is is6h I Ibv
6h ahotin wn by the tb efforts efor l in their conven convention ooltvnoII convenaon ¬
tion oII yesterday ysterday to refrain re < < aln lost ground groundri
ri ljl ji radicals instated on bringing 1 their theirprogram theirprogram theirprogram
program to the fore and advocating tak taking takjn taking ¬
ing jn advanced ground und in the fight ft ht on the thegovernment theJiItlUneat theg
government g v rnment But it is generally felt that thatthe thatto thatthe
the to damage dam never neV < < can be repairedLoan repaired repairedLoss rredLoa
Loss Loa Demands Attention AttantioaIn
In view of Russias Ruuta financial condi condition COMIfn oondtthn ¬
tion the offer of an enormous loan loanhardly Joanhardly leanhardly
hardly can be overlooked by the goy government IOTfnment goyc ¬
ernment c Now that it seems to be Inu in ina inII
a position to resist the demand for teazzemblinR re reassembling reII ¬
assembling II 5sembU the douma those on on the in inside InIlde Inside ¬
side generally believe bellev the offer of the thepyndlcte theyndlCe theyndlcze
pyndlcte will be accepted and the prom promis JIOmis promii i
is ii to call the assembly btT together againwill again againwill
will 111 be Ignored IgnoredIf IpOredIt
If the th douma is i postponed tpOnecl for two twoyears twopan twoyears
years the chances are good that It will willi wUI1rr
i 1rr r vrr meet again aln until the government
is forced to grant the concession through
an uprlelu uprtslpr of the people Just at pres present presEnt preyent ¬
ent all the Czars Csar advisers are engaged
In trying to persuade him that the goy government goyernment v vErnment ¬
ernment is I strong enough to rule witho with without ¬
out o t the douma and that order can be berestored bertstored berestored
restored eooner and the terrorists crushed crush crushed crualted ¬
ed quicker if It is not reassembled reassembledSTUDY reaaembledSTUDY reassembledSTUDY
LONDON Oct mThe report re of the
first cotton commission sent out by b the
I Lancashire Lancaah cotton
spinners pIma was wuf so sofavorable sog
f g < favorable that a second rmmlsnlon will willbe wU1be
be sent to t to America Amer to study tae a4vtaability advis ¬
ability of b hering lng land in the cotton belt beltBrio
or the Southern sut States to toiAlabama supply the
Brio British a aabaIDA needs needsAlabama
Alabama abaIDA Floorisg 150 Per 190 Feet FeetLumbar FeetI FeetLustbsr
Lumbar I lMHr Trust Tru t Broken JhooIc
4Wbbey A I Co Wes h St N Y AveAdv
Co Conen ten Dies Dies1Slayer DiesSlayer
Slayer Sick SickWhen Sickwhen
When Tol TolEnd
I End Comes After YearSuffering Year YearSuffering Y ear earSuffer
Suffering Suffer ng From Bul Bullet Bullet Bullet ¬
let Wound
Who Died in Louisville Ky Last Nig NigLOUISVILLE h
LOUISVILLE Ky Oct 1O 10Afte 10Aftelingering tta ttaItaprJac
lingering between bet ween life and nd d death t tmore
more than a year Lucien H Cones C ConesUnited th
United States tateM Marine bandsman wh whwas
was shot down on tb tM streets of W Wittgton Wash Washington WaabID
ington ID < < tOn by Mrs J L Jennie J L Ir May Septem September Septmber ileptemher
ber 17 7 IMS died here last night nl < < ht at hiliJBOtb Id Idmothers
mother JBOtb home bomeShoetly homeShortly v r rShortly
Shortly after the the shootUMQ shoo hOo aQ jtWcn EMIchsuited Jilek re resulted re8Ulted
suited in Conen becoming beco paralyzed h hWIUI hwas
was brought here and placed uud uudskilled
skilled medical treatment Special Specialmpioyed Specialists Specialistsemployed 8peclaUat8pIOIed
employed pIOIed every every means Mean possible Ible to bra braabout
about his recovery el In recent weeks 1 1wag it itwas Itwail t
was known that he bad no chance chanceabandoned to tolive toUve
live and all hope was aband abandConens abandoned abandonedConens abaadontdConen
Conens Conen mother who has kept a cease ceaseless C ceaseem a ¬
less 1 em vigil hoping hoDin < < against t hope that her herboy belboy he heboy r
boy would rotate ree his vitality and healt healtwas health healthwas hAlthat h
was at the bedside e when he died Conen Conenwas Conenwaa Con em
was a native of Kentucky Xtuck and it Itprobable is isprobable wprobhIe I i
probable that t t he will be buried here hereMis hereKay hereMrs
Mrs May S Sew M He One OneIn OaeIu OneInthe
In Inthe the tb little Ute home at WT 17 B st sttt
joutkeaat tt eaat t Mrs Mrs Jennie J I 4 L May Ka Kato Mayhegflf denieshejftlf
hejftlf to all visitors Tell them thermtali u
tali am ill and ean see ee no one Is I the aMaent thesage mos mosI me
I sage she sends aent to the door by her lei fif fifteenyearold Atteenyearold t tenyearold
teenyearold te e n year yearalmost ol d daughter teI who has hasallDOMt
almost constantly conatao at t her h side since 1MIIbooU th thshooting
shooting IIbooU of Lueten H Conies on ortember Sep September September ¬
tember 21 IMt IMtThe J JThe 1101The
The news new of Capons ceo death reached reachedher reachedber reacheher d
her last night and for the first time timesince tt ttsince dsince sae saelaY
since the tragedy occurred Mrs Mrsshowed May Mayshowed Xyahowed
showed signs Idcn of emotion emotionMy emotloftMy
My God It is I over now she sheand sob soband IIObbed IIObbedand
and the strain > > traln under which she shebeen had hadbeen ba babean d
been laboring for more than a year 1 had hadcome badcome ha hacome d
come to an A end endCant endCat endCant
Cant Try Her for Murder MarderOn MurderOn 1tr1er 1tr1erOn
On September 27 last he had lived livedyear a ayear ayear
year and a a day dathe the legal 1 limit within withinthe with Withlthe withthe in
the District for which a person personbe ean eanbe oaabe
be tried for murder The most moetehar serious seriouscharge serioucharge s
charge ehar on which hleb Mr Mrs May can be bedangerou tried triednow triednow
now is assault u1t with a aweapon dangerous dangerousweapon dancerouewapon s
weapon with intent to kill The srand srandjury IrrDdjury gran granjury d
jury returned an indictment on oncharge this thischarge thI thIcharp
charge against Mrs May October OctoberShe 1 1She 1She L
She is I now out on bond bondThe bondThe bondThe
The details of the shooting sbootin are still stillfresh sti stifresh UII UIII 11 llof
I fresh in the minds of the residents residentsthis of ofthis ofI
I this thl city Conen and Del Mrs n Mays h hmusician hus husband bu bubad ¬
band Ole J May were both musicians musiciansin mualctanIn music musicin s
in the Marine Band Cohen was wasturning re returning returnlAe ¬
turning from a band concert at the theCapitol tbeCapitol t tCapitol he
Capitol in which he had taken part partwas Hem He Hewas H Hwas
was met by Mrs May by who shot him himin bimIn hi hiIn m
in the back with a revolver revolverWhen revoJvfrWhen revolverWhen
When the case come up for trial trialMrs trialI t tMrs rid
Mrs I Mays May defense will be that she shewas sh shwas be bewa e
was wa defending her honorFATAL honor honorIIHTFFI honorFATAL
It 01 ILL i Lnlil LnlilCHICAGO
CHICAGO Oct IfMllo Lavieg was waskilled waskilled wa wakilted s
killed another man i is reported to have havedied ltavedied ba badied ve
died and eighteen tII bteen or twenty others otherswere otherswere otherwere s
were injured as the result of a terrific terrificexplosion errl errloxplo errlexplosion
explosion oxplo lon of gas in a furnace in the thaIllinois theIl11nol th thIllinois e
Illinois Steel Companys plant in South SouthChicago SouthLhlcsO Sout SoutChicago h
Chicago todayA today todayA
A piece of slag aac choking up the vent i ithe in inthe Inth n
the th furnace is i said 14 to have causedexplosion caused the theexplosion theexpiOffion
explosion of orTHE gas gasTHE gasTHE
Generally fair weather is indicated indicatedthe for forthe torthe
the next few days in the Washington Washingtonforecast WaJ Washingtoforecast t1n < < ton tonforecaat n
forecast district except tmtt tn t snow no flur flurries fturrle u uruse ¬
ruse rle are probable along the lower lakes lakesThe lakesThe lake lakeThe
The temperature will will continue low u uil un until unUJ n ¬
Thursday afternoon
til t il Thursday Tbulildllv afternoon afternoonThe
The following heavy precipitation precipitationInches in ininches Inlaeh
inches laeh has been reported during duringpast the thepast thepa
past pa t twentyfour hours Erie US USCleveland 111Cleveland L LCieveland
Cleveland 11 118 Portland Me IS2 1112Island Block Illeekre BlockIsland DioekIland
Island ltt Boston Li 112 Hartford Ranto 101 LtANew 101New 101New
New York 114 Concord 1M 111Steamers 1MSteamers 1 1Steam
Steamers Steam departing today toda for Sure Surepean > JIIurepeaft I7u I7uits re reyarial
pean ports its will have ba v fresh and andwinds d variable variablewinds varIah varIahwind e
winds wind with showery weather te toGrand the theGrand UteGrand
Grand Banks BanksTKM3TORATURE Bank BanksT1
t a m p
1 p m mKegtaterwl JftDO mDOWNTONN
Kegtaterwl R AJOeek AJ1 Mk > s HMM 11I l l1a THermometer THermometera 1ItenIt 1ItenItJR
1a a m 6t
noon a =
1 p m ST STSUN 6
sets lie toflay i 1Jf 1JfhItt t
rises rI M tomorrow tomorrowTIDE tM tMTID 6 tI tIrID
High tide today i 747 p m JftLow
tide tld today to ay 111 l tpm tpmHferh P m mB1Rh
tide tomorrow N p nv M MLow
Low tldo tomorrow 118 1 a a m 2slT t17 JI p pRABPLrRS m mHARPERS MRAIlPERS
HARPERS FERRY W R Vs Oct 1 1Both It ItBoth IiBoth 0
Both rivers muddy
Mystery o of Man WhcDisappeared
Disappeared in July Be Believed Believed Believed ¬
lieved to Be Solved SolvedLEFT Solvedl SolvedLEFT
Mountains Where CrimeWas
Was Committed Infested InfestedWith InfestedWith InfestedWith
With Tramps TrampsFLBMIKCrrON TrampsFLmMlKOON TrampsFLM1NGTON
FLBMIKCrrON N J J Oct 10 SoDeatenby
by a band of robbers stripped of all hiscuh
cash and valuables ft uabIft and then tit bOundhand
hand and foot and burned IN sirre Uwueb altveuehwait Uwuebwu eueh euehwas
was wu the fate of Frank L Hopkins awealthy a awealthy athJ
wealthy thJ contractor of Xewark accord according accord according ccordlIIe ¬
ing to the theory of Coroner Cor George GeorgePidcock GeorgePldeock GeorgePldeock
Pldeock PidcockTbe PldeockTb PldeockThe
The Tb body of a man who met such Suel afate a afate atale
fate and which is supposed pp0 e4 to bfc b be that tliatof thatof thatof
of Ho Hopkins has been found in the Chi cinders Chidera ciadove ¬
dove of a brush bru heap near the summit summitof summitof ummltor
of ML hit Asbury The mountain is fre frequented frttquente4 frequented ¬
quented by b tramps tNaw of a a desperate char character chartter charactor ¬
actor tter and robberies and other crimes of offrequent oftrequent
frequent occurences occur have been attrib attributed attributed ¬
uted to them themThe tbenLTale
The nnding of the body bod clears up a amystery aIIIYatery amystery
mystery that has been unfathomable unfathomablesince
I since ance July Ju y St last On that date Mop
I kins JdMeft kb s left air offices in Newark to visit visithis vtIIItbJ visithis
his bJ wife and child who were summering summeringat u uat
at a farmhouse on the mountain about abouta
a ladle from rota where the body was found
The last seen of Hopkins was when wa
he h align alllrnte ted from the train at the sta ¬
tion and started to walk to the farm ¬
house bOu ho He H < had more than 100 with him
The belief bell is that he was held up and
knocked knockedon on the head when he resisted resistedand 1 1and
and that t the body was dragged d to theroadside the theit tb tbroadde
roadside where It was Marched Then
it is m surmised they piled brush over
the body and set flee to it It is I certain oer tale
that the lb body laid for many wwks TV lOka B
where it was W found which strengthens
the belief that it is that of the con OD
tractor An Inquest will be held Satur ¬
day dayipflvADr daySOX
Big Switch in Betting Betting a on onChampionship onChampionship
Championship Series SeriesWeather SeriesWeather S rtes
Weather Clearing ClearingCHICAGO ClearingCHICAGO ClearingCHICAGO
CHICAGO Oat 1II UIstarset JS Interest tMe t I ie at fever fevertween fev fevheat feverbest
heat today 0 over the sensed game gametween he hetween
tween Ute Cubs Cu and the Sox for the theworlds theworkI Ut e
worlds workI chumpjeasjiitp chumpjeasjiitpWith chaM chamsoe TltJSl TltJSlWJth lp
With the Sox one game to the good goedthe JIMclthe
the odds od a have ba shifted and from to top
heavy favorites faYOrtt the Cubs Cub have dropped droppedto droPl droPlto
to the second choice at odds of o 4 to I IBesides L Ltheir
Besides their advantage adnDta < < e of winning the thefirst thedrat th °
first game of the tll series the Sox today todayhave tocIayay
have ay the additional Advantage d dant vantage of play playing playlit playleg ¬
leg lit < < on their own grounds roud8 Thescene The Th6bltted scene sceneshifted
shifted to ThlrtyLinth street and Want Wantworth wtworth
worth avenue A venue vu to4a today The weather weth to today today ¬
day 4 is i bltingly cold but the sun seamaking aU 18 i imaking 18nu
making nu rlq a persistent ert nt effort to snow show It Itself ItIC ¬
self IC and a big crowd will no doubt douDtoa b bon
on hand handCity haJHICity
City Evenly Divided DividedA DiwedA Diwed
A year ago the Cubs CU won the firs first firstgame ftrstaa4 t
game and the Sox the tb second The Cu Cuheratts Cub Cubadherents CubadlMrenta b
adherents ed heratts herattsreverse are wondering if history will willreverse willItMIt
reverse re vere verewin itself this year ear and the Cu Cubs Cubswin Cubawin
win the second HCO 4 game So evenly ig th thoily the thecity thecity e
city divided over the th question of the tnftSox theiiJox th thllox e
Sox and Cubs that something n sthing thlajp like half halfthe ha1tthe ballthe
the people hope that this very thing will willhappen wfUhappen I Ihappen
happen The other half haltwen well It hopes hopesthat hopethat ho hothat pea
that th the Sox So c will keep right rl < < bt on and win winthem winthem 1n 1ntbem
them ail ailThere allTheN ailThere
There are thousands of others ethers ready readyto readyto read readto y
to cheer for either club Those The e are the theimpartUl theImpartf t timpartitl
impartUl Impartf ill fans who are loyal to both bothand oothand
and only oul want to see the best team teamwin teamwin tea
win Then there are others who ho woul would
like to see each club win three games gantoeand gamesand
and then rain or some ome other situ CUUM CUUMprevent UH UHprevent 8e
prevent the deciding game gameWho gameWho gameWho
Who Will Pitch Today TodayWho TodayWho
Who will pitch today is the great greatquestion greatquUon Brea t
question It is expected the managers managerswill managerswUl
will not decide till the very last moment momentthe momontthe momentthe
the same llam < 3 as was done yesterday If Ifthe Itthe I Ithe 1
the managers know they the wont tell tellThe tellTh tellThe
The Th Sox might possibly put Altrook Altrookin Altrooin k
in again He te I a horse ht > > ne when It comas comasto comesto oom ea
to hard work and will pitch every over overgame y
game If they will let him hintTh himTh
The Th Cubs have ave Pftester a lefthander
Besides Pflester Pfte tet there Is Ruelbach an and t
the coldweather pitcher Carl Lund Lundgren Lundxren
glen It will undoubtedly be one of ofthese oftbe o othese r
these tbe three with the chances in favo favor favorof favorof r
of Ruelbach if the weather is cloudy cloud Y rY
when tbe game starts startsBaseball startaC
Baseball C asehall Bulletins BulletinsThe Bu letins letinsThe
The results of the worlds worldschampionship vorldschampionship
championship baseball be between between between ¬
tween the Chicago Ameri American American ¬
can and National League Leagueteams Leagueteams
teams will be announced announcedat
at The Times office in detail de detail e etail ¬
tail The games begin at
330 p m Washington Washingtontime Washingtontilpe Washingtontime
1 1 1t 1A
Entire Army of 6000 60000n Ex Expected Expected ¬
pected pectedTO on Island IsIa d by byMonday byonday Y YMonday
Monday MondayBy onday ondayBy
By tomorrow night the u Jut of the thefirst theJtnt theProt
first expeditionary e army 41 division for forCuban forCWIaA forCuban
Cuban oocapaUon w LlNUea will have enmhae embarked embarkedfrom 0IIIIIuIIedfrom isd isdfrom
from Au A Aueran < erlean shoes 0 and by byIt Monday Mondayit snday sndayit
it is expected the Hit Is K t trooper trap w will wU1set r rset
set foot on Cuban soil ftP Tliselude ftPelud flO flOelude ret retNt
elude elud all the t e troops t mambertag My
000 called for in Secretary Waft ifaffr on onder O Oder 14L 14LcIer
der and so > > far at a t Js known at tn tnWar tINWar tIN theWar
War Department at It t the present time timeno tbIMno timeno
no other forces tore will be sent sentIt sentIt t tIt
It is the feeling In army circles clrcl how however Mwthat however ¬
ever that should the first army of in invasion I Iasloa Invasloa ¬
vasion meet with any obstacles an or order 0l 0ld order ¬
der d for more troops perhaps a still sllttlarger stilllarger un i ilaraer
larger force quickly will be forthcom forthcoming tOltbc forthoornleg a alac ¬
leg It i is not considered that anyfurther any anyfurther It7 It7turtMr
further action in this th respect will be betaken Detaken betaken
taken though till the arrival an1v 1 of Seers Secretary SecntarT Seerstary ¬
tary Taft in Washington Washingtonj
j So far far there has been scarcely sMtoh sMtohin a hU hUla
in the proceedings Inp looking Jookta < < to UIeplantin the toss tMMSplanting
planting < < of the th several regiments e s of ofAmerican ofAnaericD ofAmericas
American soldiers on Cuban land I n4 Workof Werttof Work weekof
of directing dlreoti the transportation tIIItI > > OItaUoft OItaUoftIq is ksmoothly be being ¬
ing K smootHTy sm smoothly oWy expedited upedlte a tted in the office otaceol otaceolQuartermaster of ofQuartermaster
Quartermaster Quat rteruhaetec General neral Humphrey and andi aNIthe sadthe
i the rush of preparations for the he move movement mov movment ¬
ment is now over overAndes overea overAndes
Andes ea Dye There Today TodayThe TodayThe TodayThe
The Andes finally cleared from fro Port PortTampa PortTampct PortTampa
Tampa for Havana yhta at IJft yesterday yesterdaymorning 7dter yesterdaymorning ar armornlftl
morning With this thI vessel ve el there has hasbeen hiubeen hawsbeen
been the only delay dela in the tbetIGIt tmnsort tmnsorttkm
Lion of troops troow so far low water being beingthe bemlftbe beingthe
the principal handicap The Andes An was wasready waready wasready
ready to sail U Sunday afternoon but atthe at atthe attbe
the last t moment it was considered co ldered In Inadvisable Inadviaable Inadvisable ¬
advisable to send her out as she would wouldarrive wouldarrive wouldarrive
arrive at Havana Monday midnight It Itwas Itwaa
was we thought better to start out early
Monday Mcm ay morning morn1n < < so 81 as to land the
troops yesterday afternoon but Mon ¬
day the pilot 1l1ot feared to venture outawing out outowing ut utoWinc
owing to the danger o of running nmnln aground
With high tide yesterday morning how however howMer however ¬
ever the ship c ce clered and the Ant sail
II1 ing of troop troops from Port Tampa was un uncler
cler way The e Andes carried the Four ¬
teenth Light Battery and pack train
frcm Fort Ogithorpe together toc ber with withconsiderable S ScOJUlldMble a aconsiderable
considerable forage and was expected
to dock this rooming roomingSumnars morulDcSumnars
Sumnars Second S Md Consignment ConsignmentThe
The transport S i4tmrhex > muter which carried carriedthe c carriedthe rried rriedtile
the first embarkation etnbarkat OIL of troops troos to Cubabaring Cuba Cubahaving CUbahavln
having havln sailed lIed from New York is now BOWound
bound ound for Newport News N where she shewfll l to towOI
wfll be loaded with another consign consignment oon consignment lp lpment ¬
ment She has aboard Captain Mo MoIntyre MoIntyr MoIntyre
Intyre acting cUn chief of the th Bureau of ofInsular oflnaulr ofInsular
Insular Affairs who is I returning returnl after aftera
a conference cont nce with Secretary Taft on
the question as to whether wbetb < < Cuban af ¬
fairS will be handled in Washington WhJ
by that bureauNearly bureau bureauNearly bureauNearly
Nearly all the remaining troops that
have been ordered out for Cuban ser service ¬
vice Ice have arrived at Newport News
The last of them are expected to arrive am
by tomorrow These The troops include the
Eleventh Cavalry Eleventh Infantry
Eleventh BaUllion of Field Artillery ArtUlel
Company f F i of f the Signal Corps and andthe andthe andthe
the Second Field old Hospital HospitalSTUBENER HospitalSTUBENER
Phil Stubener and Frank Bauskett Bauskettwilt Ba1l8k Bauekettwrit tt ttwIU
writ wilt shoot a match at Stubenars road roidhoure roadhouse roildto
house to ure tomorrow afternoon for a side aidebet sidebet sidebet
bet of n SUO The Tb American Shooting ShootingAssociation ShootingMOClation SheetingAseociation
Association will govern ern the match and andInstead andInteadj andinstead
Instead Inteadj of having ha vtn it > hr r a hundred birds birdsas btrdswa
as as was wa at first suggested u ted it will be for forbut torbut forbut
but fifty rly
This is the third meeting between the thetwo thetwo thetwo
two Mr Bauskett having havin won the first firstand ftrstand firstand
and the second being a a tie at fortyseven forty fortyseven f rtT rtTJieyen
seven birds a piece several v weeks ago agoIn agoIn agoIn
In addition to the match them will willbe willbe 10mbe
be a a number of open events All marks marksmen marksmen marksmen ¬
men are invited to attend attendRUSSIAN attendRUSSIAN attendRUSSIAN
LONDON Oct Jflt 3tGenenl General Kostoff Kostoffuncle Kotortuncle Kostoffuncle
uncle of Mme Ouchakeff who elopedwith eloped elopedwith elopedwith
with Lieutenant Bwripoff is I said to behurrying be behurrying behurrying
hurrying from Moscow to Havre to intereept In Intercept IntlOept ¬
tercept General Ouchakoft < < and aadpetauade persuade
him net to take vengeance y J1 On the te tetng flee fleeing ¬
ing pair but to appeal to their con consciences confidences < on onsciences ¬
Organized Bands in in China ChinaPrepare ChinaPrtpare ChinaPryPare
Prepare for or Combined CombinedAttack COll1binedAttack CombinedAttack
Attack on Foreigners ForeignersVICTORIA ForeignersrICTOJUA
VICTORIA B C Oct MtAnother MtAnotherserious 1 1outbreak
serious outbreak by Boxers is threat threatened threattDed threatened
ened in China according to advices re reeeived reeeted re reskived
skived here In the districts west of ofPekm orPekln ofPekin
Pekm outrages have already been com commilled om omUied oastmitted
milled Uied by organized CJIpD Ied bands of Boxers Boxershe BoxersThe
The he movement MeNI eDt is spreading p Un and serious serioustroubles Sfrioustroub serioustroubles
troubles troub are re feared unless the agitatorseaa agitators agitatorscan actt4torcaa
can be suppressed Upll sed l d Immediately ImmediatelyNews Immodiatel ImmodiatelN ImmediatelyNews
News N of the Boxers movementscoin movements movementscomes movementseonMII
comes coin hi letter jet otters from Mr Stephenson StephensonL Stephensonamtasdonary
L missionary at Tsoclnpsten TsoclnpstenHe TsolnpaiesIHe rota1HdeaHe
He says n the Boxers Box have hay been dritttng dritttngin d11Wn d11WnIn < <
in tho hills hili for months in preparation preparationfor
for an attack at ct on foreigners foreignersHe for forHe foreignerswe
He sends details detal of an attack onTsoulnoer on onTsouittcer onTIIoutacer
Tsouittcer when Boxers oca armed with withspears withspeats
spears a and swords woI rushed ru ed into the citycrying city citycrying clt7crying
crying kill the foreigners Two mis mtsalonaries missionaries ¬
81011 sionaries and four women sought ht safetyat safety safetyat Mfet7at
at the borne of a magistrate magistrateA
A German nnan military officer traveling In IDtheoounlJy
the theoounlJy country organised a small force of ofnative ofnative ofnative
native soldiers armed with IUI guns and and in ina Ina Ina
a fight killed eleven of the Chinese Chinesewounded C1IbMMwounded Chromewounded
wounded a score or more and took
fortytwo prisoners prisonersNO priaoDerJlNO prisonersNO
i FROM CIVIL SERVICE SERVICEInvestigation SERVICEInvestigation SERVIGEInvestigation
Investigation of Federal Officeholders OfficeholdersSchemes OfficeholdersSchoD1es OfficeholdersSchemes
Schemes Postponed Until After AfterElection AfterElectien AfterElection
Election ElectionThe Electienrite ElectionThe
The Civil Service Commission has de decided decldecl decided ¬
cided to refrain from interfering atpresent at atpresent atprwwnt
present with the game 811 of polities poUt asplayed as asplayed upkyecl
played by Federal officeholders eventhough even eventhough eventlHNgh
though reams of charges char may be filed fliedagainst filedagainst 1tledIMt
against IMt them before election day Af After Atter Aftsr ¬
ter the elections are over and the uper upernleiOWil per pernicious pernlelous ¬
nicious activity has subsided the com commission commlon cornmission ¬
mission will get t busy busyThe bu y yThe
The reason assigned for f postponing postponinginvestigation poetponlng1nve postponinginvestigation
investigation 1nve tlcaUon is that any decision now nowwould nowwould nowwould
would be charged to partisan feeling rHlln rHllnby
by those on the losing lo ln side sideAmong
Among the charges already al reds redsflied filed that thatwill tkat tkatwill uaatwill t
will go o over until after election day dayare dayare dayare
are those those of Senator Simmons of North NorthCarolina NorthCarolina NorthCarolina
Carolina and of Assemblyman Winters Wintersof
of New York both against Federal of officeholders otActbolders offlcrhohders ¬
ficeholders In their respective States StatesMRS StatuMRS StatesMRS
At a meeting of the Mary Washing Washington Wahlneton Washington ¬
ton Chapter Daughters of the Amer American Amer1caa Amerlean ¬
lean Revolution last 1a t night Mr 1 lvat lvatKearney 1atKearney atn atnKearney <
Kearney Henry vice regent was unan unanimously unanlmoualy nunsImoualy ¬
imously elected regent to fill the va vacancy vacancy vacasey ¬
cancy created by the tb death deaUlol of Mrs MrsBlhsabeth KraBllzaNth MrsIBtizabeth
Blhsabeth Blair Lee LeeMrs LeeMr LeeMrs
Mrs Mr Henry has been prominently
Jde identified Ufted with the Daughters of the theAmerican tbtAmerlcaJt theAmerican
American Revolution since its founda foundation tounda11Qft ¬
tion She has been twice elected viceregent vice vicer vicer6fCftt
regent r gnt and because of the limes tUne of f
Mrs Lee the duties of the regency have havedeolve
devolved deolve upon her
Who W o Is BriDI Bringing DI Order Out of Chaos ChaosCienfuegos atCieatuep
Cienfuegoc CienfuegocIN CieatuepIN CienfuegosAUTOS
Novel Contest Inaugurated Inauguratedby InauguratehY d
by Emperor William Starts StartsFrom StartsFrom tarts tartsFrom
From Berlin Berlin3BBXJN BerUnBJRLIN Berlin31RLLN
3BBXJN Oct ML ItA A game of tag be be between betow ¬
tween tow balloons and motor cars was In Inaugurated Inauprated i iaugurated n ¬
augurated today by Emperor JMrOr William wnUamJUthOc1 Williama as asa
a method of celebratlnfc celebra the the twenty twentyfifth twt7fttth twent twent111th y ythe
fifth anniversary of the founding tOWD41n < < of ofBerlin the theBerlin theBerlht
Berlin Ballooning Association The real realpurpose realIHIrpoee not re repurpose al
purpose of the novel contest is to test testthe tMtthe ten tenthe t
the relative values val of balloons and auto automobile aD aDmobDu aut autmobiles o omtmnett ¬
mobile In certain kinds ktn II of warVera war maneu maneuvers IIUUMUv IIUUMUPour ¬
Vera versBoor v VeraPour
Pour balloons were weret sent away simul simultaneously elm elmtamomueIy uI uItaftfW7 ¬
taneously and sixteen motor ears CUIImedlt carsmediatelt jn jnmedlater
mediatelt medlater medlt started In pursuit of them themfour u uf4tur thes thesfour e eThe
four ears following each airship airshipautos The Theautoa Th Thautos
autos were werelClv given twenty minuteswhich aaJaat minutes in inwhich Inwhich a
which to reach the balloons after th thland they theyland theyJaAd ey
land the arrangement t being that if they theyshsll the theIhAJi theballoon y
shall succeed M lit tom the thewithin balloon balloonwithin baDoctn1thln
within 1thln the time limit they will win the therace tb tbraee t thrace e
race raceThe raeeThe raceThe
The military mUltar theory which tile thedesired y Kaiser Kaiserdesired ICaI r rred
desired red to work out ut iii i the ability abilitymotor of ofmotor ormotor
motor cars to overtake ov e balloons which whichmight whichmlgbt whic whicmight h
might be used u 4 to send communications eo ununl n
from a besieged city to distant allies ninemotor s
Tbe motor cars are supposed JtP0M4 to belong belongis beloG g < <
to the bestowing 8lelrln army and th their ob hCt t
is 1 to prevent the delivery of tae tae8M mes messages m mo es ¬
sages sasefAdded 8M to o the enemy enemyAdded enemyAdded
Added interest was added In today todayscontest today s
contest by the fact that Prince Henry Henr Henrof y
of Prussia Pru Kaiser KaiH WUhelms brother brotherparticipated brotherpartlclpattd brot brotpartiesP h
partiesP participated ted He drove his hI own motcar motor motorcar mot < < t tcar
car in pursuit of one of the balloons
Fully 10000 spectators spectate r were attracted attracteto d
to th the scene scf > le of start to witness t tnovel the thenovel then
novel n ve contest contestCxe contttIe contestYro
tIe Niagara N1 ara Falls Excursion ExcurS oD
of the season via Pennsylvania ts
October M It H Special tram trat3mparlor of ofparlor QCNUlor
parlor cars dining oar and coaches c
Washington IM 7 a m 37elte Tickets tr
for ten days day Further particulars es J
ticket agents agentsAdv Adv
Governor Magoon Now NowFully NovFully NowPrepared y
Fully FullyCCharge Prepared to Take TakeCharge TakeCharge
Charge e ofWork of Pacification PacificationWork PacificationWark
Work on Island IslandLARGER IslandI IslandVESSELS
I Ii i
American Marines Mal nes Directed Directedto
to Be Cautious and In Insurrectionists InSllrrectiontsts Insurrectionists ¬
surrectionists Are AreWarned AreWarnecl AreWarned
Warned WarnedHAVANA WarneclRA ed edKAFANA
HAVANA RA V N o Oct MBecretry l0er tary Taft Taftand Taftand Taftand
and party will sail for hemp he Ie me Saturday Saturdayon
on tile battleship Louisiana By that thattime thatUJIMt thattime
time the reins of government can betransferred be betransferred betratlaterred
transferred to Governor Gov Magoon and the tbework thawerk thework
work of pacification and Del reorganisation reorganisationcan reorp uLtlOll uLtlOllcan
can be b fully inaugurated inaup The battleships battle battleships battJeshl ¬
ships shl New Jersey and Louisiana n also alsowill alaowUl alsowill
will sail north Saturday and others of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the larger war vessels will follow soon soonTbe soonThe soonThe
The position P ldUoa of the American troops troopsin troopsIn
in Cuba 01 is dearly eJearl denned by 7 an II orderjust order orderjust ordrJust
just issued by Governor Taft to General GeneralFunston GeneralFunaton GeneralFunaton
Funaton it saysLestriictieiK says saysWill 11 11I
I LestriictieiK te t Ytttfaes Ytttfaeswin J HI HIi
i Will you yO please direct Colonel ColonelWaller ColonelWaller ColonelWailer
Waller to advise the oac officers oacer ers of marines marinesstationed marinestatlo marinesstationed
stationed tatlo e4 in various Vl1v u = ysns rw rs of the island islandthat I8landthat Islandthat
that they are not expected to take part partin partIn partin
in an active way In the suppression ofdisorder of ofdisorder ofdlaorder
disorder unless an extreme emergency emergencyares emergencyarzes
ares ar which makes it absolutely neces necessary necfJOBarT neceagory ¬
BarT for them to protect life and property prop property property ¬
erty Their duty generally eraUy is limited to totendering toteniering 0 0tOnerl
tendering tOnerl their good ofllces ocea between th thconflicting thCtdtcUn the
conflicting CtdtcUn elements and In preventing prevenUntl1ctlon prsventlnfriction
friction that in the high h state tate of tenaloe ten tension ttnlion ¬
lion between the political parties is in inevitable Inevitable insyllable ¬
evitable during durin the present crisis It isexpected is isexpected Isexpected
expected that tlieir t > telr presence in I tJv tJvcommunity tJwI th thi
I community will create c te such uch a sense ofsecurity of ofsecurity ofsecurity
security that the rural guards Jrua and nd local localpolice loea localpolice I Ipolice
police will be able to suppress any aD dis disorder disorder disorder ¬
order that may mapifest Itself It I
The President of the United States tatea
Breih 4lb m it s th the utmost utaa = t Importance < e that thatthr thattJH thatthe
the Americas force t be not encaged e eagag ed in inany Inau inany
any au confltet CCIIl c mdfet Jd with the Cubans but that thataottfrders thatci
aottfrders ci ra by Cubans Ca be suppressed by
Cubans It is 1 also expected that officer officerand 0 0and olfieereand
and men both in army rmy and marine marinecorps marlD marlDOOJP8 martencorps
corps will exert every effort to manl manlo ¬
o test all the courtesy possible po alble to Cubans Cubansof Cubansor
of all aUpartle parties lee aDd avoid injuring their theirsensibilities theirnbWtifli theirsenebti
sensibilities senebti nbWtifli ti e in any wise wiseWarning wiseWa wiseWarning
Warning Wa t tIpl to RebelsA Rebels RebelsA
A significant Ipl cant clause in Governor Gov mOl Tafts Taftsamnesty Taftsamnesty oW oWamne
amnesty amne ty proclamation is I taken as evi evidence evidence evideuce ¬
dence that the th Americans propose to toand toand toand
and for no nonsense It says saysIndividuals saysIndiylduals y yIn4iricluale
Individuals or bands banc who after the thedate thedate thedate
date of this proclamation are found in inarms Inarms Inarms
arms or disturbing d1 urbI the tt public order or orotherwise 01 01otherwtM orotherwise
otherwise violating the laws law of the theCuban tbeCubau theCuban
Cuban republic will be arrested and andproceeded andproceeded
I proceeded against for such new ne viola violations violaI violatlons ¬
I tions of the law as under normal conditton con conditions coudlUon
ditions ditionsA dlUonA dittonA
A dispatch from denfuecos tells of ofan ofan
I an incident which w b illustrates mltrat the Amer American AmerIcan AmerGeneral ¬
ican method methodtook General neral Ferrara under undertook undertook ¬
took to remove the mayor other her of officials offtclaJ offielals ¬
ficials ftclaJ and school teachers in Pzimy Pzimyra Psi my myn
ra When Captain Barnett heard of ofmatter the thamatter themalter e
matter he told Ferrara to keep his hiahands hisbDdII hahands
hands off of things that did id not con concern concern coocorn ¬
cern and added that he hnd the thaforce theforce theforce
force to compel him to do ItO o Verrara Verrarahas er errnl errnlhas rara rarahas
has 100 armed followers followersCaptain followersCaptain followersCaptala
Captain Barnett urged the rebels rebel to toshot toue
ue the greatest restraint as a single 81nlebot singleshot
shot bot might Jl pt plunge the city into war warThe warTb warThe
The Tb rebels made a demonstration and andthen andtbea andthen
then became quiet quietConsul qUieteo quietConsul
Consul eo ul General Steluhardt is at Clen Clenfuegos Clenfucoa C1enfuegos
fuegos helping helpl to t pacify the contend contending contendtaetJons contendtactions ¬
ing dve factions The friends of Represen Representative BepM6entatty ¬
tatty Villuendas Vi luendas whom wb the I4berals I4beralscharge Uberale iberalg iberalgcharge
charge e was murdered mu by Moderates KocIeIat are arestill are8UIl arestill
still vengefula vengeful vengefulTaffs veocetulTafts
Taffs a s Amnesty AmnestyMay AmnestyMay nines
May a Bring On OnA OnA n
A Bitter Feud FeudHAVANA PeudHA FeudhIAVANA
HAVANA HA V A Cuba Oct toGovernor IDOovernorTafts toGovernorTatta Oovernor OovernorTaffs
Taffs S s t tfoM pll m In including the alleged allegedstayers a11eaedJdQlraOC allegedslayers
slayers JdQlraOC of former Congressman Coa ViI VilInendas ViIutIIMIu
Inendas who was killed last year at atCJenfuegos atCleat
CJenfuegos Cleat among the political of offenders orfenclen offenders ¬
fenders to whom amnesty meft7 has been ex extended ftXteJIdd ¬
tended seems likely Ukel to lead to serious serioustrouble lIOrloWtrouble
trouble troubleIf troubleIf
If an open revolt among the friends friendsof trtenWfof lrend4of
of the tb former Ceocrossman CeGaT hi the Cten Ctenruegos Citnrueco
ruegos district Is not attempted as a re result Te6ult ¬
cult of opening opet fta the prison pI On dors to the themen thomen themen
men accused of complicity in his mur murder murder murder ¬
der it is openly stated led that VUluendas VUluendasfriends V luend luendfrMnd
friends will start a feud which will willnot willnot willnot
not end until all the men accused have havebeen havebeen
been killed killedGenerally kUlecLGfttersllY
Generally the amnesty aJII eaty proclamation proclamationhas
has been bee favorably received artisans Partislanaof
of < t Villuendas VlllueR aa bcrrever ti ever are bitter and andopen andopen
open in then condemnation Uon Many Manyliberals ManyIIberala
liberals take sides with them and it is isprobable isPIObab1e isprobable
probable it will be necessary to send sendadditional kDdacldliJOIULl aendaddtional
additional troops t there re to t to prevent trou trouble trouble ¬
ble bleLa
La Lucha the leading organ of the theLiberals thoLlbenL1
Liberals openly voiced the sentiments sentimentSI
I of the Villuendas V partisans partisansIt
It is impossible to end the Villuendas Villuendasaffair YiIluendasaffaJr
affair by an edit It says If tho mat matter matter ¬
ter is wiped off the court records friends friendsof friendsot
of VUluendas will take the question of ofvengeance otvengeoane ofvengeance
vengeance into their own hands handsGovernor hlndsGovern
Governor Govern < f Taft in deciding to include includeVHltwndas iacludeVlIluendas
VHltwndas alleged al1e d slayers among the thepolitical thepolitical
political prisoners slated for freedom freedomcompared edom eedomcompares edomomparfd
compared the attack upon him with the thekilling thekHUnK thekilling
killing of several rural guar guards < ls at atGuansiMicoa atGuaA4baCO
Guatutbitcoaeparly GuansiMicoa early this thl year which h ch has hasbeen basbeen hasbeen
been regarded as the real beginning ofthe of ofthe ufthe
the revolution revolutionLiberal revolutionUberall revolutionUberals
Liberal in many instances assertthere assert assertthere rt rtthere
there can he no comparison between b t Wh n the thetwo thetwo
two incidents It is within the power powerof Ower Owerof
of the provisional government to paodon paodonthe paDdonthe
the prisoners prl nrs implicated Imp lcated in the juana juanabaooa j uan uanbaooa
baooa affair but the murder mW er vf Con Congressman CQIgreuman ¬
gressman Villuendaa 1l1uenda is a matter which whichis wblcbjs wbtebis
is in the bands of his friends

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