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The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, December 21, 1906, Last Edition, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1906-12-21/ed-1/seq-1/

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Cloudy tonight and and Saturday s unsettled unsettledtonight Efie m m in ton I Eime 0 1 irrUl LAST L KJ AST q cT FICTION JLililwli JLililwliNUMBER EDITl Y YNUMBER DIT Gl N Nl NNUMBER
l =
Frenzied Animal RacesStreets Races RacesStreets RacesStreets
Streets Until U ntH It ItIs Ii IiIs Itr ItIs
School Childrens Clothes ClothesTorn ClothesTorn ClothesTorn
Torn and Numerous Pedes Pedestians Pedestians Pedestians
tians Attacked by Collie Colliein Colliein Colliein
in Wild Career CareerFoamflecked CareerlOM8eckecl Careert
t Foamflecked and snarling ait yelping at atevery ateerybouad atevery
every eerybouad bound and d pausing hi 1 his W mad maddash JINWIh ntaddash
dash h only long enough to strike terror terrorinto telTOeihto terrorfrto
into the hearts Ita of pedestrian a a supposed sup supposed up uppo ¬
posed po ed ravins ravt mad do dec raced over two twomiles twomUee twomiles
miles of Washingtons rlDtctoa rtreets at noon coatand noonand aooaand
and when brought to bay be at 1746 K Kstreet Ktreet Kstreet
street northwest by b Bicycle Policeman PoUeemanRayJllOQd PolicemanRaymond j jRaymond
Raymond Kltendienst K1 of the First 11nt precinct pre precinct peecinct ¬
cinct attempted to btto him before bet being be being be1ng ¬
ing killed kIUedRecorde klUedRtcorde killedRecords
Records In the District Dl rtet assessors or office of office olflee ¬
fice show that the collie dog belonged belongedto be1Oftpcto
to W V A Engel En of t 3111 New Jersey J rsey ave avenue avenue avenue ¬
nue northwest Its name was Carlo Csrioand Crloand Carloand
and the number of the tag was 8812 8812Policeman I 7fIl2Policeman 12 12Policeman
Policeman Gail all of the Fourth district districtsaw ctiartrictaAW dittrictsaw
saw th the dog biting at pedestrians pede l1ana on onFourteenth 01 01Fourtnlh onFourteenth
Fourteenth street southwest near the theBureau tMBureau theBureau
Bureau of Q Engraving and Printing and andImmediately aadImmediately andimmediately
Immediately gave chase The animal animaldarted aJ animaldarted Ml Mldartc
darted through alleys snapping iaIr at at80DS par persons parsons ¬
sons aa he ran and finally th threaded JaM htaway JaMa hisway
way a to B street southwest southwestThreVfk IIOUthwntThr aouthwestThrottgk
ThreVfk Thr lk tie Mall MallWith xanWith Ba11With
With the policemen hot in 1fM pursuit pursuitthe rou1t rou1tthe t tthe
the howilng canine new flew through the theMall theMall theMalt
Mall and reached Seventh and B streets streetsnorthwest streetanorthwest reea reeanorthweat
northwest There markatmen hurledboxes hurled hurledboxes hurledoxes
boxes oxes vegetables and bricks at tbe theOFF tbeOFF tbeOFF
Canal C anal Commission Pays Paysthe Paysthe Paystl1a
the Bill and Plans tor toIn to toWin toWin
Win In Friends FriendsDetermined FriendsDettMCl FriendsDeterrbned
Determined that as many y members of ofun oflo ofPun
lo Pun un grass r as desire may obtain ail the theinformation thei theinformation
information i ntor aatloa concerning conditions on the theIsthmus tltel thelsthmus
Isthmus l ththeJ they want at first hand the theIsthmian tIMIIIthmtaft theIethmtan
Isthmian Caaal Commission is sending sendingu tnc tnca
a cosec aenaters n and a Representatives Representativesto v vto
to the Canal Zone as Its guestsThe guests guestsThe peatT
The T e party left Washington but night nightand nhtand nightand
and is due to sail U from New e York at 3 3oclock Jo 3o
oclock o clock lock this thl afternoon on the Panama PanamaSteamship PanamaSteftUlblp PanamaSteamship
Steamship Companys steamer AUIancain AUlanca
in 1 n the party were w < < e Senator Flint of Call Caliturnht Calllurnla CallIorn
lurnla Iorn Representatives McKlnlay and andKnowland andKnowta andKnowland
Knowland Knowta of California Howell Howellttab oC oCi ofUtah
i Utah tab Fulkenon of Missouri lmourl Smith SmithIMckson SmithJ Smith1Ickson
IMckson J > ickllon Rives Rlv and McKinney McKtnne of Illi Illinois 1111nole I111nuts ¬
nuts Ktnkaid of f Nebraska brUka Steenerson SteenonMmof Steenersonof
of Minnesota and Hale of Tennessee TennesseeThey T Tennessee TennesseeThey nne ll e eThey
They were ere accompanied aecompal ed by the private privatesecretaries prhtat privateaecretarlea
at secretaries < < retarlea of Representatives McKlnlay McKlnlaynnd McKlnlayand > > cKlnlay cKlnlaynd
and nd McKlnney McKlnneyTen icKlnneyTen cXlnne cXlnneTen
Ten of the best staterooms en the ship shipwere ablpwere shipwere
were reserved for tbe party and their theirtransportation thektranapor1atlon theirtransportation
transportation and meals aboard ship shipand lihlland chipand
and transportation on the th Isthmus will willbe willlie 111 111Le
be provided by the Commission CommissionIn ommJuIoDIn
In each < > acb stateroom wo wao MIl placed copies copiesof copl coplof copaeaof
of the Canal Commissions report since sincethe sinceth sincethe
th the beginning nninc of its work and the PreadNnta Presi Presidents Prestlltonea ¬
dents special message to Congress Con on onhis onhis onhis
his trip to the isthmus There were al alPO also
PO copies lopl of all the official o rida photographs photgraphcmade photographsmade pnol4grapbsmade
made while the President l ident was there therethere therethere therethere
there being bein nearly half a hundred in all alland alland alland
and on the walls were placed charts ehartsand chartsand ebartsand
and maps mas of the Isthmus Canal Zoneand Zone Zoneand Zneand
and work on different di ren sections ecUon of the thecanal thecanal thecanal
canal canalThe canalThe canalThe
The trip will require about about seven days daystarh cIaa3th daysh
tarh 3th h way w at sea and the a party part will willhave willha willhave
ha have Ave days day on the Isthmus They Theywill Thyill Theysill
will ill be under 1t the th personal per onal escort of W WG WG WG
G Bier superintendent of railways railwaysn raUwasun
r un > n tbe Canal Zone The party is ispttted iH cx cxpet 1 1pected
pttted pet tM back ht Washington about Jan January JanUltr January ¬
uary Ultr 12 1
The two barometric depressions o oThursday of ofThunday ofThursday
Thursday morning morula < < haVe meted tSed In i igeneral Icenera1 a ageneral
general depression now central over th thlower the thelower thelower <
lower lakes bikes The influence wf u this I hla dis disturbance diMturbanee disturbance
turbance te felt over almost lmQ8 the t whulof whuh whuhof wtauleof
of the country OOUDtl east of the th Misstssipfj Misstssipfjriver MsshndliriVEr Mrssiacihpriver
river where general snow now or Ir ruin hub huifallen tiCalraU hubfallen
fallen raU Sno continues this morning i iIndiana ii iiIndiana In InIndiana
Indiana Illinois the lake region ahd atdthe un unthe ahdthe
the Ohio valley but without either ether high hlglwinds blghinda highwinds
winds inda or low temperatures telQperatlretlThe temperaturesThe temperaturesThe
The weather Hther tonight and Saturday Saturna ii iithis in inthis i ithis
this forecast district will be fair in th thSouth the theSoutb theSouth <
South and cloudy with snow or rt rln rlnIn rat ratt ii iilit
In the middle Atlantic Suites 8tt and t tlake tlw tlwlake tM tMlake
t lake region regionSteamers regionStestn4rs
Steamers rectoDdepnrUna departing today to aJP for Buropcaj Buropcajports Europeaaporta Europmaports
ports will have fresh scotliwestert scotliwestertwinds seathwesterlw Hterl7 Hterl7wlndll
winds w and rainy ram weather to the Onu OnuBanks GIIUICI GIIUICIBaaII8 Q QBofftnds
Bofftnds Bofftndsins Banks BaaII8t ins
t 3a L LI aIt
I oat
1 p m 41 41SUN 41BUN
Pun ua sets today 441 441Sun pin pin8uu M MSUb
Sun rises r tomorrow OIDOnO 7 711 jg a aHARPERS a1ft a1ftTIDE amTIDE
HI high tide today 1141 i4 pm pmLow
Low tlc tlCa today 14i I PIII PIIIU pmHigh
High U tide tomorrow 1111 1I p III
Low tide tomorrow 1G 7 a 1ft 71 7 pm pmHARPERS pmHARPERS
lioth rivers clear
Pennsylvania avenue avenueThirteenth avenueThirteenth avenueThirteenth
Thirteenth H Fifteenth FifteenthK
K Seventeenth Eight Eighteenth Eighteenth Eighteenth ¬
eenth streets and the theMall theMall theMall
Mall all of them crowd crowded crowded crowded ¬
ed with people were werethe werethe werethe
the streets chosen by the themad themad themad
mad collie Scores of ofpersons ofpersons ofpersons
persons were attachedbut attacKed attacKedbut attac ed edbut
but none were seriously seriouslyinjured seriouslyinjured seriouslyinjured
injured injureddog
dog but Wire unable to stop wn his mad madrush matirUM madrush
rush rushAt rUMAt rushAt
At Seventh street and Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniaavenue Penftllylvanlaavenue PennLylvanla PennLylvanlaavenue
avenue Carlo bit at several Mvera men and andtore aadtore andtore
tore their trousers but the skin ktft on 01 their theirlimbs theirItmb theirlimbe
limbs Itmb was wa not broken Two shots hotal were werenred weared wereSred
nred at th the animal but neither took ef affect effect efteet ¬
fect Pedestrian Pedetriall held out their hands handsas halMlllu handsas
as if to stop the dog but he curled cur back backhis backhis backhis
his lips 11 showing two rows ro of long longsharp 10ft 10ftabarp longsharp
sharp teeth and a foaming toamha < < mouth mouthwhereupon mouthhereupon mouthwhereupon
whereupon the wouldbe captors ea van vanto Nnto pan panto
to places of safety safetyNear safetyNear fety fetyNr
Near the corner of Ninth nth street and andPennsylvania andPebWlylvanla andPennsylvania
Pennsylvania avenue the dog do < < espied pled a afox atox afox
fox terrier and nd started In pursuit The Thefox Thefox Thefoie
fox terrier was caught by Carlo Ca o and aodseised andaelsed l lMlud
seised by b the neck Shaking the little littleanimal IIttManJmal Muleanimal
animal and clawing hint with his paws pawsthe pWIIthe pawsthe
the collie let he fox f terrier almost almostlifeless almOtttWeeu almostlifeless
lifeless in the street tr and ad then started startedrunning MutedrunlUntf startedrunning
running again againWoman againWoman n nWoman
Woman in Panic PanicPoliceman Pa1icPeIkemau PanicPoliceman
Policeman Kliendiaast KI started rted the theChase theat thechase
Chase at Thirteenth street Up Penn Pennsylvania PauaIiYlv Pennsylvania ¬
sylvania IiYlv avenue the dog u < < dashed d until untilreaching untilreaahlag untilreaohiag
reaching Fifteenth f rest es where it ran ranup ranup ranup
up on the sidewalk snapping > > and bark barking Nlkin barkkeg ¬
keg in < < at women and children Shopping Shoppingwomen Slaoppinlfwomen Shepplagwomen
women shrieked and ran into stores storesseveral storesseveral IM IMMveral
several of them seeking refuge ip 14 g sa saloon saloons ¬
loon loolMllWhen loonsWhen
When Carlo reached II street he heturned heturned heturned
turned into that thoroughfare thorou < < hfare and ran ranto ranto ranto
to Eighteenth iiJht tb street iltr continuing to snap snapat JN1apat snapat
at passersby and darling dartin < < after every everydog e everydog ry rydog
dog that crossed his hIJIth path Turning Turnln < < up upEighteenth upElght upPtghttentb
Eighteenth Elght otb street the dog 40 < < atitu H t a ih ihlittle the lhelittle thelittle
little daughters ducb of persons living Bv in the theresidential theleliidontt1 theresidential
residential sec aection ion of the city elt The chil children chltdl8ll children ¬
dren were returning reuni to tn the sores JI JIalter School Schoolafter Schoolafter
after lunch lU tenth h and were badly frightened frightenedby trtc
by the J Mth JWU 41 t4 4se tki te ef t tfteoi 1MaM bad badheir badtbE hadtheir
heir tbE > lr 4 dressing T and stockings aoekUt torn but buttone bulntne butacne
tone was injuped injupedDarting InjbredDarting In ped pedDarting
Darting int Into > I street treet the dog otr otrfrum ran ranrrum ranfront
front rrum Eighteenth to Seventeenth aa Street Streetui itreetup beetth
up ui that thnro tborolhf th ighfare re to M out M toSixteen to toSixteenth to81xteenJ
81xteenJ Sixteen Sixteenth down Sixteenth Sixteen to 1 4 + out L Lia Lie
ia aievunteenib down own Seventh to J K anJ anJhalf an anf and andhalf
half f way y to Eighteenth street when i iitltacked it itttaCked Itattacked
attacked and hit a mongrel mongrelKilled mOllCeIXUlecl mongrelKilled
Killed by Policeman PolicemanThe Policomauone PolicemanThe
The cur finally broke away a y from the thetoitie thecoIUe thecollie
collie and ran up on a vacant va ant lot on the theeast theeaat thecoat
east aide of 17tO K street northwest northwestKliendienst northwestXUendlen northwestKliendlenct
Kliendienst t who Ari nrted d a shot at the dog dogwhile d dogwhile
while ibUe on Sixteenth ikrsttt 4raet reet and wounded woundedit wound ll llIt
it in the shoulder ran r n up the embankmt embank embankment embankment ¬
ment ntt to the lot and and again drew his P pis pisand pie pietot
tot Opeatna lu ja jaw R Ide as pomibl pomibland po IbI IbIad
and ad uttering a low growl Towl th the colli collileaped ooliteJeaPed collie collieleaped
leaped toward the policeman Klicn Klicndienst KIIendlenllt Kllendlenst
dienst stood > > his ground foUnd > and sent a a bul bullet bullfi bullet ¬
let down the dog dO s threat With a a yel yelof yelp yelpol yelpof
of pain the animal fell writhing to th thground the theground theground
ground Two more mor shots were flred red into in into Into
to the dogs body before the policeman policemaiwas policemIJwas policemanwas
was sure of Its death deathArthur deathI deathArthur
Arthur Reeves of 307 Spruce atrac streenorthwest atracnorthwest r t tthe
I northwest f tR was attacked t k and JUgrtt JUgrttr bitten b bthe by bythe
the dog at New York avenue and PlCtoenth Pr Prteenth JI JIteenth
teenth street and James Butler of II IICovlngton 1t2 1412Covington 1t2CoVtnlrton
Covlngton street northwest had h hclothing hSa hSaclothing hclothing
clothing badly torn by the animal animalteeth animateetb animalsteeth
teeth teethKliendienst teetbKUendienst teethKliendlenst
Kliendienst was riding at breaknec breaknecspeed breakneckspeed breaknecspeed
speed throughout the entire entiechace entiechacewhich chace chacewhich Chacewhich
which lasted for half an hour or ort more moreand moreand moreand
and was pretty well used up when whenreturned ti tireturned b4Ireturned
returned to the First precinct station t treport to toreport toreport
report the occurrence occurrenceBitten occurrenceBitten occurrenceBitten
Bitten by Collie Dog DogSupposed DogSupposed DogSupposed
Supposed to Be Mad MadFrank M8dFraAk MadFrank
Frank Limes Il1n colored of M4 Fourth Fourvstreet FourUtIItreet Fourthstreet
street northeast was W UI bitten this thlsmorn thlsmorning morn morning morRoI
ing I by a collie dog supposed to hav havbeen ba have havebeen v vbeen
been mad He was taken to th thEmergency the theEmerlftncy thEmergency
Emergency Hospital where the woum woumwas wound woundwas OUM OUMwas
was cauterized aut rlzed No symptoms of rabta rabtahave rablethave ra rahave ble
have developed developedSOCIETY developedSOCIETY developedSOCIETY
A Christmas entertainment by thAaartas th thAaarlas thAuria
Aaarlas Literary Society of St John JohnCollege JohnCol JohnCollege
College Col e will b be given at 8 oclock to tonight tonlarM tonight
night In Carroll Institute Hall Th Thprogram Tht Thtprogram Thprogram
program hi interesting InterUn < < and will present presentmember pre present presentmembers emt emtmQmberw
member of the society in eangen eangenroles oongenis oongenisroles concentroles
Summons the Pittsburg PittsburgDelegation PittsburgDelegation PittsburgDelegation
Delegation to His Office Officeat Officeat Officeat
at 7 30 oClock o Clock This ThisMorning ThisNorning ThisMorning
Morning MorningTHEY NorningTHEY MorningT
Talk Over Proposed Post Postoffice Postoffice Postoffice
office Sites and Now They TheyWonder TheyWonder TheyWonder
Wonder Where WhereTheyre WhereTheyre WhereTheyre
Theyre At AtSecretary Atsntary AtSecretary
Secretary Shaw Sba w appeared today teda In a anew aMW anow
new oemedy eely entitled Hew the Sears Seeratary Sr Srtal Searstar
tary tar of the Treasury Handed It t tPKtsbmrg toPittsburg to toPkllibwrg
PKtsbmrg PKtsbmrgIt
It was an WMinaHned nolllled suoeaas ser surpassing serpaaMg r rpaAtl ¬
passing tn humor WIiior CMOl his It celebrated c 1ebrated ruling rulingthat rulingthat ruling rulingthat
that bullfrog legs are re poultry and nd ex excelling exI excelling ¬
celling in originality his penalizing a aman aman aman
I man In the New York custom service servicefor Hlvleeter servicefor
for ogling a girt on a street treet ear earTh earlb4t carThe
Th The scene was 111 th the Secretarys public publicofttee publicofflce publicattire
attire la the Treasury Trea8Ur building The Thehour Thehour Thebout
hour wan 7 776 a m that time in Wash Washington Washington Va8hInton ¬
ington when the Government clerk clerkstruggles clericatruai clerkstraggles
struggles atruai from bed and pref prepares res leis Isleurely leisurely leisurely ¬
urely for beginning be nln work at t a m mthat mthat mthat
that time when h the street lamps have haveJust havejuilt havejust
Just been extinguished and the rays of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the sun have not dissipated dIJMlt the mists ntlststhst miststhen
then 0 L hang han heavily over the streets and andavenue andavenues
avenue aV I
Shaw the Real Star StarIn StarIn StarIn
In the drama Secretary Ntar Shaw haw was thestar the thestar thestar
star star while the minor parts were taken takenby takeny takenby
by y thirty millionaires milllonalr real estate men menand JIMItand menand
and attorneys from the Smoky City Ctt of ofPittaburg otPlttaburlf ofPittsburg
Pittaburg representing ail the prominent prominenttrade promhuMtttrade prominenttrade
trade bodies of t that town townThese townTbe townThese
These Tbe thirty men appeared yesterday yesterdaywith yesterdaywith Htrdaywith
with twenty others before b fore the Secretary Secretarythe Secretarya ecr y ytb
a the tb Treasury to speak regarding Iebtirdl theVents the thertts thewa
Vents rtts wa and demerits J rltII of 0 the twwajynre twwajynrepossible tweuyft tweuyftalte twentyArepossible
possible sites alte tor the new stir ottytor neetemce neetemcefor posoltios posoltiosfor
for Pittsburg After the hearing yester yesterday yMterday yesterday ¬
day which lasted six hourft hour Secretary SecretaryShaw leeNaryShawlnforMed SecretaryShavc
Shaw ShawlnforMed informed the Pittsbvrgers Pitt btthel8 that thatthey t thatthey t tthey
they could appear before him this morn morning MornRllr morning ¬
ing at 720 7 oclock oclockWhat oclockWhat oclockWhat
What foci for gasped the surprised surprisedspeakers surprisedspeakers surprisedllpeaken
speakers Weve We said all we want to tosay toy toi
say y
I know replied the Secretary Secretar butI but butI butI
I want to do some talking talkingConsequently talkhtgConeequenly talkingConsequently
Consequently this tht morning mornin at 030 030oclock z38 z38oclock 30 30clock
oclock clock that time when hen the darkness la lainky 18Ink IsInky
inky Ink and nd absolute twenty of the u Piusburgers Pius Pittaburgers PHu1turKen
burgers stout tout of heart scrambled out outof outot outof
of bed with the help of various call callboys callboys callboys
boys Some of them got breakfast and anda anda Ad Ada
a few got ot shaved The twenty matched maibedinto mal matchedinto hed hedInto
into the Secretarys oRioe oRioeSecretary ofttoSecretary oflloeSecretary
Secretary Waiting for Them ThemThere ThemThere ThemThere
There they found Mr Shaw ensconced ensconcedbehind ens ensconcedbehind < once4 once4behind
behind the big desk as UII if he had spent spentthe spentth spentthe
the th night there The electric lightswere lights lightswere lightswere
were turned on and the head of the theSecretary theSecr8tAry
Secretary with iU closely cropped hair hairwas haIrWIUI hairwas
was silhouetted sharply sharp y sgalnst lI aln8t the win window window ¬
dow behind him through which the haltawake halt Italfawake haltawake
awake Pittsburgers could uld see Se < < I dimly themists the themists themlstil
mists above the river just ju l tinged to a afaint ataint
faint gray xr 1Y by the breaking of the dawn dawnApparently dawnAppar dawnApparently
Apparently Appar tly the th Secretary SecretaI considered
730 oclock In the morning an ideal idealtime idealtJtne idealtithe
time for a hearing He was at his htebest 1118best hisbest
best He began talking before the thePittshurxers thePittshUNt8rS thePittshurgers
Pittshurxers had sat down downTOM downYou downYou
You see gentlemen he said de decisively d6c dodeively ¬
cisively c hely urve Ive got some other work w rk to tod tode tode
d de today Now No tow will you ou kindly hasten hastento hst8nto hastento
to MY what you have to say about these thesevarious thesevarious thesevarious
various sites Ilea After you are through throughni threughIll
ni have my innings inningsActing InningsActing InningsActing
Acting on this thl somewhat > > doubtful spur spurto spurI spurto
I to their th lr oratory members of the dele delegation deleI ¬
I gation began speaking speak InK The Secretary Secretarydrummed Secretf Secretfdrummed Secretarydrummed
drummed on the desk witn Un his pencil pencilmailed pllcl1JlmUM pencilsmiled
mailed now and then with great amuse amusement amusem8ftt amusement ¬
ment and let et the speeches proceed until untilsomebody untilmebody untilsomebody
somebody mebody flew oft ON a tangent about aboutsomething aboutIIOBlethlng
something somebody else had said In Instantly InIttantly ¬
stantly Mr Shaw shot out his long arm armThats armTAatl armThats
Thats all right rll ht about that he said saidsharply saidsharply
sharply I dont care what somebody somebodyContinued somebodyContinued
Continued on Second Page
+ C
I A Worlds Fair for Washington WashingtonIn
In the course of a delightful delightfularticle delightfularticle delightfularticleon
article articleon on Washington Old and andrNew andNev andv
rNew Nev v which will appear in next nextSundays nextI nextSundays
I Sundays Times Joaquin Jo quin Miller Millermakes JtiIlermakes Millermakes
II > makes the suggestion that a aT aWorlds
lU9W T rT Worlds Fair be held in Washing Washington Washington Washington ¬
ton to celebrate the one hundredth hundredthanniversary hundredthanniversary p panniversary
anniversary of the Uurningof burning of the thecity thecity thec
city c + tp by the British in 1814 1814This 1814This 181 181This
This is but one of many splen splendid splendid spl n ndid ¬
did > illustrated articles that will willappear willappear viHappear
appear in the Magazine Section of ofNext ofNext I
Next Sundy9s Times
1 1
The Wife of f Brigadier a ier General PershingWas PershingWas
Was Miss MS Warren Daughter ef the theS theSatr theSenator
S Senator easier Fro From Wyoming
Romance jf jfA f fA fA
A War Hero HeroIn HeroIn HeroInCapital
In InCapital InCapitalConqueror Capital CapitalConquer
Conquer ef Mores Stormed Heart Heartef HeartfIIf Heartof
ef Senators Pretty PrettyDaughter PrettyDfUlghter PrettyDaughter
Daughter DaughterTher DfUlghterrtIe
ii iia1Nrw
Ther a1Nrw rtIe W la l a pretty little 1 story afr about aboutthe t tthe tUN
the romance of Qn Jack J r Persbinf Persbinfand Piesbiugand
and UI I the present Mrs Perching who was wasMtss WItSI wasMira
Mtss I Warren W daughter 4a ter of th U the Senator Senatorfre satolt1eaa Senatorfrom
fre from Wyoming Senator Warren Warr told toldabout IOklabcMlt toldabout
about it in connection with his 11 recitalof recital recitalof recitalot
of the circumstances elrcum tance involving Iftvolvtn < < the re recent e eC ecent ¬
cent C ftt attacks on General Pershings Pershtn per personal perIIOnal personal ¬
sonal character Both the Senator andhis and andhis anJhis
his daughter have absolute l aba NIOIute flute confidence confidencein cCNItld nc4t nc4tin
in General Pershmg PershmgWhen PerehtnsWhen PershingWhen
When Pershings name was ringing ringingthrough rtncincthroulda rhtginthrough
through floe t th < country countr because of his h ex exploits tXploHs oxploits ¬
ploits in putting down the Mere M UM UMfirst t1 t1ftrst thefirst
first people to take a lively Jlvel interest in inbehalf Inbehalf anbehalf
behalf of hi h his advancement were w his hI oW oWNebraska oldNeblaaka oWNebraska
Nebraska friends Pershlng l some time timeafter tlnMafter timeafter
after leaving West OBt Point was seal ea a amilitary IUi IUimilitary asmilitary
military Instructor tp the Nebraska NebraskaState NebnL NebraskaState A AStat
State Stat University That was about fif Atteeit fifteen t tteen ¬
teen years ago o and at t that Urns Sena Senator sa satOI Senator ¬
tor Klmer J Burkett was 1 a law Jaw student studentat t tat
at that institutionBurkett Institution InstitutionBurkett InstitutionBurkett
Burkett His Friend FriendPershlng FrieBdPershing FriendPershing
Pershing became Immenseley popular popularas
as a commandant of the cadet corps andhe and andhe andh
he h and Burkett became fast friends friendsHe trlen trlenHe friendsHe
He was widely kle1y known and liked every everywhere enrywhre everywhere ¬
where in n Nebraska NebraskaPershlng NebraskaPershing ebrukaPershing
Pershing went away to service in the thePhilippines thePhlUppln9 thePhilippines
Philippines and Burkett went into poll pollties politics IOU IOUUe ¬
tics Ue Pershlng Pe hlhg became the hero of the thewhole thewhole thewhole
whole army and Burkett went t to Con Congrese CongreAe Congress
grese There he busied himself in be behalf behalf ¬
half of his college friend and going goingto goingto goingto
to the White House urged the President Presidentto Pr nt ntto
to make Pershing P < < trabinlt a brigadier What hat hatmore is ismore ismore
more the President promised to do It ItIf ItIt itif
If he were reelected refI led That was before beforethe beforethe beforethe
the election of ItcH 1901The 1904The ItcHThe
The Congressional session of 19W opener open opener opener ¬
er with much promise romiMe of social > > brilHaney bril brilliancy brilliancy ¬
liancy Not the least Jea t among amon the high highly hlghI highly ¬
ly I available and attractive men who whoburst whoburst whoburst
burst upen the social ken of the u Capi Capital Capital Capttel ¬
tal was Pershing He had been orderedhere ordered orderedhare orderedh9re
hare for some special service rvlce and was wasone WLone wasone
one of the huge social possibilities of ofthe Ofthe ofthe
the season
Enter MissWarren MissWarrenHere Mi MissWarrenHere Warren WarrenHere
Here at t the same time came Mlea MleaWarren MleaVatren MiesWarren
Warren just ju t out of school full of en enthutasm enthualasm n nthurIi8m
thutasm for the gayeties of a a Waeh WaehIngton Waerington YuhInton
Ington social season a on Her fathers po position position poeition ¬
sition assured ured that she i he would have all allth allthe n nthe
th the opportunities she could wish wishOn wishOn wishOn
On the day the session opened the thePresidents tb tbPresldents thePresidents
Presidents message message was read In It Itthe Itthe Itthe
the President pa paid a handsome tribute tributeto trlulto
to the service of Pershlng Pe hlng in the islands islandsand islAndsand islandsand
and said there ought to be adequatemeans adequate adequatemeans adequaternears
means of rewarding such as he heThat herbat herhtt
That evening som some of the Nebraska Nebraskafolk Nebrallkafolk Nebraskafolk
folk celebrated Pershings Per > > bngs new honors honorsSenator honorsSenator honorsSenator
Senator and Miss Millard gave a din dinner dinner dinner ¬
ner and among thorn invited were w re Miss MlseWarren MissWarren Ml s sarren
Warren Warren arren and her father fatherAnd fAtherAnoi fatherAnd
And papa exclaimed the girl In Intelling Intel1lng Intelling
telling of the Invitations Captain CaptlnPer CaptlnPerhlng Perehing Per Perching ¬
ching Is Invited too and well have achance a achance ft ftchance
chance to meet himThey him himThey himThe
They The met Captain Pershing took the theSenators theSenators theSenators
Senators daughter out to dinner dinnerNext dinnerNext dinnerNext
Next night there was a a military ball ballat bAnat ballat
at Fort Myer Ier The daughter of the theSenator theSenator theSenator
Senator who was chairman of the Com Committee Committee Committee ¬
mittee on Military Affairs was InvitedThe Invited InvitedThe InvitedThe
The hero of the occasion was Captain CaptainPershing CaptaInPershln CaptainPershing
Pershing Pershln It turned out that he danced dancedas dancedas dancedas
as well as s he fought rou ttt and more than thanthat tltnthat thanthat
that he danced more with Miss lU Warren Warrenthan Warrenthan arren arrenthan
than with anybody any bod else elseWell elseVeil elseZ4ell
Well Veil that was the beginning The Therest Thorest Therest
rest everybody knows But the point pointof pointof pointof
of It all is that Jack Pershlng had haddone haddone haddone
done mighty well for himself had hawon hawonhis won wonhie wonhie
hie spurs in the field and had had his hisstar hisstar hisstar
star promised to him long before he heever heever heever
ever met either Miss Ml e Warren or her In Influential Influentll lnIfuentlal ¬
fluential papa papaSenrtor papaSenrtor I ISeurtor
Senrtor Warren arrn takes no stock In the thestories thebtorlfs thestories
stories to the discredit dl credtt of General Per Pershlng Pershing 1ershtng ¬
shlng He and his soninlaw have dis discussed dlsus discussed ¬
cussed us the whole matter with entire entirefrankness entireIranknePfi entirefrankness
frankness The Senator says he knows knowsthe knowsthe knowsthe
the reports originated first in some somerough sumorough somerough
rough jokes of an army arnt camp In the thewilderness thewlldernt88 thewilderness
wilderness bIter to b be exaggerated and andcirculated andcircuat andcirculated
circulated circuat bv the tongues of malice and andJealousy andjealousy andjealousy
Jealousy inspired bv bl envy at Pershings Pershingsrapid PershlnCBraid Pershingsrapid
rapid advancement But the officers officerswho oftlcerswho officerswho
who were with Ith Pershlng when he was wasIn WIUIIn wasIn
In the very campaign camrfI to which those thoseMories thoeetorics thoseMores
Mores refer testify absolutely to the thefalsity thefalsity thefalsity
falsity or o such charges
Hero of More Ca Capai Campaigs pai s Who Has Ha Been BeenVindicated BeenVbuUcated BeenVindicated
Vindicated sf Charges Char = es Against AgaiasHis AgaiBsHia AgainstHis
His Character CharacterCHICAGO CharacterMAD CharacterMAD
CHICAGO Dee SI 31A A madman cJMa attempted at attempted attempted ¬
tempted to assassinate le Judge Jud Cutting in inthe Inthe inthe
the criminal court c urt buikttae bUllc IIIr in the Ut ele elevator e1eYJ elevator ¬
vator YJ ot this lb morning mom One shot was flredmtesfns keel keelm firedmng
m mng mtesfns the judge The wooMbe wooldbaidn ames assassin amessin ¬
sin was arrested arrestedThe arrealedThe arrestedThe
The man approached Judge 1 Cutting Cuttingand CuttingaM Cuttingand
and said aJd as the Jurist was 1ft entering the theIf theJlt theyou
If It you dont open that estate e tate Ill kill killyou klUyou killyou
you youJudge Judge Cutting slapped the man A in the theface therAee theface
face as he drew a ptetot and the tb ball ballmissed Dallm ballmtseed
missed m its mark Several times ti as Cut Cutting Cuttln Cutting ¬
ting tln grappled rappled with the fellow the latter latterpulled latterpulled latterlied
pulled lied the the trigger the gun failing falttn to towork towork
work workTbe workThe work workThe
The man Is in I Jail He gives his hisname hblfJne Msnpme
name fJne as Frank Selienbrook ally years yearsold yraold yearsold
old GermanAmerican salesman resid residing rMldinl reeldlnr ¬
ing inl at Sid North California avenue He Hesays HeMY Hesays
says saysI MY says saysI
I have an estate tate in the probate court courtwhich courtwh courtwhich
which wh b has been in litigation fight Iht years yearsI ears earsI
I have been unable to get any satlafac satisfaction satlafacoT satlafaction ¬
tion from Judce Cutting t The estate is
130080 oT I could r not n en endure Jure f re any further furtherdelay furtherdelay r rdelay
delay so decided tlecid to shot the judge fudKe and amiget andget andget
get a Judge jud f who would give ve me some someaction 1IOmeaction someaction
action If Cutting were out of the way wayit wayIt wayit
it would be all right
POUT OF SPAIN SPAI Trinidad Dee 21 21It 21It 1 1It
It Ie i reported r rted that President Castro can cannot eannot cannot ¬
not live Jlv more titan ktifta a week His immedi immediate Imm8dlAte immediate ¬
ate successor will m be First o rtt Vice Presi President Pre President t td ¬
dent d nt Gomez G m who will be supported by b a alarge Rlarge alarge
large section of the army armyGeneral arm armGenel1 armyGeneral
General Alcantara a graduate raduate of West WeetPoint WestPoint re t tPoInt
Point who te I at The he head ead oC a large largearmy largearmy largearmy
army army is determined to raise a revolu revolution revolution revolution ¬
tion for the purpose of obtaining the thePresidency theI thePresidency
Presidency PresidencyThe I PresidencyThe > rfstde C CThe
The rebel force headed by General GeneralRafael GenoralRafael GeneralRatnel
Rafael Montilla Is I daily increasing IneNA in instrength h h2trenKth instrength
strength strengthPershing 2trenKthPershing strengthPershing
Pershing Freed Freedof Freedof Freedof
of the Stigma StigmaBy StigmaBy StigmaSuperiors
By Superiors SuperiorsNo
No action has been taken and none nonewill nonewill nonewill
will be taken in th the instance tn tance of charges chargesprinted chargesprinted chargesprinted
printed in the Manila American against againstBrig AgainetBrig againstBrig
Brig Gen John J Pershing according accordingto
to a definite statement made at the theWar therar theWar
War rar Department today toda Secretary Taft Taftand netand Tkftand
and other officials whose ears the re reports reports reports ¬
ports reached last summer before the thearmy thearmy thearmy
army officer came up for promotion promotionmade promoUonmade promotionmade
made sufficient investigation inve UpUon to convincethen convince convincethem conincethem
them that there was no grounds for ac action action action ¬
tion and that they were entirely without withoutfact withoutfact withoutfact
125 to Baltimore and Return Returnvia Returnvia Returnvia
via Pennsylvania Railroad every Satur Saturday Saturday Saturday ¬
day and Sunday Sundn All regular trains except ex except except ¬
cept the Congressional Limited Tickets Tick Tickets Tickets ¬
ets good ood to return until Sunday night nightAdv nightAdv nightAcv
Negro fanged and shot sfo by mob within two blocks o oIke of ofmansion
Ilze mansion of the governor of Maryland MarylandAob Marplandl I IMASKED
Mob Breaks Into Jail Forces Warden to toHand toHand toHand
Hand Over Keys and Man Is Taken TakenOut TakenOut TakenOut
Out to His Death
ANNAPOLIS Dec 21 21Henry Henry Davis alias Henry Chambers col colored cotored colored
ored who committed a i felonious assault on Mrs John Reid of Browns Brownsville Brownsville Brownsvile ¬
ville five miles from the State capital last Friday and who confessed his hiscrime hiscrime hiscrime
crime crime was taken from the jail here about 3 oclock this morning by a amob amob amob
mob of about sixty masked men and lynched He was strung strun up and andhis anJhis
riddled with bullets In all there were about shots fired
Noted Not N ot e d Washingtoniari WashingtoniariFriend WashingtoniaFriend Wash iegto iegtoFriend niali
Friend of Elaine Suc Succumbs Succumbs SucngIllness ¬ =
cumbs to t tAndrew o Long Lo ngIllness Illness IllnessAndrew InnessAdrew
Andrew Gieeson GI is dead deadAfter deadftar deadAftar
After ftar a desperate ittnews Un of ofera car careral v
eral era 1 month throughout wlrfck lde lie liev heovw liehovered
hovered ovw > v r < l between life 111 and tfsatU atb t Mr MrHeeson fir firGiessen
Heeson died tt at t bl his 1 home 121S Korth Korthapitol XorthCapitol orth
Capitol apitol street northwest at V 130 130this 10 1030this 30 30thi5
this morning The end w was s quiet quietmd quietand
and md peaceful His life Mf e was despaired despairedof d paired
of by physicians pbJ ieians 3 arly rly this morning morningHis morniBgIIi morningHis
IIi His two daughter two sons broth brother brother brother ¬
er and soninlaw Dr Mulcahy Mulcahywere Mulcahywere Mulcahywere
were gaUirered threred around arQ Dd his bedside bedsidewhen be bedsidewhen liide liidewhen
when he died diedXr diedMr
m mMr
Mr Gieeson was a a conspicuous lcuoua ftgure AgureIn ftgurein ft re reIn
in Washington WbID for forty years or more moreand moteartd ftocelid
prominently identified with withCatholic y1thCatholic withCatholic
and lid was
Catholic church affairs a < < alrs Until October OctoberI
81 I of the present year ear he wi enjoyed joJed joJedhealth robust robusthealth robusthealth
health On that day however he was wasstricke w wtrteke wasstricke
Being a am man manof manof
stricke > > i with paralystp panly
of 0 large bull built J and accustomed ecua to outdoor outdoorlife uutdoorlife outdoorlife
life most of his h years he was unable t tbear to tobear tobear
bear up under the strata Improvement Improvementwas IJIIJMOem nf nfu
was u noticed in his h condition for ionic ionicweeks 60meYoeekil orate orateweeks
weeks and andsit at on one time he was ablt ablt8It v vsit
sit up In his ht room Several days a uchange acbange achange
change for or the worse or developed developedfrom developedTom developedtram
from Tom that time on no hope was as cherin i ifor Ifor Ifor
for recovery recoveryHad recoveryHad recoveryHad
Had Numerous Friends FriendsFew FriendsFew FriendsFew
Few men in Washington have enjoyed enjoyedthe enjotMIth enjoyedthe
the th friendship frtend blp of as 8 many prominent and andrepresentative andrepr8lt8ntathe andrepresentative
representative men and women AS ASAndy asAnd asAndy
Andy And Gieeson The hel helping tn hand was wasalways wualways wasalways
always extended to the worthy by him himand himand himand
and his hi cheering cheertn words of advice and andconsolation andcOl1solUon andeonsolatiop
consolation lightened the burdens and andhearts antibearts andhearts
hearts of scores ee of men Not only has hasWashington hasaablnhton hasWashington
Washington suffered a low by hi his death deathbut deathOOt deathbut
but also the Catholic Church a num number number number ¬
ber of prominent societies ties and nd the thethousands thethOUDds thethousands
thousands of men who came in contact contactwith contactwith contactwith
with and admired mired him himAndrew himAndrew himAndrew
Andrew Gieeson was W in the political politicallfe polltJoalIe politicalife
lfe of the District from 1906 Always Alwa s an anardent anI anrrdent
ardent political worker his natural bent bentled bentJed heatled
led him to take an active interest in inthe Inthe Inthe
the successive Presidential campaigns campaignspractically eampaignsIractlcaUy campaignspractically
practically the only Held offered to a aresident a aresident aresident
resident of the District in which to dis display dlslRY display ¬
play lRY such energies energiesHe energtesHe energiesHe
He was a warm personal friend olThomas
Thomas B Reed Re when Wb ll the u latter was wasSpeaker WRSSpeaker wasSpeaker
Speaker of the Douse House He often went wentto
to the Capitol after the business session sessionsof sessionof 8e8lonsor
of tbe House and had long chats with wltlithe wiUthe withthe
the Speaker On one occasion OCCion he was wasosked wanaked
naked what bat he expected to get from Mr MrHeed MrU8d MrReed
Heed and replied Mr Reed has promhed promIced prom promitked
Iced me the office of collector of cus customs custOBUIi customs ¬
toms at Bladensburg Md MdHe MdHe 5 5He
He Fought ought for Blaine ElaineHis BlaineHis BlaineHis
His greatest groote t prominence promine was w gained gainedwhen
when he advocated the election of James JamesG
G Blaine to the Presidency Pr8ldene the fervoiwith fervowith
with which he supported the cause oithat o othat
that distinguished statesman bringing bringinghim bringinhim
him into constant public notice MrGleeson Mr MrGieeson MrGleeson
Gleeson with Perry Carson as his col colleague 001lagu colleague ¬
league was elected to represent th thDistrict thDistrict <
District Di trlct at the famous national conven convention convenUon convention ¬
tion of 1S74 when Rutherford B Hayei Hayeidefeated Hay Haydefeated
defeated The Plumed Knight for ta tanomination
nomination Mr Gieeson stood to the thelast th thlast
last for f ° r Mr 11 Blaine for whom he helca he
a regard almost approaching venerationand veneration venerationand yenerattonand
and with Uh him went lown own with the Ud Udthat <
that swept wept the Hayes party Into power powerMr powerIr powerMr
Mr Ir Gieeson attended other nationalconventions nationsconventions
conventions and swsys a 8YS went it lt1s Js said saidwith saidwith saidwith
with the secret i 1lpe ipe that Mr Blalnwould Blaim Blaimwould Blalntwould
would ultimately ultimatel b rlumphant rlumphantStrong rlumpumtStrong rlumphantStrong
Strong ties of friendship it ondsh p according uMr t tMr
Mr Ir Gleesons mends existed betweerMr
Mr Blaine and Mr Gleeaon Gl6 on during th thlifetime tht tht11fetlme thlifetime <
lifetime of the former although thit thitintimacy th thI thintimacy
intimacy never led the latter to seel seelpublic see seepublic
public office offtc During Durln Mr Blalnes tern ternas tlirnla
I as a Secretary of State Mr Gieeson waia waa
a frequent visitor to the Blaine home orLafayette o oLafayette
I Lafayette Square and growing out ol olthis o othis
this intercourse Mr Blaine Is said Id U Uhave leibave t thave
have conceived a strong liking for th thbluff thbluff <
bluff honesty hone ty ef r the District man manTribute manTribtite manTribtite
Tribute Tribtite by Tindall TindallDr TindallD TindallDr
Dr D William VII II am Tindall secretary of UKBoard th thBoard
Board of District Commissioners Comml ektntls hathip hatthis
this Ud to say ay of Mr Ir GleesonWithin Gleeson GleesenWithin GleesonVJthin
Within my recollection Mr GleesoContinued GloesorContinued
Continued n Third Page Pa
The mob had no difficulty in secur securing lI securing Cur Curing ¬
ing the prisoner Taking him fromhis from fromhis frombis
his cell they tIle carried him Jlh along 011 the theroad theroad theroad
road leading 1edfn to the scene of hiscrime his hiscrime hiscrime
crime crimeDeputy crimeDeputy crimeDeputy
Deputy Sheriff Smallwood said saidthat saidthat saidthat
that about 2 oclock oel ek a man appeared appearedoutside appearedouhildu appearedoutside
outside the jail and rang ran When Whenasked Whenasked hen henftsked
asked what he wanted he g said td that thathe tbathe thathe
he had a prisoner Deputy Small Smallwood Smallwood Smallwood
wood saw that he h had 1wt no prisoner prisonerand priaonerand prisonerand
and refused to t admit him whereupon where whereupon here hereupon ¬
upon he left A few minutes later latern
n mob of masked men appeared be before before before ¬
fore the jail with a whipping post postand pos postand t tAnd
and endeavored to batter down the thedoor thedoor thedoor
door They were unsuccessful unsuccessfulShatter unauccefulSka unsuccessfulShatter
Shatter Ska er Jail Deer DeerThey DMrTh DeerThey
They Th y left and went to the black blacksmith blackamfth blacksmith ¬
smith shop of William H IL Fehlmeyer Fehlmeyerwhere Fed Feldmeyerwhere t > r rwhere
where they tit procured Jlrocttr a sledge ami amipick anlpick an 1 1pick
pick and returning to the jail man managed JDunaged munaged ¬
aged to diy d a bole m ia the t e door doorThrough doorI doorThrough
I Through ThrOh this o one e oX olt1te the men ernvvl ernvvled craw 1 1Nl
ed and unlocked the Je door Then fi flor fior 0 0lor
lor or six ntort lII01 entered terthe the balJdJnc bofhUns awl an1mounted awlI andmounted
I mounted the steps to the warden wardenroom wardenrool wardenroom
room roomWarden rooli roomWarden
i Warden George Ge Geore rl Taylor Deputies DeputiesSinai DeputifI DePutieSinallwood >
I Sinai SmaUood wood and Grouse Cro1l 4 and Night NightWatchman NiglltI NightWatchman
Watchman atehman Mereellus were in the theroom thisroom th throom
room One of the masked ked men atthe at atthe n t
I the point p iBt of a pistol commanded commandedthe commandedi
i the warden to turn over the keysWarden keys keysWarden keysI
Warden Turns Over Keys KeysCovered KeysCovered KeysCovered
Covered with 1tk the mans ntan revolver Warden War Warden Par Parden ¬
den Taylor turned over the keys and the thesix thefellows thesix
six fellows then wended eDdecI their way y tothe to tothe t tthe
the cell of c Davis and took him there therefrom tbreI therefrum ¬
from The negro made no resistance restetancowhen reld8tanctwh resistancewhen
when wh carried bodily from tile place by bythe b bthe bthe
I the men menThe menThe menThe
The officers oaftee in charge eha of the Jail real realIsed realthat realised
Ised that it was of no use to resist resistthe re resistthe l1st l1stth
the th mob and consequently the prisoner prisonerwas prIaonerwas prisonerwas
was allowed to be taken away awa without withoutany withoutan withoutany
any an interference interferenceThe interferenceThe
The crowd was w thoroughly tho ly orderly and ajidonly andj andonly
j only one shot was tired by bS the mob mobwhile mobwhUQ mobwhUq
whUQ it was s congregated C in front uf ufthe utthe ofthen
the then jailWhen Jail JailWhen jailWh
When Wh n the mob received the criminal criminalon
on the outside he was surrounded and andtaken andtak8ll andtaken
taken in the direction dlr ctJotI of the scene of his hiscrime hi hierime hiscrime > >
crime When outside ot the city elt betweenforty between betweenforty belwe n nfOlt
forty fOlt and ftf fifty ty shots were heard heardMob beardMob heardMob
Mob Not MolestedThe Molested MolestedThe Mol a t ed edThe
The negro He ro was carried through the thecolored thecoJored thecolored
colored section of the city but ne one oneinterfered oneInterfeced oneinterfered
interfered with the mob When people peopleappeared poop poopappeared peopleappeared
appeared at the windows they werewarned were werewarned werewarned
warned to remain indoors if they did not notwant nolILOt notwant
want ILOt harm to come to them the The police poliospermitted pollcpermitted policepermitted
permitted the mob to have its own waynone way waynone waynORa
none of the officers apparently inter interfering InterferinK interfering ¬
feringAnnapolis fering feringAnnapolis ferinKAnnapolis
Annapolis was aroused over the af affair aftalr affair ¬
fair but the resident re kMtata were tre helpless helplessGovernor helplessGovernor helplessGovernor
Governor Warfleld arfteld is here and as a the jailIs jail jailis j4i41is
is only onl two blocks away from the executive ex executive executive ¬
ecutive mansion it is more than possible possiblethat po possiblethat aible aiblethat
that the shots could have been n heard inthe in inthe inthe
the vicinity of the executive e uUvo mansion mansionDavis mansl mansionDavis u uDavis
Davis had confessed to having assault assaulted assaulted assaulted ¬
ed Mrs Reid who Is a woman sixty sixtyyears sixtyears
years ears old oldPresident oldPRESmENl
President Roosevelt and all his hi familywill family familywill ramihwnt
will spend Christmas under the White WhiteHouse WhiteHOUH Whitehouse
House house roof roo It Is quite probable that thatthey thlltl thatthey
l they will make a trip to Albemarle Albemarlecounty AJbemarlecoupty Albemarlecoupty
coupty Va about bout the middle of next nextweek nextwe
week we k te spend s d a few days at Pine PineKnot PmeKnot PineKnot
Knot the cottage owned by Mrs MrsRoosevolt MrsRoosevelt MrsRoosvolt
Roosevelt not far from the little village villageof
I of North Garden but l as a yet neither the theday theI
I day of departure nor the length of their theirvisit tbelrv1
visit v1 lt there If they go at all has been beendefinitely Iwen1eflnltely
definitely decided upon uponThe uponTho
The fact that the President Pre ident received a avisit 0 0visit avisit
visit this morning from Pullman Agent AgentMain AgentMain
Main gave rise to the rumor that the thefamily thetltmlly
family would ould leave Washington Wtn < < ton for PlnaKnot Plna PlnaKnot Pin PinKnot
Knot either late today or early tomor tomorrow tomorro tomorrow ¬
row ro Mr Mains visits at the White WhiteHouso WhiteHouse hite hiteHouso
Houso usually precede the Presidents Presidentstrips PrdfntsI
trips out of town by only a few hours hoursIn bouraIn hoursIn
I In this case however it was stated statedthat statedthat statedthat
that Mr Main tain visited the White Vhtt House Housemerely
l merely m rely to ascertain whether the Pr Prosl Prosld Pre < sl sldent stdent
dent d > nt would need a a Pullman train during duringthe durinJrthe duringthe
the Chris Christmas tmaa holiday lolida lrolidaynA a

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