r THE HE WASHINGTON TIMES SATURDAY S ATrnDA TI IIDAY Y DECEMBER 22 190G 19O 5 nEE STINH sT1it3iJi sT1it3iJiTa CURE CUREt t Ta > m BY STATE STATEl STATEAttaches Attaches l ttaches of Zoologists Zoclocrists Of Office Offlee Oflice flee on Lookout for forPatient forPatie forPatient Patient PatientHAStHISBURG Patie PatientIftARJU5RURG 1t 1tIARJtIBURG HAStHISBURG Dec tt 2IStat State Ztat Zoolo Zoolot ZOO1 ZOO11Irtaees Zoelogjt gjt t Surfaces isrfacos declaration that thatsth bee beesting be be8ttM sting 8ttM are r good for rheumatism has hasbeen baaben ha habeso been given sivena tvsn a practical test te t but the theresult tberOlUltaa theroilti result rOlUltaa have not yet been reported reportedRecently reportedRMen reportedBeextty Recently RMen Uy Governor Peanypacker re received reo reotsived ¬ ceived o tved a letter from a a man In the west western weatera at atem ¬ era part of the UMState State lIiyl ying that be bedejtrtg bed bedered d dejtrtg to undergo u dellro treatment having havingread havlnlt1a havlntrtd read on ooe R of o Surfaces bulletins that bees beesare bee beeare beesc c are ar good for rheumatism rheumatismActing rb rheumatismActiog umatlan umatlanActl Acting Actl on 01 the governors overnor advice the theman themalt tbemaR man came to Harrisburg a few days ago agoand 0 0aad Oad and was taken by Surface to his home homeat homeat homeat at Camp Hill across the river where whereeight whereeight beN beNbt eight bt honeybees stung him on the left leftarm leftarm leftarm arm in the most ferocious ferocto s manner mannerThe mannerThe The man returned home bom and attaches attachesof of Surfaces Surta urfet s office are now awaiting awalttn the theremit thereMelt theresult remit uncertain whether the patient patientwill pauentl patientwilt will 111 return with a bludgeon or a gift giftSpecial cUtSOUTHERNS SOUTHERNS EYE EYEON 4 ON ITS ITSTOWER TOWER MEN MENSpecial Special Inspectors of Road Roadto Roadto to Keep Tabs on the theOperators theOperators Operators OperatorsSpecial Operatorst OperatorsTdat Special t inspectors J tOl8 who will supervise supervisewrfe JiUperriMwertt anpervlaerk wrfe rk m ui the office o of block operators operatorsal operatoreaiis al aiis 1c Ng r > the lines of the Southern railroad railroadhave have 1 been appointed by President Fin FinJy Flnr Jy r at th the suggestion tlon of General Mana Manager taaager aaa aaagel ¬ ger C H Ackert Heretofore this work workhas workMa has been done 4ol by superintendents and andtmmmasters andtft andtratftmaiitera tmmmasters tft e The change c ane was made be beosuse beot canes ot the th criticism directed toward towardthe toan1tit the tit Southern for employing youthful youthfuloperators youthfuloperatOtll youthfuleperatora operators In the block towers and hav having haylag ¬ lag 8 no owe to inspect the work often oftenenough ottento oftensneagh enough to Insure reliable nona ble service serviceThe Il serviceThe rvtee rvteeThe The special inspectors will 111 visit the thetowers 1Mtowertl thetowere towers at unexpected times and irregu irregular lrregutar ¬ Jar Intervals so as to be able to detect detectany detectIfty detectt t any dereliction of duty tardiness or orlaxity 01laxity orlaxity laxity laxityNat laxityGOODWINS GOODWINS NEW NE PLA PLARATHER LA LAS S RATHER DISAPPOINTING DISAPPOINTINGat Nat at Goodwin would have left a better betterimpression betterIRtpron betterImpression impression among Washington theater theatergoers theatergoer theatergoers ¬ goers had he confined himself to the thepresentation theprtaUon thepresentation presentation of VTtoe Genius and andWhen andtea When tea We Ve e Were ere Twentyone His Hislsjc UiaJIiu Hi HiC C P JIiu lsjc 4 WhM wba Wiaild WR > > 1C a sOoet1emaq Gentleman GentlemanDo CJe tlemaq tlemaqROhleh Do ROhleh which was presented Pr p f eflL Jt at the Co CoiumbU Cq Cqlumb1 Coj CojIuMbi IuMbi iumbU Theater last night for the first firsttime llratttme flrsttime time was w a distinct disappointment dlsapp Intment to tothe tothe tothe the comedians friends Everyone EV one had ha41egun aA aAIHt 1 begun IHt < < un to hope after afteraeeIng seeing in Mr 1 Goodwin Goodwinin in 1The The he Genius that his hi run of bad badluqkhad had1I MNllU4lk luqkhad lU4lk 1I udehfnaed udehfnaedtb had changed changedTh ehnedri Th ri theme tb te of r the Dayle play is neither neitheroriginal Delth Delthnor neitherotigleni original nor interesting Intereatln < < The star is isoast Ja1iIt ise e oast 1iIt as a bounder who tries to In Ingratiate InImlUate Ingratlate ¬ gratiate ImlUate himself in the home of a a penni penniless peanlleM penni1s ¬ less lord He falls in love with the thedaughter thedauahter thedaughter daughter of the iamily and Indulges In Ina 1ftt int t a sertos rte cf selfaacrincing heroic in inorder inord Inorder order ord r that the girl of his heart may be behappy behappy behappy happy with another man The other otherman other1ft othermsa man 1ft proves ProVttfl himself hhn elt unworthy of the thegirls thegtd thegrIa girls gtd love and the bounder bQUnder is given a afighting IIflIrttttq avbUng fighting chance of winning nnlne her affec affection alrecdon affeetiest ¬ don The bounder is I of such grossly grosslyniebian JrroMlyItIeWan grosslypoblan niebian type that it is I Impossible for forthe tortile forthe the audience to school Itself ItaJ into sym sympathy ilympaUtr sympatly ¬ pathy for him en e en in his most hero heroesnue heroeMtue heroue esnue ue situations situationsMr situationsMr situationsMr Mr Goodwin made the best of a bad badrole badro1 9 role ro1 while Miss IIes Goodrich as the beau beautiful beautul beautful ¬ tiful tul and accomplished young heroine heroinelooked heroinelooked heroinelookd looked the part if she Bh did not act it itThe ItTke ItF F The scenic investiture In the second secondact aee4 secQodact d dact act is elaborate and one of the most mostpleasing BUNtpleaatng mostpieaoing pleasing features of the performance performanceThe performanceThe The 1 minor roles were wer ably taken Miss MissNellie Mi MiNellie MissNettle Nellie Mordyne deserving special men mention mentton mention ¬ tion for her impersonation of Lord LordKederbys LordKeclerbys y Kederbys sister sisterPennsylvania sisterI sisterU U I AM BEWITCHED BEWITCHEDSAYS BEWITCHEDp BEWITCHEDSAYS SAYS UNLUCKY MAN MANPennsylvania MANFennsylvania p Pennsylvania Farmer Asks AsksState AsksState AsksS > S State Zoologist to toHelp toHelp toIelp Help Ielp Him HimHARRISBURG HimHARRISBURG HimtAjtRISURG HARRISBURG Pa Dec 22 I have haveno haeno haveno no luak no more no wayI am convinced convincedthat eonvincedthat convincedthat that I have been bewitched and I wish wishyou wishyou ish ishyOu you yOu you would give me something against againstltHwaa aalnstIt against1twu ltHwaa It the close of a letter received receivedby receivedf f by State Zoologist Surface today todayThe todayThe todayThe The letter came from a farmer rarme In th thKastern thKastern the thesstern Kastern sstern part of the State The man mansays mlUtays mansays says that in a year ear he had lost three threefarms threerarmll threefarms farms his hi horses died his hens grew grewfat IleWtat grewfat fat and would not lay 1ft his hi squab fac factory factory so sotory ¬ tory turned out a dismal failure and andhte andhis his 1 bees be proved worthless orthle while hUe porkers porkersC ot C the same breed that used to yield yieldpounds Yieldpounds 96 pounds at nine months now gave gaveonly gaveonly v vanI only anI 150 poundaat pounds at a year yearSurface yearSurface yearSurface Surface says the man had been try ¬ ing to do too many things tl at once and and1M antihe he will write him and tell him to spe specialise avectal speClalise ¬ cialise ctal but the State will 111 not stand for forthe Corthe forthe the witches witchesV Wlche WlcheIThe V IThe The 1 he Cough ouch of Consumption Consumptioni Consurnp tion tionYour i Your doctorwill doctor will tell you that fresh air airjand airland airtend land good food are the real cures for forconsumption forconsumption forconsumption consumption But often the cough is very veryhard hard Hence we suggest that thatSju thatyou thatyou you ask your doctor about Ayers Aycrshcny c Sju Cherry hcny Pectoral It quiets the cough coughheals coughheals heals the inflamed membranes membranesWe membranesWpubliahthoormalu We Wpubliahthoormalu publish flu the formulas formulasif JCJLyarCo JCJLyarCoLowell CyerCoor toC or if all our preparations P LowetMw Lowell rr rrill Ma 4 ill < ChrttrnafOuic tbristmas Mu cin inthe tbe < Churches The Christmns Cliristmlu music usic in the churches chural1Cstbisyenrpromisestobo this year promises to be morethnn moretlmtousually morethnn1Iuftll morethnnuun11y usually 1Iuftll elaborate The Episcopal Epi copul and Catholic churches churcheswiIl will have lfiye theirs theirson theirson theirson on Tueadny lueM < lny morning m rning nt the Christinas Cbri tmu Dny services but the Evangelical Evangelicalchurches EmngeUonlclmrchea EvangelIcalchurches churches will Imve 110 their extra music mu ic tomorrow at their regular sttr sttrvices ur urvices vices Some of the programs are oa follows BAPTIST BAPTISTCalvary BAPTISTCalvary BAPTISTCalvary Calvary Church Choir ChoirArranges ChoirArranges ChoirArranges Arranges Two Programs ProgramsAt At Calvary Calar Baptist Church special apeciMIChriatJINUI p cial cialChrtettmu Christmas mule will be rendered at atiMitli atboth atboth both morning mornin < < foul l evening eV6nin r iHtlV1cea fvle Tha ThamontlRff 1hemorntns morning program tragfnniiig at 11 11oclock J1ocIOCk oclock will b be a as follows followsAittnem fonowAntnema Anthems Break Forth into Joy JoyHarris JO JOHarr Harris Harr I have Longed Lon < < ed for Thy hy y Sal Salvation 1 1vatlon ¬ vation Rossini Peace upon Earth KarthGeibel EarthG 1arthGeibel Geibel G ibeJ alto solo Ttf TH Song Sublime SublimeNorri SubllmNtNTla Norris violin loIln solos Saraban Sarabande SarabandeLKclair SarabamleLEclair e eLEclalr LKclair Le Cygno SaintSaens SaintSaensThe SaintSaenaNte SaintSasnafhe The evening servtc at 730 oclock oclockwill oclockwUI oclockwill will be as followAnth foiInwa foiInwaAnthms follow followAnthems Anthems Anth Th There r Were Shepherds ShepherdsCbjulwfek SheJhentsCbad1ek ShepherdsChadwick Cbjulwfek Be Glad 0 Y Ye Righteous RighteousWoodward nichte JttghteusWoo4ward > us usVoodward Woodward The Tb Infant King J51 II Ned Xeidlinger Nedinger I d dJer linger l tenor solo The Bfrthday of a aKing aKIRK King KeMlinget violin solo 1Ito Ro Romance nomance ¬ mance LaJo LaJoThe lAJoThe LJoThe The choir consists or Mrs II D DYo L De DeYo IsTo > Yo soprano Mrs JrI Ralph P Barnard Barnardalto Barnardalto Barnardlto alto a lto William D McParland tenor J JHenry JHearyKahler 3tenry Henry HearyKahler F Kaiser bass ba and Arthur D DMayo DMayo Mayo organist and director The choir choirwill choirm choirwill will m be assisted wtect by William Morse orse Hum Kummel Hummel Rummat mel violinist violinistSecond 9 9Second Second Baptist Church ChurchHas Ch Irch IrchHas Has Choir of Forty FortyAt At the Second Baptist Church Fourth Fourthfttreet Jiotrthtreet o orth orthtreet treet b and Virginia avenue southeast southeastthe BOuthatthe suutbeasthe th the t following program for Christmas Christmashas ChriMtmaabaa Christmasas has h as been arranged arrangedOrgan arrancedOraan arrangedOrgan Organ prelude Christmas paatorale pastoralefrom paatoraleI paatoralerom I from fr f rom m Messiah Handel Anthem O OCom OCOMtt OCome Com Come All Ye Faithful P A Schneck Schnecker I er Nativity H R Shelley Offer Oltertory 1 1tory t tory ory organ Cantique de Noel AdolpH AdolpHA ActolpkAlalft AdolpkAJam Alalft A > iam Adeste Fldeles Novello NovelloChristmas NovelloChriatmq Christmas H R Shelley Organ post postlude postisle > > 08t 08tJude Jude l isle Hallelujah chorus from Mes Messiah MellI ¬ I slab 1 151 Handel HandelThe HandtThe JIandelThe The chorus hona choir contains forty voices voicesant vo voan ant an a nd the solos eoto will be sung UDC by Mm I E EHex EHea Hex Sworn soprano Miss Mamie IamleInacoe M MInscoe L Inscoe m acce contralto D J I Oantt tenor tenorWilliam ten tenrWilliam r rIlliam William Illiam H I I Weber bass ba Charles Haydn Haydnis is i s organist and choir director directorPRESBYTERIAN dirtoCtorPRESBYTERIAN PRESBYTERIAN PRESBYTERIANNew New York Avenue Church ChurchHas ChurchHas ChurchHas Has Special Program ProgramThe The be program pro < < ran of Christmas music for forSunday I Sunday as arranged for the choir at atthe atthe athe the t he New Y yrk rk Avenue Presbyterian PresbyterianChurch PretlbyterianChurch PresbyterianChurch Church will be as follows tollo For the themorning themornlncNow themorntngNow morning mornlncNow Now Is 1 Come Salvation SalvationHarris SalvaUonHarris SalvationHarris Harris While TIllie Shepherds Watched WatchedTheir WatchedTheir ratchedTheir Their Flocks by b Night Nh 1 Whitney WhitneyAdeste WhitneyAdeste Vhltn4r Vhltn4rJdHte Adeste Fkleles Seventeenth Century CenturyCarrol Centur7Carrol CenturyCarrel Carrol Willis Vun The evening ey atnc program JMOfrraJllm prograntwill programwill will m consist of a Christmas cantata cantataThe cantataThe cantataThe The Nativity ay y Geibel bel and familiar familiarChristmas familiarCh familiarChristmas Christmas Ch rItma hymns hymnsThe hymnThe hymnsThe The choir is I composed of Mrs Clifford Cliffordsoprano ClltlonlIIOpraDO Cliffordsoprano soprano Miss Pauline Whitaker con contralto contralto conralto ¬ tralto t A J I Hudson bass baa Ph L LScantling LScantlin LScantling Scantling Scantlin tenor Anton Keeper violin violinMid vtoUnd viothiod s Mid od d J Porter Laurence organist organistQuartet orxansatQuartet organistQuartet I Quartet Choir Program ProgramFor ProgramFor ProgramFor For Gunton GuntoLMemorial GuntoLMemorialAt Memorial MemorialAt At Guaton Temple Memorial emorlal Presby Presbyterian Presbyterian Presbyterlan ¬ terian Church Fourteenth and R Rstreets Rseeta Hstreets streets the Christmas music for the themorning thernornln themornIng morning rnornln service tomorrow tomorro will be as asfollows ailtollows asfollows follows Organ prelude Scotson Clark Clarkanthem Clarkanthem Clarkanthem anthem Behold I Bring Brln You Good GoodTidings GoodTldlnp GoodTidings Tidings Glebe anthem anth m From the theEastern theEtultern theEastern Eastern Moiintains o ntal Scbnecker offer offertory otre otretory offetory ¬ tory alto solo Christmas Christ tShelly1 tShelly1Miss Shelly ShellyMuw j jM Miss M Hughes HughesThe HuabeMlhe HughesThe The evening service program will be beorgan bltorpn beorgan organ prelude anthem It Came Upon Uponthe Vponthe Lponthe the Midnight Udnlht Clear Scott anthem anthemWhile anthemWhile anthembVhIle While Shepherds Watched Vatch Shackleyft Shackleyftoffertory ShackJeyoffertory Sbackleyoffertory offertory tenor solo Night of Nights NightsVanderwaler NightsVanderwater lllrhtaVanderwaler Vanderwaler Mr tlr Scharf ScharfThe ScharfTbe SchartThe The music will iU be rendered rendere by a quar quartet quartet quartet ¬ tet choir as follows Mrs Ir 1rs E D An Anderson AndentOn Anderson ¬ derson soprano Miss Lydia Hugh Hughalto HUlIhalt Hughaiti alto alt George Geor e Scharf Schar tenor George Geor < < e A APrevost APrevost APrevost Prevost bass and Mrs Grace D Jack Jackson JackBon JackIon ¬ son organist organistTwo or organistTwo < < nlat nlatTwo Two Special Programs ProgramsFor ProgramsFor For Eastern Presbyterian PresbyterianThe The Christmas music at Eastern KasternPresbyterian Ea EasternPresbyterian tern ternPreabyterian Presbyterian Church for the morning morningservice momingIl morningaervlce service Il rvIce at 11 oclock will be as follow followdThe followThe followsThe The Infant King Neldllnger Te TeDeum TeDeum ToDeum Deum Buck offertory soprano solo solofrom 8010trom solofrom from Merstah Rejoice Miss Han Hansen Hanaen Hanlea lea senFor For the evening service at 790 oclock oclockthe oclockthe oclockthe the program will be And AndThere There Were WereShepherd WereShepherds WereShepherds Shepherds Schnecker All Hall HallMelville HaIlMelville HallMelville Melville for or offertory ortertor contralto solo soloChrist soloChrist solcChrist Christ Is Born Develgn DeveI Miss 111 Gulick GulickThe GuJi GulikThe k kThe The quartet is l composed of tne fol following following ol ollowing ¬ lowing Miss WI Bertha Hanson soprano sopranoMiss sopranoU Miss U Estelle Gulick contralto William WilliamS WilliamS VHllamS S Douglass tenor Ruasel G Abbott Abbottbaritone Abbottbaritone Abbottbaritone baritone Miss Nellie M Sacrey Sacrt > y organ organist orglnlat organlet ¬ lat and Mrs Mm Betts director directorFfrst directorBEEGHAMJS BEEGHAMJS Tho UUh U Ffrst FiBr FIitThIg Thing ng PILLS lifl Sn Intho the theThe 11 Unn MOinlng MOinlngThe I eg egThe The haphazard use of a remedy remedywill remedywill remedywill will never discover its efficacy Try Beechams Pills morning and night nightand nightand nightand and note the improvement in your health healthas Tn The TheLast SEf yj8S56 > test as asBEECHAMS Thing Bli BEECHAMS BEECHAMSNJht iyfiJlifI iyfiJlifIA JL1 JL1Wght A Wght PillS PBLLSSold PillSI I Sold Everywhere In boxes lOc and andSa 25c 25cSiiosessfyS 25cSuessfuI i iSuccessful Successful Dentistry DentistryIt entistr entistrt > It t my coat coatyou costu coetyou f you > u a little more morethan moret than t h a n cheap cheapWorthle cheapworthless f worthless Worthle kinds kindsbut kindsbu kindsIn but bu t to i beat In Inthe Inthe InI the end nd ndI I Do Just As I i Advertise AdvertiseTeeth AdrcrtlscTeeth AdvertiseTeeth Teeth worth orth 8 for J5 5 teeth worth 10 for for7io 1750 750 teeth oj it absolutely absulutel best material materialtamable UNW UNWtalnable u utalnable talnable for 10 10Porcelain I IPorcelain 10Porcelain Porcelain crowns 350 beat gold crowns crownsH crownsU H up plaatic tilling 100 100Extracting 108Extracting 100Extracting Extracting by any reputable method free freewith treilwith freewith with aU plate and bridge work workDR CARLETON VAUGHAN VAUGHANPhone Phone Main 2053 1012 Z r ST 27 W i EPISCOPAL EPISCOPALOrgan EPISCOPALOrgan EPISCOPALOrgan Organ Recital Begins BeginsService BeginsService BeginsService Service at St Pauls PaulsSunday PaulsSunda PaulsSunday Sunday Sunda evening a special service servl o will willbe wille 111 111be be b e given at St Pauls Episcopal Church ChurchTwnotythlrd ChurchTwnetthlr ChurchTwnotythlrd Twnotythlrd Twnetthlr street northwest and will willconsist willI willonsist consist c of an organ recital beginning at atl I 71 7 115 l sharp followed by n Christmas Christmasservice Christmasservice Christmaservice service s of carols and anthems The Thechoir Thechoir choir c hoir has made remarkable progress pro progressuring < < re reI I during d uring the past few months and Mr Priest Prle t has proved himself thoroughly ihoroughsy ihoroughsyapable horougluYcapable I capable c as a anprganst an rSLlnI8t and choir trainer trainerRyland trainerRyland trainerRyland Ryland Church Choir Choirin Choirin Choirin in Solos and Quartets QuartetsAt At Ryland M I E Church Tenth and andD andD andD D streets southwest Sunday the even evenIng ovenIng evenag Ing l ag service rvl will be a sacred concert by the th t he choir and the th following anthamt anthamtwill anthemlwill anthemtwill will be rung Arise JrieeShinc Shine by MaLer Our Great Deliverer Deliveme by b Danks The Shepherds by Herbert trio Praise Ye Attila by Verdi VerdiThe VerdiThe The following are the soloists Mrs Milton Odell Miss Bisa Sweet Mrs Mr J H Brewer Miss Florence Cornwall Co rn a 11 < K s M Hall George G OrgO Lawrence and J H Cathell Organist Miss Sadie B White director dlr d ctor E H Hall HallThere HallThere HallThere There will be quartets as follows Jesus Lover of My Soul by Wit Wit1am VII ¬ liams 1 1am And There Were Shepherds by Millard MillardMETHODIST MillardMETHODIST MillardMETHODIST METHODIST EPISCOPAL EPISCOPALMorning EPISCOPALMorning EPISCOPALMorning Morning and Evening EveningMusic EveningMusic EveningMusic Music at atFoundry Foundry Chtrch ChtrchAt At Foundry M r E Church Sixteenth Sixteenthand Sbteenthand Sixteenthnd and a nd Church streets the following sum numbers nUftDertJ sumore ¬ bers b ore will be sung at the morning ser service Hrvlee eecice ¬ vice v ice iceBreak Break Forth Into Joy Ambrose AmbroseChristmas AmbroeeChrtatmu AmbroseChrIstntas Christmas Shelley solo by Mr Law Lawson LawliOn Lawon son s on sonA onA A choral service will be given in the theevening theevening thevening evening e yrhen the program will 111 be as asollows follows Collo f Organ voluntary YOluntar Angels from rom the th t he Reni of Glory Lansing The Th Good Shepherd Barrl solo oIo by Mr Moaner It Came Upon the Midnight Clear Schneeker The Birthday Dlrthda of a King Neidlinger solo by Mrs Irs Char Charotte ¬ lotte lott l otte Uppttt Nazareth BuckGounod BuckGounodoffertory BuckGounodoffertory offertory O The Birth of Christ Tiptoe Ttptonsok TIItOnsolo Tiptoeolo solo s olo > by Mrs Irs Swett Star of the Orient Shelley Shell t solo by Mr Lawson Sing Sln 0 Heaven Tours ToursII ToursH ToursH H L 1 L Amiss Ami is I organist and the Quar Quartet quartet quaret ¬ tet L et is composed compo OO of o Mrs Otis D Swett Swettsoprano SwettIIOprano Swettoprano soprano s Mrs Charlotte Uppttt con contralto contralto conralto ¬ tralto t Alexander Mosher tenor and Herbert D I Lawi L Lawson < t wlOn on basso and director directorMETHODIST directorMETHODIST directorMETHODIST METHODIST PROTEST PROTESTANT PROTESTANT PROTESTANT ¬ ANT ANTTwo ANTTvo ANTTwo Two Programs by Choir Choirat Choirat ChoiratNorth at atNorth North Carolina M P PThe PThe PThe The Sunday programs of Christmas Christmasmusic Chrtatmasmuetc Christmasmusic music at North Carolina M P Church Churchunder Churchunder Churchunder under the direction of Organist C CchOisld V v ScnofteJd will m be as follows followsThe i iTha i The morning program prograJftSweet Sweet Chrfcf Chrfcfmas chtfSlmpera Chrf4 mas Simpers by choir soprano sopranoJua sopranoJesus sdlo sdloJesus Jesus Was W a Baby Bfb Scholielil by Miss MissSue MI MISue MissSue Sue Hess Hark the Herald Angels Sing Towne To ne by choir holr Evening Eventn programGlory programO ory to the New Born King Towne by choir soprano solo olo Bright In the East Hanscom by Ml Miss ifary Mary Iary A Dod Dodge e soprano SS25 SS25E solo Bethlhen Drulaer DresserS b by MISS Ada III Filer Joy to ti te World orld Schnecker choir choirFARMERS choirFARMERS FARMERS TRY WAR WARWHEN AR ARWHEN WHEN PEACE E FAILS FtSLOCKPORT FAILSLOCKPORT FAILSLOCKPORT LOCKPORT N Y Dec 21A gang of fanners armed with pitchforks and andpuns ant antguna andguns puns have held up work on the trans transmission tralUlmlulon transmIssiofl ¬ mission line of the Niagara Iagara Lockport Lockportand Lockportand Lockportnod and Ontario Power Company near here herewhile herewhile herewhile while the workmen were engaged in building fences separating the transmis transmisfc alon 1on line property from the farm lands The farmers declar declare that they gave the t Ime compan company deeds to a strip of land too vO fc feet wide but that the company is endeavoring tq steal more land by b plac I ing I ng the fences on the farm arm lands r re j I Igardiess gardlesg of the dividing line The farmers held that they could not I get satisfaction by peaceful methods meth ds and accordingly organized at a farm ¬ house and drove to the scene of oper ¬ ations In a hay wagon wagonThe wagonThe agon agonThe The workmen sneered at the farmers farmersand farmtrsand farmersand and continued operations Then a bat ¬ tle t ie started Guns were VerI fired and the theworklngmen theworklngmen worklngmen becoming frightened ran J away aW8 The differences will be settled 9 LUTHERAN LUTHERANProgram LUTHERANProgram LUTHERANProgram Program for the Choir Choirat Choirat Choirat at Lutheran Memorial MemorialThe The choir of Lutheran Memorial MemorialChurch 11em8rl MemorialChurch 1 1Church Church will viil render the following pro program proJlftlm program ¬ gram af Christmas Chri tmu music under the th di direction direction dlreetlon ¬ rection of T B l Eub Emesby asby with Miss lla llaC 1I0C llaC C Butler qUr presiding at the organ organThere orpnThere organThere There Were Shepherds Abiding in inthe Inthe inthe the Field Fi FieldTit d Vincent VincentThe VincentThe The Glad Tidings Tklln TidingsBrewer TidingsBrewerBehold Brewer BrewerBehold BrcwerBehold Behold I Bring You Good Tld TldIngs Tidings rldIngB Ings G GIIbe GIIbeChrlstlna GbeChristmas be beChristmas Christmas Awake A wak a Schnecker SchneckerThere SehneckerThere SebneckerThere There Were Vtft Shepherds Buck BuckFestival BlickFetiUval BuckFestival Festival Gloria Patrl PatrWhitlleltl PatrWhitlleltlTone Whltflrtd WhltflrtdTone hltfteld hltfteldTone Tone Poem a Feature Featureat at St Pauls Lutheran LutheranTomorrow LutheranTomorrow LutheranTomorrow Tomorrow at St Pauls English Lu Lutheran Lutheran Lutheran ¬ theran Church the quartet will sing singBucks singDucks singBucks Bucks festival Te Deem In B minor minorSing minorSIJl30 minorSing Sing SIJl30 O Heavens by Tours Tou and 0 OHoly 0Holy 0lIoly Holy Night by Adam The trio for forsoprano or orsoprano soprano 80 pra no tenor and bass bk from Saint SaintSaens SaintSaena SaintSaens Saens new Oratorio de Noel NoeL will be begiven begiven e egiven given arranged with English words wordsThe wordTbe wordsThe i The soprano IIOpranoand and tenor will sing the duet duetfrom duettrom duetfrom from Parkers contata The Holy HolyChild Hol7Child HolyChlid Child and the bass will m sing Naz Nazareth Nazareth Nsaaroth ¬ areth by Gounod and Neldllngers NeldllngersManger NeldlinKersan NekilingersManger Manger an < < er Cradle will ill be the contralto contraltosolo contraltoIIOJO contraltosolo solo soloOtto IIOJOI soloOtto Otto Gattmann will II play a violin solo soloin soloIn olo oloin I in the evening service > > at which Mr MrHuddle MrHuddle MrI Huddle will read The Monk Felix by I Longfellow arranged arraneeI as a tone te poem poemthe poemthe the music by Carew CarewThe Care CareTbe Carewrhe I The organ on numbers will Ul include Pas Pastoral Palttora Faatoral ¬ toral I by Lamar the Apertis theeau thessune these u uris ris ne eels obtuterant Magi Domino aurum aurtimthees aurumthe aurtunthees thees the et Myrrhum from the overture overtureU oerturto U to > Franx Liszts Lint Christus Pasto Palltorale PastoraIn 1 rale by Chaminade and Concert Overture In C Minor Hollins HollinsThe HollinsnIe HolliesThe The personelle of the quirtet qu Jrtet Is I hire MraTheodore hireTheodore Iro IroTheodore Theodore T Apple sopranc < Miss W Flora FloraBernheimer FloraBemheimer FloraBernhelmer Bernheimer contralto Howard IIowa Butter Butterworth DuUerorth Butterworth worth orth tenor Theodore T Apple bass bassand baasand bassand and Lewis Corning Atwater At water organist organistand oraaniarand organistand and director directorCONGREGATIONAL directorCONGREGATIONAL directorCONGREGATIONAL CONGREGATIONAL CONGREGATIONALOrgan CONGREGATIONALOrgan CONGREGATIONALOrgan Organ Numbers Feature Featureat Featureat at Mt Pleasant Ple ant Church ChurchAt At Mt 11 Pleasant Congregational CongregationalChurch tmr cngregatlonalChurch Ulnal UlnalChurch Church the tl Chru Christmas lmaa music will con consist conaiMt con1st ¬ sist 1st of four anthems ami an four bistro instrumental IfUttrumental bistromental mental numbers by the orci ortnist hUll and 11 Mr 11r 11rector r rector ctor tor S Frederick Smith Th The flues number nu nuberJ flueshen ¬ hen will be bt b as follows tOIIo Anthems JlUt Sine SineO j1 i O Heaven Ht > a Tours Tour ThereShphtrds There Were WerShepherds WereShepherds Shepherds YJnent Kasarolh Oou Oounod OounKI Geenmd nod > 0 Thou That Teltest Good DId Tldinn rldInp DIdings inn from rein Handels lIand laI Messiah MessiahOrgan WihOrn MeeslahOrgan Organ numbers Fane Fanteaia on old oldChristmas oldChritrra oldChristmas Christmas carols Good King Wences Wenceslass Ven Venla8 Vencoslass lass la8 Hallelujah chorus Handel UiandfllChrl HandelChristmas FandeIChristmas Christmas Chrl tmaa meditation Reireckr march marchHandel marchHandel niarchtHandel Handel tHandelWOMAN HandelWOMAN WOMAN HandelW W GETS M MOF GUNOF DUNOF OF CHICKEN THIEF IIEFGraljs THIEFIjGraQs THIEFGrals Graljs Grals Mpurayder J by Collar Collarand Col Collarand ar araod and Scares Sc es Him Into IntoEmptyHandedness IotoEmptyHandedne3S IntoEmptyHandedness EmptyHandedness EmptyHandednessMANSFKLD EmptyHandednessMANSFIELD I IT MANSFIELD Pa Dc Si t1Mn Mrs John JohnT JohnT T Stout of Rutland township has a arevolver arevolver revolver dropped by a chicken Inlet tntefwhen tnlewtaea Inletwhen when he felt her stern aUl correcting correctift < < hand handlaid huNIlaW handlaid laid on his collar while ins marauder maraudewas rauder rauderw j jwas was w paying a nocturnal visit to her herhennery herhennery beebeanery hennery this week weekSuspecting WHItSu weekSuspecting Suspecting Su pecttng that all was a not well with withher withher 1tb 1tbher her hens from UK commotion under undercover undercover undeecover cover of the friendly darkness she stole stoleinto stoleInto tolt toltInto into the coop and found a youthfu youthfulrobber youthfurobber youthfurobber robber busy bu y with her fowls Cwl The lad ladwas ladarmeod ladwas was armed with a revolver to do doanybody doanybody doanybody anybody who might interfere but Mrs Mz MzStouta MrsStouts i iStouts Stouts unexpected appearance andj andjprompt and andprompt andprompt prompt attack scared him to such an ex extent extent entent tent that he dropped not only two twochickens twochickens 1w 1wchickens chickens he had In hand but his shoot shootIng shootlag > > hootinl lag inl Iron ron a8 s well wellCOMFORT wellCOMFORT wellCOMFORT COMFORT IN TRAVELING TRAVELINGTO TO OLD POINT COMFORT COMFORTThe The convenient schedule excellence excellenceOf Of appointments appointm t1 and connections of the theNorfolk theNortolk theNorfolk Norfolk and Washington steamers serve serveto serveto serveto to make this Transportation line a It well welltraveled welltraveJed welltraveled traveled one at ell seasons These Theseboats Theseboutll Theseboats boats make the trip to Old Point Com Comfort Cornfort I Ifort fort and Norfolk every ev y day in the year y yarsailing ar j jsailing I sailing mng at 630 30 p m Dally connections connectionsare i iare I Iare are made at th the latter place with steam steamers steamera ¬ I Iera era for New York and Boston likewise likewiserailroad likei likewiserailroad e I Irailroad railroad connections for the entire South SouthAn SouthAn SouthAn An allrail journey may thus be broken brokenwithout broktnlthout brokenwithout without lthout resulting in any inconvenience inconvenienceto to the tourist City offices of the com company company cornpony ¬ pany are located at Seventh street streetwharf streetwharf streetwharf wharf and at 705 Fcurtenth street I THE ORIGINAL ORIGINALEstabm Estab Established ¬ Phone PhoneMain Phonealished PhoneI PhoneCARAMELS lished Main 1866 2081 2081t 2081CARAMELS t I pl4 nt t tAre CARAMELS CARAMELSAre 1 Are among the GOOD THINGS Jor for which the National NationalCapital NationalCapital NationalCapital Capital has been famous for more than a quarter of a cen century century century ¬ tury Their quality purity purityund and flavor have never been beenequaled beenequaled beenequaled equaled equaledAn equaledAn equaledAn An endless array of baskets and handpainted boxes to be befilled befilled befilled filled with our delicious candies for Xmas gifts 620 NINTH ST ABOVE F FOnly FOnly Only One Store J I Books and Magazines MagazinesOn Maazinesn On 1Ti n FrenchCatholicism I Thn Th subject of greatest public interest interesttoday Interesttndny interesttbday today is that of the disestablishment disestablishmentof d1se of the h Roman Catholic Church In InFrance InFrance InFrance France The District Public Library of offers otfers offern fers the following Hut of the most im important Important important ¬ portant books and recent rec nt magazine ar articles lirUcle arUclee ticles on the question que Uon Among them the themost themoat themost most useful are perhaps the books b bJ b3J J E C Bodley and Paul Sabatier Sabatlerand Sabatlerandthe the series rie of articles by b Max Turmann Turmannin in the Catholic World WorldAnderson WorldAnderson Vorld VorldAndfraon Anderson F M The concordat JT29 JT29AnSff JroiIfIAnZl7 3T 3TAna7 AnSff AnSffIn AnZl7In Ana7In In his Constitutions and other selectdocuments documents of France 18W pS6sM pS6sMBodley p6 p6Bodley p03OIBodley Bodley J I K C The Th church In France FranceIK France1M Francelx IK 1M DG3IB833C DG3IB833CHoly DGDIIScHoly DG3Il3cIIolY Holy See and the th French government government19W governmentlOOt lOOt DGInlI7d DGInlI7dLowell DOIJJII7dLowell DGIsflldLowell Lowell B J The clergy clerg PMLSGc PMLSGcIn PNIJ6cUn Un In hiq h hi Eve of the French revolution r revolution11W2 volution volutionhlft 12 11W2Mathews n20 n20Matbews p2I98 p2I98Iathews Mathews ShaJler The clergy and re religton relttlon religlon ligton P3HM4S P3HM4SIn F3934In lol04 lol04In In Ms French revolution IfM p4351 p4351Sabatter p4I51SabaUer Sabatter Paul Disestablishment IcFrance France ifOt CPACSal22E CPACSal22ESloane CPACSalESloane Sloane W V M t French revolution and andreligious andreliglou antireligious L religious reform 1 1101 U FM83IK FM83IKStephens SI6Z SI6ZStcfbena Stephens H M Civil constitution e MUtutJon and andthe andthe antithe I the clergy FBASMCT FBASMCTIn In his hi French revolution UN p291 p291Magazine p91Magazine p3iMagazine Magazine Articles ArticlesChurch ArticlesChurch ArticlesChurch Church and French polities Review of ofReviews 01 01reeviewa Reviews V VSI pM 1 January IMS IMSChurch If1OSChurch 1O5Church Church and a state in France po Independ Independent Independent indopuiedciii ¬ ent VW V st bl PSSS J = September SeJtemberl 58 5 1 1Cburch 101 101Church M MChurch Church and state in Franc Outlook OutlookV OutlookVJ V VJ pSM p February 10 10Church IfM IfMChurch 3S 3SChurch Church in France Quarterly Review ReviewJuly ReviewJuly ReviewJuly July MS J yJSO yJSODisestablbihment p p2gDIsestablIshment DIsestablIshment in France Age V24 V24k P25S January 27 1 I IDisestablishment 301 301Disestablishment toI toIDllldtabUshment Disestablishment in France and its con conseoucncc conuenc conSsequence sequence uenc Contemporary Review VM VMp576 V Vf57 VJ VJp5 p576 f57 p5 October IttM IttMDisestablishment 1904DI 1041iseatabllshment Disestablishment DI ablhment in France and Scot ScotflELAY Scotn ScotI1ELAY flELAY n ElA y IN INS SETTLEMENT 8ETTLEIENTThe ETTLEM ENT ENTOF OF PLUMBERS PLUMBERS18PUTE DISPUTE DISPUTEThe The suggestion that certain facts be beadmitted hea4mltlfd beadmitted I admitted to the board of arbitration ap appointed appointed appointed ¬ pointed to settle the dispute dl pute between the themaster tlteJ theenactor master J ater plumbers and the Journeymen Journeymenwhile 1ourn8Jlft8ftwtlle 3ourneylnenwltile while accepted by 7 the master mu r plumb plumbers Jlumbe plumbera ¬ ers e has been rejected by the Journey Journeymen journeym journeymen ¬ men m n who yesterday not notifted I tied their coun counsel COlInNt couneel ¬ eel Stuart uart McXamara e aman that they want wanted wanted wanted ¬ ed the board to hear the evidence evl ee on all allquestions allqueeUon allquestions questions This will delay a final set settlement netUement et etUement ¬ Uement as it will necessitate nec tAte the examl examination examlnaUon examlnation ¬ nation of witnesses Both sides Ides to the thearbitration theuTbtraUon thearbitration arbitration have agreed a reed to abide a ab4d by the theaward tlteard theaward award of the th board boardThe boardThe boardThe The board it was 8 said today will m give givethe Klvethe givethe the attorneys > > a hearing early next lIuteek nextweek < xt xtweek week weekCommissioner weekSAIIGEMT eek eekSARGENT SARGENT Will 1L REACH REACHWASHINGTON 1EA 1EACommissioner WASHINGTON MONDAY MONDAYCommlaaioner Commissioner General of Immigration ImmigrationSargent ImmigrationSaraent Immigrationsargent Sargent who witnessed witnessed the landing of of1IW ofI 1IW I immigrants Immi antll from the Azores at atHonolulu atHonolulu atHonolulu Honolulu Hawaii hawaii December 1 will be behere bee behere here e Monday The Commissioner Gen General Oeneral Geecml ¬ eral left Washington a few days after afterthe atterbe afterthe the be election arriving in Honolulu just justtn juttime 1151time tn time to see the ship hip enter the harbor harborwith harborwith barbelwith with the largest number of immigrants immigrantsthat Imml immigrantsI rants rantsthat that ever came over at one time since sinceHawaii atnceHawaii I sinceI Hawaii was annexed to the United UnitedStates CnltedState LnltetiStates I States StatesNO StateNO StatesNO NO MORE MOREYELLOW YELLOW FEVER FEVERON FEVERON FEVERON ON THE THEISLAND ISLAND OF CUBA CUBAHAVANA CUBAHA CUBAILAVANA HAVANA HA V ANA Dec 22 For the first time timesince timealnee timesince since August IMS Cuba is free from fromyellow rromyellow ron ronyellow yellow fever At this time last year yearthere Y8llrthere yesithere there were ere twelve cases on the island islandLACKEY lalandLACKEY islndLACKEY LACKEY LEAVES TRACTION CO COJames COJames COJames James B Lackey Lacke secretary of the theWashington the8hlngton 1 1Vashlngton Washington 8hlngton Railway and Electric Com Company Company Corn1ny ¬ pany has resigned re JKned his position po IUon to be become become become ¬ come secretary and business bu tnea manager managerfcr managerfor managefor for a street railway advertising advertl lnlr com company compan ¬ pony pan with 1lb his offices in New York cornI He Hewill Hewill H Hwill I will be succeeded by Frederick J White Whitehead Whitehead Whitehead head land Review of Reviews V30 V pE7 pE7November p621November p7November I November 1904 1904Encyclical 1004Joncyclicol 1904Encyclical Encyclical letter of o Plus X XlllOO 1900 Ameri American American Amencan ¬ can Catholic Quarterly Review April 1 1806 1806Eoluthm 101Evolution M MEvolution Evolution of religion in France Con Contemporary ContempOrary Contemporary ¬ temporary Review V 88 p 188 1 Au August August August gust 1S05 1S05France 1006FAnce 1906France France and the clerical problem Scrib Scribners Scrlbners Scnlbnors ners V 37 p I 13 January JanuliJ 100 100French 1 1French 111 111French > > French bishops Independent V 00 p 625 March 1 1000 1000French 1006French 15OiFrench French Protestant church after the thfcseparation thttepamUon theseparation separation Review of Reviews Oc October October October ¬ tober 190fi p 4SO 4SOFrench 40French 4i0Frenclt French tangle Independent September SeptemberO 20 O 1006 p 70fi 70fiHoly 700Holy Holy See and French Nineteenth Cen Century Century Contury ¬ tury V 68 p M 6 March 1806 1806Papal 1006Paral 1900Papal Papal aggression 8ggr Hlon in France Fortnight Fortnightly ¬ ly Review October 1DO lOOt 11 p COS COSPassive OO OOPas 00Passive Passive Pas lve resistance in France Indepen Independent Independent Independent ¬ dent October 4 1 1 lfOO 6 p 77Bi 77BiReligious 716Religious 776kReligious Religious events in France Contemp Contemporary Contamporary Contemporary ¬ orary Review V Vit M i Ii > 472 041 4 April April1D06 1006 1D06Religious 1006Rellglou8 1006Religious Religious events In France Paul Saba Sabatler Sabatier SabaContemporary tier Contemporary Review July JulyReligious 100 100Religious 1100Religtovs Religious situation In France American AmericanCatholic AmericanCatholic AmericanCatholic Catholic Quarterly Review October Octobericoa Octc Octoer73I er erloott icoa p 71 71Max 73IMax iaIMax Max Turmanns Review ReviewReligious ReviewRelitous ReviewReligious Religious situation in France Max lax rur Turmann rurmann rurmann mann Catholic World August Augu AugustNo AugustNoveinber tNo tNovember No November ¬ vember lOW lOWReply 1 1ReplY 1000Reply Reply of the th Bishops BIhv American Catho Catholic Catholie Catholie ¬ lie Quarterly Review October WOO 190Gpc 1906JY pc 1 751 751Revocation 751ItovoeaUon 7IRevocation Revocation of the concordat Indepen Independent Independent ¬ dent V M 8 p 47 7 March 2 1905 1905Riots 190 190Riots hoRiots Riots in French churches Independent IndependentV V 60 p 306 February 3 180 180Separation 1901 1901Separation 9041 9041Separa Separation Separa on law disadvantages and aD ad advantages HI HIvanta advantages ¬ vantages vanta < < e Outlook October Octt 5ft 1SOC 1SOCSeparation 19OCp 19OCSeparation 1900p p 01 01SeparatIon Separation of church rend State In InFranc InFrance inFrance Franc France American CatlvMc Quarterly QuarterlyRevtew QuarterlyReview Review July 19W 100 p pSeparation pSeparation 4IL 4ILSeparation < Separation of church and State in inf in1rsnce France Nineteenth Cemury V 5 p pMay 1 f May fltY 1S06 1S06Separation 106Separation Separation of f church and State in inThird InFranee InPrance Prance World or1d Today September > ptembr 1 1Thlni 1906 1906Third Third republic and French Catholicism CatholicismIndependent CathlIcssmIJp cathllciemJjdendent IJp Independent penaent V 52 r p 4 444 February FebruaryTllES 21 1 im imTHEFTS 1901THEFTS THEFTS OF MINE ORE OREREACH OREREACH UEREAGU REACH 10000 DAILY DAILYSAX SAN FRANCISCO FRA CISCO Dec D 22 2Lnlted 2LnltedStates United UnitedStates CnltedStatell States Circuit Judge Morrow has hasgranted hasranted hasgranted granted ranted a temporary Injunction prevent preventing prevEntInK preventIng ¬ ing miners and those holding leases on oncompany oncomJMkn oncompany company property at Goldfield Gold eld from re removing removing removing ¬ moving from tr > m mines rich ore oreIt oreIt oreIt It is charged chorg l in the complaint that thatnot thatnot thatnot not less Je than tlOGOd no COO worth of ore a a daY dajris daYis dayis is being stolen from the Mohawk mine mineBERLIN mineEVENING mineEVEMID EVENING DRESS A BORE BORETO BURETO TO TOBZRLIN BERLIN COUNCILMEN COUNCILMENBERLI BERLIN BERLI Dec 22 22Members Members of o the thecity thecity thecity city council have expressed expres ed dissatisfac dissatisfaction dlSllaUsCacUon diseatisfactioii ¬ tion that they should be expected to don doni donevenln donevening i evening evenln dress dre s to greet royal visitors at atthe atthe atthe the Bradenburg gate They say the thepeople thepeople thepeople people do not like this form of recep reception reception receptitni ¬ tion although customary In recent recentyears recentyears recentyears years asserting rUng that the Kaiser Is dic dictating dictating dietating ¬ tating in their private affairs affairsj atralrsUNION affairsUNION j UNION PACIFIC PAMPHLET PAMPHLETDESCRIBES PAMPHLETDESCRI PAMPHLETDESCRICESLUCIN DESCRIBES DESCRI DESCRICESLUCIN ES LUCIN CUTOFF CUTOFFThe The Union Pacific Railroad has just justissued justIued justIssued issued a descriptive de erlpUe pamphlet on the theLucin theLucln theLoom Lucin Loom Cutoff It is I a very interest interesting interestIn interestIng ¬ ing In booklet describing in detail one of ofthe orthe ofthe the greatest engineering feats of the thecentury thec thecentury century centuryWrite c centuryWrite ntury nturyrite Write rite for thi this booklet at once to J JB JB T TB B DeFriest I > eFrlt > st Sf general > jorai agent S39 Chestnut Chestnutstreet Chestnutiltr Chestnutstreet street iltr t Philadelphia PhUad lphla Pa PaDEMAND PaDEMAND PaDEMAND DEMAND BY SOLDIERS SOLDIERSFOR SOLDIERSFOR SOLDIERSFOR FOR MORE LITERATURE LITERATUREThe The Womans omans Army and Navy League Leagueis is in receipt constantly constantl of requests for forbooks forbooks forbooks books and magazines ma zlnes for the soldiers soldiersin in the Philippine Islands Alaska Cuba Cubaand Cubaand Cubaand and Western 1Vloatern posts in the United States StatesOwing StatesOv1nlt StatesOwing Owing to present conditions there is a aparticularly aparticularly aiartIculanlY particularly large demand from coin Cuba Cubaand Cubaand Cubaand and in order to supply It without ne neglecting negiecUng neglecting ¬ glecting other garrisons the Army book bookcommittee bookcommittee k kcommittee committee is asking contributions from froma i a larger circle than that to which it itgenerally itrener Itgenertily generally rener lly appeals Contributions Contri uUons will be becalled bpcalled becalled called for if the name and address of ofthe otthe ofthe the giver is sent to Miss Mis Pelxotto 1206 1206K 1 1K 1206K K street Always Remember Item tubes th the Full FullNt Name NameCures N3m0 taylt L axative D22 mmne uirnne J on cR cb a every evwyCures everycuresacoldinOneDayCnp Cures curesacoldinOneDayCnp aCoIdmOiieDay a Cold inOIle Day Gnp in inZ 2 Days box 250 I C CREDIT CREDITMens R E D I T TMens I Mens Suits Overcoats x t i iRaincoats Raincoats RaincoatsWomens RaincoatsVomens 1 1Womens Womens Suits Coats CoatsYour CoatsYour j jYour Your Credit Is as good hers her as asCash WICash anCash Cash Elsewhere ElsewhereTHE ElsewhereTHE I THE FAMOUS 423 Seventh SL NW NWNo N W WNo WNo No Pain PainNo No High Prices PricesEasy PricesEasy PricesEasy Easy Payments ° amenta ymentll Examinations Free ProaBeautiful rruEeautifuI FreeEeantifa1St Beautiful Eeantifa1St Sot of Teeth that t1 > Ati fit 54oo 400 400mm 400Gold Gold GoldCrowns GoldCrowns Crowns 1 3300 300 300Bridgo 1 Bridge BridgeWork BridgoWork mm Work Fillings 54 54Fillings S411ll1na 611 7th 7thSt St 50c 50cWashingtons SOcWashington 50cwahingtoas Washington Painless P nIe8s Dentist DentistIHONE DentuIHO DentistI IHONE IHO I 1uE E MAIN 4S16 4S16SemiAnnual 4S1 tSt6No1J No1J t > t I SemiAnnual SemLAnnualClearing SemiAnnualClearing I IClearing Clearing Sale 1 30 Discount Discountis is s offered ofri > d off all clothing inClud inoludinu inCludIn includlng inu In Suits Separate Trousers Over Overuuts Overuatf OveruatS uuts and Raincoats RaincoatsMens RulncoatsLOEB RaincoatsWEB WEB G CO COMens Mens Outfitters 621 Penna Ave AveTIMES AveoiI AveTIMES oiI i iTIMES TIMES WANT ADS ADSBRING ADSBRING ADSBRING BRING RESULTS i I i HIS HI MACTCR VOiee11 VOiee11Full VOICCFull VOICSFull Full and complete stock of ofMachines otVICTOR ofVICT VICTOR VICT D Talking Talkinghlacbincs TaIkin TaIkinV V U1 I k Machines MachinesEDSSON hlacbincsand and andEDISON andEfl1Cffl4J Efl1Cffl4J Phono Phonographs PhonoL41JbUil EDISON EDSSONFor L41JbUil graphs graphsFor For Sale on onEASY onEASY onEASY EASY PAYMENTS PAYMENTSRECORDS PAYMENTSRECORDS PAYMENTSF RECORDS RECORDSCases RECORDSCases F E cD R E ECases Cases and Supplies Suppliesof of all ktnd ktndJohn ktnuJohn htmL htmLJohn John F Ellis Co CoPenna 937 Penna Ave AveOpen AveOpen AveOpen Open evenings till 9 p m mPrinting mj mI j I i I I Printing as Ordered OrderedWhen OrderedWhen I t It When Ordered OrderedPKone I IIt It 4811 4SIIt 4SIIt t t I Phone Main MainI 4810 4810GLOBE 1 1i i GLOBE PRINTING CO COV COI f V Printers Engravers Bookbinders BookbindersI I 4 14th and E I Streets XT 1 W i i io C o Amusements AmusementsCOLUMBIA AmusementsOLUMBIA AmusementsCo COLUMBIA V Co i a ag iD S 1 zsaaa zsaaaWAT Wuhin21on Lea4 Leading nz TIt1t TIt1tNAT TtcaiNAT NAT C CAJO cGOODWIN CGOODWIN GOODWIN GOODWINAoI AJO AoI HIS COMPANY COMPANYTonight COlPANYTonight COMPANYTonight Tonight at 85 85LAST 85LAST 85LAST LAST TIME TIMEWhat TIMIWhat TIMEWhat What Would WouldaGentleman a Gentleman DoNEXT DoNEXT Do DoNEXT NEXT WEEK WEEKSeats Seats How joy on Sale SalsCharles SaleCharles SaleCharles Charles Dliiingham Will Ill Preset PresetS Pr PrtKYRLE t tRYfflE RYfflE BEI BELLEW BELLEWIN S SS B80 faisiEaBEB faisiEaBEBIN B H LEW E3SI IN CONAN CO A DOYLES NEW COMIL COMILBy C COILLBy UL ULBy By Arrangement with Charla Charles CharlesBRIGADIER Fr FrBRIGADIER vir virTONIGHT BRIGADIER GERARD GERARDTONIGHT TONIGHT WEW a MATINEE MATINEE81s MATINEEI I 81s a1 B1 A a n SklA TODAY TODAYInc TODAYThe I rtAlloNA The 011 oily theater In Waat Vashingtn gt efier tt r rn Inc n exclusively American anJ rswea rsweators tJrenItan Zregnstar star tors of the tint rank rankRUSSELL rankafNIE rankMIME MIME RUSSELL RUSSELLA RUSSElLPYK RUSSElLPYKI I A Midsummer Nights Dream DreamXMAS DreamXMAS DreamXMAS XMAS WE K KSoats Soats Selling SellingThe MATINEE ATINEE CHRISTMAS DAY DAYThe DAYThe The Tremendous Spectacle SpectacleTIE Spcctacl9I SpectacleF I F TIE TIEOF E PRINCE PRINCEI PRINCEOF I OF INDIA INDIAI INDIAFive i iFive f I Five Acts Fourteen Scenes ScenesFive ScenesFive Scdne ScdneFive Five Hundred Players PlayersNEXT Playersu PlayerslUD Playor8NEXT u n NEXT WEEK WEEKBox WEEKj lUD Box Office OfficeOpen omceOpen j = I Open Till 9 Tonight TonightIn In irfn n r f tir 11 t Theatrical Tr TrTHE 111 111THE r rTRE THE ARISTOCRAT OP OPCOMIC I 1 1COMIC Mattrl es x COMIC OPERA OPERATHE naSS Dil and Sakday THE THEROSEOFTHE ROSE ROSEOF OF THE 400 400B 405c5 405c5Lu Bnt Seats Seatsi S J JALHA ALHA Lu BRA i 75c 75c5EHuflDau4 5EHuflDau4 600 900FneSe 900FneSeNOTAIILE Fine e Seats SeatsNOTAULE elts eltsSINGik SINGik NOTAULE A AlWRtl lWRtl OAST SOc 50cSunday I SINGING CHtlRI IICIRis s OF jF F M rM rMSunday I ISunday Sunday Night Ight Furelpn Qreign and American iloua ilouaPicture Mo MoPIctures o 1 111ctur Picture PictureNIGHTS PIcturesNiGHTS B BTJGJITS NIGHTS Lafayette Anmiunea jilatlreea jilatlreeaRn Matleu MatleuLOWXR ilatireesLOWZR LOWXR fl 0LV1t Co 260 260FLOOR 25cFLOOR FLOOR MAJESTIO a ar KOCAY KOCAY50c 50c OUC Rn r tjO I MONDV OiDty NIGHT NiGh SOUVENIR jeAXCRrT jeAXCRrTTONIGHT SAIGRIlX SAIGRIlXTOSI EAICEZZTONItiT WLD WLDSIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHTONE TOSI TONItiTONE HT HTONE ONE OF OFAXERICAH AMERICAS BRIGHTEST 1JRIGHTETKATHRYN fTAIiS fTAIiSKATHRYN f < I IKATHRYN KATHRYN PURNELL PURNELLIN PURNELLCAM IN INCAIV3ILLLE Li LiCAMILLLEa CAIV3ILLLE CAIV3ILLLEHO CAM ILLLEII 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PRINCETONUNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY GLEE CLUB CLUBNow CLUdNew CLUBNew New illard Ballroom BallroomSaturday BallroomSaturday BallroomSaturday Saturday evening Dec 22nd 32ndTickets 22ndTickets 22ndTickets Tickets at Smiths in Sanders Sander it Stay Staymans Stiiymanu Staymans mans 1327 F 1 Street StreetDANCING StreetDAN StreetT DANCING DAN T si L A L 1 CIN I I M G 1 5 DavIsons ° T r Residence e iafltncc iafltncccm7 rd Academ7 cm7 719 Sixth St V W WThorough WIborourh WThorouth Thorough and Reliable Years of Experience ExperienceCIaa Expel1enceCia CIaa Cia Evenings Tueeday Tueedn Thursday TburaC Thursdayginnern ay B BClnners Be BeInners Clnners Inners at 7 7Danctnc 7Dancln 7Dancing Dancing Dancln Rece Receptions tloM 838 S 38 PrIvate tenon leasoaigiven tenonciven lessonsgiven given any Ln ny hour our with music Teacher Mr Mrand Mrand Mrand and Mrs Davison n Ball Room R m for rent rentASSEMBXiV rentSEMDLY rentASSEMDLY ASSEMBXiV SEMDLY DANCES DANCESHATIONAIi DAtCESRATIONAL DANCEShiATIONAI 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