Nealon Heavily Backed by bythe bythe br brthe
the Public Fails to Run Runin IUAin Runin
Carryisg Canyi Tap Weight 133 i Pounds the the4PlaeJcy thePlucky thePlueky
Plucky Mare Mar Takes the Plaee Plaeea
i a Furious Drive DriveAKLAXD DriveI DriveAKLAND
I AKLAXD KA D Cal Jan J 2 11he The Sle SleKurnaI4andicap 11I 1L 1Lui >
ui < > I KurnaI4andicap at t Oakland kHd today todayvias todayas tkiywon
vias as won by Kercheval the only onl un unJtiiown up
Jtiiown iS I Wfl quantity in t ttte tb raee kiwI 1 was wasinerefore wa watllrtfore WMwrcfor
inerefore wrcfor a dUMpfMintment to local localjicegoera localJ
jicegoera J cgoellll goeru Kercneval had been pre preltred prelo jwe1atrcd
ltred lo troo < for the claatiie event at Aweot Aweotnd Aale6tdid Aoettd
did nd with hbl hi d Jockey Xoernar K ernir r waa waadruugut waJJr w wbruught
druugut JJr ught he heN 100u especially for the big biglUlr bigHu bigttunuidrlng
lUlr lUlrConsidering Hu ttunuidrlng Considering lon lder1q that JIbe waa wa carrying carryingweight carryingt
t 1 weight deht 123 pounds l LoguitUla reul reuliin reulran routran
> ran tbe moat remarkable markable race e eWWl u uif au aujt
jt if waa going othg very strongly at t the theiiutsii thlti theIititsh
iiutsii and took t the place by b twu twui twjIgth8
ti =
i < ngtlis s from tbe pacemaker I Sir rr K E4 E4itt l lini
ini nt Nealon Proper Dr LegK and aiuli
i < > i sliest of whom 0 a muiii flUt t was WaIi iIi tx txted l lt
i < ted t all ran disappointingly disappointinglyNiilon diappointIugiyNalon
Niilon 110 had been carefully ull pointed pointedi point pointI
i hoots Uurnell for the race 1 4e and tar larII tarI
1 II 1 > 1 tlir tll bulk of the money He was a il ila < l lui 1s
ui a > s favorite opening openinaat at Ii to tohiitg u f ant antinslnsr an anhtrt
inslnsr at 11 1 to It 5 k The Jenningtt J io ioIjef tu tiiI
htrt 5BI
1 1 > Proper and a u1 Bloody wa was = second secondi u u1ce <
i 1 Ijef 1 dee 1ce and HlkirethK eatrv LiOgiiUUla LiOgiiUUlain
in ut H I Rapid Water ater third thi choice Kfi Kfiiival C ICeiti
iival ti vat rloaed at t 7 to 1 INuiuii 1atoll 1t
Nuiuii atoll t km broke Hrat tir t but air Edward Edwardiirmn EdwardI Edwaraitl1tiiItiI1
iirmn itl1tiiItiI1 I II illuUly h took th the b > lead Proinsr Fruper r JMO JMOnd uceid
nd id uud Kercheval r u ub third b In 1 the h rs shift shifti s shiftLPIC it itI
i ti 1 LPIC h flrnt turn Sir Edward had two twoiBilis twol twotMtk
iBilis l tMtk lIu the ftvul tt of f it with 1t11 Rapid RapidVit Rapidhr JtaptdvI
Vit vI hr r in h second ood place and nd Kercheval KerchevalMill Kenhealq
Mill q tiU 111 third under wrap Title poMitlon poMitlonM nauitioiicteiped
M > S retained n > tiped until just l beture efure the turn turnLome turnI
I I Lome luQ J zne When Sir Edward turned turn d a ait Mt at
it t vtiilu t ilt iii Into the Htretch Koerner shot shotK Mbotin
K rtiifval 1 ad in between bet him and Rapid Rapidv Enpidiud
v II ar I and wita noon o0n twolengths t to < i the thet
C < > t 1 Litgistilla luiaUUaMoo began to move up at athi atIdo att
hi Ido t i time timO HIM and ii4 in a furious stretch atretchli stretchIa4Med stretchin
in i li Ia4Med > aNMed > I everything but the Hying HyingI
I iv i nhcval rc hvaI who whowon won eaaly eaalyFavorite eaalyFavorite
Favorite Gets Star StarEvent StarEvent StarEvent
Event at New Orleans OrleansilVx
ilVx j ORLEANS RUAN Jan 38 2tThe The Mer Mermi IerH MeriJandiap
mi H Handicap Hanctla fourth on 0 the card card1iu cantlit cardflik
1iu lit mile was the feature today i It Itt It1101Ied
t i > DOtted by h acartchea l Tiling TU tb tbiiie ute uterllt tbI
iiie I C won from James Ja Jteddlck who whoa wholjSluaU whoiiuUtIed
a Hstiualined ljSluaU ed The trick wall muddy muddyvi MuddyIIIIrilitrietl siuddynuirtea
IIIIrilitrietl IIIIrilitrietlFirst nuirteaIirt
First raee r Ier lour fourysarald and up uii1
vi il t Ii > furionga lulAd furIon Lady Carol Canal W Gar Garner 0TIffl Oarncr ¬
ncr TIffl i IK l to 5 I won Happy Jack J JackI ek UK UKi
< i > i ilAubuchon 2v to 1 1MICOIId IMppItt oW oWuhtlChon 4iidAuhuehon
lAubuchon uhtlChon G to 1 third Time TimeIK rn
IK 1 I St Joel oel Chieftain ehle Yerlbeet t Gold Goldrr
Ieirer I rr Jerry C Deuxtemps Dewttem Major Majort ajor ajor11I1r
t iHMmer 11I1r Maggie Mackey Nervator Nervatoraj Nervator NervatorIIj ervator ervatorul
aj ul u Oill1neke aioeke ubiu ai ran ranord ranof1d raneord
= eord > ord race raeeFor For twoyearohta four
jiiUiiign j loIUIlIfIi 1 r I5 E E M Fry U W 8a Spederj d r > even evenMontbert even4untbert
I Montbert 104 l C Lowe S to 1 see seeon IHCnd 500tnd
on tnd nd i Ida May 104 Lloyd 11 to 1 1 third
Time Tim u4 u SSt Rebel Q QueenS en Blue Lee Lee
I mvenlent Poem Figdda Lee Crest Crestiuid Crestand t toohl
and Lula B B ateo ai ran ranThird ranThird railThir4
Third raee raeeJior For threeyearolds and andr aadTanl atulTtt
r Tanl Ttt ird id dye and onehalf furlongs
Lady Navarre Navar 11 W U < J 1 Martin 15 1 to 1 1WflI 1Wiii 1 1wnn
wnn Grace George W e RUse 38 to 0 1 1ml 1HI
ml HI I Blackbuni S It iTriwman TJ U 1 to
t f third Time l 1allar M iargin C5nV n Tudor Tudori
Xul i lIs i 4 Expect to ii See Lucullwa Luculf Enstey Ensteynd EIUlIe nsLey
nd I Kehodale Milk ran rani raileez PSflurth
i urth raee raceThe eez The Merchants M bat batj Handicap Handicapv f
v iih h SlaU IO added for thfeeyearoU thfeeyearoUupward threeyearaidsupward
j upward one mile > Tlfeli TlfeliTIHTI TI Tileing lng W Wrilerl
TIHTI 11 to W won on The KngiMi KngiMiJIU ngItsk ngItskt
JIU M t Van Dusen > O to X 1 1 second secondihit IMICOIMIi
ihit i hl 97 l Lowat owe owei ia u to > 1 third Time limej
i i U j I a i Dont Ask Me Devout Mor MorMiy MorI Marand
Miy I and James Reddick also ran ranms rant
Im ms t Heddik Heddi finished l second but waa waaiiiuilltted wasitutIitird
iiiuilltted itutIitird for foul Morttboy fell fellI felljj felliit
I jj iit ittli t t h race raeFor For threeyearolds and andjrMurd andf and1aard
jrMurd I otte on mile and andi asvefljy ya yards yardstskIn
f tin aCior 1r
tskIn 112 lloyd 11 to Ill 10 won wont
i llJlklicJWr iiii iignr K En Ena1ander land r 7 7s to 5 see
s a 1 1 l VI > r Young you W7 OV A Martin S II to toj
J third I 1 Time 15145 151 1 45 Judge Bur BuruighH Hergtii
uighH j gtii h Hyacinth ac it FIeldwtek Field ld wick kfU and Blue hf
lal 11 jL 4 I also ran ranixth
Sixth ixth race raoeealinIr Selling for fcuryearoda
< 1 upward six turlon rurl jutlungs < i Klelnwood Klelnwooda
J s 4Stderl Staler tdtr 12 1 to 1 won Airship Ajnftl 4 4LLuJ
iU d LLuJ > > Jt 4 to 1 second J W CNeill 0
Tin J I IA Aibucboii lhU4b la 15 I to 1 third Tlioe Tlioei
i IT 1 Mitt shtt4r utcIor dor Ralbert iVomlo Tkh
iniigu tIIIlg Plnnticker and I lit Ilty ity also ran rans railtnth ranvtitth
s venth raee 1Ii niceFor eFor For threeytaroida tlueert > aoIda and andi and11I1
i iiiri a 11I1 me mite and twenty yard yarda Tinker Tinkeriliilaet TInkerIIHliI Tinkertilac
< iliilaet IIHliI tilac 1C to 1 won DarllHK 105 1 F Fiiit FI
1 iiit tHi t iii i i I to 1 s second < con onct < l Foreigner Mil Miliii i ijt
iii jt 1 htnai h ° fl5i 3 b > to J third Time 14711 14711K 1 1116 1116al
K j al il Breew Lady Elltaor lIIwin Fonaoluca FonaolucaKitir FonaoIucah onsoIucah
Kitir h a t j Power Uold Coin Torehello TorehelloMi
lid I Mi I I f Ella Ilttln JH I n Lucas Zlek Abram Abramjauio Abra AbraaullC AbramsI
I jauio aullC alao lJlO ran ranNew IIiUNew ranNew
New Orleans OrJea a Satriee for Menday Mondayjiitt Menday1Jt MendayI
jiitt I t ra ratEThr < e Three and onehalf fur furl
t L > Uelo l Los ee 115 Dandy Dancer DancerIo DancarPem
4liJ liJ
Io Pem 4 m 1 Iib Rliater l 1 ifS Haa hand l nM nMJi M MJjiiiywlok MJywiek
Jjiiiywlok Ji wklE US 11 Dew of Dawn 115 Con ConKtihvwUk ConHtdwhk Conjuwiek
KtihvwUk 1 15 Dew De ef f Dawn Da 116 Con Conit
1 lir it 1i uS Wlnelu Ioclu 1 1ni Ir 1S 1Srki
ni race r rCtlZ Six turlon furlonga Paul CUt Cltff Cllti CUtri
f rl 39 Telepathy e eJs 1W Kehodate ChOdLe MH MHMar lOTLrtr
Mar i Lrtr iw n Dottore e 112 U Paragon M MKse if ifJtae
Kse Js > Murion K Attention n 87 Penta Pftntantti PentaIm Pentagil
ntti Im loo 8w Sweet et Favor Sponge Cake CakeBasil CakelaaU tkeBasil
< Basil lOG Ancestor 108 1 Viperine ViperineIll Viperine1ird i
Third rac raceFive Five and onahnlf half fur turt 1 1liyal
t 1 ngl Launtel I Let Dulr1 DuK 111 111t
liyal t 1 yat a River iJf 1W lf Our Own Cll W Vinegar Vinegarfoil inegar inegarHLI1
foil r I 1tt Mlldrene W 1W Excitement re reITal IN INMorales lieiralee
Morales ITal UK Darfln Dar DFgIII tR 117 RINk 117 117Marvel 111MJvd ii iiMatv4
Marvel P Ul Pedal al 111 MlFourth 111Flurth 1111jurth
Fourth race r61I8 Mile and oneeighth oneeighthJtonna oneighthITlna oneeighth1nna
Jtonna M Le Trrnus MB i Rather BatherKoyul Ratherl Ratherloval
Koyul l ul 106 h Granaiia M 14 i Dr Sprulll Mi Mij 1 1j
j sterling 1 H6 S Mamie Algol Al Algolifth o1 J Jitth
1 ifth nwe J4e81x Six furlongs Dapple Dappleld
ld li 110 O Abjure l los S Kdtth dItk K May Ma ill illJerry IllJrry 111Jrry
Jrry C let l Ptantagenet Plaatq t lit Kohlnoor Kohlnoori4
1 i4 fotroosa t t 113 Henry 0 UK Mata Matair 1latalt Matai
ir i ill Billy Bill Yertresa 95 Penryhn 1M 1MTu I IrJ 1e1imingo
Tu rJ iiimingo minao 165 1 1f Clifton Forge 108 108V 1 1trn lfl lfll lflxth
V > tirn M Mixth 1 1xth
ixth xth rare r raeeMtir Mile and a eighth th Tarlac Tarlacl Tar Tari TariseJungle
l Jungle Imp IflS Athena W Ores GrosutHin G Gott Ores11fl11i
utHin 11fl11i i W I Ed lrm Tiern Tierney y i 1 1S GHsten duston i irigui lIgItL =
rigui IgItL Note ott 106 1 iO i Happy Chap 1 The TheKnirlfehmaii TbeI The1gtbhman
Knirlfehmaii I lihmaD loS 1 Dont A IIt sk Me aleStckwood MS MSstockwood 1 1Sutekwood
stockwood lie 1 Torehello 1 6 Canyon Canyonvrnth CaR CaRIn canyositenth
tenth race ra raceMite Mile IJe and nd twenty yards yardsuxtn yrdilxtn yardsjf
uxtn M6 jf Laity Itt 1 Waterfall W WiMn iSI
iMn I tIi Loans M Stcamou 1ft M S Baneful BanefuliH Banefullllll
iH < Royal BreeM reeee 108 Dele Strome W WAra 91o iStara
tara o ra M Sehroedera broedt Midway M MTraik 94Trak SiJrak
Traik muddy Weather cloudy cloudyW cloud cloudW cIoudw
W H a Carey Captures Captureslios QapturesIos CapturesLos
Los Angeles Feature FeatureI
IX I o N ANGELES Jan in 31 IThe Th Santa Santaiuta SantaIt SantattitU
iuta It ita Handicap at Ascot Park over the theltrok UtelIrHlkll the1rke
ltrok course turned out to be the meet tin meetuiiig raostnig
uiiig > nig in atake race of the theII tle aennon on W V VI
1 II 1 rtivy v owned bv b R F farmar and andi anddId nd ndI
> i dId 11 1 t t masterly manner by byxiip b bpp byp
xiip pp p < < Iii i third position at the thehiit theiI
hiit iI of 1 if t i ivi dt and gradually wear wearirti wearJ wesrra
irti J lown Von Trowp In the Jeiatslor Jeiatslortu leet Jt t Mx Mxt K Ktt
tt t nili went wt > nr under und r the th wire a winner by bya bva byit
a anvrt head h d J F Uonotiue 1 onouue was third
jI P
I Acting as Manager of the Hatchetite e Runners Who Took the Team to toRichmond toEichmond I
Richmond Last Night
Washington V ashlOgton Youngsters Fin Finish FinI ¬
I ish in Front in Richmond RichmondIndoor RichmondIndoor RichmondIndoor
Indoor Track Meet MeetRICHJ40NTX ieetRICRJIlO MeetRICHMOND
RICHMOND RICRJIlO l Va Y Jan J 36 ston LWaehI LWaehIto Washing Washington ¬
to ton carried Oft the honors at the Rich Richmoml HariaRIOBII RiekMolsil
moml eoltoitiate met tonight t8a1cbt but the theactly tJMt themeet
t meet was over too ate 10 o teD br ex exactly oxaetly
actly how much muchCoalts MuehCoaU muaitCoalts
Coalts of tbe th Newark ewark Y M C A Atook A AI AI
I I took the halfmile from Loraodo but butthat butthat butI
I I that waa the aaly 1 ly Hsappalnttog > u weji wejident bMIIknt
dent canals of the Catholic tic ticyersty Unl Unlveraltyv UtlIvlt
veraltyv vlt yersty 0 sprung > a surpriae ity capturing capturingthe eapturilegthe ptudag ptudagthe
the Myard novice but toe OaorgMown OaorgMowndefeat Qsorgstowndetest OWft OWftdefeat
defeat of Richmond Coll CoUtp 00115 f in l tb tile re relay 111 111lit rplay ¬
lit lay was the greatest race of the night nightprindpaliy nhghLrIneIpsIly t tJriaelUy
prindpaliy because of the game aese strug struggle JItnICale atre atregb ¬
ale gb of o the Rlchmondor RlchmondorCefien RICluo RICluoC RIehHmODdersCOOn
COOn C en Takes akos the Lead LeadCohen LedCoben LeadCohen
Cohen got a alight start an on Richard RichardI 1Ueur4left BIChT4sea
I left in irst te Ant ejuAvWIv tiIWJIr a e eree rushSullivan rush mobSullivan h hStillivan
Sullivan added three t or four yards e eeer eeerutham er erSoutham
Southam SOulbam utham Luck felt tel and OBoyle OBoylei 0 OBaylogained I IxalJMMt
i gained onefourth of a lap Then Theme ThemeOeorha came cameGoochs ecmeGeochs
Goochs gmnd act spurt wbon he IMup IMupt ma ln lntwenJ up uptwenty
twenty t ya yIa ns and ran ra a 0 atntsogly atftN1IJlythat atftN1IJlythatlott that thathe thate
he e loSt by b only onl tea or ii fifteen yard yardThe yardThe a ath9Uc
The Catholic th9Uc University ran away awaywith awaywith 7 7111th
with th th the Richmond molkl Howttaers in their theirrelay theirrelay theirrelay
relay Kacto Cae man ft gained until at the tleI tleend theend theend
end the CathpUca ca were w era threequarten tbreequarterof
I 1 of 101 Ia inpahead inpaheadlIoffentn ahead aheadlleffernan aheadi
i lleffernan Uefl n the Georgetown CJeorweto shotput shotputter ¬
ter had an easy oaa time in the shoUput shoUputand ahotputaist put putalMl
and won woUhout without trying tryingGeorge tryl tryingOoorge
George Oeor Washington went after the thepoint thepoInt fec fecpoint
point triwhy t bf cuuin the pole vault rner rnerrott tor torrett teII
I rett 1 had no trouble yetting first white whitePpreythe whiMI Le LeForsyths
I Ppreythe who had not vaulted for foryaara
yaara lUIiI WM third and al 4l tbe exhausted ehaueteiLmini Lo Lorand
rand l11Mle was fourth The victory of Kern Kemper Kernp00
per the Central Centrallllch High school man In the theSeyard theo8opJ therayMi
Seyard interschotaatkr interachoo ic was wa gmd gladnews news new to tothe tothe 0 0the
the Washington Wa crowd as he looked Pd PdBUN a asure amare
sure whtner Iter and did mighty nti hty deed in hithe inthe Inthe
the beats he and semifinals semib semibGeorge semtdnalaGeorge semifinalsGeorge
George Washington Loeks LoekaLike Like Winner WinnerAs WiJner WiJnerAs WinnerAn
As far afl can an be learned Ii ed tonight tonightGeorge tonlgbtGrp tonightOsorge
George Wanhington IUIhlon will probably get getthe Beltbe getthe
the point trophy It did not get a run runin run runI runhi
in I the relays because at the last minute minuteRehmond minuteReRftNHMl minuteRebmond
Rehmond College CoIle was u matched with withGeorgetown withGeorgetown withGeorgetown
Georgetown to please the Richmond Richmondpublic RichmondpubUc Richmondpublic
public and the Newport ewport News New team teamwhich team1d teamwhich
which 1d h was 1 then dug up as a competitor competitorfor
for George Washington University was wasput wututtHItot wa waiUt
put tuttHItot iUt out of business n by an accident to toone toon
one on of Its men menThe JneRT menThe
The T University of Virginia did not notsend notelltd notsend
send the big team exp expeeted et d and was wasnot WUnot wasnot
not In the relays y One of the eneourag encouraging eneouragIftlr eneouraghtg ¬
ing features f tmiise was WItS tile active and sueeeas sueeeasfill aueeeafit HeM HeMhtl
fill fit part taken in the meet by the Wood Woodbury Woodbury Woodbury
bury Fore t Washington W h1ltgton School for forBoys torBoJI forBoys
Boys Army and Navy Preps the Wash Washington Washlngtoit VuhIngto ¬
ington high schools eb ol and other scholas scholastic eh aehelastic 1aa 1aatic ¬
tic inatitttUons Some Some of the work done doneby doneby doneby
by the youngsters l was or a very high highorder highorder highordkr
order and ws v18 ia ftttly aa creditable as asthe utlte asthe
the beat performances pertor of the seniors seniorsTb aemorsThe seniorsThe
Tb The Army ANn and Navy Preps beat the theWashington theVuhlfttfton theWshhmgton
Washington School for Boys in one of ofthe oCthe ofthe
the most exciting relays elay imaginable imaginableBunch ImaginableDureR imaginableDcccli
Bunch and Kemper alternated in lead leading JdInK ad ading ¬
ing hi the 440 uyard yard Injerscholastle In ncho1atle until untiltbe untiltbe untilthe
tbe last lap when J V Granger of ofWondberry ofO ofWoodberry
Wondberry O dberr Forest t leggetl 1egB to the front trontand frontand j jand
and by b a brilliant spurt unexpectedly unexpectedlybeat unexpectedlybeat unexpectedlybeat
beat Kemper Ketft r by an inch or two twoGrangers tWOGrangers twoOmangors
Grangers work in h getting out of t a apocket apocket a apocket
pocket on the final nal lap was remarkably remarkablygood IflRIirkabl IflRIirkablgood remarkablygood
good and marked him an unusually unusuallyheady uaunaJty1teady unusuallyheady
heady youngster youngsterDisqualification youaptterDisqualification youngsterDisqualification
Disqualification in Mile MileThe Milehe Milethe
The he open mile JRI run wu a desperate desperateaffair d desperateaffair te teattalr
affair in which Come of the Newark NewarkT
Y M C A A beat t Lorando Loraftc by an InA In i h It Itwas ItWtUI Itwill
was marked by a bail foul Haekin Haekinof HkiMot
of Pennsylvania rutU putting Hemng heck heckand b8ekaM bocksail
and forth across the track tra k in InI dangerousmanner dangerous dangejougmsnr
manner I n Referee Grant suspended lies liesWn la lakiM Hopklan
Wn kiM far tOrthe the meeung mirethig tlr and until ll 1 his cose coseis CoUIeiii ciseis
is reported rqp rted to the th A A A U I authorities auttloritteaoo authoritiesand authoritiesand
and Herring was dlsqualln dlqualltkdThe l uaUfit uaUfitThe d dThe
The finish of the Wyartl yard scholastic acholaaticwas ehoJutkwu scholasticwas
was heart breaking KoftpeI K ncper Central CentraYIteB Centralflslt CentralItigh
YIteB flslt wan wa wia aa a eurmer easy toner from Pagan Paganof Pnaof n noC
of Army and Navy Na Preps P lnt nlckiXg nlckiXgthe lckl lcklthe ickit ickitthe
the > third mac was W a jon j > aia I > ahA roe roejudges n njudges e eJudCesftve
JudCesftve judges five minutes JRI UtM Riirrh Central CentralIllgn CenhalHIgn CentralHign
HIgn was so close c vp p that Dr Grsnt Grsntthe Orntthe Ortintthe
the referee had to ti l calud in to set SLti
tie tj the point Jl W tarke Wash Washingtjn WashIiigt a alaactHt
ingtjn Iiigt ja school i was also in the bunch bunchand lMatCtand bunchand
and one Judg judge wanted 4 to make him himsecond kimNCOftd itimsecond
second He H gat g at fourth It was UI a hard hardrace hardrace hardrace
race and Washington ItwfJlol we t tao board boardThe boatdThe boardThe
The building waa v very fW ry e OoJW > W awl U the at attendance attecdanee attendanee ¬
tendance was smaller 11er than expected ejcpeewdbut u ubut expectedbut
but Dr Jo 10 Reiily s14 aM 101 be 1 was a well wellpleased wellpleased I IpI
pleased with lth the th nte meet MMtTke meetThe t tTke
Tke SttHimariec SttHimariecauyurd SttMJIIsrieiibyard Semmaritmaleytrd
auyurd novice no noviceFirst First tt beat beat S L 1 I 9urch 9urchCentral VurchCentral UurehCentral
Central High of Washington on T TA 1A TA
A A Canale < anale Catholic University second seeondSeound secondeeund d dCJnd
Seound eeund CJnd beat blltW W A Powell Randolph RandolphMaton It1BdoIphun Iti1ndolphMacon
Macon un won James McCanneri fcCanM Wash Waatoon Wi1btcton Washhigtun
tcton on School for Boys Boystird second 88COIMI1blrd secondThird
Third tird beat beatC C M Richardson Rich Richmond RIchmoDd Richmood ¬
mood College won John Britten Wash Washbujton WashiImto a hSchool
bujton iImto School for Bays Dey second Time Timeseconds TimeIi Timeconds
Ii seconds secondsSemlflnalCaaale eeOIMIIIhmidoalCaaaJe conds condsemnidnalCanaIe
SemlflnalCaaale won McCartney YeCartMfcond MeCartneysecond McCartneysecond
second Time 6 seconds secondsCoyard NeOfttlllIiOoylId seoundsGyird
Coyard novice novleeFlINtICauh Final Canale won wonRichardson wonltichanlllO wonRichardson
Richardson second Burch Durek third Time Timesecond TiM TiMI TimeS
< second secondyardsOpen IMKODdIIrk secondsSt
St yardsOpen a First beat II S SDukes SDukes
rk rka Cd l3rUe 11900 11900L
Dukes Maryland Athletic Chin won wonIt wonL
L S Brttton D C N G second Time TimeSit TimeI
Sit I seconds secondsSeeond HCOndaiJeooacI secondsmooed
mooed heat aeatJ J A Rector Rtletor1ltnnilty Rtletor1ltnniltyAt University Universityvrlty thilversityof
At v Virginia w won 1 1 s S WilIains pamS tlftl tlftl01 Diiivarsity
varsity of Pennsylvania shooed Time Timem TimeI TimeI
I m W 4 seconds Ratlit etus1a tw > le South Atltatie Atltatierecord AtlatJcd Atlontlerecord
record recordThird recordThird
Third d beat beatW W A A Powell Po Poe e eli l Randelph RandelphMacon RandelphYae RandolphMacon
Macon n won Robert Clatborne e Wood Woodberry Woodlrry ood oodtaerry
berry Forest second Time 8 seconds seoondeS9yard OIH1dydJCi secondsiSyard
S9yard ydJCi dash daabOpdI Open final Duks won wonRector WtHIReetM wonRector
Rector second firtttaon third Powell Powellfourth POVoelltoeIttb Powellfourth
fourth Time TimeMetay S 44 44Relay 44Melay
Relay race racE racpIacopel Kplaeopal l High T T B Mc McClellan McClollan c c1laA
Clellan 1laA G M R It Charenger L L W WLataa WLalan Wtartan
tartan T I T Peberton P berton vs s Woodberrj voodber oodberrForest r
Forest A Frebelg Cholt A Gait J JGrain JOratnger V VGrainger
Grainger Grain 11 Winner Woodberry Forest ForestTime Pet4MtTime ForestTime
Time 1285 1285SOyard 11Ii 3 Ji JiI 4 4iSyarit
SOyard I yarct dash Interscholastic Intcr ehola tk fIrst tirstheat fIrsthdt drotheat
heat E C Kemper Washington Wulltngt n Con Central C Ctral Contral ¬
tral high School won Joe LJehtea LJehteasteui Llcht Llchtatehl Liehtsastein
stein Inchmomi High second Time Timsa TlMIIS
a a 45 43Second S aeeonds aeeondsSecond nd ndC
Second 1LWo heat hsatL L LWo Burch re reReub Reub ReubTIIDf Washington WashingtonCentral Wa hi Kton KtonTlw
C Central 1 High won Fneh second secondTime
Tlw Time 8 seconcii seconciiThird seeontaThird oaai oaaibird
Third h hMt heatA at A A Pagan Army r1R and andNavy andN andNvy
Navy N vy Prep wto w wt a R W V Burke Wash Washington Washingion IU kIqtol ¬
ington School > l lor Boys Doy aeeond Time TimeS Time54I
S 54I 45 seconds secondsFourth 8tCOnch1liounb secondsFourth
Fourth heat heatJ J W McCartney Wash Washington Washington VashInlCton ¬
ington School won T A A Williams WltliainsSt Williamst JUtama JUtamalit
St t Andrews second Time 9 seconds secondsSemifinal s secondsSemifinalBurke eondsIlIl
Semifinal SemifinalBurke i Burke won Ira Lighten LJchtenSwyard cht8ft
IlIl I etern second dB Time e 6 4i seconds nd ndcht8ft
I Swyard 5 yarcl Interscholastic Interschoi aUe final linalKemper linalKemperWQft Kemper Kemperwon
won Paean I second li Burch third thirdBurke thirdHarke thirdBurke
Burke fourth Time I 24 4 seconds secondsRelay sevomlsRelay onds ondsRela
Relay Rela race rac racoMcGuIres McGuires School T M MForayth MForsyth 1 1Forwytb
Forayth T S s aloseley o eIey W W Meek W WJ WJ V VJ
J Miller va Richmond High III h Robert RobertMills Robertl1IIa RobertMills
Mills J C Simpson on Ralph Iudwicr 1udwi Ira IraLJchtenstainr IraUcbtenat8ln iraLiebtenstein
LJchtenstainr won by b McGulrea School SchoolTime ScboolTime schoolThou
Time S minuiea and nd ISla 111 12 15 seconds secondsRelay scondsHeiay stcondsRelay
Relay race raceJUcbnond Rlchnond Aeadeniy A AThomas A AThollli AThomas
Thomas Juntes McPhail Thomas Ran Randall RanfJc Randali ¬
dall L Mtn Mcnt rm vs St Andrews Andr4wa d R E EHughes 1 1Hughes
lRFa lRFamc
Hughes D fJc Llchtenstein tn I W A Far Farm Farmom
m mc l r T A A tVHImms won by St St An Andrews Andrew Andrews ¬
drews drew Time 217 M MRelay WRelay 34Relay
Relay race raceGeorgetown Georgetown Cohen Sulli Sullivan SulUl StilItvan ¬
van OBoyle Montgomery 11 beat Rich Richmond Richmiiond ¬
mond = l College flge Richardson m Louthan LouthanLuck LouthanLuck u uLuck
Luck Gooch Time 3Sl 26 26Pole Z3Pole = 5 5Pole
Pole vault Sterret George Washing Washington Washington Ya hlng hlngton ¬
ton University 9 feet won on Martin MartinUandolpbMioon MartinHKnctolphhoon MartinltandolphMncon
UandolpbMioon second Iecotldl Korsythe KorsytheGeorge ForsytheGeorge < orsythfGorl8
George Washington Unlveslty third thirdLurando thirdLorando thirdLorando
Lorando George Washington Univer University UnlverJIIty Univershy ¬
shy fourth fourtht4yard V V44yard 4i 4i44yard
44yard open opnG G A Stewart Johns JohnsHopkins JohnsI Johnshopkins
I Hopkins Won vop H S Duker Maryluiia MaryluiiaA 11arylunA
A C second onc1 W j B Marpury lar urr Unlver Unlvershy Unh UnivorsKy r
I shy sttl of VJrglnm VJrsln VJrginla a third Time eS seconds secondsRelay secondsRelay secondsI secondsof secondsRelay
I Relay for preparatory < championship championshipshy championshipof
f T Ir IrAndrews
of Rlchmrnd Richmqmd1cOulres b d McGulres l School Sc o beat fit fitAndrews t tAndrews
Andrews AndrewsMile AndrewsMile Andrewslittle
Mile run open openHarry Harry Coates Newark NewarkY wark warkY
Y M 1L C C A won on S L L Lorando George GeorgeWaaliington GeorgeV GeorgeWashington
Washington V alngton University second L l 1 H HHosier Httoeter Hhooter
Hosier University of Virginia third thirdTime thirdTime thirdTime
Time 41C 16 Only thirteen laps through throughmldtake throughmiJttke throughmhitskc
mldtake of judges judgesOpen judgeu judgesOpen
Open high Jump W umpA rn A C Randolph RandolphUniversity RandolphUniversity a d
fv1ral E Edn
University u of t Virginia won w A C Ran Randall Randali ¬
dall Mt 11 Washington A C second W WG V7a V VI Vtenf
G BoUeinger Baltimore e A C third thirdHHght thirdRich thirdHeight
tenf lr
Height I 5 feet cot t 7 inches inchesHigh inchesHigh
High Jump jumpIotorscoIIUlUoCharing jumpIotorscoIIUlUoCharington IntorscolastCc Charing Charington
ton Episcopal High first D W V Grunt GruntHptecopal GruntEpi GrantEpiscopal
Episcopal Epi eop 1 High second Char Charms las R RHope R RHope IIHope
Hope Locust Locu > t Dale third Height lIelgbtfeet 5 5Midget gfeet
feet 2 inches loehNdf inchesMidget
Midget df relay race maeeWoodbury Woodbiiry ti Forest Forestbeat Forestbeat
f1oresl f1oreslS
beat McGulres school Time 110 110Shotput 110ShotputB
Shotput S ShotputB otputB B J Hefferman George Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown
town won II C Miller Richmond Col College ColIeee Colloge ¬
lege second MC OO Cloth third Distance DistanceIS DistanceIStt X Xfeet Z Zfeet
feet tt 4 Inches Inches8Wyard InehMyard inchesiSOyard
8Wyard yard open openIIluf Harry Coates Newark NewarkY NewarkV ewaJk ewaJkli
Y M li C A won S T Lorando sec second secRelay seeonti ¬
ond Time 214 214Relay 214Relay fa
Relay race ra raceCatholic c Catholic tho1lc University Univerlllt R RII 11 11II PII
II Kelly T A A Canale R J Kennedy Kenncd KenncdB
B J Semmes Sem W beat by threequartern of ofa otII ofa
a lap the Richmond Howitzers Howlters Weld tReidAirs tRoldAirs WeldAirs
Airs Jones > Levering Time 330 330440yard 330Qyard 330440yard
440yard Qyard Interscholastle IflterscholnstleTI J V Grange GrangeWooiib Grangeood GrangeWoodterr
Wooiib Woodterr ood rrj r Forest won E C KemnerCentral Kemner KemperCentral emper emperCntral
Central High second eco d S L Burch cen central Central Contmnl ¬
tral High third Walter Harrison HarrisonWoodberrj HamsonoodbelT IlarrjsonWoodberr
Woodberrj oodbelT Forest fourth Time
1 M 12 12lityard 26 2650yard 25iSyard
50yard hurdle race raceFirst First heat H S SDuker SDuker SDuker
Duker Maryland Athletic Club won wonW wonY wonW
W Y B Marbury 3iarbur University Unlvelllit of 0 Virginia Virginiasecond Vfrginlsetond Vtrgtniasecond
second Time 62S 6 23 3 seconds secondsSecond second secondSeeOiHl secondsSoe
Second Soe od heat G A A Stewart Johns JohnsHopkins Jobnsi JohnsHopkins
i Hopkins won W V D Randall jr Mt MtWashington MtI MtWashIngton
I Washington second Time 525 8 26 sec seconds secMyard seconde ¬
onds ondsseyard ondeesyard
seyard hurdle final ftnalR ftnelRandtll Racdall llI won wonDuker wonDukar on onDukn
Duker second Stewart third Marburj
fourth Time G 615 15 seconds secondsRelay secondsReIa secondsRelay
Relay ReIa race PaceArmy Army Arm Preps fBIrney Blrn Mer MerWell Melell Ic Icel
Well el lJ Finch Pagan beat Washington
School for Boys tMcCarb < McCartney cy Burke BurkeFlowell BurkeFlowcll BurkeFlowelI
Flowell and Brittonj Britton Time 1235 123kV a5
Virginia ginia Defeats D Defeats fe ts Hatchetites Hatchetitesj Hatchetit s
j 1 in WellPlayed Wel1Play l Basket Basketball Basketball Basketball
ball Contest ContestWORK ContestO ContestWoikoF
V Washington hington Boy Makes Mak s Thirteen of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Local Teams Points by Ac Accurate Accurate c ¬ I
curate Basket Shooting ShootingThe Shootingn ShootingThis
The n U George eorg orK Washington University Universitybfutketball univ Uulveraiitybeketball r
bfutketball beketball team played Its initial Inl lal game gameof bamcot gameof
of the lie aetulo S OHO In the Fayerweather Gym Gyninoalum Gym1Wllum Gymnaslum
noalum at tli tile s university unlor tty tonight t lght and andbarely Mdbarely andbarely
barely lost los the contest centest Virginia VI izThlI RI Win wlnnlne Winnl winfling
fling nl g 18 1 to 17 17It 17It
It was the beat exhibition ever seen seenhere 500fthert seenhero
here the work af both teams te ms btfng hJ ng fast fastand tn fastand t tand
and clean cl lln from atari tart to finish Th The via viaitors viiitors II IItors
itors a 8ho showed > iowd the re re1lt alt of good trainIngTie training trainingThe
The Virginia JrJtnla players wore nervous at atoiitwt atf1 atti I
f1 outset lItHfot and before they could settle settledown settleduwr I
down Heorge < e rg Washington had gotten a aitie aA1
itie A1 1 C l IlI1d ud of four pelnU pelRuthanks thanks to the thtllrlt thetrite th thunrite
unrite llrlt trite throwing of Rice and Elchet Eieh Eiehelberger ElchetberKfcr l lbert
berger bert r Spurred on by the spectators apeotatorathe spectatorsthe tectato tectatothp
the local live took on H brace and by byoiitinuaUy byo byontnUa1y
oiitinuaUy o hammering at it It Buee ueeeeded succeededam ueeeededm ed d din
in tying the > score at ths end of th the lint lintiiz1l firstjif t t1I11f
iiz1l 11 to 11 11Teams J1Te4ma mlTeams
Teams Evenly Matched MatchedSo
So evenly were We the two teams enme m l matched matehudUiat matetctdUlat matchedthat
that the 1e seond Kond 0 half abto proved nip D1paml D1pamltlllk and andtufk andtuck
tufk first one IIkJe sub kla b beiRg inx i iR the lead and aiulliven andihen
liven 1 hen the oth other r The winning point was wasmade wasunadmi
made mad by Hawkins Hawki a Baltimore boy boyafter be boyafter
after a foul had b bee MI n cH called d ft n the theltora via vtoitora vialIars
lIars Thr Three e t tou Louis um were th t then n called olI d m mtmeeeMton In hiioeWn
tmeeeMton on Virginia lrIrInia in the law two twonrinutoe twooIftu twonunutes
nrinutoe oIftu of play but in each in instance lataftCQRleit instanceRico tane taneRtea
Rico failed to land the ball In the net netRiee netR netRioe
Riee R at right forward proved the star starfor tarfor starfat
for George Waahtugton Va hlngtOft Ills throwing throwingof
of goals was remarkable 1litmarka We he alone seer seerIng I08rlAg seertog
lAg a a total ef f thirteen point Klebel Klebelherger Elcbelherpr Eicheiberger
berger ard Whiting also landed dd diJBcaU diJBcaUWMto dUUcuIt11IO diIfloultois
11IO WMto ois The splendid team work of the theGeorge theGeorge theGeorge
George Washington shlntOll five was apparent apparentthroughout apparentthmOUl apparentthroughout
throughout while the individual Ift tvtdUI play playing platIng playing ¬
ing of the irio rlo above named was liberal liberally liberally ¬
ly 1 applauded by the spectators > The TheVirginia TMJqtu Thehawkins
Jqtu Jqtu1rgt
Virginia VirginiaGrinnalds 1rgt ta PositloM POIlU G Wash WashJtorward WukOrllch
Grinnalds Grinnaldsi Jtorward Boh Elehlllberger Elehlllbergerllawk tt > erger ergerForward
i Hawkins HawkinsAtkteaon llawk Forward flDrv FisvaM a IU IUCenter Itloe ItloeAtkltaton iticeAtMIesen
Atkteaon AtkteaonYaugban Center Prosperl ProsperlGuard Prosp4trlVug ProsporiVan
Yaugban Vug Van ken n Guard Cabot CabelWlHfams GabelWII Cabotwiideun
WlHfams WII Guard WTiittlnK WTiittlnKGeate hlttiemg hlttiemgOeida
Geate 0 from fleldOrinnaWe 3 Hawkins Uawkll8tk
8 AtkUww tk 2 2 Ric Rice 4 Eiehelberger Whit Whitting WItttag Whitting
ting Goals 00 from foul toulHawk foulHawkins Hawkins HawkinsGrinnaMa S SGrlnnakl 3 3Grinnakie
GrinnaMa Ri R 311cc 5 i RftfereeLannlgan RftfereeLannlganVirginia RQfereeLanRIgtlRCVlr RafereeLannlganVirgildal
CVlr Virginia ft18I I Umpire Robey Xob George GeorgeWaabincton GeorgeIUtb1Rton George1Vaaidngtosm
Waabincton IUtb1Rton TlmekeeparB IIMk Jehn Johnson JehlNlOlland Johnsonsod m mand
and Wood Scoivrs ScortoraJ1ee orersItioe Ri e and Warmer WarmerTwentyminute Warmerlwtymlnu WarmerTwentyminute
Twentyminute halve halveINVITATIONS balve1NVITATIONS halves1VLTATIOS
Port Deposit Institute Already Plan Planning Plannin Planning ¬
ning nin for Its Annual Field and andTrack andTrack andTrack
Track Games Gam s Next Ne t Spring SpringInvitations SpringInvltatloINI SpringInvitations
Invitations are out for the fifth an annual aaaul ansuet ¬
suet imarseiielaMic It ic neW and track trackc track1Itht trackmtt
1Itht c t to be heW at Tome en Saturday SaturdayMay Saturdayt SaturdayMay
May t 11 11The 11The UTb
The Tb usual events ttyard dash daskyard 91 91yard 335yard
yard dash tIt > h 44syani yam run 355yard hyard yrd run runmile nutmila runtulle
mile run run IBsyard hurdles ± yard yaMhurdlee Krd KrdhuNlI j
hurdles huNlI high Jump broad Jump jam pole Ievault polevault j jvault
vault shot put and hammer throw are arerun arerun 1 1run
run off and in addition taree junior juniorevents JuniorOVPt1ta junioroyent
events M 1OOfud yard dash 2ieyard yard dash dashand dUhand dashand
and Uuyanl run are or the program programGold prQgrJRGold programCold
Gold silver and bronze medals are aregiven aregiven aregiven
given for each event and a loving cup cupto cupto cupto
to the competitor scoring the greatest greatestnumber greatMtBumher greatestnumber
number of oft points pointsOf pointsOr
Of 0 the Dfuvloua meets two have been beenwon bttenon beenwon
won on by the Baltimore City College one oneby emeby oneby
by the Central High School of Wash Washington Wa5hIngton WashIngton ¬
ington and one by the Central High HighSchool IIlghhool 111gbSchool
School hool of Philadelphia There is al always alWI1S 1 1ways ¬
ways a stirring contest between the theCentral theCentral theCentral
Central High School of Washington Wa hSngton and andthe andthe andthe
the Baltimore City College each school schoolputting schoolputting hOOI hOOIputting
putting forth Its beet talent in the hope hopeof hopeot hopeof
of securing the handsome haoo ome silk banner bannerwhich b bannerwhich nner nnerwhich
which goes to the school winning the themeet tbeme41 themeet
NIW YORK Jan 35 mLBan Ban Johnon Johnonpresident JOhnonprflIldent Johnonpresident
president of the American League will willmeet willm wiltmeet
meet m et President Jfarry Pulliam of the thoNational tit titNational theNational
National League at the Hollanden HollandenHouse IJoUeJdenHouse Hollopdenhouse
House House Cleveland Monday Monda for the pur purpose purose purpose ¬
pose > ose of drawing up the schedules of ofthe 0 0the ofthe
the two organizations organizationsNo oTffllnlzatioDsoo
No difficulty dlmeult is 1 anticipated by b Johnson JohnsonIn
In the matter of arranging arran ng dates as the thelength thelength thelength
length of the season and the opening openingdate opening1at9 openingdate
date < have been decided upon AH that thatremains thatrtml1ins thatromaine
remains is to dovetail tae gamp so sothat 86that sothat
that there will 111 be few oonflietinr C ftflletlnr dates datesAUTOISTS diltHAUTOISTS datesAUTOISTS
The motor car drivers who were to toraoe toraoe torace
raoe from Baltimore to Washington shlngton at atthe atthe atthe
the close of the automobile show In InBaltimore InBaltimore inBaltimotu
Baltimore Saturday Saturda night nlg t were com compelled compelled cornpolled ¬
pelled to abandon the race on account accountof aeeountot accountof
of th the bad b c1 w weather ViUaerHerbert weatherHerbert ather atherHerbert
Herbert H Lytle L t1e the driver of the thePopeToledo thePopeToledo thePopeToledo
PopeToledo PopeToledo In the reeeht Vanderbilt VanderbiltCup VanderbiltCup VandemblitCup
Cup race and who bas been In Balti Baltimore D1It1more Baltimore ¬
more for the past week arranging for tora or ora
a race of ofteuring touring oars to this city ell gavo gavoup ganup gavaup
up the prospects of a race ra In the after afternoon atternoon afternoon ¬
noon and alJd announced that he h hawtmuld would ship shiphis lIRlpbls shiphis
his PopeToledo pop6r 1elo car to Washington and andupon andupon andupon
upon its irrival in this city Monday 1onda ar arrange 9rrang scrange ¬
range for a hill climbing contest to take takeplace takeplace takeplace
place on some of the higher points sur surrounding surrounding suprounding ¬
rounding the city during the weak of ofthe ofthe oftho
the automobile show shovrElliott sho shoElilott showElliott
Elliott Hough of the Pope Autdmo Autdmoblle Autdmobile AutifmobIle
bile Company Com1 ny has accepted the chal challenge chAiI chr1lange ¬
lange I nge of Lytle and will race the latter latterup lutterUP latterup
up the Good Hope hill on Tuesday Tuesdaymorning Tuesdaymorning Tuesdaymorning
morning at 10 oclock The Pbe machines machineswill maobll1eBwUl machineswill
will be run on the high gear through throughout throughout throughout ¬
out the contest Mr Hough will m drive drivehis drive drivehis drivehis
his 4cuorsepower touring tOUrin car carIf
Saengers Sae gers Increase Lead LeadIn LeadIn LeadIn
In the District League LeagueOrientals LeagueOrientals Lea jue jueOrientals
Orientals Trailing in Second Place Almost
200 Points Behind BehindFat Fat Men Are Third ThirdOnly ThirdOnly ThirdOnly
Only Three Games Behind
Saeugerbund Is again almost t two hun hundred hURdred buntired ¬
dred points poItsahoad ahead of the Orientals for forthe forthe or orthe
the leadership l ders1 lp of the District Bowling BewllneLeague Dewit DewitLeaguo BowlingLeague
League Oriental by R grant spurt fipwrtpulled 8 spurtpulled rt rtpuJlIKl
pulled up within striking dietanof dle l of Qf the thelenders tbel theleaders
lenders l flders but during the pout monyi Saen Saengors eengurs tiaengoes
goes cleaned up eleven of its twelve twelvegames tw twelvegames ive
games dropping one to the Garrisons GarrisonsThe GarrisonsThe na narhe
The l jotter alter aggregation went one better iMitterwith 1HItterwith betterwith
with the e Orientals taking two game gameand IfItJR IfItJRand iKmesand
and the Market house I1ou team awo awocrimped she altMJer1mpl shecrlniptd
crimped > the percentage of the rnwiera rnwieraun lQIIIIerUt runnersUn
un by taking a brace of games This Thtenulls Thl8puJl8 Thispulls
nulls the Orientate down e oI close fe e to the tbehind thelt
lt 1 ° st Men who ho are only three games be behind be behind
hindKravss hindKrajss hind hindKrayss
Krayss Still Best Individual IndividualKrauss IndividualICra IndividualICranas
Krauss ICra hammered the maples for three threebig threebig threebig
big sets two of them 886 and MS M re reBpectlvely re rellpeotlvely Tospectivel
Bpectlvely thus Increasing his hi percent percentage JOeI1tage percentage ¬
age one point Allison 1Uson dropped to tofourth tofourth tOourth
fourth place Miller and Burdin also alsoof aSHot alsoof
of the Saengers being tied fer second secondwith Oftdwith seoondwith
with 1ST 1STBruce 137Bruce r
Bruce Bletaakl Dlela kl of tbe Garrisons Garrisonshelped Oarri8Oltahelped Oardonhelped
helped to win many ma man of its game wUh wUhHood wUhGOOd wLhgood
GOOd scares e scqres that helped to pull him up upfrom upfrom upfrom
from seventh to second pfeee pi e on the theteam thoteam theteam
team teamBontz teamBontz 11
non Bontz and W 111I > Miller ran Mt games the tbesecond thesecond
second highest made din in the league this thisseason t tDOlmer thisseason
no hlii i =
season Browns ST being the top topnotcher topnotcher
notcher notcherThe DOlmerThe notcherThe
The following averages averse V include includeWednesdays includeWednesdays I
Wednesdays game gameClub gaMeClub gameClub
Club Standings StandingsSaengera
C W L Pet PetStflllet PetSeengors
Saengera SaengeraOriental 41 35 7 If IfltR 4 4Oriental
Oriental OrientalFat 41 35 13 13Pat
Fat ltR Men MenMarket 42 = 7 11 5 5Market 1 1larlet
Market House HouseAeme 18 > It 5 5Aetna 1 1Ae
Aetna AemeBwnk 1e J5 11 11ltnk 5 5Think
Think Clerks ClerksGarrisons 35 11 35 135 135Garrisons 1 1OllrrlloeR
Garrisons GarrisonsFlorists 41 13 SI SIFkN1IitJI 35Floristsd
Florists Floristsd FloristsINDIVIDUAL d 7 35 W WINDIryDUAL 1 1INDIVIDUAL
Saenzers SaenzersKraurs SaeniersXrau
B Ih IhCameo
Cameo Pins Goes A AI AIT AKrause
Krause KraursBurdlne Xrau 13 I 55 = 5 5Uurilioe Ii IiJ
Burdlne BurdlneMiller Iee IT Mi MiM 5 5Miller 1 = 1 1ADI
Miller MillerAltteen J M TJB TJBSJR 3 b bAllison
Allison AltteenEckstein tHI 15 SJR SJRQ X I 1 1Zckstehn 1
Eckstein EcksteinCrUtt JJckMeiftCrlttt 4 3W 5 lOt lOtGrist
CrUtt CrUttOrientals tt 4 4 4Orientals 4j35 5 5Orientals
Orientals OrientalsBrown
Jl 711 711Qarne
0 Qarne Q me line 1 Os A AItrown I
Brown BrownCampbell BIOWIJCItpIte1l d I T PT PTcaisi
Campbell CampbellODe CItpIte1lO1 IPT 5 34 34ODoisiielt
ODe O1 fMMwIt fMMwItr t n nMarshall 4 U 5 1 1Marshall
Marshall MarshallSptds r haH 41 U 5 1a 1a8as 175Siaca
Sptds SptdsBrosnan 4 744 II IIFat 1 1Fat
Fat Men
F Hlgii HlgiiWas 14 14Droe 741 741Gums
Gums Was Phi Game o An AnBelvideres A Atc AtcBroonaur
r I Iaten
Brosnan BrosnanWaiers Droe 4 15 15Waters
Waters WaiersRoOrick aten UI1 15 JIll 1 1ROdilelt
RoOrick RCh RoOrickField rkk 4 rC s J2I 375blow
Field FieldBaum 1 I lASS 355 J1I J1IDauM 75 75Baum
Baum BaumHariow Ii 7235 II 1 111 111HrIow 17511ar1ow
Hariow 35 IIM 2M S SSECOND Ie
Belvideres of Baltimore BaltimoreHave BaltimoreHave BaltimoeHave
Have Hands Full to De Defeat Defeat Defeat ¬
feat Locals 20 to 19 19BALTIMORE 19BALtUlonm 19UALTIMOItIf
BALTIMORE Md Jan M 11BetON 11BetONof Before Beforee
en e of the largest crowds that has hasver 1LuQer hasever
ever ver witneasod It a game nie in Cress Street StreetHall
Hall thIs year the Belvldere D81114 basket ba0ketball H basketball et etbaU
ball team tea defeated the Second Rag Regiment Ragmt Itegiment ¬
ment teem of Washington Va hlagt tonight by bythe bythe bythe
the close score of t 5 to 19 1 Fully uti 3M 3Mpersons 1Mper 355persona
persons per Oftll witnessed the game gameThe gameThe gameTh
The Th Beivid BelvJdre r 8 are supposed to toone be beone beone
one of the strangest c amateur teur basket basketball basIc basIcbaU basketball ¬
ball teams in the city elt Th Phi Washing Washington Wahgton Washington ¬
ton team allowed up in line form and andthe andthe andthe
the team tc M that defeats them th IK does so by bythe
the hardest kind of playing plArl g and to tonight tonight tonight ¬
night was na n nO exception for they were wereout wereout wereout
out for blood and made the home homeboys hoMeboys homeboys
boys play the game as thoy never did didbefore didbetore didbefore
before an the score will indicate indicateThe 1a4leateThe indicateThe
The LineUp LineUpGoale LineUpn1vJdreti LineUpBlvkIere
n1vJdreti POSItIOnS Sec Ret RetleGlIt B BMcGillForward
McGillForward McGillForwardv leGlIt Forwanl 1Joftfa 1JoftfaV
V bChmklt bChmkltA
A Schmidt hmklt Forward Uubbanl UubbanlGranger HubbardOranger
Granger Center Slowter SlowterW SiosoerW
W Sehumol Guard erotJgtaa licroggunatvbite
tvbite tvbiteC le leC
C Schuer ilehuerhois z Guard Repn RepnG081 itaganGoalelieividare
Goale Goalelieividare Belvklore McGill 2 and a d 1 fowl fowlW foulV
W V Schmidt e 2 A Schmidt = t 4 1 Granger S San 3ant
an ant < l 1hob 1 foul W S Schuerholc h I C Scissor Schuerholz Scissorholz
holz hobSAeOOO 2 2Socond 3Second
Second Regiment RegimentHubbard Hubbard 4 and 1 1foul 1foul 1foul
foul Sloseer SIO Cr 10 Ie Scroggins Scrog ins 4 TlrAere TlrAeren TimersTI Timers TlmereH
H Wagaer Belvldere White fhlte and Scrog Scrogpfns SerogfI Scroggins
gins fI mner Seeond Regiment gl fJnhtI fJnhtIeacla Ileferoe RefereeHarry RefereeHarryliarhman Harry HarryBnrHman =
BnrHman m Time I of halves halvestO 39 minutes minuteseach minuteseach
each eaclaMICHIGAN eachMIfflGAN
CHICAGO Jan 24 1C1he The University of ofMichigan oClIehlgn ofMichigan
Michigan will do Its football playing playingwith pktrgwith pi yicg yicgwith
with the West next fall aU It wilt 111 stop stopflirting atopflirtng > top toptUrtlflgwlth
flirting tUrtlflgwlth with the th Eastern schools and andstick andstick
stick stick to the big nine nineAnnouncement nhltArmouncement nIneAnnouncement
Announcement of 0 the decision decl lon follow following foll follIng followlug ¬
ing a meeting of the University senate senateat H senateat
at the University Unlverslt of Chicago ChIc 80 WM re received 1fIo mecalved ¬
calved with great rejoicing m In football footballcircles footIIcireles footballcircles
circles circlesCARLISLE circlesCARLISLE
SEW EW YORK Jan SuThe The OarH OarHeIe OarHeIeIndiaN GartleleIndiana le leIndians
Indians are the latest addition to the In IateroUegiate Interollegiate 1 1ter
ter teroUegiate ollegiate Bowling Association which whichincluded wh whiphincluded
included last year Pennsylvania Penn y anla < Lafay Lafayotte Latayotte Lafayotte
otte Haverford and Columbia Othev Othevcolleges Oth8 Oth8colleges Othecolleges
colleges that have been admitted to the tlwleague tMleague theIague
league are Johns Hopkins and Prince Princeton Princeton Princeton ¬
ton The season wll wUbegin begin in February FebruaryA
A cup will be offered to the college collegewinning Ollegewinning collegewInning
winning the championship each e eh member raemberof nHtmberoC memberof
of the association meeting every other othermember othermember othermember
member The Columbia team has hasn be begun begun ¬
gun n practice and is preparing to hold holdan holdan holdan
an elimination tournament to select a ateam ateam ateam
1IgtI i1ig
08 Grne Pipe Came OtnteI Avg
I I iWarri JIj
Warren WarrenFritz War 55 s II ui uiFriiz
Fritz f 5iiW 1JK 1 1GOt 9tt 5
Gorman GOt P MH SK SKatoa 1 5 5Sneoth
atoa rt GOtrt Sneoth u tIa s m m 4 n 111 111rm 375Itar4ie
Hardle 17 4jK 45 M Ml 5
Riot itt S Bft 1 = 5 =
9 crane m im tf 5 111 4 4Piutek
Piutch S Ml iii it
COK a im 4 wo i jill
Conroy 7 IMt IMtBank 3 A ABank 1 1Bank
Bank Bank Clerks
Game lies lit Game aen Av Avg
Bowte w 1 4jm am m
Walker 54 4SW 4SWUHrotey 4 41Mrohiy 5 315
UHrotey 98 4JHI 4lH sw m
Sehfirf K 7 tjut II 3 1
GNlMlH X XHtuart 1 55 5 Hr Hraan 344iect
Htuart It ItJaeobBon 1 u 1siS 4 11 lOtJaeelwea
JaeobBon M MBarker J UM 34 5
Barker BarkerStone II lilt 34 141
Stone I WT 111 1 1 1PIIuIt 1Plant
Plant X m 1 1Market 1 It JtI JtIMarket 135Market
Market House
High JJtgltfiller i iMiller
Qi GM 0 Phse gains A Ar
Miller 34 r Sdti r ST 215 l 1 fi
Bailey tt MH 5 2M 175 n
BnWMKW BnM8g r tt ttwniiame 4 335 17
wniiame U UBMim s 1 M5 1
BMim fl Lot 5 11 4
SiYe De Del Yi 1f4III 14f 1 im taI 5 Ie
Xenon X atte 35 Cat UII Ui Je
r Vbst0 t IS I ym 5 34
IIofMMfMl M 1tFl IjHn IjHnFlorists L 14 1 1FlOrists
Florists Fl rists ristsBaker
High HUtnL u Higha
° Pias sa eA eAc Avg
Baker 751cm L 2 is33 r 34 Ji 331
fci fciOoolie
c Cr S 5 j74 74
MeLeilMa a ssi Ii m
Mesasonds 35 4 5 WA
Ooolie coi U t 1If 34
> aeharf m 1J4 34 135
MjMmr WIN Miinp f S fIJ 174 JI1 14ast
KTMM ast 41 41CoHtmi 1 1CeIUIIM 45 3 IN
CoHtmi CoHtmiG 6 1 15 A
0x G Geeta ete eteMoCauNy 5 34 5
MoCauNy x 3 eg Mi 1 l lGanisens HI HIGarrbens 141Garrisons
Illh IllhOoro II
C ° lies game A Avg
Ooro OoroBettMM 4 1M 3 ttI ttIH 175
BettMM M MUT 5 ml 1711iT
UT iT U UKaeex 1 1M3 1 III
Kaeex V U lit 5
Williams < IAac i iT 5 34 34 1111
Aac 1S s 31 w 14slts
Wtw slts 31 174 181 I It 4
Ilamesr = T S 21 x xLawi 341 354 154
Ward 35 t 2735 = 14 34 = I
lAM tt ttSdwaeW IAn 1sitckrsder JIC HI j jicla
SdwaeW icla ckrsder acler M a 135 HI
JM 75ish p I i 1 mii B XM i let
Uarll lllt S urn 1 34 m M m
nteher S Mt let 1 j 14
Y Vuight W 11 wg 154 m S K
Atktoa S JM
J 1 m 1
L Len Lena z 4 iii 142 m mBHTBOBEVIC1L
Local Association Loses to toOrioles toOrioles toOrioles
Orioles by 13 to 12 12De 12Decisions 12Decisions De Decisions ¬
cisions Cause Comment CommentThe
The Central Branch Y M L C A of
Baltimore defeated the local Y il C C A Am
m Ia 04 of the moat 1BOIt interesting Jntere Uag amatour
basketball samea Il BHI j JhYed ayed this year ly I
U to 12 12 Very much
diasatteteetion Uefaetloa was wasmanifested wasmanifested as asJftIIattested
manifested by b both the audfcmoe asmd1eu ar ant Id d the
local team because of the referees relereesdIJ de decision 4 4cislena ¬
cision dIJ He n called fouls on the locals localaBeftdteeft localsseventeen j jseventeen
seventeen times The Imeup l9uPCentraIRrank tineupCentralftmaaah
i Central CentraIRrank Branch poattkm WYMCA V YICA
Ward L L F FMcLean McLean eLeaft
Henderson HendersonH R R F FJones Jones
Parson Center Ludwig
Frederich FrederichL L 1 B BWitilansa WNItams WUlta
Roberta RobertsIt R R B Fowler FowlerReferee FowlerRetel8tYr
Referee Retel8tYr Mr Pearson of Baltimore BaiUmorUmpireMr
UmHre tmtire1ir Mr Pimper Timekeeper Timek TimekeeperMr Mr lr
Peckett Score 1312 1312St 11 11St 1313St
St Johns Quint Loses LosesTo LosesTo LosesTo
To the Reserves Team TeamIn
In a very ver tame affair test night the theY theY theY
Y M C A A Reserves defeated St StJohns StJoons St StJohn5
Johns by 28 2 to 8 8SMny tSWnY SSIdney
SIdney May of 0 the winners played a aspectacular aspectaCular aspectacular
spectacular game Robertson played playedthe playedthe
the best game for the losers sheeting sheetingevery sheetingeverybasket
every everybasket basket The lineup lineupReserves lineupReserves
Reserves Re el8 Positions St St Johns
M lay y L L F p pCellen Robertson
Callan R 11 F J Holmes
Leonard Center Bachenschmldt Dacben chmldt
Blair L L B B75arnakaw Berry Dr
BarHshaw BjtMr RB U Tennyson TeBn ft ftMARRIOTI
Referee Beferee31r Mr Pi PlmjJer PlmjJerINIORIES PixnIerMARRIOTT r
HOTEL ORMOND OR IOND Fig Jan St StFred 1JlNd atFred
Fred Marriott the hero of yesterdays yesterdayswreck yMtenJaawreek yesterdayswreck
wreck on Dayton beach passed a good goodday goodday goodtiny
day and the doctors state that hIM htechances hIMchanc6iJ hischances
chances for recovery recover are improving
Investigation Ie tlgatlon shows that not a bone bonewas Itonewas bonewas
was broken although the terrible terriblewrenching trrI trrIwrenching terriblewrenching
wrenching he received slighly displaced displacedthree dl displacedthree pJacedthree >
three of his ribs ribsPRO ribsPRO ribsPRO
PlTTSBLna PlMS lRG P Pat Jan 36Capt A C CAnson CAnon CAnson
Anson and Ora Mornlngntar were in inPittoburg InPttt inPittaburg
Pittoburg Pttt burg last night arranging for the theformation tbeformation theformation
formation of a national billiard league leagueand 1ea 1eaand leagueand
and were in consultation OOft ulttlOh with Harry HarryDavis HarryDavis harryDavis
Davis of the Grand billiard parlors parlorsTwomen pariCNrwomen parlorsrwomen
rwomen teams will be placed p In Pitte Pitteburg PlttiJburg Pitt Pittburg
burg Chicago N New ttW w York Boston and andpossibly andpossibly
possibly O other large 1arg e cltie cities Davis an announced cutnouneed diiflounced ¬
flounced that he expected to get Willie WillieHoppe WillieHottJe WillieHoppe
Hoppe as 8 a member r of the Pitteburg Pitteburgteam PJtt Plttsburgand burc burct
team teamAn t
An ton on and Morningstar left this morn morning mornhg ¬
ing for New ewYork fork where they will con confer confer confet ¬
fer with 1tl1 Eastern people regarding suml the tttescheme thescheme
scheme A meeting wilt likely be haItI hehlin keldin haItIin
in Plttsburg Pitt burg within a short time when whenthe wntnthe ft n
the final arrangements will be com completed c cornpIned m ¬
Varsity Whips Carroll In Institute Institute Institute ¬
stitute Reserves and Preps PrepsDefeat PrepsDefeat FrepsDefeat
Defeat Yankees YankeesWRESTLING YankeesWRESTLING YankeesWRESTLING
Victor Horton and Jao Jaoeb b Schwab Both Bothi Bothat Bothat
i at Carroll Institute In Utute Go Six Mia MimBtec MiautClil Mm Mmutee
Btec to a Draw DrawOeorgetovm DrawUJItftNIQ DrawOecsoiw
Oeorgetovm UNhrersttjr lest III night bt m mawgwrated Ifa ii iiaogwratnd
awgwrated a t the dm1 mt ei a eerkii mt athktio athktiotmtmnmanta atbct atbctleUnu thJetttournaments
tournaments leUnu that are to be heM in tic tiijRymn U1RyaA ticRyan
Ryan gymmudHm Vwm dating tbe lb next tw tVoI tVoIIR Lwsmonths > j jmentlie
months IR under tile tk v iupersIutssi m ervW ii o OC Fiof FiofJeyee PnrJ PnrThe PfJoyce
J JoyceThe Joyce JeyeeThe
The crack Ceargttown a A Preparatory Preparatoryteam PrtIfUtorlteeun Preperatorteam
team defeated tiel the Young Y Mists v Chris ChrisHan ChfIKdaR Chrishan
Han AaeoeMtton YaaUean M lit th tM op op9rn op9rnHleal ong ongonset n < n0 n0event
event of the evening by 22 W U 11 The Thework Theweek he hework
work of Kliwpdey pIer and Toad Y for George Georgetown 0 0towa Oorgtown < ¬
town And Conover tot the Y M C X Xwere A AWiIIN Awore
were the feature featureHerron tturai tturaiHerron fturuailerron
Herron and Schwab Draw DrawvVictor DrawYldor DrawsVictor
Victor llermn and Jacob Sefcwab b bcanon of ofCarroll ofCarroll
Carroll Institute gave a fcfacmtnnte r rblbS4ioii x xlbiion xin
blbS4ioii lbiion in aaiehan catehaauaLeisn Cb jolahaui wreatlins wreatlinsdurtng wmetlii wmetliiduring
during fk the ke lnt 1wna1 rat between betw the ba bcukt beakchail kn knball
ball g gamea M The Tb contest was declared declareda
a draw by Referee Joyce JoyceA JoyceA JoyceA
A A looked poked team from the cottage eaiH eaiHoWealed ean eatrdfated
oWealed del the Carroll I IneHtijte Reserve ReserveIn RoaerveOin
In I the final 1 game of the t evening by byto i ito 1to
to 8
Downey and Cwann two new r reruita reru1t ronus < >
onus to the Blue and Gray quint quintstarred quintII qutotMarred
starred m 1ft this game tile Moth these t ma mawin mawill ifl1will
will be seen It in the Pale nmfaef Goorga GoorgaWashington Geur Geurton GeurgoWashington
Washington ton i sane > ext Saturday nia nI M at thj thjWaahmgton thJW UiWashington
Washington W Ught Infantry HaIL HalLThe HaILThe HaiLThe
The Summaries SummariesThe SummariesThe
The lineup for both bot game follows followsKM foIIo followsOssiwa s sXC
Ossiwa 1vs I Y XC M C A Yankee YankeeunosJ II IIBaaktlf
unosJ Baaktlf Baaktlft BaaktlfhII Biaketaxispg
xispg KM v4y it itT saM if 4
Cpa t it K BaaktlfJ
T B J Jamioupgy J
amioupgy hII i iOsnway q i JS o ote
Osnway ig te i iPMIMI
0 On me u y ycses
ulIIIdtutf =
cses I In QMveB Iastttut IastttutBacketa lIIIdtutfRultet3 INstituteBaskets
Baskets Backetafc
the sa rf rfBiIerseMr
JtJ JtJc
c c 1
PMIMI te teLaVelle K 1 fc fcH C J
LaVelle Ig 1IrRelWr
H RelWr fer Mr Joyce JoyceLOXDON Jo JoTsriiddUI Jo5upTiwersSekiady
TsriiddUI c StunensOAMBRIOE
LONDON LO DON Jan 3 2IrJn In reference to tie tiareporta tLereporta tiereports
reporta that Cambridge would row Har Harvard 1111yard Iltiyard ¬
yard a return match in America Stuart Stuartwho Stu Stuartwhu t twhu
whu was as Cambridges Cam e stroke against againstHarvard qafnstI1a1V1ord ngatnstharvard
Harvard in 1 INS 13 said to the PublUhcra PublUhcraPrees PubUhcuPrNI Publia1srsPines
Pines correepondent today todayThere todayTberilli todayThere
Tberilli There fc no chance of tbe Cambridge Cambridgeerew Cambrldeirrew cambrideacrew
crew competing eoIIt ettq hi America in MOT 7ereat The Thegreat Thegreat
great expense that would he attached to tosuch tosuelt tosuch
such a trip would necessitate aubscrip
tte time e being asked a ed to defray Vm u wn m ana anOiwe anawe andwe
we are a against ln t such a proc INOCre INOCreWESTERN procjraWESTERN xare xareWESTERN
SALT TAKK AKZ CITy Utah Jan JanIbe 36 36The 31The
The prof protwional wtonal bicycle riders of the thaWest theWest
West eel are re lusy now with plans for the tliabuilding thebuilding
building butldln of a new bicycle Wey track and the thoincorporation theincorporation
incorporation of a company to promote promotebike promotebike promo t a abike
bike racing upon a IDa baste ba with withthe withthe withthe
the riders owning < a good portion of the thastock th thtoek thestock
stock toek and their friends controlling the tharemainder UeremailMler theremainder
remainder remainderThte remailMlerThis remainderThis
This proposition was advanced as a lbs tliariders thariders lbsriders
riders claim they can earn the money moneyand mon monand moneand
and draw a good attendance attfttda ee at ewry ewrymeet evoryMeet V VMftot
meet Mftot and that they therefore theref feel that thatthey thatthey thatthey
they should have an interest In eretlt iu the tliatrack thetrack tli tlitrack
track Several 8eo al men of prominence tpOIfta lIce in intbe 11the iithe
the cycling world have ben signed d f fr frthe > r rthe rtime
the local saucer track this sensor seasoramong ensoramaag sensoramong
among them them being nA Bobby Walthour F FA 1 1A IA
A McFarland Rutt Rut of Germany Elle Kilegard Elleprd Ellegani
gard the Dane and Frank Kramer KramerNATIONAL lCrameNATIONAL
The Tb National aUoMI Automobile Company of ofMll1711 t tInll711
Mll1711 Fourteenth street stl t northwest northwestwill northwestwill
will have Ita a most attractive exhibit at atthe atthe
the Auto Show this week week confining confiningtheir conftnln contlningtheir
their chief attention to models of the thaOldsmobile theOldenuUe
Oldsmobile OJd lfl btie and Buick for the th coming comingseason eoming8UtH1 comingseason
season The OWsmoblle has long held a artrong astrong
strong position po among Washington mo motor mctee ¬
tor ear ar enthusiasts eathU4lia 4al and nat the new mod models mactieta ¬ I
eta are calculated to enhance this thl popu popularity popuJarlt popularity ¬
Jarlt JarltThe larityThe larity larityThe
The fourcylinder model J A Oldamo OklsmoMle Oldamobile Oldamobile
bile which Will ujUl sell for no fl73t 3We will come comeIn comeIR comeIa
In for particular rUcUr attention in this ex exhibit exhibit cxbible ¬
hibit It ha kilo b boost n much improved In de detail d dtall dotail > ¬
tail which Includes longer Ion er tonneau tonneaumflore tonneau tonneauJRftor tonneaumitore
mflore norMoower honNIp horsepower et more graceful l gen general ge georal n nent1 ¬
oral lin II s and better upholstery upbol tery and andcoaeh andeoaoh andcoach
coach work This model is known as asthe asthe asthe
the Palace Touring Car Last yearsNr yearsear years yearsear
ear of this thl model made made such a remark remarkable remarkable remarkable ¬
able showing sbo the new car will enter enterupon enteruli8ft enterupon
upon thettW tM season with a host ef ad admirers admirer admirers ¬
mirers The TJte new Oldsmobile Old runabouts runaboutshave runaboutshaYia runaboutahave
have not t arrived in time U tor the t showbut > show showbut bo boIt
but It wm be on exhibition at the garagi garagiof rag ragDC rags ragsof
of the National nal Automobile Company Companyon Cempanon
on lit Fourteenth street later m hr the sea stam staTh lit lit1IOIt season
son 1IOItTh sonThe m
The Th Buick car which was bandied in inWashington HiVashbttOtl r rWashington
Washington last IAMSOIi season by thin company companyha ODmpanybalil companyhas
ha has some strong IitnHt features feat in tbe 19u7 19u7models 19u 19umodeitJ 19IJmodels
models which will attract miyers yen Tic TLafourcylinder TI TIfdUreyllftder Ticfourcylinder
fourcylinder 3331horsepower horaepoww Buick Buiukwhich Buickwlaleh Buickwhich
which will be on axhntitien at the show showsells 8ho 8hosells simonsells
sells for 1TOJ and is claimed eIAI to be the theequal thee4OOl tieequal
equal m 1ft every way of care costing al almost atmottt a amost ¬
most twloe tl tbte tJ4 sum au The S lbor lborpower 33horot 33horotpower horsf horsfpower
power B Buick kk touring car sells 11a for forJ1S 1
1 115 J1S and the nhorsepower ltIoneI oW rui ruiabout Tlj rmabout II IIaboat
about for UW4 UIi Rack are cars wht whll whllJta w iii < i ihave jhave
have Jta e won on suceeea m in many y trials trialsof t Ifa miataof 111 111oC
of the pant and seem certain to meet meetwith meet1th meetWith
with 1th wide favor with the improvements improvementsincorporated impronmentan ImprovementsIneoporatod
incorporated n < oJIlOrat d this year ear