Noted Pittsburg Alienists to toBe toBe
e e13e
Be Called C lled by the theDefense theDefense theDefense
Defense Defensel DefenseIrrrRUAo
IrrrRUAo 11 TrIftURGJaII Jac x A Ileraa 11 11tbe Have
l L > cu u Mtntostf on the Tk Ttof TM TMW edli CM ft Aid ails ailsw
< wuitta W < 4IUU Iu in u the woe ward u to co o to M JIJ4IW w T Yi TWit rk rkto
1 to i testify tetl t that tIN young OUIIwaa Nt111Msen P tt h ni LM1l LM1lwar WW WWvaa
war and has been for lorJoct some soil time sab sabJ nit nitJ
Joct J < ft to At flu of temporary insanity
l Ir tr r Charter t C Wiley one of 0 the t th Met Metlnown
lnown Lh rW of the local aJienlat aUwl u has bean beanuiHulted Uepineulled
uiHulted tn the case ea and his biacoukhHd t ttahposy ttahposy1s rtte y yis
is > considered of tluI auMcient IRI kjeal eI l1t important es by byih byxhe
xhe ih < defense in the great t murder U et utaltu trial as asto ViaII
to II be capable abIe of allowing 8howl oonclustvety ooaclarivetythe eb ebHie
uie the ineutal condition of young Y IIRIf Thaw m mdir
dir certain rtatn circumstances Dr Wttes Wile WileIloe
does Iloe not deny den the report IepOI that be wttt wtttbe Willbe
be called to 0 New York within with a short shorttime IIII alMsrttime IIt
time to 0 testify teetil for the dcasse defense < Nettber NNtMrwould Keltliefwould Nettberwould
would he confirm the report
l lr tr r C F Blnghaiu of Shadyside will willJiktly will1IhI willLh
1IhI Lh Jiktly ly be a witness for Thaw He ba babe baa baaben basbean
be ben n the family tamU physician of the Thaws Thawsfor Thawstnr Thawsins
for many years ean He attended Harry HaJI
through many man of hi his childhood ill illBETTIlTiTTII Illdosses
115028 and knew him as a young man JDanBETTING man8ETTINGTATTA
WILL GO TO CHAIR CHIOptimistic CHAIRi CHAIRptimistic I iI f if
i i iOptimistic
Optimistic ptimistic Gamblers Find FindMany FindMany
Many Takers Who Ex Expect Expect Expect ¬ I
pect Conviction ConvictionIITTSBURG Conviction Conviction1ITTSBURG ConvktionlITTSBliRG
1ITTSBURG Pa Jan StBetlius IIB Uilll in inthe inthe irithe
the clubs saloon eat tmfes and at about abouttown a uut uuttown ut uttown
town on the the reault of the th Thaw tri trill trillIs l lIs I
Is 1 becoming lively Uyet and the f maun WIIIIIIT v rwhich in inwhich ii I
which Mowie of f the persoashrre persons pe here who 1 1ftOwn i iknown tknown
known ftOwn ad II wise t and professional proffiIf ullIIl gam gamblers aanlblers aUl aUlbIt ¬
bIt blers are putting ItutU up their money mh is isrnvstifylng bmlIfyl i ivi +
vi rnvstifylng mlIfyl alifying especially when It ia iaPid h cuo cuoxid 11 11ilfr
Pid ilfr red > d that tbe jury JUI has n i yd l ti n nitfd rtJHU nliven
liven money Inone is being be offered offr in inninottnis all allmiiunts II IInnwunt8
miiunts that Harry 117 Thaw will ill lIt lie hetonlieted lieconvicted I
convicted 11 1 < tt04 thus giving vIBa the be benrtii iu iucis i inC 11 i iIt
cis C t It < of a diiwgreement t to those w Wlo o an anf i
fr f roill > iiu ing tne 11 bettteg AMhoueh tit thr r is isn j inotttng I Inot
n not notttng tling Itn tangible tang abI he un which wl h lo bis ht < > out aitt a aUle outn
n t > i > nitt i > ii the iunvktion end 00 l looks mk a at ud udb 1 1t
t b a large 111 < < number of people It Ittl lluw Hoi Hoitii v r rtI
tii tl manner I aDIafr ia which wllk money mOllt un II m mit lh LIW LIW1hr < I
< it 1hr 1 > i > T end Is being put ps out and th > tm tmlii t t1id 11
lii nt ah of the t Inyeni lay have dfterr dtprrI dtprrInm l lHim In
n Him nv Ir irnc nlnll rs ns n wh wt whit otht otherwise wiar would risk riskth risktheir
their th > r money moOa Y oa a the 1MT1 result remillthat resulthole
T1 hole > that lltt an a try trying t to ubuf I their theirHi thfirm theirtm
Hi tm ivy It i tiko I It the h stand that the rhancws an
a I rny r arty I In favor v tal Tltawhtoifllr Thaw Is ing re reur IIt
ur it l n th + unwritten imwr > tt > ii law i pin 11e1tl ka kai
tl i > n hr > > lUtvly will g net t off on ft the I hwan hwaniliat IIU1aohn flisantint
iliat hn tint t t lb tbrr r rl > Hi a goutl < < < t vhanr une < for lordl a ai atit
dl i Iiutftt t rlnrn si nt 14 t many man Jurors Ju would wouldu ould ouldJ
li J I u mi 11 toath coiiviii i a man n uadel u 4er ihotout the theinstii Ia Iamtw
instii tout gore ii > i Miul f tul that with wit mairte Mafthdf l ls
f n i a ill nrl IniIoj1t j It Tas Thaw s ebaneea uhan s at atIHVIIH aft aftt
I t iflrrris WI WIPOPE
UoAIK HI ii Jan It devclopu lxu u today todayDial ttKlot ttKlotthai
Dial following th iht audience which lite liteITollneas Iii
ITollneas 1I01111 granud crant to Monsignor Mon llfllor Kennedy Kennedyrector KetI1edyrtt I
rector rtt tor of the Ain American rirau College yester yesterday yealerdav ¬
day d at which the latter prtaented tli tliJOIH the thelol thetape
JOIH lol tape with ltb J Peters eter ter Pence sent from fromAmerica tromAnHrlea fromAmerica
America to tbe amount OUl of KM w the theIVmtUT th thImUfr the9untiff
IVmtUT was stricken with a auvere fainting faint falntJng
Jng aped 8p pell II which maoe made de it m 1hftUar ntcela eaaary a y for forlUm forLint I I
Lint to have hav J medical IdIaal att attendance attendanceThe t MiaHc
The condition of hit health I is causing eaudagConsiderable awJnaronsiderable I
Considerable worry at the VaUean but hutbe butbr butbe
be declines to ae see lee a pbyaieian ueie unlen uaI it itlecunte
VeconHM lecunte c abeolutely nectjawury nectjawuryThe neetaaryrhe neeeasaryshe
The Preach clerical trouble tnHIw have havegreatly haveCreaUy havegreatly I
greatly preyed upon hi b his mid mind with the tberesult theult theresult
result ult that be refuaea to eat at times threeand timesand tllIIe6anti
and in fact he eonfeawsd conl to hiM hiMClan hi pbya pbyajclan phyelclan
Clan lately atei that be eau but one m raeal al I a aJuy aJay aJay
Jay JayWhen
When the doctor doc > tor remonstrated remoa trated with
Mm he replied haughtily ItauahtilyI
1 aware au you rOU even if I ate aye once a
week in every way l would 1fQU be b and feel
fie energwtltr a II leader as the Roman
titlioHc UlOlic Chunh rwiuireii rwiuireiiThe rtilure rtilureJ
The J 1 II he Iope baa ha given Monsignor Ken
riedy riclyH IYM s Rister a magnificent magnla ent cameo aa a a
tii ljmtu < m rnnto iltu of her uudienre audien a with him himCOOK hlnlCOOK himCOOK
The fl fook took and Stoddard Company ompa1 will willdmw willl1aW willrliuw
dmw probably IObW1 the Urgest and must mustcomplete mutmplt musttntplete
complete mplt line of automobiles ever ec ex exhibited exbllJil ex ¬
hibited bllJil by one concern at the coming eoaungcxhinitbn comingexhibition COII COIIexhibition
exhibition These Tht will include 1MK
niotnla ntu is of the Pierce Great Arrow made
b by > the George N l Pierce ieree Company of ot1ulfwo
lUitfalo N T White Steam cars md 10 made
l t > v the White Com Comoldo COSpaay of Cloveland ClovelandJitio
ti =
oldo various mode modefooled models of i j Franklin It Itt Air
fooled t ol1ltd gasolene oiene cars car including inclldiD a pot potshEd ¬
shEd chassis of I floe the Mll ML made Da by the tb
11 H Franklin Manufacturing Manut turlDa Com ComI CIMIlouny CentFn
louny I > unv of Syracuse N Y various mod acidt5 modib m1dO m1dad
ib of O the thF famous Cadillac ad c cl ear nude by
th Cqd IHdllai par I Motor Car Company = of of1ftroit o o1troit f
1ftroit l < trolt Mich and a lar larc Iarde line of Bak Baktr Bakh Baker
tr electric machines h inotudlng broug brougns bro brohams
h hams r ns Victoria ICtoriaw stanhopfs tanJtO1 M etc brf brfI made madeth madeby
I by the th Baker Motor Vehicle V cle Company Companyor
or Cleveland Oho OhoThe Ob OhtoThe o oThA
The oncers of the company are J JII
II 1 Stoddard president prntk Jfttd eat and treasurer treaeuierII
II W N Fuller vice president INkknt E R S Mar MarJiw Miarlow far farlOD
low lOD secretary secretarylii secretaryIn
lii siwaklng i akhig of the outlcok for yet yeta Ii7 Ii7a 1J1t 1J1ta
a member of < rf the firm recently IfenU utiil caulttu utiiliiu hl hlhll
iiu hll experience xperlent with ilb tra irate e con eonditiu ontlit litiois litioislii Ul UlIt t tpt +
lii It l th present tint is thut sal a1M e of e etd 9C iiI iiIill r j juill
td uill ill l he e far in excess of anything cvr cvrexprricnced nr nrorlenCf r
i xperlenced orlenCf in 0 this territory territor A Kt at atmany atnlallY atntant
many orders have been booked b oked ah alwul id idlor u ufor l
for spring delivery and It es s iim important hnlrlmtthst importantthat > ortunt ortunttliat
that customers desiring any an ot oL thts thtspopular thsptlular lh lhpiputar
popular types of cars should hou < 1 place pla tin thlit thlittnlr thiLurd it itiirjir
iirjir urd r at an curly f rh dale daleBKXNQ daleERmG dateDRmG
oO 10 00 Brldgework DridgaworYn Set Gold fggerrk fggerrkFlllii1 of Crown CrownBrldgework CrownDridgaworY Teeth TeethGold TeethQold HOO HOOB 4 00
Flllii1 F11gS
B D ET CT rainless FaiD1e Extraction ExtractionIxamtna
F f R f t E EM E Examination ExaminationCor Ixamtna ExaminationCor Uon UonCor
Cor 7th and I1 rat fits N WEntrance W VfEntrance WEntrance
Entrance 039 r St IT Wzours W WlJours1 j jtoursr
lJours1 toursr Dally 9 to 530 Sunda710 Sunday 10 to 1
Shows the MilliMaire Milli aire as a a CriiJlalT7pe
Type TypeThaw T7peTllavv
Thaw Prolific ProlificPencil ProlificPencil ProlificPencil
Pencil Subject SubjectIn
I In Courtroom CourtroomOne
One Artist Sees Him HimCriminal HimCriminal HimCriminal
Criminal Another a aWeakling aI aWeakling
I Weakling a Third Thirdas Thirdas
I as Degenerate DegenerateJlure
Jlure lure are It I throe roiimrkiiklc IH rkJlJtlc per iwrtrails INtrtraits perhulls
trails of Harry Jhtrr Thaw lhK all drawn kyartisis by byxrti Ityartists
xrti artists < < ts wh who made Jltad > H stall tM hul iy ef tkc tkcsujtct tkesubject ho hosubject
subject It at t first httHd hit 11 Hi ig MS they tit s yew yewkith 11 11klltl w whim
him lu court on 81 trhtl for his life lireAlteniats lifeAlienists ur urAliemtll
Alienists watch him 11 hour r by hour houraeti hearnettsg 1 1n
aeti n nettsg ttag sr his every move and ez CUttIIn resBlsa eoselnaad resBlsaand
and 11 BtaBH JItumeriaJII rlsm as evleaee iAftee whether he heis heis ae aela
is sale or iasaxePsyeholegtsta iBBaae iBBaaePayeHolegists laBaaePa8holegiats
PayeHolegists are sahjeettegr s1t the thepresent t thepresent e eprelleJtt
present and the past of this w maa t ttheir iG iGt1uKr totheir
their most searehinff al a analysis a > lat for theperpoee the thep t1utHtrpoi
p perpoee Htrpoi rne of ascertaining asortall C whether WIIe Mr he ia ianormal l ltal isanneal
normal tal or abnormal abnormalP a1la ebarmalPsreeto rma1 rma1P1HJ101
P P1HJ101 hyeaelegiits gicts have ye = rnftd B f ter t the theeppertBBlty beP theepuertaaty
eppertBBlty P n1ty to finger his bum isotope te teorder b border ixorder
order to determine whether their gee geeerallsatioss ceneraliiatioBB C Cera11aet1oBB
eraliiatioBB will apply to his tIs tIsAnlsts ease easeArtists easeArtiste
Artists who after aI represent rcpIHI ageod a afreed al
freed deal tie of the alienist the psychol psychologist ¬ I Ioctst
ogist the phrenoloffiet the laomUe laomUeartists oftlUM1 oftlUM1artiste t tarUsts
artists have 1IQe11 B B drawing his aU pletare pletareIB I Ila
IB every oonoeivable peae and phaseThe phase phaseThe 111 I
The deeplined dark heavy featured featureddrawing featulWldrawinA featureddrawing
drawing te by the artist of the Philadelphia Phila Philadelphia ¬
delphia Record RecordSuggests RecordSUZX68U RecordSuggoats
Suggests the Criminal CriminalIt Crimi al i iIt
It suggests the u criminal more stronglythan strongly stronglythan J Jthan
than most of the portraits that tave 1 1been
been made yet it does d this only om by em emphasis
nhaate ph of characteristics ebaracteri tw less strikingly strikinglydeveloped strikinglydevelopedIn
developed developedIn in other studies studiesThe studiesThe tudl tudlThtt I
The full round faced boyish view ew Is teby Isby isby
by Stein St ln n of the New York World WorldCertainly WorldCertainly
Certainly C talnly it would take more than acasual a acaJlual
casual glance gllin < to find in tins iruvng < iruvngPositively rang rangSICK
SICK HEADACHE i I ilollUvely I
Positively CUred by bythese
v these LIttle Pills PillsThey PW PWI
CAR I ERtS They Tht > Y also relieve relieves relievelndlm
Distress ra a lndlm lndlmewtlon from Bya Byal r rand
l uii r Persia TMra TMraand Indigestion ewtlon
ITTLE ITTLE TT E and Too Hearty Heart
Jawing A perfect perfectremedy perfectloemed perfectremedy
I V E R remedy loemed for Dlsst DlsstM DlaalPI DlasiPILL
M H E C n e s B Nausea
rr NauAi NauAiTaste
PI FILLS PILL LLS S Drowsiness al Bad BadTaste Iladtaste
Taste in the MouthCoated Mouth outh outhoated
i Coated oated Tongue r va gu e ePln
tilodiltj 1 Pain in the Side SideTOHPID SideTORPID SideTORPID
They regulate the Bowels Purely Puret vegetable veg vegetable vOIretable ¬
etable etableSmall etableSmall
Small Pill Small Dose Small Price PriceCARTERS PriceGenuine
ipADTFR CARTERS Genuine Gtnui e Must M Bear BearITTtE
I ITTtE Facsimile F CSlmde Signature SignatureREFUSE SlgnaturoaVER SignatureE
1 1i i
Noted Artist te Whom Phren PbreaIogscal ologiecl I Possibilities Pe bilitiea Appealed AJtP o1l d I
au II suieation c iM > n of the thf posaibUiues t4ttI iiUea of ofcrueUy 01crueIt oferllelty
crueUy crueIt vice and anally hall depravity vit7 that thatare thatare thatare
are attributed to Thaw T J1t4 > e weakness weaknessindeed 1Mak 1MakIndeed weaknessindeed
indeed and lid selfindulgence self hldulgeooe which are areat areat areat
at bottom IMttta R of bin character c t are there thereHomer tlaereUomor thereHamer
Homer Davenport is the lower pIe picture pIeI pielurethe ¬
ture hlleIM the study in it phrenology Ono Onowishes 00 00willian Onewbahea
I wishes that he might see that strangely strangelyshaped atraRfrt17shaped strsnjrelyshaped
shaped head shaven and not note KIll more moreclosely Moreelely moreclosely
closely its It abnormalities a In this pro profile protUr ¬
file too appears the t e weakness week and eat eatorieaanees CftIurtelka colurleastiess
I orieaanees that the t Stein picture pietunIItro so sonronidy soettoaidy
nronidy IItro Y brings out outBai outi outBats
Bats i Shaped Head HeadO HeadOf HeadJfhis
O Of Jfhis liir drawing Inc Davenport says in the theNew theIe theNew
New Ie York Mail MailHarry MailI
I ha hate e never seen een a person Jet lice liceHarry Ukel
Harry l UJT Thaw ThawI
I have seen several nral Jt people OIIk OIIkYoltb cbarnM cbarnMwith
I with Ja a similar crime but none like likeThaw Ilk likeThaw
I Thaw There is a bianknewi bla k In his iliaI histoes bisface
I face coupled with a bad shaped had hadwhich I Iwhich
which forma 10 a dangerous tIt tK 1OU combination eombinatlonTheodore j I ITbeodore
I Theodore Durant a degenerate ofj of ofSan i
San Francisco killod girls and hid them themhi themIn themin
I Ito1
In a chu Hi It
steeple where the bell as a H ktoiled Htolled
tolled to1 aim IIt c acinped l pet their nude bodies bodiesiMtMnK bodiesLooktnt bodiesLooking
Looking at Dot with his t8 hair w wIowa uI aslong
Iowa I long as a football players yer aalde from fromI
I a snv > 11 H pinched ear and peculiar peculif r brow bro broou j
you ou saw no traces tra tII of the monster he hI hPwas <
II was abbwn to be But when his hair hairwas 1
was cut an operation which he fought foughtto
to prevent all was revealed revealedolmes vealfod
I Holmes olmes the Philadelphia murderer murdererCIVIL murdererI murdererIVIL murdererCIVIL
When hen I IbLUE
You Want WanttLUE
Neatly Xeatl ajeurately w curateih and quickly
done call on onHENRY onHENRY onHENRY
Commercial Photographer
936 P PSt St t IT W Phone
Jima Mam113 Mam113I Mam113PEACH 113 113EACH 113ssarsaoa
I > ssarsaoa > azm azmEACH
the oldest and andbest andbest andbest
PEACH best developed developedsuch developedsuch
fu such h as It is impossible to toobtain toobtain toobtain
obtain elsewhere elsewheret
fl house Ouailty 509 9097th 7th St i Ph Phone At t 214 74
who killed men ea women and a children childrenfor ehiWrenlor childrenfor
for insurance politer showed wed his erimi eriminal en eeinliimi
nal 1 Instincts tn tiaeta in his bJ weak face and andchildlike AtNIcnUdUke andchildlike
childlike back k bead Hte Ue mualertf were wereaccomplished weaeeotIIplMibed wereacoomplfsbed
accomplished by locking people in rooinand room roomand rooRIAIu
Iu and starving lIrvtn them to death deathllarry MatisHarry deathilarry
Harry Thaw is t different frm at either eitherof eltlMrof eitherof
of them t men D lite 11 attorneys att ls may JIMi be heahte beable beable
able to show be that hlh hte motive InoUyetor for killing killingi killingWhite killingWhite
i White was perfectly pet Uy JusttaaW I would wouldbOoVer wouldhowever vowldhowever
however just like to see the shape of ofhis ofbt ofhis
his bt back bead under nte loose Iwfc IwfcHte lIai lIaiHia habHia
Hia head It even with 1tb loay lo tr heir Jr Jrcurioudy if ifcuriously 1 1curiously a
curiously shaped ptIII It Is very high atthe at atthe litUw
the ieak leak ef the crown O where there te tej bIa isa
j a cwwIMc that makes k It hard to brush brushdown brubde brushdo
down downills de
ills JI head dros rapidly Iy to the top of ofthe oflhe ofthe
I the forehead I d whesilse wbero w N the hair te S iitaa iitaatered IIII Idastmd
tered to t Ms hi short blunt t tt brow The Therr I Ir
r rr i ahn ei I l lte
te t plaster heft against Its the for fori tort fora forasuet
i tei n t ik 1 a c o L an iJ tanREPORTIIIG Miter MiterREPORTIJIG I IUPORTUfG
t It
Witness It was w in the house h at about ahoutOClOCK aboutoeluca S Soclock
oclock tau < > i > iii tae II pretuj at ol s rf u ea eahe ivt aa JI t
r he saw Priestly f through the window windowlie windowHe I Ied
lie rani rang the bell nett and the maid answer answerI answered =
I ed the door but declined to open it and andtold andtold andtold
told him to go to a warm place lie
bad beep there about four times petviously pre previously lKevtoilITbut ¬
viously vtoilITbut but had not seen eee Priestly Prle Uy
Southport South port Guardian
r Tine his ia Artist Saw Thaw as a Weakling WeaklingDelivers WeakUBIJUDGE
Delivers an Address Before Beforethe Reforethe Beforethe
the Federation of Womens Wo Womens Womens ¬
mens Clubs ClubsJudge ClubsJ Citabs15n
Judge J 15n I De > e I lAcey l aesy coy of the Juvenile JuvenileCourt JIIeDlIccrt JuvenileCMtrt
Court oT ac etthe the tie IMMriet l > lMrtet made IItIHIct1atd an addreea addreealast ad r fl
last night iHr < tttM der m the study room of f the thePutOte tM1Uidtr theIsllk
PutOte Library before the Fad Federation ratlmi of ofWINHMIS oCf ofWisNimis
WINHMIS f Club iTobabte I t Rtotathm k lagisletlontit Rtotathmat tlon tlonat
at this tid this session otI of f Congress on the child childlabor ehJltIJaMr childlaber
labor Iaf law formed the theme of Judge JudreDe JudlfeDe Judge1e
De ljocrys JAh7 remarks lie spoke Ijj of the theaheolnte tbeute theabslote
aheolnte ute neeerstty 1MHNtt for such legislation legislationand JegblAtlonJoOht legislationand
and ftotnted JoOht out the 0 advaMtage of itn itneiwctwenc ttlllt itsenactment
enactment t He said there are li IfJIM di9 M chit ehll4r ellil4at chit4ren
4ren 4r 4at n of fourteen years y r and youngerwho younger youngerwlw YCNagerII
who II > h are MOW employed employ fioyei e l In the District Dbitrictof Dbltrktulta
of Columbia ulta and expreeeed his u Indorse mdoraement I1MI Indorsement ne neIftftIt
ment ment of the Dolllver null oUlIs nullsirs i iMrs
Mrs Is Chariot Chart Charlotte tte t Kmerson KmfaI Gft Main lab prosi preijest ttI ttIt i i4ent
jest t of the organtawthm presided atlest at atla atJt
Jt la t nights Rtp S meeting The committee on onliterature onliterature onliterature
literature mad made Its report through Mm MmMartha IN Its3Igrha INqrUta
Martha qrUta L Schneider Schaetd SchaetdIrs Scbncderburs < < I IMrs
Mrs Irs Ellen Spencer Museey MWIH wrll WR un unsbto uobIe aabie
sbto bIe to 0 be present JftMftt but pent her reporton report reporton r ron
on the tlt childlabor Cl1d r Mil which wltle was read reedby r readby d dby
by Mrs rtlo McCullouRh McCulloughReports McCullouRhReport cCullou cCullouneport
Report were read from the educa education education Iuca IucaUOII ¬
tion printing and Jt letfPlation IaUOlt commit committee committees IRU IRUt ¬
tees tee t A resolution atIon to thank the tM mem mempII ¬
bers et f the t House of Representatives a
for pawing pII t th for bill permitting the wives wiveof I
of 0 whiter Mid to be buried beside their theirhusband theirhi theirhushand
husband hi In Arlington National a tlon I Ceme Cemetery LMUett1T iernetery ¬
tery wan pawed i s Md and in the re resolutionthe resolution resolutionthe oluti < m mthf
the federation expr t xrrf8ed > fficd the hope that thatthe thattlte thatthe
the Senate would also pass the mess measure InMIIu messurn ¬
urn u The t be organisation Is planning for foran foran forsn
an evening tWfntR reception some time to Pei Peiroary JIIIanti Feb Febnaary >
roary and although Uollgh no date for the theejent tlMerert theeiesnt
ejent bn boa been set t preparations will ill be berapidly betptdl berapidly
rapidly tptdl made madeKnginers madtoPOWER
Knginers ngiawor ha have > c never nf > er doubled the pos posliioUliy pasitNUly I
liioUliy of tranfmltttnK t power from the theVictoria theVictoria
taofh ofh r rcreal
Victoria ta fells art itf the Zitmbetii mfi river to the thegreat
great gold < Old ftel fiek18 elda U of the Transvaal 730 730miles 70I JO
I miles distant but they have questioned qUonedthe questionedthe j
the economic Oftftmle soundness at o such ueh an undertaking un under 1
dert der dertaking klnp on a cotpmerctel meretalliC81e scale Never Nevertbeless Xevertbele Newertbeless
tbeless tbele contracts have been let which whichshow whichIIhow whichshow
show that the work will be undertaken undertakenIt
It Is the moat extraordinary electric electricfower ele electricrower < trtr trtrrowt
rower rowt r ower > r scheme heme ever attempted
Electric ectriCSignS ectriCSignSBring Signs SignsThey
Bring ° i Results ResultsThey
They attract the eye eyedraw draw trade tradeMake tradeMake tradeMake
Make business better betterWe betterWe betterWe
We We will provide you with a handsomeElectric handsome handsomeElectric handsomeElectric
Electric Sign FREE FREEAnd FREEAnd FREEAnd
And well sell you the current to light lightit lightit lightit
it at a very low definite monthly monthlycost monthlycostWhy monthlyrcostWhy cost costWhy
Why not make inquiry inquiryPotomac inquiryII
II Potomac Electric Power Po wer CoL Co CoContract CoContract
Contract Dept 213 21314th 14th St N W Wr W
I Jeter JIJ John EL Q nrtHkmav lkbnkwao Die Slowly JMMI elected electedTinrtlBtit eluctedP elected7leltt
TinrtlBtit P lt of the lb Central CenU cuIIAItor l Labor Union Unionfit CnlonIt Unionthh
fit It thl t thh eity el1 h lax > s SMnhei n honored OMr d by bytfcedectJ bye1O byqt
tfcedectJ qt = svetlen e1O ltftt to tfre tt ftgi etee tt of f seteetaryIY uaeretary uaeretarytrtawrar IIf1 < < fltary fltaryAC
trtawrar IY rNiMrer of tto UN International Iheratimeal Union or orCftrf orC ofCatriayil
Cftrf C Catriayil H Htf and d Wagon W Workers orkftlll of North NorthAMoT orth orthT
4 AMoT AMoTTJto > n n7s
TJto T > > htpMlfluarton 7s of the laternaUenal laternaUenal9MMI IJIematJoulWin JaiernMIOasilalu
9MMI will be located to in WaaMwalon W Werlhmtoat ft ftfact
44 t tjNl fact will b be e a material JRatnaltaCWW JRatnaltaCWWiUlff factorSit factor factorj
j Sit ttV it11a < local strike of Use tli carrlagv earriguaasltrL carrlagvJkr
aasltrL aasltrLtr
Jkr 1 tr Brink BrlnkmuM b a carriage e wood wooaw woodl woodtntier
tntier w rkra tnit l has h been aMaue es H aeUv member memberwr m mItiP memberell0
ell0 wr riace ItiP ce the formaikw ternau of th the theWk local tocalQarrtAg locali
QarrtAg i etiageWorkers Workers Wk Union V of otwbk which whr H he fat fatMao 1MriRkMtu itMoo
Mao pye pfMfricitt ldenlt Mr Hrwkmau holds hOhI atpiareat at atpfMiit atICIIIIMM
pfMiit ICIIIIMM numerous odder oiit a s Jo UM > ttbor ttborMt hi hog tort hogapralueat
apralueat Mt t IneiiMtin tpcludfrtlt I the pre presidency Wsaey of ofIN eCoral oftilt
tilt IN oral l plrel Labor Iteion of Wyt W VaafttogtaH VaafttogtaHeteatrinaM tllattoI tllattoIeilslaiiat M Me
eteatrinaM e at to toe spoke aIUik e esnualtns wmittf itYtf of th th4f 1M 1MwOnttfW theetrr
> etrr 4f g w wfcrksHw rktaw chairman c of the theHlaejrat th thIf theJ1
J1 Hlaejrat If at rteo reception Uen oetDllliU oomtnUhHt and is an anonjnntstr aI aIO an anotblaniaar
onjnntstr oc O the America JfJeraU Ynleralksf JfJeraUet > Vrier tl M Mof
of LabeBy J JAJMw JAJMwIftU abwr abwrBy
By siltua virtiy IftU of o hi his oMc ogles h IwwUl be will be bep ber a arfraber
rfraber p iber r ofthu of dw international in ltnaJ board boardjtfr board boardAle td tdjWJ
Ale jWJ Urinkman will leave sv Washington WaftMngtonTboaday Walll WashingtonTd llt ia iar
Tboaday Td r morntar mor 4hg for or Chicago t to take takefar takedM takethe
far the th dM invtrnathHtal ti elal ottiee and tran tranttr t tIt lranK
ttr H to tW this hW dtyIlttNry dt dtlJ city cityIlenry
IlttNry lJ rr C Sint Stf St i vie vice iMwldunt ft of rf Die DlBtriet Dt Dttrlet
triet diet Ko > 8 1 will be in charx ehargeof of strike Jltrlker 4rk 4rknrlnnnrterg
M R nrlnnnrterg etrtars r JH 3Ir Ir BrhikBians Drt kWRS ab abJin altee a ae at
ee eel e
t Jin 11 Intl s SUtn Stein in wife + of r I1ttgry n nrx steto at MC eeciWlry MCrotary Menta
l rotary nta to Jehu 1 II Ho BHakmM pr + rddeat rddeatof M nt ntof
of Omtimi Labor I Unless who w wj wa war warpealed r rH
pealed H j < OI1 > n i tAl U be aertoIy aert finely ill iaat week weekl it itimisepdng i iint
int l imisepdng r rto cud U tnoaant to be out outWith of ofWith 014ppr
With the execution of thf Carriage Carriageand Carrtap1MiI Carriageau
and 1MiI Wages > Workers strike and aRd11M th thbook this thisbout
book and job j 4t prttitert terti strike > > both of ofwhich ofwblell ofwhich
which bare been bee on for or a number of ofmonttMt ofMCMt ofmoallw
monttMt MCMt and 4 th the plumber trtmblc troubiegwhich trtmblcwhich OtIble OtIblewhich
which are ta the tb b heads ad of arbltratore arbltratoreall
all the other unions ht Washington WahblJt R are areworkhifir areWlHkg areworking
working without friction trle full time tl u and andeverybody a andeverybody tl tlefII700d
everybody te I nappy ba PY It to true that her herare there thereare therea e
are a some f fox w Hide We differences between betweenemployers betweePJoyetll betweenemployers
employers PJoyetll and employe In some iuar querten iuartera lNIr lNIrt
ten t but they ar aNt ao inaiKnlneant ac aslie to totie toJe
tie Je of no Importance IlrtpoeteaeeTile ImportanceThe JfltjNWtaaeeTtlt
The Carriage and Wagon SOft Worker Workerliave WtWcerIun Werrrerdhave
have Iun prejMnted Jt M their their oalleairoe John II IIlirinkman IIRrinkmaa
lirinkman president preM40 t of Central Ct lAbor LaiiorInion lAborlIto LaborIeius
I Inion lIto wMi wit it a haiidcomu s8 s8gavel e > graved gravedgavel 8 8gavel u
gavelTha gavel gavelTbe gavelI
I Tbe HoftanhoMii H t fetal al unioti UI 4Ht reports rtpertatliat NperUM
that every M sh IiIwttt j 10 w UN UN city oxeept Mv MvIs Aye AyeIs AveIe
Is In Hi It union unionEarly UtlIoRI uatonEsriy
I Early Elirl In February th the Untied U d Oar Onrment Oarwent J r rment
ment Workers Wor1t < < s of America wttl open epenbranch a abranch Itbranch
branch clothing house In tfcia tIa city eft in the theTradea tbeTnwIea theTrades
Trades Unkwtet building It a7 7 F Jre JreftorweK acre acreaorthwaet ir > st t tnorthwoat
northwoat for the icle eJe of unionmade unionmadeclotbintr uaktRfIetIedtIng unbltMa unbltMacletMfag
clotbintr bearbwr the label of the United UnitedGarment Unti UntiOaesent l tM tMGarRie
Garment GarRie c Worker Work of America AmericaI AmeriatFinancial r erica ericaJoACI81
I Financial Secretary I McClucr dcCluer ClUft of Cen Conteat Central Cenlral ¬
teat Mbar l labor Union U ronllned 10 t thoist Mg Mgh hIatI
h hoist < Mnr by Illness IllnessRftpreaantaUvea III IIIR IllnessRettresentativew
RftpreaantaUvea R taUves of the two tYo local I hu huhere bar barbers barre r ¬
here re unions have YO held a a cenferenctr casfeYeacrthe ffeM1r ffeM1rtbe wH i ithe
the boers boss 1 OM barbers an to an a adjustment a a4Juptmenthours Mt of ofhooni othoure
hours and waa wages wagesEtuployrt 9 9Xlllpl e eX
X Xlllpl Etuployrt ploytJ 1 of the local navy yard as aswell 83I a awdi
well I aa representative r talhe union u labor lah laborlead r lead
j 1 1Uif
era in thai city dt arc are deeply dnplyiMeteskd NpI Intereated takt1 in inthe hithe luthe
the tiropPalUoti r p t UOtI to tpats itAA 0 a J 1 TM l1t7r w four foundry tOUIdry fourdry + ¬
dry in the U Waanlneton W Nashtttnt0a w lywy vy y turd d at atcost ateo a aeast
cost eo l of S4tM s4tfUfll a prnpoajm ht the esti esumat estimate IH IHmate ¬
mate mat of the thesoreu Secretary ry of Vie Navy W cvii cviitral CthttaJ Cehtral
tral Labor Union will tak take let sa t i Is lu jr jrretsent 1 1t rereseal
reseal t to t the th Home Comtnittet C lntnitU utt + p NUN NUNAffaira Xul XulAttaiN Nut i iAffairs
AttaiN Its approval of 0 th H the < > prnyoecd prnyoecdl jOclf r po > 06Id wl Ii IiJtI4IJI j jprojNriatten
l projNriatten JtI4IJI Arlatios atiea and as a tb the Conrad r rbody t tbJCIy 1body <
body r ro < ior 3eenUnic Uatt over Jt atAi oc i union TU mIII ruin J Jin
in th OM J atrict lct t of u Columbia < lo fof fofU eter eterthing vei veithlntf
thing U in its It power pow lOW r by b legitimate In irltl irltlto tnfla tnflasaes flu fluowe
saes owe to aecur the rassi paaaaay t5 of the nt nn nnaury raury r raury
aury leghJuUort te l HiUon U II for th the appropriation appropriationTKuw APJINPIiationlItu
T TKuw lItu usu F Po Kltta zw a former popular u ut u ueffef aeffote
effef effote it t proofreader PNOtra der MM printer In tit titOovarnment t ti tiCovoameat j jacwfReatPrlaUaw
Oovarnment acwfReatPrlaUaw Printing Office member membertip membeith bt bteaeokNK >
tip th Benevolent eaeokNK Protective Order OrderKlku OrderKIka
lithe X Xaaona taae m and Zanies Eas und an aim aimi ad actmember j jIIHHRI
i IIHHRI member JBbef er of ColumMa eoa Union II OD No lot In Intamatlonal intsrnstieaal n nt1uM1
tamatlonal Typographical Union i in I9MR a aMoen
9MR n appobttod by b the Wa W Wgtdngton ttacton n Ai Aiexandria 1 1exandria i iaadrla
exandria exandria aadrla and Mt Vernon railway own ownera 0 0eraet on t tera
era eraet of Luna I tna Perk J rK permanent excursiou exeuriiuusFmt excursioua eJtCurf iou iouIINt
a IINt ont for the park Mr Ellis filled tiir tiiraame tJi tJi1M ttesits
aame sits 1M position pGfIl OII a portion MNt1o of lam year eor 41 41W a1his J Ji
i hl his work was wa 110 w aatbifactory dIIaetor tin factory that thutwa tf uwag
I wa waif reappoinUd intt He nays that nuiji nuijiimprovemMtta mny mnyImlllOw ntuYlmprovemistt
improvemMtta ImlllOw said now attractions ttu ttube w J J1te i ibe
be added to the park for next aeaaoi aeaaoiand HaS HaSalNI seasuand
and that the new management IllatUlpPt pt of toe luupark l4tfIt8rk toepark
park will ill follow the Axed poUcy of ti tiold tlold tiIold
old management JlNUtBc meat to 0 recount recotPI roaigsse nothing notbhgbut notbthgbut nothingbut
but that which bear the todoraeroeut todoraeroeutof t tlit
of union unionPr labor laborPrMWawt laborPreaMast
PrMWawt Pr illW8ttt Fa Parsons of Columbia CoI Unio UhiuNo UnioXo rlli rlliNo
No Mi 1A JHt JtdoItaI matwna4 Trpographlcui TrpographlcuiUnion Tr Type6rapht nkl nklC i iLtdr
Union C baa retnrnod rur fram I8IIt BJclunoad1where Biclunona Biclunonasr BJchmolllVa
Va 1where wtwre be went as as GlJllU organizer Cr sr of ofbVt utW tathits
hits W or organization organizationfloes nization nizationlion
lion George W FalrchNda menibe menibeelttct IDC menbeelect lb lbdel
I del to the sixtieth IIIJC IKb Conareaa from ue ueTwentyfourth t eTwentyfourth e eTwentyfourth
Twentyfourth New York district atriet j jprinter h IoL IoLpriaer aposter
printer and a member of the W Jnttna JnttnaUonal JDttrliatJonal Jntenationai
Uonal Typographical Union and a nfw nfwpaper ii a aPalter
paper man IIL of ability Ut lie will prov provardent prooardent yrovardent
ardent advocate AdYoea t of labors labor castle in inHoutic a ahouse L LIfo
house HouticThe Ifo houseThe
The Trade Unkmktt the official n nCentral r > Ad Adot u uof
ot Central Labor Loli or Union and Auti Autican Ain Aincan A j jea
can ea Tederation tJd edpratloa ratloa of Labor to moving j jptatti Jto
ptatti play to lt his I new building build at O7 F lo au curse aUenordlwtNtt cursenorthwest ce ceIn
In I It Uu th circle of the grant army ann of ofmembers ofbers ofmembers
members bers of the art pree preseroaUv preseroaUvthe rraUv < i ith tUII4t
th the District D ltrtct tbe principal topic of t ttundon 4 4eutMloR oIJ oIJCUtIiIIoft > >
eutMloR and speculation was what iii Ili1 Ili1JH < v vpened
paned JH MId at the ban banquet < iuet of the Kp < < l lClub ki kiClub
Club last night itch l It Its jiromot promoters rK slain duimit tilt slainit n nIt
it wa wall an occaaiun of vt Kr at nvmt nvmtThe m mThe
The one hundred fortunate men win wineured Rhocured 11 11eured
eured tIckets tlcke l of admission were muenvhtd mu muenvind m u ubftvifd
envind John Sharp William and ad Chajn ChajnClark eh Chat ChatClak lJj lJjCILt
Clark wore among the Invited guests guestsOrganiased JfUtlIt JfUtlItOrgalzed guestOrganized
Organized labor in Washington av avwish i iwelt I Iwtlll
welt as all ever vr the country coll1t to watr watring wat watI wattag
tag I with deep interest bltere t the proposed prOpG Itd i itotatbrn iq iqlatioft letlalafloa >
totatbrn latioft lathered tath Nld by genator tor BevrilK BevrilKfor Bevvdhfar JE J Jfor
for the regulation of child labor It i is issubject I d diItIbject
subject that noda a deep d Interest intereetstrong o oatro t tstrong
atro strong g support t hi the hearts bn of t tunloH r rWt et
wiles Wt man and > to s long dHay 4MaH1 d h l E Elatiop ls lsbukm t tJatlotl
bukm for which union labor has hoetended hastended hilatended
tended before 8tat lists tau and National leiletures lf lflaturen Jt Jtlaturtw < > =
laturen laturenKmpiuy laturtw laturtwJ leturesKmpiuyes
Kmpiuyes Kmpiuy J mplopt < of the 1Ja rise navy nav yard Ard havr ha hsvatskedi i ia IHked >
a Hked ke l to 0 fxpretw c > by vole ot whether whethertv n nvould I Iweu
weu tv vould aukl aukltwo rather ratls be paid weekly weekl or f i itwo Jtwo
two weeD 1 Under nder the present sy > K Kthe 11 Ftthe I Ithe
the m men n ai sip paid semimonthly lItOfttht bn bnpetitf Iwpetltf hr hrpetittou
petitf petittou Mi 10 pay every week has l ltiled bo boflhd b >
tiled by Home of tbe men menThe 1AetIThe wenThe
The next lecture UT the Ck Georgian ra1iui T Tture Jture Itare <
ture and Kniertataoent course of ti tiCentral t I ICentral r rCentral
Central Lahor Union C tlon at Carroll anoll In Intut 111t 111be Ihlute +
tut lute will b be on Februar February > 5f It beln being i iMxth 1now iattfi
Mxth attfi t and butt uf u 1 Use series sulj rub1How suljHow 1 1 I
How to Be nappy
We endorse the Pure Purealways PurePUOE PureDrug
PUOE D01UGS Drug Law because we havealways have havealways
always believed in its prin prinACT prinACT prinACT
ACT ciples and because it means meansim meansthat meansthat
that the American people
June im 30 1906 506 A
H will find the stron strong arm of
in l Effect H fY January i
= ipoy 401
the Government Go emment protecting protectingA
STITUTES made of of adul adulterated adulterated dul dulterated ¬
terated impure worthless and even dangerous drugs drugsThis drugsThis drugsThis
This sort of thing has been an imposition fraud and crimeagainst crime crimeagainst crimeagainst
against the People as well as against the responsible manu manufacturers manufacturers manufacturers ¬
facturers of honest reliable remedies and it was high time for forit forit forit
it to be stopped Misrepresentation and substitution of some something something something ¬
thing just as good will now be done away with withThe withThe withThe
The principles of the Food and Drugs Act have been always alwaysfavored alwaysfavored alwaysfavored
favored by conscientious and honorable manufacturers who whorecognized whorecognized whorecognized
recognized that Purity and Quality alone could permanently permanentlysecure permanentlysecure permanentlysecure
secure the favor of the nationSo nation nationSo nationSo
So the makers of oECascaretsCandy Cascarets Candy Ckthartic recognized the great prin principles principles prinaples ¬
ciples of PURITY QUALITY and MEDICINAL MERIT when the first firsttablet firsttablet firsttablet
tablet was made over eleven years ago and have adhered to them ever eversince eversince eversince
Cascarets stand alone on their record of having gained in that short shortperiod shortperiod shortperiod
period of time the friendship confidence and patronage of millions ofpeople of ofpeople ofpeople
people who are now buying Cascarets at the rate of over a MILLIONBOXES MILLION MILLIONBOXES MILLIONBOXES
BOXES A MONTH MONTHthe the largest sale of any Bowel Medicine in all the theworld he heworld heworld
We endorse the Pure Drug Law LawIt LawIt LawIt
It suits us because we have always stood before our friends unafraid unafraidand
I and clear of conscience made our contracts good to every one and in the theconduct theconduct
I conduct of our business bu ness had the good fortune to help hundreds of thou thous
I sands s of our our fellowcitizens back to health and life lifeWe lireI
We Ve have no reason reason to hesitate and so we do not hesitate to recom recommend recommend recommend ¬
mend Cascarets to all sufferers from from Constipation and all complicationsarising complicationsarising complications complicationsarising
arising therefrom Also any other diseases of the foodcanal We are ad advertised advertlsed advertised ¬
vertised by our loving friends friends and whenever the American people pass judgwent judg judgment judgment ¬
ment in favor of an article after over ten years of investigation trial and andtest andtesttheir andtesttheir
test testtheir their verdict speaks for itself itselfThe itselfThe itselfThe
The greatest merit of Cascarets however is that of being a positive positiveand positiveand positiveand
and reliable preventive preven ve of disease The most important function func on of the
human body is to keep its digestive diges ve channels and passages with over thirty
six six feet of bowels strictly clean and disinfected so that natural operations operationscan opera ons onscan
can take place in a natural manner and the growth and activity of disease diseasegerms diseasegerms
I germs can be prevented preventedA
I A Cascaret at night before turning in will keep your Bowels regularand regular regularand regularand
and your whole digestive diies ve canal wholesome pure and normally active
No matter what you have been taking buy a little lOc box TODAY TODAYat TODAYat
at your own druggist and let the results tell their own story It means a
lot l t of health and comfort in store for you 53
Carpet Cleaning CleaningXlma
Time to Have Tour Carpets Cleaned CleanedIf
If you wls wish tab them mte made to look lookncW lookncWand new newtfcarrapblr newtererybly
tfcarrapblr and carefully cleaned deaneddrep cleaneddroppte drop dropme
me 111 e a postal fIOemlThomas roetalThomas postalThomas
Thomas Keely
712 11th St V W WDecorating WDecoratingPainting WDecoratingPainting
Decorating DecoratingPainting DecoratingPaintingor Painting PaintingABE
or orAnD
Now Ia the proper time for deeoraUn deeoraUnpalctlnc decorating decoratingptoUnr decoratingpainting
painting etc TV are re artists In this thi line linekfid UriCAnd linetad
And can marantee entlrq ratlafactloo Let Letu LeJ1a Letw
1a u Jo < the painting for you youT 701r youT
T V MOKTZK 1806 7th rt nwPhone nw nwrbou nwrhone
rbou rhone CacntcUoa
Jeweler and Optician OpticianCATHOLIC OpticianCATHOLIC OpticianCATHOLIC
cf e All Kinds ltfadaTOl KindsTOE XblllJ XblllJrOI
E VOiGT VOiGTJeweler VOIGTJeweler VOIGTJeweler
Jeweler 725 Seventh St N W WLivery wLivery WLivery
Livery Livery3HVEHV Liveryi Liveryfi
3HVEHV LIVIJY12i226 L7 9E13Y 9E13YQ
i Q 324236 14tH St IT f VT WPhone VTPhone VjPhone
Phone Main aln 4t8 4t8Youll 4292 4292Youll 1 1TouU
Youll get the right rig righire nrl1ero rigw
w hire