i THE WASHINGTON TDIES SUNDAY StNDA Y JANUARY 27 1907 J WEATHER BETTING BETTINGCHICAGOS BETTINGCIAGOS CHICAGOS FREAK FREAKWise FREAKWise Wise Ones Scoop Pot When WhenMercury WhenMercury WhenMercury Mercury Drops Be Below Belov Below ¬ low Zero ZeroCHICAGO ZeroCIIICAOO Zero1UCAOO CHICAGO Jan at Sabaero weather weathernipped Witatbernlppoo watMcnipped nipped Chtea ca o today far th the ftrat rt time timeemce timesince tm tmiz1ce since iz1ce the wtetar ef t Mfa m 1U MM Ming Mingaccompanied 1teIngaompankNt ng ngaompauI aompauI accompanied by the U etMume in h awn owner ownership ownEhp r reliip ship of thxmaanda thot andll of dailara doUa aa a w well JI aa aatie sate a ate te uaual fcatnraa tt of such ueh mercury mercurycrops moreuryvrop tirops vrop crops Much s suftarlq utr rjn among tb tbe poor pooruas pooras pooras uas as reported report but the absence of deep mo enow and bllawrd comHtiom aoftened aoftenedthe 80tt otteeedto ed edthe the hardship of the needy Their cut miffring sutfrlng cutr ¬ fring r ring contrasted with the Joy of those thosetvho thoeWho thocewho Who won the th thouaaada thouaaid which changed ehan ohaedaanda hands during the day by the action of Chicago thermometers in regarding a adrop drop drop below zero HI Oamblera GAntb board of oftrada oftrade oftrade trade men and others had wagered w wageredlarge gered geredlarge large Bums ea B the action eUo of the mer mercury mercury merC ¬ cury curyThe curyThe C ury uryThe The aero betti hetUBe g epidemic eplde tlc which has hasresulted hasresulted hasresulted resulted in the feeling tHlIft < < of prosperity prosperityamong prosperityamong prosportyaniong among the wise wi wia onet on It > who wh barked barkedbelow bakebelow barkedbelow below zero 2HM reached a crick erlal yester yesterday yeaterday yecterday ¬ day when hundreda of bets were declar declared de declared < lar lared ¬ ed ranging from the thousands of dol lara wagered among gambling plun plungera plungers plungero gera to cigars and Jl bllla among saloon saloonpatron saloonpatrolUJ saloonpatrong patron patrolUJ1flEGTRI patrongETRIAL 1flEGTRI ETRIAL GAL FLU FLUID FLUIDPllOLO1t1S I 0 0PROLONGS PROLONGS LIFEPRIS LIFE LIFEPARIS LIFEPARIS PARIS Jan HDoucb Douchec of electrical electricalfluid elfletncalfluid electricalfluid fluid form th tM novel prescription for pro prolonging pIOlonging prolonging ¬ longing life 11 which bleh la attracting attention attentionamong aUtloftamong attitloeamong among the medical faculty her h here The Thetreatment Thetreatment Thetreatment treatment baa been introduced trodueed by Dr DrMoutier DrMouUer DrMoutler Moutier and aIH Prof dArsonval d of the theSotbonne theSorbonne theSorbonue Sorbonne the inventor of some alter alternating aJtelnatlng alternating ¬ nating electrical machines mach the ettrutive ettrutivepower auraUvePOWf euratlvepower power POWf > r of which baa ba only jut been dta dtacovered 61vered 4Icvered covered coveredArterial vered veredArterial veredArterial Arterial sclerosis or hardening of the thetins t tIns thelns tins Ins and arteries which is the cause CtUI of ofangina ofi1nglna ofnglna angina pectoria cerebral hemorrhage hemorrhageKsions hMOrrha8eIfllions heuorrhaeeaesions Ksions of the heart etc tc are the theH th mala maladies aalathea ¬ dies H S which the electrical bath curea eur in ina InL hia a a L marvelous manner The be circulatory eireulatorynn tension nn produced by the th thnfW procreeeive her ¬ dening of the veins is relieved by the thenew thenew new treatment trta nt which would ould thus pro pro1rig lung the patients life lifeThe UteThe lifeTh The Th treatment is entirely palnles Ut Utpatient the thepatient thepatient patient sitting quietly smoking perhaps perhapswhile pernapll pernapllW perIIajsit while W t hUe he 1 Ic a bathed in a torrent of sloe el ¬ tric fluid fluidwhlclt whloh hJch emit enitto tlw sparks r a foot teetany long Many any cures are claimed by Dr Moutier Moutierand JlloutJerlnd 3ioutierind and M 1 dArsonval aa the result re lUlt of their theirsystem theirs35ten1 r rsstem system systemSUSPECT sstemSUSPEGT s35ten1SUSPECT SUSPECT KAISER KAISERSPOILS KAISERSPOILS KAISERSPOILS SPOILS FOR FIGHT BERLIN Jan ItIs Is the Kaiser a1aer go gong BOng gong ng to provoke another Morocco Ques Question 41tlon qu qution ¬ tion is the question fJtHIII iOB which is today todayagitating t tetlayagitating y yagltatin agitating agltatin the th Qarma peopl JotIOP peopt5 more Moe than thanuny tMRDthlne theiinything uny Dthlne DthlneT thing eie eieTane tse tseT T Tane me and again it baa been aaaerted aaaertedin assertedin ted tedIn in French aa well aa in II German a papers paperstiat pal1lllat papersthat that to distract attention from the theirrual In Internal tnternal ¬ ternal unrest in Germany and gather gatherthe gatherthe 1 the whole nation tlon around the govern government governient ¬ i ment the Kaiser la t ready read to enter tate tatemother latenother i inother nother war with France and that he hets here I ts even now laying yiag the mines the ex explosion ax110810n arctIoatOn ¬ plosion of which will start the great greata greatJuropea a tiropean conflagration which will ma materially 1ft8trially a attialiy ¬ terially affect the political map ap of oflurope otLurope lurope luropeMorocco LuropeMorocco 1 zrope zropeMorocco Morocco is one Oft of the tender tead spots spotsvhlch spotswldeh pOts pOtswhlcn vhlch diplomats dlp mata since the Algeciraa con ¬ ference tforen e have carefully avoided to touch touchbut touchhut touchhut hut during the last few te weeks reliable reliableFrench reliableFrenh reliableFreneh French newspapers have stated that th t the theKaiser theKaiser theKaiser Kaiser has Hent > > ent two high hi < < h army officers officersto oftkerstl to tl r > Morocco to tram and drill the Sul Sultans Sultans Sultans ¬ tans army and especially Jo o bring his hiscavalry hlaavalry hisaa1ry cavalry up to date dateAn dateAn dateAn An admission rdn Jlton by a government organ organof orsaRIt organo of o It this thi will it is a feared make mak a very v r rbad bad impression hnpre ion in France where htire the theKaiser theX1Hr theKaiser Kaiser is strongly suspected of being beingspoiling hal beingspolting c cspolUnc spoiling for a fight with France FranceWINDTHORST FraneeWNDTHORST FranceWNDTHORST WNDTHORST CLUB HOLDS HOLDSITS HOLDSITS HOLDSITS ITS ANNUAL BANQUET BANQUETThe The annual banquet of the Windthorst WindthorstClub WlndtherstClub lndlherst lndlherstClub Club of St Marys Church was wa held heldat heldat heldat at Freundi Hall OS Tenth street north northwest Brthweat northweet ¬ west Wednesday evening The Th entire entiremembership entirerrembershlp tire tiremembereJlp membership was present and a a good goodtime ge goodtime d dtime time was a enjoyed by all Julius Wenigr Wenigrof Wenlgt of t > f the Knockers Club of the city was wastoutmaater wastoastmaster s stoastmaster toastmaster and an was well provided with witha a a suitable knock for every speaker he hecalled lHIalled hecalled called on and received many knocks on his own behalf in return During the theevening thefovenlng theevening evening a handsome prize was presented pre ented Joseph T serh Zegowitz Zegowt by the Rev RfI F A B Wunnenberg for bringing brJ ng In the largest largestnumber Ia Iah Iat largestnumber number of applications t during the past pastyear pestyear year The h members present were 8 the li Rev F iarill A B Wunnenberg pastor of o odnt St Marys Mary c Church hU Dr Carl 1 J r Mess presi ¬ dnt George Auth vice president John Ulebel secretary Frank Auth treas treasurer treasurer tressurer ¬ urer August Sp Specht cht Joseph Zegowitz Zegowitzanil Z80wt2am1 Zsgowltzand and Frank Bowie trustees Anto Anton Auth John N Auth Henry J 1 Auth Joseph Berberlch George Brahler J A Bishop Bernard Bussing BUin George Casper John bn bnic Door Henry Plainer Joseph Frank 1lrank Frank ic Gaegler t A iiat Hammer F HlK Hr Hue F R Hillyard Theo Hlmmelberg lIIJftmel John F Hasket Joseph F Muck Herman 1lIt Bile irA William Coppers P Gregor Kramm I L J Mills John G Meinberg eg = William VillIac I Meseink le8ink George Xolte elte Henry Nolte W v J Xolte August Neuland William UUa Neuland Anton Oetman Francis Get man George Specht Albert Shultele Julius Wenlg en and Francis Brahler HIGHLANDS APARTMENT AFAR TMENT SOLD SOLDTO SOLDTO SOLDTO TO WASHINGTON SYNDICATE SYNDICATEPRICE SYlVDICA7EPRICE SYPvDJGiPIEPRICE PRICE SAID TO BE 800000 a HIGHLANDS APARTMENT HOUSE HOUSEWashingtons HOUSEWaahingtons HOUSEWashingtons Washingtons Meat Beautiful Residence Structure Which Has Just Changed Ownership Stilson Hutchins Rumor Rumored Runlored Rumored ¬ ed as Head of Purchas Purchasing Purchasing Purchasing ¬ ing Company CompanyDeals Deals DMa In six ngures ftgur gures in real estate tat have haveMa havebeeR havehose beeR Ma so frequent of late that they have havegrown havegrown ye yegooWJt grown to be considered commonplace commonplaceand consmOnplOand and attract merely passing attention attentionIt It requires requlr something IIOIaethl extraordinary now nowto ao aoto sowto to excite notice and that wilt be fur furnished furftlabed furebbed ¬ ebbed to the readers denI of The Tb Times this thismorning tit titmontlne thisMorning morning in the deal which bleb has Just been beenconsummated beeaeoMUted bOoncoituniiiited consummated by the ante of the u meg magnWcent Jna JnaaUieent megniheent < < nWcent Highlands 11 apartment hew house sit situated altYAteci siteated ¬ uated on the Ut corner of Connecticut Con ecUcat ecUcatCltltfomla and andCalifornia andcalifornia California avenues a eft at the very crest o oWaafcingt of ofWuhlgt ofWaskhsgtena Waafcingt Waskhsgtena s moat fashionable boule boulevard boo bouvanl booyard ¬ yard vardThe vanlThe yardThe The sale of the property prQJ 8rt7 which WIN WSMmade WINRNlde weemade made through thro the office o < < ke of Weaver WeaverBrothers WeaerBrothers eaer eaerDrother Brothers as a agents enU for the owners oWft the theWashington theVahlnKtOft theWashington Washington Heights Apartment House HouseCompany nOUNCompany flooOCompany Company in conjunction with Benjamin FUILY AiRY CONTRACTS CONTRACTSDUBLIN CONTRACTSMARRIAGE OTTSMAIIIIIAGE MARRIAGE HABIT HABITDUBLIK IIA8ITDUBLIX DUBLIN Jan M ITho The marriace marriaceHaWt maniaaeh marriaaehabit habit h Wt ruM strongly in the Dixon fam family f fl1y 1111Ity ¬ ily of Lettarlottghor County Donegal DonegalBy DonecatBy DOiegIfly By the marriage of the tB present hea4 of ofthe otthe ofthe I IiCe the house hot e William Dixon DtxO to hia fourth fourthwife fourthwife wife iCe the record of nuptial ties tI contract contracted contracted coittTCod ¬ ed by the XHxona th thrug through four genera generation ae generathins era eratlos ¬ thins tion is brought up to eleven elevenDavid elevenDavid elevenDavid David Dixon the u grandfather graa tather of Wit William WOliaun Wit11am ¬ liam married four time U taking king hl his but butwife IaJItwife lastwife wife when eightyfive yearn iliU8 old Wit William WI Witbees ¬ I Iham liam Dlson hM Juet married his fourth fourthwife fourthwife wife a widow not yet forty who ho baa haaeleven hueleven baaeleven I eleven children living out of sixteen aixteenWilliam sixteenWilliam lxt lxtJllialft William Jllialft Dixons Dixon son who is twenty twentytwo twentytwo twentytwo two has already been twice married marriedcompietin Marriedconeptethig rried rriedcoMpleting coMpleting with the stogie marriage rrta > > e at athis e ehi Ofhis his hi grandfather the aalantrhina aatoni dnc total of ofeleven otellW ofeiOYeSI eleven ellW m 1Mrnac 4irT114Oo rria aa apportioned apportionedtour among amongfour amongfour four mn mnKVT menflAW 6ft 6ftRAW RAW MILK Ti = 3A2TOEBOUS 3A2TOEBOUSfar AlfOCBOtlStr A8G1UOUSfpr far fpr Children aad Invalid InvalidScarlet Ia IaSearlet IevahdScarlet Scarlet fever is mtloawn In countries countrieswhere esuntriessnere ntries ntrieswkere where cewa eaw milk te 1 not med IMIIL8 ta j feeds feedsbeace feed tOdtI feedhenee beace tI milk from uaeaatUry tary stables stablesBAY 114421leaBlY stablesmay BAY contain 8 talR the t poison 101 causing It ItMUk It ItMUk Itlitk MUk litk la I also known to ha have e eaaaed eaaaedeiUsailes easeedepidemIcs 1tH4 1tH4Ies epidemIcs Ies et etDIFJIJIDBIA OfDXPHTflIA f fDIPHTHERIA DIPHTHERIA TYPHOID and other otherENTEBIC otherENJIRIC otherENTEXLXC ENTEBIC diseases diseasesA A simple at precaution eaaalsU eeMktISCALDmG eaaalsUSCAIDING a aSCALDIN SCAIDING SCALDIN MILE BUXiKDont E r rDont IDont Dont boll it ito ItaM It Itsod aM o d ttlMns willI it will NOT affect Us UsdigefitibtUty Itscltg hatugeatlblilty digefitibtUty cltg UblUl After scalding keep keepaM e soil soiland l land and covered coveredeased coveredA vend vendA A regular diet tM ChIldren M1 0 e edelue4 see seeSensed eased Milk Is iaadvlsaM iaadvlsaMSOCTETV IBAdiM IBAdiMSOCIETY IcadvhahieSOCflT SOCflT SOCIETY POB 1O PBEVENTION PBEVENTIONOP OP SICKNESS SICKNESSB B BBRLIXBR RLIfWR Ve sy syWe > y yWe yWe We favor a string stringent tri sltt taw aw prMMUag prMMUagthe Uac Uacthe the sale er usa Sot In I 1M er crea of a aay aayCIULUI acyCBMAM y yCRBAM CRBAM net pasteurised i I iI I a J Collar Comfort ComfortThe ComfortThe The men who are sending their theirCollars Collars to this thisLaundry thisLaundry thisLaundry Laundry are the men who enjoy true Collar Comfort ComfortCollars ComfortCollars ComfortsCollars Collars are laundered here with the domestic finish finishThere finishThere finishThere There are no rough edges and every collar is isturned isturned isturned turned evenly evenlyJlfay evenlyjVIai f fyour Jlfay jVIai ltJB s61fd fir I or DRESS SHIRTS aud audlHITE Ud WHITE VESTS are arelaundered areOZtJ areiour your OZtJ bundle laundered to zo look lookjnsl lookjusl lookjusi jnsl right rightWest rzcIttWest righiWest West End Laundry I 17231725 Pa Ave Phone M 2321 u u uB B Bradford who ho represented the pur purchasers purchaM purchasers ¬ chasers chaM wU aggregate over 800060 800060The 1000 1000The ooo oooThe The IdeuUty Idfh ity of the purchasers is not notdisclosed notdifll notdisclosed disclosed difll though it in i said Id they ar arWashington art artWubJa areWashington Washington WubJa toft capItalIsts and it is pretty prettywell prettwell prettYwell well understood ntood that the principal mem member Jttf mmbee m mher ¬ her of the company ta SUison Hutoblaa Hutoblaawho I1utcltl I1utcltlwho hutchInswho who aa already reported has recently recentlynumber receatl receatlmade recentlymade made a number of extensive teft IVe deals in inkinhebuM Inproperty InhighClass kinhebuM property Title It hi said saidwill aielwtu saidwill will be 1A tofcvtt in the same 11M name as at atpresent atpresent t tplMeDt present used usedThe ueedI u uThee The Highlands apartments was erect erected erected erected ¬ I ed in 1M and at once became popular popularby papularby poqiularby by reason of oJ 1U magnificent t situation tioft on onone Oftone onone one of the highest cb t points of the city cityThe dty1he cityThe The design is I by Arthur B 1 union IItoftarchitect unionarchitect lea ton tonarchitect architect of this city and the work of ofBargeM ofrouatruct ofronitruetbn rouatruct ronitruetbn n wAal wa done by Richardson RichardsonBurgess Ii Iilr Burgess Ib lr 1torporated < orporated ted The building buSwt l is isconsidered SacolUlldered isconsidered considered absolutely dreproof and It Itla ItIII ItIs la claimed that no apartment boWIe in inWashington Int inWashington Washington surpasses it in conven convenience convenloiters ¬ loiters as it combines the best t features featuresof t tof featuresof = of a firstclass dntcJa hotel with the privacy privacyand Privacyand privacyand and quht of a home h In addition to the theusual thewrua theusual usual wrua convergences conve ncea of a Arstclaa Antc build buildin buildIN buildhw in IN it U fltt ftltd d HP with its own ice plant plantana plantsire ana 114 electric light plant j PEARL AS A8BIB BIG AS PEA PEAFOUND PEAFOUND PEAFOUND FOUND IN GIFT OYSTER OYSTERPITT8BURO OYSTERPITTS OYTEBPITTSBURG PITT8BURO PITTS B LRG lit 1 Jar 6Xathan 26NathanWafts 6XathanWatu Xathan XathanWatts Watts employed at Voki Y k Cafe Cat Kc KcKeeaport JLcXeeport McX Keeaport Keeaportm Keeaportt X enport yeettrdal > Hrt t rdaj rda received three tbr jpil jpilbe cal lone ot sob m irt t oysters from a friend to be distributed diatribe t among hu friends Mr ir Waits took some home with ith Mm and he and nd his wife enjoyed a plate of raw rnwoysters ra raX rawoysters X oysters rJP rJPaU In aU the lirst oyator Mrs Waits lj ljof discovered a fln line pt pearl rX rt about the b site eiseof siteof of a large largepea pea also a whller antsfleroe antsfleroeTHE one oneTHE OteTHE THE ADIRONDACK RESERVE RESERVENew RESERVENeW RESERVENew New York State nowhas now a a forest re reserve r reserve ¬ serve rve in th the Adirondacks of 16 Iicreti lbfUiC lbfUiCacres U 8 8acre acre acres creti having acquired over 80000 80000acres 10008acres 0000 0000acres I acres la last t year The commissioner rommlanionerrcommend oomlDluionerIHOtftlftendai commissionerrecommends recommends that about lOAOOOti IO Ooee ad ¬ ditional acres be purchased during the thecurrent tbecurrent thecurrent current year ye r Should Sh ud this tbi be done the thearea UMof thearea area of the reserve r rve would be nearly iMf aquare miles atmoat half aa large Jar an a the state of Massachusetts laaaachWlettaelttOft Boston elttOft Herald HeraldFor HotraJdFor HeraldFor For Sale SaleLots SaleLotsOPENING SaleLotsOPENING Lots LotsOPENING OPENING OPENINGEL OPENINGEL OPENINGEL EL NIDO VA VADO VADO VAno DO YOU ou WAXT W wx AXT one o of those 7 75 Plots plouocnlainlBK plotsecetalsieg ocnlainlBK < < onequarter me4iiaH 4uartr r of an acre a re reAU each seekAll All cormrs Beautiful for situation tUOft in inhigh inhigh high 1 tIiI Mtta wu ef Virgtota Sv 50005S7 Mry p lktur lkturtIe ctur cturMU tanrsequ sequ MU tIe oawMry healthful he tJIfuI pure IUM ir air and andwaMr andwacer ad adwa waMrDepot wa waMr wacerIeot Depot alreetlr ea OM PomtaHou and Gnat JfVtte aIN Btoctrte Railway Rallwa tsosste < as ble tmek FMlgkt it oIetIt Mv nl by nUliwul nUliwulPRICK roiireadp8ic Ur UrIJtICtl PRICK p8ic WnHlJf WIU MBAJJg Of ALL AIXIt ALLIt ALLIt It soMe XattdHK JIOtht g to reserve lM iY MM of tlMM the Iota Is ou htf r you sei it itCaH ItCall Itcan Call er writ for plat ptatB plat1I8r p1st1iimeseber B 1iimeseber mn har 1I8r only cI W WISAAC 7tISAAC plots plotsISAAC > ISAAC R HITT JR JRSOSl JR1I3 JRsei SOSl Bond BwHdloK Pboe The Main ala 9M 9MKOR Jaft J275uwek J275uwekQR qk qkt KOR QR = 8AUB 1I 5AL4W x xdewa WX = Iot lots at OHM county costc bee about t H mite west of Hoeejyn tone S down balance 1IaJa II p per r month price pile K9 per k lot U I per cent off 0 < < for cub abe S lou at Baltaion SOS M per kX same t terms rm also atoobridge Iota sear I Chain Brtcllle 111 per tot same term List IN Joe Iota at end at Bew JlItJtI highway bridge 8Ai come prtea pr and terms also 6 < < acres MIll Cb Cberr7da1e r date 9NIr uily ttM per acre tMOcaah IMt cask uIt helene es easy y ternw JAMES 1 8 CLKMENT8 1M6 1 Q tC at nw Tetopbone TekPboee1ilMs Mala 1M J ja27k ja27kNO iZ7bNO t I INO NO TAXES NO INTEREST INTERESTSPBCIAL INTERESTSPECUL INTERESTSPECIAL SPECIAL SALE SAI or OJLOTS orLOTS LOTS LOTSFOR LOTSJIOR LOTSFOR I FOR NEXT so DAYS DAYSfubdlvMoH DA DAYSPubdiviatuit s sI fubdlvMoH I of MB LoU Lat opened Nov No X I IM nee Over O IM Lois soW to dale Oe c caad Come M I hi ana sot plat I 100 oo CASH 100 1oo1tIONTHLY 1oo1tIONTHLYBLY MONTHLY MONTHLYBUY MONTHLYBLY BLY IN TilE BB8T LOCATION LOCATIONSeem LOCATIONSeeJac LOCATIONSeeing Seem Seeing to Bdfevin Beilerleg See Si Our Our4o 5 40 0 LOTS LOTSEDWARD LOTSEDWARD LOTSEDWARD EDWARD DANIELS 1410 H St St NW NWJa5It NWjamIt Ja5It CITY lTY LOTSThree valuable building loU Ka East t Capitol pitol M t tMl square fe feet t coM be sold at once This la I a map Pi see m me today toda EDWARD UAKIBLS HW H M nw JaStf JaStfFor jaJDtfSl tf tfSI Sl MONTH f fst ten months tll wilt comre re you a beautiful uUrul lot best klcatJon Address at nee BOX 211I 2 Stall tailn a jaltt jalttFor 3a1tfFor For Sale SaleSuburban SaleSuburbanUfIF Suburban SuburbanJ J UfIF TIP rou yot OL WANT A FINK LITTLH KAKJI I well IIJoe IIJoehanJ located see this one e Mtt iet aerf at all fenced 12 acrea acre cultivated t 4 postures pactu orchanl hanJ berries grapes fir house hens porchaa porch e S st sitics < V a Rood J barn chicken house etc et big forest tore < < trees t around house spriDg stream stmI Tr W well il I on 1 trolley l JISW 310 TUB fiOULB OUL CO Inc 611 Louisiana ave aveONLY aveONLY JnDtt JnDttONLY ONLY nil IM PER ACHE for 5 10 and 15 acre lota lot two tar ar farea t fare fram frOm any point on Capital aptta1 Traction It It IL seven miles from George ¬ town at Itslestde station on the O F Sc O D It n R fine location CLIFTON LAtQH i UN m 11 > Itch at aw iaaiOt t 6 The exterior of the building te J moet moetartistic moetanlaUc mostartistic artistic in appearance while the W decor decorative decoratlve decorative ¬ ative scheme for the lobby public par parIon parJon parbra Ion cafe etc la moat JftO elaborate elaboratemarble eIaboraerbles elaboreiemerbisi marble rbles and nd hardwoods being Mt c extort ut utalvely extortsivehy sively used UNdAmoac udAmong Among the oceannnts occ ta of the apart apartment apartmeat apartMeet ¬ meat at present t are areGen areGen areUn Gen A 8 Kimliail U 8 A retired retiredHon reUredlion retiredHon Hon Bourke W Cochran Senator hider IsidorRayner lMortaylUr hiderBeyner Rayner Hon H 8 IL Boutall Hon James JaroeeKnox JanM8Knox JamesKnox Knox Ta Taylor > lor Joseph B I Bishop BI op Ben Senator BentlNrIaad Seaalec ¬ alec VeortM Statberland tlNrIaad Tiwitejiro Ml Mlynoka 111IIOka Miysoita ynoka IIOka counselor of Japan Hon W WH WR WH H R Wltey Wi Gen E A Orlintoa Hon HonJohn HooJo IhonJohn John Jo W Yerkea York Samuel H Hardwlcke HardwlckeCoL Hardwickecot CoL W Raspopoff Russian military militaryattache JaJlltar JaJlltarattacbe mIlitaryattache attache Dr George Barry H W V Ful Fuller FulJ Fulr ¬ ler r J 1 D de Obaldla Oba1d vice preaUent of ofthe oftbe ofthe the Republic of Panama PaaIun Senator nator Reed ReedSmoot ReedSmoot ReedSutoot Smoot EuU B Hedgers JllLYIIIaUIrlierat paymaaur paymaaurgeneral Ymec Ymecgonerni general of the navy navyThe navJThe navyThe The house since Ace it was first opened openedhas ope ed edbaa baa been under the etnctent e8telefttmeat manage management managemeet ¬ meat of Edward F a U 1 Weaton and it in instated illatated Isstted stated that the change of owners will Involve no change of management t and andthat andthat lid lidhat that hat in every respect the u same condition conditionwill eondltiofttlwlU conditionswit will wit continue in the future that exist at atpresent present For Rent RentOffices RentOfficesN Offices Officesla la I WsrW N YOJtK AVe NW HWIInt HWIInt0IId Pint and MB MBond essoud ond aanr mama o saitakI trttaAU for fort i mel al semis aamit daatlau nU t tII ate fma 11 to 83 attoatioa sltaU sittiLARIIICE BU BUKARRICK L LXAJUUCK KARRICK MaTrCAU jaJTtt 2Tt 1S 111I New York av aYe aYeFOR aw awFOR swoa FOR oa RENT RENToatal Dental offlce 0 are ap apse < w for to vkatr taW In downtown downto otBce floe a light low ow ML A4 dress BOX lit Time Tim offlca JaSSt JaSSttaUUiac jaS1tDllaIJtABLJ 32626DnaIXAnLt DllaIJtABLJ OPJIJOII ROOKS 18 ue vaso alU building ItM 141 to 14 UK 4it New N Twit are r hat rentvery at atvery very 817 low 10 iadodiag beat t ll HeW nt and ad adHrIkoe tentur 3niierservice service ervle JOHN 0 KVAHgl JlV XVAiS ANI 1m 4 JtewrSk JtewrSkava New Taitt Taittae Yaoiaye aye aw w danlK danlKFURNISHED dilllOtFURNISHED 1tt 1ttlURNISHED FURNISHED OFFICE to avWet Wet la tile tore toreor tereor fsenose nose or evening = Bea4 buIlding Apptr W batwee J awl i de SONIf SONIfWantedFarms Mf MfWanted tt ttWantedFarms Wanted WantedFarms WantedFarmsA Farms Farmsi i WANTED WAXrZDTh A TEDTo To buy from owner amall inaU farm farmr farmsear sear r city convenient to ataam a 10cm or electric electricroad electric1OIt4 shrubroad road good house b and outbuilding tblaUdl Write Writ full fullparticular f1I11rtleula failparticular particular rtleula aa regards prI price term location locationetc Jocatloaate locatIontc etc tc Addreaa BOX ISO 1101 TIm a alike JalfM JalfMFor 303tFor 8Jt 8JtFor For Sale SaleFarms SaleFarmsCAN Farms FarmsCANNOT CANNOT CAN SOT BE DUPLICATBDMarybMki farmof farmof farm twaof of SM acrea acre of good ood land 1M 15 clcairad 78 M Mmeadow tAmeadow Inmeadow meadow balance la timber beI well U stream streamar5s um um1100III btre ar5s Sroom home i ia excellent t repair two twobatta twowide twobOlts bOlts wide porch tenant at home hoe two two1ItabJe lars ar barns ataltle aad ad bay MOW w tu 15 par acre Jn J Jte Invesoisate vesoisate te sure Clued CoMdJaftIt Sunday Sundyst c cW JaftIt t P W CROSBY CRO BY Viwiaa hens Va Vagood VaJIOR VsFOIL FOIL SALEPana Ie a acre good ood land Iandwell Jroowi Jroowiwall I well cistern aboodaace adaJKoe of fruit fmltoutbuilding tnaltoutllutJdill fruitoutbulidina outbuilding outllutJdill atream um 1 mile to station 3100 3100monthly I IMOIMltJy SM SMJalTK monthly jaymnia jaymniaJeSTk te tejaIf1t JalTK P W W CROSBY Vfeana Va Vam Vs VsAC26na a alit m ACHES three t mU mUss railroad nneir wa wetoted ¬ tend said timbered timberedmtneral porn tIIIJwovttl In Incifrisoal I mtneral I portion of Vimtnla good ood stock farm lanllA 15cmAdOre A AdOre BOX lit 1 Tl TlFor Time o o0ce lce 1t 1tFor itFor For Exchange ExchangeFOR FOR RsALE SALE OR KXCHANOB for suburban suburbanstore home More and dwelling always rented to toliar topay liar U 3 per ce ceFor cent Oft same OWNER IS3 3 0 0at at jaZ7at jaZ7atFor 27st 27stFor For Rent R RentStores RentStoresFOR ntStores ntStoresFOR Stores StoresFOR FOR RBKTBtor 12th at between F Ji and O steam M heated h6at ei eMoetfte etrie lIghted FRED S LINCOLN III 11 U ttth at to nw nwWantedStores Ja Jd4tt Jd4ttWantedStores 4tf 4tfWanted Wanted WantedStores WantedStoresulTEDTO WantedStoresWANTEDTO Stores StoresWANTEDTO WANTEDTO ulTEDTO RENT SPAce ON FIRST FLOOR ooR FOR RIBBON ntano DEPARTMENT DEPARn T PREFERABLY ON F P ST BETWEEN ETWBEN ITlt ITltAND 5THAND TK AND UTH UTI ADDRESS BOX IS 1 TIMES TUUi TUUiOPPJCE OPTICS Ja2Tt Ja2TtFor JarratFor 3 3For For Rent RentSuburban RentSuburban811ALL Suburban SMALL COUNTRY PLACE for rent Inquire Inquireat Inquireat at T14 n ftk 11 at nw II anCOUNTRY JuJftt k kCOU1TRY COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR RENT I Near Brookland on Sergeant road rose llk I1 acme acreawith UCt UCtwltta acmewith with Sroom dwelling and otb ot other r aeceaaary bulldiacs isilldin I Apply to toWILLIAM toWILLIAM WILLIAM A ry K I ELLIS iuS fit 26 11th at t t IIW awMoney w wMoney IIWlit lit litMoney I Money to Loan LoanOn LoanOn LoanOn On Real Estate HONEY TO LOAN on illl first trusts on D C Creal Crral Creal real estate security rlt at I per cent t Every possible consideration shown borrowers boIrowene We e save no 4ft 4 per cent money at present presentTHE rr prweetTHE eat eatTHE THE HARRISON REALTY COMPANY COMPANY 987 O STREET N W delltf delltfMONEY deilttatoxr lItt lItt1I0NXY MONEY TO LOAN ON D IL C REAL ESTATE ESTATE8IIt Lowest 8IIt rates rat of < t interest Payments on O prin principal grinc0 ¬ cipal c0 In I amounts of tlM n or more received at atnay atnay atany nay interest period TIlE F F H 11 SMITH 811JTl CO Band Bulling 140S H New York aveUONBY ave1I0NJiIY ave eveaionY UONBY TO LOANJS68 to 1568069 eIe on D a areal C Creal Creal real estate Interest low and all transac transactions tran transactlaas c ctfoBB ¬ tions conducted C DdliCted with economical aomlool oonsldtra ooaal era Cost for borrowers borrowersWiL borrowersW1I borrowersWhi WiL W1I H SAUNDERS S CO CO14tT COHer Her F St N W WMONEY MONEY M iiY N YrowAl TO LOAN thAN AT LOWEST RATES OF INTKRB8T on O D C C Real Estate No Mounreasonable NounreaHDable Nounreasonable unreasonable delay delayWALTBR delayW delayWALTER WALTER W ALTBR H ACKBR ACICRR1e4tf fe 1e4tf < tf 14M F P St N W W1I0NRY IS ISatoNny V VMONBY MONBY TO LOAN on approved city real es ¬ tat tate at 4 44 4 aB and S p pr r cent Interest Spe Spoe11 ¬ cial privileges with respect to prior payments Large amounts a specialty TYLER TV LER d RUTHERFORD 1307 F st sLnw at nw ociOtf For Rent RentHous RentHoussFOR Houses s sPUR FOR RENT RENTCOLOIiED RBNTCOLORED RENTCOLOEED COLORED TENANT XCZTAXTTA A deslrabte bill troom and bath Ua WH a te the theNartbweM theNortIlWfl8C theNorthwest Northwest Just vacated Rent WM IIU pr prmonth perth PlCmeet month monthATKINSON meet meetATKINSON th thATKINSON ATKINSON is BALLARD CO Inc Incfit IncIll fit 1 lath St N W Jfotftt Jfotftt4TH ioNston > KX KX4TH on 4TH lIT NBCIX NBCIXIX CSOixroum brick NU NU1JI bsth5SM IX 9 ac at M stxroom brick bath bathTWINING bahlWDrnfa balkwzwiusa TWINING CITY CITYFIVEROOM CITYFIVX1tOOK CITYFIVEROOM FIVEROOM FRAME PRAM Including large stable stableon BUIIIeIt stableon on It M 3ttnseota iaaaaeta awe aweJlARRY ats 1 1HARRY m mhARRY HARRY B OLA OLADXAN OLADXANPiMHIe OLADMAXPbeoe OMAN OMANPbeae Pbeae B IL Ml M IN C at as 8 110 110jU Seward w rd s sq < j jFOR jU jUFOR 326It 326Itroost FOR KENTWILL BB B VACATED ab a aFotbIvarT skeet skeetFebrusry t ton FotbIvarT 1 hGee < > IN of uo uo1ft thols stew 1roes boo booen on 1ft Fuller at funaaily IT Huron H st at Mt MtllU1 botwese botwese10th atw a I IIrtaea llU1 at asS X blommuis pleas IIace O one M block f 1llUt Irma Irma34th ram ramApply llUt 0 sad ad Cot Colombia reed Situ IUI IUIAppI PlC 105111k 105111kApply Apply AppI ROOM m 7 Washington W Loan 1 and IUIdnut and1rruit I ITrust 1rruit Trust kmlafiac atVr 1 S pm p aMM jdCItFOR 32641 32641FOR aMMFOR FOR RENT RJIJfJIa la Oaar Georgetown aswa only 3121 UM for forstory tert fortwostory t twostory story fl flI Sesmom brisk Io4IM 1261 JkiIlit JkiI lit ceovnisat YWIeat w t me meWILLlOZ J I WILUOBTaWBal WILLIO alB 012685 A I DANIEL A M Mta JItkJaJln 30k26at I IJiMJt JiMJt 26at 26atFOR f 1 FOR RENT RIINTJltv RTFIvesuom Fireroom hone home at atlt Mt Mt R J RaMisr RaMisrwIth IItItw IItItwJ aer I Iwttls wIth pucks M cad ad > 4 pantry pBaBMrvC is 1 info 11IM 11IMC 1215 1215C C J l HANBACK iM f 5 et mm JSaVft JSaVftIFOR JsaI JsaIFOR nNk nNkFOR J IFOR FOR RENT RENT1S8 1S8 1 ss You 1 at 1 nw 11 roam r sod S baUwHM baUwHMUU wta wtame UU llth ataw 11 aw store and Tr d dwelltllc slllai ttse ttseMar 11IIf 2610Store Mar Store and dwelling dwUhii ttt D aw awm 50 m Uth f t at a as S reaaas r and hath Ji 2610 140 1 O st 1 a ns I riisss asS hath XJ 2615 401 tth at 1 aw Iib Ft petworth worth D C 8 8reau Ireline reline and = hath hathSM4 bst ib I5N 10 SM4 < < BHpbtwood ar a ave Brtcatwaad I IVIM D Dltf 8C > C I Iuoa VIM VIMou ltf 11 6 si iw S rooms M ou i 114 114APARTM8NT8 r rAPARTMSNTII 1115 1115APARTMENTS APARTMENTS APARTM8NT8IttC APARTMSNTIIIf IttC If 141 Yea Y st aw w a r aad private kithUM kithUMM til tilIe M Ie I K at aw 6r sad bath batbLOUIS aaartaMat MH MHLOUIS 250LOUIS LOUIS P SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKERUMt SHOEMAKERjul41 jul41 UMt 112 1 12 IHh lf t st aw awI awBUSINESS SWBUSINESS I BUSINESS PROPERTY PROPERTY1J PROPERTYFOR I mm HEWT0TORB vW vWN AND N DWELLING Uf UfTBEET I IKTREET 1J 113 SEVENTE ST NW WEST 51826 O OsTREET sTREET FINE BUMNBkW aasCTHMT UlCTJOJr8111T UlCTJOJr8111T4uP SUIT SUIT41J4E UIT 4 4uP UB STAND liT AND FOR ANT BUBINK88 WILL WILLMAKE WILLMAKE WiLLMAKE MAKE ALTERATIONS TO liCIT TEKAMT TEKAMT1NQUIRB TZKAJIfTIX TVAT1NtUIRE 1NQUIRB 1NQUIRBOPPEWHEIJCERS IX 1NtUIREOPPENHEIMERS LlRE LlREOPPEfHEIlmRS OPPEWHEIJCERS 514 jtk th St N W WtatMNEA WjCi3t WiaI3t jCi3t tatMNEA ItNICAR CAP Q New bum ta taIu buses tearer aever beasi be occeplS oceup4 d > I Ifurnace doom doomfurnec furnace Iu concrete cellar 1 1handsomely berOwsod pl plbandiosotly handsomely papared ps ° td COLLINSGO COLLINSGOco COLUOUJt COLUOUJteo co m 1 llth aw ja JdIIt 01k V4t FOR FOR RENT RETBrIck Brick 1J 1 rooms hath tta ales aadiaa aMc asS asStIne c tIne iaa la good repair Mat Slut MM US M IiM sC sCOWNER 51 51no M OWNER 14 1411 tdt th s 8t u aw JatVtt JatVttHi jaJikTUB 326kTUE TUB FOLLOWING FOR RIIHr ERNT ERNTiii Hi 4 ttth 1It at 1 ae s < Meats and hath 555CHAL26S J149 J149CHARLB8 UUCer CHARLB8 R B TRIBBT TRIBBTCar TRIERTcr I = Car Uta asS O at 4 aw 1111 Ilk 4t Seer SeerJal1U door311U aer aerM Jal1U Jal1UM 311Ufile j file M BIXTEBKTM 8T X W oaehaif 1I1t Week btaekfraax Weekf beasktrim j trim f the be U at 1 ear Irae u lIes six Menu m burs bursback 1arecJrarx largeback back yard tM par sBoota Key at Eli Apply ApplyB cJrarx n nat W B COWKN Hoo Room = t i BUM t bending Bc R B Bde Bci at aw de SONti SONtiFoe tf tfPOft UPOIt Foe RENT JtnX RENTHose Novses apartments a and andIs all etoees etoeesla ea eaI la I all parts of the lb city For FOIor YO dvtaMed Sot Hsttead Sottrod trod or calt at oar CMUTHOlL sObs oaHaeTHOsT sObsTylIss THOsT J 1 1 FISHER 5 CO Inc 1 REAL ESTATE LOAMS LOu L ° 1i S AND Df8tmAHCEBROKERIJ DISUEAKCEBROKERS INSURANCE INSURANCEBROKERS BROKERS BROKERIJIU 104 IU P P St N W JUtf JUtfFor jaJtfFor 1ti 1tiFor For Rent RentApartments RentApartmentsP026 Apartments ApartmentsFOR A rtments rtmentsFOR FOR JILT RENTST T CLAIR L41R 1717 T aw W third thirdfloor floor nv aN room IO rounia UI and nd bath tnaa e OEO Y YWORTHJNOTON YWOETRINUTON I WORTHJNOTON 14M 141 0 nw JaIt JaItIaad > a St StM M TO fU 12 for two and thom room apartateots apartateotsMi Mi The Tb Donheater uspaii uer UU at 1 sad Mary Sand ass aw W haadaasas bathe stoma host 1tM 1tMJJot I Ihot hot sad ad cold wale jaaitor Jut aiior isrvlna a andIC < > TEE PBKHUIMT XUJUn 4t H St StJtoe 1MH StcI H cI nehaM 1tAIt Wl block ek 1 1a loom loomOooes a Oooes Priatiag Of OfA Orass ass Apananats A 4 41Mat rawas rawasstaaat sOs sOsMoms staaat heat sad hat water waterTHB wa warU 0 up upTIR THB rU RAYMOND YJiIOIfD U4 Twa Twatysaeoad T Tt Twentr5 tysaeoad t tr5 Sc St X W WDe WDew WDesaucily e eaam aam saucily ta > thor Ukmapartaeats U thorI H HIIU1DMata I 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furnace taco other Konaea ho In row exact duplicate of this t ana ask I for t 340 4M tM 1151 1151pto 22650 Hal seek and tl7511 monthly thly 1Uerr I Icellar am ameeIIai w waad > cellar brlok I lees sod ad bath faraace heat heattr IomtedRelIt Iomted mar tr faamajliaala av ave M so31st tfrji M Rant tZM m a 2eriry a1I brick I raooMs aad asi bath located ta the 1w NORTHWEST as is through tJa atMat atMatNO 111s11NO NO J LIRt IC S Baat 2010 m 7 comes aad bath II II1Irtdt praasad hoseS RSM 1 eaa maroomis reoutin aa a let trasc trascRant triff triffR8tt trsucRet Rant Ul 1150 par amrth baywtadow wIIJdow wIIJdoweeIIar brisk briakeeUar cellar f rooms sad bath la v very rr good re repair Npair repair ¬ pair pairNice HMaM HMaMNice MI MIke Nice ke Sills haaii homeisis aas squara ft ftnortheast Its sara c18JIOItIMaaC saraisorthinet northeast I Poems sad hath hot hotwater and osid osidwater ad adter water ter oodwIIhe ood white neighborhood Vll raajtad at IMLIC att per r atoatfc uw uwII 1050 1050a 3 small II 4raom 4 bricks mating Iag for Maj tAM tAMas p per persntk r mooch as each loeated tell la the northeast price priceSUM pita pitaIjlltorbilb tItee tIteeno SUM no Ijlltorbilb IjlltorbilbWIt for t bath bathWM 1IatIIX WM X H 8AUNDBRS 8A NDIIR8 a 00 147 F St X W WIt WIt It FOR oR cjiiALzLech SALE A11Aok Look at Nan N Na K and S II V street streetaw Feet Feetftw rstlv aw lv Built ItI It by day 7 tabor haaaaaaxe echO aaMhardwood eaWJIet echOnet net mantel Mt wates beat Ondekod 111 111baroIwood Inhrdwond hardwood left Io U h by H JGII to alley Call at atotace atoe atoce oe otace far farther t tWM partteuian partteuianWM perdoularewal WM H SAUNDERS A CO nor 1M1 1 T St N W VfFOR WIt WIt It ItFOR ItFOR FOR SALBColarad S LBColond CUeataA aew asicand t4tery t4teryand Iwryaad and cellar brick furnace heat I reows reowsand RIOI twosaand S Saad and hath daw esp lot Io lots to alley 150 W cash cashand oubI cashand I and monthly ttaly pa lIIUta meets m mts Price only SSTM SSTMlocated a 575Iostesi I located oa ODe sajnare from ears car Xotta Xottataat Xftklit Nrrthmet met taatWM metSTat lit litWX WM H SAUNDERS Jt A CO 147 F St N W WHOW It ItHOW itHow HOW TO BB YOUR OWN LANDLORD en IM 315 to fN eask aid a sa to m raoathlyTl IaOIItkay mosthl Fur full partlculan parttcu drop postal talaphne teIepM er ercall arcali call lla far illaatiated ptatTet dat ete 1 of Cenn ConnetI OannWtl OannWtlcut U UlIULTON cut A Avenue venae Tatraje TatrajeFULTON TertareFIlLTON FULTON R GORDON GORDONSuhurbaa aORDONSUMu1NUl OORDONSuburb Suhurbaa Suburb Realty Operator OperatorItODBRT OpwaIDrRODBRT OpetatorROBERT ROBERT B lit HBATBR Manager ManagerCaeana MaaacerCelbrade ManagerCslbtads Caeana ThrIllIng TeL Tel Main 83 11 jeUtf jeUtfFOR j1JUFOR jellifFOR FOR SALE 8ALEHe SALEItovonroom Sevenroum ftroom home h hoe with stable etab Id at between bN ffn F and cJ < I etc ta aw U SlCIOO SlCIOOljRAIF 1000iRtf M MURAcR URAcR M THOMAS Curcoran buildIng jaljt a2b R 1 For SaleHouses SaleHousesFOR Sale Houses HousesFOB FOB SALE SALEBUY SALEBUY SALEBUY BUY FOR INVESTMENT INVESTMENTA A new house near Uth st Only J50M 5000 Rent pays pay 14 1 per cent net neton neton neton on investment investmentStone SnveatmentStone InvestmentStone Stone Fairfax 1342 New York Ave AveOFFER AveIt Ayeit It ItFOR itFOR FOR SALE OFFER 5000 5000One 5000One 5000One One ef f these wellbuilt wellbuiltwide wellbuIltyule wide ide heusea beu on New York eve avanorthwest aenerthwest evenorthwest northwest Built far owners ownershecne owns ownsItsne < a aMme Mme On aeeeunt a eeunt ef ettkness ettknesswHl eftkae eftkaewtu ikkaesswill will sell at a sasriflee sasrifleeStone sairtoetStone aerJfteeStone Stone Li Fairfax 1342 xn New York Ave AveFOR AveIt Aveit It ItFOR itFOR FOR SALE S LE LEMUST MUST BE SOLD SOLDReduced SOLDReduced SOLDReduced Reduced to 2650 2650Renting 2650Rentlc a650Renting Renting Rentlc far 19 3 a month Twe Twestery TweI Twostory story and basement baywindow 1r I brisk < rooms and bath tb aa 6th st stnw itSW r rftw nw This Thl Is a geed solid B Hd house bousewall beIIaawitU houseweft wall worth ertr WOOS soeo There Is I a a trust trustof tntatfit tr5ktor of Ifcwe ortt fIee on It which can an U paid paidStone paidStone paidStone Stone Fairfax 1343 342 New York Ave Aveyon AveIt Ayeit It ItPaR itFOR yon SALE SALEA BALKA SALEA A SPLENDID GOOD LOCATION LOCATIONLaw LOCATIONYAw Law price priceOnly PrleeOnly priceOnly Only J4l UJW d On an avenue west Nt of Sib at WBLL IVELI PLANNED 1ST PLOORPartor back parlor dining room pantry and fcitaheau kllehee t iMoo = tloO 2D FLOOR POOn4 I bed rooms and a aTWO bath TWO STAIRWAYS rear powdses powdsesall PGnJe PGnJealt porebeacli all rooms room newly papered dry cellar under entire house FURNACE HEAT Lot L ° 3t U trent about abeut4eep K 300 > 9 deep alley alleyStone alleyStone sUeyStone Stone Fairfax 1343 New York Ave AveFOR AveIt AveIt It ItPOR ItFOR FOR f PALE PALEA ALB ALBA ALBA A VERY CHEAP HOUSE HOUSES4soo HOUSE4oo S4soo S4sooso 4 4oo 4ooSO 00 00SO SO WaLL CONSTRUCTED 3 3stories stories M riel collar furnace tun N It nw t faaluff JI New York ave aveStone aYeStone eveStone Stone it Fairfax Fai u 1342 New York Ave I It itFOR ItOR FOR OR BALE I e3650 e365030th 3650 3650lath 36501iOJ lath st Ithetw it between P and Q sts sts3stery IU2a at 3stery 2a brl brisk k dwelling alr alrStone Geed leeatteo leeatteoStone loratboorStone Stone Faijfa Fai Faizfax ax 1342 New York Ave Aveit AveIt Aveit it itFOR ItlOR itP10 FOR lOR SALE LB 3600 3600Reduced 3600Re4 3600Redused Reduced Re4 ae4 from SM SMfar 1105 4 l feat front t One D appearhig JRf hssise hssisewelt welt Sf 0th it south of 1 sql far the BjR aMuRt uiK af the tk laaa laaaStone leanStone eaR eaRStone Stone Fairfax 1342 New York Ave AveTOR AveIt Aveit It itJIGE TOR 110 SALE SAIJ 4000 toooXear 4000Xear 4000Near Xear North N < < tk Capt et etWBLL 1 I dl 4 en a door pocekas WBLL BUILT UILT Just Mk 35he iM 3W houses Mw hoes better eaaitrtMtfa eaaitrtMtfaStene conotrutsnStene ltnte ea eaStene I Stene Fairfax 1342 i New York Ave AveA AveIt Aveit It ItPOIt itFOR FOR LE A SNAP SNAPA A A brick b his a on 7th ft aw aw11I0 rents rIot 11I0 QUIt prtca Ul 1f 1130 > > II Lot RIMe warth more tIIOfeStene Six SixStene ExOs ExOsStone Stene Fairfax 1342 12 New York Ave Avetm Ave1t AveIt 1t tm uanB uanBSTORE ALB ALBSTORE LB LBSTORE STORE AND DWELLING DWELLING7th lob Ii et t tA nw nwA 11 A geed keel ouilaeM stead Bar r for faTestmeat A A 1 aeaf ne appearIng baMlaff baMlaffStene MtWillgoStene beiIdtogStone Stene Fairfax 1342 New York Ave AveFOR AveJt Aveit Jt JtPOJt itFOR FOR SALE SA LE SALEFINE LEFINE FINE INVESTMENT INVESTMENTresting INVESTMENTSl00 Sl00 12000 resting far t Uf 01 a a laeatli JlHllKIIIIwe a sew w dwdHas IIwe t g Near 14th it t tCK 2 2S4ries Istories stories CK e cellar f tItnwwe tItnwweStone farnaeeStone rsaoe rsaoeStone Stone Fairfax 1342 l2 New York Ave AveFOR Aveit 11 11FOR itPOE FOR SALE ONLY 3100 31007th 31007th 320071k 7th st nw brisk < roams MM Jet It feet trt frost oer ove te 9 deep Rent lag far fMll sk OerLo OerLoMere Lot ala alone = wink = mare mareStone MereStone moreStone Stone Fairfax 1342 New York Ave AveFOR AveIt ArcIt It ItPOR ItFOR FOR SALB SALBRENTING 3650 3650RENTING 3650RENTINa RENTING rr Uf STORE AND DWELLING en Stk st nw near L LStone LStone LStone Stone Fairfax 7342 New York Ave Aveyon AveIt AveR ItOR It yon OR R SALE SALEREDUCED REDUCED TO 4ooo 4oooOwner 4000 4000Owner toooOwner Owner Going to Denver DenverBriek Denverriek DenverBrick Brick riek dwelling and brick stabh stab A beautiful b home name me built less than > years ean TILED TU D BATH cabinet mantels teJ furaaee farms heat attractive attraetIYtockMnLUouJ deearatlens deearatlensStone ckMnLUouJStone dsratlensStone Stone Fairfax 1342 New York Ave AveNEAR AveIt t tit It NEAR LINCOLN PARK N E EA EA EA A handsome bluMi 7roem reGIR boost MW with every everyfeet aiedra oenvenleeee I a and cosfert per peroundltien rnnI rnn rnnvallie = feet condition large e let away beo elow elowvale r rvalue value vale at lION 4MB 4 See It quickly ejulcklyTAIT ttUfcklyTAIT TAIT OMWAKE CO 205 Colorado Building BuildingOn Jt On the Heights Near i4th 14th St Staad StaM St Stand and 11th st cars nrc an elegant Mreem brawn pressed brick raddeaee ra desee thor tbera thoroeghly a oeghly Bhly h modern south front front only UJM far quick Ie sale = T A bargain rr and must = be beseld said beseldTAIT saidTAIT TAIT OMWAKE CO 205 Colorado Building BuildingA It A Detached Home on the Heights dose ea te 14th at t ears 7 roams and andmodern aDdM8IIem andmodern modern oonvenlenees excellent repair repairry repairvery very ry high ground grU d let 58 5 feet wide far taut what the ground Is w worth rUl A rare bargain and a a good speeulatlen speeulatlenTAIT speeulatlenTAIT speculationTAIT TAIT OMWAKE OMW AXE CO 205 20 Colorado Building BuildingFOR DuiJding It ItFOR itFoil FOR SALE SALESl9J SALE1913I JJ9T3W eiI cash h and small smallmonthly smallmonthly smallmonthly monthly payments 2 story and cellar brick C rooms and an bath furnace located Northeast NortheastFOR NertlleastFOR NortheastFOR FOR SALB SALBIJ3iO100 IJ3M J100 cash and Je 89 monthly seinldetachei brick located between 2 2car car r lines in the Northwest 6 rooms and bath bathPOH hathFOR bathFOR FOR SALEJIM cash and ale 10 0 monthly a coraldetached new brick located one square from Pennsylvania avenue se Belitar asdory 3 story litar and cellar 6 room and bath gorse ¬ lain tub tiled vestibule plate glut Ialll storm 8to doors door furnace tTt1 ee beat Price only onlyW1I on I P2H P2HW 3260 3260Wit Wit W H IL SAUNDEHS Sr CO 1407 P St N W It ItFOR ItFOR ItFOR FOR SALENew 8room room hous concreted concretede cellar stationary statIonary tubs tub gas range tiled bath ba babirch Sfd and VeV vestibule e Up hotwater o te heat h tirl tirlba trimmed li In birch 1331 East Capitol it JaJ63t For Sale SnleHouse SnleHouseFOR Houses HousesA FOR SALE 5 5AGEMOFAEOrE SALEA A AGEMOFAEOrE AGEMOFAEOrEOnly GEM OF A HOME HOMEOnly I Only 2350 2350Psaltlvefy 2350PosItively t tPositively Positively the theirtOta moat desirable low lowpriced I w wMany w wa priced bosom on lb ashst Many heueis uses = bM at a UM9 a = not so daslraM daslraMSPLENDID delsebloSPLENDID ial ialSPLENDID SPLENDID LOCATION LOCATIONJJertheaet LOCATIONNertheut LOCATIONNortheast Northeast witH ef c Sth M at C aeatn aeatnf siethcc th thef ef f O Olarge 6 large resin IN IS awdem bathroom POItCBLAIK TUB afiba wet t man maateis mantot a aten ten tot seal and K pa S range la NtIiIIDE MUMa 8IDB YARD alley ta rear Piattr PNUJall squaw all i iStone alee aleeStone now bosom bosomStone Stone Fairfax 1342 New York Ave AveHOWS AveIt Aveit It HOWS THIS THISRHNTWCO TillSPRICJt THISPRICE PRICE U89 U89I 1509RESTING I RESTING RIL HG FOR ftU WJO WJOJKMITHW 1511 1511NORTHWEllT l lNOJtTHWB JKMITHW JKMITHWA NORTHWEllT T LI LIA < I IA A LABOR LA OB INCOME IMCOUHSTONE IHCOMJISTONE p pSTONE STONE FAIRFAX FAIRFAXINVESTMENT FAIRFAXtC FAIRFAZ 3011 > > tC 1SW NEW YORK OftJC A AVE AVEit VII VIIIt It INVESTMENT INVESTMENTExtraordinary INVESTMENTExtraordinaxy INVESTMENTExtraordinary Extraordinary Store Property PropertyRENTS PropertyRENTS PropertyRENTS RENTS FOR 53000 53000PRICE 300D 300DPRICE 3000PmCE PRICE 3500 3500wH 3500S4twated 3500Situated Situated en a set r HIM west af ft 7th at atwelt wH 8M eaBstruetad elHUtnle cI Welt loa loaSee locatedSec located gee us U at OBO rope to t aacare fe tWo bargain bargainSTONE 1Iaq bargainSTONE n nSTONE STONE FAIRFAX FAIRFAXFOR FAIRFAXau FAIRFAXIlls Ills au NEW YORK AYE XVIIIt AYEit It ItFOR itOR FOR OR BALD A A5 COZY HOME HOMEOnly HOMEOnJy HOMEOnly Only 356 356V 35H 35HIi 35 35P V Ii st M at 0k ta and 7 7staries 75 > tIItena 2storIes storIes cellar 6 room and aMStone bath haiahgaed bathgood good isodK isodKStone amiHIIoa amiHIIoaStone Stone Fairfax 7342 22 Now York Ave AnIt AveIt It ItPOR Itpelt pelt SALK REDUCED TO 54500 54500One 4500 45000R 0R 0 One square froan East Oipatat i iheld K stFsyeerty Fsyeerty held at H8WL S 3 Mori IitcIriea f S r resin Mas and aMVexy beta betaVery billVery Very Handsome HandsomeStone HandJOmeStone EandonieStone Stone Fairfax 1342 ia New York Ave AveFOR ATeIt Av Avit It itFOR ItOR FOR OR SALE AUI CHEAP CORNER CORNERGood CORNERGood CORNERGood Good Investment InvestmentMaar InvestmentIar InvestmentNear Near Iar Ilk and a it Root SlIM PriM HM 14 4115 Eteht EtehtStone e a asS Ita ItaStone bath bathStone Stone di Fairfax 1342 ii New York Av AvFOR Ave AveIt Aveit It ItFOR itFOR FOR SALE SALBL SALBOaa 45H 45Hc Oaa 0 af c taace u easOoriaWe S j jFirstetas L tJ tJPkKela = homes on Yreask it Let Firstetas eoedtdoaStone condItionStone condItion amdUleaStone Stone Fairfax 1342 i New Y York rk Av AvWELL AvJ AvFOR Ave AveFOR J FOR SALE WELL LOCATED LOCATEDCheap LOCATEDCheap Cheap at 3500 3500On 011 U 310k t fl 6 < < room sod Hill Hillarge large arge frost aM rear let letStone aI1l aI1lStone Stone Fairfax 1342 342 New York Ave Ave1t Aveit 1t 1tPOR it1Ot POR SAUl 54200 54200Nice 4HO 4HONice 4200Nice Nice Wide Reese HmtseHaaM HHSOII Reeseliseac HaaM II M f fool et t wtd wt6I let at MC deep 2 atairiyi etosbe mIke nadir italic We h boos boosairo4 s sdate 8 rri airo4 ii tOed bath basSwood SIll SIllliak Ith double juis es The Mrg Mrghdo0 of any sSsie Ia Blosodog BlosodogStone hdo0 date dateStone liakStone Stone 8 Fairfax 1343 New York Ave Aveit ATelt Ayeit it 2850 2850pan Tee 1 wilt wsi when we a abo abosa pan sa these u thea haatas haatasprfa at t lb e eJlliee aMes aMesSe prfa Jlliee Se SaeriAee occo the IteM a we IB meet meetttsey t ttsey JJa have to totx be eelS eelSS eelSNx S atz tx romeo and bath t Cottar M Mlag HI S winds wteIelAg Me Modam plome lag aM SItesnd 4d ebb ta Llaartu Park ParkTHEY Parka Parkand a and ear earTHEY floe floeTHEY THEY ARE BARGAINS BARGAINSEDWARD BARGAINSEDWARD BARGAINSEDWARD EDWARD P SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ6z4 6z4 24 F St NW NWFOR 1t 1tFOR ItFoil FOR SALB SALBB SALIlBy By owner in Northwest a seven cerenrssia sevenresm eve eveaM rssia asS bath 0 brick rasldiae fftesatr south half block from f two ear lines with a1tWa walk walklag walkla walklag lag la cttstaaee 1t W of three high sahasls oily a4y y 11100 1110011I1 1809 1809easte 1100cask cask balance 11I1 tiM L IM at 5 per oeM Addreti AddretiBOX AddreeznO AAW AAWDOX BOX nO 188 Times JI oatee oSleefI0t1NIESTMENTlROOM JaKlt JaKltWlJJVBBTMBXT ja61tJINE8TMBITIROO1l JINE8TMBITIROO1l WlJJVBBTMBXT ROOM BRICK With Withtwo Witht withtan two t baths ever vr 18 1 feet wtd wIde deep tot 101 white whUateaasts whitete tenant te a la RENT ll It PER MONTH MONTHI55INIESTMENT IONTHUMINIC8TMKNT UMINIC8TMKNT 1 INVBTMBNT SIX ROOM ROOMS AND ANDBATH A AND1IATIL D DBATU BATH BRICK with cellar located l t Nortn Nortneet NortnNt Northweal weal eet RENTS RE TB FOR 1 Ii PER MONTH MONTHSee XOllTHthk MONTHSee See this thisWM thkY thieWit WM Y H SAUNDERS oi 0 CO 1 lilt 7 1 St 8tHt St326St 326St Ht 54800 54800CORNER 4800 4800CORNER 4800CORNER CORNER HOUSE CAPITOL HILL HILLOnly RILLJ BILLOaly Only J two O squares from Comg teLl teLlbatk I Iconcrete Libtary on onconcrete concrete e street streetboth with gresollthbe walk on = both frontages bay window brick rectdeaea rectdeaeawith rtiWlllletIulth reildencwith with 8 rooms 8 and bath between tw t car cart tines would raat for HUM per aMath t aeusa house houseready ready for occupancy subject to = loan 01 i 33100 = 5 per ce cent t er all cash cashJOSEPH caskJOSEPH reckJOSEPH JOSEPH L I WELLER WELLERRealty WELLERRNJt WELLERRealty Realty RNJt Broker Brok MS 0 F l aH N W TVJaMtf JaMtf JaMtfMMDB8IRABLB jd8ttt Ja26tf1000DESIRABLE t MMDB8IRABLB DE 1IRABLE HOME N B One e square nt E Cap west of 0 ilk g good d J Jstary 2atMY 3story story 8room 8 rosnI raeUenee NIIW In I very good OO4I neigh ¬ borhood will Feat for 326 month tll tot 31x100 31x100owners 2txtOOewaF8 ItxIOOowners owners leaving town will 111 taerirlea ertAee at above ahovetIIgtu figure tIIgtu to cell ell at one OOLLJNSQtTBRHY CO m H lth 3M EC 5C aw JaXlt 26it INVESTMENT INVBtmiKNTPRICK INVBfIn1ENTPRICK INVESTMENTPRICE PRICK Sol san tM RENTED TBD JW 10 MO An unequalad 1ifteClYa Incameprodueer < ItiefK neat Sstory sat ry brick IB very Ver desirable rable section Be always alwaysrented alwa alwarefilM atvareatd rented to reliable white whit tenant teaall l 33000 te9 trust trustean truteaR trustcan eaR remain at S per cent ce t COLLINS COLUNSGUBRRY COLLINSGUBItRY COLLINSGUIIIISLY GUBRRY CO 01 Uth aw Ja jSJt jSJtPOR 2It 2ItFOR Jt JtFOR FOR SALHIB SAL IR the northwest northw t a a bargain In a astore aetore astOre store and a dwelling contains taiM a its room 7 living IIvt g roMua rOlMU deep lot 01 to toaUey allay rented IMt at S3 S3per SOper 31per per month m f1th reduced to 3120 S3M iii for quick sale saleATKINSON saleATKINSON taleATKINSON ATKINSON do BALLARD CO INC INC6H INCe1 INCMt 6H Uth St N W JaMtf 1100 100 CASH 115 15 MONTHLY MONTIILTPRICE MONTHLYPRICE 40NTlILTror PRICE t U160 U160Tor 3115For For a beautiful 1rues room brick h heLlo use In th tU nw nwsection liWaectiDn nwuctlon section side 510 light lI kt furnace heat porcelain porcelaintub porcelatlltub porcelaintub tub ccncrei cellar convenient cenvee eat to two twoUncI cat lines LE ROY MARK MARKThe MARXn MAR1The n The Oval Sin SI lUll 0 st St N vr vrCome WnosU IVacMIf nosU nosUCome acMIfCoffle Come Oat Today TodayTO TO o 1011 XBVUTtr STBEET 3T W WSTew WNew Vi ViNew New house hOUB with all modern appoint appointments appointment appointmoats moats ment Only 200 cash oaahbalADCO balance like Ilkarent likerent likerent rent Dont mi raise this opportunity to tocan toget toget get the beat house for the money that thatcan thatcan can can be bought on Columbia Heights HeightsHayesSharp JIe1jrhtHayesSharp etghts etghtsHayesSharp HayesSharp Realty Co Co72B 728 13th St StThere stlIrhere StThere There la f S REALITY A ALrrr rrY in Our K BeaUT ltr