OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, January 27, 1907, Woman's Magazine Section, Image 28

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1907-01-27/ed-1/seq-28/

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fV OCIETY ha baa been in a flutter of of excitement for two weeks over overthe oerthe overthe
the rumored engagement of Miss India Bell Fleming one of ofr ofthe ofthe
r the most nu St Important imIH1 tant of the seasons debutantes to Senor Don DonLuis DanLuis DonLuls
Luis F Cores the Nioaragumi minister one of the bestknown bestknownfigure b boatknownfigbrea lit1mownIprea
figure in the Dlplomatio Corps and conceded to be the band handsomest Imndeomeat bandMOWNt
eomeat man Man in that circle Although the engagement was tiS not announced announcedby 8nuounc1ly announcedby
by the family until yesterday 16tft rd1lY it was known to ninny DUm of the intimate intimatefriend intlmRtfrienf intimatefriends
friend l sdn sine e a certain dinner party pnrt given by Colonel and Mr Mm frM Flem Fleming 1Ilemjng Pleming ¬
ing about Potit two weeks w ka ago A 48 + As a matter matt r of fact the engagement ongftg mcllt has Ita ex existed lXistcd exIsted ¬
isted sine last la t June bat the secret has been oarfifnlly car fully guarded Even Evenon I Evenon ven venon
on the trip t tf to Europe last summer anmmerMr ummel Mr Coreo accompanied the family familyof familyof
of If his fiancee but had buftlnese in Europe which separated them after afterlanding afttrlunding afterlanding
landing landingL lundinghi
e a aISS
hi L ISS FIJiaiDsG FLE UI G is young and very 81 accomplished aeC < HnlUahoo SS Sl e graduated graduatedonly grfluatttlIIJ
IIJ 11 only oul lfe lush l8t t spring from Mt Vernon Seminary S minary and was the theyoungest theyouft4feat theyoungest
youngest in a ao1J very largo class She was wa likewise Ulcowl e the youngest youngestof younget t telf
of the very large circle of debutantes preaontod in Waahington society
this Reason fea ou She Is l a brilliant linguist speaking several SU l81 languages anrlea flu fluently fluntly fluently ¬
ently ntly which gift first attraeted attraet the minister from Nicaragua three threeyears thrteears threeyears
years ears ago 0 at their first meeting She is i a mediumsized brunette with withone withone ith ithORO
one of the most exquisite complexions deep dealing blue eyes CH and andvery andry andvery
very ry black hair and pearly I carl teeth Mies fl Flemings beauty is i greater greaterwhen greaterwbeft greaterwhen
when her fa taee e is J animated in
oonversatlon than when in repete repeteShe reps repsShe r rSIte
She will be the youngest you geat hostess in her circle after her marriage marriagebeing marriagebeing
being but nineteen ni t en years of age while her flanee If fprtJo fortyone L She will willbecome ill
become th the mistress JI fIUfJU of one of the most luxurious and bestequipped
homes JOJ 88 in Washington Vhl Oll at 2MS JGO 0 street where Mr Core Corea has maintained main maintained maintained ¬
tained pretentious bachelor quarters for several seasons seasonsHNOTflRR IIIcallOn8NOT aeseonsa aeseonsOTHER
OTHER NOT ER charming young ouug American hostess Is thus tht to be added addedto adeledto addedto
HNOTflRR to the brilliant diplomatic circle Washington boasts bout Any Anyone Anyone Anyone
one of the large number of these
daughters of Columbia Columbiawould ColumbiaOld Columbiawould
would Old do credit ta her country in h position she
might D ght be called calledupon calleelupon calledupon
upon to hold Among them are the Baroness von on Sternburg
wife of the German ambassador who
was formerly idea nlM Lily
Langham Kentucky Xenter born and Bttropean bred Madame aclame Jusscrand Jusscrandwife Jusacraadwife TWi8C Rd RdwIfe
wife of the French ambassador a New York girl formerly
Miss liss Parker who spent most of her childhood and girlhood in Paris I Aritl Aritlthe
the Baroae BarOlleu Moneheur wife of the Belgian minister who lto was for formerly formerly formerly ¬
merly Miss 11M Charlotte Clayton CJ ton daughter of Cen Powell Clayton former formermriean
American mriean ambassador to Mexico Mme lne Van Swlnderen wife ife of the min ¬
ister from the Netherlands N fetherlandh therJtuw1 who ho
was U Miss IM Elizabeth Glover born and andreared andreared antireared
reared in Washington and idantift ldeatlAed d with resident rcstd nt society all her life lifeuntil lifeuntil iftt ifttuntil
until she became a bride Senora Rora Cane Van Swinderen wife of the min ¬
later who was formerly Mi lllsa ItM Oetivia Yarnell of Baltimore lthnorei Mme Mn1 Mme
Hauge wife of the tit minister illiatar from Norway formerly formerl Mrs fra Frederick Joy
and as a girl Miss Mi Todd
of Louisville Ky KYi Senora Pastor wife wilt of the thecharge thecharge thecharge
charge daffaires of Spain a bride o < htet la t spring and formerly Miss Con ConBtance CORftanee Coaetanee
Btance Casenove CliieDO Lee of Baltimore Senora Pflster wife ife of the naval
attache of the Italian embassy 81ftINU formerly formerl Miss jS6 Hester B LattghHn Ltu ltHn
daughter of the lat late Judge 1ude Lftughifii of St Louis Iou Madame adme Cher
mont wife of the second secretary of the Brazilian Draalli u embassy fermerly fermerl
Miss 1tI lIIiI Helen Sloan of Baltimore Mrs rs II IL A Grant Watson W it R wife of an y
attache of the British rJtlah embassy eMM who
waa formerly Mia Miss Aria a C Low of
Brooklyn Mrs Yung Kwsi wife lle of the second socretaryef socretu of the CblM CIII Qilnaae e
legation who wi wa warsefere lwf0re her
marriage Miss nse Allae BurRham af 8fSttrhtg Spring
field fiE hI Mass MassfN y
r it itX aN
fN X the mad whirl hill ftC f oftieial and debutante d ltut nte fnnetioRS tlnetioillil and the t ie 8 en ¬
II tertaining of distinguished
strangers some of the most fuel ¬
sating eiwtes of Washington society are often of tell overlooked Merl CJ
Among these are HI the gay and happy little circles at Fort Myer at the
Washington Barracks and aile in the Navy NAY Yard There are prominent deb ¬
utantes 1 tRntetii in each of thes the these
interesting places this
year who ho have given
the th
social affairs an impetus such > > ueh as they have not had for lo these tlle e
many seasons seasoncThe liHNUtOMTIle seasonsThe
The weekly W8ekl lanes iIa the afternoons
at home and the various vario teas
to NY y nothing of dinirer
sail lutMtheoM
are bite bU of pleasure to make
one long for The Th ke
faseimui0 ttt8elltatiOM e of diplomatic gold oJd kee decorations and
titles have
not obliterated the prestige of the bra br818 s buttons and ao
coutremenU of etr ow own arJft and
army navy oWeer and there Is
popular place 4aee than no more
Navy Yard or Fort Myer OR dance night
T C Personal PersonalThe T
00 00The
The Austria Ambaseador sad ml BarpnMi Bar Barmflil Marchese
pnMi mflil Hengeiinuller lIen e111w
entertaiH a acompany amlNllI arampsny
company mlNllI at dinner Del Monday evening in
th the 4 embassy mb
ey on Connecticut avenue avenuermpUmenUiry aVetluefmpUIIHIftUtry avenuempltmatary
rmpUmenUiry to Mr ir and MM Hwfa
William Villlan illla of I London ndon who are the tbeKueeU tbeKueeUcor gueftuior guests guestsor
or Mr and nd lira Parry Belmont BelmontThe DehlHHttThe HlaseetThe
The Counteo Krgeltette rgeelktte who was wastheir walltheir wagtheir
their gu JnMI guest st t for a short nert time tl Mt for torW
New W York the early earl part of tli the week weekend weekf
end f nd suited Ued for to Europe a f few w days ago agoTh aJfof agoThe
The Th f he Russian Ambaa AM Aabawador utor and Bar Rartnes Bari BarlnNl
tnes lnNl i ne Rosen R Iteft will 01 be the honor Mn r guest Ktilt guestof uett uettof
of t Mr and Mrs Parry P rry BehtHt Bel mow t at din dinner dlnIIfr ¬
ner tonight tOIIl ht The baron and the theFaronea theI
Baroness I amnes are great friends of Mr lr and andMrs andMrs
Mrs William who wh are the guests of ofthe otthe ofthe
the BeimontE After dinner them thHwtl thHwtlfI therawtllhe will wille
he > e a raueicale at which the arti artists nlllts t will m mle
1 re e William Mores Bummel f MeI violinist violbiiatand violinistand 18IlIIllItRnd
and grouch grandam on of aamwei P WOrM In Inventor Invrntor ¬
ventor of th the telegraph and Leon LeonKemay Leonnema LeonItemay I
nema Kemay planetKaren plant plantBaron planet I Iaren
Baron aren SenHppenbaeh ftuwian consul consulat eouuiat consulat
at Chicago Chle o who ho ha been a guest a athe at atthe atthe t
the Russian RU8 Ia embassy for some time will willreturn wiUrpturn wd wdreturn tl
return to his 11 poet of duly dut thenret the first firstthe Nt of C i ithe
the Reek The ambassador or and ad th thbaroness the thebaroneea thebaro e
baro baroness have card ea out for a dine dineat dinner dinnerBt dhrat r
at the embassy c ibtsy next Saturday evening eveningThe 8fenlRCThe eveningThe
The Counselor of the French EmteuMy EmteuMyand JCM8u Embeesand Y Yand
and Mm M des de Forte Prtes de d la Faze have havecard hav havcard havcards
card cards out for a dinner Wednesday ednMday Jan January JItuar January ¬
uary uar M > II Mme de dell Porte and Mile des doe doeFortes
Fortes will leave Washington FebruaryS February
9 for New Orleans Or where they win i at attend attend attend ¬
tend the Mardi Ore aa festivalColmel festival festivalColonel lval lvalCoJoMI
Colonel pederaeira Ped the military nltary at attache attache attache ¬
tache of th the Bntatttaa Bra embaaay embaayturned re returned retllrned ¬
turned to Washington today HIa from Xew XewYork N NYork ew ewYork
York where be has bean spending spendingshort apanplne a ashort ashort
shortCaptBl short Urn UrnCaptain UrnCaptain < <
Captain and Mrs Ryan of lb the BHtie BHtieembasey British Britishembaser Briti BrititmbfuJey h
embaser state talf and their ealMren ehlldrahave who whohav whthave
hav have all been 1t4I ill In their t home 0Me on Co ColumbUi CoJamb Colambda
lambda Jamb read for the past weak Yo or aare erarl more morear
are ar gradually reeoveriiic NCOYeIt their theirhealth ue usual al alhealth l lMallh
health healthThe MallhTht healthThe
The Military Attache of the t German GermanEmbasey OH OHEtnbaHy aermatEnnbasy a
Embasey and Mme M X Koemer were werelast hosts hostslast hMtBJut
last evening at a eharmtoaiy elIIIR Iy appointed appointeddinner appelntlMldtnnfl appoint appointdlnner ed
dinner in their home an Seventeenth Seventeenthetreet SctVetlltMRt1l8trHt Seveitteptstreet h
street The list of Kttecte mciuded heelwdedJapanese the theJapanese theJapaIHIH
Japanese Ambaaendor and V YeeoURte YeeoURteAokl scount leeeuatAoki > scountAoki trg
Aoki the Naval Attache of the French FrenchEmbassy JrenehEmbU6y h
Embassy and 1 Mme Me de Blanpre rwe the theMilitary tbeMilitary th thMilitary C
Military Attache of the Brazilianbasey Brazilian Dram Em Embasey m mbasoy
basey and nd Mme 11fte de Pedernetras the As Assistant Assistant A Aatetant a ¬
sistant Secretary ef f War I and Mrs trs Rob Robert Robert R Rart ¬
ert Shaw Sha Oliver the Mlllta military attache attacheof atme atmeof attach attachof e
of the Japeoeee aintMMiy em ny Major Ta Taaka Tan Tunaka Tan1ra n
aka 1ra Kerr von Radowitx Radow tIt Prince Ljnar LjnarMra Lens LensHra nar narMra r
Mra Nicholas i < holu Fish Representative an anMrg and andMn andL d
Mn L Return the Count and Countess Counts as
lHatzfeidt the 8e aea toilaw M hw and daughter uab2 t er
of DhW DhWJol lAMdk the Jaeaneee Ja amhaojailer M and Captain CaptainI ea Gpla Ia
I Mm Jol Mme Carbe Car
wife wtt ette
of the mtofcxer JRlR lter from t Mtn
JlettadOr etMdor and the U Mtaeeo I Carbe
were at att t
house 7Wote yesterday atterRO aftertees a tor tIM lut 1 ge t
time me this season
en Saturday t Prom
now ow on they will 111
receive r elve e Sunday after afin r
noons 1t nooasMW OftS OftSMiai
Miss Viola Mattock of 3W id K street stro et I
northwest gave a farewell
danee daJte
on n
KrMay JrWa evening to Miae tuna Cathryn CatbrR Rte IVeff rt f
of o f Reading Pa P
who has It been her r
I guest for the t tic e pact month
Aa inter Ipte r > ¬
eating 68 < < feature
the ela i ireeltatlon
evening was t the th he e
recitation of two tweMk setecUona > eUona from Shakes ShakH1 a i ¬
peares pare Hamlet by Edwin Butt
and 11 s
v vocal Deal seJe MI elo by Raymond aYMOftd I
Oalleher T The TI e i
dining room rfi fft was
deceral decorated dee r tfd d
with ferns eras and
A bu buffet 1Cet t
supper upPer was served Thee T
present were aver e >
Mile 11a Cathryn Rleff Miss 11 May But Butts
I tee i
Mtae M Mi Jacobs Miss MI Edith
Miss Ml se s
Ryon Muse Zeta Edwards Mrs M Gtr Rous R is ¬
ewe Mrs Ira Mattoek Miss Mlle
Welle aU
Miss Ml d 8
Campbell Miss 11
Noyea oyes Miss Y lst
Reevw Reev W Mtee If Vjola V loIa o a Matiock
and Meeera Me Y YMaheney r
Maheney 1Itallft8 Butts Bu t8 Hough Dr Dare
Harvey Uane 1an ey Stauffer tt
Saxtcn SIlxtc Sax n t
Bdwards Regan and Raueanau RaueanauMr
Mr and Mr Mrs fr S K 11 Kramer
at home to to their line friends trie ds TndyVjaB Tuesday will J Jan afl be M i
uary M > > from S to 11 at thaw th Jr home homeMiss lit If
S street 2ueettl8tl streetLlias
Miss tl8tl Ruth Kstey te daughter Ughter of a < W V H i
K Iitey < 0y 8 teller tet In the silks
ef toe a kr r I r
geantatarms gent ntatarnw at arinj ef the lioness
ef Repre R epre
sent HRtatlV88 ttve9 t
nnmWr naRt of her tr
young friends trteRd lwr
at her new fteA home M93 13
IMeventh VeltU street north uruwNt nrtbwe west t en Shttttrdey Stn at1lnlay nay
evening lust
Then present lH ent were Yo Y Miss 18a la
Annie A Dormer Miss 1
Ruth Ripley RlpJ MlM M w M
KtiMbeth bed Smith s ettb
sits 111 Asnee
MeGer ae ar arar r
raugrhey raug ey and 114I MlM 11 Imogene IIftO
Re McQar sic G ar
rcMchey rcMcheyWord rtICht > y yWctnI
Word hM 1a hews
received here of 0 ofJ the theRe4I
sppwraaee a < > e ance Re4I of Mine
MeMJIten alebiU alebiUsxaaddanhtr lsA lsAsea
Jarvte Jar J
l KraBddauchter of the late sea s seareeeptens ¬
ator free f MichiKfta ltlpu at the reeeption reeeptensu
aivew I in Benin hy h the
Kaiser T
on Tues Tue u es ¬
day evening tt last week She te e spend ¬
Lug III < < the winter with WIt the th Baranaes BallHt von vmIn
Kettter widow of the late
German min in In Inspecial ¬
later i ter to China who
lost his life Itr during d
the Boxer troubles
who is a special Sf CtRI
friend frle d of Mr ayes Amy McMillan aunt specialaf of afens
Miss Ia Jarvis Miea M 11 Janis Jen ia h hM sari biie been ohpr e
seeped to many maD of the
great t taeeti functions ens ensrnAe
in Berlin by 8 the charming Baroness d3 d3Min aI rnAe RetMi > es esetc
who h w 1Y58 s formerly ese
Miles n
Ledyard Ledyaiof of De Detroit Detretc e ¬
trek and who is a visitor viet tor to the Mc ¬
Millan home etcme
in Washington each ea h time timeshe timeCGrnOlt U Ushe me
she cornea to Arnorl ArnorlUlsa America AmorloaMiss
Miss Ruth Halford daughter dAugkt af 1r
i and Mrs A J Haiford will go to N New ew
York on February 14 to make a visit visitto v ll4lt ll4ltto t
to urn Irs Wadharn W adhatn wife or Surgeon Wad W Vad ad adr
cI Ttirvv Three Young Ynrrnn and Chat4mlng Char mina Washington Washington C tsrraes rldes or of zne the Pas rasr Week week
HaWSEWu moro QuotaMRS moroMRS
Formerly Miss Florence P Joyce Joyceham Je Joyceham e eham
ham U S A now stationed at Fort FortStocum Fort1iIIoc1llR Fortiifocum
Stocum Mrs rL Wadham WM formerlyMies formerly formerlyMtas tor torM
Mtas M Carra Atkins Atk of Indianapolis IndianapolisMisa I1tdIaaapolILHJtonl Indfanapollsanise
anise Haiford will remain with Mr MrWadham Xn XnadhaM MrsWadham
Wadham adhaM for some weeks and may not notreturn notr notreturn
return r < < um to Washington at aU before befCHI befCHIttUr sail sailing sellrag ¬
rag for Europe with her parents a InMarch in inMarch InMarch
March They expect F < < t to go over to re remain reIa yeseals ¬
main Ia through tL tw summer UIDIIHJr months this thisbeing thlaWag thisbed
being their aNt trip tJ1pbIoad abroad Lat Mum Mummer MUDthey amber ¬
mer they made the trip acrose aa ae toss tM corm cormtry country COUAtry ¬
try to Caw California uklng tak in the Yellow TeUewSUMM Yell Yellowatone w wIItOM
atone Park and Grand Canyon CanyonOflclal C COtPeIal Ca4yonO
O Oflclal eitl society II oelet ekoty took the sudden death deathof deathC deathet
of C Senator Aiger much muc to heart for he heand h hand be beand
and MB III family have hosts of warm warmfriends wall1trleack warmfriends
friends h hn Waabla Washington oa and while ttoo ttooto tPey tPeyhsd ey eyhad
had prepared to bid adieu to Mrs MrsAlger MIIII Mr MrAber
Alger JpI In t March they Ute were totally total unprepared un unprepared untor ¬
I prepared for the news De of Thurwlaymorning Thursday ThursdayMorning InllWJay InllWJayoW
Morning Mr oW Alter was w wYiIItt expecting a avMt arfwt
vMt from Mrs II Poe and Miss Ms 1 Poewidow Poe Poewidow Poet Poetotdow
widow otdow and daughter tel of UM Ibis Gkn GknO kn I
0 M Poe Mrs Mr trs Algwr A had tevtta tevttatJons tIwItaIou 1Rvltalionu
Iou out for a luncheon te their Uwtrer hon honor honer ¬
er today y Mm IW ahektem p of Detroit Detroitwas Dot DotWIUI Detroitwas
was also a o expected 10 come next week weekfor weektoc
for a vWt It with her parents parentsj eeta tL tLAMifta
j The Aa AMifta dssitant itant ac Secrsry > ecretnry of the u Naryand Navy NavyI
and Mrs I Truman Ntaa H Xewberry will willleave willxt willleer
leave leer enriy next xt month tit for a tour touUte ta tathe InU
the U South lout whoa Mr Newberry will willgo wUlCO willso
go on a tour of Inspection of naval navalt lunalstatteu navalalUeas
statteu t Hon on the Florida and Cuban Cu CuNaMa Cubancoasts
touts Mr Mw Newberry will 111 have with withMr withher
her as her guest sue Mrs Metcalf wife wUeof wifeof
of the JPecrataiy of the lb Navy fa and they LMYwill theywill
will be gone sua shout three weeks The TlkY >
Maytlow Y ower r will be Ie wed I by 7 tile tileaIHI part partand
end they will vfat t key Ke Key West Nt bergs ItevaiuuOoanOnnme bergsGeasaaae I
OoanOnnme 0tI and score of otnef O MI Inter iatereUlag j
eiitma Iq points tL tLlr j jMr I
Mr lr and Mrs WtlUam Whims WU of ofGrand ofa
Grand a Rapids have retunmd ret to t their tbel tbelJlUe
home hi Michigan JlUe after a pleuutriIdt pleasantvisit pleasant
visit here during d which tbne they the werestentahted were wereenUrtatoed weretAIrlaIDed
enUrtatoed tAIrlaIDed eontftderably eontftderablyMiM eoa w wMiIIII
MiM Laura Carpenter Carpenter wh w was the thegueet UMt thepueet
gueet for t the summer cf etIn her sister sisterMrs surerMrs
Mrs In Tonne In Grand Rapids Jta JtaIAto ha has autte autteplunged qua
plunged into the gayeties ca of 0 Washing Washington aabIac aabIacton ¬
ton society She is again In I her apart apartment apartmeet pean peanUMIat ¬
meet In the Highlands and has aa her herguent herK1MM heruest
guent g uest KIN Margaret Swindell wbwIeI1 of Bal Baltimore BeItJInont ¬
timore for whom w she gave = area a luncheon luncheonthis l heqn heqntw
this tw week nits > flu fis Carpenter win g gnnapolis go 0 to toAnnapolis toAnaapol
Annapolis Anaapol A nnapolis l on February with her herhouse berhouM herbnonie
house guest Miss ih Ir Irmn Kliaaon EI ef efChestertown otCMIItertolI
Chestertown T Pa a to attend the graduat aduat aduat1m
h 1m s ball at the Naval Academy Aea etIa7 Mrs MrsYoung XnYoung
Young who spent ao much ttme ties MrsIn In taWaehtagton InW
I Waehtagton W ashington last aaason does not expect expectto eJtpOCXte
j to cones to Wahmgtoa toa during dlll thin t1dIIeon
eon eonOne
One ot the Attire moj brilliant receptions Uou ta tatbe
the history of the Corcoran Coreora Gallery of ofArt o oArt
Art is being planned for Wednesday W Wevening Pdacada7
evening February 7 ta honor of the tlteCoat8
Contemporary Coat8 tporary American Artist ta vie view viewoC w
of which event vent the gallery 11erT will be b dosed eaodto
to the public until after this date ta ta0Pd
order 0Pd to place plac the building ta n order for torthe r du
the exhibit Invitations ftltat to the private ItYate ItYateyiew
view set for the evening of the 7th 1t will wl n t tbe
be Issued early earl in J m the week ta the thename 1Mname the
name of the president and board of oCtru o c
tru trustee tHtl tHtlAdmlulon
Admission being bel exclusively by y card cardworkmen cardworkMen cardwerkmea
workmen nave been busy for t same time dtaeput
past In removing the permanent rxtllec rxtllectio rOJleetloft
flan tio from the walls to make room for forthe torthe foe foethe
the new paintings as the entire gallery gnu aUery aUerywill
will be given up for the beet fa faof interest biter biteroC
of the entertainment Conspicuous CICUOUtIelepftt suaoaselegant among amongelegant
elegant oil paintings awaiting awaltt hanging hangingI ha hathe
I s the famous collection eollee on owned by b Sen Senator
ator Clark which figured so conepicu eoapIeuoualy
ously upon the recent occasion oeeuI of s the re rec8ptJon recaption
caption ta honor of National Architect ArchitectThese ArchitecUiTheae ArebuecuT
These T beautiful canvases were after afterward afterward afterward ¬
ward packed and forwarded to New Jew JewYork
York awaiting awalUft future dtvpaeftkm and andthrouab
through the courtesy of o the owner have have havebeen bav bavbeen
been returned to the gallery llel7 for the tJa tJabeneftt
benefit of the tie coming exhibit exJallllLSInce esbtlrlLsince
Since the event will mark It the first firstannual anannual
annual exhibit arrangement Are AreRed 1 nian nianned
ned upon a scale in n exceo ex of any anyprevious IUIYJMtWloua anyprevious
previous openlnfi and ne ft4 expdoae ha bu
been apre pare4 pe to secure A8aU the complete weceM uc acties
cea ties of the reception receptionThe recepttoThe
The friend of afJfls Miss 11II Irene Midkiff D DdwsM UdId UdIdBdMtrd < < and andBdward
Bdward dwsM G Thomas both of otLaIIPoa otLaIIPoaD Tiangnon TiangnonD
D C were offered a surprise a rprIH rprIHelect uaon uaonSelect
i l
Select elect Stock S ock of Oriental tinge nffs just justccetvad jUllteceved justecetved
ccetvad from the Orient We can canquota eanquote
quota the lowest l w8J1t prices pricesOriental pricesOriental
Oriental Rug Importing Co Co151i
151i 151 1 Street ST + T W
Ib Photo i by HarrteEwinc HarrIEIIIt Hants Ewing
Parmerly Mist is Margaret Virginia Virli Blaine Blat Niece ef f James Ja G Elaine
leamtag lea rning of their tile marriage ts rriage in I Augiut Augiutlast A Augeafart utrUt utrUtIut
last The bride who I a charming charmingbrunette ebartIIIatfand charmingermtette
brunette u and the bridegroom have havebeen ft fttile
been t the recipient net of many congratu congratulations congratwhiloa L Llatloaa ¬
lations and nreneata also tace me the tb announce announceJudce UUM UUML UUMludce trtteYaotntat
tntat tntatJudge L
Judge Wiiiiam L i Penfieid former formerbettor We Weel ra raNdtr >
I bettor of the u Kate Department t and andMrs ADdPtdtfIeId andtars
J Mrs PenfleM are ayi rejoietiur jolelq over overrival the ar arrival arrival ¬
r rival of their son Waiter T of Auburn Auburnlad AuburnInd
f I lad who will make hi his pirmausnt JV < W nf t home homewith boJMWith mateth
i with wi th thong here her Mr KrI Pcanetd ha bag held heldthe
I the position of city elt and county attortwY attor attorney attorIlMy ¬
ney of Auburn and In spite e of the fact factthat
i that be wa eras recently reeeatl rt r resleeted elected county eouat eouata
attorney a < < orney he resigned to join hi his parent parentsr parenthere
lliere here he r He i Ii one of Indiana J brightest brightestyonag IIrtcbteMy
y yonag o > tuag bachelor Judge and lire a Pen PenfieU PeAJIeIcI Penold
g fieU old and their daughter Lilts Peaneid Peaneidare Penfields
s a are to their apart apartment meat ta the Ontario OntarioMr OntarioI OntarioMrs
i Mrs Mr JrsI John Jt hn W Bird who ha tau been the thegueat UteS1I8IIt theest
gueat gu est of Mn Mr Andrew B Graham ha hareturned bar IuuI barreturned
I returned to her home In New YorkThe York YorkThe YorkI
I The following Congfcwelonal Coacft rf I ladies ofl oC oCi ofDsiooll
i the lb Ormeoll will receive NeIll on Monday MondayMr Mondayebruary
Februar7 F 4 tiers I ao s Mrs x xJilIn Meson
Mr JilIn Webber W Mr Mn Fuikerson FuIk Mrs MrsKlepper JtnKlepper xnCiePPer
Klepper Mrs Kiv luvea a Mi J Frank S 8ickson SDlebon SWckeou
Wckeou D ickson and Mia mtuo SutlouaY ay ayToe y yTbe
Toe weekly wHld meeting af rte Washiag Washiagtonian WtaatoDIaDS lVatitiagtdtolars
tonian wa w stas held at the M home of Mi MiSadie 1iI 1iIdie Mies Miessate
Sadie die Brealin W > a Sixth bth street northeast northeaston
on o n Monday evening After regular busi busines bu bun business
ness nes n the club indulged ta a number of ofInteresting ofI ofteresting
Interesting I In teftSt1Dc games O Geoff orf < f I F Chase Chaseaang ChaRt Chasesang
sang a vocal o solo and 1oward l oward rle Holt HoltAmong > t t
in t troduced eats selections w a the k p4alio p4aliomong
Among A Ala mong t those = prottni c watt werAMfame xltwee Ap A p
nieoy Slater Breslin H HHrmen HaHarmon i Ire Irend t
jaod Ja nd d H IieHen n Wutett wiiiu vt iltt 56 Ireland IrelandWillett 111 1111Irs
1Irs Pbelpe Chase Bownatn Holt C
1 Willett Harey White Whit and Bricker BrickerMr B11ekHIII
Mr III and Mrs Mr rs Gibson Fahneetock FabnestockNew of ofXew DCNew
j New York who i b spending 8pe dlnc the winter winterta winterin
in Washington Wubln tnl entertained ertertal a company companyat eorrpir y
at dinner last evening n The list of ofguot ofJfUMtII
guess included the Minister from Nor Norway Norway ¬
way and Mme Mm Hauge Ha General Generalrs Noonr and andMrs d dMn
Mrs M rs Randolph Mr and Mr Mrs WIlL Herbert HerbertWadsworth HerbertWadsworth t
Wadsworth W Mr and Dd Mr Mrs > > Chained Xr MrButler XrButler
Butler Ml ails fIR Gwynn Mr J and andArnold Mr MrArnold al alBayat re
Arnold Hague and ad Mr Xn Bayarl BayarlB BaarlB Bayat
B H Warner arn entertained el1t ria a sag tag din dinner dinner dinnor ¬
ner of twentytwo coven last evening 1 1honor In Inhonor 1fthonor n
honor of Senator Blackburn and nd Repre Representative RtpNntaUva litpreaatlve ¬
sentative ntaUva McCleary McClearyMr JieCIetM JieCIetMIIn McCledtryMrs
Mr Mrs Elliott wife of General OtD ral Elliott of ofthe ortbe o othe i
the Marine Barrack entertained at a t
b bridge ridge yesterday afternoon having bavlatrher a aher as
her guests albs Mm X cannon cana > aa Mr Mn Yraelaad YraelaadMr YN8IaacISIbley
Mr M MP > > rs sMey Mr K Mrs TrUdy un Mrs M Bos BosPerry JtoM JtoMPar Rodinerry
Perry Par P erry Mrs JCberie Mr Mrs Key K KGoodloe soya Mr MrOoodwe xn xnOoodldw
Ooodwe and ad Mr Mn Knapp KaappMra KnappI
I Mrs 18 Richard Butler of toe Rocham Rochambeau Jodaa JodaaI Roebamrineau
beau b u wa waa hotta 1106 hoWret at t dinner dl last even evenIng evertag v m mm
I tag ta n her apartment t having ba h hMr a as bar bart battuet
ttuet t Mr JuaHe and Mr lies McKenna McKennaMr lkKearaMr
iIII Mr and Mr K Mrs Ptaehot the he Rev and androws sadairs
airs Roland Cottoft th > Atb Mrs fn Bw Bwro
rows ro row Mrs J L Featliletbwaiu aeaator I Du Dupoat Dieoet > u upont
pont p oet Gen John M Whines W and 1Id Rear RearAdmiral HearONeilL RageAdmiral
Admiral ONeillMr ONeill ONeilLMn ONeI1LMrs
Mr Mn Audenref ntertataed laeclat at lunch luncheon hmehY luachetls ¬
eon yesterday Y and at dinner cIIJa for young youngpeople YOllllCpeople youngpeople
people pe ople opleVetmeat mt evening in her h bosses on onVermont Oftennoat
Vermont ennoat avenue avenueMr avauefr avenueMr
Mr fr and Mr Mn Fred M rnomaa ef efOre0nburg o oOreesburs t tObuq
Ore0nburg lad are at the Row WIllard Wil W9lard Willard
lard on their th lr honeymoon bODe trip They wHl wHlspend wHI8peIl4 wlt wltspend 1
spend tame time visiting viUUn < < the former formerhome torllMlbe formatborne
home of Xn Mr Tboma ta IaIa BaUstoraloe Baltimore and andalso
also ta vUrttln vlIIIdIIc New York and aNX Boston BoataaMra BostonMrs
Mrs X John J Joy 10 Xdon entertained enerWmedcopaRy a acompany aat
company at atrw athrM bridge tbj title afternoon afternoonMr afternoon9tre
Mr 9tre rw William Barrett Ridajley wife wifeof wKeof
of the Comptroller Cola of the Currency Currencyheater wa wahaateas wu wuat i
heater at a bridge party y yesterday yesterdayafternoon erda erdaafternoon y t tatterMoR >
afternoon In honor of her gt guest gQeIItEIoIM et Mtas MtasElotoe ba
Elotoe Davis of New few York Mr xra xraicy INRJcIIr INRJcIIrle7 Ride Rideley
icy wilt also entertain for her g rMIIt tet t at atMrs w wa c
a 1ebe9a at Chevy Cbaae ca Clab twit twitXrs tw ay + tf
Mrs Basil Gordon 00 entertained 8Djerta uod at a aAelirhtfully adeUhttulb
delightfully appointed tea t yesterday yesterdayafternoon 7 7atlMBOOll yafternoon
afternoon In her home on Nineteenth Nineteenthstreet Nineteen NineteenMien th
street streetMtee reeL reeLMiMI
MiMI Louise Leu Louis Nugent daughter of Mrgad Mr Mrand r rad
and ad Mr Mm X B C Nugent t of o 8t Laude Loufeone Lout Loutof Laudeoat
one of the seasons HUOn debutante of ofLows St StLewi litLouIa
Lows will III arrive ta Washington tett to tomorrow toJa0rr01 ¬
morrow ta be the guest of Mia Mist Can Cannon CaDuchter Cannom ¬
non daughter uchter of the Speaker ef the
House i ouseHlt of iR liepreaentativca ° ta Mhw M Nu Nugent x n ¬
gent Miss t will be extensively ae entertained entertainedx tertahMd
Mia MIM Cannon already having cards 8 o out on k t
for several affair a < < a1n ta her herlIr honor honorMra
Mrs lIr Matthew Trimble and Mr Mrs Henry HenryFenno 1117Feaoo Han r rFeaso ry
Fenno Sawtelle will not be at h hThursday huute huuteThursday 1IIIneThurtlday uw
Thursday Thurtlday January SI but will receive receiveThursday receiveTbunday reeely e
Thursday FebruaryThe February FebruaryThe FebruaryThe
The following folloYoln Congressional ladiee of ofthe ofthe
the Discoll will cot receive on Monday MondayJanuary Yoada ond4y ond4yJanuary R
January 28 8 out will be at home on
Formerly Hiss MiS Fannie Heiberter
Monday February 4 from S to < Mr MrMacon Mrs MrsWa 1i5Macon
Macon Wa of Arkansas Mr Mrs in Webber of ofOhio 4fOhio ofOhio
Ohio Mr Jiu Fuikerson of Missouri Mrs MrsI YvsIUepper trB trBKlepper
I Klepper of Mieo Missouri ri Mr Jol Mrs Rive lttv of ofIllinois elIIIiDC sfIllinois
Illinois IIIiDC Mrs ir6 Frank S L Dfckwa af otU otUJlnoUi ofill 11 11llnoi
llnoi and andi Mta Msr Suttoway of New Newliampchire Mewre
llanpahheMrs liampchire liampchireMr re reJoilll
Joilll Mr H Bdwta Italnnte Kondrup will willnot willnot willnot
not receive Monday January Jaaual 2a hot will W WI
I be at home Man Monday day Febraary rr 4 and andKlmer aMa andis
I Klmer B Kioftfer XlettI entertained t at a alNIy aparty
party hi heRor or bus nineteenth tb birth birthday wthday
day at his ramaenee R New I York Yoncnue ave avenue avenue ¬
nue recentlyThe recently recentlyThe ruyTIut
The young people played game and andenjoyed BINIeaJoy
enjoyed eaJoy thorn tbeaIItetft vec until a late hour hourwhen hourwbftt hourwhen
when refreshment retN ba were served servedMte MnedXI served servedMlae
Mte XI Mlae lastly KMII Blazier rendered several severalmuaieal severalusical eral
muaieal m usical 1 numbers nu and Mia M Boats Bastaeveral sang
several s 1 1AJDOIIK colon colonAmong
Among those t present t were the Mlaeec
Mary X and Emily Emil Blaaier Mary Airs
Myrtle Ward Blanche Dart Mary Mar Wil WI
kte ktu h ue Era Ataer A1 < < er Marie Boat Bolla Kate
WUkta Hal II Breiaford and Lucile LueDeeoptoa
I Oampton and Mass II William Con
beye Nathaniel Worley William Alder
Jean 1 Breteford JJNItOl Roy Bailey Elmer
I Kiopfer Bernard Boat Boa Frank Bridges
Robert R obert Tompkta T Olapkla BostttNFraAk and Neal Bragaw Bragawment BrapwX
X E Helm of the District Depart Deputt Departmeet
meet t ef t Highway left last night for
New few York where be will meet Mr bins
Helm Hel on her arrival ta that port today t today lay
from rn a round trip on the Hamburg lIa lIaIDIIIIc
American IDIIIIc line It to Jamaica and South SouthJDeI1eaa
Amer American JDeI1eaa tan port potta Mr and Mr M Mrs Helm Bebaexpected Iieta t are areexpected
expected to arrive arriveXra home tonight
Mrs Helm sailed from New York an anweek a
January I k intending to spend spendweeks i iwwkll suers
week In Kingston X1n lon Jamaica She arj ar
rived at that port an January JUt 11 and r re e
malned JMd there two day
reboanUng g the t
Prime August Wilnelm WOJaeJ which left
Kingston Sunday January IX U t e day <
bet before the earthquake earthquakeA dwrthgwbA ua uatlul
A delightful tlul masquerade MUqIHladeJfIv dance wa waOur was wasgiven
JfIv given for t the beetSt ftt OC the Chare hare tJl
Our Lady of Victory Vietor ta the new hail haJJthe
m the Conduit road lOa Hariem H D C Chail
Wednesday January JhualI a Over three IHe
hundred guest attended About Aheuteouple 4ghir
couples were In mask and andwhich JtcI JtcIwhich tw coatume coatumewhich + luaart
which were both artistic art1 Ue and boaidfwi btitrtlhlPits tdfld
Prise Pits r ner ere offered o < < Bred ed the Jud judges e8 e a yard vardan a atheM
them to Mr Mrs
Johnson Mu i i J tne < rew W
Peddler idler hHr Maud Tnompsoti Old 0 Id
Maid Miser YIe Annie A Lynch gyp Gypsy Idr r
3W frl and Ad John Jo Lynch Cowboy
Honorable mention tlon wa was given Llwra > l v r
Stain and Thompson Indian IntIta ChUfe ca ca1II1 ChlefsLouise
Mi N ra terrier MuHde M Mr IN
Louise Tavenner Princes PrtIIce Mtes x big I
Lynch Bride The refreshment t
booths 1 ooths were in charge of Mrs IN 14m Paniel a1eI
Harrington aaeteted by Mrs Sherrie
Mrs Malone Mr airs Vaughan Vn Jam JamSberrlet Jam5berrlet s
Sherricr and nd Mis M Miss Maggie Surgnw Sw Swfionte SurSome
Some of ti We e gueet gUH I present were Mr Mrad tai
and ad Mrs In Malone aJone Mr and Mr errs fJ < L Har Harrington Jtarrlaton Ifs N ¬
rington Mr r and Mr airs Howard Thorap Thorapson TftOlDp110ft
son Mr rnd and Mrs Punnington I > nnningtnn Mr MrYrs and andoI at + a
Mr Yrs oI Arthur Art Artpur ur A Riemer Mrs MrsTavenner Loutee Lou LouTavenner
Tavenner Mr Mrs 11I Kettner Mr and Y Mr MrColling I ICoUlftB
Colling Mr and Mrs John Lynch 14 elt Airs AirsLucy 11r 11rLucy 3
Lucy Knott Mrs rs Dupre Mr r an ana i Mrs MrsMaurice r8 r8Yaurke
Maurice J Ready Read > Mrs Self lf Mrs Jillr Y
I Ii
1Ti r
30RQ8I 30RQ8ISets i
Sets Ie Shoe Styles StylesfJ 4tiL 4tiLof
fJ The e perfection Pe1fectlonin of the details exemplified exemplifiedin
in Sorosis construction the finish finishtfit fit and andgeneral andgeneral i iPound
general generalwomen allround Pound appearance explain why whywomen whywomen
women of exacting tastes and ideas prefer a aSorosis aSamMs aSoles
Soles above all others othersc o 1ers
Sorosis Shoes made madeoorosis maderoSs
g oorosis SorosS c 70 roSs sets s the the standard standard j 1 or of r style T in in shoes i in an leathers for every every
from which v hlch most others are modeled and member oi ° 2 the family lamiiyj familyd
j j and for every requlrc requlrcjUageu
ud d ed d
jUageu JU ge
whatever It may maySt maySIItIk maySftt4Je
St SIItIk fJe jyfe tJJrs 350 and a d400 4 400 00 at a alvtayt alt ayt be belS
Ltuuiimjs lS stylet 500 and upwards UH rJ rJSOROSIS
1215 F Street
Crumbansa Mr r find and cI Mr Mss In Carlin airsB airs MraB fs fsB
B Macaboy Mr fr Fowler the tb Mu Misses es H HSerrtn JIhrrIII Ifgrria
Serrtn L Bieiaakl C Co BiekMM I Ha HaM IIaK > a aY
M gurgrue Maud Thompaon TIuMa M I Sue Bueh BuehItng h hItaff hag
Itaff h ag M Jackson R Self B Self IIelf II HSelf IISelt
S Self elf N Self N f Offut o < < uL T AutUnan AuttmanSberrier Aaltlnar9lnerrier X XSherrier
Sherrier B Broom Murphy I Ellis EIIi elite A ATltlow ATltlo
Tltlow Tltlo and Meaara 11 Thompson mlar mlarrWr 3Lritier ihtr ihtrrier ti
tier Serrta Ii < < rID Kessler X Green linrrinKt liarrirKtrOalell i iONeil r rlXu
ONeil Boyle Ready Carlta Mah alaliLdhiakc Mai MaiLackMrier MahLoeIdI6IIIer
LackMrier Kill Kills Friescl Ul Glpilsn GlpilsnLJIICIa GlPasr asun asunLynch tl tl1yads
Lynch Norri Self Johnson J Ririe BUI L > ici iciBrdey d dtSoy j jBrIley
Brdey li tSoy peake 1 eake Riemer R and a d many y ottnrj ottnrjThe otll < 1 1The tm tmThe
The Nonpariel Euchre uchre held wtd its It Ii II IImonthly HJIIOiatbj I i iatOpptly
monthly JIIOiatbj meeting tine with Mia Ycr YcrKnatt IrdL snlaKrtts IrdLKu >
Knatt ta Bloomlngdalr BI After a axciting v vto 1 1exdtts
exdtts e S game the psi were awarded awardedto aYoDordt aYoDordtto
to Mr Yrs I 8 R L 1 Heaceck and A Berg at atMis a + 1 1X iilea
Mis X ilea Louis Ictu Allen and Claud Ifitt Bitir Bitirbender Bitlorheader rbender
bender The club then entered ereCI thedli thedlilag the th diri diriing ri riiDtr
lag room where a delightful nuncio nuncioas lunchci lunchciwa lundHWN
wa WN w as served after ttt > r which several veral i iweise w 01 01Wftle i q qere
weise w ere rendered The be club m mearlxrs mearlxrsContinued mlKi lxI > j i icatlaued i iCMtinued
Continued on Fifth littb littbe littbI Page PageMcCalley
Y Yyy
yy e WM WM W NN W MM NM + l ls li
I s i Smoot Coffer Cotferi I
I i f McCalley i I Ii t
i j 1216 F St Phone M M725 725 725Imported i tt i t
t t tI
Imported ImportedBatiste I I Imported
I 1 Batiste Batisteand I
i and Swiss Swisss i iI
I s s Robes I If 7 1 s 1s
f sI I 9 to t ts 100 100The t
s i s The new display of tine tineImported till i l r
Imported Robes Rob e s merits meritsyour J
i your attention a t tt t e n t i ion o n These TheseRobes The t
I Robes represent the latest latestand i
f I and most fashionable cre creations ¬ I It
t I mans a ons by foremost foreign foreignmakers f fmakers
makers Theres a 3 splendid splendidvariety splemiiJvariety
i variety of beautiful and andexclusive andr i
f exclusive styles in 11 Robe Robeof R e > r
f s of embroidered ml oid ed batiste tiste and andSwiss I
Swiss in JI white pink blue blueecru blueecru blueI
I ecru and held It is quite quitethe quit + +
i the largest and best select selected setected ¬ t
i ed stock of Robes we haveever have haveever hav J JT
T ever shown and the prices pricesare pric t
i are especially attractive attractiveranging attractiveranging i iIt
It ranging from jp9 If 9 to S 100 100you I t
We shall be glad to haw t tf
f I you view these Robes Rig es at atyour J t ti
I i your pleasure pleasureI awes s sLinen
f f
I = = Linen Robes 750 750A t ti
3 i i A special line of hand t tembroidered t tT
T embroidered imported importedI imp 0 r t e J if iff sl
I f Linen Robes Rob Robesnew e sntw new and andT f
T i pretty pretty styles 7 7 P7 50 rv rvi 1 J
i Special for vpJU vpJUi t si
I i
1 t tSmooty
i i 1i Smoot Smooty Coffer 6 8lIcCalley McCalley McCalleyi l lcCalle Y f
i t 1216 F Street StreetTHE StreetTIE I ITRE
For 2 Days Only y
825 25 New Drop Drophead Drophead DropCabinet
head Cb Cabinetoax Cabinet CabinetOak 1et 1etOak
Oak Sewisr Ma Machine Machlat aa aachiDe ¬
chine chlatj1 chiDeS1375 chineWarranted
j1 S1375 SI3115Warranted 1
Warranted 5 pearsOppenheimers years yearsOppenheimers yearsOppenheimers
Oppenheimers 514 9th St StDoz
0 Doz for 12 Cabinet FotosSpecial Foto Fotos
8 5
3 C Special Offer for 30 Days DaysFABER Da DaF DaT
FABER F A BE R 802 7ft St N T Wf d

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