iF j jTIIT
Syracuse University Chan Chancellor Chancellor Chancellor ¬
cellor in New Outburst Outburstfor Outb Outburstfor rst rstfor
for Monopoly MonopolyCalled MonopolyCalled MonopolyCalled
Called Roosevelt Anarchist AnarchistNow AnarchistNov AnarchistNow
Now Predicts Penalty Penaltyfor Penaltyfor Penaltyfor
for People PeopleStandard PeopleStandard PeopleStandard
Standard Oil Chieftain Dom Dominates Dominates Dominates ¬
inates School That He HeGuides HeGuides HeGuides
Guides GuidesThe
The latest tea pro protrut trust outburst of Chan Cbaniellor CbaReIlOC Chanrellor
iellor Day of Syracuse University Lttty rstty has hasagain hallasaln heaagain
again drawn attention to the man who whoaccused whonCCUHII whoAccused
accused President Pr iIdeet Roosevelt of anarch anarchism a atasrchism reh reh15m ¬
ism It was before the Manufacturers ManufacturersAssociation M 3daattacturereAsodatlea ufact ufactAlWOCtattoK
Association that the gentleman tl4HMR eame eameout tlUReout e me meout
out with his b taros lotion tor the bruises brukeeof bruisesof brutH8of
of the octopus And since einc the be question questionhas quettonhu questionhas
has been 1MenWho asked aekedWho askedWho
Who ta Dr Day DayHe DQlIe DayHe
He was a Methodist Method lt clergyman cter = YMan and to tochancellor lachaftC4tlkr ischanceibr
chancellor of the t Syracuse University Universitythe Untvtythe Lmiversitythe
the President of whose board ta John JohnIX JohnD JohnU
D IX Arcbbwld vice president o ftbe Stand Standard Standard Standard ¬
ard Oil Company Mr Arcbbakls s rela relation r relation la laion ¬
tion to tINt Syracuse seat of learning Is Isit Isit ishbout
it hbout bout tbat of John D Rockefeller to the theChicago thet
t Chicago University Lvtyhe Ln vesityhe he Is Its generous generouspatron generouspatron eneroua enerouapatron I
patron its everpresent helper In n time timeof timeof timeof
of need needChancellor needChaaeetlor needChancellor
Chancellor Day first came into the thelimelight thelimellabt theltmelight
limelight as a defender of trusts on May
9 7 106 1 He gave out an interview In Inwhich Inwhich Inwhich
which he practically charged eharg d PresidentHooeevelt President PresidentRoosevelt PrealdentROOMYelt
Roosevelt with iO anarchy in sending to toCongrees totongrtIII toCongress
Congrees a message lie demanding MAHlIII < the in investigation InveaUgatloft Itveatigatiee ¬
vestigation of the Standard 011 Corpora CorAoratWa Corporation CorJOllLUon ¬
Anarchism in White House HouseIn HouseIn HouseIn
In that interview the th head of SyraCLL6e Syra Syracu SraCUIOe
cu CUIOe UaiverhysaM UaiverhysaMIt University said saidIt aaldjt
It te an amaaing alI Ig blunder for the theChief theChief theChief
Chief executive XXeeutt of a great nation to at attack attaek attack ¬
tack business buIII interests tl judges and per persons perl persona ¬
sons l onaln in proclamations to Congress COItfiJI and In Ininterviews inintervieWli Ininterviews
interviews for the dally dallyAnareblllm prose pressAnareblsm proseAnarchism
Anarchism in the White hlte House to the tbeiii tlHlmoat themost
iii moat OB t perilous anarebtam Rt that ever has basthreatened has1lJrf8t hasthreatened
threatened 1lJrf8t ned our country countryI eMntr eMntrhI
hI I bav have no financi ftft 1 interest t in I the thaStandard theSlandard theStandard
Standard Oil Company CDItt in the Sugar Sugartrust Sugartrust r rtlust
trust or the great rt railways but an in intimate 1 1Umate istitanic ¬
titanic aequ acquaintance elstance with some same of their theirmanagers thekmanageill theirmanagers
managers and the methods of their bus buoiness ttuineu business
iness for twenty twent years eara forces me to the theconviction tbeconvJctJeft theconvietfen
conviction that the President llleftt has It been beendeceived BeeRdtCflved heesdeceived
deceived and bas done men as highminded high highminded blghminded
minded and true as he professes to be bea beIL bea
a great injustice by his amazing blun blunder blunder blunder ¬
der derJames
James Roseoe Jt Day a was born at Whitneyvllle Whit Whltneyville Whitnyvme
neyville Me October 17 1845 He grad
It to rather ther intertimr bttu in those days daysof dayaef daysof
of swgKOstiewB ftC rf trial starring marriages JlllWr lgeII and andthe andte andthe
the te dumping of love 10 upon the rubbish rubbfehheaps nl rubbishheaps hWt hWtheape
heaps to rend accounts of the celebra celebration eeJebratiOn esmebratWn ¬
tion of fiftieth adversaries of wedding weddingdays wMdgda weddhigdays
days daysConspicuous da daysConspicuous
Conspicuous Co among occasions oeea of this thtakind thIBklBd thiskind
kind that have ooenrred oeoerr d recently recentlyis re
is i that of former ton er Postmaster Gen General Oeneral Geaeral ¬
eral and Mrs James A Gary of ofBaltimore tBaltiMOre e1Baltimore
Baltimore who on the with of No sovemher November o oHI ¬
vember HI celebrated their golden wedding wed wedding weddinX ¬
ding surrounded by their children and andgrandchildren aRdgran4ehtldren andgrandchildren
grandchildren to the number of t thirty thirtySons thirtYS thirtySons
Sons S n and daughters bringing their chil children children chltdren ¬
dren with them them filled the spacious man mansion manalOft mansion ¬
sion of General and Mrs aGry aOr Qry which whichis
is in all respects re ar a Mel W al home wherelove where wherelove wherelove
love and happiness reign supreme supremeGarys IlUJWeMeGarys aupremeGarys
Garys Fine Leaking CoupleGeneral Couple CoupleGeneral CoupleGeDeral
General Gary now seventythree and andMrs andMrl andres
Mrs res Gary seventy NVt are a remarkably remarkablyfine remarkablYftne remarkablyfine
fine looking l couple both the embodt embodtrwm embodtrt embodlrtent
rwm ftt > of mental and physical IysICat leal vigor r hap happiness bapplneINI happtnees ¬
piness and cordiality Mrs Gary Is Ismoat a amost amost
most gracious matron who when sur surrounded aurr surrounded ¬
rounded r llnd by b her seven > daughters In their tbeirwedding theirwedding theirwedding
wedding gown JIOWJUI vied ad with them for the thecompliments thtcompJlmen thecompliments
compliments of the fortunate guests of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the evening eveningNo evelagNo v vNo
No evidence ride is noaannary neee to prove that thatlove thatlove thatlove
love has b ben n the bass of such a union unionand unionand unbnand
and the law that bas governed ed such a afamily afamily afamily
family or that th the children will en endeavor endeavor endeavor ¬
deavor to emulate the example exft set be befor be before before
for fore them by their revered pasta The Tbesecond Theor Thesecond
or second generation are intellectually intellectuallymorally InteUectuallyn intetlectualtymorally
morally n raU a aM physically sptemtM sped specimens JifedtfteNI sped10005W ¬
mens 10005W and nd bid fair to be as useful In Intheir Int intheir
their t lr day as their proud antecedents antecedentsGeneral aftteeed8fttOeneral antecedentsGeneral
General and Mrs Gary and ml their at attractive attracth altractlve ¬
tractive daughters dautlht are remembered reft1 bered as asamong IUiiamoftg asamong
among the most charmiag people of the theCabinet theCabinet theCabinet
Cabinet circle There was an air of ofcordial ofordlal ofe
cordial e greeting and genuine hospitality hospitalityFRENCH hlitaJltyFRENCH hospitalityFRENCH
France baa Ii decided to Increase her rev revenues revn revenues ¬
enues n a through tbr uah a tax on the vanity of ofher oCher ofher
her dttaen The increase which It ta taestimated IIItoUted isestimated
estimated will amount to m gtlitea68 M a ayear aoff
year 1 to to come coa e from the use of f titles titlesof Uti Utiifltbe i
aoblef aoblebititles bititles bititlesrth
of off nobilityy nobility t by b bcome persona theoCth of oCth oCthhave o noble = birth birthHitherto rth rthHitherto
undero = =
Hitherto title under underthird the third republic republiclmv republichave
lmv have had only a social IIOda 1 signiicasceTheir significance significanceTheir III1Sftlftea III1SftlfteaTheir
Their authenticity has not been the sub subject IIIUbjfCt subJtct ¬
ject for official Inquiry although h the theusurpation theUIiUrptJoft theusurpatbn
usurpation of a title tld might ml ht be the sub IbJtct subjet subject ¬
jet of a private suit It at law tawTitles lawTit lawTitles
Titles Tit in the future will b be need in official of official oftklial ¬
ficial and legal papers pa rs and awI documents doeu If Ifihe Ift ifshe
she t he holders thereof secure a permit permitfrom fterMltfrom permitfrom
from the ministry tnl try Such permit will in be begranted bitIfnt begranted
granted Ifnt only upon presentation of suf sufficient suftklent sutficlent ¬
ficient evidence ntd that the title IK au authentic authentic nothentk ¬
thentic The Theaee issuance of the permits t In Involves Involv Idvulvee ¬
volves volv payment of the tax from which whichi
i he government expects so large an ad addition addltlon additlon ¬
dition to its annual revenues revenuesAny JeleIUNli revenuesAny
Any n parsons descended from a long longline ton tonlino
line li lin lit of t dukes or marquises who ta will wiuing willing w wIDg
ing to contribute the needful amount amountfor amounttor amountfor
for the he government stump IRII certifying to tohto tohla
hto ancestry Uy eaa have his title entered enteredin 8ftteredrx
in full nl in a deed will or other legal legalflvumnnt legull
flvumnnt document rx i
Head of a University and Defender Extraordinary of Downtrodden Trusts
uated from Bowdoih BowdoJ College in 17J l 673 an anl anlIUNU < l lpursued ipursued
pursued d his studies atud at t Wesleyan Wislt > YILQ aitf aitfDickinson ano anoDleklftMft anDickinson
Dickinson Colleges CoIlt > JIH and received th thdegree tht1eBree thdegree >
degree of LL D from Northwester NorthwesterUniversity Nerthweat NerthweatUnlty NorthwesterUniversity
University Dr Day was a Methodist Metbodtetclergyman MetbodlMelergHNln Methodistclergymen
clergyman In Bath and Portland Me MeBoston XeBo MeBoston
Boston Bo and New York YorkDr YorkDr YorkDr
Dr Day was W elected te4 a Mahop of the theMethodtet theAletkodl8t theMethodist
Methodist Church in ISM JJM but Immediate Immediately at atly ¬
ly resigned He has haIIlMIen been chancellor of ofSyracuse DCSraCWle ofSyracuse
Syracuse University Lnlvt > nity since MH MHHi 11MHi tiffms
Hi ms Dire Prediction PredktieaAmong PreeUeti PredictionAneeag R RAIftClllIt
Among other things tit Chancellor Chase lbr Day Dayin a Daym
in 1 his address this week Mid MidNo saidNo let letNo
No individual can use such sYt h capital or orfurnish ortarnish orfurnish
furnish Ute executive ability for aweh awehachievements llllehachleViItIMIftUl seebachievemnta
achievements as uthe the times tJ now ft demand demandMen deIaaJtdtft demandMen
Men tft must t be incorporated and money moneymassed JnODeyed moneymassed
massed ed Into thousands of millions WIona for forsuch forIeh forsuch
such > purposes purposesThe purpooeanae purposesshe
nae The man who ta shouting himself himselfhoarse b himselfhoarse lMleIf1t0A1iIe
hoarse over trusts u and corporations and andswollen aftCIwollett andswollen
swollen fortunes will take bill place in lahistory inhlHory inhistory
history with the men who smashed Ark
Object Lessons Lessol s in Love LoveIn LoveIii LoeIn
In 50th 50tl Anniversaries AnniversariesControvert Aflliers AnniersiriesControvert rie rieControvert
Controvert Ties Ti eson on Trial TrialCelebration TrialCelebration TrialCelebration
Celebration of Former Postmaster General and andMrs andNrs andMrs
Mrs James A Gary and Hon and Mrs Isaac IsaacR IsaacR IsaacR
R Hitt Fine Examples ExamplesBy
that ta rare fIt in those th later day clap The TheGarys rileorya TheOery
Garys never allowed allew ealiere to feet they tbeywere theywere theywere
were bored by calls eat and other oU eivilUtes eivilUtesshowered elvfUtlellalb tivtutleeshowered
showered alb wer upon them If they were werebored w wbored werebored
bored they were clever enough to hide It Itfrom Ittrolft Itfrom
from their guests They never yer com complained COllIfllallted complained ¬
plained to hosts hCMt of the drudgery < Y im imposed 111IJM imposed ¬
posed upon the families talllll of oinciata oinciataThey 8McIabtThey oflclabThey
They found something thtftJr else to talk about aboutwhen ahautwhen aboutwhen
when returning visits or making their theirdinner theirdinner I
dinner or party calls They made many manypersons HNlnypeNOnS manypersons
persons very happy by giving rivIn them an anouting anouting Iotttlttg
outing at the magnificent country try place placeof JtIaceof placeof
of the Gary at t Catoiunrlile near r Balti Baltimore BaldHHtre Baltimore ¬
more It was wa from the greenhouse Kr at atthis atthis atthis
this lovely home that the gorgeous gorgeouschrysanthemums gorgo gorgoehrYfttMmuHMI gorgouechrysanthemums
chrysanthemums and other oth yellow flow flowera owera dewera
era were grown which hlch were w used In such suchprofusion suchpuhwton h hpntlMllon
profusion on the evening of the MtitHitt JtlL JtlLJlitt IL ILJlitt
Jlitt Anniversary AnniversaryOn
On the same me evening eYeRI Hon and nd Mrs MrsIsaac XuIsaae MrsIsaac
Isaac R Hitt now of Washington and andrecently and andtI andrecently
recently tI of Evanston III observed the thefiftieth the1tt1eth theAltietk
fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day dayat daJat dayat
at th the home h me of their son where the tbechildren theehUdrfl thechildren
children and grandchildren assembled assembledto
to do honor to the venerable pair A Aceremony AceretIIOfty Aceremony
ceremony was performed of exchange xchae of ofplain ofplaiR ofplain I
plain gold rings rin which wh eh were presented presentedin jlle nted ntedIn I i
in appropriate te speeches IIftCh by the eldest rtdeMgrandson eldestgrandeon t tlraftd
grandson on and granddaughter Bishop BishopCranston DlahopCrauaton BishopCranston
Cranston joined the hands of the couple coupleand eoupleanet coupleand j
and pronounced a beautiful benediction benedictionupon benedlctietlupon benedictionupon
upon them Altogether the occasion occasionwas OCClllllofta occasionwas
was a delightful and nd emphasised emphallilled the bless bieseIngs bi biIn blessIngo
Ings In which follow a happy married life lifewhkii lifeWhAtoil Lifewhica
whkii baa been spent > In conformity with withGods withGodliI withGods
Gods holy ordinance ontt Their childrens ehldrenachildren childrenschildren ehlldrenachildren
children rose up and nd called them blessed blessedIt
It ta to be hoped that no anniversary anniversaryof
of t this hili kind may pass JIII unobserved Ienredthere as asthere asthere
there could not poaalbiy he a better ob object object object ¬
ject l4 lesson son in support of the power of oflove oflove oflove
love in marriage marriageOaMrrteM JllarrtaweODNrlPt marriageCpyrlgkt
OaMrrteM an by It AmericMJourMlKx AmericMJourMlKxatiiMr AIIIericaIIJournallbCONVICTS ii iiamber 1
amber amberCONVICTS atiiMrCONVICTS
EARN Sse s 50 OR 5 iIo tio o A MONTH MONTHIt
It ta not generally known but it ta tanevertheless IIInevertlaeIeM isnevertheless
nevertheless a fact that convicts in the theOhio theOhio theOhio
Ohio penitentiary pe ltellUry earn as high highor as 90 90or 0 0or
or J N a month for themselves then working workingovertiMe workbagovertime
overtime They TIt have a certain task to toperform toperform toperform
perform in eight hours and all work workthey workthey
they t get out above their tasks ta reed credited C1IiIdIn reedlied ¬
lied to r themIn them themIn =
In the bolt shop alone more M re than than1tteft JW JWmen 11 11Then
men divide every month 609 0 for work workaccomplished workatComplililbed workaccomplished
accomplished In overtime The eonykts eon convicts eonvlcts ¬
victs are not allowed to work more than thaneight thaneight
eight hours a day Y One man in the
bolt shop earns nearly sob tt every month monthrunning monthrunnlllK monthrunning
running what hat ta called a perfect mill
A large number of convicts clear for forthemselves forthemselves
themselves more than 5fl 30 a month monthSAVINGS moothSAVINGS monthSAVINGS
Savings banks are also well I estab ¬
lished In Japan now Having over leG 100
OQ3ee OOIt In deposits or a four fold In Increase Ine Increase ¬
crease e M in ten year eana This Is even more moresignlncant moresignificant
significant of the he thrift and Increasing Increasingwealth IRCIeasingwtNIlUt Increasingwealth
wealth et the people e than the fact that
In the same time the ordinary deposits
have Increased over twentyfive fold
Wrights rlghtli loom and Whitneys cotton gin ginand fttaand Ift Iftand
I and the pamphleteers who ridiculed ridiculedGeorge ridiculedWorxe rdiculedGeorge
George Stephenaons locomotive locomotiveAs
As long as the people are taught taughtwUkedly taughtwltkedl taughtwickedly
wickedly wltkedl taught by agitators of serious serioustype tterlottatpe 5011005type
type that corporations have for their theirpurpose theirpuIJ theirpurpose
purpose the robbing of the people and andthe andthe nd ndthe
the oppression of the poor business bwdn will willbe willbe willbe
be obstructed and the people will 11I suffer suffera
a severe penalty for their folly follyTbe fotlyThe follyThe
The mechanics and workingmens RMfts In Interest 1ftterclltf Interest ¬
terest terclltf are being imperiled by a spirit of oframpant oCramt oframpant
rampant Investigation n and business persecutloa per persecution 1IIenItJOII ¬
secution today toda far mote than are those thoseof uotcot thoseof
of the great t corporations corporationsMillions COIPOfBdoaaiUUJou corporationsMtUloea
Millions have taken the place of hun hundreds hundreds bundeeds ¬
dreds of thousands as a measure of ofwealth etealtb ofwealth
wealth ealtb Billions wltt displace d JIIIIIIcIMbelere millionsbefore millions millionsbefore
before the century closes closesThe c cThe closesThe
The source of a fear which which cannot t be beexaggerated beexaqeratect besxaagerated
exaggerated ta the entrance tra ce of tabor taborunionism 1a1lorunJonblm laborunionism
unionism into polities and Its ad adof adoption adollUottot adoptionof
of socialism and anarchy as a crot crotdoctrine creed and aIMIdoctrtne anddoctrine
doctrine doctrineCHIME doctrtneGHARIT doctrineHAR1TABLE
Associated Charities Rer Rerceives Re Receives Receives
ceives Help From Many Manyof Manyof Manyof
of Its Friends Friendsi Friendskill Friendstsward
i Toward making kill up the th deceit < e ett m Ja this thisyears thtayears thIooUeedaM
years oaitectfons as compared wish last lastyears JutaM lastyears
years and toward tow meeting the thee neees neeesaary meeessnry
aary e expense pese of the work the lit Aametat Aseoented Aametated AMOeIateel
ed Charities has received recely the th following followingcontribution 18l1owt 18l1owtcoatribeetiota followingceathibutons
contribution which have h been sent to toalt
alt G street and acknowledged by John Johni JohnSoy JohnJoy
i Joy Kdson treasurer on behalf of the theboard therd thebard
board rd of managers of the tit society societyThomas MektyThOJll societyThoneaa
Thomas ThOJll P Stephenaon si Kate Kat Foot Fooce FooceH FooteS
15 S H Achterkircben 6 Mrs Marion MarionFranjclln 101 101FlIUJClIn MartenFragklinlx
Franjclln Fragklinlx Jg Mrs I B Mbulton Us 1 1 T TE TE
E s Wilcox S2 A K Paterson tt ttCharles ttI 4tCharles
Charles G Sawtelle Sawt X 8 George Y YWortbington YWorthlnilOn YWorthington
I Worthington 11 W P Burch I 1 Mrs MrsElisabeth InElisabeth Mr
Elisabeth Wagner I t From a well wellwteber welllber wellwisher
wisher lber 1 Phillip F Lamer Ji MUM MUMA MIR MissA
A R R Green Frederick P k A A litton HoltonJessie I IJNiIIe t tJessie
Jessie MeL Watson ataJoft fi s Capt P V VFoamier VFoumllr VFournier
Foamier 16 Thomas Tho B Hutchtoon Hueh HuehMra lie lieMrs ie ieMrs
Mrs B Eo C T 1 1 Mr Ir and Mrs rs Charles CharlesB CharieMX
B X Foster le M Capt Joseph T TCrabite TCrabitew Crabbe CrabbeK
K Mr w Mrs M B Dodge K the Washing Washington Wlngton Washington ¬
ton Luna Park Company J1U tU8 tt81 Mrs MrsPhilip XnPItJUp MrsPhilip
Philip F Lamer I i L r C W Mrs MrsMary tIrWary MrsMary
Mary L L Townsend JM JMThe S SThe 189 189The
The Citizens Relief Association has hasreceived ha hareeeived hasreceived
received toward its fund for the pur purchase purchaM perchase ¬
chase of food fuel and nd clothing clotltJ g for die distressed dltH dietrussed ¬
trussed families the following contrlbu contributions contrlbution contrlbutloea ¬
tions which have been sent t to Ml G Gstreet Gstreet Gstreet
street and acknowledged ackROled ed with the thethanks
thanks Un UI of the society by b John Job F Wll Wlli WIIkhts 11 11kina
kina treasurer Laura Wallace tlaee M cents centsMrs centa8 centsMrs
Mrs S 8 It Mrs Seaton Perry iv 1ftThoMa laThomas
Thomas B Hutch lIutchlMOn Inson s 11 Mrs Irs k E CT C CT CT
T 1 1 L L C n 3Ira I B Moulton U L 1
50000000 IN SMOKE SMOKESso
Sso 30000000 oooooo PROFITS PROFITSStatistics PROFITSStatJatJ PROFITSStatistics
Statistics show that nearly four hit ¬
lion cigarettes were or smoked 1ft m Austria Austriain Au Austriahi trta trtain
in BOO 1roi us well ell as wine me IB166Wcigars 13Meweoo 13Meweoocigars 1110Oetpn
cigars The figures which are furnished fur furntohed furnlabed
ntohed by the government monopoly monopolyshow JMeftOpoIaho Aienopolyshow
show aho an enormous increase J In cigaralto cigar cigarette clpret ¬
alto et te smoking smokingThirty anwklngThirty smokingThirty
Thirty years ago 2J 3 cigarettes tI rett was
th the annual jual average
per percapita percapita
capita for the whole poiwlaUonTlJutt poiwlaUonTlJuttcigars population Last
year the average w was HL5 per capita
In the aanie n period the consumption of ofclprJI ofcigars
cigars decreased from 397 1 to 413 per perLast percapita
capita CfAJMtaLaat C CLast
Last year 31ttaMa SlliI fewer cigars were weresmoked weresmoked
smoked than in MfcM while cigarettes cigarettesshowed ct cigarettesshowed reit reitshoed
showed an increase of lC7OteMQi 1CT ie7oo lo The Thecountry Thecountrys Thecountrys
countrys s smoke bill for the year was aa
tSoOMM0 6108168 011I which was tatOWe 9O9 more than
In MM 10 Th receipt of the tobacco tobaeeo1IIOftOJW1 tobaccomonopoly
monopoly exceeded exceeded the expenses by
more than Ioo IooROMAK X6aoOGO X6aoOGOROMAN 30001009ROMAN
An unusual type of Roman villa halt haabeen haltbetn hasbeen
been unearthed on the site su of the an ancient aRa ancleat ¬
cleat England a Roman The TVf encampment remains rn have i v vft In ft been Caerwent r rto found foundto foundto
to be in an excellent state of preservaton preserva preservation prlVAra ¬
ton A departure rte from the conven conventional ronventhonai ¬
tional practice ra = rtetao of the tao Romans o ervr ervrdeaifI in the thedesiftuB thedesISus
desiftuB of their residences re idettee as revealed revealedby rolil8dby revealedby
by previous excavations In that country coun country country ¬
try ta the provision of extra rooms roomsabutting roomalabutUng roomsabutting
abutting on the four sides of the court courtyard courtyard courtyard ¬
yard In th the basement two completely completelyperfect completelyperf8lt completelyperfect
perfect heating devices or hypocausts hypocaustswere hypocaulltswere hypocauetswere
were found together with the peculiarly pecullarlt
blue tllof t in utized ized Izatbfro Izatbfroe Izatbfrothe by the e owners for forconducting forconducting
conducting g t thi heat from the u stove in inthe Inthe
the basement and radlaUng it through throughthe Utrougttr throughthe
the upper roams of the dwelling V In the thebasement t tRoman thebasement
r r J fineIa
basement some exquisite specimens specmens of ofRoman ofRoman
Roman paving were unearthed
Continued from Third Page Pagebiff Pagebig Pagebig
big success To be sure If it were not notIt notit notit
It would have to be one great MB failure fail failure fallure ¬
ure for they dont do things on a small smallscale smalllItale smallacale
scale over at the Hippodrome The mer mermaids mermaids mermaids ¬
maids seem to enjoy enjo themselves splashing splash splashing splsahIng ¬
ing around in the water and it is a amatter amatter amatter
matter of record that all the chorusgirls chorus chorusgirls chorusgirls
girls in the company have filed appllcations appll applications appllcations ¬
cations as understudies for the mer mermaids mermaids roarmalds ¬
maids in case of any of them should re resign re resign resign ¬
sign The mermaids realize that hat they theyare theyare theyare
are the hit of the show however and andall andall andall
all of them Intend to keep on mermaid mermaiding mermaiding mermaidtog
ing as long as poslble po lhle The water sepno sepnoof s seenoof no noof
of Neptunes Daughters continues to tobe tobe tobe
be the moat mo t sensational novelty ever evershown evershown ver vershown
shown in a plae place of amusement The TheclnUH ThelrlId Thecirrus
cirrus acts ts in the arena IIre are changed chang at atfrequent atfrtttuent atfrequent
frequent intervals and Mareellne the theluwn Utedown thee
< down has a new automobile act ct which whicharouses whlekar whicharouaeam
arouses ar lle laughter from the little IItU ones onesPioneer 0 0Jloneer onesPioneer
Pioneer Cays the big Indian spec spectacle spectacle spectack ¬
tacle which is I the opening feature of ofthe ofthe f fthe
the program ta well worth seeing seeingAnd BngAnd seeingAnd <
And speaking > P klng of the Hippodrome the thedifference thedltCerence thedifference
difference between WH American and Hag HtagI BttbIih Haghalt
halt I ish newspapers new paperq te illustrated by the thepace theil thespaee
pace il ace in a London paper devoted to a areoent arent arerent
rent happening at t the New YPrkIllppodrome Yprk YprkHippodrome Yplkl1ippodrolR
Hippodrome Peter MeNally toNalt a well wellknown wenknown weltknown
known swimmer recently dived into the thewater thewater thewater
water tank of Neptunes Daughters Daughtersto Dliltghteto
to rescue a mermaid erJ 8ld he thought was wasdrowning wa wadrowning wasdrowning
drowning and the next morning the theNew thiXew theNew
New York papers printed an elaberata elaberataacount elaberatecount ebtberateacount
acount of his II exploit The news ReW ReWcaLI was wascabled wascabled
cabled caLI to London and here Is what an anEnglfaih anEn anEnglish
English En llllh newspaper did to It ItThere ItThere ItThere
There was Wit a quaint scene at the NewYork New NewYork NewYork
York Hippodrome the other ot r evening A Awellknown Awtllknowft Awellknown
wellknown swimmer > sitting tUng IR the thestalls thetans thestalls
stalls tans near the stage formed the impres impression bnpr bnprslm hnprtslion ¬
lion that one of the mermaids wa was In Indanger InIlanger indanger
danger of drowning lIe dived after afterher afterlieI aftertier
her getting thoroughly wet wetfor for noth nothing nothIng nothing ¬
ing as It appearedIt appeared ftP8 rd rdIt < t tIt
It Is I to cry cr But hasnt It got a adandy adandy adandy
dandy press agent agentTo agentTo agentTo
To return however how to Ute New York Yorksituation YorkaltuaUon Yorksituation
situation Apart from the plays llar men mentioned MMtlo nteatloned ¬
tioned tlo ed all of which hleb have gotten x tt8R whit wMIpast willipat whitpast
past th the W9 te mark rk there are half a dozen dozenthat fIozenthat dozenthat
that are undoubtedly in for equally long longruns longruns longruns
runs though they are mere recent ar arrivals u uriva atrivals ¬
rivals riva on Broadway There is The TMROM TheRose TheRose
Rose of the Ranche good to stay the thaseason tMlleallOR theseason
season out and start tart merrily in an an another aRother another ¬
other Th Then r llJ4tRHareely Is B a r ly dare men mention MftUon menthin ¬
thin it in the same breath breathn breathnOIIIan breathWise breathWiseWoman Wma WmaWoman
Woman OIIIan and Swig S g a burlesque at the theCirete tbeCtrel theCircle
Circle which has been there for eight eightwt elcbtwl8ka eightweeks
wt weeks eks and 1111 as the sensation of the mo moment 11IOmeat memeet ¬
meat I I attracting attractl g to the little playhouse playhousea
a clientele entirely out of its usual HIM lineof HIMof 11 11of
of audiences aucll ItC4 s There is The Parisian ParisianModel ParisianModel
Model at tlw Broadway and l1 l1Ben The TbeBell TheBelle
Bell Belle of Mayfalr at Dalys and The TheIan Tb TbMan TheMan
Man of the Hour > at the Savoy Savoa1J all of ofthese ortbe ofthere
these have gotten well past th their ir fif fiftieth ftftWth flftietb ¬
tieth performance And th there se are theneCOIIMnI the thenewcomers thenewcomers
newcomers The Read to Yesterday Yesterdayand yterdayIUId Yesterdayand
and firewaters > a Millions 1111 both doing a abig abitr ablg
big business and iralees signs gM fall like Hkely likely hikely
ly i is stay a long tine Urn U Indeed Brew Brewsters rMItera llrewsters
sters Million Is so o popular that a sec second MOond seeond ¬
ond company co is being organized organizedbe or aRlHd aRlHdOf
Of theM the only one e that seems to tobe tobe
be thinking of moving is The HJ Hypecril Hypo Hypocrites O Ocrtt ¬
crites crtt and it to I only thinking of it t to tomake tomake tomake
make room for Mrs 01 Leslie Carter and andher andher IMI IMIhr
her now play y Ctoo They were an announced a1JnOllaNd announced ¬
nounced t ts open at the Hudson Ot1 OH Feb February JIebruary Pubrusty ¬
ruary U bat t th the nearer rer February H Hcome 11cOlJt4lllr Iicome
come cOlJt4lllr MM more uaoertam Cleos Cleosprospect CIeo CIeoPl08peeta s sprospects
prospect Just at present Mrs Carter Garteris
is enjoined from producing K KMrs It Itrs itMrs
Mrs rs Koyie speaking for ber er husband husbandexplain huakRdeXpiaJM husbandettplaMi
explain that the manuscript u had been beenband beenact beenso
act garbled an and ehangw that her hue Itoeband hueband
band IeltIt f ltli would be an injustice both bothto bothto bothto
to himself and the public to allow its itsproduction ItaprodtktJoa Itsproduction
production productionTher prodtktJoaTherE productionThere
TherE < > have been all aorta of rumor rumorfur ru rufur rumorfor
fur some IM Um time p p at of friction tries Ion betweenK betweenMrs between betweenMrs
Mrs K Carter JNII and wM pretty pNu nearly nearlyeveryone JIUllyeveryone nearlyeveryone
everyone DUimgaam T1IIA her manager and andRoyl andBoyle nd ndRoyl
Royl Boyle author aut of her play to say noth nothing nothIng nothlag ¬
ing of divers actors who 110 have MY been put putforward patlorward putforward
forward as her leading man n It has hasboon Usbo hasbevn
boon bo D said that tJta tat at one of r th t the r rehearsals relMarttal8not rehearsalsnot harsalsnot
not long age a Mrs M Carter in a lit of ofanger orqH ofanger
anger struck Mr Boyle Jt Jle m 1ft Ute fae faeAnyhow fa faAnybo face faceAnyhow
Anyhow Anybo far the moment Royle has the thelast theIaat thelast
last word ord and nd It ta injunction injunctionTheatrical IhjuootionTheatrical RjuIlOchNtTbeatrkal
Theatrical government erftMeut by InjuRe tajuncUon InjuReUon injuncton
Uon sooais to be becoming rather a afad alad afad
fad Last week Brady was reported reportedto Np rted rtedtoo
to b be muttering Iftue nng threats of injunction injunctionagainst Injunctionst injunctionagainst
against Douglas Fairbanks who on an announcing ftnouadDg announdog ¬
nouncing his engagement > ngag ment to a daugnter daugnterof
of excotton king Sully 6 lly announced also aUohta aillob alsohie
hta b Intention of leaving the stage and andgoing andgoing andgoing
going into business buain Faitbanks plays playsa
a leading part in The Man of the thoHour thPHour thehour
Hour and Brady Urad feeling that he needed neededhim RefHltdbhlt seededhint
him in hi b his butanes proposed JI8 an in injunction laJuact1cft Injunction ¬
junction to prevent his breaking till htacontract tillI hiscontrast
contract contractThen contNetThen contrastThen
I Then there was De Vrtos Vr ts who whoopened whoopeMd whoopened
opened In The Double iAfe I4f at the theBUou theDUou theBtjou
BUou nod ctos dosed d again 8118 because Rhine Rhinehart fthinehart Ithl Ithlhart
hart Roberta author of his play threatened threat threatened thre1tened ¬
ened an Injunction on very y y much the theMime tltQme thesame
Mime me ground II na a Kdwia Milton Mllt ft Roytae Roytaeagainst R Reyleaagainst yl ylapJaat
against Mrs 1 Carter CarterThe CarterTIM CarterThe
The Bijou has ha been In hard luck lu k Th Thunexpected ThuaexpectlHl The Theunexpected
unexpected termination of the De Vrie Vrieengagement Yrlesen Vrieeengagement
engagement en t left it dark for over a aweek aw awesk
week w k Then it opened with The Mimic Mimicand MI1cand Mimicand
and the Maid RhI absolutely absoJutoel the worst worstever wontever worstever
ever which hleh ran n for on saw pretty night nightNow nhtNow nightNow
Now after another period of darkness darknessAlia darkmgAlma a aAlia
Alia Nazim NaztlRMa ra has taken possession possessionwUh WMIeIiIIIIoftith possessionwith
with ith The Doils House in which she sheha 21H1hAIl shelute
ha hAIl created fl a furor This will give givemany glyemany givemany
many who have wanted to t ale her won wonderful wonderful wonderfut ¬
derful performances JtC86 and have not It t beta btnable botutt betaable
able to g get rt oft in 11I the afternon an rp rplle rpportuslty
portuslty t S She wilt remain e rfti in th the lit little ft fttM
lle slay y house Jteu e until Henrietta Crosman Crosmancomes Cro Crosmancomas man mane
comes m n an February Fbruar 11 for a four fourweeks ffrweeks fourweeke
weeks engagement with AIIefaSod Ahi ef aSel
d den n Peggy PeggyWord PegtCord PeggyWord
Word ord come coasts by the WRY that Sarah SarahTriMX SarahTlUioix SarahTruax
TriMX who was De VrieoJ Vri leading ltng l lady ladyin ldyIn eiy eiyIn
in his illfated The Double Life is isto IsI isto
to star next ne < t season se in a play written writtenespecially wrlttefteaptClally
I especially for hot by Mr MM Dore Lyonthe Lyonthe Lyon Lyonthe
the wellknown New Ne York club woman womanIt womanIt womanIt
It is to be hoped that the piay I y is worthy worthyof worthyu worthyof
of Miss Truax This will be her finK ftratstarring finKlitarrlll tirutstarring
starring < venture though for years ears the shehas thehas Ihebas
has taken leading parts in big productlons produc productions IHoduct1ons ¬
tions and has rapidly pushed > uehed herself herselfto
to t th the front as one of the foremost foremostThe toreaHtilthe foremostThe
The he venture > will 111 be under the manage management manlttement managemeat ¬
ment of John Cort and under the per personal peronal r rIOGnal ¬
sonal direction of Max lkX ITigman 13 13memberlng le lememberlng 2e 2emumbering
memberlng Miss Truaxs recent work workas worka8 workas
as Anne with Robert Loraine in Man Manand Stanand Ian Ianand
and Superman and as Henrietta In Inthe Inthe inthe
the allstar production af Th The Two TwoOrphans TwoOrphans rwoOrph
Orphans Orph ns a couple of years back cue cuecan cnecan e ecan
can but wish her the luck she deservesHOW deserves deservesHOW detittrVeHOW
Blanche Bates is in all probability the theonly theonly theonly
only player of the present pr lent generationwho generation generationwho generationwho
who has played to an audience of ap approximately approximately approximately ¬
proximately 2000 ° 000 persons all of whom whomwillingly whom1lUnSly whomwillingly
willingly stood for two and a halt halfhours halthours halthours
hours to watch her performance and andthen andtten andthen
then announced aRnoup otd its readiness to remain remainstanding remainstanding remainstanding
standing that much longer to see It 1trepeated Itrepeated Itrepeated
repeated This unusual compliment to toMiss toliss toSties
Miss liss Bates powers was paid her In I
Seattle Washington a hlngton about bout two years yearsago yearsago I
ago when she was playing the littleprincess little littleprincess littleplnee
plnee princess s Yo Ban In The Darling of theGods the theGods theGod
Gods and the event is indelibly marked markedupon markedupon marikedupon
upon the memories of the actress and andall anaall andall
all those who were connected COD tlld with her herat herat herat
at the time David Belasco bad just justannounced ju justannounced t tannounced
announced the severance of all coreneauoeae con connections eonne ¬
ne nections t1Ofts he may y hay have had with that thatgroup thatroup thatroup
group roup of managers J known a ar the heat theatnoal thtrJoal
noal real trust Tb The theatrical situation ltuaU ft in inthe Inthe Inthe
the far West was virtually vtrtaaU controlled controlledby ecHItrolldby controlledby
by the syndicate tlleate and the only theater theaterat theatftlat theaterat
at which hieh Miss Bates could appear was wasa
a newly new er erected eted playhouse intended ed for forvaudeville torvaudeville forvaudevtic
vaudeville The structure > was complete completeexcept compl8teex completeexcept
except ex pt for the seats ta which were we ex expected expeeted expected ¬
pected at almost any time Urn But by the themorning tb8IMPftlfttr themessing
morning of the day da Miss Bates engage engagement engagemeht e eItMIftt ¬
ment was to begin n the chairs bad not notarrived no noarrived noarrived
arrived A pedal force of workmen workmenWMI workmenwu workmenwas
was in waiting to place thorn the tb mo moment JIIOJft seemeat ¬
meat Jft they came but they waited id idvain 1ft 1ftam Invain
vain A Wlzaard had tied up In the themountain themounta theneountalni
mountain mounta UtA train It pre on which the seats seatswere aeatawere seatswere
were loaded loadedAt eatl eatlAt leadedAt
At about lHMat 7 711 ii Ute lobby of the theater theaterand tbuteraad theaterand
and the pavement outside We wu crowded crowdedwith crowdedwtth crowdedwith
with prospective members JIt of the UMwalUM audlene audl audlenoe >
enoe ene waiting < for the doors to open openSadly opwtadty openSadly
Sadly Ute manager manager IeIof of Ute theater th an announced an1t annoarmed ¬
nounced 1t tbt Having no plane pUoeto to seat seatthem sentthem t ttHiR
them he be could not let the people enter enterthere 8ftWIthere eaterthere
there would be no performance and d nil nilmoney aUmone altmoney
money mone would be MT refunded refaudedThere refundedThere
There T w wu a a murmur tiom r iota his b bearers bearersof beaI beaIof bearersof
of disapprobation lUlU diog dtegust st Next Nexttnere NexttlNlN Nextthen
then appnnred a a svokommeJi who said snMhta saidhis Id Idparty
his party wu wu willk wtU wtUtzg tr K to stand and wit witness witII witnest
ness II the nerfonnance parfos seance Others followed followedhim toIlolfIdhiM followedhim
him himApprebetisive
Apprehensive of the result but hoping hopingfor bopIngtBr hopingfor
for the best the manager lDIUIa ordered the tbedoor thedftorif thedoors
door opened and th the < audience died nldin IIledIa diedIn
in and selected its standing standtn room roomThe 1OOIItI roomme
I The Darling of the Gods was a long longperformance longperforMance longperformance
performance and It was w fully 11 oclock oclockbefore oe1ockI oe1ockbefore oclockbefore
before the final curtain curta fell fell But during duringthat duringi duringthat
I i that time u there was w not a murmur rMur of ofprotest ofpnKNt ofprotest
protest because of the discomfort and andMiss andM andMiss
Miss M Bates herself declare 4Iee she never neverplayed eYerplayed neverplayed
played to an audience that seemed o mnd sa saIntensely IIInt sointensely
Intensely Int Interested Sbh She was forced to tomake tomake tomake
make a speech and received a record recordnumber recordnUMber recordnumber
number of curtain cans cansAnd palls pallsAnd Ha HaI
I And the next n nelrt t day tile house manager managerreceived managerremoved g gr6oeIyeca <
received from a committee COIIIIIII ee of oUfoens oUfoensa
a l letter U r announcing JJOUJadIl < their bob wflttogftose to tostand totaIMI tostand
stand again gin if Mto Ma Mi Bates eonld be In Induced 1ftduetMI Induced ¬
duced to return tura awMbor night that tbatweek thatweek thatweek
week weekAt
At the Theaters TheatersCrtamtta TheatersCthsmbiaKrle TheatersColumbiaKyrie
Crtamtta CthsmbiaKrle Kyrle Bellew and FURY FaasyWard FURYI FannyWard
Ward is A Marriage ef f Reason ReasonWashington easen easenWashington HHnlrKton
Washington to to have a really im beportent important 1Mportat ¬
portent first t night when Kyrie Bel Bellew Bellew Bellaw
lew comer to the Columbia Colu Theater TheaterMonday TbwI TheaterMonday
Monday I night for f the urban premiere premiereof pre aof
of A Marriage Kania of Measoo the new newpbvy HWpIA newplay
play pIA by J Hartley Manners In which whichthis walchtha whichthis
this polished and cosmopolItan Kaa Mar starhope Marho Marhopes
hope ho to make Ute success of his bJamarkabIe re remarkable remarkaNe ¬
markable career careerA cafterA careerA
A Marriage of Reason to a human humandocument h htIoewnent humandocument
document upon the th much dtocueeed subject sub subject IMthjoct ¬
ject of international marriage The Tbedramatist Thedramatlllt Thedramatist
dramatist takes up the loveless union unionof uatonot unionof
of an n English earl 1 and a wonderful wonderfulChicago wonderfulCtaleap wonderfulChicago
Chicago beirees heir and makes the wife wK win wintbe willthe winthe
the respect and at t but the to love of her hernoble bernobJe hernoble
noble husband T Te aim has been to toportray toportJay toportray
portray the the finest type > pe of oftbe Eneltobman Eagft4maaand Eneltobmanand
and tbe best t type of American girt and andto andto andto
to show lIb w how th their marriage mnrrta e moot uet uetlnevltabl alMost al almost
most Inevitably lnevltabl result in the further furtherrefinement 1UIttt 1UItttNftIIement furtherrefinement
refinement and development of each eachTo eacbTo eachTo
To Kyrle Bellew falls the role of Ute tbeea UteMM theeast
MM ea 4 which suits aul J him down to the tbeground UNpouttd theground
ground He has ample mple room for all bill htoelegance billof hiselegance
elegance of artistry his flnrssn of man manner maaII manner ¬
II ner his suavity uait his urbanity urbaatt urbaattNal and gen general general ¬
eral refinement HIIt8IlL fie earl when we wefirst weAnt wefirst
first meet t him to bankrupt slightly slightlyfrostbitten slightlytrustbtta i tly tlytrNtbIttea
frostbitten about Ute temples teat and en engaged eappd engaged
gaged at Goodwood race course in bet betut Mttlag betting
ting the last t remnants t h his fortu fortuIn fortune fortunehi
In ut order to win himself out of bank bankruptcy baaknllKCY bankropley ¬
ruptcy lie loses and there th within wttbinsound wi withinsound aift aiftlIOuncI
sound of galloping hoofs proposes to toMies toX1N tonee
Mies nee Rita Forrest of Chicago who ac accepts aeNpts accepts ¬
cepts him on the frank understanding understandingthat <
that she to trading < pApa8 papas dollars llartl for forBis forhit forhis
hit title lit and Delconbe Abby It to to be beRita Nthey bethey < I
they agree a marriage e of ofRita reason reasonRita
Rita Forest as the Couat Countess of Del Delcombe DelCOIIIbe Delcombo
combe to a very energetic young OUJaand < person personand personand
and her Chicago h hustle turtle conflicts CCN amus amusingly aMWIlnaly amusbagly ¬
ingly with British Brit lb stolidity Karl Delcambe Del Delcombe DeICOMbe I
combe has divorced his first wife and andretained andretained andretained
retained bill boa on Tony who falls fall in I love lovewith lovewith lovewith
with his new mother right away All Allkinds Allkinds 11 11kbuk
kinds of problems probl face the American Americangirl Ametleangirl Americangirt
girl m In Bogmaed Knjriand including British cue custom cutOl1l cuetorn ¬
tom and her h Yankee twang the di divorced diverted 1tvoreed ¬
vorced wife and another married marriedwoman marriedwoman ried riedWOIRaft
woman who bo ta In love with Carl Del Delcombe DeIcombe Delrumba
combe The Th situations are re Mid to be bedecidedly betkcldedl bedecidedly
decidedly tkcldedl ort ortiinal bial 1aa1 and to give the play playera pla7en playera
era unusual opportunity for strong strongdramatic trongdrUe strongdramatic
dramatic work To Miss Fannie Ward Wardfresh Wardfresh aro arotNIt
fresh from London triumphs trlu falls the therole tltero therole
role ro of Rita Forrest She to a beau beautiful beauUful beauUtul ¬
tiful clever clev natural American girl atrtIfet selected se selected ¬
lected Ifet by b tINt playwright himself as em embodying ent1Io4IyIg embodying ¬
bodying his h ideal of the finest American Americangirl A Americangirl n nrI
girl rI abroad Of course what begins b ine as s a amarriage aJllrrtage amarriage
marriage of reason ends as a love lovematch Ioematch lovematch
match matchTO matchTo matchTo
TO Miss X Jwla Jul Den has b been en intrusted intrustedtbe intrufltedthe intruetedthe
the role of the British beauty beauty who whoMekII whoseeks i iseeks
seeks to rival the American ArI an countess in inthe Inthe inthe
the affections aJteetl of her noble husband hUtibARdremarlcaWe A Aremarkable Aremarkable
remarkable group p of players will be seen seenat seeRt seenat
at t the premiere including in addition to tothose tothoH tothose
those already named Frederic de Belle Belleville BellctY11le Belleyule ¬
yule Conway Tearl J K Adams Ada Mas Mastar Iall Ialltee 1 1ter
tee Richard Story Miss 11III Margaret Fuller Fullerand Pullerand Fullerand
and Miss Maud Ream StoverThe Stover StoverThe StoerThe
The play is said Idto to be exquisitely exquisitelydressed exqul exquisitelydressed ltely ltelydrealMd
dressed and rid superbly set The four acts actsare aetsare actsare
are laid In and around Delcombe Abbey Abbeywhich Abbey1tich Abbeywhich
which 1tich ta saU eau l to really re Uy be the country countryseat countt counttt countryseat
seat t of a British duke who also has an anAmerican aftAmertean anAmerican
American wife Mace Mis 1 Ward has the therights theri therights
rights ri < hta of A Marriage arrtage of Reason for forLondon forLondon forLondon
London and will ultimately star tar in that thatcity thatcity thatcity
city In the role of Rita Forrest orrt The TheAuthor TtHJAuthor TheAuthor
Author J Hartley Manners > annerw will be bepresent bepretMftt liepresent
present at the premiere Thursday and andSaturday aRdSaturday andSaturday
Saturday matinees will be given givenNational IPv IPvNatio givenNationalRobert
National Natio NationalRobert alRabert Rebert Edown Ed Hn in Strong Strongheart Stronlheart Strongheart
heart heartRobert heartUobut heartRobert
Robert Edesons success fat the great greatAmerkan BrtAmerkan greatAmerkan
Amerkan college eol play fltrongheart fltrongheartin clMArt clMArtIn
in a way marked a new epoch in dra dramatics dramatica dramatics ¬
matics Strange as it may y seem it hap happened happened happened ¬
pened to be tbe first real 1 presentation presentationof prae tatlon tatlonof
of a native American Amerlctbe the IJMlIaRln Indian in the thelight thelight thelight
light in which hleh he to s and nd should be re regarded re regarded regarded ¬
garded And all Americans native or oradoptive oradoJMlvt oradoptive
adoptive > lauded and approved appr ed Henry Henryn
11 Harris in ha production and Wil William Wil11am WIIllam ¬
liam I D > Mill MIUe in his b choice of theme themehave themelave themehave
have been equally felteltuoug in the theselection t tseleetior theselection
selection of settings and literary back background background background ¬
ground against which the MOl to re related to toted reed ¬
lated ted Columbia University New ew York Yorkcity YorkIb Yorkity
city Ib is the locale and the scenes picture pictureevents pcturoventlil ptclurdevents
events on and awl about and during the thegreat thegreat thegreat
great football seas sesjjjn Jft m Stronghoart Is Isa Isa Isa
a fullblooded son of a Western We teeR chief chiefwho ehletwho chiefwho
who appreciating appreelaU the value Iae of white whiteman wbltema whiteman
man ma civilization ha baa put his boy boythrough boytbro boythrough
through tbro rh Carlisle and later Jat through Co Columbia Cehmblll Cohimbia ¬
lumbia University where he has be become Bec become ¬
come c me a leader In sports to say nothing
of being a general social favorite favoriteFriendship tAvorlteFriendship favoriteFriendship
Friendship regardless of color Is por portrayed portreyed portrayed ¬
trayed but racial prejudices In a dra dramatic dramntlc dramatle ¬
matic moment show that regardless of ofenvironment oteftlronment ofenvironment
environment or surroundings no senti sentiment Bentlment sentiment ¬
ment obtains when color is in question questionWhile questonWhile ue Uon UonWhile
While the serious national problem runs runsthrough runsthrough runsthrough
through Strongheart there Is In reality real reality 1061Hy ¬
ity a wealth of fine comedy scuh as Is Isfoum Istount Isfouns
foum in youthful outhful college life All lov lever lovers love ¬
ers e er of the great game revel revelln in the second secondact HOOndaet secondact
act which shows the training quarter quarternof
of a football team and the keenly keenl id idterestlng hittre Idterenting
terestlng ttre Ung episodes centered therein The Thecompany TheOOBlfMlny Thecompany
company supporting Mr Ir Kdesori dENlOn in includes Ineludes Inetudes ¬
eludes Mary Boland who has ba won sue suet sueas sueroes
roes < t e as Mr Ir Kdesons Jde80 s leading woman womanSydney womanSydney womanSydney
Sydney Ainsworth Frank J Melntyre MclntyreIra MelntyreIra MelRtJOreI
Ira Hards a d Marjorie O Wood A Byron Byroneasley ByronBosleY
BosleY easley I Francis f Bonn n Beatrice tk Pros Prentice Prostics ¬
tics Richard nlchard Sterling David Todd Har Harrison nrrItIon IlanAeon ¬
rison Ford Pauline Boyer V A A Tw Twner foJrMr Pernor
nor Desiree Lazard Clay C1a Boyd Paul PaulDickey 1ulDJrke PaulDlekey
Dickey DJrke Siegfried Sl ctrled and others othersBelasco othersBelascoBlanche th nL nLBelascoBlancheBates
Belasco BelascoBlancheBates BelascoBlanche Blanche Bates in The Girl of ofthe oftbe ofthe
the Golden West WestAnother WedAnother WestAnother
Another Belosoo luoo triumph Blanche BlancheBates ma BlancheBates tbe tbeDat
Bates Dat in The Girl of the Golden G ldiift West Westwill Westwill
will 111 be the offering at the Balance n this thisweek thisWMk thisweek
week MUM Bates and The Girl of the theGolden thttG81den theGolden
Golden West est opened the tk Belasoo Thea Theater Thoatel Theater ¬
ter aa such a year ago last October Octoberand Octoberand Octoberand
and going from there to New York Yorkheld Yorkheld Yorkheld
held tha rapt attention of New York Yorkaudiences Yorkaudlen8ea Yorkaudiences
audiences for the past two seasons at atMr at1tlr atlie
Mr Belaseos home theater theaterMiss theater1m theaterMiss
Miss 1m Bates Bat herself ta so well known knownin kQOWRtn knownIn
in this city elt and her abilities so gener generally generaUy generally ¬
ally recognized reoegnlz d that It ta unnecessary unnecessaryto
to make mere than a simple announce announcement announcement announcement ¬
ment of her h coming te insure InlHJ her a acordial aeonIlal acordial
cordial reception Her play The Girl Girlof Otrlof Girlof
of the Golden West Vest Vtl t to a four act actdrama actdrama actdrama
drama of California and the geld fields fieldsin fieldsIn fieldsin
in the days of 4t written and pro produced produfId produaed ¬
duced by Mr Belasco Its worth orth as a avehicle avehicle avehicle
vehicle for the talents of its star ta at 81t88td attested I Itasted
tasted by the praise it has received from fromthe tromthe fromthe
the critics of New York and the few fewother feW8thr fewother
other cities where it has been presented presentedand preHllttidand presentedand
and its phenomenal plumom nal run in New York YorkIts Yorkltli YorkIts
Its action Is stirring its situations im impreMiva ilRpre haprssetve
preMiva pre he and taken as a whole wh ht the theeffort theeffort
effort 8 < < t is a goodly example of the cap capability capability capability ¬
ability of Mr Belasco Dell1 O both as a play playwright playw playwright ¬
wright w t and a producer producerThe producerThe
The east which hrc supports orts Miss Mis Bates Batesto BatesIs
to one of individual and collective collectivestrength colleeUvfttrength collectivestrength
strength The entire company eompa y has en enjoyed ejo enjoyed ¬
joyed jo months of rehearsals and per performances peltormllees performsnees ¬
formances directed in person my Mr MrBeiasco MrD4IIalleO MrBelasco
Beiasco The Th Girl of the he Golden GoldenWont Cold ColdV GoldenWest
Wont V as a a production has never been beenexcelled beenexcelled beenexcelled
excelled even by Mr Belaeco There Therewill Therewill Therewill
will be but one matinee Saturday at attbe atthe atthe
the Bekueo during Miss IJfI Bates engage engagement engagttto engagement ¬
ment mentChases mentChasesPolite to toChascsPolite
Chases ChascsPolite Polite VaudevilleChases Vaudeville VaudevilleChases VaudevilleCha1Io
Chases Cha1Io program this week eek includes includeseight IncludesMght Includessight
eight successful novelties Louis LouisfMMOn A ASimon ASimeon
Simon Grace Gardner and company teGreat te tKeGreat teGrHt
Great Brothers Boiler BoIl r Jack Norworth NorworthMcCrea NorworUIXeCr8A NarwortttMcCrea
McCrea and Porte P6 le Lillian Tyce Rf Raffayette Rffayette natfayett
fayette and Hathaway and SUgel SUgelThe swgelThe SiegelThe
The New Coachman will be the means meansof m8aftSo meansof
of o presenting the SimonGardner Slmo Gardner farcical farcicalorganization tardelergaaltlon farcicalerganizatlen
organization accounted aee U ted one of the clay cleverest tlevrellt claycrest ¬
crest rellt group of funmakers in vaudeville vaudevilleThe vaudevilleTa vaudevilleThe
The sketch Is described aa a laughing laughingsuccess laUKbJngIIUCCIHI laughingsuccess
success The Great Brothers Boiler are aresaid areII aresaid
said to constitute the most important importantimportation ImportantIlftportatlon importantimportation
importation from Europe this t mason 1elIOftTMy masonThey < ea on onTbey
They have proven a revelation with their theirhigh ttetrhlsh theirhigh
high platform feats and the nerverack nerveracking IHIrverackIng nerveracking ¬
ing ioopthegap Jack Norworth as asTb asrho 8 8rbe
Tb rbe College Boy monologist holds un undisputed UftdUputed undisputed ¬
disputed away away over the good will of ofChases ofChaMs ofhoses
Chases hoses crowd crow Local topical verses in inThe Inf inrbe
The e Wise Old Owl parody y this week weekwill weekwill t tIeCre
will = f occasion 2d exceptional l merriment merrimentMcCrea merrimentMcCrea
McCrea and nd Poole the men wkh the tbeiron thetroR theron
iron ron nerve will be found to otter an anact anact
act that to sensational in the highest highestdegree lIpe t tflexrtt
i degree The other numbers nulft s ar are an anaway anawaJ ailaway
away above vaudeville par parMajestic par1JbjesUcUnder perldajesticUnder
Majestic 1JbjesUcUnder Under Southern Skies SkiesUnder SkiestJMler SkiesUnder
Under Southern Skies which comes comesto CDlResto comesto
to taw Majestic ajtte this week to one of the thedramas tlHldra thedramas
dramas dra that playgoers always welcome welcomeIt weiCORMIt
It tells the Jove story of the only daugh daughter daughtel daughter ¬
ter of a splendid pIe Ud old Southerner and andtwo adtwo andtwo
two hotheaded youths One presses presseshis pr prIds prasseshia
his suit In all fairness I H and 1Id honesty 1MNM th thother the theother theother
other stung by the knowledge < e of the theothers theotbers theothers
others probable success resort re to totrickery totrickery totrickery
trickery and deceit t and is thwarted thwartedonly tbwartedonly thwartedonly
only by an accident accidentThere aeeldentThere accidentThere
There is an abundance of healthy health oom oomi oomedy cornd
edy d and diversion i t notably llr I h In the k Hal Halloween Halloween TJol TJolloween
loween celebration ht m which are Intro Introduced Introduoed introduced ¬
duced a pumpkin dance and the familiar tamlilarpranks familiarpranks
pranks usually indulged in on that fes festival festlyal feetival ¬
tival occasion The stage IIUll e settings are aresaid arekI aresaid
said kI to b H unusually elaborate The first Arstact > t tact
act shows > tbe broad verandaed Y randed white whitepillared whitepillared hlte hltenlliared
pillared ared home of th the Croftons s JU1d and and Its Itsluxuriant itsluxuriant
luxuriant garden Later the scene shifts shiftsMond shiftsand
and shows > the reception rceptlon r ceptlon room the old oldtaahioned oldtaabtODed oldfashioned
fashioned grand stairway and the great greatnreplaee greatlirephO greathiroplaoe
nreplaee to be found in the home of ofevery otevery ofevery
every planterThere planter planterThere pla ter terThere
There are twentyseven characters in inthe 1ftth6 inthe
the cast st Prominent among a g the players playersare playersre playersare
are re Mabel tabel Trunnelie who has scored scoreda
a distinct success In the role 101 of Leila LeilaCrof Leilarotton LeilaCrotton
Crof rotton < ton Stella Congdon whose charac characterization charactHlzaUon characterizatlon ¬
terization of the old colored mammy has hasbeen basbeen hasbeen
been highly praised George Morgan Morganwho Morgant Morganwho
who portrays po rtrays t s the young lever l Burleigh Burleighand Burleighand r rDaubeny
and W H Hufflnston it r who as Steve Stevedttional SteveDaubeley
Daubeny tempora temporarily y forg forgets tII the traditional tra traditional
ditional chivalry of tn tnU the South There Therei4 Thereis
U a plantation quartet and a group of oft oftypical
typical t 1 plantation dancers to keep k p things thingslively tblngslively thingslovely
lively Usual matinees matineesLyceum ma matineesLyceumCampbells s sLyceumCampbells
Lyceum LyceumCampbells Campbells Nightingales NightingalesCampbells NightingalesCamJbeUs NightingalesCampbells
Campbells Nightingales come to the theNew theew theNew
New ew Lyceum Theater this week weekWherever weekJterever weekWherever
Wherever Jterever this company has appeared appearedthis appearedthis appearedthis
this season It has been crowned CIOw ed with withpublic withpublic withpublic
public approval Fun frolic fantastical fantasticalfeatures fantasticalfeatures fantasticalfeatures
features new novelties original anO anOcatchy an6catchy anflcatchy
catchy music and a grand chorus of oftwenty oftwuty oftwenty
twenty beautiful ladles ladl s bewitching bewitching sou souorettes soutte8 soubrettes
orettes tte8 and really roall comical comedians comediansare
are guaranteed to fay nothing of a agreat agreat agreat
great array of vaudeville talent and new newelaborate newelaborate newelaborate
elaborate electrical effects never before beforettftempted beforekft4itmpted beforekftampted
ttftempted Among the artists will be befound befound befound
found Richy Rich W V Craig Gracey Grace and andBurnett andBurnltt andBurnett
Burnett Mozelle and Kennett Ke nett Yorke YorkeCojnedy YorkeCfttnedy YorkeCsunedy
Cojnedy Four and the Four Leigh Sisters Sis Sisters SI SItertii ¬
ters tersColumbia tersColumbiaBurton
Columbia ColumbiaBurton Burton Holmes Tonight TonightAt TonightAt
At the Columbia C lumbia Theater this evening eveningat evenlngat
at SW S oclock Burton Holmes will eon continue eonUR eontinue ¬
tinue UR his series of travelogues with withNaples withNilpl8oI withNaples
Naples and Near By one of the most mostpkuureoqutt most1eturiI mostJiktureequo
pkuureoqutt 1eturiI CIUtt > as well as popular of all all allthis allthis
this winters inters series This topic is a fit fitting fitting fitting ¬
ting approach to the last lecture in the thepresent theMesent thepresent
present course giving as it does such MI MIexcellent au8JtCellellt anexcellent
excellent Idea of the stage setting in inwhich Inwhieh inwhich
which the tragedydrama of th the Vesu Vesuvten VMUvtan Veeuvian
vten eruption of 1006 was performed performedAt performedAlter
At Alter tel taking his audience through the theSUHts thestreets
streets of Naples showing them the theprincipal theprlneJpal theprincipal
principal sights of the city lty Mr Holmes Holmeswill Holmev1ll Holmeswill
will personally per lnall conduct his fellowtrav fellowtravel fellowtrayelers fellowtravelers ¬
elers el era around the bay of Naples and andalong andalong andalong
along the coast of the Sorrentlne penin peninsula peninsula penlnsuln ¬
sula The still pictures are beautiful in inthe Inthe inthe
the truth of o their Mediterranean color coloring oolorIng colorIng ¬
ing while the motion pictures especially ecpeclallythose etpeclanth especiallythose
those th e of the Italian rough r riding cavalry cav cavalry t v vairy ¬
alry and the Tunny fishing are marvel marvelously maneloU81y marvelously
ously realistic 1 Naples aple will m be given glvtnagain gl glagain givenagain
again again tomorrow afternoon at 43 438 On OnTuesday Onsd OnTuesday
Tuesday Tuesday sd sdh afternoon Mr lr lrAl Holmes m will willgive willgivo I
sdftegrea ftegrea ftegrealr notI
give fThe The h Tyrolean Alps Al Alnot another anothertravelogue anothertravelogue not nottravologue
travelogue of remarkable scenic beauty beautywith b8 beautywith uty utywith
with some splendid motion pictures of ofTyroler orTToler ofTyroler
Tyroler dances ceremonies and fes featlvvls festivals lesthals ¬
tivals and a number of motion pictures picturesshowing pletursshowing pieturoshowing
showing cloud action in the high Alps AlpsBelasco AlpsBelascoSymonds AlpsBelascaSyrnonds
Belasco BelascoSymonds Symonds Sunday Concert ConcertThe ConcertThe ConcertThe
The Belasco Theater will be the scene sceneof seeneof sceneof
of another popular Symonds Sunday Sundayconcert Bunda Bundaooncert Sundayconcert
concert tonight The program pro t 1 will con consist conIs1t conatst ¬
Is1t sist of firstclass musical numbers and andthe andI andthe
I the motion pictures of worldwide in ¬
terest and range MUM Alma Nelson Nelsonwill 1 Nelsonwill elsOI1 elsOI1wJU
will render several classic and popular popularsongs popular popularsongs POPularsongs
songs Walter Sondheira will slag slagnumber elngnumber singnumber
number of comic SOBS songs and another anotherwellknown anolherwellknown anotherwellknown
wellknown singer will render the latest latestIllustrated lateatUlustrated latestillustrated
Illustrated songs songsMajestic 8OflgSMajesticMayers songsMajesticMayers
Majestic MajesticMayers Mayers Sunday Concert ConcertAn ConcertAn ConcertAn
An excellent program pntpa to promised pre for foijthe torthe forthe
the Mayer concert at tbe Majestic The Theater T Theater e eateI
ater tonight Several vaudeville acts actahave aetahae actshave
have been engaged red and the usual Ul Illusrated illus illustrated 1I1uatrated ¬
trated songs ji ap which have proven so pop popular Ipular popular
ular will be continued An entirely Urely new newline new11n newline
line 11n of feature films will be shown by bythe bvtlt bythe
the tlt picture machine The greatest rf rfall t taU fp
all tramp p impersonators Henry Frey Fr y yI
has been specialty engaged engagedComing eac eacComing engagedComing
Coming Attractions AttractionsNational AttractionsNaUonaIPerbe AttractionsNationalForbes
National NaUonaIPerbe Ferbea R Rbertsen berts n In Reper Repertoire Reperteire Repercite ¬
toire toireNext teireNttxt cite citeNext
Next week at tbe New Kattonal oll1 Thea
ter Mr Forbes a Robertson and Miss Ger
trude tr de Elliott will appear in a repertoire repertoireof repervtrof
of three plays Caesar and Cleopatra Cleopatrathe Cleopatrathe
the clever comody from the pen of
George Bernard Abaw haw will be given giv n
Monday r R Tuesday Ta and Wednesday Wednesdaynight Wednfo Wednesdaynight d8Y d8Ynlgbt
night and Wednesday Wedlle ay matinee Mice Mhoand Miceand Mlcoand
and Men in which Mr Robertson Robertsonmade Robertsonmade Robertsonmade
made a IWOltOUIKed pronounced hit In London will Wi l
be given Thursday night and Saturday Saturdaynight Saturdaynight Saturdaynight
night Hamlet will b be the bill Fridaynight Friday Fridaynight Frldarrnight
night and Saturday matin matinee Mr Rob Robertson Rob8ltson Robertson ¬
ertson is considered the greatest living livingHamlet IiV livingHamlet Dg DglIalBlet
Hamlet today and Kiss Elliott in tfco Rhorole tfcorole tll tllrole
role of Ophelia baa enjoyed splendid splendidpress Jlplend14pra splendidpress
press s comments in the principal cities citiesCaesar citiesand citiesCaesar
Caesar and Cleopatra te probably probablyone
one of the most delightful dtii bttul of the Shaw Shawcomedies ShAweomedlee Shawcomedies
comedies and was especially pedally written for forMr torMr forMr
Mr Robertson in UW but first produc produced produedIn ed edin
in New York la I November IB Mice Miceand YI Miceand a aan4
and Men M associated a here with Annie ArmiaRueeell AnnieROMeli AnnieRueaeq
Rueeell and John Jo Mason both Mr Rob Robertson Robfl1 Robertson ¬
ertson and Miss Elliott achieved great greatpopular greatpopular greatpopular
popular success in London Mr r Rob Robertsons RObert ¬
ertsons ert Hamlet et baa been seen hue hereb herebfore be before betore eertsenfmlehas ¬
fore tore and he bas been acknowledged acknowledgedmg acknowledgedwithout > d dwltbout
without a lover In te part among 11 liv
ing mg actors actorsColumbia utonColumbialiThe gotersColumbiaThe
Columbia ColumbialiThe The Spoilers SpoilersDuVlng SpeilersDtlrlng SpellersDuring
During the week of February 4 Daniel DanlofFrohman Danl Danllirohlftn DanielFrehtaan
Frohman will present at the Columbia Columbiahta Oolumb1ahis Columbiahis
his production of The Spellers a adramatization adranaaUzatJon adramatization
dramatization of Rex Renown story storyraad iltOI7BIlUkt storymade
raad made by the author and James Mc McArthur McArthur McArthur
Arthur Daniel Frohman early secured securedthe securedthe securedthe
the dramatic rights to this vivid story storyof atoryot storyof
of mystic Alaska Ja8ka and Ute coming play playto IlayIII playis
to the result resultTbe re resultThe ultThe
The Spoilers 1s said to be a play playf
u f the utmost ruggedness ru gecllMM being of and andabout andabout andabout
about people wbo conquered a new newworld nfoWworld newworld
world under tremendous dtMeultlea and andits andIts andIts
its characters charad N are ar such as could ac ac acCAmpltoh a aMftlptlli
c CAmpltoh Mftlptlli i mplleh such uch a work It ta full of tno tnoatmosphere tnoaUDospltere Rioatmoepeere
atmosphere of the Northland and its itsmost I itsmoet Is IsJ
most compelling feature te tbe slashing slashinglove slashingIove
love 10 story that weaves in and out be between betWHn between ¬
tween the byes of Roy to Otentater ari ariHelen al1HeJea a i iIbsen
Helen Cneater The looting of the mines minesat minesat minesat
at Nome by a corrupt judiciary and andt a aset aset
set t of unscrupulous schemers forms the thebackground thebackground thebackground
background for tbe love story storyMr BtorXI star starMr
Mr Frotu Frohman an bas provided a cast castwhich Outht castwhich
which be has personally selected with withmore withmore
ht lr n nStuart
more than usual aa care are It includes ID Rairi RairiI RalrtStuart
I Stuart Campbell Goltan George Os Osbourne isbourne 5 5bourne
bourne Arthur Hoops Evelyn Yaugfta1 Yaugfta1Harriet VaughaJa Vaugl as asHarriet
Harriet Worthington Desmond Ke IvfH IvfHi it itMargaret
f i ithirty
i Margaret Marshall and a more e than thanthirty
1 thirty others The production to 1 suca sucnas sucaas IHl 1 1as
as might be expected e 8d when made under underthe underthe underthe
the auspice ken of of Daniel Frohman FrohmanBelasce FrobmanBelasceGrant R RBeJasceGrud
Belasce BeJasceGrud Grand Opera Repertoire RepertoireWashington Reperttirewbtrton RepertoireWashington
Washington will have its first week cf cfgrand Itgrand ofgrand
grand opera and perhaps the only opera operathis operatJ operathis
this season at the Belasco Theater be beginning be beglnnJng beginning ¬
ginning Monday Ko day February 4 4 under the taedirection thedlrecUon thedirection
direction of Mr Mrs Katie Wilson Wil on Greene GreeneTbe Grfen8TIM GreeroThe
TIM operas selected for presentation area areaMonday are areMonday areli
i Monday and Tuesday evenings Car Carmen Canmen aro aromen
men Wednesday and Thursday even evenings eVlnI evenfags ¬
fags I Rigoietto Friday and Saturday Saturdayevenings Saturdayn Saturdayevenings
evenings II Trovatore and Wednes Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday ¬
day and ad Saturday matinees Chimes t tNormnndte tNOIRUUMIa fNoemanndla
Normnndte The operas in which this thisorganization thaorganization
1 organization will be beard will be pre presented prett presented ¬
sented tt with gnat consideration eo of detail detailas deta1las detailas
as to orchestra staging costumes scenery scen scenery SC n nery ¬
ery and chorus and the oomtn coming en eneagoment engalleatent one onegegemeut
eagoment ta Indeed a rare musical op copporUUllt opportualty
I portunity for the operagoing 8O public of orthis ofthta o othis
this city cityTbe dqThe cityThe
The best available artists artlll have beet beexsecured bee1fiecured beetsecured
secured for tbe venture Miss Claude ClaudeAldright Claudeklr1Irbt ClaudeAldrich
Aldrich klr1Irbt who bas attracted attention attentioni
i as one of Harry W Savages Sa vagos grand grandopera grando grandopera
opera o prima donnas don wilt 111 sing as CarmenAzueena Carmen CarmenAzueena CanneI
I Azueena in Trovatore and Mftdelcna Mftdelcnain n nRigoleUo
in Rigoletto Winfred Goff one cf ofAmerlees cfAmericas c cAmErieeiI
Americas foremost baritones baritO es and ales alsalong alsJlong aleslong
long Identified with Henry W Savage 4 4grand Ifgrand ggrand
grand opera production will tilng lng Rig Rigoletto RgoIttto Rigoletto
oletto and Esas KscanniUo illo in CArmen CArmenMr CarmenMr CarmenMr
Mr Golf ta now singing ngine with tt ttIadame the theMadame a aMadame
Madame Butterfly Company beard beardhere hear1here beardhere
here earlier in the season but he Riminates ter terminates terminates ¬
minates his engagement with it next nextSaturday ne1tSaturday nestSaturday
Saturday Tom Greene who has sung sunggrand lIuggrand sunggrand
grand opera for ten years In almost almostry almostevery
I every ry city ta nt the t United = States hc will sing singDon slogDen I IR1goleUo
Don Jose J In n Carmen the Duke la laRigoletto isRigalette
Rigoletto and Mawrico in II Tra Travatore Troo Troovatore Trovatore
vatore Helene Noldl will ill sing Lenora Lenorain LenrIn
in II Trovatore and Gtlda in n Rips Rigilotto Ripsletto rugletto
letto Others who will appear in leal lealing leajIRg lea lealag ¬
lag roles are Irwin Myers Ford FordLanntng FordLanning FordLansing
Lansing and Miss Franceses ornC a Kasper KasperThe KupttTM KasperThe
The minor roles have been aslgned w wU wUcare tit Ii Iicare n ncare
care and a chorus of sixty voices and andan an anan andan
an orchestra of twentyfive musicians roualciarahas mwslcUushas musicianshas
has been arranged for forChases forCbasesPe1ite forChasesPolite
Chases CbasesPe1ite Polite Vaudeville VaudevilleNext VaudevilleNext VaudevilleNext
Next week Chases again ag ft announces e1 e1eightfeature a aelghtfture ateightfeature
eightfeature novelty ett program that w wcomprise wI wIcomprJae wllcomprise
comprise Katie Barry The Engl Enghb Enghbest sb sbeat b bTest
Test est Pocket P eket Comedienne Couen1at late of Mile Milebailie MlIeballle Mllenallle
bailie John T Kelly the eminent eminentnmueer emnetamuseI emtneilamuser
nmueer recently with the Weber WeberF1tU WeberF1tUMIHItc Fields FieldsMusic i
Music Hall Company Ute Wesseytroupe Wessery Wesserytroupe VesStiIYtroupe y
troupe Byers and Hermann Haw Hawthorne lIawth Iiavthose
those th me and Burt the Three Hlcknmns iThkmarsCharlotte HlcknmnsCharlotte UJckmtIChartotte
Charlotte Ravemwroft and the motia motiapictures mon monIct n npictures
pictures picturesMajestic Ict picturesMajesticFiske ure ureIajesticFiske
Majestic IajesticFiske Fiske OHara in Mr Blarney Blar Blarney Blarney
ney Pram Ireland IrelandThe IrelandThe IrelandThe
The clever young comedian oon Fir FirOHara FicOHara t tOHara
OHara in Charles K e Blaney Bianeys s iln ilnBlarney urBlarney MrBlarney
Blarney From Ireland will be the th aO aOtraction nt nttraeUolt attraction
traction at the Majestic Uc week of F Yruary Fr Frroar b bruary >
ruary roar 4 The play pia Is said to depart departgreatly departgreatlJ departgreatly
greatly from the usual u run of Ir IrHJ IrHJcomedtes Ira is iscomedies 5comedies
comedies The production will comp coropfavorably 74 74taGrably < tfavorably
favorably with those bearing the Blan Blantrademark s strademark ytrademark
trademark The oast to l a large ora oranumbering onsnumbering ria rianumbel1nc
numbering more than fifty people peopleNational eOplNationalElmendorfs peopleNationalElmendorfs
National NationalElmendorfs Elmendorfs Spring Lecture LectunSeries LectureSeries LecturtSeries
Series SeriesThe SeriesThe SeriesThe
The advance sale Ij Ie of f seats for the f ftire rn rntire n ntire >
tire course of Lenten IAnt Lenten lectures whi hi 1 1Dwight 11 11Dwight aDwight
Dwight Lathrop Blmendorf ta soon t tgive tatve tt ttgive
give at the New National ta the Urges Urgesever largeever largerever
ever recorded by b the Btmendorf man manageraent maragement maxagenient
ageraent for any on one course e e of > t tturos 1 1t 1ttun t ttures
turos tun 5 The subjects to he dtoeusBeddar dtoeusBeddaring discussed del delIng dam damlog
ing the forthcoming caries will inclull inclullIreland InCullIr nclultIreland
Ir Ireland Kngland paRd Scotland Norway Norwayand NolWYand Norwayand
and The Land of the Midnight Sun SunSeats SuPSeats Suns SunsSeats
Seats for any one of the lectures art artto ar arto artto
to be placed on sale next Wednesday Wednesdajmorning WedneadaJmorning Wednesdaymorning
morning at the box office of the Nen NenNational NevNational Neurational