Iif i ii it fI <
4NMUCAN J L t r i a
Its Coming CqmiI a Christening With WithThat WithThat WithThat
That of Another Tiny Girl the theChief theChief theChief
Chief Event of the Year to toWashington toWashington toWashington
Washington Girls Who Have
Japanese Husbands HusbandsVisits HusbandsVisitsFrom Visits VisitsFrom VisitsFrom
From Students From Dai DaiNippon DaiNiDDon DaiNiDDonand
Nippon NiDDonand 1t 1tand and American Friends Friendsto Friendsto Friendsto
to Be e Followed bu Feastingand Feasting Feastingand Feastinaand
and Presentation Presentationof of Gifts Glft to tothe tothe tothe
the Children 4 lfe < o oThree a 1 1Three a aThree
Three Capital City Girls GirlsWho GirlsWho girlsWho
Who Are Happily Wedded Wed Wedded Wedsto ¬
ded to Sturdy Sons of ofMikados ofMikados ofMikados
Mikados Empire EmpireStu EmpireStudents EmpireStudents Stu Students ¬
dents to Atten4Baptisrn Attend Baptism
COUBLK DOUB christening of offunny othafta offunny
funny hafta little Japaneoe JapaneoeAmerican JneeeAJftertean JaprseeAmerican
A American hahtoa wh whmothers who whou whometeor
mothers u are Wal Washington Washingtonw Wahlattattrsdten tlawtoa tlawtoawen
w wen wenTNtl trsdtenThat mn mnThat
That TNtl what ta baled to totake totake 0 0tAke
take ptaee sloe todayThese today todayTher t tnero
Ther nero wW he a feast In a the evening eveningat seem seemat
at t the th hone e of t Mr Cr and Mrs Mi III Kteogo KteogoS Ja Kteo o ok 0set
set S k to TH n I street treet southeast eou tNM the proud proudparent prw4Ipareu pradparata
parent of r the t e pretty prt little AvemetMM4 Ave flvemoathieM Avet
moathieM t Ctrl i who 111 li to t he named namedMargaret RaM RaMYrprU aamtedMargarMta
Margaret Oamphell ea after h her r crand crandother grasdmailer IMI IMIMIter
mailer > other otherTTas
Was MJas JII Ellen Campboll CampbollMr C8ItlplloUfenMrly Caelpboilliv
Mr liv st 8 ta formerly waa wen Mtn Mlea lpd KUon KUonCamftbeM Mn MnCaMMM n nCam
CamftbeM Cam of thta the city tty ty MM he WM wenw mar married Marri iearrie4 ¬
ried ri on Deoemher X WM to t > Mr tr Sato Satowb Rat Ratwho hiYo1te
who wb MMe to thta oouatry try ohthtoon ohthtoonywe eight 1IIchYen eightyearV
Yen ago 10 enlisting tsttag U1t In s the United Umtodatatos VI Unitedtate
atatos 81 tate Navy aa eook Ho H waa WNDw w horn hornDeoember bornDeeatber
Deoember W 11M at Xumamoto Xu umaaaM I4o I4oof Jaeeof 1Mtoof
of KlHBhlu Jet lu Japan J n He HH hall halltewM hett boo eider ohfctttoward eiderstewr4
toward on tho fib Dolphin tb the theof Seoreury Seoreuryof
of tho th Navys MaV dtopatoh tek boat boatTlw MatTIM batTh
TIM Th the th Uter r hahy Dah > y to 0 J A UapUaod to the thathis thetiny 1M 1MtI
tiny tI daughter lIpter of Mr and Mr Jatas JatasYamada Jam JamYamada J JYILMa4a
Yamada of t TtT Seventh street atroateaat Mutfe Mutfeeal 11 11eaat
eaat ealThis eaatTels
This ntl baby W la to be named GfeutlW
tOontmued EOeat from Flrot Pa l1 Pdc Pdcthe fa fathe pthe
the evening wilt wit afford It oreS an unusual unusualamount u unu ual ualame u l lamount
amount ame t of r ptoaawe to the participant participantin partiei partieiI
in I the tMe lanes It will probably pro abl fiw ruraMi ruraMitho turt turtthe Mh Mhthe
the onlookon k an a e ttU1 ual delight t In tea teadanca thodance dI dIdanee
dance On with wit the dance let letJoy letJ07
Joy he unoenfiaod wOl b M tits watch watchword wa waWO wal walwerd ¬
word WO of tho tb evening The rink la HOW HOWcrowded MeWerew4e4 saweeowdod
crowded soh eh day with withthe memhim of ofthe etthe
the dub d and their friend porf psrfeetitg psrfeetitgtheaaelre eating feetlllCthewtHiwe eatingthemsetoes
themsetoes in the rottenokate reQerek walt waltxtwoBtep waltstw walttwstep
twoBtep twoBtepIt tw twIt
It has s been 1M MHtgeated Md that Wash Washington WaHl Waahingta ¬
ington l have MV a BkattBg akadt carnival caM W1 In the thenear U Uar t11snear
near ftttwre and IHI that PonnAyivanta PnoyIvaabtavenue PonnAyivantaavenue 1 a L Layve
avenue from t tho th Capitol to the Troaa Troaaury Treaourln Joeu JoeuUl
ury Ul < he turned into a Mardl area Qt Oft for forthe ferth forthe
the th oocaoten Not atneo Moe the tiara day of tho thototghtag tMIMtrbtarr tb tbttghtag
totghtag carnival car tval haa ha Waohtngtwi ft ftF on onJoyed enjoyed
Joyed any F aneh oeb ovont root t an would be thta thtaroller UdIIrealM ttsi ttsiroller
roller akatlng carnival and mimic mimicMardl misa misaMar to toXa
Mar Xa t Gra GraraMy OtuTaM Ora OraFahey
raMy TaM the Avenue AftIt gay with bunting buntingand bootingaid Ug UgeeIcHe4
and oolored UghU and ao themanda tMat R of ofWaahteigtonlan fitWahlnartOlltaM atWubinxiotaas
Waahteigtonlan In fancy talae eoetumoi eoetameean4 eoetumoiand OOIItUWIaM
and maa Ma iiee ekating through thta thtaof ta taat tbtaie
ie of brilliant beauty beuat It l Wad Wadaka Wealdriak rrenhlmak
mak aka a ploturethat Jietlllre that would w is outrtal outrtalthat utr sl slthat l lthat
that of the Cry crystal Ui raJaH In n Canada Canadaon C Cfete
on n fete night nlfhtKoUer MdttUer nighttdl
KoUer tdl Uer t atcattng is eapahlo epa of a asra as mask muohgra maskgraee
gra graee o and a ae many Opura tIgureW11caUJ Agurep sa a hw daeskatlF hwhating
11caUJ hating The free e awaytog wa a movomwt movomwtof movttteatof lIRt lIRtet
of many of r the skater on Uw streets Hreetamakea JlCr JlCr4ttY streetsoakso
makea 04 envy 4ttY thorn the t tt oamn sae n mvll mvllkill IR IRal i iabut
al abut kill l1 with tit which wta they t o eat 8t ehsta irejoi I and nndlett AM AMIMt andlettr
lett lettr r and do hack akattng U and aiar aiarC aigsagglag r raAalftC
aAalftC C 1nc until roeontty u thou thougat t to be bepowibu laeP6Nlble bepodbl
powibu only I OR Ute aharp r tee skates afcutoeThl Ka KaT skatesThis
Thl T This Advance ia th 1M art of e roller roNerkatmc rollerakaU rollerakatdog
katmc akaU U due It to the Improvomenta in intho InUM Inth
tho th make of the tea uluuea 1IkM A sew < e yeses yenmago Yt yesesago < < IIJ
ago 0 the wheels of the tlMot aknto slr n oro mode modeo tadeof
ot o wood w Today they aro of ttaet ttaetand 81 81S4 etand
and S4 halt bearing bearingA
A dumber of socioty 1IOC1et pwnlo m fa low lowYork KowYork KewYork
York have ave recently yieidod Ided to thePaste the theP thelie
P Paste a a lie e Two Twot
Sh She is only nineteen day old oldMra 014W old1g
W 1gRollo W WRoUo
RoUo of S Soullttia uUl Ihliiu ju JIIKton JIIKtonIn an anMrs
Mrs In Yamada Ya Yaa Wcta ads formrHy fora t1yw t1ywLaura was MW
Laura Ulhan OOHKHMM Do known knowneonaldorea r as asthe
theMIk the bails ot hutheaat hutheaatsa Nouthi at Wnstttswq
sa Oh Is the daughter of J 1 4L 4LJr A Dgygl4
Jr aM w waa eonaldorea coutd coutdlRlWlt uai ate on onwaehington tle
bandemest lRlWlt WItM wamea I IWIItIRI1 In
WIItIRI1 waehington On March IT 11Mea JW lLG4 eile h
beoam Mea the iwfe of Jam r Yamada Yamadaohtef Y Yht YsmMgashier
shier ht atownrd otr the Uniwd Un 9Uto
re reeohring r re 1 1eehotac
sMog ship idp p Knnoock KnnoockIt k kIt
It ta said W that thaty Mr Ttnulclnhl wwa wwayama asaaratan
yama nay m y eowMMi to 1 act aCltRtetMr a g god godmaker d dmother
tif u ig igThroe
Three CarrIed to Japs JapsThooe JapsheM JapsTbse
Thooe heM throe tit WuMmHM wmnon who whomarried WMMarrltd wk wkmrrled
married Japan Ja Japnese huiwando It nr ago aM aMeloe aMe allaloes
aloes e frionda bound to oe another ur by
International interest t and INI INIA sympa sympaIhlo ytttpa1b11s
Ihlo 1b11s 1b11sA
A large gathering thertng of both th thW thWaMet thdrAwrtean ir irAmorioan
Amorioan and Japan J Japanese ea frionda t I ex oxpsetod exJIoIdtIII x xp
p JIoIdtIII ct d at th tM ehrtotonteg ehrtotontegCalled eJtrbItJW eJtrbItJCalled
W t t tCalled
Called Cherry IMossom IMossomTomekwhl IIJosserulOMfktehl lilossonTaoeldeht
Tomekwhl Sensyam 8 nyama 1R came IRe to Wash
Most Musicians Play Two Instruments
MXMBKR of a muatoa organ organization OrjifaDlatl4t organlast ¬
A ization latl4t last who take takflolllpeclal special spec al pride prideL prfdehIM
L n hIM flklll kill lll a aa a tuba player playerIs
Is a abe se an accomplished violin viellniit violintot vloUnIat
tot totXvary
Xvary 81 praoNoal muaidao mu ManH H he hesays hesays
says 7 who wh ho eJt expeot t te make jits Mv Mvtes IIva Itvlag
lag a at Ute lb huomea ese oncht agbt t to play at atlewt atIeut atleast
least two we taatromonU truMen one bras MUiiI and andth u4Ute andth
th Ute other JirtnK It Ittt ofton happens PPeM
th that t a mnn m playing two mtrsments bwlrameatacan mtrsmentscnn r1Imentl r1Imentlaut
cnn aoeuro an engagement ceMt where ere he hewho liewbe hewho
who piny playa hut t one on would be left un unemptoyod unalOed anemployd
emptoyod during urift part of th the time tI tIT1avl1nc
Tmvellng companies COin pan who bo take theirmusicians their theirmusicians theirulclau
musicians alone aIoIt often ott insist t on their
douhUn doubUfttt up thai Is playing bras in ina 1ft1Jt Ima
a etrt 1Jt r t iwitod or la front of t the
thontor u and ad a string Ii instrument in the theu theIn theeehashi
eehashi u In th the good old summer aummorttaM summertime M or ortbRe
time t the 4t dftmnnd R41 ta for hra bats raN j m Sa th thwwtp u uwt the thewIMSe
wwtp wt t atrlncs are te rnuost so at atthe atthe atthe
the rhange coge of season many maR cornet cornetaid eernetsnd met metrd
aid rd born player put away their brass
hutted t tfee tyeeyMra < < ar ao t1 ego o lie secured H < uNd a apoltlK aUAk aflalttalt
poltlK flalttalt UAk n its a flrst trt dratgkss las macnintat at atth attlMl atthe
th the BaY yd > I ardv dii dj In ft sake < e gun ft carriage carriagehop earrla earrlashop earringshop
shop hop 6 Oft PflkriMvyiT P 1tMl41J ruafy tJ > l 1tN W3 l bt f took tooka tookas
as a brld hrl bride Mis 1011 Mlsre Margaret Sherry hvrt who whona whon whonos
na n nos amo aan Ma been Qli111d llad Chorrjr Chorrjrsow C Chacrysogr ry ryso
sow so by 1 r her Japon Japanese M friend friendc frl frlQft deride derideqn
Qft c n account of her 6oauty beast HAd aryl reayehaek ro room rey reyehka
ehka and brauee vae at atfir rte > rn3fieea rn3fieeaof
fir the Japanese e far the atrerry Nrr Nrr1IOfft byes byessoma
soma om which bleh Ja their national Slower SlowerThe ewer ewerflh weJ weJhe
flh The he Japan Jpa JapaneM name IReth IRethr1Ua1t they 8 oaerr her ftortmnslnted herIryuaiated
tmnslnted r1Ua1t d moan mane Cherry CherryMr MOMOW MOMOWMr 1sMewaMr
Mr Sonayanta SoM ws a born ht m Nags Nagssskt Xa f fJpan a aAki
Aki Japan July 18 IL is Jm H wa WU MI MIla Muwied 4u 4utd
wied td in Chin whore he HI studied atud1edIf on ontftneormt onsise
sise tftneormt rMg in If the English schools
Whose Baby Daughter DaughterIst Is to te Be Chris Christened Christened Christened ¬
tened Today Todayrather TodayNUter Todayrather
rather a rare ra proceeding g in th u ufer thees o day dayenitated days daysfor
for a follower of the hn Flagand Flagandcolleted ftd ftdRUettd
colleted In I tho UteValted United State States navy at atShasghal atghal atthangkal
Shasghal ghal in June M 1M a aM a machinist machinistof
of the second claM echo On th tp apnnish apnnishprize Sganlshprize h hINlz
INlz prize Don Juan d de Austria no held helda
a rating or the that Nt ela and WWI
Even Beauty BeaufyYieldsto Yields to the Roller Skating Skatin Craze
roller or skate t eraze rase Washington society societyhaa lO eoeletyhas fety fetyba
has ba goon New York one better The TheWhHe TheWhite TheWhits
White House Hou diplomatic dlp6 matl and n4 official officialetretee oQlctleI ofickletrelep
eI etretee have hay all contributed their quota quotato qUOtato quotato
to th the gilding nNdtag whirling whirling ma maof 1Mor mass massof
of skater kat of t the Capital City CityOoeo CityQDoe cityOoee
Ooeo or twice t twkes a week we the t White WhiteHoue WhiteHOUH WhiteNoss
Houe Barring drta drive up te the akat akattor IIkatrIdk skatlag
lag ridk and out t jumpo Master Are AreJtooHve1t A trshk trshkRoosevelt roU roUR0o
R0o Roosevelt v lt with a pair of roller skates skatesaung akat akatover skatesalttsg
aung over his hi shoulder Archie Is a askater aMeat askater
Meat skater too and aat he never fails to enter enterinto asterinto tar tariIto
into the pole game IPUft of whisk amuse amusement aRMMet amusemast ¬
mast t he J ia intensely nt8RHl fond Hi Ills skates skateswrr kate kateWOT t tw
WOT w one of his Christmas C rlstmac prevent preventand preMftUia presentsand
and a almost any line ft afternoon he and amiKthel arulZU andEthel
Ethel ZU can be se seen n among amo g a crowd of ofother ofother ofether
other children gliding gracefully
around the elipse at th the Whit Ilte House Houseor lIouseor douseor
or Monument MonumentDuring MenumentDUrlRJ MonumentDuring
During th the Christina Cbrltlt holiday hot Theo Theedore Theodore Tlleedore ¬
dore Roosevelt jr who w wa was d de detrelft dews dewsfrom wn wnfrom
from Harvard with a number of tel fallow fellowatudent tel10wlItudentJi
lowatudent low etudents waa a frequent skater nicaterboth atkaterbOth skaterboth
both at the rink and out of orChlleaft doom doomTh doersThe
Th The Chilean minister mlterat la I ofta Otto won aeonat wonat
at the th t rink and h he enter en into f lat the thesport ueaport thesport
sport with th the same sam esthunnm ef eJlUt Uio4m and anddelight aRdtlellgtt anddelight
delight that character okarneterlaee aM who altohave wbohave whoban
have been carried away awa by the themendable Ule1ft8ltdaWe eons eonsmendable
mendable fad fadAmong fadAmen fadAmong
Among Amen other roller l ller skate enthuotaatc enthuotaatcare enthua taste tasteare
are the daughter ef Walter aler Weilmcn Vel Velthe
the Arctic explorer eXIII rer Soth Warner 81 Seater Sen Senator SiInator ¬
ator Knaxs ron and Masters N Nw NwtL Newbold Newboldand wbid wbidand
and tL Theodore Noyeu
iMtrnmentfi take up their ftdd ttddas s and andt andtheir
their t ttlr bows and play p ay at balls and
daftO dances ll all the winter long
Besides nHld this there Is another ano her thing
to h be considered Every oernet and
horn player must look forward to the thetime thetllRe thetime
time when his lip gives out After Afteryears Afteryears Afteryears
years ef hern playing the avertaxed avertaxedmuscle avertaxed1HIC1eII avertaxedmuscle
muscle 1HIC1eII ef the lips become relaxed rela1CfdThe
They The are strained from the constant constanttl8IIIa1tds
demands made upon them by holding
theM in a certain position Sometimes Sometimesa
a pwxyer player retains his embouchure for
life sometimes It gives out suddenly aUdde ly
saloptims s n j times tlm tiere Is a gradual detertoratlon de deterioration detrionUon ¬
terioration in strength of muscle and
h he Hods himself Imelt playing worse than he
did before and is compelled to realize
th u the fact that thlL his lip is giving way
Th TIle infirmity is is a kind of paralysis of
the lip somewhat S ntewhat resembling resem lIng Ute theeerlvoners th thscriveners UteICrlvners
scriveners cramp which attack attaeka the
Angers of the bookkeeper The Th lips lipsremain lipsre1n lipsremain
remain otherwise In good order A Aman Aman Athan
man whoso lip is useless for playing
1ononhI Ionorfcbty dlscluir84tt dll dlechargetlitt 4III1ft1hde t Philadelphia PhiladelphiaJune 1hllsdclphlaJune
June is y IM Ills rating raUsJn ratings in gunnery gunneryand Plultry Plultryand gtinneryand
and machinery Wee were of othe Hh M highestthn highest highestOn hlgheetOn
On October o < tot r tt 1SN 1f > > f Mr Sonavsma henayarnewent Sonavsmawent SenaYIUftawent
went before John M > t L I Lkttfc i ian chief of oftho otth ofthe
the th bureau of boiler mepeetfon k peotlon at atPlaIla4elpba atPhiladelphia
Philadelphia for examination for eta etatlellaey U Uttennry tatletuu7
ttennry engineer tn ter He parted pa ecI Ute th high hlg
eat t oxnmiMaUon Of any 1 applicant ever everKMtood ev evereecaAaedi0 r rtNfe
eecaAaedi0 KMtood 4 per oont silotKe tNfe Mw average aroragemark anraertt averagemark
mark rtt home botw Nt bstweeo on 89 and nV nVft fdtit
tit ft ftStudents tl tlSluaonhi
Students From rolll aja Dnl Slppon SlpponAmong 1JlI1Ong 1pIion 1pIionAmong
Among g th he Japanese friends of tIlt tiiefamlttea thefamilies
families 11 who M will attend the christening christen christening chrhltefins
ing are Mrs Mr and Mrs Ach formrv tonnr
Chief Steward on the United State StateReceiving Stat StatReceiving StatesReceiving
Receiving Ship Hancock Hancockof
of this c colt city y l but ut now ohlladelphia ohlladelphiaIf of Jhlte nadelphla nadelphlaJC lelphia lelphiaK
K If Moritanl ef Trttye ana H lohi af afStiUufUH orhtau ofSaloum
StiUufUH htau atuueflta who wh have been inltashagto In InVhinKtoH InWu
VhinKtoH Wu K a few days d and S Sent Sentof Benlof SenlQt
of 7U I street a first olaw allll machinist machinistat ma blnlt blnltat
at the navy naV yard here herecan hereean herocan
can talk or sing aln or do other o her things thingsthat thingsthnt thingsthat
that people do with their mouths but butho butha butho
ho cant play a hern so when his lip lipfails I1ptails liptails
tails his violin loUn cello or double brass brassfurnlahas brasstJrnlsh brasstaalsheh
furnlahas tJrnlsh him a recourse which he hete he1omoUmcs heIs
te Sometimes fiery ery glad to have haveFORCE haveFORCE haveFORCE
Some B me years ago an Instrument was wasinvented wasInvented wasInvented
invented by one of the Governments Governmentsscientists Governmentsdentts Governmentsscientists
scientists sdentts s that is Intended to measure measurethe measuretne measurethe
the agree of an ocean wave waveIt waveIt waveIt
It was first tested at tie t 18 extreme extremeeastern extremeeastern extremeeastern
eastern end of Long Island where wherethe wherethe wherethe
the waves sweep In unhindered from fromthe tromthe fromthe
the Atlantic AtlantisIn AtlanticIn AtlanticIn
In summer s mmer a force of ever 608 pounds poundsto
to the square Inch has been raeorded recordedIn raeordedIn raeordedIs
In winter as high aa a a ton tono to o the square squarefoot squaretoot squarefoot
foot has been attain d This gives one oneand onean4 oneand
and other similar structures have to tocontend tocontend tocontend
Chief Steward of t the Dolphin Dispatch DispatchBoat DispatchBoat DispatchBoat
Boat of the Secretary ef the Nary NaryTh NuyTheile NaryThese
Th These two student at loft t Japan J a Year rearago yearage Yearago
ago stopping atol plntr a month at Honolulu Honolulumonth H H1ft000th a amooth
month in Satt Franohw JIr and Rt1 staying stayingfor stayingfor g gtor
for a this tlm in SoatM OMe Sit Lk Lake City OttySt OttJSt City8t <
St Louts Chtcasn Cblc Cbha fei X fro w York y rtc olty oltyand elt eltand itY itYand
and Niagara ttall ttallWill Falls JIalIaW Fallsw
W If IfWill
Will Kntor Princeton rrlncelouThey PrincetonThey VrJBOCtOPTbe
Tbe They hay have made m4 njwnKemoKls to toenter teentlill toenter
enter Princeton im univorstty eeslty 1 next termand term termand termand
and will malts ke a special study of elM eleetriottl electrtonj elMt
trtonj t engineering engineeringMr enJ1oeer1aMr ngtnosdngMr
Mr Ichl exp eJtpeeta eU to leash Me jla jh jitsu jitsuor jltsuor jitsuor
or th the famous method at JapanesevroMng Japanese Japaneser Japane e ereUl
vroMng r reUl s init in which President Roosevelt Roosevlt Roose Reesevelt ¬
velt l ta said aid to h IN pronelent and also all
Whose Little Daughter Gladys Is to Be BeBaptized BeBaptized BeBaptized
Baptized Today
This is little Margaretta > a Sate aged five months daughter cla gl1ter ef Mr and andMrs andMrs andMrs
Mrs Kisogo Sato af 714 I street wutheast and wh WH will be christened today todaywith todaywith todaywith
with little Gladys Yamada another JapaneseAmericas child ekildwill c childwill iId iIdwIll
will give l lessons won in the art rt of arrang arranging ¬ largest Importer hat Orterw in Japan and 3s I a abrother aRIf atog
tog RIf itow lowers rs fey table tabl and a other decora decorative brother of Captain Moritani who was waskilled wastie waslive
tie pimeiiBB pimeiiBBHogi gare s killed hy tb the Russians while he was waaleadiac wasIr wasIr
Hogi Ir Mr Ir Moritani tertia and lie leni ar ardoalmu are leadiac the Art charge atge ea Part Ar Arthw McJeIWewI ArdeMsouS
doalmu of aattm were ProaWont ProaWontRoosrvelt thw UtIltJ A brother of young Morltanl Morltanlwho Jlor1tanlR forltantRauiveltM
Roosrvelt R RauiveltM ft talk I5 IIet M to WHiStle wreatleanaso who uw to now a colonel to the Japanese Japanesearmy JapanMieTINIF JapaneseThey
They will she pay a visit to tae Jap 1a army 1URU8 was educate educa to the college col1 ge z zTokla aaD sanew
anew aD AiMiMssador te whm they Ute have havelettet Tokla ToklaMr Tok1eeU Tokiolettelna
lettelna lettet eU of kdredaetlo ta4r4 rItCun etio etioThe Mr tr lehi whoa at home liven next nextto nextThe nextThe
The students IItUII 1 ar are very much pleaded pleadedwith plea to one of f f Admiral A Togas estates e atea and andhis andwith andwith
with th their lr treatment while in America Americaand his M father Is one of the largest man manufaeturera manand manand
and oapteiaHy all while in the Capital CapitalCity ufaeturera of Satauma Bat ware In the theworU theClt theelty
City Clt They The say y that Mr tr and Mr MrJames lire wend Mr lr lehi also was elmated In Inthe InJI811 inJames
James Yamada have hav been espeaJallf espeaJallfkind the college eoll at Tokto Toktotf Toktekin Toklokind
kind kin to them They are enthusiastic enthusiasticadmirers tf tfPresents t1 U Uadmtrerll i iadmIrers
admirers of Araerioan AMerf an girl strill and nd It ItweuM ItweuW
Presents for the Children ChildrenTb Ch clrea clreaORC
would not t he very surprising should shouldone shouldone
one Sr r teeth cboeee Washington girls glrtafor Tb The christening g of ttttte Miss Mia Onto Batoand Ontofor to tofer
for brides hrW eventually and thus th add addt and ad tiny Mrs 1 Yamada la to ba the thegreateBt thete theis
t te the present reseAt JapaneseAmerican col colony ¬ greatest tlJJt evert nt t of the year In the th little littleJapaneseAmerican Uttl UttlOfty littleaway
away her b MM JalafteseA JapaneseAmerican ertean elrele Present Presentwill I fti Iwill
ti IS ISBrother u will be brought gbt to the children In Ineluding tnb Inciudiag
eluding bears and quaint quaintJapanese
Brother Brot b cr Led I e d at a t P Fort 0 rt Arthur I Teddy
Japanese Ja He trifles tri trttI e5 and many man a banal banialMy banulYr banalMrs
Yr Mrs hS hSMy erilanla rltlLRtl father Is one ot the wtlre will be said before the eve evening lBg Is over ovarMy
My Impressions Impress ons of American Women WomenBy
Famoui O German rwan Author UUaor and a d Itnhl
VEN E if t you see the American AmericanI Americanwoman Americanwoman
E I woman In the street her greater Kreateri greaterIndependenee greaterindependence
i Independence and freedom of ofmovement ofmovement ofmovement
movement as compared with withher withIter withher
her European sister impresses itselfupon Itself Itselfupon ItseltPGn
upon PGn you She Is net independent upon uponmale uponmale uponmale
male protection she needs no escort eseortan eS escortas rt rthe
an she he in every man stranger or not notsees notaees notsees
sees a protestor protestorIn
In her way of dressing dre lRg ahe knows knowsnothing knowsnothlnlr knowsnothing
nothing of the dread ef appearing con conspicuous conSPCUOUII conspicuous ¬
spicuous SPCUOUII which la 1 so common o mmen among amongGerman amongGerman amongGerman
German women In the streets o of thelarger the thelarger thelarger
larger ctttea and a d especially in New NewYork NowYork NewYork
York women promenade in costumes costumeswhieh costumeswhleh costumeswhich
which would be permissible cnly in inIlia Inthe Inthe
the most fashionable pleasure resorts reaortshere r8llOrtshere resortshere
here but which in Berlin would at attract attract attract ¬
tract unpleasant attention attentionWhile attentionWhile attentionWhile
While In European cities any good goodlooking goodloeklnl goodlooking
looking woman below middle age agewalking agewalking agewalking
walking uneacorted in the street Is leconsidered Isconsidered Isconsidered
considered lawful prey by every everymasher evef7maaker everynaaker
masher and canhet cann t even count upon upontho up uponthe n nthe
the protection of the police pon the Amer American Arnerlean Amerlean ¬
lean woman is I absolutely lbselutel safe from frominsult tromInsulls frominsults
insult of this kind Nobody stares staresat staresat staresat
at her nobody R b dy follows her no stranger strangerdares IItrangerdar08 strangerdares
dares approach her Woe 00 to the on onwho onwho ores oreswho
who would make the attempt Everybody Every Everybody Evenbod ¬
body bod would turn against him and met metout mete meteout meteout
out swift Justice on the snot and this thlawould thiswould
would 1101 < be followed by sevqre punish punishment punishment punishment ¬
ment In court courtThere courtThere CourtThere
There was an afternoon tea with content con concert concert ¬
cert in the splendid winter garden of ofthe orthe ofthe
the ltel Astor In New York and andwhen andwhen andwhen
when I looked In through the door I 1saw Isaw Isaw
saw a most elegant el iant crowd gathered gatheredI
I said to myself You will take tea teahere teakere teahere
here too and let action follow followthought tollowthought followthought
thought but who can describe my astoniahment as astonishment astonishment ¬
tonishment when the gigantic Cer Cerberus Certorus Cerberus ¬
berus posted at the door promptly promptlystopped promptlyItopped promptlystopped
stopped me First I thought It ftWIlS ftWIlSbecause was wasbecause wasbecause
because I had paid no admission adm185ionno adm185ionnoadml admissionnoadmission no noadmission
admission adml lon was free but I had to stay stayoutside IItayoutside clayoutside
outside outsideI
I began to look up and down myself myselfto mseltto
to see if there was anything objeo objectionable objeotlonable objeotionable ¬
tionable about my m appearance but butcould butcould butcould
could discover nothing nothingA
A few words from Cerberus ex explaIned explained ex explained ¬
plained everything everythingnot not being boln > In com company company < IOmpan ¬
pany pan with a lady I could not be al allowed allowed allowed ¬
lowed to enter my m place was In the thegentlemens theenUemen thegentlemens
gentlemens enUemen cafe To the sacred halls hallsf haltsat
at f the winter garden only ladle ladles or
such gentlemen a alii were Introduced by byladles brlaelM byladles
ladles were admitted admittedThere adMlttetlTlt8le rJ rJThere
There wa was nothing for me to do but butto butto butto
to sneak back ok to t the ate re like a wet wetdog wetdeg t tdeg
deg and sit dawn la meek lRue less lee at attractive attractive attraetlve ¬
tractive surroundings sur reundings to ponder over overhew OY OYhew overhew
hew differently dlttere tly they d de things in inAmerica 1ftAmerica InAmerica
AmericaWhat America AmericaWhat AmericaWhat
What impresses IlRpreH II one most It In n the UMAmerican theAmerfoaR theAmerloan
American women Is her Independence Independencewhloh bwlepe independencewhioh dence dencewhlob
whloh does not even allow her to tocapitulate toepltulate tocapitulate
capitulate to her beloved She will willfirst wIDtlrat willfirst
first of all feel that she Is free and In Independent fndependent Independent ¬
dependent being a fixed star I tar whloh whlohradiates whlohradlates whichradiates
radiates Its own light from the maa maaeullne maaeuUne manonline
online sun sunMarriage aunlotanIage sunMarriage
Marriage in her life theretore theretorenet i inet to tonot
net of the sa same e fundamental luftd tal Impor Importance ImportaRce importanee ¬
tance as In that Uta of the European lumpeanwomen Europeanwomen lDuropeanWiuen
women and not to marry at all to tobeeoma tobeeeJR8 tobeeoma
beeoma a bachelor girl who has sup >
planted the old maid of bygone times timeshaa tlmeahu limeshas
has no terror to her herShe hetShe herShe
She does not avoid marriage but itis it itIs ItIs
Is not her only goal toward whloh she shealv lb lbaty altsatye
alv aty ys strives trfVY fro from training and d diir 111Pe de deIde
iir 1Pe
She wishes to meet the right man manbut manbut manbut
but she does do not await his coming In Indreadful Inreadful Indreadful
dreadful anxiety and augpesse aqSP Bee Theyoung The Theyoung Theoung
young oung girl who site lta patiently PtJ Uv waiting
ter a husband is unknown In AmericaEJven Americalven America AmertCLDvea
EJven when married she daM not notcease noteeaee notcease
cease to be a being apart ap rt she ha haa h her herlife herlite herlife
life territory which she connects with withthat withtbat withthat
that of her husband but she he Is not notannexed notannexed notannexed
annexed by him BAa will embrace embracenever ombraoethe embracethe
the man because shot l loves ves him but butne8I butnever
never cling to him because she be need needhis n needs needshis ed edhis
his support She does not run the risk riskof riskot riskof
of becoming baCOml g the center c Dter of A Doll DollHouse DoUlIouee boils boilsHouse
House for what Nora decides to do doonly dooRI doonly
only oRI at the end of the third act actbe actbecomf actbecome be become ¬
come a human being belDgake aha ha hu learned learnedto
to be to perfection before her mar marriage marrlage marriage ¬
riage riageANOTHER rlageArlOTHER riageANOTHER
Another notber tunnel undor the Alps to tonow 1 1now II IInow
now projected to connect Italy with withthe withthe withthe
the rest of Europe It will pas paN under underMt underIt underMt
Mt It Blanc at a height of 31M feet
The railroad passing through this thistunnel thl thltURftil thistunnel
tunnel will bring br1n Turin nearer ar r to Gen Geneva GenEiYa Oenova ¬
eva bl16 by bv IK I mile awl shorten the dis distance dl dltalli6 die dielance ¬
lance between Turin and Dd Charooujjlx Charooujjlxby Chamounlxaf
by 116 miles U The expense e s of the new newroad newroad
af U11tIlhr 11tIlhr
road and tunnel to to be borne by the themuTieipalttlrs themutielpalitlas
muTieipalttlrs muII lpalltifS of Turin Geneva G neva nevaChamounlx andChamounlx and andChamounlx
Chamounlx1annary Chamounlx ChamounlxJanuary ChamounlxJanuary
January 27 1907