OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, January 27, 1907, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1907-01-27/ed-1/seq-4/

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Radical adical Reforms Put in inPractice inPractice inPractice
Practice Please Peo People People Peo People ¬
ple of State StateCountless StateCountless StateCountless
Countless Activities Di Directed Directed Directed ¬
rected by GovernmentWith Government GovernmentWith GovernnlentWith
With Nary Narya a Kick KickFew hickFew
Few Millionaires and Pa11Fors Pau Paupers Paupers ¬
pers Excite Ex te Envy of ofCitizens ofCitizens
Citizens CitizensThe C lzens
The millennium mi lleanluss te ftourteaing like a agreen agreen
green efn bay tree It III New Zealand accord
ing to George Mureh a n IMtttVct ttve pf that thatanlpoo1 thataralpodalsalt
antipodal aralpodalsalt isle and at prssant HeHRt sojourning sojourningin
in 11 Washington Waiihlftgt Vu hingtea There it appear N all allthe allthe allthe
the radical reform that can b be suggtsted sug suggested su sugNtfd ¬
gested for the adjustment of society aoclstyxce societyluive IIOClfltyIae
luive xce budded into 1ft to laws and Jlewered Into Intopractice intopracticE Intopractice
practice The government down there thereJi th thereAss re
Ji 19 as usurped all the th prerogative > and andfunctions lutdfurllUns andfuntbsna
functions which J J Pterpem t Morgan MorganJohn MorganJohn loft loftJohn
John D Rockefeller noekBti llti and 1Hl JB > > II Harm Harmman Harrtman Harrimln
man exercise here and Mr Murch lurch detar de deur3 cleLarg
ur3 tar s it la wording successfully If ny The Thereformers TMrd Theraformera
reformers rd rmfrs on this thl end of til the Western WesternHemisphere WMtrftHtmlsphere Weatentmtsphere
Hemisphere mtsphere have nothing new or ort novel novelto
10 t propo propose e for the Government Qovemn et to 4 4that de dethat
that 1 hat the government isnt tan t already HO HOtag tloing doing
ing in New Zealand ZealandHere ZealaadHere ZealandHere
Here is the lint of functions that the theinlliioritles tMjIHrittts theuitltorttlea
inlliioritles there have ha hd thrust upon uponsu u uTI1 upenL
su L < m by law lawFirst JawFlrstGOVtllftllteftt lawFirstGovernment
First FlrstGOVtllftllteftt Government ownership oIWrM of all all4lVUyii aUI althrutre
4lVUyii 4lVUyiiSeoondMuntetiMU I hrutre hrutreSendMuolelpal < 1II 1IIe1Of1dlIunldpal
SeoondMuntetiMU owwettiMe o of all allrouting aUh altand
routing h tlnc and water pUnta and urban urtMWJVlWyy uriMtMii urbanTbirdArbltraUsn
JVlWyy JVlWyyThird ii + 1 tyl tylThirJArbltraUon
Third ThirJArbltraUon Arbitration o oeM oeMl of < all fetor ioe dbr dbr1ut db dbi
1ut i > uteg utegFuurtli It 5FuurtlParcela 8 8FuurlhIarcea
Fuurtli FuurlhIarcea Parcel post postFifthPostal putFifthPostal peatFifthPostal
FifthPostal saving vtnp bank bankSixthBank hankSxthBank It ItSixthBank
SixthBank of New Xeatand Sa 7tealandSe XeatandSeventh
Seventh fI Se fnthOOruNUtt Government Insurance InsuranceKigUth htiNJnAc1iglthPetudOlUJ Ineurance1glthPeaslona
KigUth 1iglthPetudOlUJ Pensions for aged I cone eiitaensNinth coneNtntControl u umtControl
mtControl Ninth Control of all telephone htM Mn MniVntTiLtmitatlons Bnell Bnell1ntllLhnItaUoftll nnecf
iVntTiLtmitatlons f of land JaIM11It Abiding WIDCiI to toU toit totF
U it < acr I atrns atrnsMr s sMr Sr
Mr r Murih declares that the govern governpvjit p governor > verft verftratta
pvjit operates or ratta and directs all n these ac actiUtles act ace aceto
to tiUtles t JUes t tt to > > the satisfaction aatl Caetlol1 of the entire
Illative Native of New Zealand ZealandPraises ZealandI ZealandPraises
I Praises Novel Government
Visits Washtagten ia Interests ef Meyer Projectile for LifeSaving Purposes
population I oa and a there is nary a kick kickcoming kickMIIIIII kickeeIag
coming MIIIIII from fro anybody alt except those who whowould whowould whowould
would like to break k In and tad disturb the thetranquillities tlMtnAqullIItle t e etranquIllltlea
tranquillities l of the Leland by having allthese all allthese allt
these t functions tunet restored restor to private privatebands privatebandt privatehands
bands for MM u spoliation of the pnUic pnUicXw pabUew pobileNaw
Xw w Zealund te IiIlnd4tbted indebted for or all allJuovatloaa these theseInnovations tbeRInnovations
Innovations In government venun4iJAt to the late latepremier Ja14preRtWr latepreader
premier of the colony Richard John JohnSiddon JohnSlddOll JohnSlddon
Siddon said lei Mr Murch lie was waspremier waspn wagpremier
premier pn of f New Zealand 1aDd for sixteen sixteeny sixteenyears xteea xteeaytIIUII
y years r and his It death last November ovt > ber was wastvgTettad wucrctttod wasgrettd
tvgTettad crctttod by every citizen t tI iI tI
I forgot to tell you yo that every ani animal animal animal ¬
mal killed for food ltd lei Mr Murebmust Murch Murchmust Murchlut
must lut be ataufbtered ubtEtNd in the government governmentabattoirs govemtabtttlh governmentabattoirs
abattoirs and be marked mark 4 with itb the offi official omelal out outdial ¬
dial stamp IitalU before It can be offered for forsale torsale forsale
sale Our railroad fares are axed at
1 a ent per mile and all perishable perl kable prod
Famous Comstock omstoc Pianos Pianosworth Pianosvorth
wort worth 1 300 for forPay 198 198Pay I IPay
Pay us S 1 weekly we klyand and we will place in your home homea hom homa
a highgrade S3OO JOO Piano Pianothe the renowned Comstock Comstockand Comstockmd Comstockand
and the price will iIl be 198 You pay no fancy fancyprice fancypriCE fancyprice
price here as you you would in an exclusive piano store storeIncluded storeIncl1d storeIncluded
Included Incl1d d without charge are a fine revolving revolvin stoolsilk stool stoolsilk soolsilk
silk lambrequin rubber cover and nd tuning tunin for one year yearl
1 weekly and the piano is yours
ucla ets cl of the t farm are transported by rail ranto railto nUlto
to the nearest t seaport market mark < < t free of ofall otu ofall
all u coot While our railways rall s are all anshort allshort aUaon
short line lines the government ta 11 now en engaged enI engaged ¬
gaged I ta constructing a I road from one oneend oneqd oneend
end at the t Wand to the other that Fin wiHbe 1Hbe Finbe
be 16fi 1 Gt vanes In length whencomplsted whencomplstedMinimetn wh lbeft4OrRItMl lbeft4OrRItMlMini1Im noerap4t l lMinimum
Minimum Wage Fixed FixedThe Fixed Fixedrne Fixedrho
The minimum wage in New Zealand Zealandfor Zealandfor
for an adult man U axed by law at JS JSper S Sper Ztper
per day We have never had a strike strikeas strikaa strikeas
as the arbitration system in vogue ia iaInvariably hilavarlab1r Iclnvatiably
Invariably Just In n its nndings and Its Itslodgments ItsJad ItsJndgmenta
lodgments Jad < < Jl1eata are always acceded a ctlded to t by thecontending the thecontending thecontendlnc
contending factions The government governmentprovides goemrnentproYida governmentprovides
provides an accident Insurance in which whichemployers whichemploye whichemployers
employers employe are re required to take out pol policies polIclea ¬
icies for every very one of their employee employeeor em loJea i ior
l or render themselves them lvN liable in the event j
i jtr
ref Chair exactly eI I like Illustma I c capedal
tion Twat cane e seat valve valvetae r 9 8
tae special clt clearance > aranef price priceSIXFOO1 priceSIXFOtiT
will 11I seat III people wb wbopen what whatepea
open UXf 42x42 when c1011 closed
ed MOld regularly ularl ataye at atClean 3 9 8
aye Clean Sweep Prte rice
Fine Furs Going for Almost Nothing
25 Isabella I beJla and Sabledyed tbedy d Neckpieces sold 598 S198 S198Rich S198Rich 198 198Hkh
Rich Alaska Seal Sea Pelerine Peeri edged with mink mink tail lined with brocade satin 998Fine 998 998Fine 98 98Fine
Fine Alaska Seal Set Pelerine 10 marten tails seal sea claws worth 3998 1498 1498Alaska 1498Ala 1498Alaska
Alaska Ala ka Seal SeaICa SealCape Cape extra long stole genuine enuine mink collar 6 tls satin Id wth th S5oS2498 S5oS2498One 502498 502498One 302493One
One Fine Gray Wolf Boa lined with Ith squirrel 72 inches 6 tails 35 value vaue valueSi298 valueSi298Two 1298 1298Two 1298Two
Two sets Russian Kolinsky Mink 72inch stole large muff mink tails taiJs60 60 val vaJ2498 vaJ2498One val2498One 2498 2498One
One Genuine Marten Neckscarf 10 bushy bush tails 35 value S1298 S1298Two 1298 1298Two 1298Two
Two Isabella Fox Boas 72 inches large bush tails and claws 1998 value 798 798One 798One 798One
One rich Sable Fox Pelerine that sold at 2998 now 1298 1298One 1298One 1298One
One Fine Persian Paw Pillow Muff sold at 1298 now 498Extra 498 498Extra 498Extra
Extra Large Erminette Pillow Muff silk Ik cord worth orth 20 798 798Set 798Set 798Set
Set White Angora 45inch throw pillow muff worth 20 1398Save 1298 1298on 1298Sav
Sav Save on onChoice Groceries Groceriesl
Choice l lh e Boneless Bacon i4jc i4jcPillsburys 14JcPIJlsburys i4 i4Pillsburys
Pillsburys Best Flour 24 pounds poundsChocolate < 59c 59cChocolate 9 9Chocoate
Chocolate Jpound pound packages packar s I2c I2c25c 12jc 12jcOnyx 12ctic
tic Onyx Coffee IQC
Rxrkwood Rk wood Molasses x 8c 8cBlue SicHlu 8 C Cq
Blue Hlu Label Ketchup KetchupFruit QC QCfruit 91 q < =
fruit and Pound Cake 2 pounds eadi per r pound nd ndShaker v ow i5c i5cPest IxHet
Pest Shaker Salt lOc usually usuallyN 7c 7catnscos 7JcJl
N atnscos Jl hixosM os 7jc 7jcAV 7iCh
M AV h > thers Oats ts 2pound 2 pound package 7c
Shirts 39C 39ClIlt c cl
lot l t of Mens si 1 to 150 Shirts stiff stiffb stiffrnm stiffand
b rnm om and negligee slightly mussed mu ed from fromvibpla fromji fromiiplay
ji vibpla r1ay v all good and desirable qualities qualitiesfake qualitiesLike qualitiesCake
fake them tomorrow in the Clearance Sale SaleJl Saleal
Jl irk I
I Hose nc IICI
100 dozen Womens Black Lace Lisle LisleHose UsJeHose LisleHose
Hose that everywhere sell at 25c pair pairslightly pairslightly pairslightly
slightly imperfect One of the Clearance ClearanceSales ClearanceI ClearanceSales
I Sales best bargains at t 1 tic Ic
The Rev A J Van Ingelgem lngelgernWill IngelgemI lngelgemWill
I Will Be Heard at atI atGeorgetovn atGeorgetown
I Georgetown GeorgetownThe
The Rev A J J Van Ingtegem has haaSeen hasleen hasteen
Seen leen Invited by the Georgetown G rlletwn Vlslta Vlsltatioft Vl Vboltattn lta ltabl
tioft bl Academy to give the cJt art lectures lecturesFuher ktctuNILFlther lecturesFather
Father Van Ingelgem InMe In his early rl Hfe Hfewas Btewas Mewas
was a wellknown art critic In Bee Brussels nlUliseJa Beesels ¬
sels and has served on a number ef efmunicipal otmun1clpal ofmunicipal
municipal art eommUtelona CfP Jn Hn 11 is 1 now nowaUying newstaying OW OWat
staying at the ApoetoHc Mtartcn Home Homeand Houseand oaM oaMand
and 10 I associated aliNlOClat with th tthe Virginia VirginiaApostolate tr trglnba trglnbaApostolate nJa nJaApGStolate
Apostolate ApostolateHla ApGStolateIIl ApostolateIlls
Ills IIl lectures wilt cover the Trecentopalm Trecento Trecentoperiod Tr Cfftto Cffttoperiod
period and the causes of Kenatoeance Kenatoeancepainting inaRCe inaRCeBlnting
painting palm the e Qugttro Quattro Canto C ftto especially especiallytt especially especiallytiie tI clnlly clnllytile
tile tt ie mUools of Florence Umbria U bria andVenice and andVenice andVinlce
Venice and the MadonNa of Qiovant GtovantBelllni QiovantBellini GiOYltnlBellini
Bellini th the Cinque Cento period p JOl d treat treating tr treating t tinr ¬
ing tn the < Roman school represented bx bxlluphuel bJCHupuH1 byItaphael
lluphuel and Gullla Romano Milan MilanSiliool MilanwdlOol Milansa
Siliool sa hool by Leornardo da Vinci and Bernadinu Ber Bernadinu Belnadlnu
nadinu Luinl Florence school by Mich anebeel Michael Mlebaf1 ¬
eel Angelo Venice Ven school by Titian and andOtorgione aDdo andOlorglone
Otorgione o Parma school by xi Corregto CorregtoThe Corre e ed lo loThe
The riir initial = lecture will be given aon aondav ion ionday
day d V afternoon afternoonf
of f any Injury lllju that Uta might befall thair thairhelp tlllllrhelp theirhelp
help In an a s mount t equal to what hat the thegovernment tltesomm theguvernunsnt
government somm polley would have paid In Innidi 1ftiIUd1 hisuch
such a case Native born ciUaewi tIMtt and andthose IUMltheH andthose
those who have been resId residents ns of t die dietelawd dieawt theIsland
Island awt for or twentynve 1 years yr provided providedcrime JIIOYldwdtItr providedthey
they b have not belt convicted ot any aBJert anycrime
crime ert Mt ai aiupon aN paid a pension ot iW a year yeary yearopen
upon y attaifcUujf the a age e of sixtyflve sixtyflveThis sixtyfiveThis lxtyftveTIt
TIt This stay r a appear PP r a small sum to live liveupon livetll liveupon
upon tll explained Mr r Murch but one onewn OfteA onecan
wn A prosper very ry comfortably upon that thatamount thataMOUat thatamount
amount b IK New Zealand Meats MeatBIwta a and andvegetables 4 4vegetables
vegetables Iwta are cheap and so te clothing cloth clothto dothAt
ing to At the best be t hotel In New Zealand Zealandpatreoiied z1aINIvatr Zealandpatredztal
patreoiied vatr llts by royalty a 8 six U or orOOUrH seven sevenoouree sevencourse
course weal cows only 114 H cents The TheImiurance TMhtnI Thebanurance
Imiurance htnI feature t ff ta put down cI a at small wnalleeet BlBalte smalleost
eeet e t and ta I conducted on the mutualplan mutual mutualplan mllt1lhtn
plan lhtn The expenses ex are cut down to the thevery tIMff thevery
very ff bone In maintain malntainhttr the tb insurance insurancedepartmert lul1UttledepartJlMlto InsurancedepartMer
departmert departmertPdstal departJlMltoP8tal t tPeatal
Pdstal Banking Bankt g Service ServiceTn Servleee ServiceT1e
Tn T1e e postal basking bU service to IIto onen onento opeato
to the depositor of S 5 cents and afterthe after afterthe atte atteUta
the savings Y p book ta tewted anything anythingfrom IUtrtbiagtrom anythingfrom
from a cent up to RMI te accepted ceptecI after afterthe alterthe afterthe
the latter amount te I reached no nowill more morewill morewill
will be b taken from any one oa depositor depositorbut chpomtorbut depositorbut
but It can be withdrawn and aDdIt redepos redeposited reddepostied
tied It with the tb Bank of New N w Zealand ZealandThe ZealandTilts ZeelandThe
The government pays pay from 2 to I per perrent JHtIeomt percent
rent on all U deposits pMItJ1 and lends money moneyto mOlt4lYto moseyto
to settlers on their improvements at atper 4 4per H4 H4per
per cent t Interest The TJI tend holdings holdingsare holdl holdlare holdingsare
are limited to square nrlle tracts and andthe andthe nd ndthe
the taxes tax are so IN adjusted that the laps UMHbaron lantbaron lapsbarons
baron who acquired hundreds of thou
Pastor on Unwritten LamSays Law LawSays LawSays
Says It May Excuse Thaw ThawColumbus ThawColumbus ThawColumbus
Columbus Preacher Will Declare From Pul Pulpit Pulpit Pulpit ¬
pit That Murder Murder of White Was Justified JustifiedUnder JustifiedUnder JustifiedUnder
Under Certain Cert in Circumstances irc mstances I
COLUMBUS Ohio Jan 3t xt A Colam Colamban C Culambus lutl lutlbull
ban preacher Ir will declare from his hl pul pulpit putpit ¬
pit Sunday SiuHla that under certain emtdi andltk emtdittons
tk ttons os Harry 1C Thaw was wa juetlfled JuetUI m mtaking IA IAtakiKg hitaking
taking the life of Stanford White WhiteThe WbtttMalt WhiteThe
The Rev Mr fr Puller te pastor of the theIfoll U theNell
Nell Avenue V6ftU4t Methodtot JCntecopal JCntecopalChurch XtHeotMLlChurch BptecopalChurch
Church Sunday s Sunda morning be will preach preacha
a sermon on Selfpreservation SeICpre ervatlon1I The Thesermon Thesermon
sermon will treat almost altogether of ofthe ofthe
the Thaw case and the minister will willdtecuee wtlid willdlscues
dtecuee d cUN the law JawJtHhap perhaps the unwritten unwrittenlaw unwrtu unwrittenlawby
law Jawby by which Thaw now OI on trial for forbl f fbit forhis
bl bit > life lit may be acquitted and his ac acTh utloR action
tloR J juedded jueddedThe dd ddone
Th one Rev Mr Fuller Ful r will My y that thatsince tllat8Inee thatsince
since HlCJM aolf elfpre pteservatlon ervaUon if the Nett all taw tawof Jawor lawof
of nature JUttu ameng aarntll < < the higher a as welt as asthe JUIthe asthe
the lower form of 1K lite it has ha bearings bearingsupon bMrtapupoll beartagaulion
upon th the family ta ttly as a wen tt aa JI upon Ute tfeeIndividual UteIndlYWuaJ theIndMdnal
Individual IndividualTlw IndlYWuaJrJwt IndMdnalThe
The man Mr lr Puller Ful will contlnn contlnnsands C81tUnlicit P Psands
sands licit of aer acres era a of land prior to the enactment en enactment ¬ j
actment of the present laws Ja Wtl are arelac rush rushIng rushing
Ing surveyors to the front In the wr wnrl wnrlof rl rlof
of subdividing lNtlvldtq then tll holdings hold and pin ptoeWK pIaeIttgo pining I
Ittgo WK them tit on the market mak t Th The colony colonylamfc eekNtyIaIMIa colonylaadk
lamfc are sold by It the government to ac actual ace aceteal ¬
tual settlers on the tb perpetuity tutt lease Je plan planof planof
of 8B years yea at a rental of 4 fe per Mtr cent conta
a year y on their valuation or can be bepurehajMd betUteha bepurchased I
purchased tUteha d In freehold on almost any anyreasonable an anr anyreasonable
r reasonable bIe terms Landci are cheap and andfarming andfarmlilk andfarming
farming and 1ICI ateecp raising aa a well a alumbering alUMbering as aslumbering
lumbering are table occupations In tathe In1M Inthe
the colony eotonyThere eoIoa eoIoaTbare colonyThere
There the laboring man tit well pro protected protested IO IOte4 ¬
tested tectedThe testedThe
The The eightMew elpt law Is enforced t taJtIo < < as asatao asaloe
aloe the weekly half holiday y Th There TMrJHt r te teno Inse
no labor laDer except e of necessity permitted permittedon Itt Itta
on a SvmlaV Saaday
few Few Millionaires MillionairesWe MilJl naires nairesJMM
We arc not harrowed wad by paupers and andthere aMt andthere
t there are 8 f few w millionaires to exetto our ouronvy eurY earenvy
envy Y The poon J people eOP ar It are proeftorauii M tl tllast OM OMIa theIaet
last Ia C CfIIIUIU MW shows Wit this per capita ta wealth wealthOf wltkOf wealthof
Of the th colony oel ny to be beXr 3MM 3MMMr iRfeaMr
Mr Mureh urdt declares be is s not a social socialist JIOCtaItat socialtat ¬
tat He Is here In Washington further furthering tUftlMr1It furtherhug ¬
hug 1It the Interests of the Meyer eyer projectile projoetllefor lDietlk lDietlkfew
for lif Bfe avln purpose p which wa waRiven was Wa6Ilinn wasgiven
linn a trial at the Congrewi C Heights HeightsKlfle HKCtttaRUle HelghtaRule
RUle rane rare last Tuesday but he is an anenthusiast anenthusiast II IIfLfttht
enthusiast upon the advance that has hasbeen JuubHn hasbeen
been made J ad in the colony eo1on of New Zealand Zealandin
in providing for the wellbeing wfII IJ1C of Js Jspeople t s speople speople
people peopleThoe peopleThoee peopleThose
Those who regard all these rercTJis rercTJisin rt refwrnsin > L1111 L1111tft
in government and d society soel y as an exile xpel
1 Mondays Money Molleysaving Molleysavingill oney = savio savioNEW saving savingin
in Furniture FurnitureJlW
it 111 Its tl ta 1tly ill illNEW
Parlor Suite chok choice of either silk or r Vrona upholsteringthis upholstering uphuhtNintit v vthte 25 89
this tit suite haa never gold under > 3t fur the th < icuxh > iiuiio alan r < Ht i < aced in Ifb J to
sa saAILMxTAL 0 0AJI
bad b all slzetl very verystrong
ance strong = Price rk value i9a = t lear learance 1 8 9
OK RO ROMAN SEAt lPHOt VPHOtalered lPHOtsttr
alered sttr with hh god > Od quality ve velour > lour very verystrongly ery erytrouwly
strongly aDd w well U anadeIOad made sold C
regularly lJularl t Ii 1 now w special Itperlallor specialtor 6 9
lor tOf tomorrow OfTOW at
Clearance Specials for Monday Mondayand M nday ndayChildr
Childr Childrens ns Vellmade Flannelette Ni Night ht Drawers with withand
3 9c
and d without feet heavy material for clearance reduced to toat toGood toGood
Good Quality Flannelette Gowns that have always sold soldat 69c
at 1 heavy h avy quality now reduced to toChildrens toChildrens toChildrens
Childrens Wellmade Outing Flannel Dresses good ODd and andserviceable andserviceable andserviceable
serviceable quality in sizes from 1 lto to 3 years to be sold to tomorrow 1 15c C Cmorrow
morrow in rr the clearance at atSmall atSma atSmall
Small Sma lot ot of latest shape 1 Corsets some of the best makes makesonly makeson makesonly
only on a few of each size to be quickly q lickly closed out tomorrow tomorrowwhile 59 C Or
while the they last at the small price pnce ice of ofS ofSale J L LSale C
Sale S le Special in Furnishings
Brown black ribbed cotton 1 fC fCStockings c
Stockings in sizes 5 Ola 6 6it < 7 ii 1 Ill Oc
7 26c it is I the standard andarl1 price prtc prtcMENS priceMENS v vMENS
Overalls without bibs regirj regirjiilar NW C
ular price Is 75c 75 < Clearance learaneeprice A9 = t iy iyprice
priceMENS price priceMENS prke1IE
ers silk embroidered one fr frpair c
pair In a box sell at atClesrftncc BC BCClearance c 19C IM1 IM1Clearance
Clearance price
flannel night robes r hes that sell sellup sellup 9C C
up to J1S5 1So Clearance price priceMISSUS prietMIMES priceM19tt1 q
bed Heecelined lIfted gray sra un underveots 1 C
derveots sold regularly regularlyat 12 I Iat 2
at IItfi 28e > Clearance price priceMENS price1IENS priceMENS
and drawers shirts single f tr trand C
and double breasted bre ated values valueto valuestOe 3 9c M MWe
We to Tiff Sale price
is called craven era who hO will 111 not defend defendto
to 8 th t the last Il1 t ditch the honor of t Ida wife wifeand wifeand It Itand
and the purity purit of Me linnu a o It was wasthrough wa wathrough wasthrough
through this law that Hairy K Tbaw Tbawwas TbawWItS Thawwas
was jutunedlf he hetak we jt jwrtMeafa jwrtMeafataking 5tMedits 5tMeditstaking
taking tak the Ute Ilf of Stanford 18nl White laUe of ofNew 8tN ofNew
New N e York YorkMr Yotklr YorkMr
Mr lr Fuller Fu Jer continuing conUnul g win say ilia that thatthe thatt thatthe
the t evidence in the trial will 10 show BAOWwhether llbewwbether showwhether
whether this th law upholding the sanctity sanctityof ttrttt ttrtttoC
of the home was wa a violated vtt Iat by Ue mar murdered mardared r rdttrotd ¬
dared man a and if it was then t Thaw Thaww Thawwee fItMww
w wee e Justified Ju tUkNI ta taking his It life The Thecharacter ThetbuIutar Thecharacter
character of the tote t We men Puller will willcontend wiltcontend 111 111twltfifid
contend ha hac nothing R thhe to do wiCk 0 the Jus Justice Ju Jutlee Juetbe ¬
tice of t the act actThe ae ae7he actThe
The only oueatioN at Issue te be will willdeclare willfoelure willdenture
declare ta this Wsa t the e unwritten utI unwrittenlaw unnTittenlaw I1tten I1ttenlAw
law that prompts the th man to k protect
tb the honor of his wife 1f and the purity purlt of
his h Mme broken hnik R sr r n net lletIt netIf tr trIf
If it wee > Fuller will say G then MIt the
dead man received r ftd his just due duement dues duesMont
Mont 1 he say says should go to X XZIJtc1 New NewZaland
Zealand and see them in full w working workingorder rkta kbtg kbtgCJfdff > K Korder
order Our climate ell J4I 1 congenial and If IfI ItI IfI
I was wa oCTerau oCrlt the choice of going any anywhere aft aftlKIre anywhere ¬
where lKIre on earth rth and M landing Jaltdl there a atranxer aIItra astrange
strange IItra with only 0111 s It cents NlttMIOCk to my mypocket mypocket
pocket IOCk I would by all odds odd go to tol toN toNew
l New N Zealand 7 A4I We W have no ItOor noorhoases pooelrooseaor noorhoasesor
or paupers and those thG e who went W < MIt there therepennitata tltereJMltItUewa thereIwnatloaa
pennitata ten It or twelve t welY years age have haveamassed haveMaUQd haveamassed
amassed property and are well to 0 do doBut doBut doBut
But there is no more room in the col colony coluay colony
ony for the t drone than anywhere else eleSHEPARDS tbeSHEPARDS elseSHEPARDS
Owing O1D to the destruction of the tMY
Academy Y Shepard8 picture will 11I be beseen beIHI beseen
seen IHI Ift tonight at Convention HalL There Therewill Th Thwill Therewill
will be an excellent orchestra Tom TOItIoore
Moore oore will as uMtal introduce a oust number ItUHIor oustbar ¬
bar of new illustrated mu trlt songs The pro program IN0paM program ¬
gram of pictures pletu te an excellent ttxMtand one oneand etcand
and is Mid 14 to be better than any IIy thatMr that thatMr thatMr
Mr Sheperd has haI produced for some I <
time 8 being especially P daU rich in touching t uchf g
dramatic and lively e1y comedy eDfIHMI subject ilUbjaetiLrbll
Prices Ir rbll com have ba Yft been reduced to IS 1 and andcents SK SKTHE
cents U
Luther liurbank looked worried worriedWhats worrtelWhat worriedWhata
Whats What the trouble they asked uk d
The wizard knitted his brow bwwIve tn browLye l l1e
Lye been trying to produce a graft
lean politician but its itsSalng no wt wtSaying use use13aying
Saying which he h grafted ratt a water watermelon watermelon watermelon ¬
melon onto a l pumpkin umpklnMilwaukee Milwaukee Sen Sentinel Sentinel Sentinel ¬
d 1 1j
j Jrf t JJ JJ7S
Oak Table turned turnedloge
loge MDI molded rim ape apesirs II IIeiiI 1 69
sirs atNICKELTic at atICKIiITJ1
ICKIiITJ1 J MED MEDJeJftfeeUon MEDPerfectkn
JeJftfeeUon Oil Heat Heater
cllIeIId er everywhere to l I 1 1cllIeIId re redsced 3 9 8
Circuit Attorney at Missouri MissouriWont Misso MissouriWont ri riWont
Wont Have Them ThemAround ThemAround
Around AroundJury AroundrOUIS AroundST J
ST rOUIS M Ma JaA Jantokwlt t At
taeey Sager J Is not c gohlg to tr trust t iWftU iWftUMMI
that feet titsuntgln MMI ItI8 ooe and the
dhaml Itfl Jury J r ram MH to tonere a pli4 Iri teletlll e eXo
aNerater aNeraterNoe
Noe Xo sir be aW I
eeuMasti t why t
theJo there wrorliat t lie
any r aorita amend
nere here at all if
a woman g iMKtr segct t te a all allA
the things I tteeaaarUy rtIr haft to transact lUtCt
over tile t teAbene teAbeneA
A private syp system fJF m Is to be Installed uI hi
the ItI t fear oour ooura In t the
apthg c wth fftIa new ew
Itwhelaee and 1Id iiaaer lay that teU
Ita have to be
a man 10 oporait c tllllll ft + eat Ue
dental < 1 I01 point tr It wont t be operated
Wb Wby Jl Just t
J11 suppose omllat tha ed the
circuit attorney that Hiram Johnston
should t uU be indicted tor smnethtegT IIOMetlltag e ° tMag Well S
I alight want to know
something from fromWDOdy
one Gt my y aaslnenta ata or the eerltt tt CK r
somebody WDOdy bod in
tINt buiMmg g about abs absIilrata t the e
whereabout of Hiram IIi and It theres theresv0 tJtere1Igirt
a girt v0 v0snell out there on the teIeplrne why
snell be certain to bear it itM It ItThfon itThen
Then the n very first thing whs IIIte
saes M her chum or steady IfM L be Have Haveyou JIaeyou Haveyou
you herd he about boat the Indlotns imMotmoa of Mr
Hiram nra JuiutstoMisat it aW awbubpsor nvrful psor r rDand
man menand Dand and hte I DOOr wif wifThen wife WiteThEn wifeThen
Then Hiram will know and ship Xo
sir I consider that a girt prtOIHIrator totopkoae leUpbeneoperator totopkoaeoperator
operator around rotUtd here Hr WOUld defeat the thoends tbeenda theendg
ends of Justice JusticeNEW 1utAeeNEW
t tNEW
The DrHton vlc vice consul at Rouen n re reI JeIOf reports
I ports IOf I that th the cultivation M France of ofthe ofthe
the tb new n potato brought from Urvgttay
has been observed for come time U with witttgreat withgr withgreat
great gr great at interest The variety riely M called
Solanum c oomntersonall raoran violet is s said atd
to possess excellence of taste M wait as asnutritive AllnutriUn asnutritive
nutritive value and te I equal sous 1 to the bent
table potato known In Prance This Thisvariety Thistuiety nil nilarlety
variety to distinguished dhtU by Us resist ¬
anon to frt as also Mo to disease and lt lton Its Itsone II IIOIMI
on one great advantage is that It prospers proepemmost IHO prospersmost tKtrIl tKtrIlJDOIit
most In a damp and swamp waltt soil 4tO where tIer
no other kind of notate would grow gnt
Every Rv y kind of soil whether ltether clayey eIa eIatIt
ulcerous tIt rollii of sillcioiui aUciou seems equally eotMilvadapted Uy
adapted for its culture provided provJd < < it is iI
damp dampINDIAN tltmpINDIAN mp
Congressman n Cbariee arses CUrtis who has
just Justr been nominated by the RepubNcaui
for fo r United States es Senator from Kansas Xaa u
is a halfblood Kaw Indian 1JtdIa He will be bethe bethe bethe
the first member of the t upper upperwho house housewho housewho
who can an say y that he Is at least half halftrue hairtrue halttrue
true American A trw n His HI mother w was s a full
blood Kaw Indian He is I fortyseven fortysevenyears tonyMYCI1ParK fortysevenyearn
years ParK of age and a as a boy 10 made Ma hisliving his hisliving
living selling fancy fane work at the old ld
Kansas Interstate Fair
1 1I
I r ri
1 V
A Hoosier HoosierKitchen HoosierKitchen
Kitchen Cabi Cabinet et on 30 Das DasFree DaysFree
Free Trial TrialIt
It is beyond a doubt the most convenient piece pieceof niece nieceof
of furniture you you COUld buy Saves thousands ofsteps of ofsteps
steps for the busy housewife housewifeevery every kitchen kitchenJ1fCessity kitchennecessity
necessity in one place and a place for every everythin everything
thing thin The Hoosi Hoosier r leads alt kitchen cabinets cabinetsin
in superiority of construction and general n6ral exce excelence excel excellence j
lence 7c a day will ill buy one Exclusively here
Bedwear and
Good quality Tan Blankets with colored coloredborders coloredborders coloredborders
borders selling at 8oc 8Q pair Not Notover 39C 39Cover OQC OQCover
over two to a buyer buyerExtra buyerExtra J J JExtra
Extra heavy 104 White Tan and Gray
Blankets k worth th 98c pair i Sale price i 6 CQC CQConly 9C 9CHeavy C Conly
only onlyHeavy Oy OyHeavy
Heavy 114 Silver Gray G r a y Blankets Blanketswith Blanketswih Blanketswith
with colored colored borders worth oS 2 2pair > M OQ
pair Sale price price priceHeavy priceHeavy P 1 1 391 5 5Heavy
Heavy Vhite bite Bedspreads full doublebed double doublebed doubleIbed
bed size si sokI every everywhere where at tt 3125 125 135Sale 89 Qfr
Sale price ice OVC c
Lot of Handsome Plait Val Lace Edgesand Edges Edgesand EdgesOd
and Od Insertions from 1 if to 4 inches wide in ina ina ml mla
a number of new and effective patterns patternsregularly patternsl patternsregularly
regularly l lOc I and I 12 l2jc c yard Clear ar 5 tC tCance C CLot cance
ance price priceLot e 5 5Lot
Lot of Fine Swiss and Cambric Embroid Embroideries Embroideries Embroideries ¬
eries and Insertions that retail regu regularly reguht regularly ¬
larly ht y up to 25c a yard Clearance 7Je 7Jepnce TjCi TjCiprice 1 c cprice
price pnce 2 2
II IIExtra
Extra heavy Marseilles Marseill Bedspreads beau beautiful beauk beautiful ¬
tiful designs i sell el at S250 250 Sale Saleprice fljf it itprice
priceHandsome price k Cpl4y Cpl4yHandsome 149 149Handsome
Handsome Mantel and Piano Lambrequins Lambre Lambrequins Lambrequins ¬
quins of art draperies also tinted tintedcushion tintedcushion tintedcushion
cushion slips worth 35c for clear clearance I A Aance
ance at atPretty 19 iyt iytPretty C CPretty
Pretty White Whit e Applique lists in a large largevariety largei largevariety
variety i of designs worth 15c now P 7 7at 7at
at JHC JHCOriental 5 c cOriental
Oriental Striped StripedCooch Couch Covers extra extranice extranic extranice
nice nic quality always sold at 98c 9kclearance Cf
clearance price l e < D 5 V 9 V C
Laces and nd Embroideries
Lot of Very Desirable TorchonLace TorchonLaceEdges Tor T o r c h a n Lace LaceEdges LaceEdges
Edges and Insertions not a yard f 1 c
sells under 5c Price yard Z2 Z2Lot 2 2 2Lot 2 2Lot
Lot of Very Desirable Embroidery Edges Edgesin
in neat and pretty designs slightly mussed mussedfrom J Ifrom
from handling hand1in none of it has said under 5c 5cyard 5cyard
yard For the Clearance Sale I 2 f 1 r rat C Cat
at 6 2
Gloves Almost Half Price U
ton Glove black and white regu regularly regularJIIe regularly ¬ 49C
larly larJIIe 98c Sale pr pliee plieeWOMENS tce ee te teWOMENS isWOMENS
Lisle Gloves li in grays y and light lightblues lightbluet lightblues 39C 59
blues selling always at Rt1ic Tic
sizes stZt > 8 4Vfc 4 > j 4K 4 and 5 the standard etathdatdMENS 2 Sc C
Jl quality at i iMENS
n1 =
Golf Gloves that sell jr f Se usual ¬ 39C C
ly in this sale at

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