THE WASHINGTON TIMES t MMUY rIt y JAM J rnY I ARY ti v l 2 > 7 1907 9
Petition to the District Sul1 Su Supreme SuI Supreme ¬
I l1 t preme Court Compli Complicates Complit Complicates Complicates ¬
cates Affair AffairMembers AffnirMembers AffiiirMembers
Members of School Board BoardExpress BoardExpress BoardExpress
Express Themselves onthe on onthe ont
the Subject SubjectProbable SubjectProbable SubjectProbable
Probable Outcome is Being BeingAwaited BeingAvaited BeingAwaited
Awaited With Much MuchInterest MuchInterest MuchInterest
Interest Interestio
io be or twit not to t bed b M r Thin is tM themoited tb tbxuooied tMnoild
xuooied quest iiuostten 1 wMen now w confronts confrontsthe cesfvaststhe
the Bard of BriweattoM uo brought kre I t about aboutby ateutly Lwt Lwtby
by the In hltug Klin of c a iHolKfoM tlttoR iw I th u tke District DtetrictSupreme DtiltrletSprfme DistrictSt
Supreme St preme Court CoUrt ytrteriay c8fllay Ity y Cardosos Cardososattorney CallloltoslttrJf Cardoaosatt
att attorney 5rney ante all sorvd UIMMI th tM board justlis just justus justuS
us It convened c uvened in adjourned adjourned session to toicar tofar torear
rear far charges hlt preferred against I Mm ht by byUir byt1f bythe
the siverintondont s ertnt4lttCMttt Mud assistant sujntr sujntriattndjnt nupwriatendrnt
iattndjnt of the DiMriet schools schoolsTUs ltebonlJTllli sehooi9TQH
TUs temporary halt in proceedings proceedingswas pr
was 19 received with Ith varying varyl de degrees reea of ofFrprwe off ofF
f Frprwe Tprie indignation JDdl < < Dat And chagrin on ontiu 011til umtai
tai tiu part of respective reII tve board member memberJu embus embusT
Ju r t his hi petition u Ute e text of which was wasioon WIUiI wagr
I untu eintc c in The TIMes yesterday yMtefl l ah aher ahera0n
ioon 011 Cardoso alleges that the board te tevHovi iaIitlO faw
w vHovi itlO ti0t1 authority au lorky to try him that th thvrj the tlwr
t vrj r ry appointment af the board itself lt lf by bytx bytl byt
tx tl t Supreme Supro Court Cour JUdgea jod J e is illegal 11 and andthat andt1t andtLit
that the act of CowgreM approved June JuneMm Junen
n < > Mm I 100 providing for such neh a board and andimtiixl IIJIdmtio andInetd
imtiixl mtio of appointment appolnt teftt I Ii uneoaatltu uneoaatltutuial uMOIWUtutIal uneonattluttral
tuial and should ukl be revoked Cardoso CardosoIso lkrdoao19o OIIO OIIOJlO
Iso asks sts that the board be enjoined enjoinedfrom eajuuhiwtfrnni
from htarlll hearing < < any chargAtt t again M8 aghat t1J tt him himoi hhMr
oi U r interfering with ltta him In any MY mannerrsd manner mannerfind nunerlid
find lid further enjoined en JoIIMCt gnd from claiming cia tilting tc tct It Itt t tt
t t > the Board
of JCducatlon or acting aa aaSUll astslt
SUll SUllI 1 tslt tsltI < 11 11I
I have heard of ca c cases ea becoming M Mcomplicated act actmliatfd aocomplicated >
complicated that only one pemoa con conrueted conn
rueted n cted with them th m was w familiar with all alltue allt
tue t H e detail and h he forget th t team tttR m or went wentinsane Wdltlnilant westinsane
insane Mid dmiral Baird just ju t after aftertue ahetlte afterue < <
tue board adjourned adjourft yeM yesterday rday and itseems it itseems Itseems
seems as though this tii ease CN la J fast ke kemlng bet loeming
> ming m nlt the same 11M way ItY It Itnuxj bi beoieea > comai more moreraixta moremixed
mixed each time we e meet It seems Meminterminable HetftAllttrminable
interminable 1 I dont know kao when It will willend willend 111 111tl1d
end In the meantime at Cardoso whether whetherae
ll ae e should or should not be deposed tkopo ed in inn hin kitn
n charge and drawing drawln < < hie ht d salaryCaptain salary salaryCaptain salaryCaptain
Captain Oyster Disapproves DuapprovesCaptain Di DisapprovesCaptain approves approvesCaptaln
Captain Oyster Oh r wan quite emphatic phlttie in inexpressing Inexpressing Inr
r expressing bin disapproval of the Cardoz Car Carlozi Cardoz
lozi doz petition which hlch he It > believed was wasild wasmd was41I
ild 41I d primarily for further delay deIa II IIexpressed lid lidf Heexpressed
expressed f himaeif a as being Ine much sur surrnsed surnstd surI
I rnsed nstd that Attorney AttorlK Davie should ab ukl have haveaken haveakfn haveaken
aken this step tep after saVing Flag to the theoard theIrd thecard
card when It adjourned last alilt Wednes WednesU4v e ttes ttes4i
c day < 4i that his hl side II ide would be ready IMd to proCtI pro procfeil proNII
cfeil NII without delay on Saturday Saturda after aftorrx aft aftcJOn afterrton
rx cJOn cJOnPf rtonPecltin > n nPeeking
Pecltin Peeking Pf > cltln the healed controversy lOfttroWff1j over overti ov ovt overts
ti t h adjournment of the board before it itampltted ittJlnllf itaflpleted
ampltted tJlnllf > te1 th the tareuttiptl mvostigatfcfoi pin f W Wd Wtdiw EtellntpadsN
dsN d he MM The defense M at a the time timernted U1IMtHl timerated
rated tHl it Wa traithnposslWe ftuimsmiKi for them t to toiMilude t tirlulle tom
> iMilude m dude the trial that night but said saidsviiiing aaWt sakiashing
sviiiing t II l1g about filing a technical t 1I1ea1 peti petition ¬
i tion of f this th kind k Id in IntM the meantime tI and andMr MIMIIr andMr
Mr Ir Davis promteed he would have hay all allwitnesses allitniSlK8 alltttnessea
witnesses ready and proceed with the thetrial thetrial thetrial
trial today attending a night Ju JuU resestMws resestMwsIf wion wionIf
If necessary Nsw we are again a ft stopped stoppedIt
i ° It is s growing growt < < very monotonous to me roseii meti mtt
ii ti t say sa the least of It ItSeen ItSeeR t tSeen
Seen last night Captain Oyater jyate sail sailhe sakIhe saidhe
he was not UmilUr with It the togat I I as aspects iUIpeetg aspeels ¬
peels of otthe the petition but hardly hardt thought thoughtthat thouxhtthat thoughtthat
that the court which appointed a tlOtnted The Themembers tMmemb themembers
members memb > ra of the x oitrd sM rd by virtue of Con Congressional CA CAJrrssional Congressional ¬
gressional authority would now no revoke revoketa revokeJt2
Jt2 ta own action and declare de r th tM bmrd bmrdout tMnrdut IsnrdUut
out ut of existence which Le says say YII is thepurport the thepurport he herurport
purport of the Cardoso petition Captain CaptainOyster Captainltyster
Oyster spoke > in n a wearied tone and in intimated Intunated Intunated ¬
tunated that even should such a ate atebbfall atelfaU aten
n befall the stoats he would ould shed no tears tearsHowever teJol teJollI tearsHowever
However lI wevtr h IHo tukl our races aeM are r3 to tothe tothe tothe
the front In this fight and It we are areshot areshot re rebot
shot bot it wont Oftt be 1M from the back backMrs heckMrs ek ekMrs
Mrs Terrell AIM Displeased DispleasedMr
Mrs Mr Terrell another member mtwr of th thboard the thel be beoard
board l oard also expressed expn > Ued displeasure that thatfurther ttwtIIrther thatfurther
further delay nhould have arteen as asshe asshe ill illhe
she he had broken an Important engage engagement eftg eftgnent engagement ¬
ment in New York and returned t tWashington to toWashlngtOl ieWashington
Washington expressly xpNliltI to Aid In con conducting COftdulIng eonducting ¬
ducting the trial only to find It again againpostponed a againpostponed ln lnpostpontd
postponed postponedihe postpontdThe postponedlhe
The attitude of the entire hoard seems seemsto seemsto nul nulto
to be that the matter should be eon eoneluded o ocliided Oft OftcJuded
eluded at once and decided fd on Ju Jumtritfi ta tamerits 8 8muits
merits in juito juU < to all corcerned Incltding in int Inddlng
lading t the school the h complainantsand complainants complainantsan1 complainantanj
and the respondent Cardoso CardosoAttorney CardoaoAttornty CardosoAttorney
Attorney McNamara although declin
Department of Agricul Agriculture Agriculture Agricullure ¬
ture Wont Let Him HimBring HinlBri1 HimBring
Bring Bri1 g Animals In InFearing InFenring InFearing
Fearing Disease DiseaseTb
Tb Department of Agriculture has haslately UIIa lutelately
lately a bon ender r the disagreeable rbte rbteeaty H Hcaaslty m memelty
caaslty of r preventing veaUnlt GMt Leonard LeonardWeed LeonardWeed
Weed 8641 m command of tM tn forces of the thePhHtnain thePtIttI thePWI
PhHtnain PtIttI se from bringing hack to toAmerica t tAMeriea toAmerica
America his favorite rkHng horse nJt and andtwo a atwo andtwo
two M mHchprised tprtNd dogs dogsIt dOpIt dollsIt
It wa wu a clear ease of the agricul agricultural a agrieultmral leul leultuftl ¬
tural end of the Government triumphing triumphingv triumphingaver
1i aver v < r the military end of it General GeneralWood Gfttteral001I GeneralWeed
Wood 001I was wa anxtouu to tend d the animals animalsback a animalsback lntal lntalek
back ek to this thl country COUfttl as he will return returnhere rMUIfthere returnhere
here himself before many months TheDepartment The TheDepartment TtaeD
Department D rtment of Agriculture grlcuUlr however beev beevi is isin ionla
in i the greatest g tt tear of that dreaded dreadeddisease drtIeddlMaae dreadeddisease
disease of livestock and other animate animateIn Mnlma MnlmaI
I In the Philippines blllppl surra getting a foot foothold roothold foothold ¬
hold in this country and It is mexor mexorable looser IfttfXora IfttfXorDugefeus looserable
able a
Dangerous Bacillus BacillusThe BacilhtsTit BacillusThe
The Tit bacillus of surra in i > > a peculiar peculiarnak pocuta r rklik rsu
su nak ske klik Uk llke creature that lva haw a facile facileway faellfa facilewily
way a of multiplying MtUplyt HU If by splitting splittingin to totwo
in two lengthwise Incidentally th thprocesses IlK IlKut theproee <
proee processes aoa of muKiwitaaUen are extreme Ajctremely AlCtftIftely extremely
ly rapid One of the Meet common ways waysin W waysIn tI tI1ft
in which w b the forms 1fttI ar are r tranMnittod lraasslttcdfrom tranMnittodfrom traI1kfrom
from one animal to 0 another aa ther is I through throughthe ttuiuu throughthe h ht
the t medium of it f idea iiio 1 M This fact maicesj ilia iliai maaea
i It almost useless u 811 to examine an animal hnlmalbefore IoRIlMtI animalbefore
before putting put ftf It ou a bout b t in the far farMart r farCast
I Mart 1 since lnc n any wandering Hy 8 that thatchances thatehatHe thatehattoen
chances J to alight alb on the online aft after afterIt r rit t tIt
it gets started on Its It Journey acres th the theM thetea j jla
M tea la i likely to aemswie ommiM4Uat MUt ate the dis disUnder diAiot dkiease
ease easeUnder iot iotUIlMr >
Under all al the iiicum dc dscumetnm UncCi ftei ei much muchtM A Ath e ethe
th tM oOteials o ieIals of the tk Dopartm DitpartMcmt it of I Agri Agriculture Aptfulture Agriculture ¬
culture wanted atM tc pkas pka Ovneral i neral Wood Woodthey Wo Otod Otodthey d j jthey
they felt t they coW W JPt not endanger iivv iivvstoek ifvistock l lMoek
stock in I thin country swat by admitting adlllltU II IIanl1a MS MSanimals a aanimals
animals and IM they tuck to their ruling rulingStrict rullIIJCStriet rulingStrict
Strict About Ab 1it Animals AnimalsIt
It is extremely difficult th these e days dy Jil for forinto lorafty forany
any IWNt to get ttt a bone or other atonal atonalInto IIMI IIMIu
into u this thl country from the tropleal re regionR 1ee 1eetoRs regions
gionR toRs of the Orient Surra Is I screed 1IPf alt altover anover ailover
over that region 1tOn aafd the agricultural agriculturalfor agrlcufturaloltieiabe
oltieiabe o < < tetalel are constantly Oft the lookout kIookoutfMlt lookouttea
for fMlt fMltNet ItNet It ItNet
Net long 10M < < ago a the wife of an a army arM of officer oftteer ofiicer ¬
ficer who was u returning r tulq from the Phll PhllioptiHM PbJIIPfthIM Phllipptnea
ioptiHM wanted at to bring in a dog with withher withIter withher
her Permtoolon Petm was refused hMed 9b 9bbrought She Sheht Shebrought
brought ht htiiuence ueftte much of It Tn The pros pressure prossure JMM8ure
sure on the t Department of Agriculture Agriculturewas llrleultu llrleultuItNV a awas
was heavy ItNV SUM permission OII wa was ra refused ratUMd ratweed ¬
fused Determined not te t lose Io e her dog dogth dogthe dogthe
th the persistent owner went up to Van Vancouver Vaaler Vancoover ¬
couver ler crossed Canada over the Cana Canadian Ca Caaaplan ¬
plan Pacific and was just wt about to enter enterthte IRterthl enterthis
this thl country with the dog by It one of the theportB dieports theports
ports on the border borderAgent 1MrilerAgent borderAgent
Agent Met HerMoot Her HerMHC HerttWh
MHC Moot ttWh to a hi It anger a and < d dtegu disgust t an anagent a at aW aWagent
agent t of the Department of Agriculture Agriculturemet AgricultUlJlMt Agrlcurturestet
met her h at th the border and nd quietly but butnrmly btttIWMlJ butsrpsiy
nrmly Insisted tfM the eaatne be loft taft bo bohlnd M1114I behind
hind It Is needteoa to say y the owner ownergave ownergave WtIfK
gave up after this thl attempt and nd ndh4r aban abanAmtost abasdene
dene d bar pet petAlmoet t tAhwcMIt
Amtost as great npoea praeaatfons tioM tlott8 are aMMrved ob observed okaerved ¬
served by the officiate in preventing p yUnc theImportation the theimportation theImportation
importation of 1arepan wropoan R livestock Uve tock tockrelltMt Th Thgreatest The Thegreatest
greatest relltMt car caN Is taken to tt see that no nodiuoased JIOdwMd nodiseased
diseased animate are imported from that thatcountry tMttOutry thatcountry
country countrying tOutryI countrylag
lag I tij t > express any an opinion in advance advanceof A4hanteot
of the Ming of his answer wer to the poll petition pollthin I Itton ¬
thin of Cardoao snM kl the position po titon of the thehoard thetwud thehoard
hoard from a legal tUmpoltii wod wodIK w wnsdice d dIIoot
IK IIoot made lade public when th the answer i iproperly ipropedJ h hproperly
properly Sled early in tb the coming com g week wtekWhite w weekWhllo ek ekWaUe
White the Supreme Court did not order ordera
a stay of proceedings I and the board boardmight bodrnu boardnucbit
might nu ht have ha legally 1 proceeded with the tiictrial litetrial thetrial
trial even Vfn In advance of the hearing hariugset hearings riuC riuCNt
s Nt t by Mr Justice Ctabaugh next FrI Krirtay FrIday Friday
day Mr > > r McNamara teNamar ItII suggested u < ge fitfod ted that in indeferwwe Jafkotflrene ladeference
deference to tt the court which wb h wa wafather was wasfather U Utatbea
father to the board that It should > > adourn ad adjourn adjurn ¬
journ ourn until Monday onday February 4 I when whenIn wh wh1ft whenIn
In the meantime m8llnU a decision will have haveIteen hliveI havebeen
been I rendered renderedIn reler reler1ft
In the event the court should sustain sustainthe 8uetlilnUw sustainthe
the position po iUon taken by Cardoso Card ro It must mustof mutot mustof
of necessity n lty declare the Hoard illegal illegaland Ul illegaland tgal tgalamd
and out of existence e l t6nct Should his peti petition prUOOft pet petton ¬
tion ton be denied nMd the trial will probably probablyproceed probablyJKOC probablyproceed
proceed JKOC on Monday week w k and the taking tak taking takInc ¬
ing of testimony letimOn on the charges of un unbecoming unbecoming n nbeetfftlng ¬
becoming conduct and insubordination insubordinationwill IruubonUnatlcmIII Inaubor dinatlen dinatlenwill
will III be resumed where u t was left oft ofton ofton offon
on Wednesday Vec nHda
u =
Reputation Built on Quality QualityA
iti JQs JQstwN6DNp
A Favorite Favoritej FavoriteTonic FavoriteTonic
Tonic TonicStimulant TonicStimulant Tonicv
v Stimulant StimulantYoull StimulantYoull
1 1Youll
Youll have every reason reasonto reasonto T r rV
V hl11000r hl11000rto
to be pleased with ORON ORONOCO OR ON ONOCO 4 4OCO
OCO RYE RYEit it is a superior superiorquality superiorquality
RWl RWlquality
quality whisky Best for ev every every
I ery occasion that requires requiresthe requiresthe requiresthe
the use of a good whisky whiskyPhone whiskyPhone w ws wone
Phone one oneEdwdJ5 M M761 M761Edward 761 761Edward
Edward EdwdJ5 J Quinn 624 Pa Ave Ay
Local ocal Commercial Bodies BodiesStill Bod BodiesStill ies iesStill
Still Undecided About AboutConsolidation AboutConsolidation i
Consolidation ConsolidationBoard ConsolidationBoord ConsolidationBoard
Board of Trade Committee CommitteeCertain CommitteeCertnin CommitteeCertain
Certain It Can Pay Sec Secretary Secretary Secretary ¬
retary 5000 5000The 5000The
The l bsedsese 0fnjM 81 men M of Yfo Wi Wiatlll Washington Washingtonstill fciHgten fciHgtentill
atlll till are 4lrid divided d a no to t whether whetlter the newt bestinterests newtInteracts t tIMtu
Interacts af the dtjr oIt can be served by bya b bs bya
a consolidation C of the Board D lt of Trade Tnuiethe Tradethe lratletlM
the D DtNJIllfINI MrinAMi Mens l8fts Assoaiatton ANfl Ia t loR and andthe andthe andthe
the Jobbers Jobl rs and Shippers Skllt e Association Associationor
or whether the Capital OM In tal can be made mademore 11H 11HMOre mademore
more important Important commercially o and andwthorwlMt aadotrtM ladotherwise
otherwise by the three orsKnlaattomi orsKnlaattomicontinutHK o1J organizatlonnsconifnutng nllltkHwl nllltkHwltOIIUtttX
continutHK their separate eprat existence existenceI existencesLest I
I Ia Lest ast t week k there were several ral con oonferencea eotferencs > J Jter
ferencea ter nc among Utoae the interested In the thematter I Imatter lmatter
matter awl Imtt night there wer weN some someprominent 80meptOtIIllHtllt somepteminent
prominent men who predicted that the theconsolidation theOOINIOtklaU theoonaolldatien
consolidation will come in the near nearfuture nrtuture nearfuture
future In order rdttr to secure u th the con consolidation eonfOUdaUon consolidaton ¬
solidation a majority of each of the theorganisations theorpalaUotu theorgatisntions
organisations will ill have to vet vote for it itPor itI ItFor
For this hIli tensor t and l b bemuse > ecause UM of th the tbeeMlf thedeli
4 deli b y that would be experienced ex 1 in inframing infraJIIlnlf Inframing
I framing th tiNt articles or consolidation cemmltdMttonIt lklttUolI lklttUolIIt
It Is thought by many IItItJl that th the union unionof unionof I
of the three will not take tllk place until untilnext Ullttlnext untilnext
next autumn If then thenTomorrow 1henTOIItOrrow thenTomorrow
Tomorrow night HM Board of Trade Tradwill Tradewill
will b be informed by iw I committee mmIU ou oucommerce CM1eoMlRelC iwtcommerce I
commerce l and manufacture utewlM that the thecommittee theCDMlRlltee thecommittee
committee feels tMl that It is l able ble to raise raisetrfAM raiseeN
trfAM 0 eN per er annum to t pay the salaryof salary salaryit Malar
ot a tOm eom3nercIal rclal secretary > > whose duty dutyIt dutyit I
it shall hall b 1M to boom thin city commer commercially eoMIR8rdally eommercially ¬
cially The committee c mndUee will agree it I Iunderstood Ie IeuttMnttood Iunderstood
understood to raise ral this tbl money fttOfttt withoutIll withoutmaking without withoutmakinr
making Ill kh any call on the regular reveracs reve revenics rev rev1IClii
nics wf the board boardJj hottf hesrdLitter
1 Litter Jj t T r in the week the committee in incharge tDhalll Incharge
charge halll of the matter will report to tae tltefor taeboer theboard
boer board of directors that It has a plan plaDfor planfor
for the erection e tl n of a nanesotn build building but butI twtdtug ¬
tug I to be the th home of the Board of ofTrade ofand ofrude
Trade rude and also a pun plan to rate raise th thnereMary the tbeI thenecessary
necessary I finances jtnan 1iL It will rocmmnnd rocmmnndthat IIMIOIIIHHtIItIthat reoemmeedthat
that the structure be ereeted at atflirllst tfc tfcearliest the theearliest
earliest date possible possibleNOT pociIlblGH
To UK u lb s Editor dUOI of Th The Washington 8IdngOft Tim TimI Tl Tian TianI
I de desire Ift to correct a Iltah statement tt > ftt in TIHIIHr Tuesdays Tues Tuesdays ¬
Hr days Times regarding a aa l Item A dhtrkh diepatch die dispatch ¬
patch tfOl from Rochester oehtllter N Y stales thatdurbte thatduring that thatduring
during a discussion of Christian Clnt ClntJIdwm Science SolsticeFdwln ScienceKdwin
Kdwin Debut aged ed seventyflv shot Motbitt shothis shothte
his daughter uchter Emma and Miss TaMrA TakerA Taker TaberA
A telegram from XI Miss Emma tbwdauahter thedaughter the thedaughter
daughter states that the shooting wa wane wasnot was wasnot
ne not provoked by a dtaeu dlscusaion IMI of ChrteUon Chrision Chris Chrietlon
tlon ion Sckwce as d the It item states IA Ut 11 11Dallell Miss MissDbell Mia MiaDabell
Dabell Miss lliber TtI and a son GObertna GilbertDdtlell Gilbert GilbertDaoell
Daoell na II all unite to n sayintc y1Dtt that Chris C Ct Clwsthis Christwn
this t Science was not RMN monttoneoT tocMMl on u u1IIOfRltltI the themorning th thmorning
morning of the shooting a and was iii iiireferred newerreferred newer novorreferred
referred to in the presence aH of the falherNo fatherFit father fatherNo
No effort was as made to convert tbollfather thefather the thefather
father to Christian Science Mr lr DaN1IS Dabelts Da Dabells
bells mind had been partially oVraoged cltraaaedy arrangedrecently oVraogedrecently
recently y b by the t death of a Mm kilted bya bya by bya
a tram and the shooting occurred beCAUH becriae be because ¬
cause of a trivial household 111CWeDthlch incidentwhich Incident Incidentwhich
which hlch HeIWH seemed to suddenly ud4MnI Ittturit infuri te him hiMaDd hamand himand
and had nothing at all to do In an any waywith waywith way waywith
with a discussion of Christian SdefteeTruly SolaceTruly Science ScienceTruly
Truly yours our ours
yoursKDWARD ourED
Among IIIOftC the property destroyed on th thriv tNt tNtw theriver
riv river w r front Prissy night belonging g to tothe j jthe
the United State Wtl were th the buildings bulidtngsoccupied bttlkllatrageCUP8d buildingsoccupied
occupied by b Johnson S Wimoatt hU This Thisriver Thhlriver Thisriver j
river property ownvd by b the United UnltfdStat UnitedStates j jStates
States Stat is controlled by b th tile District Com Commloners ComMleeloners I IiHlssloners
iHlssloners mlonersDulkUg MleelonersBuilding iHlsslonersBulWlng
Building Inspector Snowden Aahford Aahfordhss As Ashtordhas tord tordhM
has hM advised the Commiseionera Cominissk mere that he hehas hehaa hehas
has appointed two 0 inspectors to myself Investigate IRVestlgate myselfgale ¬
gate the cause l1Ie of tint fire and the dam damage damage damage ¬
age to the lTnited States property The Thereport Thereport fhfrtJXlrt
report will be filed next week w tk
TO DANGER H LINE WECritical LINECritical LINECritical
Critical Week in the theMississippi theNississippi thevlississiAPi
Mississippi Flood FloodSituation FloodS FloodSituation
Situation SituationM S ItuatIOl1 I IMJCIPHJSI
M MJCIPHJSI 4 KM PHIS P111 Teas Jan > aWith With all alltedfcatlon aUbldteattollOJ allbndlentloee
tedfcatlon pointing to UK tt ttmer e Mississippi Mississippiriver Mtaekadpplrivtx
river going at least I s asses n fet higher higherthan nner nnerthan bllrherbaN
than th the danger line on UK local gaugethe gauge gaugethb UIEP UIEPUN
the situation throughout tbroua the th lower Mia MiswUcippt M Mppt MiasiaeI
siaeI wUcippt ppt valley is regard regarded rd sd as critical criticaltonlfht crttkaltfltI criticsltonight
tonight tfltI ht All along the late oe from Cairo Cairoto Cairoto Cairote
to New Orltan c Orleaai > rINDa thousands tbeua thou ands of men are arepatrolling areJAtrolllnll arepatrolling
patrolling the terce or engaged in inbuilding inbutl4h1lr inbudding
building up and strngtneniag the weak weakpoints w weakS weakUnited = ak akpnlau
points pointsUnited pnlauU S
United U SUtes 8ta ai army oaken In control con control CODtroI ¬
trol ctl f th ttM be various Hous Iou levee Ie districts are in incvMMMuui illCUllalltand insun
cvMMMuui sun umnd of the situation M Cooperat Cooperating CoopeIaIlls Cooperatlag ¬
Ills with Itb them tit are the nmctalt of the thevarious UtevlUlou thevarious
various vlUlou private pri and Mate levee instltutioua lot Institutions lottUtioti ¬
tutions which wble present an unbroken unbrokenfront unbrokenfront broK n nIro
front Iro t on th tM river from tro a one end to the theother thelIer theother
other otherThe otherTine lIer
The full brunt of the flood to still i icome to toCODM tocoats
come In the tb greater > r portion p tdon 01 of the theSouth lheSouth theSouth
South however hoW VH and the jotniug week weekwill xk xkwill k
will III a be b < critical Much oep depc depends < nds upon Uie Uieweather tlllt theweather I
weather t Should rains set In the dam damage dawa
= r Nr
a age e it is believed will be great greatIHeK t I IIIlekft
IHeK IIlekft H Ky K has been the nrst point pointredly pointreally
really to t far feel 1 the Hood and seventyfive seventyfiveor I
or more houses in the western end of i hetown he hetown Ii Iito
town to are surrounded by b waUr WMtt r A uum uumber uumbM number
ber of luetories rtN have ha ve been a compelled to tosuspend toiI toauagend
suspend iI business busln and many man people JW le have havebeen hll havebeen 8 81tHft
been thrown out of employment employmentLOCAL emploIIIeDtLOCAL employmentLOCAL
MHM lilt Bread It I Notably Pure PureHolme PllreHobe PareHoimea
Holme genuine nulne homemade Milk MilkBread JoIUkBread MUkBread
Bread has always been recognized reo as asth a8tM asthe
th tM beet and purest broad to be had Its Itsrtty ItJIC Itspurity
C purity rtty y doiiciousnes and nutritiousaeos nutritiousaeosV U Utab
hay V m made it the favorite broad for forbom forhome
home bom tables tab Delivered fresh and clean cleantnNlt cleanfrom j
from oven to table tabl Sc Delicious I > homo homomade bomeJIMt4h homemade
made Pie Pies all kinds Me Holmes HoI Bakery Bakery1st Bakry1M Bakerylt
1st and K ate 11 Phones B K 149 1 and 144L 144LPiaw 1441Plane
Plane Pi Tttninf Tara al 15 51 M YeArs Yearssacs Kxperi Kxperince Xxerice
sacs nce ce Jas 1 R Durit DurIn > 3K 12th St se seServicM SI
I ISenoic811
Services at Marvin Church CnvrckThere ChurchThere i iwUl
There wUl be a special a 1 sermon by b the thepastor thepastor
pastor the Rev C Hawk entitled tnUtittlOW entitledOld 1 1Old j
Old Testament T l iamnt Character L at t 7W 7Woclock 1U 1Uof1oek 11oclock
oclock Uite evening This will be the1 the1last the thelast i
last sermon noD on men of the Bible BibleCharlton BibleQtarllou
Charlton CIIallt I1 Havarth the tenor will sing singat singat Inc I
at at tn the evening e1n < < service rvleee If With lth Alt AltYour 111
Your Hearts from rein Elijah also 0 MyRedeemer My MyHedtcmtr M I Ir
Redeemer r lJvodl LivethSunday Uvt UvtHarvoys
I ISUBc1ay
Sunday SpeciP Sale 0 Opea 5 PXt u PMPhila PM PMPhlla
Phlla Oslltert Oyster Chop Ii Hews W Uth nw nwHarveys
i iHarYysRMtara
I iI
Harvoys HarYysRMtara RaatawraHt RaatawraHtIs t I
Is I using dally from exclusive es source sourceI sourcesPrime u i iCrwaa
I Prime rime Plant Oysters 0 Old Musty WI and andCroam andCream
Cream Ate At on draught t Merchant Mere noon noonlunch noonlunch I Iluneh
lunch a specialty eclotltY Connoisseur Co are invited uivitedHemeaVer invitedRemember I IReaelter
i Ii
Remember R Royal yal Pilw Pi PIMea Costs Yw Y No NoUlan Nomore i imor
mor more than much ucb less vqpeaslvely ensly sly pro proNgttt IIO IIOJt
Ngttt Jt lightOn t soon Why not en tf r tk tkOil
aet Oil aught draught dra t at at ban ltarsDrery Almor AlmorDrury A ADnary
Drury Brew Oo CoDei9 OoDea 00t
Dei9 Dea t Come Ar Around d at Of ottea4 OFtea tea as You YouUstor Y YeaUstar
Ustor Have yo yon soon M Psriace l srsnl at atXews atXe1 athews
hews Xe1 Stands Ask for t it Look fur it itCl itCat
Cl 7 ye a TM TMHost TH TetiHest
Host grab Mrfmt MrfmtBirch So A AJUrch ABirch
Birch JUrch A t Co idTK idTKSea lot A It De a E ESea 1 1SN
Sea F Feeds a Steaks St6 Ckops C Salad Etc EtcPhUa EtcPlus
Plus P lla Oyster g t Chop House H SIS Uth Ut RW RWKeep awKeep tWX
Keep X ep You Warm WarmOas WarMMIll 1Vatm3ler
3ler MIll CIII f LStesea SLa SL S4 S4Gaa i4SI SRN SRNGas
Oas Radiators 4SW 9U aH alaiOes H HStoves 4Je 4JeOu
Ou DnMM Drtttnadgloves d Stoves Be Ile1 ILM ILMMuddiman ° UI
111 11th st Q t A Muddiman t t Co lit WHO WHOCoall G GCeAI GCoal
Coall Coal CM Coal CoAllBeet CNJlBest CoalBeat
Beet eoal and 1Id wood Lowoetprieea 4 8 Itrlees R J JM
isai M 01 C GG Oraoe Ora tit h A F 11 M PtMaa ion tOBe e B ERttDlter 3Kt 3KtRab > t tRubber
Rab Rubber r Stamp it Ce CaMs ts Per Line LiieSeote LiBeSeal LineSeale
Seote Seal Stencils Ste ciU Badges Brass Checks ChecksHerman ChecksHern Cheeksliermaa
Herman Baumgarten Co 41410th 414 Mth Itt nw nwHttBgarian nWH1if1 nwHungarian
Hungarian H1if1 arin Gypsy Orebwtrs at atPark atPark atPark
Park Hotel Winter Garden Rathskeller RathskellerN
N Y ave and nth at F J iJres Prop PropPerfection PropPerfection PropPerfection
Perfection in Oyster Cooking CfrekingPhila CkimgFhlla Cookingrhila
Phila Oyster J Chop House 51S 11th nw
a fI ouse a7 llerrrnann llerrrnanna7 gYP1YRE273ewO gYP1YRE273ewOThere rrrm1n5 rrrm1n5II
m II There Is s No o Better Store tore News Newsf
f jm For home furnishers f than thanours thanours Pa I
ours The Th T news of this home homedecorative homedecorative
1 decorative store justly de demands demands m mJIlt
JIlt mands your attention Al Almost AIII Almost ¬
II most everything ever thing that constiIr consti constihkl constiII
hkl Ir tutes desirable home furnish furnishin J
11 Va ings in s is here in abundance va val valriety 1
I riety goodness and low lowripe
fi fiprice
fi14 price ripe And when you con conj conalder IiI IiIrmt
1 rmt j alder the vast amount of valYq val 1 rat
1 Yq v uable service that this store storeJ I Irenders Jl JlII
II J renders the public the high highaK 1 1class fIR fIRcbs
aK J class of goods it handles the theplendid theplendid J I IPI
PI > plendid advantages it mainttins main maint II II1iJf
bins t tins over other stores the theresources thelEa
1iJf 8 n s resources r urces thai enable it to o obuy B Bvertising
lEa JilQ
buy i y largely insuring a mml mmlmum mini nt ntmum
mum first cost on all goods goodsmrI
mrI I i it any wonder that its ad adertising adt
t vertising ertl ertllitoled stng news is s eagerly eagerlylooked Jm JmII
looked h ked forAnd for forAnd forAnd
And is there any wonder wonderu wonderII wonderthat
II that we assert that Theres Theresno 1m 1mno
u no Better Store News for forhome
etil 7IE1
home furnishers furnisherse 11M 11Me
l > e shall hal1 be glad to arrange easy terms of credit without withoutextra withoutextra tt ttiQ
iQ extra cost ot and invite you to open an account here m maaSRR
JAHMW J Lewis a sixteenyearold ntxteen yearold eoU eoUorefi eo eoored a el elored
ored boy Y living at aN Bt < Gordon avomt avomtnorUioaM av8lHtflIHN aves4sasertth
norUioaM IHN sertth ast was arrested retefl last evening by
Policeman pollee McPherson of No No1 J after afterhavtag afterba afterhaviag
havtag ba snatched a pMktbook from Mrs MrsUxatHKh MrsElisabeth
Elisabeth ltetb yadte > aerate of m Eighth street streetnortheast aut1tOItJMut streetaortheaat
northeast while she was 1 on Seventh Seventhstreet JreveathnH Seventhstreet
street nH northwest northwestFrightened aortb northwestFrightened Ift
Frightened hocms b 1M thought several severalpersona eral eralpthOna
persona saw sa w him grab 1Ii the bag b c the boy boythrew boythrew 01
threw it t to th the pavement and started startedto rted rtedto
to run r down Seventh tb street McPnr McPnron McPbraen
aen on gave ve chase cU and soon had th the lad ladIn ladIb ladIs
In custody He II was looked up at the theFirst theF1nt IkeFirst
First precinct station llta R and tomorrow tomorrowmorning temernnwmorning W WMW1JIiq
morning will b be arraigned ana i in p the Pollee PoliceCourt PolleeCourt
Court on a charge cbar of robbery robberyMcGOWAN rebiHtf rebiHtfMcGOW robberyMcGOWAN
Tbaddeua Tbad ua F K McGowan has been ap appointed apopoItted appointed ¬
pointed a t member btw of th the Metropolitan Metropoiitanpollee Metropolitannotice leUopoIlaRJOII
notice JOII force f and commissioned for forterm a atftID aterm
term of three years He will ill be betfn1Md eta statfAoed etahoned
honed in th the Gongaxa GoD school neighbor neighborbo Ibor Iborbo
bo < < I
Xry very once o ee In a while current rumor rumorconnects rumoreonnectll rumorconnects
connects the name of some ollte prominent prominentcitizens promltleRtcItizens prominentcitizens
citizens with the office of president of ofthe etthe ofthe
the Washington Railway Ran and Electric ElectricCompany XkletrieCompafty ElectricCompany
Company at the dissolution dlll hlUon of the vet voting vetlug ¬
IRe trust next June when hen It te believed believedthat believedtlt believedthat
that a new set of people may be found foundin I 1In IIn
in control As It Is thought they may mayb
loo b largely composed OOHtpo ed of Washington WashingtoncaptUlhrts WuhltlgtOftcapital iaahIegtoocapitalists
capitalists capital it la taken for granted they theymay theymay theystay
may prefer a local man at the tb head of ofth oCthe ofthe
th the organizattonCharles org4itiaatlen org4itiaatlenCharles or it2flt it2fltCharles
Charles C Glover president of the theRtggs theRllrga theRiggs
Rtggs Sank has hy several times Ume boon b n of offered oft offered ¬
fered t the position by t those tit game MM wise wteeacrs wiaeae wiseacres
acres ae and nd on surrendering his connection connectionas
as a vie vice president preeld nt of the Capital Trac Traction Traetloft Traction ¬
tion road it was w at on OMe 6 taken as a proof proofpositive pr proofpoalttve ot otP
positive P llltive that h he was preparing himself himselffor bimMiCf himselffor
for f l the position positionFrederick p positionFrederick tUeR tUeRIIrtlderlek
Frederick C Stevens president of the theCommercial theCommercial I IC
Commercial C mmerclal Dank and at on time peso president prflllI pesoWent ¬
Went of the road w WAs believed eved to be bewilling bewilling bewilling
willing to assume UIRe the management and andhis andha andhis
his ha friends were enthusiastically de delighted delighted delighted ¬
lighted at the prospect pro pect
1 I II
I This Coupon and 13c 13cEntitles 13cEntitle 13c1nlitlem
Entitles you ou to 2 pair of regu regular rflJCuI regutar ¬
jar 122C 126e l Black Ho Hose e ail size sizeDuring s sDurtq sizeDuring
I During Rummage RullUllll Sale 2 pairsfor pairs pairsfar pAir pAirtor
far this tb coupon upon and We WeThis 1StThis plcThis >
This Coupon and 36c 36cEntitle 36cEDtItki 36cEntitles
Entitle you IOU to A St l cent ShirtWaist Shirt ShirtMM ShirtwhIt
whIt o gt ng g or percale 1ft hibliss 1ftbt1Itt
bliss MM or black W dr or orDaring light colors eoIftrDDrtItg colorsDaring
Daring DaringThis ltqnistisge s Sale this u eon eonOft eoupoe
poe Oft and alldThis anda andThis
This Coupon and 6cGood 6c 6cpfnk 6eGood
Good for a pair p i ot Baby Mtt Mttcome w wCOllIe
COllIe In pink and Mu blue ntee nteeqoaltty JdteCIIttT aicequality
quality A MK Rummage Sal Salbargain Sale SalebaqaiIa Salebargain
bargain Thin IItI < lttP8It uu and te teThis IeThis isThis
This Coupon and 12c 12cBlack 12cGood 12eGeotI
Good for a pair of aeeMINd aeeMINdItlack fleeslimedblack
Black Gloves regular rf r lie kind kindDuriN kllIdDartllg kindDuring
DuriN During Rummage Sal Sale this coo coupon eoupoll coopea ¬
poll and Me MeThis 1tfThis 120This
This Coupon and 39c 39caetette 3geCocI 39cCoed
Coed for n nice heavy blue aall itannelette aallneeUe
aetette or atttio eating thiS Flannel lIIa llet SkirtSpecial Skirt SkhLSpecial SkirtSpecial
Special Rummage Sal Sale price pricethis prieeth pule pulethis
this th coupon couP ft and Me MeThis lieThis
This Coupon and I4c I4cGood f4eGood P4cGood
Good f for or a Babys FlannelSaeaue Flannel FlannelSae FIallt l lC
Sae Saeaue C rue that always l sells lItshfr lItshfrpoft for 5eRummage Se SeRummage
Rummage Sal Sale Price this cou coupon toupoe ¬
poe and ItoI ItoThis Me MeThis 14cI
I r rThis r
This Coupon and 9c 9c4iod geod 9cod
4iod od for a 9e Knit Stockm StockmLT Stocking StocklftgNIors Stockingcolors
LT colors Rummage Sale spe speiial spedal
cial iial this thl coupon and nd Se SeThis lcThis
This Coupon and 69c 69cGood 6geGood 69cGood
Good for a fI ILQU K G > Gown or Kluono Kl Klmono KIftOno
mono of heavy 11 flannelette flanneletteRummage flannelettenumma flanneletteRummage
Rummage numma Sale Special this oou ooujon oouJon oouton
jon and We WeThis Il SicThis c cThis
This Coupon and 8c 8cGood 8cGood 8cGood
Good for or a large size Turkish TurkishBath TurkishBat TurkishBath
Bath Bat Towel You can get as asmany as1R1t asmany
many 1R1t as you ou want during thisRummage this thisRummage tbl tblRumRttle
Rummage Sale SaI This coupon and andSc andSe andInc
This Coupon and 49cGood 49c 49cGood 4geGood
Good far a pair Hilr lens ElbowGloves Elbow KlbowGloves Elbowg
Gloves Black er gray lisle Hs4ethread lislethread
thread g Rummage Sal S SaTeSpecial SaTeSpecialthis Special Specialthis fI fIthl
this thl coupon and 4e 4klie 4elie k kHe
lie Black Ho II Hoes sonmlsga s ribbed ribbedtop ribbedge ribbedtop
top a big bargain during f2 f2rummage 6iG 6iGIe C Crummage
rummage ge saVe k at atlk U4 U4We
We Ie Readymad lt Flannelette lIlRn l te Un Underskirts Uncter Underekirts ¬
derskirts cter klrts OIt Only 3B of these left leftBetter leftI leftBetter
Better hurry I Rummage sale 170 170price l1C l1CPletures c crice
price priceasc rice a alie
lie Pictures DeRek Black Frames beau beautful beauttut beautful
tful subjects Your choice whilethey while whileJkl
they price Jkl last at rummage aIe 1C 14Cprice
Secretary Taft has loner Men In I train trainIng trainIII rats ratslug
lug III trying to reduce his weight He Hehas HehaB Hehas
has succeeded 8ueetl d to a remarkable degree degreeHe dqreHe degreetie
He has Ita a system of exercise that many manypeople Bun Bunpeople manypeople
people might consider oouIderL viol vtofcwC nt TheM Thesedays The Thedays TheMday
days day he h goes go often on to tile th Capitol an and anltbere andthere < l lthere
there he has developed A new plan forholding for forholding forIIOIdIag
holding down ftosB II lie lots th the ele etevators elevators elevators ¬
vators atone Jo e and walks up all U steps stepsGuess atepsICGue stepsGuess
ICGue Guess Tatt Tafto a afraid of elevators ele9at n re remarked remarked remarked ¬
marked a newspaper man to a friend friendof trenotOf friendof
of the Secretary the other day as he hesaw bew hesaw
saw w him hurrying up one on of C th the Capitol Capitolsteps Capitolsteps
steps stepsOh
Oh no was the answer II n wer hes e just justrunning juatrunning
running up there for exercise exerciseGUMMERE exerciseGUMMERE
Mr Gummere Gumm the American minister ministerto
to Morocco lorceoo has reported to the State StateHumod StsteIlejartntent
Department that on JaDWJJ 1 he as asnutnwl z
Humod th the presidency of the siiiuiy siiiuiyeouncil aitiI J icouncil
council = 1 of Morocco M = = to roiatuwi roOal and wl wdoccupy wloccupy
occupy the position tloft for the ensuing tn t tmOfttl1a e emonths
736 Seventh St N W and 1920 Pa PaR Ave N W WWere VIRUMMAGE
Were Discontinuing several Lines and Reducing StocK in Others OthersMoneySaving OihersflIoneySaving OthersMoneySaving
MoneySaving Bargains Throughout the a Stores Storesfor StoresBUNCHES ores oresBUNCHES
for shrewd buyers Sale starts Monday at 9 a m m and will continue until untilwe untilwe untilwe
we have disposed entirely entire y of the various lines that we ve wish to discontinue discontinueBring discontinueBring
Bring This Advertisement With You YouCounter Counter Space SpaceWill SpaceWill SpaceWill
Will Not o Permit of MarkingEach Marking Each ArticI Article e
Tree rre With Every Purchase 8 850J of f
I 503 or More Koreu u
1 125 150 and 2 2RedytoWear 2ReadytoWear 2ReadytoWear
ReadytoWear Hats 39c 39cUis 3geiis 39cPuffs
Puffs Uis iis invest J ye you 011 unifntrK unltJltrkttd um eatrted trd choice choiceof
01 any ny hat In the th store that sell soils lIs up upto upto
to 00 < > Some very fry pretty stles stlesrsitaLle tyie tyielitaLle tI tIitllll
rsitaLle litaLle itllll for or mi misses s < 9 and ladies ladl A Abargain AIlr ALargain
bargain that will 1I not last I long longRummage OQC 3 9 c
Rummage Sale Prlc Price J 7
12 Raincoats 595 595A
A value alue unheard of before A h hcoat hb hbIJde highgarde
IJde guaranteed waterproof bra braf Ra n ncaat
coat f t really worth IUM m A nice niceshade ateesluldo niceshack
shade of covert A dressy tlrettlll service serviceable serviceable nI nIahl ¬
able ahl < oat at a very en special specialprice speciali specialprice
price during this i Rummage Rummagedale S C 59 r Q 5 r riialc
dale J 3
6 Silk Underskirts 395 395A 395bItt
A 1 big lot of high high grade Silk Under Underskirts tDd tDdskirlS lnderskirts ¬
skirts in plain colors changeable changeablesilk ebancMbleilk changeablesilk
silk ilk A big value alue Other stores to ad advertise adtrttae advertbae ¬
vertise these skirt skirts at it much muchiigher muchPrI muchitgher
iigher itgher Sale Price PrI PrII price prices I Rummage S 093 39 3 1 AC ACSale 9 5
5 Panama Skirts 295 295We 295VP 295lye
We VP have made a big hit with these thesesxirts t tJilr thereaidrta
sxirts Jilr knee pleats and folds lold JIIIMJe snideof m JIIIMJeoC Jv Jvof
of chiffon l > Itroo panama nama It Is I really a big bigbargain hi hir bigbargain < <
bargain for you see It itS ItRummage SO 295 OC OCRummage
Rummage Ir Sale I Price PriceWZV M WZV J
10 Tourist Coats 495 495Just 495Just 495Just
Just onehalf of what they th y are arev arerth areForth
v Forth ortli > rth These > coats Nt are in covert covertcloth covertcloth
cloth < loth and novelty novelt effects Some very veryswell veryOw verycwctl
swell Ow < 11 garments Values that you can canonly canonly
only onl get at Slgmunds See these th If Ifyou Ityou ifyou
you aipreclate a bargain SA 4 O 9 9S 5 C
itummage ttnnnaare Sale Price Pri VD
6 Panama PanamaDress Dress Skirts 395 395Oiffon 395Csiffon
Oiffon Panama Skirts a fine qual quality qualIty quality ¬
ity dressy dre e material mater These Tbe e skirts skirtsaie akhtalr skirts skirtsate
ate made in an exclusive uptodate uptodatesi uptodteslI uptodateatvle
si slI atvle vie A War bllt bargain for for25c forou
ou during tis I Rummage RummageSae S
Sae 3 39 95 95Bf9utttul 5 55e
25c 5e Beautiful Cushion Ton Topsstyles Topsstylestttt styl stylttit tyles
ttit ti at you never saw itS w before 1 1I 17 1 C Cl
1 ummage sale price priceTable pdceilk 1 1roc
roc ilk and 7So Infant Handknit HandknittU HandknitSacques
Sacques tU all I wool Rummage 3 6C 6CT fC fCsale
sale price pricee k
e < Table T ble OilclothStandard qual quality qualR1m gusltty ¬
tty The very y best mad made IOC IOCRummage 12 1C 1CRummage c
Rummage R1m sale price pricelc rI
lc Stnir St St1 ir Oilcloth 18 inches f fwide 6JC 6JCwille C Cwide
wide Rummage sale Ie price price2 price2St U UShelf 2 2Se
Se Shelf Oilcloth g good quality qualitythe qualityth qualitythe
the th scalloped edge kind kindRummage 2zc 2zcRummage ryc rycRummage <
Rummage sale ale price priceIHo G8l5n 8
IHo 1 School Plaid for Childrens Childrensdresses ChIWsk Childrensdre
dre dresses + eea in fancy and neat Q3C Q3Cchecks C eehccks
k J 9
price94 price94t
checks Rummage = sale price pi 74 74II
II t I Long ng Silk Cloves alov 16but 1ibutton li 16button > but
I price ton ce length t Rummage sale saleprice 6 w 9 9it cprice c ct
t it < 2 Long Kid Gloves 010 jn jnMack jablack
Mack or tan Rummage Rummagevale Si 139 3 IQ IQtale 9
tale price pricetoe 1J7 1J750o
toe 51 Toe 3C 1 Flowers Foliage and andTrimming alMlTrtmmlng andTrimming
Trimming in our mRlmory mHI de department der detartment ¬
partment r Rummage sal sale Oc OcSjHHial 36 6 6roc c esi
si SjHHial > ctol < J U U50c
roc Oc and Tie Chiffon Veils In Plain Plainand Plainand PlainA
and dots ready r dy to wear 3 A AC ACRummnge C CRumm1ge
Rummage sale price Jr t
I Irreo
Tree With Every Purchase of otS5
8500 S5 OO or r More ore
5 Babys Bear Skin Coats
269 269Babys 269BabY1i 269Babys
Babys heavy beav quality Bearskin
Coats Unusually well made with
frogs in front and belt in back Only Onl Onlt
a Rummager RummagerSale few fewRummager left SaleBetter Better hurry s SO l
Rummage Sale Price t ZOV 2 269 6 9
5 and 6 Trimmed Hats
269 269Of 269Of 269Of
Of course you expect to get them themvery thf1Oztym themvery
very ztym cheap now WOJ This is an oppor >
tanity such as you have 1 never t had i
before The material in these hatH hataar hatHortb hatsare
ar are worth ortb more than we will sell i1 i1t
the entire hat t for during duringrl i s O se
this Remmtge Sale 269
10000 Yards Fine FineEmbroidery FineEmbroidery FineEmbroidery
Embroidery 4c 4cPatterns 4eIaHer 4gcPatterns
Patterns IaHer and nd widths worth up to 10 10cents 10eeIttII 10costa
cents a yard new goods not rtm rcmast rtmBnts rma
Bnts ast a big bargain Better g gt gtyour gtr gtrd t tyour
your altars r Rummage Sale A 7
Price = per yard yard19c rd 4aC 4aC19c tg tg19c
19c Danish Cloth llc llcDanish 11 11AcDanish e eDalliah
Danish Cloth in pink light 1 blu blured blue bluered > lu lured >
red white or black A big bl bargain mrgajn1ft
in a scarce article rtlele Get your our share shareof mares shareof
of It at our special Rum 11 i imag C ClOe
mag swage Sale s e 03lee Price per yard 11 I2 I210c HJ HJlOc
lOc and 12c Amoskeag
Dress Gingham 7c 7cWhat 7 7cWhat e eWlaat
What do you think of a a bargain
like this Excellent patterns best bestgingham b bestgingham > st stalftlham
gingham on earth Hurry if you vouwant youR youwant
R want a portion o nS of this big fj 1 P 7j te c
Rummage Sale Special ia per r yd 2
1 Brilliantine Waists 63c 63cIn 63e1ft 63cIn
In black white or blue well made madeW
Dressy waists in all sizes A Q
W Jlea t 63C 63C10e 3C
big Rummage m Sale Special UJ UJlOc U U10c
lOc Flannelettes and andOuting andOuting andOuting
Outing Flannel 6c 6cStripes 6eStrtfNjl 6cStripes
Stripes and plain colors for Shirt
Waists Val ns Gowns and Kimonos A bill
bargain whl while 1c it lasts Rum f 6 Lac 3r 3rmage c
mage Sale Price 0 4
1 Flannelette Gowns and andKimonos andKimonos andKimonos
Kimonos 66c 66cBeautiful 66eDecw 66cBeautiful
Beautiful Decw lful quality A bigger bargain
l than you ever ever had = before r iLr iLrRummage C
Rummage Sale Price p Prkxie 00 003e 66C 66CSc
3e Laee Collar Pieces beautiful beautifulnattonw beautifultttentll beautifulpatterns
nattonw in new w and dressy dre y effects effectsOet eftect5t
Get a few of these Rum tic ttr ttrwage c cA
wage t sale ie price priceA 11 11 11A
A big lot of Paacy Hat Pins Pinsduring 2 ftc
during durtR < < rummage sale at atAnother atAaother atAnother
Another Lot of Fancy Hat C
Ping PIn during rummage sale at atI atLot 6
I Lot < ot of Jewelry consisting of ofIlrorehee
Broochoe Buckle and ftd Waist Sets SetsAll Bettig Betti16C SetsAll
All Stc and Me valves Rum l e estage r rmage
16C 16CiOe 1u 1uSUe
mage g sal sale pries 10 10Me
Me Long Loft < < Lisle I Ie Gloves black or orwhite orwhite orwhite
white all stave si Rummage Ofc Ofcsal 29 29G 29Gtale
sal tale Ie price priceMe priceSoo M1ee M1eeMe
Me Infant SUlk Embroidery Cap Caps CapsSome
Some S ma of th the lot are worth o I 6 > f fmore emore
more Rummage sale price pri OU J Ji J
1 and U I 161 Corsets All leading leadingbrands leadingbrandA leadingbrands
brands All shapes and stses IItBeagra IItBeagraBnd sizesgrayand gray grayand
and white A A big value Bet 59 CQC CQCter 9C 9Cter
ter hurry Rummage sale Ie pricePee price priceMe J 7 7Me
Me Umbrellas A A special lal lot that thatwe UIHwe thatwe
we want to close oi of t Rum OQC OQCle 29 296 296singe
mage sale le price
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