OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, March 06, 1907, Last Edition, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1907-03-06/ed-1/seq-1/

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And Fair a ThursdayNUMBER Thursday Tonjgltt TonjglttAnd Ift r ft tn t on I tme + I LAST EDITION EDITIONNUMBER DITION DITIONNUMBER I
Noted Lawyer Wbo Is Bitterly Criticised Criticis ed by Attorneys for Strother Brothers Brothersaod BrothersaDd Brothersand
aDd Who W Whose OH Argument Will Vi 11 Close the Case Today TodayClosing TodayClosing Todayr
Closing b Arguments r uments of o Counsel out se1 in in Famous FamousTirial FamouslriaJ
Tirial r ria J at Culpeper CyIJ u l7vl e p er Fate ate May MayBeKOWll MayBeKOWllJo a Be e Known Knownr v vv
v BefSfl Bef e r Morhing 1Iror orniri T g
CULPEPEK CUT PEPER VaM Ys March 6 GThe GThefatc The Thefate Thefate
fate of James Tanne > and Philip l hi1ip Strother Strotherslayers Slroth6rsht Strothorslayers
slayers sht crg of William 11 ilium R I Bywatera Bywnterstheir Bywateratheir BYKtrstheir
their brotherinlaw may J be known knownbefore knownlt knownbefore
before lt ore the sun n rises tomorrow The Theclosing Theclosing lhedosing
closing arguments of o the lawyers lawyersfor 1Jersfor lawyersfor
for the defense were made lU1UC today todayanjl tht todayanll p pnnp
anjl the case lA e very err likely will ill go to tothe tothe tothe
the jury tonight tonj ltt or tomorrow morn morning morning mornbig ¬
ing more probably tonight tonightR
R 1 Walton Palton Moore Ioore and John Lee Leemen I Leemen ce ce111en
men noted throughout the South for fortheir fortbeir fortheir
their powers of oratory orKtor were at attheir attheir attheir
their best strength today todn Mr MrMoore MrMoore Ofr Ofrooro
Moore ooro began his hi argument as soon soonaa soonas on onR
aa R court opened awl Rut talked talkeclnll all dur during during during ¬
ing the morning session He Hejn justi justified juatified ti tificd ¬
fied the Stroiher Strotherbrotllers brothers in wip wiping wiping wiping ¬
ing out with Bywnters Bwatersbltl blood the thestain rthcstain thebin
stain bin he had Jut pit put upon their U ir sister sisterami sisterrmd sisterand
and their family and Raid that the thestain theftain thestain
stain was enough to drive any man maninsane numinsftJte maninsane
insane for n time timeJames time timeTames timeTames
Tames and Philip Strother the de alefendant defendant dcf ¬
fendant f > Debut brothers wept white whn Mr MrMoore MrIoorc MrMoore
Moore Ioorc thundered and pleaded de denouncing denmmcing denouncing ¬
nouncing the themAn man they had slain as asa ssa asa
a moral derelict and praising as astrue astrue astrue
true men and Virginians the broth brothers brotbrs brothers ¬
ers rs who had killed him himIttllip him11Ulp himlump
lump Strother appeared in court at at3I
931 93 3I oclock this morning looking lookl g much muchbetter muchbt muchbetter
better bt > tter than yesterday yesterdayEvidence yesterdayEvidence MJterdsyEvidence
Evidence in Her Room RoomImmediately RoomJUUllecliately RoomImmediately
Immediately aft after r the jury entered enteredJudge entPredJudge enteredJudge
Judge Harrison Harrt on rapped for order and andAttorney andAttorney
Attorney R Walton Moore began the theTHE theTHE theTHE
The eastern disturbances of Tuesday Tuesdaymorning TUe Tuesda Tuesdamorning dR dRmornln
morning mornln have passed pa seed into the Atlantic Atlanticand Atlantic Atlanticand AUlInUcsnd
and a strong 8tron high hih pressure urea with withlow withlow
low 10 temperature covers the eastern tern half halfof haltof
of the country the crest cr t bring over the theupper theupper theupper
upper lakes The Pacific low 10 area has hasmoved
moved Into the Rocky mountain district districtand dl districtand lrltt
and 8 nd pressure Is again rising on the thef t theroast
f roast o t There were w r light ll < < ht mows in the thelake
lake region re on and the Atlantic States and andportions an andportions < <
portions of the Missouri valley alley and andquite andIulte andquite
quite general > n ral rains rain and snows west of ofthe ofthe
the Rocky mountains mountainsThe mountainsThe mountainsThe
The weather eather will 111 be fair tonight and
ThunK1 Thursday y in the middle and 111 south uUt At ¬
untie and east Gulf States with 1th lower lowertemperatures Jowrtf lowertemperatures
temperatures tf > tonight In the former dte dtetrkt dhtrlel nstrict
trkt In the e Ohio 0 valley and lower lak lakregion lake lakvregion lakeregion
region there will be local snows to tonight tonl tonight
night nl ht and snow or rain Thursday Thur daT with withsomewhat withsomewhat Withsomewhat
somewhat higher temperature Thursday Thursdayafternoon TburtMla TburtMlaarternoon
afternoon afternoonStorm afternoonStorm
Storm warnings are displayed on the
Atlantic coast eoa l from Dataware Break Breakwater Breakwater Breakwater ¬
A a m 32
12 noon M 716I
1 P ni r rDOWNTOWN
9 a m 3S
12 r > on > < 43
1 p in j M MSUN 0YSUN
Sun sets ts todaySun today ssg 5 5Sun
Sun rises rl els tomorrow tomorrow f2j f2jTIDE 1 1TIDE 21 21TIDE
High tkle today toda 1245 p m mJow mIow mLow
Low lid tide today 7dM > > l p m mHigh mHigh mHigh
High tills tomorrow lr42pm lr42pmLow 14 p m mLow mLow
Low tid tide tomorrow tonwrrow7a3 7 a m 811 p m mIIARPBRS mHARPJlRS mHARPI6RS
IIARPBRS FERRY W Va March 6 6Both 6Both 6Both
Both rivers clear clearJ dearJ Ie r rJ
J H Small Sons Florists FloristsTashlngton FloristsaablnEton
Vashington Tashlngton and New YorkAd1 YorkAdrs York Adv 4
aecoe eeond > nd + l argument A u t for the defense dee He Heid HeMid
id he would waste no time In Introduc Introducing flarCHIucIn latrodeclag ¬
lag In himself to the Jury or explaining explaininghis QXptalnlnhi
his hi connection with the case Mr MrMoore MrMoore Ir IrMoore
Moore then started to review the th evi evidence evlck evidence ¬
dence denceThe ck denceThe >
The scene of this thl pathetic tragedy tragedywas tragedyat tragedywas
was at Strotherwood Stroth wood and ail the tes testimony testimony testimony ¬
timony coming from various sources sourcesnow
now ftowlIhato into the rootn of Viola Strother StrotherI
I have no desire to speak spe k anything
but good for the dead Ties of friend friendship trl friendshin nd ndIIhlp ¬
ship shin bind me to his relatives rel tlves but he
lacked lack moral fiber and logical power powerdone
H He did wh what t no other seducer has Ias ever evertkme I
done 1n i n Virginia He took to another
jurisdiction where with the aid of
scoundrels oundr I In Washington allhlnton he h J had an anoperation Itnopr anofwB I
ofwB operation opr tron from performed on heryw her herywten
Bywaters ywten yw era laughed ugh In the face of
trench Strother when h he was told he
had betrayed every confidence placed in
him He laughed Itwghf more than once while
this t8 girl lay my 1a on what was believed to
be her deathbed deathbedBywaters dcaUbedBywaters deathbedBywaters
Bywaters Moral Derelict DerelictCounsel DereJictCountlel DerelictCounsel
Counsel for the the other side em emphasised emphaslssed ¬
phasised P U l the l Improbability which he
finds n 1d8 in in Bywalerp B Bywatere > watelP conduct as toil by b
these the e brothers They on the oth other r
hand ask you to send > > end these men to the thegalfcvws thegallows
gallows llf or orthe the penitentiary to wee the thestripe thostrl thestripeu
stripe strl and brand of criminality on their theirforehead thoirtyrehead thJrf9rehead
forehead fl fur life And why Because Becauseof BOIIu Becauseof e eof
of the th Improbabilities In the conduct of ofthis Q ofthis
this derelict on the ocean of morality moraUt moraUtMr
Mr Moore l or sneeringly referred ref rred to Mr
Keiths strong jwlnts tnts yesterday yesterda He Is
asked askedMr ked Mr Keith why he ht rofralnefl from
interrogating interrogating Phillip aato as to how he got
the e cut on his forehead and sobriety or
insobriety Ift80bri t on December 12 I Attorney Attornevest
Moore referred to aU the States strong
est points as baseless fabric and as
immaterial as the wind that blows
over this courthouse courthou courthouI
I He referred with considerable feeling feelingrarmth
and warmth to Capt Micajah Woods as
the private prosecutor roce utor
Mr Moore declared the strong arm
of the law crossexamination had no
more effect on the defenses witnesses
than fc r stiplh ripplr of the waters wat rs of the Medi ¬
terranean on the th Rocks of Gibraltar
The speaker dwelt at some length on I
the fact t than the brothers had made
I no endeavor to conceal anything after
the tragedy tragedyVengeance ttACed ttACedI ttagelyVengeance
I Vengeance Not Wrong WrongManhood Wrong WrongManhood Wron WronU
U Manhood > > anI09Il stands hero on its ancient ancl < nt
I heights hetch These boys shot and killed killedihat km kiilwlthat
I that msn m n for the seduction of their sls 31 31tel a1ster
ter I trust rustto rU8t to God you wont find thu thuAn th thuthey
I they have uwe lone on wrong rong You hnowour know knowsour sour
deftnM An effort has been made here
by b tli the commonwealth to ridicule It out outthe gutthe ut utthe
the ° ourt urt tells you it is a dofanse every everyman e everyroan
man has a right to set up upIt upIt upit
It is no a novelty It is a a lawgiven lawgivenand Jawglvonsnd lawgivenand
and Godgiven right These defendants defendantsbefore defendantshave
I have to lay la themselves on that plea pleaabefore
before you ou gentlemen and ask you to topass toJM topass
pass JM s upon their responsibility You Y Yougentlemen Y6ugentlemen u ugentlemen
gentlemen are to pause a long time be ¬
fore rejecting reJecUn It I see your Our feeling I Ican Ican Icant
can cant t see your our mind The body liVd is a dis discovered dlRcovered discovered ¬
covered continent the t e mind a dark con ¬
tinent There here Is no vay 330 sy of telling what
thought it t where It 1t begins and where
it ends What will Is where Itgoes it goes and andwhere andwhere andwhere
where It stops Is not known The mind
Is that which remains even after these
bodies have passed under the sod It
is that which if it would not be profane profaneto
to SII say it makes us most like the Divine DivineInsanity DivIneInsanlty DivineInsanity
Insanity is a snapping of the cord be because beeaU8C because ¬
cause of too much of a strain where the thebeautiful thebeautltul thebeautiful
beautiful structure of the engineer is isborne Isborne isborne
borne down to earth e rth by b too much muchweight muchweiht muchweight
weight where the king of intellectthrows intellect intellectthrows tntcJlectthrows
throws aside a lde his crown and sceytor and andbecomes andbeeome andbecomes
becomes a slave to his own will willYou willuYou willYou
uYou You know of the history hltol of Greece GreeceContinued GrccQi1lContinued GreeceContinued
Continued on Third Page PageFragrant Pa PageFragrant e eFragrant
Fragrant Violets 250 Per P Bunch Bunchat j jat
at Kramers I 18mers the U e florst 916 91BF F st 51 nwAdv nw nwAdv nwAd
Adv Ad u 1
Jerome Resumes His HisCross HisCross HisCross
Cross Examination ExaminationMaking Exanlinatiol1iVaking ExaminationMaking
Making Little LittleHeadway LittleHeadvay LittleHeadway
Headway HeadwayDoctor Headvaypoctqr HeadwayDoctor
Doctor poctqr NonCommittal NonCommittalin N onColnnlitt tl tlin l lin
in Many any Replies Repliesto ep1ies ep1iesto
to District At Attorney Attorne AtLorne
torney torneyMother torne torneiVlother LorneMother
Mother of o Thaw Will WillProbably WillProbably WillProbably
Probably Be the NextWitness Next NextWitness NextWitness
Witness Called CalledNEW CalledII CalledNEW
NEW YORK March iDistrict District Attor Attorney AttormY Attorney ¬
II ney Jerome completed his cresexamin cresexaminatlon crossexaminatlon i
I atlon of Dr Charles Char G Wagner at 1245 1245oclock 1245odock 145o
o oclock lock today t dllY having found him even evenmore evenmore I Imo
more mo > re difficult to handle than Dr Bvans BvansJust I ans
Just before releasing relMaln the witness Jerome JeromeI JeroJ f ftlk
I tok t ok an entirely new tack making makl 11 an anneffort ancffort anI
effort trort to show that Thaw was intt IlIt < xicat xicated ncated
ed when w ft ne killed Stanford White WhiteI WhiteNothing VhlteI
I Nothing Showed Intoxication IntoxicationDr
Dr Wagner a r however gave the district districtattorney districtattorney
attorney no satisfaction along alon this Uti lineJerome line lineJerome HnfJerome > I
Jerome asked Wagner if there was WHSanything waManrUtlng wasanything
anything In the description dea < rtpUon of the killing killingin kUlln kUllnin
in the t hypothetical question that indicat indicated Indicated indicated ¬
ed Insanity rather than intoxication To Tothis Tothl Tothin
this thl the doctor replied repliedThere repliedThere repliedThere
There Is I nothing to indicate intoxi ¬
I cation and a great reat deal to Indicate in insanity insanity I IIJnlt
sanity sanityAfter IJnlt IJnltAfter sanityAfter
After forcing Dr Wagner a81M < < to ge intospecific into intospecific Intospeclftc
specific details Jerome announced aalt tl that thathe thathe thathe
he had finished ftRl hed with Ith the witneisDr witness witnessDr wttJteiltlDr
Dr Wagner agner was then excused by both bothsides bothskies lothsides
May Call CallThaws Thaws Mother MotherCW 1rIowerCIIIel NotierC1tAef
CW CIIIel f Counsel Cotl 8et Hartrldge of the de derswe deefome
rswe 114 ft announced anl ouft that Mrs William WlIUamThaw WilliamThaw m mTba
Thaw Tba mother of the defendant defflMl nt would wowMLIn woaklla wouldIn
In all probftbiltty take the stand > > Imm ImmOtaUiy Im ImIta Imae Imaedbrtafy
OtaUiy Ita WIly after the noon recess recessBattling reeNLB recessBattling
Battling B ttUng Nelson eton the pugilist Puct11 t sat with witha
a wrinkled 1r kled brow bro during the long ong morn
I lag seeslon He had urn llV llVEngRnd
England where here the Thaw Thtl ow t til 1 1 was th thmain thC thCmain themain
main to topic of conversation and made madehaste madehaste madehaste
haste to get into the court room roomNEW roomNEW roomNEW
NEW YORK March IDr Dr Csiarles CsiarlesWasner C1aarle C1aarleValinEr Cha ies iesWagner
Wagner resumed the stand today and andJerome an4Jereme andJerome
Jerome continued to crossexamine him himQ himQDoet himQDoctor
Q QDoet QDoctor Doctor In hi the eighth Item there is isprovision Iea isa
a provision provl ion for the prosecution of any anyperson anyper anyperson
JCI of taking takingth takln taklnthe takingthe
person per on who may tnA be suspecttsd uepec
th the life of the testator Do you thinkthat think thinkthat thinkthat
that when hen he wrote that he believed believedthat belkovedthat believedthat
that the killing of a human being bel was wasprohibited wasprohibited as asprohibited
prohibited by law lawA la lawAI
AI A I could not say Y positively positivelyJerome poIItUvelJerome positivelyJerome
Jerome then tht > n read the eighth it item m of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the will to the Jury JU1 In this clause Thaw Thawprovided Thawprolded Thawprovided
provided the sum of IMM to be net aside asideI It asidefn lde ldeIn
In I th the event of r 11 his sudden < 11 < deat jlo deAt1 f t It IthRd Ithad T Thad
had come to be known as a the assassin utilnation assassination assassination ¬
ation fund fundQ fundQVhen fundQWhen
Q QVhen When the defendant de ffIHlant wrote that thator
sound mind to
know that a person person > U Uknow charged ch rcecl with killing killinga J Ja Ia
a a human being could be punished for forthe forthe
the crime crimeA crimeAI crimeAI I
A AI I dont think it threw any light lightupon lightupon lightupon
upon him at all An insane person may mayspeak m mayspeak y yspeak
speak or write about prosecution with without without ¬
out othllvlnf having any consistent Idea about aboutwhat aboutwhat aboutwhat
what it means meansWill me meansWill nll
I IWill
Will Not Commit Himself HimselfQDo HimselfQDo HimselfQDo
QDo you you think when he wrote that thathe thathe thathe
he had sufficient intelligence to under understand understam1 understand ¬
stand that there was law within the thecojnmunity thecqp1munlty thecommunity
community cojnmunityA cqp1munltyHe communityAHe
A AHe He may have known that there therewere therewere therewere
were laws andjie and he may have had an aninsane anInne aninsane
insane idea i e of that and he may have havean hllvoSft havean
an Insane knowledge of them I dont dontsay dontSBY dontsay
say ho did however howeverThaws howeverThaws howeverThaws
Thaws Letters Again Read ReadJerome ReadTerome ReadJerome
Jerome now reAd one of Thaws let letters letters letters ¬
ters from Partethe kidnaping letter letterami Jetterand letterand
and then asked askedQ akedJ8 e eTs
Q Is it your your opinion that when he hewrote hewrote hewrote
wrote that letter ha knew there was wassuch WISsuch wassuch
such a thing sg as jf law suits for kidnap kidnaping kkluAPtng kidnapIns ¬
Ins ingA A AHe He may have known it Illn in a a general generalway genemlwn generalway
way wn but I dont believe he hehlld had any Rn def definite deCInlte definite ¬
inite knowledge knolod e of It such as you have haveHe b haveHo V6 V6Ho
Ho did not have a clear idea of the sub subject 8ubj subjest ¬
jest j t
jectQ Q QTAkin Taking all the facts of the hy hypothetical h hpotheical hypothetical ¬
pothetical question into consideration considerationdoesnt con considerationdoesnt lderaUon lderaUondoesnt
doesnt the th letter shpw he had a clear clearidea clonrIdet clearidea
idea that something somelhln was going to be beto become become
come public And he desired his lawyers lawyersto
to uhtre hire two staffs of reporters of differ different dltrerent differeat ¬
ent tvn t1o typos s to present his ldeof Ide of It UA ItI itA
A A1 1 dont tnlnk he knew clearly the thesisrilficance thesi thesuxiI1leance
I sisrilficance si suxiI1leance 1IficQnee of what he wrote wrotei wrotcQDoes wrotethe he
i O QDoes Does the fact that he desired desiredsecure to toflccure
1 secure eciire two staffs of reporters of f differ dlfferient dltterent different
ient ent types show a a deficient detic ent mental pro proCASlFrom process process
cesslFrom cess cessAFrom
CASlFrom AFrom all the facts I believe that thathe thathe thathe
he possessed possessrda a n weakened mental mental state atthat at atthat atthat
that time The fact act alone does s not show shown how howa
a weakened mental state but taken Into Intoconsideration Intoconsideration intoconsideration
consideration with all the other facts In Inthe Inthe inthe
the case it shows a weakened mental mentalcondition montalcondlUon mentalcondition
condition conditionQ condlUon11s conditionQIs
Q 11s Is that hat the best answer you can canrlve causiva canlye
siva sivaAH lye rlveA lyeAIt
A AH It Is my answer answerQ answerQls answerQTs
Qls Q Is that the most Intayigont answer answerGbjestlon Answeryou answeryou
you can n give tlveObjeetlon
Objection by Delmas Jerome J eroma framed framedthe tramedthe framedthe
the question anew anewQBy anewQBy anewQBy
QBy best be t answer you OU moan most intelligent in intelHscrit Intc1Usent
telHscrit telHscritA tc1UsentAYes telligentAYes
A AYes AYesJerome AYesJerome Yes YesJerome
Jerome read the rest of the letter dotterand letterand Jetterand
and asked the same quest questions questionsAThat questionsAThat onsi onsiA
A AThat That part o of the letter would ould not notlead notlead notlead
lead me to a conclusion conclusionQ cQnciuslonQVasnt conclusionQWasnt
Q QVasnt Wasnt this letter one of the bases basesof basesor basesof
of your opinion as to the defendants defendantscondition defendantseondition
condition of mind mindA mindAYes mindAYes l
A AYes Yes But not any an single phrase phraseof phraseor
of it I took everything about the thelotter thelotterInto letterInfo letter letterInto
Into corslderaaonhow consideration cora lderalonhoV how It was wa written writtenthe writtenthe writtenthe
the Interlineations and all other facts factsContinued faetsContinued factsContinued
Continued on Second Page
Russian Revolution RevolutionReady RevolulionReidy
Ready to Break Out OutAt OutAC
At Leaders Signal
1 1rP1 4 4p
rP1 p PH LADELPlliA 1DLPhifA LPIliA March CIt car l 0 0tale j jstated
stated tale < < upon the highest hl < < 1tst authority thai thaiHsjrrlman tba thatFla l lr1man
Hsjrrlman Fla r1man has acquired tllrecl control of 0 tr trReading t1 trReading <
Reading railway railwayThe rallwa rallwaThe railwayThe I
The New York Yo Central holdings boW and andtbC andthose nd ndthose
those tbC of the th old Wasserman pool were wereformally wererormany wereformally
formally taken over Vtt last I t night The Theproceeds Thefreaa Theproceeds
proceeds from the sale of th tIN Union Pa Pacific Paetlle Pachic ¬
chic holdings hokIl of the tta Atchison Atc were used usedto a usedto ed edto
to buy the Reading stock These hold holdings boldlnee holdings ¬
ings with those of the Baltimore and andOhio andOhio andOhio
Ohio give Harriman absolute control controlof controlof controlof
of the company The only other large largeinterest Ia IaIftterNt largeInterest
interest is that of the First National NationalBank Nationalllttnk Nationalthank
Bank party partyThe partyThe t tThe
The Frick holdings It s understoouV understoouVwere undo undewere undoWere
were Absorbed by Harriman Harr n around I
124 1 and Itt IttWhen mWhen libWhen
When shown the above dispatch Mr
Harriman said Jd I am not no Ot going IJOI to say sayan7 sayany
any more I have been talking taUdn an awful
lot since sln < e I came to Washington Wuht and
I am afraid 1 wll get I < < t in the same sa kindof kind kindof kindor
of trouW a as the parrot didNo did didNo didXo
No sir Im going to shut up like a aclam aJam aeltm
clam Jam Ive > h htn he > n ood to
good you ou ail tlling tllingyou tlUngou t fling flingyou
you ou all I know kno Now ow I must stop it
It t is believed that John Abner Abn r charged chargedwith chargedwith chargedwith
with assassination of Dr B D Cox atJackson at atJackson atJackson
Jackson Breathitt county coun county in HOC 1 andfor and andfor andfor
for complicity in which hich murder formerCounty former formerCounty fonnerCount
County Count Judge Jud < < e James Hargis HaC3 is J now DO entrial on ontrial ontrial
trial will confess confe a before night nightAbner nlPtAhner nightAbner
Abner is extremely nervous and is between be between bet ¬
tween t ween two firesJudge fires firesJudge ftresJudge
Judge Hargis was guarded rded at home homelast homelAst homelast
last night Soldiers are all about the thecourt thecourt thecourt
court house hou e where they have establish established e established tllblltIh ¬
0 ed < 1 barracks Prosecution Pr < HteCUtion claims there therewas th therercas < < e eIIS
was IIS no reason for calling out troopsbut troops troopsbut troopttbut
but defense def nse says say HArp and his attor attorneys attornt attorneys ¬
neys nt > ys lives are in danger and they mustltaye must musthave musthave
have ltaye protection Hargis flatly refused refuseda
a 8 change of venue Judge Carnes today to today todny ¬
day ordered every ev ry man searched as heentered he heentered Beentered
entered court room Over one 01 > hundred hundredrevolvers hundredrevoJvers hundredrevolvers
revolvers are sakI to have len 1 en left at atone Ittone atone
one store The town of Jackt Jackson > on is iscrowded Iscrowded iscrowded
crowded and mo m meat > t on the streets constantly con constantly constantly ¬
stantly watch the court house for outbreak out outbreak outbreak ¬
break of riots and are ready to take takepart takepart takepart
partB part partB
B Fulton French who was accused accusedwith accusedwith accusedwith
with Hargis Cnllahan Curt Jett Tom TomWhite TomVhlt TomWhite
White Vhlt > and others of James B Mareums Mar Marcums Marcums
cums assassination and is himself hlm elt the theleader theleader theleader
leader of the FrenchEversole feuding feudingin feud In r rIn
in which fifty ft men were klHed is on onhand onhand onhand
hand and is taking sides with Hargis
President of f the Deisina sad a View of ofthe efthe ofthe
the Douma in Session SessionST SeuiODCZAR SessionCZAR
ST PETERSBURG March fc 5Vith 5Viththe LWiththe With Withthe
the streets st a swarming warmln with Ith troops the theguard t1Mguard theguard
guard having ha vln < < been doubled after the therioting therlotln therioting
rioting rlotln that followed the first ftr t session of ofthe orthe ofthe
the douma in which riot 46600 18 persons personsparticipated JenIOntiparticipated personsparticipated
participated many being injured the thepeople thepeople thepeople
people believing bettevt < < the Caar is in hiding hidingbecause bicllAgbecaWle hidingbecause
because he failed to appear at the t open opening openIng opening ¬
ing of the douma and only oBI the great greatforce gra grafOle greatforce
force of mounted Cossacks C cks and gen gendarmes gendarmH gendarmes ¬
darmes holding them in check thesituation the thesituation tbealtuatlon
situation here today revealed clearly cleariythat eteArtythllt clearlythat
that Russia Ru is trembling tremblln on the verge vergeof vergeof vergeof
of a gigantic revolution and reign re of ofterror ofterror ofterror
terror terrorThe terrorThe terrorThe
The fate of the empire practically practicallyrests practicallyreats prartkanyrests
rests on the < happenings of the next Ct
twentyfour hours The public does not
know what has become of the Car and andthe andthe andthe
the belief is growing that he is in insome InBome insome
some place of concealment from which
he will issue a decree dissolving di8olv < < the thenew thene thenew
new ne douma This will be the signal for forrevolt forrevolt forrevolt
Ruse to Gain Time TimeThe TimeTbe TimeThe
The announcement that tomorrow the theCzar theCzar theCzar
Czar would receive in I audience Feeder FeodorGolovln l FeederGolovly eodor
Golovln tbo tbo new president of the douma doumapending doumaPfndnllf doumapending
pending which no business 1tustne would be betransacted betraDlNcted betransicted
transacted by b the house was 38 believed believedtoday bellevo believedtoday > d
today to he only a ruse rUB on the part partof partIf partof
I of If th the Czar to gain time and It awl that this thisprogram tbisprogram thisprogram
program would be changed before the theI t ttime thetime
I time set for receiving recehrln the presiding of officer oCfleer officer ¬
ficer of the douma doumafor doumaThat doomsThat
That t the troops MV have been prepared preparttlfor preparedfor
for the th work of mo movinjf ing down the peo people p Q Qpie opie ¬
pie when the expected revolution h hns be bens bens
gins ns Is s believed to be indicated by the theinces
Janc inces a carried by the mounted Cossacks Cossackspatroling CoSsackspatroUng Cossackspatroling
patroling the streets of the capital to today toda today ¬
day da There long deadly weapons with withtheir withthdr withtheir
their red pennons were never beforeused before beforeused beforeull
used ull > d in quelling street disturbances disturbancesIn
In addition to the Cossacks the Chevalier Chev Chevalier ChevaUer ¬
alier Guards have been detailed to aid aidthe aidthe aidthe
the gendarmes t ndarmes > in holding the people peoplein peoplein
in check checK The palace In which the thedouma thedouma thedooms
douma meets is surrounded by b a strong
body of troops and no person is al alI alContinued
1 1Continued
I Continued on Eighth Page
I Iz1lierested
E 1 7 VERY VlR TIERYbeaactiful Y Beautiful Woman oma7Z will willbe willbeinterested be beinterested
interested in Z71 ai a1f a important Z7Jz orta1zt an announcement a7Z7Z0U1lCe7jZe1zt 2nno2cyacerneizt ¬
nouncement to be made by The Wash Washington Uashzlzgton ¬
ington Sunday SztndaI Times in 172 The Daily DailyTimes DailyTi71eS DailyTines
Times tomorrow Olll01row Olll01rowI
I 1
iiffii iiffiiFOR PLEA PLEAPiQi PLfAfOR i i
Defense Admits Adn its Killing KillingClaims KillingClaims KillingClaims
Claims Disappointed DisappointedLove DisappointedLove DisappointedLove
Love DethronedReason Dethroned DethronedReason DethronedReason
Reason ReasonThe
The trial of Joseph J pt Paolucci the
Italian lt JtaA shoemaker under indict indictment 1adIetBMIIt indictment ¬
ment for tn the killing kUIJD < < of o his sweetheart sweetheartElisabeth sweetheartEIbeth sweetheartElizabeth
Elisabeth Dodge ia Jafront ht front of her real ¬
Fifth street northeast non Septem September SepteMber Septenaher ¬
ber M l S test was rH1InteclJa resumed ta Criminal CriminalCourt CrtMhIalCourt CriminalCourt
Court No 2 this morning MOrn Justice J Bar Barnard Barliard Barcard ¬
nard presiding presidingThe premdlncTh presidingThe
The Th entire morning non was consumed m mectkm 1ft 1ftt IsI
t m selection ectkm ot 0 a jury mrv At lJJI lid bath
t tides announced annou themselves content contentwith conttwith contentwith
with the foUowla following < < men In the box boxFratt IIoxFIQk boxFrspk
Fratt FIQk A Gibbons William TUIIIu L LEdn It V Ktonc KtoncEdwin K1atEdwin
Edwin N W Smith Richard D James JanesWilliam JaJMIIWilliam JamesWilliam
William D Jarvte William Will P Camp Campbell CaJalpbelt Cazapbell ¬
zapbell bell Alfred Alfred J J Birmingham W WIUlaDt M A AMelWn Alene AMellen
Mellen MelWn lene Alexander Jackson J B Berry rry F FRive FRtve FRives
Rive Charles A McKinney > Ge George rg J JXotte JNolte J JX
Xotte XotteAartstaat X NolteAiintant ott ottA
Aartstaat A llbata Dtetrkt Attorney Charles CharlesTurner CbafiesTurlK H HTurner
Turner opened for or the prosecution and andstated JIftCIt andstated
stated t teft the case briefly asking I for a ver verdict Terdlct verdkt ¬
dict In the first degree He wince wDl be beAlIted as assisted asaiMed ¬
aiMed in the prosecution by Assistant AssistantDistrict AataRi AataRiD4strlct AmistaatDistrict
District Attorney AttOl F S Perry PerryInsanity PeII PeIIInsanity PerryInsanity
Insanity Plea PleaAttorney PleaAttorM PleaAttorney
Attorney Thomas C Taylor in outlln outllnbut ouUtRIA outlining
ing IA < < the defense admitted the killing killingbut ktm ktmbut
but said the evidence evidencecltent YI ence would uhl show his hisclients
clients cltent reason was temporarily temporarilythrones de dethroned d dthroneo ¬
thrones by b disappointment dppoln t in F love He Hesaid He8akl 1 e esaki
said the crime in no instance hUtan could oe oemore t tmort Imore
more than second degree murder out nutthat j
that he would ask for an acquittal acquittalMt
Mt Irs s Elisabeth J Dodge > od < < e mother of the thede3d
dead girt was the first witness ttne called calledShe eaUedSbe calledSire
She testified her daughter da ghter met Paolucci Paolucciin
in January last Witness had sometimes sometimesaccompanied sometimesacconnpaaled Umes Umesa
accompanied a paed defendant defend t and her daugh daughter da dauS dauSter h htr ¬
ter to places p1a s of amusement m t during last lastsummer laBtcummtr lastsummer
summer She said Id Paolucci asked Ask h her belthE herthe r rtlw
thE > day da before the 1clllin killing If he might be beregarded beItgJIrdEd beregarded
regarded as a suitor s Sl Utor tor for her daughter daughterShe dau daughterShe < < hter hterShe
She told defendant that was a matter matterentirely matterent1relv matterentirely
entirely for her daughter to decide decidePaolucci deIdEPao1icci decidePaoiueci
Paolucci Pao1icci came again agl n that night nl ht after afterher Arterber afterher
her daughter had returned returne from 1 visit visitwith visitwith llIIt llIItwith
with other otherflends friends from a carrival MrsDodge Mrs MrsDodge X18Do4
Dodge Do4 e said ld Paolucol PaoluC < 1 and her daughter daughterseemed c1aupbteraeemed daughterseemed
seemed to be quarreling < < And An4wben when sh shentered libI libIt alit alitentered
entered t red the room defendant t1 fftdant told her herElizabeth herFlizabeth I IHllabeth
Elizabeth hud Informed him she did diddesire IcI tint tintdesire < I
desire hi his company further furtherYou furtherYou I IuYou
uYou You will have to fight ftt tt that out outamong outamOD outamong
among amOD yourselves yo lvH she told them themGirl tJMomGirl themGirl
Girl Returned Ring RingDefendant RingDeCendant RingDefendant
Defendant grew are angry an and when her herdaughter herdaufbter herdaughter
daughter returned retur him a ring she bad badbeen bad badbeen badbeen
been wearing Paolucci tried to bite It Itin ItIn ItIn
in two and he h threw it out of the thewinoow tbeII1o1 thewlnc
winoow wlnc II1o1 ow The Th mashed ring was p put t In hievidence Ineldence inevidence
evidence Mrs rs Dodge Dod DodgeaW e said her daughter daughterthen daug daughterthen ter terthen
then requested Paolucci to return her herring herring
ring which he was wearing eArlAg and he re replied replied replied ¬
plied uYou You will ill get all you OU want to toVltness tonorrow tomorrow
morrow norrowltness morrowWitness
Witness ltness then told of the defendant defendantcoming defen defendantcoming ant antcomlnl
coming into Int Mrs Ir Dodges store lttor several severaltimes severalumes severaltimes
times next day lie asked about thegirl the thegirl thegirl
girl and finally ftnal1 saw her but sad noth nothirc notbIr nothunusuel
irc Ir unusual while whl > in the t e house housethe hou houPaolucci
irgPaoluccI Paolucci accompanied the girl rl out on onthe onthe
the street str stre t The witness explained that thatat tbatat thatat
at the time her daughter was engaged engagedin
in moving some household effects from fromher fromher fromher
her former residence reaid nce a half block away awayto a1vto awayto
to the n pew ew w home over the th store they theyhad tb theyhad v vhad
had 3c jesf csf t rented nte She hear heard he rJ two pistol pistolshots plet pistolshots l lshots
shots shots and running out on the street streetsaw streetsaw treetMw
saw Paolwct fire nt a third shot into the theprostrate tMprostrate theprostrate
prostrate form of her daughter au ter and andthrow sndthrow andthrow
throw the thfloweapoR weapon away after Aft < < shoot shooting shootInr shootlug ¬
lug Inr himself him elC The girl irl died in her arms armsand armsnd armsAnd
and nd before she could be removed to the thehouse tblhouge thehouse
houseAt house houseAt hougeAt
At this Juncture the hour for f < < ad adjornment 84jornmnt adjornment
jornment having arrived it was an announced announeed announced ¬
nounced by the t e defense 4IeI defei a that It wetlJd wetlJdnot weukinot w wfcl wfclnot
not gn into the crossexamination cro sexamlnatton until untilthe untltthe untilthe
the afternoon session e slon
AY AYfarriman
arrlmaIl Dazes Com Commission Commission om oml ¬
nl1SSOIl mission l With I Huge HugePlan HQg HQgPlan HugePlan
Plan PlanWould PlanOil
Would Oil Spend en Billions Billionsand Billionsand Billionsand
and Reorganize All AllRoads AllRoads AllRoads
Roads RoadsFriendly RoadsFriendly RoadsFriendly
Friendly Visit Is10 of Finan Financier Financier Inan Inancier ¬
cier Shows Enormity Enormityof norms normsof
of His Ideas IdeasThe
The railroads of the t e United UR UnitedStates UaiieclStates ed edStatls
States will ill have to be rebuilt withmuch witJi witJimuch with withmuch
much heavier rails and with itA 9 9gauge pgauge t tgauge
gauge of i feet instead ilUlte < < d of the pres present prestnt presnt ¬
tnt nt one of 4 feet S 8344 inches inchesEither inch inchuEit inchesEither
uEit Either er locomotives o lRotheai of suck sizes sizesthat shestbat ttlzesthat
that nobody 11iDw fcow can i imagine magi Re them themor tAemor themor
or electric engines eDgin will ill have to be beprovided beprOided bepro
provided pro ided I think in time the hitter hitterplan latterplan
plan will ill be found more feasible ft > aaibM
Seught by Harriman HammanThe HarrimanThe HarrimanThe
The Interview was sought bt by Mr Mrliarriman MrHarriman r rUarrlJnan
Harriman He haft indicated t is an olD edteer officer olDeel ¬
eel oT th the commission that he would wouldlike wouklUke wouldlute
like to call on it at its oOicee and that thatif tbatIf thatIf
if he could meet the com commission mission In a abody abod abody
body bod he would call He was told at atwhat atwhat atwhat
what hour he could be received r ved and andmentioned andJD andmentioned
JD mentioned ttoned with some delicacy that he hewould heOU1d hewould
would OU1d not wish to call on individual individualnumbers l Individualmembers dhrku J Jbers
numbers bers of the committee singly as as1C asIf asIf
If to assure that he would woul wo lI not subject subjectany subjectan subjectany
any an of them th4 > m to the criticism that might mightfollow 1II mightfollow ht htfOllOw
follow such a conference conferenceWhen cORterenceWhen conferenceWhen
When Mr 1 Harriman reached tb the F Fstreet Fstreet FStreet
street offices of the commission com d on thatbody that thatbody thatbody
body was in conference in Chairman ChairmanKnapps CalrwtanKRapps ClalrmanKnapps
Knapps room He H was Iaa shown sbo a seat seatin seatIn t tIn
in the anteroom and waited patiently patientlyfor patlenthfor patientlyfor
for ten minutes when be h was shown showninto shewnInto showninto
into the office of the chairman and andshook IIDeltIbook andshook
shook hands with all the members MelllII en of ofthe orthe ofthe
the commission commissionMr COInml88lonJIIr
Mr Harriman Harrl took the stand M ad at a once onceHe oltCeHe onceHe
He was used to taking takl the stand in the thepresence theIeeence thepresence
presence Ieeence of the eomaifesioR but be dW dWnot didnot
not talk as h he did a few days ago in inNew InNew
New York
Will Play to Public PublicBeginning Publicxtnnin PublicBeginning
Beginning xtnnin with his compliments to the thocommission th3eommlJJSion theeommission
commission and with his assurance a u that thathis thathis
his visit was purely social and inspired inspiredby InapIredbY inspiredbr
by a natural interest Int4ft t in the business bu btess of ofth ofthe
the th organization Mr Harriman drifted driftedsoon drirtfdMO
soon MO into a general discourse dt e on rail railroad raUroad railroad ¬
road problems pro m and the work ork of Govern Government Gvemment Gvernment ¬
ment regulation regulationTvc regulation1H regulationIve
Tvc 1H made up UI my mind in future futureto futureto futureto
to give more attention to the inter interest interest interest ¬
est of the public In these thes affairs affairssaid 3i affairs affairssaid ni s ssaid
said the ruler of 25000 2 i000 000 miles of ofrailroad ofraIlroad ofrailroad
railroad It has never been my myIdea myIden cotIdea
Idea to concern myself much about aboutthe abouttllC aboutthe
the relations of the public to the therailroads therlilroads therailroads
railroads but I propose lropo e hereafter hereafterto
to give the public information to totake totake totake
take It into my n1 confidence as to tomatters tomatters tomatters
matters It Is entitled to know about alonhI aboutI
I think I shall give the newspapers newspapersmore newspapersmore newspapersmore
more of the Information they want wantabout lYantabout wantabout
about the business t of the roads I Iam Iam Iam
am connected with The commis commission commIssion commission ¬
sion in my opinion would be more moreuseful moreuseful raoreuseful
useful to h the community If it would wouldcooperate wouldcooperate wouldcooperate
cooperate with the railroad man managers managers managers ¬
agers and with the public in all allthese allthese allthese
these questions It could be b most mostuseful mostuseful mostuseful
useful as a medium to secure smooth smoothand smoothsat smoothand
and satisfactory sat IsfactoIJ relations among amongrailroads amongrnnroad amongrailroads
railroads rnnroadThen 4 4Then IThen
Then Mr Harriman turned to the thethings thethtnp thethings
things his own roads r < HUIs have ave been doing doingtCoiUnued doinglCotUnued doingtCottinued
tCoiUnued on Ninth Page
The combination freight car of ofthe ofHie ofthe
the present will have to give ve way to toan toan toan
an allsteel freight frei ht car which will willbe willbe willbe
be 2 feet et widec rides 2 feet kbher hher her and andseveral andH8IeraI andsareral
several feet longer than the ear now nowused 1I0Wu nowused
used u It will at the same DIe time be bepossible bepossible bepossible
possible to make thg th t ear much muchlighter JIt muchlighter h hlighter
lighter in proportion to carriage ca capacity eaIt caparity ¬
It parity ty than the present ears and andthis andthis andthis
this will iU eff et a great reat saving ni in the thecost t thecost e ecost
cost of transportation transportationHedttciag tnB8portatiouRei11ei transportationReducing
Reducing Rei11ei g the Grades Gl1ad Gl1aduGrlWl8 GradesGran GfadesGrades
Grades win rf1l be reduced rct egerr egerrwhere every everywhere Mry Mryh ¬
where h re Tunnels will wi l have to be enlarged en enlarged ened ¬
larged ed bridges b mast u i be rebuilt to tomake tomaJt tomake
make maJt them equal to tie t e strain of the theincreased theiRFr theincreased
iRFr increased d loads that ths t will ill pa pass over overthem oerthem overthem
them them
To do all these things will cost costbillions costbillions costbillions
billions of dollars dollarsnobody nobody CUB tel telhow tell tellkow tellhow
how many billionsSuch billions billionsSuch hillIonsSuch
Such Is the stupendous proposal for forthe folthe forthe
the reorganisation reortzat of o the American Am < < iean rail railroad railroad railroad ¬
road system which E H Harriman at atan atan
an Interview with 1th the Interstate Com Commerce Commerce Comaserce
merce Commission iomll t lon calmly laid before beforebat beforethat
that bat I body hod Mr Harriman simply simplyamased simplya1Hd simplyaamaed
amased the commissioners with the tre tremendous trem tremendous ¬
mendous m ideas he laid before fore them and andwith andwith andwith
with the information about nationalbuebtese national nationalbusiness natlohayeonditlon
business condition on the one band bandand MndalMl randand
and the minute details of railroad r nrod Manqement managemeut man management ¬
agement on the other other which he dis displayed dlspIaed dis displayed ¬

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