Efip tpil Jaftintnu fiington mime mimePubl1he 3flm 3flmThbl1he
Publiahefl Evening ana Sunday at atTHE atTHE t tTHE
Penn Ave between 11th and nd 14th at atXttr ateV tL tLw
Xttr eV w Y York rk OBVee W5 Fifth Ave AvoChleage AveCbleage AveChicago
Chicago Office Oftlcee 43 4 Marquette BujM Building BuildingUoetoa BuildingBoeteR nir nirHoaUm
HoaUm Office journal BuHdlmr BuHdlmrDaily DuUdln DuUdlnDaily BuftdlnIaily
Daily one year 3 3Sunday 300 300Sunday 300Sunday ° °
Sunday one year 25 25FRANK 250 250FRANK 250FRANK °
me Tim Is acrv eerved d tn the city cityon of t Waehing Waehington
ton to on and District atJrlC 7tedc o Columbia Colub u ts b by new newaboyJ newaboyJwho boy boywho t tWM
who deliver and eaileet e lleet for the paper en entheir entheir entheir
their ewa wn account at the rate ot e S cents a aweek aweek 1 1week
week for the Bvanlmr BV8RI veIng and G coots a oepy oepyfor oeP7tO cepyfor
for tO th the Sunday edition editionC editIon2nterd
2nterd n a at the t peetolTice e at WaaJIIDitt1 D Dc DC
C a ILB Baoona IMO eoond I1Il ctasa cIa matter matterSATURDAY matterSATURDAY matterSATURDAY
SATURDAY APRIL 17 7 197 197Back 19t1Back 19 7 7Back
Back to the Flesh Pots PotsMayor PotsMayor PotsMayor
I Icity
Mayor Eeyburns delivery of f the thecity thecity
city of brotherly love into the thehands thehands thehands
hands of the the machine i is now com complete complete cornplete ¬
plete He has forced from his posi position position posilion ¬
tion at the head of the Bureau of ofFiltration ofFiltration ofFiltrtion
Filtration Maj fuj Caiu Ca u E Gillette Gillettewho Gillettewho Gillettewho
who left the United States Army to toconstruct toconstnlCt toeontruct
construct the great reat plant honestly honestlyand honestlyand honestlyand
and was unexpectedly unc pectedly called upon 1lp n to toduplicate toduplicate I Iduplicate
duplicate hia exposure expo ure of the Ober OberJin OborI OborIlin Oborun
Jin M Carter frauds at Savannah SavannahThe SvnnahThe I IThe
The only consolation for this de delivery delivery d dlivery ¬
livery is expressed by the Philadel Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelrhia ¬
phia Ledger in this thi wise wisePerhaps wisePebapS wisePerhaps
Perhaps it IB better so At least we weshall weshall weshall
shall have ba ve no false fal e pretense After all allKeyburns aUReyburns allReyburns
Reyburns promises proml es were never so ex explicit explicit ex1Uct ¬
plicit as thog + of Ashbridee A hbrldse nor r fairer fairerthan talrerthan fairerthan
than those th tho of Weaver why Vhy should we weexpect Wt1lfxpeet wexpeet
expect more of him than of them lie liews Hewall liewac
ws always an organizatIon man and It Itla Itis ItI
la I the organization that we weMve have re restored restored rostored ¬
stored In n him We know what hat to ex expect expect expact ¬
pect of It and 1141 there IB no JM further need needof needof needof
of disguises dt cul8H It can n no more chuuxw chuuxwits ChAli ChAli11s chaigeIts
its nature or its It methods than could the theStuarts tbeStuarts theStuarta
Stuarts or the Bourbons when restored restoredto re tored toredto
to the power powerBut po powerBut er erBut
But it is hard for other Ameri Americans AmeriIlna Amencans ¬
cans < Ilna to watch and keep their shirts shirtsExpanding s shirtson irts irtson
Expanding the Smithsonian SmithsonianSecretary SmithsonianS SmithsonianSecretary
Secretary S cretltry Walcott reveals a pur purpose purpOlie purFoee ¬
pose to make the Smithsonian Insti Institution Institution Institutin ¬
tution more active in the increase increaseand increaseand increaseand
and diffusion di fuaion of knowledge among amongmen amongmentIs amongmenes
men mentIs as its founder intended intendedwhen intendedwhen intendedwhen ¬
when he undertakes to bring into intocloser intol intoci
closer ci l > ser touch with it the representa representative representative representatire ¬
tive national jiCie scientific tUie organizations organizationsof
of the country countr Invitations have been beensent beensent beensent
sent to the National Academy of ofSciences ofieDceIi ofsciences
Sciences ieDceIi and the American Associa Association Association Association ¬
tion for the Advancement of Science Scienceto Scienceto Scienceto
to make the institution their head headquarters hcadquarters headquarters ¬
quarters Both have accepted and andnow andnow andnow
now part of the space to be freed by bythe bythe bythe
the occupation oeeuti n of the new National NationalMuseum NationalMuseum NationalMuseum
Museum Building will be set apart apartfor apartfor apartfor
for their archives and records and anda
a L meeting place provided for their theirbusiness theirbusine theirbuniness
business busine sessions sessionsIf
If this course shall obviate the theneed theneed theneed
need for building the proposed propoi cd home homefor llOmcfor homefor
for scientific bodies in Washington Washingtonthe Wa hin ton tonthe
the District will tll be somewhat the theloser theloser I Iloser
loser But the District will m mora morathan mO morethan 1 1than
than balance that loss 1 K in the success successof successof successof
of the Smithsonian and the up upgrowth upgrowth upgrowth ¬
growth of such bodies as the two twofccicntinc twoacientUlc twoscientile
fccicntinc associations a indicated indicatedThe indicatedThe indicatedThe
The National Conventions ConventionsChairman ConventionsChairnum ConventionsChairman
Chairman New of the Republican RepublicanJsational Repub Republicanatien1 icsn icsnationl
Jsational ationl Committee reports that St StLouis StLouis StLouis
Louis Kansas City Seattle and Chi Chicago ChicRgo Chicago ¬
cago have all indicated that they theywill theywill theywill
will be applicants for the location locationof
of the next nerl Republican National NationalConvention NationalConvention NationalConvention
Convention and that there will ill be a anumber anumber anumber
number of others The matter will willl willhe willbe
l he > e decided in the next eight months monthswhen mcnthswhen monthswhen
when the national committee will willmeet will111eet willneet
meet meetPolitics 111eet 111eetPolitics neetPolitics
Politics and sectionalism always alwaysplay alWl alvaysplay s splay
play H part in locating the conven conventions conventions conventiotis ¬
tions which hieh largely accounts for the thefact thefact thefact
fact that New York doesnt oe nt get any anyof anyof anyof
of them nowadays ADd indeed is ishardly islarcUy ishardly
hardly thought of as a location By Bythe Dythe flythe
the same ame tken Chicago gets gct more morethan morethan morethati
than its share It is central and is ispolitically itSolitiCAlJy Ispolitically
politically olitiCAlJy available But more than thanall tllanall thanll
all ll this it has the facilities fa IallltiesNo ilities j jNo
No 0 great political party part ought oughtagain oughtIgain osghtagain
again to take a convention to a 8 city citywhose cityWh08e citywhose
whose facilities for handling the thepeople thepeople thepeople
people are questionable There are areseveral areeverftl areseveral
several cities that cannot be criti criticised criticised cnititiaed ¬
cised on this score and to them the theconventions tIleconventions theconventions
conventions ought to go There There is isno isno isno
no harder work imposed on some somethousands s somethoussnds me menaounds
thousands of very willing people peoplepach peopleRch peopletaeh
pach Rch quadriennium than attending attendingthe att attendingthe nding ndingthc
the national natiomllconvcntions conventions They are areentitled areentitlo1 areentitled
entitled to the best comforts and andfacilities andfnci1itieiIJ andfncilitie
facilities and Ancttl1e the national commit committee committee committee ¬
tee ought to see < ee that the convention conventionis
is located where these can cabe be had hadCaptain Il1ldCaptain hadCaptain
Captain Hobsons Latest LatestIt late t tIt
It takes a real genius to figure out outsuch outsuch outsuch
such clever political enterprise entorpri e as asthat ftStJlat asthat
that on which Congressmanelect CongressmanelectHobson CongrciiSmanelectHobtwn CongressmanelectHobson
Hobson of Alabama is about to en engage cngage engage ¬
gage He is going to tour his dis district dielilctccompanied ¬
trict 1 rlcttccompanied accompanied by his wife and a agroup agroup agroup
group of experts in scientific and andpractical andtusetical andkIractical
practical agricultural matters There Therewill Tbereill Therevih1
will ill be be a cotton culture expert e pert a asoil asoil
soil expert a forestry fbrestr specialist a aroad aro aroad
road ro d builder and suds a representative of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the rural free delivery sevice of the thePostoflHce t11e05toOOce thePostoflhlee
PostoflHce > Department The people peoplewill peoplewill peoplewill
will be invited to come out meet meettheir meettbeir meettheir
their Representative I opre entAtire and hear ad addresses addreuCs addressis ¬
dresses on thoroughly thorou hlr practical practicaltopics practicaltopics practicaltopics
topics topicsNo topicsKo topicsNo
No section has 11t shown so muoh muchnpprcciatlon muohnppreclatlon muohappreciation
appreciation of the work of the theDepartment the theDeptlrtment thelepartinent
Department of Agriculture as the theSouth thoSouth theonth
South onth Its representatives in Con Congress Conretis Congrees ¬
gress retis have been the first rst in loyalty loyaltyto
to tho great work that tJl t has grown grownvip grori groriup grou groutip
vip under Secretary Wilson The TheSouthern lheSouthern lh lhliouthern
Southern people untilize the results resultsr
r 1 I
of its investigations in the most mostpractical mostpractical mostpractical
practical ways Captain Hobson Hobsonproposes Hobsonproposes Hobsonproposes
proposes to carry this work down to tothe tothe tothe
the people and give everybody a achance achance achance
chance to absorb its benefits benefitsSecretary benefitsSecretary benefitsSecretary
Secretary Wilson ilson opines that other otherCongressmen otherCongressmen otherCongressmen
Congressmen will find the scheme schemeworth soheme sohemeworth schemevorth
worth trying and an he adds that his hisdepartment hisdepartmont hisdepartment
department will be ready to help in inevery inevery inevery
every way it can in such a practical practicalfashion prnotioalfuhion practicalfashlon
fashion of giving the benefits of the thework thework thework
work to the people Captain Hob Hobson Hobson Hobson
son may be more of a asailor sailor than of ofa ofa ofa
a farmer ho may possess posse s more de detailed detailed detailed ¬
tailed information about a turbine turbineengine turbinecngine turbineengine
engine than about a Missouri mule muleand muleand muleand
and as likely as ar a not he could plow plowthe plowthe plowthe
the sea more mor effectively effectiv ly than the thesoil th thson thsoil
soil but he seems all the same to tohave tohave tohave
have some som somd highly practical ideas ideasabout idoft6nbout ideasabout
about politics politicsMaking politioslaking politicsMaking
Making the Label Tell TellSigns TellSigns TellSigns
Signs multiply that tl1 t the pure food foodlaw foodlaw foodlaw
law is to be no dead letter The Thestride Thestride Thestride
stride taken in regulating the meat meatpackers meatpackers meatpackers
packers is not to be shortened for forthe forthe forthe
the makers of cereals the canners cannersthe csnnersthe cannersthe
the whisky manufacturers and the thewholesale thewholesalc thewholesale
wholesale druggists This is not notonly notonly notonly
only good government but good pol politics politics poiitics ¬
itics for the pure food law reaches reachesalmost reac11C8almost reachesalmost
almost as many voters as the rural ruralfree ruralfree ruralfree
free delivery deliYer and touches touel1 a more moreStomachs morestomncbs moregtomaehzs
Stomachs StomachsThe stomncbsThe gtomaehzsThe
The latest step taken by bF the ProM Prefeident Ple8ident ProMident
ident and the Secretary of Agricul Agriculture Agriculture Agricultune ¬
ture is the creation of a Board of ofFood ofFood ofFood
Food and Drug Inspection It is isvirtually i iirtuftlly isvirtually
virtually a new bureau designed to torelieve torelicvc torelieve
relieve the Bureau of Chemistry of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the burden of enforcing the law and andyet andyet andyet
yet to retain in that work the coun counsel counsel counsd ¬
sel sd and anc broad knowledge of the head headof headof headof
of the bureau Dr Harvey W Yo Wiley Wileyost Wileyost YileJ YileJfOBt
fOBt ost of the details will be intrusted intrustedto
to Dr Frederick L Dunlap former formerly formerJy formerly ¬
ly of the department of chemistry chemistryat chemi trr trrat
at the University of Michigan and anda
a lawyer laer as well as a scientist The Theother Theother Theother
other member will be the solicitor solicitorof
of the Agricultural Department DepartmentGeorge DepartmentGeorgc DepartmentGeorge
George P McCabe McCabeAll McCabeAll McCabeAll
All of what might be called calledthe calledthe calledthe
the administrative work under the thelaw thelnw thelaw
law will be done by this board it itwill itwill itwill
will examine food supplies scan can and andweigh aDdweigh andweigh
weigh the advertised claims of man manufacturers manufacturers manufacturers ¬
ufacturers interpret clauses of the theact theact theset
act and gather testimony testImOB against againstviolators againstnolators againstviolators
violators Without this work Con Congross Congross Congross
gross might as well never neyerbave neyerbaveptt88cd have havepassed havepassed
passed the law lawBut lawBut lawBut
But this is not all that is needed neededand necdedI neededand
and what remains can hardly be bedone bedone bedone
done by b the Department of Agricul Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture ¬
ture Editors of grocery and drug drugtrade drugtrade drugtrade
trade papers as well as a paid agents agentsof agentaor agentsf
of f dealers associations have openly openlycontended openlycontended t tcontended
contended that the Administration Administrationis
is without attorneys to enforce the thelaw thelaw thelaw
law even against willful violators violatorsAn vinlatorsAn rilatorsAn
An effort avowedly predicated on onthat onthat onthat
that assumption ass mption was made lately to toorganize toor tobrgaaize
organize or Bize local dealers in fee cream creamto creamto creamto
to disregard di regard the act Not many manydealers many1ealers manydealers
dealers will join such a movement movementHere movementlIcre movementHere
Here in Washington the enterprise enterprisefailed enterprisefailed enterprisefailed
failed utterly But the disposition dispositionto diapo dispositiontodefy ition itionto
to todefy defy efy the law on such a ground groundemphasizes KroundeJnpltasizciJ groundemphasizes
emphasizes the need necf for full co cooperation cooperation ccoperation ¬
operation between the Department Departmentof
of Agriculture and the Department Departmentof
of Justice Ju tice to enforce it itThe ItThe ItThe
The Trade Of f Canada CanadaAn
An Ottawa dispatch dl patch to the Toronto TorontoGlobe TorontoGlobe TorontoGlobe
Globe reports that the trade returns returnsof returnsot returnsof
of the Dominion for the last fiscal year yearIndicate yearIndlcte yearIndicate
Indicate that the Increase In CAnada Canadastrade CAnadatrade Cansdestrade
trade with the United States has been beenconsiderably beftconslderablv beenconsiderably
considerably more than double the In Increase Increase Increase ¬
crease in her h r trade with Great Britain BritainThe BrltalnThe BrItainThe
The trade returns for or the eleven months monthsended monthended mothended
ended February F bnllry 38 show an increase in inimports Inimports inimports
imports from Great Britain of J13W0512 J13W0512over 13t 1Z64O12over tOil tOilover
over the corresponding term of the year yearpreceding yearpreceding yearpreceding
preceding while the increase in pur purchases purchases perchases ¬
chases from the United States was 31 31ttiWS 31t16 31e546
ttiWS t16 A similar condition is shown in inthe inthe Inthe
the export account Canadas sales to toGreat toGreat toGreat
Great Britain during that term were In Increased Increased increased ¬
creased by b 3LO4i 8 8i W < while sales to this thiscountry thiseoontIj thisCoUntry
country were increased by 1S333 1S333The 18 I33OIZ3The 33S 33SThe
The total Increase in commerce both bothimport bothImport bothImport
import and export was 2 228MW2 1IM5t2 with withGreat withGreat withGreat
Great Britain and 49J 40HCfJII 4as2 with the theUnited theUnited theUnited
United States StatesThe StatesThe StatesThe
The foregoing is from a current currentfinancial currentfinancisl currentfinancial
financial and industrial paper It Itsuggests Itsuggests Itsuggests
suggests a most interesting inquiry inquiryIn
In the markets of Canada Great GreatBritain GreatBritain t tBrltftin
Britain has an advantage of 33 13 13per 13per 13per
per cent In tariff rates as against againstthe againstthe againstthe
the United States Yet with ith such a atremendous atremendous atremendous
tremendous handicap ac that the theUnited theUnited theUnited
United States is increasing its Cana Canadian Canadian Canadian ¬
dian trade two and onehalf times times as asfast asfast asfast
fast as Great Britain is increasing increasinghers increasing11crs increasingliens
hers How long would it take the theUnited theUnited theUnIted
United States to get substantially substantiallyall
all of the trade of Canada if under undera
a reciprocity arrangement it could couldget couldget couldget
get injo Canada on an equal basis basiswith basiswith basiswith
with Britain BritainFurther BritainlFurthcr BritainFurther
Further if the infant industries industriesof
of the United States are now strong strongenough strongcnough strongenough
enough to climb over a 33 13 per percent percent percent
cent tariff discrimination and beatEngland beatEngland beat beatEngland
England so badly in the business of ofCanada ofCan8da ofCanada
Canada why should these same in infant infantindustrics infantindustnies ¬
fant fantindustrics industries four 9 r to meet Eng England England England ¬
land on something like equal terms termsin termsit termsill
in it the home markets of this coun country cohn cohntrJ cohntry ¬
try There has been no more com complete completc cornplete ¬
plete demonstration of the absurd absurdity absurditJ absurdity ¬
ity of maintaining the present preeent1ex preeent1excesslvely ex excessively e ecessive1y ¬
cessively high schedules than is i af afforded afforded iiiforded ¬
forded in these thc e Canadian trade 1Ig 1IgurS fiarThe fiar flgurs
The Rebuke of Nature NatureGeneration NatureGeneration NatureGeneration
Generation after generation cen century century contury ¬
tury after century men build their theirJiomcs theirJlOmos thLr3tomos
Jiomcs and live their lives in the theshadow theShftdow theshad
Shftdow shad shadow v of possible de destruction destruetionb1itl1el destructionblithely truction tructionblithely
blithely b1itl1el thoughtlessly taking the thechances theellftnCeS Lhechances
chances > that thathne have brought disaster disasterto
to others before them Y05115 Y05115slopes Vesuvius Vesuviusslopes VoMuviusslopes
slopes and aDd base are re populated popuftted just justas justS
as S they were before b iore Herculaneum Herculaneumand Herculnneumand Herculaneumand
and Pompeii were founded There is
the occasional terror te rror people flee fleeand fieeand fleeand
and then they return Mont Pelee Peleewas Peleowas Peleewas
was known to be one of the most mostdangerous mostdangerous mostdangerous
dangerous volcanoes in the world worldfor worldfor worldfor
for generations yet yetthc he islet it dominated dom dominated dommated ¬
inated was thickly inhabited till the thedisaster thedisnster thedisaster
disaster of a day made it a desert desertUnder desertUnder desertUnder
Under the shelter shcU r of Colima has ex existed existcd cxistcd ¬
istcd the city of that nameSfor Damc namefor for so solong solong solong
long that there is no history of its itsbeginnings itsbeginnings itsbeginnings
beginnings beginningsGalveaton beginningsOalvostoIl beginningsGalveston
Galveston stricken by byn a power powerthat powertbat powerthat
that may manifest itself iaolfngain again in inany inftny inany
any year fcftr has been rebuilt in the thesame thcRame thecaine
same location 10oa on The enginery engnary of ofman ofman ofman
man has h ha undertaken this time to tofortify tofortify tofortily
fortify it against the forces of na nature nature nature ¬
ture and its people are confident it iti itis itis
i is safe All Allover over the United States Statesgreat Statcsgreat Statesgreat
great cities ci tics threatened year cnr by year yearwith ycarwith yearwith
with tremendous flood devastation devastationhave dcastntionbave devasta1ionItave
have grown richer and more impor important important important ¬
tant with the possibility of such vis visitations visitations vieitations ¬
itations always hanging over them themIt themIt themIt
It is so throughout the world Man Manseems Mt1seems Mary Maryseems
seems rather to like to tempt the theforces theforccI theforces
forces he cannot control controlIt controlIt controlIt
It is doubtful there has been in inthe inUle inthe
the last few years cnrs any real ren increase increasein
in volcanic and earthquake phe phenomena phenomena phenomena ¬
nomena as compared to former formeryear formcr3oartl former3ears
year There has been however a amarvelous amArvelous amarvelous
marvelous proportion of destruc destruction destruction destruction ¬
tion incident to these phenomena phenomenaNature phenomcnaNature phenomenaNature
Nature seems almost to have set setherself sether setherself
herself her elf about rebuking the presump presumptuousness presumptuou8ness preaumptuousness
tuousness of man for disregarding disregardingher
her warnings and placing himself himselfwhere 11imlelfwhere himselfwhore
where he is liable to destruction If Ifthis Ifthl Ifthis
this thl has 11a been her aim it must be beconceded beconceded beconceded
conceded that she has reached the themark themark themark
mark markOf markOf markOf
Of volcanic and earthquake phe phenomena phenomena phenomena ¬
nomena science knows pitifully lit little little littie ¬
tle General classifications ela sificutions have havebeen Imvebeen havebeen
been made with what seems to be beapproximation beapproximation beapproximation
approximation to accuracy but the thetotal thetotal thetotal
total of information is s small and andits andits andits
its availability Rvailabilit for purposes of prog prognosticating progno prognosticating ¬
nosticating no ticatiDg or safeguarding sk eguarding against againfIJtdisa againstdisasters againetdisasters
disasters disa ters is still ati1l1e less lessIt lessIt s sIt
It turns out that Rockaway Beech Beechdoesnt Bea Beadoesnt Beadtdeesnt
doesnt propose propo e to let Asbury Park Parkwith Park1th Parkwith
with 1th itg sea serpents 8erpen get away 8owa with all allthe anthe allthe
the advertising and so o comes the story storythat st4KYthat ster sterthat
that the Rocky bathing suits sull are areworn areworn areworn
worn with skirts ldrts so > > 0 short as to be peel positively peeltively O I Ilively ¬
tively shocking Persons Person feeling teelln the theneed tlMneed theneed
need of a shock will take notice noticeThe noticeTIM noticeThe
The Parisians will be saved from ennui ennuifor eftJwfor ennuifor
for a few more weeks anyhow a ihe iheappeal he heappeal beappeal
appeal of Count Bent in the divorce suit suUis suItIs
is soon to come up for a a hearing hearingThose becr1ngTho hearingThose
Those Tho e gentlemen who are trying to toget toget toget
get between betwe n the two factions in unto untoand uhioand hlo hloand
and promote peace and harmony doubt doubtless doubtleN doubtlees ¬
less have excellent Intentions but tuey tueystand tueystand tasystand
stand to get et badly pinched pinchedMrs pinchedMra pinchedMrs
Mrs James Jameaffenry T M Henry HenT Smith WBM wb WI divorced divorcedone divorcedone divorCedone
one husband with 1th plenty of money lROUt ny ia iaorder Jnorder Inorder
order to acquire another husband hu bad with withmore 11thmore withmore
more of it would certainly present pr8leftt a asorry aJIOrry asorry
sorry spectacle s de if she should so soon soonprove soonprove soonprove
prove to have neither husband bUllb dJMK dJMKmoney nor normoney normoney
money moneyMayor moneyayOt moneyMayor
Mayor ayOt Beans B is reported determined to todrive todriYe todrive
drive gambling out of Chicago If he hemeans heMaIM henienee
means > > gamMiqg ia I aU U IU Jt forms Chi Chicago Chlcap Tht Thtcage ¬
cap Is going to u suffer suffer a 8 big population populationshrinkage populationehrlnk4e tOpulationhriftktitte
shrinkage shrinkageIf ehrlnk4eif hriftktitteIf
If the Hermann Jury gives considera consideration COft8I conakieralien en enI ¬
I lien to all ttie evidence that was laid laidbefore laldbetons laidbefore
before It the longest previous records recordsof recordaof recordsof
of Juries remaining out t will be sadly sadlysmashed sadlysmashed dIy dIysmuhed
smashed smashedIt
It might be a good thing right now to tohave tohave tohave
have the written law aw brought o out t good goodand goodI goodand
I and strong m In connection CO ftecUOft with a a murflar murflarcase 1 murd murdease U Uease
ease somewhere The unwritten unwrltt article articleIs
Is 1 in danger of getting ettlng frayed around arowadthe aroundthe rCHIudthe
the edges from overwork overworkMrs overworkMnJ overworkMrs
Mrs Von Claussen Clu een is edging up toward towardthe towardthe towardthe
the spotlight again and seems to have havea haVQfall
a a fair chance to catch a bit of its grate grrateful grateful gratetel
ful radiance radianceBATH radlaneeBtTH radianceBATH
The bard of Chicago Alderman John JohnCoughlin JohnCoughlin JohnCoughhln
Coughlin of the First ward known to tofame totame totame
tame and poetry as aBuBath Bath House John Johnhas Johnhas TohnhfUI
has written another poem poemHis poemHJs poemHis
His first poem Dear Midnight of ofLove orLove ofLove
Love was w greeted < < reeted with great onthu enthusiasm onthuslm onthusiasm ¬
siasm especially eep ClaJly in newspaper offices officesNow offIcesNow officesNow
Now the Bath House is moved by bythe bythe bythe
the arrival o of the maple sap ap season seasonand seasonand > > easonAnd
and thus thu he sings singsIm 8mnSIm singeIm
Im living ia hopes that the rays of the thesun tbesun theSen
sun sunWill sunWill Senlviii
Will soon start the sap In the maple mapleto
to run runYou runYou runYou
You may have your marshmallows and andchocolate andchocolate andchocolate
chocolate creams creamsBut creamsBut creamsBut
But give me the th sap when its boiled boiledand boiledand boiledand
and congeals congealsThere 00I1g618There oungeisThere
There are kisses and bonbons and and1fudges andfudges andfudges
fudges galore galorePiled galorePIIe1 galorePiled
Piled high on the counters coo nters of each eachcandy Mchcandy eachcandy
candy store storeI
I care for them not but Id go wIthoutmeals withoutmeals without withoutmeals
meals mealsFor mealsFor mealsFor
For the soft maplo sap when its boiled boiledand boiledand bOiledand
and congeals congealsThe cons s sThe V VThe
The robbing and bock beer will soon soonph 80 soonpipe n npi
ph pi pipe > e their Jay layYou JayYou V VYou
You can till l by the moon that theyre theyreheaded tbeyrebded theyrebeaded
headed this way wayOh wa waOh wayOh
Oh where are my palls and the auger augerto augerto
1 to tolap tolapI tap tapI tapI
I want to be In on the first run of otsap sap
Colunibus Colu bus Citizen CitizenPEASANT CItizenPEASANT CitizenPAAtT
ST PETERSBURG P TERSBURG April 27 27Em 27Emperor 37Emperor Em Emperor ¬
peror Nicholas today received twenty twentytwo twentytwo
two peasant deputies who wh expressed expressedtheir expressedthdr expressedtheir
their desire to work in n harmony with withthe witbthe withthe
the Emperor and their hope of a 8 speedy I IIntroduction
introduction of a system of general edu education education education ¬
cation cationThe cationThe cationThe
The application of the deputies for an anaudience anaudience anaudience
audience has been the subject of pas passionate pslIIonate passtonate ¬
sionate arguments in the lobbies of the thelower thelower thelower
lower house for two days past The ap applicants applicants appftcants ¬
plicants were constantly surrounded by bywrathful bywratlful bywrathfsl
wrathful fellow peasants denouncing the theReactionary thonUflcUonary theRoactlonary
Reactionary plot to misrepresent the thesentiment thentlment thesentiment
sentiment ntlment of the house and urging that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the deputation to the Emperor should be besent besent besent
sent by a 8 caucus of all the peasant
deputies deputiesBOY deputiesBOY deputiesBOY
PORTSMOUTH N H IL April AprilDaniel 27 27Daniel 7 7Daniel
Daniel TreCtiiern ten years old is deed deedtoday dfldtoday deadtoday
today ap at the result of Injurlos received receivedplaying recehooplayiR receivedplaying
playing baseball A ball batted by his hisbrother blsbrother hisbrother
brother struck him behind the ear and andfractured andf8Cturcd andfractured
fractured the skull V V
+ t I s tit titFEEL
I 1 Thoughts on Business BusinessNo sinessNo No j f < 2 2BY 2J 2BY V V
flANY ANY of our unpleasant experiences are merely the work working working vorklvi ¬
I MANY lvi ing out of some wrong theory we have admitted A man manwho manf
f I who was beginning a new business got the idea that it itwas itI itI
I was a good thing to put on appearances appearanceswhether whether circumstances circumstanceswarranted circumstanceswarranted circumstancesI
I warranted it or ornot not I am going to show them he said that thatI thati thatI
i I am prosperous in my business busin ss and I know business will gravi gravitate gravii
i I tate my way because because people like to deal with men who are making makinga
f a success On this theory he drew on his limited capital and andbought andf andi
f bought an expensive mahogany roll top desk oriental rugs and andother
f I other office equipment to correspond took expensive quarters and andorganized andorganized
I organized an office force Then he leaned back luxuriously in his hisgreat hisgreat J Jgreat
+ great arm chair and waited for business to gravitate his hisi way wayBut
i But it didnt work Business came slowly slowlyregardless regardless of the themahogany themahogany themahogany It Iti
mahogany desk Within three thr months the desk and fine rugs rugswere rugst
t were sold at a sacrifice to pay running expenses expensesAs expensesi
i As a matter of fact there was business enough to make an anencouraging anencouraging f ft
t encouraging start if his expenses had been planned ccordingly accordinglyBut ccordinglyBut ccordinglyBut
But he had planned his running expenses to be in keeping with withthe withtte withthe
the business he expected to jiave haveperhaps perhaps with the business he hedesired hedesired hedesired
desired to have havethinking thinking that the show of prosperity would draw drawenough drawenough drawenough
enough to make in T the difference differenceWhen differenceWhen differenceV
+ V When you proceed on a theory be sure the theory theor is not a afallacy at at
t t fallacy Many a man has wasted five years out of his career careerbecause careerI I
f fCopjrJsht tI V
t I because his theory was wrong wrongCsyrlht
I CopjrJsht UW 11 fr by WaMo Pood PODdray Peodra ray Wsrrtw Cyric C4 Csynight t n1 at t In Gr Great at Brttals BrttalsNumber B l t j jI
t Number 13 3 Tomorrw TomorrowMrs Tomorrwe J
I e css SS U Us
Mrs s Talbot J Taulors TaulorsExpected T TaulorsExDecLed au lors lorsEXDected
Expected Divorce V Case CaseIs CaseIs CaseIs
Is Begun in New N W York YorkJames YarkJames YorkJames
James R Keenes Beautiful Daughter Applies for forExamination forExaminati forExaminatibn
Examination Examinati n of Witnesses WitnessesOutside Outside of the theState theState theState
State and Rival Is Hinted At
NEW YORK April ST iTM Th longex longexpected Jo JoMeted lone lonepected ¬
pected Meted shattering SiItLOI1n of the romance of olm o omillIonaIre
millionaire m tIonalr James J R Keenes beautiful beautifuldaughter beautifuldauchter beaudfuldaughter
daughter and an her husband Talbot J JTaylor JTaylor T TTaylor
Taylor formerly forllHtrl of Baltimore occurred occurredtoday occurredtoda occurredtody
today toda when It was announced that she shehad meh4I ekehad
had asked the theNew Xw York courts for an anabsolute ana1Noivte ansbolute
absolute divorce divorceSociety divorceSocIety divorceSociety
Society had known for thrse thzot months monthsthat mont monthsthat a atbt
that the young you youit and daring Wall aU Street Streetrepresentative Streetr Streetrepresentative
representative r prU8lltatlvtIDf bf his fatherinlaw had hadnot hadnot hadnot
not been living with his h wife lte and it itwas Itwas Itwas
was even en intimated that Mr 1 Keenes Keenesonly Keeneifonly Keenesonly
only daughter contemplated divorce but butthere butthere butthere
there was T TH < I confirmation until her herlawyer bertwyer herlawyer
lawyer Samuel Untermyer filed a petS petition petSties petltl ¬
ties tl n in Justice OGortnans division of ofthe ofthe
lht the supreme court asking for the e eON ex exGUILD
Tariff Revisionists Clamor Clamoring Clamoring Clamoring ¬
ing for Guarantee of ofGood ofGood ofGood
Good Faith FaithGovernor FaithGoyerJtOr FaithGovernor
Governor Cummins Cum of 0 Iowa or Gov Governor GOYernor Governor ¬
ernor Guild of Massachusetts wH be beplaced beplaee beplaced
placed en the Republican ticket in inIf InIf 1tG8 1tG8If
If the tariff revision revi lon wing ng of the party partyhas partyh6 partyh
has h its way wayThe wayThe wayThe
The demand deman that tariff revision senti sentiment sentiment sentimeat ¬
ment be recognized in the makeup of ofthe ofthe
the ticket is I bdng pressed The revis revisionists revlsIGnltltM revisionlsts ¬
ionists have Ot1ell n put oft many mau times timesThey tlme tlmeThey timesThey
They demand that a man whose name namestands DametaDd namestands
stands taDd preeminently before the country countryas
as the representative of this sentiment sentimentbe
be placed on the ticket ticketThere ticketTtere ticketThere
There are two men who have con connected connected eonnected ¬
nected their names with this movement movementin
in such fashion f blon that they are synony synonymous synonymoon ynon ynonroo ¬
moon roo with determination and firmness of ofpurpose oCpurpose ofPurPOSO
purpose along this line One is Guild Guildthe Gwldthe Guildthe
the other Cummins Both are orators oratorseither oratorselther oratorseither
either It Is urged by their friends friendswould friendswould friendswould
would do credit to a rational ticket ticketMr ticket1IIr ticketMr
Mr Guild is not considered CO t ldered V Va a possi possibility possibility ilossibUSty ¬
bility for the head of the ticket though thoughGovernor thoughGovernor thoughGovernor
Governor Cummins is But the second secondplace secondplace
place is i generally mentioned in connec connection CORnectlon connectics ¬
tics with the names nAJIM of these theMapoetl theMapoetlot apostles apostleuof
of revision revisionMew re leeisonNew ilon ilonNew
New England Overlooked OverlookedNew OverlookedNew OverlookedV
V New England is I nowadays DOW days eliminated eliminatedfrom eUminatedtrom eliminatedfrom
from Presidential consideration It is isa Itsa Isa
a political anomaly that New York Yorkshould Yorkshould
should always be given Iven the most seri serious HerloUt son ¬
oUt 05 consideration con hleration while New England Englandfc
fc s Mt t down in the calculations of poll politicians pollticians ¬
ticians as impossible Yet New York Yorkhas Yorkbas Yorkhas
has been going Republican in Presi Presidential Pre Prealdentin i i4entlal ¬
dentin elections no loss emphatically emphaticallythan omphaticaJlythan emphaticallythan
than New England and It is not es especially esecaUy eseeial1y ¬
pecially different In interests intere ta or tradi traditions tradt10116 tradilions ¬
lions Neither is New York now essen essential essenhal en entlal ¬
hal to Republican success S1JCCe I It i jg amen essential eseenUal amential ¬
tial to Democratic success 8UCct S In IMS 1J8Gnd 1J8GndUte lIandthe ami amitbe
Ute Democrats do not dream of naming naminga
a New Yorker to lead lca their ticket ticketGovernor ticketGovernor ticketGovernor
Governor Guilds Gull s recent r ett visit to Wash Washington Waehington Washiugton ¬
ington occasioned renewal of talk about abouta bout bouta
a tariff revisionist rev sionwt for second place on onthe onthe onthe
the ticket Of course if President PresidentKoosevelt PresidentHooeeveJt Presidentltooseveit
Koosevelt has his way y all Republicans Republicanswill
will iIl be > revisionists in 19A8 l5 standing on ona ona
a revision rev lon and maximumHndirinlmum maxlm1mandlllnlmumplatform maxlmumandirinlmumplatform maximumHndirinlmumplatform
platform But along with that is de dcmarded
maitded the candidacy of a man T t hose hosename hosename hosename
name and utterances will give assurance 3ssuranCthat assurancethat
that the maximum and minimum Is not notto notto ot otto
to be a a minimum and maximum maxlmumUtat maxlmumUtatthe maximumthatthe that thatthe
the adoption of the continental system systemis
is s not to be nvde the excuse for rals ras ralsing
ing rather than lowering duties dutiesCOMMITTEES dutiesCOMMITTEES dutiesCOMMITTEES
FOR DECORATION DAY DAYDecoration DAYDecoration DAYDecoration
Decoration Day committees who will willhave willhave willhave
have in charge the ceremonies incident incidentto
to the oteervtnce ola ervtnce of that day ay on May MayM MayIf
M 3 have already been announced by byDepartment b bDepartment byDepartment
Department Commander Newton Far Farroe Ferree Farron
roe of U the e Grand Army of the Republic Republicand Republ1cRnd Republicand
and these V together with various sub subcommittees sube subcommittees ¬
committees e from the Army and nd Navy
Union and Spanish War Veterans have havebegun havebegun havebegun
begun their labors laborsMembers laborsMembers laborsMembers
Members of the Army and Navy z vy Un Union UnIon Union ¬
ion will participate parUclp te this year for the theflist thefirst thetlrst
first time
A initiation of witnesses wtt outside ttt 4d of the theState Ut UtI theSlat
State StateMystery S1ateX1Jtery
I SlatMystery Mystery centered < < nterecl today to4layI on a woman womanin womanIn
I in th the case Hints have been dropped droppedthat droptHldI droppedthat
that she > > be is I a beautiful woman promi prominent prinineut NOIIII NOIIIInent ¬
I nent in the affairs of wealthy Long IongI
I I ° n4 4 residents She is said to stand standve Manclvery standvery
ve veMrs very high In the W1 4iMrs
I Mrs Taylor was W Jessica T Harwer HarwerKe Hanerr HanwetKeen
Ke Keene ne only daughter of the noted Wall
r Street speculator and nd race horse devotee devoteeBarnes devoteeJames vote
Barnes 1 R Keene and sister of Foxhall FoxhallKeene Foxball Foxballi
i P Keene the gentleman entleman sportsman sportsmanTaylor sportsmanTaylor
i Taylor with his brother started starte the thebrokerage UteI thebrokerge
brokerage arm of Talbot TalbotT J Taylor I it h Co Coin CoIn o oIn
I in not lI Foxhall Keene was a racial racialpartner a scialpartner eCfal eCfalprtner
partner and Dd James R Keene for some sometime sometime sometime
time had his offices with the company
Taylor met his hJ financial Waterloo In InIMS in11M In1Mg
IMS soon after he backed William H HAmory HAmory
Amory in his raid on the Metropolitan Metropolitanrailroad KetropoUtanrailroad Metropolitanrailroad I
railroad railroadTwentyfive railroadALMAS railroadALMAS
Twentyfive members of the V Almas Almasempte AJmaaTemph AimasTemple
Temple empte Ancient Arabic Order Or r Nobles Noblesof Noblesof Noblesof
of the Mystic attc Shrine headed be ded by IIIus IIIustriotift IlIustrio 11kmtrIou
triotift trio trIou potentate Frank Sebring will willleave willleave willWashington
leave Washington WuhlA < < ton at l oclock this af afternoon afrnooa aftrnoon ¬
ternoon rnooa for Los Lo Angeles Cal to attend attendthe attendtbe attendthe
the biennial convention of the order The Themeeting Tbemeetl Themacusc
meeting meetl was w to t have been held In San SanFrancisco SanPranel SanFrancisco
Francisco Pranel co last year y but because of r the theearthquake theearthquake theearthquake
earthquake was postponed until this thisspring thisapring thisspring
spring springIt apringIt
It is understood that the Washington WashingtonShriners WashingtonShrineni VashlngtonShriner
Shriners wjll JU make a strong bid for forthe
the next convention nnd nd it Is is consid considered considered considered ¬
ered highly probable that the National
Capital will be selected as tie he next con convention convention conVention ¬
vention city cityAt cityAt cityAt
At the last l tJt meeting held In Niagara
Falls FAII N Y Yo Almas Patrol won the theprize theprize theprize
prize drill drillcomer drillCONVICT drillCONVICT
LEXINGTON XINGTON Ky April 27In In an at attempt attempt attempt ¬
tempt by the sheriffs poseee to capture captureHenry captureHenry captureHenry
Henry Montgomery the latter and two twomembers twomembers twomembers
members of the posse were killed Mont Montgomery MontKOmely Montgomery ¬
gomery KOmely was 118 convicted of murder In inMagoffin
Magoftln county count and while waiting to
be taken to th the penitentiary pen tentlary escaped escapedJrom escapedrom escapedfrom
Jrom from rom jail A posse wag sent after tter him himfired himHe
He vas entrenched behind rocks and
fired at the advancing party who re ¬
turned the fire All wore armed with th
Winchester rifles riflesPnuWQ rIflesBANKS riflesBANKS
PnuWQ DflNFxonULujIZJo4Da DflNFxonULujIZJo4DaNEW BANKS Pfl HOLD fl < BIQ 12346775 12346775OVER 12346115UY OIC 17C
NEW YORK April 27The weekly weeklystatement weeklystAtement weeklystatement
statement of o the associated banks is issued 18sued insued ¬
sued today shows the following ollowbi ollowbichan
changes changesReserve chan changesRenerve es esReaerve
Reserve on all deposits increase Incre se 1811 U
860 60 reserve erve on deposits other than j
United States Stat increase Incre se JC1K5 1O25 hans
decrease H5W399 L58t l5SO legal tenders increase
2110000 lSQOOO deposits depo lts decrease l5i5iOcirculation 1950300 1950300circulation 19OOIOOctrculatlon
circulation decrease decrea e 137500 37QtO total loans loansThe < 3nll
n1234171iOO n1234171iOOrhe I1234I7Orhe
rhe banks now hold in excess of legal 18ia1requlremenb legalrequirements j
requirement 12S775 agajnst aLf aainst nst 10J7t 10J7tASKS loN4
tCO last year and n 18I05I0 = w two years yaaraago yearsago
ago agoASKS agoASKS
Mrs Ida M von Claussen who came
to Wathngton several weeks ago for or
the purpose of having President Roose Roosevelt Rooseelt Roosevolt ¬
volt elt investigate the treatment of her
In StocKholm by the American minister
Charles H Graves has again come into intoHibllc Intopublic intopublic
public Hibllc notice Mrs von Claussen is now nowi
In i New York and yesterday gave out
the text of a letter to the prime min
later of Sweden demanding lbs expul expulsion expulsion expelsion ¬
sion of Mr Graves from that country
because becau of what she claims are insults
to the King Kingi
i t
Commissioners Disagree DisagreeOver DisagreeOver DisagreeOver
Over the Sum of Less LessThan LessThalFortynine LessV
V Than ThalFortynine Fortynine Dollars DollarsTwo
1 V V V l
h V V q If 1 1The
The Two CJ3 Bids ds
Cranford CranfordSheet CranfordSbee CranfordShiee1
Sheet asphalt asphaltVItrIfied 80SE800 80SE800Vitrified 1O OO OOVitri1lod
Vitrified VItrIfiedTotiil block blookguttoIS gutters 2t 2S8J64 2S8J64Total i4 i4rot
Total rot l 3341554 3341554On 334l 334154On 64 64On
On street without gut gutters ¬ V Vters
ters 4424420 44S44SOGrand 4424420G 4424420Grand
Grand G n total ot l u 77 776i74 ii74 74
Cost Oitt to JJltriet by ay splitting SlJUttingcontraat contract 0 p139794 T139794 T73 794
I J r + J
The disagreement between the mem members members mainhers ¬
bers of the Board of Commissioners Commle ioners over overtiw overtbe overthe
the paving bids hinges eo n a matter of ofs orl8II oflass
l8II lass s than 4t 41The 4tThe t tTbe
The Board of Commissioners through throughthe throughthe throughthe
the office of the Engineer of Highways Highwaysthis Highwaysth Highwaysthis
this th morning JDOI IDg let the contract for the thepaving thepv1ftl thepaving
paving with sheet asphalt and vitrified vitrifiedblock vltriiiedblock itrlfledbIoeIc
block gutters and with sheet asphalt asphaltfor asphalttor asphaltfor
for aom MIRe fifteen At teen or more streets > > tr ts aside asidefrom a asidefrom lde ldetlOlft
from the Pennsylvania avenue work workThis workThis workThis
This was decided upon at a A conference conferenceof
of the Commissioners yesterday yesterdayTh yesterdayThe yesterdayThe
Th The Cranford Paving Company will willbe willbe m mbe
be awarded the contract for the laying layingof layimcof layingof
of the sheet asphalt with vitrified block blockguttering blockguttering blockgiittening
guttering and the contract for the lay layIng Ia IaIng laying
Ing of the sheet beet asphalt will go to the theBrennan theBrennan theBrennan
Brennan Construction Company The Thetwo Thetwo Thetwo
two contracts amount to nearly nri 979X 979XBids 179VJ0Bids rh rhBids
Bids Opened March 30 30March 3 3larch 30March
March M bids for this work were wereopened wereoponVed
opened with three concerns bidding for forthe forthe or ortbe
the work The Cranford Cran < < d Paving Com Company Comveny Corn1ny ¬
pany offered to do both Jobs for 78879 78879the 75V5the
the Barber Asphalt A phalt Paving Company for fora forand
a 8383 and the Brennan Construction ConstructionCompany C OnstructfonCompany RatrucUon RatrucUonCompany
Company for m mTh 7MM 7MMThe 7M 7MThe
The Th Brennan Construction Company Companycontended Companycontended Companycontended
contended that on th the two bids Did it was wasthe wuthe wasth0
the lowest bidder and should be given givenboth givenboth
both contracts contrAC The answer an wer to this from fromCommissioners fromCommlaloners fromCommissioners
Commissioners Mac Macfarland rland and Btddle Btddlewas Biddlewas
was that on the laying of the vitrified vitrifledblock vitrifiedblock
block bIOCkgtlUering guttering with sheet eet asphalt the theCranford theCranford theCranford
Cranford Paving Company was the low lowest lowestwhile howeat ¬ I
est estwhile while the Brennan Construction ConstructionCompany ConstructionCompliny ConstructionCompany
Company had bid lowest for the sheet sheetasphalt sheetpha1t sheetVsspttalt
asphalt pha1t in which no brick work was to tob tobe
b be laid laidCommission laideomlNIonar laidCommlselenai
Commission West We t did not se Me the thematter thematter
matter ia that light J Ish t and dissented dts ented from rom
Colorados Man EaterDies EaterDies Eater EaterDies
Dies on Lonely Ranch RanchBefore RanchBefore RanchBefore
Before Pardon Comes
DENVER April 27 27Alfred 1AlfredPaeker 1AlfredPaekerknowa Alfred Packer Packerknown Packerknown
known a the maneater of Colorado Coloradodied Coloradodted Coloradodied
died on a lonely ranch twenty miles mileseast mUMeast mileseast
east of this city He was paroled eight eightyears eightyeaVS Igbt Igbtyears
years ago by b Governor Thomas after afterserving aCtetteniftg aftOrserving
serving thirteen years of a 8 fortyyear fortyyearsentence fortyyeart8 fortyyearsentence
sentence t8 Ce Governor Goern r Buchtal Bueht was about aboutto aboutI aboutto aboutto
to make the pardon complete when whenPacker w whenPacker oo ooPacker
Packer died diedThe diedThe diedThe
The story of Alfred Packer the Colo Colorado Cob ColnwIo Cobredo ¬
redo cannibal Is a tale as brutally al alluring alluring a aluring ¬
luring as the black tales of pirate days daysPacker deysPaeker daysPacket
Packer and live companions left Gunnl GunnlBon Gunnison Gtmnison
son City Col one day In the early earlyseventies earlyMyentiell earlyseventies
seventies to t start on a 8 prospecting trip tripin tripIn tripin
in th th4 Sangre de Christo mountain mountainrange mountainrange mountainrange
range Packer and his party was sup supposed suppo supposed ¬
posed po ed to possess secret knowledge of ofsome ofsome ofsome
some bonanza mining prospects pro ts hidden hiddenaway hiddenawa
away awa in the fastness Stneet of the great range rangeAt rangeAt rangeAt
At the breaking brtAklft up of winter Packer Packerappeared Packerappesred Packerappeared
appeared at Lake City in Hinsdale Hinsdalecounty Hinedalecounty tn8dale tn8daleoountF
county on the other side of the range rangeHis rangeHis rangeHis
His hair had grown below his shoulders shouldershlg shouldershis shouldershis
his beard was long and unkempt and he hewas hewas hewas
was haggard and wildeyed wildeyedHe wildeyedHe wildeyedHe
He told a 8 remarkable story It was wasthat wasthat wasthat
that all his companions had perished In Inthe inthe Inthe
the snow after the party became lost lostTomorrow JoetUNLOADING lostIJNLOADINQCIRC1IS
Tomorrow morning the Adam Fore ForepaughSells ForepaurhSells ForepaughSells
paughSells Brothers combined shows showswill showswill showswill
will reach Washington and sightseers sightseerswill slgbtseerswill sightseerswill
will nock to the show grounds oundl to wit witness wltne witness ¬
ness ne the strange and Interesting work workof workor workof
of establishing a great circus clrc organiza organization organization orgtanlzatioti ¬
tion Caring for the horses and the thezoological the2OOlogicai thezoological
zoological collection will occupy the theworkmens theworkmens theworkmens
workmens attention Since it will be beSunday beSunday beSunday
Sunday only the necessary work will be beperformed bepertormed beperformed
performed At dawn Monday activitywill aetlvit aetlvitill activitynill
will ill prevail in order to have all in inreadiness Inreadiness inreadiness
readiness for the parade para e which will wlUstart willstart willstart
start from the show grounds about aboutAmong aboutP3 3t 3tAmong V VAmong
Among the features of the circus will willbe wUlbe willbe
be wonderful won erCul feats of equestrianism equestrianismacts
acts showing the perfection of animal animaltraining animaltraining animaltraining
training daring aerial nights and the thehundred thehundred thehundred
hundred and one novelties which go to tomake tomakeup tomake
make makeup up an Interesting performance performanceAmong performanceAmong performanceAmong
Among the th principal pll etp artistsjpigaged are areOscar areOscar areOscar
Oscar Lowanda chief of the worlds worldsgreat worldsgreat worldsgreat
great riders Orin Davenport D enport In bare bareback barer bareback ¬
back exploits May and Victoria Daven Davenport Davenport Davenport ¬
r port with 1vlth thelrbeautlful thtlrbimutUuIEng1Jsh English thor thoroughbreds thorI thoroughbreds ¬
oughbreds Spessardy Spesa rdy and his company companyof
i of performing bears in a 8 series of pan pantomimic panI pantornimic ¬
I tomimic tricks three herds of trained trainedelephants traJnedI trainedelephants
I elephants Captain Webbs two schools schoolsof schoolsof
of educated seals and sea lions Edward EdwardShipps EdwardShipps
Shipps group of high school horses the theFisher theFisher theFisher
Fisher family in A flying aerial novelty noveltyWill noveltyVm noveltyWill
Will Vm Adair Ad lr skyhigh trapeze specialist specialistthe specialistthe
the Stlrk family in aerial evolutions evolutionsFrederick eyoluUonsFrederick evolutionsFrederick
Frederick Zobodie ZObodle in graceful gymnas gymnastic gymnastic gymnastic ¬
tic feats the Navarros V hand balancing balancingexperts balancingexperts balancingexperts
experts Nettle Carroll v golden wire wireartist wirearUst wireartist
artist the St Leons in an exhibition exhibitionof
of steel ribbon equilibrium Mamie Klein Kleinwho Kleinwlto Kleinwho
who dances on a silver line Joseph La LaFleur LaFhmr LaFlour
Flour in his Parisian athletic novelty noveltythe noveltytbe noveltythe
the eight Dollars a troup of Englishacrobats Englishacrobats English Englishacrobats
acrobats and the Yerxos performing performing on onswinging onswin onswinging
swin swinging ng steel circles and the clowns clownsMany clownsltany clownsMany
Many rare animals have been added to tothe tothe tothe
the zoological iOOi oglca I collection and the t me menagerie menagere meangerIc ¬
nagerie is said s ld to be unusually interest interesting interestIng InterestIng ¬
ing and attractive attractiveThe attracUveThe V VThe
The street parade will be a great fan feature fe feture fanture ¬
ture of circus day dayFATHER dayFATHER dayFATHER
The Rev E X Fink for eight years yearspastor yearspastor OalS OalSpastor
pastor of St Aloyslus Church wtfU leave leavesoon leavesoon
soon for Keyser Je3 r Island Conn from fromwhich frOmwhich rom romwhich
which place pl e after a short stay sta he will willbe willbe qll qllbe
be stationed at St Francis Xavier Col College College Ccllogo ¬
lege in New York Father Joseph Him Hlmmel Himmel Himmel
mel succeeds him here
Brennan BrennanSheet BrennanSheet BrennanSheet
Sheet asphalt asphaltV asphaltbloek JI40600 JI40600Vitrified H 40600 40600Vitrifled I
Vitrified block gutter guttersV guttersTotal tte V J05 05834 05834Total 34 34Total
Total 3346434 384434On 3346434On 3346434On
On street tr t vrtthowt tikttWt tikttWtteras gut Vgttens gutters ¬
tens r 4I 43ts240 43ts240Grand 439S240Grand 8240 8240Grand
Grand total Tr4467 tl446 U > t
his abeooiaias and so went on record recordfavoring recQrdtavorfng recordfavoring
favoring awarding the whole contract contractto
to the DrAft Company Later the thematter t tbematter 3 3matter
matter was the subject 8Ub t of 0 a public hear hearing hearing hearIng ¬
ing after ttet which it was we decided by Coti Cotimisskmers CJumlHloners CVrlmissioners
missioners Maefarlaod and BMdle to di divide divide d dride ¬
vide the contract the brick and ad asphalt asphaltgoing asphaltgoing t tgoln
going goln to t the Cranford Company and andthe andtbe andthe
the asphalt to tht Brennan Company COJIIpnAt ompaiW ompaiWV
V At the meeting of the Board of Com Commissioners Comm Cornmissioners ¬
missioners m loners yesterday yesterda Commissioner CommissionerWest Commwl CommissionerWest < mer merVest
West Vest again dissented from the th decision decisionof dech on onof
of his associates saying
My iy position Uon remains unchanged I Ivote Ivote Ivote
vote against the proposed award in inasmuch Inasmuch n nasmuch ¬
asmuch as I believe it should be made madeto madeto madeto
to the lowest bidder on asphalt H t paving pavingand p8uJand pavirgand
and to the lowest bider on furnish turnlshlr turnlshlrvitrified furnishirg furnishirgvitniibed iru iruvitrified
vitrified brick which was the form in inwhich inwhIch Artwhich
which bid were invited For every everysquare eyeryfiQuare everysquare
square yard of asphalt pavement which whichis WhICllIs whirltis
is to be laid the Cranford Paving Com Company Compan Conipany ¬
pany pan will receive more money than U UBrennan uBrennan the theBrennan
Brennan Construction Company ar ard ardJel arIyet 1 1yet
yet the Cranford Paving Company Compaz > U Bghen UgUen 1 i igiven V
given half of the work which agrr agrrgates argates agrrgates
gates 78009 78O < > > More lore than this the Bren Brennan BrelJRAn BrrV ¬
V nan Company is told that if It does rot rotagree rotagr rotagree
agree agr e to surrender this half of the work workto w worbV rk rkto
V to its next nighest competitor the lt letter ltter Lttar ¬
ter will w l be given all of the work This Thisdoes Th3does Tiu Tiulees
does not appear to me to b be wise wiseequitable ur urequitable < i iequitable
equitable especially e peclal1y as 8 it is a a result reSIJ reSIJreached resultreached
reached by awarding award lag the contract up upin upina < n
a basis at variance with the itemlz ltem1z1 ltem1z1bids i 1bids ibide
bids It should also be noted that thatthough Al Although t tI ¬
I though the Brennan Company is com compelled CC CCpelled cropolled ¬
pelled to surrender half haJ of the asphaV asphaVpaving asph asphpaving aspioe aspioepaving
paving th tM other company is given giveni givenentire ii iientire
i entire contract for furnishing vitrified vitrifiedbrick vItnf ItrltkoIbrick < j jI
brick brickIt bri brickIt < k kI
It was contended by Engineer E Kineer Com Commissioner Comm1 Cornmissioner ¬
I missioner m1 loner Blddle Assistant Engineer EngineerCommissioner EnginHrI
I Commissioner Morrow and Superintend Superintendent ¬
I ent of Highways Hunt that it would b bimpossible bG bGfor bV
V impossible for one firm to do aspiuut aspiuutwork asph aspita dt dtwork I Iwork
work and another vitrified block brick bricHlaying bric1Ilalng bricklaying
Ilalng laying on the same me contract as till thlwork 01 01V
V work was so o different in their nature V
He told how provisions had given tVM out outas outas ouras
as well eU as ammunition how tots were weredrawn Wfredrn weredrawn
drawn to determine who should die to tofeed ttJfeed to tofeed
feed the tb rest and an bOw one by one all allfive allfive alllive
five of the tb men had sacrificed their ltvs ltvsthat 1IV5tluLt htvsthat
that Packer might live to t get et back t tcivilization tclv tV tVcivilization >
civilization clv lzatlon and thrill it with his mop monstrous mopstrons mopous ¬
strous ous tale talePacker talePacker talePacker
Packer was forced by popular clamor clamorto clamorto clarnnrto
to lead a crowd of miners mine to the place placeon plaeon plareon
on a broad plateau iateu about bout twenty rail milS miisfrom milSfrom s sfrom
from Lake City where he claimed that thathe t1athe tiathe
he bad buried the bodice bodiceThey bodlMThey bodiesThey
They were all found but no money moneygold momygold moneygold
gold dust or oth other r valuables wh whldl whldlthey whi li lithey 11they
they were known to have had whn whnthey WhVrrthey
they disappeared Another suspicious suspiciouscircumstance suspiciousclrcumstanc suspiciouscircumstance
I circumstance wan wa the fact that bullet bullrtholes bultrtboles bulletholes
holes were found in the backs of the theheads tIleI t1cheads
heads headsPacker headsPuker headsPacker
I Packer was arrestf arrested d and charged with withthe Witllthe withthe
the murder of his live companions A Ajury AI AjryV
jury jryVconvicted convicted him of murder murderS and tha thapunishment tLepunishment tb tbpunishment
I punishment assessed was death reduce reducen rEduf1 rEduf1n
in n a later trial to forty years confna confnaijent conn connA eonfneuent
A ijent ent for the death of each man mak making makIng makbig ¬
ing the total sentence of 990 OO years im imprisonment 101prisonment tntprisonmont ¬
prisonment prisonmentHe prisonmentHe
He was finally sentenced to serve rve only onlythe onlythe onlythe
the first forty years It was wa over er the thePacker thePacker thePacker
Packer case that Tammen and Bonfils Bonfilsnewspaper Bonfilsnewspaper Bonfilsnewspaper
newspaper publishers were shot here hereby ht heroby > f6 f6by
by W V W Anderson attorney for forPacker forPacker frPacker
Packer In inBRYAN 1SS8 1SS8By 130 130BRYANt
By Frederick Boyd Stevenson StevensonWhat StevensonWhat StevenonWhat
What about jhis this Bryan Bryanof Bryant V Vof
of today todayAYhat todayVhat todayWhat
What about the Bryan Bryanof
of tomorrow tomorrowYI t tIs
Is there a bltfwhot bltfwhotBryan bldwhotBryan blclwhotBryan
I Bryan BryanIs 7 7Is
Is there a blowcold blowcoldBryan blowcoldBryan NowcoldBryan
Bryan BryanAre BryanAre T TJre
Are Jre there two Bryans Bryansrepresenting Bryansrepresenting Bryansrepresenting
representing two individ individualities individualities1 individualities ¬
ualities ualitiesLet ualities1Let V VLet
Let us look lrjokat at this man manwho manwho
I Iwho
who has V come out of the theWest theWest j jWest
WestLet West j I
Let us analyze this man manwho manwho i
who is said by many to tostand tostand I Istand
stand for true Jeffersonian JeffersonianDcinoera j jDemocracy IDClnocr
Democracy DClnocr cy y and who byj byjmany hYImany
I many is said to be the only onlylogical onlylogical oniylogical
logical Democratic Presi Presidential Presidential ¬
dential nominee for 1008 1008Let 19080J 19080Let 190kLet J
Let him speak for him himself himself himself ¬
self selfLet Let his actions also alsospeak alsoV alsospeak i ispeak
V speak for f r him hi hiW louder than thanhis thanhis thanhis
his words wordsThat woidsTJmt wordsThat
That is V the outline of a notable notablearticle notablearticle I IarucJe
article l by > y 3Ir Ir Stevenson In InTHE inTHE inTHE
0 Tomorrow TomorrowBuy TomorrowI
I V Buy BuyThe V
I LThe The Sunday Times