Forward PasS Played Important Part P rtin in Games GamesLast GamesLast GamesLast
Last Week WeekLittle Little Odds on Princeton Princetonf
Yale Skirmish
The football season of 1807 was put putinto putnto putinto
into nto full swing swlng1n In the week just past pastby pastby pastr
by by r all of o the leading teams of the East Eastonrt Eastand Eastanc
onrt and anc most of those tho Q of the Wagt Wo otl playing playingtheir playingthllr plylngtheir
their opening games am08 and there wag wagnothing waatoUllng was1othlng
nothing to support the timeworn theory theorythat tJu thor thorthat ory orythat
that these elevens ol4tver wjll Ill bo harder pushed pushedthan pushedt pus4sdthin
than t n ever to retain their position at the theluad theJlad thelwad
luad of American college football footballIast footballJaet footballLast
Last year Mr with the advent of Ul thW new newframe neWttme newsame
frame there thet were those who freely treel pre predicted predl predited ¬
dicted dl ted downfall for the larger university universityelevens unlver universityelevens tty ttylevens
elevens basing their claim upon UIO the theopportunities theOiportunlt1e theopportunities
opportunities offered tho smaller college collegesquads collegelIJads collegesquads
squads lIJads for e iual2lng < the battle against againstbeef aplnliltbeet againstbeef
beef and brawn bra J1 and science by byron byronOC reason treasonk5t reasonfcf
fcf the changes in the method of play playYet plaYYet playYet
Yet when the season a on closed eJo ed It was wasfound wasround wasfounT
found thrt the th socalled big elevens elevenswere ektepvra elevenswre
were just ju as prominent as before and andthey andthey andthey
they will remain so under the existing existingor exleUn exleUnor
or any an other conditions which tend to tomake tomakE tomake
make the U e game moro scientific anil not notmore notmore notmore
more of a chance or pleee plec of fortune fortuneLarger fortuneLarfer fortuneLarger
Larger Colleges Develop Better Squads SquadsIt
It is 1 reasonable r JKqkbl to suppose that the thelarfi thelarger
larfi 1 larger r r universities unlven tla will always Alwa develop developthe developthe developthe
the better elevens not so Me much on ae aecount aeOunt accOint
count of the grter number of candi candidates candldatts candidates ¬
dates but because becU they have haW built up upsystems upoystcms upsystems
systems based buedupon upon decades of expert experlencr ex expertonef perl perlne
encr ne and study and because of the thelirjio thebrs thelirg
lirjio brs coaching staffs tAffs at their service serviceSo serviceSo
So far this td season only one point pointcomes pointcornu pointomes
comes omes vividly before the football public publicbearing pubUbtarlng publicbearing
bearing directly upon the th question of ofthe orthe ottIre
the big bl and little teams That Is tho thofreshman thofr thefrshman
freshman fr shman eligibility rule which hlch hlchadopted was u j jadopted I Iadopted
adopted by the larger universities u iversitI just Ju8tone justone justone < <
one year ago and which prohibits these theseInstitutions thc theseinstitutions e enlt1tuUon8
Institutions playing their freshmen reBlu1Hr upon uponvarsity uponlulty uponarsity
varsity lulty teams The rule was framed framedwith frmedwIth framednitli
with a view to dampen somewhat the theCollege theolIfge thecollge
College mans enthusiasm over athletics athleticsand AthltUesnn athleticsnnd
and nn vt l the same time prevent the prose proselyting pro proseiting e ehotlng ¬
lyting of good preparatory school ath athIptee athlptts ath1tes
Iptee an evil for which there is no nojernady noeedy
jernady 1 other than honesty The prose proseJytng proseItn proseitng
Jytng Itn did not stop and influences are arostill areIt1 aretfl
still It1 tfl brought to bear over which the therolkges theIollgeS thetollges
rolkges have no jurisdiction Then the thelarger thOlarger thelarger
larger colleges which adopted this hltl rule rulegave rul rulgaye rulegave
gave more prominence than ever to tofreshman tofrfFhman torehman
freshman teams in all branches branch of sport sportami sportRn sportand
and Rn in football It was carried to the thelimit theInnlt thelimit
limit limitFieshraen InnltFleshmen limitFieshmen
Fieshraen RuU Rul Worked Out O t Well WellHowever WellHowever WellHowever
However there can be no question questionthat quosUonthat questionthat
that the freshman rule after Its first firstyear firstyear rat ratar
year ar has worked groat and lasting lastingbenefits IAatln IAatln1Hnel18 lastingbenefits
benefits to the colleges that have adopt adopted adopted adoptd ¬
ed d It In the flrst place the premising premisingyoung premlelnyoung promisingyoung
young athletes atblet have not been thrown throwndirectly throwndlfe throwndireitly
directly dlfe < Uy into the athletic maoietorm maoietormupon maei masietormupon torm tormupon
upon their arrival arrivAl In college they there therelore thereore therefore
lore ore have been able to get g t their bear bearing bearJm bearjnIj ¬
ing Jm as It were and to place thorn thornselves Ut thmselves m melves
selves In good scholastic holtIc standing On Onthe Onthe Onthe
the other hand they have been organ ¬
lied into class clas teams of more promi prominence prcm prcmIcnce promirnce ¬
nence than ever and the players hav havt havtcn have
jen cn mst thoroughly drilled m the SS
tfIOS tein of playpecullar pisy peculiar to each university
Co o that t In tIelr heir sophomore year they
are practically varsity material That
these men receive as good I Od a training in ¬
dividually as freshman as they the would aa
varsity us1ty lg i Jibo1t bo t true that they the7 learn
irore and develop better a as Varsity varsity
material later is a fact factevry
The rule then has been a good one In
evry ev rv way for It has permitted of better
Eim FhotasUc 110IasUC wWtJ rsults liIults an and < i gives tn the varsity
tplms earns a blsf bl feeding ground to be thor
0Igh1y iy rfiH rei relied ed u upon ° n the com coming year
Hitherto the freshmen have not been en so s
important for but a few of them have
approached varsity standards and nd re
Cfived lved varsity coaching there has been
no developing teams for material now
there are and from now on the varsity varsity rslty
teams will > 111 be stronger by b reason of It ItWould ItWould ItWould
Would Aid Smaller Schools SchoolsCoach SchoolsCOAch SchoolsCoach
Coach Charles E Courtney of the theornell theorntII thernell
ornell crews in speaking of this thisfreshman thltlireshman thisfreshman
freshman rule declared it was undoubt undoubtedly uoooubtIy undoubtedly ¬
edly Iy a move In the right direction yet yethe yethe et ethE
he believed bell ved its chief object was wa lost be because because because ¬
cause freshmen were permitted to enjoy
intercollegiate competition through the themeans themeans themeans
means of their UI lr own teams the very
thing it wa wag aimed to avoid Mr lr Court Courtneys Courtntys Courtneys ¬
neys view Iew if adopted would certainly certa1nIrrple
cripple the th big college teams In all allbranches all allbranches
branches of sport and undoubtedly undoubtedl aid aidthp aidthp aidhe
thp he smaller colleges which have not notadopteU notadopt notadpteAl
adopteU adopt It thereby equalizing the th com competition comptlUon cornpetition ¬
petition between the two tw grades rac1et1 more moretlinn moreWan morethan
Wan by b any an legislation In football rules rulesWet rulesVpt rulesWet
Wet Vpt weather last week delayed the thedevelopment the1yelopment thedveloprnent
development < of tho elevents to a agreat arat agrat
great rat extent for it precluded the use of offorward orJI ofi1
JI > forward pass and onside kick by byteamn bytamr byteanu
teamn that got under way WILr on September September2S SeptemberThe
2S The he past week was the opener for forall foraU forall
all of the big elevens and the weather weathergave weathergave weathergave
gave the coaches and players pJa ers ample op opiortunlty opnrtunlty opnrtunity
iortunlty to work with their pet new newplays newpJays newplays
plays In all Instances except Pennsyl Pennsylvanias pennslanlas Peunsylvanlas ¬
vanias anlas the forward pass and onside onsidekick onsidekick onsidekick
kick played important parts t8 In the thegames thebames thegames
games Yale Yal Princeton Cornell Bar Harvard Barv1d Iaryard ¬
yard and the too L Army and Navy Navy and andMichigan and1chlgan andMichIgan
Michigan 1chlgan all working orklng along that line
Penn Handicapped HandicappedPennsylvania HandicappedpennlllVttnla HandicappedPennsylvania
Pennsylvania Is hampered in its Its use useby useby useby
by the nearby nOQrb situation of Swarthmore Swarthmorewhich S1Uthmorewhich Swarthmorewhich
which defeated Pennsylvania last lastfall lastfall gatfall
fall and whoso location permits it to tostudy tostudy tostudy
study the Pennsylvania style of play playin pm pmin playin
in each game To offset this Pennsyl Pennsylvania Pennsylanla Pennsylania ¬
vania anla Is holding things up her sleeve sleeveuitl sloo slooIDtIl sleeventIl
uitl next Saturday when Swarthmore Swarthmorerteet SWllrthmore4fl
4fl rteet eet her at Franjdin Field Philadel Philadelphia PhlladelOla Philadella ¬
phia phiaIn Ola Olan la laIn
In n the games to date and the one onewith onewth >
with ith Vlllanova the past Wednesday was wasTV wasy
TV h y no means an easy struggle the theN thelIE
lIE trli trlitx
+ 11 N trained hands won wonderful wonH Wonderful ¬
tx H derful things may maybe n1UYbe maybe
be got out of doth dothIt mothIt olothIt
It becomes endowed with withmarvelous withrnarvelous withmarvelous
marvelous properties It Itmay Itmay Itmay
may he made to express expressintense expr expressintense ss ssintense
intense individuality It Itmay Itmay Itmay
may be made to show showcharacter showc1iaracter showcliaraeter
character the same asan as asan asan
an artists work Our Ourtailors Ourtailors Ourtailors
tailors prove this every everyday everyday everyday ¬
WIN dayWIN WI dayWI day N EM EiVlAN AN
914 F 3t t N W Wr
r i 1 1pJ
Quakers uakora have played oldstyle football footballwhich footballwhlah footballwhich
which they t1 have usod u od more successfully successfullyin
in spite of the ten yards 1Lrds to be gained In Inthree Inthree inthree
three downs downsHer downsHer downsHer
Her line and backfield Is composed ol olveterans orutemns ofveterans
veterans fast and well schooled and andtheir andtht andtheir
their tht > lr attack has been splendid Upon Upondefense Upondeeenle Upondefense
defense the Quakers show glimpses of ofa ofa8 ofas
a8 a stanch a line as she has over pro produced produced produced ¬
duced Tor it has proven invulnerable invulnerableIt
It 4 s up to the quarterback to make of ofthis otthis ofthis
this material a memorable team and andupon Andupon andupon
upon this pivotal position hangs Penn Pennsylvanias Pennsylvanl Penny1vanIa ¬
sylvanl sylvanias s Late afo this season seasonMichigan ae80nZlIchigana seasonMchigana
Michigan a Qomer QomerIn GomerIn omer omerIn
In ute West Voa Michigan appears to be berounding berounding berounel
rounding rounel g a splfmdld eleven Her vet veteran vetoran vetoran ¬
oran material left over from last sea season season season ¬
son has been augmented au mented by bY the return returnof returnot returnof
of eligibility < < of several veml good line men manfrom menfrom menfrom
from 1006 ncttably n tbl Rnelnsshlld RJteln8 nnd It ap appears appears appears ¬
pears that Yost y is satiMlod satl od with the thequarterback thequartorblLck thequarterback
quarterback fight believing b Utng somo one onecan onecan onecaii
can be developed to nil this position positioncreditably positioncredltabl poslUoncreditably
creditably creditablyYale credltabl credltablYalo creditablyYale
Yale has has opened what should be bl a awonderful 0wonderful awonderful
wonderful season Captain Bigelow Is Isfortunate IsfortunRte Isfortunate
fortunate in possessing po e lng Tad Jones as asquarterback A8qurteroock asquarterback
quarterback and at fullback In Coy Coyhe Coyhe Coyhe
he has a magnificent ma I eent athlete developed developedby developedby
by the freshmen coaches last fall Yalenail Yalehas Yale Yalehas
has opened the season HAll n with an inUraau inUraauknowledge Inthnatknoledge InUmateknowledge
knowledge of the forward pass and ac accurate ACcurate accurate ¬
curate uHe u of it She looks far in ad advance atlanee allvanes ¬
vance anee of Harvard whose eleven al although although although ¬
though veteran has ha hardly a a promising
future for the big games gamesPrinceton gamesPrinceton gamesPrinceton
Princeton possesses good ends end I and andDillon andDtnon andDillon
Dillon her former splendid quarterback quarterbackBesides quarterbackBe1lldH quarterbackBesides
Besides this In McCormick captain and andfullback andfullback andfullback
fullback sHe He has a man to rely upon uponas uponu uponas
as a line plunger Her attack this year yearshould YOlrshould yearshould
should be versatUe and one may look lookout lookout lookout
out for Princeton to give Yale another anotherHerco anothererce anotherfierce
fierce erce battle battleBoth battleBoth battleBoth
Both Employ Same Tactics TacticsBoth TacticsBoth TacticsBoth
Both the Army and Nary has an anabundance anabundan anabendane
abundance abundan e of material coachod by Yale Yalemen Yalemen Yalemen
men It will 11I not be possible po tble for the theNavy theNay theNavy
Navy to win out by new football en entirely entirely entirely ¬
tirely this season for tho Army Is Isgrounding 18grounding Isgrounding
grounding Itself In the same me kind of ofplays ofplas ofplays
plays playsThe
Tho Carlisle Indians a most interest Intor051Ing ¬
ing team are already giving promise promiseof
of a recordbreaking eleven Their Tholrscore Thollscore Theirscore I
score of 81 1 points against Susquehanna Susquehannaon
on Wednesday In forty minutes of play playno piayno playno
no matter how weak the latter may ma be
foretells their strength Coach Warner Varnort11
has t11 Newman the 105 lf 6 Cornell center centerrush center centerrush centerrush
rush as his assistant assistantCornell aB8Is1ntCornen assistantCornell
Cornell Is rounding to nicely and her
backfield and veteran line so thoroughly thoroughlte
tested te ted last fall may yet place the Ithaca
lads among the leaders in the football footballfirmament footballnrmament footballfirmament
firmament where she has BO o long de deserved derved deserved ¬
served rved to be Swarthmore Dartmouth
Brown and Pennsylvania State are areshowing areshowing
showing 8howln fast elevens elIeen well worth reck reckoning reckonlng reckoning ¬
oning with withStrong wIthANALOSTAN withANALOSTAN
Strong Wind Win W I n d Saturday SaturdayLowered SaturdayLowered SaturdayLowered
Lowered Scores in inTrophy inTrophy inTrophy
Trophy Contest ContestThe
The Analowtan AlNil tan Gun Club held a suc successful succOMfu succesaful ¬
cessful shoot on Saturday SaturdayTwentythree Saturtla SaturtlaTwentyt SaturdayTwentythree
Twentythree Twentyt ree shooters attended att6n The Theweather Thew Theweather
weather w ther was line but a strong south southwest 5Outhwe southwest ¬
west we t wind made the shooting difficult difficultThe difficultThe difficultThe
The contest for the club trophies re resulted resutteU resuIted ¬
suIted as follows each man shooting shootingat
at twenty targets and the number numbergiven numbergiven numbergiven
given being hit hI hits hitsCLASS kitsCLASS hitsCLASS
T 1 H Hunter M 3 yards ftrst IS ISOrrlson 1SOrrlMn ISOrrisen
Orrlson 22 2 yards second 1C 1CJames 1 1Jame IIJames
James 09 18 yards ards tied for third 14 14Brown HBrown 14Brown
Brown O9 18 yards rds tied for thirda14 thirda14M thlrd third4 114 114M 14 14M
M Taylor 22 2 yards tied for third M MCLASS lt ltI 11CLASS
CLASS B BNitro BNitro BNitro
I Nitro 22 yards ardB first rt IS ISParsons 15PArsons iiParsons
Parsons 20 0 yards second condo 14 14Wllus HWlItls 14Wlilis
Wllus 0 1f j yards ards third M MCLASS 11CLASS 12CLASS
Dr Shoup boup 82 2yarde yards first 12 12Dr 1 1Dr 12Dr
Dr Wolf JoVel 22 yards tiedftJr tied fcr second se < o d It ItProf 1 1Pro iProf
Prof Pro Gayer 30 yards jled 14M1 fer s eec SEtCond eecond c cond
ond 19 19Duttcn 11Dutten 1 1Duttcn
Duttcn 07 17 yards 8r S third 9 9The 9The 9The
The Scores
Shot at Brake BrakeDr DrekeDr BrekeDr
Dr Shnup 100 67 67Nitre 6 6Nitro 07Nitri
Nitre SO ioDr 00 00Dr 00Dr
Dr Parsons 80 47 47Dr 47Dr 47Dr
Dr Barr 7 61 61Geyer i1Geyer 51Geyer
Geyer 70 34 34M 34M
M 1 Taylor TaylorFsrnhani lI6 6 65 65Fsrnham 55Farnhanl
Fsrnham 00 30 io
11 Wise VIseWiIeon w wWlteon n nlloon
Wlteon WiIeonOrrison lloon 55 55Orrlson Z7 Z73
Orrlson BO BOWeedgn o 3 i iWeedQn J
Weedgn V dQn iQ o 01 01J 31 31Ccl1eman
J Coleman r 50 50ViIhIte 20 20Wllhitc 28fjI
Wllhitc WllhitcJ fjI 14 21 21J M MT
J T H Hunter 45 45James 45James r rI
James 45 4iStlne ni niStine 41 41SUne
I Stlne 45 45Marshall 45Marhail 23 23I
Marshall ta han 4 4Dufour 41t p pDufour 20 20Dufour
Dufour 40 14 14Dr 14Dr 14Dr
I Dr Byrne ByrneErown K 3 16 16Brown 16Brown
Brown 30 19 IDR 19R
R Colemar ColeniarWoodyard 35 I IWoodyard 5 5Voodyard
Woodyard 10 5 5I
1 +
< A >
Detroit D Defro1tiTigersAmerican ttoitJuTjgo TJ gars sAm6rican Amorican League LengueOhl9 LeagueOhicago 9 r rChicago
Ohl9 HCubsN3tionnl Gubs National < v vPLACES
Chicago go League LeagIPLACES LeagiiPLACES >
PLACES AND DATES DATESOotober DATESOctober ft ftOctober t
October 8 SAt At Chicago ChicagoOctober ChicagoOctober r rOctober
October 9 9At At Chicago bhicngoOctober thicngoOctober r rOctober
October 10 lOAt At Detroit DetroitOctober > Ii IiOctober i iOctober
October 11 llAt At Detroit DetroitOctober li liOctober I IOctober
October IS lAt At Detroit DetroitOctober > I IOctober
t tOctober
October 13 13SL 13Sixth Sixth th game if necessary nccess ry in inChicngQ inChicngQSevcnth Chicago ChicagoSeventh ChicagoSeventh
Seventh game gnmePlnce Place if such game is necessary tbbe tb1lbellamed named by byvnational bynationnl bfnational
national commission V VTIME J JTIE
TIME OF STARTING STARTINGDatroit3 j jDetroit J JDetroita
Detroit Detroita 3 p in Washington time timeChicago timeChi timeChliago88O
Chicago Chi Chliago88O goaIO 380 p m Washington time timeDIVISION HmeDIVISION timeDIVISION
Receipts of first four fourgnmes games divided 60 per cent tp tpwinqrs winners vinf rs and 40 40per 40per 40er
per er cent to the losers after 10 per cent is deducted deiuatedfQr for the t1 national nationalcommission nationalcommission t tcommission
commission Receipts of other games go to national Commission CommissionUMPIRES SOmmissiont SOmmissionUMPIRES iiommissionUMPIRES
Jack JuekShcritlan Sheridan American League Hank ODay ODn National Nn iol1a1 League LeagueOFFICIAL Len Leaue LeaueOFFICIAL e eOFFICIAL
Francis 4ancls IMchter Sporting Sporti g Life Philadelphia AG Planner PlannerSporting FlannetSporting FlannerD FlannerDSporting
Sporting ICcws ews St Louis LouisPRICES LouisPRICES I IPRICtS
Detroit DetroitBloachers Bleachers 1 grand stand 2 box bO seats 860 860Chicago 260ChicagoBlenchcrs 250ChicagoBleachers
Chicago ChicagoBlenchcrs Bleachers 51 1 grand stand 150 150ELIGIBLE 1GOELIGIBLE
Chicago ChicagoBrown Brown Chance Durbin Evers Fryer Hofraan How Howard Howard Howard ¬
ard Lundgren Kling Moran McCormick Overall OocrnllOtls Otis Pfoiater Heul Heulbach Reulbach fleulbach
bach Sheckard Single Schulte Steinfeldt Tinker Walsh tfIsh and Zim Zimmerman Zim Zimmerman Ziinxnermnn ¬
merman mermanDetroit mermanDetroitArcher xnermnnDetroitArcher
Detroit DetroitArcher Archer Cobb Coughlin Crawford Donovan Downs DownsJones DownsJODOS Downslones
Jones Jennings Killian Lowe Mullen Jfolntyre Payne Pa 11c OLeary OLearyEossraan OLeorp OLeorpRossman OLearyRossman
Rossman Schmidt Sicvers Schaefer hnefer and Willott
How They Came Out OutIn Outrn OutIn
In National League LeagueCM LeagueI
cw Qdbe I i bHU bHUt I i ci ij I = i icw g gci II Q
j = = = = 3 Q 0 t c cCtlea
CM Ctlea Chiesgo KO KONew o I IMIMIWUiltTini 11 1CI111IItTl171 1W1W17M 1W1W17MW HII 704 704Pltteburg 704Pittburg
Pltteburg W I S1HIMJ131UI to 0I 1 tl fti ftiPhiLade1Pl1ft 11 JK JKI 1MPblladelphla
Pblladelphla I S14 81141 imaWlUM I III H M MI IM IMNeW i iNew <
New Tori I 01101111 I1 WI 1 1111121111171 11th131 MIUI 171 17 8 811 3i 1 MS MSCincinnati IMDnOklt 3 3flrooklyn
DnOklt 1 i 51 II SIlt 11111141 liSt 7 14 I ut utctndnnaU 4 4Cincinnati
Cincinnati f 15101 if f t I 81 01 1 71 l 1111 l Ml MlB 141151411 141151411Boeton AI U1 U1Doelon
B Doelon ton tonBt tiM 111 II 0111 1I1 01 I 61 Mi MitLou1a 3t 3tst
Bt tLou1a I uta ul t 61 l 21 211 71 71NEB II at 111181 I I let ut utGame 340iames
iames Game 10flt146 loet14510LGIITltlilIti 661111IIIf1 l1K ilMI I IDETROIT IDETROIT
DI3TROIT Mich Oct 7 7The The down downtown downtown downtown ¬
town streets took to > k on n an m electlonnlKht electlonnlKhtaspect etecUonnhhtaspect 1ectIonnightaspect
aspect Saturday night as a thousands of ofbaseball ofbfUieball ofbaaebi
baseball fans ans both men m mei and nd wOmen wOmencheered women womencheered womericheered
cheered themsolves thom olve hoarse In apprecia appreciation apprecIation appreclation ¬
tion of tho winning wlnnin of the American AmericanLeague AmerlcanLOAgue AmericanLeague
League baseball championship by the theDetroit theDetroit theDetroit
Detroit club elwbHundreds clubHundreds lb lbHundreds
Hundreds of the celebrators cel raters carried carriednmall carrJeclsmall carriedsmall
small pennants which they waved 11Id In Inthe Inthe Inthe
the air making tn klng them a a conspicuous conspicuousfeature conlilpicuo conspicuousfeature ls lsI
feature of every crowd crowdHugs crowdHuse crowdHuge
I Hugs bonfires marked the constantly constantlychanging constantlychanpng constantlychanging
changing scene of the celebration cel bratlon As Asfast AsCast Asfast
fast as the people ple would rash to the thepoint thepoint thepIflt
point of the newest blaze blaz some YOm one onewould onewould onewould
would turn In a fire alarm and the po police pt ptUee police
lice and fire departments were kept keptI keptllUsy keptbusy
I busy until the early earl hours of th the morn morning mornIng mornIng ¬
ing But the police and firemen remen never neverlost Reverlost neverlost
lost patience with the mob mobAfter mobAfter mobAfter
After ft dozen unnecessary unnec ry runs the thepatrol thepntrol thepatrol
patrol wagons hose carts and engines engineswould engineswould engineswould
would still drive into the crowd with withofficers withofficers withofficers
officers and fire re fighters all laughing in inous illgCod Ingood
good humor wIth lth the crowd and no serl 011 011OilS
OilS consequences of the flres lts were re reoorted rcnorted yesorted
sorted oortedSTRIKING sortedSTRIKING
CHICAGO CHICAOO Oct 7 IVhon When the Cub Cubgo Cubs Cubsgo Cubsgo
go into the worlds orlCs series against againstDetroit againstDetroit againstDetroit
Detroit they will appear aJl ear in brand brandnexv brandncw brandnew
new uniforms of a striking pattern patternThis p patternThis tt8rn tt8rnThis
This new regalia la of a 0 darkgray darkgrayhue darksmy darksmyhue darkgrayhue
hue with a green longitudinal stripe stripeOn stripeOn stripeOn
On the breast is a small 11 C CS and on oneach onoach oneach
each arm Is a diamond with a aiziside C CInside CIllt
Inside Illt > l e It It These suits weru cut spe specially specially spechilly ¬
cially for each player on the team teamand teamand teamand
and In each one the name of the theplayer theplaye theplayer
player Is sewed in silk Tho names namesnro namesare namesare
are also sewed In silk In the caps capsIS capsI capsEvery
IS Evorym Every very member mbor of the team has also alsopurchased alsopurchased alsopurchased
purchased a new pair of baseball baseballshoes baseballshoes baseballshoes
shoes for or tho series serl s
When the germs of Malaria get Into the blood they destroy the rich richi richnutritive richnutritive
i nutritive qualities of this vital fluid and reduce it to such a weak watery wateryt waterycondition i
t condition that it is unable to furnish the system with the nourishment nourishmentj nourishmentand
i j and strength necessary to keep it robust and healthy The complexion complexiongrows complexiongrows comp1exiongrows
grows pal pale e and sallow the appetite fails digestion Is deranged a ajolts bill billipus bH1ions
ipus ions condition of the system is set up and often chills chillsnnd and fever make makelife makelife
life miserable for the person in whose blood this insidious poison has has1taken hasiI hastaken
taken root There is but one way to rid the system of Malaria and that thatIs thatIs I Iis
I Is to purify the blood of the germs of the disease and S S S is the remi remiedy rem remI remedy
edy to accomplish this 0 It goes down into the circulation destroys s the thegerms thegerms thegerms
I germs purifies purifi s and strengthens the weak watery blood making it a acure aI arich
I rich healthgiving and andhealthsustaining healthsustaining stream and makes a Iasting Iastingcure
I cure of Malaria Malarial persons will find S S jS not only a promptremedy
remedy but a pleasant acting one as well as certain cure for this debil debilI debilI
i ilitatingdisease Besides removing the cause of Malaria S S S builds buildscontaining buildsI buildsup
I up every part of the system by its fine tonic ffe ts ts Book on the blood bloodcontaining I Icontaining
1 1t
containing information about Malaria and an any medical advice desired desiredfree desiredfree
American League LeagueFinat LeagueFinaf LeagueFmnatStandng
Finat FmnatStandng Standing Standinglaiuilll
E riE ri 12 I z zri 00 h
aulas CiubeDetrIt 1 0 5 = S Sgc
< gc gcE gcC
t E
C < C oJ c GO
tt ZID = C CDetrtilt
Detrtilt laiuilll 1 1111 tmnrnmmr tmnrnmmrCWoage 9I11i1314I15i llUIUI18llStMl 1SiI fiU fiUPJd 613PidladeiliIa
PJd PidladeiliIa 1a 1 81 I12J14I I141 11141141 JH14 jlIUIITiS81 ITiSBI 6W 6WHi ecrChloag eflTChicago
Chicago CWoageCleveland 1111111 Ilti12116jU 161811 51 51CJeveJaDd 574 574Cleveland
Cleveland ClevelandNow Hi 1111 sll siiij 115112111 1 111 12I13 UI tJI US USSien 151651 118 118YtIW 100New
Now Y York ric 1 Sien BiMUll 7 71 1 8121 8It116l7t11 16 1bTeI 7 1T3 1T3Gomes 413It i13t9ui5
It t9ui5 Leuis 1 II 61 5i0ii4i 11141 IUI JltflltfU JltflltfUD 13i001i 13i001iBGetoe
D BGetoe ato J 8 II Aft It I S 8 8Utt 1H I SltMSttl 961 961WA911IGTON i iWAS11IGTON
WA911IGTON 1 4 41 4 61 7j 711 7 n 121 14fIIu iis1 z 3Games z58f57f
G Gomes i lost I68S7ff6111518119OjJ 58f57f i4Ki7i7s110t9oliee1 4 67f7SiS890jl ei I IRINK IRINK
Washingtons V88hlng ons rollerskating season seasonstarts seasonstarts seasonstarts
starts today toda and there Is every Indica Indication Indication Indication ¬
tion that there will be almost If not notquite notquttt notquite
quite as much mu enthusiasm as last sea season season ¬
son sonThe
The big rink in Convention Hall is isowned Isowned isowned
owned and managed this year by b Wash ¬
ington men who have h ve made names for
themselves by their willingness to do devote dovote dovote ¬
vote their time to the athletic and other
Interests of the youth ouUt of the city
The opening we week k of the rink will be begiven begiven begiven
given to the th Increasing of the funds of
the Tochers Ancvlty and Aid Associa ¬
tion This Is an unusually worthy worUt cause causeand causeand causeand
and In addition an attractive program programof programot programof
of special events has been arranged for foreach foreach foreach
each day in the week weekThis WefkThis wekThis
This afternoon and tonight there will
be races for school 8 hool children Tomorrow Tomorrowthore Tomorrowthore Tomorrowthere
thore will be fancy skating In tho af after aftornoon afternoon tor tornoon
noon and evening Dancing on skates akatosand skatesand skatesand
and more races will be among the many
features for the remaining days daysALCOHOL daysALCOHOL daysALCOHOL
A company has been be n formed to pro proCuca produce proffca
duce alcohol from currants in Greece GreeceThe GreeceThe GreeceThe
The spirit has r Jwed rived of great use as asan asan asan
an lllumlnant for seating and for driv driving drlvl1g drivhg ¬
ing small engines
Jockeys and Bookies Put PutUnder PutUnder PutUnder
Under Ban by the thePinkertons thePinkertons thePinkertons
Pinkertons PinkertonsNEW
NEW YORK Oct 7The 7 The stewards of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Jockey Club Clu and of o the Natidnal NatidnalHunt U6nal U6nalHunt t16nalHunt
Hunt and Steeplechase Associations Associationshave ksocipdonshave AzocIzt1onshave
have Instituted an Invostlgatlon which whichIs i iIs
Is expected to result in the dismissal dismissalfrom dismissaltNm dismissalfrom
from the turf of a number of loading IA8dlngfiat leadingflat j
flat and steeplechase jockeys and also alsoof alsoIr alsoof
of certain bookmakers who It Is al alleged alleKfod alleged ¬
leged In collusion have succeeded in infixing infixlng Infixing
fixing dozens of races since the open openIng openIng opening
Ing of the Saratoga meeting meetingEver meetingEver meetingEver
Ever since the same ame shifted fr trm trmSaratoga irmSaratoga m mSaratoga
Saratoga it has been a a notorious fact factthat factthat factthat
that qertain ertaIn horses which on public publicform publicform PUblic1orm
form appeared to be euro winners failed failedto failedto failedto
to kind in front The fact that certain certainbookmakers certainbookmakors cortaIbookmakers
bookmakers took liberties with these thosehorses theseborses thesehorses
horses only on the occasions when cer certain certain certam ¬
tain tam riders had the leg up has been free freely freely freely ¬
ly commented on but th the stewards ap apparently apparently apparantiy ¬
parently took no action It developed developedthis developedthis < l lthis
this afternoon however that for two twoweeks twoweeks twoweeks
weeks special Pinkerton inca have bean beanworking beanworking beanworking
working under the direction of the stew stewards stewar stewards ¬
ards ar s Their rdportx r or now in the bands bandsof bandsot handsof
of the Jockey Club will be considered consideredat
at the next meeting meetingTo meetingTo meetingTo
To Be Quietly Notified NotifiedDrastic NotifiedDrastic NotifiedDrastic
Drastic action however will only be betaken betaken betaken
taken In a few cases at this time The Theleading Theleading Theleading
leading members of the board agreed agreedthat agreedthat agreedthat
that the hotter ptejr will m be to quietly quietlynotify quietlynotify quietlynotify
notify tho bookmakers concerned c ftCemed that thatthey thatthey thatthey
they must not return to the th game in inthe fnthe Inthe
the East after this falls closing olc lng Racing Racingin RaclrgIn
in New York ceases on November 15 15The 15The 15The
The jockeys under under1ausplclon ausplclon will not nothave nothae nothave
have their licenses renewed renewedSnoakinfi renewedSpoaking renewedSpeaking
Speaking of the matter matt r this afternoon
a steward of the Jockey Club said saidWo saidr0
Wo r0 0 have the goods on some of these thesemen thesemen thesemen
men but making public what they have havedono havedone havedone
done would not serve to purify the thesport thesport thesport
sport Thore have been so 0 many at attacks attacks attacks ¬
tacks made on racing in the Bast that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the Jockey Club has decided it must mustbe mustbe mustbe
be a public scandal s ndal It will however howeverprotect howcerprotect howeverprotect
protect Its patron Every man In any anyway anyway anyway
way Implicated by our detectives will willbe wlUbe willbe
be out of the racing game In the East Bastnext Eaatne Eastnext
next ne season seasonALTOONA seasonALTOOA GaBOnALTO
ALTOoNA pa aPct Dct 7 1As As a result of oftiling ottiling ofbIug
tiling kicked en the head Jto d in Inmage a scrim scrimmage acrimmage ¬
mage in a football game at Portage Portageyesterday Portaseesterda Portageyesterday
yesterday esterda Thomas Bertram aged agedttventy asedI agedtwenty
twenty a 0 tackle on the Altoona Athletic Athleticeleven Athleticeleven th1eUc th1eUceleen
eleven and a prominent young ounr athltoj athltojdied athl athldied athlccedied <
I died in a a hotel here hereBertram hereBertram hereBertram
Bertram was carried unconscious from fromthe tromthe fromthe
the field but recovered and was In Informed Intonned Informed ¬
formed by b tho attending attent1lngphYllclan physician that thathid thath1 thathis
hid h1 case was not serials sori lS He was taken takenviolently takenlo1ently takenviolently
violently ill on the train coming homo homoExCentra bomoExCentral homeExCentra
ExCentra Athlete AthleteWill AthleteWill AthleteWill
Will Run at Q W ULewis U vLewis UsLewis
Lewis G C Connor crack k Washing Washington Washington Washington ¬
ton athlete who attended Penn last lastyear lastyear lastyear
year haa es entered George Washing Washington Vashlngton Vashington ¬
ton and andlhould should be a tower of ofstrength ofstrength ofstrength
strength to the cinder path coterie coterieof coterieot
of that Institution InstitutionConnor Instltutfononnor Institutionosnor
Connor onnor was one of the roost con consistent consistent consistent ¬
sistent point winners at 1t meets meetsthroughout meetsthroughout meetsthroughout
throughout the season when lie at attended attended attended ¬
tended Central and has been equally equallysuccessful equaU equaUI equallysuccessful
successful since hi hlf entrance entran e Into the thecollege thecollege thecollege
college arena His unique training trainingmethods trainingmethods
I methods first exploited in The Times Timescaused TImescmus Timescaused
caused cmus d wide comment among sport sporting sportIng sporting ¬
ing writers > Tlt rs and trainers trainersSPORT trainersX trainersSPORT
No 1 > 0 baseball ground is so soBulletin goOd thatthere
there are no 11les eu itPhihidelphlaBulletin
r We dwell uponthe upon uponthe uponS
S A the merits of ofour ofour ofinPa
inPa inPaour our 20 gar garrnents garnT41IflW =
T41IflW rnents made madeto madeto madeit
it to your meas measOur measure =
ure ureOur ureOur
Our garments are built to tofit tofitand
0 fit fitand and the way we do the theconstruction theconstruction theconstruction
construction takes all matter matterof matterof matterof
of doubt away We use the thebest thebest thebest
best of materials using im imported imported imported ¬
ported haircloth and the thefinest thefinest thefinest
finest French canvas in the themaking themaking themaking
making of our coats coatsWe coatsWe
J We design snappy gar garrnents garments
I I ments Were known as cre creators crei crcators ¬
i ators of styles stylesj
t i f j I This beautiful fall and andfl andc
fl I i c winter stock will surely surely ap appeal
1 M I 1 peal to you Youll find ev every every evcry
ery known pattern in this thisshowing thisJ
J J showing We jsk sk your in ins inspection
I I I I r spection s ection of this collection col1ectionWe collectionWe
1 I We e especially speak of ofour ofour
1 j our Overcoats made to your yourmeasure yourmeasure our ourmeasure
measure at 20 20Showing 20Showing
Showing the way ray L 1 HAAS llAA II jAS OO o
our garments are aroma areelothandcanva
ma made e using hair The Avenue Tailors 121 I 2 1 1 On Pa Ave Aveil Av
Lour L cloth elothandcanva and canvas 1 1 fcl Vc J
< il
Entries Good GoodIn GoodIn GoodIn
In Columbia ColumbiaClub ColumbiaClub ColumbiaClub
Club Tourney TourneyHandsome T TourneyHandsome Durney DurneyHandsome
Handsome Prizes Now on onExhibition onExhibitionBooks onExhibitionBooks
Exhibition ExhibitionBooks Books Close CloseWednesday CloseWednesday CloseWednesday
Wednesday WednesdayThe
The T e annual fan tournament o of th thColumbia the ttMColumWo theColumbia
Columbia Golf Club which takes place placeor plaeeor placeor
or Thursday Friday and n4t Saturday Saturdaythis at atthis ofthis
this w week k over OM the course OR Bright Brightwood HrlghtWood Brightwood
wood avenue a promises to be the most mostpucijoesful JlM5tfue most3ucessful
pucijoesful fue asul golfing ev event nt ever held here hereThe ROteThe boreThe
The course Is In excellent condition conditionfor CORdltfontur cosditlonfor
for the contest conte t th the committee commttt having havingmade bavlagmade havingmade
made several notable changes in the theflrxt thefir thefirt
flrxt fir > < t twelfth and fifteenth holes holesTne bokisTue holesToo
Too prizes now on exhibition at Berry BerryWhltroores BerryWhltmore BerryWhitmores
Whltroores are exceptionally ecee excptioselysome tlo lIy hand handsome haHbOwe ¬
some consisting consl Un of thirteen sliver aft loving lovingClips Jovlngcups lovingcups
cups They are tn be played for as fol follows fellows ¬
lows lowsPrlza 1078PrIze lowsIrize
PrIze for forii1e iiie lowest score in the tual 4IItl1Jlng evsiIfying tualIfyin
Ifyin Jlng round of thirtysix thIrty x boles medal medalplay JIMC1Itlay medalplay
play playPrizes playPrizes lay layPrizes
Prizes for the winners < troners of the firs firssocond firsBucood fir firsecond
second third and fourth sixtoeae sixtoeaePrizes sixteensPrizes txt4 txt4PriZe5
Prizes to th the runnerup in all six sixteen sixteen Mxtees ¬
teen consolation prizes t to the winners winnersof wtlUH S Sot
of the defeated eights of first ftrat and sec second second seemid ¬
ond Mxteens MxteensPrizes FolxteensPnAM 4xteensPrizes
Prizes for the lowest gross gro s and low lowest Jowaat loweat ¬
est net scores in he hadicap event eventEntries eventEntries iVeDtEntrle
Entries may be made up to 3 oclock oclockWednesday oclockWronesday oclockWednesday
Wednesday with Mr woodruff the sec secretary Heretary seeretary ¬
retary isi F street northwest northwestProminent northwMProminent northwestProminent
Prominent Golfers to Play PlayAlready PlayAJroody PlayAlready
Already there are many mer entries tries from fromprominent fromprominent frontpseminent
prominent outoftown golfers ltt J inehidiog inehidiogauch ehldlng ehldlngsuch ludin ludins
s such uch wollknowrt players as a Jerome B BTravers DTravers BTravera
Travers the Nassau player 78r who has hastaia baathlH hasthie
taia year practically won n all the araai araaitour ama amatour amatour
tour championship hi America Fred FredHerreschoff FredHerrescbotr FredHerresehoff
Herreschoff of Eikwanok W T West Westcaptain WestcaptalIi Westcaptath
captain or Princeton University golf KolCteam JOJ JOJtm golfteam
team George aor e Borup captaIn of Yale YaleUniversity YaleUnh6r8lty YaleUniversity
University golf team E S Armstrong ArmstrongJohn ArlB8trongJohn ArmstrongJohn
John M Ward w rd and E C Johnson of ofFox otFox ofFox
Fox Hills Hili A W Tililnghftst tJll th t and H M MForrest MForrest
Forrest Philadelphia Cricket ricket ket Club ClubClayton ClubClayton
Clayton J yton Dlxon Huiitln Hmttlogtoa ton Valley Golf GolfClub GolfClub
Club F K Donohue Montclair Golf GolfClub Gol GolClub GolfClub
Club F C Horstmann Philadelphia PhiladelphiaCountry PhlladeJpblaCountry PhiladelphiaCountry
Country Club E P Gates Gat Mianekada MianekadaGolf MlnnekadAGol MlnnekadeGolf
Golf Gol Club Ilnneopolls 1UR lPOUs Mmn Mum E B BMitchell E1tcl1eU BMitchell
Mitchell 1tcl1eU R T Baldwin E Weir and andF andF andF
F F Bricsf Wilmington Country Club ClubW ClubW Clubw
W E Conklys John Doff and Alex Alexander Alexander Alexnuder ¬
ander Watson Yt60n Dunwoodie Country Co try Club Cluband Clubuwl Clubtnd
and many from rom Baltimore and an Mary Maryland Maryland Maryland ¬
land country clubs and practically all allthe allthe allthe
the Chevy Chev Chase and Columbia active activegolfers activebolrvs activegolfers
golfers golfersTnls bolrvsTills golfersTale
Tills will IU be the t e only y open event this this6oaon this60860n thisseason
season In Washington W8Z5 ng1gn Chevy Chase Chasebavins Cbasehai Chasehaving
having hai g decided not to hold an open opentournament opentourncuno1 opentournament
tournament tournamentWINING tournamentTIN1 t tTWINING
Twining Athletic Club which b held heklWarwfck heldWarwick td tdWarwick
Warwick of Southeast to 7H i 71 is fast fastrounding fastreundlng fastrounding
rounding into shape for its first season seasonAlthough seasonAlthouga seasonAithouglt
Although this fall marks m rksthe the initial initialappearance 1nttJ1appearance Initialappearance
appearance of a Twining eleven en c OIl the thegridiron thegridiron thegridiron
gridiron the prospects pt08p ctS eeera to t indicate indicatesome IndiCAtesome Indicatesome
some brilliant stunts on th the part of the thenewcomers thenewcomers thenewcomers
newcomers before l > the doe clOSit elo of the pros present preeent prosent ¬
ent season seasonThe seasonThe I IThe
The back field is composed of 3 obntz obntzDeoWe 6OOtZDoable ont2 ont2Doebte
Doable and Johnson who are all fast fastmen fastmen fastmen
men a statement tatem6 t which is borne iJ rne out by bythe bythe bythe
the performances of last Wednesday Wednesdaywhen Wedne Wednesdaywhen day daywhen
when throe long runs were made madestraight madestralgnt madestraight
straight through the enemys line lineThe lint lintThe haLThe
The Twining Club is stilt looking for forgames forgames forgames
games Address Addn > sa Peck Nacnman NachmanIorgan SIS SISMorgan 5 5Morgan
Morgan Iorgan street northwest northwestYoung northw6stch northwestw northwestYoung
ch chYoung w
Young Men MenSee MenSee I
See Our Royal RoyalThe RoyalThe RoyalThe
The selling so far farthis farthis farthis
this season stamps our ourRoyal ourRoyalU ourRoyal
Royal model as the thegarment thegarment
garment young men menof menof menof
of fashon have been beenafter beenafter beenafter
after Its I ts popularity popularityhas
has been great from fromthe fromthe fromthe
the very first firstIts firstIts firstIts
Its a singlebreasted singlebreastedtype singlebreastedtype singlebreastedtype
type with long wide widelapels widelapels widelapels
lapels and Beady straight straightcoat straightcoat straightcoat
coat fronts It has fancy fancycuffs fancycuffs fancycuffs
cuffs on the sleeves a vent ventless ventless ventless
less semi shaped back backand backand backand
and gives especially especiallygraceful especiallygraceful especiallygraceful
graceful well setup ap appearance appearance appearance ¬
pearance to the wearer wearerMade wearerI
I Made fade in all the newest f fab fabriCf fabrica ab abrics
rica and most attractive pat potrtcjns pattCpls patteins
tcjns tcjnsWed tCplsWed teinswea
Wed like to have your youropinion yourpinian youropinion
opinion opinionThe opinionThe pinianhe
The he BieberKaufman Co CoDown CoDown CoDown
Down by tho Navy Yard
901909 Eighth St S E EOar Et EOur
Oar 1950 Suitings SuitingsWhy
Why Wh pay the other fellow 5S750 5S750for 32750I 7 O OI
I for a garment sa rment really not its equal equalWe equalI equalWe
We can convince you Your In Inj Inspection InI
I I j I spection Is Isllopkins askel askelHopkins askeJfiB
fiB Hopkins Tailoring Co
711 Hlptb Street et
LONDON Oct 7 1Lon4Ioft London Inlands katen to torecapture torecapture torecapture
recapture if po possible tble the Dwtst D Davis DavisInternational DaY1sInternational DavisInternatIonal
International Lawn Ton Cup also this thisyear tAt tAtyear thiuyear
year to Australia Th The strongest treAge t team teamGreat tumGreat twaGreat
Great Britain can ea muster including the theDoaarty th thDoherty theDoherty
Doherty brothers wilt be scat there t ere next nexiyear MXll nextvr
year l vr to recover reoov the trophy J R Kew KewburB 1wurR
hum burB urR secretary of the K a1 aMrti Lawn LawnTennis LaWHTen 1wuTennis
Ten Tennis Association Aa octatton today t announced iHM IeeCl his hisintention JusIntention inslnten40n
intention to challenge for the cup cupwAMERICAN cupAMERICAN cupAMERICAN
Yesterdays Eeeelts EeeeltsK RosoiltsSt R MlUS MlUSSt
St K Ifr i Detroit DeUc 4 4jDwte 4St
St jDwte Detroit S SChicago 3Cbteaso
Chicago 4 dsnrekuM ClewrMStanding i iStanding j jStaMing
Standing of the Clubs ClubsWen C1nb1l C1nb1lWeD ClubsWon
Wen Lest LestCMeaxo Pot PotDetroit PotDetroIt
Detroit IIJ IIJPkUa 111PhUadelphIa
PkUa PhUadelphIa PhUadelphIaChicano 5 fill fillCIdeaIO
Chicano Chicanoflvied JT JTOlevawad 11 57 57veI
Olevawad flviedNewYsek veI ad 9 9New Ii g gNew
New NewYsek York 31 31SL 11 is 411 411St 413StLouts
SL St StLouts Loots LootsBoston 0164 0164Boston 464Boston
Boston BostonW BostonWashington M MWashington
W Washington ia 4f 4fNATIONAL P Ji JiNATIO 335NATIONAL
Yesterdays YeaterdaysRosnlts YeaterdaysRosnltsPittsbttrg Results ROS111tSPlt ResultsPitteberg
Pitteberg Plt 4 4Csdnui Cincinnati ClaelmladCWI i iClmtniMitt
ClmtniMitt CWI IwHab 0 PI Pitt tUtaanK 1 1Chicago L LChicago
Chicago 7 I St Loufi LoIIIi L LSL LSt 1 1St
SL St Louis 1 1Tedays CMeagO CMeagOTedsys 0 0Todays t
Tedsys Games GamesCMcaga Gam Gaines4h4ca I ICltkaP
CMcaga 4h4ca at St Louis LouisStanding LoaIPlttPu Louisk LouisPittsiurg
PlttPu Pittsiurg at a iRsstL iRsstLStanding tL tLStanding
Standing of the Clubs CtebsW CIs9sWH ClubsWee
W WH a Ie Lest LestChicago Pet PetCMeag PrtCJ
Chicago CJ ChicagoPittubueg eal ealPIU UK 4f 71 71PiUwburg
PiUwburg PIU burn i M 0 591 591Philadelphia iIlPkliacJeljjhl 501Phliadelphls
Philadelphia 00 A It ItNew t 5W 5WNew 5 5NewYoric
New NewYoric Yortc SK 71 71Brooklyn iI6 iI6Brook 516Brooklyn
Brooklyn BrooklynCincinnati Brook ya 15 16 Q9 Q9Cladttnatl 4 4Cindanati
Cincinnati CincinnatiBoston 16 ff1 431 431Boeton 431Boston
Boston Boston3t 51 10 10St
3t Levis Lout 62 62All 2 1 1All 115 10 10v 10I t
kIe I
H HAll
All AllSights All1Ughts AllRights
Sights SightsReservid 1UghtsReeervfd RightsReservd
Reservid ReservidHandTailored
HandTailored HtZrczoth dT Tailored ailor I
collars is the boast of a awidely awidely
widely advertised ready readyinade readymade readymade
made suit Think of the theadvantage theadvantage theadvantage
advantage of an ENTIRE ENT1EEsuit ENTIREsuit ENTiREsuit
suit that is tailoredby tailoredbyhand tailoredbyhand tailoredbyhand
hand Our OurMadetoMeasure Ourade OurMadetoMeasure
MadetoMeasure MadetoMeasuresuits ade o easure easuresuits
suits SJ5 SJ5are s 15 15are j 5 5are
are Even our interlining interliningof
of French canvas and andhaircloth andhaircloth andhaircioth
haircloth that displaces displacesshifting displacesshifting displacesshifting
shifting pads is tailored tailoredby tailoredby tailoredby
by hand Thats why hy the theperfect theperfect theperfect
perfect fit and smoothness smoothnessof
of our coats are perma permanent permanent permanent ¬
nent nentWrite nentWrite
Write for > r samples of Fall Suit Sultand Sut Sut1np Suitlags
lags and Style Book BookNewcorn BookNe BookNewcorn
Newcorn Ne Green Green1002FStN en enC
1002FStN 1002 FStN W WIs WOpen
Open Saturday Evenings EveningsIs
C osiel osielIs
Is guaranteed to wear six Ix months monthsIf monthsIf monthsIf
If it doesnt you ou get new socks at atthe atthe atthe
the makers expense expenseit if there is
the slightest hole rip or tear tearSix ttarSix tearSix
Six pairs neatly boxed boxedall Q f ff
all alls1es sizes Our special specialprice specialpriceS 3 2 I 0 II 0 I Iprice
price per box boxEISFMAN boxEISFMAN A VVf VVfEISEMANBROS7tnandESts
Its It a a noticeable fact that mod moderate moderate moderate ¬
erate users of good beer are peo people peopIe peepie ¬
pIe of evident health and robust roTaoatCulmbacher robustflees Olauatnel8
flees nel8Culmbacher Culmbacher CulmbacherIs
Is the type of dark b beer r that thatbenefits thatbenefits thatbenefits
benefits A bottle at meals will willassist willassist IU IU88lst
assist digestion and assimilation assimilationgive aa assimilationgive hnnatlon hnnatlongive
give you vim and vigor Have Haveus Hayeus Haveus
us deliver Culmbacher regularly regularlyto
to your home
2 doz do 175 bot rebate Soc 50cWashington 5OcWashington SocWashington
Washington Brewery Co Co5th Co5th Ce5th
5th and F sts n e Phone L4n 2SI 2SIONLY staNLY 253ONLY
ONLY ONLYfor for Mens Gen Genuine Gennine ¬ 1 0
nine Priestley PriestleyCravnettea priestleyCravenettee
I Cravnettea g e e te cant cantbe can t tbe
be duplicated for forless tor1eSs forless
less than US 18 18GOODYEAR 18AfV
1115 Z1 STREET Hear 12th 12thThe 12thThe 12thThe
The Regent RegentS25O RegentS25O
St3 Pa Lye A 9 17 W