OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, October 22, 1907, Last Edition, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1907-10-22/ed-1/seq-8/

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Thomas ThomasI D Knight Con Confers Confers Confers ¬
fers With New for the theG theG theG
G 0 P PThomas PTho PThomas
Thomas Tho D Knight KD r ialght hl president of the theIfairilton theI14n I ICuelitoR
Ifairilton I14n IItoa Club of Chicaeo CI came Cltt to teYaeMngfcm toaehh i iadll
YaeMngfcm adll gleln today had a II conference conferencewith COllier conhreoeewith I
with Harry New chairman of the Re Republican ReI Rej ¬
j publican bIkmn national committee COIII lltee and thena then thenannounced th8ltanoUftCed
a announced nouneed that he did not doubt I ubl that thatL thatt thatF
L ih h the Republican and the Demo Democratic D8m0catfc Democatlc ¬
cratic national conventions would be bel bel beLelu
Lelu l > flu In Chicago o next summer summerIt aummerIt aumwerIt
It looks like an open and ilintproposition SIIotpropo shut shutpropoeltlon
proposition propo ltlon to me me declared Mr Knight Knighta
a pleasant smile showing his h entire oon oonfoVnce oonfldnce oon1ldence
foVnce in the success of his mission missionhere milone miselonrep
here rep e I came Irom Chicago to Wash Washtngton ash ashngton 1 1Ington
Ington to explain to Mr Nw It I could oouWhe couldIe
he Ie advantage a41vanta of having ha th the eonven oonvenion eonveniion conv4lftdon
don ion in Chicago Cblca o Mr New has jut justtd jubtvtA juttIld
vtA me that he realised UH > advantages advantagesof
of o picking pSek Chicago aa the scene of th thconvention the theCnvenl1on thecent
convention cent ention
WaRt Here M8feSeatc M8feSeatcMr Seats SeatsMr SeatsMr
Mr New made only one requirement requirementHe requlr ent entHI
He objects o UJto te the seating tlll capaety of our ourhall ourhall ourhail
hall the e Coliseum CollMu which at the last lastconvention 1a1ftconveatlon lastconvention
convention seated 3 30 3311 ft people Mr New Newwants Ntwwanta Newwants
wants a hall that will seat t I JOG8 JOG8I 000 QO people peopleI
I have assured him that this will be all allright aUrIght allright
right with us us and he has promised to toome toome toe
ome e out to Chicago Chl between now and andDecember andDecemlter
December C the time for the meeting 1DNUtKr 1DNUtKrthe ef efthe ofthe
a the national committee which will for formally formally formally ¬
mally decide on the time and place plaeitor plaeitormfeU of ofmeeting ofmeeting
meeting mfeU for the convention conventionWhen conventionWhen conventionWhen
When he comes to Chicago I will willtake willtake willtake
take him through the Coliseum and andshow andshoW andshow
show him that It can easily seat t 12000people 1X600 1X600people 11 11foplt
people foplt > The trouble about the thing last lastilme 1tlime lasttime
lime was aa that the Iroquois Theater fire
had just occurred and the citys popu ¬
lation was wild with fear of crowded
billdlags bi ildings The result was that totally
unnecessary are precautions were w taken laic
In the Coliseum this state of affairs ftab re resuited 1 1suIted resulted
suited in the sacrifice criftce of much of its itsfatma Ital8tJ Itseating
eating l8tJ c capacity which was unnecea unneceasary wmec1 unnecessary
sary There is no doubt in my mind
t that hat the Coliseum ColI um can seat t 12000 12 people peopleor
or even move If f nece5arywill necessary necessaryWill neceNalJWill
Will B Be HeW in Chicago Chicagojf
jf f the U seating capacity capaefty of the Coil Colium CoUh Coilum
h < um is an right will the convention conventionlc conventloftheld
lc held in CuicaitoT Mr Knight wu wuliske
liske 0 41 wI wIUndoubtedly J JUndoubtedly JUndoubtedly
Undoubtedly he replied a Mr New
like ikc evei every one ei elk s sees the citys City othtt othttadvantages tJHtVanlal
advantages Vanlal It IK 11 in a central centrallilm loca ¬
tion IU laliroac and telegraphic tacit ¬
ties ti s can net t be surpassed urpa And we can cantake uatake cantake
take care of the people that attend att nd the theconvention thellIveJ1tton thei
convention conventionCan i llIveJ1ttonCn enventionCan
Can you guarantee < idl06 to pay th thxpenees tbx the theexpenses
expenses x > of OH convention cJIIvmUonr r he was wasJinked Wbl waseked
eked JinkedI ekedI l ked kedur
I ur I appointed appointed a finance committeene committee committeesome eonamlttMlInf
some lInf ne tim UIn4 a olKUa atlu o explained e Mr knigblend KnighL KnighLand KmchLand
and the men on that committee have haveassured haveassured
assured 3 < sUIEd me tttnt there will not be tie tieslightest
slightest lightest troub trou iu I It raising money mo ey suf ¬
ficient 1 ciellt lor eh h j JoJch > jch purposes pu On this thiscoinmltte lbl lblfllnmltte4 thiscommittee
committee are such men as Charity Cbarl G
Lawea Jaw E E J Brundidgv John C bOth
Mason B Blurting S muc and Frank L
Itete li ltl dr drCan l lCan
Can Handle Both Conventions ConventiensThese Conven ens ensThe
These e men were were also al e asked ked to look lookafter Jookafter lookafter
after the maUer of raising money for forthe forthe forthe
the Democratic Democr tlc National Convention Conventionand Conventionand Conventionand
and they report that there will be no >
difficulty In raising ralatn g the money for the
Democratic convention aa well as for
the Republican gathering There te no
doubt in my mind that both parties will
hold their conventions in Chicago next nextsummer nextl
summer summerMr l urnmerMfr
Mr 1 Knights optimism optimism about his mis misslon mispIon
slon lon is borne out in great measure mea ure by
the sentiment among amon the Republicans Republicansgenerally Republleanltgfonerally Republicansgenerally
generally They regard re Chicago as the theideal th
ideal city for the convention notwith notwithstanding ¬
standing tandin the fact that such cities aa
Atlantic City Kansas City St Louis Louisthe Loul
Seattle and Denver would Hk like to ha have 1e
the honor of being the scene of the asgembla as assemblage a aEmblage ¬
semblage gembla In every case but Chicago < o
tb > objection ob objection tion is I urged that the town townmentioned lownmntJoned townsmentioned
mentioned are either too far east or too
far f r west westThere we westThere t tThere
There seems m little doubt that Mr New Newfind Newsand
find the other members membe of the Repub ¬ I
lican lIe to National Committee will favor
Chicago if they are satisfied the seat ¬
ing j ng capacity of the Coliseum is up seatI to
their requirements
Five l Hundred of Sec Second Second ¬
ond Third Thir 1 d d1 and a aClasses nd Fourth FourthClasses FourthClasses
Classes Here HereFive HereI HereFive
Five e hundred strong the postmasters postmastersof
of the second third and fourth classes classesInvaded claSIiMInfaded classesInvaded
Invaded Washington this morning for forthe torthe forthe
the fourth annual convention of tie Na National NilttoMI National ¬
tional Association of It Postmasters PostmastersThoee POIIt PostmastersThose a ters tersThoeo
Those of the second and third thirdmet classes claseenmet classesmet
met in the th banquet halt of the National NationalHotel NationalEotel NationalHotel
Hotel At the lme same time the fourth fourthclass fourthclan fourthclass
class postmasters held forth at Odd OddFellows Odd1eU6 OddFellows
Fellows 1eU6 Hall BanThl i iThi IThis
Thi This afternoon a joint session Ion washeld was washeld WIUIheld
held at the National Hotel and at 8 8oclock Ioclock aoclock
oclock Second Assistant AMl tant Postmaster PostmasterGeneral PMlmpterGeneral PostmasterGeneral
General McClear McCtearx cClrx addressed a dreAed the mail mailhandlers malthandl railhandles
handlers handl Postmaster General Meyer Meyerwill Meyerwin Meyerwill
will speak at 10 0 oclock tomorrow morn morning mornJng morning ¬
ing and Rldrassee 1tldr Me8 will probably be de delivered de delivered delivered ¬
livered by other postal officials officialsThe ofticialtLThe otitcialeThe
The preliminary session ot the th second secondand secondand secondand
and third class postmasters po tnMi tcrs consisted ocn l ted of ofenrollment oJenrollment ofenrollment
enrollment the appointment of working workingcommittee worJdugccmmittce workinicctnmittees
committee and the annual s Dual address of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the president prt > atdent of the association George GeorgeE
E MarcelSus of Le Roy Ro N Y In the thecourse thoeou trioeourseof
course eou eourseof of his address Mr Marcellus re referred reffrred referred ¬
ferred to the th poetofflce P system as a mo monopoly monepDlYI monopoly ¬
nopoly nepDlYI because the public is obliged obUg d to topatronise topatron topatronage
patron patronage patronise ze or go without He advocated advocatedhowever Ddvoeatedh advocatedhowever
however h wever the courteous treatment tri tuunt ef every ev every every ¬
ery patron Juat as though poor service servicemight aervJcemight servicemight
might cause a competitor to open up updown updcwn updown
down the street He asked his co coworkers coworker coworkers
workers to follow the exainpus e exam aJnpte ie and prete pre precept preupt ¬
te cept t of President Roosevelt R tolt in systetizin syste systematizing syst systJCatJztn ¬
JCatJztn matizing tizin every branch of the National NationalGovernment NationalGovernment NationalGovernment
Government GovernmentResponds GovernmentPesponds Government GovernmentResponds
Responds to McCleaiy McCleaiyFollowing McCleatyFollowiD McClearyFollowing
Following the address of welcome by byMr brIr byMr
Mr MeClcary this th afternoon which whichwas whichwag hlcb hlcbw
was w responded l to by John W V Casschairman Cuss eaehalrman j jchairman
chairman of the eexcuttve committee commlUwnopresentattvf6 committeerepresentatives j jrepresentatives
representatives of the money order dl dfvbdoft dlvision j jvision
vision of the postofflce ftIce explained the theWorkings thecrkjngs thetcrkings
Workings crkjngs of the money order system systemTomorrow s systemTomorrow tem temTomorrow
Tomorrow will be devoted to a business busi business bualne ¬
ness ne session don < and a visit to all the de departments de department departments ¬
partments A visit to the White fbUe House Houseis Housebeiftg
is being planned for Thursday afternoon afternoonwhen afternoonwhen afternoon afternoonwhen
when the th President will probably receive receivethe receivetbe receivethe
the delegates J l he has reached the city cityIt cityIt cityIt
It is said that the registration at both bothbranches bothbranche bothbranches
branches of the convention has exceeded exceededany exceededI exceededany
I any previous gathering pt1 e nearly SCO dele delegates deleIat dolegates ¬
gates Iat and their wives being In In attendance attend attendance atteadance ¬
ance Although not formally acted uponit upon uponIt 1t n nIt
It has practically been decided by the theexecutive theexecutive theexecutive
executive committee to hold the next nextconvention Dexteonv8ft nextconvention
convention eonv8ft n in Indianapolis IndianapolisKick IndlaDpOl1aKick IndianapolisKick
Kick on Paying Rent RentPresident RentPre RentPresident
President Pre F W Jameson of o Ashton AshtonIowa A AshtonIowa ton tonlowll
Iowa called the meeting of the fourth fourthclas fenrthclass oOrUtc
clas c class postmasters to order in Odd Jet Fellows Yellow Jetlows ¬
lows low Hall Ha 11 and the meeting was imme ImllMdlately lmm lmmdiately immediately ¬
diately enlivened by the kick of some someof someor someof
of the delegates over the fact that theyhad they theyhad theyhad
had been n forced to rent a place to hold hokltheir hoktbeir holdtheir
their meetings meetingsI
I think it a shame said one Oft that thatwe thatwe thatwe
we the th employes of the United States States StatesGovernment Stat StatGovernment
Government should have to rent a hall hallin han1ft had hadIn
in the National Nati al Capital in which whichplenty to hoW hoWour hoklour hood
our convention There are plenty plentyto y yfree of offree offre
free places here and they can be ob obtained obtalnecl obtained ¬
tained for us If the proper pr proRer r postal au authorities aUthoritJe authorities ¬
thorities are approached approachedThe apprOllchedThe approachedThe
The motion that the president pre l ent and anda anda am ama
a committee wait upon a the proper r au authorities authOlItlCI authorltiis ¬
thorities > with a view to curtain C1IIialHIaIr this thisdaily thttlany thisdaily
daily any expense eXJK H was carried with th a avengeance angeanee at
t vengeance vengeanceApproximately ngeanee
Approximately K 1GJ fourth cle claN post poslmasters lnUUitera postmasters
masters have arrived up to this time timenumbers timelumbers timenumbers
numbers reaching rea hln the city from James Jamestown Janestown Jametown ¬
town and other nearby point during duringthe durmgthe duringthe
the morning morningTh mornlnal morningThe
Th l The renaming rettalnI b UoVo o days of th the sermon aesafotiwill 885iIouwUl sermonwill
will be devoted To T o an informal dtcufc dtrcuesion dtcufcKion d u ualon
Kion of c various postal matters sightseeing sight sightveeing 5ichtJKeiDlr
seeing and th the election eetlon of officer fi and andreports andrepOrts andreports
reports of the committees committeesPOSTAL connelttePOSTAL eotrltteeaPOSTAL
Peotmaster P8litlna ter General Meyer has given givenhU givenlil veJt veJthit
hU lil + official approval io th the JliU new w sea ueapost seapost seapost
post agreement will wit the German postal postaladministration postaladministration lal laladmln1
administration admln1 > tratlon which wa was Ui arranged by byAssistant byAM1 byAssistant
Assistant AM1 > taJt Postmaster teJ General McCleary McClearyIn
In Berlin lat A AugisL I K iat t Under the agree agreement agreemente agreement ¬
ment mente on and after attf > r January 1 next the theNorth theNfrth theNorth
North GermanLloyd and the Hamburg HamburgAmerican HaDt HamburgAmerican Ur UrAmerican
American Steamship Companies will be begranted begf3nted begranted
granted a slight sli ht increase lit pay for the theadditional tiltadditional theadditional
additional facilities afforded In order orderto orderto orderto
to expedite the assortment a of the mails mailsclerks mailsclErks mailsclerks
clerks will be aboard tue steamers
rR r = + < >
k w1 w1Greetings
Greetings io Visitors VisitorsFree i iFree
I Free Sightseeing Sg i r htseerng Automobile r Leaves U S 5Realty i i it i icaltY
Realty R caltY Cos Co s Office Off ct Tomorrow at 1 11 1 A M MYour 11Your PtyYour
Your hotel bill paid while in Washington WashingtonBuy Vashin on onBuy
i Buy a lot at 1 the National Capital Eighty miHion people peoplearid peoplet peoplealxi
t arid you are olie one of tbemare them are contributing toward makia ma mah iQgWnsh iQgWnshjnrton Wash Washington Washington ¬ °
° ington City the most beautiful of all Capitals CapitalsWashington CapitalsWashington ° i
Washington is expanding in every direction If you invest investhere investhere inttthere
here you J are sure to make money moneyYou moneyYou
You can buy a lot for 25 cash and S5 5 a month within a few fewminutes fewminutes ew ewminutes i
minutes ride of the Capitol Building B Buikiin BuikiinYour uikiil1
t ° Your f hotel Ull bill provided JJ it it ti does J not l exceed 1 jr jrwhile 10 will be paid paidwhile T
9 while in Washington if you will become an owner of one of our
° ° loll O a e eY
You Y al will be betiven given rven a aFree Free Aatomol Automo1ti1e le Ride to see Washington Washingtonand ° c cand
and to see the property whether whetheryou you purchase or not trotCall notl notCall
Call l U for free souvenir postal cards cardspnon qrds qrdsj cardsU °
j u RealtY ea Company CompanyO I °
O Phone Main 6222 Cor 7th St St and Pa Ave N Ne W
+ + e
Man Who Wh Planned Plann d National NationalCathedral NationalCJathedral NationalCathedral
Cathedral SS Peter Peterand Peterand Peterand
and Paul PaulNews PaulNews PaulNews
News ef the death de th of George Frederick FrederickBodtey FrederickBodiey
Bodtey R A A of London England the themuster theml themaster
muster ml t of modern Gothic urchitoctura urchitocturah utehl octura octurahoe
hoe h been received in Washington Washingtonthrough Washingtonthrough V hlncton hlnctonthrough
through a cablegram to Bishop Batter Ilatterlae BatterIM Snt er
IM r who deeply regretted his death deathboth d deathth ath athth
I both th for his hi personal qualities and nntk anjabNse bj bjcvuse
dI cvuse Nse he was the th architect of ottl1o tlio thv new newNational newNaUonal newNational
National Cathedral of SS Peter and andPaul andthe andPaul
Paul the foundation atorftof Iton stone or which was waslaid wasI waslaid
I laid with imposing ceremonies cerem 11fs Septem September SejtemI SeFtember ¬
I ber Z ZHigh M MHigh 211High
High tribute was paid the e dead archi architect archiI archttct ¬
I tect t by Bishop Satterlee today tOdl and andthroughout andI andthroughout
I throughout the church and artistic cir circle cirelee lr lrcl ¬
elee cle cl expressions expre 10ns of appreciation appro lotfon of his hiswork hi hiI hiswork
I work and regret for Ins death were werei wereheard j jhcrd
i heard on all sides des Bishop msh + ap p Satterleesaid Satterlee SatterleeMid
Mid 14
Bishop Satterlees Satter Satterlees ees Tribute TributeDr TributeDr Tributeir
Dr Dr Bodley was considered conllld red the U first flrstGothic ftllltOcthlc firstGothic
Gothic architect in England and per perhaps pelbaiI perbaps ¬
haps in Europe X rope He knew Gothic archi arch1leclure architecture arehleclure ¬
tecture not only from study but from fromactual fromactual fromactual
actual experience living as he did in inWe Inthe inthe
the ml midst 8t oC th the Land of CathedrafsWe Cathedrals
We are thankful that before God Oodcalled Jooel1Jed Godcalled
called him away he embodied el odl In the theWashington Ut Utaah1ngtott thtn
Washington n aah1ngtott cathedral the Idal which whichwas whichwas whichwas
was nit result of a lifelong study st luJ u3i And Andwhile Andwhile Andwhile
while his loss is profoundly felr feItby f It > by the thewhole thevrtole thevole
whole cathedral cath ral chapter and all those thoseconnected tho6ecotmected thoseconnected
connected therewith erewlth yet we are thank thankful thankful thankful ¬
ful that Henry Vaughan who was wasbrott washrottobt wasbrotrfit
brott hrottobt ht up as one of his best t pupfte puplbJand puplhcand I Iami
and who worked out the tJt ot nugign tkShm Jrii of the thvWashington th thWalhlngton theWadiington
Washington cathedral thedrnl with Dr Bodieyhimself Bodley Bodleyhimself BodleyhlmJelC
himself is an American rltiz citizen h and is dohi isIn IsIn
In very way capable of carrying out outth outth outthe
th the design It wad always understood understoodthat untlerloodtbat understoodthat
that upon Mr Vaughan the American Americanarchitect Amar101lnarchlt Americanarchitect
architect archlt t would fan the burden of 0 the thebuilding tb81HIJdlng thebuilding
building of C the cathedral cathedralHis eathedralHis cathedralHis
His Lifelong Dream DreamThe DreamThe DreamThe
The lifelong dream of Mr Bodley was wasth wuthv wast
th thv t e renaissance of Gothic architecture architectureas
as a Christian Ckrl tlaD poems poem in marble and inthe in inthe Inthe
the Washington Cathedral he embodied embodieda
a long study of the Gothic masters His Hiswork Hiswork Hiswork
work matte him the foremost t architect architectef
ef the time He believed that mag magnificent magnlftcent megnifioent ¬
nificent cathedral thedral buildings wore esc escpraasiorui expreulon oxpreeslons
praasiorui of faith faith artisticthe i iartistic in the Deity DeityThoroughly DeityTholOUKhly DeityThoroughly
Thoroughly artistic in n temperament temperamentMr t
Mr 1 Bodley was not only an architect arthlteetbut architectbut fu1hltectbut
but an accomplished aecotnpll hed musician and poet poetas poetwell pestas
as well Several of his hi sonatas and andnocturnes aaclnDeturne andnocturnes
nocturnes were well known in Europe Europewbte Europew
w wbte ile recently he published pubU hed a book of ofexcellent oCeXC4 ofexcllent
excellent eXC4 > lIent verse In his eightieth year yearhe yearhe yearhe
he was hale and hearty heart and when h hexact he hevi lievisited
vi visited lted America Jut fall to select tb tbexact the theexact
exact Cathedral site he showed all the thuenthusiasm thjenthualaam theenthusiasm
enthusiasm of a man of twenty twentyLiverpool twentyLiverpool twentyLiverpool
Liverpool Cathedral the largest An AnHean Angllcan Anglican
gllcan Hean church edifice in the world worldin was wasin wasIn
in great reAt degree the fruits of his art andhe and andhe andhe
he has composed or been associatedwith associated associatedwith HOdate4with
with many of the most striking modern
Gothic masterpieces of Europe EuropeGET EuropeH EuropellON
It will be 1JedvJ advisable ble for all awftomobilists atftoino atftoinobilMts a tomo tomobl
bilMts bl to run the risk of breaking breaking thespeed the theppeed UteflpHd
speed laws Ja in order urd r to race to the Dis Llatrict District 1JI5trid ¬
trict buikiiiig and secure their new auto autolicence auton autol
licence n l e number J1U by November 1 1jommlssloiicr L LJommlasiollC1 1misnloncr
jommlssloiicr misnloncr West today notified the thePolice th thPollee thePolice
Police Department De that all autolsts autol ts will winbe willbe willbe
be given until November 1 to secure securetheir 1tetUrlitheir securetheir
their new numbers Out of 2509 2 auto automobile auto1noblle automobile ¬
mobile owners only GOO have thus far farcompiled fillmpUed farcompited
compiled mpUed with the ruling that they thtymust lbtYmUfft theyroust
must secure the new license numbers numbersTHIEVES numb numbersTHIEVES ra raTHIEVES
Thieves last night ransacked ranaer ransacked the reafdence rest residence restiknce ¬
dence at 1621 Twentyflm street reet north northwtst norUlwut northwest
west wut and stole tole clothing valued at aboutSdb about noou noouThe
990 The house e was entered ent tered red Ly l y break breaking breakInlC breaking ¬
ing ing the glass in a cellar 1te en window Henry
Herbert August Smith and Mss Cora CoraBrooks CoraHrook CoraBrooks
Brooks reported articles cf clothing clothingstolen clothingatolen clothingstolen
stolen from their rooms
I HARD BLOW AT WALL ST STContinued STContinued STContinued
Continued t from l > m First Page Pageand PageamI Pageand
and to tern yftnlaya rally into a wild wildscramble wUdCt wildscramble
Ct scramble Ibl6 to get rid of securities securitiesLater seeurltlsLater securities securitiesLater
Later on when the news that this thisgreat Utsgreat thisgreat
great taunt company f had been com compelled comOIled eomieiled ¬
OIled to close cJ It Its doors doo J the Hauldution Hauldutionws ltquldutionwas
ws 6 renewed with more s serious rlous de decline eJecline decllaes ¬
cline clineIt cline cline1t cllaesIt
It was fortunate that this news came cameas cameas o oas
as the aftermath of months of llfiHlda llfiHldation UqullftUon liquidation
tion of securities or it would nve nvebeen have Mvebeen havebeen
been a black Tuesday Tue9C1 y
A Aa it was the 44clirce lIfcJh o were heavy heavyanfl heovYant heavyand
ant the best be t railroad shares that Investorshave iu 111y i ivisitors
visitors y vestorshave tor have been t holding onto through t throughthe rough roughI I IThe
I the 18 late weakn weakness S1I suffered rcd die tne worst orat oratI
I The The united States Steel Corporation Corporationlo
lo lols o a were comparatively unaffected unaffectedteeauf unaftectcdbeoau unaffectedbecause
I because e the speculative 8 fculativ and weak in invustmcnt tntmcnt inveatmctit
vustmcnt tmcnt holdings have been woll liqul liquidated liqull liqullRted ¬
dated l lRted ted
Opens Unsettled UnsettledThe UIsettledThe UnsettledThe
The New York stock market opened openedunsettled openedIJn openedunsettled
unsettled IJn unsettled tUed with great nervousness De Declines Declln Declines ¬
clines clln averaged from to t 6 a share shareSt share5t shareSt
St 5t Paul one no of the beet rails was cZ c offsue
I eM 110 a 8 share followed by a alight re recovery Y9I recovers ¬
covers and then a further reaction ot otanother O ofsmother t tanother I
I another point Southern Padflc aoltlc drop dropped drop1 dropped ¬
ped i72e 726 1 a share Northern Pacific de declined de dei dodined ¬
i dined Ji80 60 New York Central Ji8 Ji8Great a ar L6 L6Great
r Great Northern WM H 6 Q + 6 Reading iTJ6 TJ8 and andUnion andtinlon andUnion
Union Pacific Fact c nearly Loo M These looses IOMMwere louHw8Ie looseswere
were repeated throughout the listSteel list listSteel llat8t
Steel 8t d common only declined J2 52 2 pre preferred prefITM preferred ¬
ferred over 3fe points Smelter was wasoft wuoft wasoff
oft 4 and the industrial list be because bQeaUH because ¬
cause of lt Iu 4 recent severe declines dllClln dllCllndid declinesdid j jdid
did not break areak with the t e rails ral Margin Margincalling Margincalling Margincalling
calling was the chief hieC oceupatlon of t all allclerk allclerks altclerk
clerk clerks during the early hours and where wherea
a trader t did not Oj mso respond r his hi stock was waspitched wupitched waspttchell
pitched ever everMorgan evorMorgan everMorgan
Morgan aIl a 4 John D Escape EscapeIt
It is fortunate f that the W big men of ofNew 01New ofNew
New York understand the tit seriousness seriousnessof
of the srtutIon UIHIOH that Morgat and andRockefeller andRocketeller andRockefeller
Rockefeller hare not been hit seriously seriouslyin Iouaff IouaffIn
in the a serious declines dedi of the last few fewmonths towmonth fewmonths
months and that there is I assurance uura c8 in intheir Intheir intheir
their position and in the thapodtlon position p of the theNew teNew theNew
New York clearing elearl house banks banksWashington banksWaahlton banksWashington
Washington bankers bank are serene and andundisturbed andundisturbed andundisturbed
undisturbed They have been conserv conserving CIOlUHtrvIn oonservleg ¬
leg In < their resources for weeks and andmonths andmonths andmonths
months and are are therefore in unswally unswallysate WYU umsualiysate Uy Uysate
sate position asd 4 ready to meet all de demands de deJINln4 demands ¬
mands InstANter J insteaterOVATION InstANterOVATION ter terOVATIOrJ
Continued Contnnedfrom from First Ptr < Page Pagesands paecr Pagesands
sands cf visitor MrIt her for the occasion oeeuIonfrom occasionfrom occasionfrom
from all sections of Tennessee u as well wella wellas wellan
as a from middle Kentucky as far north norths northLouInJUe northas
as s LoutavIUe and fv into north Ala Alabama Alabama Alabama ¬
bama bama to the south It was one contin continuous ccmU oontauous 1 1UOU8 ¬
uous ovation and tne President was waskept waskept
kept busy bowing Iowt tbi thrcogh trf up k the throngs throngswhich thronpwbich thrungewhich I
which cheered him himArrivtn himArriving aimArriving
Arriving Arrivtn at the Auditorium Mayor MayorBrowu MayorBrown IyorBruwu
Brown Introduce Samuel G Douglas DouglasprwrtJent DougPoeftt Doug Dougpresident
president eftt tt the board of trade under underwhose underwbo underwhose
whose auspices au the vlirtt t to Nashville Nashvillewaa Nashvillewas a hvn1e hvn1ewas
was made made and ad Mr Douglas IJ 8 presented presentedgovernor PCMtmtectJCQVUI10r presentedgovernor
governor Patterson who welcomed tint tintitaUbns tltouMl theiiMlnns
itaUbns uMl n Chief Executive to the city of ofNavhviUe ofNlUllbvtUe ofNashville
Nashville and Tennessee Ten u The building buildingwas butldlawas bufdingwas <
was packed ked with had 10M 10Mthe a 600 J p eons white whiteother lttle lttleot
ot other er thousands da ha4 fought valnl1 va t a iy Oft onthe Oftthe
the oataMe to enter enttrBanting ftltuBunting enterBunting
Bunting Linea Lin Line l Country RoadLeaving Road RoadLeaving RoadLeaving
Leaving the auditorium the Presideattai Presi Presidential Pruldetlttal ¬
dential party began the trip to theHermitage the theHermitage theHenal
Hermitage Henal The beautiful pike p1k was wasdecorated wudecorated ttasdecorated
decorated on each eacheNe side in patriotic colors colorsthe colonthe colorsthe
the full twelve mil mt s On reaching thehistoric the thehistoric thehlatorlc
historic ImilOiiig iH President Roosevelt Rooseveltwaa RooHveltwa Rooseveltwas
was received r vecl by Mrs Rachael Jackson JacksonLawrence JaeJonLa1re JacksonLawrence
Lawrence oe nearest relative relatl of President PresMentJackson PrMMtJack PresidentJackson
Jackson and by Mary C Dorris regent regentof retreatof regentof
of the Ladies Hermitage Association AssociationThe AssociatloaThe a aThe
The President and his party were wereshown werehOW11 wereshown
shown through the rooms of the Her Hermitage Hermttage Hermttage ¬
mttage and the President wrote his hisname hIMname hisname
name on a handsome luuuiM ba ndmmie register which whichhad whlcbhad whichhad
had been provided wth h a hickory pen penmade penmade penmade
made from timber on the Hermitage Hermitageestate Hermitagee Hermitageestate
estate estateKiom e estate1ium tate tateJoum
Kiom the home tb b President WAS wanescorted WASeeorted wasescorted
escorted tb the speakers a eaJcera era stand where wherehe wherehe wherehe
he was introduced to the great eat throng throngby throngby throngby
by Col John Allison chancellor of the theDavidson theDavldeon theDavidson
Davidson county chancery court a per personal peronal personal ¬
sonal friend of the Presidents who whogave whop whogave
gave p him valuable assltance a ltance in securing e urlng
data for his book The Winning of theWest the theWest th thV
West V t
Continued ContIzt ed from First Page Pagetank Pagebenk Pagebank
tank benk behind b ld Uv window WlndC at f t tu telbe U rs but but1n butin
1n full vl view w of the depositors de orB w WU sii sii066thIG 8 8 8lt
066thIG 100 In cash CAMJIIt cashIt
It was th the oW Jay oQald expedient expedientwhich IXJMIdtwhIch expedientwhich
which WR WIlil was used yesterday tor 11 th the Bank Bankof Bankf ink inkof
of f North America eri but today It t failed failedot failedot failedof
ot ll Its purpose to allay th the fear fearThe fearThe fearThe
The first five minutes showed the offi officials ofcll18 oecldals ¬
cials that there was a run on the COM eompny COMINInr company
> pny and telephone report r < porta from Har Harlem Harlem HerIsm ¬
lem the Bronx and Fifth av avenue v and andThirtyfourth aMThlrtyourth andThlrtyfourth
Thirtyfourth street confirmed their tlMtrfears UMtrfears theirfears
fears The crowd Instead ln tead of dimjatah dimjatahIiu dimleihIncreased b blrlr
Iiu increased d rapidly In the first ftrathour firsthour
hour from 10 to U oclock more ore than thanfl6CO090 thanF1eaoso
fl6CO090 in cash was paid out over the tilecountvr thecounter
counter to depositors depositorsSend depositorsen lepOflIWnJSend
Send en 40yOOOyOOO 40yOOOyOOOTo 40000000 40000000To ti tiTo
To Two N Y Y Banks BanksRumor Banksr
Banks Banksurnor r
Rumor urnor fIere Here ere Today TodayIt Tod lY lYIt
It wa w was persistently tly rumored in Wash Washington Wa8hIn WashIngton ¬
ington In wn < and New York today that theSecretary the theSecretary UteSecretary
Secretary of the tit Treasury has promised promisedto
to Bend to two bank banks lib In New York city citythe cU cUthe citythe
the immense Jmm total of 4800000 46090000 Sueh Suehaction Suchaction
action if Ittakea taken would be in line with withMr withMr
Mr r Cortelyous po policy to do everything everythingpossible nerytblncpoaIble everythingpossible
possible to relieve reH the tight money moneysituation mone monefIItuation moneysituation
situation In New York YorkWhen YorkW1ten YorkWhen
When application was made to the theSecretary thesteretary theSecretarys
Secretary oiflce olft this t afternoon for cxn cxnftnnation con conftraiation
ftraiation of the rumor the statement statementwas Ratenwntwu statementwas
was given out that t the Secretary would wouldI wouldsay wouWaay
say I nothing nothi concerning tilt story At ¬
firmation or denial of the report could oouidnot couldnot
not nat Utareforv > be obtained obtaf ecl officially otii Ily
One 0 of toO t e banks mentioned as asbeneficiary being
a a beneficiary to the extent l xt snt < of s 2rWD0uo 31000Mbeing M
is the he New York City ty Bank which ch i ithe is isthe
the Standard Oil institution institutionCharles 1 institutionCharles 1tuUon 1tuUonOharles
Charles T Barney Resigns ResignsPresidency ResignsPresiden ResignsPresidentyof
Presidency Presiden y of or Company CompanyNEW
NEW YORK Oct JSChark T TBarney TDay TDarnney
Barney brotherinlaw brot 8Jlnlawf it f the late Willtem Wil William WllIam ¬
liam C C Whitney and a dtrealdeat t yres resident dent of the theKnickerbocker lhdHnSckertfocker theRnlckerbocker
Knickerbocker Trust Company JIM JIMtItnd tcti tctidred ten tendered
dred hi his reaignation reef nation Oft to the board oi oiErectors oiUNCtor of4lrectors
Erectors at a a special meeting of the ther UKt theuilectorx
uilectorx r ectors t A A Foster lIoR Hicglna WM waeled waeledchi etect etectd
chi 4 < d In hta 1 place placeMr placer placeMr
Mr r Barney would give no expo exporeason expttd expttdreoaen
reason r for his l s resignation resignsdonThese r resignationThese aadoft aadoftTu
These are troublous hats ttm said saidMr aaI4Xr saidMr
Mr Barney Re7 and all I can say abou abouthe abopt aboftkthe
the matter is that I resigned ed to give givemy Wivemy givemy
my associates in the company a free freehand l lbaRd freeband
hand in the met agemeoc At the con conference conference ¬
ference there thee were present orooers of ofthe oCthe ofthe
the Knickerbocker K Trust Compaay 7
Nothing was given v en out until Q L L
lO ItoiMevain aJn one of the directors ot the
Knickerboeker Trust Compaay gavtout gav gavout pn pnout
out this formal statement statementFor atate statementFor aetlt aetltor
For or reasons satisfactory to Mr Bar Barney Garney Barney ¬
ney and with which the Knickerbocker
Trust Company is i In no way ay connected
Mr Barney B mer com eonsultltir OIbJulti ultlr < the beet wishes wishesor wishesof
or t the company and of himself a aM Hock
huldur has resigned re from his hi presi ¬
d dency nc Mr A Foster Higgins baabeen baabeenunanimously has been beenunanimously beenamanlmousl
unanimously amanlmousl elected president teIdd nt of the thecompany th thcompanT thecompany
company companTC companyC
C W Morse Owes Nothing NothingTo
To the National IT Nationl ationJLl l Bank of ofAmerica ofAmerica ofAmerica
America Says Havemeyer HavemeyerNEW Hvem yer yerNEW er erNEW
NEW YORK Oct ttW W F Have Haveraeyer HAventtYer Hatvemeyer
meyer newly wly elected arealdent of the theNfttlonal totIonl theNational
National tIonl Bank of orI Amehca salt
I can state sta with also asacranee hart
CharteeW CharlelJ liar R Morse Awes Ufea t the e btu 1 b bdared IMtk
dared daredThe In lna The banks holding of ofted > n3l
dated ted bonds are Insignificant inaignincantLONGWORTH 1l8CaatLONGWORTH InsignificantLONGWORTH
The State Department De Is rot contem contemplating OOftlemplatinlt eontemplating ¬
plating the appointment cf Nicholas NicholasLongworth NcMlasLon NicholasLongworth
Longworth Lon WQrth < to the 0 post of ambassador ambassadorto
to Berlin as has been reported reportedAmbassador Jeptrtedmbaaudor reportedAmbassador
Ambassador CharlermagHC Char gs Tower Towerpresent T Toweryresent wer werl1f8ent
present Incumbent of that t position has hasnot has1tot hasnot
not resigned although it Jt18 is unofflciallr unofflciallrstated unotfldallTJlbted unoindallystated
stated that he will retiun retw to America
in the near future futureNon tulureNnn futureNone
Non None < of the officials of the depart departc clep department rt rtr
ment c r rnt has any knowledge of the source sourceof sourceof urce urceof
of the Longworth report
1 1e 1l
1 1f
f Personal knowledge is the winning winn ng factor in the culminatin ontestsof ontestsofthis ontests of
this competitive age and when of ample character charact r it places ss t fortunate fortunateF fortunatepossessor r rpossessor
F possessor in the front ranks of ofThe ofThe
The Well Informed of the World WorldA W orId orIdA
A Avast vast fund of personal knowledge is really essential to the achievement of the the
highest excellence in any field of human effort effortA effortA effortA
A Knowledge of Forms Knowledge of Functions and Knowl Knowledge Knowledge Knowedge
edge or of Products are all of the utmost value and in questions of life and health healthwhen healthwhen healthwhen
when a true and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remembered that Syrup Syrupof Syrupof Syrupof
of Figs and Elixir of Senna manufactured by the California Fig Fi 8 Syrup S YAP Co is a an anethical anethical n nethical
ethical product which has met with the approval o of the most rno t eminent physicians and andgives andgives
gives givesuniversaI universal satisfaction because it is a remedy of ofKnown o oKnown 1
Known Quality Known Excellence and Known Component J
Parts and has Won the valuable patronage of millions of the Well Informed Informed of the theworld fj f r rworld
world who know of their own personal knowledge knowledgeand and from actual use that it is the first firstand firstand b n nand
and best of family laxatives for which no extravagant or unreasonable claims are arema made madeThis de deThis I z
This ThisvaIuable valuable remedy has been
long and favorably known knownunder l i iunder
under the name of ofSyrup Syrup of Figs Figsand and has attained to world worldwide
wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative As its pure Sjlm nssr
laxative principles PrindP1 obtained from Senna are well known to physicians physiciansand physiciansand physiciansand
and the Well Informed of the world to be the best we have haveadopted haveadopted 4JisPtf
adopted the more elaborate dab orate name of ofSyrup Syrup of Figs and slf slfk
k Elixir of Senna Sennaas as more fully descriptive of the remedy 3RS1
but doubtless doub ess it will always be called for by the shortername shorter shortername IJP I t tname
name of ofSyrup Syrup of Figs figsmid and to get t its beneficial beneficialeffects ma I ft fteffects
effects always note when purchasing Purc1 asin the full fullname fullname W 1 1 L Lname
name of the Company CompanyCalifornia California Fig Syrup OT I 1
Co printed on the front of every package packagewhether packagewhether if If Bit Bitwhether k
whether you call forS for forSyrup Syrup YmP o of f Figs Figsor tffflV V
flb or by the full name nameSyrup Syrup of Wn WnP
j t P w PlW Figs and Elixir of Senna SennaC1ltfORIfI A V VSAN
C1ltfORIfI I H i SVRUPlo SVRUPloSAN P1 0 0I i
Dr Win W J Long LongNature Longat LongNature
Nature at t Writer Bitterly BitterlyCriticises BitterlyGritiGises BitterlyCriticises
Criticises the thePresi thePresidents Presi Presidents Presidents
STAMFORD STAMF RD Conn Oat 22 22TheRe 22TheReDr Tit Th Rev RevDr RcvDr
Dr William J Long nature writer is isoat 111out Isout
out again In a bitter attack on the Pres President PrasI President ¬
ident I Qt As a matter of fact he says saysthis saysthls saysthis
this running ol of a Uraid animal by dogs dogsand dogaud dogsand
and then shooting him from a distance distanceta
ta pure OOVfU cowarJise tee when the animal has hasno huno hasno
no chance of I defending himself Somemen Some Somemen Somen1tft
men lUca It t but they dont brag and I
have absolutely no critfcism to make makery
fivory ry man must be happy In his own ownway ownWc1T ownway
way wayAir
Air Roosevelt Dr Long addeden added addedwent addtlt
went en t Into tte t he e Louisiana canebrake eancbrakeaccording can canebrakeaccording brake brakeacoo
according acoo Ung to accounts with six or efplit efplitprofessional et1 etEktprofessional t tproCe
proCe professional 1onal hunters two surgeons surgeonssixty 5Urg1t surgbonsatty US USabt
sixty abt y odC od dogs unnumbered Amp 101 followers 101losenJ 101lowers ¬
lowers camera mera men and a few Us lift liftpatoh diepatch Uspateh
patch bearers to t carry out accounts of ofnteheroism oflrts
nteheroism UN h heroism rolam to a breathless s world
There was w huilabullo enough to scare scareany careaay scareany
any boar iron here her to Texas T aa Some of ofthem ofOJt ofWent
them are probably running yet Bears Bearsare Beartlmld Bearsare
are timid you know they hate noise noiseand nohieand noiseand
and excitement Its a wonder that he hegot heIot hegot
got one Oll bear that hs h even taw v a fresh fredhHack freshback Nlib Nliback
Hack ack All the ablebodied 8blebodl 1 bears shld shlddooed shldck shiddcoel
dooed ck ecl at the first uproar uproals HO dear to the thePresidents thePresidents
Presidents Pr heart heartIf
I If a real hunter went down there therecow thereiow
cow JOO a man that knows how to go into intothe htlothe lutethe
the woods WOO 8 quietly and hunt he probably probablywould probablywould bldY bldYwoukl I
would est t all the bears he wanted wan But Buthe nuthe Butbe
he would have to leave Jeav the brass ban banand ban1 ban1and
and the u applaudine plaudin gallery y behind andfruit and andtlifct andUut
fruit Mr Roosevelt Roosevelt cannot do Hence Heitcehis H Hencelita uce uceone
his one poor she bear bearTHE be bedrltd r rTHREE
I3eJamin J3en jUMln mln addox yesterday yesterd yesterday y entered a ap1ea aplea j jplea
plea eif guilty to the tb charge chn ef housebeeakingattd house housektng i ibreaking
breaking beeakingattd ktng ftfl and was sentenced by Justice Justicesrnan1 JusticeBarnard i iBarnard
Barnard to toa a term of three years in the theTreonbn theTrenton I ITrenton
Trenton penitentiary Nathaniel Bur Burwho Burden j
o den > n who pleaded pJ8ad guilty to attempt at atrobbery atrobbery atrobbery
robbery was sentenced to serve six sixmonths sixmoaUta sixmonths
months in the workhouse workhouseThe workhouftThe workhouseThe
The following were arraigned arral ned and andupon andu andupon
upon u On a plea of not guilty were re remanded re remWtdld reed ¬
manded ed f for trial trialFrank trialFrank trialPrank
Frank Jores alias Henry Belir Jonah as asfault a assault
fault sault oft with a dangerous weapon David DavIdI
I Crockett housebt hoUfiIf blkln aklngr and larceny 1af Larceny euy
Susie Wiltm5 Wllltkm robbery and larceny
Lewie KingVa9sault Ling assault with a dangerous dangerousweapon daqerotulw dangerousweapon
weapon w pon James Richards larceny from
the United States StatesJASEllllS StatesJASEU J
Kmello Jasem Ja etlf was yesterday 7estalcSa ac acquitted acquitted ¬
quitted by a Jury In Criminal Court Con No
1 Justice Ju Stafford presiding pre ld1lg of the thecharge thecharge
charge of forging the signature of his
brother the Rev Xleola JiBelH J teeth elll ellle a
CathoilcBrieet CathoHc eat to t four international InterratIoDalRUve8
mosey e ofoers
Relatives of fT t lb t A defendant HlHnt teetfned teetfneda t lifted
lllt the R Rev Juclfthad Je efthad a auter authorMt l an
ether ther brother to indorse or the orders O erB when
they arrived in this eountry anil turn
the money ever to their father
The TbeC accused man was arrested last lastspring lastspring
spring on the theeonapiAtnt complaint of the pOtstotnee post office officei
i Inspectors that he had forged fOlg d his hisI
I brothers name to money orders ordersMACFARLAND ordenMACFARLAND ordersMACFARLAND
Commissioner Macfarland is in Buf Buffalo Buftalo Buffalo ¬
falo where he will deliver an address addresstonight a addresstonight drHS drHStoIIlght
tonight at a dinner given by the busi business hU6iDd husinm ¬
ness men of that city cl y at the Ellicot
Ciub Ct b This organization is named na for forthe forthe
the t1 civil engineer who completed Georg Georgingtun
Vashlngtons plan for the city or Wash Washingtua VashInstml
ingtun and who laid out the city of
While working on a a feeder a4d at the theGeorgetown theGeorgetown theGeorgetowngsac
Georgetown Georgetowngsac gai P plant early tugs morn mornIng mornIng mornIng
Ing Frank Crowley twentyone twty OH yearsold years yearsold JnnJold
old of his Tuati Tweldt TweUtk street ertliwetit iteltltweedfell ertliwetitfell Uawt UawtfeU
fell to the ground a distance tU UJlC8 of several severalfeat severalfeat 6al 6alfeet
feat feet and was injured on the left leg
He was taken to the Guorgs Georesvoww awe Vat UniT Unversfty Vatverstty ¬
versfty Hospital l08PttalwI Hospitalt
wI Z f f I I I I I C
+ STOPS mDIGESztOlif mDIGESztOlift
t T T
4 Go to any well stocked stcc d pre prescript prescrin4 prescrin4T rip
T f t tion drug store tore and get the follow t fallowing J Jsin
r Ing Two ounces Isaeace K eaCCs oi Pepsin Pep or orsin
sin three ounces ounces Syrup of 0tp teron Oi err errmix 1 1L
L one on ounce Cat Catandir Ur ComlllUJ Compoundmix d df
f mix them well in a six ounce ou oe bottle bot botj bot botJ
j J tie and take from one 0 to two ua tea teaJ j
X J 1 spoonfuls after each meal meJ alsoT alsoTpleasant also alsol I
I l at bed tlm time for the fist tour da daeo days +
eo This Is 8 harml harmless mixture mixturepleasant of
J pleasant to take take i iJL and is mid to M
JL the most m O8t elective formula known knownto t
J to science for the th rebel and cure 1
4 f of all stomach troubles troub such as a aeo
J eo belching tour our stomach < 1 bowel bowelgiven bowelpcltns bowelpains
pains and chr chronic Rle dyspepsia It ItW88 Itwas
was given out by te tn great act scientist CIentl acteievedl
entist entl eievedl t several years ago who also alsofor z zclaims
claims that at dys1t dyspepsia sears ptda is r spenibe spenibefor 1Ne 1NeCor +
for seventyfive per rent a1t of all dia diate dU dUMHS diseases
eases because from turn the blood
> Is poisoned and the system weak weakshould weakened weakened
ened SO that It easily ala a vJcUm
T 1 to the attacks of any AU fltalady T
T Therefore symptoms mptomll of Indigestion Indigestionshould = ft f
should be promptly relieved and andA
T + t much future s11rr1ftg silt og win fn this thl8wa T or
wa way be avoided +
I A well known local lex 11 druggist
+ 1 state that he frequ frequently nly an fills this la lai or 0 0T l
T i CrescriPtion prescription for the best physicians hyll1cia11aT + 1 1r
4 T r here ere and that be has seen re reCome re reh or
Ie h markable results from tt Its use
1 T Ts TShowing
1 H H I I I I I t I I I I f fI
I A Splendid SplendidI s
I Showing ShowingChifloniers of ofChiffoniers
Chiffoniers ChiffoniersI
f >
I yr
e3 r rCome
Come and inspect our ourline ourline ourline
line of Chiffoniers It is isthe isthe isthe
the largest and best as assorted assorted assorted ¬
sorted we have ever everhandled everhandled everhandled
handled handledThis handledTills handledThis
This is a house which whichaims willchaims whichaims
aims to please every cus customer customer customer ¬
tomer tomerCome tomerC tomerCome
Come C here when hen you OtlwJI OtlwJIinspect wJI wJIinspect wllinspect
inspect goods as Oftl often ± tl and andclosely amclosely icedids
closely closelyways ids s t depsd t you will air airways 1l1
ways receive cour courteous ous atten attention attention attention ¬
I tion
When Then In Doubt Buy of ofHouse ofHouse ofOuse
House Ouse I
Herrmann Herrmann7th errruaun errruaun7th
7th and I Eye Sts N W V
Shopping Wear WearTests
Tests Testsa
trCtlr t c ci
39 rCtlr
Manua Manuaz i a Shoes ShoesComfort ShoesComfort
r t Comfort ComfortF ComfortT
F HE long Ion hours ofI of ofL ofcontinued
T Tl I j
x L continued walk walking walking walkiri ¬
iri L ing and standing standing on onones onI onon onones
ones on ls feet feetet let you know knowwhether knowwhether knowy
k i whether or not notthe nottheshoes the theshoes ther
r shoes you have on are arewell arewell arewell
well made > correctly correctlys
s h hap a p e d and perfect perfactfitting perfectfitting perfectfitting
fitting fittingHealth fittingW fittingWomens
W Womens OlDen S iV 170 f = mo = d dOlDen 311 = 515 515Health 99 99Health
Health and tin Beauty eau 3 Bootsbeststqnd Boots Bootsbeat oo s sheststand
beat beststqnd stand this test Because as their name implies impliesthey impliesthe impliesthey
they the come in a sufficient variety varietyof variety of pleasing rightly
formed fora fed styles to fit the fancies and the footshapes of ofall ofaU ofall
all WIves MOthers DAUghters and SISters SIStersMade SIStersMade SISternMade
Made of softest most IDQst durable d u rR r a ahandwelted b I e leathers leatherswith leatherswithhandwelted with withhandwelted
handwelted or h handturned > dturned OAK LEATHl LEATHER 1R soles solesthai solesthat solesthat
that do not Burn the feet feetAnd feetAnd feetAnd
And they give DOUBLE THE WEAR of all other otherThree otherThree otherThree
Three Dollar Dollarand and many ThreeFifty T r eFifty ShoesWi Shoes Shoesmo i iWi
Wi = mo = dau au = sis sjs Boots Bootsin Bootsin fJ fJin
in 75 Popular Styles StylesTn es = = o = ttP 3 3Wm 3r
Wm V e Hahn Tn Cos C 6 9 v I f Cor t0 t0e r Seventh Seventband and K KSts KSts191416Pa Sts
I91416PaAveNW 191416Pa 191416 Pa Ave AveNW NW
3 Reliable Shoe Houses o
233 33 Pa Ave Southeast SoutheasthIII SoutheastTimes
o =
Times Want Ads Bring Results
< t

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