c cl ca co J 7 1 1Showers I l and a Showers o warmer tonight tomorrow fair fairand mfir P U I a y fiingtotl v I INUMBER on imc flA1LAsTnhTIoN1 I LAST Eaad DITION I INUhBER = = NUMBER 6039 NASHIIvxTOI3 W ASHIN Gr ON FRIDAY EVENING JULY 10 1908 PRICE ONE CENT I STREET CAR RULES RULESCompanies RULESORDERED RULESORDERED ORDERED ORDEREDr ORDEREDCompanies BY BOARD BOARDCompanies r Companies Operating in Disj Disjtrict Dis District District trict Receive Orders From FromInterstate FromInterstate FromInterstate Interstate Commission CommissionPICKUP CommissionPICKUP CommissionPICKUP PICKUP FENDERS FENDERSON ON ALL THE TRAINS TRAINSSpeed TRAINSSpeed TRAINSSpeed Speed Limit Fixed at Fifteen Miles Milesan an Hour on the City CityTracks CityTracks CityTracks Tracks TracksI TracksNEW TracksNEW I NEW CAR RULES RULESEvery RULESj j Every cur must have o an approved approvedpiokup approvedpiokup approvedpickup piokup fender in front frontSn frontSpeed frontSpeed Sn Speed d nn DlMt t not exceed fifteen fifteenmiles ftftccnmiles fifteenmiles miles IUl n hour in Washington or ortwenty ortwenty ortweet + twenty tweet miles ilOli ill the suburbs suburbsOars suburbsCars s srs Oars rs will stop on tb tH near side of ofstreet ofstreet ofstreet street crossings croMi S in the t e city cityFlagmen cit citPla cityPlagmen Flagmen Pla n will be stationed at atcrossings atcrossings t tcr05siza crossings cr05siza of all 11 street car lines HUMCars finesCara linesCars Cars will iIl display diepl y light ht at ea oeft h end endf endAfter endafter After f torsundown torsundownAs JlUndOyJI JlUndOyJIAs As the first result of the work Ork of the tnenew wenew thenew new District Railway Commission a set setof setof of rules ru governing the operation oper U n and andequipment aooeQuJpment andequipment equipment of street cars la the District Districtot ot Columbia was sent out by the Inter laterstate InterI Interstate I state Commerce Commission Commis lon today to toall toaU toall all street car companies oomp nlee operating in inthe Inthe I the District DistrictThe DistrictThe i The regulation were drawn up by the theTraction theTraction theTraction Traction Board last week and nd were weresubmitted wereaubmitled weresubmitted submitted to the Interstate Inter tate Commerce CommerceCommission CommerceCommlatllon CommerceCommisslon Commission this week They are the theresult theresult theresult result of eareful study of conditions conditionsaad conditionsLand aad of a great many letters sent to theTraction tne tneTraction tnerractlon Traction Board In protest against atleged al alleged al16Ceel ¬ leged existing evils or In suggestion of ofdesired ordHired ofdaeIred desired improvements The Traction TractionBoard TractionBoard TractionBoard Board has sa8 no legal power to enforce enforceany en9rceany enforceany any changes being bein confined to makingrssbasmmtnendatlons making makingrecommendations I Il recommendations l to the th Interstate InterstateCommerce InterstateGotnmerce i Commerce Commission The latter body bodywMl bOdyWttl bodywilt wilt approve and execute such of the tnerecommendations thereeommendUons tflet t recommendations as it chooses choosesRules CbOOS98Rules choosesRules Rules Approved ApprovedThe The new rules there being seven In Ingeneral Ingoo ingeneral general with others Incorporated there therein thereIn thereIn ¬ in were officially approved at t a gen general general ¬ 4 eral era session MII Ion of the Interstate Commerce CommerceCommission CommerceCommlrNdon CommerceCommission Commission Tuesday TtMsda Martin A Knapp ICnappchairman KnappcrmIi Knappchatirman chairman Judson JU4 OR C Clements Edgar KdgarE E Clark and James S Harlan were weretne weret werethe the t De commissioners present pre ent The rules ruleswere rulesw ruleswere were w re not made public until today todayThe tocIa tocIarIM todayThe The statement Issued today toda is as iii fol follows tollows follows ¬ lows lowsUnder Under URd4 r the authority conferred upon uponthe upont uponthe the t Interstate Commerce Commission Commissionby Comm elon elonb by b public act No o 134 approved May 25 252WS I 2WS 1 2WSIt It is ordered That the following followingrules tollowlngnalu followingrules rules a and d regulations for the operation operationand r and equipment of street railway cars carswithin carswithin oarswithin within the District of Columbia be and andth andtb andthe th the same me are hereby made and pre prescribed preserlbed prescribed ¬ scribed and obedience obedle thereto and com compliance compliance compliance ¬ pliance therewith is hereby required requiredof of aDd enjoined upon all street streetrailway streetrailway treetrailway railway companies their officers oCftcprscent officersagents j jagents agents cent and employes operating street streetcars str streetcars et etcar I cars within the District of Columbia Columbiaon on and after July 10 106 106PickUp 1908PickUp 1308PickUp PickUp Fenders FeadersKvery FendersEvery Fendersvery Every very street railway car operated in inthe Inthe inthe the District Dt trlet of Columbia shall bo fully fullyequipped fullycqtItpped fullyegvlaped equipped with front pickup fenders of ofthe ofthe ofthe the Blacktotone Claude Tobe Preusser Preusseror or Parraenter pattern and with wheel wheelguard wheeli wheetgward guard i > rvanl fenders tends of the Brightwood automatic auto automatic automatic ¬ matic the BlackiBtone the Eldridge EldrkigeSmkh EldridgeSmlih EldridgeSml Smkh Sml the Tobe or the Parmenter Im Improved Improved Improved ¬ proved pattern Provided That any anystreet anyatreet anystreet street railway company may substitute substitutefor for the above any an other fender or orwheelguard orheelguard orwheelguard wheelguard which may BaA hereafter her ter be ap approved approved p pyirov proved yirov by the Interstate Commerce CommerceCommission CommerceCommbltlon CommerceCommission Commission CommissionEvery CommbltlonEery CommissionEvery Every street railway car operated oP rated in inthe inthe inthe the District of Columbia must be so con constructed constructed constructed ¬ structed or altered that a clear space spaceof spacoo spaceof of o fifteen inches in height above the therails theral therails rails ral is provided between the wheel wheeluard wheeland wheeluard uard and the adjacent end of the car carof carIn In in order to allow the effective action actionof of the wheelguard wheelguardPlatforms w1e wheelguardPlatforms 1 r I Platforms of street cars shall be beguarded belo1JArded beguarded guarded by gates of a 8 construction and andoperation andoperation I operation approved by the Interstate InterstateCwmerce InterstateCo InterstateCommerce Commerce Co merce Commission CommissionThe t The Tb fenders must be kept in thorough thor thorough tboruqh ¬ ough working workin order and In good repair repairwhen repairWh8ft repairwhen when in use useXo UlleXO useNo Xo street car shall move at a greater greaterrate greaterrate greaterrate rate of speed than fifteen miles an hour hourin hourIn hourin in the city of Washington nor at a agreater a8Teater agreater greater rate of speed than twenty twent miles milesan mUeahour milesan an hour in the suburbs of said city cityStreet cityStreet cityStreet Street cars shall not exceed a rate of ofspeed of8PMeI ofspeed speed greater than six miles an hour hourat hOlrat hotrat at street crossings C 56lngs When It It neces necessary neclSiIO necessary ¬ sary for street cars to stop at street streetContinued streetContinued streetContinued Continued on Second Page PageWEATHER PageWEATHER PageWEATHER WEATHER REPORT REPORTA REPORTbarometric A barometric depression depre elon has moved movedslowly moedh movedslowly slowly h northeastward northea trd along the Carollna Caro Carolina CaroJtna ¬ lina coast and is central this morning morningcontinue monllnJMAr nwrninnear near Hatteru Th This d disturbance will willcontinue ill illQOftttUIM continue on a northerly course and andcause andcause n ncawe cause fresh to brisk northeasterly northeasterlYwinds northeasterlYwindsand winds windsand windsand and showers along and near the middle middleAtlantic middleAUamUc middleAtlantic Atlantic coast coa t during the next twenty twentyfour twentyfour twentyfour four hours hoursTemperature hOunLTemperature hoursTemperature Temperature is below the seasonal seasonalaverage seallOnalavorage seasonalaverage average from the Mississippi valley valleyand vaMeyand valleyand and the southern Lake region to the theGun theGaf theGK Gun and middle and south SO th Atlantic Atlanticcoasts AtlanticCCNLSts Atlanticcoasts coasts and te above normal in the theWest theWest theWest West and Northwest NorthwestShowers NorthwestSbowers NorthwestShowers Showers are likely to occur tonight tonightalong tonightal4 tonightalong along al4 n the middle Atlantic coast and andSaturday andStuidy andSaturday Saturday promises proml es to be fair and nd warm warmer warmer warmor ¬ er in the middleEastern and South Southeastern Southeastern Southeastern ¬ eastern States StatesSteamers StatKI Statesfteamera Steamers departing today for Eurot Euro European EuropeAR ¬ t I peAR ports will 11 have fresh east e st to toBortheaet toDOfthea tonortheast northeast t winds and probably prOb bly showers showerste to the Grand Banks BanksTEaiPJERATURE BanksTE BanksTEMPERATCRE TEaiPJERATURE TEaiPJERATUREWeather TE TEMPERATCREWsather IPERATtREVther Weather WsatherBureau WeatherBureau VtherBuru Bureau Afflecks Attlocksm AftJocksam 2 a am m W Q 7 7noon 71 71neoon 1 noon 74 74i 83 1i 1ii i p w 7 W WSUN1 S5 S5SUNTABLE 8iSUN SUN SUNTABLE SUNTABLEads TABLE TABLESd TABLEsdn ads Sd rises 442 442Sun 442sa 444Sues Sun Sets SetsTIDE sets 72S 72STTDB TIDE TABLH TABLHHigh TABLliHIgh TABLBT T High water today tOOa i Epro EproHigh 1 p > m mLow mLow Low water today Un p pHfgh m mHigh High water Cxnjrw mr S2 iii 5 a m m6p m6 6 p iJctw m mjUys DiLow tomexrotft WWQr 20 a an1 no Low vjater wotertomQ O ua LO 0220 REUNITED PARTY PARTYFIRM PARTYFOR FIRM FOR BRYAN BRYANPast Past ast Defeat Gives Added AddedStrength Add AddedStrength d dStrength Strength to DemocraticNominee Democratic DemocraticNominee DemocraticNominee Nominee NomineeCANDIDATES NomineeCANDIDATES NomineeCANDIDATES CANDIDATES WILL WILLRULES WILLRULES WILLRULES RULES CONVENTION CONVENTIONAnd And Out of Chaos He Brings BringsPeace BringsPeace BringsPeace Peace As Denvers Cheers CheersAwaken CheersAwaken CheersAwaken Awaken Night Echoes EchoesBy EchoesBy EchoesBy By J C WELLIvER WELLIvERDKNVER WELLI ER ERDICNVER DENVER July Ifc l itzIt It is done The TheDemocratic TheDMnOCrIilUC TheDemocratic Democratic party te going into the cam campaign campalgn am ¬ palgn reunited with William YIfam JenningsBryas Jennings JenningsBryan Jonnhu JonnhuBr Bryan Br as its candidate and with wit a aplatform aplatform 1 1platfonn platform that comes nearer satisfying satisfyingevery satlC satlstyinnevery n nettry every one in the party than any since sinceltt sinceI ltt lttI I 151I I te interesting to contemplate that thitthe thltthe thatthe the man over whom the party split in inChicago Intve inChicago Chicago twelve years VeaLr ago this year yearwas YfMorthe yearWas was the dominating spirit in the v vrk vrkuf vrkof rk rkof of reuniting it Iteunited d mold mUl < t ho housed hoUHd housed used in its broadest sense There still stillare 2tUlare tlll tlllare are in the party men men of high standing standingand standing standingand and acute political sense who were weresincerely wereatncerely weresincerely sincerely opposed to tl the nomination nominationof I IOf of Mr Bryan and still believe the party partyhas fI partyhas irty irtyhat has made a mistake There are sores soresto sor soresto s sto to be treated The work of making makingpeace mukingpeaco makingpeace peace all n along the theUne llne has not been beenfinished beenftnlsh beenfinished finished ftnlsh but in a broad sense the party partyto rt3 rt3to to all appearances i It reunited reunitedThe reunitedThe reunitedThe The gold Democrats who pulled away awayfrom awa awafrom awayfrom from the party In M9S remained away awayin awayIn awayin in 1900 and have not gone over to the theRepublican theRpublican theRepublican Republican party are represented In the theharmony theharmon theharmony harmony harmon program carried out yy y this thisconvention thisconvention thisconvention convention Perhaps many of 01 them themwould tlHlmwould themwould would have chosen another candidate if ifthey Ifthey I Ithey they could have had their wa way but butthey butthe butthey they the realized that they could not domi dominate demlnate deminate ¬ nate They came here willing lUng to meet meettheir meettheir meettheir their enemies more than half way and andthat andthat nd ndthat that is about where the meeting teak teokplace te teakplace k kUL place UL I IAn An Honest Effort EffortUnless EffectUnless I Unless Un1e s all signs slg iz fall they are going goingfrom goingtrom goingfrom from the convention determined to lend lendan lendan lendan an honest hand in the election of the thenominee thenominee thenominee nominee This means that the Repub Republican Republican Republican ¬ lican party will have to meet a fee next nextfall nexttaU nextfall fall such as it has not met since it itwent Itwent itwent I went down to defeat in 1Bf 182 It will not notb notbe notbe b be worth while for the Republicans to todeceive todeceive todeceive deceive themselves as tc the strength strengthof of the nominee of this convention He Heis HeIs Heis is not the Bryan of 1 1816 6 or of 3M9 It wlti wttlbe wtltbe wltibe be a surprise if be does DOt direct dlr t his hiscampaign hMcampaign hiscampaign campaign with wisdom wisdomThis wisdomThis wisdomThis This convention has demonstrated ap apparently apparentl ¬ y yparently parently that he is strong as ever with withthe withthe withthe the voters who followed him in 1SK and andin andIn andin in 1900 and that he is now acceptable acceptableto to the Democratic voters who were un unwilling unwilling unwilling ¬ willing to support him Ia h those years yearsOne YMrLOne yearsOne One has heard much talk here the thelast t tlast thelast last week to the effect that a Repub Republican Republican RepubI1can ¬ lican President paved the road which whichhas whichhas whichhas has led to approximate Democratic Democraticharmony De Democraticharmony raUc raUcbannony harmony This is a phase of the sit situation situation situation ¬ uation about which men will differ differWhatever dltrerbatever differWhatever Whatever batever the fact may be the voters votersof atersof of every State undoubtedly will hoar hoarmuch hoarmuch much in the campaign about how Theo Thwtdore Theodore ¬ dore Roosevelt brought the people of ofthis orthl8 ofthis this land to respect the policies of Wil William Wil11am 11 11lIam ¬ liam Jennings Bryan and how the Chi Chicago ChIcago CMcage ¬ cago convention of the Republican Republicanparty RepublicanINLrty Republicanparty party refused to approve many of these theseprogressive th thprogre theseprogressive progressive progre lve ideas ideasThat 1d 1dThat ideasThat That the Democrats of the country countrywill countryw1l1 countrywill will be more united in support of the theplatform theplatform theplatform platform they have adopted than the theRepublicans theRepubUcaas theRepublicans Republicans are in support of the Chi Chicago Chicago Chicago ¬ cago platform is asserted by the Demo Democratic Democratic Democratic ¬ cratic leaders from every section of the country Of course coone September Septem r and October will reveal whether this asser Seer ¬ tion is true What is l said here is only a reflection of the sentiment existing existingamong among the representatives of the party partyassembled assembled mbl Feel Roosevelts Force ForceThe ForceThe ForceThe The possibility po eIblUty that Theodore Roose Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt ¬ velt and his policies may spilt the Re Republican Republican Republican ¬ publican party part while bringing harmony harmonyto i ito to the Democrats is discussed with withmuch withmuch I Imuch much seriousness s by the Democratic Democraticleaders Democraticleaders leaders The men who will have charge chargeof I of the campaign for the minority party partybope partyhope j hope to make the most of this situation situationWhen sItuationrften situationwhen When rften the national campaign opens opensthey opensthey opensthey they say the country will hoar much muchof muchof of the fact that the Republican conven convention convenlion conventlon ¬ lion was presided over by a conserva conservative conenathe conservative ¬ tive that the chairman of the platform platformcommittee plattormcommittee platformcommittee committee was a conservative and that thatmuch thatmuch thatmuch much of that at which Roosevelt oo velt and La LaFollette LaFollette I IFollette Follette would have bad in the platform platformwas i iwas was rejected after Rosevolt had adopt adopted adopted ¬ ed it as the creed of progressive progre she Repub Republicans Republ1can Republicans ¬ II licansThat licans licansThat l1canThat That phrase In the speech of Chair Chairman Chairman Chairman ¬ man Hopkins of the Republican com committee commlttee committee ¬ mittee on platform Take it t to Den Denver 1enver L en enver ¬ ver promises promises to be a favorite one with withthe withthe withthe the Democrats as the campaign comes comeson comeson comeson on The changes will be rung on It by byevery byever byevery every ever campaigner who oas out to plead pleadthe pleadthe I Ithe the cause of Bran and to argue that thatBryan thatBran thatBryan Bryan has become be < xrne the real conservator conservatorof of progressiveness If the convention conventionwas was long drawn out and tiresome it was wasbecause wasbecause wasbecause because it had an unusual task to per perform perform perform ¬ form through its committee committeethat that or orsteering orsteering orsteering steering through the rough rou h menacing menacingbreakers menacingbreakeraJ menacingbreakers breakers the harmony craft craftFactions crartFactions craftFactions Factions Join Hands HandsLast HandsLast HandsLast Last Saturday there came together togetherhere togetherhere togetherhere here remnants of the party rty as It ex existed extaled existed ¬ isted prior to the national convention In In1SW 1SW 1 i Brought together under the call canwere callwere callwere were men who have been steadfast steadfastBryan stead steadfastBryan Cast CastBryan Bryan adherents for twelve years men menwho menwho menwho who joined the gold Democratic party partyIn In ISM and have been voting the Repub Republican Repulllean Republican ¬ lican ticket quietly eyer eser since men who whowere rhowere Ihowere were called sliver Republicans and men menwho menwho menwho who affiliated with the Populist party partyor arty artyor artyor or the Socialist party for a tlmt it itwas Itwas Itwas was not an easy eeg task to round all these tbessup tbeS6up theseup up under one banner bannerIt It could not have been dene had not notthe notthe notthe the prospective pioepe tive nominee of the conven convention convention convention ¬ tion with his firm grip > on the dominat dominating domt1atiDg domtrating ¬ ing faction here exercised great tact tactHe tlctHe tactHe He wants peace because he want to tobe tobe tobe be President and he was able tc t hold holdI holelContinued holdi holdZContinued i I Continued on Second Page PageBaltimore PageBaltimore PageBaItimore Baltimore and Return 125 Baltimore Baltimoreand and Ohio R R Every Saturday and andSunday andSunda andSunday Sunday All trains both ways both bothdays bothda bothdays days da s except exC pt Royal R al Limited IJJDi ed City of ofnces otl1eep of office1417 nces fice1417 1417 G st and 619 Penna aye YeAdv YeAdvc Adv c THE THE NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION COMMITTEE COMMITTEE C MMITTEE I copyrigIst Ccp > rr + gtIt > rli The c QdegIe 1cs TrIIIa8e Big g Stick Falls From F om Inceptor InceptorTo To Be Caught Up by Nebraskan NebraskanAnd And As the Hands That Held It in the White House HouseRelax HouseReI HouseRelax Relax ReI x It Is Swung Over the Con Convention Convention Convention ¬ vention at Denver DenverBy By J C WELLIVER I DENVJBR DEle llt July H 1IOM O e T Roosevelt Rooseveltof of Oyster o Bay Da te regarded as the orig original original original ¬ inal in SAVeeGr vector patentee and sole veer veerof veeroC userof of the Big Stick Stickor or was At about the thetime thetime thetime time this epochmaking invention was wasperfected waaperfected wasperfected perfected the vroceospatent for speak speaking speakIng peaklog ¬ ing sofUy was put forth as a twin in invention Inv8AUon inventlon ¬ vention by the same e mechanician mecha iirlan but butnothing butnothing butnothing nothing was done with it Soft ape speaking speakingwas dng dngas was as abandoned al in the Rooseveltian Rooseveltlanshop Rooseveltianshop Rooseveltianslop shop aid a l the plant devoted exclusively exclusivelyto exclusivelto to Big Stlckery Stick It did business businessFar bu businessFar ln6IItI ln6IItIFar Far and wide the ditches and gutters gutterswere gutterswere gutterswere were filled with shapeless cadavers cad vera of ofpeople otpeople ofpeople people who came within the lethal lethalswing lethalwin lethalswing swing win of the Big Stick Whenever henoer any anyunidentified anyunldenUftfd anyunidentified unidentified corpse corp e was as picked up with withIts vithIt withits Its It head in a separate department it itwent Itwent Itwent went into T Rs political graveyard graveyardwith gravoardwith graveyardwith with the rest of the victims of the holo holocaust holocaust o ocaust ¬ caustHistory caust caustHistory caustHistory History was made so 1M fast that they theynever thoynevor theynever never had time to t > remove the basting bastingthreads bastingthreads bstlngtltrcads threads The Th Big Stick whirled on inthe In Inthe inthe the disturbed not to say sa worried at atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere ¬ mosphere of national affairs until the theonlookers theonlookers theonlookers onlookers grew dizzy and adopted the theexpression thecXre86lon theexpression expression of a Rawhide faro dealer dealeiwlir dealcwi dealerwltr wi wlir 1 h he went off of duty after cleaning cleaningout cleaningouq out GU ouq ttie a camp shot a man who quoe queetiOJi questioti quoettos 1 1as ttos J the layout and heaving a sigh sighas sashas as r i calculated the profits said It Itboats nbeats Itboats boats business how hell keeps up upAfter upAfter upAfter After the little financial tieup of oflast oflastOctober last lastOctober lastOctober October this characterization of Big BigStlckery BlgSUck BigStickerp Stlckery SUck ry was an especially e peclaU popular one oneIn oneIn onein In lower Broadway Broadwa and Wall Street StreetIt It beats business u lnes said New ew York Yorkhow Yorkhow Yorkhow how hell keejs upBig up upBig UJBig Big Stick Slips SlipsNobody SlipsNobody SlipsNobody I Nobody thought that there existed an anarm anrm anarm arm rm In the world orld herculean hercule n enough to towU tow towhild wU w whild ld d our own T Rs R Big Stick Lots Lotsof Lotsor Lotsof of people were quite contented with this thislimitation thisUmltation thislimitation limitation to human strength T R Rto Rto Rto to be sure had Big Bill In training trainingfor for the stunt when he should put off offthe oftthe errthe the gym suit and nd go to the shower showerbath showerbath showerbath bath The Chicago convention met cow cowering cowering cowering ¬ ering and cringing at every brandish brandishing brandlshIng brandishing ¬ ing of the Rooseveltlan truncheon truncheonWe We regard with a love approaching approachingfanaticism approachlngfanaticism approachingfanaticism fanaticism said the convention our ourgreat oursreat ourgreat great and wonderful President and If Ifyou ItOU ifyou you OU wont hit us with that thing well wellnominate weUnominate wellnominate nominate any anyone one you say darn it all allThey allThey allThey They nominated Taft TafLIn TaftIn TaftIn In the very moment of announcing the vote the the Big Stick slipped from rom the theRooseveltlan theRooseeltlan theRoosoveltf Rooseveltlan n flat t rolled out of the theWhite theWhite theWhite White House door and out of sight The Theconvention Theconvention Theconvention convention in 1 Chicago doubled up Its Itsfists Itsfists Itsfists fists knuckled the schoolboy tears from fromits fromIts fromits its eyes rubbed its bruises and an drew drewa a long breath breaththe the first free breath It Ithad Ithad ithad had enjoyed enjoyedThe enjoyedThe enjoyedThe The Bs B QStickhad Stick had ceased to threaten threatenThe threatenThe threatenThe The mast master still un sat at the desk de k In the theWhite theWhite theWhite White House but his ferule was gone goneThe goneThe one oneThe The TakeTaftorTakeMe TakeTaftorTakeIo threat threatwas threatvas treat treatwas was empty wind from the time thatvote that thatvote thatvote vote was announced T R had abdi abdicated abdicated abdicated ¬ cated the Big Stick S lck The convention conventionI conyentlonbecame conventionbecame I became a crowd of husky husk unruly de defiant deSlant 1 Slant boys and when the Rooseveltorders Roosevelt Rooseveltorders Rooseveltorders orders came as to platform and Vice VicePresident VIcePresident VicePresident President the condition was one of ofplain otplain ofplain plain insurrection insurrectionMr InsurrectIoM Mr M Loeb sold T R uthe the Big Stick Stickjust Stickjust Stickjust just rolled out of the door Please hand handit handIt handIt it to the m Ive e a little Job of licking to todo todo todo do doIts Its gone s uW W l4Bb ob filter BYtorlapking looking 1o about for it It MA AIMl d t theyve Vye VyeSliermaa nominated nerMma4edSherman nominatedSherman Sherman and aNI tarred O dewa WR our plat platform pintform aIat aIatform ¬ formTeddys formTeddys form formTeddys Teddys teeth teet those vtetettsty a moment mo moment MOment ¬ ment b bu bhe he h was 0a8 emptrhaadod shorn shornof a shornof ora oraot of power temporarily a hasbeen hasbeenAH aubeenAll All right said T R Get the ele elephant eIepht elephant ¬ phant guns ready and hook k up the theCapetoCalro 11MCapetoCalro theCapetoCairo CapetoCalro timetables tlmeta > Ie8 Im going goinghunting goIDghuntln goingn hunting huntln n But I surely do doh hope Bill will willflnd windud willfind dud that Big Stick StickIf StickIf StickIf If anyone supposes the Big Stick to tohave tohave tohave have been lost lo t he is entitled to another another1guess anotherguess notherguess guess it slithered across acro s the States Stateswhen Stateshln Stateswhen when hln it flew from the Hercules of theWhite the theWhit thehite Whit hite House and was caught up by bywfllgroomed a awllgroomed awellgroomed wllgroomed blackcoated athlete thlet residing residing re residing ¬ siding at Lincoln Neb a man who whonever 1Ihonev whobig never nev never leaves his job to hunt huntgame big biggame biggnit game > anywhere outside the boun bounof boundaries boundariesof of the United States StaterIt StAtHIt It slipped past Mr Taft and reached reachedhis reachedhis reachedhis his feltowmeciber of tue Bill Club at atFairview atFalnIew atFairview Fairview Mr Bryan picked it up heft heftod betted hefted ed it tried its sweep found that it just justreached justreeched justreached reached Denver and stood It behind the thedoor UQdoor thedoor door Mr Bryan smiled smiledHere smiledHere smiledHere Here said Id he L is s about where Ted Teddys TefIds Teddys ¬ dys patent on this little implementdefi implementdefinitely Implement implementdeflnltely den dennltely ¬ nltely expires You gentlemen of the theconvention theconvention theconvention convention may fire when ready readyItx read readIt readyIt It Falls on Denver DenverThe DenerThe DenverThe The Denver convention met and kissed kissedthe klslaedth kissedthe the th rod It Jtl8W saw that the shadow of the theBig theBig theBig Big Stick was projected across the mile milehigh mlleI mlleIhl milehigh high hl h convention from the t e Fairview farm farmhouse farmhouse farmhouse house at sunrise every morning a greatportentous great greatportentous greatportentous portentous threatening thr6 tenlrg shadow The Thedelegates Thedelegates Thedelegates delegates hurrahed until the rare Col Colorado Colorado Cotorado ¬ orado atmosphere was churned to a afoam afoam afoam foam of echoes They laughed and yell yelled JreUEd yelled ¬ ed and huzzaed and shouted and cried criedwith cd cdwith crie13 crie13with with joy joyAnd joyAnd And the average delegate was so sincere sin sincere sincere ¬ cere in his enthusiasm for Bryan that thatIf thaIt thatif If there had been a more extravagant extravagantmeans extravagantmeans extravagantmeans means of showing his love for the new newwielder nt ntwielder newwielder wielder of the Big Stick he would have haveresorted haveresorted haveresorted resorted to It But here and there In InMinnesota InMinnesota inMinnesota Minnesota Pennsylvania Maryland MarylandNew MIlandNew MarylandNew New York were the knots of boys who whohad whohad whohad had been bad bad and chewed the to tobacco tobacco ¬ bacco of defiance and swore the oaths oathsof oathsof oathsof of Insubordination and over them waved wavedthe waec11the wavedthe the Big Stick as potent as aslethal aslethalobUteraUn lethal as asobliterating as asobliterating obliterating In Its blow as It had been beeaIn beenin beeoIn In the hands from which It slipped when whenWilliam whenVIUIUI1 whenWilliam William Howard Tafts nomination was wasannounced wasannounced wasannounced announced at Chicago ChicagoBeats CblcagoBeats ChicagoBeats Beats Bands Time TimeThe TimeThe TimeThe The bands moved up and down the thesmooth thesmooth thesmooth smooth beautiful streets The tunes tuneswere tuneswere tuneswere were Dixie Bonnie Blue Flag and andMaryland andMaryland andlarland Maryland My Maryland as well aa aaHall aaBaU asHail Hall Columbia and The StarSpan StarSpangled StarSpangled StarSpangled ¬ gled Banner Bannerand and the baton that beat beattime beattime beettime time to them was the Big Stick at atFairview atFairview atFairview Fairview The Big Stick led the cheer cheering cheerIng cheerlug ¬ ing the Big Stick waved foe the yells yellsThe yellsThe ells ellsThe The Big Stick fell In place aEJthe o 1 the gavel gavelat at every vote It was a BijrlStlck Bi tick convention con convention conention ¬ vention from the moment momen of calling callingto to order orderAnd orderAnd orderAnd And the Fairview athlete brandished brandishedthe the huge weapon as lightly and wielded wieldedit it as skillfully and as ruthlessly ruthlessly as thechampion the thechampion thechampion champion of Oyster Bay The he Big BigStick BigStick BigStick Stick out of commission 1 Those who whofondly whotondly whofondly fondly think so are advised to write writeto to Colonel Guffey of Plttsburg Roger RogerC C Sullivan of Chicago or Patrick McCarren Mc McCarren McCarren Carren of Brooklyn They were on onthe onthe onthe the tee when the Big Stick came intouse into intouse Intouse use as a driver driverVia drherI I 125 To Annapolis and Return Returnla Via 1141 la The Electric Line Visit the U S SNaval S1Iaval Snaval Naval Academy See Se time schedule for forg g 4Y PUBLICITY PLAN PLANREPUBLICAN PLANREPUBLICAN REPUBLICAN ISSUE ISSUESheldon ISSUESheldon Sheldon Says No Attempt AttemptWill AttemptWill AttemptWill Will Be Made to Secrete SecreteContributions SecreteContributions SecreteContributions Contributions ContributionsBy By JAMES HAY Jr JrHOT JrHOT JrHOT HOT SPRKCM5 Va V July 11 = There Thereare T Tare Titersare are ways to evade the New N Yec T Yegk laws lawsfor leasfor awa awatOt for publicity in political campaign eon eontributlons eGIttrllMaUO eontributiota tributlons but we are 8 not going to look lookfor Jooktor lookfor for them Thjre T h Je wilt be absolute OhIte pub publicity pubUdty pnbIicity ¬ licity m regard to all the money we wehandle wehandle Yoe Yoehandle handle in the campaign campaignIn In these words George R Sheldon Sheldonthe SbeJdoDthe Sheldonthe the newly DeI elected treasurer of the Re Republican Republican Republican ¬ publican national committee explained explainedtoday expIiDedtoday explainedtoday today upon his arrival here what policy policyhe poIIche he intends to pursue concerning the thecollection tltecollection thecollection collection and Del expenditure of money to tobe tobe tobe be used uM for the election of William wlltlatnHoward WilliamHoward WUIIaaHo Howard Ho td Taft and James Schoolcraft SchoolcraftSherman Schookrattr SchoolcraftSherman Sherman ShermanSo So far r as my personal per OD8l opinion Is teconcerned Iseonoerned isconcerned concerned he aid I believe It te a abad aba4 abad bad thing t IAg and unfair thing tht g to publ psbithe pubitetf pubitetfthe publtbe the names D of th uJee se > who Do contribute the themoney themoney themoney money but the tb New York publicity publicityls publicityIaw ls 1 Iaw > w provides specifically specl eally that the names namesof DaIIteSoC namesof of the donors and the names of o those thosete te whom it to paid shall be published publishedVe pubU bed bedWe We Ve shall abide by the dictates of thatlaw that thatlaw tbatJaw law and we Yo shall do It unswervingly unswervinglyHardship unswen1nglyHardship unswervinglyHardship Hardship ta Donors DonorsI I object personally to publishing publishingthe the names ct the donors because such sucha a policy invariably results m In inconvenience Incon Inconvenience IDCODveDleDce ¬ venience to donors Let a man m n oo ootribnte con contribute COIItribute ¬ tribute M xa < to the national uoaal committee committeeand and immediately all other political oranlaations or organisations 01b ¬ ganisations b tioDs make a 8 rush ru I far htm on onthe 011the onthe the ground that tha he has shown himself himselfto tIMeI tIMeItv to be generous and that having given givento to one cause eU5 be will give to all others othersYou otbenYou othersYou You can see what inconvenience thatwould that thatwould tbatwould would be to the donor donorMr donorMr donorMr Mr Sheldon was asked ked if there were werenot werenot werenot not ways to evade the New eW York State Statelaw StateJaw Statelaw law in the national campaign and itwas it itwas ItWd was pointed out that the money mone might mightbe mightbe be paid or collected m In St Louis for forinstance lorInstance forInstance instance and entered in UI the committeej committeejbooks eommttteeibooks eommltteeabooks books in Chicago or New York and ad still stillnot 81111not stillnot not be subject to the New York State Statelaw Statea Statelaw law a This Thlta8 was when he admitted that thatthere thatthere thatthere there are ways to evade evadeth the law butfollowed but butfollowed butfollowed followed it up with h the declaration declarationthat that the committee will not take ad advantage advantage advantage ¬ vantage of them in any an degree shape shapeor or form Issue of Campaign CampaignThis This statement from Mr Sheldon em emphasizes empha emphasizea ¬ phasizes pha tHc all the more strongly that the theRepublicans theRepublicans theRepublicans Republicans will make campaign pub publicity p pubbetty ¬ betty one of the issues ls ue5 of the campaign campaignthus em taanpajgnthus J1 > > I Ithus thus stealing a march on the Demos Democrats Democratswho StS StSwho 1 who WO have raised ralse a furor on the subject subjectAt subecLAt At any rate the Republicans believe believethat believethat believethat that by selecting Sheldon and making makingthe makingtho I Itho tho committee sv s tect ect to the New York Yorklaws Yocklws Yorklaws laws they have deprived the Democrats Democratsof of an opportunity to make political apt capital capttal apttal ¬ tal out of the issue l eue they have been beentrying beentrylRt beentrying trying to build up upMr upJIIr upMr Mr Taft was busy all u the forenoon forenoonwith t forenooca3th OO OOWith with conferences with Postmaster General Gen General General ¬ eral Meyer MlY Chairman Hitchcock andTreasurer and andTreasurer aDdTreasurer Treasurer Sheldon SheldonThs SheklcnThos I Ths afternoon he will have a talkwith talk talkwith I Iwlt11 with Franklin Murphy lieutenant gov governor sovI sovIernor governor ¬ ernor of New Jersey and one of the theVice theVice I Vice Presidential candidates at Chicago ChicagoThe ChicagoThe The Ohio situation has to be b one of ofFour orI ofFour Four Hours Sail SailOn SailOn SailOn I On cool Chesapeake Bay 100 round trip tripevery tripevery tripeveryday everyday every day See ticket agent The Blec ElecUicLlne14th EiectricLine UicLlne14th tricLine 14th 8t st and d New ewYork York k ave aveng avengeadyt IlW eadyt t TE FOR BRYAN BRYANWORK BRYANWORK WORK FOR TODAY TODAYDemocratic Y YDemocratic Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate Still in Back Background Background Background ¬ ground Though James J ames Towne owner and Mitchell MitchellHave 14itcheUHave MitchellHave Have Strongest Following FollowingSelection FoIIowingSeIectiol FollowingSelection Selection Must Suit Nebraskan But Latter Wil Ex Express Express Express ¬ press No Choice ChoiceProspect Prospect of Another AnotherMemorable AnotherMemorable v vMemorable Memorable Night Session SessionBRYAN SC2 SesionBRYAN ion ionBRYAN BRYAN ON THE NOMINATION NOMINATIONHE NOMINATIONTHE HE Presidency Preside cy is the highest bi est official position in the world worldand worldand worldI THE I and no one occupying it can afford to have his views upon uponpublic uponpublic uponpubic public questions biased by personal ambition Recognizing g his responsibility to God and his obligation obIila on to his countrymen he heshould K Kshould 1 1sbouJd should enter upon the discharge of his duties with singleness of pur purpose purpose ¬ pose Believing Betie that one can best do tins when tirwn he is not planning I for a second term I announce now as I have on former occasions occasionsthat ocasvnsthat oaamsthat that if elected I shall not s be a candidate for reekctkm reekciiooThis reekctkmThis This nomination is as pure a nomination nom nmon from the people as uwas aswas aswas I was ever made If elected my obligation win be to the people I ap ap appreciate appreciate ¬ preciate the honor the more because it came not from one person personor or a few persons but from the rank and file of the Democraticparty Dtmocnticparty Democratic DnoaaUcparty party acting actin freely and without compulsion compulsionI I am am very much pleased with the platform R is dear specificaud spedtkand specific specificaad and strong str and I am grateful ua ful io to the convention cooveo oo for the work it has hasdone basdone hasdare done in stating the issues I am sure that the platform w wit greatly greatlystrengthen rreatlystre greatlystrenalhen strengthen stre us in MI the fight ht upon which we are entering enteringWiliiom eote eoteWillitlm enteringTDiidaaat Wiliiom Jeruiiags J eRR lfs Bryan j tl tlfet l I THE VOTEwt VOTE VOTEAlabama wt wtstale fet fetStML stale JIcIIM m t V at atAlabama Alabama AlabamaArk 11 J JArt 3S 3SAdcansst Ark ArkColorado Adcansst I ICPoTi 6Cabi CPoTi Cabi rWa rWaConn Colorado ColoradoConn I IColla Conn f fDelaware 1 1Ds Delaware DelawareKiorMa DeIa Ds aware awareYlodia Yal8 > I IJrloct I I KiorMa Ylodiatieergla Jrloct l locp m mGeorgia Georgia 4Idaho 4 4Idaho c cIdaIMt Idaho f Sn1t fHit i iJ Hit ate W WlAdfcma 53Indians u ux uIowa J lAdfcma lAdfcmaIowa Indians IndiansIowa x Iowa IowaXatee Iowax IowaKansas x Kansas ut w wKesduckir l > XeDblck7 XeDblck7LD1I1uf KesduckirLoatisisea Loatisisea LD1I1uf RX RXXabte ig Name D T TMaryta 1 1 1Maryland 1 Maryta Maryland Maryland34sus3li 7 7Jiaas J JIaa Jiaas 34sus3li 34sus3lidlddnaa Iaa JB JBMichigan I Michigan MichiganXfamateta 6 6Minnesota Minnesota XfamatetaMontana XIIIB MinnesotaYlmovri II ta tau > u In InJiIiMoarl JiIiMoarl 31 31I 33Montana Montana f fNebraska INebraska I Nebraska NebraskaNevada KebraIIIEaI y yNevada Nevada eva4a i iNorth 3New ie I New e Fem 7 1New 1 I New J Je JeNew < < II IINew New Fork YkkOItk R RNorth North OItk Car CarXorth CarNorth K KNorth North Dak S SOble Shie SObis Obis ObleOklahoma hie 4i 4iOklahoma t Oklahoma W WOregon 18Oregon 5 5regOR Oregon regOR S SPena SPena SRhode Pena 4ft 4ftRhode I T 1 ii iifthode Rhode Is I ISouth J JSotIth ISouth South Car CarSouth l6 l6South U USouth South Dolt S STwm SIea Cr CrTexas Twm Iea 24 24Texas J JTexas Texas X XUtah 1 1ttaIa t tUtah Utah i SVermont I Vermont YecMORtI Vermonti T TI e it I Virginia Vtrr trgimisRtaeb da daI 24 24Wash I Wash WashWest 1 1Va I West V Va 14 MWlscevste 14wseosin I Wlscevste ag agWyoming 54 54WyOlBiDg z zWyoming Wyoming WyomingAlaska 6 6Aita r rAlaska Alaska AlaskaAriaona I IArtaoB d dArlsona Ariaona S SDls I 18 Cot CotHawaM Co i iHa 6Hawaii Hawaii HawaMNew Ha watl I II 1New New Mex MexPwtG MaxPorto 1 1Porto I Porto Rice 1 Rte IO IOTotals 6 6TotateSWfc sTotals81dI TotateSWfc Totals = tC tCTotal pl SS SSTotal 7 7Total Total number eer el votes Sa eaavea eoaveatin eaaveatton eoRYeIltMn tin 1ONC 1 1li necessary for choice c eIee en enthe ii1the 31Lthe the big problems MOWeIDs of the campaign Big Bigg BIgof Biggest g gest et o of an the troubles ia n the State Statelooms Statelooms Statelooms looms the shadow of Senator ForakerThe Foraker ForakerThe ForakerThe The State lenders who have been here herehave herehave herehave have brought the message me g8 that the timehas time timehas timeh88 has come for the political death of For Foraker For1 For1aker Forsalter aker They have told Mr Taft that the thefeeling tbeteeUag thefeeling feeling among the voters voters of the State is issuch isueh issuch such as to demand that something 80mathlngdoDe be bedone bedone done to rid the party of o the Foraker Forakerinfluence FonLk FonLkinftuence Forainfluence influence influenceAs As his b probable successor sGCCe eor Representa Representative ¬ tive Theodore S Burton who is stilt stilthere stillbere stilthere here is mentioned most prominentlyAnother prominently prominentlyAnother JCOmlneatiyA Another A tber possibility an and one who willmake will willmake winmake make a fight for th the place is former formerGov fonnerGov formerGov Gov Myron yron T Herrick who was here hereyesterday hereye heroyesterday yesterday ye tenly It is the desire of ail concerned con concerned concerned ¬ cerned not to take any action that thatwould tbatwould thatwould would result in a danger of ortbe the State Stategoing StateKQng Stategoing going into the Democratic column It Itis I Icis L Lt is t mainly for this reason that no df desion d dfsIon > < i isk sIon sk > n has yet been reached regarding regardingwhat regardlDgwhat regardingwhat what shall be done toward getting For Foraker Foraker Foralter ¬ aker out of the way wayj waySheldon waySheldon j Sheldon Taft and Hitchcock are to today today today ¬ day going over o er the plan to make m ke Repre Representative Representative Representative ¬ sentative McKInley of Illinois assist aseietant assistant 881 t tant ¬ ant treasurer of the national committee committeeto to work In n Chicago with Senator Hem Hemenway Hemfnway Hemenway enway of Indians Indina who according tothe to tothe tothe the present pre Bt plan will be put ia charge chargethought eharpor or the Chicago headquarters It Is s noW noWtboutht nowthought thought that the Hemenway3cKinl Hemenway3IcIOftYplan y yplan plan will b bQ adoptecFred adopted adoptedFred aeJopteFred < Fred IV 0 Carpentet Mr Taffs private privatesecretary prlvatesecretarY privatesecretary secretary arrived last 1 night nt kt and buckled buckleddown bue1d4MIdoWD buckleddown down to work this morning to help Wlv W WW WV W V Mischler who will also be with Mr MrTaft MrTaft MrTaft Taft throughout the campaign campaignBaltimore campaignr3altimore campaignr3altinrore Baltimore and Ohio Excursion ExcursionI I u LfO te t Harpers Harperst Harpersand Ferry and Martins Martinsburg MartinsbUrg Martinsberg burg L3S 13 to t Berkeley t Springs SpdJ1 J2s S to toCuaweriaad tocwaiberlaad toca ca Cuaweriaad rlaad and return ret Sunday S D4ay July JW 12 USpecial 12Special 1 1Special Special train leaves le vas Union Station 815 815ju 815La 815m ju La jn 111Adt Ath Advt DL iri gR R r1liT itWho WIle is to be beraasdDg Bryens raasdDg rent g > u That is he e one oneQ1NIJtJoa onegneetion Q1NIJtJoa to M decided bath the th Demo Democratic mo mopasses mocCtIe ecfttte MUfaMal cswventM cea ec + MS passes passescoun paa passesnato es nato to the pommel history ec the coun counsv try tryAt At thJ this writing fht this k not to be an ana 1 1Mred sv a vexed red One is thing certain certa tabz No man manctory manW manwtIl W wtIl be ch chosen ea who J Is DOt perfectly 3t Waecory ctory to Mr JII tr Bryan This is not to t J he > taken that Mr Bry Bryn n will dictate dictateisig dictatetbat dictatemss mss er that he wm even epreu any nj njebaIce deeded choice but the man to be choeen wtI wilthave the approval 0 of the PrealGCl dl f fIt o3mee o3meeIt It would Bat be lit all II saarprlcgg isig If the theJsiuio rise would se to Representative teprnl taane Ohio James of Xentocfcy Xentocfcyulnr Xi KJaDes Janus 18 Istdar POP p ulnr with withb M eery < < y Bryant delegate delegatehere here aIIIII they Me t tile he only oaten that count Fehn b Mitchell tn the mmer mmerth also is well wellAmong JIlted Among th u thhe poMtfcinna pci MttekeU J t eheU IeU is re res reot gsrded as s ems n of he h strongest m men i ieantl mentioned ttaed Dr tIN place With the eantl eantlit anti injsnWon Ja plank fit tIN pIiaUI platloryt na it Is Iswould be eved the famous 1 lobos < < leader would wouldvotes ouM bring to the ticket tIa tboaaais a wofl OC votes votesJohn lit States where they Iey are needed John W k khoomtng Kern Kern aI aiao o J Is spoken ot with w th eouthrable favor aDd ala friends arc booming him hard 1IVJt With David R Francis out there aer te a good d deal al of talk talkabout talkOIIt talkabout about OIIt Governor G enaor Folk of r 3lioeo Missouri JID oud > ui If It1oIk Folk had a solid 3 IId Missouri XI ourt State dele delegation deleadoa delegotten ¬ gotten adoa behind hha he would have havegood a apod aoed good oed chance to knees down the plum plum1MK hot he heat t and 1M ha has DOt ot much muchCharles muche muchmore more e than a gamblers daaDee Charles Charlesi A TowDe of New York Is i sirongi Strongly favored Other O Candidates CandidatesJ Caai Caa i te teJrddbaW t6g t6gArchibald Archibald J McXett K eIl seems to have a astrong astrong strong following butsbe bathe te not generally eraIIy regarded as having much If any chance chancy1sr for t < < the prise Former Governor Doug Dougy los of Maamchuetts ehretts b has many y friends friendsMurphy here and INI a good Pl1lKtat fight by the JIIaaaachu Massachusetts JIIaaaachuetts etts > > crowd wosid WOJldpat put him well towar Ute front froator frontOf or New iIt Yorks bC bunch of and date little eaa IN said w anti at Charles Murphy JilUt tJ has said It It The Tammany Taatm a y boss bosseould bosseouId bosscould could if he liked select a man who ho howould backed by New Ygrk Yf dc would have a aBe aood ashow ood show oC being eJected Be H e has hasknown h 3 JIOt doss It yet 80 tar as is publicI publicly known and Del it te doubtful if he will it It is 2 the general belief if Murphy does doestaSLtP pick a man that It will be C Congressmsa Harrison taSLtP This il3 Is all surmise however la TIN r e south will present no Candidas Candidasin solidity solidity and may present DOne at all Colonel H Haiderman publisher or the powerful Loua LonisvDie vIne CourterJournal communicated with a number Of hIS friends in the convention conventionavailability dur1n during the t Le day in the Intere interest t Of Herman R Riddr dd aDd the Kentuckians joined With ties Louisiana delegation In urging the availability of the German GermanAmercir ° editor for the second rtaS rtaSoer piness p It was learned Jut night by the Rid oer manag managcircuited managers t that t a report was being circuited that t at their candidate candidatente was not eligible as he was not a native of Amertea Ia Order to refute nte America this the themen th Jtidder rider managers gave out the state stat men meat that he was a native or N NIf New ew York TorItIf YorkIf If sentiment crystallises on aom aomh some on one man the convention should be througt with h 1 lit < < labor this afternoon It it itnnt clEyel4 develops p Into a treetorall fit an nnt J fht t seseion may be the result resultDelegates resultDele resultDelegates Delegates Dele tes Are TiredThe Tired TiredOToeaL TiredThe The delegates are re tired today T There Therevoices l lYOIce voices an husky and their appearan < Hk men who AYe poised through al alodel arto OToeaL o deel Yet they My look happy and con content co cotent content ¬ tent tentDemocracys tentDemocracys Democracys big task Is over It has hasannounced hasII8OUftCed hasannounced announced its principle and Dd selected selectedits seiectpIts aelecteiits its candidate ftdtdate for f r President Pre tdeat The sessica sessicathat BessIe1that aessleathat that begun at 7 70I5at 146 last night and tastes lasteiuntil lUt tastesuntil 1 1unut until 34f 3 this morning was recora recorabreaktog recor recorebreektng < I Ibre breaktog bre ktnc in almost every respect All Ardas Allas s rd rdas as the delegates d4 < legtes and spectators filed uz uzthrough u utbfttqh uthrough through the doors of Denvers DeIaY 8 beau beautiful be bee beetuul ¬ tiful auditorium with the early light or orthe orthe orthe the JDOIDIDs morning sun already streaming stream 1 r rthe against the snowclad tops of ruggz ruggzmountains ruggMJDOUDtatas ruggesmountains mountains that marked the edge ed < < e of TM TMGreat thGreat the theeflorts < Great Divide all agreed that theirbeen their theirefforts theIreftorts efforts eflortsGreet had h A been well spent spentEven apentEYen spentSven Even those tho e who cbattengpd the right zlgncI rightCoDUDued rightContinued I Continued on Second Page PageSX25 SX25 125 to Baltimore and Return ReturntSaturoays ReturD8aJl ReturnSaUrrdnys tSaturoays aad Seadays s via PennsylvaniaRatites Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaRa Ra Ratites re d Tickets g g84HI good d returning until untl1algiIt untilSmnda launuay Smnda aight glut Alt Alter regular txates except excepttbj Ixcept1ha zceptthe the Ceosressteaai LfaaRed LfmftedAdvt ed Advt Advt