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The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, July 10, 1908, Extra, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1908-07-10/ed-2/seq-1/

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EXTRAII fir a fiington o on fim EXTRA EXTRAd7 XT R A ANUMBER i
d7 d7NU
At His is Lincoln Home the Cheers of the Denver Con Convention Convention ConReach ¬
vention Reach Him By Telephone Giving GivingHim GivingHim GivingHim
Him Pleasure PleasureTired PleasureTired PleasureTired
Tired Though Thou g h Happy HPPYrsAondentsWhen He Passes Loving Cup tQ to Corre Correspondents Correspondents ¬
spondents sAondentsWhen When End Is Reached in inEarly inEarly inEarly
Early Morning MorningBRYAN MorningI MorningBRYAN MorningBRYAN
HE Presidency is the highest high est official position in the world worldand worldand worldI
THE I and no one occupying it can afford to have his views upon uponpublic uponI uponPublic
I public questions biased by personal ambition Recognizing Recognizinghis
his responsibility to God and his obligation to his countrymen heshould he heshould heshould
should enter upon the discharge dischaJ e of his duties with singleness of pur purpose purpose purpose ¬
pose Believing that one can best do this when he is not planning planningfor
for a second term I announce new as I have on former occasions occasionsthat occasionsthat occasionsthat
that if elected I shall not be a candidate for reelection reelectionThis reelectionThis reelectionThis
This nomination is as pure a l nomination from the people as aswas aswas aswas
was ever made If elected my obligation will be to the people I ap appreciate appreciate apredate ¬
preciate P redate the honor the more because it came not from one person personor
Por or a few persons but from the rank and file of the Democratic Democraticparty Democraticparty Democraticparty
party acting freely and without compulsion compulsionI
I am very much pleased with the platform It is clear specific specificand specificand specificand
and strong and I am grateful to the convention for the work it has hasdone hasdone hasdale
done in stating the issues I am sure that the platform will greatly greatlystrengthen greatlystren greatlystrengthen
strengthen stren hen us in the fight upon which we are entering enteringWilliam enteringJVilliam enteringWilliam
William Jennings Bryan
LINCOLN Neb July 1fvnuam Wiluam J JBryan JDry JBryan
Bryan Dry v 11Motved eeived telegraphic tidings of ofhis othie ofhis
his nomination bation on the first ballot for forPresident forPrMide forPreeident
President t of the United States by b the theDenver theDeftyer theDenver
Denver Democratic national conven convention cnnvfttlOR conveation ¬
tion at Fairview IfaJrYI w shortly after day daybreak da dabreak daybreak ¬
break breakIt
It was an odd and memorable vigil vigilShortly vigilShOlUy vigilShortly
Shortly before midnight the candi candidate candldt candidate ¬
date dt now thrice the nominee of his hisparty hisparty hisparty
party for President joined a a party partyof
of newspaper correspondents eorre pondents on the theporch theporch theporch
porch of his s country home Not until
414 4 oclock did the telegraph Instru Instrument InstrupAt Instrumt ¬
ment mt pAt nt tiek oft the stop of Bryans Bryansnomination BryaRsnlnauo Bryaatpnceuination
nomination Bryan Dry was waapo WaMIUBC8d pounced Bced upon uponwith uponwith uponwtth
with congratulations congratulationsHe congT ulat1ons ulat1onsHe
He sent et for a g gJt gsot eet t silver loving lovingcup lolngcult lovingcup
cup Ailed with unfermented grape grapejuiee grapejuice grapejuice
juice was importuned to take the first firstdrink firstdrink firstdrink
drink himself which he did and then thenhe thenhe thenhe
he passed paa ed the cup to the correspond correspondents ¬
ents entsBefore on ontsBefore tM
Before tMljtore ljtore midnight mldn bt Bryan remained with withMrs withMrs wlthJirs
Mrs Bryan Miss MI Grace Gra Bryan their theiryouegeet their theiryoungest thf1ircuge
youngest cuge t daughter r Mr < Jo E A Allen Allenhie AUenhiE Allenhit
hie sister at ter Mrs J W V Winker of Lie Lincoln LlncolR Liecola ¬
cola Dr J W v Cox of New York his hisclose hi hiclotte hisclose
close personal friend and R A Tal Talb Talbtt Tatbet
b btt bet t his former law partner partnerIll hi his base basement 1as 1asnMftt basernsnt ¬
ment study The telephone was > put pucInto putInto putInto
Into operation o rtkm shortly sftort1 before 10 1 oclock oclockwhereby ocli oclockwhereby k khereby
whereby the candidate could hoar h ar Citecheering The Thecheerins t l1e l1echring
cheering in the convention hail At Atthe At1M Atthe
the Denver end of a wire was r 1 mega megaphone mroSaboDe mogaphone ¬
phone boDe on SergeanlatArms Mrtl Itarttrs Itarttrsdesk 1 rtt s sdMk sdesk
desk deskThe dMkThe deskThe
The cheering as the result of the thenominally ther6mlaU thenomInating
nominally r6mlaU speech of I J Dunn of ofOmaha utomaha ofOmaha
Omaha affected Bryan deeply It Itcould Itcould Itcould
could be distinctly dUnctl heard In the th Fair Fairview Falrvw Fairview
view home Miss Grace Bryan stood stoodat Bloodat stoodat
at the telephone receiver re4e ver for almost an anhour anwur anhe
hour he wur ur The entire party joined tho thovraltiac th thftltlR2 thowaiting
waiting correspondents corrtfJ6nd nt5 on the greatveranda great greatveranda gteateranda
veranda at midnight Bryan taking takinghis takln taklnh takinghis
his h place In a great gro t reclining chair H Hlooked He Helnoked Helooked
looked tired He waS In A 1 happy mood moodhowever moodl moodhowever
however l owevpr and regaled re llied the newspaper newspapermenwith newspapera newspapersen1wlth
menwith a score of stories storiesHis storleHili storiesHis
His comments on the planks of the theplat theplatfornl theplatform
platform plat torn as they were adopted as in indicated Inlcated indicated ¬
dicated by the ticker were fiometimfs fiometimfsfull Romet1nplfull eometirNcfull
full of boyish b yi8h glee He clapped Is Ishands IshfmdS ishands
hands and a d between times he whistled whistledBoys whlsthtdBo whistledlloye
Boys Bo he said addressing the corre correspondents correpo correspondents ¬
spondents po fk > nts I want ant you ou to form a awhietlln nhllltlll1 awhistling
whistling club for tonight and when whenthe whenUte whenthe
the nomination is announced to whistle whlstaLa whleULa whistleLa
La Paloma PalomaAs
As the ticker began to tell of the theadoption theadoption theadoption
adoption of the successive planks of the theplatform theplatform theplatform
platform Bryan B an kept up a running fire fireof fireor fireof
of comment commentFine commentFine commentFine
Fine Im glad that got in was his hisoftrepeated hisoflrepeated hisottrepeated
oftrepeated statement The trust trustplank truBtplank trustplank
plank Ie adopted read re d tho operator operatorglowing operatorDuring operatorDuring
During the evening Mr Bryan paid paidowlng paidglowing
glowing tributes to toJames Congressman < Ollie OllieJames OllieJamesL
James of Kentucky and to Senator SenatorGore SenatorGore SenatorGore
Gore of Oklahoma He said that the theformer theformer theformer
former was a great reat man with a heart heartas
as true as steel and that he was glad gladit
it t was the latters speech which had hadevoked hadovoked hadevoked
evoked the unprecedented cheering of ofthe orthe ofthe
the day before knowing that It would wouldbrim vould1tri wouldbring
brim 1tri the blind Senator unbounded sat satisfaction satscaetlon satIsfaction ¬
Net NetState t tState
State Bryan BJ7n1 JahaMO GrayAfetlng GrayAfetlngAlabama GrayVUngAlaMn GrayVetingAlabama
Alabama 2 3Arkansas 2Arkansas eo eoArkanMa
Arkansas ArkanMaCaUforBla MCalifornia IS ISCalifornia
California CaUforBlaCO at atColorado MColorado
Colorado CO nWe nWeConn M IAConn MConn
Conn 9 9Delaware 5Delaware 5 I Ir
Delaware DelawareFlorida r 9 9Florida
Florida iO 10Idahe > 1 1Georgia
Georgia < i4 A AIdaho 3 4i 4iIdah
Idaho 6 6Indiana < I Ils
t c cIndices
ls it
O i iIndfaR j
Indiana M MIowa 0 0rewa v 5 v vlewa
Iowa 36 36Kansas 3GKansas c cKansas
Kansas KansasKentueky It ItKentueky 9 4 4Kentucky
Kentueky KentuekyLoullllana X 36Louisiana i iLouisiana
Louisiana IS 15Maine ISMaine eo eoMaine >
Maine 1i 1 1 1lary1an iMaryland 13larylanl
Maryland 3larylanl lary1an 7 7Mass S SMass 9Mass
Mass 33 33Michigan 3 3Mlohl 33Michigan
Michigan Mlohl n 36 36Minnesota 26Minnesota h hUnnSota
Minnesota UnnSotaMlssl 22 22Mississippi flMississippi
Mississippi Mlssl lppl 29 2iMlseourl96 29Ml5eouri 8 8MINIOurl
Ml5eouri Mlseourl96 36
r rMontana Co CoMontana a aMontana
Montana 6 6Nebraska 6Nebraska eo eoNebraska
Nebraska 16 16Nevada 16Nevada 16Nevada
Nevada 6 6New t tNew 1New
New Ham 7 1 1New 1New 1New
New Jer derNew Sj SjNew StNew
New York 78 78North 78North 78North
North Car 24 24North 24North a aNorth
North Dak 8 8Ohio SOhio I IOblo
Ohio 4C 4COklahoma 4 4Oklahoma 4iOklahoma
Oklahoma IS ISOregon 18Oregon ISOregon
Oregon 8 8Ponn 8Ponn V VPonn
Ponn 48 48Rhode 491 3 9 94 j 5 5Rhode 5Rhode
Rhode Is 5 5South 3 3South kt ktSouth >
South Car 18
UL ULSouth L LSouth L LSouth
South Dak 8 8Tenn 8Tenn eo eoTonn
Tenn 24 24Texas 24Tfxas 24Texas
Texas 36 36Utah 36Utah 36Utah
Utah 6 6Vermont 6Vermont 6Vermont
Vermont 7 7Virginia 7Virginia 7Virginia
Virginia 24 24Wash
24r 4t eo eo eoWash
Wash 10 IffWest 10Vest 10West
West Va 14 14Wisconsin 14Wisconsin 14Wisconsin
Wisconsin WisconsinW 26 26Wyoming 26Wyoming
Wyoming W omins 6 6Alaska 6Alaska eo eoAlaska
Alaska 6 6Arizona 6rJzona 6Arizona
Arizona rJzona 6 6Die 6Dis 6Die
Die Col 6 6Hawaii 6Hawaii i iHawall
Hawaii 6 6New 6New 6New
New Mex 6 6Porto 6Porto 6Porto
Porto Rico RicoTotals89Yr 6 6Totals 6Totals898
Totals Totals89Yr 895 46 58 58Total sevz 1 7Total 1Total
Total number of votes In conven convenUon conventlon convention
Uon 1005 necessary for choice ch1 > lae 67L 6i1I 6i
Long Session Tires DelegatesBut Delegates
But Proves Worth Their While
The delegates are tired today Their Theirvoices TheirOlces Theirvoices
voices are husky and their appearance appearancelike appearancelIke appearancelike
like men who have passed through an anordeal anordMI anordeal I
ordeal Yet they look happy and con content contMt content ¬
tent tMtDomocracys
Democracys big task Is over It has hasannounoed basannoun hasannouneed
announoed announ ed Its principles and selected selectedIts
Its candidate for President The session sessionthat sessiontltat sessionthat
that begun at 746 last night and lasted lasteduntil laste lasteduntil < 1 1until
until 342 34 this morning was recordbreaking record recordbreaking reoor < 1 1breakIng
breaking In almost every respect Ana Anai An Andas < 1 1as
as i the delegates and spectators s > ectators filed out outthrough outthrough outthrough
through the doors of Denvers D nVerS beau beautiful beoutlrul beautiful ¬
tiful auditorium with the early light lIg or orthe atthe orthe
the morning morning sun already streaming streamingagainst streamtngagainst streamingagainst
against the snowclad l owclad tops of rugged ruggeamountains ruggedmountains < 1 1mountains
mountains that marked the edge of the theGreat theQr theGreat
Great Qr t Divide all agreed that their theirofCorts theiro theirefforts
efforts o < < orts had been well spent spentBven spent1lven spenteven
even those who challenged the right rightof rightof rightof
of the Nebraska Commoner ommoner to leadthe lead leadthe lcaatbe
the fight against the former War Sec Secrotas Hecretary tiecr
retary r 1ary fo for the highest honor In the na nations naUens natten ¬
tions tten rotas gift ft had bowed bowed to the will of the themajority theIDajorfiy themajority
majority and had pledged support supportthroughout supporttbroughout supportthrughut
throughout the th campaign a and after afterward afterward afterward ¬
ward wardAs wardAs wardAs
As was anticipated Bryan was named namedon
on the first ballot The record shows showsthat showsthat showsthat
that his nomination was unanimous but butthe butthe butthe
the actual count of tho ballots before beforethis beforethls beforethis
this action was taken reveals the following fol following totlowing ¬
lowingFor lowing lowingFor lowingYor
For William Jennings Bryan of Nebraska Ne Nehraska Neba8ka
hraska 88t votes votesFer votesFor otes otesFor
For Judge George Geor e Gray of Delaware DelawareWJS Delawareb9 i
b9 WJS 9 4 votesh votes
Fo For Go Gov John A Johnson of Minne Mannesotar MInnesota Minnesota ¬
sotar sota 45 votesNot votes votesNot
N Not t recorded 7 votsVote votesVote votes vot3Vote
Vote Made UnanimousWhUe UnanimousWhile Unanimous UnanimousWhile
While the Gray and Johnson forceswere forceswere forces forceswere
were up against a a sure thing and knew knewit
it they stayed In until the last terrlt017 territory terrl terrli
i tory had voted but representatives ofMinnesota ofMinnesota of ofMinnesota
Minnesota and Delaware wore on theplatform theplatform the theplatform
platform and had made their arrangements arrangements arrange arrangements ¬
ments to get < Quid lule recognitionBefore recognitionBefore recognition recognitionBefore
Before any announcement annou cement of tho vote votecould votecould
could be made Vi V S Hammond of
Minnesota who made tho 8P s speech ech 110mnating nomInating nom nominating ¬
inating Governor Johnson got t recogni recognition ¬
ion and moved that the nomination nominationof
of Bryan be made by acclamation Thiswas Thiswas This Thiswas
was received with vociferous cheers cheersirom
from the delegates and the applause
had no time to die cut before P J
Ford of Delaware ste stepped ped forward andseconded andseconded and andseconded
seconded the motion on behalf of the
Gra Gray forcesNo fOrcesNo forces forcesNo
No sooner had he retired than tho thochairman thocha1rman thechairman
chairman reco recognized nlzed H H Ellers ofGeorgia ofGeorgia of ofGeorgia
Georgia who rose In the aisle by hIsdelegation hisdelegation his hisdelegation
delegation and a added ded his second to themotion themotion the themotion
motion Chairman Claytons voice wugone wasgone was wasgone
gone but he had the 1e reading clerk putthe putthe put putthe
the motion and with 1th one tremendousAye tremendousAyeBrryyan tremendous tremendousAye
AyeBrryyan Aye Bryan was nominated and thechair thechair the thechair
chair declared his nomination made by bya
a unanimous voteThere voteThere vote voteThere
There was but a solitary no Itcame Itcame It Itcame
came from the New York benches andContinued andContinued and andContinued
Continued on Second S cond Page Paled
d 8
Past Defeat Gives Added AddedJ AddedStrength AddedStrength
7 7Strength
Strength to Democratic DemocraticNominee DemocraticNominee DemocraticNominee
And Out of Chaos He BringsPeace Brings BringsPeace BringsPeace
Peace As Denvers Cheers CheersAwaken CheersAwaken CheersAwaken
Awaken Night Echoes EchoesBy EchoesBy EchoesBy
DENVER July 1C l 1CIt It Is done The TheDemocratic ThfDemocratic TheDemocratic
Democratic party is going into the cam campaign campaIgn campaign ¬
paign reunited with William Jennings JenningsBryan JenningsBryan JenningsBryan
Bryan as R its candidate oandl ate and with a aplatferm a111ftferm aplatform
platform that comes nearer satisfying satisfyingevery 8ntlstyingevery satisfyingevery
every one In the party than any since sincel sinceIt
l tt ttIt t
It I Is Interesting to contemplate that thatth thltU thattba
U tba th J man over whom the party split In InCbioago InCbio inCbioago
Cbioago twelve years ago this year yearwas yearwas yearwas
was the dominating spirit In the work workof workof Workof
of reuniting NWlIU g it Reunited must mu t ho housed heused beused
used in its ts broadest sense There still stillare stUlare stillare
are in she it he party men of high standing standingand standngand standingand
and acute political sense who were weresincerely weresincerely weresincerely
sincerely opposed to tl the nomination nominationof
of Mr Bryan and still believe bell vQ the thepsrty thepsrtyht party partyha partyher
ha ht made a mistake There are sores soresto sorESto soresto
to be treated Th The work of making makingpeace makingpace makingpeace
peace all along a1o the line 11 has not been beenfinished beeninlstmed een eenfiaJs
finished fiaJs ed but in a broad sense H se the party partyto
to all 11 appearances Is reunited reunitedThe reunitedThe reunitedThe
The cold Democrats who pulled away awayfrom awayfrom awayfrom
from the party in IMf remained away awayin away1ft awayin
in 1909 and have not gone SO over to the theRepublican theRepublican theRepublican
Republican party are represented repr ted in the theharmony tbeharmony thehartaony
harmony program carried out by this thisconvention thisconeUoa thisconveatton
convention Perhaps many pf themwould them themwould tlwtmould
would ould have hay chosen C OHI1 another candidate if ifthey Itthey ifthey
they could have had their way but butthey butthey butthey
they reattxed that they Ute could 04 U1d net domi dominate dominate dominate ¬
nate They T1Ie eame me here willing to meet meettheir me meettheir t ttkelr
their enemies more than t a half way v and andthat andthat andthat
that is about wner where the meeting DloMt g took tookpjaee toOkaee tookplaee
pjaee aee
An Honest Effort Effortese EifertUJUe EffortU
U UJUe ese all signs fall they are going goingfrenf golnstrem goingfro
frenf fro the convention determined to lend lendaa tend8R lendan
aa honest hand D4I in the election of the thenominee tbeI thenominee
I nominee This meant that the Repub Republican Republloan RepubIloan ¬
lican party p rty will have to meet a foe next nextfall nextfall
fall mien as it has not met since It Itwent UWRt itwent
I went down to defeat et In 192 It will not notbe not1M notbe
be worth willie f ton r the RejMibli R Republicans 9U9ans 9U9ansve 8n3 to todeceive todeewe
deceive ve hemsees thara0 tJI b7ea as to 4fce e strength strengthef <
ef this th nosh om of this convention eDJSon He Heis BeJsneltIt He3s
is JsneltIt noLfikjemryan nltke cyan of JIrw li f r of cflbN 1M It ivlit ivlitbe wittbe w1Nbe
be a surprise If be 4 405 s not direct Ids biscampaign Idsempt1gn hiseampitign
campaign with vrtedoir wiedostThis wtecIortThis vrtedoirThis
This oonvenUon has demonstrated cI6l trated ap appr6ntly apparently I Iparently
parently that he is 1 strong as ever with withthe withthe I Ithe
the voters wtu > followed him In 1966 and andIn andin ad adIn
In 1UOQ 1CIf and that t at he is i now acceptable acceptableto aoo table tableto
to the Democratic voters who were un unwUHngr unwilling unwilling
willing to support him in those years yearsOne years yearsOne yeaniODe
One has heard much talk here the thelast UteJast thelast
last week eek to the effect that a Repub Repebieast Republican RelMlbIIean ¬
lican President paved the road which whichhas whichbas whichhas
has led to approximate Democratic Democraticharmony DemeeraUckanno DemeeraUeharmony
harmony kanno y This TIt is a phase of the sit situation aUUtJoR situation ¬
uation about which men will differ differWhatever dUrerWhateer differWhatever
Whatever the fact may be the voters votersof votersor votersof
of every State undoubtedly will hear hearmuoh hearmuch hearmuch
much in Una th campaign about how Theo Theodore Tb60clore Theodore ¬
dore Poosevlt ROOe t brought the people of ofthis orthis ofthis
this laud to respect the policies of Wit William WUUam Witllam ¬
liam Jennings Bryan and hew h > w the Chi Chicago Chicago CMcage ¬
cago convention of the Republican Republicanparty RepubJlcaaparty Republicanparty
party refused to approve many of these theseprogressive theseprogressive theseprogressive
progressive Ideas IdeasThat IdeasThat IdeasThat
That the Democrats of the country countrywill countrywJll countrywill
will be more united untt in support of the theplatform tlteplattGm theplatfcm
platform they have adopted than the theRepublicans thetepu1tlcas theBepitMicans
Republicans are in 11 support of the Chi Chicago Cblcag Ckicage ¬
cage cag platform is asserted user tee by the tb Demo Democratic D Democratic mo mocratlc ¬
cratic leaders frem every section of ofthe otthe ofthe
the country Of oeurse September and andOctober andOotober andOotober
Ootober will reveal whether this Her aseerticn assertion HerUtll ¬
tion Is s true What is said Jd here is only onlya
a rejection rert CtJon of the sentiment existing existingamong existingam
among am mg the representatives of the party partyassMnbled partyassembled I IassN
assembled assN bled
I bledFeel
Feel Roosevelts Force ForceThe ForGeThe ForceThe
The possibility J > that Theodore Reose Reosevelt Rooseelt Reosevelt
velt elt and his policies may split the Re Republican RepubUcan Republican ¬
publican party while bringing harmony harmonyto
to the Democrats is discussed dJSCU5 ed with withmuch withmuch I Imuch
much seriousness s by the Democratic Democraticleaders Democraticleaders Democraticleaders
leaders The men me who will have charge chargeof
of the campaign for the minority party partyhope partyhope partyhope
hope te make the most of this situation situationWhen situationhen situationWhen
When hen the national campaign opens opensthey opensthey opensthey
they say the country will hear mueh muehof muGhof muehof
of the fact that the Republican conven convention conventlen convention ¬
tion was presided over o er by a conserva conservative conservatIe ¬
I tIe that the chairman of the platform platformcommittee platonncommittee platformcommittee
committee was a conservative and tha that
muoh of that which Roosevelt Roose ett and La LaFoHette LaFollette LaFollette
Follette would have had in the platform platformwas
was rejected after Roosevelt had adopt adopted ¬
ed It as th6 creed of progressive Repub Republicans Republicans Republicans ¬
licans licansThat licansThat j
That phrase J irase In the speech of Chair Chairman Cha1rman Chairman ¬
man Hopkins of the Republican com committee committee committee ¬
mittee on platform Take It t to Ben Benver Uenvor lJenor
vor or promises to be a favorite one with
the theoon Democrats D Demoorats moorats as the campaign comes comeson
on The changes will be rung on It by byevery byeverY byevery
every campaigner who goes out to plead pleadthe pleadthe pleadthe
the cause ca 186 of Bryan B an and to argue that thatBryaa tbatBt1 thatBryan
Bryan has become t ecome the real conservator conservatorof
of progresetvenesa ptogres61v nees If the convention conventionwas
was long drawn out and tiresome it was wasbecause vasbecause wasbecause
because it had an unusual task to per perform perform perform ¬
form through its committee commltteothat that or orsteering orsteering ofsteering
steering through the rough menacing menacingbreakers menacingbreakerd menacingbreakers
breakers the harmony craft craftFactions craftFactions craftFactions
Factions Join Hands HandsJjast HanasLut HandsLast
Last Saturday there came together togetherhere togetherhere togetherhere
here remnants ron nants of the party arty as it ex existed exIsted existed ¬
isted prior to the national convention in in1S6S InU
1S6S U 6 Brought together under the call callj ca11were callwere
j were men who have been steadfast steadfastBryan stea steadfastBryan < 1Iast 1IastBryan
Bryan adherents 8 for twelve years men menwho menwho menwho
who Jo joneu sea use gold Democratic party partyin
in 1S96 and have been voting the Repub Republican RepublIcan Republiean ¬
lican ticket quietly ever since men wno wnowero whowcro wnowero
wero tilled led silver Republicans and men meni menwho menwho
i who edilated e dilated with the Populist party partyor
or the Socialist party for a time it itwas Itwas ttwas
was not n t an easy task to round all thes theseup thesup thesUP
up under one onebannor onebannorIt banner bannerIt bannerIt
It could not have been done had not notthe notthe notthe
the prospective pro pecUve nominee of the convention conven convention convenetlon ¬
tion vltn wit ii his firm grip on the dominat dominating dominating dominatingfactloa ¬
ing ingfactloa faction here exercised great tact tactHa tactHe tactHe
He wants peace because he wants ants to tobe tobe tobe
be President and he Waa able to hold holdContinued holdContinued 1 1Continued
Continued on Second Page Paget35
135 to Baltimore and Return ReturnSaturdays ReturnSaturdays ReturnSaturdays
Saturdays and Sundays via Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaRailroad Pennsylv nla aniaRailroad nlaRailroad
Railroad Tickets good returning until untilSundaynight untilSunday untilSundaynlght
Sundaynight Sunday nIght All regular trains traJnsex except excepttho exceptthis cpt cptthe
the Congressional ldmltodVAdvt
Copyngbt 1906 1 by Watson Fawrett Fawrettj FawtttJOHN
0 Of iBaiaaapolic i iaaapolia lad for Many Xu Years YH Prominent in State Polities PolitiescBiq PH P14ftiesf P14ftiesft1 es esUCfig
UCfig t1 < cBiq i Stick C41 19 Falls FallsBe From IncenforTo Inceptor InceptorTo
To Be CaughtIJp Caught UP o b bJ Nebraska NebraskaAnd
And As the Hands That Held It in the White House HtmsRelax HouseI HouseRelax
I Relax It Is Swung Over the Con Convention Convention Convention ¬
vention at Denver DenverBy
DENVER DE Judy JwyQMT JwyQMTot IiOne ML One T Roosevelt Rooseveltof Roooe rest restof
of Oyster Bay isregarded is as the u oriI othginal ori oritaal oriIiDal
taal inventor patentee and sol sole solowof user userof usesof
of the Big BI Stkkor Stick or was At about the thetime thethts thetune
time this epochmaking invention blYell on onperfeded wasperfected was wasperfected
perfected the processpatent proee pateat for speak speakventkm s spsaklag eak eaklag
lag softly was put forth as a twin Invention Ia Iaytlon
ventkm b the same e mechaatcln ech nlcian but butnothing butnothing butnothing
nothing was done with it Soft speaking speakingwas pedngWS
was abandoned in the Rooseveltlan Rooeeyeltlaltshop Rooereltlanshop j jshop
shop and an the plant devoted exclusively exclusivelyto
to Big Stkacery S CKery It did Id IdFar business businessFar businessFar
Far and wide tIN ditches and n4 gutters gutterswere gutterwere gutterswere
were Qll filled d with tth shapeless cadavers of ofpeople ofpeoJtle ofpeople
people who came within the lethal lethalswing Mthlsving tetbetswing
swing of the Big Stick Whenever W er any anyunidentified anTunhleBtiAed anyunidentified
unidentified oerpee was picked up wtt wttits W WIts with withits
its head in a separate department It Hwent Itwent Itwent
went Into T Rs political graveyard graveyardwith graveyardwIth graveyardwith
with the rest of the t e victims Jctlm of the bolo holocaust boloust holeHistory ¬
caust caustHistory ust ustHIstorY
History was made BO fast that they tbeynevpr thJnev9r theynever
never had time to remove the basting bastingthreads baatlaSthreads beatingthreads
threads The Big Stick whirled on In Inthe 1ftthe Inthe
the disturbed netur1t not to say worried at atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere ¬
mosphere of national affairs until theonlookers the tbeonlookers theonlookers
onlookers grew dizzy and 04 adopted 4Opt tile tbeexpression tileoxpreSlon theexpression
expression ol a Rawhide RAwl de faro dealer dealerwlion de dealezwhen Jel Jelwb
wb when he went w < < mt off d duty ty after cleaning cleaningout eleaatagout cleaningout
out the camp shot a man who ques questioned questioned questtoned ¬
tioned the layout and heaving a sigh schas sighas I Ias
as he calculated the profits said HIt HItbeats It Itbeats Itbeats
beats business how hell keeps up upAfter upAfter upAfter
After the little financial tieup of last lastOctober lastOctober lastOctober
October this characterization of Big BigStlckery BIgStlckerywalJ BigStickery
Stlckery StlckerywalJ was an especially popular one
in lower Broadway B and Wall ran eet
It beats business bu lneS5 Mid New York Yorkhow Yorkhow Yorkhow
how hell keej keeps 6 up upBig uplt upltBig upBig
Big Stick Slips SlipsNobody SlipsNobody SlipsNobody
Nobody thought that there existed an anarm anann anarm
arm In the th world herculean enough to towield towield towield
wield our own wo T Rs Big Stick L Lots Lotsof Letsof ts tsof
of people were quite contented with this thislimitation tldsllmltatlon thtslimitation
limitation to human strength T Rto R Rto Rto
to be sure had Big nl Bill In training traininglor t trainingfor tnlng tnlngtor
for the stunt when he should put oft oftthe oftthe obithe
the gym suit and go to tho shewer showerbath shewerbath shewerbath
bath Th The Chicago convention met cow cowering cowering cowering ¬
ering and cringing at every brandish brandishing brandishIng brandishing ¬
ing of Ute Rooseveltian truncheon truncheonWe truneheonuWo truncheonWe
uWo We regard with a love approaching approaehingfanaticism approachingfanaticism aprro oblng oblngfanaticism
I Igreat
fanaticism said the convention conven eR our ourgreat ourgreat
great and wonderful President and ifyou If Ifyou trou
you ou wont hit us with that thing well wellnominate weJ1nomlnato wellnominate
nominate any anyone one you lU say darn It allThey all allThey allThe
They The nominated Tat TaitIn TatIn TatIn
In the very ery moment of announcing announcingthe anno nclng nclngthe
the vote the Big Stick slipped from rom the theRooseveltlan theRooseveltian theRooseveltian
Rooseveltian fist rolled out of the theWhite theWhite theWhite
White House door and out of sight The Theconvention ThecoDention Theconvention
convention In Chicago Chlca o doubled up It its itsfists Itsfists itscasts
fists knuckled the schoolboy tears from fromits fromUs fromits
its eyes eest rubbed Its bruises and drew drewhad drewa
0 long breaththe Dfeaththe first tree breath It Ithad lchad
had enjoyed enjoyedThe enjoyedTh t
The Th Big BgeStick B Stick had c ceased as d to threaten threatenThe thraatenThe
The master er t still U 1 sat at the desk in the theI therJ11te e
I White rJ11te House HouseLbut ous ousut but ut his ferule was gone goneiThe goneThe goneThe a
The TakeTattprTakeMe TakeTaU Take ait o rTake rTakeMe rTakeMeait Ie threat threatwas threatwas aat aatwas
was was wa wavote empty wind from the time that thatvote thatvote
vote was announced annomf announ ed T The R had hadthe abdi abdicated abdlrated ¬
rated the Big Big Stick Ub The a convention conventionbecme conventionbecame
1 became a crowd of husky unruly y de defiant defiant defiant ¬
fiant boys and when wh n the Roosevoit Roosevoitorders Rooseolorders and s Vice
orders came as to platform platformpresident and Vice Vicepresident VlcttPresident
president the coadltlen was one of ofulaln otplain ofplain
plain Insurrection lnsurreotlonMr
1 Mr Loeb said T 1 RM R the th a Big Stick Stickjust SUckjust Stickjust
just rolled out Ut of the th doqiv d Qrlease Please hand bandit handIt handw
it to me Ive r e a little little job job j01 of ticking lickingdo to todo todb
do doIts Its gone sam Loeb after a r looking 9okl > >
about for It AM tnoyve nominated nominatedSherman nominatediherawan
Sherman and turned t o tiowa wn our plat platform ptattwm piatform ¬
form formTeddiB twmTe4Id formTeddys
TeddiB Te4Id teeth ee t shone shonewent vidnali a RIO smoment RIOJIMItt
went but b be was wa emptyhanded KY shorn shornt 1IhotBpo shornof
of t power po temporarily t a hasbeen hasbeenAll hM hMuA11 barnbeenAll
uA11 All right maid T R It Get the t e ephaat ele elephant 1 1pliant ¬
pliant guns ready and took up the theCapetoCairo theeapt1 theCapetoCairo
CapetoCairo eapt1 Catro timetables tI Im r goinghunting going goinghunting I
hunting But I surely do hope h Bin wilt willfind wiltAad wiltfind
find that Big Stick StickIf StkkrIt StickIf
If anyone yone supposes the Bis Big Stick S ek to tohave t thave tohave
have been lost J t he te entitled to another anotherguess aaothergueM aaotitergueed
guess It slithered across the States Statuswhen Stateswhen StateM
when M it fiewv now from the t 4 Hercules of the theWhite tbeWhite ta taVbtte
White House HouR and was caught up > > by byweUgroomed a awellgroomed awellgroomed
wellgroomed blackcoated hIaekcoa d athlete JitJ et re residing rewlnl residing ¬
siding at Lincoln LJ eom Neb a man who whonever wboDeVer whonever
never never n ver leaves his Job to hunt big bisgante hieaywbeJe biggame
game anywhere outside the theC boundaries boundariesof
of C the United Unlt States StatesIt
It supped past Mr ire Taft and reached rMdMdbkt reachedhie reachedhie
hie fellowmember of the Bill Club at atFalrvtew atFalrvtew i iTailview
Falrvtew Xr Bryan picked it up heft hefted belted betted ¬
ed it tried its sweep found that it Just Justreached justreached justreached
reached DelIver and stood it behind the thedoor tIMdoor thedoor
door Mr fl Bryan smiled smiledHere SJ8II SJ8IIHere smiledHere
Here said be is about where Teddys Ted Teddys TfMIdys ¬
dys patent on this little implement dett dettniteiy deABltely deslnltely
niteiy expires You Y gentlemen of tt ttconvention te
convention may lire when ready readyIt readyIt readyIt
It Falls on Denver DenverThe DenerThe DenverThe
The Denver Deftv convention met aDd kteeed kteeedtbe kwedthe kissedthe
the rod It saw that the shadow of the theB theBig
B mg Stick was projected across the mile milehigh milehigh
high convention from the Fairview farm farmhouse farmhouse
house at sunrise every morning a great greatportentous greatpertous greatportentous
portentous threatening thre tealAg shadow The Tbedefegatee Thedelegates
delegates hurrahed until the rare rar Cot Colorado CoIoracIo Cotorado ¬
orado atmosphere atJft05P 4Ke was churned e ur1Mel to a afoam atCHUB afoam
foam of echoes They laughed and yell yelled yelled yelled ¬
ed and huasaed and shouted and lid cried criedwith ertedtOt criedwith
with tOt Joy JoyAad joTADd joyAnd
ADd the average delegate was so sin sincere slftcere sincere ¬
cere in his enthusiasm for Bryan that thatIf thatIt thatif
If there had ben a more extravagant extravagantmeans extnvagaJltmeans extravagantmeans
means of showing his love for Or tbe t he new newwielder DeWwielder newwielder
wielder of the Big Stick he would have haveresorted haY8resorted haveresorted
resorted to It It But ut here and there ia iaMinnesota 11Minneeeta inMinnesota
Minnesota Pennsylvania Maryland MarylandXew XacylaAdNe MarylandNew
New Ne York were the knots of boys who whohad whGhad whohad
had been bad bad and aQ chewed the to tobacco tobaeeo tobaeco ¬
bacco of defiance de ance and Del swore the oaths oathsof
of insubordination and over them waved wavedthe wavedthe wavedthe
the Big Stick ar a ° potent as lethal as asobliterating Mobliterating asobliterating
obliterating in its blow as 8 It had been beenWilliam beenIn beanin
In the hands from which It slipped when whenWilliam I
William Howard Tafts nomination was wasannounced wasalUlOUncH wasannounced
announced at Chicago CntoagoBeats CbpBoats ChicagoBeats
Beats Bands Time TimeThe TimeThe TimeThe
The bands moved up and Dd down the thesmooth the8IROOth thesmooth
smooth beautiful streets The tunes tuneswere tuneswe tuneswere
were we Dixie > lxH Bonnie Blue Flag and andMaryland andaryland andMaryland
Maryland My ly Maryland as well asHan as asHail asUdl
Hail Columbia and The StarSpan StarSpangled StarSpanrled StarSpangled ¬
gled Baiunw BaRAraAd and the baton ton that beat beattime HattIMe beettime
time to thm them m was the Big BI Stick at ati atlalrvteW atFairview
i Fairview The Big lg Stick led the chee cheering cheeIng cheetug ¬
ing the i tK ig FStlck Stick waved for the yellsThe yells yellsThe yellsThe
The Big Stick Ick fell In place of the gavel ganlat
1 at every eve vote It was as a Big BI Stick con convention conentlon convention ¬
vention from the moment of calling callingto
to order orderAnd orderAnd orderAnd
And the Falrvlew athlete brandished brandishedthe
the huge weapon as lightly and wielded wieldedIt
It as skillfully and as ruthlessly as the thechampion thechamplen thechampion
champion of Oyster 07s r Bay The he Big Biji BigStick BigStick
i Stick out of commission Those who whofondly whofondly whofondly
fondly think so are advised to write writeto writeto
to Colonel C lonel Guffey ef O Plttsburg Plttsb yrgi Rpcer RtegerC RpcerCarren Rt er erf
f Co C SUlltv8D of r l ieage ago er Patrlek PatrlekCarve Pat k h Mo MoCuren + et etn
Carve n of Bnibklyn B n n They were w6 e onthe on onthe ft ftthe
the te tee When WaORe theBfgSCiok a SStiek fek eaaxeiato eaaxeiatouse into intouse atouse
use as ass a driver
Wins Preference In Blind Struggle In Which the theNumber theNumber theNumber
Number of Possible Candidates Made Result ResultUncertain ResultUncertain ResultUncertain
Uncertain to EndSelection End EncLSelection EndSelection
Selection Pleasing to Bryan and Considered by All AllDelegates AllDelegates AllDelegates
Delegates a Strong Asset to the Par Party in inGetting inGetting inCettin
Getting Cettin Votes VotesBusiness VotesBusiness VotesBusiness
Business of Great Gathering Comes to Close Amid AmidWild AmidWild
Wild Wild Demonstration for Man Who Occu Occupies Occupies Occupies ¬
pies Second Place on TicKet TicKetDENVER TichetDENSER j jDENVER
DENVER July 10 10John John W Kern of Indianapolis Indianapolisone
one of the most prominent lawyers of the Middle WestLand Westlrod West Westand
Land and a Democratic worker for many years was nominated nominatedfor
for or the Vice Presidency on this first ballot this afternoon afternoonHe
He led in the voting from the th beginning and at no time timedid timeI timedid
did he seem in danger of defeat The e announcement of ofhis ofhis ofhis
I his victory was met by the shouts from 10000 cheering cheeringI
I throats and long before the final f n ll vote ote was announced announcedj
j the convention hall was in anuproar anuproarCharles annpro8II anuproarCharles
Charles A Towne of New York who had been placed placedin
in nomination by Colorado withdrew in in favor of Mr MriKern MrKern MrKern
iKern Kern before the balloting began The name of John Johnj JohnMiteheli
j jlitchell Iiteheli was wasa1so also withdrawn by Illinois
I It was a question of Where Oh Ohi OkWhere
i Where are the delegates pt when tbe tbei tbedock
i clock struck 1 this afternoon after long be bei before
i fore that boor the galleries bad Ailed AIledwitlt
1 i with the same e cheerful tot of curiosity curiosityseekers cariosityseekers J JI
I seekers But at 1 o clock the hour setfor set setfor Ntfor
for the t e delegates dpi deIe agates t to reascomhle Mau there therewas therew therewas
was w lea than half JaaI a hundred bl m their theirscats tbetrJICata theirseats
scats But theM few te were a busy bu y Ira Iraof 1Kof haof
of men They recognised their renpon renponsibttty re respoasiblUty poII poIIJJIbIIIty
sibttty and showed it by their utter utterances utteraaeeL uttersac ¬
ances sac As Delegate McNeil al of 0 Texaspat Texas TCMNt
j put Nt it 1Vh Whr this Is the first time tI N in inserves fasty
sty y men ory y that the dele delegates them t1IeIIIJlCtU themsot I
serves sot have actually had a ehnys ehai c t tnama to toJI toname
name a candtflate JI te for Vice President Pr8III eDt let letatone
I 1alsue
atone President 11 It < ss refreohtor r in its itsiuii itsned
ned iuii Mut MutOGIer > mm mmOOier
nedEbar OOier Ebar cieiegisteet ddemtte said 14 the MOM thing thfeutdiseuaMa dIIacIJI4 thingAnd 1
And am they j thered is BWe Musts et ettwo attwo
two and three and diseuaMa their tJMIrcIIvtdualr m iadividuti mdtridual
dtridual cIIvtdualr eandMate m H while the fair wOw wOwen women woIeta ¬
en and brave men in the spectatorsseats spectators spectatorssoas M Ml
seats munched l c gmm and passed IIMMIII IIMMIIIee seed sar sarcastic saraatie ¬
castic ee tIc comments on the appearance of ofthe ofu ofthe
the u ttrediooking courtiers of Xtea XteaDemocracy MiesDseeraey
Democracy who were e slowly Iow1JrIR straggling stragglingGray atrgglIgin
Gray Would Aeept AeeptThe AQeptTIK AeeptTlwe
The New J Jersey r aotT y llelepl dsiegamlwe ileligallon was then theninformed theminformed
informed Jat by Delaware that whit wniUJudge wldltJ whitJudgc
Judge J Gay was not a candidate t tf
nominated ecI he would probably accent acctocTexas aCCf accentTexas
Texas then announced it would present presentGrays prellef presentGrays > t tGrays
Grays name nameThe DaMeTbe nameThe
The statement st that Judge Gray would wouldwho woal4cept wouldaccept
accept cept was dl doewted lNtM 1 by y J Josiah Ji Xarvel Xarvelwho J JwbO
who managed the t Gray campaign Ign for forfirst forftr forfirst
ftr first t place and by former Representa Representative neMDtHILDdy ¬
tive Handy Both of theee men mealetters dis displayed dlspiared ¬
played letters from r Judge J Gray say sayRepresentative 9Ybqr naytag
tag that he could not make the theReptNentattve race raceRePreeenItlre
Representative Lamb of 0 Virginia one oneof oneof I
of Bryans etoeeet friend said that thathe thathe thatMI
he MI believed Kent would win but me meadded n nadded I Iadded
added that New York was making a astrong aadlt astrong
strong fight for daynotThe Gejraor GejraorThe ayaor ayaorThe
The Michigan delegation det ep tloft decided that thatit tINltIt thatIt
it would ca art t Us twentyeight twen kt votes votesfor votefor N Nfor
for whatever candidate was favored favoredby faV9ACIby favoredby
by the New ew York and Nebraska Nebr NebrptlePs 3si 3sinatiet Jele Jelegatios
gatios s It appointed a committee to towait toaJt towait
wait aJt upon these two delegations s and andfind Aft AftA1MI andAnd
find out their preference WithoutIhr Withoutlimowing Without WithoutSnowing
Ihr Snowing wiDtr definitely it was the thesf impres impressi Impses513n
si 513n = > n of the members of that of that thatcommittee thateolftllltttee thatcoeuntttee
committee when ben it started OR its oata oisafo oatasJbn mJaaloa
sJbn afo t that they would find New York Yorkfavoring yO1tr Yorkfavoring
favoring r Gay GeyllOr GeyllOrCbartman GayaorCharmma nor norCharimaa
Charimaa t Claytons voice having bag been beenlost befttoet beenloot
lost oet entirety ea teI he called Congressman eonr eonr1te OS OSlie C Clie
lie James to the chair to preside presideNominations pr prN presideNOniteations
Nominations N for Vice President were
then decy dec deryttred > red r te 1 order Senor Stone StoneaC Stoneel Stoneof
aC Missouri JlU Mlarl mowed J11M18 that the nominatlag nominat nominating JtO nat nataJlI ¬
lag speeches aJlI be limited to ten mir roires mireaell mirtdes
tdes es each and seconding speeches to tofive tobe tofive
five minntee This sucaonttoa was ap applauded a aIIIuIded applaatied ¬
plauded and carried through with withwhoop a awhoop awhoop
whoop of delight by the delegates delegatesSera delep delegatesVera es esXera
Sera Is Ifosuxated IfosuxatedAlabama 1f NestrinatedAlabama l late lateA
A Alabama yielded to Indiana JIId and Thom Thomas tomat ¬
as R at Marshall > > nIIIa11 Democratic nominee nomineefor nosmaeeicr
for 1 governor tJMJr r of Indiana was recognized recognizedto
to nomfeate John W Kern of IndianaMarnWll Indiana IndianaMarsh In4ianaXarslllJI
Marsh XarslllJI Jl in excellent voice paid a ahigh aJdc a ahigh
Jdc high tribute to A reunited Demo Democracy DemoTaCT Democreel ¬
TaCT < < and declared that with Bry Bryan BrymKer1 Bryanand n nand
and Keri every doubtful State wouldbe would wouldbe wluldbe
be carried Arkansas declared deeIar it was wasn wasoz wasfor
for oz n > Kern and so presented no candi exnCit candidate canl ¬
4 date dateFormer te terssmr
Former S Gw v Charles S Thomas or ofIera4lo orvices oroIot
oIot Iera4lo naaedmated r CIIadM A Towne Townei
le a brief speech tefrlDc to hk ser services er erv
v vices in the Hone ee a and Senate SenateClark steClark SomataClark
Clark Hawaii geminated MoaimatedJohn NH geminatedoho 1tateI 1tateIJ
= John oho J Walsh of Connecticut nomi nomimUed nOm nOmxc nomiacted
acted XcNellL XcNellLBUI McNesiLHil xc e L LBIll
BIll of Georgia G rgta nominated atecl Clark ClarkHovel ClarkHoveII ClarkHowell
Hovel national eooamkian ronirrtftni nnn from fromGeorgia fromGeorgeat rom
Georgia GeorgiavSovemor
Governor Folk of Missouri seconded secondedthe HCOudedt secondedthe
the t e M nemmatSon L laUoR of Kern KernIdaho ICernIdaho ena enaldaJIo
Idaho seconded nomination of Towne TowneBepresenUttve Towneaepr TowneRepresentative
Representative aepr eat6 Ye T J Heftm H of Alabama Ala Alabama ALahuna ¬
bama jceondod the name of Kern BernOdle KernOltte KernoWe
oWe James Ja foe Kentucky seconded secondedKern secondedXft11 secondedKetwm
Kern KernSenator KetwmSenator Xft118enAtor
Senator Lee for f Maryland seconded secondedTowne aecordedTowne l lToWIM
Towne TowneRepresentative ToWIMKotpnMftttive TowneRepresentative
Representative Wade < < feN or Iowa sac seconded sacended S SeocIoed
ended Kent KentMichigan KentJIUdaIpa KernMichigan
Michigan seconded Mea tori Kern KernMinnesota Kernliinnesta CeraJiIhmesta
Minnesota was declared for McNelL McNelLMtesfestppt XcXpILXIMIWppt McNeilMlesivippt
Mtesfestppt seconded Kern KernMissouri 1IenLJllI KernMoeo
Missouri JllI Moeo eourt it r0mtMt4 premised a majority of dele delegates d ddegates le lep ¬
gates p for Kern KernNevada era erDXeYa4a eraNevada
Nevada seconds Townie TownieNew TowneNew Tov Tovew
New ew Hampshire seconds Kern KernMurphy JCemIeft KernWhen
When Ieft New eW York was reached Chars ChuTgF
F Murphy urpbJ announced aft UBe4td Kew York YorkPresents Y YorkPretests rk rkPrts
Presents no candidate caadidataGen candidateGen eadadaaGeL
Gen M A HUdreth of North Dakota Dakotaseconds Daktaseconds tk ta taKern
seconds KernWhen KernWhen Kern KernI
I When Illinois was recognized r r > TL TLJames TLq TLqJ = >
James J relinquished tmqui ed the naval val to Jams JamsHamilton JarosHamUtota JamesHamilton
Hamilton Lewis of that State Who Whorecognised wt G Gr r rrecognised
recognised r Fred Kern of o Chicago Cblcaf wfco wfcowithdrew w wwithdrew wh whwithdrew
withdrew the t e name of John M Mitfi Mitfifrom JIIlt tcb tcbfrom i it
from t the field and seconded the n nnatktn nn nnnation c cnatton
nation of John W Kern He chars charaterixed charlttrbed charsterrleel
terixed Mitchell as 5 the greatest lat 1sV 1sVleader latleader r rleader
leader the world ha halo ever seen and andsaid nl nlsaid 11said
said that Ms W nomination BcmI atJoa would Id have haveabsolutely haveabsolutely e eab
absolutely ab ohlfelT wiped out party linesI lines linesM
M 11 I J Katon for Pennsylvania PellD YlYanla sec seconds se seKcm seootrds ¬
onds Kern KernSouth KcmSouth KernLouth
South Dakota Dak4 ta second Towne TowneRepresentative ToWDetepruattve TowneRoprecemtative
Representative HaM H of Texas l sec seconds seeooda ec eclCenL ¬
onds Kern KernFormer iCernitm1orsner
Former Boprorentative Handy f rf rfLrlaware f fI rDtware
I i4aware > formntty withdrew witb rew Grays Graysname Graystune kayE1De
name 1De
John W Kern Kerns s Boom Launched LaunchedBy LaunchedBy LaunchedBy
By Chairman Thomas F Taggart
The Vice Presidential boom of c John JohnWest JohnWest JoI i iWe
West We t Kern we launched a several veral weeks weeksago weeksago weeksago
ago by Y Thomas T F Tnggart chairman of ofthe ofthe xthe
the Damoeratte D national committee 3 Mr MrKern r rKern rKent
Kern is a native u Indiana He H has hasbeen usbeen boabeen
been In public IWe Jt l ft ace IMS when he hewas hewas hewas
was made reporter of the supreme court courtof COlHtof courtof
of Indiana IDd serving for four years ears Prom Fromto PromJa Prom18M
Ja to 0 3K he was a State senatornd senatorndfrom senator seft8t ind indfrom Bd Bdfrom
from 1WT to 1ML city attorney of Vn Vnaianapotta 11 ndlanapolls 11dlaJlpoJls
aianapotta to which w tcla city he is now cue cueof GMot oneof
of the most prominent members of toe toeIndiana meIJMJlan toeIndiana
Indiana bar barIn barIn barIn
In 2KX he was an unsuccessful ma ueeeseul candi candidate caDdlate candidate ¬
date ate for governor and A4l four years laterPOSTAL later laterPOSTAL aterPOSTAL
The Th monthly report of the t e postal bus business 1MMI1fte business ¬
iness 1fte 6 transacted at the fifty Mrgeet mgsatpoatofficea Mrgeetpostofnces 1 gMt gMtpo
postofnces po tot1ke8 in the United UBlt States foe foeJune focJUDe forJune
June made public today snows a gratifying grat gratifying grattryIng ¬
ifying increase In receipts whereas the thereport thereport thereport
report for the month previous shows showsa
a large falling off which postal offi officers offtc officers ¬
cers c rs take to mean that business is re reviving reviving noviving ¬
viving over the country countryThirtythree ceunUyThirtythree countryThirtythree
Thirtythree out of the fifty offices officesshow oC officesshow ces cesshow
show increases IBcr In receipts amounting amountingto I
to S30LS8BK while thirteen offices officesshow oCftcesshow officesshow
show decreases S aggregating ggregat egathsg SWtJttJS SWtJttJSThe Wi 14tIIULTile egis egisThe
The Washington Wa W btacMR a City Pestoffiee re reports nports reports ¬
ports receipts re < < elptS fer et June aggregating gadDg JMtt JMtt2SM s Jat7k
2SM 7k as 8 compared eoMp r te 5K a4raJI seSi for the thecorresponding tiMpall thecorresponding
corresponding pall g month BM Itth of o the JM8 previousyear previous previousyear oa oae5r
year e5r
he was again apt defeated for the same of office ofAce ofhoe ¬
Ace The following f year he received the thocomplimentary 110eoIR thecompltmmontary
complimentary eoIR vote of Ms party L LUnited 1 1United t1attecl
United seaMs Senator SenatorChaJnpon SeIItoICbaIrnt SenatorChakwaa
ChaJnpon CbaIrnt Taggart T t AIt recently let it t tknown lkBow he heknown
known that he favored faYOr the candidacy candidacyof r rof
of Mr Kern Mr Taggart Tag knew Cat CatMs t tatW at athis
Ms W faortt was not widely y known kDownt knownhe Is Isthe
the t e East but the boom was nursed RurHdthe Ju Jutbe J 1 1the
the same sameWe sameWe sameWe
We are in better shape then we have havsbeen 11ao1ae haveboom
been 1ae since MK Pt said 3ar dr Taggart We Weare Were Weare
are re soiny te t nominate Kern for Vice VicePresident YlceaM VicePresident
President and put NIt Indiana I In the Demo Democratic Dencratk Demcrat4c ¬
cratic column cohtmnREPORT coItuBDREPORT columnREPORT
The report of the committee on onimprovement to toimprovement t t
improvement of the harbor front Whl Whlwas whuwas whici whiciwas
was submitted to tbe Commissioners re recently r rCCDt17 rccntly ¬
cently has been published P lbbecl ia book forr forrThe tor torTbe fomThe
The committee which consists con t ts of Jol JolR Jota JotaR
R Sutton harbormaster W J Doug Douglas Douglas Dougtass ¬
las engineer of bridges and D J JGorges JGanges
Gorges Garg chief clerk of the engineer tGf1n r de department department ¬
partment pl DeDt made a careful survey of thewater the thawater thewater
water treAt and hs recommended recommendednumber a anumber
number r of important = t improvement improvementsttch JMpcowmEnMtdI vements vementsseek
seek as the widening If IItg of the channe cbannthe channeUte channethe
the building MllWtBgc e of > C reereation rec8lli OR piers the ins in iastaltetion inBtBIItilm
staltetion s llotimt ef t a a1IIIk uniform system sstemwharves or orwharves L LwharYee
wharves otc The total cost Is Ismated esti estimated estimated ¬
mated at SSSCM SS8OOIlit

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