Anonymous no n ym 0 U s Complaints ComplaintsAgainst ComplaintsAgainst ComplaintsAgainst
Against Car Lines Will WillNot WiUNot WillNot
Not Be Considered ConsideredLetters
Letters from citizens who have sug sugg sugg suggetstfous
g getstfous stlons or criticisms to make regarding regard regardins regardIng
Ing the operation or equipment of street streetcars streetcars streetcars
cars in the District of Columbia are arestill arest111 arestill
still pouring into the offices of the new newDistrict newDIstrict newDistrict
District Railway Commission One ofthe of ofthe otthe
the most Interesting of these which whichthe whichthe whichthe
the commission received yesterday was wasan wasan wasan
an anonymous one and hence it had hadto hadto hadto
to go into the waste basket General GeneralWilson GeneralWilson GeneralVUson
Wilson chairman of the commission commissiontook commissiontook commissiontook
took the occasion as a proper one to toannounce toannounce toannounce
announce that no consideration Tvlll be begiven begiven begiven
given to letters not signed with correct correctnames correctnames correctnames
names and addresses addressesThe addressesThe addresseeThe
The commission comml slon has received a few fewmore fewmore fewmore
more applications for the position of ofexecutive ofexecuthe ofexecutive
executive officer offt er of the board but al although although although ¬
though these complicate the matter a atrifle atrine atrifle
trifle the commissioners hope to be beable beable beable
able tomorrow to announce the name nameof nameof nameof
of the man they have chosen The Thecommissioners Thecommissioners Thecommissioners
commissioners will m meet at 10 oclock oclockat
at their new offices in the Westory WestoryBuilding WestoryBuilding VestoryBuilding
Building Following this the commis commission commission commission ¬
sion will Join the Interstate Commerce CommerceCommission CommerceCommission CommerceCommission
Commission in a special meeting meetingThe meetingThe meetingThe
The question of the appointment of a asalaried aMlarled aselaried
salaried executive officer would have havebe havebe havebe
be en settled more than a week ago If IfMaj ItMaj ifMaj
Maj Charles Hine of this city had hadbe hadbeen hadbeen
be been n willing to accept the place placeIt
It Is understood that the list of regu regulations regulations regulations ¬
lations sent out by the Interstate Int rstate Commerce Com Commerce Commerce ¬
merce Commission Comm1 lon on Friday Frida is a tenta tentative tentative tentative ¬
tive one framed to cover present needs neodsas
as the District Railway Commission Commissions Commls lon lonsee
s see sees es them and will be added to fromme from fromtime fromtime
time me to time by b other rules missADMIRAL rulesADMIRAL rulsAD1URAL
Rear Admiral Richardson Clover was wasplaced wasplaced wasplaced
placed on the retired list of the navy navyyesterday navryesterday navyyesterday
yesterday on account of age Admiral AdmiralClover AdmiralClover AdmiralClover
Clover at the time of his retirement retirementwas
was president of the naval board of ofinstruction otil1strueUon ofinstruction
instruction and survey His particular particularfield particularfield particularfield
field has h been to superintend the trials trialsof trialsof trialsof
of warships constructed in the last lastthree lastthree lastthree
three years yearsSI25 yearsSrz5
SI25 125 to Baltimore and Return ReturnEvery ReturnEvery ReturnEvery
Every day via Ia The Electric LineTickets Line LineTickets LineTickets
Tickets at Hth st and New York ave avenw avenw avenw
nw Twilight excursions 5100 160 round tripafter trip tripafter triPafter
after 4 I p m mAdTt Advt
Elected as Delegate to Banking Institute In Institute Institute ¬
stitute 1 Convention by San SanFrancisco SanFrancisco
Francisco Chapter ChapterCharles ChapterCharles ChapterCharles
Charles F Drexel a former Wash Washington Washington VashIngton ¬
ington boy now with the International InternationalBanking InternationalBtmking InternationalBanking
Banking Corporation of San Franciscl FrancisclIs
Is visiting his mother Mrs N D Drex Drexel ¬
el at the Ontario Mr Drexel is East Bastas Eastas Eastas
as a delegate from the San Francisco FranciscoInstitute FranciscoInstlluto FranciscoInstitute
Institute of Banking to the national nationalconvention nationalconvention
convention to be held in Providence R RI RI RL I
I L next week weekM weekM j jMr
Mr M Drexel left Washington four tl > ur years yearsago yearsago yearsago
ago for San Francisco entered the em employ employ employ
ploy of the International Banking Cor Corporation Corporation Corporation ¬
poration starting almost at the bot bottom bottom bottom ¬
tom of the ladder and working his way wayinto wayInto wayinto
into a position of importance and trust trustMr trustMr trustMr
Mr Drexel prior to leaving for the thePacific thePacIfIc thePacific
Pacific coast was employed in the of offlee office office
fice of the Southern railroad in thiscity this thiscity I Icity
city He was born in Washington and andattended andattended 1 1attonde4l
attended the public schools here He Heexpects Heexpects
expects to return to San Francisco Franciscoabout Franciscoabout Franciscoabout I
Interstate Commerce Commission CommissionIssues CommissionIssues CommissionIssues
Issues Stringent Orders as Pre Precaution Precaution Precaution ¬
caution Against Accident AccidentPursuant AccidentPursuant AccidentPursuant
Pursuant to the act of Congress the theInterstate theIntorstate theInterstate
Interstate Commerce Commission has hasissued hasIssuod hasissued
issued regulations for the safe trans transportation transportation transportation ¬
portation of explosives over railroads railroadsThe railroadsThe I IThe
The explosives forbidden and which whichmust whichmust hlch hlchmust
must not be transported are liquid liquidnitroglycerine liquidnitroglycerine liquidnitroglycerine
nitroglycerine dynamite containing containingmore
more than 66 per cent of nitroglycer nitroglycerine ¬
ine except gelatine dynamite dyna dynamite dynamite dynamite ¬
mite having an unsatisfactory absorb absorbentl absorbentt absorben I
entl en 4 where here leakage of nitroglycerine nitroglycerinema I
may ma occur nitrocellulose nltr el1ulose in a dry drycondition drycondition drycondition
condition in quantity greater than ten tenpounds tenpounds tenpounds I
pounds in one package fulminate of ofmercury otmercury ofmercury
mercury in bulk in dry dr condition condlU n and andfulminates andtulmlnatoa andfulminates
fulminates of all other metals in any anycondition anycondition anycondition
condition fireworks that combine an anexplosive anexplosive anexplosive
explosive and a detonator or blasting blastingcap
cap capThe The new rules call for explicit e plldt mark marking markIng marking ¬
ing directions s both on boxes containing contain containing containIng ¬
ing explosives and on the cats out outlining outlining outlining ¬
lining the exact explosive etc etcFour etcI etcFour
Four Hours Sail on Cool Chesapeake ChesapeakeBay
Bay four days a week we k 100 round trip tripSee tripSee tripSee
I See ticket agent The Electric Line Line14th Line14th Line14th
14th and New York Yorkave YorkaveAdvt ave Advt Advt
Black mohair sicilian sicilianThe
The regular 1 quality79c quality quality79c
79c yard yardIn
In the 44inch width widthOne widthOne
One day only for this bargain bargainSplendid bargainSplendid
Splendid quality Unusually brilliant luster A dozen different differentsummer differentsummer
summer uses for thistst floor Dress Goods Section
A Washington Man Who Has Work Suc Success Success Success ¬
cess in the West WestTAPS WestTAPS WestTAPS
Funeral services Mrvke for Jeremiah DeBell DeBellWilson DeBeilWilson
Wilson one of Colonel Mosbys rangers rangersin
in the civil war will be hekl at tt ttoclock 10oclock IIoclock
oclock tomorrow morning in the chapel chapelat
j at Congressional Cemetery Mr Wil Wilson Wilson VUlIOn ¬
son died last Friday evening venlnll in his hishome hishome hishome
home IMS 1 Tweith Tw lh street northwest northwestHe
He was seventyfive years old oldHe oldHe oldHe
He Is survived by his wife who was wasformerly wasfonnerly wasformerly
formerly Miss M Harriet Brown of ofFauquier orFauquier ofFauquier
Fauquier count to whom he was mar married marrIed marrietl ¬
ried rIed fortythree years ago and three Ihreechildren Utreechildren threechildren
children Mrs Irs P H Hoof Miss Hattie HattieWilson HattieWlitlOft HattieWilson
Wilson and William B Wilson
125 to Baltimore and Return ReturnToday ReturnToday ReturnToday
Today via ia Baltimore d Ohio RR RRAdvt Advt dlt
oJ Open 8 A M Close 5 P M Saturdays 6 I J M
lOc c quality batistes batistesFifteen batistes6c
6 6c c yard yardFifteen
Fifteen pretty patterns suitable for fordrosses fordro fordrosses
drosses dro waists kimonos and house housedresses houeedreS6e housedresses
dresses All fast 6 colors
1350 Laborers La orers on the Road
40 Years Years1013 1013 Have HaveBeen HaveBeen HaveBeen
Been Retired RetiredSome
Some idea of the tremendous work working working working ¬
ing staff of the Pennsylvania rilr rcilr8sd rcilr8sdcan rtra rtracan sd sdcan
can be gathered athered from the recently r tly com compiled ccmpned oempiled ¬
piled figures which show that at a larger largernumber Jergernumber largernumber
number of workmen are eta raw uiyed > yed ed by bythe bytht bytht
tht corporation than are jfugaaed gqe < m mworking n norklnS nworking
working orklnS for theUnited the United Status Govern Government Govefnmtnt Government ¬
ment mentThe mtntThe mentThe
The railroad boasts I3k 13W ± > me who are arenow arenow arenow
now actively employed and have been beenon Menon beenon
on the thero road d for forty lJr years or mere merein MGreIn awrein i
in addition to Ita8 men who have haveworked ItveWorked haveworked
worked on the road for forty fort years 888 ormore or ormore r rmore
more more but have na been retired from activeservice active activeservice ac11etervlce
service serviceThe tervlceThe serviceThe
The latest civil service census census of the theUnited thetnlted theUnited
United States shows sho that eu July I
1007 there were forty men and onewoman one onewoman onewoman
woman who could claim to have been beenserving beenserving en en6crvlnS
serving Uncle Sein Se Sam n for a half century centuryThe centuryThe centuryThe
The Pennsylvania railroad has on its itspayroll Itspayron itspayroll
payroll 316 employes who have served servedit
it for this length of time timeOf t1m timeOf
Of O the employee of the Pennsylvaniarailroad Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniarailroad PennBlvaatarnl1road
railroad in active service 115 are sixty sixtyone sixtyone
one years y rs of age 118 are sixtyfour sixtyfouryears slxtfouryears sixtyfouryears
years old 114 are sixtyseven and andare 106 106are 29iare
are sixtynine Sixtyseven of the theeightyfive theelghtfive theeightyfive
eightyfive principal efflears of the thePennsylvania thePennsylvania thePennsylvania
Pennsylvania Railroad Rallr 8d Company started startedas
as beginners b glnne and with few exceptions exceptionshave exceptionshave exceptionshave
have been er with It ever since Their Theiraverage TheiraC Theiraverage
average aC = Age age is fiftyone years s and the theaverage theaverage
average a erage length of service Is twentysix twentysixyears twentstxyear twentysixyears
years yearsWilliam yearsWilliam
William Durham who as a a mule drlv
8c c batistes an and lawn lawnChoice lawn5c awn awn5c
5c yard yardChoice
Choice patterns attrms in all a n white grounds groundswith gr groundswith unds undswith
with printed polka dots rings dashes dashesfigures dashesfigure dashesfigures
figures and stripes in light blue pink pinkred pinkr pinkred
red r or Or black Colors fast For kimonos kimonoshouse kimonoshouse kimonoshouse
house dresses dre sos wrapper etc Nothing Nothingco XothlnEO
co o good and at the same time so Inexpensive in inexpensive IneXJKnm ¬
expensive ve
TA TAKES K KWilliam IIP t r OFFICE OFFICEWilliam OfFICEWilliam 0
William S Adkins Born in Tennes1 Tennes1see Tennes Tennessee
see But Has Lived Here HereTwenty i iTwenty ITwenty
Twenty Years YearsWilliam YearsWUUam YearsWilliam
William S Adkins the new financial financialclerk tlnancialclerk financialclerk
clerk of the Police Court who was ap appointed appointed ¬ I Ipointed
pointed last Friday has already start started started ¬ I Iel
ed work In his new office air r1r Adkins Adkinsf s sIII
III f < a native of Tennessee Tenaes gee was born in inIfcTS inIi7 I IUoi
IfcTS Uoi and has Hvo lived l in Washington for fortwenty fortwenty I Itwenty
twenty years yearsPreioua yearsPrevleua
Preioua to his appointment to the thepollee tl1epone thepollee I
pollee clerkship he was a clerk in the thecity thecity
city auditors office He Is a graduate graduateor gra iuate iuateo
or 0 the National College of Pharmacy PharmacyRURAL
Many Adverse Reports Given on onExtension onExtensiQn j jExtension
Extension of MailServic Mail MailService i iService
Service ServiceThe I
The July report of the division of ofrural ofrural
rural delivery d61ve 1 1tvery Mows that from j7W 7 7464petitions i ipetitions 1peliUetn
petitions referred tf943 91i adverse reports reportshave reportsbave reportshave
have been received 3BKS routes rout estab utahM4W establashed9ie j jHahed
M4W Hahed w of which hlch have from time to totint ttxmme t tt
txmme tint t H been discontinued teavhi leaving in oper operation operattua ¬
ation ai8 3M a routes Of this number numberrender
3 36 render daily service and Ad bit tri triweekly trty ¬
weekly service serviceThe 1V1ee I IThe sThe
The Jt 303a 9 routes were being served servedby felVedby servedby
by 36115 carriers On many triweeklyroutes triweekly triweeklyroutes trlweeklyrout
routes rout one earner readers the service serviceby Mlvicby serviceby
by alternating the trips thereby earn earning earRIng earning ¬
ing the same pay he would OWd receive K Kserving ICserviDg Ifserving
serving a daily daft delivery route of equiv equivalent equivalent qulvalent ¬
alent mileage mileageAf mll8QAftr s sAfter
Af After t r deducting < < assignments for to estab establishment etJtabot establishment ¬
lishment of rural routes r VlM on August and andSeptember andS40p andSeptember
September S40p om1Hr 1 there will ottl remain reDWt ft fer ac action act aetiot ¬
tion nearly 1E09 petitions peUte pets iWSI which ± department de deportment deJClI1Jaent ¬
t portment officers say will be afepostdj afepostdjof d dof
of as rapidly as posIWe I f
Striped l e beach eat suiting suitingAn suiting15c suiting15c
15c yard yardAn
An ideal summer wash ash material terial for forseparate foreprate forseparate
separate skirts coat suits and Jumpers JumpersPlenty jvmp JumpersPlenty < < s sPlenty
Plenty of the black and white hke brown brownand brvRand brownand
and whit and blue and white bite styles stylesStripes stylMStripes stylesStripes
Stripes about in wide
The hotter the sun the greater need of ofA ofcool ofcool
cool white fabrics fabricsA
A big array of bargain prices tomorrow on the coolest and prettiest of whitie goods Nothing so sopretty
as white and nowhere art a prices as low as they will be here tomorrow tom orrov
ED BATISTE 47In wide wideand wideand wideand
and an extra fine fin quality qualityWorth qua lit fr frWorth
Worth SOc i Oc a yard Tomor Tomorro Tomorrow 2 Ml Mlrow 9 C
row ro fcrSHE1LR fcr forSHEER fcrSHEER
SHEER FRENCH LAWNS 47In 47InwHIe HInwId 47inwhile
while wId and worth 3Bc a 1 u yard 1 Q C r rTomorrow
Tomorrow TOlnorrowtor 18C I ri rifor
LAWNS 32in In wide and f 1 1worth r rworth
worth 2c a yard ard To 12 I Imorrow 2 C Cmorrow
morrow for forPound forPound forPound <
Pound box borated boratedtalcum boratedtalcum
talcum for or ou only lOc lOcThese tOeThese c cThese
These bargains too tooTwo
Two boxes Barnards 5c c 25 2 a 5 CC CCcomplexion c ccCmplexlon Ccomplexion
complexion Cream for terf ferRegular J JRegular
Regular 7 Tic c Bath Sprays 4 AQC AQCfor A 9c 9ck AC ACCot
for f 7 7Ji
Ji f k c Imported warranted 9 25 1 Cc Cctooth C Ctoth ctoith
tooth brushes brush brushp brushesFour J JFour
Four k rolls 11 our special Toilet 10c 1ACPaper 10cFirat I AC ACFapar
Paper p Ic for forFirst lu luFirst
First Floor FloorPtrfumery Perfumery Dept
CLOTH Uyd LM pieces piecesand piecesand 3 > I 25 S Sand
and worth LW L for forENGLISH forENGLISH forENGLISH
ENGLISH NAINSOOh NAINSOO Win In wide wideMyd wide1eyd wide6yd
Myd pieces pI < > e6S and worth worthElie Qg n r r517S
517S 1 i Special tomor tomorrOW tomorrow tomorrow 1 A 4rf 2 5 r rSHEKR
In wide and worth wo h 16c fie a yd ydSpecial 9 M QFirst 4 T TSpecial
Special tomorrow at atFirst atr
First r lr5t Floor FloorS S Kann Sons Ce Ce39c C C39c Cec
39c c to o SOc SOcWindow 50cWindov c cWindow
Window screens screensat
at a 25c 25cA c cA
A clearance price and one we be believe bcIiee believe ¬
lieve will take out all youll find on onthe 01 01the onthe
the tables tabl s tomorrow tomorrowEvery tomorrowEvery tomorrowEvery
Every size Ize has representation representationAll repreeentationiAll
All made of best York wire with withwood withwood Ith Ithwood
wood frames framesCheaper framesCheaper framesCheaper
Cheaper to ke keep p flies out than let letthem latthem letthem
them in inBuy InBu inBuy
Buy Bu tomorrow all youll require requireall requireall
all summer at choice 25c 25cThird 50Thld 50 5cThird
Third Floor FloorS S Kann Sons Co
SHEER PERSIAN LAWN tAW 4 4tln 4tlnwkle 49Inwide ln lnwide
wide and worth 20c Oc a yd j > 1 i r
Tomorrow Tomorrowonly 12iC I T > W Wonly
RAS in neat figured designsWorth designs designsWorth <
Worth 36c a yd d Tomorrow Tomorrowfor 15 I K Kfor C Cfor
u n nSHEER
forSHEER SHEER SHEER PERSIAN LAWN LA 47in 47inwide 4ilnwide 47inwide
wide and actually worth 44c 49ca j ja
a yard Limited quantity quantityto 2 5 C Ct
to t sell tomorrow at a yd ydWash ydWash d dWash
Wash skirts for forWorth
119 119Worth 119Worth
Worth 200 200Regular 200R 200Regular
R Regular gul r and extra xtra sizes at this thisone thisone thisone
one price priceMade prl prlMade priceMace
Made of fine quality lirene or ean canton eannon eannon
non cloth in white or colors colorsFlare colorsFlare colorsFlare
Flare and other stylesAU styles stylesAll stjI8SAll
All waist measures and all lengths lengthsA
A very vet fine skirt for such a small smallprice smanpriceU19 smallpriceSLIP
priceU19 priceSLIPSecond price priceU19Second n19 n19Second
Second Floer F1o FloorS S Kann Sons S Co
Thousands of 8c to lOc pear pearl buttons at at4c 4c a card cardThree cardThree cardThree
Three cards cars for or We WeSome c cSome
Some button manufacturers were caught napping should have disposed of these buttons a few weeks eoks ago but butkept butk butkept
forced to sell sll n In ordor to the money tomeet to tomcot tomeot
were s get
kept k > pt hold thinking A belter price would b be offered At last they
at 4ca 4c 4ca IeR
of at least ten sizes slz in Ocean Pearl Buttons
due Thats why wh rmorrow wecan offer choice
meet bills
coming shank buttons in the lot Th The laundress Jaundr S8 nine ninetimes ninetimes ninetimes
a card or 3 cards for We Choice of ftshc flsh < ye sow through and a
wash Why not buy bu several cards tomorrow to tohave tohave 0 0haebuttoll
times out of ten works havoc with Ith buttons and many man arc a lost in the
have haebuttoll buttons handy when they are In greatest need nf d First Floor FloorS S Kann Sons ds Co y
1 1 1s
9 Has Begun His Work at the Police FaikeCourt P9liceCo1lrt PoliceCourt
IF BRIDGE IS DONE DONECorporation DONEcorpontUon DONECorporation
Corporation Counsel E H Thomas Thomasyesterday TIaoIDayMerday Thomasyesterday
yesterday submitted to the theers Conmrisston Conmrisstoners
ers an opinion in which be holds that thatthe 1 brutthe tIt tItue
the Baltinore BaJtl e and Ohio railroad ra road is en entitled elltitled entitled ¬
titled to I a certiflcate for 1 < < MMW M Jf JfIt Ifit r rIt
It has COlD completed ed the viaduct leading leadingto e cUag cUagto
to the new Union nloft Station and Del compiled com complied eoMplied ¬
plied with other requirements of the thesets Uteacts theacts
acts providing for the removal of grade gradecrossings gradecrO gradeeroeains
crO crossings lJtD8S and the construction uetloll of the theterminal tlteterD theterminal
terD terminal tlaL In a letter to the Commissioners Commis Commissioners CoMmlasIoftenI ¬
sioners Charles Eo E Hamilton attorney attorneyfor aUorJteTor attorneyfor
for or the road r requests r the signing of ofthe oftM ofthe
the certificate claiming that the pro provisions pravtloDa provislens ¬
visions of 0 the law have been observed observedBeautiful o oBea1tibl observedBeautiful
Beautiful Fresh Fre k Cat Flowers Flowersthe
the Anent ADe t specimens of 0 every seasonable sesaonablevariety seasonablevariety IHIIUOnbIevanety
variety are le obtainable obttn at Codes 1314 F FAdvt FAdvt FAdvt
A F C dress dressgmg dressgin dressging
gmg gin g garms = 93c f fhams d
hams arms 4 Y
5 58 pieces ieces of genuine enuiD < Arackeag A Mg A F FC Yc FC
C Ginghams GDtha which regularly re ularl sell atL at t
124 L c a a yard offered O < < red tomorrow at ffcc ffccGood 1IleGeocl 1lcGood
Good aseortraant aseortr cot of patterns p S
MORE THAN IN IN 1907 1907Production 1907Production
Production of Shingles In Increased IncreasedSou IncreasedSouth ¬
creased creasedSou South h Leads LeadsTimber LeadsTimber LeadsTimber
Timber Industry IndustryNotwithstanding IndustryNotwltht
Notwltht Notwithstanding Notwtt dlaa UM err K timV timVfamine timrr timrrfamine timrenfamine
famine the soartep neg priCe of c lumber ber an I Ithe 3the
the disastrous dla roas effect eff of a money pan panlate 3 3late
late in the last rear the total lumber lumbercut lUffi lurnaecut J Jcut
cut of the year r W7 11 according to ig igures iEI i iurea
I urea made public by the Censns c Bureau Bureauis i iis
I is 2706 7w million feet board I measure e more morethan morethaD morethan
than that of TMS The total cut was
I 4025 40 million foot footThe feetThe I
I The production pIOCI1h of laths throughout throughoutI
I the country fen from from Xtt million ulion ia iaI l l19M
i I Im to 3W4 milUcn Jl llten in 1tIIl 1M7but W but at the pro proI
i j I duction of shingles ahtac ran from 11858 m1 m1llon m mliim
lion in 1M 1 to t 1148t it tl mUMoa m + UMoa last year yearThe ear earThe eatThe
1 The substantial increase m the total totalproduction tor iota iotaproducttun a aprodueUua
production of lumber in 3M7 l1 says hereport the thereport eeI
I report a as compared with tth INi w in spite spiteof spiteI spiteof
I of the financial stringency JIt1Ir atrfrg our is remark remarkable retTarki ¬
i able and especially ao in view of cer cerI tend cerjtaln e eI
I tats wellknown local ceases CMI L Aaidft Aaidftfrom Asldtrfrom
from the car shortage rtale which necessi necessitated ae < en entated esstated ¬
tated a restriction re tJ1ctioe of the cat in many manylocalities ma maylocalities Y Y1ocaJtti4e
localities the fact that the industry industryof
of If lumber manufacture utaebare wax practically
29c to 45c ribbons to be besold besold
sold at 19c a yard yardThe
These The e are what are termed mill lengths lengthsday The They just ju t arrived yestE yesterday yestEclay
day in time for fOTU6 us to tell of it in todays bargain news newsZesgtk newsLeagtia newsLengths
Lengths 3 to S yards so of course cour e Sifcbeas must be bought boughtyou fir firyou r < J
you OU can secure any D7 length lesa wanted sashes for the hair or for milliner millinerWidths millineWidths 5 5Wldtka
Widths vary from J 3c fc to o 7 inches uses usesa 1IIMILaM 1 1and
a aM d choice Is offered 1 taffeta Anticipate AaU pllte your needs Xonday XO day ar armolre ametre a 1 1JItOtre
molre and messaline JD iMJ save money Bear in JD1DdZ mind WE T ID IDColors EE EECelors E EColors
Colors are most mo t desirable the ma ALL BOWS FREE OF CHARGE CHARGEjority CHARGEjorlty CHARGEjority
jority being betl1 the muchwanted muchwantedwhites Jnuchwaatedwhit ranchwantedwhiten
whites whit pinks and blues 1st AoorBargata floor Bargain Tables
Fine wash fabrics 75c t a yard to go oat at 29 cents a yard
Tomorrow Toinorr w we shall sacrifice a large number of pieces of imported and domestic wash fabrics of the finer qualities Among them the all at 29c yard will fo foPlain be bePlain bePlain
Plain and fancy linens Rough weave silK pongees Imported plaid pl id fancy and plain wash voiles voilesSilK voilesSilk voilesSiIK
SilK finished pongee linens Satin striped spider silKs And many other novelty weave stylesOther styles stylesOther
Other surprises in the wash goods clearing sales salesr r
50c c black ac Japanese Japanesesilk Japanese25c Japanese25c
silk silkat 25c yd ydFaat
a aFast at atFast
Fast black only And warranted fast fastcolor fa5tcolor fastcolor
color Guaranteed against sun rain or orperspiration orpert orperspiration
perspiration pert > praUo1 Will no not n crock or turn turncolon turnclor turncolor
colon This is silk and ft s flax ax and andis andIs andis
is a very durable sheer material espe especially especlaJly especially ¬
cially good for summer
A tfrun run of o the e mill sale sae of ofScld of ofPillow o oPillow
Pillow cases and sheets sheetsSold
Sold subject sub ct to mill imperfections whlh are pinholes dropped threadsloose threads threadsloose threadsloose
loose seams grease or oil spots or any a n such irregularity which might mightcause mightUM mightcause
cause UM the goods to be classed under perfect The wearing quality of none noneof noneer noneof
of the pieces offered Is affected att ted by the defects def ts which are really r lly trifling triflingNo triflingNo trillingNo
No phone approval or c o od d orders filled filledThe
The sheets andcases ana cases are made of 0 r such brands of cottons as Wamsutta Wam Wamsutta Wamsutta
sutta Anchor Pequot e qnot Fruit of the Loom L oath Maaonvllle 1 Androecoggin Andr ogsln New NewYork Ne NeYork NewYork
York Mills etc Limited quantities of each eachPlain eachPlain eachPlain
Plain an and hemstitched b t 1stitched cases I2 12ic 2 c each eachPrice
Price of perfect goods range 19e 19 to 46 cents each All sizes from the thesmall thesmail thesmall
small sleeping pillows to the large square pillows Lot also includes those thoseof thoseor thoseof
of extra lengths lengthsPlain lenlhsPiain lengthsPlain
Plain hemmed b mmed sheets sees 59c 59cSelling 59cSOiling c cSelling
Selling prices of the perfect ones range from 75c to 119 Sizes Slz for single singlebeds stnblebeds singlebeds
beds threequarter beds and anldoJ1l double beds and many man extra ex ra lengths for metal metaland metalnd metaland
and nd brass beds IncludedPlain included includedPlain includedP1ain
Plain and an hemstitched ems i c e sheets sees 69ceach 69ceachOnly 69c c each eachOnh
Only a few All are extra length and widths and if perfect would sell sellregularly sellregulrl sellregularly
regularly at 9c c to SUO 150 each eachWe cachoWe eachWe
We wish Ish to emphasize the th trivial character of the defects defectsNows defectsClearance defectsClearance
Clearance 01 12 to 15 15Trunks
Trunks at choice s 998 998Nows
Nows the chance youve youvebeeu been waiting for to secure a good trunk to take takeaway tak takaway takeaway
away on your vacation vacationThose vac vacationThose tIon tIonThose
Those offered tomorrow at 5893 893 9S ar arpsplendld arpsplendldChoice aresplendidChoice splendid splendidChoice
Choice of many sizes most of these th le being the popular large size sizeIncluded sizeIncluded sizeIncluded
Included areMens are areKens areMens
Mens Dress Trunks Steamer Trunks Trunksa01es runksLadles ranksLadies
Ladles a01es Skirt and Dress Trunks TrunksMostly Trunk1Iostly e eMosUy
Mostly one < ne of a kind These trunks are rivettsd rlve d cloth lined brass trim trimjoed trImIlea trim3ctl
Ilea and with detachable det ch bl straps 3d w floorS floor tJo < lrs S Kann Sons Co Coj Cofl
j A
er entered the service of the Delawareand Delaware Delawareand Delavareand
and Raritan canal in June ISJfr ISeven ISevenbefore even evenbefore ven venbefore
before the Pennsylvania railroad was waschartered wascharteredhas as asc1arter
chartered c1arter charteredhas dhas hag been upo UPOn the payroll payrollfor
for the longest period At the time ofhis of ofhis othis
his retirement he was pilot on the thefloating thenoaUog thefloating
floating equipment at Jersey City The Theoldest Theoldest Theoldest
oldest employe is David avtcl B Brice who whowas whowas whowas
was born November 4 3 ISIS ISISJOSEPH lS18JOSEPH 118JOSEPH
Joseph Harper clerk of the Juvenile JuvenileCourt JuvenileCourt JuvenileCourt
Court whj vh has been seriously 111 ofmalarial of ofmalarial ofmalarial
malarial fever at his home ho 413 B street streetnortheast streetnortheast streetnortheast
northeast is greatly Improved It Is Isbelieved isbelieved Isbelieved
believed he will be able ab to leave for the themountains themouptaln themountains
mountains within the next few days
The large glass g1a roof over the court courtat courtat courtat
at the pottofflce Department is being beingrepaired betngrepairld beingrepaired
repaired three men having been put to towork tework towork
work yesterday to replace rt > pKce the broke brokegbtsc hc brekeaglass kM kMIlUJ5
glass put on new nt > w copper ribs and make makesuch JR8ke8U makeseek
such 8U < other repairs as the heavy winds wln4sand wttHltlaM windsand
and rain have made ma necessary JtCCe ary About About5SWO Stouts40 bout boutS000
5SWO will he expended cpea 4 on the repaitfe repaitfeThe r rTb repauaThe
The Tb work Otk k Js difficult as the Inclines Inclinesare In inclinesare Ilo S Sare
are steep steepSiaS teepSI25
8125 To Annapolis and Return ReturnVia ReturnYla ReturnVia
Via The Electric Line Visit the U s 82aval sal SNaval
Naval al Academy See time schedule ached lIe u s for fortrains fortraJn fortrainsAdv
trains trainsAdv Adv
rl a move movevise
batiste vise 8 8c c yd ydRquiar
Regular 15c goods lOC > IJc Dainty and sheer sheerTht shelTM sheerThe
The strides are le in satin t1n effects whctcombined whicTi whicTicombined WhCleombtDed
combined with the printed designs are areexceptionally areexoepdollaUy areexcepdoadty
exceptionally pretty J retly Last of abstract abstractnavy 3 abstractnavy 8tract 8tractBtvy
navy blue patterns And plenty of ofwhite ofbite ofwhite
white bite and ta tan grounds with beautiful beautifulrose beauti beautifulrose ul ulroet
rose and rosebud printing m in pink and andy andyellow
y yellow Uo
French batiste a s e fine ine net and an taffeta taffetaValues taffetaLingerie taffetaY taffetaLingerie
Lingerie princess 0 dresses dressesAt
At 975 975Values
Values up to 5250Band 2506 and the number is limited limitedVV
We VV e havent had such dresses before this season und uDderprice rprice And aII whats whatsmaker whatsmore whatsmore
more we dinC t expect 10 1 he JLb able to equal I the cJrm offering again th this year T The e emaker i imaker
maker from f whom we g gt t th than m was in desperate need of ready recut = ooooey lie liegot litgot liegat
got it And we have the best dress bargains b D8 of the year to offer Sorry Srrythere Sorrythere srY srYthere
there are not more m < < e left t Good maD many > styles t7 m the lot All of them arr ar elab elaborate elaborate lahorate ¬
orate creation Just note the extraordinary extraor ry amount of work on them All Allmade Allmade 11 11made
made In Innepieee onepiece Princess styles YM They have short sleeves Many oany h have h1leok haveyokea ve veyokes
yokes ok J of filet lace Some oine of the sleeves art re entirely of > f lace Allare f11b esahcrately f11btrately isb isbtraiely
traiely trimmed with tine turks and dainty Val laces and insertions l rtloD3 Skirts Skirtsare Skirtsart Skirtsare
are cut fulL The colors include JI lu4Je white pink tan lavender 1av der and light blue blueprices NutClearance blueClearance
Clearance prices on onSmall onLaces onembroideries
Laces and embroideries embroideriesSmall
Small lots that we have rounded up for quick dearaice Monday
including edgings e cillP and a d in Insertings Otflr Otflrsertings
sertings small lot lotto to close closedozen 3 Uv Uvdozen 9 C Cd
dozen d yds forCLUNY for forCLUNf forCLU
CLUNf CLU Y ALLOVBBS 1 1tn In wWe wWeand wtieand WIlleand
and kinds that ought sell at 4 fr fr75c
75c and SLM ltIV a yd Tamer TOIJIOro Tamerrow 49 AUt AUtrow
row ro for forCLUNY forCLUNY forCLIJNY
TINGS TINGSin In white ana eCnu r rSpecial C
Special tomorrow a ayard ayard ayard 5
a terse LSe range rUbec af f pnhsnm p wrn rvr rvrraerrow C Cwertla Cwerth
wertla lie and lie a 7d Te Temerrow Tomorrow 9
morrow raerrow for
suspended IIdlll on me Pacnc coast early ix ixthe n 3tJM nthe
the fall on account of the prospective prospectiveraJae pro prospeeaeraise pe Ue Uerate
rate to freight rate r by the railroads railroadsmaterialhr raUrladsmaterlUy railr sas sasmaterfaiir
materialhr affected the amount t of t3 t3outpot L tinoutput 3 3outpat
output outputThe outpatTtte
The South WaS far sad above e evey eveyother Y YotJMr
other section MC DII oC the country the thegest tS tSgest 1gpIOCIueer
gest producer of Umber the yellow pins pinscot p1eetIt pL e eeat
cot for UK aggregating a egatlng the enormous enormousi eDOrni S Stotal stotal
i total of I7IMat 17 thoosand Jest oM by b bnIB II IIX Y3i
X 3i mttte nIB as against 2MCOM u thousani thousanifeet th thesa sa 1 1teet Ifeet
feet by S14t mills m l JJItaa an a incrras3 incrras3of
of 17 1 per 8 centThe cent ceatThe centThe
The Lake States Stu fell below blowaverage fcc traverage r raverage
average with 11 per cent decrease c cwhite cwblte r rwhite
white pine cut the figures being 5CI 5CIthousand 541t 5 5thousand
thousand t fast f lt for 3M7 In Minn Inns Innstbe s sthe t tcent
the cut of pine Ia 139P formed 9 F yscent Feeat
cent of the total lumber output of o tl L LStat Ls LsState a aState
State and represented AI M per r ror c call cof
or the aggregate cut ol thin wY wYU wwl wwlall
all U the Lake States StetesBaltisaie Stat StatBaltim81e StatesBaltilote
Baltisaie and Return Sr 135 Balfcaor Baltimcrand Balfcaorand
and Ohio R R Every Saturday SatardaySuoday ar arSunday a aSunday
I Sunday AU trains both way t tdays tdays tda7
days da7 except ept Royal Limited City C ty cflees rl rlflees c cI
flees 1U7 G st and ad ill Penna ave a80Adv Adv
Q Qyd
that are w worth rtb 25e to 4 c a ayd 1
yd Tomorrow a yd ydFINK YtFIXE V VFINE
FINK SWISS ALL OVERS in tIc elegant tIcgaat dc dcgnat ¬
gnat showy 3 Owy patterns Ueras and specially speciallyadapted speciallyadattecl speciallyadapted
adapted to the making of ofcoats
rff rffcoats
coats or waists Worth 1JS ISto 15to 8 Ut Utto 9 C
to tb 2J ole a yard Tomorrow rorSwiss ror rorSWISS rorSWISS
SWISS DC3CI PLOUKCINGS 21 21yard ZtaAd 4 4and
and Ii incites wide and INI sp spa spadefy
defy priced tomorrow at a ayard 49 c
lard lardtl yard yardFtUCT
yardnur FtUCT tl NET KK T M white or i iecrv C f feen
ecrv ear 4 itin m wine and worth worthttea worthse 3 5
ttea 110 yavi 7a Tomorrow for forFirst ferPtrat leaFleet
First PeerS Ffeec S Kan Sons Co