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The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, June 02, 1909, Last Edition, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1909-06-02/ed-1/seq-3/

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r F w wTHE d r 1
EummmuurmwmmmunnuUUU1mmmumtmtttitumu EummmuurmwmmmunnuUUU1mmmumtmtttitumuu
u 1i 1iI
1 H W indow Shades N N NN
I N Clark < Davenport Cos CosPrice 211 211j l lw H N HN
j w H Price 25c c an and 3Sc c Our price priceOpaque 1 2C 2CU 2
U Opaque Cloth Shades mounted on good spring springrollers J ftl 1 f frollers n nroll
dark ecru and anwhite white C CD 12 I
rollers roll rs light and green T TD
D Cos price Sc and 36c Jt c Our price priceChoice 2 2lr i
lr Choice of bestpatterns best est patterns imported Scotch Holland Oil ft AC c N NN
N Opaque 0 paque Cloth Shades various sizes up to 7 ft In length lengtht 2 M Mand 9
t it z and 36 38N Inches wide C D Cos price 1 L Our price priceThis priceU <
N U This lot includes IncJu les all of Clark Davenport Cos made roadetoorder madetoa madeto
a order shades it itummurum NNNNNNNNNNMNNNNNNNNNNNNN
NiN ummurum NNNN N NNNNN NNNNNN = H1N nuum 1 1NNNNN
See Page 5 5of 5of Sof
of ofTodays ofTodays ofTodays
Todays Times Timesfor Timesfor Timesfor
for forOur forOur forOur
Our Regular RegularThursday RegularThursday
Thursday ThursdayBar ThursdayBargain
Bar Bargain BargainSale ain
5 Sale aJ e
1 LG14iTc7g1 LG14iTc7g1I Gol n
lS 1lS I SEVENTH TENTH and n K Kc The T Dependable pendab1et store Store r
Clark Davenport Cos os Entire Stock Stockof
of RugsCarpets Rugs L y Carpets JL JLDraperies Floor Coverings COVeriJlgsI oYermgs oYermgsCPECxAIi
r j I Draperies Drap ries and Upholstery Upholst UpholsterYGoods UpholsterYGoods33c Goods GoodsAt
At 33c and 5 50cori 50c Oc B la on on the Dollar DollarSPECofoAL
SPECIAL NOTICE NOTICEAU NoTxing All Rugs = and andI The wellknov wellknofn n firm of Clark Davenport Co retiring from business have sold us their entire stock of Axminster AxminsterBrussels
I Carpets purchased in a the Clark Daven Davenport Dsveaon ¬
upon port a on payment Co = sale tea of will W a reasonable be = held until deposit aeeosics depositamis fall fallnpon Brussels and Wilton Rugs ugs China a and d Jap Mattings Crex Rugs Crex Carpets Linoleums Floor Coverin Coverings s and Draperies Draperiesat D aperies aperiesThis
This is ° ° an s ° extra rtr ° inducement inducenentfor n ° ° ° ° ma ° ° for ° = yon y ° a at tremendous sacrifice and tomorrow at Seventh
a beginning morning our store and K streets we offer this splendid stockAt stock stockAt stockAt
At 330 etna 5Oc 020 the Dollar
As is pretty generally known knoWll9Iark alark QlarkDavenport Davenport Co have catered cateredto to the most exclusive trade in inthe inthe inthe
the city The merchandise they carried was of the highest class classdistinctive distinctive in style and superior in inquality inquality inquality
quality A careful examination of their stock showed that it was well chosen new and up to date datewith datewith datewith =
with all the merits and none of the usual faults of the ordinary stocks of similar character
Clark Davenports avenPort s Stock toc of ofH ofChina o oChina
I Vllllicl China H ill ° fid Mattings MattingsClark Ivldi IvldiClark 111 M I da J
Clark Davenport Cos China Mattings About 500 rolls are arein arein arein
in this lot of China Mattings at these unprecedented prices pricesAt pricesAt pricesAt
At this sale price = these mattings matti ngs will only be sold by the rotf rotfwill roll ralt rollwill
will not be cut cutLor cutLor cutLot <
Lor No 1 is 75 rolls rol1sSeamI Se Seamless am1ass china hina Mattings j jLot 9 3 3CIAr
ClarkDavenoit CIAr tDavenJOre1 Cos CQ priee lac per y yard rd Our pricee price 4 4Lot C CLot
Lot No 2 155 rol rolls s China MattingsClark Mattirigs
Clark Davenport Cos price Soc Our price 15 C CLot CLot
Lot No3 No 3 35 rollsHea rolls Heavyweight Yveisht China vattings 121c 1
Clark Davenport Co Cos s price 2x Our price 2 2Lot 2Lot C
Lot No No4 4 200 rolls extra heavy closewoven finest 171c j 7JL 7JLquality J Jquality
quality China Matting C D Cos price 35c Our price I 2 2Clark 2Clark ot otClark
Clark Davenports Stock of ofi ofJ
I J p i Mattings MattingsClark
M JL T JL4L IS JLJLJL < L 62 62M 62Clark
Clark Davenport D venport Cos entire stock of Japanese Mattings MattingsBest MattingsB MattingsBest
Best B st variety offinest of finest quality handpalmed doubleedge satin strawJapanese straw strawJapanese strawJapanese
Japanese Mattings MattingsLot
Lot No 1180warp 1 1 SOwarp Japanese Mattings white ground groundwoven groundc groundwoven
woven e stripe and checks c Clark Davenport CQS Cu s price i 19L 19L25c 1 1t
t 25c c Our price 1 12 14 14Lot Lt LtLot 2 2No c cLot
Lot No No2 2 Imperial Damask carpet pattern 180warp 180 warp Jap Mat Mattings Mattings Mattings ¬
tings doubledyed linen white Nasaki inlaid Japanese Mattings in inClark infact infact
fact the finest imported satin edge handpalmed mattings17Jc mattings 71
Clark Davenport Cos prices 35c and 40c Our price priceClark 2 2Clark 2Clark C
Clark Davenport and Cos Entire Enti re Stock of ofBest ofCREX ofCREX
Best quality and in the wanted greens The savings savin in this sale sateare saleare saleare
are extraordfcmry extrnor ry These are genuine ine crex not imitation Every Ever y rug
bears 11 the fh Crex ticket These prices may never be known again a sin in in inCrex inCrex inCrex
Crex Crex4lx7 Rags Rags4ix7i Rt gs gs4hx7
4ix7i 4lx7 ft ft SriO C C2 D DC DC DC
C D D A C cs s price 1 1 A O Cos s price jJ7i 9 Our tfj A A o
9 8
4 Our pdc p ic8 iplyo 4117U 4117U6x9 price prICe6x9 498 4986x9 9 8
6x9 C D it 9x12 C D DCos DCos
price Cos 05 price S6 6 Our qJZyO < 2 O no 9 ° 8 Cos priceClark price rJCe rJCeClark s price S12 12 Ourprice Our tfj 045 045Clark 6 48 A o oprice
Clark Clark Davenports Stock toe of ofCurtain o oli
> li t tt
t Curtain Samples
250 Fine Quality Cable Net and Nottingham N Nt iOgham Lace Curtain CurtainCorners CurlainCorne Cu CuCorners
Corners U 1 i and If 1 yards long 5p o to 60 inches wide White Whiteand Vhtel Qr Qrand 9c
and Arabian Clark Davenportrs Davenport S price 5oc 5 c each Our price 1
130 30 Odd oddstrIps Strips and Half Pairs of Fine Quality Cable Net andNottinb and andNottingham andNottin
Nottinb Nottingham Nottin am m Lace L ce Curtains C Curtainsfu113 rtains full 3 and 3i 3 yards y rds long Clark 49 AQC C
Davenports Daven s prices es from 2 to 6 Our price each strip stripClark strIpClarkt stripark
Clark ark Davenports Stock of ofTable ofTable
Table and Cushion Covers
35 heavy reversible Tapestry Table Covers 4 size eiz PJain and andtwotone andtwotone
twotone colors 10111 Ftnt Finished hed with heavy tassel fringe Clark and andDavenports t tDavenports 9 8 C CDavenports
Davenports price J200 200 Our priceLot price priceLot pri e eLot
Lot of 75 S4xS Ux < inch squares of flue arrade rade e Tapestry Tape try and Goblins Goblinssilk Gobelinsstlk
silk and wool Clark and DvMiports prices from 3100 300 to 9600 9600yard 600 600t 00 00yard 5 Oc
t yard Our price each
21 WashabLe W Tap TapN Tapailtry try JY Comb Cover overa and Portieres In green and andwhite t
price priceR white Strictly reversible Clark A Davenport price JSOO OO Ourprice Our Ourprice 9 8 C
Clark Davenport Cos Co 5 Stock of Rugs RugsClark
Clark Davenport Co ca rried rried a full ful11ine line of rugs of all the most famous makers including Alex AlexSmith AlexSmith
Smith Sons Bigelow Withals S Sanford Sons Roxbury RoxburyThose RoxburyThose
Those desiring to have Rugs reserved may do doso so upon payment of f a small deposit depo it
Clark Cl rk Davenport Cos 6x9 roomsize Tapes Tapestry T Tapestry lPes lPestry
try Brussels Rugs all one piece not seamed seamedfloral seamedfloral seameddfloral
floral conventional con entionaI and an jqrientalwt Oriental piJterrswbes piJterrswbesand ttIe rI1J > s b bndmosb band
and ndmosb most < wanted colorings C E D DCos m QQ n
5 8
Cos price 12 Our Ourpiice price pu n J JClark 3 O OClark
Clark Davenport Cos finest Axminster AxminsterRugs A AaeminsterRugs E nJnster nJnsterRugs
Rugs S Sanford Sons Alex Smith Sons Sonsfull Sonsfull Sonsfull
full roomsize 9x12 x12 ft Rugs including all hew hewpatterns hewpatterns newpatterns
patterns for the fall of 19C 4909 9 C D DCos < f A AO AO8c
8c Cos price 35 Our price Cp 19 I y 98 O
Carpet Ca r Linings LiningsClark
Clark Davenports Price Price5c Price5c Price5c
5c a yardOur yard yardOur yardOur
Our price rice leyd leydClark 1 c cClark yd ydClark
Clark Davenport a Cos en entire entire entire ¬
tire stock offindst of finest quality car carpet carpot carpet ¬
pet linings UnlngsClarkDavenvort Clark Davenport DavenportCos DavenportCos
Cos price 5c Our price Ic per peryard peryard peryard
yard yardCSark yardClark yardClark
Clark 6 Davenports s Stock of ofCords ofCordsa ofCords
Cords Cordsa and Fringes FringesLot
Lot of 100 600 yards of Pillow and andFurniture andFurniture andFurniture
Furniture Cord Guimpos Rug and andDrapery andDrapery andDrapery
Drapery Fringes Clark and andDavenports r a r c
Davenports prices lOe and and30c and20c
30c yard Our price yard yardLot yardLot yardLot J
Lot of 860 yards of Heavy eavy Silk
Wool and Tin Tinsel l Cords and Fringes Fringesaleo Fringesalso
also Tapestry Bands and Inaertings In ertlngs
Clark and Davenports Davenports i fr frprices
prices 25c to TBc yard Our Ourprice 1 111 Oc
price yard J
It 33 i5now Ny now your rare privilege to choose from the well known Clark Davenport Davenp rt c Go7s Co J J s stock of
Rugs Floor Coverings Mattings Draperies s and Upholstery Goods ct t ONEHALF ONE HALF to TWOTHIRDS
Let nothing prevent you from being present at Goldenbergs tomorrow to share the tremendous tremendousmoneysaving tremendousmoneysaving tremendousmoneysaving
moneysaving opportunities of this thisthe the greatest bargain event in years yearsI
Clark Davenport Coos Tapestry Brussels Brusselslar Brusselslarge
lar large r e roomsize oo si eRUgs Rugs size ize 9x11 9x fty fL tq n choice choiceC67s thOiceJan choiceran
Jan ran Qf styl styles > andJolonngs d co rin rinCtrs
C67s Cbspnc price 18 Our price priceClark p PriceClark ce q10 q10tark 98
Clark tark Davenport Cosentire Cos entire stock of Wil Wilton Wilt9n Wilton ¬
ton t9n and Velvet Rugs of the best manufacturers manufacturersThese m manufacturersThese nufacturersThese
These rugs are especially desirable being the best bestrug bestrug bestrug
rug made full room size 9x12 ft ftC ftC ftC
C D Cos price 45 and 50 5oOur 9
24 75
Our price lit vf A
Clark Davenport Cos madetoorder Rugs In this lot are are re about 60 of the finest madeto madetoorder madetoorder madetoorder
order rugs made of the finest possible carpets All made matched a and nd sewed up by hand on the thepremises thepremises thepremises
premises Various sizes in the lot to suit almost any requirement Finest Fi nest materials m Sold Soldas 26 9C 50 C A Aas
as as high as 250 a yard C D Cos price 50 and 60 Our price Cp OOU
C CarpetSamples arpe t S am pes I J9 I lengths lengthsClark Iyard lengthsClark yard yardJ9 98 98cvd C Y YAbout d
Clark Davenport Cos Price up to 3 Our Ourprlce OurpriceAbout price priceAbout
About 250 small pieces Carpets very finest quality used in inmaking inmaking inmaking
making up orders very suitable lengths Ie i1gthS 1 and 11 1 i yards yardsClark yardsClark yardsClark
Clark Davenport Cos price up to 3 Our price 98c 9 98 yard yard27x54 yardSmall yardSmall
Small R Rags Rags2fr gs gs7x54Fine
2fr 27x54 7x54Fine x54 Fine Velvet Rugs C D Cos price 2 200 200Our oo ooOur
Our price price36x63 price36x63 98 C
36x63 36 > 63 Fine Velvet Rugs C CQ D Cos price Q 1 7 9
350 Our price priceOur H H27x60 p i i27x60
27x60 Axminster i er Rugs u C D Cos price e s00 400 400Our fij 1 98 98Clark
Our price M MClark >
Clark ar Davenports Stock of ofCarpets o
Carpets Carpetsd 98
300 Yyardsuch yards d > of best makes of ofAxminster A xminster and Body BodyBrussels Brussels Car Carpets ¬
pets pe s such as Bigelow and Whitall V ital1 Clark Davenports Dav nports prices p ces
175 and 200 yard Our price pnce98c 98c
Clark and Davenport Stock of ofFine ofFine ofFine
Fine Art Goods GoodsOn
On e sale 4e e In Art Papt DeptFirst First Floor FloorTap JrloorTatfftrY 1 1oor 1oorTapestry
Tap Tapestry rtry Pillow Tops In beauti beautiful betutlful beautiful ¬
ful designg Msiu Clark Day Da g A Aenport
enport Price Xc 25 each eachOur 1 I q Ae L LOuirprle C
Ouirprle OurprlceNovelty Our price priceNovelty ar arNovelty
Novelty Pillow Tops In new new and andnovel andnovel andnovol
novel dasighe deslp Clark Dav Dayeaports f feach >
enports prices 5c and 76c 76ceach 2 9C C Ceach
each Our priceSilk price priceSilk prioeSilk
Silk Flo8 Pillows 18inch 18inchsize 18inchelse
size Clark Davenportsprice Davenports Davenportsprice Davonportsprice 19C
price 39c 8c Our price priceSilk priceSt1 priceSilk
Silk St1 Flos Pillows 22ineh 2inchsize Inch OOr a > S Ssize
size Clark Davenports Davenportsprice 3 4 v C < I Iprice
price 59c Our price priceBattenberg priceBattenberg J I IBattenberg
Battenberg Scarfs the threepiece threept throepifckind c ckind f
kind with linen centers centersClark C
Clark Davenports price pliceS11O t 8 8
110 Our price priceLuncheon priceLuncheon priceLuncheon
Luncheon Cloths 80ln size round roundand rounda11l1 roundanal
and square Clark Davenports Dav f f r renports
enports price Sl SlBatt 175 Our Ourprice 98C vA vAprice
price priceBattenberg y yBattenberr
Battenberr Batt nberK Centerpieces round roundand roundand roundand
and square 80Inch size sizeClark QAf
Clark Davenports D venports price KMW 8 gc
1 150 b0 Our pricePillow price pricePillow pricePHI
Pillow PHI ow Tops tinted and llthogmrh llthogmrhed
ed Large assortment aa ortment of ofstyles
styles Clark Davenports Davenportsprice Davenportaprlce39c Davenportsprice 17C C
price prlce39c 39c each Our price <
See Page 5 5of 5of 5Of
of ofTodays ofTodays OfTodays
Todays Timesfor Times Timesfor Timesfor
for forOur forOur forOur
Our Regular RegularThursday RegularThursday
Thursday ThursdayBargain ThursdayBaYg1111
Bargain BargainSale BaYg1111Sale
Rope Portieres PortieresOur
Our Price 198Clark 198 198Clark 198Clark
Clark Davenports Price 5 5Clark 5Clark 5Ciark
Clark Davenport Cos heavy heavyrope heavyrope heavyrope
rope portieres full state large largeenough largeenough largeenough
enough for the widest double doorsClark doors doorsClark doorsClark
Clark Davenport Cos price
6 Our price 5198 5198Clark L98 L98Clark S8 S8Clark
Clark Davenport Cos CosSofa Co CosSofa s sSofa
Sofa Cushions CushionsA
A lot of about 400 sofa Qttsfclonss Qttsfclonssdown oushlondown oushionsdown
down and silk floss 11oa fitted 30 30enport 30a G
2 a and zt In SIze Clark DaLv i51avenport
enport Cos price 75c and andL J 9C
L Our price priceClark prlceClark priceClark
Clark Davenport Cos CosNet Co CosNet s sNet
Net Bed Sets SetsOne SetsOne SetsOne
One lot of ruffled novelty Boblnet Boblnetlace Boblnetlcebe Bobinetlace
lace lcebe bed sets heavy renaissance oonters oon centers oonters ¬
ters and Battenberg edfea large largeenough largeenough largeenough
enough for double bed Include bol bolster bolster holster ¬
ster roll to match Clark Daven Davenport Davenport Davenport ¬
port Cos price < j f X f
I6W 600 and jfM 100 Our Ourprice Ourprice 2 fl 69 U Uprice
price priceLinen priceLinen w wLinen
Linen Couch Covers CoversOne
On One lot of Clark Davenport DavenportCos DavenportCo DavenportCos
Cos Co linen couch covers h heavy avy knot knotted kHotted knotted ¬
ted fringe 50 Inches wide 9 yards yarflalongr yar yardslong s slonS
long Clark hark Davenport DavenportCos > 7 A f c
Cos pried lM Our Ourprice Ourprice 7 Uu Uuprice 9
x xImported
price priceImported priceImported
Imported Furniture Linen
65 pieces Clark Davenport Cos Cospure Cospuro Cospure
pure linen striped furniture covers covers6Q covens5Q
6Q Inches wide Clark Dav jrk jrkenport
enport Cos price TSc Our Ourprice J yM yMprice 9 C
+ f r rTapestry
price prIceTapestry priceTapestry
Tapestry Table Covers CoversFull
Full F ull ll lQx4 10x4elik silk mercerized tapestrytable tap tapestry tapestrytb1e Btry Btrytable
table covers knotted knottedfringe knottedfringe knottedfringe
fringe all around Clark ClakDavenport f f3oO
Davenport Coa eo price PriceOur 1 7 5
3oO Our priceArt price priceArt priceArt
Art and Mission Scrims
20 pieces doublewidth double width art and mis mission mission mission ¬
sion scrims most mo t of thes t11 goods goodsprinted goodsprInted goadsprinted
printed on both gth sides Clark Dav Davenport Davenport Davenport ¬
enport 8 Cos prices prices25c J rt 1 r r5c
2Sc price 5c and 30c Our 12 I 2 2 o oprica
Matting MatsOur Mats MatsOur
Our Price rice 3c 3cClark 3cClark c cClark
Clark Davenport Prices PriceslOc Prices10c PriceslOc
lOc and 15c I5c18x26 15c18x36 15c18x36
18x36 Matting Mats Clark ClarkDavenport ClarkDavenport ClarkDavenport
Davenport Cos prlco 10c and and15c and15c and15c
15c Our price 3c each
llm = = mmmmllllllll = m =
ii I
re Strips 49 49c C R NR I N Nu
Our u Price ricee riceeClark It ItClark
Clark Davenports Prices g N
200 and 300 a Pair PairLot B BLot
Lot of Tapestry Portiere Porn ere Strips StripsClark St ps it itClark
Clark Davenport D venp it Cos price S2 2 and and3 J3 3 a pair A A ft
Our price to be sold by the separate strip st p each eachNI 4V q i9 W C Cu
NI u N ummmmuu NNN NN NN uu I I I u I u u uuum i
Clark Davenport Cos Stock of ofLINOLEUMS ofLINOLEUMS ofLINOLEUMS
30 pieces 84 width heavy weight Cooks cork filled
Linoleum Light and dark colorings All perfect goods goodsFrom 1
Clark Davenport Cos price 75c and 1 L Our price pricesq priceClark 3 7 C
sq yard yardClark
Clark Davenport Cos finest quality heavy weight inlaid Lin Linoleums Linoleums
oleums colorings clear to the back 84 width lIght and
darkeffecta dark effects very handsome designs Clark Davenport Davenporti and9 8
i > Co a Prices 175 and 2 2 Our price F rice sq yardp yard yardt yardp
From the Clark ClarkDavenport
p or ortieres t8 teres Davenport Stock StockClark StockClark StockClark
Clark Davenport Cos Co s Portieres PortieresWe PortieresVe PortieresWe
We have Clark Davenport Cos entire stock of silk silkmercerized siLicmercerized LK LKmercerized
mercerized Portieres and will dispose of them tomorrow at a asensational asensational asensational
sensational price priceThe p priceThe ce ceThe
The lot consists of plain and twotone colorings rope braid braidand braidand braidand
and fringed f nge l borders heavy silk mercerized merce zed 50 inches wide and andfull andfuB andfull
full length lengthClark lengthClark lengthClark
Clark Davenport Cos prices p ces 6 67 7 8 and X10 10 per perpair perpair Perpair
pair Our price sold by the separate strip 169 I G9 each eachClark eachi eachClark eac h hClark
Clark Davenport Cos fancy Balance of Clark Davenport
tapestry velour and gobelin por Cos finest imported Portieres which
tlerca t eres Clark Davenport Cos sold up to lop 50 Our price
prices u5 15 521 20 and andOur 25 f fO ffH CA 7 > r
Our price C sold by the T 3 4 U 9 8 X JkU 19 Sjl P Ppf er St fflft
separate a strip r each J U p P7yu A jl vJili vJiliClark rIp rIpCJark p par
Clark ar Davenport Cos Entire Stock of ofN o oNottinghani
N Nottinghani ottingbamCu Curtains ta n s
250 pairs of extra fine quality Nottingham Lace Curtains full
3 yards long and 54 inches wide Clark Davenport DavenportCo Kl A o
Gos Co Js price 350 and 4 Tomorrow pairClark pair pairClark ml > 9 8
Clark Davenport Cos entire stock Scotch and nd English Not Nottingham Nottingham Notetingham
tingham Lace Curtains also als Brussels Net anda and a few Arabian Cable CableNeb CableNet CableNeteffects
Neb Neteffects effects Clark Davenport Cos price up to 6 6Our m A Q n nOur
Our qur price p c7 pair pairClark pairClark 4ZO 4ZOv 2 98
v Clark Davenport D venport CoS Co S Entire EntireStock EntireStock EntireStock
Stock of Irish rishoink Point Curtains CurtainsLot
Lot No 1 1Cfark Clark Davenport Cos entire stock of White Irish IrishPoint IrishPoint IrishPoint
Point Lace Curtains heavy wo wok k cable cable net effect mas massive mass massive ¬
sive borders s Clark r Daven Davenport ort S Cos price rice i 8 Our Ourpnge Ourprice
398 398Lot
price pair 41 41Lot
LotNo2 Lot No 2 Extra fine quality qu 1ity heavy embossed and raised IrishPoint Irish IrishPoint IrishPpint
Point Lace Curtains extra long an anQ 3 full These curtains are Renais Renaissance RenaisSaIice s ssauce ¬
sauce sance and Arabian and Louis XIV effects Clark Daven DavenClark Davenport >
6 98
port Cos price pre ce 1214 12 i4 andS15 and i5 Ou price pairClark pair pairClark
Clark Davenport DaY p rt Cos 2 20 o and 25 White Irish IrishPoint IrishPant < 975
Point P nt Lace Curtains CurtainsOur Cl1rl Jns Our price pn pair pairThese paIrThese pairThese
These are mostly one onetwD on two and three pair air assortments assortmentsClark assortmentsClark ssortmentsClark
Clark Davenports Stock StockTapestries of ofClark cfT
T Tapestries pestries and Draperies DraperiesClark
Clark Davenport Cos sock of Tapestry Gobelin Go e1in Draperies DraperiesAbout Drape DraperiesAbout es esAbout
About 1000 yards Clark Davenport Cos entire stock of ofSilk im imported un unorted imported ¬
ported orted Silk Brocatelle BrocntelleTapestry Tapestry and Gobelin Draperies French FI nch and andAustrian andAustrian andAustrian
Austrian reps Most of these are in small lengths lengthsabout about li if 1 yards yardsto yardstv yardst9the
to t9the the piece which is a yery desirable size for forchairs chairs table and couch couchcovers couchcovers couchcovers
covers coversClark coverslark coversClark
Clark lark Davenport Cos price up to 6 Our price p ce 98c yd ydClark ydqlark Y YClark d
qlark Clark Davenport U Cos price p ce up 4Jlto to 12 Our O r price 198 ydAbout yd ydAbout ydAbout
About About 2000 yards s of satines s denims and burlaps Fancy Bel Belgian Belg Belgian ¬
gian g RIJ weaves printed taffetas etc et etc etcClark etcClark etcClark
Clark Davenport Cos Co s price J 1C c and 40c Our price tOc

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