7 T
Silk Petticoats at 298 Each EnebRegular EachRegular
Regular 500 and 600 Values ValuesThe
The balance of our recent big purchase of o silk petti petticoats petticoats petticoats ¬
coats has just reached us and goes on sale tomorrow at
298 Great good news for women who are planning planningsummer planningsummer p1annizgsummer
summer trips and want an extra silk underskirt or or two twoMade twoMade wo woMade
Made of superior quality heavy rustling taffeta silk with witha
a deep tailored and shirred ruffles All lengths lengthsChoice lengthsChoice lengthsChoice
Choice of black and leading colors such as navy blue bluegreen blVe blVer
r C green pink cerise catawba lavender and tan tanSilk tanSilk tanSilk
Silk Petticoats that cannot be matched In other stores storesfor storesfor storesfor
for less than 500 and 600 here tomorrow at 298
Ribbon Bargains BargainsAUsUk
Allsilk Baby Ribbons on spools spoolscontaining spoolscontalnlnl spoolscontailitfig
containing fifty yards Colors in inlude inlude inlude
< lude Hsht 11f t blue pink lavender yel yellow yellow el ellow ¬
low black < k white etc etcptc etcptC etcetc
ptc Sod regularly reguI adY at 50e Oe r fj y i 1
Thursday Bargain Bwr fn Sale 3 7 Iprice I vjrv vjrvprice 2 r C
price priceAllSik priceAlISPk priceAILSPk
AllSik Metallic Tafttta Tatt a Ribbon Ribbonfull Ribbonfull Ribbonfull
full 3 I 1cl1 lrchcs s wide Used for making
hair bows sashes etc etcetc et etetc etcV <
V etc All colors Regular 1 f j 1 r
price 16 1 yard Thursday 1 j 11f 0 2 oT C 1 1a
BaltSahl a gain Salo Sa priee Pl Pl19c v v19c
19c 1 Wash WasbBelts WasbBeltsAt Belts BeltsMilitary BeltsAt
At lOc IOeMIl lOclilitary
Military MIl ta Wash Belts regulation regulationgilt regulationgilt
V gilt military buckle Good quality qualitywhite quamywhite qualitywhite
white duck belting Worth 13c eacb eacbSpecial eacbSpecial eachSpecial
Special at lOc lOc50c lOcSOC lOc50c
50c Shopping Sh pping Bags 25c 25cSample 25cSample 25cSample
Sample line of Net Shopping Bags Bagslarge BaSslart Bagsarge
large lart arge medium and small sizes sizesMade sizesMade sizesMade
Made of Imported linen and Jute Jutetwine jutetwine jutetwine
twine Black or brown Riveted Rivetedhandles Rlvetebandlos Rivetedbandies
handles Values up to 50c each eacbThursday eaebThursda eachThursday
Thursday Bargain Sale price 36c 36c50c 26c50c 6c 6cSOc
50c Vanity Bags 25c 25cLeather 25cLeather
1 Leather Vanity Vanit Books and Purses Pursesin
in black only Good quality leath leathers leathers loathirs ¬
ers ers neatly made some with strap 8tm 8tmback >
back handles Regular 50c values valuesThursday valuesThursday aluesThursday
Thursday Bargain Sale price 25c 25cRegular 5c 5c75c c c15c
15c Bath Sprays 44c 44cRegular 44cRegular
Regular 75c Bath Sprays with rap
Id flood nontwisting tubing good goodquality goo gooqua1lty goodquality
quality rubber large nickelplated nickelplatedspray nickelplatedspray nickelplatedspray
spray adjustable bulb fits any fau faucet fauEt fauCt ¬
cet Et ThJrsday Bargain Sale price priceHe price44c
Mercerized Pongee Linen with the stylish rough roughpongee roughpongee roughpongee
pongee weave Colors include tan ta linen Alice AliceCopenhagen A1iceCopenhagen AliceCopenhagen
Copenhagen light l t blue pink lavender old rose rosewisteria rosewisteria rosewisteria
wisteria catawba champagne reseda resedanavy resedanav rosodanavy
navy nav brown leather loath el Nile etc etc War WarSranted f AT
ranted fast colors Worth 88c c yard Spe SpecIaI Specia 2 < 9 JV JVcial c
cial cia at atWhite atWhite atWhite <
White Irish Linen Suiting the correct correctweight f AT
weight for making mak ng sujts 8 skirts and waists 19 I J C
ft Regjilar price 29c Dc yard Special at at40Inch at40lnch at40Inch
40Inch White India Linen a fine sheer A3 fl 3
at Quality Worth 15c yard One day dayat S 93 f A 4 C
Womens Wearables WearablesPetticoats WearahiesPetticoats
Petticoats Kimonos and andMaslin andlrIuslin andMuslin
Muslin Underwear UnderwearSpecially UnderwearSpecially UnderwearSpecially
Specially Priced PricedWomer
Womer omt > IF > Washable Gingham Pet ¬
ticoats tlc ats neat nt > at ctriped effects effectsFinished etf effectsFinishe > t8 t8F
Finished with two ruffle j i
F at Regular Thc values One day 48 jIC jICat A XI C
10 dozen Wemeo Vcni nn Long Crepe r > Ki Kimonos KimOIlO6 K1mulsos ¬
monos iu nvv uav light blue pink pinkand pinkand pinkand
and red Ktntahed JlInw with 1UI fancy fanc fancrTFI
Persian bordetfe Rflgufcr RIgurvalue fCi
rTFI value Thursday Bargain BarainSale U 98C 98CSample XI XISa
Sa Sale Price PrkeSample s sSample
Sample line of WomenM Voiten ottten s Mushn MuslinCambric MushnCambric MushnCambric
Cambric and ifainnook Inderwear InderwearoongtatiUK Cnd LndcrwerconsiMuig Iwea IweaooD
oongtatiUK ooD Stitlg of gowns km ofi < < and short shortskirts shortaddrtA shortskirts
skirts chemise ch m > combination gar garments garmentM garnients ¬
ments cor conHt t covers 5 and drawers drawersTrimmed draweltilrimmed drawersTrimmed
Trimmed with lace JC acP embroid embroidery embroidery embroidery ¬
ery and rlbl ribtoL j Value worth worthup s O Oup
up to S1411 each Thursday ThundayBa ThuwlayBargain falfl falflBargain 6 9 C
Bargain Ba rgaln Sale a1e Price Priceomtps PriceWomens V s sWomens
Womens omtps Uowns HfflrUs Drawers DrawersCorset DrawereCorwet brawersCoret
Corset Covers Cot > h and Chemises Trim Trimmed Trimmed Trimmed ¬
med with ruffles lace and andembrolIerv rfifll rfifllembroiderr
embroiderr > r Worth up to toEach 4k 4keaciL < Oc 2 W Weach 9c
each Special at tt S
100 Silk Gloves 69c 69cJb
10 Jb dozen dozt > n of doubletipped doubletlp d finger fingerSiik fingerStik fingerSilk
Silk Gloves 16button length All AHsisis Allstass
4 Bt sisis Color olora of black white hHe tan tanaud tanaWi taiinavy
aud navy nav Regular price prieclMo S fr
SIT S lMo TI pair pal Thursday Bargain BargainIe BargainSIe f 6 Uft Uftfan 9c
fan SIe Ie prke JT JTKaysers prkeKaysers f fKaysersSOc
KaysersSOc Kaysers SUe Gloves 29c 29cAnother 29cAnothtl 29cp
p Another lot of Kftywrs 2 laap da p
Black Mercerised Iisle Thread ThreadGlove ThreadGlons ThreadGloves
Glove an il steefc Regular 2 OQC OQCprice 9c 9cprict flC flCpihe
price SOc pair Tomonuw at L 7 7
See Page 3 of ofTodays ofTodays ofTodays
Todays Times Timesfor Timesfor Timesfor
for Details of ofSale ofSale ofSJe
Sale of Clark ClarkDavenport ClarkD ClarkDavenport
Davenport D DavenportCos venport venporti venportCos S SCos
Cos Stock at at33cand50con at33c at33cand5Ocon
33cand50con 33cand50conthe 33c and SOc on onthe
the Dollar
iys Boys Wash WashSuits h Barefoot BarefootSuits BftretootSuits
Suits Suits44c Sandals Sandals49o Sandals44c SndMsrP
44c 44cBoys p p A A A AExfraordjnary 49o 49oEPO
Boys Sailor Blouse BlouseWash EPO pairs of Chil Childrens Ch Chash ¬
Wash ash Suits with withBloomer P drens drtn sTan Tan Leather LeatherBarefoot LeatIrBloomer
Bloomer Pants Good Goodwashable Goo Barefoot Sandals all allsizes aUwashablr
washable materials materialsand rP sizes for infants Jit JitUP Jltand
and nea patterns patternsjsizes UP children and andmisses andiz
jsizes iz > s 3 1 to 10 years yearsSale hi misses missesSale mlSesSale
Sale price 41c c each Sale e price 49e a apain aExtl
pain painAn p
Extl chase Exfraordjnary ordinary and Sale Pur of 800 Q YJJ fl fl flSle H Highclass 16 lgiiCiaSS rih c I ass Sk lr irts irtsf t s
f 398 Worth6 orth Worth 8 Worth 10 10Anextra 10LIHt
LIHt An Anextra extraordinary rdinary purchase Largest L rgest sale ofskirts f skttts ever held We Wepurchased Wepu WeI
I ii1r purchased pu chased from frOl a manufacturer last week v ek his hi entire entirestoci stock of hew ew Summer SummerSkirts SummerI r rSkIrts
I I Skirts embracing the very very latest modelsat mo models el at just about abo t half price priceTlie priceThe l lThe
The lot consists of of new summer sliadowr shad w strideserges sh shipe i elges imported fanv fanc English worsteds worsteds striped stripedworsteds l lworstedsshadowtstripe
I 1 worsteds worstedsshadowtstripe shadow shadowstripe stripe prunella plain blaclcvoilesblack bl black cky voiles il s black blue and biji b16m1llffonsblueandJjavypan biown nfcliiffons tinffons blue and navy pan pananias panii l lamas
ii I amas imported oinbrastriped ombn striped and check ediedts effedtslSlagkand black andwhitecheokspanciiereani and white chec1sra u Gream serges sergesghey jChey hey are areall aieall re reall
all the newest summer models Inodelsb beautifully autifunytai1bredIIT taUored throughout ughOl t with witJrstr s straps rapsahd pg8nd and tailored tailor dbandsull bands all all new newi IJewOore newgore
i gore b Oore effects effectsA I II
I I I If
A grand opportunity oppoi tunity for those expecting to go a away wayto vay to replenishtheir replenish their wardrobes f As statedthese statedtheseSkirts stated these theseSkirts theseSkuts
Skirts are worth woi cli up to 6 8 and 10J 10 Tomorrow TO riorrow 308r 3 9Sf 98
Silk Princess nncess nncessWorth Dresses DressesRich
Rich Satin Foulards flQ
5 98
Worth Fifteen Dollars At the th Sen Sensationally Sens ¬ J 3
sationally s low Price Tomorrow TomorrowMany Tomorrowlvany TomorrowMany
Many women will be surprised surp sed at this sensational offering but butjust butjust butjust
just one look at the dresses and youll see why we could not re resist resist resist ¬
sist buying them themnor nor will you Certainly the equal of the val values valties ¬ 1
ues has not been known this season seasonMade i ii i
Made of fine quality satinfinish Foulard Silks in i n many stylish stylisheffects jj J JiJ
iJ effects Grounds of oid 1d rose reseda Copenhagen copenh genl navy brown brownand brownand f fand II
and black showing many neat designsYoke designs designsYokeof 11
Yokeof Yoke < f prey pretty VaL lace piped off with withcontrating contrasting color and andrichly andrichly J I I t trr 1 1richly
richly embellished with small buttons Correct styleskirt sfyl style skirt with withpanel withpanel J J f
panel front trimmed with fold effects effectsActually effectsActuaUy j51ji 1 1Actually
Actually worth fifteen dollars Sale price 598 598Regular 598i II1I i iI
i I 0000 Mens 0 s Serge g 0 o Suits i it 5 9 9 7 75 5 a I
f Regular 1250 Values at atHeres atan atHeres
Heres an unusual chance to buy a strictly stridl 1 allwool navy blue Serge S erge Suit right in style and of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the most reliable quality at a very low price The saving is possible because of a makers will willingness willingness 1
+ ingness in ess to take less than regular cost for his garments and our policy of ofse1ingon selling on a small sm l1 profit profitbasis profitI irofit irofitt
t basis basisT +
I 1 Tneee Tn668 T ose suits are made of fine twill pure worsted serge s rg and ihe the color color is ig suarjamaeuaosoiuieiy su guarntoed re 8toeda absolutely i if l
f fast Eaoh suit is tailored in the most thorough manner Lined with Venetian serge and alpaca alpacaF1ni f
j Finished F1ni hed with cuffed sleeves full cut trousers finished with belt loops loopsSizes < J JSIzo t
t Sizes 34 to 42 Sale Sal price 975 975t 97
4 +
4 S 5 S S 4 t 44 C C 4 4 4 C 4 C C 4 4 5 4 C44 + 4 C C C 4 C G I C i C + 44444444 44444444White
White and rd Wash sh GoodsExtraordinary Goods Goodsans GoodsExtraordinary
Extraordinary Bargains ans for Th Thursday rsday
Satin Stripe and plain yarn Mercerized Poplin a arich arich arich
rich silk lustrous quality that will not be beaffected beaffected beaffected
affected by b y washing In a complete line of ofstreet ofstreet
street and evening shades Worth 39c 39cyard 39cy 3ilcyard 2 5C
yard y rd Special at at30inch atiClnch
30inch 3 inch White French Percale a fine fineclose fineclose fineclose
close even thread quality < With a fine finelinen finolinon finelinen
linen finish Launders perfectly Sold Soldregularly 3 3regularly C
regularly at loc yard Thursday Bargain BargainSale BargainSale 9 4
Sale price price40Inch 1 140inch
40inch 40 inch White Lingerie Batiste an ex exceptional exceptlonal cxceptiona ¬
ceptional close woven thread quality Made Madeof M Madeof de C
of the finest lnest Egyptian combed yarn Sold Soldregularly Soldregularly Soldregularly 15
regularly at 25c yard ard Special Sp cial at
Girls Dresses Dressesand I Iand
and Other Wearables Wearablesfjirls II IIGirl
Girl White Persian Lawn Jvress Jvresses
es neatly trimmed with lacf lac and andembroidery andembroider andembroidery
embroidery embroider breteiles Sizes Sizesup Sizesup Sizesup
up to 14 yearn YeAni Regularly Re ulllrly n 1 teach s seach
each Thursday 1JaUMl Rr Bargain DaJ1alnSale v 6 fl 9C1 U C
Sale price r1e r1ee v vGirls jGirls <
Girls Dresses of Figured Lawn Lawnand l4wnand Lawnand I
and Dotted Swiss All colors Full Fullplaited
plaited skirts made juniper untp r stylet styletneatly styloaneatly tyleiJ tyleiJneatlJ I
neatly trimmed d with plain lawn la Wl1
folds told Sbe Six up to 12 1 years yearsRegniar fff >
Regular 2 09 value One day dayat U 9 Xv Xvfhililrens 8 c ct I
at t I Inar
fhililrens nar n Mull 1111 and Straw Hats Hatsbeautifully HatsMatuUfull 1tatbeautifully
beautifully trimmed with lace acf em eni1roklery ¬
brokle broidery rd ribbon Slightly SlightlymuaMMl SlightlymuUlfd Slightlyinused
muaMMl from hiuidlln hand IaadI1ng tln Worth VGrth Vcrthup rt p
up to 169 each egc CJs Thursday 2 J Sc S r
BarcaiK Sale aIe Prk P PChikhoo Ptki PtkiChfidons tA tAChildrens
Childrens Muslin Nightgowns Nightgownswith NIhtownswith Nightgownawith
with yoke ok of cluster tucks em emi
I i broidery broider and lace trimmed drawers drawerswhite drawerwhite
white hlte Petticoats Little Beauty
Drawer Watefea VaI Wi white and
Gingham Presses au d Tn I Ifanis > Clff
fants LHe IA t While Slips SlipsEach 25 S c cEach
Each EachChlIdrells EachChildrens J JChildrens
Childrens Soft I Finish 1IJnlllh Cambric
Drawers all 11 seams ms felled f llM Finished Finishedwith FInishedwith Finishedwith
with hemstitched ruffle and tucks tucksSizes
Sizes up to 12 1 years Regu 4 J C c
lar price S 3ie c pAir Thursday Thur day I 5
Bargain Sale Puce PliceLittle PuceLittle J JLittle
Little Childrens PercAle Dresses Dresseswhite Dr Drwhite Dresseswhite
white p petUsoats ttl eatsJean tQtfIJ Jean n draw Irawr < raw rawi
i r waists Illat and feeding feedln bibs bibshid g p
Si hid > ld up toSSe Ic each ea hOlle One day dayat dayat 15 I Iat C
at lJ lJLot
Lot of o Childrens ChUdre li Goad Quaity Qu t3
Chambray Chambr y < Rompers in blue only 0 0totylfs
Sty totylfs 18 for boys and nd Iflrl8Made girls girlsMade gIrls4ade
Made with pod poc and col collars collar cotJars ¬
lars Size S tip to 5 years ea8 J fl c
Worth qtlt lre 7r 7 7e j Pair r Offered l for forone Aw1 Aw1one 49C
one day at TT q
jl jluITPAYS
I I I SEVENTH and andK K The Dependable Store j I
Small Wares WaresStoklng
Stocking Feet full seamless made madeof madeof madeof
of good quality maca cotton black blackor
or unbleached AH sizes very rj t teasily 1 1 r reasily C
easily attached Special Specialprice S p e c I a I Iprice 3
price per pair palll pairh4 + J Jixxxl 2
l ixxxl quality pasting totton totton2OOd f p
200yd OO d spools worth 3c Three 7hreospools Thro Throspools 5 Sw Swspools C
spools for ft ftFancy bFancy li liFancy
Fancy Frill and Plain Lisle Bias EI EItic ¬
tics tic 1Inch ami IViinch l lnch widths All Allcolors Allcolors 11 11colors
colors Three quarter yar yarl yaIlengths < l pjr
lengths worth up to ISe Uktor ISefor 7 L Lfor C
for e eLargersize
or orLargfMtleHalr
Largersize LargfMtleHalr Hair foIls 2t inches IndH S 4
the washable kind all allshades allshade <
shades well made ade Ylor Worth VorUiS 1t 1tt 2 5c
S t c eel Special at atomfns atWometfa t tWomens
Womens omfns Pad Hose Supporters Supportersplain Supuorlezosplain Spportersplain
plain and fancy fkn wide Trill clastic
large morass covered cover d pad Four Fourstraps Ioursrap 1ourstraps
straps srap mostly pink and < r r c
blue Regular n ur 25c Sc kinds 15 j IS1 IS1Special
Special at atGood atGood atGood
Good quality Darning DarnhtCoUon Cotton on onspools onspools onspools
spools fast black or white p
Worth 2c spool Six SI spools spoolor > 5 V Vfor C
for or T
M MStationery
Stationery Specials J
800 don tlc n Writing Vrltln Tablets all allwhite a11white altwhite
white In the Jot will he found Ir Iril h
linen onion skin foreign mail and andsuperfine andlIuper1lne andsuperfine
superfine 1 1dO sheets in each f r
tablet Worth lOc each Spe Special Speclal Specia Sr <
cia for TWui Ttluday TtludayLot
Lot of PostCard Po tCfild Album holding hohIlu
800 cards Fancy decorated covers coverswith covrswith covarswith
with green leaves I ell v Oblong 0 bIOI lar s r f
shape Worth orth3te 39i ic each efl < 1 2 5 S 3
Special Spe < lal at
100 reams re m of quaty Parafline Wax
Paper used for or wrapping f
lunches etc et etc Worth 5o 54 5ettuire 3 2C 2Cluirt y t r >
auirp > S SJeClal > eciai at
See Page 3 of ofTodays ofTodays ofTodays
Todays Times Timesfor Timesfor Timesfor
for Details of ofSale ofS ofSale
Sale S le of 0 Clark ClarkDavenport ClarkD ClarkDvenport
Davenport D venport 6 6Cos fCos 5 5Cos
Cos Stock at at33c at33c at33cand5Ocon
33cand5Ocon 33cand5Oconthe 33c and 5Qc on onthe onthe
the Dollar
Cutprice Housefurnishin s
Heavy Galvanized Iron ron Garbage
Cans with tight f1ttn fitting coy covers Co Coers coyera ¬
ers five gallon allan size Regular f fr frprice C
price SOc Oc Thursday Bargain 3 U Uale 9
Sale > ale price priceExtra priceExtra X XExtra
Extra quality selected four fourstring fourstring
string strlngC Carpet rpet Brooms worth worth35c worthc tour2 C
35c c One day at atHeavy atHeavy atHeavy
Heavy Tin Copper Bottom Wash
Boilers with patent cold
handles Choice of sizes 7 rv
8 8br T Or > r S Worth up to 160 16 79 UXC 8 C
Special at atHeavy atHeavy U UHeavy
Heavy Galvanized Iron Wa WaOne a <
ter Pails 8 quart size Worth 9c C
lie One 4ft < lay la at atWindow atWir1dow atWindow
Window Screens ScreensHardwpodframe Sc ScreensHardwiadframe eens eensHardwOOdframe
Hardwpodframe Extension Win Wintlow Wintiow
dow Screens Sre steel 8tcoleent center r mortised mortisedcorners
corners strongest f tr ng i8t mSde mtfde1n P3 t
4 in high highopn open 31 MJn liu > 6c
i4 f in high open 27 r7 in 28c
10 In high open PQn 37 in 30c
20 10 0 In high open45 op n4Jj In 45c
36 in high open 46 in inWalnut 49u 49uWalnut 49cWalnut
Walnut finished Screen Doors with withpanel
S panel and 4ln 4lntramo frame jest 6St qual ¬
fly wire extra well made madeand ml madeand c cand
and finished complete w wth wthall > th ft
all fixtures regular price 51 TI L fsi 69C
Sale price pricePlease vS
Please bring measurcnionts measurcnionts50c mcasuren1 nts ntsOc
SOc Oc Selected Seloct d
Timber Fold
f t
big Clothes lot Bars I Irtanney extra well weltmade 93 c cd clot
made d For Foritanney J JItanney
Itanney Hardwood Ice Chests gal galvanized salvanlzed galvanized ¬
vanized iron lining mineral wool woolfllIcked
packed ball bearing f f fiorth
casters family size sizeworth sizeworth 3 19
worth j150 oJ5O FofT FofTHeavy For ForHeavy Forheavy <
Heavy Tin Dlshpans 10 14 14Nurser 14and
3n and 1 17 quart slz sIzevorii jor1t tip 1 0 C
to5c to fic For ForNursery ForNursery
Nurser Nursery > Refrigerator with water watercooler watercooler ater aterCflOler
cooler attached oak finished casing Ja lng
galvanized Iron lined linednickel linednickel linednickel
nickel plated faucet faucetregular cf S f
regular l ular prIce Z25O 250 50 50SaJe J 16 I fiU 9
Sale price priceT1 priceTle l y
Tlic T1 c UDcpood Depandjtble bleIa LawnSIbwer LawnSIbwersharpened Lawn wn Ibwer Ibwerrpenedc wer wers4Lrpened
sharpened rpenedc ready fpr fpruse fpru foruse
use u e extra quality fteel fteelSteel tteelblades
blAdes Bin tize tizeworth Ize Izeworth 2 19
worth 300 For ForStetl ForSteel
Steel frame Gas Stoves Stov with 2 ex ¬
tra quality burners complete completewith ctC C
with feet covered gas tl1bIng tl1b ujuing 8 9
Ing re regular ular price 1 12 For
Mascot Refrigerators RefrigeratorsManufactured RefrigeratorsManufactured RefrigeratorsManufactured
Manufactured by the Ranney Re Refrigerator Refrflerator Re1rgerator ¬
frigerator Coi Co complete with upto uptolate uptoidte uptoiate
late Improvements and appliances appliancesIce
Ice capacity 36 X6Ibs lbs gal galvanized g A f Q Qvanlzed
vanlzed iron lined Reg Regular Regular u > 4198 iX iXular
ular price S50 606c 6476c fSJ fSJTBc
TBc 6c Sheet ron Gas or Oil OilStove r rStove
Stove Ovens extra wen wenmade weumade wellmade 5 9c
made For ForExtra ForExtra eo eoExtra
Extra qualif 4ply Rubber Garden GardenHose GardenHose GardenHose
Hose S foot engthswirewrapped engthswirewrappedcomplete engt1ts wirewrapped wirewrappedcomjletf vlrewrapPCdcomplete
complete with 111 n combination brass brassfsazle brassle brassizzLe
fsazle le and Nhardwood bardwood bardwoodhose Q f Hf
hose For ForItxtrn reel reelvorth worth 360 360For ZSOFor < 4 > 2 lIM lIMFor ti tifixtra 6 9
fixtra E trR quality Coal OH Stoves
2 3 YzInch Inch wicks Jron top topstrongly f fatrpngly
strongly made Regular Regutarprice Regumrprice 5 SU SUprice 9
price 76e c for forExtra forExtra forExtra
Extra quality Family Famt Scales will wfUweigh willweigh willweigh
weigh 34 4 pounds by ounces onncswarranted HFAf HFAfwarranted c
warranted correct con cL Rogujar RoguJarprice Regularprice 7 Mw Mwprice 9
price 100 for forCrescent forCrescent forCrescent
Crescent Blue BlueFlame Flame 011 Stoves 2 2birners Zburners 2brners
burners each eac ado war warranted war warranted warranted ¬
ranted smrivale and andodorless o f S f fodorless
For ForOakttnlshedBa1h odorless worth rt 151For 850 350For 2 QU QUOakllnished 6 9
Oakllnished OakttnlshedBa1h Bath Tub Seats nick nickeled nickelt nickCltl ¬
eled elt > Cl ends rubber ru bberi covered coyer d dwiji A fr frwijl
wijl fit any size iz tub Reg Begular If J9C tiyv tiyvular
ular price 76c 75cfdr 75cfdrNickelplated cif for r rNickelplated s sNickelplated
Nickelplated Clocks ClocksGoldenbergs ClocksGoldenbergs ClocksGoldenbergs
Goldenbergs specIal cacn A t rr rrone C
one warranted an accurate accuratetlmepicc accuratetimepiece 49 Mw Mwtimepiece
timepiece worth Tfic 7 7Patent For ForPatent s sPatent
Patent Mop Handles an lesj will cviiihold gc Q Qhold
hold brusho brush mop For
100sets 100 sets qf Mrs Potts best qual quality qualIty quallty ¬
ity steelfaced Sad Sa Irons Ironseach fj fr freach
each set consists of three threeiroIs threeiroqe 7 J 9c i iirons
irons stand and holder For For00c Forc S S30c
30c c heavy tin Steam COOK Cocaera rff rffens
era rS 3 compartments extra extrawell extraeU extraeII 3 < 3C <
well eU made For YoriOc ForOc
lOc Oc cans of Insectine for fordestroying FJ i idestroying 1
destroying tle troylnJ all a kinds of bugs 7 I iy iyand C Cana Cand
and insects For ForExtra ForExtra 2 2Extnt
Extra quality thin blown Crystal CrystalGlass Crystal CrystalGla CrystalJlass
Gla Glass s Table Tumblfcrs neat neatengraved n 1 1 r r25c C
engraved designs worth 75c 75cdzen 5c 5cnen 3
dzen nen for ea each each25e h 2 225e
25e Heavy Iron Garden GardenRnkes 16C 16CIttkes C C1likes
Rnkes 12prong size For
Men Mens s Night Robes RobesChoice RobesChoice
Choice at 39c 39cValues 39cValues
Values worth orth 50c 75c and SI SIWeve 1 1Veve 1Weve
Weve been fortunate enough to get another lot of Mens Wight WightRobes 4ightRobes ight ightRobes
Robes cf the same excellent ex eIIent sort which brought such a crowd of ofmen ofmen ofmen
men a fortnight ago when we held a similar sale at 39c 39cChoice 39cChoice 39cChoice
Choice of a bjgvariety jg yan y of styles made of Cambric Muslin and andLongcloth andLongc1oth andLongcloth
Longcloth extra full cuaiid cu and well made With and without collars collarsSome coIIarsSome collarsSome
Some trimmed with washable silk embroidery embroideryAII
AH sizes in the lot lotChoice lotChoice lotChoice
Choice of regular 50c 75c and 100 values tomorrow at 39c
lJ lenk I GRU Gauzo YJlo lalf faJf Htso made mndolth madewith
with lth dotJbltJlltMa deub1e lieI alljj 11po 100 Inplaln Inplalnbllct In lilaill lilaill1Iek
bllct hm greuiliiit1I1ltZi greuiliiit1I1ltZigray n i > t111
gray and PJU PltlllIO I rorH1 Orth t5O t5OpaIr IrTC J
pair alr SpecialIrtH SpecialIrtHMens SHtclaI 1t ittlI1g J JlIens
lIens AthleticTlhtlerwear Athl etk ii 1uiderwcar < IerwQar j pC > f rgw r rlDl1 tAi lDl1Quality tAiqiatty > tl tlquality
quality nain nalwookand pokand nxadras mf s Shfifs Shfifssleeveless Shfrt8lceel Siifrtissleeveless
sleeveless lceel and an made thcoat li Id coat Styje StyjeDrawers MyicDrawers tye tyeDrawers
Drawers knee kneoJeiISUs Jbiigm iUsizes Ail8lzes iU 411sizes
sizes Worth ortW > ifttitd jOco 30 ein1 n1 55c 7citacli irti
MacJJ rhurdIfiagtkii hulIKU J3 rs UiSnc alc gAC I IpIIOeAh C
pIIOeAh Iio Io
1 t t ioI
Mens Man Athletic Undershirts TTKl hlr of ofwhit o owhit ofwhite
whit ribbed lisle jn regular gynllalum gyn gytphasiunt ym ymiiaIunt
iiaIunt style Leveies aoI withOut withffutbuttons withOutb wlthdutluttons
buttons b ttons All Kizej ize Worth Wort or i n t r 1 P c
SOc w Thursday Bargftrfi BarganSate 12 I r
SaU Sa Sate price prioe1Iers priceMeui 4 4Meqs 2
Meqs Washable FburinHVind FburinHVindTies FburinHcnfie8
Ties Tie Jon UI 47 inches long a ad d made in inone inone inone
one iri pltQ Ids c4 In a 8 alarge large assortment aM rtmentor rtmentorJattR of ofpattoinm ofpattjmand
pattoinm pattjmand ± and colors Also n I I
JattR plalthgevfmtc plall c Worth 15c each eachSpe 7 xt xtSpe r C CSpe
Spe i CL l cili J Thursday at 2
IOe 1Ocand12kc 1Ocand12kcLinen and122c I
Linen Torchon b Lpes ces 5c JU y yd ydSoo d
5oo pieces pleLe of Pure Pur Linen Torchpn forLhonk l af in 10 edgings and insert insertings insertings insertings
ings Complete match J iaJ lt sets ets in in mediunv me1iumtin an ni l wide widths Large as assortment n nsortment t tsortment ¬
sortment of 01 new patterns patJ m J suitable for trimming tr ifniilg underwear Sold Soldregularly SQldregularly
1 regularly at loc and424c and 42C l ic yard yar l One day at 5c 5cHoita 5eBeau 5cBeautiful
Beau Beautiful tlfUI SllkEmb 1311k Enibeqldarod rqideroo BandSin navy JrUe olive grays C
brownAV browns 1avefide de Wisteria add gar ggrnt S d regularly at 35c c and andc 1 Sc
5 c aN adq 1lurktay Mt iai BlJr Birgaih lh Sale pd prL4 prL4tjcgon 0 0Jt
Hoita Jt tjcgon i gon on and and Filet F let Mesh IC tel 1 Dress Net Nets ei1l In white white butter and Arab Arab8 Arabcolors v vcolors
colors 45 inches Incb wide The kind used u for braiding bra1dhu ate tc Regular R ulr SOc SOcind i Mtcad c cnd 2 9 c
ind nd 39c i9cyalu value Thursday TJUi Bargain Uar inSatptlc Sal SaIpric pjic per yard yardpieces yardpieces
0 pieces ple 8S of Swiss DemlFlouneings 18 incb inches wW wide In floral and andcmivantWliat an 2 4 9 fl fleonvefltI4inaL C
cmivantWliat Cln v8htktpal designs dNlJ s Vorth orth aCp eP yard Offered fftllted f rr r one day at ati attll 7 7lti
lti i tll < pieces JIe < elil of fine ftn quality qualIty Shirt Vala 1VlilJ Walm Bandings Jandin widths up to Ii 11inohe IIirtles 1 C Cfwlle8
inohe All new designs detI ns Worth orth 25c c and 39c c yard ard One day ay at atAmi I
300 0 pIe of Cam amts9e tlf Stciss iSl and Nainook Embroideries in edgings edngsAnd
And Irisertlng IrisertlngTliursday lri frtlllgll ill Vd0 nidewidtks wJ UIs Regular Se and lOc values aluesThulJi SC C CTiturida
Tliursday ThulJi li Bargain Sale Sal price
Wornens Oxfords r 1
169 169Sty1ishserviceable
2 send 250 Kinds KindsStylish I s sStylish
Stylish Sty1ishserviceable serviceable footwear for vacation and general generalwear generalwearoffered generalwearoffered
wear wearoffered offered tomorrow at a worthwhile saving
Womens White Canvas and White Kid Pumps Ankle AnkleStrap AnkleStrap AnkleStrap
Strap Pumps Sailor and Gibson Ties also Tan Kid and andCalf andC andCalf
Calf C Pumps Colonials Bluchers Bl chers and Blucher Ties in the thelot thelot thelot
lot with leather or wo woodcovertd odcoverecl heels heelsB
B C D Dand and E widths vidth in all sizes sizesRegular sizesRegular sizesRegular
Regular 200 and 250 qualities qualitiestomorro tomorrow at 169 a apair apair apair
We Percales 6fc
2 Cases of 36inch Percales light lightgrounds lightgrounds fghtrounds
grounds rounds showing stripes checks
dots figures figuresand and broken plaid ef ¬
feels Fine closewoven clo ewoven quality suit suitable snitable suitable ¬
able for making mens shirts and andwomens and1omens andwomens
womens wrappers and dresses Sold Soldregularly SoldregularlY Soldregularly
regularly at lOc yard One day at at6c at6c
6c 6c12ic 6 6c12kc c c12c
12ic Dress finghams fjfngh ms 7c 7c10Q 7 C
toe flfeces of Dress Ginghams in instripes instrlpog Instripo
stripes cheeks and plaids Color of
light and cadet blue grey brown brownpink brownpink brownpInk
pink oxblood black and white
Warranted fast colors Sold regular ¬
ly at 12c yard One day at 7ic 7icCambric 1 c
12 c Cambric 7c 1 c
2 Cages Ca of 35Inch 38ln h superior quality
Cambric a softfinish closewovcn uIosewovongTdde closewovcngrade closewovcngrade
grade suitable for making under undergarments undergarnients ¬
garments Free from starch or oryard
dressing Sold old r replariy 1larly at t 1 12c 12cyard c cyar
yard yar Thursday Bargain Sale Price Price7Sc Price7c
7 7c 4c 4c7Sc
7Sc 75 IronClad Sheets 55c
50 dozen SlxSO Iron Clad Sheets
large double bed size stze Hand torn and
Ironed Made from heavy linenfin I1n nfln ¬
ish sheeting These sheets are areseamless are86amlejs aresoauuhts
seamless Regular 75c value One
day at S5c S5c39c SSc39c c
39c Bleached de Sheets e 29c 29c54x90 29c54x50 9
54x90 Bleached Sheets b e single bed bedsize bedsize I
size Hand torn and ironed Free Freefrom lort lortfrom Freefrom >
from starch Sold regularly at S3o S3oeach 3keach 5 5each
each Special at a Z9c 25c12c 9c
12 12c c Pillow Cases 9lc 9lc45x36 9ic45x36 9c45x36
45x36 Bleached Pillow Cases large largesize largesIze largesIze
size Hand torn and Ironed Regu ¬
lar price 12c eatii e1 Thursday Bar Bargain Bar9a1n Bargain ¬
gain Sale price 9c
mtmmmmm < t 4 > I U u m m = = + = I U U II U a I I m un
I Nemo N mo Corsets SI 00 00June I
S if June Special at atPay atPay A APay
Pay si00 100 for a Nemo Corset that any one car c see Is a ag agood good d ii
200 2 value valueand aIue aIueOur J
+ Our Noma January 1903 Special was sold out In a day Our Tune
i SpecIal 15 in the SJ Sante IO styl1sn IonS model but Is made of the light
and durable Nero Batiste ooofcomfort
BaUsteaool comfort for summer wearAN wear wearAN
ii This model modelwlIl will fit wiy nn wi average figure gure Stout women will find H
it t that SelfReducing It reshapes the form better than any corset except the Nemo tt
tt Sized J9 to SO > > to begin the Sale If you want to be sure of finiding 2
your size lie b here early earlyworth earlyWomens
it mmm muum = Ju m uuuii uuuiiWomens
Womens Tub Suits 52 2 98 9
worth S700 700 Tomorrow at atSpecial atSpecial atSpecial
Special sale of Womens s Tub TubSuits Suits of new Racket cloth with
longcoats long Ctats with coat collar colI r and lapels tailored effect Trimmed T mmed with withselfcovered wUhselfcovered withselfcovered
selfcovered button butt nmolds molds Full gored skirt with straight hip lines
Front panel trimmed t mmed with large button molds In all fashionable fashionableshades fashionableshades fashionableshades
shades such as old rose Copenhagen natural white and all black
Worth 700 Sale price p ce 298 298ig 298Big 298Big
Big ig Silk Bargains BargainsSatin
24lnch Satin Foulards a pure silk rich satin face quality In a
large assortment of patterns such as neat figures dots scrolls etc
I Colors include navy black old rose reseda lavender tan
I I Alice Copenhagen Co enhagen wisteria new green reon brown etc Regular Regular69c fl C
69c value Thursday Bargain Sale price price36inca prIce36inch pride36inca 3 9
36inca Black Japanese Habutai Silk guaranteed SlliJl nteed per perspiration perspiratin persplration ¬
spiration proof pure Lyons dye d e An extra firm quality Reg A Aular
ular 85c 8 c value Offered for one day at at36inchBtack at36inch 3 5 U U36inch Oc c
36inch 36inchBtack Black Taffeta Silk allsilk quality qua1i qualityj guaranteed to towear
wear Regular S9c valuo One day at atWanted Ie eo eo eoWanted I IA I38inch 69C C
Wanted Dress Goods Underprice UnderpriceSinch A
38inch Pencil Stripe Mohair Sicilian a rich ich silk lustrous qual ¬
ity in grounds of black navy royai roya Copenhagen brown brownand brownlnd brownand
and myrtle with neat white peaejl stcipes Regular 50c OAC fl c
quality for for54inch 3 354inch 3 9
54inch Allwool Black Panama Pan ma with seat eat fancy armure A fC fC38inch fl C I
weave RIch Jet black Reduced from 89c a yrd rti to to38inch to38inch 49
38inch Allwool Cream Storm Serge a close woven hard
twisted twist d quality DoublQ twill kind
In great demand few sea seashore ¬ A nc
shore and mountain wear Regular 65c value at atiouseliold t q qHousehold J9C
Household Linens Lowered
30 pieces of Goin < 50inch h Bleached Union Taole raje Damask a splendid splendidgrade splendidrade splendidgrade
grade rade for forjeneral general use Choice of ten pretty patterns Regular Regular35c 1 Q
35c j5c value Offered for one day at at001ynrtIs atDG u 19c 1V v
903 001ynrtIs DG ynttls of Bleached Unfon Lftscn BarnSlcy Crash Toweling1 in rlyt 634 6 C Cred
red blue and combination borders Regular lie lJcvalue value Special 8pQ lal at vrfc vrfcF7r
100 00 dozen FringedTurkish FIinge Turkish Towels To ls full bleached blaa bcai generous enerous size 57C F7r v
Regular iSo Oc value for tor2OM for20C 8 ° o
20W 20C yards of 20inch Antiseptic Diaper Ctoth C1oththe the well known 5 K C CRell
Red Star brand Regular lOc value One day at atLimit atLimit atUmlt
Limit of ten yards to e cch ch purchaser purchaserBoys purc1aserBoys purchaserBoys
Boys Wash Suits Suitsand
i 1 and Other Summer Clothing
i1 iBoss S Bts JlJS Fine Quality Washable WbabieSuits WbabieSuitsall V blbleSuit Suits
all sorts of neat patterns in light lightnnddark lightniu
amT nnddark dark inateflals Russian Ru sl n belted beltedstyle beltedstyI
style with bloomer pant Military
kimono and a pd sailor s lor collar shapes shal e6
Sizes 2Vs 2 to 7 years ears The Th wellknown
Mothers Friend brand ffg t r
Values worth up to 53 r 3 sj 1 i 4 8
One day at atColored atC010rcd atColored
Colored Cloth and White 1t
Puck Eton Callage CpU Sf Cap ap 1 ill Oc
each lith i
Boys Washable Bloomer Pants of ofwhite orwhite ofwhite
white duck uck tan and blue bluecrash bluecrash bluecrash
crash Sizes 3 to M 0 years yearsRegular yearsr yearsRegular
Regular r price 38c pair Ir Spe 2 O 5C 5CBoVS k C Ccial Cdat
cial at atBoys J JBoys
Boys and Chfldrsns Broad Brim BrimSailor BrimSailor BrimSailor
Sailor Straw Hats with flat flator fiator at ator
or cone shaped crowns crownsWorth crO 8 5 0 C CWorth CWorth
Worth un U to t 1 L Special at
Handkerchief Specials
Jlsns and Womens White hlte and an anr ant
Colo Colb4 ed Border Handker Flandkerchief t 3iC Q3C Q3Cchiefs
chiefs chiefs12Vic r 4 4Swiss
12Vic 1 Swiss Embroiders Handker Handkercli Iandkerchiefs
cli cll chiefs I fs hemstitched and scalloped scallopededges scallopedt scallopedogoa
edges Worth 1 12V 12c c t each One qne 5 CC c
day At t 5
Mens plain linen and tross 105812tC j < y j IC
barred Linen Handkerchief L2 L2ChlJdrens 12Childrens 2 2ChJJtlren3
ChlJdrens Initkit Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefswhite HandktrchlefEOwhite Handkerchiefswhite
white and colored borders bordersAll b rders rdersAU
All Initials Special Sp ial price 9rt
box of three f SC I