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The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, July 01, 1909, Last Edition, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1909-07-01/ed-1/seq-1/

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Gair oniht an ani i L1te TtUfl rTLnie
t mpr UJ UJt 71 71t htngtctn i LAST EDITION EDITIONWASHES
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Thames River Events EventsG Gp dofo dofothe fo foFRESHMAN tot
< < t of t tthe
the Crip1 CimsonEasy 9 A rni Y Styje StyjeThis J J1J1
1J1 This sl Morning MorningFRESHM rning rningfRESHMAN
c 2 2hctors
Victors R Rest st Upon heir eir eir O OA Qars QarsA Oars OarsAwaitingSons
A waftingSons of f Old Id Eli at atrthe atth f fth
rthe th th Finishing FinishingLi Line LineE e e4 e4rEw
1 rEw E stTc I LONDON DONrConn DO Conn onnt July JulyHarvard 1 1Harvarcrpai 1 1Harvard
Harvard Harvarcrpai painted redthp the Thames river rivercrimson rivercrimson nveE nveEcrimson
crimson this morning by winning winningwith innin inninwith
with perfect ease ea the varsity vityfOu vityfOudared fbur fburoired ur uroired
oired race and the freshmaimce freshmaimceIn freshman rce rceIn
In both races it was Harvard all allthe aUtl1e allthe
the way waytook waylJ
1n4he lJ e f forq g i prtest H Haryard Haryardtook 1j ra1 ra1took r
took the th 1e4p eM mmiily I w 1iI el stne stnequickly apg apgquickly and V
quickly had clear spare a between between the theCrimson theCrimson theCrimson
Crimson shell and the trailing sonof sonofIP sonofThe soitofi soitofThe
IP IPThe i
The finish at thenaj he paMl yard saw sawtlarvard sawIarvard sawrvard
tlarvard Iarvard rowing easily eaS1 y alDbiit six sixlengths six1eneths sbclengths
lengths ahead aheadIn aheadIn
In the freshman race it was the thesame theSante thcsame
same Sante story onlymore hl mot so soa soiThe
a iThe The 7he Blues worirect orttdt braeyly bfa v1y1Ittt IY Ijut jiit ijlieV ijlieVTOUSt i3 i3have J t tiiJiust V
TOUSt iiJiust havo reaUz reaU2eI d Wr yt the t1Je1 JSrst st half halfnsile hal halmU
nsile mU that they had h Httle chance han b nce e in InUl InUlJast the theJast
Jast a3t mile ntll of the theJaC race the Harvard Harvardfreshmen tIa azva azvaXrethrneu ar artre I
freshmen tre men sped ahead easily aa if iravbg they theywere theIwire
wire were savins their ulr strength strengthTale strengthYnle atre gth gthnie
Tale nie was waspluw plugging along but butfn in the thefinal thel thciUL1
final l iUL1 1 quarter Clu e role mUe tljo tho Harvard crew crewwas crewWaJ crewwas
was laughing at the efforts of afthe the BluosHarvard B1uCrvard Bluos B1uui1arvlfrd
Harvard rvard crossed the line with 1th a long longeasy longCU81 longCLL3
easy CLL3 stroke and the boys sat in their theirshells thtolpshelli thl thlEbila
shells splashing water on each ch other otherand otheran4AoIplngth6 otbetan
an4AoIplngth6 and an joining the tremendous tr trenon4 U n crowd C d In InjvJ In Inthe it itg1vJ1g
g1vJ1g jvJ lbJ lt 7W t tte i ice
ce te 1iil 4T dbvdl I pIWIUi pb1 pb1the tl tlthe
the best b ststrok stroke it madeduring mad during the race racethe racethe racethe
the Haxiasd Han Ha td jSgys y gave 2 yell elt for Old OldEIL OldEIL I IEli
EIL T TOZic1a1
EILOaicial Official mgrVafslty rii x varslty four fourHanard fourBxvard1Z14 Harvard i
1314 Yale YaIe1a Yaleresiuuan 181 181Freshman 21 21Freshman
Freshman eight elbbtH elgbtRervard Harvard n 1133 S Yale YaleOO Ya1 I I3OO
33 3OO 09 ji jilight V
light Wind Today TodayA
A J light UghtwJnd wind Ind from tro the tbesouthwest southwest rip rippled rippled rippled ¬
pled the course on which the Yale and andHarvard andHarvard an I IHarvard
Harvard varsity eights are ar prepared to tomeet tomeet U
meet in their groat annual struggle for forsupremacy forsupremacy fo foJ V
J supremacy on the water ater late today todayThe todayThe todayThe
The weather We ther conditions condltln3otherwse condltln3otherwseavorable otherwise wera werafavorable er er8ovorab1e
favorable and there was a a strong pros prospect Ptoect proect ¬
pect ect of the big race being started on onschedule onsclt or I Iaebodule
schedule sclt ule time at 6 oclock oel k this after afternoon aternoon alternoon ¬
noon noonWith noonWith noonWith
With predictions rod1etion and odds o ds in the bet betting betting bettln ¬
ting tln showing Harvard the favorite
Coach Kennedy of f Yaje Ya1eon17 a1e only smiled smiledwhen smiledwhen mUedw1euaed
when w1euaed asked for a statement tat ment It was a amighty a amighty anIghty
mighty confident comfortable kind of ofa ofasmile a aEmlle aEmile
smile and seemed to say 7 Walt and andECO andeo andsee
ECO eo No one ever yet knew anything anythingabout anythingabout anythingabout
about boat races In advance advanceCaptain advanceCaptain H HCaptain
Captain Howe of Sala Ale sai4 his men menwere m menwere n nere
were ere in perfect P6rte t trim trimAt trImAt trimAt
At Red Toe the Harvard H rvard camp o mp was wasworking waswork1Dg wasivorktog
working hard against eyeroe3enee eyeroe3eneeWray oyerOOll oyerooLdineeWray lenee leneeWray
Wray Looks Worried WorriedCoach WorriedCoach WorriedCoach
Coach Wray Wra look ookd d a bit worried but buthts butWI buthis
his WI worry was clearly clearl feigned fel ed a ad tad d na nad9ubtedly aDdqu1te41Y ondqubtedly
d9ubtedly was intended t keep Ida men menfrom mentr menfrOm
from tr starting starUtI oat t too sure tit t tHives themeeIves them themselves ¬
selves HivesWith eeIvesWith selvesWith
With the advantage of weight and ex experience exelJeRCtJ exence ¬
perience elJeRCtJ ence in the Crimson the dopeatera dopeateracontended doperacontendedtba dopeetoracontended
contended contendedtba that only an accident acc dent or un untoward untoward untoward ¬
toward fortunesof fortunea of war could defeat defeatthe deteatthe defeatthe
the men from Cambridge CambridgeTale CambrldJeYale Cambridgetale
Tale money was plentiful onUful however howevernd howeveruld howeveratd
atd nd the betting was mere spirited as asthe asthe
the time for the Bee approach Th Thodds Thodds Titodds
odds remained remaJ ed at I t to 4 with Harvard Harvardtho narvardtM Harvardthe
the favorite favoriteContinued tvoriteConUnued favoriteConUnued
ConUnued on BlAvsnttt Etav t1 Page PageWEATHER PageWEATHER
Tbd Tb DTOMttro continues e low over th thGulf thGulf thGulf
Gulf States as II a result of whieh unset unsettled untIettied uneettied ¬
tied weather and local trains ain eotttlnvIn continue continuein
in the South Atlantic and ad Gulf GultTanM States StatesTfloneeee Sta4esTeineeeee
TanM Tfloneeee eee the tower Mteateetppt M1 fleMeetp IMtJtpl vm valley vaJl8Sn8U y
Kansas n8U western Texas T and New Mexi Mexico Mexico Mealco ¬
co Scattered local rates s were also re reorted repOrted reported
pOrted orted from th t1M Dakota and MIne M De
Ia i all U other districts fair weather wea pravsJled pr pro proThe
vsJled vsJledThe Ied IedThe
The temperature is somewhat ewhat higher
In J the Atlantic States Stat north of e Alary Maryand
land the lower wr lake region anoPafth ana on te
PatHie P of9e coast In other districts the thechange theCb40 thechingea
change Cb40 J88 were slifjit slifjitThe ilightThe pt ptThe
The weather er ww iII ramaJn fair tonight tonightfind toIIglstAnd toalgtand
And Friday in the MWdte J ddJe Atlantic
States th tM upper OhIo railey Ie and ui the thew thewer
luwer < w wer r lake region and there Ulere will be no noimportant nomportaB1 noImportant
important cfcaaffea in ttHUMHtmrtt e in inthese Inth4i Inthe
these th4i e regions regionsI
I In the South Attentie and Baat aet Gate GtHf
SCAies e th 1M weather tber will be > vtWettI vtWettItlCk ueett11tIt umettlei umettleiTviQi
TviQi 1tIt local rains during dw it nest thlrt thirty thtrtyplS
plS hours hoursFORECAST houraFOR1 our ourFORECAST
Generally fair tonfgfct and Friday nit
tnvch h change in temperature light vat v4ul
feWe winds T TB V
6 sn n rises 42 4Jf
Sun sets 7r 7rTIDa 3 < 1 1TID1
Today Todqr1 Todayi High g tide t1i Mf Lila ft ni S 4Su m
low tide Baff a m 149 p m
Tomorrew TomorrewHtgh High tide tN 6 811 a M 71
P J > m 11 low ow tide tIdel2j 1216 a m 147 14 p m mCONDITION mONDITION inONDITION
HARPERS FERRY W Va July 1 1iBotb
Both oth rivers r ers muddy this morning
Warrant Wan artnt t ls lsIssued ssued for Arrest Arrestof ArrestofHermaqbeI
of ofHermaqbeI Merman Abel Father FatherdttKe Fatherot Fatherofthe
dttKe ot p Victim VictimBODY VictimkDs
31 <
Great Welts W S Cover Back One OrtEye OrtEyeIs Eye Eyei EyeIs
i < Is Swollen vQt n Shutrand Shut and 1d r 1zauth 1zauthV puth puthCannot uth uthCannot
V V Cannot T 11 1ik 1ikBrulsed lk lkSrulsed lkBruised
Bruised and blackened blnken b1ackenedTb Ijy Y ft n cruel crueltjeatingv crue cruet1n cruelthe
tjeatingv t1n the body of Howard H iord Abel a af aA a14n
14n A f njearold n 9arol < newsboy newsb Y small tor or his hisage hi5age hizage
age lies on a 3 cAtat the e Childrens Hps Hpspltai Hospital HVO HVOpita1
pltai A warrant warranthasbe has been 1 issued for torthe forth
the th > arrest of JilB is fathcr VHeanlut Herman Abfll Abfllbut A l lut
but ut the police have not yet et been alilo aliloto a111oto alilbto
to locatedhim locatedhimA located
him himA V V VV Vamall
V A small comrade c rhr de df r young Abel Abelbrought Abelbrought
brought broug t thve tJ e newii6f n fleW w t the < quarrel to the theEighth theEighth thestt1on
Eighth pr prclJ1 Glinct tst station t1on house hq s last even evening evtnings eventog ¬
tog ings sliorfly rt1yo afieyi tterr S oclpckv clpck VJalbly V V Vlslblyat Vlslblyatf Isibly af afffioted atteoted
ffioted f ot d the younger bay bOY saidhis pallay pal palt
10 lay unconscious unconscious t h lit tha th > Abel hoine 1811 18111tItb61ber lal11ltbergar
tltberger V street where his father had hadleft hadlef had1VtL
left him after adminlsterinj a severe severebeatfhg sev severebeating re reb
beating b at1hg Policeman P01f eman Sweeney dud nd Home Homedth
fjfpnd Cdthe dth thq lnformanhad told tho truth
They 1 y rfoundif totlnd VV the th V Hbward boy as hIs hialt1endbad
feiendbad tE1t1d had described with clothingtorn clothingtornoff clothIng tom tomort tornoft
off completely from the waist wal t up u andjhis and andhls andhlsI1 tis tisflEtsll
flesh I1 ShV a mass of o bruises and welts w lts E rom m
his ishoulder tq his waist on onone Qn ne aids aidsof 2IdeOf aideo
of Of o his is back the skin skinebarred was black JRok as ascharred lt ltcbarred
charred ilok Ick In manyjplages many manyjl JI op the skin skinwas skinw skiawas
was w s laearated Hls HI H1sf4e H1sf4eswollen 1 ace e V was was swollen swollenffdvpne swollenTfcl swollentndone
ffdvpne Tfcl ne eye was opmpletely closed closedTha closedThe closedThe
V The Ticy was wasmQanmg mpaijihgr but was too to
weak w to anBwe anGWcW1t enew4instfns enew4instfnst uaetJbns uaetJbnsAt tf n5 n5fA
fA At t the Childr l Hos1 Hospittal > it 1 surgepnj 8U1Ef aurn l lsal
sold sal d that 1 1d8ug
whiles Wh n
B wounds aun ls w ner ra o
dangerous d8ug eo us they would Ould T be > e Ptre pxtftrrrtflS pxtftrrrtflSIpnsr
PQ1nful for orman many Mvsand v WiIff UffUI lake c
Ipnsr to hea heaI 1
V All I this morning the boy p pplyjv7g V lqly jvajg1 jvajg1suffering
suffering too much to be quKBiidinjdi quW5fio n1YjI Si Siwas
was W nof no in II a condition to glve gi gls e the ponce pollee
a aclue cluo to the whereabouts o or his fawer fatf er
or to tttll why his parent par nt had boat him
But Policeman Home has ba sworn Sworn out a
warrant for Abels arrest arrestand land Rollce
man Bw Sweeney weeney ettey is looking for f r him j
ibel bel is a carpenter awl makes 4 I a
day His HI wife is dead but he has two
other ot er children Both are boys and
younger than Howard Three years yea
ago when they lived on Missouri U oUr1 ave ¬
nue the board of childrens guardians
became Interested in the family faml1 Miss
Hstello telJ6 Foster the boards board agent de deitiott
aTared QlJ Bred tb the b8 I1LIJS W WZpinnilg ruInIDgWfld8 Id ant q
Id4hk d t1rot OrV Jt1 ndtl Jsl gIVftrghom rttg hem the
awniitioa lion V they fchonkl honkll1fele rieivtt r6W V VreQuired H In Ria
required to move into beter tuarters
Last year Abel was injured when a
beam fall upon his head ho d and he was
aWay aWa from his work for some time
During this periocl the children again againwore againwert againwere
wore brought to the attention of the
board His neighbors say ie is indus ¬
trious and sober All the children at ¬
tend school schoolIn schoql schoqlIn V VIn V
In the summer Howard Ho ard V made extra extramoney axtramoney extramoney
money by selling papers paporsHeJs papersHe
He HeJs is a bright youngster and so gen generally generally genorally ¬
erally liked that he has built up a sub substantial sQbstanUa1 substantlal ¬
stantial route His younger youngerbrether youngerbretherY brothersay brother bretherasay
say Y he spent Bpt > nt the monsy mOI9YOfl on them as 8 well wellas j
as for himself himselfNo hll1tleltNo himselfNo
No one could be found today Vwh who wh whor j
saw or heard the beating V VV V It V Vfirst was V at
first thought the punishment was ad administered administered administered ¬
ministered with a whip but physicians physiciansat
at the bopital say that some of tha thawounds tit titwounds thwounds
wounds must have been inflicted with withwood withwood withood
wood ood or some other hard substance
As a result T Sult of the whipping of How Howard Howard Howard ¬
ard the Board of Childrens Guardians Guardianswill GuardianswOl Guardianswill
will apply to the court to have all three threechildren threchildren threechildren
children placed in their care Abel will
be charged with cruelty to his child
McClellan Ousts Commis Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner ¬
sioner Who WhoFall Failed d to toObey toObey toObey
Obey prders prderslIEW Orders OrdersNEW OrdersNW
NEW YORK July 1 IMayor Mayor Model MeClellan Modella taClellan
lan la this afternoon removed Police Com CommiesioHar CommltJ Cornmiseloser
miesioHar mltJ lORv Bingbam from offlee and andn andFIr
Fire n FIr Deputy Commissioner comml liloner Baker was wasplaced waspatl waspIaee
placed patl pIaee in charge of the 1h Department DepartmentThere DepartmentTb8l8 V VThese
There ie much speculation as to who whowill whowat whowill
will be Btngbajms suceseor suceseorBingham BUc ee eeor eeorBlngham r rBingham
Bingham was removed because he herefused heretueed hemetued
refused or failed to carry t7 out the themayors th thmayor themayors
mayors orders orde the reduction and dls dlllClal dienilseal
nilseal de Clal al of several veral effleiala fAolal of the De Department DeJtltrtmen Dopartment ¬
partment partmentThe partmentTh t tThe
The Th torrifie shakeup is the greate JIe greateotitical teat teatHJUtlcal t tjwHtical
jwHtical itical sensation that has occurred in inJf fANw LaNw
Jf Nw w York In years Mll and it is s cure to toaieipal
have great Weight In n the coming mu
aieipal campaign campaignHansen campaignHansen V VHansen
Hansen Resigns ResignsDeputy Re ResignsDeputy igns ignseputy
Deputy eputy Commissionsr Co QDIonltr Hansen whose whoseimmediate whoaeImmediate who3eimmediate
immediate dismissal from office was de demanded demanded domanded ¬
manded by McClaHan 1tIcC1 ell an today tendered tenderedhie tenderedhie tenderedhis
hie resignation to Bingham Hanson Haj n
declared that he had assurances that
Btngnam would not have dlcmlseed dhta kiln Un
in accordance with the mayors orders ordersand ordersand ordersand
and for that reason he resigned re lgned
Binshams answer to McClellan was wasplaced Wa Waplaced wasplaced
placed on the mayors desk at 9 oclock
this morning
The sensation followed charges char made mad
b by r Justice Juati Gayner who sought to have havetHe
Geore Jeol DutrYiJ picture removed from from11te
tHe Rogue Gallery alleging that
this Ut boy wrongfully arrested in the ANt ftr
place had been mugged and that the
notice have hay since hounded him arrest ¬
law him on a number ef e oeearteaa oc aaI with ¬
out eaueeu
Tied Binghams Hands HandsIn HandlIn
In ordering a number of important importantehan Importante Importantelent
ehan e elent t in the department which tied tiedStagnant tiedm tiedBinglams
Stagnant m bands McClellan ordered orderedDtjfty ortered orerdDitffyi
Dtjfty D ptetore e removed from the theRogues theRapH theRogues
Rogues Gallery In his hlffindtngs findings in inthe inthe inthe
the Daffy case MeXUellan arraigns arral s the tINN theNew
New N w York police OlIce department de f1rtment in scath scathing 8CtbInK scathlug ¬
InK terms termsShortly terJnsShortly V
Shortly after noon Mayor UeGUtflK IcCJttl klcCillresolved IcCJttlreoetved
received the waiting newspaperman Mwspapetm1iam ocwepsflflVflVand j
and said saidI
1 have nothing whatever to topazding tty rs rsgarding r6QJdlng
garding the status tatu of this h1 case
He was asked to divulge the contents contentsof
of the th Bingham letter but his answer answerwas a answerwas r rwas
was steadfastly and to ull < questions que t1on8
J have nothing whatever to say say1I J mV
I Evidences of Joy Over Opening of olBathing Bathing Beach
Commerce and tabor Agpi Agvicultiire
culture TSreasuJiy t ieast easulo yy nd War WafDepartments WarV WarVDepartments
Departments Aff Affected AffectedBy ctetl f
1 1By
By JAMES JA1ttES1ffY HAY Jr JrAndther V VV VAnother r rAnbtlerdovelovment V
Another Anbtlerdovelovment development In the Admln Admlnstrations Jdn11nfI Mrrflnistrations
strations trapoRs plan to economize inthepay inthepayand In I Iand
and employment emplo ment of clerks for theexecu theexecunews t ttl9 theexetttn
tl9 dEt deirtiponts I1ts came tOda todaZvIb todaZvIbnews th C Cw
news w that a Surgeon General Ga Walter Walterman gter gterconsoUdafSn i iFI
man O tl73blki a1tht l1 j jojtr4ffl
FI ojtr4ffl t 1 mrt ilme leal Jenf sent tQ tp r
ae JenF1iIkr4rt 1f ir8 rf rt VOfl on Ve 1 e bestnteUl6df bestnteUl6dfonso1Jdat1n best VfljtIted of ofonsolIdanuVnndor
consoUdafSn onsolIdanuVnndor under ur dor one oneViieai Viieai bureau 1rea all the thenencles thetgencles thegencIesuotuaed
nencles gencIesuotuaed nowused now used by this theFedera1 Federal Gov Govornment GQvorJmen 0evurzmeflt
ornment urzmefltVfOr for the preservation of the thepublic the thepvbUd thepublic
public health healthIf V VIf
If the President follows tho recom recommendations recommendationS recommendat1on ¬
mendations of t the e Surgeon General Generalthere Genemlthere Generalthere
there will result rult lt the saving savIn of qtB a large largesum largesum largesum
sum of money and the necessary dls dlsoharge dlsohflrge dieoharge
oharge of V a large percentage perc ntae of o the theemployes theemployes theemployee
employes of the various bureaus bureaus now nowaffected nowafCected nowaffected
affected affectedNb afCectedNil V V VNt
Nb ut official ielal announcement of the con contents cont COfltents ¬
tents t nts of the report will w I be made macie until untilthe untilthe untilthe
the President has had an opportunity opportunityto
to study stud the document He requested requestedGeneral requestedGeneral requestedGeneral
General Wyman to draw raw it up as a aiiulde aJuld ailuidO
iiulde Juld to him him in his recommendations totl1e to tothe tothe
the next session of Congress Congr ss on theIiUQj90t the thesubject thewubjeot
subject V That he will follow tollo its main mainreaturos maInfeatures mainreaturos
reaturos seems assured for ho has al already already atready ¬
ready committed oo m1tted himself hlms lt to the plan planDepartments planDeputments planDepartments
Departments Affected AffectedFrom AffectedFromlnorntat AffecteFromInforntatlon
From Fromlnorntat Information n which has l1u come out outas outas outas
as a result of the Surgeon Generals in investigations tnve Investigatlons ¬
ve vestigations tIgatltns before writing she he report reportit reIortit
it has been he en learned that the new Bu Bureau Bureau Bitmenu ¬
reau of Public Health will affect the theDepartments theDePflrtments theDepartments
Departments of Commerce and Labor LaborAgriculture LaborAgriculture LaborAgriculture
Agriculture Treasury and War as all allfour al1tour alltour
tour of these do work looking to the thepreservation theptuervatlon thepreservation
preservation of public health and the theprevention theprevention theprevention
prevention of disease
One proposal Is to give the new bu bureau bureu buroan ¬
roan control of the enforcement of the thepure thepvre thepure
pure food law in a largo measure The Thechief Thechle Thechief
chief function of the bureau will be to
look I ok after the sanitation of the country
and to consolidate ail the work of sani sanitation sanitation eanttatkpi ¬
tation in the insular possessions of this thiscountry thiscountrJ thisctountry
country to put under one head the vast vastamount v vatamount t tamount
amount of inspection In pectlbn work which is Isone
done one by b the he Government V ranging from f < m
inspection of Immigrants mml nts to the Inspec Inspection inspeetion ¬
tion of food and to have this work work40ne
done by as small m n a force of field m mn mnsnd < n najtd nand
and clerks as is compatible with Ue
best Interests of the service serviceIn
In the Treasury TreuUr Department Depnrtm nt redui red1
tions will be made in both the field and andclerical anl anlclerical andclerical
clerical forces of the Internil Int rnitl Revenue
Bureau It has been found that the thework th6work thework
work of this bureau can be > lone one with
leee people than in 1 the past Just how howmanv howmanv howmany
manv reductions will be made has not notyet notyet notyet
yet been determined determinedNagela determinedNagels determinedNagels
Nagels Clerks Awd Atudous AtudousSecretary AuxkisSecretary s sSeoretary
Secretary Nagel of the Department Departmentof
of Commerce and Labor called at the theWhite thoVhlte theWhite
White House today bit b t said that there therowas theranotllng thereV
was nothing he could make public at atthis a athis atthis V
this time regarding the nuQiber J1u J1ber of em employes employ employem ¬
ployes ploy who will be dismissed or re reduced reduced meduced ¬
duced in salary se1 7 because of the reports reportsmade reportsmade reportsmade
made on them by their th lr division and
bureau chief ehl ehlThe chiefsThese a aThese
These The e reports are going into his office officeevery otficeevery ofilceevery
every day and he and Mr Ir MacHarg MacHargwill MacHargwill
will hold a conference on tli thm m Satur ¬
day if Mr MaeHarg MaeHar returns > V m time
from New London Conn There are
however many more to be sent into
him and they will be COn considered ld red by him himas himaa
as they come in from time to 0 time timeThere timeThere
There wa was a stream of callers today I
from the offices of tho department to toMr loMr toMr
Mr Nageis office These callers were wereclerks woreclerks I Icrka
clerks who wanted to knot 1 what rec recommendations recomm recommondatlons ¬
ommendations omm aUe had been made about aboutthem abouttbem aboutthem
them and what would bacon becoro t of them themlbey
They did not see Mr Ir Nage < however howeveri howeverthey
as i they were told he was not prepared preparedto
to pass p 8 on their theirAnother cases casesAnother casesAnother
Another step at In the th campaign for foreconomy tor6OODOJn for0000ir
economy 6OODOJn was W made today when Di Director DIrector Director ¬
rector Ralph Jph of the Bureau of Bn Bngraving Dncraving n ngraving
graving and Printing followed the di direction direction directVlon ¬
rection of the th Secretary of the Trees Treasury Tr Treesun as asury ¬
ury un MacVeagh and put 200C employee employesofB employeeof
of t th bureau on the per diem m mthod mthodof thod thodof
ofB of pe 1 instead of onmonthly on monthly salaries sala salariesV salariesFhi i s I
Thin Fhi is regarded as an absolutely abeo1ut lyaure lyauremeane sure suremeans suremeans V
means of getting in that bureau a full lull4e
dft < < work for a full days pay Sev Sevar SevY8aril
ar 4 i years ago the bureau was run on onler onV
tJB t per diem basis and a greater greateramount greatera greaterapjount V
amount a apjount ount of work was accomplished then thenis
twn f r is now the case There are neces necessarily necessarny fleeceV ¬
Easily fewer absentees nte when V
a a man or ora ora
a a woman has to work a day in order orderto orderto orderV
to get a days day salary Under the per V
diem basis when they lay la off they get getno getno getV
no a money mone moneyVV V
Age and 111 Health PrecludeHis PrecludeHis Preclude
His Continuation in inPresidency inPresi inPresidency
Presidency PresidencyJesse Presi lency lencyJesse V VJesse
Jesse B tVttsoh tVUso president of of the theLincoln theLincoln theLincoln
Lincoln National Bank tendered t his bisresignation hisreslgnatlon hisresignation
resignation to the directors of that th i in institution Institution lnstltutlon ¬
stitution at noon today It was ac accepted accepted accoptod ¬
cepted with resolution of regret r gr at at the theseverance theseverance theL
severance of relations that have been beenpleasant beenJlleasant beenpleasant L
pleasant and profitable pro table for over seven seventeen sev seinteen n nteen
teen years yearsMr yearsrrr V V
Mr Wilson gave advanced years and andillhealth and11Ihealth andillhealth V
illhealth as aath the reason reason for laying layingdown Iaylngdown layingdown
down the burden burd n of piloting the bank bankThe bankThe bankThe
The directors took no action as to the theelection theelection theelection
election of a president pro ldent postponing that thatmatter thatm thatmtrter
matter m ter until their next regular meeting meetingIt
It 15 understood that there Are re three threeapplicants threeapplicants threeapplicants
applicants for the vacancy Floyd B BDavis EDavIs BDavis
Davis real estate R J J EarnshBw mer merchant merchant ¬
chant and Robert Callahan of the momV Na National V
tlonal Cash Register Company CompanySo
So far as ascertained no poll was wastaken wastaken wastaken
taken of the directors and no Indica Indications Indlcatlons Indications ¬
tions as to the probable successful can candidate candidate candidato ¬
didate didateMr
Mr Wilsons resignation wag not uc unexpected nitexpected
expected as ha had contemplated re resigning reo reosigning resigning ¬
signing some time ago He wa was elect elected electad lioc lioced ¬
ed president of the Lincoln National NationalBank NatlonalBank NationalBank
Bank In 1C32 and reelected every year yearsince yearelnce yearsince <
since elnceJ I i Ii IJ
Son of Former Senator Chosen to toBoard toBoard toBoard
Board of National Metro Metropolitan 1Vt Metropolitan tro tropolitan ¬
politan Bank BankJohn BankJohn
John B Handeroon jr tion of the theformer thetormer I
former Senator from Missouri was waselected waselected waselected I
elected a director dlrectorot of tg t th National NationalMetropolitan National1oIetropoUtan NatIonaMetropolitan
Metropolitan Bank at a meeting or cithe I Ithe
the directors of that institution held
yesterday afternoon atterftoonMr V VMr I
Mr Hendersonis Hender Henderson on Is a lawyer V a grad graduate gradunte I Iuate
uate of Harvard and of the Colum
blan Law School He has enjoyed a alarge a aarge
large l arge and varied experience in dlnlo dlnlomatic dfplo dfplomattc dIplomatic
matic and Apolitical polltleal circles and ie a amember a I
member of several of tho leading leadingclubs leadIngclubs leadin leadinclubs
clubs of the city as well as of the thevarious ttevarious
various scientific societies societiesH
H He has large personal interests ntfre ts and anda anda I
a broad acquaintance acquaintanceHOME acquaintanceHOME cqualntanceHOME
Fire Causes Loss of 50000 in inHeart i iHeart itiHeart L
r rNBW
Heart of New York YorkCity YorkCity
City City1BW CityNBW
NBW YORK July L LA A MCao fire to today telday ¬
day partially destroyed the fourstory fourstorybuilding fourstorybuilding fourstorbuilding r
building of the Western Chemical Com Company Company Cornpany ¬
pany in the heart of the downtown downtownmanufacturing downtownmanufacturing I Imanufacturing
manufacturing district districtFor districtFor districtFor
For a time the blaze threatened threatenedneighboring threatenedelghborlng I Ileighbnring
neighboring structures structuresSi st ruct 11 rf s sS
Si S erai era firemen bad Barrow arrowescapei escapes
V Houses Ho itsesgitilt s sVBuilt Built Since Disaster DisasterVAS DisasterAs DisasterAs
V VAS As Well WeIlls As Old Walls WallsThrown Walls1hr WallsV
V Thrown 1hr wn Down DownMESSINA DownMESSINA DownV DownV V
V MESSINA July 1 IAU All of the walls wallsam a aarnoCg
among am ng the ruins of o the tb old town and andseveral andseveral ant I Iseveral
several of the newly erected shelter shelterhdusee shelterhdililea r rhd
hdusee hd aeswere ware shaken to the ground to today today toV ¬
day by two severe earthquake eerth tuak shocks shockswhich shockswhich V
which spread 8pr ad consternation among the theInhabltan thiinhabitants C
Inhabitants Inhabltan s of o the new ew village which whichis I Iis
is growing out of the ruins of the de destroyed destrayed doetroyad ¬
strayed town townThe townThe townThe
The first shock lasted ten seconds secondsand secondand C Cand
and caused panic among the InhabJ inha l
tants who abandoned their homes and andrushed andrush am I Irushed
rushed rush d out into the open openThe openThe openThe
The tottering walls of the old ruined ruinedquarter ruinedquarter I Iquarter
quarter crashed to the ground throw throwV
Ing stones and debris to great distances dlsancesMany disancosMany V
Many of the fleeing men and wofnen wofnenwere wotnenwere wotneiWere
were struck by falling rocks and were a
injured but none fatally
Tfie shocks were felt all over Gala Galabrla ¬ V V
bria especially at Milete where the tbepopulation thepopulation t tpopulation
population was driven into the fields fieldsShocks 11eld 11eldShocks fleldShocks
Shocks At Reggio ReggioThe ReggioThe
The shocks were felt elt severely at t Rag Regsio Ragplo V V
plo where nearly nt n arly every wall not thrown throwndown throwndown ii
down by the t e December disaster was wasdestroyed wasdeetroyed wa S iiS
destroyed Earthquakes Earthqua o of a minor na nature nature nature V ¬
ture have been frequent here of late latebut latebut
but todays was particularly severe It Itwae Itwas I Vt
was undulating and vertical and was wasaccompanied wa waaccompanied S
accompanied by deep roaring sounds soundsMen soundsMen soundsMen
Men who were present pr ent in both the theshock theshock th e eVf
shock of December SB and nd the one of oftoday ottoday o Vf
today declare this was o ot < far greater greaterIntensity grnaterIntensity r
Intensity than the other and the gmeatet fact factthat tactthat fac t
that there were V re no big buildings stand standIng standing facV V
ing Is the only nlY thing that prevented pr8 ented a agreat agreat agreat
great loss Jo s of life lifeMany UteMaayof
Many Maayof tof tie wooden houses that had hadIn hadbeen ha habeen a
been erected with lUl the relief tu fuid raised raisedSit raise S
In ii America wore not throWn thr01i n down downthough dowri I SI i ithough
though nearly every other building In Inthe Ihthe t tthe i
the city was wulestro7c destroyed destroyedSENATOR tostroyedSENATOR
Vest Virginian Pleased Pleas d That Mr Mri MrandMrs
i and andMf Mrs Laurenzi Were ere Not NotSeriously NotSeriously NotSeriously
Seriously Hurt HuriTh HurThe HurtThe V
Th The condition of ot neither Mr or Mrs MrsMarco MrsMarco
Marco Laurenzr Laurenzr1s Vj is considered serious serioustoday serioustoday S
today as the result of an accident on onth ont o a
th t this speedway Both were bruised yes yesterday yesterday yecterday I ¬
terday afternoon when an R automobile automobiledriven automobiledriven
driven by Senator Nathan B Scott of ofWest otWMt c if
West Virginia collided with their theirphaeton theIrphtaton Ir
phaeton overturning it and throwing its itsoocupants itsoocupants it itoocupants Vs
oocupants to the ground groundSenator groundSenator
Senator Pcott was driving his car at ata a t
a trw 1 rate bf speed when a a congestion congestionov eongestioer a
ov 0 raffic rat e compelled him to dnve dr e faster fasterand tasterand tasteand er
and In turning sharply to avoid another anotherauto anotherauto 5
auto he ran into the phaeton Mr and andMrs andMra an d 5d
Mrs Laurenzl were thrown from their theircarriage theirclrrag thaicarriage ir
carriage clrrag and their horse became fright frightened trlghtened frightened ¬
ened and boltedThe boltedThe bolted
The couple were placed In Senator SenatorScotts SenatorScotts SenateV r
Scotts auto and the Senator S nator gave or orders ord V ¬
dens d rs for the repair of the phaeton He Hehas Hehas Ora H a
has since visited the home of the aged agedcouple ageduple age ageoUpjo Hg g
couple uple at 224 2 24 K street northwest t
Hundred HIn i ed V Boys V Enjoy Enj < ySport ySportOn Sport SportOn t tV
V On First FiFsrDay Day of the theSeason theSeason theV
V V Season SeasonTEMPERA3TURES Seasonr SeasonTEIPERA VV V
I VV c
r V V
Weather WeatherBureau 4 4B
Bureau B U j SQpsUv K1os1r K1os1rV f I lc lcEJ
V 8 a KU m 7 78 7853 81
9 a ni m4 83 SS S SVlOaui
VlOaui 10 a mi n 85 S V V11anz 00 00Ha
Ha 11 11anz m S8 04 14D
13 nnpqu > D C J3ff V V VV VLsm 98 Q Q1IJihm
1 1IJihm iv m V Vfib 00 DT O73p DTfp DTV
V 3p in 01 01W 01V 83 83jjgVHissas
V V VV jjgVHissas jjgVHissasHi
Hi HiVfellerel fellerst eU ml Conif Com Coz on onVin inl Thevatersfiner Thewaterfhel ta taHiVfellerel
fine Wowwhoopllr WowwhoopllrA V V
A hundred yells y l1s from alsundred Vx bun r d youth youthful youthful x ¬
ful bathers signalized the Opening cip nlngot of the thebatKlng thebatmng Ui o
batKlng beach tflla morning The Vol old oldcrowd oldcrowd d
crowd supplemented V by the 4tellerswho tellers fellerswho tellerswho V
who have outgrown parental prphibX5 prphibX5tlon pr9b1 h htIon
tlon of swimming during the la 1aSJf j vejTr vejTrtogether rt rttogether rV
together with with a few tellers whoare whoareold who aTe aTeold ar arold e
old enough tv t V be parents themselves themselveswere themsetveswere themsetvOiwere
were all alloj1 ojj hand thls morning to t greet greetDr greetDr it
Dr W v B Hudson superintendent of ofthe ofthe c f fthe
the beach and V his assistants assistantsDr
Dr Hudson Hud on was so busy he could not nottalk nottalk tic t
talk to visitors this morning > There Therewere Th Titerwere re rewere O
were too many eager anxious boys de demanding demandIng th ¬
manding bathing suits assignments to tobath tobath 0
bath houses and other things that pro pronecessary PT8nece t O
necessary nece sary tor comfort comto sr r convenience or orare orare C ir
are declared necessary by law The Theyoungsters Theyoungslera Tli Tliyoungsters Le
j youngsters were scrambling over one oneanother oneanother on LC
another to be the first V in the water waterThe wltelThe wateThe r
The beach office sras yeas opened open d at Ii an n early earlyhour earl Vt
hour but It was not so early that some someof someof seal La
of its patrons were not waiting at the thedoor thedoor Ui 10
I door when it swung open At 10 oclock oclockcommenced Qclockcommenced QGOC Ic
commenced the scramble for bath bathhouses bathhou bat bathouHes V ii
houses housesEverything hou houHesEverything es esEvery
Everything Every thins looks bringt and new It Itlooks It100kJi V Itte
looks as though the season will be the thebiggest theblgsest Ui te
biggest in the history hlstoT of the beach bead t
j rhere have t een a number of changes changesand changesand changeand is
and Improvements during the closed closedseason d dis I ISCflson
season all ot which are more or less lessappreciated let is
appreciated by the he youthful patrons patronsThey patrond S I ITh
They Th y wanted to get Into the water and andJt atdt an d
Jt t would have made no n difference to tothem tothem I 0
them I fthere had been no shallow pool poolno poolno poo poobig 1
no ° big spring board no flaats or any anything anything r ¬
thing So long as there was w water and anda an d
a place to remove clothing where the thepolice iii he hepolice to
police would not Interfere the boys boyswere boswere hot hota iiiPa Pa
were satisfied To be provided Wlth a abathhouse a abathhouse
bathhouse was of course a convenience conveniencethat onvenJencethat e
that could not be overlooked and this thiswill thIsVI th thvill S
will VI
The new pool twice the size of the thetwo thetwo Ui Uitwo IC
two former pools was filled with clear clearcity clearI cile cilecity
city water In short hort order o rdEl r The indications indl indict indictLd a atlons ¬
I tlons are that the superintendent and andattendants andattendants an Ld
attendants at the beach will have their theirhands theirhands the an1r 1r
hands full this year managing theie the thecrowds thecrowds Ui Uicrowds ie
crowds crowdsCommissioner crowdsCommissioner
j Commissioner West Vest was on hand this thismorning thismornIng th thiv Is
morning when wh n the bea beath h was formally formallyopened tonnallyopened formall iv
opened at 10 oclock and expressed his hisapproval hisI hI Ls
I approval of aJl l that had been done hItt at attne atI tt
I the same time his regret at the Inade Inadequacy inaditt t ¬
quacy of the pools oolf even with the great greataddition greataddition grot tt
addition to accommodate the crowd crowdthat crowdthat crou grotd d
that wanted to swim There must croue have havebean havebean ha e
bean as many boys on the edge of tHe tHepool tHepool UI UItr Ic
pool who were not permitted to enter enteras enteras ante anteas tr
as there were wer bathers bathersThe bathersTbe
The bath houses and lockers were wereall wereaU we 0
all in use this morning even those wett that thathave thathave the tt
have heretofore been bQ n reserved for won women wonen thei om omen i ¬
en being used us d The Th beach will be re reserved reserved me x xserved ¬
served for women on Mondays Wed Wednesdays Wedresdays 1 ¬
nesdays and Fridays from 10 a nu nuto m mto xi xitOlP t4 1t4
to tOlP 1 lp p m mGENERAL mGE TnGENERAL
Old Sol oI is back on the job jobHe jObHeeels jobHe
He Heeels feels V rested and Seems seemsable able to toproduce toproduce I o oproduce
produce warmth with redoubled vigor vigorOld vIgorOld
Old General Humidity stalks abroad abroadonce abroaonce abroa abroaOnce a
once more only ho has ceased to be a ajoke a ajoke
joke if 1AU n who hastened from the suns sunsrays sunsrays sun aS S
rays to a cool place only to find the theGeneral theGeneral Ui UiGeneral e
General penetrating even there testify testifyto teeth
to his return returnFor returnFor
For one day only there was a respite respiteYesterday respiteYesterday V a
Yesterday there was a slight relief to toSay today te teday t
day < there are rays but not rays rayshope of ofhope athope
hope There Is a slight breeze which whichhelps whIchhelps whic whichelps
helps a little but toward the afternoon afternooneyen afternoonelren aftemnocevcn
eyen that became discouraged and grad gradually gradually grm ¬
ually faded away And the prospects prospectsare prospec grmis is
are that the early evening will prospecLs be as aswarm asIarm Ls
warm as any of the very veT uncomfort uncomfortable uncomtortable t ¬
able twilight exhibitions of uncomnlorst the past pastweek pastweek pa paweek st
week weekThe weekThe
The rise W8 vaj sudden At S oclock the thetelltale thetelltale U a
telltale Kiosk only registered 81 There Thereafter Thoroatter 5 ¬
after the mercury jumped In one Titerir hour hourIt hot ir
It climbed 4 degrees In the next hour hourit hourIt hot hotsoared ir
it soared V more and by noon it had hadreached hadreached ha 4 4Lg
reached 96 with nary a sign of breaking breakinga breakis breakisa Lg
a wing wingThe wIng7he wingrbe
The humidity um1dtt at noon was wa wai S Sf c
i V
1American American Refining Co and andIts andIts andI
I I Its Agents Are Hit by byGrand byGrand
Bills Result of Loan toarid to arid Crush Crushing Crushing CrushV Crushing
V ing of Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaConcern Pen1J PennsylvanjaVV Jva iia iiaConcern
V Concern ConcernNEW ConcernNEW ConcernNEW
NEW YORK July 1 1A A blanket blanketindictment blanketindictment blanketindictment
indictment in fourteen counts charg ¬
ing the American Sugar Refining
Company its itsVofficers officers and directors directorsand directofStand directorsand
and certain agents with conspiring to torestrain torestrain torestrain
restrain the trade in raw and refined refinedsugar refinedsugar refinedsugar
sugar were returned to FederalJudg Federal FederalJudge FederalJudge
Judge Hand today by the grand grandjury grandjury grandury
jury juryThe j ury i iThe
The indictment charges that the thedefendants thedefendants V Vdefendants
defendants conspired to prevent the thePennsylvania thePennsylvania thePennsylvania
Pennsylvania Sugar Refining Com Company Company Cornany ¬
pany 1 any from competing with the trust trustand trustand trustand
and and accomplished that purpose purposethrough purposethrough purposethrough
through a loan of 1250000 to toAdolph toAdolph toAdolph
Adolph Segal which was secured by by26OOO
26000 26 OOo shares of the stock of the thePennsylvania thePennsylvania thePennsylvania
Pennsylvania Company giving the thetrust thetrust thetrust
trust a vote control of the concern concernResult concernResult concernResult
Result of Investigation7 Investigation7The Investigation InvestigationThe
The Indictment today is the th result of ofan ofilU ofan
an investigation by the grand gr d jury ex cxending x ¬
tending t over many weeks brought broughtabout broughtabout t tabout
about by the settlement of a a suit of the
Pennsylvania Compny against the th
trust for 30000000 triple damages for V VioOooooQ
The opening paragraphs of otthe o the Indict ¬
ment whICh Is the th most voluminous re ¬
turned by the New York Federal grand
jury j ury in many years set forth that tho thoJm V
American Jm r1can SugaI Refining Company con ¬
trols about SO per H cent of the trade and
commerce In raw and refined reftn d sugar in
the United UnItfdSU Unit dVStates States s and is engaged in
trade and commerce within the meaning
V of the Sherman antitrust act under
which the indictment is found
Then follows V the statement that the
Pennsylvania Company was organized
six years prior to the finding of the in ¬
dictment and a history of the concern
to It the present time timeAfter timeAfter timeAfter
After setting settln forth that the Pennsyl V Vvania
vanla Company equipped a plant ant in
Philadelphia to engage in tho th business
of refining and marketing sugar at a a acost acost
cost of J2000000 the indictment
charges that The American Sugar Re ¬
fining f Company and the Individuals
herein indicted with it were then th n en engaged engaged ¬
gaged in a corrupt and unlawful con ¬
spiracy that Is IsConspiracy IsConspiracy IsConspiracy
Conspiracy to Restran RestrainA RestranA
A conspiracy unreasonably to re restrain restrain mastrain ¬
strain V and eliminate free tr e competition competitionand competiUonand
and to prevent all competition with the thedefendant thedefendant
defendant corporation co ratlon by the said Penn Pennsylvania Pennsylvanla Pennylvania ¬
sylvania s Sugar Refining Company to tothe
the t he very great injury and detriment detrimentfinancial detrimentfinancial detrimentflnancial
financial and moral of the people of the theUnited theI theUnited
j United Etates and this by and through throughunfair throughunfair throughunfair
I unfair deceitful unlawful and andcorrupt andcorruptmeans corrupt
means of said corporation defendant detendantand defendantand
and the individuals Indicted in llcted with It
The indictment thengoes then igoes goes or to show
that Segel was the treasurer of the
Champion Construction Company which whic whiccontrolled
controlled 26000 shares of stock a ma ¬
jority j in the Pennsylvania concern co cern that
Segel borrowed from Gustave B Kissel Kisselas KIs Kisselas el elas
as agent for an undisclosed lender lendergiving
1250eO l O O giving as security the 2000 ZOOOshares 6000shares
shares of Pennsylvania stock that Kis ¬
sel had no reason to suppose that the theundisclosed theundisclosed theundisclosed
undisclosed lender desired anything
more than the th payment of interest on onand onand onand
and tne repayment of the amount
loaned l or had any motive for prevent preventng ¬
ing i ng the Pennsylvania Sugar Refining
Company from carrying on its business
that Adolph Segal at that time as the
defendant weH Knew was dependent dependentupon dependentupon
upon the dividends upon the Pennsyl Pennsylvania Penns Pennaylvanla I ¬
vania stock for forthe the payment of Interest Interestand Interestand Interestand
and principal of the loan and that the thesuspension thesuspensIon thesuspension
suspension of the business of the Penn Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania ¬
sylvania company would result In plac placng ¬
ing i ng Segals finances In a ruinous condi condlIt ¬
tion tionIt
It is then set forth that the defend dfefendants d defendants < < fend fendants
ants with this end in view and know
Ing that the closing of the plant would wouldprevent wouldprevent
prevent Segal from repaying the loan loanand loanand loanand V
and give the defendants complete con ¬
trol used V every means In thWr power V Vto
to extend the time of said loan origin originally Originally riglnally ¬
ally given for one year It Is charged
that they refused arbitrarily to accept acceptpayment aceeptpayment acceptpayment
payment of these obligations from him himeither himeither himeither
either before or at the time of theJr theJrmaturity th r rmaturity V Vmaturity
maturity tharebygainlng control of t the w
Pennsylvania company
The said defendants used their elr con ¬
trol of the Pennsylvania Sugar Refin ¬
ing Company to prevent the said Id Penn Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania ¬
sylvania Sugar Refining Company from fromcarrying tromcarrying fromcarrying
carrying on or engaging enga 1ng in the bust business bustness bustnees ¬
ness for which it was organized organ bed pre prepared prepared prepared ¬
pared and intended thereby contriv ¬
ing to bring about the ruin of the
Pennsylvania Sugar Refining Company
through inaction the destruction de trueUon of its itsproperty itsJroperty itsproperty
property and the decay de ay of its facilities facUlti s
for the purpose of preventing competi competition competitIon eampetition ¬
tion tionNone
None of the men Indicted In lleted appeared in inoourt InQOurt Inoourt
oourt when the bill was returned
Thomas Mollvaln M I1valn law partner e of t John V
E Parsons one of the he Indicted men menwho menwho menwho
who was formerly chief oomftgai e eou QSet for f r the thetrust thetrust thetrust
trust appeared for the corporation and andofficers
its officers and John M Bowers ap ¬
peared as personal counsel ooun el for Par Parsons Parsons Pareons ¬
sons William D Guthrie appeared appearedsented
for KIS6e1 and Harned was not repre represented reprosented
sented sentedAssistant sentedAaslstant
Assistant District V Attorney Attomne Crim for
the Government asked that thatU1e the men be beordered beordered beordered
ordered to appear to plead next Tues ¬
day and that date dat was set setDepartments setDepartments setDepartments
Departments Statement StatementThe
The following statement was issued by
the Department of Justice this after afternoon afternoon afternoon ¬
noon noonWith With respect to the indictments
found by the grand Jury in New York Yorkthe Yorkthe
the Attorney General said the fact of
the th indictments spoke for itself Its lt and
be had nothing to add addIn addIn addIn
In his opinion the administration of
Justice ju ie should be quiet thorough ef effecttve enfective f fCective
fecttve and impersonal and it was his htsintention hismtentlCn hisintentien
intention that It should be so in this as
in 1 all other cases ca es under his control V VI

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