Requests for forVarious Various Sanc SanctionsAre Sanctions Sanctions ¬
tionsAre tions Are Sure Signs Signsof
of This ThisBy ThisBy ThisBy
The opening ot Ute motoring motoring season seasonIs eaonIs n nis
Is near at hand This Is s apf aprent aprenton > rent arenton renton
on all side ani is parttculrly mani manifest tmU11feat nianifest ¬
fest tlirOttgh the numerous applications applicationstiled applications1lJcdwlth appktIouflied
tiled 1lJcdwlth with the oonteat con teet board of the theAmerican theAmerican theAmerican
American Autovnoblle Auto oblle Association for forsanction forsanctions forsanct1o
sanction to hc h id < d hill climbs endurance endurancecontests eodurneecofltOst e econtosts
contests and f ark k races in various sec sections 8eCtion OC OCtions ¬
tions of the th country One of the early eartyproblems eAltyproblems earlyproblems
problems with which the th sovemins gov goveralnbody olng
body bo will Have Iiav to deal is that of oflicensed otJccnlled ofb
b licensed and am unlicensed unllce1 etl cars participat participating partfclpatInJ partielpating ¬
ing in the same events rent The opening openingFun openingn openinggun
Fun n has h been fired i IY > y the management managementf
of f the new onemile board track at Los LooAngeles LosAngeles LoiAngeles
Angeles Ccl 1 which Is said to have inti intimated Intimated lnttniated ¬
mated that only licensed cars would ould be beeligible beeligible beeligible
eligible to participate in its opening openingmeet openlugmeet openingmeet
meet In the words of a loading leadingauthority loadingauthority loadingauthority
authority a ruling of this nature would wouldhave Wouldhave wouldhave
have a deterrent sffect and would work worka
a serious injury fci to the sport If a division divisionof hlslonof
of this nature wire re made The public publicwants publicnants publics
wants s ants competition among all makes of ofcars ofcars ofcar3
cars and if the leaders in the snort snortand IIpIrtnnd sportand
and Industry size up the situation cor correctly correcUy cerreetly ¬
rectly a gigantic mistake will be made madeif madeI madeIf
if I efforts an made fl4 at this time to shut shutout shutut abutUt
out ut the unlicensed unJi enaed cars from the com competitive compt cornpetitfve ¬
petitive pt lflfve cvers ever a that have done so much muchto
to advance the automobile industry It ItIs It1s Itis
Is not known what the policy or the theThree theThree theThree
Three As will be in thematter of sane sanctioning Ancttonln sanetionlu ¬
tioning ttonln contests eonte fi that are supposed u to tobe tob tobe
be b limited to 1censed cars but it is ex OJrected oxrected j
rected that the tl sovernlnjr body will not notgrant DOtgrant notgrant
grant sanctions for events where here such suchrules MlChrules suchrulez
rules will cxiiit cxiiitThat exltThat
4 4That
That the r 1 eW w contest board of the theAmerican theAmorican theAmerican
American Automobile Aut nObUe > Association of ofwhich orwhich ofivhich
which S S M I Butlei is the efficient chair chairman ch1rman chairman ¬
man is on the Job was a indicated today todaywhen todaywhen todaywhen
when Mr r Butler wired Barney Oldfleld Oldfleldthat OId OldfleldI eld
1 hat no socalled records must be pub published published published ¬
lished until they are made during an anofficially anltIlchtlly anOfficIily
officially sanctioned time trial meet and andwhen alldwhen andwhen
when the time is taken by official tim timers UmfOrs timOldileki ¬
ers appointed by the contest board boardOldflekl boardOIdftekl boardfor
Oldflekl has been burning up the beach beachst
st 11 t Dajtona DA Del tona with his SCOhorsepower car carRegarding earRegardln carRegarding
Regarding the unofficial records claimed claimedfor claimedtor claimeders
for OWneid Chairman Butler said I Iwithdraw IWtthdra Iwithdraw
withdraw the sanction for record trials trialstoday trialstoday trialatoday
today on Daytona Beach and no rec records JeCnrd mctrds ¬
ords will be accepted until the regu regularly r rlr1y regularly ¬
larly sanctioned meet of the Florida FloridaKant FloridaEast FloridaEast
East Coast Automobile Association AssociationMarch AS8OCIationMarch Associat1onMarch
March 22 to 24 when wh n a representative representativeof
of the contest board will be on hand handto handto handto
to officially supervise the trials The Thenew Thenew Theflew
new rules specifically specl cally prohibit unsanc unsanctioned U unsanctioned HJICtloned
tioned records from being advertised advertisedHonors advertLsedHonors ed edHonors
Honors are coming to the Chalmers ChalmersMotor ChalmersMotor ChalmersMotor
Motor Comnaijr wild F C Slbbald Slbbaldmanager Sibbaidmanagor Sibbaldmanager
manager of the Zell Motor Car Com Company Company Cornpany ¬
pany On top of the announcement announcementthat An announcementiha
that 1 iha the Chalmers car had been se selected 1IelEcted anlected ¬
lected for the pathftndingr trip of the theGlidden theGlidden theGlidden
Glidden tour this year the company has hasreceived hur hasreceived
received r eived word that the national com commission cowmiselon cornriliselon ¬
mission has accepted its offer of a Chal Chalmers Cbalmen ihalniers ¬
men W to the champion batsman of ofeach ofloCh ofeach
each loCh of the two major leagues the com coming comJng corning ¬
ing season u In his II letter of acceptance acceptanceAugust acceptDeAuuiJt acceptanceAuguat
August Ilenrnann Her 1ann > chairman of the na nations na1ion nation ¬
1ion tions commission ccammi olon extended sincere sincerethanks aInerethanks ne 8 8h8nk
thanks h8nk and appreciation for the com companys cotnpanys coinpanys ¬
panys offer offerHarry otterHaTTY offerHairy
Harry Cobe who ka has driven Lester Ixnlercars L aler alerara Lestercare
cars ara in a number of tentyfourhour tentyfourhourtrack
track races and other c events ents baa joined joinedthe joinedthe Joinedthe
the Palmer and Singer fotces lOt C He will willbe willbe 111 111the
be the head of the loantesting corps corpsat corpsat corpsat
at the new factory on Long Lon Island nd ndwill nt1will ndwill
will pass on the cars after the other othertesters othertesters othertoaters
testers have tried them out Cobe will willalternate winalternate willalternate
alternate with Ith Frank Lescault Le at the thewheel theWheel thewheel
wheel of a PalmerSinger In the twenty twentyfourhour twentyfourhour twentyfourhour
fourhour race at the Brighton Beach Beachmoi Beaehmo Beachmordrome
moi mo mordrome rdrome in May MayCaptain Ia IaCaptain MayC MayCaptain
+ C
Captain Logan commander of th thMayflower the th8layftOwer theMayilower
Mayflower ha has purchased a Waverley Waverieyelectric Waverleyelectric Waverleyelectric
electric victoriacoupe from the Pope PopeAutomobile Popeutomobtle PopeAutomobile
Automobile Company The machine machinewill macblnewill machinewill
will be delivered to him tomorrow tomorrowThe tOmorT01The tomorrowThe
The Cook Stoddard Company has hasmade humade hasnade
made the following sales of Cadillac Cadillaccars Cadillaccan Cadillaccars
cars Touring car to W II Topping Toppingand ToppingRnd Toppingand
and a demltonneau to Dr W V K Butler ButlerDETROIT BuUerBOWLING ButlerBOLINQ
DETROIT Mich March J 1CWlth 1CWlththree ItWiththree With Withthree
three squads of doubles and seven sevenFtuiads 1teenfqu seveniqueda
Ftuiads fqu s of individuals all Detroit Detroitbowlers Detrottbowlers Detroitbowlers
bowlers the American BowMr Bow r Congress Congresswill Congresswill rea8 rea8w1l1
will end late this afternoon afternoonIn
In Ut Ute last set of livemen teams teamstrawled teamsbowled teamsbowled
bowled last night the Cadillacs of De Detroit Det Detrolt ¬
troit t got ot into the high prize with a ascore ascore aacore
score ef f 2897 This lands them in sixth sixthplace aixthplace sixthplace
place in the major eveat and gives givesthem ghesthcm givesthem
them priae money of ofToday 1MB 1MBTodays 3 3Todays
Todays bowling boYIIa may change e the thestatus thestatus thestatus
status of the doubles douM and singles act prize priselist prize1Ist primlist
list but it is not believed < the high highleaders highleaders h h14Rder8
leaders will ofll t be > e deposed deposedThe depoiMdThe deposedThe
The ten fivemen vemen team leaders Iea4e and andtheir andthr andtheir
their prizes follow followTeam folio folioTeam followTeam
Team and City CIt Score Amt AmUCosmos AmLCosm AmtCosmos
Cosmos Cosm Chicago 288 z z5ramata 8M 810 810saramata fto ftoSaramata
Saramata Wheeling Vh ltn W Va Ut2 22OLearys S75 S75OLearys mOLeeryS
OLearys No 2 Chicago Ch o ftjfft 575 575Kokos 5TjKokos 75 75Xokot
Kokos New le York YorkIryao XStt XSttIlydo 2SI1IIyIo
Ilydo Parks St Louis 2 20m 7 415 415Cadillacs 415CadlUaC5 415Cadillacs
Cadillacs Detroit tasz 3I1
Seiglers St Paul PauL JW JWColonials
Colonials Madison Wis 2W z Z ZHoward 3S6 3S6Howard sHoward
Howard Majors Chicago ZJH SZ SZLiberty 225 225Liberty iLiberty
Liberty Rochester > r N Y 27W 111 29 29Friends eoHEARlMG O OHEARIMG
Friends of the Johnson Sunday Sunda dos closing dos2ng dosIng ¬
ing bill today were given a twenty twenty min minutes mlnut6S mm mmutes ¬
utes hearing before the House District DistrictCommittee DistrictCommllt1le DistrictCommitine
Committee the time being used by At Attorney Attorney Attornoy ¬
torney E H Jackson in summing up upthe upthe upthe
the argument which eh have leave ve been previ previously previous1y previuiily ¬
ously made before the tM committee No Noaction Noaction NotJon
action tJon was taken by the committee but butit butIt butIt
it was t8 decided to give every meml member memberCortJelght memberfortyeight > er erfortyeight
fortyeight hours notice before before voting votingupon votingupoft votingupon
upon the bill MilAttorney billAttorney billAttorney
Attorney Jackson addressed his re remarks remlI reinrk ¬
marks mlI exclusively to the constitutional constitutionalfeatures CODIItitutionalfeat1l1 constitutionalfeaturpe
features feat1l1 of tit Ute bill He asserted ed that thatit
it would become valid law if passed pueedCODfIe Jy Jycongress < > y yCongress
Congress CongressSeveral CODfIeSM congressSeveral
Several SM of the opponents t8 to the th bill billIncluding billincludlll billincluding
includlll Including S S K Russell secretary of the theReUgfous thfn theRelglous >
ReUgfous n Liberty League of Seventh SeventhDay SO SeenthDR nth nthDaJr
Day DR Adventtsts were eie present at the thehernsr ththcrl theIicr4itg >
hernsr hcrl = but took no part In it itI itr itV
V I r tnnaKtee > reported on wi S 1 1at I In 5252 5252at
at n IC > < 1Ie the h r fi1l1 CflWD i t the theIV tJfD
IV D T T i > 1 irloli I r 1 ii > M t > llsf d t ireet ireetfvrii i ireetl reetb
b l fvrii It Uincii rn11 ariil an Yuma sirtets HICtsml
ml t
Is Best Conditioned Pitcher at Norfolk Just Now NowNot NowNotan Not Notan
an OldTimer as Generally Supposed SupposedA A Vic Victim Victim Victim
tim of Cruel Fate FateBy FateBy FateI
I I i 1 1By
NORFOLK Va March 16 11ior Of course courseyou courseoubave courseyou
you oubave have neard toil of the mildest mildestmannered mildestInnnortd mildestznnnered
mannered villain that ever cut a athroat athroat athroat
throat Well Vell kind friends and fireside firesidecompanions firesldecomp firesidecompanions
companions comp nlons rat exactly e a t1y describes de Dr DrF DrF DrF
F C Relating aetfet thirty years who whofor whofor whofor
for five long years was known to fame fameas
as the greatest baseball villain that thatever thateer thtever
ever jumped to tho TriState outlaw outlawleague outlawperhaiMJ outlawleague
league leaguePerhaps leaguePerhabe I
Perhaps no o man in baseball ll has boon boonthe boonthe boonthe
the victim or o a more JD re cruel fate than thanthe thanthe titanthe
the doctor Born in Steubenvllle Ohio Ohioand Ohioand Ohioand
and a resident re ldcrtof of that State ever since sincehe stncehe sincehe
he has never hekl public office or even evenhad evenhAd evenhad
had a chalice to acquire fame by stop stopping slOppln stopping ¬
ping pln in front of a steam roller at a Re Republican Republican Republican ¬
publican convention conventionF
F C CRelsllng Reisling acquired the rudiments rudimentsof
of learning and pitching at at Muskingum MuskingumCollege MusklngumCoU uskingumCollege
which whichsoundslike whichsounds hleh hlehsounds
College CoU se near Zanosvllle Ohio
soundslike sounds like a natural rival for Hiram HlratnCollege HiramCollege ThrainCollege
College where John Doolittle Hardy Hardylearned Hardylearned hardylearned
learned mathematics enough to figure figureout figureout figureout
out a logical and profitable expense ac account account account ¬
count in his numerous tours around aroundthe aroundtho aroundthe
the country from one club to another anotherNot anotherNot
Not An Old Un UnBecause UnBecause
Because of the number of times he hehas hehas I
has been before the public in connec connection cJnnecUon cnnecion ¬
ion with his outlawry the fans have havegotten hayeottetl havegotten
gotten ottetl the tb impression ion that Reisling is isan Isan isan
an old man a sort of second Cy Young YoungAs Youn YounAs YoungAs
As a matter of facu he was wa nothing but buta buta
a kid pitcher = in 136 1 und nl > 6 for or Mutk Mutkingum MutkIngum IutkInlUm
ingum and his first professional en engagement engagcment engagernent ¬
gagement was with Toronto in the theEastern theEastern theEastern
Eastern League Le jlle in ISsS 1 He should shouldreally shouldreally shouldreally
really bo befit in his prime just now nowIn nowIn nowIn
In K 1SO F F C Relating was with Hart Hartford HartCord Hartford ¬
ford Conn in the New ew England EnglandLeague EnlandLetlgue EnglandLengue
League Subsequently the party work workers workers workera ¬
ers became alarmed over the thought thoughtthat tloushtthat thoughtthat
that anything in Connecticut should get getaway getaway getaway
away from Senator Aldrich and they theyinserted theyIn theyInserted
inserted In > a clause t tat at restored r Hartford Hartfordto
to that infant industry htd str the Connecticut ConnecticutState ConnecltcutState ConnecticutState
State League Since then there has hasbeen h hbeen hasbeen
been little tendency to revise upward upwardthe
the tariff paid ball players pla eNJ for their theirservices theirrlces theirservices
services rlces i is Connecticut This conces concession concesIon concession ¬
sion to free trade sentiment will prob probably probably probably ¬
ably afflict af kt Connecticut with ofth a aeries aeriesof
of speeches of the crown of tliorps tliorpsvariety thorrsvariety tliorrsvariety
variety which hich will 111 serve the State Stateright Stateright Stateright
right for not jetng Je ng consistent in all allthings aUthln aftthings
things thingsThe thln thingsThe s sThe
The years ear 1SW and 19il saw our hero herowith herowith herowIth
with Bristol In the same me league lc gue This Thislatteryear Thislatter Thislatter
latteryear latter year ear was momentous In his life lifefor IIlofor lifefor
for tin n it he listened to two hours of ofplatitudes ofplatitudes ofplatitudes
platitudes about the nobility noblllt of dentist dentistry doenU t ¬
ry as a profession interspersed with the theusual theusual theusual
usual I playful pIa Cul remarks ef commence commencement commencemont e ement ¬
ment speakers lS and received a a diploma diplomaas
as a fullfledged < ed tooth carpenter rom rromthe romthe rrornthe
the Ohio Medical Mf ltal University at Colum Columbus Columbus Colutubus ¬
bus O There was a large number of ofother ototlMr ofother
other men in Columbus at that time timewho timewho timewho
who had made a specialty of lecturing lecturingon lecturin lecturinon
on how to be good and of urging lag lagging JagKing lagging ¬
ging feet t into the paths of rectitude rectitudebut r rectitudebut Utude Utudebut
but it was their th lr busy day in the Ohio OhioState OhioState OhioState
State penitentiary located there and andtheir andUlelr andtheir
their terms ter w were not due to expire for forgome torme forsome
some me years This saved our hero from frommuch frommuch frommuch
much advice adviceIn ad1eeIn adviceIn
In IMS l2Dr Dr feinting Re dlng was with Hartford HartfordgaJn Hartforda Hartfordagain
a again gaJn which Kad ad been AWriched as asAforementioned Allaforementioned asaforementioned
aforementionedPlayed aforementionedPlayed Aforementioned AforementionedPlayed
Played IB Tdledo TdledoThe TdledoThe TdledoThe
The seasons of IS I2i4 4 and 1 1Mt W were spent spentIn
In Toledo in the American Association AssociationThe
The ball park there was so big that a abatter abatter abatter
batter putting the ball over the right field fleklfence fieldfence fleWfence
fence was always allowed to go around aroundthe aroundthe aroundthe
the circuit as far as second base This Thistended Thltstended Thistended
tended to prevent the pitchers records recordsfrom recordsfrom recordsfrom
from being littered up with home runs runsoff runsoff
off them themIn themIn themIn
In the fall of IKK 4 the Master of the themolars themolars he hemolars
molars was sold okI to Brooklyn which whichwas whkhwas whichwas
was and is 1 in the National League al although allhouh although ¬
though the papers suppress the news newswhenever newswh newswhenever
whenever wh ver they can This wjnkinc wnkhl at atscandal atscandal atscandal
scandal because of civic pride has been beencharged beencharged beencharged
charged to the Brooklyn papers > more morethan morethan morethan
than once onceBrooklyn onceBrooldn onceBrooklyn
Brooklyn Charley Ebbets Ed Hanlon Hanlonand Hanlonand Hanlonand
and the National League were a com combination comhinatlon cornhination ¬
bination to cause trouble for a Garry GarryHerrmann GnrryHerrmann Garrylerrmanfl
Herrmann much less a mere pitcher pitcherlike Iltlherlike pitcherlike
like Dr Frank C Relsling and tit n io iothe bot botth jntthe
the th whole bunch in the neck at once onceHanlon oceHanlon oflcelIanlon
Hanlon manager of the club prom promised fromilKd rorn rornland ¬
land him an increase of 6108 300 for 19 1006 but butbetween butbetwf butbetween
between betwf > en seasons Ebbets bought the thestock thestock thestork
stock of the late Harry lI uT von on Der Horst Horstof Horstor Horstof
of Baltimore and gained absolute ab con control control control ¬
trol One of his stunts was to send sendReisling sendRelsllng sendReisling
Reisling a contract shy the theThe MOlt MOltThe W WThe
The doctor wrote a gentle negative negativeand ne negativeand aUve aUveand
and suggested that working in a major majorleague majorI majorleague
league I gue fox a minor league salary saJar was wasnot wasnot as asnot
not according to the ethics taught at atMuskingum atXuskln atMuskingum
Muskingum Xuskln m College He heard nothing nothingmore nothingnlOr nothingmore
more until April 15 106 when he got gotanother gotanother gotanother
another contract that inclutyd InclUc d the t t1lut 600 600but 00 00ut
but ut with ith instructions to report at once oncein onceIn onceIn
in condition He reported but nat naturally naturally naturally ¬
urally was as not in condition conditionH
H Hi was s going badly and Ebbets one oneday oneda onelay
day da began practicing on him that thatspeechmaking thjtt thjtthmaklng thjttspeechmakin
speechmaking hmaklng talent that has since sincemade sincen3de sincemade
made him a name as the greatest reatest laby labyrinthine labyrinthine labyrlnthine ¬
rinthine talker of any an age Still he heworked heorked heworked
worked his way out of the maze to the thepoint thepoint thepoint
point of calling the dentist enU t harder hardernames hardernarnes hardernames
names than any of his patients had hadever badever hadever
ever called him after oneof those pain painless painless painless ¬
less extractions that dont hurt the ex extractor ettractor e etractor ¬
tractor in the least The doctor had hadattended h hadattended d dattended
attended Republican harmony meetings meetingsin meetln s sIn
in Ohio and those memories stood him himin himin himhi
in good stead in making a vehement vehementand vehementand vehementand
and picturesquely denunciatory reply replyThey replyThey replyThey
They parted in tears each bewailing bewailingthe
the fact he had not taken his gun to the theconference theconference theconference
Cast Adrift AdriftThe AdriftThe AdrifLThe
The next next day da the kindly Hanlon inti intimated intimated intimated ¬
mated to Reisling that Mr Ir Ebbets didnt dld t
like him mm veryrough very mu inugh h andtold and told him he hewas hewas hewas
was free to sign sgnelsewhero oJsowhero We Ye are aregoing aregolng aregoing
going into this thing Ud g because Clio public publichas publichas publichas
has forgotten the th details of Reislings Reislingslong Retitlingslong Relsllngslong
long exile and at he isnew is new a major majorleaguer majorlcsguer majorleaguer
leaguer again he s jcuid JilI be set right rightWhen rrhtWhen rightWhen
When Reielins Ut k Toledo he owetl owetlthat owe owethat owetithat
that club 119 which U 1 had advanced advancedhim advanceham advancedhim
him to complete a plvate business bu8lJl deal dealThe dealThe dealThe
The debt was transferred to Brooklyn Brooklynwith Brooklynwith Brooklynwith
with tho pitcliar plt hor When Hanlon orally orallysave orallyave orallygave
save ave Relating Rel Ung a release in May Iay ll wtfi wtfihe lUthe > 6 6he
he still owed Brooklyn that U tlt Tak Taking TakIng TakIng ¬
ing Hanlons tip he wired wlr alt over th thcountry tint th4country tintcountry
country trying to land a job at a de decent lecent hecent ¬
cent salary salar but It was the time of ofyear ofyear t tcar
year car when every club was chock ablock ablockwith ablockwith ablockwith
with players pla ers and there was no market marketfor marltettor marketfor
for him He went homo and finally In Jnthe Inthe inthe
the middle of the summer joined Coates Coatesvllie Coates11Ie Coatesvilla
villa 11Ie in the outlaw league leagueNow leasueNow leagueNow
Now fell the blow of o fate Ebbets Ebbetspromptly Ebb Ebbtspromptly ts tspromptly
promptly had ha Reisling blacklisted blacklistedthinking blacldI8tethin blacklistedthinking
thinking thin kin he was a deliberate contract contractjumper contrnctjumper contractjumper
jumper Hanlon according to Reisling Reislingneglected Relsllngneglected Reislingneglected
neglected to tell Ebbets that he had hadgiven hadgiven
given the pitcher permission to get getmuddle getanother getanother
another berth For three years this thismuddle thisnmuddlo
muddle continued and it was not until untilyear untilyear I Iear
year ear before last that Ebbets learned learnedthe learnedthe learnedthe
the facts Then he was man enough enoughto
to go 0 before the National Commission Commissionand
and urge that body to restore re toce Reisling
to good ood standing B taltd in 1 but did not succeed succeeduntil succeeduntil succeeduntil
until April pril of last year Reisling had had10nJ
long since paid back the 119 which whichmade whichmade whichmade
made his jumping so heinous in Eb ¬
bets eyes before the Brooklyn magnate magnatunderstood ma magnateunderstood nair nairunderstood
understood the situation situationComes situationComes situationComes
Comes to Capital CapitalReisling CapitalRelsllnJ CapitalReisling
Reisling was with Coatosvilie in 1905 1905Lancaster 1006Lancaster 6 6JRJlC8tilter
Lancaster in 19 H0 001 < and 1M7 Altoona in In1O
1O 1 6 and York in 1900 being one of the thecontractjumpt thecontractJumpt thecontractjumpt
contractjumpt rs exempted from the theamnesty theamnesty theamnesty
amnesty clause when the TriState TriStateLeague TrlStateLeague TnStateLeague
League went under the national agree agreement agreement agreemnent ¬
ment He had an arrangecmnt with withYork withYork withYork
York that if he was reinstated and could couldget couldset couldget
get a major league club to buy bu him for fora lorccrta1n
a certain sum he was to be allowed to togo togo togo
go and improve his condition Thus It Itwas Itwas itwas
was that Washington Wa blngton got him in August Augustof
of 109 109This 1 1iSThis
This year Relating has shown better betterspring betler8prln betthrspring
spring form than any member of the theWashington theWashington theWashington
Washington pitching corps He will willprobably willprobably 111 111probabl
probably be one of the main reliances in inthe Inthe inthe
the box In the early games especially especiallysince cspeclallyaklce especiallysince
since Witherups arm has gone wrong wrongWe wron wronc wrongWe
We c repeat he is not as old as has been beensupposed oocnsupPOSed beensupposed
supposed because of his long wrangle wranglewith vranl vranlwith wranglewith
with the National Commission Com mINIon being beingonly beln belnonl beingonly
only onl thirty now and should have soy several ate ateend soyeral ¬
eral years of highclass baseball in inhim Inhim inhim
Quite a long Ion story but we believe the thedoctor thedoctor thedoctor
doctor is worth It ItThere It ItTh ItThore
There Th re Is one thing McGraw is a aper aperC arper arperfeet er erfect
feet C t crank abo aoot it remarked George GeorgeBrowne GeorgeBloVn GeorgeBrowne
Browne after smashing s 8hJng a ball to center centerHe centerHe centerJIe
He insisted that in il batting practice the themen themen themen
men should pick out the ball to hit at atwith atwith atwith
with as much discrimination dl8c imlnation as if they theywere the thewere theywere
were in a championship game He Hemaintained HemalntaJncd IInmaintained
maintained that carelessness carele ne and kid kidding kJdding kidding ¬
ding in this respect re pect was rejected In a areal areal a areal
real contest and he would call a man mandown mandown mandown
down just as hard for swinging at one onehe ODehe onebe
he knew he couldnt hit in the morning morningworkout mornln mornlnworkout morningworkout
workout as he would It It were a tie tiewith tiewith tiewith
with the Chicago Cubs in the tenth tenthinning toothInning tenthInning
inning I believe that Is the right Idea Meaand Ideaand Ideaand
and 1 try to live up to it it iLC
+ C
Bill Yohe is taking a cheerful vi vie view w of ofi ofclns ofgoing
i going to Kansas n1l 8 City and is one of the themost them themost
most m t peppery members of the squad squadTrainer 841U8AiTrainer squadC squadTrainer
Trainer Joe Quirk knows th tbe elements elementsof
of anatomy In a manner that surprised surprisedDr su pl1sodDr
Dr Gender G ler who is a practicing physi physician phYRclan phystclan ¬
clan when he wants to be Quirk thinks thinksWitherup thlnUWithemp thiultsWitherup
Witherup has a ruptured ligament m mhis Inhis hihis
his arm just below the elbow The arm armswelled ar arswelled armswelled
swelled up after his work yesterday
but decreased rapidly rapid I under the Influ Influence Inftuence influence ¬
ence of a baking If Quirks diagnosis diagnosisis
is correct and the injury was a received receivedin
in St Louis the latter la ter part of last year yearin yearin yearin
in getting on a bus DUE it is hardly likely likelythat likelythat likelythat
that the damage can be repaired in a acouple acouple acouple
couple of months monthsTThen montheI monthsVhen
+ C
TThen the weather in Norfolk is I good goodt
I if 1 t cant be beaten beatenMcAloer be ten tenI
+ 4 4McAleerandQulrk
I McAloer McAleeran McAleerandQulrk and lQulrk < Quirk have not run wild 11d on
the subject the flcah on ontheir ontheir
their men Moi of them are down downabout downabout downabout
about as line a 811 they theYshould should be Ball Ballplayers BaJlplayers Baliplayers
players do O not work up gradually to a aculminating aculmlmttln aculminating
culminating evwt CV It like a football game gamean gamean gamean
an int intorcolleglfti > rcollegifti meet or a regatta regattalike regattalike regattalike
like college colle e men They have a schedule scheduleof
of 151 games or r more extending extend in from fromthe fromthe fromtime
the middle of April to the first week in inOctober h hOctober inOctober
October and every game in that time timecounts timecounts timecounts
counts just as much as any other If Ifthey Uthey Ifthey
they were reduced to perfect condition conditionby
by April 14 and an kept there they the would wouldbe wouldbe
be as stale as a halfhatched eggs be before before before ¬
fore July I Oberlin and several others othersof
of the Washington squad could well wellafford weUafford wellafford
afford to take on weight The two twopounds twopounds twopounds
pounds gained by McBride from 157 I6 to toliO
liO is a source of congratulation congratulationSPRINTER contTUtulaUonSPRINTER congratulationSPRINTER
Edward Macon the Central High
School athlete who was seriously rto ly in in inured ¬
jured ured by a fall on the indoor track sev several several sevoral ¬
eral days ago is today tod reported to be bemuch bemuch I
much improved at the Walter Reed
Hospital HospitalIn
In falling tatli Macon Ma on fractured ctured both knee kneecape kneeI kneecaps
caps but the physicians following the theoperation theopfratlon theoperation
I operation which was 811 performed yester yeaterI ¬
day are hopeful that no permanent in ¬
I juries will result
f jJt
J I IMany
One o of f the theMany I
Many Designs in ini inttlh
ttlh HandMade HandMadeWillow HandMadeITU
Willow WillowFurniture vv ITU 1110W
Furniture FurniturePalm
Palm Beach Chair ChairI ChairBroad
Broad Ann and Pocket Ann New Spring Stock
FChair halr natural or green S
I 3peclal with 1th cushIon cushIonW 6 U u SOOn J U fl Our ur Floors ioors ioorsw
Founded 1861 F Street Corner 11 11th th thI tht
J Jjf
Attorney General Completes CompletesCase CompletesCase CompletesCase
Case for Government in inStandard inStandard inStandard
Standard Hearing HearingThe
The final argument of the Govern Government Government Government ¬
ment against t the appeal of the Stand Standard StalHlan Standan ¬
ard an Oil Company fro nube decision decisionof loft loftor
of the United States Stat Circuit Court of ofAppeals orAppeals ofAppeals
Appeals was made today by AUornpy AUornpyGeneral Attorn AttornGeneral AttornpyGeneral
General VVlckersbam VVlckersbamMr
Mr Wlckersham had been preceded precededby
by b D T Watson who made the inter intermediate intermediate ¬
mediate argument for the Standard Standardand Sta1MllUdand Standardand
and he will be folowed oJ owed by John G GI QJohnll CJohnson
I Johnson n of Philadelphia who be will willmake willmake
I Imake
make the closing argument for the oil oilcompany 011company oilCompany
company companyThe companyThe CompanyThe
The Attorney Attorne General declared It was wasnot wasnot as as1I0t
not difficult tllf cult to understand lnd why the thei thecounseltor thecounsel
i counsel counseltor for the oil company desired desiredto
to throw a veil of oblivion over the theacts theact8 theacts
acts ofthe of the company prior to 1 18 hii 8 but butInsisted butInsisted butlnsi8ted
Insisted that although the Sherman Shermanantitrust Shonnanantitnast Shermanantitrust
antitrust law was not In existence existenceprior existenceprIor existenceprior
prior to that date and the Standard Standardcould Standardcould Standardcould
could not be persecuted rsecuted as b combina combination combination combination ¬
tion in restraint re trnlnt of trade its operations operationsbetween operationsbeteen operationsbetween
between 1S70 and 1SS9 must be consid considered considered conaldered ¬
ered by the court in reaching its con conclusions conclus1om concluslonL ¬
Watsons Argument ArgumentMr
Mr Watsons argument today was de devoted deotM devoted ¬
voted otM almost wholly to a discussion of ofthe orth ofthe
the th Sherman antitrust law luring the thecourse lhecourM thecourse
course of which he Interested several severalmembers lMtYerAImembers severalmembers
members of the court in his II declara declaration declaration Iecllratlon ¬
tion that under the rule of practice of ofthe oCthe ofthe
the Supreme Court tho Government In Insubmitting InJiubmlttlng insubmitting
submitting Its ca ce e cannot go outside outsidethe outsidethe outsidethe
the record of the case as presented in inthe Inthe inthe
the lower court courtHewas courtHe courtIIewas
Hewas He directing his complaint against againstthe againsttllp againstthe
the manner I nwhich Special Spee Attorney
Kellogg Keno for or the Government reviewed reviewedthe revlew revlewthe reviewedthe
the entire history of the Standard and andbrought andbrougbt andbrought
brought in details which were not a amatter amatter amatter
matter of record in the court from fromwhich fromhlch fromwhich
which the Standard appealed appealedMr
Mr Justice McKenna and Mr Just te teVlhlte ce ceTVhlte e eVbIte
TVhlte asked kE Attorney Watson it he bewere hewere j jwere
were certain that there was any such suchrule IIUehrule suchrule
rule of practice in the United nJted States Sta Su Supreme Supreme Snpreme ¬
preme Court
Finds Rule RuleI
01 u I would like to have you refer reer me meto meto meto
to It if there is 11I said Mr Justice White WJdtf1Mr WhiteMr j
Mr aWLaoH had considerable dUAcul dUAculty
ty t in finding filMl the rule which he tnmFted tnmFtedapplied haIIF haIIFapplied Iashtedapplied
applied to th the methods used by Alter Attorney Attwney Altersoy ¬
ney Kellogg J noSg but finally with ith the assist assistance M81atnee assistance ¬
ance nee of an assistant he found It and andread RAdread andread
read it while Mrs Justice White 1dte nod nodded ROdded moddod ¬
ded his head smilingly smilinglyMr smllt ly lyMr
Mr Watson ft Insisted IR8I ted that the decision decisionof
of tho Supreme Court in the case of ofthe Cthe ofthe
the Northern Securities CemjMuir C J did didnot didnot didnot
not apply to the Standard Oil Company Companydespite COIftJMUtyd Companydespite
despite d te the assertion of Mr Kellogg to tothe tothe tothe
the contrary He also declared that the thedecision thetlecl8lon thedecision
decision of the lower court was based babedon
on a misapprehension loft of the Sherman Shermanact Sbenaanact Shermanact
act and that a careful reading of the thtSherman theSherman theSherman
Sherman act by the Justices would wouldnot woul1not wouldnot
not disclose dl any violation of that act actby actby actby
by the Standard ON Company CompanyIn CompanIn
In beginning be tnnlng the closing argument ar nt for forthe fortilt forthe
the Government Attorney Attor At benny General GeneralAVkkersham Ge GeueraiWkkersham eralkkem
AVkkersham Immediately took up for forcriticism forcrUlcl forcrtticism
criticism crUlcl m the assertions of Mr Watson Watsonas
as set fourth in his brief and in his 11 hi oiml oimlargumeptl 011ar otalargumezt
argumeptl ar argumezt umeri It was expected EL petted that Mr MrWkkerahajn MrWlekonbam MrWkkersbam
Wkkerahajn would be beore the court courtuntil courtuntil courtuntil
until recess recessBUILDING recessBUILDING recessBUILDING
The following building permits were wereissued werelaued wereissued
issued today
To J Grover for four twostory brick brickdwellings brlekdwellings ne1 ne1dwoillngi
dwellings from 441S U to > Jet + lI Georgia G ave avenue avenile ayenil ¬
nile nil northwest architect A A H Beers Beersbuilder Beenbuilder Beersbulkier
builder J Grover estimated e cost U Urot 12 12ftil
rot 009To
To Charles A Peters for three two twostory twostar twostory
story star brick dwellings from CM to toElliott OS OSElliott asEltiott
Elliott place northeast t architect A IT ITBeers Hers ITBeers
Beers ers builder Chariot A A Peters iMitl iMitlmated cttimated tI1 tI1mated
mated cost Coo JCM6To CooTo t0I t0ITo
To W f F Turton for four twosf twoetry twoetrybrick > ry rybrick Ibr1ek
brick dwellings dwellin from 8M W to 9tt i Irving Irvingstreet Irrn Irrn3t Iryngstreet
street 3t et northwest arcnKect W J JPainter JPalmer 1 1Palmer
Palmer builder J E Turton estimated estimatedcost estimatedcoet estimatedcost
cost 10000 10000Both 10000Both 1OC00Both
Both Economy and Satisfaction SatisfactionAre
Are promoted when you l1J buy hu your butter butterof
of James F O Oyster > ster 9th and Pa Ave Avr5lb A A5lb Ave5lb >
5lb boxes fr flmlls mnus ni u Four Leaf < Iovrr IovrrCrramry IoTtCrtamo Iovrreamery
Crramry reamery Jl > Fresh Fr h count eggs eggsreasonable eggsreasonaho SSrtasona
reasonable rtasona br Advt < 1 t
Boards Bo rds Report Expected co coForce 0 0Force 0Force
Force Application of ofMaximum ofMaximum ofMaximum
Maximum Duties DutiesThe
oTh The tariff situation between the theUnited theUnited
United States SbLtaad fend Canada Hems Hemshopela to be behopeless behopeless
hopeless unless some concessions co are aremade nmade aremade
made by the Opinion said Mr San Sanders Saaderx Sandora ¬
dora of the tariff board today todayThe todlLyThe todacThe
The members of the tariff board have havemade havemade havemade
made their final reports to President PresidentTaft Ple PresidentTaft ldent
Taft and it is stated that the ovldeace ovldeacewhich OYld ovIducewhich Ree Reewhich
which they have laid before him to io ioclusive cNt cNtclu en enelusive
elusive clu lve in stowing that American hn hnports Imports Wl Wlports
ports into Canada C tada are beta D being discrim discriminated dJsertmInated disenimnmated ¬
inated against through preferential pref ar arrangements arranle atrangements ¬
rangements ranle t with France and am other coon conntries COUfttries coontries
tries on the same me class c of goods goodsOn ooctOn oods oodsOn
On this showing there tJtere is no otcer otcercourse oUercourse otiercourse
course loft to the President than to tofolio totollo tofolio
folio wthe instructions In trueUa B01 ot the law I w This Thismeans rhl15m Thismeans
m means ns that he cannot eaanot include the Ulemlnl Db Dbminion Ibminion
minion mlnl n of Canada in that list of na nations DatIons nations ¬
tions which are entitle to the benefit benefitof
of the minimum tariff of the United UnitedStates UnitedStates UnitedStates
States and an that all imports from the theDominion theDominion theDominion
Dominion into the United States will ill be becompelled becompelled becompelled
compelled to pay 25 2 per cent to addition additionto
to the ordinary tariff imposed O by the thePayneAldrich thePayneAldrich thePayneAldrich
PayneAldrich law lawPresident lawPreeldent lawPresident
President Taft has just gone away for fora
a trip that Is expect expectd 1 to occupy at atleast atlaeat atleast
least a week The members of the thetariff thetrUr thetariff
tariff board expect to take up the ques question question queslion ¬
tion again with ofth him on his return returnIn returnIn returnImi
In the meantime the negotiations with withCanada withCaDAda withCanada
Canada will be continued in the hope hopethat boJHthat hopethat
that the threatened commercial war be between be between betwenit ¬
tween this country and its nearest nearestnorthern neareetnortbern nearestnorthern
northern neighbor may yet be averted avertedthrough aY avertedthrough rtecI rtecIthrou
through throu some concessions 8 on the part partof pIl1 pIl1o partof
of o Canada CanadaCAXDEN CanadaGARAGE CanadaGARAGE
CAMDEN C XDE N J J March liThe The pub public public public ¬
lic auto garage of J B Reeves was vrasburned HUbuIMd washorned
burned to the ground here this morning morningand morningaad mornIngad
and the LutheranChurch Lutheran Church adjoining adjoiningdamaged adJoh adJohed
damaged ed to the extent ex exIeiof of 5 5TwentyUaree S Ot OtTwentythree NTwentythree
Twentythree machines cbiA il were destroyed destroyedand
and three firemen were re badly hurt hurtThe hurtThe hurtTb
The Tb fire of urjcnowa u rno1n origin was wasstarted wasatarted wasstarted
started in the basement and had gained gainedconsiderable gatMClcandera1Me gainedcoIderab1e
considerable headway before being die discovered dlCOyered diecovered ¬
covered As the firemen rushed into the thebtrftftng tftei thebttsitng
btrftftng i idhag an explosion occurred and three threeof tArNI threeof
of the mew were hurled across acre the thei thestreet thestreet
I i street The toss is tMted < at MM MMi MMWhat aV I IW IWWhat
What V hat Congress Did DidIN
The House met at noon noonRepresentative noonRepresentative I IReprftelHaUe
Representative Robert Turnbull who whosucceeds whosucceeds I
succeeds the late Representative RepreHftta Yc 18 18sUer Ja8litter LasaLter
litter from the Fouth Virginia district districttook c1Ietricttook districttook
took the oath of ottfce ottfceBecuee olftt olfttor otflteBecuse
Becuee of the Democratinsurgent Denaoera Ji IL UIOr insurgent t vie victory vietol vietory ¬
tory yesterday Representative Dwigbt DwigbtRepublican DwiPtRepubliean DWigbRepublican
Republican whip denrirded a roil rollat call callat cellat
at the beginning ID < of toadys toJ session to toestablish toe toestablish
establish e a quorum quorumA
A Ion parliamentary wr ngte followed followedRepresentative followedRepre followedRepresentatIve
Representative Repre Crurapac Crumpacter tots attempt attemptto
to have considered > n calendar calendarWednesday caleDdacVednesday calendarWednesday
Wednesday a privilege1 privl ec but minor micoramendment morndment minoramendment
amendment ndment to the cens cenag s law JawI
Muddied Brain Brainresult Brainsresult rains rainsresult
result from an overloaded overloadedstomach overloadedstomach overloadedstomach
stomach sluggish liver in inactive inactive inactive ¬
active bowe or impure impureblood impureblood impureblood
blood Clear thinking fol follows follows follows ¬
lows the theJsf asf of ofSold ofBEECHAMS ofZECHAM
Sold Everywhere In boxes lOc cad 23 25c
1 Jk
1 itt r i i i 1 1Electric
Electric ElectricBootblack ElectricBootblack
Bootblack BootblackStock Bootblackvs
Stock StockV5
V5 V5Bank vsBank
Bank BankAccounts BankAccounts
Accounts AccountsBanks
Banks pay deposit depositera
08 to 4 per r cent a arear ayear
rear companies op opatba opr opr42tSJ
42tSJ atba the Elt EleetriBootblack i iBootblack
Bootblack in other othedUes othercities
dUes are paying
12 7 to 24 24DMdends f fDividends
Dividends DividendsAre
Are Ar you ou a dfpoHor dfpoHoror depom tor toror
or stockhokr stockhokrLeading tockhol r rLeadln
Leading proCessIonal proCessIonaland
and business men of
Washington are buy buyj buyJnfr
j Jnfr our ourstock nJassessabl
stock nhlte hii It is onl onlOne only
I One Dollar Per Share ShareSee ShareSee
See Our MachInes in OtJeration iIot which shows that we I
905 G Street N W offer a good Invest
Open Daily 8 am to 9 pm inept
Why It Pays PaysEach
Each machine IP capable of earning e rnl JIZW lZ to to51SOO toISO toc
c 51SOO ISO per day It would be a poor location in indeed indeed Indeed ¬
deed where a machine did not take in S5 Stik l per perday perdayonly
day dayonly only 40 shines One machine on this con conservative conservativ Conservative ¬
servative basis has ha sufficient earning IIrnin > power to topay topay topay
pay dividends pr j of > f 1 per cent a a month oh iOOQtiOworth 500060 L000IOworth 500060worth
worth of stocKy stocKyTwo stoe stoeTwo stOCJiTwo
Two hundred machines costing J100WOM J100WOMearning 31W000iiearning lOOfOOMearning
earning 200 200 per day each would earn eani MCOM6d 11500800a 1l MCOM6da 410t00 410t00a
a year ear or n5l6C666 n 56666 23 3 in ten months more than thanme thanme thanme
me hundred and twentyone per cent 121 on onthe onth onthe
the th outlay of 10000000
100 machines earning eanain 200 OO per day would wouldmonths wouldbring ould ouldbrinl
bring in 7300600 7330000 a year ear or I 0081333 8333313 13 in ten tenmonths tenmonths
months which is over MO per cent on an in investment Instmnt liicsthient ¬
vestment stmnt of 50000 the cost of 100 machines machinesor
or over 60 per cent of our entire capitalization capitalizationof
of 10000000 Take twothirds of the last propo propositionthat proponitlon ¬
sitionthat tion that is twothirds of 605333313 60S3331 14 for forrunning forrunnln forrunning
running expenses onehalf on halr is more than rea reasonablci reasonabloand rcasonableland
sonablci sonabloand and we still have more than a 20 0 per percent perccnt percent
cent investment
i Money Moneyi MoneyMakes MoneyMakes
i Makes MakesMoney MakesMoney MakesMoney
Money MoneyTo
To be successful successfulone succfssfulone
one uiust pe je system systematic systemaUe systematic ¬
atic and a make his hismoney hlSmoney hismoney
money earn money
If you have h ve never neverstarted neerstarted neverstarted
started this is your yourchance youtchance yourchance
chance You cannot cannotfind
find < a better propo proposition proposition jroposition ¬
sition Nor can you youllnd youfind youfind
find a stronger board boardof boardoC boardof
of directors all allWashington a allWashington II IIVasbfngton
Washington met metupon menupon m e i9 i9upon
upon whom you ou can canrely canrely canrely
rely to promote your youInterests
interests Dont de delay dcJa delay ¬
lay Ja Onlj Onl a limited limitednumber limitNlnumber limitednumber
number of shares shareswill shareswHlbe shareswill
will wHlbe be sold at one onedollar onedollar onedollar
dollar per share
National Machine Co0 nc ncRooms
Rooms 65 to 68 National Union Building
918 91 8 F t St N W V Washington D C C Phone Main 1490 1490ssssgngqg 1490g
ssssgngqg i
Shieks in Flowing Robes RobesMahdis RobesrvIahdis RobesMahdis
Mahdis Tomb and Kha Khalifas Khalifas Khalifas ¬
lifas House Visited VisitedKHARTOUM VisitedKHARTOUX VisitedKHARTOUM
KHARTOUM March M 1tlben There ws wsno was wasIt0
no rest for Colonel Roosevelt er r the themembers themeIHbe
members of his family today Begin Begfatnta BePaWtth Beginniag I
nta niag with an early return trip to the theOMolttrman thechsnbnmn
OMolttrman battlefield awl visits to tohalf tohalf tohalt
half a dozen of the utteresttsK t pteee pteeein pIuIn I
in the city the party returned to tep the thepalace th thpalace
palace p in the afternoon and prepared preparedio
to witness the gymkhana naces at the thepoto thepOlo thepolo
pOlo ground which were W re t t6 be tel followed fol followed tellowed ¬
lowed with another social dinner to tonight to toBigbt tonight ¬
night BigbtTodays nightTodays nightTodays
Todays trip to Omdurman was made madeby madeby madeby
by steamboat Ste JDbot and was under personal personalsupervision peneoaJsupervWon personalsupervision
supervision of Colonel Hutchlnson o The Theofficers Theofficers rbcomeer
officers and shieks who w o met the party partyat
at Omdurman were dressed hi ptotwr ptotwreSQue ptctvreaque plturesque
eSQue roses rosesStatin roltesSletin robesSlstin
Statin Psalm inspector general again againplayed agaiaplayed againplayed
played an important part la entertain eatertalament fJftteriaJJament entertainmeat
ment of the sheets After their return returnto returto
to Khartoum he conducted them them to th thhouse Ute Utehouso thehouse
house where he was imprisoned 1m d5Olled la the thewar tlMwar thewar
war of twelve years ago agoThe agoThe agoThe
The Khalifas house was another in interesting iBteresUng Interestlug ¬
teresting point visited as was also the theMahdis theMabdls theMabdis
Mahdis tomb which was rifled of of the thebody tilebody thebody
body of the JAahdi aDd almost mined nabtedtter ruinedafter minedafter
after the British occupation occupationGeneral occupatioGeneral occupationGeneral
General Gordors piano with which whichthe wbldathe whichthe
the famous general 5 ral whiled away his hishours Idaboun hi hihours
hours in the palace BOW occupied by bythe bythe bythe
the RooseveKs Roo was one on of the moot mootinteresting mostinteresting
interesting bttere relics shown the theuprL7 uprL7For party partyFor parLyFor I
For Mrs Roo ROCMVelt veit and Eth EtbeI l the themoot themoet themost
moot interesting lateceetl feature oC th the days daysprogram da7sPIOIIm daysprogram
program was the visit to th the hcaaars or orsoaks oroaka oraouks
soaks where several pieces pI oC silver silverware 8iJerware silverware ¬
ware of rare workmanship wo were werebeueht wereb8t1fkt werebought
bought beuehtColonel b8t1fktCoIORel boughtColonel
Colonel Roosevelt wa WU surprised at the themilitary theJlliUtIy themilitary
military tact tactics < cs displayed by 1 y the tMIaa Egypt Egypttea Egyptinn
tea soldiers and remarked to Slattn SlattnBasha SladaHaab SiatinBeha
Basha that it pok o volumes for the theefficacy thee theef4ey
e efficacy or f English military mIUtarynIe training trainingThe trainingThe
The colonel and him family win leave leaveKhartoum leaveKhartoum e eKhartoum
Khartoum tomorrow by special tram tramfor trainfor I Ifor
for Assuan where he will probably ar arrive arrive ainrc ¬
rive Saturday SaturdayFOUR SaturdayFOUR SaturdayFOUR
Four new cases ol smallpox were dt dteov dicovered
covered in the tb District during the week weekended weekended weekended
ended March K n 1 according a to the weekly weeklyreport weeklyreport weeklyreport
report of the tb Health HealthODe Department DepartmentOne
One case was found hi the northwest northwestsection northwestsection
section ee two in the southwest aad one eDeIn onein ae aein I
in the northeast They were at once aaceplaced onceplaced
placed In quarantine quanuat and ad adtaken precautions precautionstaken prea prealakea II IIpIaee4
taken to prevent the farther spread oC oCthe 01the o othe
the disease There are now ten cases et etma1lpox f fsmallpox Csmallpox
smallpox under er treatment treatmentTyphoid treatmentTypbold treatmentTyphoid
Typhoid fever continues to decrease decreaseThree 4leer4MThree decreaseThree
Three new eases were ere reported and andnine aDdnhae andnine
nine discharged disc e4 as recovered leaving leavincron
on band forty f6ltyetx ix as compared with withftCtytwe withttytwe withfiftytwo
ftCtytwe the previous week weekThe wMkThe weekThe
The record of other cont conteases contagious dl dleaae dineases
eases is a u follows Dipht Diphtmeasulep Dlpbtheria 18 18uJ 1 1measules
measulep uJ I 12 1 chkkenpox 112 11 and andwhoopinj anIWhoopln andwhooping
whooping cough ugh 121 1 L There were 133 133deaths udth 13 13deaths
deaths during durin the week 79 among amon the thewhite theWhil thewhtt
white Whil and S5 among aT10n the th colored popula population p popnlaiin pl1la pl1latinn ¬
tion The Tit hfrtiis numbereV 114 oi which wh whichTi cl clWtTP
7 Ti were white and 36 colored coI > rM
Members of A O H Will WillMarch WillMarch WillMarch
March to Church for forSpecial focSpecial forSpecial
Special Mass MassArrangcsseats MasstrraD MassArrnessents
Arrangcsseats trraD IIIIBU have been complete completeHMMnbers copIeteifor I Itor
for the St Patric Day parade Of CIa CIaof tbmenbers
HMMnbers of the Ancient Order oC Base Bftetniaas Baseniano
niaas nI who will attend the nas ma to teceIebra h hcelebrated b bceleheated
celebrated ceIebra at St Patricks Onrafc
The members will nssamirtti IWe at t Car ¬
roll HaJJ G street between bntwe Ninth an i I
Tenth streets northwest at t iftSO eeteeft eeteeftat eIed
reportIng 011 arrival to cspt Edwan11 Ettwazd j
CopD gan h5ef blef JDAnbal Toe presideata e of ofvanons
the Tarious divisions weD take etadein etadeinat staI staIat
at the head of the line of theb teflon feUowmembers tenomeD1ber8 teflonmembers
members The national and State f
fleets cers s win have the rl right ht of line
The line will move promptly at twenty
minutes to 11 and when wh the bead oC UK
column reaches ch the I portals of th thand thchurch the thechurch >
church the order to h 1t wm 1 b givenand
and the divisions will form a ten
through whic htbe dignitaries of the thechurch thechurch
church will I pass
The marshal has named Richard Cs cr
tin Peter PeterJ J Conlon James P Greetey G
Jeremiah OConnor OConn aad nd Joseph D sS SaJ
ttvaa as his aides aidesSOUTHEAST aJdesSOUTHEAST aid aidSOUTHEAST
Property at New Jersey Aveaae Aveaaeaad AyeaeaadC AeeI
aad aadC I C Street Win Be BeImproved BeImpcoved
Improved Improvedand
A WvhIngtoe Va bulidor 1cIer has Just per perchased r rchued
chased the imps uabp imimprored let at atsoutbeut a the theanutbeast
soutbeut corner of New Jersey Jawylid nwme nwmeaiid
and C street 1Jt southeast upon wMeh tt ttis ttis
is his inteaCvn IDteRL to erected ftCt several rest rectdences HefdeDees restdeuces
deuces dencesThis deDeesThi8 deucesThis
This property formerly fonilerlyCIaadea belonged to tomade t tCharles
Charles A S oeud MId the enie wa wamade
made through the office of ofFteer Theesse J
Fteer eI Co inc R R C Jeras mfc k
in lag the negotiations The TIaeid mioe p paid paidfor M MI
I for the property is MId to ham Jta toe 1 eeftt hemabont
1 aboat t 17 175S0 175S0The T75 T75The
The lot has a good frontage ea bat batC betlC boilC
C street and New Jersey avenue an airbuilding anta anis
ta C IJehNl to 1M welt IIIIapted t tpu fi fiburposee
building burposee burposeeGiVES purposes purposesGIVES pu puGIVES
Madame Von UaschuJd Is HeartT HeartTPrior H He HePriortoSarteg f fPrior
Prior PriortoSarteg PriortoSartegTour to Start StartTow ea eaMadasse
Tow TowTeD Tourvan
Madasse Ton Unschnld wfc wIN hi isto soon soonto n nto
to go on a concert tour saw l a afore per performance perfornianco ¬
fore last evening In t the hall hallroom MIlroont ballroom
room of the Arlington ArItD on HoteL HoteLSchumanns HoteLetuullamas HoteL5ehtiuanu
Schumanns s Scenes of Childhaad Childhaadfor ChlWkujLtor
for which Madame von TJnsenvld ha hawritten 1131 1131written baiwritten
written a scenario had the principal principalplar pitneipaplaro 1 1plant
plant on a program p which contained containedmuch ett cetsineimuch lue l lmuch
much that wa was noteworthy
Repeated encores prolonged th thconcert UtI UtIconcert tnconcert
concert considerably consldf > rably the only chang changein
in the th scheduled arrangement arrang ment beinc beincthe betn betnth beintthe
the th Interpolation Int rpoJatioD of De Bussey Busse BusseHHrle BusseiteverI
Keverle In lieu of a GluckBrahm GluckBrahmsgavotte GluckBrahmga GluckBrahmgavotte
gavotte ga yottp
I wrote ote you yO some time ago giving you an account of my mysufferings mysuffe niysufferings
sufferings suffe ngs vitli an awful case of Catarrh I had all the symp symptoms symptoms sytuptoms ¬
toms which accompany this disease such as mucus dropping droppingback droppitagback droppingback
back into the throat a constant desire to hawk and spit spitfeeling spitfeeling spitfeeling
feeling of dryness in the throat cough and spitting upon uponarising llpoRarising uponarising
arising scabs forming in the nose which required much effort effortto effortth
to blow blowout ont sometimes causing my noee to bleed and leaving leavingme
me with a headache I had thus suffered su ered for five ve years years all the thetfcae tiletime thethue
time trying different di erent local treatments of inhalations scuffs scuffsdouches s swffsdotiches s sdouches
douches etc with no real good effect Of course I was greatly greatlydiscouraged greatlyd greatlydiscouraged
d discouraged 5c ed As soon as I heard from you I commenced S S S Sas sas Sas
as you advised and after using it ita a short while noticed a change aebazgefor changefor dlaagefor
for the better I continued to take it believing belie af the trouble trCMIhieW5 trCMIhieW5in was wasin wesin
in the blood and S S S made a permanent cure for ae I am amnow amj amnow
j now entirely free from Catarrh
224 Randolpk St Richmond Va VaThe VaI VaThe
i The smptoms Mr Beltem describes in his case of Catarrh are arefamiliar arefamiliar areFamiliar
familiar to every one who suffers with this disease dis se For five years yearshe yearshe yearshe
he had endured en ured the discomfort and suffering and was greatly dis discouraged discouraged discouraged ¬
couraged as one treatment after another failed to cure him When Whenat
at last he realized that Catarrh is a blood disease he knew that the theformer theII
I former treatments had been wrong W rong and only a Wood purifier like
II SS S S S could produce permanent good results resultsCatarrh resultsCatarrh resultsCatarrh
Catarrh is not merely an affection of the mucous membranes it
is a deepseated blood disease in which the entire circulation and andgreater andgreater andgreater
greater part of the system are involved It comes from impurities impuritiesaccumulating impu impuritiesaccumulating ties tiesaccumulating
accumulating in the circulation and as the Wood goes to every everyportion everyportion everyportion
portion of thebody the bo body f the catarrhal matter irritates and inflamesthe inflamesthe inflames inflamesthe
the different mucous surfaces and tissues ti sues causing an unhealthy unhealthyand
and inflammatery discharge and producing the other well known knownsymptoms knownsymptoms knownsymptoms
I symptoms of the trouble trouWeThe troubleThe troubleThe
The failure of local treatment to produce permanent good goodresults goodresults goodresults
results in Catarrh is due entirely to the fact that such measures do donot donot donot
not reach the cause of the trouble Temporary relief and comfort comfortmay comfortmay comfortmay
may often be had by using some douche or inhalation but no cure curecan curecan curecan
can be effected until the blood is purified of the irritating cause
S S S cures Catarrh by cleansing the Wood of all impure impurecatarrhal impurecatarrhal
catarrhal matter and at the same time building up the system by
I its unequalled tonic effects It goes down into the circulation and andremoves andremoves andremoves
removes every trace of foreign matter or impurity In other words wordsS
S S S cures Catarrh by purifying the blood so that themucous themucousj the mucous mucoussurfa mucoussurfaes
j surfaces surfa es and linings liningsof liningsS
> of the body are all attsupplied allI altsupplied
I supplied with withhealthy withhealthy
2 healthy blood blo 0 d in instead inI instead ¬
I S S stead of being irrita irritated irritated ¬
ted and diseased diseasedfrom diseasedfrom
0 from a continual sat saturation 5atI ¬
uration of catarrhal catarrhalI catarrhalimpurities
I I I PURELY VEGETABLE jnipurities impurities the infiammedand infiammedandirritated nfiammed jhen jhenI Th and en enthe i iirritated
I irritated membranes
heal the discharge is ischecked checked the head noises all cease cease the stomach
I is toned up tfie he throat is no longer clogged with phlegm but every everyI
annoying symptom of the disease is corrected There Tfle e is but one oneway oneway oneway
I way to cure Catarrh Catarrhpurify purify the blood an4 there is but one absolutely absolutelysafe
safe and sure blood purifier purifierSo S S S Ve VI e have a special book on
i Catarrh we will send this book and also any specialmedical special medical advice advicet
t desired free to all who write writeTHE writeI
I i