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The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, March 22, 1910, Last Edition, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1910-03-22/ed-1/seq-8/

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e lBa6hfn9ton tnini tniniubihcd QRme QRmeubIhed
ubllihed Every Evening in n tin Tear at atIE atE atE
Perm ave between llth and lUfa sta star 8York t3 t3Trk
r York Office OOJceI75 175 17 nrtlTAve nrtlTAvecapo Firth Firtha Ave Avera
capo ra a c PII71 frie 1i > 17It Coomwretel COaIIn rCI1 Bank Bldg BI4grn Bldgkn
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aicpJa Office ornceI1 S12 2 Chwttiut ClM St StUm sc sctdCro S Stnro
Um tdCro ro Office orrr < e News Building BuildingSrBSCRIPTIOX BulldtBgSrBSCRIPTIO BuildingsrBscRIPrIoN
ily 7 days a week One ne Year 350 350PRANK 350FRANK 350FRANK
he Ttires IB served In the etltr cUt of WMft WMftf W Wt Wa Wafn
f fn a and ar d District oC Columbia by news newsa ewa ewavlic
a who deliver and collect for th tbe p pSPC pSPCt1er p per pertter r rtfcelr
tfcelr cwn account at the rat of 7 cents a ak antcrcd ak antered ak antcre
k k
ntcrcd at the poatoffloe at Wahl Wualagton WualagtonIL8 eten etenC
C C as second cteM e matter matterESDAT matterESDAY matterESDAT
ESDAT EVENING MARCH 2219W 2219WComparative Uti UtiComparative 191eComparative
Comparative NET Daily DailyCirculation DailyCirculation DailyCirculation
Circulation of The Times Timesand Timesand Timesand
and The Star for February FebruaryThe FebruaryThe FebruaryThe
The Times 1 imes 45477 45477The 45477The 45477The
i The Star 39031 39031IE 39031NEXT
TOW aw that some of the dust t and smoke smokebattle smokebatt1 smokebattle
battle has been allowed to settl settled settld settlthe
d the > country is beginning to get a aarrr arr airer
arrr rr idea of what happened in the theuse therst
use 113 rst ast week it1 it is not difficult to torceive torcpin toreelve
rceive that there is a general disposi disposim
n to regard the adoption of the Nor Nori Norrcolntion
i resolution r olut on which removed the theeaker thefJkrr thectktr
eaker from the Rules Committee as ast ast aat
t a first step toward the liberaliza liberalizam
m n of the House rules rulesAll rulesAll rulesAll
All the signs ire that the House Houseving Hoolevm 1IoeevLng
ving vm found that it has the power to toI
1 it itrlf < el lf of the shackles of oneman onemanmiration ODCJlUtnm oiemaumatinn
miration m ltn will continue the process of ofrPJr ofrPirg
rPJr rPirg It t
If I may be that the rules fight bt will willbde willbHo m m1rle
bde fr fnr > r a time perhaps for the rest restthis restth restthis
this th s session and the rest of this t Con Concs Cons Coners
cs s But it is certain to be renewed renewedit
it t lat btr r than when nen the time comes comesr
r organization of the next J t House HouseThen Hou TloueeTn e eTrrn
Then the th big question will l be e the theedition theMInn the1itirn
edition of that feature of the rules rulestat rulesIll rulesmt
Ill tat puts the appointment of the coin eoaiitres COlliJtfrs coinitees
itres in the bands of the Speaker SpeakerI
I should be understood that the re reoval refval reva1
oval va1 of f he + Speaker from the Rules Rulesommittcc Rulelsommitt Rulesommitteo
ommittcc > s a long advance But Butg so sorg sorg
> rg g n3 the th Speaker can reward and andanish andnsh andnth
nth men in the makeup of com comiittres comIfts cornittci
iittres ittci and o long as he has the power powerto powerto
> to rake up u s committee as to help helplis Jte1ps
lis is s prco of legislation and hinder that thatis that thatg thati
is i g authority uthor ty will lie too great to in inare illrE inr
are rE r sitfety fl tety t to the House Hou from en enroalincnt enollmrnt enoaimcnt
roalincnt on its rights rightsIt
It cnnot lx 1 a really representative representativeod repre eRtathe eRtatheod
od with the committees named b bThis by bye 1 1C
C pakr cptkrTLi pakrII
This n 2 recognized by the men who whosr Wftog whogiven
sr given g n the rules the most thorough thoroughaidy t tkoroukdy Or OrdYe
aidy aidyFor dYe dYeFer dyFer
Fer instance it is the fixed xe41 convtc convtcin ceRic ceRicIn
in of former Representative ReprtSCn tive W T P Prep Prr1Jurn Prerburn
rep rr1Jurn burn who fought for changes in inho inru
ho 0 ru rUCS es g for fifteen years that the thepeaker thepE thepeaker
peaker pE > akt > must be deprived del ried of the power powerp
p o frame r1IDl the th committees committeesWhen committeesVbrn committeesWhcn
When this is i done dOl < the country will willear willpar willear
ear no more of 0 the House being ruled ruledy
> y the Speaker 8p < aker and 00 the small staff of ofis ofS
is S favorites whom he attaches < s to him hiraelf himJ him1f
elf J through his capacity for disposes dispensaon d pensa pensaon
on of committee patronage patronageANOTHER patronageNOTHER patronageNOTHER
The House Committee on Agriculture Agricultureill AgriC ture turei i
ill 11 meet tomorrow and decide whether whetherTrill whethermIl whethert
t Trill report the Boutell bill granting grantingo grantingGeorge
o G George ° orge Washington University the thernefits thex thernefits
x rnefits efits of the Morrill act
The Fituation has been somewhat somewhatomplicntcd some1Mtomplinted somewhatomplicated
omplicntcd in the la Jut t few days by a anovemenfc aowmnt aoremcnt
novemenfc to have the Mclvinfcy Man Manlal Manial
lal 81 Training School also made a bene beaeIciary benelary beneiary
Iciary lary of th act It is difficult to bo boieve 00ievo beinvo
ieve tLa the members of the House Hptweommittoe H Houseomniittee 1Se 1Seommitte
ommittoe will willl allow lo this movement to toivoigh tQcigh tovo1gh
ivoigh with them in determining wheth whethr
r r the appropriation allowed by b the act actshould aethou1d acthoud
should go to George Washington Va bington Uni University Uniereity Uniersity ¬
versity but it is well at this time to tocall toall toall
all attention to sonie pertinent p rtinent facts factsbearing factsearing factsearing
earing on the subject subjectIn 8lbjectIn
In the first place the Morrill act was wasdrawn WASrawn wasrann
drawn rawn for thf express rs purpose pu of aid aiding 1liding aiding ¬
ing colleges ccll g in in teaching mechanics arts artsand artsand artsami
and agriculture From beginning I inning to toend toend toend
end the at specifies colleges co1Jt gcs > as the theibenefciaries thehenrfdaris thebenciiaries
ibenefciaries of the act and neither in inthe inth inthe
the th act itself or in the speeches of Sen Senator Sen1t Seattor ¬
ator 1t < r Merrill in support of his bill is isthere ist11Erp isthere
there to bo found any ny reference to highschfoq highscho1M high highschool
school It is therefore th refore fair to assume assumeithat SMIlliethat assumethat
that it was never n cr the intention of the theauthor tholuthor theiuthor
author of the th act to appropriate money moneyo moser
0 high schools for the purpose of en encouraging enura enuragin ¬
couraging ura uragin ng the adoption of these t two twocourses tourS11 twourses
courses urS11 in tfcjir curriculums curriculumsZ
Z In order to come within the terms of ofrtJie ofp ofe
rtJie p Morriil act it itould would bo necessary necessarylor
lor th thn ° > District Board of Education to toaid
aid 1 1 id Id a collegiate course at the MeKin MeKinley MeKinIcy IeKinIfY
Icy Manual Training School This ThisLvoitid Tkisould Thisv0t11
Lvoitid ould involve in le at the very outset et etrgc a afcirge atrge
fcirge rgc outlay of money If the Board Boardm BoArdEduation BoardEiueation
m Education has signified its intention intentionWi intontioni
Wi i doing dtL g so it has failed to come to toi toour toour
i our attention attentionIt
It must be considered also that Con Conss ConS5
ss 5 must be taken into consideration considerationti
ti 1 if the board is willing to expand expandDraining exptlndtrain expandtraining
Draining train training ng school 5 11001 into a college ooIl e By Byilluetral Byillustrat Byillustrat
illustrat ion suppose the House Housetee Housetee Housetee
tee or Agriculture JgrKru ture did report reportg a aing ag
ing g fie local high school the theof theof theof
of the Morriil act It would wouldFfairy would3SUY wouldsary
Ffairy 3SUY in order that the school schoolit scltoolP schooljit
P jit it live Ji 11 12 to the requirements requir IDents of ofp ofact ofact
p Act tat 1ft i considerable outlay be beJkde bed8 bettde
Jkde ttde d8 A3 l l lW < w buildings additional additionalteachers additionalteachtrt additionaleachcro
teachers ± equpment etc The next nextstep nexttcp nexttop
step tcp takeS IH ii to tho House Committee Committeep CommitteeAppnp CommitteeApprpiations
p Apprapriations Appnp at ons Suppose again that thatlat thAtlat thatiat
lat committee is unwilling to make makebe makee
be e extensive increase increase in the appropria appropriaI
tiehs for the high school which would wouldb wouldbe wouldbe
b be absolutely necessary in order ord that thattlie thAttIle thatthe i
tIle school might avail 1l aU itself of the thebenefits tb8boneftts thebeneflts
benefits of the Morriil act The result resultwould resultwould resultwould
would be that the McKinley Manual ManualTraining ManualTraining lanulTraining
Training School would be no lustier off offthan offtMn altthan
than it was h before fore the Agriculture AgricultureCommittee Agrieult11reConunittee AgtieultiireConunittee
Conunittee took favorable action on its itsclaims itsc1aims itschime
claims to the benefits of the Merrill Morriilact Morrmact Merrillact
act actThis
This is not a matter which J out 11 be bedecided 1 1decided bedecided
decided hastily There is a rush and andhustle andhu andhustle
hustle hu t1e about this movement for the theMeKisley theelGR1ey theirelcinley
MeKisley Manual IUtUtll Training Trainh School Schoolwhich Scltoolwkieh SChOOlwhich
which would result in confusion COHfu ioft even if ifthe ifthe ifthe
the memliors of the House Committee Committeeon
on Agriculture re are convinced of the themerits t1umerits themerits
merits of the argument 1lfgu lIt put forth by bythe bythe bythe
the citizens who he want the high school schoolto
to share with George Washington Uni University University University ¬
versity the benefits of the Mtrrill act actTlte KetThe actThe
The place to begin this movement is iswith i iwith iswith
with the Appropriations Committee If Ifthe Ifthe Ifthe
the members of that committee are arewilling arewilling arewilling
willing to authorize an expenditure expenditurewhich exptuditurehieh expenditurewhich
which hieh will add a collegiate course to tothe tothe tothe
the training trainin school then it would otdd Ire Ireadvisable headvisable te teadilMble
advisable to go before the Agriculture AgricultureCommittee Agriculturemmittee AgricultureCommittee
Committee < and ask for the Merrill orrill ap appropriation appropriation appropriation ¬
propriation As matters stand now the thecitizens theeitizens thecitizens
citizens of the District Di trict are put in the theposition tnoposition theposition
position of asking Mki Cong Congress rose to build buildthem buildthem ladidthem
them a stable when hen there is i no reason reasonable r reasonable n n1l ¬
able 1l le prospect that they will have havehorses haetorsos havehorses
horses torsos to put in init initGeorge initGeorge it itGeorge
George Washington University UJtivcr8 ty is the theinstitution tooinstitution theinstitution
institution which hieh is entitled to the theMorriil theIorrill theforriIl
Morriil Appropriation Appropr ltion and it should re recieve reo reocievc recieve
cieve it at this session ion of Congress If Ifat If1lt Ifat
at some future time the McKinley Man Manual ManUA1 Manual ¬
ual Training School is in a position po6ftion to toteach toteAch toteach
teach mechanics arts awl agriculture agriculturein
in accordance with ith the provisions of the theact tJtet thect
act ct t this paper will be the first rst to tochampion toe1Mlmpion tochampion
champion its cause causeBEEF f fBEEF tBEEF
The Federal grand jury at Chicago Chicagoeight C1tieAgoeight Chicagoeight
eight weeks after it 1 ll1an tgan its investiga I
Uons lies nas recur recurthe
the Sherman Jaw against what hat is i popu popularly popubdyrnoWR popuisrly ¬
larly bdyrnoWR known as the Beef eef trust trustThat tr8tThAt trustThat
That is it has indicted the National NationalPacking NationalPlteking NationalPacking
Packing Company and ten subsidiary subsidiaryconcerns sub subsidiaryconcerss idiuyeoneerM
concerns concernsArmour eoneerMArmour concerssArmour
Armour k Co Swift Swiftt A Co Morris MorrisCo MorrisCo MorrisCo
Co other large packing companies and anda
a number of individuals including J JOgden JOgden JOgden
Ogden Armour Louis F Swift Edward EdwardF t ward wardF
F Swift Charles H Swift and as Edward EdwardMorris Ednrdorris EdwardMorris
Morris orris are among the defendants defendantsThe drendutaThe defendantsThe
The Government Govern ent immediately immed ly after afterthe afttthe afterthe
the announcement of the indictments indictmentsfiled indiclmeotsfiled indictmentsfiled
filed a suit seeking 8eeki the dissolution diseohltKmI I of ofthe oftM ofthe
the National Packing Company 0 0the 011 011the Onthe
the other hand the company apparent apparently ¬
ly is prepared to fight ght the Government Governmentto
to the limit limitFrom JilllitFrOfft llsiitFrom
From the bill and indictments it is isclear iscleAr isclear
clear that the Government regards the theNational theXational theNational
National Packing Company as the in instrumentality illstrumentaJity instrumentality ¬
strumentality through throu n which hiels it is al alileged aled 1 1le
ileged le ed the packers have been evading evadingthe eYa4li eYa4lithe evadingthe
the antitrust law and by means 16 of ofwhich ofw ofwhich
which w icft they U J have t Sieen been making their theircombination eireombiDlition theircombination
combination effective effectiveIt
It may l 1e e expected that the trials trialswhich trialshieh trialswhich
which hieh will follow will be watched by bythe bythe bythe
the whole hole country with the greatest greatestinterest greatestinterest greatestinterest
interest It cannot eln Ot be said that the theresult thertsult tl tlresult
result of past efforts of the Govern Government Goemment Governmast ¬
ment to break the back of the Beef Beeftrust Beeftrust f ftnl6t
trust has been fortunate despite de pite the theprevalent theprevalent theprevalent
prevalent feeling that t it is in violation violationof
of the Sherman antitrust t law lawThe 1awThe JawThe
The recent successes of the Govern Government Government Governmeat ¬
ment in attacking the Tobacco trust trustand trustAnd trustand
and the Standard Oil monopoly in the thelower theJoer thelower
lower courts however encourage the thebelief thebelief thebelief
belief that the present pr nt attempt will be bemore bemore hemore
more successful sU e8sful than previous ones onesBesides oneBe8id onesBesides
Besides Be8id there are indications ind ctions that thatthe thattne thatthe
the Department of Justice Just has gone at atthe atthe atthe
the matter this time with a determina determination determination determination ¬
tion to probe the doings of the big bigpackers l bigpackers > g gpAckers
packers to the bottom
There T is no fairer spot in any State Siaiethan SWethAn Statetbn
than the mountains and valleys of ofnortheastern ofoortnOStem ofnortheastern
northeastern Pennsylvania There Therenestled ThereJet1 Therenestled
nestled among the hills are a few fewtowns fe fetowns fewtowns
towns and villages but with ith the com coming coming corning ¬
ing of summer the whole region is istransformed istransfonntI istransformed
transformed into a great pleasure pleasureground p1euureground pleasureground
ground and in the cool shade of ofancient ofancient ofancient
ancient trees and by the mossy banks banksof 1MInksof
of crystal streams fifty to seventy seventythousand eentJthousand seventythousand
thousand persons per DS find surcease S of oftrouble oftrouble oftrouble
trouble and care careYet careY careYet
Yet Y ct the splendor of the region of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Delaware Water Gap and the themagnificence UteIHgnificencc themagnificence
magnificence of the mountains of Mon Monroe Monroe Ion Ionroe ¬
roe Pike and the other northeastern northeasterncounties nort1tea8terneountiH northeasterncounties
counties are comparatively little known knownThousands knownTbotIMJMls knownThousands
Thousands of men and women totally totallyignorant totallJignoraftt totallyignorant
ignorant of the rare rar natural l beauty beautythat beautythat > eauty eautythat
that lies within ithin easy travel have gone goneacross goneacr088 goneacross
across the continent or across the ocean oceanin oeeanin oceanin
in search rch of more but only onI to find less lessWith IC8W lessWith
With W tn the increase of automobiling automobilingvarious automobilii automobiliivarious utoHtObiling1lrious
various interests familiar with the thecharms thec thecharms
charms c of the upper Delaware territory territoryare
are enlisted in a plan to popularize popularizethat popu11lr le lethat
that region re on One of the means of do doings doings doings ¬
ings so will be to advertise it and an another 3onother another ¬
other hardly less important will be to toimprove o oimproyc toimprove
improve the thc1ronIs roads of that country antI amiso antIso andso
so attract tourists who 00 otherwise otherwisewould otJteriwou1d otherwisewould
would hesitate to invade te the mountain mountainfastnesses muuntainfastnesees mountainfeetnesses
fastnesses fastnessesIf
If the Monroe County Mountain lou tain Re Resort Resort Resort ¬
sort Association carries carr out the present presentplans presentp1ans presentplans
plans another season will find a hun hundred laindrad tUx tUxdred ¬
dred thousand new visitors to this land landof landof landof
of beauty betlut and recreation reere tion And once onceknown onceknown onceknown
known the upper Delaware is destined destinedto
to become one of the leading JelWii g mountain mountainpleasure JlHtuntKinpleasure nupuntainpleasure
pleasure grounds in the East EastVERY EastVERY EastVERY
Peace negotiations nsotiations between the Rapid RapidTransit RapidTransit RapijTransit
Transit Company and its striking striki car carmen carmln carmen ¬
men have reached a point where figu figuratively figuratively figiratively ¬
ratively a nod of the head will mean meana
a settlement and assure peace Every
indication indi tion favors 1lyors an adjustment today todayof
of existing o isting difference differenceOnly difterenecaOnly differencesOnly
Only one or two minor points arc in indispute indiepute indispute
dispute Both th sides are inclined to tomagnify tomagnif tomagnify
magnify the importance of these Yet Yetconceding Yet Yetconceding Yetconceding
conceding that they are of some im importance impor jutportanee ¬
portance por ulee they ought not interfere with withan withan withan
an immediate settlement of the strike strikeWeighed strikeVeighe strikeWeighed
Weighed < l against 8t the greater question questionof
of public interest the points still in indispute ind indispute
d dispute are in ignilleant indgni1eantIt ignilleantIt ig ileaJtt ileaJttIt
It is of small interest t how an ad adjustment atljustment adjustitient ¬
justment shall 11 be effected ltree l In order to toproduce toprCHluco toproduco
produce the tle desired tle8 refl result rC nllt it is evident evidentthat eridenttbat evidentthat
that both sides must show a large largemeasure 1argeJnesure largemeasure
measure of conciliatory spirit This Thisthe Thisthe Thisthe
the managers of the company and the theleaders theIMders theleaders
leaders of the carmen ought to t 1 be bebroadminded 00broadmiDdetl bebroadminded
broadminded enough C OU to realize Noth Nothing NOtliug Nothbig ¬
big that either side can do to bring bringabout bringabout hijugabout
about a settlement today can IKJ any any1M8
less honorable than have been eJt the themoves Ulenocs themoves
moves made since practical efforts be began hegan hogas ¬
gan a few days ago to compel C mpe1 peace peaceami peaco1lnel peaceand
and surely sure it cannot be regarded rcgardetlaIY as asany asany
any thing thi but honorable to show s a adisposition adisJlO8ition adisposition
disposition to get together togetherIf
If by any chance cJtee the negotiations negotiationsnow DegOtiati MIS MISnow
now in progress pr p s should be abriptly abriptlyterminated JWftptJyterJHinated abriptlyterminated
terminated and the strike continued continuedit c
it would ouNl be a most regrettable outcome outcomeIf
If however as s the signs are Krc peace peacecomes peaceCODtes peacecomes
comes today tod both sides can be assured assuredthat AS8Uroothat assuredthat
that such a result r will have the indorse indorsement indorsement indorsenient ¬
ment of the public publicIt
It may l1NL appear amusing amu t to many to tohave tohave tohave
have anybody from Arkansas attempt attemptto
to improve and reform Washingtons Washingtonseafes nIR tonS tonScareL <
eafes But 1C It succeeds well have haveto haVtsto haveto
to admit that good may ma come even evenfrom cnefrom evenfrom
from from Arkansas ArkansasChicago ArkansasChicago aa aaCbJeqo
Chicago has made it unlawful unI wCuI for a awoman awoman awoman
woman to wer long Ion < hatpins hatpl in public publteplaces publicplaces publicplaces
places which mentis they wont be beworn Mworn beworn
worn at all What woman wants to towear towear
wear 1 them where they cant cntb b be seen seenThe MeRThe seenThe
The public doesnt care about a our ourbeing ourbeing OUtbeing
being economical says Mr GUlett of ofMassachusetts oCXaaaehWlet ofMassachusetts
Massachusetts l At any rate rat the present presentwave preMfttwave presentwave
wave of economy doesnt make any 1 par particular partlcuJar particular ¬
ticular hit with wlLttb the theGovemment Government clerks
Mr Cannons soliloquy soliloquyBring soliloquyBrlng ttloquyBrt
Bring Brt out the old cigar box give me a aCuba aCuba aCuba
Cuba stout stoatFor stoutlor stoutFor
For things W are running crossways C 7S and andDalsell aRdDabeU andnames
names and I ar AN out outA outA outA I
A wave of crime is reported in PhBaj PhIIa PhIIadelphJawhleh Pdl Pdldelphlawhlch
delphia delphJawhleh which to as It should be If Ifthere Ittttere Ifthere
there are no street I ears can the people can canride eaAride canride
ride the waves wavesIt WAVeILIt wavesIt
It may be considered regrettable le that thatthe 1batthe thaTthe
the Meat trust can not be prosecuted prosecutedfor
for conspiring to violate th u publics publicsstomach puNkstomaeh putsstomach
stomach stomachHaving stomaehHav stomach1tavhig
Having Hav visited all the palaces In the theworld theworld theworld
world Mr Roosevelt win come home to tothe tothe tothe
the Augean stables of Albany AJbaa AJbaaTwo polities poMUcTwo politiesTTeO
Two women in Tennessee fought foughtduel a aduel
duel 4 1 to the death If they keep on at atthis atthis atthis
this rate woman U suffrage may result resultThat re8UltThat resultThat
That worthless dross cJ called money moneysays moneyay1J moneysays
says Andrew Cara C Carnesle gi e Funny how howsome howme howsome
some me people abuse their best friends friendsSince ZrMe aI aISince I ISlMe
Since one of the Pittsburg Ptt councilman councilmanFold oouacllmeold coundimentold
Fold out for JMW th the cost wf corrup corruption eornapttoR corruption ¬
tion in that city cant be very high highThe hlchThe highThe
The Presidents Pre Neat friends claim there thereis U UIa
is no significance in his addressing add addtariff addremln Us Ustariff histm4C
tariff o defense > fens to Providence ProvidenceStill PfOYIdenceStitt ProvidenceStill
Still another item in the high h cost of ofliving orlhtng ofliving
living Seats at the JeffriesJohnson JeffriesJohnsonnght 1e < rteeTII rteeTIIftPt
light will cost as high highas as lIS lISCalm H HCairn I ICalm
Calm reflection shows that the H Hmerely House Hoaemerel HousemereI
merely merel refused rt WId to be smoked out any anylongor anyIonget I
longor by a Uptilted dgw dgwTight cisart cIaiplght
Tight t for peace is th the OCT e c the theregulars ther theregulars
regulars r of th tM House e but t a a few ttwrn ttwrnaso days daysago daysago
ago it was uFi Fight < bt for lifer liferIt Itte ItteIt liferIt
It te a sign of modern civilisation and andbusiness aatlent am ambusiness
business enterprise ent rprl8e that women hats hatscost hatJieNt hatscost
cost more every year yearThe yearThe yearThe
The Republican factions in the t e House Househave HouehAve Househave
have buried the hatchet hatchetas etu as they prefer preferto I
to use battle axes axesMr LtesXr sesMr
Mr Roo Roosevelt the mighty hunter huntermight ttat huntermIght r rmlKht
might wipe out the weasels and vain vampires Y1Uftplr vainpires ¬
pires plr in his party partyIf
If the insurgents Inau t8 were crazy cru us usth asthe i ithe
th the regulars re < ulan charge th they y were ere foolish foolishMke foolishlike ooll h hlike
like a fox foxThe foxThe foxThe
The Republican elephant is having a ahard ahrd ahard
hard time wading through the Slough of ofDespond orDeIponcL ofP1ttburg
Despond DespondPittsburg DeIponcLPlttbburg
Pittsburg has electrified the world worldHer worktHer worldHer
Her grafters are confessing their sins sinsPeru MnPeru ninePeru
Peru has broken with ith Chile but it itreally Itreally Itreally
really doesnt seem to matter matterInsurance mattecIDflUf1L matterInsurance
Insurance IDflUf1L Ce scandals in Nw York YorkIt YorkItlike YorkItsounds It Itsounds
sounds like an old story storyWoodruff storyWoodruft storyWoodrult
Woodruff was ruff enough to hold holdhis bwIts boldhis
his job jobThis jobTh jobThis
This Th is 1 the ball season MMOn1N base and andmoth admoth andmoth
March has reformed reformedSUREST reformedSUREST reformedSUREST
May fa I ask you a questlqn questlqnSure quetlqn1Sure questiqaSure
Sure straner stranerWhy stranerWhy strnerWhy
Why is s everybody in th the section sectionmixed Metlonmixed aect4nmixed
mixed up in a f feud feudWell id idWell 1 1uWf
uWf Well > U nobuddy keers k keei l8 to take chances chanceson
on being an Innocent bystander bystanderIXMilsville bYMaRderIoutsyiUe bystaadLouisville
Louisville CourierJournal CourierJournalWhats CounrJ CourisrJournalI ournal ournalI
I Whats on the Program ProgramTonight ProgramI
I Tonight Toni9 t in Washington WashingtonLecture
Lecture on Halleys comet by b L LRichards A ARichards ARichards
Richards Y M C A Assembly Aa emW Hall HallS
8 p m mDistrict mDistrict i iDistrict
District District of Columbia Library Ll Associa Association AaMtCIUon Aaedtion ¬
tion Public Library S15 l5 p m mDr mDr inDr
Dr C V 1 Wlnbi WIR VVlnbigter or lecture at Ittl Fair Fairmont l1l1rl1ont Fairmont ¬
mont street northwest S p m mTheaters BIThea inTheatth
Theaters TheatersNational Thea TheatthNtlonaIar5aret ters terst
National alMaryaret t Un Margaret Anglin A n In The TheAwakening TIM4keAt Tho4nahcenIng
Awakening of Helena Richie SK h6 p pm pBeJasco pm pBeJaKoToha pin
m inBeisscoyohn
BeJasco BeJaKoToha John Man Mas n in A Son of the thePeopte UtePeopieL TheP
Peopte P op4e S S1ll p M MColumbia JRWftbIara1k innb1aTahk
Columbia WftbIara1k Talk of New York SK S p pm pChases pm pCbAMsPetite pII
m II IIChesesPoitta
Chases CbAMsPetite Polite vaudeville 51 SJJ S p m mCasino mcaatnoContinuou inCaslnoConUflUOU
Casino caatnoContinuou Continuous vaudeville vaudevilleLyceum vaudevRIeLyceumuW1ne vaudevilleLyceuInWItIe
Lyceum LyceumuW1ne Win Woman W Wom and Song SongS15 So So8li Song8l
S15 8l p m mGayety mGayetyFred UiGayetyFred
Gayety GayetyFred Fred IrwhVs Irwin Gibson Girls GirleS1S GirlsS15
S1S p m mMajestic mMajesticVaudeville inajcet1cVaudevilIo
Majestic MajesticVaudeville Vaudeville and motion pic picture plctures ¬
ture 7 to 11 p m mArcade mrcadelklway rtArcadeMidway
Arcade rcadelklway Midway and rut other attractions attractionsThe
The Times will b h4 pleased to t anoouhce anoouhcemeetings an anjcmeetings cf cfmfetfngs >
meetings and entertainments ent > rtainment < Ll Jt f this thiscolumn thiscolumn iS
column Phone or write anrlounce anrlouncexnents aJhounce aJhouncements aIliounce aIliouncement5 j
xnents f fJ I
In 1 the th Mail JYIail Bag BagThe
The Time will accept fcr Ie r publi publication publication pubilCfltI ¬
cation CfltI In UN Hfnll line columns columnsshort Co1UIUILIIiJlort coluniusebort
short vlsroronn letter on questions questionsf que tlonll tlonllof
of ° f public Interest It cannot un undertake undertake undcrtake ¬
dertake to publlMli letters exceed exceeding exceec1aJ gCCd gCCdlug ¬
lug aJ 250 0 words ordJII and nd reserves the therlsrht tberlJJlt therlnht
rlsrht rigidly rJJldl to < o condense commu communication COlUmunlcntlonll conifliUflicutiona ¬
nication whIch are of cheater cheaterIonRUi lcaterlellJlI cntez cntezlCtifl
IonRUi letter should lie written vrrlttenon
on one wide Itle of the pnpcr only and nnilnmut DndnlUlit andmust
must contain the name and address addressof
of the writer but three vrlll III not be beluilillnlicd beIHlblhhccl bOitIbiislicil
luilillnlicd If request to that enact eflcctla enactJnode
la 1 made madeBlasphemy JnodeBlaspnemy madeBaspikmy
Blasphemy Deplored DeploredTo
To tft the Editor of 0 The TOMfelngton TfaM TfaMIt nIt
It is not so much surprising Mlrpritll as re regrettable regrettable regrottable ¬
grettable that more Is not being be1U don donto dineto
to rid the country of the epidemic of ofblasphemous otblaaphemoua Ofblasphemous I
blasphemous and other forms tor of degrad degrading cJ desrtdtug d dIn ¬
tug In language ge to o which it is IaBUbeet b becOflhtD becOflhtDsubject eomUM eomUMsubject
subject In its present stage even th thchildren the theI thechildren
I children before leaving the cradle cannot cannotescape CIWDOtaeap cannotescape
escape learning it it This Th is owing to it J Jhaving ltihaving
having beccpM bee me such a flxe haait t with withthe wtththe withthe
the parents who us use it just as freely freelyin
in their homes ho H as they do on ihestrest ihestrestor 1M street atreetr
or r in the th1 th her room roomThe roomThe OlllThe
The degrading dogdt use ef profane and low lowlanguage low11lnp lowlanguage
language 11lnp e which serves res no purpose pUI but buta
a bad one is becoming a dee deeroote1 deeroote1eaneel dosirooteticancer rooted rootedcancer
cancer to the nation and apparently apparentlythere apparenUYtiere apparentlythere
there is no moral reform which wtatehIt I assent lemeniIt
it very much muchWhat muchWhat muchWhat
What is required to the enforcement enforcementof
of the laws that exist in aU parts of ofthe oCthe ofthe
the country countrySome countrSome countrySome
Some years ago I devoted considerable considerabletime ceJlUlhHrabletime considerabletime
time and expense ex rw to writing < letters to tohe tobe tofhe
fhe + he leading Jea4ln newspapers regarding < the theuse thtlJ8e theme
use of profane language 1aA My y letters letterswere lettenweN letterwere
were printed by many man of the leading leadingnewspapers leadl leadlne 1On41IInewspaper
newspapers ne papera who also published edt editorials edltortala edttodais ¬
torials in trying t n to diminish the evil at atthis atthla atthis
this time a great ret deal of good was done doneas doneIt doneas
as it caused oUt n awakening awaken which led ledto Wdto ledto
to many potent steps being < taken tak Many Manyrailway Xaayrallwa Xsyrailway
railway rallwa and other corporations and andfirms aDdJlMQII and1kins
firms took action to have the use of ofsuch ofaueh ofsuch
such language JlLD uqe prohibited among their theiremployes theiremployes theiremployee
employes which Is one of the most JDOfipowerful mostpowerful mostpowerful
powerful measures Un8 that can be taken to tocheek tocbeek tocheck
cheek it There were also 11Io societies societiesformed societiestommed es esformed
formed which did a great deal of good
at the time but this seems to tonaodtc nave havebeen navebeen
been spasmodic naodtc a u4 6 not thoroughly fol followed tol tolJowecl Xcilowed ¬
lowed up upBy UltFOr upPot
FOr the pa yeA or two I have been beentrying
tyt trying to do what I could In Iniy c
By the police enforcing < the law tn tnevil the theeYU theera
evil here has been very much lessenedbut lessenedbet lessened e4bat
but I am sorry to see so little being beingdone beingdone ine inedoae
done in the United States of late There Thereare Therele Thereare
are many reasons given J for the in increase 1Jlereue increase ¬
crease of profanity Many place Its Itsorigin Itao Itsorlln
origin o n to the rae track and betting bettingmen betdntren bettinginto
men They sow the seed and others othersape oOtenape othersape
ape them who think It smart and witty wittySome wtttyme wittySeine
Some attribute aU dbute the cause to the foreign foreignelement foreignelement n I
element tment who arrive in America wber wberit wbenIt
it is so prevalent and believe that pro profaining profak profaming
faining the name of the Supreme SupremeBeing SupremeBeIn SupremeBeing
Being is I an American accomplishment aceompttohmentThe
The habit of profanity is becoming becomingo
eo o engrafted en ed in the th people that thatmany thatroAn thatmany
many roAn cannot speak on any topic with without witbout without ¬
out calling < on the name of the Almighty AlmightyJT
JT the Saviour in a blasphemous hemoua way wayAnd w7ad wayiid
And ad it is not only m the bjarrooms or orthe orthe orthe
the slums that you hear this language languagebut languagebu uacp uacpbu
but bu it is even becoming common among amongclerks amongderktl amongclerks
clerks and heads of firms ar in business businessestablishment bwIiaeaImabltahment businessestablishment
establishment and It Is becoming ha habitual hab1tual habitual ¬
bitual among women womenWe MAe womenWe
We e hear much about the lack of rev reverence revereoee reverence ¬
erence among am the people I believe this thisb thisIs thisIs
Is largely becauseof bteauae oC tm > low character characterof
of our language la e which is I also the cause causeof cauaeoC causeof
of so much disrespect for other things thingsWe thingsWe B BWe
We still have people in the country who whoabhor wh whabiaor whoabhor
abhor the nlthy tongue to Why should shouldthese shouldtMM shouldthese
these not be protected against the tb else clasvof cI cIof elseof
of people who are 1 polluting the air with withsuch withINch withsuch
such language la At present it is im impossible tmpouIbie tinpossible ¬
possible for any an on one to escape it itThere It ItThere ItThere
There have been many efforts e ort ortIn made madein madein
in Canada and the United States to try tryto tryto tryto
to induce the pollee to have JuLv the th laws lawsvigorously Ja JavtKorouely Jawsvigorously
vigorously enforced which is tb tIM only onlytrue oalJtrue onlytrue
true method to rid the country of it itOccasionally It ItOeeaslonally itOccasionally
Occasionally you will bear of an of offender oftender offender ¬
fender being < brought up and punished punishedbut puaabedhut punisbebut
but the police who oonld b be looked to toto toto toto
to stamp out the evil seem to give but butlittle hatUttJe butUttle
little attention to it and in many cases caseshave cueshave caseshave
have become the greatest eateat offenders offendemthemselves offendersthemselves en enthemHlves
themselves themselvesI
I think Halifax some years ago was wasas wasbad wasas
as bad as any other city In this respect respectand re8peCtand respectand
and that the benefit of the enforcement enforcementof
of the th law 1a was well demonstrated here hereas hereas hereas
as when the police were Instructed to toarrest toarNSt toarrest
arrest the offenders and there were weredozens WftedoaeruI weredozens
dozens of them arrested and brought broughtbefore brouglatbeCole broughtbefore
before the court and punished the now nowof ftowoC 5owof
of profanity on the streets and public publicplaces UbllcplaceS publicplaces
places decreased 75 per cent centThis centThis centThis
This is the only course that can be betaken Ntakea betaken I
taken to rid the country of it and I Ithink Ithink Ithink
think the time Is ripe ri whm some sys systematic sysieinatlc ya yatematte ¬
tematic and fundamental ttep should shouldbe ahouIdbe shouldbe
be taken in all cities and towns t to have havethe bavethe havethe
the laws vigorously yl orously enforced as this thiscommon thiseommon thiscommon
common use of profane and low lowlanguage lowlaaguqe lowlanguage
language is gradually lowering iowe the bet better better beticr ¬
ter instincts of the people and andfar an goes goesfar goesfar
far to prompt to other crimes Youts Youtstruly Youutruly Youtstruly
Halifax JdahIfaxN N S March 21 TM TMCapital me meI Is IsCapitaI
I Capital Tales s I
I Jim imr Watsons Advice AdviceGREAT AdviceA AdviceA
GREAT commotion was stirred stirredamong stirredamon stirredamong
among amon the old guard in the Senate Senatewhen Senatwheft Senatewhii
when it was learned in the height he ldt of ofthe ofthe I Ithe
the House struggle of recent nt date that thatan thatan thatan
an upheaval was as in progress that threat threatened threatMett threatsued ¬
sued to throw the old organization of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the House out through < h the roof roofIt roofIt roofIt
It was recognized that if the House Houseorganization HOUMorganization Houseorganization
organization was shot full of holes bol and andSpeaker andSJeaker andSpeaker
Speaker Cannon deposed d JJOHd it would be a ablack ab ablack
b black day da for the Aldrich regime rene in the theSenate theSenate theSenate
Senate Regular R ular Senators in doe doeStates cIoieState closeStates
States especially got excited exclt Some of ofthem ofthem ofthes
them thought thou ht Cannon ought ht to resign resignand resipAd resignand
and some thought thOll t he ought not to toSaturday toSaturday isSaturday
Saturday nornlng nornJ there was a rush rushover rushover rushover
over to the Speakers spefker room Senator SenatorScott SenatorStott SenatorScott
Scott was one o ot those who thought thoughtthe tko tougitthe 1t 1tthe
the Speaker ought to resign Even Vice VicePresident VicePre VICePresident
President Pre kl nt Sherman thought the only onlycourse ftftlycome onlycourse
course open for the Speaker if driven drivenfrom drivenfrom drivenfrom
from the Rules Committee was resig resignation re resignation lg lgBRUon ¬
nation nationBut BRUonBut nationBut
But Senator Hale of Maine saw w the theSpeaker theSpeaker theSpeaker
Speaker and the Speaker PUt up to him himthe himtM himthe
the question of what hat he fluent to do He Heasked HeK8ked Heasked
asked Hale what he the thcufht tight of Jim uJimvrauons JimWatsons JhnWatsons
Watsons plan of refusing to resign but butstaying bUtyln butsaying
staying yln the th > Chair would entertain a amotion amotion amotion
motion that the Speakership be declared declaredvacant declaredvacant declaredvacant
vacant The veteran Senator from fromMaine fromdalne fioniMaIne
Maine who hates an insurgent jnsur nt like likepisen Uk Ukplen likejinen
pisen approved it despite the tb fact factother factother factotier
other Senators were W re urging ur nr resignation resignationUncle resilnationUncle resignationUncle
Uncle Joe had been een strongly inclined lneUnedto inclinedto
to null uit but on the strength of Hales Halescpunsel Hal Halesunsel 8 8qunsel
cpunsel unsel and Jim Watsons insistent insistentefforts Insl Insistentefforts tentefCor
efforts efCor to get him to stay he put up to tot tot totile
t tile e House H ouae the proposition ot of ousting
Mm MmAnd
And nd they do say that whe the fight fightva fl fightwas ht htwa
va was over and Uncle Joe went w nt bark to tohis tohis
his offic office e he 11 found Watson at5On there threw threwhis lhrtwhIs threwlits
his arms around his neck and paid Jim
Watson Vats on youv saved me again
Mrs Taft Occupies Occ pies Box BoxTo BoxT BOxTo
To T See Son of People PeopleSister
Sister and Sisterinlaw In Her Party PartyMiss Miss Martha MarthaBowers MarthaBowers MarthaBowers
Bowers Returns From Trip to Cuba and Nassau NassauWith NassauXlith NassauWith
With Her Grandfather
Mrs Taft occupied the tle Presidents Presidentsbox PNSldentbox
box at t the BeUsco Theater last even evenIng eyfftfor evenlug
lug for the t performance perror of John Mason Masonta a ttIn
ta A ASoII Son of the People In her party partywere pUt pUtber partywore
were her sister Mrs More Mrs John JohnW TobAW Johnw
W HerroB jr her sisterinlaw and andCant aadCaJllll andcapt
Cant Graham I L Jobnscn and Lieu Lieutenant LIeuIIUUIt Lieutenant ¬
tenant Osternaus two of the White Whiteaides Whiteakiee Whitesides
aides aidesMrs sidesMrs
Mrs Herron W the house eeeat est of Mr Mrand XIand lr lrand
and Mrs T H Aldrich at their reIJI residence reIJIdeltce reideitie ¬
dence on P street streetMiss streettiss
ie ieX L
Miss X Martha Bowers daughter of the theSolicitor theSolicitor theSolicitor
Solicitor General and Mrs Lloyd W WBowers WBowen WB
Bowers B ° wers returned to Washington today todayfrom todaYtrOlll todayfrom
from an extended trip to Cuba and andNassau AB4Nau 54 54cuau
Nassau with her grandfather Judge JudgeWMson JudieW JudgeThomas
WMson WMsonThomas W MIIon MIIonTbomaa
Thomas Wilson oaBo Bowers a a member of ofthe oftM ofthe
the senior class cia at Yale will 111 arrive arrivetomorrow arrivetomorrow arrivetomorrow
tomorrow to spend the Bastar ator holidays holidayswith boIWaJiIth heildayswith
with Ith his parents parentsMrs pareatara parentsMrs
Mrs ra Bowers will go ever to New York Yorktonight Y9Cktcnlpt YorktinIgbt
tonight for a few days visit visitx visitSwedish vWtie Isit IsitSwedish
ie ieSwedih x
Swedish Society SocietyIssue SocietyIawec SocietyIssues
Issue Cards Car f fr r Daace DaaceLogen DaaceDn DanceLogeit
Logen Dr Drott tt No 1 HII Vasa v Orden af afATnertka aCAmertb sfAmerlks
ATnertka the Washington Lodge of the theSwedish theSwedish theSwedish
Swedish Society of America has cards cardsout cardout cardsout
out for its entertainment and dance at atFlynns atFlynn atFlynns
Flynns Hall 336 S Eighth street reet north northwest northwest northwest ¬
west opposite Carnegie Library to tomorrow tolItorlOW tomorrow ¬
morrow evening March ucb 9 sa l at 839 839oclock 33oelork 530neloek
oclock There will be an interesting interestingprogram InterMtlngprogram Interestingprogram
program of instrumental and vocal vocalmusic yocalmusle vocalmusic
music followed by dancing ane and re refreshments re retrftlhanenta refreshments ¬
freshments All Scandinavians Sean buLvtans are arecordially ateconUaUy arecordially
cordially invited invitedTne bavttedbe invitedThe
The College Col Womens Club has select selected Mleetfd selectPd ¬
ed Wednesday W Aprt prt 12 11 as the date datefor 4atefor datefor
for its annual dinner which will be begiven beavec begiven
given avec at Rauschers Ra Mr This early eart an announcement aaDO announcement ¬
nouncement DO of the date is made that Uiatall uataU thatall
all who wish to attend may IaYthat reserve reservethat reiemthat
that evening eveningMrs elqMn eveningMr
Mrs Meyer wMeof wife tfe or the Secretary of ofthe otUte ofthe
the Navy Na entertained ent catDe a a box party at atthe atthe atthe
the Kev e ew National Theater last evening eveninghaving eveninghaving tac tachavtac
having among her guests Miss Marian MarianOliver If IfOIl MaxianOliver
Oliver OIl and the Misses Meyer er
Others 0tIMn1ft ta the > audience were ere Mr and andMrs JUtdra andhire
Mrs ra Evan Sinclair Cameron amnelon Mrs Rob Robert Robrt Robsri ¬
sri rt Shaw Oh Oliver r General Edwards Miss MissKfctherine XbuIKJtherlne MissKMhedne
Kfctherine Crane and Dr 1 and Mrs J 1 1 JRichardson 1R1chardOft 1Rkhard
Richardson RichardsonThe Rkhard RkhardThe
The Military Attache Att che of the French FrenchRmbafcsy FrenchDtb FrenchPpnbDsy
Rmbafcsy Dtb sy Captain de Chambrun re returned RturlWdto returned ¬
turned turlWdto to Washington Saturday from fromMexico fromMexieo fromMexico
Mexico where he and the Countess Countessspent founteasgnt
spent 8 the last six weeks U Countess Count de deChambfil deChambr1t doCbsmbrii
Chambfil will return to Washington Washingtonon
on Friday FridayThe FridaYThe FridayThe
+ v
The Counselor of o the th German embassy embassyand Dballlland embassyand
and Countess Count von Wedel Wed left Washing Washington W Wton ¬
ton Iattt uu < evening nln for New York whence whencethey eethey whosethey
they sailed this morning for forThe Germany GermanyThe GermanyThe
The Military Attache dIe of the tlMoEmbaNl German GermanEmbassy GrnEmbassy
Embassy and Mme von Ljivonhn UVOJlhfftt who whowent whowent
went fftt to New York Friday will willuntil remain remainuntil remainuntil
until the latter part of this thl week weekSwiss wwkSwia weeltSwiss
Swiss Minister MinisterEntertains XiisigterEntertains iai er erXatertaina
Entertains at Dinner DinnerThe DierThe DinnerThe
The Minister of Switzerland and Mme MmeRater MmeRItter ime imeHitter
Rater had ta their quests u at dinner dinnerlast dinnerlaOt dinnerlast
last evening fni Senator nator and Mrs Guggon G n
Kansas City Lawyer Pleads PleadsGuilty PleadsGuilty PleadsGuilty
Guilty to Being With Without Without Without ¬
out a Wife WifeKANSAS WifeXASAZ VifeKL
KL KANSAS SAS CITY crrTo Mo March SL Llt It the theRalph tItew thesentence
sentence UPON w by J JRalp1a Judge JudgeRalph
Ralph S Lt9haw eX the criminal e court eertof courtof rt rtof
of this city te carried out out Fred X litt littler MIft MISlee ¬ I
lee an attorney of this city will I have e to towed towed towed
wed the first woman who will consent consentU
to > become Ms wife wifeMiller WifeMIUer wifeMillet
Miller yesterday filerf m application ap in inthe mthe inthe
the court in which he represented r him himaelf himeelf liftsself
self as a lonely loud single 118 man Inspired Inspiredwith Inspiredwith
with the Vfry ambition to take unto untohimself uatfthimself untohimSelf
himself a wife and soliciting the aid aidof ahloC aidof
of the court to this thwHere end endaxuinst id idHere
Here Is a n who desires to Kfter Kfteraainst preteragainst
against himself in the criminal court courtcharge a ahanre acharge
charge of wanting wallti to et married said saidJud IdJu4 mi miJudge
Jud Judge fI LatBhaw when Millers applica APPIteation applicatics application ¬
tion was W read File the application applicationMr
Mr Clerk Enter a plea of guilty ty alter aftersent alterhis alterhis
his name aM sentence teIJf lifts to M mar JOarrifId marilod
rifId to the ftnt otrtn who win eo eosent c csent
sent to become his wrTe wrTeMiller WY41II1J wleMiller
Miller 1II1J r pecified that his wife must mWttn be bewell e ewell
well n bred re modest and Vi willing to aspire aspireto
to reach the highest plane in life lif and andthe andth anjthe
the th most lofty limit In thought
helm the Assistant Dt Secretary St f State Stateand Staii8and Staleand
and Mrs ire HmKiagUM H Wilson Dr and andMrs aMIrs aadMrs
Mrs Fremont Smith Mrs rs A A C C Barney BarneyMr BaIIIQMr sinsy sinsyMr
Mr and Mrs J E McLeran the mili military militarY milltax ¬
tary tax attache of the Russian embassy embassyCoL embassyGel m mCOL
CoL Baron sa de 4 Bode and his hiliBuO sister sisterBaroness sbeerBaroness
Baroness BuO Elizabetg Elba et6 de Bode the Naval NavalAttache Na NaAttadae ItavalAttache
Attache of the Russian Eho Embassy If and andMmo lid1M andMine
Mine Vassilief and the secretary of the theSwiss UteS theSwiss
Swiss S legation Henri Martin Martini 1IIardaIPMMeI
i Jj JjFormer
IPMMeI a Former Justice and ad Mrs Henry IIIT B BBrown BBrowa 3Brown
Brown will return te Washington bv a aday ay aday
day y or two from tn n extended ext8ldeltrip Souther Southertrip Sosthertrip
trip tripInforaal tripInfon tripInformal
+ r i
Informal Infon al Diaa Dinner DiaAecFor DinnerFor r rFor
For Mr and Mrs L LR Loud LoudRepresentative i iRprcMntathre
Representative R reMfttattn and aACIra aACIraLoad Mrs George A AIowd ALoud
Load entertained a party par informally at atdinner atdtnner atdinner
dinner last evening II at the Ontario tn tncompliment Iacompliment Incompliment
compliment to Mr and Mrs Edward EdwardLaud Bdw BdwLoud EdwagdLoinl
Laud The additional guests ichnlf Iae IaeRear lncludpdRear > d dRear
Rear Admiral and Mrs rs Hottyday lioII Rep Representative Repre Representative ¬
re resentative and Mrs F Foe Senator You Foster F Fter Youicr ¬
ter and Mr lr add Mrs i Murphy MurphyThe I IThe MurphyThe
The Du Danish Minister Xin ater and Countess CamtessMottke ct ctMoIOte CountessMoltke
Mottke were among the dinner hosts of oflast ofJat ofInst
last evesiae evesiaeMr eyeRtltr evenlnMr
Mr r and aaclM Mrs W WH j H Howes of Wa Watertown W Wtfrtown Watertown
tertown N Y announce aDou the tbeanent engage engagement engagemoot ¬
anent of then daughter PriscUla to toLieut toLi4nt toLleiit
Lieut George R R Goethato U t S A ALieutenant ALleut ALieutenant
Lieutenant Lleut nant Goethal Is the son of Col Coland Coland Cotand
and Mrs 4rs George e W Goethals of Wash Washington WIUIIhI WashIngton ¬
ington I on who are now in Panama Lieu Lieutenant LMutfttaJIt Lieutenant ¬
tenant Goethals is stationed at the theWashington liteWuhtartot theWashington
Washington Barracks BarracksMine Ba BaHi BarracksMiss
Mine V Von a StttMB StttMBArrives StaI StnmArrives
I Arrives far Wecidiag WecidiagMlra W Woddia WoddiaMiss iWiac iWiacOn
Miss Maria von Stumm St has arrived antveIwbictoa ht htWashington inWashington
Washington from Germany and k the theguest tIMof thegimot
guest of Mr and Mrs Henry M Hoyt HoytnntU tUBtII loytflats
flats after the wedding ef her belII brother brotherMr brotherMr
Mr von Stiunsn St of the German embas embassy emIIafIY embassy ¬
sy and Miss U Constance COfttIta Cf Hoyt on Wed Wednesday Wedneecly wedneeday ¬
nesday March V Mr von Stusuns Stusunsbrother St StDrodIer Stunuasbrother
brother who atoo came over to this thiscountry u ueouatr thiscountry
country far the wedding will arrive in inWashington I IOII InWashington
Washington OII on Thursday after m short shortYisJt IIIIortvt sheetvisit
visit te New York and Huston Hustonr HustonMrs 1Je8tGi 1Je8tGXrs siou siouz siouMrs
i r z
Mrs Stea Steia1tergec Steia1tergecGies SteinbergerGives erger ergerGive
Give a Litnchesc LitnchescMrs LnncbeenMrs
Mrs JL Samnei Sam J Stemherger eater eatertaintained fIItertahttabled mitertalatained
taintained informally yesterday at atluncheon atlu atluncheon
luncheon lu hfOlL T Ting be HUt center piece fill tile tileIn din dining
ing In table was of potted primroses jh h n and andher sadbet I Iher
her guests were Mrs Rudolph R RIIrL Behrend BehrendMrs DkendMrs
Mrs Sydney C Kaufman Kaut KautKann Mrs Simon SimonKaan SimonKann
Kann and Mrs I Behrend BehrendJ BehrendMr BehrendMr rftML rftMLMr
Mr and Mrs JL Myer Stern of the Ash Ashley Aahley Ashby ¬
ley apartment t left yesterday y rday to spend spenda n4 n4a
a few days in Philadelphia visiting Mrs MrsLevy IraLevy MrsLevy
Levy mother of Mrs Stern SternThe Sterni SternThe
i 1 1The
The Ladies AudllalJ Auxiliary Society of the theEighth theh theEighth
Eighth h Strnet Temple have ba bafor arranged arrangedfor
for an n entertainment and dance to be beheld beMId bebold
held at the t old Masonic Temple Thurs Thursday nItu1Iday Thursday ¬
day March Marchis M MMrs
ie ietn z >
Mrs is M Stern and daughter dauKbterHeHn Miss MisHelen MissHelen
Helen Stern St rn and grandson Henry HenryFranc HetlIToran HenryFranc
Franc of New York who have been beenic4tlng bHa1ilth1t beenit4tlng
ic4tlng relative in Norfolk Va have havereturned haYerfturMd barereturned
returned home
Balloting In Progress With WithHeavy WithHeavy VithHeavy
Heavy Gains or Victory VictoryFor VictoryFor VictoryFor
For Foss Predicted PredictedBROCKTON PredictedBRCcKTOX PredictedBRCXTOX
BROCKTON Mass March 21 With Withapproval WttJaor Wttkpprrsal
approval or disapproval tilJJL hal of the Payne PayneAtdrfeh PayneAldrich i
Aldrich tariff bin as the principal de declared doclaret ¬ I IIa
claret Ia issue balloting aJIotIafor for a successor successorto
to the lat late Congressman C Cengreem Lilt s TTC W C Lover LoverIng Lovertug
tug Is Oft today in the Fourteenth Mas Massachusetts asJl8ebUMtts > Massachusetta ¬
sachusetts Congressional eoa district rtet and andthere aadthere andthere
there is every Indication that the re reRepublican rt8uh resuit
suit will be a heavy cut fa tile tileRepublftn aoznl aoznlRepublican
Republican plurality with a poJ poJTtetory penuievictory possible possiblevictory
victory for Eugene E ugene N Foes the theocratle Dem Democratlc DemraUe
< ocratlc raUe candidate candidateBoth eaudidateBoth candidateBoth
Both Mr Foss and his Republican RpuhHcaKopponent R Republicanopponent
opponent W C Buchanan claim clam vic victory TietOI vietory ¬ I
tory The Democratic De tle candidate bad a5made hasmade badmade
made an appeal to the voters rB to Mf Mfet for forget fgget ¬
get et then party affiliations and vote to torebuke torebuke torebuke
rebuke the th Republican R blktft Administration itminjirtmHsnfor
for raising ra the duties on food pro products products ¬
ducts ductsBuchanan ductsBuchanan
Buchanan balan echoes hOfS the declaration cJ laration of ofSenator CSenaten ofSesatot
Senator Lodge that the tariff te not notthe m mthe I
the cause of the increased cost of liv living UvIn livtug ¬
tug InBAIL
NORRISTrwN NORRISTC x Pa March 21James 21JamesKrewson 2JsmssXrewson JaaBeeKrewsoa
Krewson president deftt of the county com commissioners CODImlSSionrs cornmissioners ¬
missioners entered ent ed L LMS ball for forliam Wil William Wil11am ¬
liam Shepherd the Rockktlge boy 00 00shot who whoshot wh whshot
shot to death d th hi his stepfather st < pttb r Jeremiah JeremiahMcManus JnftJ JeremiahMeManus h hM
McManus M < ManWi and Willie was as released from fromjail fromjail fromjail
u = u
The Young Lady Across Acrossthe the Way WctyI II
The young younglady youngla young younglady
lady la dy across acrossthe acrossthe acrossthe
the way says saysshe saysshe saysshe
she over overheard oJI dyer dyerheard 8 r rhear ¬
heard hear d her herfaither herfa herfatiher
faither fa her say saythat saythat saythat
that Mr MrBryan lJtlrBryan MrBryancon
Bryan Bryancon Bryancontinued con continued continued ¬
tinued to totake totake totake
take up upne d dnew anew
new ne v policy policyevery policyevery T Tevry
every day or orso orso
so and for forher forI
I her part she shethought shethoughtit shet
thought thoughtit1V t h o ii g h I it itwas itwas
was 1V a s a mis mistake mistake mislake ¬
take to carry carrytoo carrytoo carrytoo
too much muc in insurance insurance insurance ¬
surance surancei
Answers Four Days Attack Attackof j jof
of Cummins In Two TwoHours TwoHours TwoHours
Explains Attorney Generals Cog Cognecti CrNnectiGn C Cnection
nectiGn necti < mand aad Discusses Discussesks
ks Provisions ProvisionsSenator Provisi 5 5Seaator
1 1Senator
Senator Elkins has been warmly wanalpatuJaaed CM CMgratnbued ess essgratuisted
gratnbued upon the decease of th u Ad Administration IJot A4nbistradosi ¬
ministration of the railroad bin Iby mate modeby mateby
by him in the Senate yesterday H Hauk B esp Hespok
sp for two hour In reply te 1 ti M Muk as asasuk
auk uk upon the bill made by Senator SenatorCummiex SenatorCuinmi
Cuinmi Cummiex m a four days JII speech speechSenator apeedaSelaator speechSenator
Senator EUcfas denied the charge e thst thstthe tII thetthe t tthe
the bill was not properly before 8elweSeaate the tfcsSenate theSeuate
Senate He showed why it was f r rexpedle foundexpedient n l lexpedient
expedient to present It at this thi tls tlsrather ttIIIe ttIIIerather tberather
rather than wait until all allwere lMBII lMBIIwere aintndinsai aintndinsaiwere
were proposed p and threshed lMd elK elKODe outOne t tOne
One of the most important portaat state stasraents HJ3ellta stateinents
raents made by th the West t Virginian v vthat wa wathat wan wanthat
that other amendments would be offersi offersiwhich oCren oCrenwblcb ugeredwhich
which would modify the bill billCxteJrt to SSSJM SSSJMextent someextent
extent and which wonM meet some sC sCtbe eCt SCthe
the t objections which had been mad mde t tUs e eits toIts
its present pr ftt form The Senator setormore M m mmore no nomore
more than to outline the amendment amendmentSenator aDK meudtaSenator t l lSenator
Senator Elkins lkins replied to the ui uiof tannin aoC tanninof
of Senator Cummins that the hW hWtein WIbeta a abela
tein beta considered was prepared by ute uteAttorney tMAtt theAttorney
Attorney General and revised r hy 1wwl Mst Mstwhile bhewhile
while le it was in the committee committeeGives committeeGives Itie ItieGies
Gives History H M f B Bill BillTo BfTo N NTo
To this Senator SeDat EUctas said At the thestate tilelfIqu therequest
request t of tile chairman of the later IIdftstate laterstate
state Commerce Committee UM UNI MM MMprepared b bprepared
prepared hy the Attorney General G Generalsubmittod ws wsubmttted waseel
ubmttted eel to taM committee tee teethe Dormer Dormerthe Duringthe
the preparation of the bill the Attorney AttorneyGeneral At AtGftIenJ AttorneyGeneral
General was in frequent eeCee eeCeew1tb cendereneewith e jferon Q Qwith
with members e rs of the committee and re received NcetvM iscelved ¬
ceived suggestion Io from them and a adIaap amichanges muds mudschanges
changes in I his draft of the bill in insuanee Iauaee per perRua
suanee Rua of such suggestions and after aftera aUectaU
a full discussion of the matter Uer the tile1IU th b bwas MB MBrout
rout introduced in the Senate and re referred refErred xcfrired ¬
ferred to th the Committee on Interstote IntornialeCommerce InterstoteCommerce h hCoIIuIw
CoIIuIw CoIIuIwFor CommerceFor Commerce CommerceFor
For this Senator tor KUcins ElId mId thai tnot fc fctb lie liedid
did not see that 1M Oed the se setM or orthe
tb tM country an apotog apotogInferring potogefeirlng
Inferring efeirlng to the preliminary Mtj 1IrJIme 1IrJImetions Iurjnnetions ae aetions
tions tbe Senator said The Theof preven prevenof IkIUti IkIUtiof
of the thedays th ex existlnn a roquidag ut utdaJB Ire Iredays
days notice before granting t1 a 8iD restrain restraining rostrainlag ¬
lag < order may T have b bo beu < n wise and asary fccces iesnary fcccessary
sary when such h power wax v vested td M m Ja Jacult cir circuit ekcvlt ¬
cult troorts throngiout tte United States Staterbut SCdMbut Statesbut
but when hen there s a our vested with withexclusive wItxelU8h withexclusive
exclusive xelU8h juris juriIt1on iUk k > n to hear and deter determine tlllterD Estermine ¬
mine ail these t qu qusetlosis tfons Ion located at the theCapita tlteCapltaJ theCapital
Capita of f the country where the later laterstate Iaterstate laterstate
state Commerce Coaune Commission On has its place pinesof placeof
of business and the office of the At Attorney Attorney Attorney ¬
torney General ral is found and with the thepower tJeI thepower
power limited to a case of irreparahfe irreparahfedamace lrrepMailieto Irreporabiedamage
damage to be specifically stated m Ia the theorder tJleonIer theorder
order no injustice could result f from ran the theauthority tileauthority theautbesity
I authority confers conterMay of ofMaoy d dXa
Xa May r Psistts Diseaseod D
Senator Elkins then discussed the theduties tJIedutlM theduties
duties of the Attorney Attenwyta General the theciple theagreements
agreements ta between carriers tIM triII triIIciple printlple
ciple of minimum and maximum rates ratesthe rthe ratesthe
the applications to furnish correct correcttat corTeCttat qun quntation
tat tation ions of rates rat through routes routesjoint rout and andjoint
joint rates the right of the shipper shipperoute aIaipperroute to toroute
route hi his = shipments and the control of oComlMtln ofeompeting ofcompeting
competing lines linesIt ti tiIt
It was a one of the th ablest speeches of ofSenator oCSenator ofSenator
Senator Elk Elkin in career < in the Senate It Itshowed ItIhofd Itnhowed
showed deep study of the th needs of ad additional aditional additional ¬
ditional legislation for the th extension extensionthe eC eCtlM ofthe
the > power of the Interstate Commerce CommerceCommission COIIIIDeIQCComlltialon CommerseCommission
Commission CommissionLETTER ComlltialonLETTER CommissionLETTER
BiltetDoux on Its Travels TravelsEleven TravelsEleven TraseisEleven
Eleven Years YearsGirl YearsGirlFinds YearsGifiFirxls Girl GirlFinds
Finds New Love LoveWEST LoveEST LoveWEST
WEST EST POINT POI IT T Texas March 2S Af After A Ater Aftot ¬
ter having ba traveled all allover over the w W4IIIM W4IIIMfor weeldfor cst cstfor
for eleven years a letter mailed hy a astudent alItudeDt astudent
student of Austin College CoI e at Sherman Shermanheart SIMIwuITexaa ShermanTexas
Texas eleven years ago 18 her sweet SWHtheart sweetheart
heart at Winchester Texas a 8toWII small smalltown smalltown
town five miles of this place has hasput Auput liesput
put hi its appearance 11I11 lara It cams t ttote 1 1late ionlate
late to prevent a tragedy y which wJddaaclI canoed canoedthe eanssdthe
the aching aclI of at least two hearts and andnow a allOW andnow
now after the eleven etev years 7earBpaMed have havepassed harepassed
passed the man who did not receive receivethe n1Chthfo receivethe
the letter in tone te wondering w how It Itall Itall Itall
all happened happenedIn
In the spring of 1SS 1 IS a boy and girt girtman girlboth
both students at Austin COllege Sber Sberman Sberman
man Texas T > XS fell desperately in love hwewith levewith lovewith
with each other and so o well did Cupid CupMdo Cupiddo
do his h work that the y young u man te the thecase ecauie thecase
case quit school and went hack te tabotae his htehome hishome
home in Winchester to prepare t t4t take takeunto takeunto takeunto
unto himself lmw1 a bride Things Tbl f8 went as asreal asreal
real Jove should go until one day daUla daUlafatal daythefatal the thefatal
fatal day da for lovers loversthe tbe usual letter letterdid letterW Jotterdid
did not come He waited The letter letterj letterDOt
j td l not come the next day nor the thenext theleXt thenext
next nor even ev n several of the next aaxtThen nextThen
Then came a letter a brokenhearted brokenheartedletter brokenheartedletter rt rtletter
letter yet containing some tones et etanger ota ofanget
anger a accusing aecu the t young man of un unfaithfulness URfaitbtubaesa unfaithfulness ¬
faithfulness because he had not an answered q1JYoered anewered ¬
swered the fond message mes that was sent
him la I a return he h replied that BO let letter letter Jeticr
ter had been received rec hed and as is the thecase tilecaN thecase
case ta many lovers affairs there was wasa
a quarrel q rel a severing of lovers 1oveIBt1l0 vows vwstwo vowstwo
two sad hearts bat stubborn and andXow Bdt1Ieft andthen
t1Ieft t1IeftO1 then thenNov
Nov O1 the once girl student at the theAustin UteAtIIJda theAustin
Austin College te the wife Ile of olother another anotherman aasthegaft
man aft other than her student lever and aadresides a1MIre8M5 andresides
resides at San S Antonio with itIt their theirthree theirthree
three 8 children childrenThe childrenTbe childrenThe
The original lover still remains a abachelor abaeltelor abachelor
bachelor at Winchester and when w wfIIK a afew atest
few fIIK days ago he received front the theDead tINDead theDeed
Dead Letter Office with postage postal postalmarks postalmarks
marks from many ma many r nations of the world worldan worilL8ft worldan
an envelope 8ft yellowed by tune and andspaaing aMIt andopening
opening it read readtbe the date the th stenatttre stenatttreand sigastureand
and contents a great et big tear rotted r
down d n Ida cheek but it was too late lateAlone lateAlong
Alone AJoIt with the letter came a request
from the postal authorities that the theenvelope UteDe theenvelope
envelope be returned to them as a acuriosity actR1o acuriosity
curiosity It is reported to be one ef eftfca ofthe
the Uta1eDSe longest t delayed letters in the Mi
t tory ry of the United States Stat mails As Asyet Aayet A Ajet
yet the married woman in San Antoato Antoatoknows A Ai4odlsknows
knows nothing of the receipt of the
BERLIN March 22r Dr P > r von In VaM Wal Waltba Waldthausen VaMthaneen
thaneen tba formerly mlnirtT to Argren Argrenthm ArgtntIIML Argentins
tins Las presented to Jh h German rman Em Emperor Emperor Empeter ¬
peror J taM W th thto tIio r ff fft 9 9to
to t be used fri fribenevolent fr frben5vO1eftt 1 1be
benevolent be voleftt instit Inst < nstitut nstitutPlata i m u uPlata i iPtata
Plata proving provingSvetXf prnvine5vQx f f4oc
SvetXf 5vQx and Uruguay rug1Y rug1Yi

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