OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, March 26, 1910, Last Edition, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1910-03-26/ed-1/seq-1/

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Showers Fair Sunday TorlayNUMBER Today Night NightFair me LAST EDITION EDITIONWASHINGTON I
Attorney AttorneyIN Declares Dec 3res Pressure Pressureof
of Private Practice Pre Prevents Prevents Prevents ¬
vents Acceptance AcceptanceNAMED AcceptanceNAMED AcceptanceNAMED
Washington Lawyer Rejects Nomi Nomination Nomination Nomination ¬
nation Announced by Presi President President President ¬
dent Yesterday YesterdayGeorge YesterdayGeorge YesterdayGeorge
George P Hoover who bo was yesterday yeaterdari yesterdayrominated yMterdRYJomlnated
i rominated by b the President to to wieeeed wieeeedJudge Pi succeedJudge d dJudge
Judge Ivory Iv G Kimball on the District Distrktpollee Districtpolice DMtrlctpolice
police bench thte this afternoon formally formallydeclined COrJftRlIydEcllned forMfdIydeclined
declined to accept a < ept the portion portionIn
In a letter J > tter addressed to the President PresidentMr Pre i
Mr 11 Hoover pointed P out that h he alas alasp wa waprevented W1Iptvented
prevented p evented from acepting the place on onthe Oftthe onthe
the bench because he could not give up uphi uphis uphis
hi his practice in justice to himself mfl lf or the theinterests the1nterests theinterests
interests of persons J sone he had to consider considerIt e wer werIt
It was U learned this thl afternoon from fromi fromfriends fromfriends
i friends of Mr Hoover that he wa was W not notconsulted notConlulted noteoneulted
consulted about th the position by the thePresident tb thePresident 1
President Frt ident or the Department of Jus Justire JustLre
tire before his nomination was wa sent to tothe tothe tothe
the Senate nate by Mr TaftAt Taft TaftAt TalLAt
At the eDpartment of Justice it was warnF
1 piJd < fid Id this afternoon that no other man nlanhas manhas J Jhas
has been selected eetetl to t flit the wince Ae Aeclined 4edined I III
dined II 11M by Mr Hoover who came into intoprominence ll6prominence intoprominence
prominence before the department IMlrLMent a an u uR naa
n possibility for th the District Attorney AttorneyEhip AttGrlKJfhlp AttorneMyship
ship which went to Clarence L L VII Wilcon Witson VIIon
con on
MrHwvers ltIr Hoever Letter Latterilr LetterMr LetterMr
Mr Hoovers letter to the President PresidentTV
TV was as as follow followMr tollowIr followsMr
Mr Ir President It fat reported by the thepuolic thepuulie I
puolic uoli press p that you Ou have honored hoft red me ateby meby liteby
by sending to the Senate my nomina nonmaa1On naninat
tion t on for the office of judge of the Police PoliceCourt PoliceCourt PolleeCourt
Court of the District of Columbia ColumbiaI
I beg 00 < to assume Unte you that I apprectate appre appreciate appredatf PoliceI ¬
ciate most highly h lr this unanticipated unanticipatedJioaor unaDtlclpaed1o11or unanticipatedhonor I
honor It is therefore tbet fore from no want wantof wattcf
of < f appreciation appr apprecia1 un but solely lei because of ofiay orIn ofzit
In iay inability to reliMQpteh b my y professional profes profesl prot J JIOnalC
sional sionalu ° l s i eittti W st stand j jhnd
and u IOnalC nd thtvf t whO whtlhteresta tieIUb if ltlSi MM consult consulttnat aonwil aonwilGnat I
Gnat 1 at I am am unable to accept accept th the pot pottion M tIiDn positron
tion Dn I INot
Not An Applicant ApplicantI Appl ant
I was not At t any a y Urn time an applicant applicantfor al
for this office and nd had I known PltawlC1 JIb JIb1arne riylutne y yi
i 1arne a me wa was being K considered ld would have havejromplly haveS
S jromplly conununicaied w1 with h you and andthus andthut andtius
thus saved you the t tit noes ce y ef with withdrawing withdrawing withdrawing ¬
drawing nay name nameI
I thank you none Uu I to sincerely sincerelyfor
for or the honor conferred iprm Pft me by bythe bythp bythe
the nomination but n the t e r 6 ttioM Mft isrent is 1 t t7it Inllt
rent in th the line of my amMtioi or my myplans myplans myplans
plans for the future t nvist m iet respect respectfully retlpeetlull respectfuuiy
fully lull decline nnt1 the th appointment WJth WJthJitgh Wjth111gh WithJ
Jitgh J igh regard Tf r I respectfully > o I ore v oebdiem oebd oebdlentreitant t tH3nt I Iyeiiant
Head Held in Furnace by Un Unknown Unknown Unknown ¬ i
known Black Wheeling WheelingMan WheelingMan WheelingMan
WHEELING W Va v March 2 LIt 2Itwas LItWas It Itwag
Was brought bro ht out at t the coroners ie iaquc iefjurn IIqu
qu quc fjurn < t today that Kd Roses death re resultod re2ulld resulitd
sultod from burns received elve41 when his hishead hisbeau hiahead
head was held h ld in the furnace of r an anengine anIorglne anengine
engine at the Pennsylvania round roundhouse rDundhoulil roundhouse
house by b H negro ne ro two days ago agoRose 1t agoRose 0 0ROle
Rose was found unconscious uncon dou8 and andtnkn andtaken j
taken to a hospital ho pllal where he h dtaf yes yestcrday yestc i
tc tcrday tcrdayNothing trdAYothin rday rdayNothing
Nothing othin was known of how be re recrUed re reC reccited
crUed C td tbe burns hur until testimony was wasgiven waagiven wasgiven
given at the inquest today by persons personswhom personalwhom I Iw110m
whom he told while hile on his death bet betof beJof I Ietf
of refusing a negro the privilege of ofsleeping pC pC151f gfeleeping
sleeping 151f > > plng in the round house houseWhen hOUMehen houseWhen
When hen Roses Roe fA wife was wa called to the thestand thestand thestand
stand sh she becamb hysterical and could couldplve CftUIdgive couldgive
give no testimony Hose was was A8 a are fireman are11an Areman ¬
man The police are re searching JHtarehln for the thenegro the11cJtro thenegro
The TTestern disturbance dlturba e will wi mov moveastward Jn move e
I 1eastward Icaetwu
eastward and eauee oiui rains ral rain in the Middle MiddleAtlantic MiddleAtlanUc td tl
Atlantic States 1 by y Sunday Sunda night n t The Thevrather Thewf Theweather
weather wf ther will be fair tonight in the theIMiddlo tlMiddll theMiddln
IMiddlo iddll Atlantic States followed by bycloudiness bc1oudlnN bycloudiness
cloudiness tomorrow A heavy snow snowwag altOI snowa I
wag a ae reported from Arhsona ArinouuFORWAST ArhsonaFORBCAST ArtzobaFOR
Fair tonlaht Sunday laMlR partly cl cloudy dtt4yfollowed cloudyfollowed 4y 4yfollowed
followed hy 1 showers Sunday SQadayJight Sa day night ntehtlight nightlight
light variable R Me winds wtadIrate Iaeconeingate becoming moder moderate ¬
ate aouthocly Sunday SwidstyIlsaltPERATL SundayXaUIPBRATURE S1UI4IaS
S a M Is I
i 9 a m 5 i
4 10 a m i iSit
11 L a m mc
12 3noon noon 0 0I
1 p m n np til tilp
2 p m ti 75 75T
2 p Po m i iSUN i3StTA1MT6
Sun rlaeR rte rteSun r = i iSun
Sun a seis set 515 515TIDE
TodayW TodayHifh b tide IJ5 a m and nd 9M 9Mp 11 11p Np
p p m tow 10 tWe 2 I 1 85 a a m and 313 pIll p pTomorrow ImTomorrowElI1h
Ill >
mTomorrowElI1h TomorrowHash Tomorrow High tw tklst flU a m and
949 p m low s tide 127 J 7 a M and and ntI 148 148p 1fIp 34 34p 8 8m 8CONDITION
p p m
HARPE f TERRY + W Va March MarchDressed Marchth
ft 2F 26Both Both th stainors ct1I clear this m rr1a rr1aDrcssed rnIas rnIasDressed Marchi
Dressed Headed Palings Sapo aqo aqoper per too tooFrank 100Frllnc zooFrank
Frank LIbbey Co 6th New York Ave AveAdvt
Selection by Speaker of Ship ShipSubsidy ShipSubsidy ShipSubsidy
Subsidy Investigation InvestigationCommittee InvestigationCommittee InvestigationCommittee
Committee Opposed OpposedPRINCIPLE OpposedPRINCIPLE OpposedPRINCIPLE
Speaker May Be Stripped of More MorePowers 1rlorePowers MorePowers
Powers by ThreatenedRevolt Threatened ThreatenedRevolt ThreatenedRe
Re Revolt RevoltA olt
A revolt aeainot Jat the Speaker to lathreatenod tothreatened 1 1thre
threatened thre teROO IR i the House In connection connectionwltli COIIIMe connectionwith OR ORwlU
with the resolution of Representative RepresentativeStcenerson ReprttvSte ReprmentattveSteeneraeit
Stcenerson Ste > tterIIOft of Minnesota for an invosti invostieation Wvtteligatloa U UIaUcm
eation into the charges cbarpis that there ther baa baabeen baabeen baabeen
been corruption in connection COlUteC OR with the thoefforts tMeftorta theefforts
efforts to get ship subsidy k II1FIIpt Inc ialaXion 1a1atlonTine ialaXionTiie Iftn IftnThe
The refKiiulton l watch has been acted actedon
on favorably by the th House Judiciary JudiciaryCommit Jtldletar7Commit JudiciaryCommittee
Commit Committee te t provides MO 1dea for a committee of ofAve offive offive
I Icommitter
five to conduct the investigation in This Thtecommittee lb Thiscommittee
committee t fc = ft be appointed by the theSpeaker
Speaker Some ot 0 the ins lniugeata > irgents and andDemocrat andDemocral andDemocrats I
Democrat do not like this They The think thinkthe thinktbe thinkthe
the House Hoo e ought to name the committee committeeiUelf committeeitself I
itself iUelfFor ibelFor itselfFor
For this reason there is a strong prob probability probability probability ¬
ability that when the revolution istak istaken b tak taken taken
en up by the House for utkKt Uo a move movemerot movement j
mert will be made to have the thecommittee special specialcommittee specialcommittee
committee elected electedTbe
Que Queetioa tio Is CHa Considered ConsideredThe
i ith
The insurgents have been talking taIk overthin over overthte
thin th question cttM tion Many of thorn feel that tlaatif thatin thatin
in order < to be consistent with their theirpaet theirMiIl theirpact
pact course they will 111 have to take the theportion theHobltion I IMMittlon
portion that the committee should be beelected betM beelected
elected electedIt tM tMIt
It is expected ex tad that any such suchwdl attempt attemptwill atLflllPtitl
will itl kind kindle anew the fires ot trouble troublein ble blein
in the House Hou The old leaders leadf n have beenthereughly been beenthoroughly beenUHwoUldth
thoroughly committed to the policy ofship of ofshin
shin subsidy > They have ba ve been moving movingevery moylnce movingevery
every e y lever for itThe It ItTbe It i
The resolution of Steenerson St contem contemplate contemplate contempinto ¬
plate an inquiry Into the relations relaUO II be between beI between
tween the Merchant Marine League and andmembers andmembers
members of o Congress Con re88 < It Is bound tobe to tobe tobe
be hurtful to subsidy legislation nomatter no nomatter aott
matter tt how it turns out Naturally Naturallyrthe NaturaDytM l
rthe tM regular e ular leaders will control the thethe com committee I IIRkt smitten
mitten IRkt If they can and will make the thesituation theo r rsituation
situation as little to the disadvantage disadvantageof diad antap I
of subsidy legislation as they can canPrinciple canPr7ncik
Principle PriJM jlle At Stake StakeThe StakTbf StakeThe
The matter m ttfr is of much more impor importance importance J Jlance
tance however than merely the guts question quealon gutslion ¬
lion of having havin this special committee committeepicked committeepicked
picked by b the House Hou t It goes to the thewhole ihewhole thewhole I
whole question que lioa of the selection of cony conymitteee eam eammittees
mitteee by the Mous itself instead of ofhaving ofbavl
having bavl them picked b bl T the Speaker SpeakerWhen SpeakerWhen
When the lh House H port of ofrhot t sl sltI t tseI
tI 4 4dbpt
It dbpt rhot rhotAcne u was ws selected seI selecto ft de r rNow a n 1
Acne hy < Now ro it eM faeSMMn aten RMeterton I If
er f rlOOn > n investlitlon invest tion committee committee an select seloeted selected ect
ed i p ny > v the House ouee instead of hy the theSp thoSpeaker
Speaker Sp + aker the precedent t will be prettywell pretty prettywell prettywell
well established labli bed of having hari the h House Houseelect Houseelect I
elect the special 8 1 committees committeeeFrom committeesFrom
From o rom hat t it will be only a step to totaking totaking J
taking from the > Speaker the powerappoint power t tappoint
committees committeesCotton j
Cotton Plunger to Make Su Supreme ¬
A preme reme Effort in Brother i Iinlaws iinLaws
inLaws BehalfBOTON Behalf t tBOSTON tj tBOSTON
j I
BOSTON March at 711Backed Backed by b the themoney themoney
money 1 oC Jesse Livermore UVeC IOrttlte the mill mllllon mllllonair millionnire ton tonaire
aire air cotton plunger of New York a new newefCwt newexert j jeffort i
effort ffs i fa begun 1 here today to save 118CheMer I ICheater i iChester
Chester S Jordan J from the electric electricchair elec electricchair I
chair for the murder and dismember dismemberment dismembermt ¬
ment mt t of his wife Honora HonoraCounsel HonoraCOWheI HonoraCoumnel
Counsel for Jordan whose sister ismarried ts tsmarried I Imlirried
married to Livermore have flied an anttptin ex exceptin x xeption i
eption < o 011 the th ground that Will ViJ1i2 White Whiteone Whiteone hlt hltone i
one of the jurors who tried Jordan J rdan was wasinsane washlNlnf washusane
insane at tin time lln of o the verdict verdictIt eroletIt
It U i ai ail l IJvermorea > s money mon wUlcarry wUl willcnrrv wUlcurry
curry the th ase S 5S f to the Supreme Court of ofthe oftbe ofthe
the Lnittfl States StatesSHOWERS StalesSHOWERS
Great Portion of Easter Sunday SundayWill SundayWill SundayWill
Will Be Pleasant With ProbableRain Prob Probable Probable ¬
able ableRain Rain in ii Evening EveningFair Evenil EvenilJl
t tPartir
Fair Jl 1r tonight and a tomorrow morning morningPartly 1QOInl mnrningPartly
Partly clopdy tomorrow afternoon and aadprobable adprobable andprobable
probable showers in the evenlnv e venin v withinderate with withmoerate i i
moerate temperature and light winds windsThis winds7Iils 8 81hle
This I its the best that can be beelUltecl fore ferecasteil forecanted j
canted for f r the weather conditions ttioA8 for forKaster forEuter forEaster
Easter Sunday The tore t forecasters ors tr tried trfdtheir triedtheir d dtheir
their best to present pre nt a prediction n whici wh whwW t twoekl j jwould
would denote bright sunshine a all during durl durlU j
Ui U the festice day cia but the conditions wereetch were weresuch i ih
such h as to prevent this However they I Iinsist I I Il
insist that the greater ttr part of orthe the day dayshould dayshould dayshould I
should be pleasant pk > although the thechIt i ichances iChanaeea
chances chIt for rain late It In the afternoon n a i 1are j jare
are 11 strong strongCOURT atrof1COURT strongCOURT
Policeman Who Made Arrest of ofMiss
Miss Wardlaw Is 111 With WithScarlet WithScarlet VithScarlet
Scarlet Fever FeuerIG1YAItd FeverNaWVARK
NaWVARK KVARKlarch IG1YAItd March 3The The etriat trial of 0IN o oNra i iMrs
Mrs Mary S Sned ead Miss tas Virginia VI nb Ward Wardhiw Ward Wardlaw WrdJa
law Ja and Mrs Caroline Caroline B larthi J > ltin in indicted Indieted Indieted ¬
dieted for the murder of Mrs Martins Martinsdaughter J Martinsdaughter rtht rthtdauchter
daughter Mrs Ocey y W M L Snead 8neadw j jwas jwhich
w which was Mt C far April 11 iz was post postnoH postI postIpo postpoaodd I
noH po poaodd d today until aj 1C by tine daeoorL supreme supremecourt j jcoorL
coorL court courtThe i iThe I
The posttionement PMtlt nenl was at the request requestof i iOf j
of prosecutor Mott w wh 1 announced that thatone thatone I Ione
one of his material wiMeomiB a fll1 the police ponceieraesnt policeergcant poItcfoIoergqnt
ergcant who 00 arrested aJft ted Miss Wardlaw Wardlawwas itardlawwa adlaw
was wa III with w scarlet aca fever t The motionfor motion motionfor mot n i
for f the postponement pol t4dIilIt was n ndt t n opposedDressed opposed 08ed 08edDrca j jDrcaaed I
Dressed Drca ed Square Pickets 225 per r 100 100Frank zooFrank i
Frank Libbey Ilbbe y Co fith New York ork o Ave i
Advt Ad t
Capitol Opinions Differ as asto asto j jto
to Proposed Nullification Nullificationof
of ConstitutionMONEY Constitution ConstitutionMONEY ConstitutionMONEY II IIof
Senate Minority Loader Condemns CondemnsI CondemnsCntontion
I Contontion Con ntion of Majority in inState inState
1 1State
State LegislatureDemocrats Legislature LegislatureDemocrats Legis1tltureDelllOMb
Democrats in Congress divide upon i iIssue I Il It Itimue +
Issue l ue raided by the Maryland Legislatune Legisla Lcgislature Legislatur
tune tur last night t when a majority rtt > of th the t tbody tbod tbody
body bod took steps t to declare the Four Kou Kouteenth loouIItb
month and Fifteenth amendments to tilt theFederal tlitFederal
Federal Constitution null 1 as applying to tothe tothe
the negro vote in laState State elections electionsThey electionsThey
They all say that a new question Is Israised I Iraised
raised ed which may y lead to farreacaimr farreacaimrresults tr farreackiagresults aelalnt aelalntresults <
results in so far as the validity of thetwo the thetwo thet
two t < o amendments to the Constitution are areconcerned KJeconcerned areconcerned
concernedllouthern concerned concernedSouthern concernedSouthern
Southern States ttos are r particularly con concerned concerned concerned ¬
cerned in view Iew of the fact that practi prnctie2ily practically pracUlIy ¬
cally lIy all of them have in one 0 way w cr cranother cranother cranother
another dlafranebl disf ranchl J the e negro through throughtheir throucbnlplr throughtheir
their State cunstltuilims but up to title thtetime thletime titletime
time no direct urau laws s as to the constitu constitutionality coaa constitutionality tu tuUoDlity ¬
tionality of their acts baas ever beenpsrl1 been beenpassed bMnupon
psrl1 passed ed upon by b the Supreme te CoucL CoucLDemocrats Count CountDemocrats i
Democrats in Congress therefore believe believethat IteIlevthat believethat
that the action in n Annapolis last lit night nightwill nl nightwill < ht htwill
will result r in a definite deeDJ te decision one i iway iwy iway
way or the other otherLegality j i
Legality Questioned QuestionedSenator QuestionedSenator I InlOr
Senator nlOr O On dt t of Oklahoma aid todayvhen today todayvhen todayhen
vhen hen approavied that he believed be eyed tau thisan j jan
an exeenent cBent opportunity to test thevalidity the thealldlty j jvalidity I
validity of tis ti two amendments ta He i tsaid isaid II
said i iI
I think the attitude of tile Marylandbody MalT Maryland Marylandbody
body a suitably test of the two 10UoeaI coamntioaal coaotttu coaotttutional i
tional amendments oeet It te a alether question quentenwhether questionwhether
whether or aot the Fourteenth and Fif Tifteenth Fifteenth ¬
teenth Amendments ever became a part partprovidod Iartof partof
of the organic law wtUa the tberovided mthold mtholdprovided
provided by the Constitution itself itaeILTbeir ItseltTheir J JTbeur
Their v nUdity ildity is doubtful on that thatas Uaatas more morea
a as we all know knowAs knowAs
As for f myself Mlf I approve of giving givingthe givmcthe JlYbathe J
the franchise e to t 0 every man who te in intolltgent Iatdlltgent
tolltgent UilIl < fDt enough en b to exercise it I 1ePfOd am amopposed antopposed
opposed to the crossly ignorant t tCMnceu man mancanceling mattcarteeh 1
canceling carteeh g the vote of a man above aboy the theaveraspe thoaver uance
ance aver ace mtetllcoac intdl The ruling power powerfcfcV power wer werk
fcfcV to He a a fat gieat seat hody i ot the hrt thetteopCfv
rt excluding onljr tai tao grossly i iand ig ighisat I
hisat t and the culpable eulb and defMent defMentetator fen efeie cient cientSenator t tSenaIOr
Senator Money of f Missis JsnIs ppi pp the j I IDtmoenrtit tLemocratk
Democratic leader to n the Senate Sena took I tanother j jaaoitier
another view w of the action of tbe Mary MarytoiKi JIaryland Marylead
land Legislature He thought it utterly utterlycseless uuentR4ese uuertytsleae
cseless for the State to undertake to tonullify touUlfy touUIfy
nullify the FOUl Foutteentb teenth t nth and Fifteenth FifteenthAtncn FlfteeaUtlU1ntmenf
Atncn lU1ntmenf 2ttnendments ln enta e even en to the extent of dte dtequalifyiug dtaqalif7luc diagtalifyiug
qualifyiug thereby the negro from vot votIIIK voting 04 04IflJ
IIIK in a Stale election He said Mary aryI ¬
land I tird was wa bound br b the Constitution in inerv 1Dt litetrv
t etrv try way wa that a ay y otier o er State t iate is I 1ouud J Jomul IoUlld
omul whetner Maryland raUned the theini themerdtgents I
ini metdDfeD18 ndraents or not notBon notBond j
Bo Bon i By Amendment AmendmentSenator j
Senator Money Moneyl4 said It te foolish foolishfor I Ifor Ior
for or Maryland to contend that she has hasexemptions h hexemption tinsexemptions
exemptions tinder UK Constitution be because beca because
cause ca U8e she did not ratify the Fourteenth Fourteenthor t 0UtteeJtthor
or Fifteenth amendments The courts coutUwtU i iwill iwill
will hoW that Maryland te as muen muenbound l lbound i ibou
bound d as any State which did ratify ratifythem ratifytkaa
them It will be futile for Maryland to toundertake touadertake toundertake I
undertake to maintain the position positiontaken po positiontaken Uoa Uoalaken
taken last night nightThe nightThe I IThe
The action of South Carolina te not nota JMtprecedttnt
a precedent in any sense of the word wordSouth wontiIouth wordSouth
South Carolina did not nullity the Constitution Con Constttution COlItlUtutlon
stttution She simply nullified the tar tarttf tarnr tarM
ttf law and na that was the reason that thatCalhoun thatCalhoun thatCalhoun
Calhoun resigned as Vice Ice President and andcame andctIH
came to Washington hinPon as a Senator tor to toexplain 1 I
explain why wh the action was wa taken takenEverybody tak takesEverybody n nEvftybody
Everybody knows that he failed even ey eyIII evenIn j
in thatSenator that thatSenator thaLSenator
Senator Bailey regarded as one of ofthe i ithe Ithe
the best constitutional constitutional lawyers Ja wy rtI wa was wasguarded wanguarded j jguarded
guarded iu us u expression aioruo He wtll aaldthat > ai i j I
that he wanted to pee exactly wh what whattand whatstand U i
stand the Maryland Legislature Le had hadtakef hadtaker j >
taker and why 1 before he went far Into Inton
n diocu1lOn < lii > cii ion of f the matetr He H did say sayhowever 113Yhowvf sayhowever
however > that he regarded rf > the questionraised question questionraised IUerUnoJahwd
raised at < most important and farreach farreachin tarreaching <
ing in and that the whole hole country wnnM WOUItakf woulltake
take an au Interest in Marylands effort to tomaintain tomaintain tomaintain
maintain its position positionDEMOCRATS positionDEMOCRATS
ANNAPOLIS Md March 3RThe one onetopic onetopic onetopic
topic in conversation this morning mornln was wast an j jthe 1 1the
the action of the caucus Cf ICUS of the Demoera Demo Democrati Demora
crati ra v members of the Maryland Legis Leogitturdla i ilatur
latur tturdla 1 slur 4ast t night in outlining outJhtln < a plan oft oftlegislation or I IItlon Ilegislation
legislation in deliberate defiance of the F FPIlteeath FFifteenths <
Fifteenths Amendment to the Constitu Constituion ConsUtudon CotatituLion
ion by which acts will be passed which j Idir jdirect
direct dir the roglsters of voters to re refuse j t
fuse registration to all colored appli applicants appllantI applicant
cants at t the registration prior to the thesubsequent j i iJIIubMqUtllt
subsequent State te elections The pro j 4 i
posed acts are upon the assumption usumptlonthat assumptionIbM
that the Fifteenth AmenUnent Amenl rent has not notbeen JHtwieR notbeen
been ratine by Maryland aad is in iavaUd invalid
valid validThe vaUdThe validThe
The passage e of the act making makl ktnatdatory K Kmandatory krnandato
mandatory rnandato upon registration r officers to torefuM torefuse
refuse colored applicants to to be fol followed CoIowed oi oitowed ¬
lowed by the passage e of a general generalregiMration
regiMration rcgfc r tration law which will of course courseunless courseunlet8 courseunless t
unless legal proceedings cause a chance chanceenroll chanceenroll chanceenroll
enroll only oob white men After Af this a aConstitutional aConstitutional
Constitutional amendment In order O er to topractically topractically topractically I
practically eliminate the colored vote ote
from all elections is to be submitted submittedThe submittedThe
The proposed amendment atue Mmeat will contain
a provision repeat repeal the present Vil ja
IOn > n law under whk many man manwell whites e ta tascheme AII K
as blacks are difraoch disfranchised The
scheme hetDe has as Its princi principal b backers
I Inlted tuned States Senator Rayner Rayner Governor Oovern t i
Crother and Attorney AUonf General Straus
W 1 L J Mttrttury A W Machen ach n Jr and
W v L Rawle if C the l Baltimore bar b r
The prime movers Uf1S In the prooceedscheme proposed proposedscheme
scheme admit that it Js I > xtreme in Ita Itapr Itspropositions
propositions pr ttions but still bold o1d hat the mat mattee ¬
tee has never been pa pstoi > od d up upon Hi by the
Supreme Court rt of the United States
Senator Rayner ac1 ac c1 i Mr Marbury who whoMaivd whofotard whostand
stand high a 8 lawyers IaW f Iucrt tcrt that there
is a fair chance rt it sueess ass as to the
legal proposition 1JI before the highest h htribunal
tribunal tribunalDressed tribunalDressed
Dressed Square Peat 35 Cents Apiece ApieceFrank ApieceFrank
Frank Libbey Co SUt New York Ave
Advu AdtI
I British Explorer and His HisWife Wife I
Will S Speak l ale aleClub at National Press PressClub PressClub
Club on Antarctic AntarcticRace1 AnttfcticRace AntarcticRace
Race1 Race1A Race RaceA
A reoe t > ioa by the President t a drive drivothrou drived drivewif
throu ti te p th tads city d and aIIt pne inarfina asrt 11 11of wtth wtthof wif f ftbe
tbe tbeof
of cUMT < tail iuest uects uectspied eo ouI ecu ecupied
pied tin 11me inte of < f Sir lirlfest ao > t and Ld LdSbackJetoa lAdy lAdySbacJdetma Ladyibackietes >
SbackJetoa during d the early eart part of oftoday oftoday I
todayThe today todayThe I
The dfartiaKutehed 4 4tstIJO ufshed British Britt It explorer and andhis a ah andhis
h his wife arrived in Washington last lastnight Ia tnicht lastnight I I
night Wbtl WbIJe here they will be betertahael ea eatertamed entertained
tertamed by the British Ambassador Ambassadorand A Aand
and Mrs x Bryee This afternoon MrsBryce Mrs j i
8r Bryce gave a tea la honor r of Lady Ladyhacfcleton lAdYharkJeton Ladyf j i
f hacfcleton and tonight Sir Ernest Erne willj will willlecture i 1 I
lecture at Convention Hall on hin es expedHioa espHltloa espedition
pedHioa to the th Antarctic regions To Tomorrow Tomorro Tomorrow i I
morrow he will be the guest of the theNational tIMNatioaal theNational
National Press Club Club CI where wh < e be will Meet mostAt Meetthe meetthe i
the members Inlo laforlpally IIY at 1 111 > P ocack ocackAt ocisekAt
At Convention Hall tonight Sir Ernest Ernestwill Jina8twUl Ernestwill
will receive a medal from r the National NationalGeographic NUoaalGeocrapblc NationalGeographic
Geographic Society Soclet > it will be presented presentedby
by b President TaftSir Taft TaftSir i I ISir I
Sir Ernest t i it keenly interested in tbe tbecoming tbeCOIIIIDfI thecoming
coming race for the South Pole p he hertweet r rt i
tweet t WMII English and Amerk8n American exaoJi ergaesitions exaoJittoas l i itlolut
ttoas When Wbe asiapd a fc d about b atbia his plans the theyoung they dieyoung s
y young engittb f Jptdai O aT offlc eklcer r faJrlr Wilytowed faJrlrlowed faJrlrSlowed
Slowed glowedcontent lowed with entMhfem 11 J over the Soul SoutPol i J Jole
Pol ole contest Ail thought of the scieu scieutific clit sdevtide >
tide t side sid of the Ut qQelltlen estion seemed 1Jele1Md1tH lst lstIt I
It was the race that tbatlJ appeared ea to int late en eatSir enSh it itSIr
SIr Ernest t aad k II expressed ed his dete detemmation dfleinaUo detemttution
mmation inaUo to do all in his power o ohtrlp oikIp ohtlu
htrlp win it for Great Britain
1 am determined said Shackieton Shackietontliat Sbackktonthat Shackletontluct
that the ling of Great Britain shall bo bothe btbe bitthe
the first to float t at the South Pole PoMWhUe PotsWhile i iWhile
While my m feelings f lift toward America andAmerican and j
American eftiHorers are nothing no but themost the
most cordial yet et I Im am determined that thsGreat thatGreat I I IGreat
Great Britain shall be victorious letorio hi th thrace OM
race ra to the Antartic and nd I will putforth put I Iforth I
forth even effort for her success suc My Myplan Myplan
plan for the expedition next year are areas areaR aeas
as yet incomplete and nd I cannot there tbe tbefore therefore j
fore give ve out anything definite regard regardlag i i iing Ithe
lag the task we have undertaken undertakenAfter j jAfter 1After
After making this th declaration the theBritish j
British h explorer who was 8 accompanied accompaniedby <
by his wife and b by > the British ambas am ambassador j
sador James Bryce entered the Exec Fxeoutive J
utfrve offices and was cordially greeted greetodby greetedby ExfeI t tby
by President Taft who discufcded dhtc Arctic Arcticand retle retleand
and Antarctic questions qu tiOitIC with him for forfifteen r rftfteen forfifteen
fifteen minutes Shackleton explainedthat explained exphUnedthat explainedthat
that he will not lead the British expcdltlon expe exp rdltion
dltion to the U Antarctic next year Capt CaptRobot I IRobei IROMt j
Robot t Scott of the British navy will willbe wfllbe I
be in command although lthou < h Shackleton issupervising is issupervising Is8Upeniain j
supervising the preparations for the thetrip Utetrtp thetrip I
trip and has planned the th route routeThis routeThis
This morning Sir Ernest Er called upon uponMiss I j jMiss J JJ418t4
Miss Wilkes the th daughter < of Rear Admural Ad Admiral Admiral ¬
miral Charles Wilkes the famous f Ant Antarctic AntCtte Antarctic ¬
arctic exploit after whom Wilkestand Wilkestandwas
was ttan WU1kd e < l Th British explorer dis discussed diecUtlllled discussed ¬ j
cussed for or some time with 1th Miss Withes Wilkesthe Withesthe I
the achievement of her Bather Rear RrarAdmiral RearAdmiral i
Admiral Wilkes ilkes made the first extensive extensiveexploration extlvtxplonu1on extensiveexploratlon
exploration of the Antarctic continent In In1AIHL
1S3K4L He had with him on his expedi expedition expedition expeditfon ¬
tion UM distinguished Agassis Gray Grayand Grayand Grayand
and Dana DanaMembers IHuaaCftbens DnrtMembers
Members of the National National Geographic GeographicSociety Geographicsociety k klctety
Society are Joiner dotn all al In n their power to todo todo todo
do honor to the noted English lIh explorer explorerA
A committee eommlt of the society lety composed of ofPresident orPrskltnt ofPresident
President Hems HM1 Gannett Gnn t Vice VI e Presl Preslo President
o dent nt O II Tittmann and Gilbert II IrJroevenor IIWrosvenor IIlroavenor
Wrosvenor editor of the National Geo Geographic G GIOILpJolc Gcograpiie = ¬
graphic Magazine met Sir Ernest Ernestand ElIMfJtand Ernestand
and Lady Shackleton upon tries th t arrival arrivallast arrtvallast arrivallast
last night nightMAY nightMAY nightMAY
TO PAPER MILLS MILLSResidents ltIILLSResidents MILLSResidents
Residents of Livermore Falls De Demand Demand Demand ¬
mand Increased Pro Protection Protection Protection ¬
tection tectionLIVERMORK tectionLIVERMORE tectionLIVERMOR
LIVERMORE FALLS Me e March I h 26 26State iState 6 6State
State troops may ma be called 1Ied out today todayby todayb todayby
by b Sheriff Sherl < Hastings HaUa to guard property propertyof
of the International na1 Paper Company Companyand COfRtt8and
and to put down rtoioue t1otOUdeMnu doitMnstrations doitMnstrationsThere doetlenetrrttioacThere ttio ttioThere
There have he ve been been so many mIlA riots aboutthe about aboutthe Ilboutthe
the mills where the a employes mpyes are on Ofttrike onstrike
strike that the residents e ta called upon uponthe u ue ft ftUte
the e local authorities for more nu re peIlk police policelrotection t lke lkeIOt e etu
lrotection IOt tu eteetion tJon
Established 1824Quality 1824 1824Quality 1824Qu
Quality Qu Jit is our password paaawordAdt Advt
Grand Jury Wants Names Namesof Namesat
of at Officials Who Paid PaidBribes i iBribes
Bribes BribesFTTrSBURG BribesPirraarRG I IP1T1IIBRG
FTTrSBURG March ATIIIt Th nrami nramiJUST i i5e17lnvmjilg 1
5e17lnvmjilg JUST tav otJ0aa the daeettY eorvwrloa m arttin arttincity tho thoctty
city couMih rostaped ft ttw rtk rtkv Jtt Jttto k tpdajr tpdajrpresidents
v to bassi l + Y eii
city t > wls tub freaNtanfidtasltdotrl presidents d elJ llllltOlto actort actortbanks tztteeb tztteeblees 1
lees tellers ud book bookkSepec fill the six sixbanks
banks named fta yesterday In the grand grandJury i iJury i
Jury presentment t as Ip hawtos ving abed Hhodmembers j jMR imembers
members MR of the tie council netl to pass a city ettydepository eItOI citydepository
depository OI ordinance ordinanceThe ordIDaIIeeon ordinanceThe
The district tU attorney to desirous 6e of oflearning ell oflearning
learning what official of each bank basktborised k + r i
thorized the payment pay Dt of money o the urouaeUmeD then thencouncilmen j
councilmen and how It was pain painIt tW
It f i believed that by b the end of next neatweek xt xtwHIt
week the unraveling warav of the conacdmaa conacdmaacorruption coutcii BMa a i icorraptirDn
corruption tale In so far as tax city do sinpndorim t tPIIItOliee
snsttorios are concerned wfT be com compieted camplated I
plated Then n the grams raa Jiy will ex
tend lions tionsThe Its Investigation blv T + other dINe dim i iThe
The city funds In n the six depositories depositorieswhich dpoeItorIftwhich depositorieswhich t
which the grand jury instructed thecity the tMclt
city clt officials to withdraw W > nw w amount t
to UoM stso316 5Xft S307 s C but by b the cad of next nextweek Dextwelt nextweek
week it win Ilt probably reach TCJM8iM
because of the payment of taxes The Themoney t ty
money y is to be withdrawn gradually to toprevent topreent toprevent
prevent a rush ro h on the banks which whiehmight
might 1t cause cu them embarrassment embarrassmentChicago embarrass merit i iMOTHER
r i i
Chicago a Visited by Second SecondFatal
Fatal Fire Within Twen Twentyfour
I Ityfour
tyfour Hours HoursCHICAGO HoursCHICAGO i iI iCHICAGO I
t tIre
CHICAGO March 31 atThe The second fatal fatafire fatallire
fire in Chicago ta twentyfour t Dtytour hoursoccurred hours hoursoccurred
occurred early today when wbe Mrs Carrie CarrieGutrna CarrieGulraa II IIoecarred
Gutrna and nd her three months old daugh daughter
ter Agnes were burned to death daughI Frank FrankGulr
Guirsa Gulr 48 Pull Guiana 22 3 and JosephGuir Joseph JoeephGulraa
Guir Gulraa na 19 It 1 wire w re also seriously burned burnedThe i iThe
The fire broke out shortly after rter 1 1IlL a am
m in a frame structure on on the West WestSide W t teupled
Side occupied by the Gtatrna family familyand
and a number er of boarders The Thequlekb names flamesquickly
quickly cut of eeape cape fro from ue second 8eCIOIMIstory secondstory
story except by the windows and 114 the themen ueu themen
men u in the t notice e Jumped The mother
and child hUd were unable to get out sad
perishedSeveral perieMdral
Several ral person are a said Id to h be miss JD ¬
big 0 bat the thh polls poltt believe onlY eel Mrs
Crulraa rU and nd her baby were killed killedMARCHGALEFANS kille4MARCH killedMARCH
BOSTON Mass I March 2fc 2IRf Reports Reportsfrom INMla INMlafTOlR 1s 1sfrom
from all n over the State today indicate indicatethat IlMllcatethat Hadisstethat
that yesterdays March gal gale was the theclMMe theof thethese
these of heavy loss by Ares over ov oyestdl r SSs SSsW SoSIOrth
tdl W worth of property was destroyed de troyed So Sohigh SoWAC Sohigh
high was the wind ftremen were wereto unable unableto uaab4to
to fhrht the ares successfully lCUCCe tuliy
In Hamilton M HIt persons were rendered
homeless when twentyfive t houses burn burned burned ¬
ed with a loss of 14IW K C A sio60a 75 7 W
Are swept t through thro gh Essex and for a time timethreatened tlIlIfthreatetMd timethreatened
threatened the th whole town Ashland Ashlandsuffered AabJaadsuftred Ashlandsuffered
suffered a JK lffJ eOO blue Sharon Revere
Worcester and other cities dU report big
losses In Boston Bo8t lt there th rl were we forty rort fires
during the day dayNEARLY dAYNEARLY dayNEARLY
SHAMOKIN Pa March SW eL1Vbge eL1Vbgeworking Si Vbtte Vbtteworking e eworkJag
working in the Cameron mines JD1 e8 to get in incondition Incondition ticondition
condition for the thopening opening of the bee base ee ¬
ball season Cha Charles rles Contts formerly fort j of
the Southern TriState and Atlantic
leagues was kicked over > r the heart by y
an enraged mule and Dd almost killed killedAlabama killedAlabama kiltedAlabama
Alabama Flooring Good z 25 per zoo ft ftFmnk f fFlank fFrank
Flank Libbey LlbH Co u 6th A I New ew York Ave AveAdvt AveAdvt I IAdvt
I IGre
Greatest Gre a rest Danger Now N ow Said Saidtn
tn l Be in Case of 0 f Ameri American American Amencan ¬
can Tourists TouristsCATAJOA TouristsCA TouristsCATAIaA
CA CATAJOA TAXIA Sicily March 31 31the 3LDet D DUaIIt + lsd lsdtin
the tact c t lest U t tin lava lavapour th lis inning inningt i
t pour trell ftajt 4Ik ware merx xhaa a > alum ooeo cjatora cjatorate aaarea
te Moan3 atom EXaa rea reat4IIIII7 increa4d to dtoday assoanj assoanjtoday
today U tee c par piogrtas grreas of the rtNllasrtvr rtNllasrtvrdown moWa rtvor rtvordown J
down the ouchera t > tIaeIa siope of the mouav mouavlaih run runLain
lain was not so rapid rapidThe ra raThe rapidThe
The main strean str + evs of lava te now BO BOhuge yh sohuge
huge h that Hs n nUatty IGpftW has Mea 111 111tIaIl7 par partinily
Uatty checked through the mahBtty of offast Oftile ofthe
tile syontlar craters to f feed ell the thefaal strewn strewnfast
fast enor eao ttOrgh gb Then too the 11Medpe esslms osottgedges esslmsedgws
edges the lava streams at atpo serve as tern ternpu tempsry <
pu psry try barriers until tli fresh aceutmdaathins nccumnhv nccumnhvtioas I
thins of Uva I avalanche laaebe thrmsclvts tbr1 d a a11IMt8 to tofarther toharther
farther limits limitsIt
It is hnpomribie k for anyone any ee to E got gotnoarer pitMUer + et etnearer
nearer than 13 a feet to the lava streams ateusnnsowing streamsowing
owing to the hittnst heat heaCBeUeving IeIthattbe heatEdieviag
BeUeving that thattbe the check to the prog progreos progrem i
rem of the nery flood i sod has h bens oa ill m illwer answer an answer ¬
swer wer to their prayer rad ad the s scatter scatterbtriam acatterI atter atteriag
I iag or holy relics In tM progress of thestream the tbetl
stream tl tbe people increased their activities activ activities acthdid ¬
ities today toda and religious prscoasiuaa prscoasiuaachanting pref preflbaatilll prur noaiuna noaiunachantmg
chantmg praying and bearing be crochtxes crochtxesand CI1Idb1PIb cxaelfirtesand
and relies are parading < through the thetowns tINto thetowns
towns to that have so far been beeaTIM spared sparedThe sparedTba
The only 0Dl danger now to human h lifelien life lifethousands UfelioN
lioN in Ute recklessness of the touriststtausmada tourists Jthot
thousands of whom have > nocked here towitness to towitness towttnfN
witness the inspiring spectacle Moot Mostof Mootof Ioetof
of these tourists are Je English and Am Ameruan A Aerka Amerieaa
eruan and the latter are the most mastdaring mostdaring IIIGIItda
daring da of all and are giving Y D the tJ author authorities autherItleS authorities ¬
ities more trouble than all the restOnly rest restOnly ratOnly
Only the presence pr of cordons of troops troopsaround tIOOPIIround troopsaround
around practically the whole of the thedancer thedaqer thedanger
dancer zone has prevented t deaths as asthe S8th asthe
the sightseers are constantly trying tryingi tn tnto
to encroach too new tbe lava a aWnm streams streamsWomen streaaaaWomen
Women Wnm n tourists are proving provt esdeeialtyfearless especially y
fearless fearl and a number of them t would wouldhave wouldh wouldhatv
have h hatv paid with ith their lives IIv for f their theirriirtosity thftrrl theiruroeity
riirtosity rl sit had they not been rescued hy hythe It Itthe bythe
the soldiers soldiersa soldiersScores
Scores rfS of spectators have been burned bunIeda burneda
a few f seriously l b by y the falling < hot cin cinders etaOEPARTMENT cinders ¬
Suit to Be Instituted in Ef Effort Effort Effort ¬
fort to Reclaim ProlrWorth Property PropertyWorth PropertyVorth
Worth 1115000000 1115000000CROWLZY 15000000 15000000CROWLSY 15000000CROWLBT
CROWLSY La La March Ma h Ss t StHt to torecover tereocAner totecoer
recover from the United l nlted States Siate8RIIeDt Govern Government Government ¬
ment for in proeorty Spiny y in I the District of Co Colomoia c1vaJued C Clmbia
lomoia 1vaJued valued at t > fc Q1iNq ltA h fa > to he i hmti hmtituted illstlluted sti stiauted
tuted in the United F State sea Court of ofClaims catc stClaims
c Claims Recording to the announeomtpt announeomtptrf n It
of rf Interested iatenllrt parties residiair n8id ie m thin thinState thtoState ddaSf
State StateThe Sf StateThe at
The land which lies 1 t loa n the sooth eoatIaof aid aidof aide aideof
of PonNoylWAnia ia avenue ftUte it is isoriftaally doehuoi doehuoiwj
W5 wj orighially deeded to the tithed UwMojlStates UaMeIISItee tithedStates
States with a provision that a certain certainp eer eerD certainpirtion
p pirtion trtton Uoo be deeded back by l y Motley Y YnlDg
T snag a Mary Marytander 1 rylander lander who died some somears 8OI1 toars saneI
> oars ap a o a and tad whose e heirs twentyfive twentyfivein t t7ftve t7ftvein
in number no wresMe in Louisiana Loul tana and andKentucky andKentucky andKentucky
Kentucky The heirs 1aeI assert that the theGovernment tbeGornment theGovernment
Government hs iisF = failed falledio to fulfill tts its por pertien portion portkala ¬
tion of the he tOlttJaet < H tract The grotmda ofthe of ofthe ufthe
the Department of Ajrriewttwe A We are areportion a aSCrtloo ayertion
portion of ofthe the tract in controversy controversyHAND CODtreversyHAND controversyHAND
ALTOONA Pa March arch XLOvercome XLOvercomer Z Overen Overenby
by r the t Heat In the t try IVnnoys IVnnoysdry brains fhun fhundry
dry dry ry Nicholas Kramer Kra a aprevent maieet to toarevent L
prevent arevent falling falli thrust his h right t tftt nand
into Into ftt a pot of molten metal aptaahmg ftc ftcliquid the theliquid theliquid
liquid out over 0 himself He U was severely tverelyiMirned lPVeM lPVeM1JUmed severelyburned
burned iMirnedGeargia burnedGeargia
Geargia Ger FI Flooring triB Heart He lt ff If Ifs 2 275 2 5 5per
per iw 1 ft Frank roUlk L4W LiI LiWley be1 ey Co CUi CUiN kiiN tk tkl
N i Ave AyeAdvt Advt
Official 1 AonouBceeaent Does DoesNot DoesNot DoesNot
Not Give Details of ofSettlement ofSettlement ofSettlement
Settlement SettlementI SettlementTERMS SettlementTERMS
CoaceasJoBs CoAceal Ga5 by Canada aad amLMain amLMainteaaace andMalnte4 Main Mainteaaace
teaaace te4 auce of TariffIwrolved Tariff TariffInvolved T ar arIRwhted
Involved InvolvedBf
At the metuee coaer < aimt of ofthte a asihremce asihremcetide U 8DCe 8DCeOIls
OIls afternoon at the Whine Minn W Wtwoen 1Mtwee batwpmt
twoen Npln rip TfiprfaeiitaUna emnn tv of the h Caaailatr Caaailatrt Chirnailarrgovsaot
govsaot Utt and PlssYsat t Taft and his hisi hisd9llen hisadvisers
i adviser d9llen Philander C Knox Sscretar Sscretarof tar tarof
of State gave e out a brief statement statementthat aWmentbat Matemetttitan
that tIN Ihrnntoi tIar ai tad wa war between betweenthe INtw n nttwo
the United Ja1te4 States an d Canada hadbeen hadbeenaverted Isadi been befnFwtJaw beenaverted
averted avertedState avertedFierthr
FwtJaw than dale tile 9eeutary pf f
State Ir would would not pa paIt
It he belle u ad harhever that the Prer
idea ids ha INK thraow Ikt Mi add siMml v plan planwhich pIDwlalda pin pinwldek
which hj ooMrttMd bl aeaahrach > thesefeatured these thesefeatwos t tfe
featured featwosfrom fe featuredThe
T The hiahrial e etas ghh coeodon coeodonfree c r 00J 00Jt <
from t Canada on schsdalcs to jawttfy y his hisInstant bt5will hisissuing
Instant a prarlamatlHi which will leave teavm leavein
m in eNact after March XL it as to MOW the thecase thecar
case car tile miamntsA tarUT tar 1 > X rate o oa Can Canadian Canadian
adian prndwrts brought broas tt tet into thto coun countr IOUBtr country
tr tr >
The cmnwataem failure ran eI f t Canada aada to tocoKatry torai8e toraise
raise her male altabs ua coKatry cosatryAM eosryAM coKatryAad
AM BOOM sort of an miiissiiat apl looking lookingto
to the final area arruu nent 1 of a a tradetreaty trade tradetreaty tradetreaty
treaty between the two couatrios for tb tbJ the tbtf thesaition >
saition J > olteioa of f eertain objeedsoaf jeeda ached schedates leheddae7 achedales
ales as they i now etid etidPgnud J
Pgnud IHlI Ii ctreace ctreacet
At t the eefereDCe there were today todayS t daItIUIIc techRaprnnting
Raprnnting ItIUIIc CaaatIa W S Fietd Fietdiae FifldaaIIaIIIter Fildig
iae aatatoter of finance and George P PGraham P1I PGraham
Graham GrahamReanoeatinc 1I t railwaysBepreseatitrg railways railysRL
Reanoeatinc RL tiac the fatted tttates tttatesP t tF r rPr
F = iI the crerary of Stat tb tbLr thr thrilpsesarr
ilpsesarr K the T1tafi11sap Lr z Chakmaa Chakmaaanry I
anry 01 the 1arW beard aDd Char CharI s sM
I P Pepper 0 r tariff for
expert the L Vt Vtnlae8t + r rpartmeat
nlae8t of State SateMr
Mr KBOKS l aoxs statement after at the nm
foresee was w as follow fellowsThe followe to
TIt The e n BOtmtioBs s between I the Presi Presides Pr PrdeIK Pre Predent ¬
des and Dd the Canadian represortarn re ltn rs eswhich rswhich 5
which were ere begun at Albany A some days dayaso daysago
ago were resumed esunn < at Washtaaton K on tody todyaatf tooye ted y yn
n aatf + td wr concluded
They hare taken takent > n nf
a t wm which given < assurance that t a afriendly afrietaIIJ afriendly
friendly frietaIIJ understanding understand DIIdenIa will be come i iimmedhteiy timeeiiLteIy <
immedhteiy 111 11lIely it t is expected that th the of ofrial ofn1 ofSemi
n1 rial anio aniouneomeat mnest will he made s shnu shnutaa atmuta1Mle8Rt inut inutanoon
taa ta1Mle8Rt anoon oarty ly at Waahm W Rashhcgto toa and at Ottawa Ottawaiaatoii Otta Ottawaon
011 Wemday Wel y the filth lastW last iBstI
I Icy W
x tartan JoJD as it became known iIa Wash ash
iaatoii that Ministeis Fieidms U1 andGraham U1GnaIIItun nd ndItagtoa
GnaIIItun bad decided to cede Wash WashtIaiDee Washbigis
Itagtoa bigis t those 4 Hliar with the shun sltua0eIa shunLien
Lien reached the coocnasion ioa that th thmeant >
meant to avoid a tariff struggle which whiciihave whichwoUli whichwood
wood have ve injured ea and wouli woulihave ouIj ouIjbaTe
have been even more Jltretl disastrous to i iUnited ts tsUnited I
United States StatesThat StateaTbat StatesThat
That the conflict has been jwerteo N Na i ia
a great a tribute to t the diMomati diMomatiabilities di diWomali diWomaliabillite mai maiabUIt
abilities abUIt of President t Taft wp wOpnoon I Ion s ssoon
soon as the trouble became aggravate aggravatetook a i itook ttook
took the whole matter no into 0 Ms own wn wnhi
hands his hi tint step being the > n nfereares t ttertees
fereares f he held to Albany with Field
lag It was piedhned at that time th thsettlement tha thathere
theft wa was little probability 0 a friendly frJendlyMtt friendlysettlement
settlement Mtt t of the impending strug strugand sstruppu sstruppuand rufI rufIt
and the t ne near dispatches dls atrhfos from + attawa > tt < < wa
declared tn < n pessimistic 41 r fashion l liat at th tfiwar
war was as a a good as OB OBMr I1JAr onTaft
t Mr Taft however took bold of tr tJ tamnation < >
situation eIt nation in earnest ee ruewt made the first firerheadway firstheadway ti r r ry
headway y toward t waM peace Ja e and pot th thmatter >
I I matter us up to Canada in such a way wayt a
ithat I t that the peacefrt settUmtat ef th ths
i waI war was s 1 assured urect today todayKowae t0da71IEipt todayRotten
Rotten Mat I rkt Keject Treaty TreatyThere TrqTMre Treat TreatThen
There Us one rweellallee here chance for trouM trouMin irouhlin < >
in this country and that 5 the possi possiWlhy poNlbilk positrility
Wlhy bilk that hat tbe home II mhxht refuse tr trratify t tratify tratify
ratify any treaty made with withIt Canada CanadaIf
If the TaftFteldhm ara agreemeat eeeat Dt coQten coQtenplates omauttplates
1 plates a treaty treat the House ma well welll < i >
I l tbe Senate wfll have t to ratify it f fthe fthe H HIt
It the House Hou has j it jurisdiction ris < HctJon over alt altjtreatiefi a altttreatkr II IIi
jtreatiefi i t ttreatkr tJep changing th tM tariff tari duties Mr MrTaft t tT
1 Taft T Ct however believer that i ir z r the enI enIthe e1IIb erithe
Ib the treat treaty could he pot through tIa both bcththe brthtM boththe
the House ami an the Senate k It is i notbelieved not notbelieved notI
believed wu that Cn Ceda ada would ouId rinks sny snyobjection In InoitJedloo anyyhpNioa
objection tc rach a treaty a as is said sandto saw sawto saidto
I to be ce crntemplate crntemplateThe tematee temateeThe
The whole hoW trouble > between hHw th the tw twcountrie twceuntrta tncountries
countries aiose I over the ta provision TIsIoft in intbe jntile n nthe
tile new tariff law that if any ay counts eountrdiornminate4 countrd countsdieerUninaterl >
diornminate4 d teol in tin tariff t < < mea NMtmN NMtmNIMt tiKSSuruagainst ir irmet >
against met the fated States Sta4 th tM max amsraut maxn X Xdut
raut n duties dut ics of tin Arorricon A tariff tarWw tarWwBhout Owthou tow towshouUTgo
thou shouUTgo Bhout p g Ito effect t against 1Uit that cotm cortntry cotmtry tOtJntry
try after March a 3111 W bW It t was po net4 net4dut Tt Ttit r rottt
ottt that Canada dW r rtt M give JdY the iii IIK IIKState t 1 1Staw t tStates
State the same advantageous t taMlC taMlCrates > ttw ttwit < < T Trates
rates it gtv stove to prance and ether twr rnttties roMm roMmtries 011tries
tries triesIt
r I 4 4UIIJI
ban 0 RpnreeL RpnreeLit UIIJI UIIJIIt
It therefore t became mt the President PresidentIprivifeg residentprivilege nl nlplhi
Iprivifeg plhi privilege to issue a proclamation MalIon stir stirbig i iI >
I mg that m I spite spit e of t this lb rfnwtfcm JIk1a lea Canada Can all alltaot
1 ada did not dbcrIlmi discHmiBate 1 late undul undult undulyagoirt >
agoirt t this tb country coontryHe countryno ry ryBe
He saw however that there was dia disi diaI diacrlminatba
i crtaamatkm and It was to M away awaywith awaywith y
I with this t that be began bill negotia negotiation 1Wg0tiat s egotiatloti
tion t wl with Itb h the Canadtaa offtctato otlSelaleNow offtdaJeow offtctatoNow
Now ow that the arranffpment ar t has been beenmade beentriad
I made m a satisfactory manner to th thpresident thl thli thf
i president his proclan JIOClanati4m ation laving laYl tii tiinratmom tilt tiltn therrtahntmt >
nratmom n unn rates ra to effe efret t toward ow rd Canada Canadai Cna Cnaj s si
i win foHow folio and the minor details or orI f fthe Ithe
the aesjotiaUoas will be carried out outlater ou outliter t tlatflr
later laterNot latflrNot literaoi
I Not only on is the solution ution of tbe prob problem prQhkom problem ¬
lem a great reat thing th for the business wel welCare ij ijfare l llire
Care of the country bat M wn 11 be a bid birpolitical bi bipelltkal bidpelttleal
political asset for the Tepubhean Yepu part partM tv tvdte
1 m the coming Coasrressloaal at eamaaign eamaaignMr tp tplr
Mr Taft has asaared that tW Drao Draoexalte Ofonloatk
I Tent TentCsamee exalte oratonr t yW not haw the War Waras war warI
I as a campaignisve campaignisveCoBMtMi cmll l lC
CoBMtMi C Flooring F1or 175 per toe to fret fretj ftdlJnlr
11 j Krnk nk Lib Iibix cj Lu Ii bin ii b New e Yori Yor or Ave AveAdvU A Awnt
rAdv rAdvnk AdvU Ad t

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