OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, March 26, 1910, Last Edition, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1910-03-26/ed-1/seq-3/

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THE XVASiiiuTOX r lt HCfTdX t 11 TDIES I I3IL S SATtKDAY 11 IIll IlIARH MARCH 26 2 1 1910 1
Musical 1 usical Services Scheduled Scheduledin
in Nearly carly All Christian ChristianChurches ChristianChurcheS ChristianChurches
Churches ChurchesCHILDREN ChurcheSCHILDREN ChurchesCHILDRE
Florists Find Great Demand for forLilies ferLilies forLilies
Lilies and Other OtherBlossoms OtherBlossoms OtherBlossoms
Blossoms Blossomsn
± n y veiv t e V church O UIC In Washington special specialniti JWClalm
niti m nit m be given ven tomorrow m cek cekrati eel eelrau celtra
rau ra i or Barter morn All Christian ChristianrteJornlaation C1fristJal1rIAJOltdl1l1Uons CtfristlaniPTiotnlaatiorss
rteJornlaation have prepared programs programsfor programfor programsfor
for the occasion ocea lon Little children in tin tinSunday tIltSunday theSunday
Sunday schools have been taught their theirEaster thEirEaster theirEaster
Easter carols during the Lenten Lentenppapon Lentenallon Lentenseason
season allon and are ready to add ad tli their tItIJhighpitched theirhighpitched ii iihighpitched
highpitched voices to the chorus that thatwill th thatwill H Hwill
will peal out Its welcome welcomeBeginning welcomeBeginning ele6meBeginning
Beginning with early masse and andcommunion andcommunion andcommunion
communion celebration in the Catholi Catholichurches Cathollchurche Cathollrchurches <
churches and early communion e mmun O an and andr8guJar andregular < l lregular
regular cervices rvlces in the Episcopal Episcopalchurches EpiFCopLichurchell Episcopalchurches
churches at S I oclock In the morning
there will b be scarcely an hour during duringthe durl durlthe duringthe
the day when somewhere in Washing Washington r3shlngton ¬
ton an Eaater song cannot be heard heardEven h heardEven rd rdEen
Even in those churches whose tJ1 < serv services JlEIVIce aervices ¬
ices Ice are of the simplest where here any anything an anthinb anything ¬
thing ritualistic or symbolical is isomitted isQmltted isgmltted
omitted exception > > te ptlon is made of faster fasterPay Ea8terDa EasterPay
Pay Da In the churches whose hoee services servicesare rvkes rvkesat
are at more or less elaborate in ordinary ordinarycircumstances tNdlnaryUrrU ordinaryC
circumstances UrrU C 8tAnCH additional r tpiendor tpiendormarks tpendormarks plendormarks
marks the celebration n of the nay that thatn thatfLt8
fLt8 n cans S more to Christianity than any auyctiipr au auCltr anycLer
ctiipr day in th the year yearMasses yearMasHs yearMasses
Masses IB Catholic Cat olic Churches ChurchesIn Cbur 1es 1esIn esIn
In th too Catholic churches th the ceIe celeIratlon ceIetoraUon
1 Iratlon of Easter will begin with ith a mass massat maaat massat
at 6 oclock Solemn high mas ntaat is to tobp tolop tobe
bp celebrated ltbrated in most of the lh < Catholic Catholicchurches Catholiccllurrhes athoUcl1lrhes
churches at U oclock when the tradi traditonal traditonal traditonal
tonal hymns and carols are rendered re dered by bythf byUlf bytine
tine > f full vill choir And the congregation n aUOn and andspecial aMpelat andrpeclal
special choral offerings by the choirs choirsIn choirsIn
In the th evening fvf1ln solemn vesper v r service servicesari serviceaivj I Iarj
aivj the benediction of the blessed bl sac sacr fiaClmrnt
r mint will be observed o rveel The choral choraltrrvi ch choralsrnt < < aJ aJtc
trrvi tc < e plays a large lar e part in these serv servTS aeres en
TS 5 also alsoIf alsoIr I t flu flur
If r th the Episcopal Epl copal churches holy Jtol Jtolf com comi
i r non is celebrated cel bratfd at various hour hourj hourssiring
j siring 1 n1n in most of f the churches at atI
I f look in the morning and ending endingrth end endh endingth
rth th h i 1tl t i regular re lar 11 oclock service In Intl IntIA Intle
tl tIA afternoon and evening enng evensong eenSOft < < Isi is isI IsJ
I 3 > rniom on the th resurrection rtttu tlon are arer areI areu
r u nTiril 1 r1 by the pastors at the 11 oclock oclockr
r i 1 nftrnbon ftrnoon it rnoon and evening services nervicesM lterv ltervthodit
> i < < M 11thodist thodi thodit churches hold regular regulart gu guEf
t Ef in the morning morn n and evening e4mt at ttv atY t tv
v special Easter nualcal music 1ItU81cflf programs procramsUP
UP It c crxn bv 011 n Similar celebration of Easter Feasters
Is s LM i r d in other churches of all denomt denomtrncn d denomiSeveral nomi nomirJ
rncn rJ 1Jm
Several Programs P ra1 Elaborate EUtomteTrg Ela rate
4 Trg r o r g the most elaborate programs programsr
r o r tn t those 1f1 > < e f of St Matthews Catholic CatholicC
j C rh r h where solemn high hll h mass will be bece heDratld becc
ce cbratwl at 11 oclock with a long mu rauj muI11
j I11 ii 11 service s rlce St Pauls on Fifteenth FifteenthRrcr Fifteentb1hkh FifteenthE
Rrcr E t which is in the parish of the thedelegate they
y n ndelegate ic delegate where the song aervrat serv servJ MrVat
J nt the 11 o clock high h ntasswill mass will be becmented begnentPd befinented
cmented bxthe Uwt th choir choicOf CboiWf O Oo auI auIon u
o on tl t t P f Catholic < UriiVersffJ lr Ltiiver Ve aft aft aT at8t Marjsi Marjsim Marisi Marisic aiar1ars
c < m an Catholic Church < where Bec Bect I IDS
t vcns u DS n s mass < 1 In C will he sung sungv sungtot
v ii 1 orchestra accompaniment and andr
r FT1rnted nKnted choir with Terra Tre Trer
s r r lit t at offertory Mt Pleasant Pluasantc
< c nsrrgationai l Church where a string stringi stringtra i
i ftra tra will participate in the music musicS musicHeart muskrr1
S TfJ Heart Church where Hadyns Hachnsp Had3 ns nsp j
J p i ill t1 mass will be the feature Christ Christs
I si s opal II a al Church Georgetown Oeorge own where whereErivvfi whererri whererrrv
Erivvfi rrrv rri p c will be held at 7 and nd 9 oclock oclockn
n c ro ii and where a special specialhildreos childrens childrensiff
iff f r 1 zal al will be held at 3 oVIock p mCn m mon mCm
Cm < on oss Heights Hflgh s Method Methoo8t st Churcr Churcfhold ChurcrT huretir
T i ir < u It will hold morning services 1M rviets wits wHifrle 1ittions witsrrie
frle ions from Shelleys Life and andPr alMlPrIh andPeath
Pr PrIh h and special evening service serviceJL
JL < w Yrrk > rk Avenue Presbyterian Church Churohv
v t th h afternoon and evening services servicesc ervicer vleetl vleetlf
r f i hurch of the Epiphany in G street streetv 5Ueetfre streetere
v ere tiiree seice will be held St StF Str Sts
F js s Episcopal Ept copal Church in inr Twenty Twentyrd well wellf
r rd rd street trt where all the th music will 111 be bef befrnIsherl
f mished by uy a mal male vested n teci choir St StFTphens Stfphens Stiephens
FTphens Church Columbia road roadEaster roadEaster roadEaster
Easter Carol Service SerriceAt Sen ce ceAt
At All Souls Unitarian Church the theTester ther theFaster
Tester r str carol service vice of the Sunday Sundays Sundahool
s < hool will Tie 1W the special Ialfeature feature at att
1 10 Church of the Covenant the Central CentralHigh CntrallIlsh CentralIiigh
High School 11001 Chorus will sing sin < < at the theFirst theLIBt theIlst
First Congregational Church festival festivalmuBlcal fHUvalmusical festivalmusical
musical service will 11I be given in the themorning thelT thetrorning
morning lT and the Easter l 5ter cantata at atght atght att
t ght at the Metropolitan Baptist Baptistuurch BapliBtt
t i uurch special Ester music will b bacn ho hotn he heteen
teen acn tn at both lh the moraine and evening eveningf fvfnillKfrIcs
r rvlccs f at Ilamtine Methodist Church Churchiornlng Churchornlng Churchorning
iornlng and evening song service will willIE
IE > e gl ghn n by a mixed quartet at att Trinity TrinityIethrldist TrinityI
t Methodist Church there will b be e special specialmorning sJMCialntnlllsc specialilcrntng
morning musical s SfJriQ servk rvk > j with string stringAt strln strlncIhrltrlt stringcr < <
cIhrltrlt cIhrltrltAt cr hrltrn hrltrnAt
At rrinlty Episcopal Church Third Thhdlcoa Thirdtrtt Thirdreet
trtt reet an and Indiana ndlana avenue special ser serIcos r rdCCB
dCCB lcoa for the tit deaf deaf and dumb will be held heldn
n the th chapel at t 11 oclock The sign signancuage si signnguage 11 11ngufigt
ancuage will te used and all the deafrt deaf deaft
c rt t the thE city elt y art invited The Rev Oliver OliverJ
J J AVhlJdln hfJdln of Baltimore will deliverthe deliver deliverthe deltvert
the t e sermon sermonSpecial sennonSpecial sermonSpecial
Special Baeter Ea ter services will ut be b hold b d at atall
all 1 tho Young Mens Christian Ohrl tlan Associa Associaton AAoeIatom Aseoclat
ton t n branches Three Th oclock In the af afrnoon aftmoon afernoon
tmoon + rnoon is the hour set for the service servicesto ervlceaito
to be held by the Terminal Railroad RailroadBranch RaIlroadBranch RailroadBranch
Branch at the th Union Union Station StationFlorists StlltlonFIorlats StationFlorists
Florists Heavily Taxed TaxedThousands TaxedThCluMnde TaxedThousands
Thousands of dollars worth of flowers flowersre o 11I 11Ir
r re being purchas d and delivered to today toa7 today ¬
day a7 throughout the District the florists floristsLftinff ftort8tsite1nJ floristsLeiltg
Lftinff ite1nJ forced to work overtime to sup suipfr IIU IIUp17 suptilt
tilt tho great demand for the different differentaric dltrermlarIctIcs differentaricties
aric arIctIcs tics ranging from the boutonniere boutonnlereto
to 0 11 t1v ° stately palms palmslili palmsIA1F palmsI1irt
lili I1irt F = as usual are in the greatest greatestmaml pcatestrmanf greatestnand
nand at this season of the year y foris for TorIs fors
Is s the symbolic mhoUc flower of C the EHstor EHstorIflr h hOtbl11l Ea Eadc
Iflr dc Others in great favor are daisies daisieslets dalsletrctR dais daiscts
lets gardenias garden orchhto carnations carnationscrvl
crvl 1 il palms of different kinds kindsIn klnd1n kindsTa
In the th churches countless flowers of offffr offfFrrnt offfcr 1
fffr ffFrrnt nt kind are to be used m In en envrnlnp enfnlnf envrning
vrnlnp fnlnf the Joyful services oC tomor tomorTW tOlAOrwo tomerrw
TW Residences R l enc also are le being deco decora4 decorated deeoraed ¬
ra4 rated ed for the occasion occasionOn
On the streets the number of bot botcuets bof1H bo boith
cuets < ith 1H eta t8 carried in tho ha h hwtd d or att attached aUachedtho > ch d
16 5 tiio corsage cor ge are much more numer numercua num numus
nosier cua us than usual Violets seems to be bemost benOst beteat
most In favor although ther flowers fto1ftr8rl flowersare flowersarc
arc rl conspicuously popular popularAll popularAU popularAll
All In all the past pa t few days have been beenthe be beenthe Oft Oftth
the th busiest the florists have enjoyed Hi Hipome 1ftEm inr
pome Em r me time and the climax wiN b breached be berrachtod bereached
reached late this afternon when thefinal the thefmal thefinal
final orders for tomorrow will be placed placedSensible PlaeedSensible placedSensible
Sensible housekeepers buy buyCN buy buyCN buyCN
CN DISINFECTANT It Itmakes Itmakes Itmakes
makes the home pureclean pure pureclean purec1eanl
clean is a perfect deodorant deodorantand deodorantand deodorantand
and will heal cuts andbruises and andbruises andbruises
bruises quickly Invaluable Invaluablein 1 1in
in the sickroom and indis indispensable indisensable indisensable ¬
pensable ensable to the medicine medicinechest medicinechest medicinechest
chest chestSold chestSola chestSold
Sold everywhere ink2 10c25e50cl 1Oc2ieA50c1OOWEST iecioc100 iecioc100WEST 00 00WEST
New York City
Stock of a Curbstone Dealer DealerEaster Dea1erSPECIAL DealerSPECIAL
Easter Services Tomorrow TomorrowWill I IWill 1Will
Will Include Carefully CarefullyArranged CarefullyArranged CarefullyArranged
Arranged Singing SingingWASHINGTON SingingWASHINGTON SingingWASHINOTOY
The be churches of Anaconda AAa have com csmyleted completed COIDptete41 ¬
pleted preparations for the fitting attin < < ob ohsenraace obace observance
senraace ace of the u Eater f tu festival s4lv i tensor tomorrow toeDorrot tensorrow ¬
row rowin rot rowIn
in all of them there t e will w 01 be special specialprograms specialprograms i iPIO
programs PIO < < f of music appropriate to the theday th thday thedity
day An outline of the programs in I the theAnacostia theADaCOtltIa theAnacostia
Anacostia churches follows followsAt folio foliou
At St Teresas TereasCbwck Ter esas Church the principal principalservice prittclpalIInic principalsen
service IInic sen ice of the day da will take place at atftM at1O3t
ftM oclock when high mass will be becelebrated becelebrated becelebrated
celebrated The mass to be sung will willb wWbe willbe
b be P A Schneckers 6chDeCk mass in B Bftat BftatThf flat flatThe flatThe
The choir will stag tng Webbes 1 Regina ReginaCoele RectuaCoele egtna egtnaCode
Coele at the offertory The recessional recessionalwill recessionalwill
will 111 be Unfold Ye Portals The Junior ju juitior juJtlor
itior choir will sins aiD < < at the mass Miss
Addle watben is director of the choir choirand choirand
and Miss XI Mabel Xal el Brauman is organist organistAt 0IPJdaL4t
4r At ± Zmmamtel Protestant Sptooopsi SptooopsiChurch XplaeopatlChweh EplaeopsiChurch
Church holy hol communion will 11 be cNebrated cele celebrated ¬
brated at 6 a m m The full senice seart iee and andI andJDOn andsermon
I sermon JDOn will take place pl ce at 11 oclockwhen oclock oclockwhen oclockwhn
when the choir will sins the following followingProcessional follo1l1aPracelonal followingProcessional
Processional Welcome I Happy Morn MornIIR Morntng
IIIJ tng IIR chant Christ Our Passover PassoverJordans PassoverJordans er erJontan
Jordans Festival Te Deum Intrlct Intrlcthvmn Intrl mntrlethymn t thvmn
hvmn Come Ye Faithful Raise the theStrain tbeStrain theStrain
Strain anthem anthem them Awake Thou Thataleepest
deepest 1 peaL recessional Christ theLord the theLord I
Lord is Ie Risen Rl en Again The holy com communion CO communion t tmutuon ¬
munion will be celebrated at this errvIce ser service ¬
vice I also The Rev Wllllard G Davenport Daven Davenport Davenport ¬
port the th rector r tor will officiate and de deliver tlcIhfr d e eliver ¬
liver the th sermon nllon In t tar evening pvenin childrens chil childrens ¬
drens rlren services will b be held h ld whya hta tv tvSunday r rSunday i iSunday
Sunday school h will make Jta annualLater annual annualEaster
Easter offering < < The Rev jr ir LMvenport Daven Davenport OHnport ¬
port the rector will celeate eel solute ate the holy holycommunion bol bolC ltolcommunion
C communion in the E > 7Ker r Memorial Memorialchapel Memorialtapel Memorialchapel
chapel In Congress Helgms Hf Heiga u V 9 oci oclock oclockEaster nclxkrL ck ckEster
Easter rL r Sunday morning In tne memanuel tnemsnuel tn s smanuel
manuel Protestant Episcopal Church themusk the themusic themtudc
music will be sung 8un under the direc dlrectloor direction directionof B Bof
of William Scanttobury jr j Mrs no WU WUlism WUham Witham
ham Scantleburjr Jt is J the choir di director director director ¬
rectorAt rector rectorAt rectorAt
At Anaeostia Methodist Episcopal EpiscopatlChurch EpiscopalChurch E l lChureh
Church the services will begin at 11 11oclock 11oclock 11Is
oclock The Thchoir choir will In sing I ng Now NowChrist ow is isChrist IsChrist
Christ Risen Lorenz and Hearts Heartsand Heartsand heartsand
and Voices Raise Wilson There will willbe willbe In Inan
be an organ voluntary Scripture reading readInK read reading ¬
ing hymns and a sermon on Christ CbrhttReaulrecUon ChristsResurrection s sResurrection
Resurrection Resurrection the th Pledge PI e of Our T1 T1umpb T1umpb T Tumph
umpb by the Rev William Wlllia E g gthe BinI BinItbf ird irdthe
the pastor or In the evening evenln beginning at at7P at
730 oclock th the ceremonies cermon will be continued con continued continued ¬
tinued The Th pastor tor will I deliver a sermon ser sermon r rmon ¬
mon on Fellowship After Resurrection Resurrec Resurrection RftJUITeoCtlon ¬
tion The anthems Come Ye Faith Faithful Faithful Faithful ¬
ful Emerson and uHf He Llveth LlvethDank LI LivethDanks th thDanu
Dank will he sung by h the choir A Asolo AIo Asolo
solo Io The Light of the World orld Adams Adamswill Adamllwill Adatneowilt
will be wing by Mrs Charles Chari F Linger LingerThe UngerThe lhgfrThe
The singers will 111 be Sopranosthe SopranostheMisses SoprannftheMIMef SopranostheMiss
Misses Edith M Pyle PI Roste Ro le SimpsonMabel Simpson SimpsonMabel Siml > n nMabfol
Mabel Pyles Bessie fS8le Pyles and Mrs MrsCharles MnCharlee MrsCharles
Charles F Linger and Mrs M Frank A ADony ADon ADeny
Deny Don altos altoftbt the Misses Mj Sadie Pum Pumphrey Pumphrf Pumphrey
phrey phrf Edna Eno Alice Stone and Elsie El Elsie EIlIIIe ¬
sie England tenorsJohn tenors John E Fort andRalph and andRalph al1Ralph
Ralph Williamson basses bassesrank Frank Barse BarseSewell BarseSfw11 BarseSewell 1
Sewell Fort Frank A Deny Donr George GeorgeFerguson GeorgeFerguson GeorgeFerguson
Ferguson The organist will vi1 be Mr MrElfeabeth M MElisabeth Mrtsi MrtsiElisabeth
Elisabeth Nelson Nel on Daniel C Smithson Smlthsonwill Smithsonwill Smithsonwill
will direct the singers singersAt
PreebyterlanI PreebyterlanIChurch I IChurch
At Lt the Garden rden Memorial Presbyterian PresbyterianChurch
Church there will be a special sal sermon sermonon Hrmonon sermonThe
onGeorge on The he Resurrection Re urreetlon by the Rev RevGeorge RevOe
George Oe e M L Cumm Cummings nies the pastor p tor The Thechoir Thecbotr Thechoir
choir directed by Clarence S Sflf Snell ell lI will willsing willsing m mRing
sing several appropriate anthems Inthe Inthe In Inthe
the evening the Sunday school will hold holdUs holdIts holdits
Its annual Easier exercises when songs songsand aonpand songsand
and recitations suitable to the day daybe will willbe wlJlb
be b rendered renderedAt l lAt
At the Anacostia Baptist Baptl t Church the theRev theR theRev
Rev R Frank L Barden th tM pastor wit witpreach wmpreach willpreach
preach The choir has prepared special specialmusic speclImuttle specialmusk
music muskConfirmation musicConfirmation muttleConJInn
ConJInn Confirmation Uen services ervtee were held last lastevening lastvent lastevening
evening vent ta the Emmanuel Protestant Prot ProtestaptEpiscopal pt ptEpI i
Episcopal EpI cop1 Church on Thirteenth Ttalrtee lh street streetnear streetnear lr et etnear
near V street Bishop Alfred Hard Harding Hrding HAnIio
ing io of Washington wtn < < toa officiated < < Ieklet afla assist t ¬
eel by the Rev A Wilitard ill aM G Davenport Davenportthe
the rector of the church A class num numbering numbering ¬ I IberlnJt
bering thirty twelve tweh af d whom Item were wereadults acreadaW 4Tf I
adults received thusrug dIiJ ti rH at the hands of ofUM ot1IIIbop oftr
UM tr > b bishop J JPreeMtnr
Prseedra r the th e ceremonies eomienleshe the rot proces procession ¬
Mon composed of the vested fltt choir the theclass thpcfallS theclass
class and the officiating clergymen en entered entered ¬
tered the church and proceededto ProC dto rhetr rhetrrespective fh thetrrespective lr lrrespecthe
respective stations The choir whlih whlihwas whkhunder whlrhwas
was under the direction of William WilliamScantlebury WilliamScantlebury
Scantlebury jr sang nft a special 3Pf > r1a1 musical musicalprogram mullJealPIOJtTam musicalprogram
program The Th confirmation class wan wanpresented
presented hy h the Rev Rf > Mr Davenport navenportthe Dapnportthe
the rector t to < > the bishopAs hi bishop bishopAn hop hopIt
An It th the rite rlt was h heirg irjr Ir administered administeredthe tfmlnlltfTfdth
the th < holr sane tan Div Afy h Faith TK lirtoks OQ > ks Up to
Thee TheeSecond Th4 TheePLAN > t tPLAN >
Second Annual Gathering GatheringWill
Will Be Held Hc d In InRochester InRochester InRochester
Rochester RochesterPlans
Plans are being made for the second secondannual secondannual n < I Iannual
annual conference of city planning planningwhich plnnlngwhich planningwhich
which will 11 be held In Rochester X KY KYMay Y YMay YMay
May 3 4 and fi and which will be beattended beattended p patteondttl 1
attended by hundreds of prominent men menthroughout meathro menthroughout
throughout thro ut the country who ar are identi identified WeAUn Ideatllied ¬ j
n lied with civic improvement improvementProblems ImproYemeDtProblema improvementProblems
Problems that confront ities Itl and the thecity tbecity thecity
city planning experts will n be discussed discussedand di discussedand euued euuedand
and addresses ad reMt1I will be made and papers papersread papenread papersread
read by men who are Known to be ex ¬
pert in this thl work Th The first conference conre nce
was held in Washington last year
The American Civic Association AJ oelatlon which
has hM its headquarter in Washington a hll1lton has hasMtFartand
been Invited to tak take PUt In the con
conI i ident
f ference rence J T Horace MtFartand M Farland presi I
dent of the association will make nit e an an
address addre and Richard B Watrous its itsi
rccretary i cretary retlLr win be present Frederick L
Olmsted the noted landscape land archi archieet ¬
test eet will make the principal address
Among Amon the subjects which will be dis discussed iliacussed 1ieeu ¬
cussed eu ed are The > faiiKe Caul of Congrega Congregatton ¬
tion of f Population The Circulation of
Passengers PaJISen erR and Freight o t In Its It Relation
to the City it Plans and Legal Prob ¬
lems and Administrative Procedure
Milton Dana Morrill of Washington Washingtonwho Warrhtntonwho
who Is It a national figure < < ure in civic im iman Iman iman
an address although al alt ugh his hi subject subJe < t has hasnot hunot hasnot
not been bet > n select selectWARM srtectedT srtectedTWARM ect ectX
POTTSVILLE Pa March MYest ISY48ter ISY48terday r rday
day was 1UI one of the most remarkable remarkablethe
March days ever k known wt1 IA thl this section sectionthe
the temperature 1emP < < tu registering 82 8 degrees < k > grft grftIn >
in different ptae places
= =
t liIn ltmft 11r in I
0 o
1J1ift4 Attrttur mttur 34f1i 34t tt1 unit I 3514 1rre 1rrefs i Nrm inrIt inrItr nrk
Prosecution Will Be Under UnderHumaoe UnderHumaM i iHumane
Humane Law If Ar Arrests Arrests ArAre ¬
rests Are Made lade
Determined to put a stop to the t poi poiMintnK poiIMming polhoning
honing nf f dog in the vicinity of New fW
l York i oik s venue nue and Tenth street north I
jve tPst tlot > t the WMtoinKton ill IDf on Humane HIU f Society SocIet
hall ha offered a re reward ni of 5 for the arrest
and nd conviction c of the PUtT party or
parties partiesWiVi partlfAJWhUe partiesWhile
WiVi While the Poteon poisoner O rs have been active CUvtt
at different intervals n4 rvls during durtn the last
two years ean in this section of th the city clt an
W1811 unusually I large number of do dogs cs h have v
been k killed by > y e eatng ns poison po poisoned lofted meat
within the t last week weektAthUKh weekf
f tAthUKh Ithoucb the police OHc contend that it is
difficult to prosecute IOM < ute in such cases ca es as
there tbr IB no specific law against poison
Inff In dogs do < < s in th tM District of Officers fleers of 0 the
Humane Society are confident eonftd nt they can
obtain conviction if the guilty Kullt parties LrtIes
are arrested They believe the humane humlUMa
taw a w will 11I apply Hi these the e cases c
This law makes it a misdemeanor mlsdem Or to
Inflict unnecessary unlleeee ar pain upon a dumb dumhnimal dumbanimal
animal Most of the dogs have died dl
from eatin eatl eating meat covered with arsenic arsenicand Ar8ftItand arsenicand
and as this causes cau es excruciating pain Mil be ¬
fore for death it is believed the law can
be applied appliedThe applifdThe appliedThe
The police pol1 estimate that more than
101 dogs dof have been poisoned pol oneod in this part partof partof partof
of the city The Th me meat t containing arsenic arsenicparks arl nic nicaS
has aS been scattered mostly In thf small smallparks lmallpark8
parks and alleys although altho h in some in instances insta insta ¬
stances sta Ices it has been thrown in yards yardsMajor yardsMajor tds tdsIajor
Major Sylvester Syte > IItPr has instructed In tMJCtNt the thepol1te thepollee he hepolice
police of the First and Second precincts
to make special efforts to apprehend the theicullty th thgulityper80RS theguilty
guilty gulityper80RS gulityper80RSOne personsOne persons personsA
One Cough CoughA j jA
A cough just 2 little cough It may maynot maynot maynot
not amount to much Or it may mayamount maymount mayamount
amount to everything Some keep keepcoughing keepcoughing keepcoughing
coughing until the lung tissues are areseriously areseriously areseriously
seriously injured Others stop their theircough theircough theircough
cough with wi h Ayers Cherry Pectoral PectoralSpjdfor PectoralSold PectoralSoldfor
Spjdfor Sold Soldfor fot seventy years How many manyyears manyyears manyyears
years years have you known it itAt itA itAs
At A your doctor about boul Ayera Cherry Pee Peclord P Peelord c clord
lord If he says Ta Take e ii then lake la e ifIf il ilIf iIrltesarro
If J rltesarro he lays NoIfm No lhcn dont onl a Lowe ZSS ZSSHead Jc c t erco er co coLowe
< I
Al AlHead CUsS res i I IAl
Headaches Head Headaches
1 aches achesand achesand achesand
and Nervousness ervousness 26o 26oAM
THIS COUPON IS WOBTH 15c 15cSells 15cFinger 15cFinger
Finger FingerSells Fingeres
Sells es It ItC Cheaper CheaperFINGER CheaperFINGER eaper eaperFING
pOBMESliT rOB FOB13EILY LY THE TATS TATSTwo rAmStores e11in e11inTwo
Two Stores at 818 Seventh St Stand stILnd SLand
and 1712 Pourtcontn St I I II
Song Services Will Mark MarkWorship MarkV MarkWorship
Worship V orship in Georgetown GeorgetownTomorrow Georgetownj GeorgetownTomorrow
j Tomorrow TomorrowWASHINGTON TomorrowI TomorrowWARBINGTON TomorrowWARHINOTON
GEORGETOWN D C MVea RClI RClIUIIII 51 51Alunie 3 3Musie
Alunie UIIII will b be a most attractive attr tIve Ie fea feature reai is istire
i tire of the servleen a at the churches okurcbecj eIIvreaI churchesantnrrow
j I antnrrow i niorrow At St Johns JC III Christ Chrl t St Sti
i Albans IJ > anJI and Grace Episcopal l churches ehurclMMji clture cltureI
i tiie choirs have prepared preparedi programs prograaiej programsProf
j Prof Ernest Behm B organist and andrlioirmaster alHii andrhoirmaster
i rlioirmaster of Trinity Church has ias a aj aIelal
j i Ielal p < cial prograi for the 11 oclock mass massmorrow m8tItoDorrow masstmorrow
toDorrow morrow morning nJO at which the regu reguiiI regaj r su sui
i iiI boys vested ve tett choir will be nag fusmcntrd augnwntfd nagnc
nc mcntrd ntcd by outside talent St Stephens Stephensm Spbenand
and m nd l St Anns Ann Churches CIIuce aLw pla plan ape special apecoal pe pelal
coal lal music mut lC for the theThr day dayThe dayI dayThe
The recently r entlY organised oraJIhl choir at a M the NtengrHa thetongresa e eCongress
Congress ngrHa Street Methodist t Protestant Protestantat P Protestanthurch t th
ureh h at the morning service tomor tomorrow ¬ i iIVV
row IVV will render selections from rots Sbei Sbdleys SbeiI
I IOVK f jo Death and Life The ciotots loIat of oft oti otiI ofhire
t hire UK choir are Mrs B D Shceve so soi
i r prang > rano Miss A Aroadel alto W W WILendrr WI Wfiendry
I ILendrr tenor a and d C R Bagel eI base bawTh baseThe 1
Th < director is P I L Zimmerman ZI MM MMthe and andthe i itbe
the organist Mrs ra H Clyde CI Grimes The Thechoir Theloir I Ichoir
choir loir is I composed of the followh followhg followhgchorus > g gchoriw i ihor
chorus hor Miss U N Wbeatley Miss M M 14Wheatley Mheatlejr
heatlejr WhealI J Miss May 1 Grimes Miss w Rose Roseliusey Rose13usey
liusey HWl Y Miss Ge Gertrude rude Veat Veateh di Miss i R RJ RJ RJ
J Crosen Mtes BdnA FA Miller XIII < < Mrs n Stan Stanlev Sta Stanley
lev Ie Higgins H and Mrs Joseph Clark Clarksopra CIarIcXJu Clarksopranos
sopra sopranos os Miss Ida 14 Tail Miss Ella EllaKurtx Ella14urts
Kurtx Mrs J H Crosen and Mrs MrsTennille XISTeaatlle MrsTenaihle
Tennille altos It J Croon E B BCrosen B1 B1Croea BCroea
Croea and Archie Weser W fIMr tenors and andH andH I IFI
H Clyde < 17ft Grimes G Stanley Htgctaa It6 ana anaJoseph antiJoseph
Joseph T 0IIeIII Clark bass bassTh ha bassThe L LThe
Th The choir of the Dumbarton Avenue AvesiueM A veaue
M I B Ch Church rch under the leadership el elIt ofv f fW I
W It v T Glover wM present pre eat a special specialrow ItPdaII specialprogram
pro program at the morning service nce 1OIIHM tomorrow 1OIIHMrow
row At the West Street Presbyterian PresbyterianChurch Pre PresbyterianChurch yterian yterianhurch
Church in addition to the regular re > 1Jr pro proChorus propram program
pram prepared by the Youa Young People PeopleChorus PeoplesChorus
Chorus there th re will be several sons at atthe atthe atthe
the morning service The Tb music will willalso Willal80 willalso
also be a feature at the morning morln service serviceat
at th the Georgetown Evangelic Luther Lutheran ¬
an ChurchRev Church ChurchRev Ohur h
I IRev
Rev Francis Tendorf S J of George Georgetown C Georgetown e etown ¬
town University one of the he ablest ablestJ able ablestJesuit t tJ1t
Jesuit J salt pulpit orators oral ra will preach 11IeAC to xoMMMrow toat tomsrrow
MMMrow at the t e U oclock eteck MMU mass at TrinityChurch Trinity TrinityChoroh Tr1akyaurc
Church ChurchRev I IRev
Rev H M Canter win preach at the themsrnmjc theeen1oe
msrnmjc service tomorrow and Rev RevI I IJ I
J A Taylor ylor at the evening eveD service YIee at atOalvury atraI atcalvary
calvary raI T M ME E Church south both min ministers mInlMen mlinlsters ¬
isters being > tof It delegates te to the annual ua1 con conference eoDol eonfereace ¬
ference of the Methodist XecIMHI It Episcopal EpiscopalChnrch EpiscopalChurch I IClawcla
Church South now In session in R Wash Washteeton Ub ashingten Ubt
teeton teetonAt ingtenAt t I
At t the Eldbrooke M I E Church Tee Teoleytown Tetletown Teeleytown i
leytown the pastor 01 the Rev A F FPoore FPoore FPoore I
Poore will preach tomorrow on Day DayBreak Da DaBnaIt PayBreak I
Break ta the Garden In the evening eveningthete eveningthete WIII1n WIII1ntMte < <
thete will be a s spools eeinl sang M ng service serviceand Hn Hntile serviceand
and the topic of the sermon will be beHe beHe beBe
He Is IaTwoe Risen RHenTww RisenTaro
Taro brush bru h tires ftlM were w8 extinguished extinguishedyesterday extlnaSiahftda eating1shMyesterday
yesterday ftda afternoon on property belong belonging beloD beloDiA belongtag < < ¬
tag iA < < 10 the Chevy t vy Chase Cha Land Company Companyby
by the Tenteytown Chemical Company CompanyEarly CompanyEarly CompanyEarly
Early in the afternoon a blase was wasdiscovered w wdt8 wasdiscovered
dt8 discovered < OveNd in the woods on Pierce Mil Milroad Milroad Millroad
road near Connecticut avenue No NoHf XoTwo Nodamage
Hf damage rtT was done Two hours Inter fire fireWas arew4l fireaK
Was aK Murttf on the property kOPeJt bonded by byThlrtyalxrh 1 hrThirtysixth y yThlrt1Ixtb
Thlrtyalxrh street Connecticut avenue avenueAlbemarl aenueA avenueAlbemarle
Albemarl A street re < < and Pierce Mill road roadthe roadthe roadthe
the wooden sidewalks being het hetTh damaged damagedThe
The Th fires are thought to bay have been beenstarted beentartd beenstarted
started by b boys boysMr 005lr boysMr
Mr lr and Mrs o Alien E Walker have havereturned ba barettJr1Wd haveretuned
returned from New York YorkMiss yedtlt YorkMies
Miss lt s Emily Graves Gnv of Hammond HammondC AamnoadiNurt 11 1111 1111urt
iNurt C urt is visiting Ifdt her brotiiermhvw 1erialaw and andsister a andteister d dt
sister t Mr Ir and Mrs rL 17 Piderwsea UJCIen at atKnoxville atltOXvtlle atKadtvple
Knoxville Tenn TennJoseph TeallJGHPh TennJoseph
Joseph McCann of Thityftfth and alllto andO
o streets te ronnned to bit home with withOmess witbDha88 withillness
illness OmessThe Dha88Thf illnessThe
The first subscription lu ripUon dance an of the theEaster thtEa theEaster
Easter Ea ff season seae n will t hfa > e gtven gl n March Marchat 25 25at >
at LJnthlcum Hall
Concord Concordwith Evanston Evanstonwith
with the e ehandy with thehandy the theusual theusual
handy i iAraNotch usual usualbuttonhole usualbuttonhole
AraNotch j buttonhole buttonholeTHE buttonholeTHE buttonholeTHE
High enough to look well welllow low enough enoughto
to feel well w ll Plenty of room for tie to toSlide toslide toslide
Slide in
15 cents cents2 2 for 25 cents centsCLUETT centsC
1 1 1 1Spring
Spring Suits for forWomen t tWomen
Women WomenThe r r9s T iT i
990 9s 9O T
T TThe
The Famous E
F 423 7th St N W WThe V Vr T Twaa
r T TThe
waa waaThe
The Citizens Savings Bank Ban
1406 Sew cw YorL ATC Te N ltiTilE We WefHE NTHE
CArrrAL wow 100LOOO3C l < < OOO OOO3t1
3C 3 Interest on Savings Accounts Accounta
2 Interest on Commercial CommercialAccounts Comm CommercialAccounts rclal rclalACCoUI1ts
Accounts ACCoUI1tsi
4e 4 i interest on Time 1me Deposits DepositsOpen DepositsOptn DepositsOpen
Open dally from 8 83e a In to 0 530 530p
p m Saturdays S39 8 a m to U 12m Um UIn
m and from 6 p m to S p m m1623HStNW mor
> or Oaitll y l aches achesDinners
Dinners Efc EfcVisit
Visit the
1623HStNW 1623HStNWOne 623 H St NW NWAgia
Agia One Place Only OnlyLuncheon OnlyLuncheon
Luncheon from 12to 12 to 3 3Afternoon 3Afternoon
Afternoon Tea 4 to 6 6Dinner 6Dinner
Dinner 6 to S STaWe gTabled
TaWe Tabled dhote hots and a la Cart Service ServiceShop ServiceShop
Shop and Order Department72217th Department
722 72217th 17th St N W WCalces WCakes I
Cakes Candies Delicacies It I
jTaft Taft Handshaking MillWorks Mill MillWorks 14 ill illXIorks
Works at High Speed SpeedMurdock SpeedlVlurdock SpeedMurdock
Murdock There Too TooThe TooTJwo TooThe
The handshaking AaJt hakt will operated by byPresident byPlftddeat byPresident
President Taft at the t e White nO Houseground House Housegraund f I IgreuRCI
ground oxeeedin x H tQ swift today when th thPrasMent t the thePresident h I IP
President P ent turned out name M enthusIsatic enthus enthusiastic enthude ¬
iastic de bandavakors ta a naif an hour lourThe hourThe JIourTIM
The unwearied un Taft amble lie was doing dolnsHisiness dOh dOhat doingwetness
wetness at the same e old stand aad while whilethe whtlfthe whilethe
the President greeted S51 S school girls girlsand clrl4IUId girlsand
and some 391 school lie teachers At the thehead tileoC thehead
head of the line that wound its way waythrough waTthr waythrough
through thr the White House H front front yard yardwere yardwere yardwere
were 1 IS girls I rIa from the Girls High HighSchool HighbooI HighSchool
School booI of Brooklyn BnMI headed by William WilliamL
L Pester principal 1 of in t6 school Representative Rep Representative RepreRJttative ¬
resentative Doris ne of X Nw W w York 8dbad had lii liihi 1 l2 l2in j jIn
In line frcm rent the school ef Saratoga Saratogacounty aaratogacounty Jarat a aCOQIIty
countyThe county countyTho COQIItyTile
Tile school teachers were member memberof
of the Eastern Commercial Teachers TeachersAssociation TeachersA TeachersAseoeiaUea
Association A from fro cities ci to the tl > > East Eastwho Eaatwho Eastwho
who are holding their annual ual convention conven convention COIIVfftliOn ¬
liOn tion here hereroan The They were Md by X H Nor Nornan Norman
roan of Baltimore JaIUa president eIIt of the as association usoeIatlon assedation ¬
sedation Immediately after alt their t ek re ree receptMR reception
ceptMR by J tM President Ute teachers teeltersheld teachersheld
held Ute Jut bus tuess meeting of c t their theirconventloa lr lrtIIItloll
mvemioit e < tIIItloll and hurried away a aT to visit viutMt v visitMt a1t a1tIt
Mt It Vernon VernonIn
In addition a41 itloa to these t three thIM delegations itltgMttottsthe Uons UonsUte
the President pMsnrbadted rflr Iller some 150 150eonscttuenU l lCOIMIdtu8ta 1flconrdtueats
eonscttuenU of vnriomv Congressmen CongressmenAt c ct
At t the head ef the Comg eoPaJ tnsisnal line lineshone linebeee lineshone
shone the flaming IIue II < < top of VIe Mur Murdock XvrcIociL Murdoch ¬
dock cIociLI dochI
r He you are 1MIa7 up p at the theaid House Houseraid
I raid aid the President Pr as Murdoek here in infight inip1 inright
fight The Kansas home on the crest crestof UStof crestof
of the wave wave of handshakers en did not set settune lt ltI
I tune to rep re1 r rThe l
The teachers aseeehUton held its last lastsebsion Iatat lastsession
I session at the Business High School to today today today ¬
day During the morning JDOn I > the shorthand shorthandvpeed aborthandconte shorthandspeed
speed contest conte t for the Miner flar medal was washeld washeld washeld
held about twenty t weat contestants coat contes utll from frorrcltlrerent fromdilrerent
different parts of 0 the United t nited States takhag tak takrt taklas
las part rt The results of the contest contestannouncedat contestwilt
wilt 111 be announcedat at the Arlington Arlln < < ton Hi Hitel H rJ rJt i
tel t telThe 111Je 1 j
The Miner medal was presented to the theassociation thea81lOCiation theassociation <
association for an annual contest co tesn by EH E EH EH
H Miner editor of the Phonographs PhonographWorld a > h hWorld i iWorld
World of New York himself b higseltone r one of the theoldest theoldest
oldest 01 shorthand writers In the States StatesThe StattThe StatesThe
The medal was as te t be held by the winn winnfor winnfor winnfor
for one year ear but it has been u drriic t < i idfi idfithat < if ithat i iI
I that the winner of It this year r shall bailewed b ballowed b10
allowed to keep k it Th Thr contest CO eosWs coa coasists
sists S of six 8 x fiveminute dictations giv tt i ias I
as nearly I as possible at the following foltowi1gspeeds followingspeeds followiq1It
speeds 1It Hds 1 1 110 3W NI a 20 t and S words wordsminute wordsminute ortis ortisMhlutf
minute At the close of the b diotati diotatieach dictatCOAteetaat dietateach
each contestant was allowed to exann exannhis exannhis exanrhis =
his notes tOt for a short time after wm wmone wnoone u uODe =
one of the dictated subject ub t shad to l ltranscribed b btraDkrtbed ntranscribed >
transcribed and returned to the exam examiner exaruThe
Oft The contest was In charge > jf jfcommittee J f fcommittee
committee of which birb Dr E H EJdrioeni EJdrioeniof EJdriae i iof
of Simmons College CeI Boston was as ia iachairman 1 Tae Taechairman iJ
chairman chairmanA
A business meeting rned was held early thafternoon ihi ihiafternoon th thatteraOea j
afternoon at which hidl reports of the tbetarv S set H Htry a aand
try and the various < < ri0u8 committees > tt were wereread wereread fr i iread <
read read and the election of officers for tht j i isassing
ensuing e sassing year r held Papers on subjects subjectsof subjotof subjects
of f interest to the commercial teachers teachersthe tea teacherswere heT heTwere f
were read aDd a general disc discussion ion or orthe orthe
the methods of teaching < < followed followedThis followedThis I IThis
This afternoon a la large number of Th Thdelegates the thedelegates
delegates went ent to Mt t Vernon I INIEXICAN i iMEXICAN
GUADALAJARA Mexico March 36 36It 35It 38it
It Is announced altltC U ed that the National Rail Railways RallWJ Railways ¬
WJ ways of Mexico will extend the > main mainline mainline
line 1 from La Capttla CapO twentyfive miles milesfrom mll mllfrom milesfrom
from this tbI city tc Cttanala a city on the then tMnrtbena
n nrtbena > rtbcm shore i Lake Cbapnla The Thedistance Th ThdlataDee Thedistance
distance of the extension ext will be twen twentyAve I Ityfive
tyfive ty Ive miles and Ad win pass pa through tIarou h a arich arteh arich
rich territory territoryPLAN term termPLAN territoryPLAN
NORRISTOWX XORRl 01t Pa March fcCon 3Conttctors fcConuactors Con i iLacton
uactors of the Reading Railway will m i ierect i ire ieret
erect re < t a l lllfgf rge bungalow for their sumrierln sum sumSchuysklll
M rierln rln famm on BPbadoel I Island IslandS land landhuTkl1l
S Schuysklll huTkl1l river rlYf > r f OT > rposlte Ite this town i
I ISewing
All Makes MakesSewing MakesSewing
Sewing Ma Machines Machines Mach ¬
chines ch s Re Repaired Repaired Repaired ¬
paired I
100 100Called
Called for and andDelivered andDelivered aMDtlivered
OPPENHEIMERS 514 5149th 9th St StWashington StWashington I
Washington Yash nbton s Leading Sewing
Machine De1 De1Electric Dealer DeaerElectric DealerElectric
Electric Bootblack BootblackQuarterly
3 3Quartrt 0 0Quarterly
Quarterly mie IIfl per cent a month monthPayable monthDIVIDEND
Payable April Ap it 7 11110Buy JMO JMOBuy It1QBuy
Buy our shares at atOKI atONE
before b < ore the prices advance advanceNational I INational
National Machine Co Inc Incsin j I ii
918 P STREET N W VTWa WWah1n WWashington
Wah1n Washington Wa Mngton D C CWell CI
nrnri I
Saikling Sarkli II IIt Al AlI
t iWell I
Well people are kept well and betbred bettered Bet Bettered ¬
tered generatl fneraU by the continued use useof useor useof
of sparkling Ale It should be in inevery Inevery inevery
every ice box boxWASHINGTON boxWASHINGTON I
4th 4thand and I r Sts StsNi IT S Pnn P neTir Tin ± t i
A recep4n Jl 6ea will be bee tere1Ceanes Weclftt WeclfttlItdtt
day ni lItdtt it hi Q6I Fello Fellows HaD by the
State council otflcera office at of the Junior J IIIIior Or Orra
der ot United A American Mecnnic tAJ
the JaeIIIrs ra w r tile lb orgaafeatton orgaafeattontne and
their rrf friends There will wtUOn be dancing
On May 4 the dtNorsen comedls of r
tile order In UM M District win have
i iBerth a aHd
dense in sloes Hd 111 D street Berth Berthy llelthTIae northwest
west The prwewIr kip IT y for ffrthe forthe Cor Corthe
the uniforms r the different < < erent drill rfl1
teams teamsthe tea
When Wlienthe the Liver LiverI
is Out of 0 Tune Tunethe
the whole system syst m is off the key keystomach keystomach k kstomach
stomach upset bowels slug sluggish sluggish sluggash
gish head heavy skin sallow sallowand sallowand sallowand
and the eyes dull You cannot cannotbe cannotbe cannotbe
be right again gain until the causeof cause causeof causeof
of the trouble is removed Cor Correct Correct Correct ¬
rect the flow of bile and gently gentlystimulate gentlystimulate gentlystimulate
stimulate the liver to healthful healthfulaction healthfulaction healthfulaction
action by taking takingthe takingBEECHAMS takingBEECHAMS
the bile remedy that is safe to touse touse touse
use and convenient to take takeA takeA takeA
A dose or two will ill relieve thenausea the thenausea thenausea
nausea and dizziness operate operatethe
the bowels carry new life to tothe tothe tothe
the blood clear the head and andimprove andimprove andimprove
improve the digestion digestionThese dig digestionThese on onThese
These old family familvpills pills are the thenatural thenatural thenatural
natural remedy remedyfor for bilious biliouscomplaints biliouscomplaints biliouscomplaints
complaints and quickly help
the liver to toSold toStrike
Strike toe e the e n Key Keynote Keynote
note 01 f fMold Health Healthlold IaHealth
Sold Bvcxywfaere BvUW uc In boxes Us 11 aodiSs nadtSQPa aodiSsReduced and Us UsPay
Pay Pa y as asYou asou
You ou Say Sa y7 Thats Thatsthe ha t tto
the Hecht Hechtfteduced ect ectay
ay ayReduced
Reduced Rates Ratese j I IThe
The e Electric ec rIc Line Lin LineEASTER i iEASTER I
Ard ret retr j n y 1 c e f at all allHD alllC allST
Oonfl r 3 ° d on TT al trains wth w th return returnimJt TPtumm returnmit
imJt m mit t Monday T1 < id n v 1night < H H2r f hour hourly ¬
ly j limited imlt 1 srxce sra n ce P TIm r < > m Vreasury VreasuryHealth reasury urT
Bulilin mh m112St m112StHealth 5t
Health Candies Candies100Pwe Candies1000Pare
100Pwe 1000Parer 100PweFamous 100 Plk Plkfamous
r Yrj Yrjs YrjFi1110as
Famous FamousMilk Fi1110asMilk
Milk Chocolate ChocolatePOUND 110 co I ate 40 C CPOL
POUND POUNDSpecial POL POUNDSpecial = D DSpeclal
Special for Easter EasterSmewy EasterSnowy
Snowy white rabbits with pink plxkears pbIkearlr pinkcurs
ears to be ftU ane filled d with sandier adls Iif ZSa ZSaName 15 ISooName
Name put on Easter Egg free f I
i120312Sr 12031205 GSt GSt GStfne G St StCommercial I ICominercied I ICommercial
Commercial CominerciedPhotography CommercialPhotography CommercialPhotography
Photography PhotographyThe
The Kind that PleasesWe Pleases PleasesWe
c cWe
We Know How HowPaines HowPaines HowPaine
Paines s Studio
923 F Street Northwest
R H S HURSH HURSHPainless HURSHPainless HURSHPainless
Painless Dentist DentistPrices
All Work GItraateed GItraateedPrices GaaraateedPrices
Prices Very Reasonable SeasonableCrows ReasonableCrows ReasonableCrown
Crows and aB Bridge Work Worka
a Specialty
906 F St N NW NWOver W WOver WOver
i5 rr MEN MENNo
No matter how howdirty howdirty
dirty your clothes clothesL clothesmay
L may get we can canyioiake
ltmin y yioiake stake them look looki lookStMfa
StMfa tike new Dry and andF6
F6 i pm steam cleaning and andi andflGlN
i drTtrtH ageing ageingAsk
flGAJNf Ask about spg spgfa special
fa ctal monthly rates ratesLaM ratesLa
LaM La Ms4e iePressIigGB iePressIigGBPhone Pressi gCs gCsPione
Phone Main 3118 1408 Eye St MW W WT
T tsaRt tsaRtt

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