OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, March 28, 1910, Last Edition, Image 10

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1910-03-28/ed-1/seq-10/

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U I Iio
IN TWO BIG GAr GA1AES GA1AESGeorgetown ES ESGeorgetown
Georgetown Meets M ets Prince Princeton Princeton Princeton ¬
ton While Yale Goes GoesAgainst GoesAgainst GoesAgainst
Against Cornell
Logan Cunningham Officiates In Inthe Inthe
the Box for Jer Jerseyites Jerseyitcs
seyites seyitesWashington seyitcsWublntbn
Washington today is k the cynosure of ofthe otthe
the eyes of Ute intercollegiate baseball baseballworld buebaUworld baebIIworld
world worldFour worldFour worldFour
Four of the strongest tron university teams teamsin
in the country getting 8 t tlng into action here herethis u re rethis
this thu afternoon in two t wo gamee me that prom15e promlee prom promise ¬
lee to have important bearing on the thefinal thefinal theZtnaI
final reckoning for the national cham championship championship ¬
pionship centered cent red interest in Washing Washington Wash In Inton ¬
ton today todayWhile tada tadahlle
While hlle Washington a8hl lon has long been fa favored a aorM ¬
vored by visits from nearly all the big bigcollege biKcol1cgp bl blcoUeg
college nines each ach sprjng eprng today eclipsed eclipsedall
all previous offerings The Tl Interest Int re ret t die displayed dieplayed dIeplayed ¬
played and the th advance sale of seats seatsthis ls lsthl
this thl morning presaged that the th combined combinedcrowds oonblnedcrowds eombinedcrowds
crowds would be among the largest that thatever thateHr thatever
ever witnessed ed amateur athletics in inthe IIIthe Inthe
the Capital and nd that the crowds would wouldbe wouldbe ould ouldbe
be a combination of society and fans fansMany fansMany fansMany
Many Rooters Here HereSo HereSo HereSo
So strongly are ar alumni of Georgetown GeorgetownPrinceton Georgt GeorgetownPrinceton > town townPrinceton
Princeton Yale and Cornell represented representedin r
in the younger young r strata of Washingtons Washingtonssociety ublngtonsEOC
society EOC rty that whenever any of these tb col colleges coIIt colIrges ¬
leges It > gE > 8 participate in any sport spo the thethrongs thethrongs thethrongs
throngs that assemble to watm wat i and andcheer andcheer andcheer
cheer are always representative repr ntlt e of ofWashingtons oCYashlnston ofVashtngtone
Washingtons best By a curious acci accident a CI CIdent i ident ¬
dent in spring house hou cleaning at the theWhite theWhite theWhite
White House President Taft misplaced misplacedhis
his date book and when he settled ttled down downon
on his couch last night at WOO Pennsyl Pennsylvania P Penneylvanla nn8yl nn8ylanla ¬
vania avenue a enue free from Insurgents and andChantecler andChantfiler andChanteiIer
Chantecler creations he suddenly re remembered re remembt rePniembered ¬
membered membt > red that he had accepted ac ptd in invitations Invitations InltatIons ¬
vitations to the YaleCornell game the theKnights theKnights theKnights
Knights of Columbus ball a dance at atthe atthe atthe
the White House and his class banquet banquetIn
In New ey York YorkHe YorkHt YorkHe
He held a hurried conference > with withSecretary A1thStcr withSecretary
Secretary Stcr tarv Carpenter and decided to tomake tomak tomake
make < a hasty exit Wher her he was last lastet lastSfn lastCeen
et Sfn n h < s was a calmly seated i in a special specialcar epeelalcar p Clalcar
car on his way 8 to New fw York leaving leavingWashingtons leavingYahlngtons leavingVashingtons
Washingtons ball fields and bull rooms roomsun roomsungraed roomsunraeed
un ungraed graced by his distinguished presence presencewhile pre presencewhile ene enewhllt
while > he is in the metropolis eating his hiseats hiseats hiseats
eats speaking his speech and then join joining joinIng joinlng ¬
ing with his former associate a < disturbers disturbersof di t1Jlbers t1Jlbersof
of the peace of the New Ne Haven campus campusFor campusIn
In singing For God For Country and andFor andFor
For Yale
Sherman Is Popular PopularWith PopularWith PopularWith
With the Chief Executive missing missingVice miAiRCVlct InI55ifl InI55iflVice
Vice President Sherman who Ij Ijas ho worries worriesas ocries ocriesf5
as much of the downward trend of the CheWashington theashlngton thewashlngton
Washington club as he h does about the theupward th thupard
upward trend tr oo of Canadian tariff was wasthe wasth I
the th persona much grata at National NationalPark XaUonalPark NatlonaPark waiL L
Park ParkAll ParkAll ParkAll
All four teams spent the morning morninglounging morninglounginJt morninilounging
lounging about their hotels each con confident con11dpnt ¬
fident that it would be smiles and not nottears nottears nol noltears t
tears when the l last t inning 1ftlUft wa was over overthis oyerthis ovejthis
this evening eveningOn eenln eenlnOn eveningOn
On Saturday Georgetown and Prince Princeton Princeton Princeton ¬
ton battled to a tl tie darkness tlark interfering interferingbefore Interferingbfforf r
before > the issue could be decided decidedtodays so sotodays 110todays t
todays game on the west end field took tookon tookon toolon
on an added interest Coach Grub of oftho orrh ol olthe
the rh Blue and Gray Gra said this morning morningthat morningthat mornin morninthat
that he was 15 undecided who would pitch pitchhut pitchbut pitchbut
but hA was Inclined toward Skipperl11ard Skipper SkipperWymard SkipperWyrnard
Wymard l11ard the big football player whose whoseexcellent whoseexehlent e exlIlnt
excellent pitching in the final inning on onSaturday on8aturda orSaturday
Saturday 8aturda stopped Princeton when the theTigers theTIJt theTigers
Tigers TIJt > rs looked ready rfad to make a brilliant brilliantfinish brtlllantfinish t tfinish
finish Should Wymard no start Balzer Balzerwas BaberwaR Balzeiwas
was slated to be Georgetowns Gtorrf > towns choice choiceRo chol cholRo8tng choiceRosing
Ro Ro8tng ing Bill Clark the former formerWashington formeruh formerWashiton
Washington uh r ton ball player who Is in incharv bthar L Lchar
char charv har o the Princeton squad said this thismoinin thismOloi1 I Imonlt
moinin mOloi1 that his team would present Its Itsgreatest Itsgreatfst It I Igreatest
greatest strength with White hlte the vet veteran veteran et etfr ¬
eran fr an pitcher in the box In case ca f White Whiteshould hlte hlteshould t tshould
should show tho any weakness akne88 Logan Cun Cunningham Cunnmgham Cunrungham ¬
ningham the Washington man was to tobe to1w t t1w
1w sent to the relief reliefTh relief1h relIefThc
Th > lineup given ven out by the coaches coachesthis coh cohthis i
this morning mornln follows followsTbe followsThe followsThe
The Lineup LineupGforgetown LineupGPOrIetownHunt LineupGorsretownHunt
Gforgetown GPOrIetownHunt Hunt right r t fteW Captain CaptainMurphy CaptinMurph CstaiiMurphy
Murphy center nter field 1eldIR SUterdrng third thirdbase thlr4balP thinbase
base Menfee catcher Dugan left leftnelri leltfipld leftlipId
lipId Cogan Cog n second base Gibson Gibsonshortstop Gibsonshortstop on onS
shortstop S Ortstop Feenan flint base WjTnard WjTnardpltlier V3mardpltJpr Vymardpither
pltlier pltlierPrinceton pltJprPrlnftonBallln
Princeton PrlnftonBallln Ballin left Held Bard cen center center ceilter ¬
ter field Cunningham right held ftt War WarTvick W Wfrk Varifk
Tvick ifk econd base Reed shortstop
White bird base Sterrett Sterr tt first at base baseCaptain hUePaptaln baseCaptain
Captain Dawson catcher White Whitepit Vhi Vhip te tep1fdler
pit p1fdler p her herVmpire lierimplre 1 1rmpin
Vmpire William Belts BeltsYale Bft BetteYale i
Yale Y If enthusiastic this morning rn rnJIg bewiil bewiiled 111 111ed
ed the less ls of her captain Philwfn Phil ain the thecatcher th thecatehcr
catcher who suffered a fraciured leg lei I
In the game with Pennsylvania at At Atlanttc Atlan11c Atlartlic
lanttc City Saturday Saturda Even ell under this thishandicap thi thihandicap I Ilandlrar
handicap the Ells Elf were most hopeful hopefulfor hopefulfcr i
for by winning twice tw from Pennsyl Pennsylvania Pennaylvania ¬
vania they tht had practically eliminated eliminatedtnr
tnr C nf of the strongest M t ron < e t contenders conten rs for ih ihco WI WIcO tbcoege
co coege > PgP gp title titleAt tit titleAt Ie IeA
At A t a meeting mf mee1In > t In of the th Yale team this thismorning thlamorning S Smorning
morning Kt O Fred o d Murphy was selected Mel ted as ascaptain AScaptain S Scaptain
captain for or the remainder of the season seasonGregory tleaaonGr seasonGregory
Gregory Gr gory catcher has been n sent back backto hackto bachto
to Nw w Haven Like Philbin he sus sustained austamed u utalnMi ¬
tamed injuries in one of the Penn Penngames Penn8me t tgames
Lush Undecided UndecidedThe
The squad reached here late last night nightfrom nllhtfrom t
from the sea shore and it was not until untilthis unUIthis untithis I
this morning that t Coach Lush another anotherformer anotl1erformer anotheformer
former Washington Ashln < ton player play r was IUI able to toreach toreach te
reach a decision as 3 to just how he hewculd h hwculd hwruld C
wculd place his team on the n field fieldTed fieldTed ld ldTed
Ted Coy y conceded to be on one of the thegreatest tbpJrMttst thigreatest
greatest football players play uf all 11 time timewas timewa timewas
was wa slated to pitch for Yale this af afternoon a atprtloon afteriloon ¬
ternoon with Badger behind b nd the bat in inplace b bplace t tplace
place of Captain Philbin PhilbinAlthough PhilbinAlIhou PhilbinAlthough
Although AlIhou h Badger BaI er is well rat rated d as a re recciver re reeipr recetr
cciver the loss of the leader was felt feltas f fel felas Jt Jtao
as a distinct blow blo and led one of the theplayers thepillye tb E Eplaeer
players pillye to remark this morning They Theyan The Thelave
have an all been etn hammering poor football footballhut foothallhut fodiibti
hut bti after making the AlIAntrlcallI AllAmerica AliAnericajdevon n neleven
eleven I > n and playing through some of the themost th thmo thUtrst
most mo < t grueling ru linft gridiron rldlron garnet in the thepast th thpast C Cpast
past three years eKlS It remained for Steve StevePliilWn StenPhilbin Ste C CPhtbIr
PliilWn to suffer 1Itr his hi fist serious acci accident acidnt accident ¬
dent at baseball has hall Thats what hat I think k
is prcttv r1t tough
Veteran Washington Pitcher Discovers Dis overs That He Has a aWellDeveloped aWellDeveloped aWellDeveloped
WellDeveloped Case of Quinzy and Some of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Other Players Are None Too Well WellBy WellBy WellBy
RICHJIONU RIcmtO D D Va rarch 3b Woo Woowoe voo Yoowoe voowoe
woe woe in Doe Relating RelatingA
A physician phyel ian who examined him this thismorning thismorning
morning said gl ltI that the th Doctor had a full fullfledged Cullledled fullfledged
fledged case of oWfashloned quinsy If Ifyou Ityou
you have ever had the qulnzy you youknow ou oukDOW
know what hat this means No use usearguing u userguing e eulng
a arguing ulng with the qulnzy veterans veteransabout veteransabout
about a what hat is the most painful thing thingin
ai in i n the world 0114 They know before you youask yousic ou ouaMe
ask a sic them Does quinsy has been de developing deYeIoping deeloplag ¬
veloping v for three days and when it itbreaks Itbreaks Itreaks
breaks b he will be weak eaJt as a kitten kittenThat kittenThat kittenThat
That makes IBk it look like ten days beforeDoc before beforeDoc
Doc will 11 be able to resume his activi activities Activit activiies ¬
ties t ies as a reliable pitcher a prospect prospectwhich proepoctwhich
which is not pleasing to McAleer McAleerWith McAleerWith McAleerWith
With Dixie Walker laid up with withs a bad badankle badAJlklt bednkle
ankle a and Walter Johnson still tUi an un uncertain UReertaln unertain ¬
certain c profiosition the manager manag r man is ishard 18hald Ishard
hard put to and enough twirlers Gray GrayGroom GrayGroom GrayGroom
Groom and Oberiien are the present presentsupply preeentUfly presentup9ly
supply s of available Singers of recog recognised retognlaed recognised ¬
nised ability Hovllk is sore a as Reds Retelings RablIinl11 Redslngs
lings l throat as a result of his too toostrenuous tooBtrenuoUIl tootrenuous
strenuous s endeavors when be first joined joinedus
us and Joe Ohl will probably stand standanother standanother tandanother
another season ae on in the minors McAleer McAleerwas cA cAU
was U much more impressed eed with Rots Reislings ReiIJlin Rotsogs
lings lin h ogs showing than the fans would have havesupposed havesuppoeed hay5suppoed
supposed and hIs illness at this time timeis
is Is a decided alock for if the weather weathergets weathereta weathergets
gets eta bad Doc will 111 Have to take such suchgood suchgood
good < care of himself that he may be beout beout beout
out of the game much longer than ten tendays tendays tendays
days daysBob daysBob daysBob
Bob Unglaubs trouble Lr with his ankle anklewa anklew anklewas
wa w renewed last night when he turned turnedIt
It I t in slipping 8Uppl off a step He says he hewill hewill hewill
will be in the tIt game mc today If he h has to touse touse touse
use crutches but he is not t nt to show showhis sho shohhl showhis
his beat pac p peces pecesMay Cf > s sMay
May ay Say Prove Easy EasyThe EasyTbe EasyThe
The Richmond team has been together togetherlees tOletherlees togethercm
lees 1 cm than a week and should not offer offerserious otC offerserious r rItlMoU
serious opposition oppo ltlon in the games with withWaehingtoh withVuhlnstdn withWashlngtdn
Waehingtoh today and tomorrow It Itproved Itproved itproved
proved easy for the Philadelphia Na Nationals National Nationals ¬
tionals and has not bad time to im improve improve Itsprove ¬
prove since then thenAfter thtnAttr thenAfter
After becomtag accustomed 8RMd to the tbefirstclass the1rstdus thefirstclass
firstclass rod diamond in Norfolk tbe tbeskinned tnesklnntd tb tbskinned
skinned diamond in Richmond should shouldcause MouldcaulM shouldcause
cause McAJeers c eers men some little in inconvenience InCOOWfti4Ml Inconvenience ¬
convenience convenienceRjcbmond convenienceRchmond
Rjcbmond R Rchmond amOnd baa a perfect mania for forbaseball forbafiOOall forbaseball
baseball a4 > id the crowds at the exhibi exhibition exblbltlon exhibilion ¬
lion game this year have been surpris surprisingly surprtIn81y surpelsIngly ¬
ingly large rge hence bnc XcAJeer X cAIeer is looking lookingforward lookingforrd lookingforward
forward to the two flay here with 1th great greatcomplacency JTetcomplaency greatcomplacency
complacency complacencyKid
Kid Elberfeld should He a strong strongdrawing strONidrawinl strongdrawing
drawing card in this city It was as a amember amem amember
member mem r of the Richmond team of the theVirginia theVIpnla theVirginia
Virginia League that he h first came into intoprominence Intopromlnentt Intoprominence
prominence > and he lit still remembered rememberedhere remmbfredberp rememberedhere
here for or his hi great fat ability as a fielder nelderand ftelderand fielderand
and kicker Thousands of the th older fans fansknow fanscnow tansknow
know him and there was a constant constantstream con constantstream tant tantIItrPRm
stream of them around the hotel last lastnight lastnight lastnight
night and this morning asking askln to have havehim hltvehhn havehim
him him pointed out to them He is on the thecards thecards thecards
cards to show them th4 1 that he i Is worthy wortByof
of their interest for the Kid Is appar apparently apparently apparontly ¬
ently AS nlmbto now ftO MS when he ueed ueedto ueedto usedto
to make the fans think that if he had hadonly hAdonly hadonly
only been here thirty years before he hewould bewould hewould
would have ha chased the th whole wh l Yankee Yankeearmy YAnkfearmy Yankeearmy
army back to the Hudson n river much muchless muchI muchless
less I the > Potomac PotomacKillifers PotomacKillifers
Killifers Ankle Weak WeakWade WeakVade i
Wade Klllifer seems to have hav a dig dislocated diglocated ¬
located ankle and does not know it itDoc ItDoe
Doc Reislmg took a look at the freak freakprop treakprop freakprop
prop and mumbled that It was dislo dislocated dislocated dielocated ¬
cated all right all right rl ht arter which be beprodded beprod heprodded
prodded prod it with his finger ftn r ADd gave ve as asgood asood asgood
good ood a toe hold exhibition as his weak weakness weaknlS weakwould ¬
ness would allow allo but Klllifer said th there t1lPNwail therewas r rwas
was nothing doing In n the pain line linewhereat linewhereat
whereat Doc fell back on the pillows pillowsand pillowsand philowtand I
and wished IRh he were > a barefoot > t boy boyagain boyagain boyagain
again KlIHfcr has had trouble with his hislegs ht8If hhlegs
legs If this s siOn son but not In the > curious curiouslooking curi4 curiouslooking > ul ul1ookl
looking 1ookl ankle and he shows no 111 ef efJoe ofTONTOS f fno
Joe Kelley Meets Players Playersand Player5and t I
and Goes to Charlottes Charlottesville Charlottesvile
ville Camp CampJo
Jo J Kelley the manager of the Toronto TorontoClub TorontoClub ToroatiClub
Club joined jO several of the members of ofhis ofhl8 o
his team here yesterday afternoon and andtook andtook am amtook 1
took the 639 oclock train out arriving arrivingin arrivintIn
in Charlottesville several hours later laterwhere laterwhere laterwhere
where the club will 111 begin training today todaySome toda todaSome todaySeine
Some of the players had zone on ahead aheadto ahE > ad
to do light U ht training tralnin but the work starts startsin
in earnest today with Kelley at < the helm helmThe helmTh helmThe I
The Th Toronto Club has obtained the use useof useof
of the University of Virginia diamond diamondand diamondand diamondand I
and in addition to gamps ames with teams in inincludes Inthe
the State 1 league e Wle training schedule scheduleI scheduleincludes
includes I several erRI games with this college collegeOLEARY cOlle collegeOLEARY <
ATLANTIC ATLA TIC CITY March 2 Dan DanOLeary DanOLer DanOLeary
OLeary long distance walking rival to toAlfred toAlfred toAlfred
Alfred Payrfon Py n Weston won a trip to toIreland toIreland toireland
Ireland yesterday ye terday by walking seven sevenround sevenround sevenround
round trips between the MillionDollar MillionDollarPier
Pier and Youngs Ocean Pier on the thebeach thebeach thebeach I
beach beachDR beachDR I IDR
ST LOUIS March 3S Dr B F RollQT RollQTof ROllQl1
of Seattle defeated James Asbell A sbdll n of ofKansas otXarsas ofXarsas
Xarsas City last night In two straigHt straigHtfalls straigHtrallF straigUtfalls
falls in wrestling wrcstlin The time was 28 tl and andminutes
6 minutes for the first and second falls fallsfalls fallsfaBs fallsfalls
Every old sore comes from some kind of impurity in the blood It re reanains renaina 1
anains an open discharging place on the flesh because the circulation con constantly constantly I Istantly
stantly deposits into the fibres and tissues which surround the SIlo the I
infectious matter with which the blood is contaminated It is impoJsiWe impoJsiWelor
lor or the soro to heal while tho blood is in this impure state S S S heals healsold healsold 1ieasold
old sores bocauso it is tho greatest of all blood purifiers it goes into the thecirculation thecirculation I Icirculation
circulation and removes tho cause from the blood bloo When the blood has
been purified there is no longer any inflammatory impurity or infectious infectio mat matter matter matter
ter to irritate the place and nature causes a certain and natural healing bcalth of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the ulcer It is all well enough to endeavor to cleanse an old sore or stop
the itching or absorb tho discharge with external applications but a cure curecan eurecan iurecan I
can never be reached in this way because such applications do not reach reachthe j
the blood where the cause is located S S S does not simply cause a a scab scabto scabto scabto
to form over an old sore but beginning at the bottom it heals the place placeperxnnnenily j
permanently perm vlcntly < by building new tissue and filling the place with firm healthy 1
fiesh S S S is a purely botanical remedy being made entirely of roots rootsimpurities rootsherbs rootsherbs
herbs and barks ea each h of which h hap a direct and lasting effect in removing
impurities and poisons from the cJculation oculation Old people who have suffered sufferedfor st sufferedt reredfor
for years with a chronic SOlO will find S S S a most helpful tonic and andEastern andtstcm I
fects f from hIs anatomical curiosity curloat
Charley Street Is complaining of an anflbillty
inability t to Bleep He is not as he heshould beshould hehould
s should be that is a cinch but doesnt
know what hILt is the matter mall He Is not notparticularly notpartlelarh notprticlnrl
particularly prticlnrl rervous and his Insomnia Insomnias
In i s hard to aeount aeo nt for he h being heln one of ofthe oftht
the t he b beet 8t ileeters when going right He
has not been b fn the victim of a severe ev rE cold
like l Reeling and ban not been stiffer atlfferthan tlfferthAn
ts than t the oth oUpr r Athletes but be has ha not actstruck nottruck nottruck
truck s his trkle Incidentally IncldentaJ y he IB IBworrying laworrying
worrying arout himself more than is isneeea IsntCe Isnecessary
neeea necessary ary or o there is no reason to 10lIee
believe lIee that he had Ad other than a tem temporary temporary ¬
porary indiepoaltkm indiepoaltkmTh
Th Th5 Phillos created a fairly favorable favorableimpression favorableImpreal favorablempreesloui
I impression n here h re but did not lead the theRichmond theRlchnwnd
Richmond critics to tb the conclusion conclusionthat conclulonthat conclusionhat
t that they would cut much ice in the Na National Xa1IoMI Natlonl ¬
tional League race raceHarry raeeHarry
Harry Mace Bu Buy BuyHarry BusyHarry y yHarry
Harry Mac is here for Richmonds Richmondsexhibition R Rkhnioiidsexhibition h lOftd lOftdexhibition
exhibition games Ho is I nursing Rur ln a sore soreshoulder 80reshoulder soreshoulder
shoulder received as a r result uit It of Chancy CharlayDooln Charl ChancyBoots
Boots 1 of th the Phillies ducking a couple coupleof
of hot fowl tips tip Mace say he was wasnever waeneer wasnever
never umpiring so well in his life and andat andat andat
at that had not missed a play in live liveyears fty ftyears hiveyears
years ears Perhaps he b has not remembered rememberedanything rememberedanything rememberedanything
anything since In th then n for the play was wasin wasn a ain
in I n Texas and some of the leading rooters rootersin
in that State make K an annual custom customto
to spend their vacation hunting for forHarry forHarry forHarry
Harry s so that If they find him they theymay U theymay 1 1may
may have the pleasure of hitting him himall himthl
all over again againWhile I J
While Reeling Rell1 is really ill Unglatib tYngla b
is hobbling and Street is i not so peart peartThe peartTh penn pennThe
The Th general n ral condition of the team is isHI faIoiO Iseo
HI eo Rood goo that IcAleer waxes aXH enthusias enthusiastic ¬
tic whenever henevf > r he discusses it Said he hethis bethlll hethis
this moTtlns m09 tn I never had a ball team teamthat
that as a a whole was In better shape shapeWhat i I
What hat troubles we e are having havln are pet petcompared pettcompared t tcomparM
compared to those that usually befall befallplayers befallplayers I
players in the early f rly spring The Th fast fastsod fastsod
sod diamond in Norfolk has given my mymen mymeR mymen
men just what they tJato needed fd and the In lnneld I
field today too a is lit to go Into Int a champIon champfondkt
hip game amf and play alii well a It er evertill I Idid
did There may be a little looseness now nowand nowAnd nowand
and then th n but H will 111 not b be serious and andthat andthat
that will disappear before the exhibi exhibitions exhtbltlons ¬
tions are over overMcAleer ov overMcAleer r rMcAleer
McAleer Satisfied SatisfiedI
I am still convinced d tha tbat I have the theright 1Mrt theright
right rt ht system which is to keer kee the boys boysbatting bo bobattinp borsbatting
batting all the th time in the early spring
If I f my memory is L correct < t I wan the
first man to regularly J larl divide a squad
into two teams and play real I game gamesbut eII
but I found that the men were re not get getting getting et etUng ¬
ting enough ugh to do and I abandoned
it An outfielder might be in the far fargardens fargardo fargardns
gardens gardo > na all the th afternoon and never neverch n neverchess vr vrtm
ch tm chess 8e a fly and out of four or five URMS URMSat
at bat might m < ht draw two or three bases basesrn basescn
rn 11 ball Hence I cut out that thatUnd gag gaga
Und Undor r Jr ry present nt system a a helt batter gets retla
a crack at the ball twenty tw ty or1 or1more o more I re times timesin
in tte course of morning morn In and afternoon afternoonpractice att afternoonpractice rnoon rnoonInclict
practice and that lit Just what he needs needsI
I still tlll cling Jin to the idea a that next nextyea noxtyea xt xtYea i
yea we A will send the batteries batteri to HoJ HoJSprings Holirtags
Springs Ark February 1 14 and have havethe ha hathfO havethe
the whole squad report port to begin train trainIng tralnhag trainlog
hag In WaahfoKtOR ViUth Jllton on March 15 1 but it itis iti8 Itis
is possible that we may go to Norfolk Norfolkagain Norfolkagain orfolkagain
again because bees IN of It I Its > good grounds rounds and andthe andth andI
the th advantages of having the men all allhoused aUhoused allhoused I
housed In the one hotel hotelThe hotelTh hotelThe
The Th player refuse Ntu tf iff accept Joseph as as011s
Onls first name and call Ufa Jerry JerryWith JrryWlth
+ C CWith
With Witherup nut of it It Washing ¬
ton could well use u another anot experienced experiencedpitcher
pitcher He H was counted upon n as the thenfth
fifth regular r ar man to Walker Johnson
Gray and Groom The Th main reserves reserveswill r rwtll reseryewill
will b h Reisllng and Oberlin unless
Johnsons John ons protege prnt Bill Hendrick Hendrickproves Hendritkttproves Hendricksproves
proves a real phenom Reislmg is ising
flgured r d to co o the bulk or the early pitch
ing with Walker Walk r and Gray Gra the other otherearly othrArly otherearly
early birds but Mo MeAlee tAleer A leer was w counting countingupon countingupon ounUn ounUnupon
upon great t results from such a husky huskytwirler
twirler as a Witherup Wltht > rup on days before 1M fo the theoldtimers thpoldtlmen theoldtimers
oldtimers on the tb other teams get their theireve theiree theIreve
eve on the ball for keeps The situa ¬
tion Is I somewhat
complicated at
pres present pretent present ¬
ent and mr mnlh h depends upon how Groom Groomget Groomgets
get gets etl away aWA Tor or if Groom is not up to the themark tbemark themark
mark the th calculations based upon I
Washington Marline IIItartln = with 1th a rush as it
did in IMC 1 and 1 l5l may go to smash smashSIMON smashSThIION
NEW ORLEANS ORLEA S La March 2SSI 2SSImon ZSIreon 2S4iron
mon Xtcloils who has ba been with the thesecond theecond thesecond
second squad of Nape for two weeks eMtB
has hoes order ordered 1 to report here Phil I
Cooney Coe > nty joining joInln StovaJlg crowd crowdXicholls crowdNicholls
Xicholls will be molded into the Naps
infield machine together with Bradley BI ley
Turner and Lajote LajoteBALDWIN LajoreBALDVIN LajoleBALDWIN
SIn In a aslow s L Lslow
slow Io tenround t bout at the New Xe Orleans OrleansAthletic OrlensAthletic r rAthletic
Athletic Club last night Matty Baldwin Baldwinof Bald ln lnof
of Boston was a given
the th decision over overLeonard oerLeonard oveiLeonard
Leonard Louder > r of Los Angeles Bald Baldat
win In was the al aggressor r S1 < or lit the start And an I
at no time was as he in danger dan er
Commission to Consider Ac Action Action Action ¬
tion Taken By Capital CapitalCity CapitalCity CapitalCity
City League LeagueIt
It was learned this morning IBOID that a ameeting ameeUns ameeting
meeting of the Amateur Baafoall va11 C CratesioR Com CommiNion COlamIssion
miNion of tb the District will be Held Heldprobably eldpcobbly heldrobably
probably p before the end of the week to toconsider toconsider toonsider
consider c the decision of the Capital CapitalLeague CapitalLeague CapitalLeague
League in regard r d to having a a new board boardformed boanlformed boardormed
formed f to handle the baseball situation aKuatienIn
In i n this city cityAt cityAt cityAt
At a meeting of the th leagu le e yesterday yesterdaythe
the Capital City managers went on rec record reaoc recrI ¬
ord oc o rI as favoring ra vorln such a commission aa aanow unow asow
now n ow exists but would have changes changesmade c cmade changesmade
made in the th method of the selection of ofits oft
its l t members membersWhat m membersWhat r rhat
What hat action the th present pre fnt commission commissionwilt
will take will be unknown until the mat matter matter ma maer ¬
ter t er has been be n thoroughly threshed out outKling outNATIONAL outNATIONAL
Kling McLean Giants GiantsCubs GiantsCubs GiantsCubs
Cubs and Reds Re s Are AreInvolved AreInvolved AreInvolved
Involved InvolvedHOT
HOT SPRINGS March It XTU1 That a deal dealis dealIs
is now no being bel mane eIe which wilt result in inthe Inthe
the trading tradl of Catcher Larry McLean McLeanhy 1IIcLeaDhy
hy Cincinnati tn the Giants for another anotherplayer anot anotherplayer er erplayer
player who Kill a III be traded to Chicago Chicagoalong ct csIcagoalong cap capIltonK
along with K sum said to be fully J30W J30Win SGiIn 3 3In
in return for Catcher Johnny Kling KII U Uthe illthe Lathe
the latest word of a big move being beingmode W Wmad beingmade <
mode in the th inner circles of f the National NationalLeague Xati NationalLeague baJ baJI8KU8
League McLean wUl leave Hot Springs Springstoday Spt1nptoday Springstoday
today for nr Cincinnati be having vi formal formally j
ly 1 left the Red and his bh hotel bot l bill bay having bayJt haytag ¬
tag Jt been pid d up by Manager Griffith Griffith3riflth GrUrttbriftth GrIKtthJrIfIth
3riflth wired to AicGraw in Texas yes yesterday 1 1terday yesterday ¬
terday asking ukIn if he wanted McLean and andwhat aDdwbat andwhat
what inducements 1 1I ntll he could offer for the thestar tMr thestsr
star r catcher of o the Reds RedsThis RedsThis RedsThis
This is the talk tlll going lbs two rounds roundshere round5hfre soundshere
here as to the other part of the deal dealIt dftJIt dealIt
It IK I known that Kling and Murphy
have never JI r been n able to agree and that thatit thatIt thatIt
it was f fr > r this thl reason 1ft8Onpur1y purely a a financial ftnanctalnetbat flnanchslisothat financialone
one netbat that Kiln Kltnllt left ft the Cubs year tU be before be beore ¬
fore ore last lA t Herrmann tried last year YftiUJ to tnget togtt toget
get him and failed It is said here by bymen bymtn bymen
men who know Herrmann that he will willstrain wAUstrain willstraIn
strain evtry Vt ry nerve to get et the famous famousbackstop lamoUlihatkJltop famousbackstop
backstop this thl year and that 420M OtlM will willbe willbe
be a small price to pay for him Herr Herrmann HerrmAnn Herrmann ¬
mann according to these e men men figures figuresthat ftlllU I Ithat
that if bh dub can gt t Mv4 MUM 4GWi out of the theworld thewcrkt
world series which he is Mid tel to taunt tauntupcn oun ounupon t tnpen
upon winning wtftB with Kling Klin < ta a Larnees he herould hfYouid hevoild
rould be several I rhonrand ahead More 10 More9tsn
hn h n that he will Ill have a great back backstop baek5tO backatop ¬
stop stopManager 5tOI4ana atopManager
Manager I4ana Griffith admitted that t be beafter he heafter
after a great catcher and it is I known knownthM kaow11tbot knownr
thM h he hv juA h long < wanted to be rid of r
One of the greatest drawbacks dra b that tbatathletic L Lathletle I
athletic in 1 the high It schools of this city cft r rhas
hag encountered in the past has been beenthe beesthe I
the failure of the teams to He well wellenough weill we I Iencugh I
enough torK h matched m 1Ied to make the question questionof
of the ultimate ep601l championship b1p suf sufficiently nlftciently an anAclently ¬
ficiently doubtful dou tful to keep alive iD iDlhrou inioresithrouxhout interest interestthroughout
throughout lhrou t the season seasonCentral eaIIODCentral seasonCentral
Central has always alwa cantered away awaywith awaywith
with the field and track title wttile w4 1Ie e for foryears foryears lotyears
years Technical has heeD the most mostconsistent mostcon8l8tent mo moconsistent
consistent winnner < on tbe gridiron In
Due baseball however that element of doubt doubtas doubias
as to the most fortunate of tIM tb schools
lUlls helped sport sporttion sportThis sportThis
This season promises to t 1M DO ex extion exeep
tion to that rule Starting < out with WttkDOU nitienough I Ienough
enough DOU h eterans to justify tbe feeling feefln feeflnthat < i ithat
that it would l be the winner of the tbeseries th t tseries I
series Central ha baa lost its < advantage I Iby
by way 1 of the Ineligible IDeU bIe route which j jhu
has resulted re in the disqualification of ofseveral ofseveI81 olpeveral
several of its most promising < players
As matters now stand there is no n >
favorite Business last seasons 5e5Ofl win winner wIanero winncr ¬
nero Tech Central C traJ and Western estern Judg ¬
log by preliminary scores stand on a apar apar a L Lpar
par while hlle Eastern promises to be a aThat a L
d decidedly ldedll troublesome > runnerup
That it will m be a question of what
team will have the moral stamina tn tnshow t tshow
show truest form under strongest tlO eat nrenow ftrenoy lire lirenow
now seems assured ured It looks as a if It Itwill ItwUl t twill
will be baseball and grit as opposed to t
baseball bu ebtlU aloe atoieThere aloeThre aloasThere
There are ar no favorites and there are ar arno
no advantages for barring barrfn the unfore unforeseen unCoretieen untoreseen ¬
seen the th nerviest team will III be the tt vic ¬
torious team teamBatter t teamBatter am amBattff
Batter up upThe upTh upThe
The Th most potent question before high highschool highWhool highschool
school baseball bag ball enthusiasts is IWJ1l Will
Business be able to rePeet
Your O Own n Suit SuitMade SuitMade
Made for You YouAnd
I IAnd
And For No Other Man ManW C CTjjTT
I 1
W V TjjTT f E build suits that give aman a ayy aman
yy man that manly wellset wellsetup ¬
up appearance so highly highlyprized highlyp highlyprized
prized p zed by those who have pride in inhow inhow inhow
how they look You rant get such suchclothes suchc10thes 5 5clothes
clothes unless they are MADE FOR FORYOU FORYOUand f fYOUand
YOU YOUand and you cant get them any anywhere anywhere anywhere ¬
THEM unless you pay a third more moreat moreat moreat
at least leastFew leastFew leastFew
UREMENTS Our designers study studyeach studych studyeach
each ch individual so as to drape the thegoods thegoods thegoods
goods to cover I defects bring out outgood outgood outgood
good shoulders shoud rs and nd chest and en enhance enhance enhance ¬
hance the general effect effectOur effectOur effectOur
Our Spring Suit Special dj Q
To Order Only tplOe tplOeHAAS f fI 18 e eI 00
I HAAS CO Tailors
1211 Pennsylvania P nnsylvania Avenue 11
Mt MyStory tiA of My Life LifeCopyright Yt1 749 tZ tZPreto
I Copyright Mil by th AMocteted I4toi I4toiry V r rfUId
ry Frew in ih United State Sta Canada Canadaaad t7 t r
aad Great B Itain All rights iat rrtd
J JeUrIM ffrie dec deter ve < tre be ii 1 an Americas
through MM and through of Scandinavian 8caDd vtaR er
Nam N tor s Viking Rock uad ad relate MOW ss oC rf
te flwhttec dons by the Jeffries temllr
fcrfor hU Urn Urnplace U UTeU8 thins thinsTeD
TeD of early apaJDeM mpe at his hUI rtk
place IIace iliac QMTOtJ trro Ohio Champion MS Ms MsafhtMthMr
Me > afhtMthMr at huoting WM born d dwt rtog Ida oMW
h hood teya Narrates l 8nata aam details K feta Ant ftretjrjhwrt
jrjhwrt tMt C Leamd MMM ftgfaus ftgfausJ at atJIM atHad
JIM J row > w escs with negro fellow fetlowWOIKMMN fellowweebless
WOIKMMN KtptatM g the mystery IDY of his hlasrtmt hi hissTint
sTint rw reserve rv strength Recalls aa ex x
dUD < Mtveature la the hill hills Mrs he M Maad
happeBed to beccJme a prof proieseieeai bo
said 4 advises 4vtae hard vror vom ork t for e espoments oe u of J
the art 10 Lose of hosing W WCHAPTER bits fee i
aH his trade tradeCHAPTER tradeCHAPTER
Showing Showi That Fate Play PIa Strange StraMeTrick StraqeTrieu
Trick TrickT TrieuI TncksF
F T WAS easy money for m me me that tfcatthousand tltatthoUADd thatthousand
I thousand dollars Imagine getting gettingroll dill dillroll i
I roll of tw twentydollar nty nty4oUa < ioUar sold pieces pieceslik IIIeceUM piecesIlk
Ilk UM that for simply boxing bo1dn a r reaK reaKor 4Md 4Mdor
or two and then hitting the other lei oI
low on the nose Why that would wouldmake wouldmak
make a mans wages w < e sor six or eight eightmonths ethtIIIOI1ths eightmouths
months In the th boiler shop And at good goodpay goodpay oocl ooclpay
pay too > I slipped some of it Into the thebank
bank but kept a few double eagle in inmy Inmy Inmy
my pockets Just for the > fun of bearing
thfwi rattle and dink Some good goodclothes xoodclothes goodclothes
clothes and a Stetson teiao with a brim as asflat
Mat as your dinner r table and a few ties tieshit
hit my fancy aDCy I was beginning nil to feel
like a real sport To add to the Joy of ofthe otth ofthe
the th occasion on I was offered a match with withanother withanot withanother
another anot r heavyweight a husky fellow fellownamed fel10wnanM fellownamed
named Van Buskk formerly a mesa me ¬
her of the Olympic Club and amateur amateurchampion amateurChampton amateurchampion
champion but ut now a professional and andwell andwell andwell
well thought of One or two people peopletold peopletold
told me that Van BusUrk would eat eatBM eate eatme
BM but I didnt think so I had seen
him and sized him up There were weremore wereIDOn weremore
more dangerousliking dancerou Ildug citizens dt s In tb tbold the theold
old shop although none I could remem ¬
ber quite so toufch in appearance ThIs
Van Buskirk wat a big fellow with withshoulder withghOulder
shoulder h uldel8that that would have touched
both sides of a doorway These shoul ¬
does sloped up to his h ears leaving him himwithout
without any an neck worth mentioning mentloni mentloniHe
He had big hInt bI eyes and pulled pulledeyebrows hh hheyebrows
eyebrows 1 brows up un unlI II I his forehead wrinkled
He H stuck out h hw lower lip and looked lookedas
as savage aa as he could uJd when he talked talkedabout talkeclabout talkedabout
about fighting and nd his head was so 80t sot
flat t behind tba his thick neck bulged bulgedout bul bulout bulgedout
out beyond It if f you roll rolled a marble marbleover JD1bhOVfOr marbleover
over Vans aD he h from front to back
it would drop Into his b collar lar Be bad badhams bt10DK
long anus like a gorillas aDd flitS bbs
hams They thcrght th Kht he was a terror terrorand terroraHI terrorand
and he thought s too We Wee made the thematch thematch thematch
match matchA1IX
AmxMu el t Fight FifitI
I was very I xk stone > us to light Van VanBusklrk VallBukirt VanBuskirk
Busklrk and go after the next fellow fellowwhoever fellowwhofoy fellowwhoever
whoever whofoy be mIght pt be But here my ludf IK < j
shifted I dont know whether It Itthe was wasthe wasthe
the chance ch of climate or some foolish foolishstunt fOOlishstunt foolishstunt
stunt or other bic bl anyway I suddenly suddenlywent suddenlywent suddenlywent
went down with pneumonia The doc doctors doctors doctorn ¬
tors looked wig > and said Id I might as aswell aIIt11 aswell
well t11 call my fl ftp t off for a month or ortwo ortwo ortwo
two A day or so later they looked lookedwiser lookedwiser
wiser still and said Id r d never be able a bI to toflght toftcbt
fight again I think they had an idea ideathat idtathat Ideathat
that Id never get on my feet again againfor aln alnfor
for that matter tut a doctor d can make makeas makas makeas
as many mistakes as anybody else elseSome fl flSome elseSome
Some doctors can make more At any anyrate anyrate anyrate
rate after a hard siege of It I found foundmyself tounmyeeJf foundmyelf
myself out on the street thin as a rat ratand ratand ratand
and feeling f so at weak that I could hardly hardlywalk hardywalk hardhwalk
walk It didnt need any xray to show sftowthe BrlQ BrlQthe showthe
the bones in my bands and my arms armsblock annsand irmaand
and letp were 0 bad that a walk Ik o of a ablock ablock
block made me more tired than I ever everfelt eYertlt cystfelt
felt in a twentyround fituht There Theresjust Tberesjuttt Therejust
just one on place for a fellow when be begets Mcet begets
gets in that sort of 4hape pe and I knew knewanyway JuMwanay knewanyway
anyway that the fc t s at home would wouldbe
be glad led to see Jim again so I took a atrain atrabt a atrain I
train for the Bouth BouthIts ilouthIts j
Its J funny what a wreck pnmmstita pnmmstitacan 2 II 1
can Os n make rt f a big felloe Id r d never neverthought JWftIbtfta nevesbeen
been sick betfT If In my life anC ant uvft uvftthoqbt nevetthought
thought such a thing th was possible But Buthere Buther Bailhere
here her I was Uukng ik khtg and andteellnc feeling more morelike morelike morelike
like a lunger than I a fighter After Afterresting Aftetresting It Itrltlttn8
resting a lilt Utto 1 thought the bills bffltwould hllJlould billswould
would ould do me icood itOO and off of I went tote totecamp Ja Jacamp mu mucamp
camp with the old rifle and plenty of 0rtr olThe
Cartridges CartridgesThe rtr
The first day in the mountain I Icouldnt rtOuldnt r rcouldnt
couldnt walk a hundred yards yardsflltt wttbouc wttboucstates withonisitting j
states flltt down a long < time to rest If I Itried Itried I E
tried to climb a l Ptle < tle hill my legs > gave gaveout gayeout I Ioat
out and I panted like Ilk a dog after chas chasing chaslag ¬ J
lag a coyotte Yet Just to show yot yotwbat yott
what t the > mountains will wf11e1o do for a man manIll mailIll
Ill Illafter sa say that inside nf two weeks I wa 1 11tter
after deer Six weeks eeks after going 30 DC o othe 0th t tthe I
the th mountains a a total wreck I suutod suutodout tartoclout I Iout
out one morning moml before Mfo daylight shot shotfive toot tootftVfl I Ilive
five deer and carried one big lSspo poIat poIatbuck > n d dbuck I Ibuck
buck eight mile mil back to camp OB my myshoulder MYouIdfOr m meFoulder
shoulder ouIdfOr Yes and nd didnt feel tired tiredThen tJnodhn dre I Ithen
Then hn I got the either r It was WUhard as ashard a ahard
hard Tort as a ybody wants to tr trthat trr trrthat tnthat
that trump I laid the buck k across aeroqiiCCk by byi b P PMeek
i Meek ck and ghonMers with his legs In Infront Infront Ii S Sfront
front of me on either et e t thei side and scrambled scrambledup scramblolup
up and down hi kilo Is and crawled through throughheavy throughheavy b
heavy brush be sweat poured PO down downmy doWDmv 2 2my
my face In streams atrea and caked with dust dustuntil dUSu L Luntil
until u m I must have looked like an Indian Indianin a am
in war iwUnt iwUntThat 1NLIntThat usintThat
That days days work was poM Od enough enoughproof eftO h hproof a aproof
proof j that the th sickness knHI was all over overwith oerwith Me r rwith
with and that befor long I might Jtl hr as aswell aswoll a 5 5well
well go back to fighting again 311f in The Thecoin Tbproln Tb Tbi
coin was getting tUng a little low 10 too and andalthough an anAlthou amalthough i
although Althou h my m father and mother > r would wouldhave WOUldhave I Ihave
have given me m anything I wanted want rl in Ii ri
that t line I always alwa had aa independent tadepeudenitreak independentstreak lIMkJ1tRJlentstreak
streak s that would have made me watt wattrailroad waIItra wlkrailroad
railroad ra TCMId ties back to San Uarather Fraadaeo Fraadaeorather FrDctaOather
rather r than not depend entirely open openmyself apealUysplt uP0 uP0myself
myself myselfA
A month at home for a visit followed followedthe followedthe followedhe
the t he hunting trip aDd then feeling Mil MiltrOD a atrong
strong s < and well that I couldnt t stay sth Idle Mtoany IdleBy Idleny
any a ny longer Ion er I went North again looking lookingor
for f or trouble troubleThe troubleTh troubleThe
The Th first match I was offered o ere4 ere4with was waswith wanwith
with Jack J k Stebmer Jack was a fairly fairlygood tatrIyCOOd fairlygood
good heavyweight in his hi time and a afine aft afine
fine ft fellow He was a big strong strongyoungster 8t 8touaptft neroegyoungster
youngster wbo left It firing a locomotive locomotiveback locomotiveack
back b East in Missouri and took up fight fightIng fightug t tIDK
Ing t ug lie might have had better tuck tuckin tuckIn backn
in I n the ring if be hadnt attachM him himself bbDt himmit ¬
self t to Bob Fltcsfanmons DS for several severalyears wYeraJYNI8 severalyears
years as sparring partner Fttsaisn Fttsaisnmoas P1tai P1taiIDOD8 iltzsiutmoan
moan was a rough man to work with withHe wttIaHe withHe
He battered Stdsner up so much that thatIt t tk ttMt
It i t took many a good fight oat of him himateixner hilaelaDft himsIzner
ateixner was in Carson with Fttxskn Fttxsknmons Fitnaimmoss t Im1JDODf
moss He H was hard at work and toe toematch tJlei tJlei1IItch thematch
match fell through throughChaaged throughChauged I
Chaaged Whale Career CareerJust Careerlust i iJuat
Just about this tb time a tittle Httl thins thinshappened thchappe thinghappened
happened ed that changed my m whole fight figbting fightnit t tinIIt
ing k nit career If I hadnt become ac acquamted acquainted acquainted
quainted with Harry Corbett to San Sanr n nIranctseo
r anctsco > I night t have gone gea along for foryears f fYfar foryears
years fighting tMtr second raters rat But my mylucky myucky i ilucky
lucky l star must have been shining lll atnc Just Justthen
then Harry Corbett and I became great
friends f and through him I got tile tbechance tilethance thechance
chance of my life lite a chance that any anyvoung aDYvou anyYoung
Young vou fellow might be glad to jump at
Harry Corbett was one of Jim Cor CorbettK Corbftt Corbettt
bettK bftt brothers There were several 1I r1 boys boysin boYsin hovein
in tbe Cotbet family all interested in inport in insport Insport
sport in one vay av or another Joe Jo about aboutthat aboutthat aboutthat
that time was pitching for the th
Oriole Jbn of course was worlds worldschampion world worldthamplon worldchampion
champion and was about to fight Fits Fttzsimmons Fitusimmons
simmons a championship battle up in inthe Inthe Istbp
the Sagebrush State Sta Harry was no noathlete 110athlete a aathlete
athlete but a good sport He owned a acafe a acafe
cafe on Ellis street m San Francisco Franciscoand Yran Yranand Francisconoel
and in the t th rear of o the large room had a apoolroom apoolroom a apoolroom
poolroom There Thtu Flier was nothing nothln illegiti illegitimate t1letPtImat illegitlmat ¬
mate mat about running nmnln < a poolroom pooI poolro In those
days San Francisco was a sporty town townanyway tOWDanyay towsanyway
anyway and betting betttn on horse hore races and
fUchts was conducted openly and nobody nobodyobjected nobotTobjpcttd
objected to it Tn Harry Hart Corbetts pool poolroom poof100III poeTroom ¬
room they bed mutuels as wen as assralght ass aasaIght
sralght s alrht betting on fights You could couldplay couldplay
play the mutuels motue and bet on the nomber nomberyou azmbesof
0 rounds and make a good ood cleanup If Ifyu II r ryou
you struck It right rl bt Harry was known knownas I Ias
as an absolute honest sport I tthe never neversaw normpaw
saw the day when h I would have bead hesitated besttated ¬
tated over handing him every dollar del1ar1 I I I
had and starkly slit Iy telling him Fd come
back for r It when It was needed H Hwas HW Hi Hiwas
was W a good as any bank and bitter bitterhad Istteithan ttr ttrthan
than Iota 0 them for If Harry C Corseti l I
had ever lost money JD that had been In Intrusted Intrusted Intrusted ¬
trusted to him hed have rake 1 up upenough u uenough
enough to make good If he h id to tosen U Usell
MIl his overcoat ov t He bandied big bl sums sumsof sumaof I Iof
of money 1ftI for the sporting people in inFriwo inPOriI is t tFrisco
Frisco and I never heard a word wordspoken wordIrpoken wor I Ispoken
spoken against him There a ap > p few men menthat meathat I Ithat
that can have ha as much said ra In their I
favor favflTfHR favorTseserrows
TfHR Tseserrows rr ltKn inatalInst t MMy X My Train TrM1M
1M 5 Scoe4s With tM CH Champion c 1 1rW thi r
Event Is Likely to Be Ar Arranged Arranged Acranged ¬
ranged With English EnglishOarsmen E EnglishOarsmen i iOarsmen
Oarsmen OarsmenBOSTON OarsmenB06TON Oarsmen6TON
BOSTON 6TON March Mar X Zlisrvards FlarrartTg vat ftI1tQr vataity varsity ¬
sity oarsmea are hopeful Itopef1dnee af arranging arranginga g ga
a race with Oxford ford ia Kngiand this thissunmxr thi thisummer l lwr
summer and exvarsity Captain Big Higgiason HIcgtMOD Biggtnesn
giason is now in London as the Cnn Crimsons CrbItu I Isons ¬
sons representative ia the aegodationa aegodationaAlready doIa I IAlready
Already the Harvard rowing authori authorities autbct1tIM i ihave ¬
ties nave had some coreeponcience with withthe withthe wit Ii Iithe
the president of the Oxford crew In Ine lDe j n ne
e e course of f a few t days however it itexpected Itexpeet I itexpected
expected expeet something definite wall be beheard tehard t theard
heard from from Higginson who was pres present preat pr prset ¬
eat at the OxfordCambridge OxfonlCam race last lastWednesday IaIItWMae ins insWednesday
Wednesday and is now talking iiri g over overKith o eve r rith rith
Kith ith tbe Oxford oarsmen a match race racevitb raceith rae C Clth
vitb lth Harvard in the latter part of the thesunmer thesanpaer th C Csamner
sunmer sunmerPENN sanpaer sanpaerPENN
PHILADELPHIA March 38 STbe The Uni Univeraity Cnivenit Usveraity I
veraity venit of p Peunarriranta tTanta btuMoall squad squadwin equadWiD aqua d dWift
win lear J av this morning 1 Omin on Otita ° t Ha Southern Southerntrip Southerntrip n ntrip
trip Ths Th afternoon they t will play playWalbroo playalbroo pin pinWaJbroo
Walbroo albroo < A A C in Baltimore BaJU IOIt Tomor Tomorrow T Tonmtrow rnor rnorrow ¬
row and Wednesday Wfd ay Virginia VIf nia at < that thatlotteeville har harlottesville harlotte
lottesville lotte ville and Friday and Saturday SaturdayGeorgetown SaturdayGeort01n1 SsturdaGeorgtowu
Georgetown at Washington ashin on The teams teamsbatting teamsbattlll1t team teambatting
batting 110 > far ha has been n a great disap disappointment disappolntmnt disalpolatment ¬
pointment Weakness eaknf in this depart department dfPArtmtnt departmeat E Emct ¬
meat lost both frames to Yale > an anc < al almost a1t a ¬
most t cost the > opening In game of the sea season seaoon t ton ¬
son on with ith Holy Cross
I I We Are Doing the i iTailoring
I Tailoring Business BusinessI
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4 A At the Sign of the Moon MoonWhy MoonA I
Why Vb y Because we are giving gi bigger biem values bigger selections selectionsand otSand sdectimisand
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our best advertisement Every man we please talks about it and andwe andwe
we never fail to please pIeasewe = we could not afford to let any ny suit go out outthat outthat i 4
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Jfst i die 1 1m s r e f Over e 100 10 I 00 different di erent fabrics fabricsu fthricsju J Jat
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Made to Order Orderfor for forThe forThe tJ S I
The Mertz ironbound guarantee c complete satisfaction or orOar orc orTh0
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Th0 Oar Famous Royal Blue Serge has also arriTcfl arriTcflSuit
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906 90 9OSeet r Street
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on Question of Cars CarsNear CarsNear CarsNear
Near Pole Polethhsk Poleea Pc4eS Pc4eAitheegh
Aitheegh ea cmmandet py does nr nrIMuteaDt nt ntthti
thhsk thti ao Lieutenant mnt flimte < eld ajotaa 1 t I to of ofthe fftbe ofthe
the opinion that a pespeslyhofit properly busH motor motorear JIIOtoear motorear
ear can overcome W j e moat of the hardship hardshiphtcident MnhbipIDdcIeM dship dshipincideut
htcident to sledge e travel ra In Arctic r rtaoa rfl rflpenMllJly regloss
gloss taoa aa peraonUly related to Mr Bet BerJamin BfrJuaiD Betmln
Jamin mln Briscoe president t of the Mazwe1 Mazwe1Briscoe Iaxw MaxweflRilaces Ii IiBrtRoe
Briscoe Motor Company Companyn Com ComMIIn
n I believe said Ueat4nant Bhackle Bhackletoa llaadtletoe tckle tckleton
ton toe a a a car 8UbRaatIaD substantially but with a aspecial aeetaI aspecial
special body bodybane U wtaee wheela lang wheel wheelham h t tWpped
bane equipped Wpped with hooka ks and pocket pockeisand pocketand i iad
and suitable for attachns attaelltc attiieb ig and holding holdingthe holdingu baldingthe
the usual eq1li equipments will overcome e In Inthlp IneouIIIeraWe Ina
a eouIIIeraWe tile noual hard hardhtp hardchip
chip and arduousness anlv occasioned WNIed b b > the theuse theof theuse
use of the thMr th sled sledMr shedMr
Mr Briscoe te much m ch interested ed in th thexploration thexploraUOG thexploration
exploration of the lieutenant and awaits awaitshis awaitsbill awn I t s shisopinion
his hisopinion opinion as to the neeeasary princi principles prinlplea pntitciplea ¬
plea to be incorporated ted in the mo mocar mor morcar mocr
car that will be eminently useful for forpolar forpolar forpolar
polar ti tsvel vel and surmount tbe usual ob obstacles obtaclea ohsineles ¬
stacles Incidentally IDctdftt Mr BI s has hasplaced hasplaced 85 85plaLJ
placed a Maxwell car at tbe dispo dIEpoof 1 1of Iof
of the lieutenant 11e teDnt in au cities of The TheUnited th thnltfd theUnited
United nltfd States daring his proposed lee lecture Iect leetute ¬
Bttstaess High and Y M C A Ai AFaa AEaser
Eater Event EventAt EernAt
i CrossCottatry t i iAt
At Baltimore BftktaioreBALTTMORK BaItimoreBALTDiORE BaltimoreBAJjTTMORK
BALTTMORK March arcs 2t STbe The Bust Buainek Bua1De8 Bustflee
nek flee High School of Washington W is the thelatest thflatest theiatest
latest Institution to enter representa representatives ftpIfteAtatiTes representatires ¬
tires ta tile second annual uaI fivemile fivemileCross aYemiled fivemilecTocOuntry
cTocOuntry d tJ7 rua 01 be Cross Country Countrydab Countryelllb COUflttTtub
dab which will be decided next Satur Saturday Sturc tur turday ¬
day c at S oclock oclockThe ododLThe oclockrh
The rh Fifth Regiment t Athletic Associa Association uoeiation Associaties ¬
tion uatd nd the Washington Y X C Cloa A Ahave Ahave
have loa ve lo entered eateredThe men menThe menThe
The course through Druid Hill Park Parkhas Parkbaa Parkha
has ha been abandoned and the route to tobt tofolioeel tobe
bt be followed officiallv now DO will ill be front fronttbe fro frothe fronthe
the starting point p Dt at North and Fulton Fultonavenues Fultonavenues Fultonatenueg
avenues to Pensytvania avenue thence tbencalong thencealong j
along alo < Pennsylvania to 0 Ute tollgate tollgatTurning tollgatPTUrBinIr tollgateTurning
Turning TO the ieft at the toU tollgate the thecourse therourS thecourse
course will be over the > picturesque picturesquecountry IIctDr picturesquecountry ue ueeountry
country seat of the Gitthigs family familythence fannl fannlthence familythence
thence northerly again JIA D to Reistertowr Reistertowrroad Rei8tertoDear Reistertowroad >
I road near the schoolhouse out the roa ai aito realto < i ito
to Kate avenue to Park Heights ave avecue av avcae arethence
cue th thence back over Park Height Heightavenue H HStghtavenue t4 t4avenue
avenue to Pennsylvania and Fulton ave avenues arenasa ve veruea ¬
nasa ruea to the starting point pointTO atTO pointTO
WHEELING W Va a March 28 2SA 2SAbaD 28Aban A Aban
ban has been placed on bookmanking klng in inthis InI Inthis
this th city and tbe West t Virginia V Rae Racing Raeline RaeLg ¬
line ing Association has canceled its spring springrace pringrac springrace
race rac meeting IDfeti date datE8 The Wheeling bEti Turf TurfExchange TarExduulte TntExchange
Exchange which hkb cold pools on all altracks alltracJul alltracks
tracks has been dosed and will net netopen DtoPfn nCtopen
open Monday MondayEfforts MondayEfforts ODd ODdEtforts
Efforts are a being made to t place th thban thban
ban on bookmakmg in all 11 sections of th thState thState thState
State by the officials and in the event eventof plenof ven venof
of their doing cIoID so all tracks in WPS WPSVirginia tteVirginia p pVirCiDia
Virginia win cancel their racinr nK racta DI date dateI dat datTIle dateTbanew
TIle Tbanew DeW c COndition of thing Wll pro prot protably t tabl
abl ably mean n the passing esng of racing in inWest t tWest 1tWest
I West Virginia VirginiaDANIELS Yir1 VirginiaDANIELS a1aDANIELS
NEW YORK March 28 SC C M Dan Daniels Danof Danlets ¬
lets of the New York Athletic Club re retained retained retuned ¬
tained his title as metropolitan itaIt swim swimming IIIwlmm swimming ¬
ming m champion by winning wm the > 1 1yards itO itOnb tiOyards
yards nb in New X York Saturday night ht htd8 Be Besides Besides ¬
sides covering the tb distance d in the fast fasttime fasttllnt fastlinac
time of 9S15 551 seconds Daniels also alsoequaled alsoequaled t
equaled the American 4yard yanI record by bycovering b bOyrtDc bcovering
covering this intermediate distance di8ta n in inS Ini
15 i S seconds secondsENTRIES eeccmdsENTRIES stoundsENTRIES
CINCINNATI ClNCI a T1 Ohio March MEn XEntrk MEntries En Entries ¬
tries trk fo f fog the stakes of the theLatOt Latonia race racemeetings raepseeti rarefleetIii5
meetings pseeti June C to July So 1 nave been an announced annouace4 announced ¬
nounced Thirtyfive horses are entered enteredin
in the derby which wl1ich drew d the smallest smallestnumber 8IDaIlfEtnumber smallestnumber
number In the eight stakes a total of ofVC Qfho ofhorses
VC horses ho have Seen wen fn entered the Chi Cincinnati Clntin Chicinnatl ¬
cinnati tin uul trophy vilued 11utd at 2 09 leading leadingwith lModingwith leadingwith
with the high nuiber flu iher of ifla iflaMENS l lt lAll
I 1 1 AT 2 2All 2A11 h
All the new spring sp ng stvles in insoft insoft insoft
soft and stiff Hats The best bestHat bestHat bestHat
Hat value in town townEISEMAN townEISEMAN townIISEMAN
7th th and E Sts StsNEWARK Stsi StsNEWARK
r 250 Shoes ShoesSAVE ShoesSAVE Shoesi
913 Pa PaAvc PaAve
Should b taIor tanro T stand up and andgh andghvou give giveyou givevon
you 111 nil servi SfIvjf > S oirt Jo t from the hun hundreds bundreelsjt ¬
dreds dreelsjt o af new fabru > in il our stock
15 18 1 20 20Write 20Writ 2OWrite
Write for Style tyle Book and andNEWCORN Sample SampleNEWCORN SampIeNEWCORN
IMS 1 iISFtNW iISFtNWMerchant F ftt t y IT ITK f fKercJaa4lt
K Merchant rehaat Tailors TailorsOpma XaU XaUOp TailorsOpee
Opma SAtvrday Satardayttt t1UttaT EveninffB EveninffBi Evea1npmrm
mrm ttt tttAllWool m
i AllWool Worsteds WorstedsI WorstedsGrays
Grays Blues Nobby S Sff
I I I ff Stripes Made to Order OrderS OrderGuaranteedtol9tSuits 18
i S Guaranteed Guaranteedtol9tSuits Guaranteedtol9tSuitsi to fit Suits SuitsMORTON i iI
i I MORTON C C STOUT CO COTailors 1 1H gTailors
H Tailors f 910FStNW 910FStNWTHE 910 f FSt St N NW NWt NWTHE v vmm
t =
mm q n 1 1 r rTHE
5T c i Years Old J13 J13Order SLSOrder 15Order
Order by phone phone15he pbeneShe phone5ie
She Shoomaker Co CoEstablished CoEstablished J
Established 1353 1353I 1S3E I Ii Itn
i tn E Sf St I W Phone MaIn U33iL 11S3 f

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