T 1 1THE
r i iTHE
4 4THE
Enjoy EggRolling of Easter EasterMonday EasterMonday
Monday While Elders EldersLook EldersLook EldersLook
Look On OnContinued OnConUinNld
7 7COfttIueI
Continued from Fin Flnt Ftron Page Pageon Pqon
on the streets ztr Is against the rote
F And nd amid th the about houts of o those th tho wlw
were watching wachin th old ooupie s xreatb aUy
chagrined a IU1d d embarrassed turned turnedTourists turn
aWa away
Tourists Are Present PresentThe PrMentIhcubqultous
The Ihcubqultous ubiquitous tourist was at the ess essrolling1 e g grolIlng
rolling1 also and was w air to b be identified klent by
the guide book sh 8M carried Sh SM SMbe could
be heard saying yrnA to her b r companion companionWait companionVa
Wait Va it until I find pane pall tH and rd I will willread 11 11rEad
read you OU what hat it says zay about the tMrOll1ng eta gg
Groups of tourists tour t hovered near tb tbe
White Ite House hoping for a glimpse oC
the Pre President ldent and nd Mrs Ins re Taft who whoP how however howeer however ¬
ever did dI not appear on the > balcony Jeony
There was great gtf > at excitement attended
by shrieks 8hrl k of dellrht from the thou thousands thouaands ¬
ands of hlldren when n M ome > me one who whoM e eidentity
identity wa was never discovered k let > t loose loosea
a real live Easter rabbit on tlje grounds
The rabbit evidently terrified at the thestrangeness
strangeness 8tranben > 8 of his suroundingv 8uroundl leaped leapedfirst leapedfirst aped apedfirst
first in one direction and then In anoth another ¬
er making his eccape finally nall nallBertha
Bertha and Alfred Schwartz were wereamongr wereamong
among the few ow egg gA roller wtoo wh 1M arrived arrivedpromptly arrivedvromptl arrivedpromptly
promptly on the stroke of 9 The Th boy boycarried 00 00carrIed boycarried
carried a basket filled with colored coloredstraw col red redtraw
straw and bright hued eggs An hoitr
later he was seen n wtih only two eegs
In the th bnaket bnaketHave bnsketHave IxtaketHave
Have Aten Their Eggs EggsHave EggsHave EggsHave
Have you broken > 11 mir wl < lr eggs asked askeda
P w a woman sympathetically sympatheticallyVSv
VSv 1 have ha aten them answered answer Al Alfred Alfred Alfred ¬
fred Schwartz S hwartz striving to be correqt correctoven correqtcven correqteven
L oven If h he did feel f l uncomfortable uncomfortableYou
You have eaten all of them themjust just you youtwo OU OUto
two children children asked his interviewer In Ina Ina
a horrified voice voiceT
T have ha VEl aten at < < > n only on M answered answeredBertha anawerdBlrthA
L Bertha Schwartz and my brother ateo ateoeljjht Iltfllelsht
eljjht eljjhtAs elshtAs elthtAs
As the morning advanced adv the th throng thron thronIntre throngsIncreased
Increased Intre Md Children arrived and more morechildren mo moehtldr4n
children Go oart cnrta < 1lrt and baby carriages carriagesdotted rIt II IIdotted
dotted the lawns Lunches were ere spread spreadand spreadand
and mothers and fathers a aJO thry en enJoyed tnjoyed enjoyed
Joyed them ttt > m exchanged reminiscences of ofother ofother ofother
other egg rollings Everybody laughed laughedand laUlhfdand
and exchanged xchAu ed cI greetings with his hisneighbor hislghbor hi hirnIghbor
neighbor lghbor h beatise aiu A UN e everybody f > eryh d was hap happy happy ¬
py The > spirit of Easter whirh is the thespirit theflpIrit
spirit of youth and hope and newly newlyawakened nfOwlyaWAkentd
awakened life Itf reigns rfOl fl supreme supremeFor lIupremtFor >
For the > entertainment entt > rtalnmnt of the tt grown grownpeople grown grownplople
people the Engineer Rand gives a con concert ennctrt eonCert ¬
cert in the Preitenfs Park I White Vhit hill I Iot Iotat > n nat Itat
at the north side if11 i1 of the ellipse from
330 to 630 oclock oclockFrench ocokCLUB
French Organization Sub Submits Submits ¬
mits Regulations to toGovernment toGovernment
Government GovernmentPARIS GovernmentPARIS
PARIS March 28 1Rule5 Rule for air nan navigation nanJation navgation ¬
gation designed to meet th the new and andcomplex andcompJtx L Lcomplex
complex problems arising art8i from the dc development dcvelopment dcvelopment ¬
velopment or aviation have been be < n drawn drawnup dnn drawup 1 1up
up by b the th Aero Club of France and andbeen ai d dbeen I Ibeen
been submitted to the French govern government governm governinent ¬
ment m > nt as th basis of a law lawThe lawThe lawThe
The cod codJ j elaborated after mum nutthfctudy mumf mu muatudy
fctudy f > aims to meet the rights and in interests interests Interests ¬
terests of a Al aror IT of the aeroplanlst t ano anoballoonist anol an anballoonIst
balloonist l > flying through space and of ofman orJOan ci ciman
man and mans property property on the earth earthbelow earthbelOw eart eartbelow
below belowFollowing belOwFonowtn belowFolloWing
Following are some me of the dubs sug suggestions 1IUggesUons mggestions ¬
gestions gestionsAerial gesUonsAerial gestionsAerial
Aerial craft whether aeroplane or ordirigible ei eidirigible r rdirIgible
dirigible balloon must not circulate circulatelower circulatelower circulatilower
lower than 160 feet above private prop property propeft property ¬
erty eft
ertyFlying Flying Fl1n above cities requires a permit permitfrom 1mltfrom pormifrom
from tho municipalities municipalitiesFlying munlcivaUtIeFllnc munIcipalitiesFlying
Flying in fog is not allowed allowedTransportation allowedTransportation
Transportation of explosive except exceptfor axep axepfor xcPpttor t
for hunting ammunition is prohibited prohibitedThe prohibitedThe > d dThe
The fixing of routes rout is recommended recommendedas
as a way W of avoiding collisions collisionsAeroplanes colli collisionsAeroplanes tons tonsAeroplanes
Aeroplanes and dirigible balloons balloonsshould balloonsIhould balloonshcmld
should keep a certain distance from fromspherical fromspherical 1ronspherical
spherical balloons so that explosions or orother orother o oother
other accidents to dirigible machines machinesmay machinesmay machinemay
may not endanger the spherical airship airshipFor airshipFor airshipFor
For the protection of the aeronaut it itIs ItIs I
V Is recommended that owners of high highbuildings hIghbuUdIngs higibnlldlngs
buildings and other structures be re required required ¬
quired to illuminate their property ret at atnight atnight a anight t
night at each level of 350 n feet that thatelectric thatelectrIc lbselectric
electric wires and conduits 8tnm strung above
150 feet from the ground be marked markedeach markedea markooath
each ea h 8 ero < X feet with a white flag by day dayand dayand da V Vand
and a tvhUe light by night Other sug suggestions su sugestlons uc ucge8tions ¬
gestions relate to establishing aerial aerialports aerialports aerlatsports
ports of access acceesto to large cities citiesIDLE clUeIDLE citiesIDLE
Debaters Differ In Views on Responsibility Re Responsibility Responsibility ¬
sponsibility for Law LawBreaking LawBreaking LawBreaking
Breaking BreakingThe
The idle rich of America whoee divi dividends dhidends lvl lvldends ¬
dends are produced often at th the cost co t of ofhuman oChuman ofhuman
human suffering suffe ng are re the real source ac according according according ¬
cording to M A Pozen of the criminal criminalclass crfminaldus criminalclass
class of America 3rfr lr Pozen Dr P PCastleman PCutleman PCastleman
Castleman and M d Levy held a three threecornered threecornered threecornered
cornered debate last night at Collegiate CollegiateTemple Col CollegiateTemple te teTmple
Temple on Eighth street wheu the sub subject subJPCt subjct ¬
ject of the sources of supply W Amer Americas Arnorfta ¬
icas fta lawbreakers IA obreakers was discussed dlICU M from fromthe fromttl1 fromthe
the viewpoint of4he layman the physl physlc physllan physician
c cian lan an and < l the lawyer Ja lawyerDr wyt > r rDr x xDr
Dr Castleman stated that at present presentAmerica Ple presentAmerica ent entmtrka
America mtrka is spending Sp4 > ndlng W00flWOOfr MOO ooo per year yearto yerto yearto
to maintain it Its prisons and quoted au authorities authorltitf authorities ¬
thorities on criminology rimjnol gy to prove that thatto thatto thatto
to heredity is due most of the prime primecommitted crimecommitted rimecommitted
committed He declared that if the themoney themone themoney
money mone expended f > on American prisons prisonswere prlllonwere prisonswere
were spent In removing the onuses of ofcrime orrime ofcrime
crime it would be a comparatively ly short shorttim lilhorttime shorttime
tim time < before beCore there wasno longer l nger a crim criminal crimInal criminn ¬
inal class classWILL claSSVILL clanswi
jCortheast orthe ortheaZt st Council National Union Unionwill Unionwill Unionwill
will meet tonight at 1121 1l 1 H street streetnortheast Streetnortheast treetnortheast
0 USE Oil Oili
i a1gia a1giaOne
One or two twoappUc twoppLcatons
appUc ppLcatons ppLcatonsJ at i o n s sill <
J ill jflatopthe atop the pain pamT2I9TTLE
T2I9TTLE 1 ° c
Accepts A ccepts Invitation to Sing At AtOpening AtOpening AtOpening
Opening of Baltimore BaltimoreConference BaltimoreConference BaltimoreConference
Conference ConferenceWASHroOTOM ConferenceWASHINGTON ConferencewA3Hrnoroz
The TM choir of UM Dwnharten AY Avesue Avesuebodist Y YMetJaodtst < MU MUMstlMMifst
MstlMMifst M bodist Episcopal Episeo Church lees NW b beeR beeRMrOIded boostccorded R Rx
MrOIded a x > rd d what Js I regarded as an n unusu unusual U U8U U8Ual ¬
al 1 honor It was Invited to sing OK at n th thopening the theopttIlnc thepening
opening o of th OM Baltimore emtfweiie eonter acs ee pf pfthe c ct
the t he M V I Church Ch b ra tto the Monumental MonumentalIty MoatalCity
City C Ity tomorrow tom The invitation was ac accepted ac4noDg ICepted
cepted ceptedAn c eptedAn4mg
An 4noDg inic those tho who 4tn 115 milk the th trip tripare uipaft tripre
are aft a re W T Clover GI er the 1I director Mrs MrsIsaac r rl
j l Isaac 3aae aac BIrch th the organist or niMt Mrs In John JohnMitcheH J JohnicheI hn hn1Ucht
1Ucht MitcheH 4 > 1 Waters Wate Miss Bessie Birch BirchMiss Sirehflq Birchiss
Miss M iss Kellio Sabastian Miss M Leila Bo B0ley Bog Bogy < <
ley le y Miss Virginia i nla I Houttbton lough ion Miss Lillie L4llieWa4e LillieWa LillieWa4e
Wa4e Wa Mla M Laura Wade rade MIA ise Xaude XaudeAllen XaudeAII4m Maudellen
Allen A llen Miss Lillian Gowape Goaa e Miss fl Mabel MabelDarcey XabelD labeI3rcey
Darcey D ucey Miss Louise Darcey Mtas ess Mar Marian MarIan Marn ¬
ian Ia n Dyer Mtos lU Annie Brown Mrs J JAlbert JAlbert
Albert A lbert Hou Houhtoe hton Mrs Culvert Mrs MrsMollie Mrsoills dr drMolllf
Mollie M oills Jackson Miss I Netta N tta Craig CraJ Miss Miesrolli Missollie J c croille
M > rolli roille Wade Miss Ella Allen 1Ien Miss MissClara MI MIClara Misslara
Clara C lara Dyer Isaac Birch superintendent superintendentuf
uf ta r the Sunday Sun a School Mesars Robert RobertBeckham RobertBeckham Roberteckham
Beckham B W V Adreoa J A Houghton HoughtonW
W W Iiou Rough Ho igfton ton J A Oliver W WSchwwtdfeper V VSehW Vchwertdfesrer
Schwwtdfeper SehW S < < 1c1f W V Hudson Hud on Vincent VincentSmith VincentSmith Vincentmith
Smith S mith George Thayer Charles Wade WadeRussel W2deRursrl Wadeusset
Russel R usset Stevens Benjamin rJJamln Thrift and andWalter andWalter andWalter
Walter Bogtey BogteyThe BogleyThe os y yT
The T choir will be assisted ed by John JohnMitchei JohnXltchel JohnItvhel
Mitchei M Itvhel Wte St stars basso baa o and Richard RichardBacking Richardakln Ricbsreaiking
Backing B akln tenor tenorCharles ttnorCharle Ifn r rCharle5
Charles Harper and Mis Nb fiN Marie Voigt Voigtwere VOIgtere Voigtere
were w wC ere married this tI a morn morifiag I IB at St Ann Aims
Church C Tenleytcwn Th The bride its II th theldest theJde
eldest eJde e t daughter of William Voigt Vol t of ofenleyiown
Tenleytown T white the
bridegroom is 111son a ason aon
son s on of Charles Cba
ea Harper and is a amember donMmber aember
member m of the Tenleytown Chemical I Iompany
Company CompanyA C ompany ompanyA
A total of r thirtyeight thlrtYel < < ht arrested were weremade woreade
made m ade Saturday Salunla and Sunday in George Georgeown korb ¬
town t own kigtiteen of the number secured
their t release by putting put tlnA up u eolateral eolateralJohn eoateralJohn costteralJohn
John S Green Gr banker of Georgetown Georgetownamp
Camp C amp Xo = 0 125ft t Modern Woodmen oodmen of
America has been appointed as a rep ¬
resentative r of the local camp on th thjoint the theoint
joint j oint committee D1RUttee representing re tinA all of th thcamps thcamps thi thiamps
camps c of th the order in the District Dt trlct to toarrange toarranle torrange
arrange a for a a monster excursion thl thlsummer this thlP8umnJeI thisummer
summer s to Chesapeake CbeIa ake Beach BeachThe BeadLTh BeachThe
The Th funeral of f Mrs Josephine Smith Smithwas Smithwa Smithwas
was wa held this afternoon at 2 oclock o oclokrom clo < k krom
from f rom her late residence 4128 Conduit Conduitroad Conduitroad Conduitoad
road r Mrs Smith was th the wife of ofGeorge ofGtO ofGeorge
George GtO B Smith and died Friday Frida morn momIng mornng ¬
ing I ng
Privates If C Stephen SbeJ l4n and Charles ChariefMBirkight CharleM CharlesM
MBirkight M Birkicbt of f the Georgetown etown pre precinct pricilKt procinet > ¬
cinct are off ff duty because of illness illnessPrivates IIJnfuPrivates IllnessPrivates
Privates George B Spear and Jacob JacobJaeobson JacobJaeob Jacobacobson
Jaeobson Jaeob J on are > 4f < > 4 ff enjoying a leave leaveThe leaveThe isaceThe
The funeral of f Mrs Irs Mary F Normar Normarwho Xormarwho Normarwho
who died Friday evening eenln was held this thisafternoon thi thiaftfrnOO thisafternoon
afternoon at 2 2 oclock from her late lateresidence latfrtSidence lateesidence
residence r IKt L Twentjninth street streetA
A new engine has been placed pla in the thelaunch thelauach theaunch
launch l Robert Collier belonging beIoIa < < inc to the theGeorgetown thfOW theGenegMown
Georgetown W University and used to fol follow f folow I Ilow ¬
low l ow up the crews while practicing on onieP onPotawac n
t ieP Polomac PotawacTe tomac tomacTfce
nile Trinity Social 3 da1 f1 Club tub will give f its itsannual It ItlUDluaI itsannual
annual Easter dance this evening even1n in inTrinity inTrinity inTrinity
Trinity School Hall N street fltn > oet between betweenThirtyfifth betweenThlrtyftCth betweenThirtyfifth
Thirtyfifth and Thirtysixth streetsCapt stree streeCapt streets streetaCapt
Capt Waiter Ferguson who has hasbeen ha haben hasbeen
been visiting Mr r and Mrs Hefflinger Hefflingerof
of Thirtyfifth i reet has left for a atrip atrip atrip
trip to Porto Rico and Panama before beforereturning IMCOIerpturntn beforereturning
returning rpturntn to tt his hi station In Alaska AlaskaAfter A AlaskaECZEMA ka kafCZEMA
After Suffering a Year with Raw RawWatery RawWatery RawWatery
Watery Humor on Hands and Face FacePrescriptions FacePrescriptions FacePrescriptions
Prescriptions Did Not Do a aBit aBit aBitofGoodScratchedTill
Bit BitofGoodScratchedTill of GoodScratched Till Blood BloodCame Bloodf
I suffered with eczema for one year yearand JMrand yearand I
and bad two of the best doetors in
town but their medi medicine medicine medicine ¬
cine did not help me meFirst meFirst meFirst
First of all there were weresmall weresmall weresmall
small white pimples pimpleson pimpleon
on raj m left hand and andI
I had to scratch until untiltbe untilthe untilthe
the blood came Then Thenthey Thenthey Thenthey
they would puff up upand upand upand
and water would run runout runout runout
out Wherever this thiswater thi thiwater thiswater
water would run there thenwould therewould therewould
would be more pim pirnplan pimp pimplea
plan p until my whole wholeleft
left Ie hand was a mass mueof xnaaof
of sores T Then n mv
other hand became e affected and they theywore theyworolikoapiecoorawmeat
wore worolikoapiecoorawmeat like a piece of raw meat Then Thenit Thenitcame it itcame itcame
came on raj my face neck and under my myright myright
right arm so that I was unable to raise raisemy raisemy raisemy
my arm for two reeks eeks It became so
bad that I was as obliged to give up work worz
About four months ago 10 I started to
doctor and nd the doctor told me it was waseczema waseczema wasecnema
eczema So be told me me to get getointment getointment getointment
ointment and soap I used them for a amonth a amonth amonth
month and they didnt do me one bit bitof bitof bitof
of good so I tried another doctor He Hegave Hegave Hogave
gave me three different kinds of medi medicines medicines mcdlcmos ¬
cines but I was very much put out outwhen outwhen outwhen
when these remedies did not help me mecakes
I was unable to sleep at night ard I Iga Igaro
ga garo a up all hope until I deci decided 1ed to try
the Outicura Remedies I used two twocake twocakes
cakes of Cuticura Soap two boxes of 0 0Cutioura
CuUoura Ointment and three bottles bottlesof
of Cuticura Resolrent and I am glad gladto gladto
to SIll say I am cured M Miss Nora Shultz
243 24 North Third St Reading Fa PaJan Jan Jan1 Jan1and 4 4and 4and
and 7 1909 1909Hal 1009H
Hal H Prom Promoted teo by shampoos shampoosA
ttaa A with Cuticura Soap and andL
Growth light dre dressings sing5 or Cuti CutiI uti
I Y I corn L This Thi traatmon al ¬
lays itching and irritation destroys hair hairparasites hairparaeitcs
parasites cleanses purifies and best be jti itilies
fies and tends to make the hair air gow gowupon guwupon
upon a clean healthy scalp scalpCatimrm scalpCUtkura scalpCetleurs
Catimrm RenedtM RelD Rmreed III are soW UutvwrHout t tbe lbewtrid > world
Potter Drug k Owm Corp rn Sole Pops P tI BOMOQ Boetonc
JUM asMa MaI4 led free fr 32pw O Drum Book BookCiTlDg Bookglylag
CiTlDg dejcrtpUim c r and cure r of W WI dte dusaee ue4 o of Ute slla sllaSARATOGAS stiaIGHEST
p E rnraarsr S soif AstB AstBSOS gts
SOS Ktes 4L Ii Are de2imo1thJmo 27 T E Ede2imo1thJmo Edemo1thJmo j
Justice J ustice Gould Sentences Senten eFor eFormer For Former Formet ¬
mer Bank ClerkWho ClerkWhoPleads Clerk Who WhoPleads WhoPleads
Pleads Guilty GuiltyJohn
John War SUarMa vrb Whe at the age ageT ge ger gec
S T twentytwo standu a aeKcel4l aetfeestfessed aetfeestfessedorger eKce fe8 lled lledtorpr ed edformer
former f orger will serve M three years aru a ci stx stxmonth M Mmont1us Mxmonths
month in the penitentiary prtittentiaryAfter penitentiaryAfter
After emberlins m ltn5 SSOW 00 sxe from the t Na Katlonal NatIonal Naional
tlonal t Savings and Trust Coripany C pn7 by bywhom b bywhom
whom bOom he h was employed Sturgis Sf ursts lied liedfrom neJfrom fledrom
from f rom Washington n was huntd hunt sl through throughCanada tbroUfhCanada throughcanada
Canada and half of the Un Vnttd ted Stat Statarretiled 5tatarrftltfd Stateanested
arretiled In N xw w Orleans tierr with withhl withhis withhis
hl his money he was w fuitd playing a apiano aplane ap157w
piano foi 01 a living and nj was brought broughthack brwhthatk broughthek
hack to confess eonr Mn hi guilt this nKnlng nKnlngto
to t o Justice > Ash Ashley > c y M Gould GouldA GouldA ouId ouIdA
A Peculiar Pec liu Case CaseStur CaaeStunis CueSturgie
Stunis Stur ns case is a peculiar one ne in the theannals theannals theannals
annals of local crime as there is no noapparent noapparfoot noapparent
apparent reason for hilt tI misuse of the thebanks thebank thebaitks
banks bank funds fundsWhen fund5hen fundsWhen
When hen Sturgis Stu 1s was arraigned ar this thismorning tbt tbtmorning thismorning
morning and pleaded guily Ity District DistrictAttorney DitrtetAttOrDtv DistriotAttorney
Attorney Baker Bak r asked for a Ave years yearssentence yearaMntfn yearsentence
sentence sentenceJustice Mntfn s entenceJustice < e eJU
Justice JU tlM Gould declared himel fa
29c Enameled Coffee CoffeePotsat15c CoffeePots CoffeePots
Pots Potsat15c Potsat15cipint at 15c 15cpll1t I 5c 5cpliit
ipint pll1t 11134 ize > Gray GrayEnameled GrayE GrayEnameled
Enameled E na mf > lt > d Coffee Pots Potsoffered PotsnffpTt Potsrffere4
offered nffpTt > d for one day dayiit dayH dayat
iit H lIe 15 < each faChwhlch which is isu ist IsuR
u t uR > > > fI than wholesale wholesalero
ro < Oot t
I Basement Basement25c BaNntSOc BasementCovered
25c Covered Buckets Bucketsi
i at 12c 12ci 12cGray
Gray i y Bnameled Bnameledl
l l Buckets with cover coverMsht covereight
eight pint size One OneIay Oneiay
Iay at 12c snob in instead Instead ¬
stead of 36c 36cBasement
Basement Basement50c
SOc 50 Door Panels PanelsSpecial Pan Panelsat ls lsat
at 1 19c 19cSpecial 9c 9cSpecial
Special lot of 50C > Irish Point Door DoorPaneln DoorPamJII DoorPanels
Panels made ma < on good ood quality bobbl bobblnet bobblnt bobbinet
net size iz 32x96 > X36 Inches choice chol of white whiteand whittand whiteand
and arablan ara lan t shadee shadeeIn hade hadeIn hadfIn
In ten motif patterns patternsFourth patternaFourth patternsFourth
Fourth Floor
25c DRAWERS DRA WJtKS Womens W IIMIfts Must MwttaDrawers MWJIIannen MustDrawers
Drawers with cambric < a Ibrie mine hem hemand bentand
and tucks Open or dosed AU AUlengths 4 4and 15 C Clengths
lengths Regular 25c value at JLtJC JLtJC75c C C75c
75c NIGHTGOWNS N1GIITGOWN5Jhn Extra SiaeNight SiaeNightgowns SUe Night Nightg010lS Nightgowns ¬
gowns of good ood quality musiin with yoke of ofduster ofclust4l ofduster
duster tucks and cambric hemstitched rut ruffl rutft rutus
fl us around neck and sleeves Sizes SlantIs
Is 19 and 20 WOrth SOC A
milter with lh the case and commented commentedupon commentedu commentedupon
upon u upon n theabsence of any an motive and nd de deriared deeared decared
eared that the length of time which whichSturgis vhlchSturbis whIchSturgis
Sturgis would serve made not so much muchdifference muchlterence muchdifference
difference as the fact that a youth youtlof uuth uuthof
of previously undoubted gee 81 < l record recordshould recordshould recordshould
should be sent to the penitentiary The Thejudge Thfjudge Thejudge
judge declared that he believed lltvfd that th ther thP thC < °
er C P s J of Justice JusU < e would be serve1 if the thee
e ence f enc > nc was not a riforous rigorous one and of ofs oCell ofS
s ell a length as to give the young man niananother ntananother mananother
another chance chanceSturgis chanceStul1s chanceSturgis
Sturgis would not ot make any statement statementto
to the court and the Judge imposed imposedthe imposedthe
the threeandonehalfyear sentence sentenceAccording aentenceAccording
According to the indictment brought broughtagainst brouhtagalnet broughtagainst
against him Sturgis forged cheeks on ondormant ondormant ondormant
dormant accounts countli He is I upeclflcaliy upeclflcaliycharged upeclilcsllycharged
charged with having drawn the foitow foitowing tolwJug fulIewing
ing checks
Gets 8065 8065On 8065On 8o65On
On the th account of Mar Mary Kennedy KeonedyAugust KcI KcIAusuat KennedyAugust
August 27 i 19t9 1 4 46 and on the account accountof
or A W V Noer en Au AUfu August u t SS SSMay u l 1 ZVl ZVlMay
May 11 Z MO 7 OO 0 July 2 to UW M June
11 1IJI 550 i9 I May Ia 2 21 150T S41 June a aItt 211M i
Itt 1M 3 325 5 The total ia 5 3Aftar Kj KjAfhr 65 65After
After Sturgis Stu 18 left Washington WJU lIRgton he hetraveled Itet lietraveled
t traveled extensively through Canada CanadaThen CaJUUlaThen CanadaThea
Then began n his h l flight which btch took him himfirst h1mftl1lt himfleet
first to Chicago While there be was wasemployed WIYmploed wasemployed
employed by the banks and the Chicago ChicagoauiWritto ChteaoauthrlU Chicagoautheritbes
authrlU auiWritto charge eh1r e him with similar Ir Irregularities 11 11r irregularities ¬
regularities r in his ac accounts ounts Whether Whetherthey W Whetherthey 4tIKr 4tIKrthey
they will insist on prosecuting him at atthe atthe atthe
the expiration of his hl present r sentenec sentenecIs ntencc
11 1 not known although they made a adetermined 1 1detrmllHd ndetermined
determined effort to get him at the thetime thelime thetime
time of his h arrest in New Orleans OrleansALLEGED OrlnsALLEGED OrleansALLEGED
CHERBOURG March 28 Z8MalCt1 Marcel Dti Dtipln Dupin DopIn
pin who Is alleged alJetlo < d to be a dangerous dangerousanarchist danRfIoWlanarehUrt dangerousanarchist
anarchist is t under arrest here today
He was 0 apprehended when going Joln on onboard onboard onboard
board the steamship George Washing ¬
ton for New York
25c Belting BeltingT Belting10c I
1 10c 10cTInscl Oc OcTin
T Tin TInscl I n s el Belting Beltinglew Bt1t Beltinanew tn 1 1Iw
new woven ef efI prft effoets
I feets ft > etll in a vari variety var varsty ari ariety
ety of color com combinations combinatlons om omblmLtlonll ¬
binations Regu Regularly RfJIJlarly flegiilarly ¬
larly 2Sc ic length of of3t oryard ofyard
3t yard Special at atluc at1uc atbe
Sale of 75c 5c to 125 125Sample 125Sample 125Sample
Sample Belts 49c 49cSample
Sample line 1in of if Beaded Elastic E1a tk Belts new n jet effects also irides iridescm iridesnt hidescent
cm nt b ba arxl 1 t llt > tF < including neII1dln gun metal finish all made on extra quality
clastic with stylish gtyl1 h buckle Values Vatu < S wrth tip is to L 5 Special Spt > clal at 49c 49cMercerized c cI c60c
60c Mercerized Damask
65 in in0 Wide Wide8 8 New Patterns PatternsFor 39 C CFor CFor
For one day we offer the regular 60c grade of Bleached Aus AusIrian Austrian Austrian
trian Mercerized Satin Table Damask at 39c a yard yarda a saving ev every every evcry ¬
ery housewife in need of table damask will ll1 be glad to make makeHndeome makeHandome makeHandsome
Handsome lustrous quality in eight attractive patterns Guar Guaranteed Guaranteed Guaranteed ¬
anteed to retain Hs ts beautiful finish permanently A grade rade that will willgive willgive willgive
give lasting service and satisfaction
1 DINNER lJlz FR NAPKINS NAK1NSYO = APKl1 mo dr dozt dozen > ZPn > n Mercerized Satin Damask s sPmnfr
Pmnfr Napkin aIkln in assorted as orld patterns pa tlern 8 Flxeeigbths < size Worth 6 o 5 C
Jl 1 a ad4izn dozen rlz n Special p lal at
Following Foll wing Footsteps ofFather of ofFather ofFather
Father and Grandfather GrandfatherTakes GrandfatherTakes GrandfatherTakes
Takes to It Naturally NaturallyBASKBT
BASKBT Pa M8 March at SoThe The youngj youngj6t young 7OtUIt youngest < <
est 6t t shoemaker abctt > lIUIker in Berks Bftk county is ten tenyears teny tenyears
years y old Harry Chrisiman of Ateace AteaceHill AlaeeHtllar AleseeIdWe
Hill Harry is net Ot o only ly a sfcoensaker sfcoensakerbecaueebts sisoeseakerbecaneebis er erItecauHb
becaueebts grandfather was OH Me one and his hisfather htaftber hisfather
father George G e Christmaa ChI ltBNUl WE one but butj butDeeaUM butbecause
j because he desired to learn how to re repair repair yepair ¬
pair hi h own shoes and those of his hisbrothers hisbrotMnJ hisbrothers
brothers and schoolmates He does not notmiss 1IOtmiu notmiss
miss school to follow the trade be loves lovesso ovnt ovntso
so well w ll but after he comes home h and andhas andhaa andhas
has done the th family chores he hurries hurriesto
to the shoemaker shop and ReI pounds po shoe shoepegs MOfUti shoepegs >
pegs till late at night 8bt His HJ father is isev isHVtdlte isseventyone
HVtdlte ev nty e years 7ea old Id and crippled and andcan andcan andcan
can only now and then follow his trade tradeso tradfso
so Harry helps and has become one oneof on onr oneor
of r the breadwinners breadwinnersHarry brMdwinnersHerry breadwiflntr5Harry
Harry is a quiet qul ott OI t of farm boy but buthis butbis buthis
his work ork in school 8 JtOl tells tell ho is one of the thebrightest thebrightfSt thebrightest
brightest ia his da class
500 Solid Brass BrassTERN BrassfERN BrassftRN
TERN DISHES AT 69c 69cRegular 69cRegul 69cReguIir
Regular Regul r Price 125 125Handsome 125Rand 125Handsome
Handsome Rand me solid brass Fern Dishes Dtaheewith DiflhIIJwith Disheswith
with terra cotta lining liningthe > the th Identical
kind sold usually at 51 51Basement 15 15Baaement 12Basement
Basement BasementYardwide Baaement10c BasementlOc
lOc Percales Percales5c
5 5c c yard yardYardwide
Yardwide Percales in new newspring neWspring newspring
spring styles 8tyleswhlt white grounds with trithbroken withbroken withbroken
broken plaids stripes and ad d checks checksof
of blue gray pink green and andblack andblack
black blackA
I A superior wTfflnish quality qualityfor qualityfor J
for making inexpensive InExp > flsivf wash washsuits wa8hsuIts washthirt
suits dresses and nd mcis me 8 shirts I
Uncle Sams Sm Navy to Be Relied cm cmto Oilto outo
to Protect Empires EmpiresIntegrity EmpiresIncgrity EmresIntegrity
Integrity IntegrityST
ST PBTERSBURG March St 2A A die diepatch di dip diepatch
patch p tcIa from Mukden says ya that tIIatW Wu Ting Tingfaag TIngrABbi Tingfang
rABbi late Chinese CJdne e minister to the theUnited theUJlJte4 theUnited
United States Stat is gotat co a to Washington Washingtonto W on onto
to formulate an AmerieaaChJaeee AmerieaaChJaeeetreaty AmeriestaChinesetreaty e etreaty
treaty the principle of which has al already already 1 1bMR ¬
ready been agreed reed upon uponOne upoaOne uponOn
One On clause provides that if China 1 1subject Isubject is issubject
subject to an n aggressive a rive attack th thUnited tho tholnite4 thUnited
United States Stat will help her with IKJ IKJnavy hlInaV hc r rnavy
naV navy The treaty it te said has s Ger Germanys German Germanys ¬
manys man moral Oral support IoUpportComb supportComb supportIs
Comb Out OutIs
Is your comb telling a story the story storyof storyof storyof
of falling hair Not a pleasant story storyif
if i it It ends badly The story we wetil we wetH weti
til is i pleasant pleasanttbe tbe story of Ayers AyersHair AyersHair ycrs ycrsH
Hair H ir Vigor Promptly stops falling fallinghair fallingbail fallinghair
hair completely destroys dandruff dandruffDoes dandruffDoes dandruffDoes
Does not Color Colorthe the Hair HairWt HairWegivetheInredentsfAes
Wt J WegivetheInredentsfAes egf1elheinJr giee the injredfcAts ut tfAtrt of AgerP Hair HaiVigor HaiVigorf Vigor VigorJf VigorIf
Jf f you hatif ha hati any Juif cI u t go direct red to I pour ywtrdoctor JIfHdodor pourdodcr
doctor odor Follow kb cJticc aJ fo IY1 ° 2
iOn Dc to 1 15o BUTTONSBig BUTTONSBI lot at White 0 Ocean Pearl Buu Buttons In
f plain fancy a ocrvdz carved and fisheye styles Sizes from 12 to 31 lIgn Worth t tnt 5 c I
lOc 1c and lc dozen One tc day at atWIt
WIt PAys to Deal nt Goldenbergs GoldenbergsK GoldenbergsSeventh
Seventh and K Th TheDependnIleStore TheDependnIleStoren DdohI
1 Porch Screens Screens69c Screens69c Screens69c
500 3 4 0 Japanese JapaneseBamboo JapDeMBamboo JapaneseBamboo
Bamboo Porch Porchs PorchScreons
s Screons sc c T e n n s well wellmade weltmad wellmade
made p extra extras ext extrastrongly r rIlroft
s strongly Ilroft < < ly made madeomplete madt madetomplete
omplete t 0 m p 1 et with withrope withr withroe
rope r t and pulley pulleSiz
Size Siz 6x 6 ft Sold Soldregularly SoldNjruJariy Soldregulariy
regularly at SLOP SLOPOffered S1 S1tI LOt LOtflfforod
Offered tI r fr for nr > r one oneday oneday Oneday
day at S9r 9r
yeBowfafcjs an avtopsy aute 5 en the t e body of
iMae ROM estored eeIondwlle who wb died yastsrtfay 7 Y
at the Government jtoaastal ftus aal for the In Intinrate lallaM insane
sane Coroner Neyltt today Py a rr rrt r rtlftte
tinrate t of death th from natural tarat causes
HOPS died Iffl shortly after being bei taken to t tth tothe
the th asylum a lum
glhj5 asylumglhj5 glhj5i4 This Thisis I
i4 is the trade trademark trademark tradeU1 ¬
U1 mark markwhichis which is isfound isfound
I1L found foundonevery foundoneverylkwr on every everybottle everybottle
lkwr lkwrI I bottle of the thegenuine thegenuine theII
II genuine genuinecolts genuineSCOttS genuineScoffs
Scoffs colts Emulsion Emulsionthe
the standard Cod Liver Oil Oilpreparation Oilpreparation Oilpreparation
preparation of the world worldNothing worldNothing worldNothing
Nothing equals it to build up upthe upthe uptheweak
the theweak weak and wasted bodies bodiesof bodiesof bodiesof
of young and andold andoldseas old AH Druggets DruggetsScad DuaistsSea
seas Sea lfcs o Bm me e ot paper per tad tM t1tIs ad at f for o obeMtftal eur eurul O ObesetUl
beMtftal ul 8ini 8nsiil i Rank Ilk IB sad 114 Okiidc Child Bteteb BtetebSCOTT 8n 8nBAG
Book BAG baakawoGeodIcldtleJUJ BaohtaakuntalaaaOgoIInckpeasScOTT baakawoGeodIcldtleJUJSCOTI
10c 1 Oc AllLinen AllLinenCrash AlllinenCrash AllLinenCrash
Crash Toweling Towelingat
at Sic 5cYd 5cYdAlllinen Yd Ydi YdAl1l
i All Al1l Alllinen linen om Bleached Crash CrashToweling CrashToweling CrashToweling
Toweling extra heavy heavyrbeftt ab absorbent sbposhest ¬
sorbent > rbeftt grade ade for roller or tea teatowels teatowels teetowels
towels towelsRegular towelsResuIar towelsRegular
Regular price ce 16c a 8 yard yardSale lrdSale ard ardSale
Sale price pri e 6 Fc 1C
Sale of U ntrirnrned Mats t 4f 1 98 98Unusual
Regular a 3 to 4 Qualities a at atUnusual S SUnusual
Unusual values in millinery follow fast upon the heels of each other at this wideawake widev ake store This lot
of highclass Untrimmed Hats was secured last week eelt from fr m a leading leAdiIl wholesale 1 milliner and represents r rpresent his bal balance balance balance ¬
ance of stock on hand handThe handThe handThe
The handsomest shapes produced for spring and nd summer wear wearthe the last word of the seasons styles stjlesThey stylesThey stylesThey
They consist of burnt black and white Hats Black
Chip Neapolitan and Hemp Hats and Natural and Burnt Java Hats
the finest qualities pnduced to retail at 300 to 5400 5400Shapes 400 400Shapes 4cXShapes
Shapes represent the new effects in in n side sid roll hats ha large and medium meum Sailors with rolled edge and large and medium size hats
with front roll also many smart styles in In hats of all sizes sizesChoice SIZes SIZesChoice sizesChoice
Choice of regular 300 to 400 values at 196
Sold Regularly at
69c 69
150 150for 150forA for forA
A RECORD PURCHASE of a makers makers stock of Vomens White WhiteMuslin WhiteMuslin VhiteMuslin
Muslin Petticoats on sale tomorrow at a price that will tempt every wo woman woman woman ¬
man to buy a summers supply
These Petticoats were made up by one of the foremost muslin un underwear underwear underwear ¬
derwear makers in the country So much for the quality and work workmanship workmanship workmanship ¬
manship We Ve can offer them at a saving of nearly half regular price pricebecause pricebecause pricebecause
because they are mussed and rumpled as the result of being exposed to tothe tothe tothe Ui Uithe
the rain while in transit A visit to the laundry will make them good goodas
as new newMade newMade newMade
Made of excellent quality muslin u lin with deep umbrella ruftto of embroidery oa oath ORtbfl
th the t bottom with 9 hemstitched tucks above and extra dust ruffle The embroidery embroiderytrimmings simbcoilecytfllfl2hlflS
triJWIi trimmings tfllfl2hlflS DgS are the very ery best quality qualitvEach
Each h Petticoat is finished with extra care and attention to details detailsNothing d4Kai1sX deteilsNothing I
Nothing X better bt > tter sold for less than SI 150 50 in other stores stn Sale priee pr ee 69c
48c GOWNS GOWNsO C 0 NS1lO SO doaea Womens MtttUn MtttUnNtehigowne Muelinbric I INlghtgowns
Ntehigowne made with wi yoke of cluster clustertucks du dustuucri2 ter ter32c
tucks ucri2 cambric = bric raffle around neck neckand necka32
and sleeves All sizes Regular a32 48c 32c 32c15c OO OOvalue
value at d C C15c
15c DRAWERS DRAWERSSO SO dozen pelts of Coil Childrens Cbildrens Coildrens ¬
drens Muslin Drawers with cambric mfflt mfflthem n De DebtM 44
hem and tucks Sizes up to 12 12y l lpai1 1years
y years ars Regular 15c value One Onedaypatrat 8 v vday
day daypatrat pair pai1 at OC JC <
Hair Brushes 29 C
Kinds Sod Regularly at 75c 100 1 00 and 150 150AH 150All 1 50 50All
All Pure Bristle Brushes in a Great Variety of Styles StylesA
A SALE ENTIRELY WITHOUT PRECEDENT involv involvp involving involving
p ing a leading manufacturers entire line of samples sam i4es and seconds secondsof
1 1 of of all pure Bristle Hair Brushes which we offer at a price sensa sensationally sensabanally sensationally ¬
f tionally low lowSome towSome lowSome
Some of these Hair Brushes are classed as seconds because becausethe becausethe
the th backs are slightly scratched or mane marred l or because of imperfect imperfectI
i R finish in In varnishing But these are trivial faults and are hardly hardlyworth hardlyI
I n I ro worth mentioning Certainly they do not hurt the usefulness of ofthe ofthe ofS ofthe
S the brushes in the slightest degree degreeAll
All pure brisJe brushes in every style and shape including the long penetrating bristles also the short stiff
bristle brushes bru hes for mens use useIn useIn usein
In black white and gray bristles the majority with the now white enamel saaitary samYc face and andhardwood hardwood back
Choice of olive wood natural ebony foTwood fo ood and mahogany finish nish
Choice Choiceof of values worth The 1 and SloO S1 l O Offered tomorrow at 29c
DRESSING COMBS worth up ur to 25c 25cHard Hard Rubber Dressing Combs various styles suitable for formen forl formen
men and women l Many of the Popular 11 Olive Unbreakable l Combs in the el lot t Values worth up to 25o c r
Sale Salee price I I LOC UC Oc
White ifce Iri Irish IrishPoplin IrishPoplin32inchesWide Poplin Poplin32JnchesWide
32 32JnchesWide Inches Wide WideSteam Regular Price Price19c PriceSteam PriceSteam
Steam SteamShrunk 121c I 22c 19c 19ca 19cShrunk 19cShrunk
Shrunk Grade a Yard YardWe
We are always on the akrt to provide outoftheorcfinay outoftheorcfinayvalues
values in White Goods Tomorrow T 0010rION we v oner a bargain bec ain of the themost them themct
most m t unusual sort in just the white goods wanted by nine ninemen nineirn wo women ¬
men out of ten for suits iits and skirts skirtsThis skirtsThis skirtsThis
This 33ineh 3 iDeIt ith W1 W White e Irisfc Poplin is an en extra heavy eavy faewosen WOVR quality
with genuine Irish linen IMD finish niah It It k is steam shrunk ready for the aeedie Med ethe 6
Guaranteed nonahrinkabie DOD hrinkabIe e Washing W will improve IDproN He fcaadsogie aoper
Dee rather than hurt it itBegular itRegu1w itRegular
Regular iOn value ue tomorrow a At 12e a yard yard38lnchesWide yardCream yardCream
Cream Storm Serge
38lnchesWide 38lnchesWideStrictly 38 Inches Wide Regular Price Price69c PriceStrictly PriceStrictly
Strictly StrictlyAil 49c 69c 69ca 69cAll 69cAll
All Wool a Yard YardDowntown YardDownt YardDowntown
Downtown Downt < Wtl1 stores have been advertising this 69c Cream CreamSerge CreamSerge CreamSege
Serge as a special bargain at 59c We go them one better and andoffer andoffer andoffer
offer it at 49c a yard yard3S
3S indies wide strictly allwool hardtwisted double twill grade The
most fashionable material for handsome summer suite anti separate skirts
Tomorrow at 49e a yard instead of 06e 06eThe 0eWillow e eWillow
Willow Plumes Reduced ReducedThe
The sale of Willow Plumes at savings of a third and
thereabouts continues to prov a magnet for moneywise monevI moneyve se
buyers Right in the mid < of oft oftie tie le greatest plume season seaSon on onrecord onrecord onrecord
record we are selling best quality quaif y Willow Plumes at these thesesacrificed thesesacrificed thesesacrificed
sacrificed prices pricesUsual pricesI pricesUsual
Usual 10 Plumes at 695 695Usual 695Usual 695Usual
I Usual 15 Plumes at 1145 1145Usual 1145Usual 1145Usual
Usual 20 Plumes at 1500 1500Couch 1500Couch 1500Couch
Couch and Mattress Pad PadRegular PadRegular
Regular 7 Value at atlow p99U p99UWe 4 40
We 1 It have secured eeu antth another lot of 6t 5 Snitry Couches to 0 lien at this
low price tonxHTowJ4 instead of 57W 7 8 piss p d dThese doat confuse them with
the cheap < JM n J poorly Orly constructed a1rair BOld el iseie e at IdmDar f
These TheseS bavhary Si L ltary itar Couches have drop sMa fcrona bIIIh k Icnt trains PJ1ces aDd
National fatlc steel link with 4 fI heHcateat heneale tIca at end
Complete with adjustable casters that will w l not B4 ne t break off or tear the
floor coverings coveringsEach J Erings EringsEach
Each Couch with hinged l pad made to drop with sides or Couch covered
with heavy striped t1ckl ticking
12 1 2 China Mattings Mattingsrolls 7 88 Q Q Q40yard
40yard Rolls at 0 I P U1 U1Our
Our representative in the orient shipped us t this tot of 500 I
rolls of Marungs representing r e en the odd rolls bought t after all contracts had
been be n filled filledThere iilledThCre IIed
There are one to ten en rolls of 0 a pattern and lid J Ja we eMf see u thom tomorrow at Ni
a saving v1D of f more than ONETHIRD O THIRD
Extra J tltJ heavyweight 86 5 to J6 Lb Seamless China Mattings 1IIat nss made mad of r se Sf ¬
lected i almedfinish Jo1m ftnt h Llntan strav stiperior S1J ri r close weaves aves withdouble with double cord ¬
ed smooth ed edges Strictly reversible quality qualitycheeks
In sTipes cheeks b8 < ks and plaids of red grjfn blue and brown also aIa pain
gtt6Pu It