4 THE IE WASHIXGTOX TDIES MONDAY Y APRIL 4 4 1910 = C ENGLISH SPORT SPORTSMEN MEN MENDO DO NOT NOT FAVOR RACE RACEt RACEBelieve RACEBelieve t Believe Yacht Contest Across AcrossAtlantic AcrossAtlantic AcrossAtlantic Atlantic Would Be BeDangerous BeD BeDangerous Dangerous DangerousNOT D DangerousNOT ngerous ngerousNOT NOT GOOD SPORT SPORTSAYS SPORTSAYS SPORTSAYS SAYS REAR ADMIRALVessels ADMIRAL ADMIRALVessels ADMIRALVessels Vessels Not Constructed for or Heavy HeavySeas HeavySeas HeavySeas Seas Might Expect ExpectStorms ExpectStorms ExpectStorms StormsLONDON Storms StormsLONDON StormsLO LONDON LO DON April 4 Yachtsmen of tho thoUnited thotnlted therntted United Kingdom kave evidenced keen keeninterest keenInterest keenInterest interest in the proposition advanced by bythe bythe the Atlantic Atl nUc Yacht Club of New York Yorkcity Yorkci Yorkety I city ci for an international inl > rnatJonal yacht race raceacross raceacross raceacrose across the Atlantic next year Opinion Opinionas as to the desirability of such an event eventhas eventhas eventias has varied greatly J1etl however It has hasbeen ha habeen hacbeen been contended by b some English EnSJl b ex experts eCrts expert ¬ pert rts that the dangers are so great as to tobe tobe tobe be almost prohibitory prohibitoryOthers prohibitoryOthers prohibitoryOthers Others have held that such a race racewould rAcewould racewould would probably result in the bringing bringingcut brln brIngingvut ng ngut cut ut of an especially constructed sailing sailingcraft sailingraft lUng lUngraft raft which by Its very ery peculiar features featuresof of construction would have the ad advantage adyantage advantage ¬ vantage from the crack of the starting startingcannon startingaflflOfl tartln tartlnmnon cannon < unless involved handicaps were wereimposed werempo5ed ere ereimpoled imposed just as they shallow bodied bodiedschooner bodiedschooner bodiedschooner schooner Atlantic took down with ease easethe eHtJ1e easetile the German Emperors cup Ir In the sailrg sail sailIng sall1fS Ing rg race from Sandy Sand Hook to the theLizard theLIzard theLzard Lizard in 1906 1906Among 1 1Among 1EAmong Among the English Engll h yachting authori authorities authtKities authorities ¬ ties who recently have given ven expression expressionto xpre slon slonto to their Individual opinions in the mat matter mattEr matter ¬ ter is JRear Rear Adimral Victor Alexander AlexanderMontagu Alexanderlontagw AlexanderMontagu Montagu R N retired who made a aformal aformal I Iformal formal communication to the Field Fieldwhich Fieldwhich Fieldwhich which has evoked extensive and anc inter interesting Intersting inter8ting ¬ sting comment commentUnfair commentUnfair commentUnfair Unfair to Seamen SeamenHe SeamenHe SeamenHe He said In part partMuch partU partMuch U Much as all yachtsmen will appre appreciate appredate appreate ¬ date ate this proposed hospitality I should shouldLice sftouldKe shouldlte Lice Ke to suggest that the racing nLdn part of ofit oCit it 1 should begin and end in American Americanwaters Americanwatt Americanwatera watt waters > rs because beeu e in my humble opinion opinionI I think it very questionable q Uonable looking lookingat at it in a sporting portin < < sense Mn e whether it itis Itis Itis is fair air to ask seamen to run the risks risksthey riabthey risksthey they are now bound to have while crossIrig cross crossing croul1g ¬ ing this silver streak so iH called in the themodern theTl0dern theT1 modern T1 ° dern racing craft under their con conctions contions contiOns ctions tions of construction On tr c lon and general so M vogue vogueI I will 1U only mention a few e instances1owing instances instancesshowing Instances11onJl showing the risks rl ka attached att hed Are these theeen thesenhaped 4 nshaped n haped keeps adapted to Insure In ure a avessel af1sf1 aesel vessel being beln able to lay to in heavy heavyweather heavyather heavynather weather ather when hen their abnormal weight weightP weightconcentrated elJiht elJihtconcentnLted P concentrated on a very ery short lengthf length lengthrf rf of f keel Are cutters with enormous enormousmain enonnoWlmain enormousmain main booms easily M lly handled before the thegale thegale thegale gale during the gale and after the gale galeIP pitwer IP over in a huge AUantic swell ell Are Aretrews AreTER AreC C trews safe on the th decks of vessels with withabsolutely withth5olutely 2 absolutely olutely no bulwarks whpse h decks decksmay decksay k kay may ay be swept fore and aft for days daystogether daystogether daystgether together Atlantic Weather W cather a Gale GaleIt It Is of no use contemplating a lovely lovelypassage lovelyassage lovelyamage passage across Atlantic weather if ifonly ItonI Ifniy only onI niy of a a moderately bad sort is virtual virtually vlrtuaJJy ¬ ly y a gale le of wind ind for racing vessels ve elti of ofmodern ofmodern ofmodern modern day construction Fancy run running nlft1inS running ¬ ning with a strong quartering wind 100 and andrllki andrnllipg I rllki rlUog r see in a cutter with the main mainh mainiiom h nfom om in the water ater at every roll and andIfrhaps andpHbaps andpErbaps I Ifrhaps fifteen feet f t of the after lurch lurchtrailing lurchtraiUns lurchtrailing trailing in the water force of the wind windnly windnIy 00 i inly nly six and the barometer still falling fallingWhat faJlbaghat What hat then And it may ma be during the theright thelght theIght right lght rightWe I We Ye are just as good seamen as w wever we weI weEYfr weever ever wtre and nothing nothtn can surpass the thei thecapabilities thetapabilities capabilities i of crews cre that man our ourracing ourracing ourracing racing yachts but our ships are rc very verydifferent verytLfffrent verydfferent different from those too e of former days and andwe andwt andwe we know perfectly well what took place placen in n the days of the Henrietta the theDauntless theDauntlea theIaurztless Dauntless and in other races across acrosswhen acrOllllwhen acrosswhen when yachts were far better adapted to tobe tobe tobe be sea boats than now Excitement Lacking LackingAnd LackingAnd And after all is there much excite excitement excitem exciteinent ¬ ment m nt and interest in looking lookingHook out and andscanning andrcannlng scanning the dl distant horizon from SfuMly Sand SandHook I Hook to see a speck on the water denot denoting denotmg denotang ¬ ing the flrst craft in sight when the next nextvessels nextveseIs eXt eXtg vessels > g el might only follow two days dayslater dayslater dayslater later laterI I have no wish to throw cold water wateron on n this contemplated race e I only wish wishto wt wishtii h htn to balance the nature of things thi s but I Iwill 1wHl Iwill will end in simply stating that the whole wholecbject wholetjert I Ilhject cbject of the race is conceived in a asporting a afporUng aiport1ng sporting sense and I do not think thinkyou thinkOl1 you Ol1 can associate sport with it itwhen itwhen Itwhen when you Ou are running considerable risk riskto ri riskto k kto to life In your attempts to produce ItThe it itThe ItThe The Field summarizing the opinions of ofthose oCthosfl ofthose those who think as does Rear Admiral AdmiralAlmtagu AdmirallI lI Almtagu i mtagu has commented thus upon the theproposed thepro theroloeed I proposed pro event eventIf eventIf eventIf If It is suggested that the yachts yachtswhich yachtsvhIch which blch may Jn8 take part in this Is race should shouldbe shouldbt shouldbe be > our largest Jrgt > Mt racing cutters we can canonly canonly canonjy I I only say that all exerienced yachtsmen yachtsmenwill yachts l f fwill will entirely agree that the yachts achts are arenot arenot arenot not fit for the work and that It would wouldbe I be unfair to ask seamen 8fla n to run the risks riskssuch riskssuch riskssuch such a a race would incur incurThree incurEXPRESS IncurEXPRESS EXPRESS MONOPOLY MONOPOLYNOTHREATENED I INOW NOW NOTHREATENED NOTHREATENEDThree THREATENED THREATENEDThree Three Companies Bidding Biddingfor for Contract on Salt SaltLake SaltLake SaltLake Lake Railroad LOS ANGELES April 4 4IonoJQly Mono ly of ofthe Oftht ofthe the express business bu lneti of the Southwest Southwestexisting SouthweettxlItlngfOr SouthwestexisttngIor existing txlItlngfOr Sor years in spite of all the rf rfiorts c cforts cffots forts to break it is I nowthreatened no now threateued for forthree forthree forthree three of the great express companies companiesare are bidding against each other for the theexpress theopresa theexpress express privilege on the Salt Lake rail railroad ral1r0ad railread ¬ road roadThe r0adThe readThe The WellsFargo Company Comp ny now has hasthe hasth hashit the th expiring prlvllegeand prlvll > 1eand on the South Southern Southrn ¬ ern em rn Pacific and Santa Fe lines it has hasLug hasID Lug ID 1 Tg term contracts Both the Adam Adamand Adamnnd Adamnd and nd the American companies are bidding biddingarainst biddingarainat biddingaralnst arainst it for the Salt Lake contract contractas contractthat as f that means the express business bu lneN for fornoct l lorroet < Jr JrT101t noct of Utah and the entrance of a ar aW L LrW r rW < w company into this field will have in indirect Indirect Indirect ¬ direct effect on the Wells Fargo monop monopoly monoplJy monoply ¬ oly lJy all through throu h the Southwest SouthwestACTORS SouthwestACTORS t tACTORS ACTORS LEND AIDIN AID AIDIN AIDIN IN ENTERTAIMENT ENTERTAIMENTOne fiNTERT AIMENT I One of the most successful yearly entertainments en entertainments entErtafnments ¬ tertainments yet pven ten by the The Theatrical Theatrical ThetrIcal ¬ atrical Mechanical Association Wash Washington Washngton ¬ ington Lodge No 7 members say T to today today ¬ i iday day was the affair last nbfht n tt at the theniumbki theI theoluinbia < niumbki Theater An audience that thatied that1e4 I IIPd ied that playhouse e applauded the va various various ¬ 1 rious OUS nurrhprs 1urrtw to the echo echoThe echoThe The rrvjriam r am i wa mini mftdfll ur up > n nf f sum numrs Jlumrs sumrs I rs < itrinuUKl by actors ato from every everytheater everyteatr n ntrat6 theater n tiwr tIW and and several amateur amateurP amateurrrlorn amateurprfora P rrlorn rfore r ftjr f higrh h hg lOh favor fay George Georgeg GE Gec e eLeo eE I g Leo l v manage mtr3 rtn3gei < 1 the stai ta p The TheColumbia Tbeolumbin T Ttolumbkt Columbia Theater ratfr orchestra Ufl1e n lurmslied furniedthe lurmsliedthe 14rm ted ted1be the ramie c cf I f INTEREST GROWING GROWINGIN IN BIG MARATHON MARATHONMinor Minor Clubs of Washington WashingtonVill WashingtoVill Vill Have Entries EntriesIn In Run RunPEPPERS RunPEPPERS RunPEPPERS PEPPERS IS LATEST LATESTTO LATESTTO LATESTTO TO STARTTO START TO WORK WORKPedestrian WORKPedestrian WORKPedestrian Pedestrian Who 1110 Holds Intercity IntercityRecord IntercityRecord IntercityRecord Record Will Compete Competefor for PrizesSOME Prizes PrizesSOME SOME OF THE FACTS FACTSON FACTSON ON MARATHON RUN Date DateUa Mny 7 1010 1010Entries IDIOEntrl IfilOEntries Entries Entrl 8 clone c1oeUa c1oeUaStartLaurel closeUnyStnrtLaurel Mny MnyStnrt StartLaurel Stnrt Laurel Did DidFlnlnb JldFJohabXeII NdFinishNews Flnlnb FJohabXeII TVevrft Dulldln Building Baltimore BaltimoreIlcsrftrntlon Bn1thnoreUeJrltrntionAII BaltimoreRcgltrn1IonAIl Ilcsrftrntlon UeJrltrntionAII AH starters tnrter must be beholders beholdeIM helioldelS holders of cnrdi cnrdof cards cardll i of the Amateur AmateurAthletic Amntcurthletle AmateurttliIetlc Athletic Union UnionSnnctlonThe UnionSflflCtIflThc j jSanction Sanction SnnctlonThe The race will l he > c under underthe underthe underthe the sanction K uction of the South Atlan Atlantic Atlantic ttinntic ¬ tic Association of the Amateur AmateurAthletic AIlIteurAtbletlc Amateurtlzletic Athletic Union UnionAttendants UnionAttendnuhlEery UnionAttendantsEvery Attendants AttendnuhlEery Every competitor must musthe mUKtbe mustbe be accompanied by b an attendant attendantoil oil a bicycle bicycleEach IJlccleEach bicycleEach Each days developments strengthen strengthenthe tr heft heftthe the conviction that the Time TlmpNewa Xews In Intercity Intercity Intercity ¬ tercity Marathon race on May tay ay 7 will be bein beIn beIn in every respect re leCt the most t successfulamateur successful successfulamateur aucc atul atulnmateul amateur athtotic event ever held In tothese Inthc inthese thc these e parts partsLast pertsLut partsLast Last jsars ears event exceeded e eeeded all ex expectations expectatiors cxpectations ¬ pectations both as to the quality of ofsport ofsport ofsport sport and the widespread w attention it itattracted Itattractd itattracted attracted but judging j from the steadi steadiness Melldlnea steadifleas ¬ ness with Ith which bleh entries are coming in inand Inan Inand and an the general narAl request for information informationthe the high record set last year in the thematter tbenmtler thematter matter of entries will probably go 0 by bythe bythe bythe the board when hen entries are officially offtclallyclosed of officiallyclosed ilcisilyclosed closed one week eek before the start of the theSmaller therun therun run Smaller Class Active Since the announcement of the date dateinterest dateInterMt dateInterest interest in Washington has been limited limitedprincipally l limitedprincipally atted attedpdndpaUy principally to the larger er athletic organ organisations oraatlonttparticularly orsnisationspaztlculriy ¬ isations tlonttparticularly particularly the Y M C A Aand AaJld Aand and National Guard but today come eomerequests comereqU8ts comerequests requests for OC entry blanks from thc thcsmaller th thmaJler thsinalior smaller associations that in the past pasthave paatlun peathass have lun limited Iimtt their activity to 0 the short shorter ¬ er distances dl DCea The latent to come into Guy uy S Peppers the pedestrian ped trian who obo es established eet entablished ¬ tablished t bUshed the wonderful walk record recordfrom recordrm recordfrom from The 1 he Baltimore News office to t the theWashington theWashllUttln theWashington Washington Munsey UDH Building In eight eighthours eltdathoun eighthours hours nat who has taken tak up the new newline DeWline newline line of endeavor endeavorIn In Good Shape Shapej SkapeJudJ ShapeJudging j Judging JudJ from his enthusiasm in speak speaking 1Ie 1IeInf speaklag ¬ lag of the evect he will be b among the thetasters tIM1fJMera thelanders tasters at the end of the long Jog Pee Peeper Ps Pspers > per is a ° sturdy bronzed athlete ada and andrhoukl andrhotill I rhoukl develop de op into a dangerous daa OWI com coinpetttor competitor ¬ petitor for the top to prizes since his n ax experience axperlenee ¬ i iperlfrKe perience over long routes In walking should benefit him greatly when it iti Itrnes Itcomes i comes rnes to running runnl He went into 111 to train tralni tralaIng traintog i ing yesterday re terday and will continue until untilI unt untthe I I the eve of the big bt race raceI raceiIikc I I Mike Fallen comparatively a new newi newcomer newcorner i comer to the distance game me flrst ma4eihls madehis made madej j ihls his appearance a In the Baltimore Cross CrossCountry CrouCountry CrossCountry Country Clubs Club asphalt Marathonheld xanthonhelli Marathon MrMhonheist held on New Year Pay and Ad surprised surprisedI wrprt ed edI the talent with th a zreat run obtaining < < a aplace apl apIe place pl e in the big field of starters rte Falloti Fall though a youngster has the u making of ofa ofa ofa a good athlete athl te He is well built and andhas andhas andhas has wonderful wo tdertuI powers of endurance towhich to towhich tohlclt which hlclt added a little experience etC tmce will willmake willmake willmake make him a dangerous contestant ta taanv many inany any rac racCUPID ra raCUPID rare rareCUPID CUPID IS THWARTED THWARTEDBY BY OHIO SHERIFF SHERIFFGirl Girl Poutingly Submits to Edict EdictWhen EdictThen EdictWhen When Then Burglar Sweetheart Be Begins Begins ¬ gins Jail Term TermTOLEDO TermTOLEDO TermTOLEDO TOLEDO 0 April 4Sberitf Sheriff Newton Newtonwon Newtonwon won in a bout with Cupid today todaybe when wbonhe whenhe he prevented the marriage mtTia e of Amy AmyWebster AmyWebster I Webster twentythree years old a apretty apretty i ipretty pretty Columbia girl hi to Earl Thomp Thompson ThompI ¬ son twentyfour a prisoner at thecounty the thecounty thecounty county jail under sentence Hn of three threeyears thlejyt threeyears years yt > anJ for burglary burglaryWith burslaryVUh burglaryWIth With Thompsons mother the girl girlcalled girlcalled rl rlcJlEd called at the Probate Oourt and secured secureda a license to wed the young man who whowill wh whowil will be taken to 0 the Ohio penitentiary penitentiarySaturday penitentiarySaturday nllentlrySaturday Saturday TheSheriff Informed Judge JudgeODcmrell JudgeOD JudgeODenrell ODcmrell OD < wnreli of the circumstances and he herevoked herevoked herevoked revoked the license licenseThe Jlet licenseThe > n e eThe The girl was much put out about it itnd itnd ittud tud nd declared if she were willing to towait towait towait wait three years she could not see why whythey whythey whythey they would Ould not allow her to marry marryThompson marryTJ1 marryThompson Thompson TJ1 mp on A SOLUTION SOLUTIONVlil wIll 11I yotc OtI be my wife wifeI wifeT wifeTI I will be a sister to you youI I never give Christmas presents to toray tomy tomy my sisters sistersThen SIhtt sistersThen ers ersThen Then we 8 will 111 be engaged engagedHouston engagedHoustonPost edHoullton edHoulltonPNt Houston HoustonPost Post SIMILAR SIMILARA A bald man is like a king with no nochildren nochildren nochIldren children of his own ownIn ownIn ownIn In what way wayHe wayHe wayHe He has no hair apparent ltpparentBalti ltpparentBaltimOre Balti Baltimore ¬ more American AmfrfcanIMPORTANT tjnerJcanIMPORTANT IMPORTANT I Without alco alcohol alcohol ¬ hol or poisonous poisonousdrugs poisonousd poisonousdrugs drugs d rug s Father FatherJohns FatherJohns FatherJohns Johns Medicine Medicinecures Medkinocures edlctno cures throat and andlungs andIungs andlungs lungs builds up upthe upt upthe the t he body and andmakes andmakes makes strength strengthIt I It drives the theimpurities theimpurities impurities out ofthe of ofthe ofthe the system and andstrengthens andstrengthens andstrengthens strengthens each eachorgan eachorgan eachorgan organ of the body bodyenabling bod bodfnabling bodyenabiing enabling each to todo todo toilo do its work prop properly propprJ properly ¬ erly prJ erlyFather Father Johns JohnsMedicine JohnsMedicine TohnsIed1cine Medicine is the theb thehfst thebest b best st remedy ever prescribed for forbuilding f o r rbuilding building up the system sy 8D1 Not a patentmedicine patent patentmedicine medicine medicineI I I I SCENES SCENESALONG ALONG COURSE OF TIMESNEWS TIMESNEWS MARATHON INSPECTORS INSPECT Sl MEASURING S WIDTH IDTH 0 F CERTAIN = AI SECTIONS S OF = ROAD Only OnlySharp Y Sharp Angle g eon on the theCourse Course cou n OFFICER CARRIES CARRIESSEVEN CARRIESSEVEN SEVEN FROM FIRE FIRENewark FIRENewark Newark Policeman Hero of ofTenement ofTenement ofTenement Tenement Blaze Which WhichImperils WhichImperils WhichImperils Imperils ScoresNEWARK Scores ScoresNEWABK ScoresNEWARK NEWARK X J April 4 41 I a ahlch a Are Arewhich re rewhich which hlch early today to a1 imperiled the lives livesof 1tftAof livesof of a score oC o persons pIIIOM and damaged ed the thethreestory tIaethreestolY thethreestory threestory tenement ten t at Iff Waverljr Waverljravenue Waverlyavenne averl averlvenue I avenue Policeman PoUee aaA Sampson of the theFourth Uteoourtb theFourth Fourth precinct proved hbc h hhreif elf lr a hero heroSamjMon hetoSaJlP8Oft heroSampson Sampson while wt le patroUns the street streetdiscovered streetdlacoYered streetdiscovered discovered the blase He immediately immediatelyrushed ClUMdtateirrusbed nmedlatelyrushed rushed upstairs up tal awakening < < everybody everybodyA ev rybody rybodyA A panic ensued and Sampson unaided unaidedSampson unakJ unaidedSampson 1 Sampson while bUe patrolling < < the street streetThree itreet itreetThree kreetThree Three others were rescued by b police policemen policemen policemen ¬ men who arrived on the scene later laterSampson laterSampeon laterSampson Sampson was burned about the hand handsand handand haDcLtand and face and Dol had to LI be removed to his hishome hIahome hishome home The fire loss io is estimated ee mated at atJ56CO ateco atTho J56CO eco and IKI the origin of the blaze is isthought 18thou Isthought thought thou bt to be beRECIPE incendiary incendiaryRECIPE incendiaryRECIPE RECIPE FOR REFORMERS REFORMERSMiss Miss x Prue has a theory for reforming reformingthe the world worldWhat worldhat worldWbat What hat is ltr ltrThat It itThat 1 1That That mothers GI e 11 ttt U to exchange fx = e chil children chndren cliiidren ¬ dren because the always have such suchstrict suchstrict uch uchtrlct strict ideas how ter 1 er womens chil children chUdn cliiidren ¬ dren should be bit bf ht up St Louis LouisTimes Lou1aTbne LouisTimes Times LYNN LY N Mass w April wU 1Probably 4 Probably oneof one oneof OII OIIof of the best exa7tpes xaP of New England Englandlongevity En Englandlongevity < < land landerlty longevity erlty is that of o Xrs rs Ahnira Alley Alleywho AI Alleywho y ywho who has recently rf ently celebrated her nine ninetieth JlmeUeth ninetieth ¬ tieth birthday at he home m LynnIr Lynn LynnMrs Mrs Ir 18 Alley AI is a peon of more than thanordinary thaaordinary thanordinary ordinary interest no only because of ofher 0 0her other her unusua age q and 3006 ood health alter afterhaving alterhavlDll alterhaving I having lived ninety y Jf < are bat also be because beNUS because ¬ cause of her memories m of 0 historic events eventsof even evenwhich eventsof of which she was a spectator spectatorWhile SPOCttOiWhile petatorWhile While Mrs Irs Alley has not been n away awayfrom awayfrom I from from her h < < home for more than twenty twentyyears tWffttyyears twentyyears years shehas she he baa kept herself well posted postedupon poetedupon postedupon upon the happenings haJllent hap enings in the world and andis andIs ad adi is i indeed a thoroughly intelligent Intell t wom woman woman wornAn ¬ an with a mind clear and a memory memoryas as good as might be looked for m a aperson apenon aperson person many years younger youngerI I can well remember the memorable memorableday memorableday memorableday day in my early girlhood when General GeneralLafayette GeMnL1Lafayette GeneralLafayette Lafayette vteied the city of Lynn Lynnwhere Lynnwhere Lynnwhere where I even then lived said Mrs MrsAlley XrsAUey MrsAlley Alley Of C course I was a very small smallchild smallchild ma1 ma1child child at the time but even now I can see seethe seethe seethe the school children attired in their white whitefrocks whiterocn whitefreeke frocks marching in line to do honor to tothe tothe tothe the great real general I was too young youngthee youngthen youngthen then to march with 1th them but I remem remember remember remernbei ¬ ber how I stood by the gate g te of my myhome myhOme myhome home in East Lynn and longingly sighed sighedto bed bedto to be in the th ranks ranksThe ranksuThe yanksThe uThe The city ctt was in an uproar of excite excitement excitement excitemeat ¬ ment over the coming of Lafayette A Agreat Agr Agreat great gr t host of people marched through throughthe throuhthe throughthe the streets to do him honor honorThe h4morThe honorThe The same m furor of excitement prevail prevailed ¬ ed later when President Prt > f = ldent Jackson paid paida a visit to Lynn At that time I was wasold wasold old enough to march in line with the theother theother theother other children and in my best M > 8t clothes clothesI I did so I remember that we went from fromschool fromchool fromcbooZ school to the common where here the boys boyslined ooSlined boyslined lined up on one side and the he girls on the r MISS lss SEARS PLAYS PLAYSWITH PLAYSWITH WITH MEN AT Aj POLO POLOIs t Is Said to Have Equaled EqualedAny EqualedAny EqualedAny Any of Her Opponents Opponentsin in Work WorkSAN WorkSAX VorkSAX SAX FRANCISCO FJlA C1SCO C cat l April 4 411 4MlZeanor Miss MissXteanor Xteanor 1 eaaor Sears the Boston society heIr helrthe heIrwhoee heirass ass whoee who e teats aM pranks are making makingthe the people of the Pacific coast sup suphas asp asphas has still further increased her fame by byplaying 1typlaytn byPYit playing playtn ta a staxltiv aiuUa game of polo with witha a team of men against In t men opponents opponentsClad opponentsClad opponentsClad Clad IB I mannish mAAl1 h costume she went out outon outon outon on the polo field at El Cerrito yesterday yester yesterday yeterday ¬ day afternoon and made one of the theBurlmgjune theBurlinpJne theBurlingaine Burlmgjune team in a game which was wascalled wascaJlo waseslled called caJlo a practice gjune but was as fast fastas fastas fastas as any the team baa ever playedSociety played playedSociety playedSoclet7 Society was w out in force to and those thosewho tho thowho thosewho who saw her b say she be sat at her saddle saddleperfectly saddleecUy Ie IeperfecUy perfectly ecUy made a goal oaJ in as clean cut cutstyle cutstyle style as a veteran could and mixed it itup itup Itup up in scrimmages as boldly as the thebravest thebraYe thebravest bravest bravestWOULD bravestWOULD t tOULD WOULD OULD SHOW GRATITUDE GRATITUDEHis His flaDceAad nance And you know Tomjumped Tom Tomlumped TOInjumped jumped in after me and rescued me mefrom mefrom mefrom from the t e waves at the risk of his a own ownlife ownlife ownlit life lit e lifeBella lifeBellaDo Bella BellaDo Do you know if I were tn tnyour n nyour nur your ur place from sheer gratitude I Ii Iwould Iwould i would not marry him himLlte Life LYNN WOMAN RECALLSLAF RECALLSLAFAYETTE RECALLS RECALLSLAFAYETTE LAFAYETTE LAF A YETTE AND l ND JACKSON JACKSONTells Tells of Tribute Paid Famous General By WhiteFrocked WhiteFrockedChildren WhiteFrockedChildrenGirl IhiteFrockedChildrenGirl Children ChildrenGirl Girl Friends In Line at Time of Presi Presidents Presfdents Presidents ¬ dents Visit All Dead Now White MountainRefrigerator MountainRefrigerator Mountain MountainRefrigerator Refrigerator Priced P ced as low lowas Lowas as 900 900A A Ilihcla HJsbtteM l Lowpriced Lowd < < d Refriferator Refriferatorthat RthisFIOthat that ha bac thoueeDds friends and iiidorMnI Isdorbers ia iadoraen doraen EsMleat ExeeN nt CCM oonMructtoo nJeUon rJeaanDhaIT dma deaamrftary dmassnhtry mrftary latest tmprovements ca cabed Cejlied G lvaB lvaBtoed toed natne All 8lsee Item W upbtW upVhKi up apWhite White btW Mountain Re Befrmgeaots ReIrtRwatora IrtRwatora enamel ffJfrA ffJfrAItoed in en enlined lined < iLUUUpNursery > 1050 1UDUUP 1UDUUPNursery UP UPNursery Nursery Refrigerators 250 and 350 other white the President in his W car earrlige carriage tA tArufle ¬ riage drawn by four black horses drove drovedown dxoredown owe owedown down between our lines linesOf lineaOf linesOt Of morse he lifted Jtft his hat and I Ixaw 1w Iaw xaw w that lb his hair was very thin and as aswhite asI aswhite white as snow so He had a a fine ftne1ook1ftlt strong stronglooking stronglocithug I looking face very ery impressive Impre Ive to me meeven niteven even as a little girl rl and his h manner mannerwas maa maawU mannetwag was quite 1uac genial and democratic A Af Aflerward Atterwsrd t tt1U lerward t1U he made a speech h and I later laterreoall 1aterr laterreall reoall r all how 0 the betts rant all over thecity the thecity city at the close of his talk talkEvery talkvery talkvery Every very one of my girl irt t friends who whowan whowas wan W > > with Itit m me in line is now IIO dead deadI d dJ I do not think it is because of hered hereditv he heredliv itv 11 that I have lived to t4 be ninety years yearsold yearsold rs rsnld old It is rather because I have been beencareful beencaNfu1 beencareful careful to take care of myself my elC since I Iwas IW1UI Iwag was a girl sirlI trl trlr I think every persnn cH cov1d ld reach h H Hhappy Hhapp ahappy happy old age by b living temperately temperatelyattd t elY elYaud and Avoiding too treat excitement exCtt llent and andstiiaulantff andtimUtfll andstimulants stimulants of all kinds One of the great greatcaises greatravses I t tca1 caises ca1 es for sickness and poor health is islaofc Isla1It Islak laofc of sleep Since I was as a very xer eo small smallgirl unal1Irl sniallgirl girl Irl I have ha P seldom Idom failed fa to be in bed bedby bedby bet betbv by 9 oclock at nlcht I have seven vn children believe they enjoy better health than thantheir thaalhflr thantheir their mother motherWhen motherWhn motherWhen When I was a girl I knew nearly nearlyevery nearlyevery Iy Iyevf every evf > ry one who lived in Lynn Now Nowwith Nowith Nowwith with ith the tremendous growth of the th ctty cttyT cK cKI T know no very few fe There Th have been n great greatchanxes lIeatctanre greatchanges changes ctanre in the last flfty years which whichwould whtckould widthwould would ould seem marvelous were it not for forthe rttrthe forthe the fact that I have lived to meet meetthem meetthem t tthm them and watched them take place placeI hI I belk believe I > ve e that too much wealth Is Isthe Isthe Isthe the cause of much unbnx unINpin unbuppinein > piness today todayThe todarhe todayThe The he pleasant cnttage and humbler home homeIs b IDe IDelit Is no longer lon r satisfying MUsl 1 to people peo and andthe andthe andthe the oldfashioned o flUlhloqed idea fd a that the woman womanshould WOIINIRshould womanshould should do her own housework and aDd1ftflr look lookafter lookafter after her own family affairs hes ha givenway given givenway Veft Vefta way a to a a regrettable r tahle degree > to the use useof ueeof useor of servants ind 00 the consequent equent idle idleness idleness idlefleas ¬ ness of many wives When I was a girl girlone drlone girlone one servant was considered Ohtlid1f quite patti p pattilent sufCiciont < < i iknt lent In a large h hnuiehol1 u ehoH Today soy soyoral several svral ¬ oral ral servants art sometimes 6 not notenouch notenouh notenough enough < Great Stock Stockof of ofModern ofModern of5Modern Modern 5ModernSanitary ModernSanitary ModernSanitary Sanitary SanitaryPrices SanitaryRefrigerators SanitaryRefrigerators Refrigerators RefrigeratorsPrices Prices LowBoha Low LowBohn LowBohn Bohn Syphon Refrigerators Refrigeratorsregister Ref gerators gerators15ter register 15ter a temperature of 6 degrees degreesabove de4reesaboTe degreesabove above freezing freezingThey freezlnThey freezlngThe They The are the cotdert cotdertfrtgrratere cold coldaenl coidmtrefrPsiocs frtgrratere aenl known knownWhite flfl 30 0 0 P1eed at eo UP UPWhite UPWhite White Mountain Ice Chests ChestsAre ChestsAretborouglly Are Aretborouglly tboFMigbly worthy and much In laStone Inme 5 use Prieed u uD from fromStone from fromStone Stone White Refrigerators RefrigeratorsThey They bave stone whIte Using 1IBIngthe 1IBIngthecIeanf liningthecimnoit the thedeanect deanect cIeanf t prctu prctUfIK tt and meet sanitary Molter lining liningCT Uflifltera CT era C devised ror a rcrrtgorator rclrlgatorPricedup e nt = 26 Pricedup front m BARBER ROSS 11th l AND G GN J JI N I I 1 r TiL I MONTE CARLO PAYS PAYSHOLIDAY PAYSHOLIDAYEXPENSE HOLIDAY HOLIDAYEXPENSE HOLIDAYEXPENSEManager EXPENSE 1 Manager anager of Adolph Theater TheaterLondon T1eaterLondon I ILondon London Comes Back Backa Ba k ka a Winner WinnerLONDON WinnerLOXDOX WinnerLONDON LONDON April 4 4Very Very Verycome rp rpCOMe men mencome come back from Monte lo te Carte as MA didJohn MAJohn Id IdJoha John Malone x Mr XrIIcNte Malone is the man manager manager a aa ¬ ager a r of t tk thr e Adelphi Theater and he te tealso JsJIM Isalso also JIM the victim cttua of a a bad osM Every Everywinter EvGl EvGltnter Everywinter winter for four years Mr r Malone J JoRe ha hapassed has haspassed MapaMe passed paMe four weeks at Monte onte Carlo and andcome andcome andcome come back a a winner from the Casino Casinoand CUIaoand Canineand and also with a cold This tune t ue he hesays heys hesays says ys he was as so fortunate as not to t hare harespent bave8Peftt havespent spent one penny that he took with him himfor 1dmfor himfor for his holUday The Casino tatte paid paidfor paidfOl paidfor for It He believes however that his hispersistent W Went lainpersistent persistent ent luck there does not counter counterbalance eeaatecbalan counterbalance ¬ balance balan < < the persistent coN He says sayshe ayslie mynhe he te never ver going 80IDgDo agate agateDo againDo Do you believe him himA himA himA A clergyman maa in Hoxton of the name of ofBryant ofBryant I ISryaat Bryant preached a sermon and used for forhis forhis I Ihis his text H B Irvingg l s performance performanceof 1 1o of o Dr Jekyll and Mr lr Hyde Hy le In the thecourse tAtcoune thecourse course of his h pennon he sail that it was wasplay wasbetter I Ibetter better for a man to go o and see a good goodplay I Iplay play like this tb than to go and listen 1I ten to a abad abtwl abad bad sermon sermonThis 2erJnOftTbw sermonThis This is certainly a sincere lJinc < < e compliment complimentto to Mr Irving but Dr Bryant apparently apparentlyforgets appsreatlyforgets ppareatlyt01KEW forgets that you can listen to a i iad ed d ser sermon Mrmon ncrmon ¬ mon for nothing while hiJe it costs Ms l Mto M IIIto litto to listen to any kind of a play If Iftheaters Utheaters Iftheaters theaters were free what bat would happen happento to the churches churchesINFANT ehurebINFANT churchesINFANT INFANT IN CELLAR CELLAROF CELLAROF CELLAROF OF PARKHURST HOMEDayold HOME HOMEDayold H VIE VIEDayoki Dayold Babe Vhich Startles StartlesHousehold StartlesHousehold StartlesHousehold Household Is Turned Over Overto to Police PoliceNEW Poi PoiceNEW ce ceSE NEW SE Y yOJtK April 47aaaa 47aaaawitif Taaaa TaaaaWHlf 1 aa aaf WHlf f these and sundry IT taer er 1MIiMs the household ehokI of Dr Charles CIIarl H Parkbourst Park Parkhourst Parkbourse bourse In Thirtyfifth street 3treetalOUed was wasaroueed wasaroused aroused from tr its usual u uat Sunday ev evening eYgqglm eveningcalm at g gcalm calm calmMargaret calmMargaret lm lmXrKVet Margaret Coiling CoIU one of the JIIIIJMI JIIIIJMIheard maidsheard maids maidsheard heard the noise and decided It came camefrom camefrom i iCOIft from the cellar cellarMarguet ceUaraZ cellartargLr Marguet targLr aZ Lret summoned up all her cour courage courla courage ¬ la age t and went down n into the cellar cellarDid cel1rI celiarDid I Did she he see ee a burglar 1 and scream 1 No Noshe Nodiol to toshe she dkl not There was no burglar bUr lar All AllMargaret A All AllMargaret f fMargret Margaret saw sa was a baby carriage carriageShe carrtareShe carriageShe She didnt wait to see what was wa In totn Inthe inthe tn the carriage Sne went w t out and gotPatrolman got gotPatrolman gotPatrolman Patrolman Carroll of the East Thirty Thirtytifth Thtrtytlfth Thirty11th tifth street station stationThe 8ttIonTIK stationThe The patrolman found a dayold male malechild maJechild malechild child n the eocart He took it to the thestati thetatJ thestall stall m ii ad wi later it was 8 taken to Belleyen Belle Believu vu vuI yen U < I I yenDr Dr parkhurst feeling teeltn somewhat tIOftI hat tD tDdIFJtO ladwpoed a ajdifposed jdifposed dIFJtO had retired early coil and was wasnot wastold waslot not told of the finding of the baby babyI I TO BECOME BECOMEAERIALCOLUMBUS BEGOMEAERIAL AERIAL AERIALCOLUMBUS AERIALCOLUMBUSDr COLUMBUS COLUMBUSDr Dr GansFabrice Announces AnnouncesPlans AnnouncesPlans AnnouncesPlans Plans for Flying Across AcrossAtlantic AcrossAtlantic AcrossAtlantic Atlantic AtlanticEXPECTS AtlanticEXPECTS AtlanticEXPECTS I EXPECTS TO CROSS CROSSIN CRQSSIN I IN FIVE DAYS TIMEBerlin TIME TIMEBerlin TIMEBerlin Berlin Aviator Declares His Semi SeniiDirigible SemiDirigible SemiDirigible Dirigible Airship Will Carry CanyHimself CarryHimself CarryHimself Himself and Three Others OihersBERLIN O OthersBERLIN Iters ItersBERLL BERLIN April 4 iDr Dr GansFabrice GansFabricewho who wishes to be known as tile Aerial AerialColumbus AerialColumbus AerialColumbus Columbus and who bo to achieve such a adistinction adi8tincUon adistinction distinction will attempt to cross ore the theAtlantic theAUDile theAtlantic Atlantic creeD O PaD in an airship 11 has made known the particulars of his plan planI I II uI I shall be accompanied AeeOlDp aId he said by byHerr bYHerr I IHcrr Herr Brucfcwr Bru tb the editor of a Frank Frankfurt Frankjfurt j jfurt furt newspaper Jle1I 1 r by 9 physician and nd one oniongineor j jongtoeor i iengineer engineer I intend to start aboit thpj thpjmiddle the themiddle I middle of May from either Csxiz C < az Spain Spamor SpaIDor Spainor or Teaeriffe Teneriflerbere renerieThere f fThere There is always a wind a at this time timeof i iof of 0 the year Mowing > from the European Kuropeanto to the American continent COftt1n t and with a aforce aforce I force of o about thirty miles an hour It Itwas Itwas itwas was to this wind that Columbus owed owedhts owedhis I Ibb5 his discovery dl covery of America I desire to tobe tobe J Jbe be an Aerial Aifl l Columbus CoIUII MM and starting startingapproximately startingapproximately approximately from rem the same point to tobe tobe tobe I be the first to reach America through throughthe tbroughUte the air 1r My Iy course will lie across th the At1 At1tantic At AtIssUe AtIlatlc IssUe latlc ocean to Porte Rico passing passingCuba peaRngCub pssstiigCube Cuba Cub and then across the Gulf of Max Mextoo Maxleo lexI lexIJco too to New X eW Orleans The distance dt tace would wouldbe wou woube I be a liettle over 4 4til Mil OQ miles Allows AM ws Five Days DaysI I estimate e timte that I shall cover this din distance d dtaMe dintance ¬ tance in ftve Ih days My y airship now JM W al almost aJmo almeet ¬ most mo t complete is a combination co abinatJoa of an anordinary anordinary anordinary ordinary balloon and INI a dirigible airship alrshipThe airshipThe The length of the balloon is 175 l feet and andits aDdits andIts its diameter which is cigar shaped is isfifty isfilt ishfty fifty filt feet The motor mot is forty hOne borseOwtag hOneOwtl horsepOwer pOwer pOwerOwhig Owtl OwtlOwinl Owtag to the favorable winds which whichI I exoect to encounter I intend to us usthe use useth usethe the th motor only nly in can case of necessity be beeaj btud becs i I eaj ud cs ised d it I is net possible ble to take nut suffl nutftiflt u ufttRt fl fttRt m benzine 10 0 keep the motor goinfor goin golnttor goinifor for flve days The cubic content of thehalloon the theballoon theba11000 balloon are sufficient sul eient to keep k the air airship atr1Ihi1J airship ¬ ship aloft ott for 1 ItS hours Perhaps the themost theJDO themost most JDO t interesting feature of the airship airshipis is i a cage ca < < e forty feet long 1oa and ten fr frwidku fHtwtk feetwide wide which in case of necessity a < < aalty can be besau bfaiW beesiled aiW sau > d on tins th ocean as a motor boat or oras orall oras as a sailing 1IInI boat should my y benzine benzinefail lMIgfnefaU benatnefail fail me meSo meSo meso So far Ar as human foresight t t caa fore foremy forewe foreace we my 7 enterprise must succeed ix reed eed A Aber AJlUM1 Anumber JlUM1 number ber er of c ship I will be oa oatbt th lookout lookoutfor lookoutfOe lookoutfin for us i between European coasts and the theest thest thee5t est ladles IndiesTribute Tribute t te Henry HenryNEW HearyEW HoaryNEW NEW EW YORK April 3SpeaJn GpeaJn g of the thepossibility thebilky thepossibility possibility bilky of use of airships in Arctic Arcticexploration ArCticexplcNatloa Arcticexploration exploration Sir Ernest Sbackleton the theEnglish tbeEDIIIbrh theEnglish English Antarctic explorer said that thatPrince thatPrtnce thatPrince Prince Henry of Prussia Prua ta had ad talked talkedwith ta1k ta1kwith talkedwith with him on the use of balloons for forpolar forOIar forpolar polar OIar explorations fx tlona and appeared to be bethe betOe betoe tOe beet informed man on the subject subjectwhom mibjectwhom ject jectwhom whom he bad talked with withPriace withPrmce withPrince Prince ts t Seek Pile PsieBERLIN PeieEERLIN PileEERLIN EERLIN April 3 LIt It has been an announced anamesced Jl JlnottDCe4 ¬ nounced that Prince PrI ee Henry of ofd Prussia Prussiad PrmaI1WOth6Z d brother of Kaiser KiS Wflbelm will be bemellllber a amember amemier member of the advance party which whichleaves which1e8v whichleaven leaves 1e8v Bremenhaven in July JuI to estab establish establinK ¬ linK 1i h a base at Spitsbergen for or Count CountZ CountZpelinn unt untZpellns Z Zpellns < pelhVs proposed Sight to the North NorthPole Xorthpw NorthPole Pole in Vte 1ft The party win m build a bal balloon halloon ¬ loon house and make similar sln 1al prepara preparations preparatloDs preparetloims ¬ tions for the final outfitting ouUit of the U Upedltloa cxttIosi x xpedttioa pedttioa ttIosi next ext year PASTOR DECLINES DECLINESCALL DECLINESCALL CALL TO ALTOONAj ALTOONAjThe AL ALTOONA ALTOONAThe TOONA t tThe The Rev John Compton Ball pastor pastorof of the Metropolitan Baptist Church Churchhas CbUlThba1 Churchbas I has declined the offer to become pastor pastorof MUttor of the First Baptist Church of Altoona AHoonaPa AltoonaPa I Pa PaIn In announcing his ht intention Inte doft to stay stayin sta stain stayIn in Washington the Rev Mr 1 Ball said saidhe aidhe saidhe he believes his opportunity for service servicehere servicebore Ice Icehere here to be greater reater than in Altoona AltoonmHe AltoonaHe AItOOftHe He said I td it would have been hard to tosever toHVer tosever sever relationship with tth the people of ofthe ortIM ofthe the Metropolitan which bleb church e ure he has hasworked 1auworked hasworked worked hard to build up MOTHS DEADLY FOE FOESET FOESET FOESETFREEINBOSTOi SET SETFREEINBOSTOi SETFREEINBOSTOiBOTON FREE IN BOSTON BOSTONBOSTON BOSTONBOSTON BOSTON AJJ AJJmen April 4ooe inOHes IINd IINdmens ngsedmean men of th the Japanese 1 Idl1 Idl1lentln adaedi ncimslus once oncelesting nre nrelenting lenting lentln < < fo roe of the gypsy J S moth and a tile Chebrown tilebrown Usebrown brown tail tal month which JaIcIa not ostdevours t tdevours only onlydevours devours th thJ j eggs eC the zasthc zasthcbut mu uisthbut but 1 ut eats em aJhr alive wars we raiaeMd IB IBMO III1fIO inIf If MO different sections of ITsMsm eactr eactrthis eactrtht8 serbthin this morning moroiagToday JBOIDiAgTod morningToday Today Tod y the war in I which countless cS iirrtlssg dMJ dMJI Mtt Mtta l llions I lions will perish wit set seta a gaol start starta a a war to which nc even tb the unhaurhsd unhaurhsdwill haIsIodwill tdiM tdiMwt11 will b spared aari in t which the cnausl C esaunitieg cnauslBigntficance tIIIeI tIIIeItiM tiM Cf t prYio prevlos war w will l fade mte i to ta insignificance significance BigntficanceThr slbDlt cance The Th experts who have planted p the theparasites theparasites parasites p rasttH > predict that there can be bebut bebut bebut but one on end to th the fray and that the theextermination theextermination theextermination extermination fit f th I he > s Zyp gypsy > Py y moths mothsMoayoas mothsCONSTIPATION mothsCONSTIPATION CONSTIPATIONMUNYONS CONSTIPATION CONSTIPATIONMUNYONS MUNYONS MUNYONSPAWPAWPILLS PAW PAWPAWPILLS PAWPAWPILLSMunyons PAW PILLS PILLSi i Moayoas Yun s Paw PawPaw PawI I I Paw PiUs are ua ualike 1mI uslike like aH other kin laxatives Juati1e6 kintives ¬ I tives or cathartics cat art CI They coax t e ver verwzr wzr into activity by byceatle bygiatle ceatle Ie methods setnodsThey metho4lsThey methodstbey They do not ot scour scourthey S scourthey < K Kthey they do not nottheY gripe gripethey gripethey they do not weaken weak weaken ¬ SpH e eabulthevdo eabulthevdoa en but tber do dostart dostart start startalithesecre startalithesecrep aH tie secre secretions recretioDs ¬ p a tions of the the3ivee the3iveea liver liverand meraDd and Etoeaack m ia a away away away a way that soon soonthese JM JMthese jeats jeatstheseorgasema these theseorgasema theseorgasemabesltby orgaas < < PM in a ahealthy aJ1eaIihy healthy J1eaIihyaDd ceadttioB ceadttioBand osallitonand and corrects ceasti ceastipation ceo ceipation ti tipation pation In my opinion cwBBtipation cwBBtipationta eo eoIS ta B responsible for most ailments There Therearc Therearc re reare arc t twhich thirtytwo feet of o human Dow Dowwhich bowewhich which is really a eWer pipe pipe When this thiswhole tJ thispipe s spipe pipe becomes c clogged ecl the whole system systempoisoned y atem atembecomes em emcu becomes poisoned causiBg cu canong iDg hitioasaess ia iadigestica iaicn m mdigestica digestica icn and impure blood bI od which often oftenseats o oftentmroduees ien ienr tmroduees r duees rbeumastism and kidney ail allmeats ailme seats me ta No woman who suffers Den with wit co costipation con CQlatipa constipation fiver can canpect ex expect ¬ P Ppectt stipation tipa Oll or any aD complaint pect pectt to have ii a dear complexion com or enjoy enjsyMtmyoas enjeyhea1t enjoyMunyons hea1t Mtmyoas 11830115 PawPaw Fife PI are a tome tometo tQD tonicto e eto to the stomach tcM at1I liver and nerves The Theiavieorate They TAeyiD Theyinyiorats iavieorate iD te instead i lte8d of weakening weake iag they theyenrich theYurich theyenrich enrich the blood instead of JapovenBfc JapovenBfcit erisIi erisIii i ilog i log it they enable the theA theput stomach A to get getan t all the nourishment front food t that at is isput put into it itThese itI1aese itThese These Pills iIIs contain no nocaloumel calomel no dope dopethey 4 dopethey pe peUtey they are soothing healing and aLmalating aLma stiabktiac sti Mt MtlatiBc ktiac They school the bowels to act aciwithout actwithOat actntbott without phj physic c Price 25 cents M dRA fff fffMODRN MODERN MODERNSANITARY MODRNSANITARY SANITARY SANITARYAre t tREFRIGERATORS REFRIGERATORS REFRIGERATORSAre Are without question que 1oz the Best Se Sefrigerators Xefrlgentors Eefrigerators frigerators made 2sadeAnd madaAnd madeAnd And decidedly de < iddy the th + cheapest when whenthe wheath whenthe the th cost of ice and food are con considered CODsidered conaldered ¬ sidered You will 111 consult your yourown yourown yourown own interest by calling Unt and inspect inspecting inspecttag ¬ tag 1 our large stock before per purchasing JNrchasing perchaning ¬ chasing chasingSeveral chasingST chaningSeveral Several ST > ntl sk Sk8pWrR iv ni sample Be Beiriserators Reiri HefrIerators iriserators iri tratDrs at exceptional excep eal Jew lewprices Jewlrices lawPrices prices lricesEIIJ Nte NteRefrigerator Nelsunfrigerator Ne1s Ne1sr EIIJ r Refrigerator RefrigeratorCompany frigeratorr I Company 620 F Street StreetNte A OnePoundI OnePound OnePoundPackage OnePoundPackage I fI1 Package Packageof of the most satis satisfactory satisfactorf sailsfactorj ¬ I factory coffee you youever youever youtjl tjl ever used usedPerb25c useDPer Perb25c Per lb S 25c 25cI C I REASONS WHY WHYThe The Washington Times Gained 17980 17980agate 17 17980agate 98 98agate agate lines actual count of ofClassified ofClassified ofClassified Classified Advertising AdvertisingDuring AdvertisingDuring j jDuring During the month of March 1910 over March 1909 1909Because 19J9Because 1909Because Because The Times Leads in Circulation CirculationDuring CirculationDuring CirculationDuring During March the average daily circulation of the Tunes Ti nes was as 48197 as against 41288 of its nearest nea neaist est competitor competitorBecause competitorBecause competitorBecause Because The circulation of The Times is of the redblooded kind kindwhich kindwhich which readily responds to live propositions Readers of ofThe ofThe ofThe 1 The Times not only answer ads but are progressive to the theextent theextent theextent extent of advertising as well Tell As a progressive newsmedium news newsmedium nefSmedium medium it naturally attracts the progressive public publicBecause publicBecause III Because The Times carries with ith it the faith of its readers and an anadvertiser anadvertiser anadvertiser advertiser in The Times gains the respect and confidence confidenceof J Jof of the public and acquires that prestige so necessary to a asuccessful asuccessful asuccessful successful business businessBecause businessBecause businessBecause Because The rates for classified advertising in The Tunes Tim s are very verylow verylow verylow low The average ad costs costsless less than 25cBe 25c 25cBecause 250Be Because Be use Of the invariable courtesy shown advertisers Lregardless Lregardlessof Irrega clless cllessof of size sizeall all ads > receive rece ye the same care and attention attentionBecause attentionBecause i iBec Because Bec se Finally FinallyThe The Times leads l ads in m advertising advertismgresuIts results Ads bring bringprompt brini briniprompt brm brmprompt J prompt returns which means continued and mcrea increaSin increaSinpa increa increapaironage ing ingpatronage patronage pa tronage a aS 7 t t I Id r 4 d z 1fx j S 0i4t t 1 I I