OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, August 10, 1910, Last Edition, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1910-08-10/ed-1/seq-3/

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R oentgen Photographs pho1ogr P phs Re Reveal RevealDoobJe Reveal ¬
veal vealDoobJe DooWc Do bye Danger Da r From FromBits FromB FromBps
Bits B Qf Lead LeadSIX Leadf LeadSIX LendSIX f
More Photographs Win Be Made MadeToday MadeToday M1BbToday
Today to Verify Location Locationfirst
of ofNEW OfNEW
NEW YORK A Aldsoogh WJ tIM tIM1irst thefirst
first of tile ate xray ra raayor photographs photographsMayor i iMayor
Mayor ayor Glamors wound was taken aken snort snortJy MIoriy oet oetly
Jy y after S B a m it waa not unto 8 Ithat 4I 4Ithat S Sthat
that the plates had 1IaIIn keen developeds developed developedsufficiently
sufficiently In s u to Indicate to the tmparient hapadegtFurgeone tmparientsurgeons ut utliurgeons
surgeons the f fct ct that the bnllet fired firedfcy ftredby fliedby
by Gallagher Cn 1MT had beenaft bee been silt In two by
impact with the Jawbone ja and that thattherefore thattbererore thattherefore
therefore there wffl be to the immediatefuture Immediate Immediatefuture te tefut1lre
future two distinct duper ilpiairr paints that thatRill thatill thatkill
Rill ill have to be watched for blood bloodpoisoning WoodpoisoDfDg bloodpoisoning
poisoning poisoDfDgOne poisoningOne
One of the fragments the larger JaIprlies one onelies curelies
lies apparent a 7 in the floor of the month monthnear outJaDear mouthnear
near the left let I ram nunus or wing win of thejawbone the thejawbone tilejawboDe
jawbone The otter UBS lie Dear near the tIaetrance en entrance eatrance
trance point of fjbe be wound brtitad the theleft tMeft theLeft
left eft ear It Itnect was agreed at a oansalta eearnltatian oansaltation a1tation
tion late hut rtght that no operation OpettisltWould operationwould aperatIOaWould
would be necessary ns mry for the themore JIIIeeIIt JIIIeeIItmore and andmore
more x xtodav xra7 fbetograpbs will be taken 1aIteatoday takentoday
today todavDr todayDr todayDr
Dr Eugene E W Caldwell who took the thephotograph tIaehotograp thephotograpbs
photograph yesterday far oneof floe 0 the thegreatest tilegattst thegreatest
i ithe
greatest authorities on tile th < 8IIIdeet 8IIIdeet1t It Itt
the t e world world and is former foiineithe pesidumt U t tthe a athe
the Internet Inte1D ODalatiryD tonal Roentgen Bay Bayation aSSSe aSSSeation
ation I
The difficulties of taking the tileon exposures exposureson
on a patient still sotferteg ao greatly peatJTfrro greatlyshock
1 frro rim shock were many and the utmost utmostcaution ubDGIIt1U utmostcaution
caution 1U tlon had to he observed beeI eel not to dill disturb dillu dlsurb ¬
turb u urb rb the patient any aD more than was oboiutely ob obfoiately ob oboi
foiately oi uteJ > nrctsskij TO make the probIcrr prob problem pIOb1cn ¬
lem 1cn more difficult Dr Caldwell had hadonly hadonly hadonly
only a small portable machine and fear feared tred feared ¬
ed all the time tbDetlaat that his labor might mightbe
be ia vain vaint aiIL
t Wife Ails Pfcyakian PfcyakianAs
As 5 soon as tT tTjXsed tile lent plate had a eK eskp eKJ
jXsed J Oed the doctor entered aa auts automsuDs automsuDsjrd ebUe ebUecl TWI TWId
jrd d was carried caIriedltk fee ha home at atI 4J 4JTires
I ltk k avenue Da Hobo Although miD miDU minutes
Tires U r os might he predoos the chanffenr chanffenrRa
was W Ra directed di ted to sacrittce everything to tosafety tesa toS3ety
sa safety ety aa the slightest calli coOhnon lon wood woohtUestroy woaIIlestroy wooddestroy
destroy < the plates so 80tai1eif baborioUi hxboriousTy ob oblained bbained
lained Once tat his borne however ever the theI
t 1 I > tor worked with feverish fev roh speed speedsise ass as asSsied
Ssied s sed by his wife wifein who Is aa expert Ia Indevelopment
in 1 > development deel of xray plates platesHusband platMHnsbuMl platesNsb3nd
Husband and wife worked Bide by brIn side sider sidatrinc
trinc r rmc In the tonsanxious hews with all all1i allt
1i 1 delicacy needed in i > t a rare operation operationwtt oueradoDdtdin operadgaatclins
wtt dtdin < hinsr the slowly growhag o blurs on onthe elltht
the 2 s r ala Dlates tea de + elop IOI line by line into the thelures thetIktures thel
tIktures l lures upon the accuracy and deft defijuterec definiteof
rec rt < < = of which may depend pend the life o 9C < a aliictn arn
11 liictn 101 < n whom all the country is water watcldJzcnd
and nd praying prayi for forWhile fornlile forFhtlc
While the doctor and big n ite f worked workedn
in < n fli t the 4ar J Jir NOm ether 4l eon w wtiodin
ir > an eat outer a room until fleshed with wtthctor wttbeto withZc
Zc ctor eto ory > Mrs Mrs Caldwell b brought nt to to1e theca thecatie tbeuithe
the irst of tb < negatives vea It was a per peri
i < + t t nlate > late aDo ai > b the sviKeons 0 bent eager eagerly eagerI er ¬
ly 1 over it it seauvhimr mr for the forebnt blur btarlirt
lirt 11 1 t voiild show the location of the bullrt t buJ buJrL > ul ul1t
1t rL What hat they saw at first PI startled startledthem tartIed1hm startledthem
them for Instead of one blur there thereR therePro
R ere two and it was several minutes mteateslfore mmlltesfJI8 minutesFrflre
lfore fJI8 they could ap appreciate a c etthe the thebad fact factihat factat facttat
ihat tat at the dhotiintended deatiiintended dea bullet et bad been beenliirly beeafirly beenirly
liirly irly cure clfk < ped in two in Its Itsa impact impactNot impactatint
a atint iIl5t the jawbone of the mayor llYOIot mayorNot
Not ot until the second and the third thirdXii thirdt thkdtt
Xii tt t > 1 t finally fintll the sixth plate all allIn agreeing agreeingin
in every detal I were examined did the thergeons th thrreon thJcr
cr rreon ron accept the strange story tol toll tol4l tollby = l lby
by l the firs fl trt t Then beD realhdng idD that neither neiUterT neitherrartIele
T rartIele > rticle of the ballet was in a position pottonthat positionthat IJOIIItIODt11a
that t would ould mean immediate danger dangertuey dauaerwy dangerti
tuey ti ey vere ere < re startled at the thought that thatcsm thatcame t tCiTI
came > to them all at once that the two twortd twoparticles
particles rtd meant two danger 4a r points from fromtfcat froDtl11t fronthat
that most mos serious sarln a enenrr Mood poison poisonZHscanrery SMJGII poisonDmspvery
ZHscanrery AttsrceL AttsrceLn rtainmnrfJ rtainmnrfJIn II IIIn
In n the little group that hang over the thephotographs thernotographs theFhOtogtaphs
photographs were Dr Caldwell and his hisTV idsre b a afe
TV ife re Dr George B Stewart X Dr DrE > r Oeorge OeorgeT eorge eorgeE
E T Brewer D Dr erIe and Hr Tom Toms Tliofnas Tbomnc
as nc s T nr r CaMwelTs CaJdweUt assistant Immediate Immediately Immediateafter ¬
ly 1 after they had agreed upon the rfa rfarrficance sig sigicance I Icance
rrficance icance cance of the th photographs pbot they teie1hOT teie teieI i iIhored
1hOT I Ihored > hored ed to the surgeons at St Marys MarysI j j27f
27f lospitaL lospitaLllr I spitaU nspitaiI > spitaUDr aIT1
Dr I tr Caldwell te mitiakhig of the pa pall at pat ¬
t ll < nt n 1 after the terriftc strain of the thepast theaSl thepast
past aSl seem heirs was ended said saidIn aaIiIn snUin
In al all my experience pede I have ve vefPfn sever seversren neveraen
sren a man bear up more bravely or orapear orear ora
a apear pear ear more cheerful under such dr circumstances drm drG ¬
G cumstances m mstafce tances than the mayor He is a av acn av
v v cn r nderful < man and seems not a ambit Vhitvorrteti ambitn tt ttLMi
vorrteti n LMi rried l over the occurrence that put hnn Idb blthis hnnIn
In such grave ve peril perilIn perilIn i
1 In n aspite tpite of the dearness of the pho phorraphs paoraphs phopha
rraphs = = pha taken by Dr Caldwell yester yesecoC yesetcr i iciy
ciy C another aeries will be taken today todayMayor todayMayor
Mayor M1 or Gaynors condition concIitIoDf remains as asfi eref
f fi vorable as it was last lastA night nightA
A = a matter of fact the most dd dtf delto
5 = cte tf details of the OB us of thexrt the thexriv tb8x
xrt xriv x photography phot crapby is to the in inf iJt iJtprtation inpretauon
f protation of the blurs made by ItTI bye
foreign Egn e ° gn objects and while the eon eonHants roeF
F Hants were agreed last night nights on themeaning the themeaning themfaning
meaning of the two spots on all of the theyfr tbeplatetl
yfr 1 plates taken yesterday it was de deCM 4e 4elfQ doi
CM lfQ i eid < > d to make assurance doubly sure sureTM surepi aurah
h TM fore ore attempting to remove e the ballets bulleoLRECOVERY balletsRECOVERY ouileisRECOVERY
NEW YORK Aug AugjHrts SKedJeaJ eK eKrts oxr
jHrts r rts throughout throu < tiout the t country countryiiially are arefkaJly pcae pcaeti
iiially ti ally agreed that Mayor Gaynor has hasan liasSo
an So excellent chance of
recovery z zco1lplicatloDs unless unlesscomplications unlessco
complications co set inThey in inThey inThey
They expressed their views today after afterPy afterey j
npy Py had been informed of the nature natureof
of the mayors or wound as follows followsDR followsDR followsDR
DR SIMON BARUCH an expert te lognshot ter SaJ
r gnshot J nshot cases esHa4 Had the bullet been beenrro beenf beentrod
trod f rf < i from a rifle rUle it might have 4 donegreat done donea 11e 11ea
a greAt deal of harm The calibre of ofliaJIaghers 01aJIaghers dKaallaghers
liaJIaghers revolver oa was small how however bowr howver ¬
ever ver r and the bullet appears to have havetouched atetouched haveIrached
touched no artery or important nerve nerverster nerven
< rster 1 te1 From what I heard there have haven bravegin eve even
gin n no tadiratiens of arterial bleeding bleedingThe bleedinCTtE bleedhtge
The e danger cl c blood poisoning hi is mini minirt miDiiZM miniby
iZM by the free flow of blood ba th tht the thert
rt of the body through which wh the tbejilet theJJet thetlet
jilet JJet went and I believe the bullet bulletsrried bulleti bulletrried
srried i no infectious tnfe etfoas matter < er with it ite It ItTe ite
Te e mayors mayc s vigorous constitution COIIS is a atironp atmng at
tironp t rong point in his favor favorThinks fa faTJ favorThinks
Thinks GftVwcs Ga Gsw + Mts Chinm GoodPR Good GoodI coaR
I PR R JOHN JOH ilHRADT RADYHad Had the bullet bulletpofconotD bulletltn
1 ltn n pofconotD O poi onon because of accumula accunmlai
i tum ors caused by b neglect the explosionwould explosion explosionouirt
would ouirt 0 11 < have destroyed all traan traces t of ver versriF verr verorfs
r sriF or other matter ta my optlafoni opinion opinionhoiieve opmiol1lhe
i hoiieve x liege Mr Oaynor Ga nor has a good chance cbanceR cba11CeDR chanceDR
DR R JOHX B M MTRPHT C RPHY Chicago in invitor mrtor Intor
vitor rtor tor < f tht th > Murphy buttonTbe button buttonTbean The Thechances
t chances c an antes es t r rjeath are small if the 1e state staterrats staterfnts j jf
rfnts of th h conditions that a I j have V neen neensf sleegac
f r l
sf corrt corn r If the mouth of the t thla cavst
tia beer broken into in o howe however er infac intbeoN j
tnc fTkar2n M STOID STOID2mGltT5
2n 2mGltT5 2 GRT SIDL ol oljAW30R aufJAVBoBt
A SROW5 n 7IdLTeJ Z I D Da De
a e x = Zc d C SRNT S W DlLY1Dt D snL I3L T TJlUYOR TrODG3 D DkYDfit
SMIIriB < c iii Btiet aM ItaDi ItaDlirieSa vjiiaa TJpem Jaw JaySurgeon Bane BaneSurgeon DareSurgeon
Surgeon Compares Cotm res Injury In to That Which Caused ausez1 Death Dcatiiof Deathof Deathof
of President MicKinyk McKinley McKin y That Carotid d Artery Es Escaped Escaped Esca ¬
caped ca S Severing S Considered Co Si Remarkable Re Rer aable kabIc
Dr w Walter Peet a 1eetmr New York York8U forksergeat
surgeon described Mayor Geysers Gaynorswound Ga GaWOUIId Geyserswound
wound today today and outimed tits tordtdoossurrounding eocJ eocJavab conditions conditionswounded
surrounding avab dIP baUls UIe to pe easve the thelife thewounded
wounded woundedHe mans life lifeRfl lifeHe
He said saidlayer sadMayor
Mayor Gaynors wound like F FJlkKlaler Pial4t Pial4tMcKinleys
JlkKlaler is ODe 011 which an cer1Ida eertalaprognestieatiom cer1IdaPo
prognostication Po 1eA can be beeftlft msrtn There to toan Isan
an even flghttag t chance There were wereopthntots IHIIeU wereptlmIts
opthntots U and especially e one ejOienwty ejOienwtycheerful taayeIIeedIII oxtremotycheerful
cheerful foreasteran forecaster aa an eminent New Newilemuth NewYG NewYork
YG ssrgesn 8 wbo wIIo predicted < tea up to tIM tIMeIeftIItJa thedeveath
ilemuth hour that the President would wouldUve woaJ4Jive wouldlive
Jive UveMayor Mayor or Gaynors wound to a very pecoDar pe peIfc 1
caIIar and lIIIQS11a1 ODe He Het was shot shott slatby
t t ya > y a taller man or at least t one who whowas whowas
was standing higher hl er and who was to toonr toGnP totack I
GnP side and dtarhtly behind the in m mgror mgrorThe or orThe
The bullet therefore after entering enteringa rOlj
a little below the ear on the right bt side sideplowed sldej sideplowed
plowed downward and forward as aswas 81 aswas
was shown to me by y Dr Lederle LederiaHow LederleTtow LederIeHoW
HoW this bullet avoided cutting tti the thecarotid thecarotid j
carotid artery which is the main bloodtba blood ocItioa
tton to I s probable lO balrlla and the gravity of the thecase tileease thecave
case would be materially Increased Thebattle The Thebnllet TheIMdIet
battle appears to have struck no 1m important 1mIOJtaIIt 1mpoftazd ¬
poftazd portant blood vessels vesselsEeeevecy ft88eILRile
Eeeevecy Rile 1I L1 7 7DR Appears eWe PrsnmeleI5R
DR FRANK G LTDSTON L Chicago ChicagoMr ChleapJlr
Mr Gaynors l8 cheerfulness and mentt menttand mentJaIertDe8 mentsl mentslalertness °
alertness Js a good 004 point In his fav favaa4 favor favorand
and the fact that no arteries were wereued sev severed averud
ered te atilt more important With thegreatest the thegreatest thecreatest
greatest care there may be no dangerof JI JIOIl danger
of infection hi which case recovery recoveryappears reuJappears taoveryappear >
appears probable to me Judging gwhat aomaewhat some somewhat ¬
what te the dark as I amDR am amDR aJ1DR
DR W W COFFEY chief surge aurpea aurpeaof an anof
of the Southern Pacific railway at SaaFraneicaThe Saa SanFrancisco SaaFnuIe
Francisco FnuIe FraneicaThe The wound could not DOtpI9YeD be beproven bep
proven p fatal of itself if it to correctly coriedlydescribed Cuh Cuhellcrlbed correctlyaeec
aeec described imd Secondary WY a septic to poisoning poisoningto JD V VIe
to the chief cbIelce menace but aside from frompIIeat1oDB com complications eosspittadona ¬
plications Mayor Gaynor appears to bein be bete lieIR
te no danger dangerBeating
1 1DR Beating Preeew Osiy OsiyDR 0IIIyDB
DR KS N HARRISON CMef CIdefAtJ Smgeoa SmgeoaAtkinson fimgr0n4Atkinson
Atkinson Topeka and kIeata anta Fe Ragroad Rag Rafflthe dIroacI
road L r AngelesAs A As t bullet missed mIa mIaeel
eel all vh parts It appears to DIe thatthe that tJatue
the alter e effect ect is little more than thehealing the thei theIIeaIiD
i healing iT ig process Even making allow allowance aDowlICe allowsate ¬
lICe for f r blood poisoning ab I 1 I believe beHentfr beHentfrGYDOC Mr MrGaynor MrGaynor
Gaynor ban ninetynine chances out of ofone ofODe ofuse
one hundred b for recovery reeoveryDR recoveryDR recoveryDR
DR H F BIGGAR physician to toJoIIa toJoIIaD John JohnIX JetbaD
D Rockefeller efeller Cleveland ClevelaDdU If important importantnerve importaatDeITe importantnerve
nerve t trunks uuks are intact and If septic septicconditions ptlcCODGtIoDs septicconditions
conditions are prevented Mr Gays Gajrcfjrschances Ga Gaysebasem s sapptIar
chances appear to me very ery good Were Werethe Werethe ere erethe
the nerves er es touched paralysis of greater greateror poeaterleas
or less seriousness lI8I oesa would followDR follow followDR followDR 1
DR JOHN H GIRDNER well we known knownas
as a writer Block Island 1sIaDdrhere There i is mDO mDOeao nocause no nocause
cause of apprehension if infection is pre prevented preveatecL pweveute ¬
vented The Tb large e Mood l vessels and andnerve Delnerve andnerve
nerve centers seem unaffected Failure Faflnreto
to locate the bullet and remove it Is not nota
a prime factor factorSTEAMSHIP factorSTEAMSHIP a or orSTEAMSHIP
Norwegian rn Fruit Freighter Freip r Is In Injured Injured ¬
jured 1 by Contact With United UnitedX UnitedStates UnitedStates
States Collier CottierXEW Co11ierEW CollierNEW
NEW YORK Aug IlThe ML The TIlefruit Norwegian Norwegianfruit iarwegMafruit
fruit steamer Rosario dl Giorgio which whicharrived taleIaarrAYed whtcbarrived
arrived today from Port Antonio re reported ft ftDOrted retbat ¬
ported portedlynlted that it was In coinskm with be betJmted e ei
i tJmted ited States St IJ collier Xarcettus m in nut nuttnde Iatude halted
tnde ted 36 36 longitude 74nX 74nXterday 1411TIle 74eeThe
TIle two vflSSels v crashed at 231 31 yes1 I
terday nx morning > rning The fruit it vesaci had hadIMr badher i ias
her bow stove In in while the larce Marcdius Marcdiuswas as asW8
W8 as struck a blow ow ta the a side sidetrine The trine col collier COIIi coltier ¬
tier was accompanied at the time by byanother byhet byanother
another het Government vessel and botheblps both bothshins aoubY
shins stood Moo4by by for five hours hoa until Captala Captain Cap CapisdnKarisen
tala isdnKarisen KarI1ieD ad of the fisher decided that thathis dlathis thathis
his ship was Was s not In dangergarloen danger daagerEartoen daqerKaIDeD
Eartoen refused to ten what whatthe flaaiage daptile elamlageed flaaiagethe
the collier kr had atmtalnFISH sustained sustainedFISH It ed i iI iFISH
I I iI
Miss Nellie Johnson of this city is istoday itoday istoday
today recovering from the terriblefright terrible terriblefright terriblefright
fright she received late last night nightwhen nightwhen nightwhen
when a ISOpound sturgeon leaped leapedunexpectedly leapedu leapedunexpectedly
unexpectedly u tedly into a small motor boat boatta boatba boatin
ta which she he and two men compan companions companIon comportions ¬
ions were
7rtstoe 1IIJee Cockroaches Cockroachesau
Water a Bapct
BapctMsaIIIfeIr MsaIIIfeIr MsaIIIfeIrMaurers
Maurers au Gr lbrack lbrackthasfl Paste PasteAttracta
thasflAttracts Attracts by odor drives
thasfl rom hOU8e lions to cUe die For c years
standard of wade c7 leedrtic leedrticS Be atk
lalters S IRsect PeWlier PKnticee
JIatJeec bom hiding plan mid k
Bed Baas J Ants and all b
DeIICr eras Dd larvae 141cS6e 141cS6eiMBrsgglse He HeAJl
AJl iMBrsgglse Grocers GrocersIsskt
Isskt ea mss 8 oJ oJtllSeaoPIdIa
D3fatgnldd3sa tllSeaoPIdIa Os Plele Plelea a
vessel to the brain or the th e Ala oil vehtIs oilIs
Is a mystery m sterr en It may however nave havecut navecut
cut the outer costs of etthor of thum hestwith uwJtI1 thumwith
with consequent cor later fatality fatalityIt
It to well known that any wound te tethe lethe I
the neck is most dangerous Here aC aCthe nfahe I Ithe
the he important blood Mood vessels V and nerves nervesiouveiae nervesconverge rv1
converge halo a email circdnoCereace circdnoCereacethe C CdlDCenmcethe
the smalest ama In fact hi our anatomy anatomyand aaatXDYaJICI anal ray rayand
and It to hard to wound any part of the theneck tanett
neck to any considerable death without withoutcaning WUIoIadeath withoutcausing
caning death deathThen deathrIleD deathFbea
Then the downward coarse of the bnl bnltet IMdM halot
lot nrflHates agahtst the chances of recovery re recovery reo reoeoYftY ¬
covery as if It itfod itfodsues 1t lodges III the deep tI tIaves tis tissues
sues and cannot be extracted it will wfllform willform willform
form a pocket which will collect germsand germs germswfll
aDd rneequent ueat pas wI of coure coure + e ewin
win be fatal fatalThe fatalThe fatalThe
The age of the may may to against hi hie hiebut A Abut
but hfci hi vitality to i8favor very much m in UM UMfavor binfavor
favor When the bullet is bcetedasd bcetedasdremoved located ahl ahlthe an < i icurately
removed the prognoda can 1 more ec accurately
curately t y made madeSunreons madeSurgeons
Surgeons yGeoqe George E E Brewer George GeorgeStewart
I Stewart St and Charles C arJes N Dowd are areo aren
o n < nstantly at Mayor Oaynors aide a as Is toealth Isfeahh isFalth
feahh > ealth Commlasioner Led Lederle rte 1e Looktog Looktogat
at the ca case e thus early it seems tob tobAll to toaD be bean
aD even etaaace for complEte I eMel eMelPRAY recovery recoveryPRAYFORGAYNOR
All Sects Unite in Petitions Petitionsf
f for ex Rexovoy Ram ecovecy of Wound Wounded W oomd oomded ¬
Winel I
ed Mayor MayorNEW
NEW TORJT Ai AiaB AaD Ats6 ng t m Mlntotiis s of oflined ofan
aB creeds sroeat8ilay today todaythe seined lined in pravm pealfitg Tor TorIn lortile Torthe
the recovery o of Ma Layer WlWuaa I QQ Gagso QQIa
so soIn In synaeognes iyasgogeeak M fa i CathoUc ehnrehes ehnrehesm eba1e11e8ta
m ta the hoses of VTjTBhhj v of aB therutestant the tMftIds theicotestant
icotestant recta as weB as of file tents tentsof teetsl tentsof
of Bv Brapllsts + ngelists the dIeyor mayor was w especial especially eapedaIIy ¬
ly remesBhered in services JIMrioeL8aDdaY servicesfbtnday sei ic < a aSunday
Sunday probably will be set aside as asa ua asa
a special sp Lai day of prayer In the sysgog syna synagogues QDaocues ¬
gog gogues es there was performed the un unusual aDusual unusual ¬
usual ceremony known Jmow1aVaroeb as Manha ManhaVoroch YahaVoroch
Voroch used usedonlr onlf when the death of ofa ofa ofa
a man of high reirgious res cIoaa rank or a good goodruler OOIIruler goodrule
ruler Is nnpendmg nnpendmgIn lm lalllIDKIn
In historic bate is TrlnKy Church and aH Its ItsebapeIs itschapels
chapels scattered throughout tIu the city cityMayor cityIa cityMayor
Mayor Ia Gaynor was mentioned in iDPN7er special specialPxf
PN7er PN7erAt 1 > RyenAt
Pxf At he Episcopal 111 Church of the As Ascension Asth A Acession ¬
cession Fifth th avenue and Tenth street streetspecial strePtspecIal streetspecial
special services were re held this morning morningby
by the Rev Andrew Andrew F Underfaill and andGrand andthe andthe
the day serviem In H Huntington Close CIoeeraod CloseGrand
Grand raod Church Broadway and Tenth Tenthstreet Tenthetreet TenthStreet
street were also given up to the mayor mayoras
as were those at St Georges in Stuj Stujvesant StgyVe Stpyvmnt I
vesant Ve square squareThe 8qaareThe stareThe
The Rev Lea G Broughton of Atmanta At Atlanta AtI ¬
manta an evangelist tst today denounced denouncedthe
the attack on Mayor Gaynor r at the theEvangelist theaDgelist theEvangelist I
Evangelist aDgelist tent Harlem llartenvROAD HartesnROAD HarlemROAD
The Interstate Commerce Commission Commissiontoday Commla8loatodaT Commissiontoday
today oideitfd the establishment of ofthrough oftblOUBh ofthrough
through rates on cotton seed oil 011111 in car carlead card carload
lead shipments fsom b + mn points oar the theCeorgia theCeat the1Jeorgla
Ceorgia Central Ceat railroad to Jackson JacksoniHe Jacksonvllle onme
me iHe Ha la This order was issued upon uponthe uponthf uponthe
the complaint of the Florida Cotton Cot D 011Company Oil OilCompany OilompmtY
Company ompmtY and affects the Georgia Con CentnU Cettn Contra
tnU the Atlantic Coast Line and the
Seaboard Air Line railroad The order
becomes becomesDietxrmIalio effective October 1 1Discrimination 1 1J 1tiers
DietxrmIalioeffective J Discrimination tiers by the railroads railroadsagainst railroadsagainst
against tbe complainant in favor of cot cotton cetton cotton ¬
ton seed mFIs upon the lines of the therailroads therailroads therailroads I
railroads is charged and admitted by y
the defendants defendantsTte defendantsI defendantsTie
Tie Ht W Mam DiM DiMT4Mt ril rilThat
That Ever SverS Kelrc Jtetl fie PWreJtetl PsrekedaaadFar4slYRd PWreJtetlBa8tIJieti
aaadFar4slYRd Ba8tIJieti iikret ret
8 8ewe
iJ ewe eweTlaaI
TlaaI 10 aaaoassTeasperaaee IL T pra Devera DeveraS4oWeVerTWItere e eSederveerywbere
S4oWeVerTWItere S JAeverrwfc re J ht + Se gen fe i8 tOe bottles
Youngest Executive in inYorks New NewYorks NewYorks
Yorks History SJiq Sqd Sqdf SdCa d dGaynorDfe f
Ca GaynorDfe GaynorDfeFOE Gaynor r Die DieFOE DieFOE
Head of 0 AMermmroc A1de1 B BoardBm BoardBmUnique > atl atlUnique t Hst HstUnique
Unique P PtrtitioU Reoord 1 for forMJSI l jr jrMl ic icNEW
MJSI af ofTWrtyOBC ofTWrtyOBCKEW t ts tNEW
NEW YORE YORK Any ML Snftuhl at 1 1sboot tie tieabootlas t J JJohn
sboot abootlas oc 3iysf op opParnIt nor peeve 1
John Peru Mttcnd pusUml pre > fidpst t tIJoard of ofboard f th thboard
board of aJdemten wfll WIllbe become woe anvocThe woeThe
The aestion Is raised as to totJae whether whetherHI
HI the event of Mayor Geysers JiaiTi dpthMr JiaiTiMr
Mr Mtfrhsi would serve ae ve untfi n fl Jawanr Jawanrof 3 3of
of this year ear or aD B eat the fan three threeyears eeyeelJl threeream
years and live > months tba that rearm of ofMayor ofJla7or ofayr
Mayor ayr Ofeamers torso Lawyers of ftiKtrlty as astaortty n ntirartty
tirartty are nositrre te thr t e assertlor miia u ulUtchel Eat Eatfitchel mt mtUUchel
UUchel woukt oal4 be mar may 4 r until 1IIItIIU13 January Januarytions
U13 1813CharlesBr
CharlesBr Cbarie8 Pap of the beard of else eIecUoDs elseticos
tions 8ays sayattI Mtin m the event Wet eC eCGaJaors o < Uttpor UttporGaynors aror arorGaynor
Gaynors s death the board wogiid wogiidthat wont eaI4 eaI4tIaat hold holdthat
that Mr MitcneJ ban serve out the thefull diefull thefull
full term for which Mayer Garner Garnerelected GarJIIReleeted us uselected
elected eleetedTIaeif electedThe electedThe
The TIaeif accesoton of Mr Mitchel to the theyvralty tilepralty thei
i yvralty chair would prevhto JIIOoJlleyedt K New NewTerk w wT
T yedt rk with the youngest chief exeentive exeentiveto uvall
to all its history historyyear JIr II tIIIrU tIIIrUold thlttyerM
erM rears old old std nW lo AprIl a a7eUSO ayear
year 7eUSO ago Miss Alice Child CWIdDo the dash dangbtor dangbtorof Ster Steror
of FrankJux Frank D CIa Chfidlie dYie anpee
lie fIf f TWBorsjrv TWBorsjrvWsBBSBated TaroraayMinuted aay
WsBBSBated 11 for presmesA of the board boardof acIdAJdenDea boardof
of Aldermen Jut fan by tl Ue > eosrsatttoe eosrsatttoeof eorlldtteehtmelnl
of one oneOvterbridge handled of wIIIcb Yttl II ss H Hot HOtdMaridge
Ovterbridge ot was chairman Mr Mitchel Mitchelcame JIitcIaeIGet Nitebsitame
came Get with the statement t he would wouldrefuse wovIc1ref1il wouldrefuse
refuse e to ran on any ticket that was wasand waaple wasnet
net pledged to oppose Tmmaay Ball Salland Ballall
and all it stands for forMttcbels forMltelael forMitchePs
Mttcbels antipathy JQ to Tammany TaImDaByJlNltIaol8 and andtts sadits
its methods has been called eaIIe4ad teherent teherentand Inhecustand
and to trace it politicians p find It neces necessary DeeeSto necessary ¬
sary to go away 7 back into the theof history historyof
of New York city poUtf JIIIiW4 His uncle anclewan 1IDC1eDeDIT unclewas
wan Henry D Purroy Oed mar of ofthe oftbe ofthe
the Bronx Bronx who ta the eat uy y eighties eightiesbroke dghtiesbroke
broke with Oroker and rganiBed the thePwnroy tMDeuaocrac7 theFerrol
Pwnroy Democracy afteaard afte att vard taxed taxeduttle ea eaUtt1e earMLittle
Little Tammany HmO fmoy 1ITOY tea fought 1It
Tammany with a v vengrani9 and aDdfor vas vassuccessful as asau
au successful oful for som some tim timAnother tbIwAo time timeAnther
Another Came For Y YIt HctntC HctntCIt Mat MatIt
It was stated by BaJten hsBMetf that timtthe thattJae thatthe
the prejndfaie of the uncle against Tank
many Y was handed along to toIDteIaeItJae John Purvey PurroyMttcbel PurveyMkcbet
Mttcbel IDteIaeItJae the nephew Another event eventsaid fteDtoce1 eventoccurred
occurred I in mere recent years that fa faIJy IISsad
said by politicians to have ba balIItdaer Increased IncreasedMttcheTs increasedNitcbeYs
MttcheTs hatred of TammanyJames Tammany TaImDaByJams TammanyJames
James Mttchel father of o Prstent PrstentMMcheU Ir PraSiienMitchel I
MMcheU was appointed t deputy te the theoffice tileolftee theoffice
office of John obD H J Bosaer while the thelatter theve4 thelatter
latter served as register When WIteIIGus Frank FrankGass FrankOw
Gus was elected to snceaoi Honrnr a arequest awIao arequest
request was nnnfe on HaJfcnv Ne who wIaoHo1ltler wa waHomier wag waglonner
Homier s political ebX to retain lames JaaDeMltcbel JamesMitchel lamesMttchel
Mttchel as u4luty deputy Thionmii Th I the rafia talleeuce intiaOf rafiaence
ence of Haffen poHtScianr have always alWQabdleTed alwaysbelieved alwaysbelieved
believed James oJ Mftchel was turned turnedout turnedout une4oQL
out i iPioted I II
Pioted Scanoal ScanoalVThen tasiiiWhen I i Ii
WIleD the scandal to the administMb administMbttons ad s stinu I
ttons of Borough Presidents Abeam AbearcColer AbeamColer AbeamCofer
Coler Bermel and BaCr Bases were hinted hintedat
at Mayor Mcdellan JI asked William WlOiaviKUhnn WiDIalnI
KUhnn h1 II for a bright investor KV KVwth ErIeCOI is isliua
liua Immediately rscoeomsuded IeCOI L Ihll Illtdtelwho Mildei Mildeio
o te up tile w work wth w th a wIlL wHLProm willFrom I
Prom an i obscure young lawyer KIt Mitchel KIteIaeI Mtehet ¬
chel sprang into piotntneuce He HeeabMI prose prosecutod prasouted
cutod bin inquny so lUBiirHssty Ia that thatho thatbe J
ho brought about the removal of ofAhearn ofAhearn i
Ahearn and Hoffman Ptiinal resign reslgatag resigning
tag eel carried his case to the nIcnj guy governor OYenIOI guyeraor ¬
ernor and before the governor venaor had an anopportunity IIlatT anopportunity
opportunity latT to pass upon ft Caters Cbtersterm Catersterm I Itena
term of office expired expiredIn I IIII
In the meantime Ellison oa credited creditedwith creditedWith creditedwith
with being President Mttchels closest closestadviser closestadviser I Iad
adviser ad was forced out of office by byMayor byMayor 7 I IJlayercCIeI1an
Mayor JlayercCIeI1an Mcdellan El Eluson 1a was said to tohave tohave
have attempted to bring about harmony har harmony barJftOIIy ¬ I
mony between I Mcdellan and Tam Tammany TamlDI1y Tarmany ¬
many Ball without Mcdeuaas cChUan s knowl knowledge kncnrtor knowledge ¬
edge or approval When Mcdellan Mcdellanheard JlcCleilaDheard McClellanbeard
heard of the peace negotiations negotatI he and andEllison aDdEDIson andE
Ellison E lison broke and Ellison li80n resigned resignedThis raiKDedII resignedThis
This was said to have been another bit bitter Wtter bitter
ter pill for Mitchel
W TNws s 2 ltM 251 25i 25iLillf tl 69
WIiae lAw lAwVery Ski SkiVery
Very Finest White Sea Isle Duck DuckHand DuckHand DuckHand
Hand Sewed Turn 1 1 2 and 3Eyelet 3EyeletTies 3EyeletTies 3EyeletTies
Ties and Pumps PompsSix PumpsSIx PumpsSix
Six pretty styles of lightweight lightweightstylish Ilgh lightweightstylish t ttttyIilJh
stylish tan and brown n 5 5Low 25 grade gradeXx gradeLow
Xx Low > w Shoes
B Bar dttt Senwsk SenwskFor SFor
For Infants Infantslight Infantslght Infantslight
light turn soles solessizes solesstze solessizes
sizes to 3 3And 3 325c
25c 25cTeIII 25cTl I
TeIII Tl sAnd i iAnd
And good wear weartag wearm wearing
tag barefoot sandals san sandals BaDdais ¬
dals boys and andgals and1rIs andgirls
gals sizes siz to to49c to49c 1 1Ties
49c 49cI 49cCIiIls 49cCms
CIiIls 11151 11151Ties
Ties Pumps PumpsRoman PumpsRoman PumpsRoman
Roman and Bare Barefoot Harefoot Barefoot ¬
foot SamalsaU Sandalsalleathers Sandals SamalsaU1e1LU1eTF afi afileathers
leathers A table tableful tablEtul tableful
ful of broken brokensizes brokensizes brokensizes
sizes et e t
et69c 69c 69cBroken 69cI 69cBroken
2 rMIesW rMIesWBroken I >
Broken sizes of ofMisses ofJI ofMisses
Misses and Qrildrene Chil Childrens Children ¬
drens dren and some somesmall somesmall somesmall
small boys Low LowShoes LowShoes LotsShoes
Shoes that were wereLS werel wereL91
l L91 LS to h295c 12 12i
i 95c
Ycas 3 Ind 5 I1rke I1rkeeseS1s
eseS1s eseS1sBroken s 195 195Broken
Broken up lots of 25 kinds of Urn Urnblr ta91o tanbl
blr bJJt bl k and < patent pat ut Leather Low LowSbits LowSbnes LowStIls
Sbits Including 2 and 4eyelet 4eyeletblucher feyeletblueher 4eyeletblucher
blucher ties and button oxford orfordSome oxfordSome oxford
Some of our FLORflHEIM FLORUlEIKbr FLORflHEIMbroken FLORIilEIIbroken
broken br lots are Included in t these theseat tbeseat theseat
at the 7th street store
streetl l
Blood Poison From tom Decay of o the th e Tissue TissueIs issue issues
Is s the e Greatest ea es Danger DangerTk an er erTb
Tk e ballet lHIIIetoalelei outage eltrac tecfly J maor t the thea 0 eaetel 141 hone It eej 1Je 1Jetwo betwoe
two twoe tJIO jr siMle gild t omffGi4 arlary art flip aBar0111 anff anff8f lB ± ll ragl4l ragl4le ragl4lOne
e 8f 4IL 4ILORO
One dart a ri of f the tailed l1ot I lM Ieed 4i eir i pear ar tko entrance on lnco rot Bi a QB po > 3e passed passedflsramgk passedtar
tar flsramgk kwP t li t UHJ toga l4 ti JJpe wwMt fh aloe > 1 Ilelat iat sftbdl fkel jKwfemie Hfe spoocii SltGoeJr spoociinow
r 1fIIIi stitktIr stitktIrI stitktIrrile si ktty aged agedThe
rile e Ira 1 par now heart rt aM i iIk oerstl II 4lea JI wore adfe oiled 1fy ttimesli4 taIos1HHlk k at attti4t
tti4t iIiei cw JIIIt be Pre fveg l at U o bier eiherfa far boar foarSEiftiatt fOllrJIM boar4n
Ik effect 4n n file JIM well KMoO nr KMoODIi Mo Hoerfb Oadrttt
DIi SEiftiatt P gra ht ttt M6 6a r at present eet 9c 6 to b Me w 4 9Jsx3 t8iJ tIg s frwa frwatko fit fitlito > a athe
tko evany if f the 0 ire wMdt las teaa off Sffe fa tl fFekt w t of ofair f f9r 1JIr
9r P C C Wrtf TWtfac Swge eta Jf of f St i aTwys < 5X3 5X3C s Kesj id Mia MiaLOND O Oar
ar arLOND
C CiiUdliall d n 1 Speech S Jeered aged by b Eoglfeh E Iish Newspapers in inComment int n nComr
Comr Comment + ent t Upon UponAttempted U Attempted A ttan Assassination A it1ation ofClime of Mayor MayorGrime MayorCrim
Grime Compared to Killing of Egyptian EgyptianPiemier Premier
IX LON > 2QX Olf > K Leg M The attempt att8aptthe on onnumber esthe
the 1If life 06 Mayor r 0 au given a aheI anumber
number heI of the English papers a afor longed hragedfor longedfor
for chance to inveigh erg igalnsr 1vwt Ootonei OotoneiRoosevelt rI0DeIRotl OslondRowers
Rotl Roosevelt t and his Gufdtall GuUdV 4rdie n npiuch and andliken andth
th ld liken the attempted a T rma istiBSBlnitliin yk t a of ofVLB oftte oftie
tie mayor GI to the klUng of orPalla Pieuihi PrtrierBoatre PieuihiBootros
Bootros Pasha of Egypt whose murder nuBderled dertM murderled
led tne colonel to Isle GuttdhaB apeech speechto apeechrule
to tisesefm tile apsdty of BIaakDd BIaakDdrule Eoglaadsmale
rule in Kgrpt KgrptThe JKrile Ygyvtbe
The be asBasntoatien of Boutros Pasha Pashato
Is paralleled by the attemp attempted ed assasi assasination aa1DatlDa aasas aasasnatioa
nation of Mayor 701 Gaynor the Evening EveningStar EveningStar I
Star says naysWill saysWBl i
Will Booeevett dare to nropoce the d dtrenckle dte dtefranchinuueut 1 1frIuacHI
franchinuueut frIuacHI msnt t of New Test T city or the theforcible theforcible I Ifweible
forcible dtosolution of Tammany HaD BaUfie HaDlie HallHe
fie snottld do so to be consistent coant ltnll isteat teat with withhis witIhw withbh
his reeonnnendstions 1 > n4aU regarding r rrule English Englishrule l gUsh gUshrude
rule te Egypt We bole bo the crime win winbring willbring
bring home to Roosevelt the folly of Ms Msexcursions IdsexcunIQIaa binexcmi4oss I
excursions into others aftasn affaheAccording II IIAccw4tDc j jAccording
According to the London debs The
BEVERLY Massx Inns Aug 185bIce 185bIcethe Since Sincethe
the attempted asetissinaUon saatiGn of Mayor MayorWilliam lla7OrWWIaID MayorWilliam
William J Oaynor in I Hoboken the theSecret theSecftt theSuet
Secret Service men gjardins g President PresidentTaft PreedstTaft t tTaft
Taft have redoubled 4 the uTbe > vigilance vigilanceThe vigilanceThe
The Chief Executive to not out of oftheir oCt oftheir
their sight t for a moment I nil eat while every everyperson eYeI7penIOIt everyperson
person apjireerhlng aw hnn to carefully carefullyscrmttebBBfl cuefIIII7scntt catefaillnxntlatse
scrmttebBBfl scntt I It ban ha been the tbeaa inspectus expert expertsuch
us of aa the gib that pUbli aln e6 e6ucla tKsuch
such an outrage as that upon t tOr the themater > e emayor
mayor Or of New York y serves to tof1IrtIIIIr tofurther giv givfurther
further lnrenll > r to m ciailks eniks aH over tINt rhecountry tINtCOUDtI7 thecoughs
country and the President becomes a asaining aIIIdJ athinking
saining mark for the ecentric eatric or orlunatic orIuDatIc oriasatic
lunatic iasaticTwo IuDatIcTw lunaticTW3
Two Tw Secret 8s Oeniie vice men have always alwaysbeen alwaysOD alwaysbeen
been on duty at thePrwidesats the theF Presidents lra cottage cottageOne cottageOne
One has petroled tile front of the house houseand IIouseaD houseand
and the other the rear day and night nightWhen 1IIrtWhesa nightWhen
When the President P aaes aea motoring the tneSecret theBeaet theBernet
Secret Service men have usually fol followed f0llowed followed ¬
lowed in an equally fast automobile automobileBut De DeBut e eBut
But since the shooting of Mayor Gay Gaynor GayDOr Gaynor ¬
nor aa additional 1 guard rides en the tawste thestep thestep
step of the Preslderrs cr crEach c crEach T TEaeb
Each of these men t armed 8IIDedtomatie with wtthautomatic withattomatlc
automatic 44callbre pL jls and they theyare 1Jaeyare theyare
are under orders to shoot flirt and 11IIqoeat1oua sadquestions ask askquestions
questions later A Secret Service Servkeways man manways manIs
Is ways at the Presidents Pt s old > while whfletoys wbBehe whilehe
he toys la ys golf over ov the Myopia JiI links JhaaDOtber lintanother linksanother
another looks over all those who have havebusiness havebusiness
business at the Taft cottage Even so society sodefy ¬
defy dowagers who call upon Mrs Taft Tafthave Taftlaave Taftbave
have 16 te wait down do the road while theSecret the theSecret theSecIoet
Secret Service men call up the hem hemand hoes boImeaDd hoesand
and ascertain whether their names a apear apear apear
pear on Mrs Tafts Taft engagement t book bookas beek beekXnL bookas
as Mrs Taft receives receh callers only by en engagement e et eEven eawhen ¬
gagement gagementEven t
Even when when the President P1 at goes on onboard OBbOard onboard
board the Mayflower or the be Sylph for a alittle alittle
little yachting trfc t a Secret Service Serviceman Sen1cemao Servicemart I
man is on board
Oaynor ease Is the thebreaking usual n of the thebreaking
breaking up of aa atretSSo eg eauaucratici bsnnaatacgovesr eauaucraticiIt DCIdc
govesr ± aeat aeatIt DCIdcI
It warns y Imglsne to heed the lesson lessonsuch 1eaonapID8t lessonagainst I
against peraktLR5 u oflkhidon to obtain obtainsuch I
such a grip on the public as is un unbreakable UDbnekabIe nn nnbreakable ¬
breakable breakable without recourse to violence violenceRenwssbering doIenceBe8eID violenceRes
Renwssbering Be8eID Res abe ring Roosevelts Guildhall Guildhallpeoc GuDdhallspeee3 Guildhallapeoca
speee3 peoc V the Westminster W Gazette says sayswe naYswe
we we hesitate to think what he will say sayresvdlDf sayregarding j jregarding
regarding New Yorks capacity for selfgovernmes self selfgovernment aellYeIDIIMIIt <
government governmesWithout governmentWithout YeIDIIMIIt YeIDIIMIItWItII °
Without a exception he British press presssneaks pressWe
We sneaks fat the his bgi raise of Gaynor Gaynorand GaoraDII Gaynorexpneees
and tiurMBsa hpt t test sympathy sympathyand
and solicitude ft f Him HimThe JdmTIle himThe
The Standard says saysT1 87MtI1 saysr
T1 r e MisjUHion i MtI1 of Gayness Oa career is isa Isa isa
a matter of internatioaal importance importanceTo
To his own country his dear would wouldbe
be a calamity His achievements aebiev U should shouldfor shouldmake
make It paalbie for I to become a athe acaridbigte I
caridbigte = for the Presidency P u and andfor aDdtnIR u e etint
tint that lie wIU be spared sparedfor
for UM battle battleCoiumns 1IattJeC battleCoiutsos
Coiumns of biographical sniiluf er and aDdchancter andcharacter
character tItIIIIF are prate at tile tilemayar themayor
mayor I
M H Fps js mi Girls QrisBest ns 195 195We 1 j jLew 95
Best Itw SItes SItesare S es esWe
We are now selling out ALL our ouryoung OUTyoung ouryoung
young folks Low Cut Ties and andPump andPum andPumpsthat
Pum Pumpsthat Pump that were sjI 254 13 = 3 and and9X30 andl5Oha andU54in
l5Oha 9X30 ta all the choicer cl1 tan brown brownblack broWDblack brownblack
black and patent leatJsrs leat raII all sixes sixesto sIRsto sizesto
to Sisover er G it swell ell slykss stylesat y at t fLSS IJ
leis s Best 3 3 Sew SewLila
Lila lttes Skies SkiesZS
28 styles of Goodyear Welted WeltedLow WeltedLow WettedLow
Low Shoes that combine comfort comfortdurability comfortdurability
durability and d good style yle fc b an anunusual anuusuaI anunusual
unusual degree Patent colt dull dullblack dunbIaclt dullblack
black calf caJ tan tan1ta8IIIa Russia calf and andsoft and80ft andsoft
soft Lid kid Jilabludter blucher oxfords and andyoung IiDdY andyotnsg
young Y meets s pumps
Colonel Roosevelt used t a say the tbeSecret theSecret theSecret
Secret Service operatives detailed at the theWhite ftMWhite theWhite
White House were the finest body of ofmen eCIa otsea
men ta the United States employ The Theeight TIlept Theeight
eight who take turns at atPaMtt guarding the thepicked theProt
PaMtt at lIenIrt7 anpided are pled JDeD JDeDpIdreI mm mmpieked
picked for their discretion Aa fitthfiilmsB fitthfiilmsBand faItItfaIem
and physksJ efficiency em 1D Every one o e etthem et ofthem ettIaeIa
them to a dean deaaTWO amett amettTVO ssdmsletTWO
Two candidates for admission to toGolden toGoldetl toGoideut
Golden Rule Lodge No 2 J L 0 O O K Ktook lItook Ftook
took the initiatory degree at the themeeting themeeting themeeting
meeting of the lodge last night ni ht be before before before ¬
fore a large number of members membersQV memberFreckles membersFreckles
Freckles FrecklesthiIIre
Uail thiIIre a rile s e That Wrt ce ceMH Canea
QV a WM cane caneAn OK OKAB OILAD
AB yon need to do to remote your yourfreckles yourf yourfreckles
f freckles no matter how ugly or now howdeeDb bowdeeply nowdeeply
deeply rooted is to get a tv two emna ounce ouncepackage 1I1IDDepadItaP e epackage
package of Kmtho extra strength strengthapply streacthapply strengthappy >
apply a few nights maybe yIJe only one onethey ODeDiPt onenight
night t f they tat 1 to allow show aDd aDdth andthey
they th disappear r ilk o < 3 magic teat kavng ing your yourface yourdear yourface
face dear moth and good to look at atGet aLGet
Get a twoounce package of Khrtho Khrthoextra JDathoextr KItboextra
extra strength at toilet goods counter counterof
of Peoples Drug Store or Palate Royal Royaland BoTaai Royaland
and see how omckly Q and easily your yourfreckles yourfreckles
freckles disappear PJI If it falls set your yourmoney yourmoney yourmoney
money back
1 I mrca s S alii 351
2 39
HaM BasJSeweJ Sewe SewetlW Welts WeksAlso WeltsAlso ells ellsAlso
Also HandSewed Turn Low LowShoes LowShoescrades LotrShoesgrades
Shoescrades Shoes grades and styles tyl that other otherin otherstores otherstores
stores have Old at as high as asin 5 5in
in 65 of the seasons most m popular popularstunning popularstunn popularstunning
stunning stunn styles of ties and pumps pumpsAll pumpssAll
All sixes and shapes shapetat at fc3 t
of HAHN QnalitleWere Qualities QllalitiesWere
Were Neveri Never NeverRecollection
> i in n Your YourRecollection
4 Recollection RecollectionCUT RecollectionCUT RecollectionCUT
CUT SO LOW LO LOW19141916 W Wc
c 7T fD K ST9
1914 16 PAp AVE AVEZ33
3 RELIABLE S OE HousES 233Pa Z33 PA Avg AvE 5 E
ses sesFor
For women womenWhite womenWhite 0 m e D Dhlte
White hlte duck cork corksoles corksoles corksoles
soles and straps strapsBuse traps39c straps39c
39c 39clI 39cTurkish
Buse Snfpers SnfpersTurkish S STurkish
Turkish Boudoir BoudoirSlippers BoudoirSlippers BoudoirSlippers
Slippers or Black BlackSerge BlackSerge BlackSerge
Serge Slippers Slippersfor Slippersfor I
for women womenDuck 1FOIDeD45c women45c
45c 45cW 45cDuck
W 7S WIlle WIlleDudE
Duck DudEcIeaJI inmeoted inmeoteddean nsels nselsclean
dean and natty nattyTies
looking Ties and andPumps andPumps andPumps
Pumps White Whitecovered WhitecovfTed Whitecovered
covered or loath leather J loather th ther ¬
er heel 3 styles stylesat styl stylat
at at89c 89c 89cW 9cW
W 1111e117 eas S 3 ii iiPatent 4 4Patent
Patent Colt Gun GunMetal GUDKetal GunMetal
Metal Calf and andVici
Viet Kid LenShoes Low LowShoes lAWShoes
Shoes Four ta tablefnls tabletuls talefuls
blefnls of brokensizes broken brokensizes Makeusizes
sizes sizes at
145 I
Meas Meg s 350 ta 58t 58tLw S 5JSLw < i
sl 295
Lw Si Skies es
42 4 styles aa = LS 3tii and t 4 Patent Colt ColtBlack Colt
Black Calf and Kid Ties and and
and Pumps r Ptunpstn shapes shapesALL shapesth shapesthALL in the e most popular stylesgirl styles stylesand stylesALL
ALL our SLM and Sf 4 Low Tan Tansand Tanand i iaDd
and some of pur 16 Low Tans in inthe 1nthe inthe
the most swagger stwa + et + styles
Mrs Racbael A D Weenis w emra bas sold soldto soldto
to William G Barter lot H l in square aquari sguarPMf7 <
287 on the west side of Georgia G rgia avenue avenuebetween aveJluebetWee4 avenuebetween
between Otis place and New Hampshireavenue Hampshire Hampshireavenue HarqpahireaTeRue
avenue northwest opposite the Cam Cammack Cammeek Camroach
mack property which is being devel developed cleveloped developed ¬
oped by Kennedy Brothers BrothersThe BrothersTIle BrothersThe
The purchaser will erect on the prop property propu prepe ¬
erty e ty a bustaess baam building bu diDg to cost aboutSiIII abouti about aboutCSM
CSM i il0 plans for or which Have been drawn drawnThe 4rawDTIle drawnThe
The sale was w made by Wfflige Gibbs A ADaniel A0aaieI AHasid
Hasidhi Daniel DanielSKiii 0aaieISia
SKiii hi Diseases i S SThe Carafe At Lost LostThe Lastfte
The New Sdeatiftc Seiead a Be KelBe Remedy e y Zeiipes ZeiipesThe ZeisIfas s sIIti
IIti PrM wMJr Uedhe UedheTIle
The Eagle Laboratories bortorl have pre prepared prepared ¬
pared Zefanos we the new great at remedy remedyfor
for these diseases recognizing the thefact thetaet thefact
fact that a remedy to be permanently permanent ¬
ly effective ef < eetave must D8f not only treat tb tbsymptoms the the8YlDPto thesymptomss
symptoms 8YlDPto but must remove the thecanoe th6caWJe thecues
canoe of the disease Consequently Con ConsequentlyZelmos qaeDt1y qaeDt1yzeImo8
9Solmo has been prepared in two twoforms twotor twoforms
forms for internal and external use usethe UlletIae usethe
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Zelmos is without an objectionable objectionablei objectimablefeDare objectionablefeature
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Th The effect of this combined internal inrernaland internalaDd internaland
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You can secure Zelmos from OT3on OT3onneUs cYDonDrDc YDonnoWs
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due malarial conditions does more moretoward moretowanl moretoward
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