THE WASHINGTON SF1 HL1GT0 TDIES T33i r THFE8DAT THrR DAY SEPTEMBER 8 1910 i HIGGINBOTHAM HELD HELDFOR HELDFURTHER FOR FURTHERz FURTHER TRl l z 7 I Hearing a aEnds on Gl Girls r1s Charges ChargesEnds ChargesEnds Ends With with Refusal R Refusal fusal to toBe toBe to3e Be 3e Examined ExaminedNEW NEW l fORK Sept H t hMagistrate Magistrate trate K KGas EGaswn FGaston Gaston Gas ton Hljrginbotham lgginbotham nervous nervous and ex excited excited exeited ¬ cited brought the hearing on the thecharges thecharges thecharges charges against hm made by Miss MisHiekey XisHiekty MissHickey Hickey to a sudden end today before beforeMagistrate befoTtYagistnue beforeMagistrate Magistrate Kemptier in the supreme supremecourt em emcourt court building Brooklyn when W R he re reftMd reinsed tnsed to submit to au crossexamination crossexaminationHe ezamitation ezamitationHe bJation bJationlie He was held t ed in fl060 l bail for the court courtof courtof courtof of special sessions sessionsThe essOIl8 essOIl8The esssonsThe The magistrates ma trat s action was a com complfct complete m mpiH plete plfct surprise surpriseHe eyen < te JW own lawyer lawerH lawyerHe He H had been called can to the witness stand standhr Btanchr tandhy hr the the latter Philip Bramsabut Brennaa a 1 but ut at the theE theeeery very E beginning he ob objected eeted to being beingsworn toeingSworn beingsworn sworn sworn1le I IHe He claimed Immunity from this by an anold anold m mold old section of the pest code Then he heagved hearmed I armed a to he sworn wt JDa made e estate estatenent a state statement Btatement ¬ ment denying deD all the theIDdtey Hlekey girls acusatioas ac accusations ¬ i iCU8tiOIlL cusations CU8tiOIlLHe cusationsHe usatioasHe He waited waI cd examination ex when Jtea District DistrictAttorney Di DistrictAttorney tI1ct tI1ctAttorney Attorney JJVier L attesapted a t to toamine cnwjsex cnwjsexamine ctonexamine amine him hhnOn himOn htmOn On the stand t Kiss Hickey told thecumplete the thecomplete tilecumplete cumplete story storrleged of the aagntes uate alleged al alleged leged attack attackI attahwent attackwent I went to see Magistrate Hh2gin Higginbotham Hh2ginbotham HQIabot botham bot ha she h hmothers saId w on acc account aDt of ofmothrs top topmothers mothers habits I 1aone waated waatedOOI so uethtutg uethtutgGore Gore OOI for her I had a letter with wldatrom mei meitrom iae iae1r trom 1r m the Rev R Father yummy N NI NurnpyI i ito I gave him the letter aad be toI toIto ire ireto to sit down on the coach Then he sat satdown 81down satdown down beside mt m II He said a few things thingsann tbinpinrl thingsanal ann then he h put his biskra around n 1 tee e and andtrier aadtrttfC andtreee trier to kiss me Ht H said W I was a very veryime verynmre ery eryDHf ime > looking iooktt lix kig girl girlAt girlAt girlAt At first T thougfc thouglaVIt It was sympathy BYMpathyf Tie f was expressing for me but I dM not notvvaist DOtwant notwart want that He just didnt want wan to stop stoplike 1 He f f kissed mE aR again D and said M Rorld Rorldlike ould ouldlikfo like to meet me Sunday motainf Hot I didnt 50 back He had badlllted In Insulted hisnited ¬ sulted me sufficiently and I did no noShe 110carE nocare carE to kC hIm lllLin againfihe lllLinhe She he said id she he told her story to Father Fatherrnm Fathermmy Nramy rnm mmy and the charges were made ITe told me he had adjovraed nay m mmothers mothers cace caE to Sunday and said saidYou saidYou Ad AdYou You cone CC here Sunday between J Jatd l0 l0ad atd 11 and Ad w I will 01 be alone It y A An Af a lce I sny n > time 011 this L will pay y for it r told him r didt want to be paid f rot r thingthat anything aD that of I had just ju come comethere oometh comethere there th re to see about my motherBIRMINGHAM mother motherCapt motherBIRMINGHAM BIRMINGHAM I IDIES MAYORCapt MAYOR DIES AT SEASHORE SEASHORECapt Capt Frank P OBrien HadGone Had HadGone HadGOfJe Gone to Resort for forHealth forHealth forHealth Health HealthAla HealthBrRMIzO HealthBTPMINOHAjI I BrRMIzO BTPMINOHAjI Ala Sept tWonl tWonlag Wont Wontdeath n ag r ree4ve 1IId here today ef the sadden AIddeIIdtath saddendeath death at Asbory Park N J of Capt CaptFrank CapeFrank CaptFrank Frank P OBrien mayor 701 of Birming ¬ ham who ti be went to t that resort about six sixweeks siteweeks weeks 1 > fkg ago for his ItI8eYos healthNews health healthNews News eYos of his death was contained m illtlegram atelegram a atelegram telegram free his daughter Mrs X Oscar OscarR R Hundley addressed add to Mrs 1 J B BLuckie BLuckjf BLucka Luckie Lucka a close friend of tr family familyHe familyHe familylie He had suffered from insomnia and had been > eD granted ed an extended leave leaveof of > f absence from the mayors mayorsc office officeaptain officeraptain aptain < OBrien was r pioneer P GDee1 here hereand hereand hereand and for a Ionic time managed the theIBrien < Brien > Opera peTa House at one time the theleading theIf theleading leading If > adlng theater of e Birmingham For Forfour Forfour Forfour four years be served 8eIY as sheriff of Jef Jefffrsou Jeffeiaoir JefffTSOU ffrsou county couat and about aI out three years yearsago yeaTSi yearsago ago i t he > was elected mayor without op opposition oppoitiOn oppoitlen ¬ position positionDR poitiOnDR i iDR DR WOODROW TO PREACH PREACHRev Rev Re S H Woodrow D D pastor pastortb oftht of efthe the tb First dMKgregatkMial tJoaa1 Churrb win winoccupy lIriDoup wiloccupy occupy his pulpit at the 11 oclock ser serfce aerirP r rff fce Sur Sunday > day for the first time for sev severs Be Beer1 several ¬ ers er1 weeks weel Dr W Woodrow has Just returned re retjmed returned turned front a vacation catiOD to Massaehu MassaehuWILSON M asaebu asaebuwiLsoN eJau eJaut eJauI t > WILSON WILSONManufactarens1 W wiLsoNMAYERS ilSOr ilSOrN I N MAYERS MAYERSManufaelnreis I IMaoufadurers Manufactarens1 ctkMiers A Avctiooe rs 1227 and 1229 6 Street Streeta StreetNeed Streetitu Need NeiJ furniture furnitureWe itu We Now nave e oIr oIe 82 rxhibi r i tIti ien ienVery n a Very e rife Coitedioi of ofPieces ofMaimfadnrers Maimfadnrers MaimfadnrersSeletled Selected Sample Pieces PiecesSatefey Piecesfor PiecesFOC for FOCr r wry IMi it tie Home HomeTI Uo ae aeBY TI S4iI S4iIBYAUCTIOJ BYAUCTIOJ BYAUCTIOJSatur BY AUCTION AUCTIONc Satefey Satur c tur Mei Mull it1g ng 5 Sept 1 10 10COlilmeociAg 0 0Mahogany COlilmeociAg 103 103ahoaany 1030Mahogany Mahogany Bureaus and Chiffon CWffonires CbUroRtTC ChiffonI ires I earas Brass Beds Springs M Mat Mattres t tlrf ttre tres lrf seB Mek Solid lid Quartered Oak OakSQiid and andSoitf andSolid Solid Mahognay llahfHo DYJ JXtims > Itian Tables TablesKuffefS Tab Tabktnfe ktnfe KuffefS 1 > 111 h Chairs > China Chi Cases 0a8e8entng and andServing Bd BdServtng Serving Tables Hall Library Par Parlor Parlor Parlor ¬ lor Livirx Lhi g Room and Bedroom BedroomCliairs BecI1oeIDCllalrs BedroomChairs Chairs and TablE Rugs etc etct deOnly etcOnly t Only nly new furnirure fl rnlture of superior superiorquanty s perior periorquality ior iorQualIty QualIty od d here h yet the priC prices are arel areIe areleti l Ie leti than you Oll ordinarily pay for the thecommon t tcurnmon theommon common kiids Per Personal ooaJ attention attentionrourteouj attentionourteou attentioncourteous courteous attention Come me to and andyet aadet andget yet et acquainted with u vs = Nothing NothingW1CSON Noth1ngml Nothingmtsrepraerat ml mtsrepraerat < rep repWILSON A I 1t WILSON t MAYERS MA i YRS YRSManufadlJrtis v vMa ManufadlJrtis Ma wfac icars AIdioil8S Mc6oieers127a AIdioil8S122Z 1227 122Z 127a and 1E1 1229 6reet Steft et etr C 1 ft r I Accused By Girl I i j E GASTON HIGGIWBOTHAM HIGGIWBOTHAMBnooklya 1IGGINBOTIIAMBrMklyn EIGGINBOTHAMBrooklyn Brooklyn Magistrate OB Trial On OnCharges OnChalps OnCbarges Charges Brought Bro Bt By Young Woman WOIIUULLODGE WomanLODGE WwnaHLODGE LODGE OUT OF DATE DATESAYS DATESAYS DATESAYS SAYS BUTLER AMES AMESSPRINGFIELD AhlESj AhlESjSPRIoGFIELD ARIESSPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD Mass Sept SeptRepresentatiTe SeptRepresentative Representative Butler Ames candi candidate candidate date for the United States Senate Senateagainst SelULteagatDSt Senateagainst j against Senator Henry Cabot Lodge Xiodsepredicts Lodgepredicts predicts defeat for terHI Lod Lodes LodesI e eI j HI I am at sure are of winning amid Ames AmeThe A Atrouble AmesThe The trouble is right here JlereThe hereThe i iThe The average life of a wan u i is about aboutthirtyfour 1HNattIItrt7tour j jthirtyfour thirtyfour years When a man n has been 1 eea in g office for or a IOM long time timethat past that Ume of life be get gets a away W way from fromthet fromaverage theavera thet average re voter and ad out of sym sympat synpatoy 87JRpaUlY patoy pat with him himSenator him5eaator himSenator Senator Lodge does not appear to tonsllze torealise i irealize realize that he is behind the th tunes The old line Republicans are not with withme i ime me of course but the you younger r Re Republican RerubliaLn Republican ¬ I publican voters are NEW fflWK YORK DEFEATS DEFEATSLatter DEFEATSDISTRICT DEFEATSDISTRICTMARKSMEN DISTRICT DISTRICTMARKSMEN DISTRICTMARKSMENLatter MARKSr EN ENLatter Latter Led Up to 600Yard 600YardStage 60QYardStage 600YardStage Stage for DrydenTrophy Dryden DrydenTrophy DrydenTcophy Trophy TrophyI t I SEA GIRT N J r Sept 9 9In In the Drgden Diy Diyien DtJen den < en match the most important contest contestof eont t tof of the ten days tottrnanrt tOllrnannt nt rifle te teamsfrom teams teamsfrom tg tgfrom + from the District of Columhia Co mnbia the theUnited tINrnited theinited + United States Infantry the UntWd UntWdStates Unit UnitStates IItteriStates States Caralry CaY ry and New Jersey and andNew aidNew lid lidSt New St > w York took the range rDg this t ls morning moramgin morningiz in threatening threateRl c weather The Therophy S1tr91 S1tr91rophy 1 1ro rophy ro hy presented by Termer Senator SenatorI I > yden den n of New Jersey was won last lastfar Ja lastear t tar far ar by Ohio The District never quite quiteaptured quiteaptured quiteaptured aptured It being second to the la laartry ID3Ttry in intry artry try in l lt and to New cw Jersey rente in l9lyThe BOO BOOThE 05 05The The District took second nd place on the the200yard t1teVY thernyard 200yard VY yard stage today scoring scerln 3M5 3 two twoi twotints i t tints ints Khind the Infantry InfantryThe InantI7ThE infantryThe The five n ve teams were bunched within withinu wiUdo wlt let leta o u l points New Jersey had 34S the theavalry tileavatry theavalry avalry 34 546 and New York 341 Capt Captrederick CaJttredtrick Captrederick rederick Hefdaweich was high for the theI theDistrict I District icqr ct and the field eJc1 with 47 47The 41The 47The The District team scored as fellows foHewsUeutenant fellewsU fellowsLieutenant Lieutenant U utenaJit Alderman 44 Sergeant SergeantBrown Serg8lUltBrown SergeantBrown Brown 41 Sergeant S 8lUlt Schmidt 42 Pri Private PrIl Frivate ¬ l vate ate Fehr 44 Lieutenant Cajdweil C8k wello 41 41Lieutenant 41Ueuteaaat Lieutenant daweal 41 Captain HeMe Hediearekh HeMereJeh HeWettrelda reJeh 47 Lieutenant Lleute aRt Holt 44 Total Totalvii TotaThe TotalThe vii viiThe The LJfefer LJI hy trophy match At WW 1 yards vardTBfeMtandout vrc vrca yardsa a TBfeMtandout out contest test and uti the Press Pressnatch Pre Praynatch t tma natch ma were also shot S Ot today todayThis todayThis todayThis This District DI trict was dfentaced by New XewYork NewYOl1t NewYork York hi the Drydsn match on the tileYnI dM dMyard t tyard yard stage Wiser the teams went to tothe tethe tothe the Aaat lG9yard range c the infantry latantrywas IBfaatrywas infantrywas was still leading with 71S New York Yorkwas Yorks Yorkwas was s second with 713 the th District third thirdwith thirdwith with 71 TlOe New x + r Jersey fourth with vithIIJaCl Tits Titsand and tile tb Cavalry fifth with 7N 7NTJeutenant iILLieutenant iWIleuteaant Lieutenant Clause s 47 7 was hisrh hl h for forthe ferthe forthe the District at 1M yards Sergeant S eDt Bry Bryanr Bryant Rn Rnant ant of New i York made the possible possibleThe Poesib4eThe The District score follows Lieutenant UeuteDaDtJdernan LieutenantAlderman Ii IiThe Alderman 46 4 Sergeant Brown 44 Ser SerI Sergeant geant Schmidt 45 41 Private Prfv Fehr 43 43Lieutenant GLieutenant Lieutenant Caldwell 45 Lieutenant LieutenantClanaei tenaa tenaaCIau8eI j 1 Claosel 47 Captain Heidenreicb lIelde r8ICb r8ICbLifoutena 4i 4iLieutenant Lieutenant Holt 44 total 358 356The i iThe I The restrict team broke up this after after1noon afternoon noon at the conclwriOH C9 Chwlo or yr r the Dryden Drydenmatch l vrydauateb > rydee1Iateb match mostXbem most them starting startht directly for torV forVaaabgtoii Vaaabgtoii V llbmt0ll 1 WH n I II = I N N N H N N Joseph Aueb Auerbachs r ach s Bankrupt Stock AGED PHYSICIAN DEAD DEADKICHMOND DEADlUCHKOND DEADIUCIIMOND KICHMOND Va Sept 9 9Dr Zr I J JI JHawked T THawke I Hawked a wellknown Richmond Rlcbro ntl + i physi physician pkSllan pkystelan ¬ cian lan is dead Dr Hawkes died yester day at the age of eighty jeas 3 eas He HeMaine Hecame Hecame came herE Ii number or years ago Eo from fromain fromMaine Maine ain He leaves a wife a ad d everal leeraIn everalgrown everalgrown grown n children childrenTired children1ou childrenTZFor TZFor TZForSoreFeet SoreFeet SoreFeetTired Tired Aching Achirl gSwol Swollen n Smelly Sweaty Feet Corns Callouses or Bunions BunionsUseTIZ BunionsUse UseTIZ Use TIZ Its Sure Quick QuickAnd QuickAnd And Certain CertainYon Certainp p 1 1You t t Yon Will JII EuJoy using 1 sinzr in TJX T1 The Most Mostand MostPleaannt fostPJe2l1ant PJe2l1ant Remedy You Ever Tried Triedand Triedand and Jlereover It Works AorkAt WorksAt orkll orkllAt At last here b Ie is is instant relief and a lasting 1 lng permanent remedy for sore feet f t No more tired feet No more moreaching moreaching aching hiD feet No more swollen had hadunelling IMulIillMlliJag badsmelling smelling sweaty feet No more corns C tD tDNo No more bunions No o more ore callouses callousesno no matter what ails aU year rr feet or what whatunder whatullder whatunder under the sun un youve tried without withoutgetting withouts withoutgttUns getting relief Just u ue T T1L T1LTIZ z zTIZ TIZ is is s totally h unlike tn kc anything rthtn else for the purpose you ever heard of 0 0It Its It the only foot remedy ever made madewhich madewhieh madewhich which acts on the principle of o drawing out It all the be poisonous poill Deu8 exudations exudationswhich exudatlOIl8wit enudatlonswhich which wit cause lION feet Powd Powder and andother aJIdother andother other remedies merely clog olp < 4p p and the thepores thepores pores TIZ cleanses them hemout out and Dd keeps k epe them clean It works right off 0 < < You win feel better the very very first time its It used Use it a week and you youcan youan youcan can an forget forg t you yo ever had sore sor feet feetThere feetsere There sere re is thhing othing g on earth that can cancompare canoopAre canpare compare pare wth w it TIZ is for sale at all alldruggists alldruggists druggists d1 Jt1Psts 25 cents per box or direct directif if you wish wls from Walter alter Luther Dodge Dod A Co Chicago Chka o HL Recom Recommended RecomJl4n Recommended ¬ mended Jl4n ed and sold by O Donnells nns stores storeJ I 11 613 6 1 3 Fourteenth F U lh Street e t N W W SpeCial Sal Sale of ofWAR ofSILVERWARE ofr r SILVERWARE SILVERWARE SILVERWARENOTEJust WAR WARNOTE 1J J I INOTEJust NOTE NOTEJust Just a word about the quality of these exquisite pieces They are all quadruple quadruplepJate quadruplepJateon plate plateon on white metal metala a combination so nearly indestructible that we freely guarantee every piece 25 years yearsNothing yearsNothing yearsNothing Nothing better made 5 = piece Tea Service 1325 1225 V 50 CENTS A WEEK WEEKThe 4 4The Ii IiThe The set consists of Coffee arid Tea Pot Creamer Sugar Su r Bowl Bowland Bowlt Bowlane1 t and andSpcJR Spoon Holder in the prettiest patterns we have ever shown1325Payable shown shown1325Payable 1325 1325Payable Payable 50 cents a Week if You Choose ChooseWith 4 = piece Pb Chocolate het 1400 OO OOWith With Walter in a number of beautiful designs Oastelbergs Oastelbergsspecial Caste1bersspecial special sale price 50 CENTS A WEEK WEEKIn WEEKSiIv WEEKSilver SiIv Silver pitcher lioblet Waiters 1250 50 50In In fbemost fbe most artistic designs Castelbergs special sate price I 50 CENTS A WEEK WEEKWe We will giadly ky aside any piece of Silverware or Jewelry upon payment of a small deposit posit or orshall orshall orhall shall be pleased to have you open an account and pay in amounts so small as not io incon mconVe9lei1Ce nience you youin JOOin yrouin in any way v vSee See Our Beautiful Window Windowbisplay Display L > ispIay CASTE B gGS935Pa 935 Pa = Ave Ave3 r r J Joseph Auerbachs Bankrupt ru Stock s 1 I I r I 613 6 1 3 F Fourteenth o en hS Street et N NW 1 W n M N M N NN N NN N NN N Saturdaythe Last ast Day of the Closingout Sale of ofApparel i I Joseph Auerb chs Bankrupt Stock of Mens Apparel Apparelr I i r OPNLAU OPEN N lATE LAI LAIOW AI Al 613 1 f FfII4F4unFk rtnent h St ga N JtJ W OPEN OPNEATI LATE II I TOMORROW OW NIGHT t l U J OU JL Ltt Hi I tJL I SL V V TOMORROW NIGHT NIGhTThis 11 11This II if i This sale of the Bankrupt Stock of Joseph Auerbach will end tomorrow night But one more day re remains reB I Imains B mains mains for you to take advantage of the wonderful wond rful bargains 0 offered in Mens high class clothing and furnishings furnishingsi t tF F e i Everything must mus go r regardless of former prices or actual cost costFor costFor i if y 9J q s f For the th last l st days selling prices prices have been cut still deeper all along the line lines s YolicaRsnpply You can supply yourneeds your 1 1needs needs for the future as well as the present at unheard ofsavings of savings savings savingsIy 1 Iy SHINCTOiiD r Everything at ELT 1 Price and less I N N N ors orsN orsN orsN orsM orsM orsN N N M N N N f1ens 1 1aml and 20 Suits N N N 9 7 5 M M ECholce Choiceat ChoiceatN a E N N H g Eg Evel Evciy > > suit of clothes In the Anenbacli stock was bought b ught for this s season 5 selling sellm sellmM M N i and embraces grades of clothing that mark m rk the superlative superl Live instyle in style fit and worknlanship work workH workmanswp 0 0aud H nianship nianshipH H N Auerbach Js 1800 and 2000 Pal F tl Suits < < compr comprJ e the choicest stles eat rIes erne and a d dabrics fabrics including highgrade higr de fancy fa cy worsteds and cassimeres in a wide range oi otSI ofsmart smart SI artd designs d wns and colorings coloringsChoice r rChoice Choice offered at 975 > E Mens a BaDdt a mdt dt ailored Hor d 5attx of fi fiported fhe tin 1Inr tinported ported aaA de aoiimaOc site woratwts sad sadHXs chev chevM M price = lots HXsprice r Aaetttaeh mauler worsted i int PS lime limechev 1500 1500E a aptlct E txtra nt Kti FIRe e 1QuJality QualttT H a n a aSutts ts tssale tdlored tdloredof Sutts of L4 wonteds and eri C xi ximetes n ntp metes Auerbnehs prices anC 335 335Sate I 8 oau Sate price tp o CF Micros Fine Binek Vienna T u x e d o oSuits Suits silt 7 ihied Auerbachs price S SSale 1500 1500ns sale price priceKens e eideas Kens > > ns Black Unftnisu l Worsted Tux Tuxedo ¬ edo Suits silk lined with w Ul notched note hEd colifc colifcAoerbacns colllAuerba rollerAuerbachs 22 50 Aoerbacns Auerba < Its price 55flO S + t10 sale price pri e u J o 3 MeR eirs a Fine Prsj PrsjuaAMiahed Grade 11111I DNa eha of ofanrNahed 11 anrNahed uaAMiahed warsto warstosilk l all inns tailored td9Ie4ifr tailoredsilk silk ifr lined lfo 4 latest teteet UU t cut AnerbAdTs price puceHi 1950 1950Xens Hi 4 S saie e price priceMens priceMens u Mens Slips SIIp G Gartasts rmonU awl am 1 Rain Raincoats RalncoaUf Raincoats ¬ coats some ef slUe llk in a good 8DO < < assortment aasortmentof rtntent of b styles I Averbacfcs A AJarens Prices J3S and and75I 15 0 0 75I 7 IL Sale price priceMens price priceMens Mens HiRhsrade Hl H hgrade b rage Kallwencit II t Top Coats fall silk lined 1 12tens Age Aoertmchs roachs prices pricesSaA 19 50 538 and 5S Sale price priceMens priceMens Mens sa Sltpon Garments and Rain Raincoats Ratecoats coats or allsHk material Regular Rejjularprices ReuJarP Regularper 17 50 prices P 16 aDd SM 3W I Sale price i Mens Underwear Underwearc c > A lW 6f > y Price L J j J i11fL i Ii i iA t r + AuertaKrhs A Auer bsehs I stock of Kens Underwear U erwear comprises the very feast t sraSB sraSBtne grad Ok enthe Oktbe the nnrtttrt marketand anJL it is indeed an uiivsnal opportunity you are now no offered ta tamppty te8IIppIyOar toanppiy mppty 8IIppIyOar your aecds at at a saving of ejtactly e ctb half regular regularKice regularKiceThe price priceThe priceThe The stock includes finest ftDe t grades of Medium and Heavy Weight eisJtt UB Under URf1erwe Underwear er erwear wear wear we r cones of pore wool garments suck as Stattgarter Iron Crown CrawaWri CrewaWrtgtlt CrownWrirlrts Wrtgtlt Wri iCS CBVpers s Keis ae s Glastonbury and a d others equally as well known 1tOL 150 1 50Underwearat75c Underwear at 75c 200 Underwear at 100 v 300 Underwear at 150 Jjo 400 Underwear at 200 200II 4o41 11NNN1sWNNM NNNeINNNIN II I m1 1111 1 Mens ens Silk Hose HoseMens Mens Pure Silk Half Hot Hose HoseSold < e esale Sold regularly at 11 a pair pairSale 50 C Clens sale price pnceMens priceMens Mens Finest Grade Pure Thread ThreadSilk ThlealllUk ThreadSilk Silk Uk Half Hose with t tth linen linenloot Cfl CfltooC foot Regular 1I1 = and nd ndgrades 8 2bo 2bogrades 0 0grades 89 C CXn grades Sale price priceM priceIriss M Xn Iriss ns Regular Rf > UIar SIc 5 c Half Hose in including fAclucltll4 including ¬ cluding imported lisle In hilancy Inrancy Infancy fancy effects plain plat blacklisle black tf tfHide > Hide also al silk Plaited HoseSala Hose HoseiSaJe HOSIe blaCk2Q C CSOc iSaJe Ie price pair pair50c pairSOc C1 SOc and 75c Madras MadrasVash rtJildrasas Wash as Ties 12 12ic Z ZLot I c Each EachLot ac Lot of Auerbachs Neckwear con consisting consl3ting consisting ¬ sisting of Imported English Madrasash Madras MadrasWash MadrasWash Wash Ties rle8the the correct shapes Sold Soldby Soklby Soldby by Auerbach at Se e and IId Sc re each eachSale eachSale ch chSale Sale price priceMens 2fcc 2fccMens c cMens Mens Mercerized SIlk add Wool WoolFiber WoolFiber WoolFiber Fiber Knit Ties In0401s In leadtac leadtacisaie JeadiIIslotS leadir0401s 0401s lotS Auerbach AuertJRchsK1ce a price a 121 121Ie 1Z1e isaie Ie price f f 2 C Mens Silk e7 Neckwear NeckwearEvery L LEvery Every man in Washington Washin tor knows h OWS the reputation enjoyed by b Auerbacti AuerbactiNeckwear Auerba AuerbaNeckwear AuerbachNeckwear Neckwear The most exclusive designs dcsi ns and the finest qualities quaU only onlyYoa 0DIyYoa onlyYo Yoa Yo can buy Auerbach Neckwear in this sale at HALF regular 1Cf > U1aI prices prices50c prices50c prices5Oc 50c and 75c Solidsilk Neckwear 25c 1 and 125 Sqiidsilk Neckwear 50c 50cFinest 50cFInest 50cFinest Finest Imported Silk Neckwear Sold at 1150 150 50 anS an t Reduced RedaeedJens to Vic VicMens jJBcAtens Jens Union Suits representing the finest jin ° stt t quaiiBes r i1 es m rri e re reduced reduced redveeott ¬ duced to exactly price p ce 150 values at 75c 200 0 values at S100 100 300 values at 150 150aens 150i 150MensYlae aens i MensYlae DS tFtae bie Q Quality mUty t7 Gloria Silk Umbrellas with itA high sra sraadl grade 1 48 r adl Auervechs Awe 8eIts prices 250 50 an and slQO 00 Safe Sa priceMt price L LmnmmHmmUm mnmmHmmUm lmmIm Mt NHNMr NN1N nh i hMN1 hMN1a t J a 4 = N N Auerbachs Cr n s T Stock of Hats 1atsM N N N N N M M = 1 1 39 c Worth 250 250to I N N to O OA 350 350A N g gA A big lot of Mens Hats consisting consisti of derbies and soft shapes in inall H HaH g gaD aH the most approved aYY d styles and blocks for foil and winter wi iter H HAH g N N NN AH sizes in in title1 title1cot the lot lotGrades lotGrades M MGrades Grades recognized r ized everywhere as the best of their c class classAuerbachs classAuerbachs s sAlierbachs N Auerbachs Alierbachsprice prices p ces 250 a4 3 and 350 each Sale price 139 N Mens s English Knock Knockabout f about Hats Sold SOWJarly regu regularly k klariy 1 75 lariy at R IiI o1 Sale price Kice qJ < JJ JJMens a aJofeas aMens Mens Ex Extra a Fine Grade Imported ImportedFrench ImportedFreRCk ImportedFrench French Felt Hats made madein madee tradein in Toulouse Prang France jf jfRegular 1 Regular price priceprice 5 Sate 2035 2035FIIte t tprice price e p pFtae o oFoie Ftae Quality Imported IniporterlFrench Jt JtFrench French Felt Crush Hats HataSekl HatsSold k kSold 1 50 Sold at S2M Sale price priceFamoas priceFamous cp cpFamous Famous Guyer Parchment Parchm > nt Der Derbies Derbi Derbies ¬ bies bi < Ps vary V light and andsmart A Asmart 1 smart sm rt Sold regularly at fe 2 5 1400 4 408 < Sale 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