T i I l rL 2 THE WASHINGTON WASIIINGTONTIMES TIMES SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 17 7 1910 agreement a ment is made or not not was the opin ¬ ion of several wellknown dealers whotnlked whotalked who whotalked talked today todayI odayI I believe present conditions are stifeh stifehthat stfchthat schthat that we roust must pay 22 2 cents for a starter starterto starter starterto to the farmer said A A S S Trundle Trundlenewly Trundlenely Trundlenewly newly elected chairman of the executive executivecommittee ex8cutive ex8cutivecommittee exocutiveCommittee committee That means that the high higher ¬ er grade de of Eslllc must sell for M cents centsunless centsunless unless most of us lose ose money on our ourwinter ornwinter winter trade It seems to me that t one onepoint onePOint onepomt point generally nerally overlooked Is that there therecan threcan therecan can be no absolutely fixed price since sincemilk sincemilk milk like meat and other edibles va varies Ties In quality and we naturally must mustask mustuk mustdisk ask a higher hS her price for milk known to tocontain ton tocontain contain n a high percentage p of butter butterDEALERS butterDEALERS butterDEALERS DEALERS DECLARE DECLAREWAR DECLAREWAR DECLAREWAR WAR TO THE FINISH FINISHCharging FINISHCharging FINISHCharging Charging that methods in vogue at atthe atthe atthe the Health Departments Dep rtments office threat threaten ¬ en a a milk famine and declaring that thatofficials thatotrlcIa1s thatofficials officials In charge of milk Inspection Inspectionare are by S W V Woodwards own state statement statement statement ¬ ment woefully incompetent the theMilk theMilk theMilk Milk Dealers Association Ass clation of the Dis District District Dintrict ¬ trict today declared war to the finish finishtm 1inlshontheHeaJth finishon tm ontheHeaJth the Health Office regime regimeThe regimeThe regimeThe The dealers claim they have been beenrefused beenrefu8ed beenrefised refused a hearing before the Commis Commissioners Comndssloners Cozmnissloners ¬ sloners through influence brought broug t to tobear tobear tobear bear by b the Health Officer though t a apromise apromise apromise promise of such a hearing was m madepublic made madepublic de depubIIc public in the newspapers This is one oneinstance oneinstance oneinstance instance they say In which they have havebeen haVebeen havebeen been misrepresented through the thepress theress thepress press ress and efforts have been made to todiscredit todllscredlt todiscredit discredit the association associationTo a < soclatlonTo To Fight For Hearing HearingThroubh RearingThrough i iThrough Through former ormer Secretary A A S STrundle S STrundle SFrundle Trundle who at his own request wasmade wasmade was wasmade made chairman of the executive com comznlttee commlttee cornmuittee znlttee in order to carry on the Seat Seatnotice Aghtnotice fightnotice notice was served today that the asso oclatlon aseeciatlon i ielation elation would insist on a hearing or orstart orstart orstart start a campaign of publicity 1I81101t that thatwould thatwould thatwould would force orce the Commissioners lo lorecognize lorecognize torecognize recognize them themMr themMr themMr Mr Trundles statements follow an anaddress anaddr68s anaddress address made last Bight at th the Deal Dealers Dealers Dealem ¬ ers em Association meeting which wac heartily applauded by the members membersand mem1tersand membersand and Indorsed by President W A Hart Hartranft Hartranft hartranft ranft ranftThe ranftThe ranftThe The Health Department in direct directviolation directI directvlqlation violation tI of law is daily refusing e to I i ln lne Jn Jn1lnla issue permits to Maryland a and Vir Virginia Virgluts ¬ gluts farmers and instead is foisting off on them socalled temporary per permits permits perrimits ¬ mits not n tt < authorized by b any an statute statuteunder statuteunder statuteunder under tho sun declared Mr Trundle This procedure the dealer declared declaredwas declaredWaS declaredwas was driving dozens of the small milk milkproducer milkroducen milkroducer producer out of business beea1I because e of ofthe the uncertainty of their being able to toship toship toship ship milk for any given length of oftime oftime time after they had arranged for its itsproduction Itsproduction production productionMflk productionMilk I productionMilk Milk Famine Imminent ImminentA A milk famine is Imminent if ifconditIons seen seenconditions such suchconditions conditions continue he said said and it itwont Itwont wont wont take any trust to force the prices pricessky pricesIky pricessky sky high unless some higher power calls callsa a halt on the unwarranted procedure at atthe atthe atthe the Health Department DepartmentProtest DepartmentProtest DepartmentProtest Protest was also made today against againststatements aslRStstatements againstztatementa statements given out by the Health Officer calculated to alarm milk con consumers cons ¬ sumers sumersWhether s s mers mersbether mersWhether Whether they know it or not not Mr Trundle said said the Health DeJMLrtment1s Department Is playing directly Into the bands of the themanufacturers themanufacturers themanufacturers manufacturers of unwholesome and dele ¬ terious milk powders and condensed condensedmilks condensedmOlaL condensedxiiflks milks We dont complain because they theyare theyare theyare are decreasing the demand for milk We are now selling milk at a Ioe Jo in inorder inol1er inorder order to keep our customers to th thtime the thAtime thetime time when the retail prlqe prk e will give ve vesome 118s uss some s 1ne little profit But we do protest protestagainst pretestaSalnst protestagainst against the ultimate effect of this rate rateconception mIfcqncepton misc conception c and the trust busters bustersmight 1MM buoteesuilght might ght investigate ln estJgate the real combines combineswhich combinesw1l1ch combinesI I which manufacture these powders aDd aadcompounds aDdcompounds andcompounds compounds compoundsWhack Whack At Chief ChiefDeclaring ChiefDeclaring ChieLDeclaring Declaring Declaring that there was no use usemincing entlndng useimlincing mincing words in the faee aee of such a acontingency acontlngencyn acontingency contingency Mr Trabdte last night nightdeclared nightdeclared nightdeclared declared that what tae milk dealers dealersmust dealersmust 4ealergmust must fight for or was a practical and aadcompetent adcompetent andcompetent competent mam at the head of the Health H tb Department who hadnt too many theories ries to contend with withWe withVe withWe We Ve dont want a laboratory chem ¬ ist Ist Mr r Trundle shouted We dont dontwant dontwant dontwant want a man who vould make before a aconvention aconvention aconvention convention of farmers the astounding astoundingstatement astoundingstatement I statement that the hair ought to be becwt DeCJ becut cwt CJ t off a cows tall so that she could couldnot couldnot couldnot not fleck dust in the milk paiL Doesnt he know there Is a Humane Society C in Washington and in Virginia VI where he was talking talkingWe talkingWe We dont want a man who would wouldstand WMlldstand wouldstand stand up upbeore before cattle raisers rl anti say that bowel affections of babies were due to the handling of milk by dealers dealersbecause cka1enbecause dealersbecause because calves had no such troubles Does h < know anything at all about the difficulty of raising calves < on this very veryaccount veryaccount veryaount account accountWhy accounth aountWhy Why h when hen Dr Woodward made madethese madethese these and other equally astounding astoundingstatements l18t nstoumdngstatements UDdtng statements tat ments at Leesburg recently a body bodyof bodyor bodyof of farmers got up and left the hall and andcould andcould andcould could not be Induced to come back 1Y y ANNIVtRSARY SALE SALfGives Gives Every very Purchaser AH Next Week WeekFiftyfive WeekJ VeekA A 1 10 0 Discount DiscountFlftyDve J Fiftyfive years successful business It is my treat So all next week I am amSrtns ame4ng anigoing going e4ng to lye them a M per cent discount on every article In stock It is a ama amater ma mater mater ter of local history that I carry th the larsest tock of Leather Goods Trunks Bags BagsSuit BagsSuIt BagsSuit Suit Cases kc c in the city dtynot not only the largest assortment but the fines finesgrades fintSradesaD nes nesgradesand grades radesaD and at th the lowest prices too quality considered consideredHere coDSlderecLHere consideredhere Here Are Just a Few Items ItemsFrom Itemsfrom 1 > > 0 > i fJ1 f From My Immense Stock StockS S S TAFT WILL SERVE AGAIN AGAINIF AGAINIFVOTERS IF VOTERS INDORSE HIM HIMPresident HIMPre HIMPresident President Pre ident Is Not Stepping Aside As de for AnyMan at Present PresentBut PresentBut PresentBut But Is Content to Saw Wood and Leave It to the theCountry theCountrY theCountry Country to Decide in 1912 BEVERLY Mass Sept 17 17It If a re renomination renomination renomination nomination is offered William Howard HowardTaf HowardTaft HowardTaft Taft Taft t he hewUI will accept It ItFriends it itFriends ItFriends Friends of > r the President presld nt in Beverly Beverlytoday Beverlytoday Beverlytoday today deny that t at already alrea y he has ex expressed expressod cxpressed ¬ pressed a willingness to stand aside asidefor asidetor asideior for Theodore Roosevelt or any other otherman otherman othernan manLikewise man manLikewise nanLikewise Likewise these friends say that it Is Isabsurd Isabsurd Isabsurd absurd at this time to put the Presi President President Prestdent ¬ dent In the light of announcing his hiscandidacy hiscfudldacy hiscandidacy candidacy for a second term termIn term termIn termIn In brief if the voters of the United UnitedStates UnitedStates UnitedStates States are willing to give e Mr Taft a asecond asecond asecond second term he is willing to take it itand it itand Itand and will feel in duty bound to do so soThe soThe soThe The second term must come as the thecountrys thecountrys thecountrys countrys Indorsement of his Admln Admlnistration Admlntratlon AdminLstratlon istration during his first four years in inthe Inthe Inthe the White 11lte House Unless It comes in inthis inthIs inthis this manner no campaigning can be bestow bestow bestow ¬ stow it itPresident It ItPrOff1dent itPresident President Taft declines to discuss discussMr discussMr discussMr Mr Roosevelt despite the repeated repeatedrumors repeotedrumors repeatedrumors rumors of a breslc bre k between the two twoThe twoThe twoThe The Health Departments Defo ents own records recordsshow recordsSROW recordsshow show Mr Trundle said that an aver average veC veCae er ere age e of six babies using condensed milk mllKCondensed mlIkdied milkdied died to one that uses cows milk milkCondensed milkCondensed Condensed Milk Fatal FatalMr FataLMr FatalMr Mr Trundle took a a fling at the tuber tuberculin tuberculIn tubercmm ¬ culin culIn cmm test He declared It was only a amatter amatter amatter matter of time until this will be done doneaway doneaway doneaway away with withBut withBut withBut But until that tires he said it itlooks Itlooks Itlooks looks as if the farmers Jn in J13 this T vicinitY vicinitYare vicinityare H Hare business Already Alreadyrate AlreadYthey Alreadythey are to be put out of they are selling cows for beef to New NewYork NewYork York buyers ltUyersThe buyersThe The test is sprea4ilng tuberculosis tuberculosisClmOD tuberculosisnmong ClmOD the cattle sprglng Th Thtnumnber number o oftuber oftubercular tuber tubercuia cuia cows Is growln at an aldrmlng aldrmlngrate aIttrmnLnrate rate And the Health Department is teinoculating islnocu1at1ng isInoculating inoculating the same animals over and andot andover andover over against at such a rate that man manot mnauT mnauTot ot them are immune and the test testcouldnt testcouldnt testcouldnt couldnt prove pro e whether they had tuber tuberculosis tuber1osIs tuberculo6ls ¬ culosis 1osIs or not notTest notTest notTest Test Open To Doubt DoubtThe DoubtThe DoubtThe The worth of the tuberculin tu u1Jn test is istoday istoday Istoday today open to serious doubt At the re recent re reC yeeast ¬ cent C nt meeting of the IntereatioB Com Comratesion CommRlon Cornmission mission of Control of Tuberculosis in toDomestic inDomestic InDomestic Domestic Animals which met at Buf Bufthe Butfalo Buffak falo New York the test received a abOdy abody bOdy Now There were gathered thered lead leadJng leadlug lug MICBtLcto of the United States and andCanAda andCanada CanAda Dr Jobn B Mohler chief of ofthe ofthe the Pathological division of the Federal FederalBureau FederalBureau FederalBureau Bureau of Anluial Industry of Wash Washbureaus Washinbton Washingtos inbton D c C dozens o of chiefs of State Statebureaus Statebureaus bureaus and other men of their typej typejmade type typeDIIlde typemade made up the r eemblage memblageIt eemblageiTwiis blage blageIt > iTwiis It was AS soon agreed that the coramis coramisskm commlsstoll comumissioti skm could no at this stage adopt spe specinc spac11k specl1k cinc resolutions or recommend specific speciacmethods speclftcm specificmethods methods m thods but a number of general Prop Propositions propositions propositlons ¬ ositions were v e taken up for consideration considerationand conslderatlonute and on one of these the commission commissionreached commls5lonreached commissionreached reached a unanimous understanding understandingThat That was this thJ3Taet thisThat That Rensrl compulsory tuberculin tuberculintest test and slaughter Is impractical 1 and aadshouki andshould andshould should be dropped dro ped from further coasW coasWMr consWeratlon considoration oration eratlonr orationMr Mr r Trundle also a quoted qY ted at length lengthfrom lengthfrom lengthfront from the proceedings of the national nationaltuberculosis nationaltutercukMs tuberculosis tttrcu convention add last natlon11 spring springat at t the Kw 1 W Clllard t Hotel In this city cityat cityat cityat at which Dr Xoch the German scien scientist sclent sclenttlM scl n ntist ¬ tist declared d 1ared tna that human ben bei heists 1Et w couW couWnot c codklnot lkl lklDOC not contract tuberculosis tu1Krcu1oslsrom from milk and ana a portion of the delegates supported supportedDr supportedWoodwaid hi i Dr r S W W Wooeward i could not be befound becmD befound found hi n his office this morning mornl It Is febeKeved IsheIievpd Isbelieved believed he wi mil atakeao Nlkl 0 comment on onthe ORthe onthe the cfikrpes made by A S Trundle at atthe atthe atthe the dealers dealersmneeting meeting last night nlphtVICTIMS nhbtVICTIMS nightVICTIMS VICTIMS IMPROVING IMPROVINGAFTER IMPROVINGAFTER IMPROVINGAFTER AFTER AERO CRASH CRASHT Ten T n Injured When Hoxseys Ma Machine l1achine Machine ¬ chine Darts Into IntoMUEKvAUKBE Intor IntoCrowd r Crowd I IM IMIIA17KEE MUEKvAUKBE M MIIA17KEE A UKEE Wis Wis Sept 17 l TTJFhe TTJFheten TJe The Theten ten persons injured here when Archie ArchieHoxsey ArchieHoxsey ArchieHossey I Hoxsey lost control of his Wright aero aeroptaae aere aereplane aeroplane plane at the Wisconsin State fair fairgrounds fairgrounds grounds o JNl and swooped into the crowd crowdare crowdant crowdare I are reported r ported recovering today None Nonewas Nonewas Nonewas was seriously hurt hurtHoxs hurtIloxsey Hoxs I10xsey y made a poor start and when whenabout whenabout whenabout 1 about fifteen feet from the ground the themachine tkemachine themachine machine darted dart downward Into the thecrowd thecrowd crowd Hoxsey Hoxse was not Injured I Trunks Tnmk5eyery every kind kh d you can think thinkof thickof thinkfof i of fof of f every description dEScr1ptJonour our own ownmake ownmakc ownmake make Prices range nge from 300 to 3000 3000Oxford 3000Oxford 3000Oxford Oxford Bags 423 423Sale 423Sale 423Sale Sale IVjsset RJ et Leather Leatheran aa Ideal Bag Bagan ngin BagLn an actual OO > value a leader during duringjur durin durinJur jur ur anniversary sale saleArm saleArm saleArm Arm Bags 315 315Tlir 315TIll 315r1 TIll r1 very pry latest styles stylenew new creations creationsiti iti a i genuine en11lne Russet Grain Leather L LeatherIn LeatherInseveral therh therhS In Inseveral several S ral different shades sb l and sizes sizesAnn sizesArm sizesArm Arm Bags 450 459Especially 450Especlan 450Especially Especially reduced for this sale In IBSeal Inal Ineml Seal eml al Goatskin Morocco and the new newRusset newRus newRusset Russet Rus t Grain Lesth LKctbff r with fittings nttinpsT fttti fittingsmethin lS lSpmethin T = i pmethin > methintr entirely new lined inside insidexvith insideilh Insidecith xvith ilh R REd < Tan and Black Leaihcrs Leaihcrsstunning Lca Lcatmning Lcuhrst4nn1ng stunning effects effectsSole effectsSole effectsSole Sole Leather Suit Cases 450 450A A barter Suit Case C Le couldnt be hac hadndtr hacdr hacider ndtr dr S509 OO Very strongly made linen ilnenlined ilncninro linened lined ed TiInch frame frameJAMES framEJAMfS frameJAMS JAMES S TOPHAIVt TOPHAIVtPioneer Pioneer Hanufgdnrer of Trunks Travelers TravelersNeeds TravelersHeed TravelersNeeds Needs and Fine I1n Leather Goods 1219 r i STREET He has nothing to say as to the report reportthat reporttbat reportthat that the relationship between Taft Taftaad Taftand Taftand and Roosevelt is strained to the thebreaking thebreaking thebreaking breaking point pointthat that the old friend friendship trlendshlJ friendship ¬ ship between the two exists no longer longerJust longerJust longerJust Just now the President la not caM carapalgntnp caMpalgnlng cainpaigning palgntnp for another term In the thefirst thetIrst thefirst first place 1912 is too far distant distantasd distantaJ distanta asd a it Is too early In the game for forMr forr forMr Mr r Taft to consider consld T such a course courseIUter courseeither either wise or necessary In the sec ltecoIld oIld place President Tat Is on record records as saying that If he makes good he hewill hewill newill will be renomlnatsd renomlnatsdIf renomlnatIt If he falls in the eyes of his country countrymen countrymen countrymen ¬ men the President realizes that he hocannot hecaBnot hecannot cannot b bl chosen a second time and andh andhe andhe h he is wining to accept the conse consequences conaeflUences consequences ¬ quences He stands on that ground groundteday groundtcday today Mr Taft Ta t Is wasting no time In sigh sighl sighIng sighlag l lag S and shedding the tear of the croc crocodile crocodile crocodlie ¬ odile as he mourns over the alleged allegedether al1egedobliteration allegedobliteration obliteration ot himself In favor of an anttter ancther ether man He H Is not engaged In put putreach putting putting ting the s second cond term beyond his hisreach hisreach reach He is content to saw wood woodand woodand woodand and to leave to the country whether whetheror or not he Is the nominee for 1923 19I If Itthe Ifthe j the country wants him he Is willing wlllngand willingand willingand and ready to serve serveWORLDWIDE serveORLD1DE i WORLDWIDE SCOPE SCOPEIN IN PRISON PRISONCONGRESS PRISONCONGRESSDelegates CONGRESS CONGRESSDelegates Delegates Coming G ming From FromEvery FromEvery FromEvery Every Civilized Nation of ofthe ofthe the Globe GlobeEvery GlobeEvery GlobeEvery Every civilized country and practi practically praetically ¬ cally every commonwealth In the United UnitedStates UnitedStates UnitedStates States will be represented by b some me metheir of oftheir oftheir their most prominent government of offldate o officlals fldate and social economists at the theeighth theeighth eighth International Prison Congress Congresswhich CongreS8whIch Congresswhich which will open its session in the as assembly as asmbly assemubly ¬ sembly mbly room of New National atlonnl Museum Museumon on Sunday October s at a 2 oclodc ecIo k In Inthe Inthe Inthe the afternoon afternoonBecause attecnounDecautle afternoonBecause Because the congress will meet in tAt tutDistrict tAtDistrict thcDistrict District upon a special invitation by the theVnited tltel theinited Vnited l nited States Government the opening openingceruonies o openingcersonlca ftIg ftIgcereonles ceruonies will be anGer the pre premd1IIeY premd1IIeYor id Mwy Mwyof of a a representative Jepresenta ve of the Federal Com CkwerrimfBt Govemmfnt Comerxlrnnt errimfBt errimfBtPresident emmfntPre8lden erxlrnntPresident President Taft will make the openlag openlagaddress openlagaddre openingaddress address s of welcome to the delegates and aadvisitors aodl8ttors andvisitors visitors visitorsThe visitorsThe l8ttorsThe The sessions of the congress will con continue continue continue ¬ tinue for five days It Is expected tcd that that9W thati4IO thatl 9W l delegates and visitors among whem whemwUI wheMm whenbe5OTe wUI m besorne be me of the most noted notedSblde Students stadentsof ts tsor of criralDotosy crir nolo5Y in thr th world The Eng English EDEUsh Englsh ¬ lish and Italian official delegates al alread a1r atresd read r have reached Washington They TheyC neyare Theyare are dr 4r Evelyn RuSSle1JBri5e pre president presidentof kleat kleatoC oC C the prison commission of Whitehall WniteaaiiLondon WhltehaJtlAndon WhitehallLondon London and Alexander Doria general generaldirector g generaldirector Dera1 Dera1director director of prisons at t Rome RomeThe RomeThe j The numbers of those in attendance attendanceupon j t upon the congress will be swelled by the thedelegates Utedele thedelegates delegates dele tes and visitors who will remain remainoyer remainover j jover over In W Washington hington following the clee cleeIwg ckM1Rg eisatug tug seeeicn n of the American Prison As AsOCIatloft Assedation j jsedation sedation Convention which meets at atthe atthe j jthe the WHllard Hotel September 2 and will willcontinue willCODtlnue willcontinue continue in session for three days TIlls TMsconvention TIllsconyentlon Thisconvention convention is expected to draw to toWashington toVashiDgtOft toWashington Washington between 500 and 609 dele defecates deleJates dolesates ¬ cates sates and visitors who will lac lacState I IState incfte incfteState State commissioners of penal penallions iaeC iaeCtiens I Itloos lions jail and prison 1 rison wardens wardensothers wardensoU hind hindothers others othersAt oU othersAt rs rsAt At the American Prison Association AssociationConvention AssociationConvention ssociaUouCcmven Convention Ccmven OR there will be discussed onlY ealysuch onlYJlUCh onlysuch such subjects as apply to the betterment bettermentof of conditions in the United States along alonqThe alongThe Ioa IoaThe The subjects to be discussed at the theInternational tbeInternational thernternatsonal International Congress will be broader broaderin in Rope and of great importance to the theAmerican UteoDIe1can theAmerican American organization organizationTHIRD oqaniatlonTHIRD organizationTHIRD THIRD SISTER DEAD DEADWITHIN DEADWITHIN DEADWITHIN WITHIN 18 MONTHS MONTHSTVilttam William lHm Foley director of phy ph physical physicaltraining cal caltminin caltramin tminin training In the Washington high highschools hl highschools h hhoo1s schools hoo1s today received word of the thedeath U t5edeath e edeath death of o his youngest sister Miss dss EHza EHzabeth EIIZ1bdb Uz Uzbeth beth Foley at a her home at Woodlawnnett Woodlawnneur Woodlawn Woodlawnnear near Providence R R I IMiss IXss IMiss Miss Foley Is the third sister of Mr MrKoley Mrole MrFoley Foley > ole to t > die within a year and a a half halfMr halfMr Mr Foley Fol left today for Woodlawn toj to toattend toattend attend the funeral i i 5 t tU U II I 1855Sept 201910 20191055th 55th Business Anniversary of ofJames nfJames if ifJames James S Topham TophamFiftyfive i iFiftyfie Fiftyfive years ago a young youngroan youngman younglean roan of 23 3 I came to this city cityand clt cltJlnd cityand and began business in a small smallway smJIWa smallway way Wa with a capital of f 75000 OOO I Ihave Ihave Ihave have continued in the same samebuslwtss samebuslwss samebusiness business here ever since un uninterruptedly unInterruPtedly unlnterruptedly ¬ interruptedly through thro b four fourjmafcs fourpaIIcs fourpanics panics payltig p yt1J 100 ents on the thedollar thedollar thedollar dollar through thrG sh ech one of ofthem oftltem ofthem them My success I attribute attributein in t a large desrree d e to the con continued continueft continoed ¬ tinued confidence eonftd nee and patron patronape tmtronaJ patronage ape aJ of the generous citizens of ofWashington otVashlngton orWashington Washington and as an evidence evidencenf eide ce cenf nf my gratitude < 1e I shall offer to toevery tolYtry toevery every purchaser pUr < has rotanY of any amount amountdurincr amountdurinI amountdurIng durIng th thp < Anniversary Weekstartlc Weekstarting Week Weekstarting starting Tuesday September September2fl 2fl A 10 Per Cent Discount Discountand and in addition thereto a leather leatherSouvenir leatherS leatherSouvenir Souvenir S uvenir Purse Purseof of my own invention and manu manufacture manufActure mannfacture ¬ facture on my m Anniversary Day DayTuesday Da3tuesday DayTuesday Tuesday September 20 20r 9 9r r II IIt t CONFEDERATE VETS DEBDistrict VETSFORM VETSFORM FORM ORG OBGANIZATION OBGANIZATIONDistrict NllATION NllATIONDistrict District and Maryland Sol Soldiers Soldiers Soldiers ¬ diers Hold First Session Sessionin in Annapolis AnnapolisANNAPOLIS AnnapolisA1IolNAPOLIS AnnapolisANNAPOLIS ANNAPOLIS Md Sept 17 17Wlth With en enthusiasm enthuslasm thuslasm an orgroiization of the Confed Confedorate Confedorate orate veterans living in Maryland Mary lan and andthe andthe andthe I the District of Columbia was as launched launchedtoday lau launcitedtoday rChed rChedtoda i today and the large number of old oldsoldiers oldroldlers oldsoldiers I soldiers of the stars and nd bars who were werepresent present with members of o their families familiesand famUlesfriends familiesand I and friends attended a luncheon and andsupper andsupper I Isupper supper at Bouchers near Annapolis AnnapolisPrevious Annapoll8PrevIous AnnapolisPrevious Previous to the supper there were sev several several soyeral ¬ eral addresses by veterans of the South Southern Southern Southera ¬ ern army and a business session The Theorganization Theorganlzatn Theorganizat j i organization organizat n was put upon a firm basis basisand basisand basisand and is to t Include not only members of otIaryland ofMaryland Maryland commands but residents of ofthat orI ofthat I that State and the District of Columbia Columbiawho Columbiawho who fought under any organization In hithe Inthe inthe the Confederate Army ArmyProminent ArmyProminent Prominent in effecting etr tlng the organiza Organization organization tion was George oorge M Emack camp of ofHyattsvlllfr ofHyattsm ofHyattsvllle Hyattsvlllfr Md r which contains contal s many manyWa4hingtonlfins manyVaihIngton1llns manyWashingtonians Washingtonians Commander John F FHIckey FHickey FHickey HIckey was oue of the speakers speakersA A large number num of the members members of ofHarry ofHarry ofHarry Harry Heath Camp of Washington Washingtonwere Washlntonwere were also present The members of ofKmadc ofEnutck ofhlmack Kmadc Camp are irom the First Mary Maryland Maryland Maryland ¬ land Cavalry vaJry Other Maryland regi regiments rebiments regiinents ¬ ments represented were the Second SecondMaryland SecondMaryland SecondMaryland Maryland Infantry and the First Mary l1arhind Maryland bind Artillery while < residents of Mary land and the District who belonged to toVirginia toVirginia o oV1QJnJa Virginia and North Carolina regiments regimentswere regimentsw regimentswere were w re also In evidence while scattered scrcteredorgllni scntteredorganizt1ons organizations orgllni tions as Alexanders Artllery Mosbys Y sbys men men and the th Confederate navy had representation representationCaptain r representaUonCaptain preentationCaptain Captain HIckey Ricke of George M Emack EmackCamp EmackCamp EmackCamp Camp was the prime mover in the ef efforts efforts efforts ¬ forts to form th the organization The Thesuggestion Tbeuge Thesuggestion suggestion uge t1on that the first rst gathering gatheringshould gatheringshould should take place in Annapolis came camefrom camefrom cainefrom from Jntes W V Owens a member of ofthe oftlt8 ofthe the First Maryland Artillery and a leading member of the local bar barMr barMr barMr Mr Owens O ens had charge of all 11 the ar arraroreraents arnLJItreIIHntc atrangemsnts raroreraents here her and presided prt 8lded > at the themeeting tbemect1 themeeting meeting mect1 which took place this morning morn In InHe He delivered delh > red a speech In which he eulo eulogized euloed cub cubiIzei ¬ gized ed the leaders of the Confederacy the private vate soldiers and the women of ofthe the South SouthOther SouthOther SouthOther Other speakers 2 were CaptAin HIckey HIckeyand Bickeyand and and John T Callahan of Washington Washingtonthe the latter a member of Harry Heath Camp During the afternoon a further furtherbusiness furtherboniness business hu meeting will take place and andthe the organization placed upon a firm rzn baste bas basVETERAN I IVETERAN VETERAN MURDERED MURDEREDON ON FISHING TRIP TRIPOW TRIPOki OW Soldier Recruiting in Missis Mississippi A1ississippir Mississippi1 ¬ sippi Is Robbed RobbedComrade RobbedComradeArrested RobbedComradeArrested Comrade ComradeArrested I Arrested ArrestedXEW ArrestedEW ArrestedNEW NEW EW ORLEANS La Sept 17 17J J P PStepbeas PStepltens pStephens Stephens of St Johns Mlch I1c1L an old oldwatoa oldalon oldunion union veteran who was recruiting r ruft1ng at atGtslfport atGul atGulfport Gtslfport Gul rt Miss was found murdered murderedaad murderedand murderedand and robbed today to ay and his companion companionon on the houseboat bou eboat fishing trip has been beenplaced beenplaced beenplaced placed under arrest arre6ttI tI U A Ayers AyersCherry J fl flCherry Cherry JTectoralTickling RctoralTickling Pectoral PectoralTicding i I TicklingCHURCH Tickling TicklingCHURCH CHURCH NOTICES NOTICESMETROPOLITAN NorfcES3lETROPOLITA NOTICESMITBOPOLITAN METROPOLITAN MEMORIAL r ORIAL M MCHtTRCK L Eo EoCHLStCH ECHtBCH CHtTRCK carper John Marshall place and andC mdC andC C ac John B Reid W Shannon Minister At t 11 11a 11a iia a a IlL 5 The Inner Side of the Gospel and andtfce andtJte andthe the Christians Personal HoMfast Sunday School and Metropolitan Bible Clan 938 938a 931a 9 a a m Edworth I League afnie 7J 731 p m mCHRISTIAX m mCHRISTIA rimCHRISTIAN CHRISTIAN S4TIENCE 5IE SCIECEFlmt CEFJrst First Church of ofChrist ofChrist ofChrist Christ Scleatitt nth and R eta 1It5SeTrlces ts N W WSerricea V VServices Services S Sunda Sur nda 11 a a nu and S p m m Sub SabJct Subt Subj Jct j ct t Matter Sunday School 11 a a In mWedneeday Infu inWedneday Wedneeday fu Evening Infll Meeting 3ieetlng s nfrep nfrepI 8 p m Public PublicCordially puigicrordIa1ly Cordially invited Allseats All seats free Free Head Headlair ReadIrig lair I Room Ml Colorado Bide DldgAGELICAL jldgEVNGELIAL BideEVAXGELJCAL EVAXGELJCAL CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SCIENCElecture SCIENCELecture CE lecture by Bishop Oliver C Sabln at Pyth Pythian Pythfan PythIan ¬ ian Temple 1 10U 3 9th st N W at 11 a a m msubject n1 n1subJ msubjert subject subJ Man Whence and Where ere Seats Seatsfree eatsf Seatsfree free f AU Invited InvitedSPECIAL v vSPECIAL SPECIAL NOTICESBRODTS NOTICESBRODTS NOTICES NOTICESBRODTS BRODTS HATS HATSFrom HATSFrom From FromMaker FromMaker FromMaker Maker to Wearer WearerFactory WearerFactory WearerFactory Factory and Salesroom 419 11th St NW NWBranch N NWBranch W WBranch Branch 503 9th 9thTheres 9thTheres 9thTheres Theres character characterc characteribout characterajbout c ibout bout our hats hatsCxact hatsExact Exact copies of the 500 OO hats hatsL hatse L e S200 200 S300 S300Fall 300 300Fall Fall styles and colors colorsSPECIAL colorsSPECIAL colorsSPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIALImported SPECIALImported SPECIALImported Imported fall shapes of black Der Derbies Derblu Derbleg ¬ bies made by Triston TrJst n Co London LondonEngland LondonEngland LondonEngland England Worth 5300 300 Spe Q t Q J Jdal J JdaI Icml dal 3 > JLOtj 169 daICome Come early and find your size sizeBRODTS sizeBRODTS I IBRODTS BRODTS HATS HATS4None HA hATSNone IS IShNone None < better 419 llth llthStreetNW llthStreetNWBranch Street NW NWBranch N W WBranch Branch 503 9th N W WHave WHaTe Whave Have your old hat renovated at our oarlactorr ourfactor ourfactory factor 41O 11th St N AV AVIRON WRONftNCS r riRONf IRON iRONf RONftNCS RONftNCS44IL4ULLLL FENCES FENCESLti CD CDroe 44IL4ULLLL Lti roe per p r Foot Up UpCheaper I I Cheaper Than ThanWood ThanWood Ifll1Mfl11 WoodLasts Wood WoodLasts 4 TUTmTmtntt Lasts Forever ForeverCHARLES ForeverCHRLES ForeverCHARLES CHARLES E SPEIDEX SPEIDEXC20 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ea edu education education education ¬ cation and d thats exactly what w t you youget youset youget get at Strayers StrayersStrayers StrayersSt StrayersStrayers Strayers St ders teaches teach you business businesssubjects busincassubjects 6 6subjects subjects In a b blllllfteMJlke Blae lke way wayequips wa waequips wayequips equips you OU with the smlry salalearntnri salalearntnriJt salaryearnin salaryearninirnoniedge rnlnfr rnlnfricaowledge icaowledge Jt Jedge that business bustn men want wantPhone wantPlJone wantPmone Phone at t once for a catalogue catalogueStrayers catalotueStrayers catalogueStrayers Strayers Business College CollegeOld Old Masonic Temple TempleCth T TempleI TempleTHE empteI I I Cth th and P Streets StreetsGeoie StreetsTHE THE THEGeorge THEGeorge George Washington University UniversityDepartment UniversityDepartment UniversityDepartment Department of Medicine Rtedi MedicineAccredited ne neAccredited Accredited by the theAmerican theAmerlcan theAmerican American Medical Association Associationand Associatioand and by the the2Kedcal theMed1cI1 the1edlcal 2Kedcal Sacaminlng Board of o JCnglarad JCnglaradOpens Engla1dOpens imgizndOpens Opens September 28 28For 28For 28For For information apply to Dr W C CBorden CBorden cBorden Borden Lieut Colonel U S S A A t Refd Refd132o RetdDean RetiDean Dean 132o 13 H St N W WUNiVERSiTY WNA WNATIONAL NA NATIONAL NATIONALUNiVERSITY TIOftJAL TIOftJALUNiVERSITY UNiVERSiTY UNiVERSiTYEVENING UNiVERSITYLAW I ILAW LAW SCHOOL SCHOOLForl7a4COucl Forl7a4COucl Year YearEVE YearEVENDG EVENING EVE G SESSIONS 5ESSJO S EXCIUSrVTEIT EXCIUSrVTEITOPEXS EXCLU EXCLVSIVEITOPENS LY LYOPE OPENS OPE S OCTOBER 1 1910 1SUoer3 1910Oners Offers er3 practical three and four year coorr coorreleadiriri esk3dla es esleading leading k3dla to standard degrees e ree Alco A1aIotweear Jso specizi specizitwoyear > p cial tw tweear year course coarse For or catalogue application PIkaUoaetc > applicationbtanka Ppilcatlonblanks blanks etc etc apply la aersoa rsoB vr tr mail to totee tetile tothe tee J Dean > an National aUoBal MtropoUtaa Bank BalIk6UStk Bna > BWff BWff6U 4g 6U 6UStk iZUt th at N W T4epboa I 34 X 17 7 or after afterOct afterOct xt xtOct Oct 1 At t the TAW School BulWlsc Bsildisglt OSEM OSEMPKEPARIAC IISDlth lth lt or X W WAcCoUcTAiCY v vCCOU AcCoUcTAiCY CCOU TAiCY I INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTIONPREPARING STRUCTJONPKEPUU PREPARING PKEPUU G FOR C C P A A t tND DEGREE DEGREED A ND D PROFESSIOXAI PROFE SIOXAL CAREER CAREERWm CAREERh1DKton CAlIBERWashlagion Washlagion Wm tinjton irctool of Accountancy Accountancyconducted ACCollntAnCT1conducted Accountancyconducted conducted by Y M C C A A Institute Instituteopens Instituteopens Instituteopens opens October 1st Catalogue Per Personal Peronal Percorral ¬ corral conference wifi wit eligible candl candllates candl1ates candilates lates solicited Address Director Directorrtashineton Directorashington DirectorWashington Washington School of Accountancy AccountancyARE Accountancyirt 1 irt G stree streeARE street streetARE ARE YOU LOOKING FOR KORKilt FORA FORA A GOOD SCHOOL SCHOOLPerhaps Perhaps Wood ommercla1 Schoo si 311 i iC3r E ECa1 Ca1 5t at Is 3un ot what you OU want ThouJands ThouJandsUt moesaniwilt Kilt Ut teU you OU BO fox in S years OSLrs many bays havlamed bayslearned learned cbortcand 5 bOokkeeping bo9kkee lng typewriting typcwrftJnLarlthIneUc typewritingprlthinetIc irltiuneUc grammar spelling aad a mitlnx gjgin 11 that institution and obtained Od osl oslUons pojOem > Uons This advertisement uetUem t does not say much muchwent mucbInn mcciibut Inn our cableue does It u free aa4 an anaaat w want went ant you to nave one COURT y WOOD WOODFrto WOoDThe OOD OODPr1n Frto FrtoThe Pr1nThe The Pearson School SchoolTHIRD THIRD YEAR YEARSEPTE3DJER YEARSEPTEMBERDay SEPTEMBER 2S s 1S1C 1S1CDay m my Day y and imd evening classes Classes limited limitedto lm1t lm1tto to five members Certtfteate admits a4 to The ThaGeorce TheGecme TheCorge Georce Washington Jn > University and an Georn Georntown Geor Geortown Georgttown town Law SchooL SchooLHOWARD SchooLnOWAPD SchooLitOWAPD HOWARD C Co JKNXESS n ESS A B B Master MasterPhone Xuterhone MasterPhone Phone > M LBS 1728 X G SC s Jf r W WBEL wBELMONT W WBELMONT BELMONT BEL NT ACADEMY ACADEMYISaJSS ACADE ACADEMYimilIr Yt Ytxm13Z ISaJSS COLUMBIA COL BL ROAD ROADInstractum ROADInstrUcttln ROADstrecUnn Instractum by ti former civil service examiner azamleIn iiraln iiralnIn In civil service t typewriting typewritingdictation ateaograpij ateaograpijdictation stea grap grapCUct2tlon dictation arlthmetJ etc Cesnptets coon coonS COUInS cotu cotuIs Is S months ment s In shorthand or bookkeeping JU JUto tto 3 3to to holders of scholarships scholarshipsCOURSES rl101anlhlpaCOURSES gflolarshIpgCOURSES COURSES IX I ALL ACADEMIC SUBJECTS SUBJECTSPHOXB SUB1ECT3pnO SUBIECISPRONE PRONE pnO E COLUMBIA cOlCMBItJYNiNs SSte SSteFLTXNS eFLY FLTXNS FLY JYNiNs S BUSINESS SCHOOL JC S month monthShorthand monthShothand monthShorthand Shorthand Typewriting Bookkeeping Eng EngUsb English Wsh Mrs E E A A FLYNN FL S Principal S S W WHALL vrcerner Wcomet comet Stir and K sta tz5 X w wGUidSTON WGUSTOIi GUidSTON HALL 1906 FLORIDA AVENUE N Wschool WA W WA A school for girls Primary Intermediate IntermediateAcademic IB IutermneiiateAcademic late lateAcademic Academic and College Colle preparatory depart departments departments epo epoinents ¬ ments Elective EIectl Courses for High School SchoolGraduates SchoolGraduates SchoolGraduates Graduates GraduatesOpen GraduatesOpen GraduatesOpen Open Sept 30 for registration of day pupils pupflzMRS pupilsMRS MRS BEVERLT R R MASON MASONPrnclpal JLSOXPrnd MASONPrnclpij Prnclpal PrnclpalMISS Prnd PrndIISS PrnclpijMISS MISS E E M CLARK L > I LA LAA36oclate tAsoociate A AAssociate Associate AssociateMost A36oclateI AsoociateifOIOJA = I I mmml t mHm mHmRIOJA = ifOIOJA CLARET I IMost 1 RIOJA Most famous of all Span Spanish Spanish ¬ ish bouquet wines 6 6 doz dos65O 650 24 bottles Only at atCHRISTIAN atCHRISTIAN atChRISTIAN CHRISTIAN XANDERS XANDRSramify XANDERSfamily if ifIi = Ii family Quality House HouseQftQ House71k QftQ 909 7th St S f P Phone one M 274 274jJj 2 4 jJj tllOU UI 5 No branch bouses bousesHECHT ilouscsmt iouscs iouscsrnc ilouscsu u mt f mnn rnc m ml = l Jr JrI I HECHT COMPANY I i 25oto 2 0 ot Off Entire fire Stocks of ofL L > J 7 jO U furniture floor Cov Coverings CoyI ¬ I erings and Draperies rape es this month monthno monthI f I I no exceptions whatever whatever5135155177th 513515517 5135155177th 7th Street StreetLI LI J The George Washington WashingtonUniversity University UniversityDepartment UniversityDepartment UniversityDepartment Department of Law LawTHREEYEAR LawTItBEETEAIt THHHETEAR DAT COCRSE O Lectures Lecturesmostly Lecturesmostly cturea ctureamostly mostly Item rom 9 a 4 m m to 12 m m Lead1n Leading to the degree of Bachelor of Laws NEW THREETEAR AFTER AFT A F T E RX B XOON N 0 0 N COURSE LECTURES BETWEEN 438 AND A D 650 P M LEADING TO THE > DEGREE EGREE OF BACHELOR OF < E LAWs GRADUATE GBADUA COURSES leading to tho de desreea d dJren desides sides of blaster of Laws ana Master r or Patent Law LawOLDEST LawOLDEST OLDEST LAW SCHOOL IN WASHIXGTOX WASH GR ONLY O LY LAW SCHOOL UT THE DISTINCT DISTI Cl OF COLU20JIA REGISTERED WITH THE NEW = YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARnIET AS OF SUFEICI SUFFIcIENT r STANDING TO COMPLY CO L WITH THE ORDER OIT THE COURT OP OFAPPEALS APPEALS DELATING TO ADMISSION TO THE BAR BARSCHOOL BARA BARA A HEMBER MEMB OF AlD AN THE ONLY LAW SCHOOL IN L THE DISTRICT OF CO c IUiCBLt LUMp COMPLYING WITH THE STANDARD > OF WORK AND RE SS1 QUlREErs 178 OF THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN LAW SCHOOLS DurIng the th last several years the gradn gradnw at ates or this Law School have taken bar e cx amlnu1ons In seventeen Stairs w and and a as far as known onljr two failed at th the first frtai frtaiTcS riai riaiThe TcS The aeDcn seu m t cc MltWrn open op and actual actealrorct work Mglns begJ on eptenber eptenm s M at fliO p tn rorct Poi gus > Kn and farther informaUoo informaUooVnahlngton all or rite riteThe fitsThe The SeerctArT Sccreta of o the Department of o La Laew Lnw Lnwew ew Masonic Tempe Uth and N Y ave aveThe aveThe The TheGeorge TheGeorge George Washington WashingtonUniversity WashingtonUniversity University Vnahlngton hlD on D C CThe C CThe CThe The ninetieth session opens openseptember September SS s g gArts 181O 181OArts 1910Arts Arts and Sciences SciencesCollege SciencesGraduate SciencesGraduate Graduate Studies 150 per Year YearCollcJe YearCollege College or o Aria rta and Sciences 15368 r street StFCCLCollege streetCollege StreetCollege College or o EncIneerIac Encineeri Encineeriehanic an4 a aThe Me ehanlc Arts rta 152832 I street streetCollege College or Political ScJenceJJe 5cfenc 819 g 15th street BUeetThe streetThe The Teachers College ColJe 1534 I street Tuition fees e In undergraduate leges 510 10 per year for each hour col ¬ week TVCCKProfessional weekProfessional weekProfessional a Professional Departments DepartmcLaw Law Department New Ne Masonic onJa Temple ftTTlT XI lZO izo 7fl T per T year Vfc TT Patent A Acourse law Ia course 46 40 per year yearDepartment YearDepllrtmen yearDepartment Department of Medicine edldne 1325 13 S 1 street use 156 per year yearDepartment YearDepartment I Department of D Dcnt1strT DentIst ntUtrr 1325 H street sis 15 per year yearFor yearFor yearFor For information address the Secretary of the University 1536 I Street StreetNational StreetNational l oe3SOt oe3SOtNational a National Cathedral CathedralSchool CathedralSchool CathedraESchool School SchoolFOR SchoolFOR SchoolFOR FOR GIRLS GIRLSMOCXT GIRLSMOt GIRLSMOUNT MOUNT MOt T ST ALBA WASHINGTON W D B CL CLOPENS COPE C C0PEI1S OPENS OPE SEPTEMBER 29 29Preparatory 29Preparatory 29Preparatory Preparatory and Academic Departuicau Students Admitted to College onCerflflc on Cert1ft Carti te = e Graduate Courrei C Instruction Ift tr1tc on In Art Without Extra Chare Special t Attention Given to Music uslc Steinway Pianos fer Practice Fireproof C Building BvUKUn Coaches for day pupils leave Dnpont D t Circle at SS Z a a ra return 5 5Je 9 p ta m Cars cot con fleet at GeOl1e6W1l every ftn fleen minutes MRS BARBOCR WALKER VALKER M MPrincipal A ASUCCESS A APrinclpaI Principal PrinclpaISUSS Principalsllcctss SUCCESS PIIMANIC SHORTHAN SHORTHANWritten StlORTtfAHWrltten SHORTIIANWritten Written by hundreds or Expert Reporters Beport Beportand and thousand or other oth stenographers Tacci T1cgllt In Washington by Experts only at atSuccess atSuccess atnccess Success nccess Shorthand School Schoolof of Washington WashingtonIU5 1 IU5 In G St K IV Phone Pwneat il 657S 657SSpeed rGt3Speed r53Speed Speed Dictation Classes es Tnvewrftlnir TnvewrftlnirHALLXOYES In TypwjtjngHALLNOTES ewrlUn HALLXOYES HALL O1 S SCHOOL SCHOOLNlgit SCHOOLXI SCHOOLNight > Night XI t School ol opens Sept t IS Day School J S Sept pt a So Klnderganea Knd oten to College Prepare Prvparefot > rcpare3 for business or 0 profesioaal life or for ad adlalssion admission mission ml alon to any university Our certlficat certlficatadmit certHicatadmits certJfle certJfleadmits admits Native French German and Span ¬ ish teachers All teachers university trained Terms T s reasonable nable Location cen central ecutral ¬ tral traJSpeclal Special courses In Bookkeeping Dookk 1n Pen Tenmsnship Penmamhlp msnship Stenography Sten gnph IXOCSTRIAL I CHEM CaE ¬ ISTRY Etc Catalogues CataloguesJTtAXCES CataloguesFIU CataloguesPPANCES JTtAXCES FIU CES MAN MA WITT HALL L A E w PrIncipaL T > I IA I 1 E ZIt st X W Phone MaIn 3S 3Sr r I II 4 2 2A rh rhA A Select Boarding School Schoolfor Schoolfor Schoolloi for Young Men and Boys BoysTMs BoysIbisl BoysThis This Ibisl Whoot < bOol cff cra rs to a tlmbd 1 jnltrd ctnaber = be of yonnz yonnznd Y ycragmen = f fme me and bcP great copozunitto r itz to tboroughly tboroughlyr tinrccgblyDreprefrCilyrsmlyeriItleste r DreprefrCilyrsmlyeriItleste flcil 1miTn1 Ue rnted 5t States s su lifilitary and nd Uaval cadeniles Small classes clacirsaallnjtract classesand and IndIiIdZZal aallnjtract instruction ion Certificates accepted acceptedt u t all colleges collegesAND col1cgesI AND NAVY NAVYIncreased I Increased faculties art offered o pnpHs thl this year jemri yearthut10n i by the thut10n addition of f ahand IS abxmthoine bnBaIfaU omenr new < rbaudlns silo siloStie lto ltoJjLrre Stie ew gynmisluam Lain athletic ground groundcauC groundBisetali BaIfaU fOothilL track d trains For Illustrated mnstratedca ca cat2 cauC jnjo describIng 4 b1n tho many special faculties facultiesat < at th school address addressE addresaE addressB E SWAVELT Principal PrlndpaIt114 j 4114 Conn We Wcshlngton D C Ct C Cz CuNiTED z z 0 4 V v r rUSITED t uNiTED STATES COLLEGE OF OFYETERIXABY OFVETERL 0FYETERLNARY YETERIXABY VETERL YETERLNARYC ARYSURGEONS ARYSURGEONSc SDBGEO S 2 = = C N w 7 W WASHINGTON HL GTOX D c cRnted c cRtcd CRated Rated Class 044 A T TSeventeenth IIr U U S Government GOTernmeatSeventeenth GovernmentSeventeenth Seventeenth Session SessloLarza Opens SePt i5 ISlo 1 Larza hospital and clinic New building buildingand buUdlnCnd buIldingand and nd completely equipped operating operatj and andclinical andclinical clinical rooms Bacteriological patholoslca patholoslcaand PuholokaJand and clinical 1 laboratories and lecture mans roo mansEverything = s i Everything E lng complete completeWRITE completeW1UTE completeWRITE WRITE FOR CATAtOGUK CATALOGURHOLY CATAIOGUSHOLY CATAtOGUKHOLY HOLY CROSS ACADEMY ACADEMYSelect Select school for young ladles and children childrenAcademic childrenAcademic Academic and preparatory prepan ory departments departmentsComplete departmentsComplete departme departmeComplete Complete courses In music and art Com Commercial CommerdaI Coinmercial ¬ mercial course coursePeopens coursePeopesis Peopens Sept 19 Comm a are md CPton at t tsf01tt1 sf01tt1 I You Can Use Coke f i i With Profit ProfitIt f < It Is a clean and inexpensive e fuel fuelThe fuelThe fuelThe The best b st for cooking Well sup supi suppI sups i ply pI you coke at these prices pricesi pricesBttshels pricesBshels i Btfshels Large Coke deUreredr3 de1he if 0 Bushels Large o Coke dellvredJ373 deUe1d ill illBushels 9 9CO S CO o Bushels Large Lar e Coke deIlTersdJ559 deUYe dellveredteI JF3 t tI I I 25 Bushels Crushed Coke dellveredJ3C9 dellveredJ3C9iW iW ro Bushels Crashed Coke delIrere delivere4345 delivere4345Buabris ell eredU5 eredU5f < Lt4J Lt4JBashcls f Bashcls Crashed Coke deUreredSC deUreredSCWashington dellvereigji S i I Washington Wa Gas Light h Co i iI 6 412 < TENTH STREET S W 2 2t 2TOUR I t I TOUR TOrR I UR Business Opportunity Op ortunltJ may maybe maybe maybe be In the thoclasslficstlojiof classification lnsslfi P < n of o that th thatn t name name me in inThe InThe InJ1e The Times TFnnt WnntAds i Ads I 1 SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICESOFFICE NOTICESOFFICE NOTICESOFFICE OFFICE OF THE THjKWashington THWasbington THEWashington Washington Gas Ught Company 41317 TETH STREET N W WWashington WWashington WWashington Washington City D C CSeptember Cptem CSeptember September ptem er 131S1 13 13 191 191Q To the th Stockholders of the Washington Gas Light Company Company1oe Notice is hereby given that a a special specialmeeting rpeda1meeting specialmeeting meeting of the stockholders of the theWashington theWasblngton theWashington Washington Gas Light Company is iscalled Iscalled iscalled called by the Board of Directors of that Company for and will be held on on Fri Frday ¬ day the fourteenth day of October O tober 1316 1316at 19lat ISIGat at 12 oclock M at the principal ofnca ofncaof offt offtof of flee fleeof of the Company No 413 Tenth Street Streetnorthwest Streetnorthwest Streetnorthwest northwest In the City of Washington YasbIn ton D CX to transact such business as may properly come before said meeting and andespecially andespecl1lly andespecially i especially to consider and approve or orotherwise orotherwIse orotherwise otherwise act actupon upon the following propo propositions propositions ¬ sitions sitionsI 1 I Shall the Washington Gas Light C Company continue Its practice hitherto hithertoof hllb to toof 0 of declaring regular quarterly dividends dl ends t to Its stockholders from Its net earnings earningsat a at the rate of ten nercentunx per annum t upon its authorized d capltat apl apita of 260X0001 SZSOO000which which capitalization was made many 2 years ego GO and does not now adequately t represent the fair value of the property of the Company used by It for the bone > > lIt r of the public under the > 1 provisions Q om < st t the Companys charter and Its further furtherpractice furtherpractice furtherpractice i i practice of declaring dec1arln extra dividends dlvld nds from Its undivided profits PI1 > OtB or shall it i in future distribute among its stock ¬ holders In the proportions to which they are respectively r pect1ely entitled the net annual earnings of the Company after deduct deductcxpenses lug from Its gross earnings earnings aU proper expenses of administration and of the theconduct theconduct theconduct conduct of Its business busln s and the sums necessary to pay interest upon Its bonds and certificates of indebtedness to togetherwith to togethor together ¬ getherwith gethor with an amount sufficient to tocov tocovp tocover cov cover r depreciation in dividends to an amount approximating six per centum upon the fair alr value of the property used by the said Company for the benefit o or the public In supplying gas under Its charter assuming n that the said net earn logs shal be sufficient to Justify said tllvluonds dhl onds 2 2 Shall the moneys needed annually for extensions of the Companys mains and other expenses cxpcn es generally classed as betterments be paid out of the earn ¬ ings In Ing of the Company Com y or shall such moneys hereafter be raised raJs by a bond issue or issues secured by deed of trust upon all of th the Companys property which It is entitled to embrace In such deed dc d of trust said bonds to be sold for Ol net less than par and the proceeds thereof to be applied 3J pUetl exclusively to said betterments 3 3 Shall the company refund Its out ¬ standing stnrUn bonds nds now bearing ng four per percen cen ct ¬ tum Interest amounting to approximate ¬ ly 600000 In round numbers and also Its outstanding dividend certificates of Indebtedness bearing six per p r centum In ¬ terest amounting to 26V 2600000 tJO < wnlch certin certlftltes ites of Indebtedness are now pay ¬ able at the option of the company by a new bond issue 18Sue secured I by deed of ofcompaay trust upon all or the property or the company con J which it is legally entitled to t embrace In said deed of trust said bords bot ds to bear oear Interest at the rate of five nvaper ll fiveper e eper per centum per annum and to be paya ¬ ble at such tme or times as the said saldsp sp3 sp3ca sprcia ca cia nifttngof nJ meat < t t ng of the stockholders herein ¬ before called d shall determine upon the thecontents Ul tiCC ontents C of the said bonds and also of th the s said deed of trust to be approved by a meeting n tlng of the directors of the company com any subsequent to the saidstock holdErs meeting but In any event to tocontain tocontain tocontain contain a stipulation waiving the th stat statutory statutory statutoix ¬ utory personal responsibility of each stockholder for the payment of the said bonds and expressly stipulating that holders of the th said bonds snail rely only upon the security embraced embra In the said deed of trust Further In the event that the said stockholders meeting m tlng shall determine that future otttermenta otttermentastall Dfttetlent3s11i ncterrie ncterriesin1i stall not be paid out of earnings earnl but butshall butshtll butshall shall be financed by a bond Issue shall the Issue of bonds contempJarad contempl U In this thisproposition thisproposition thisproposition proposition be increased and a1 If I so to towhat tovhat towhat what amount for or the purpose of financ ¬ ing said betterments required in th thnear the thenear thenear near future futureIf If It Is not thought thou ht expedient to re re ¬ fund the sail issue of J26UXXO I of divi den certificates < rtJ cates of Indebtedness indebted in the thamanner tI1emanner themanner manner rat hereinbefore provided shall the said total issue of o dividend ctrrtln ctrrtlncates catUIcates certigcates cates of indebtedness be paid with inter interest ¬ est to the date of payment bv toe pro proceeds proc procoeds ¬ coeds c ds of the sale in open op n nisrkct n lt1ct for fornot tornot fornot not less than par of S2txXM n 1IJ 9 of the tnepose thesaid thesaid said new bondJor or 0 mant nanyof > said bonds as may be reqtI1redtor required for he pur puroe purpose pose poseIf oeIf poseIf If it be not thought thou bt expedient to o sell senthe 2enthe sellthe the said 52600000 eooOOO face value of the said saidbonds nldnds saidbonds bonds nds in open market shall sh l so So many manyof manyot manyof of the stockholders of the company at ata ata ata a given date as shall avail a aJI themselves themselvesof of the privilege within a United i1 n1ted time timebe timebe timebe be entitled to subscribeand nb ribe md pay for the thesaid thesaid thesaid said bonds at their face value said saidprivilege aldpri saidprivilege privilege pri negl of subscription and payment paymentto to be proportional to the holdings holdtn of the therespective theespectlve therespective respective stockholders Shall said saidprivilege saidprivl1e1e saidprivilege privilege next hereinbefore referred erred to toapply toapplT toappir apply also to so much of said new issue issueor or Issues of bonds as shall be required requiredfor reQn1r reQn1rtor for linanclcjT financl betterments bettermentsAll All subordinate propositions 1 em embraced embraced embraced ¬ braced in and pertinent to the said saidmain saldInaJn saidmain main propositions above stated shall shallto shaJIto shallto to the necessary extent be considered consideredand co sidred sidredand and acted upon upo by the said stock stockholders 5tOClholders stockholders ¬ holders meeting meetingAccording meeUnAccordIng umeeUn umeeUnAccording According to the charter andbylaws andbylawsof and bymws bymwsor of the th Washington Gas Light Com Company C9m C9mpany Conpan ¬ pany pan only such stockholders are ate allow allowed al1owcd allowed ¬ ed to vote te at any meetiig m of the stock stockholders stockholders stockholders ¬ holders as shall have o neon en holders of ofthe otthe ofthe the certificates of stock of the said saldCompany saidCompany saidCompany Company In their own and proper propernarrics propernavies per pernames names for the period of fourteen rourt days aysprevious daysprevious daysprevious previous to any stockholders meeting meetingIn meetln meetlnIn In order that all stockholders may mayhave mThae mayhave have an opportunity to have h e their stock stockthus stocktbus stockthus thus registered In the books or the theCompany theCompany theCompany Company the stock transfer transferbooks books of ofthe ofthe ofthe the Company will be closed closedat at cIo close e of ofbusiness otbusiness ofbusiness business at 3 p m m on Thursday the the2Sth the29th the29th 29th day of September 1318 and will willremain wlJlremain willremain remain closed until the close of busi business business bustness ¬ ness at 3 p m on Friday the 14th day dayof dayof dayof of October 1910 and all holders of stock stockas as aforesaid who shall be such at the theclose thedose theclose close of business on said 2Dth th day of ofSeptember orSeptember ofSeptember September 1910 will be entitled to vote voteat voteat voteat at the special meeting m tlng of the stock stockholders stoclthoMers stockholders ¬ holders hereby called ca1J l for Friday the the14th tlielUb tile14th 14th day of October 1910 1910The 191OThe jib jibThe The polls will ts l open trom 12 oclock oclockm m until 1 oclock p In mRespectfully InRespectfully inRespectfuhlY Respectfully RespectfullyBOARI RespectfullyIOAJU RespectfuhlYBOARI BOARI > OF DIRECTORS OF THE THEWASHINGTON THEWASHINGTON THEWASTIINGTON WASHINGTON GAS LIGHT COM COMPANY COXI COMIANY ¬ PANY PANYBy I IANYBy OY OYB By B ByWTDTJAM WILLIAM B ORME Secretary WashIngton WashIngton Wash Washington ¬ ington Gas Light LI l1t Company sel331t sel331tSPECIAL se1zt1tSPECIAL scissitSPEcIAL SPECIAL ATTENTION ATTENTIONA A nOS nOSA A bargain seldom seld > m offered horses horsesmares and andares andmares mares ares m that t have been used all summer in inthe Intbe inthe the Ice business are In firstclass condi condition condJtloo conifitloa ¬ tion age ages from C to 9 1ears rearj weigh from fromailo 1100 ilo to 1400 each ea h Special S Sp clao l attention Is called calledto calledto cal2edto to one Tjajr bay team 7 aid S years y old old welch 7400 1 tOO each suitable 8U1 be for coal wagon or o any anyheavy anyheavy ny heavy hea hAuling and one of the handsomest handsomenyiarotd handsomestlyiarold handsomestTiyearold Tiyearold combination seddle ddle ddl and driving drivlnrhorses drl drlhorses1n drivinghorses horses horses1n in the State Is fearless fr Ie of an ob objects ob obje ohjects ¬ jects je u perfectly safe for lady to drfv drl drive has hasbeen hbeen hasbeen been driven a mile m e In 249 8 also one nice niceblack nleblaclc niceblack black bt hOrse rethat tiat t a wilt Ill be suitable for grocer grocerbolcher grocerbotcher r rbat botcher bat her baker mlliman or any general par parpose putpo5e pji pjipose pose any one thrt Is In need of a horSe feorsacan b horSeesn e ecan can buy one very cheap as all most be sold lOIA soldA aokiA A written guarantee rantee for tej e days will be beIven e egiven given Iven tth th each horse CaJ U my prlrste prlrsteres privatoresldepce res resldepce residence dei1cr 433 i 6th lit st t S w Take either eithera a Fourandaialf Fouranc K a Seventh fit t car to toE toNOTICE o oE E Bet BetIT lit 1 1NOTICE NOTICE IT iTIcE OF DISSOLUTION OF PART PARTNERSHIP PARrERSHIPTbe PAItrNERSHIPThe ¬ NERSHIP ERSHIPTbe The partnership heretofore heretoforeexisting heretootoexisting heretoforeexisting existing between James E E Redman and andJames aridJames amidJames James M Hollo HoUoJ way trading as Redman Redmanand Red Redand Redxpruiand and Holloway at 91S 9I Louisiana Ave AvcN AveN AveN N W has this day Sept 12 I 1310 191 been beendissolved beend1sOl beend1so1ve dissolved d1sOl by mutual consent cons eat All bills billsreceivable JUs JUsrecelmble iin iinreceivable receivable are to be paid to t James E ERe E ERedman BBedmari Redman Re min and all bills payable are to tobo tobopard bo bopaid o opaid paid by him The business bustnesswm will be con continued conttnped continted ¬ tinted by James JUP sE E Redman Redmanunder under tho thoname thonanie thepaine name nanie of Redmans White Front Market MarketSigned MarketSigned IarketSigned Signed > JAMESE J IESE BEDi4 REPAN REPANJAMES REJ > ro JAMES JA M L HOLLOWAT HOLLOWATWEBBING HOLLOAYWEDDING HOLLOWAYWEDDING WEDDING RECEPTIONS RECEPTIONSFINE RECEPTIONSFINE FINE CATERING CATERINGBANQUET CATERINGgANQUET CATERINGBANQUET BANQUET PARLORS PARLOKi 815 8 5 ICth i StXTT St N W Wl l Wanthelp iif clPt AdTertlseln c Teitis lnThe TheTlmes Times r1me