16 THE jCASHIG WASHINGTON WA IIIXGTOX TIMES MONDAY IOXDA Y SEPTEMBER SEPT ElBER 26 2 6 1910 PROBE OVERWORKING OVERWORKINGWORKHOUSEGUARDS VERWORKINGWORKHOUSE WORKHOUSE WORKHOUSEGUARDS WORKHOUSEGUARDSCentral GUARDS GUARDSCentral Central LrO Lr Sr r Union Will WillConsider WillConsider VillConsider Consider Charges At AtMeeting AtMeeting AtMeeting Meeting TonightCharges Tonight TonightCharges TonightChI1e Charges that the tb District DI trict is violat violating vie1tIng vIIating ¬ ing the eighthow t OtIr Jaw hy It compelling compellingits e4 MPe tDg tDgIts its employes at the w workhouse rW o at atOccoquon atOccoqUOB atOccoquon Occoquon V Va u to work iaore more than thaneight t teigl1t thaneight eight hours a day d J will h be considered consideredat ed eda at a t a meeting o of f the Central Labor LaborUnion LarUnloR LaborUnion Union tonight toaterbtAt to i < < b t tAt At the last meeting of the union uniona a ccmmtttee was appointed to request requestan an investigation by the Conite Conitesioners Cotmnisioners Contarissioners sioners As this U committee has as not notyet DOttt 3 yet tt submitted its 1 reqae request t to te Com Coatmissioners Commissioners c cmiS8I ¬ miS8I missioners rs ao action has been taken takenIt It was said saJ today that the committee committeehas collURltteehas covnsnitteehas I Iquestion has been lookn look lookag farther into thequestion the theQuestion Question and lid will m bring the subject subjectup Mlli jeet jeetup up for discussion dleeu eioR tonightGuards tonight tonightGuards toal > lat latGuards Guards at the workhouse are com compelled COIRpelled compelled ¬ pelled to work twelve boors a day dayand dayand Y Yand and are so informed prior to theirappointment their theirappointment tlteIrappointment appointment An Jl information blank binnkfurnished blankfurnished laRkurnl furnished urnl h for or the guidance of c ap applicants 1ppliCDts applicants ¬ plicants for the positions 10r of guards guardscontains guardscontains ds dscontins contains the following followingApplicants followingApplicants ollowla ollowlamu Applicants must mu t distinctly unr uarderstand unrderstaad uurderstJId derstaad they will be required to towork towork towork work twelve hours Iou a day and lid that thatin t thatin at atin in case of the escape e eape of a a prisoner prisoneror prl eDer eDerr < or < > r in any other emergency they theymust tlteymllst theymust must work the number of hours hoursprescribed 1Ioursprescribed beersprescribed prescribed by the superintendent superintendentThe perhateJll4etThe The District code provides that labor laborers iaboren Laborers ¬ ers or mechanics employed by the Dte Dtethe DI DItri DSstrit tri trit < t of Columbia Or by 7 co contractors tractor for forthe forthe the District shall not work more thaneight than thaneight t aa aaght eight ght hours a day except in case ca e of ofextraordinary otxtraordf ofeextraordinary extraordinary xtraordf ary emergency It is the theunofficial thelmotftetal thetnofficlai unofficial opinion of the Corporation CorporationCounsels CorporatJoaCounsels CorporationCounsels Counsels office that guards are not notclassed BOtiassed nutclassed classed as laborers and that therefore thereforethey thereforethe thereforethey they the do not come under the provisions provisionsof pr k0Ii ovieione ovieioneof i0a i0aof of this statute statuteW statuteW W C H Whittaker superintendent of ofthe orthe ofthe the workhouse says that hi view Y view ei of ofconditions eCond1t etconditions conditions ond1t incidental to the estaMfem estaMfemment e eetabltsitment taWtIIItment ment of convict camps it te 18thu necessarythat necessary necessarythat that the guards work twelve hours a aday ada aday day da The mechanic and laborers em employed empio employed ¬ ployed pio ed in the erection of the temporary temporarybuildings buildings he states work only eight eighthours eightllnurs eighthours hours a day dayUpon dayr dayVpon Upon r On the receipt of formal charges chargesthat eba ebathat chargesthat that the District is violating 1oIaUn the t eight eightrnur ei eigbtInur ht htrout rout rnur law Commissioner Comm 8 ioaer Rudolph has hassaid hassaid hassaid said that he will ask for a complete report re report port by Superintendent SUPf > rlntt > ndent Whittaker WhlttakerGEOGRAPHY WhittakerGEOGRAPHY GEOGRAPHY COURSE COURSEIS IS GIVEN REVISION REVISIONOutline Outline of Study In Graded GradedSchools GradedSchOQIs GradedSchools Schools Has Been BeenPrepared BeenPrepared BeenPrepared Prepared PreparedA A t comprehensive COMpr e revision J of the thegeography thef thegeography geography f > course COUn e of the t e graded schools schoolswas sooisWas er erwas was decided upon u today todayThe to todayThe aT aTThe The new course cour e will go Into effect efectEAr ntXtyeAr next nextyear year EAr and a compromise e es course rse which whichKill WdeliKIll whichwill Kill serve to break away from fro the old oMcourse oldC oldcourse course C > urse and ad introduce the pupils to the therew 1jIeYfW theyew yew YfW system win be 1 e used this year yearThe yearThe yearThe The general outlines of the new course coursehave eGeIHbave coursehave have already been prepared lnpar at the of off elfp fp 1 f P of S E Kramer director of intermediate inter intermediate IIM IIMITI ¬ ITI mediate late Instruction 1i tnIcUoa tor a committee of ofteachers ortfJlh ofteachers teachers teachersThe tfJlh tfJlhThf teachersThe The proposed course contemplates a adeparture ad adeparture departure d partu from rn the present preee t system of ofteaching oftt ofteahing teaching tt > bia geography J by the opgcUMien opgcUMiencontinent spedailoutcntlneat 1I 1IcJntnent continent system systemThe systemThe stem stemThe The fifth grades win be given ea a gen general general a aeral ¬ eral outline of the geography y of the theworld tbeodd theworld world odd under the new plan The sixth sixthBrad sixthgrade ixtbgrgd08 Brad will take up the United Ull ted States Stateswith StatesIth Statesworth with Ith relation to world geography pbJ pbJthe and andthe andthe the second half of the year will be de devnted deTfted derr vnted rr + ted to a study stud > of Canada Mexico MexicoCrural Kexteontral MexicoC Crural C ntral and South America The chief chiefr ehletCfImU1et CfImU1et r entries of Europe win introduce the theseventh tlMt theseventh seventh t > enth grade de term and the remaining remainingcountries rftnalninCriDtriefil remainingCnlntries countries of Europe Asia and Africa AfricawM Mrtei Africaa a wM i complete the th rear yetri rearIt rearit It Is i also proposed ro to extend the thecriTS thec criTS c c < CJN irs ° into the eighth grade if some someother someother OOIIIeolh other olh r study can He sufficiently curtailed curtailedFOOD curtailedFOOD i FOOD COMPOSITION SHOWN SHOWNBY BY CHARTS CHARTSHeavy Heavy Demand for Publi Publications Publications Publications ¬ cations of 0 f Agricultural AgriculturalDepartment AgriculturalDepartment AgriculturalDepartment Department DepartmentThe The reeeat wld widespread d discussion dl clU of ofthe oftile ofthe the high coot of living liri IM bas aroused arooeedti arou arousedgreat ecI ecIgreat great interest m all p phases of do domes domesti tes test ti < science and has greatly increased increasedthe the demand d maacI for the publications of the theDepartment theDeparuent theIepertnsent Department of Agriculture A < < rkaltwre oa all sub sabjects 8IIbjt subjects jects jt < ts relating to food and nutrition nutritionThe 1IuultionThe nutritionThe The Department has recently Iy issued tasueda a set of fifteen charts on the compo composition eclPOBition composition ¬ sition of food material tJtE these e charts chartsare chartsare I Iare are printed from paotolfthocrapbs pItotol in insix 10Ilx insIx I Ireaterlal six colors c and show in the case of each eachmaterial eachmaterial material the protein fat carbohydrate carbohydrateash carttoftyckateash ash and water wat contents and the fuel foelvalue fuelValue fuelvalue value expressed exres ed l la caloriC The per perrertage perCf pertPr Cf tPr rertage > r tage composition and fuel valve Iue are aregiven areShen aregisen given in figures pres and the relative pro proportion pr0portion proportion ¬ portion of each constituent is repre reprented repreSanttd repropanted panted nted graphically graphicallyh graphicallyThese aphtcalJ aphtcalJhetM These h hetM s charts SJT are printed prtat on o sheets sheetsSi Si by27 by i inches of a good quality of ofgaper otraper oftaper gaper and are for sale aJe by the SuDrirtendent Su Superintendent Sut ¬ perintendent t > rlrtendftlt of Documents Doetn eat Co Goyern Goyernment Go1ernrnent erm ermrnent rnent Printing Office at 1 per set setThe setThe let7be The charts will be found especially especiallyuseful e8eda1IYu especiallyuseful useful u ul to instructors and Ad students in inclasses inc inclasses classes c atses in physiology phY8io domestic science sci science i iEnce ¬ ence and other branches in which the thef f od and nutrition of man in studied studiedether studiedether ttedether ether In schools or colleges eon es or inclubs in inclubs Inclubs clubs or similar organisations erganiattonauoo 51100 uoo Niagara FaHs EXCBrien scaisi n Sep September Sept September ¬ tember t mber 3 31th tn Special train of 0 flrstclass flrstclasscoaches AntdaMOach Armetasreaches coaches Oach and parlor cars from Washing Washington ¬ ton 745 45 a m m Last La t excursion of the theseason theseasou theseason season via Philadelphia PI Philadel I8deIphla Ia and Del the pic picturesque picturesque picturesgae ¬ turesque rebh Valley Tickets TIcketsto good goodto to return within fifteen days Liberal LiberalFtopover L Liberalstopover terat teratftopover Ftopover returning T Cheap side trips tripsfrom t1ipsf tripsfrom from f = om Niagara Fata FaJILAdyt FaJILAdytSwift Adrc AdrcSwift AvtSwift Swift Co Cgs sales of fre fresh t beef 1tM In hiWash InWasb inWash Wash D 1 C f furday fW tile week ending Sat SatUrda Saturday urday urday Urda Sept M 4 av a averaged raa d 771 74 e et ees per II lb lbAdvt lbAdvt lbA AdvtPopttiar A Advt AdvtPop vt vtPop Popttiar Pop > dar Excaniea Ba Baltm Baitimere ti re b Ofaw OfawR R R October Oe ber 1 fid aMI a i1le L to Harpers HarpersFerry llalperFefT7 HarpersFerry Ferry Chartectovii CIIar1e tcr Somasit 9amv Jt Point PointStephenson Po Point9t I4 Stephenson 9t oe aDd Wto W Wiaadtesori eeter er and return returnSpecial ftt1InLSpedal returnSpecial Special train froM trL Tjcloa Ll 0n n Station Stt Stta tI tIa a m rgturYlfng i tonrias same dayAdvt dayAdvtt day Advt Noel Noelr r GRAND JURY READY READYTO READYTOCOMPLETE TO TOCOMPLETE COMPLETE WORK WORKExpected WORKExpected Expected to Probe AllegedTrust Alleged AllegedTrust AllegedTrust Trust Before Ending EndingLabors EndingLabors EndingLabors Labors LaborsThis LaborsThis This This is the last week the present presentj grand grandJury grandjury Jury j ry of the District will hold forth the thebody tlM1HHIy thebody body for the October term t coming COMIIt c in inOctober InOctober I IOetOOer October 4 4It 4It 1 1It It is expected that t at the present grand grandjury grandjury jury win make a partial report reH rt on Wed Wednesday WecIJle8day Wedneeday ¬ nesday and will submit its Anal I fmdtags fmdtagsa a week from today and lid be dtisdpmBedAbout discharged dischargedAbout ed edAhout About fifteen indictments will be re returned returDed returned ¬ turned Wednesday Wednesda and about twenty twentywill tweatywill twentywill will be returned a a week from tlOM today In Inall 1ftall Inall all the present Jury wilt riB have e retired retiredabout retredabout retiredabout about seventyfive indictments when wbe it itis ItIs itis is discharged dhHhar > ecl next week weekThe weekTIle weekThe The new grand jury will be sworn in innext innext innest next Tuesday Tue day and it is probable that it itwill itv itwill will v U take up the more important ques questions qmtimm ¬ I Itions tions such as the alleged trusts affecthigh affect affectOn aJrectthe On high cost of Thing H1a in the District DistrictIt It is believed the suspected Milk Milktrust XilkUU8t Milktrust trust and the supposed Laundry trust trustwill tru trustwill t twill will be subjects for Investigation Inves jgatlon by the thenew theDe1 thenew new De1 body bodyBelieved bodyWOUND bodyWOUND WOUND NOT SERIOUS SERIOUSTO TO MISS DE WITT WITTBelieved ITT ITTBelieved Believed Bite of Dog WillNot Will WillNot VillNot Not Leave LeaveScar LeaveScar LeaveScar Scar ScarIt It was stated today ta that 34teg M > > > isg H ITWinifred HrfW HWinifred Winifred rfW De Wttt R ttt tt manager 1IUni 8 oC C Clme Chsees ChseesTheater s sTl s sTbat Theater Tl e tr who was bitten bltt R 1w r a 4Iw 4IwSat1anlay K KSaturday n nSaturday Saturday night t has soCOcfentlr recov recovered 1eCOYe4 recovered ¬ ered e4 to return to her post > > O t at th Ute theaterand theater tlM t J Jand I IJII and JII take HO Her duUes there thereher t thereMies ele eleKi1Is Ki1Is De Witt went to make a CIIII on onher G Gher her dressmaker on Saturday evening eveningand eveaingand eveningand and a doe deN which was tying y1ec in m the ves vestibule ve vetibule vestibule ¬ tibule Jomp Ja jumped d at t her er MUM Iu her on the thecheek thedtHk thecheek cheek and chin The doc was frighten frightened frightened eD ¬ ed off 0 < < by a maW A doctor cIoet < < baadagethe bandaged bandagedthe ecJ ecJthe the wound She was wn feeling fHl well wellenough wellenoacta wellenough enough today to return r unt to work The Thewounds Thewound8 Thewounds wounds will hardly leave lea e a scar scarThe IICILrThe scarThe The doe will be b killed and its brain brainsent brainsent in insent sent to the Bureau of Animal Industry Industrysrhre lu Industrywh trY trYwhTe srhre wh reIt it will 111 he > e examined exanrl ed for traees of ofrabies oCrabies ofrabies rabies Miss De Witt says it te e doc had hadalways badalways hadalways always been kind and gentle 10 her and andthat aDdthat andthat that she had netted > > etttd it many times t 1De8 be before before before ¬ fore and that she knows < > f no DOwhY reason reasonwhy reasonwhy why it should shot 1d have turned on her herHUE beICRUTCHES herCRUTCHES CRUTCHES OF MOSBY MOSBYARLAT MOSBYAREATMUSEUM ARLAT AREATMUSEUM AREATMUSEUMConfederate HUE AT in inConfederate MUSEUMConfederate Confederate Leader Presents PresentsValuable PresentsValuable PresentsValuable Valuable Relics to Na National National National ¬ tional Institution InstitutionThe The crutches cnIt made JIIMe by a ainnse ar 8 bee belong belonghe 1MIesI 1MIesIto ag agiag < < iag to his ta father ter and used by plat at atbe after afterbe be was wounded m 1ft the dvtl war have havebeen havebeen e ebeeR been presented pre eated by CoL John a M b of Mushy Mosbyfamous Xe Mushyfamous by byfJllOU5 famous Confederate leader Iead U to t the Unit United UJdte4I United ¬ ed States National Mueeeas MueeeasOn Muse x xOa nu nuing Oa one crutch Is a metal plate IIIIUe bear 1tearthe bearing ing the inscription of John S So Mosby MosbyWBK Xo by byJ5f4 WBK WBKAround 1 > Ri1di4 Ri1di4Around J5f4 J5f4AnMIIId Around the crutches is a piece of ofpaper orpaper ofpaper paper on oawhich which in the handwriting of ofColonel ofCoIoBeI ofColonel Colonel Mosby is written writtenThese wrltteaeruteJteg writtenTbese These crutches were made for me mewho 1IHduriag meduring during the war by a slave named Isaac Iacwho Isaacwho who belonged to my father fatherhome They were were8nIt werefirst first used 1ft August A1CU t hint when I went weotMIne wenthome home MIne wounded w UD ecl My mother kept them themfor themfor for me and nd I again In used them in Sep September Septemiber p ptember ¬ tember 1SW 511 and lid December ISM ISMJOHX 11MJOHX IaiiJOHN JOHX S So MOSBY PNEUMONIA ON INCREASE INCREASEMarked INCREASEXarked INCREASENarked Marked increases in I deaths due to topneumonia topoeumonla topneumonia pneumonia and tuberculosis tubenui > I are shown shownIn In the Census Bureaus mortality report reportfor reportfor for m mt as compared to the 1906 figures figuresthe figurestbe I 1the the area covering about onehalf the theVnited thetnited Vnited States Deanna due from pneu pneumonia pneumonia pneumonia ¬ I monia increased from il5 5S to 70033 70033while 70033while 1033while while the number of deaths from tuber tuberculosis tubercuJOllls tuberculosis ¬ culosis was as TBMS TBMSACCIDENTALLY 1MACCIDENTALLY ti tiACCIDENTALLY ACCIDENTALLY SHOT SHOTWTdte SHOTWJd1e SHOTWhile While Byrne George aged ed twelve of ofUS orElgbth offlfi US Eighth street was loading his rifle riflelast rifielast riflelast last night frith kith the intention of going goingout goingout out to s4 Moot oot wild Indians he carelessly carelesslylet ca elessl elessllet I let his Ic 1 t slip against the trigger and andthe andtlte andthe the gun went off firing shot into his iiisEmergency hisleft hisleft left leg He was taken at once to the theEmergeney theEmergency Emergency Hospital where the wound woundwas voundas Roundwas was as dressed He was released rele d today todayTo todayTo todayt todayTo t r To Treat a Burn Burnthere Burnthere Burnthere there Is nothing better than Conti Continental Continental Continental ¬ nental Ointment It has a cooling coolingsoothing coolingsoothing coolingsoothing soothing healing effect that quickly quicklyrelieves quiclclyrelieves quicklyrelieves relieves cuts bites bruises scaldssunburn scalds scaldssunburn scaldssunburn sunburn eczemaburnssore eczema eczemaburnssoregums burnsJsoregums gums etc etcThe ctcontinentat etchntal1 I ontinentat ontinentatintment hntal1 hntal1The intment I I II The Marvelous Salve S Te and Perfect I I Poultice Good for Horses too tooLarge tooLarge tooLarge Large box25c box25cOtherslzes box hox25cOtherslzes 25c 25cOthersles Otherslzes 40c 75c S3 3 and 550Ash 550 550AsK I AsK at any y Drug Harness HarnC 3 or General Store StoreContinental StoreContinental Continental Specialty Co Dayton J Q QJ QI Qf i I I INFANTILE MALADY MALADYNOW MALADYNO1N NOW ON DECREASE DECREASEHe Health He hh Department Now NowSatisfied NowSatisfied NowSatisfied Satisfied Conditions AreMore Are AreMore AreMore More Satisfactory SatisfactoryThat That iofanttte naralysis is on on the thecrease theCnllMe de decrease crease is the opinion DIon ef 8 officiate eme of the tfceHealth theHealth i iHealth Health Department DepartmentOnly DepartmentOnly Only tour eases c tfe were reporteji rert last lastweek III hetweek t ttotal I week Th The total number ttm er on Oftu reeonft reeorslnee reeorslneetk iMee iMeethe the u tk beginning of th the o otwek a isreak te j teThe Ja 1 1The The order of the Haaltlt Department Departmentexchtdinc D Departmentexcluding JwrtlDeatexchtd1D1l I excluding from the wtWlc schools for a sIferieii aIf aperiod period If of two tw < weeks those pupils PuJl lt wh whhare wr wrhaTe whohave hare been > teII een exposed PX expe ed to the tl e disease he ha at atfected atfected fected only eight ei < < bt children da dren In view of ofthe ortJte ofthe the conenou Eon n cns In u of opinion that the disease dis disease dieeASe ¬ ease te i contagious sock action wasdeemed was wasdeemed waJIdeeIRed deemed nocessary by the he Health H HealthOti HealthOticer 8lth Offi Officer 0 < < 1 ¬ cer and followed f a a conference Kith withmembers Kithmembers Uh UhmtMMrs members of the theBo Board td of Education Educationwor Edoeatlonprior Educationprior prior to the t opening o ebl of l the schools schoolsA A canvass was ws madE by Inspectors of ofthe ofthe the Health H tth Department of the homes In Inwhich fDhich Inwhich I which hich there are case a8ag of infantile infantileparalTwti infantilepnrais4s I paralTwti and the children ch dlfa of 0 the householt house household househoIfI ¬ hold were re given an enforced aeatkm ae Uon of oftwo ortwo oftwo two weeks w datinp from their last exposure ex exposure exposure ¬ posure to the patient patientGIVE patientGIVE DaUentGIVE GIVE MOOSE JEWEL JEWELTO JEWELTO JEWELTO TO JAMES CROWLEY CROWLEYJames I IJames James J Crowley is today the proud proudpossessor ptOUdJI proudpossessor possessor JI DltI of a handsome Jeweled medal medalpresented medalpresented 1 1p presented p by the delegates tes to the De Detroit Detrott Dotrait ¬ trait convention of the Order of Moose Moee1a in recognition ion of Mr Cr Growlers owieya work workat workat workt at t that convention Mr Crowley is isthird Isthfnl Isthird third past president of the Moose MooseJames MOOeJames MooseJames James H McGUton second past pa t presi president president I Ident ¬ dent made the presentation speech at ata ata ata a meeting Jneoe1J of the t Moose held yesterday yesterdayafternoon JftJt yesterdayafternoon daJ daJatteruooo afternoon In future the Moose K Ge win winimeet wiDmeet willmeet meet at the Masonic Temple TempleCARROLL TempleCARROLL TempleCARROLL CARROLL INSTITUTE INSTITUTEREADY INSTITUTEREAD INSTITUTEREADY READY FOR OPENING OPENINGThe OPENINGI I The night school connected JteMM wfth Car Carroil ar arroil roil Institute will open tonight tonightat toRi < < ht htat at 7fe 73 7 = oclock in the school builduur bl1l1d on onTenth onTenth onTenth Tenth street northwest DOrthw near K 11 street 8t streetThe I The studies will embrace bookk boOItkJePing boOItkJePingst pinK epings pinKstenograph I stenograph st TaD pby j typewriting tvpewriti English Englishmechanical EacliIIhmeehanled English Englishmechanical mechanical and architectural drawing drawingThe drawingThe drawingThe The registration regl tration bocks are open f fCatholics tn tnCatholies t tCatholics > Catholics and nonCatholics Jtttke lUre an i ithe I Ithe ithe the enrollment has been going on AH th the thepast J past week 1 I GERIKEIIBRATE GERIKEIIBRATESETTLEfiS GERMANS CELEBRATE CELEBRATESETTLERS CELEBRATESETTLERSARRIVAL SETTLERS SETTLERSARRIVAL SETTLERSARRIVALt Mil MilAnniversary 1 1Anniversary Anniversary Event In Honor Honorof of Pioneers From FromPather Father Fatherland j jland land landThe landTtae landThe The German of Washington gath gathered gathered th therN ¬ ered at t Loonier Loe < < IeI Park ark on the Bled Bledei Bladeasbttrs Bl d drg easbttrs ei sburg rg road this afternoon to cele celebrate celeDrate celebrate ¬ brate in style characteristic c raetertatie of the thefatherland thetathfrIaad thefatherland fatherland the anniversary of the ar arrival arrn1 arrival ¬ rival of the Ua first German settlers ttlena in inthe iftb6 irrthe the United States Stat fo 111 111Game tlsaGaIDe1 152Games Game singing gtag contests eo tee oratory oratorymusic or oratorymusic tory torymusic music and dancing daacl prize bowling bowlingand bowlingand and refreshments will bt employed to toBass toaW7 tomess Bass away the day Th The celebrationwhh celebration celebrationwhlcfc whlcfc wh is under the auspleee au aan pc e 8 of the theUnited thfUlite4 theUnited i United German Societies began l epaa at 1 1dock 1dock 1dock dock and an will continue eontbl Into the thenight th thnleht thenight night Every moment will Ill be crowd crowded ¬ ed with funmaklns tuRlIUlk events and the theGermans th thGen thegerrrramg Germans Gen aa of Washington W have been beenplanning beenaaratng planning PilUlBtlUt f for < > r rthe the monster JIIOR ter celebration celebrationfor I for days daysAll daysAll All cars bound for Loefflers er8 Park Parkthis Parktbls Parkthis this afternoon were loaded with ex expectant expeetant ¬ pectant men m ft women and Jld children childrenwho childrenWho hndenwho who have taken the day off to do dohonor dotcnor dohonor honor to the pioneer Germans who whowere whowere ho were so prominently identified with withthe wLththe withthe the upbuilding of America Americamost AmerleaI AmerleaPurest AmericaPurest l Purest best bestand bestandmost and andmost most economi economical ¬ cal for you youPolishes youPol youPolishes Polishes Pol ish e s the theteeth theteeth y yteeth teeth and keeps keepsthem i ithem I Ithem them white whiteT 11 i iTones T Tones up the thegums 1 1gums frJ s I Igums gums and keepsthem keeps keepsthem keepsthem them healthy healthyBuy healthyBuy healthyBu Bu Buy y a tube today today25c 25c everywhere I i I 7i i or 00 7h f 1 = 0 k This Exact Quartered QuarteredGolden QuarteredGolden QuarteredGolden I Golden Oak Chair ChairUpholstered ChairUpholstered ChairUpholstered Upholstered in Black BlackImitation BlackImitation f Imitation Leather LeatherB 1 1i 1L + mu L n B ii v i iPolished i 165 165Polished Polished Quartered Oak OakChairs Oaki i i Chairs exactly like e the il illustration ¬ I l J lustration here shown They Theyhave I have panel backs mortisedbox mortised mortisedbox mortisolbox I box seats French legs an3L and andblack andbbck L black imitation leather a seats seatsupholstered seatsupholstered It Itupholstered upholstered over cane caneMayer m I Mayer Co 409 to 417 Seventh St N W WIOafo IOafo 10 Discount on Accounts Closed in 30 Days DaysM DaysNot DaysNO BaysN0 NO PAIN AT ALL I I D Not one insta instant t of suffer suffering suffering D I Ilng ing ing thats thatsi thatsvhy thatswhy i why it pays paysj paysyou R I M j you to come comeTV R TV A Afwork ito > to me My MyI M MI y I fwork I work Tork is IS the thebest theI thebestobtaina I bestobtaina bestobtainable best oLtaina oLtainay obtainahIe ii y Ue in Wash Washi Washington ingtonscientific i ington ingtonscientific n g t o n nscientific scientific uptodate satisfac satisfactory satisfacW satisfaci ¬ W tory toryEXAMINATION tor ri y W WMy i EXAMINATION MINATION PREE PREEMy fREE FRftMy My Anchor Suction Teeth TeethThey TeethH H H They Never NeverSlip I H H 1 1 1 Slip or Dropt Drop DropI t A rtrr rtrrGold I t W5vSSS W5vSSSGold I IBridgework Gold Crowns w 0 0Bridgevvork FdGngs FdGngsBridgework 3 4 tS 5 Bridgework pJ pJm pJEasy SOc SOcT 50cI T I m Easy Payment Terms T 1 DR WHITE WHITEPAINLESS Kt KtPAINLESS 1 = PAINLESS DENTIST DENTIST4OT DINT4STOpposite 1 = L 4OT 407S SEVENTH vEITH ST STNW NW NWOpposite L Opposite Woolworth 5c and lie StoreSundays Store StoreSundays StoreSundan Sundays 1 11 10 < > A M to 1 P M MOpen MOptn MOpen Open Evenings lntil S oclock oclockTELEPHONE Jii JiiEPEONE eTELEPHONE TELEPHONE EPEONE MAIN 19 6F Io T Ti i McftNNsosC f r w a1 8 STA TA AVE AYEw AVETHE THE BUSY CORNER CORNERThis CORNERPerfect Perfect french grey enameled ware vareto wareto to 1 off usual usua prices pricesThis This is iscertainly a Hue chance for economy Every piece is guaranteed perfect perfectWe perfectWe perfectWe We have two carloads and the entire purchase is of just the pieces women wantmost want wantmost wantmost most French grey enameled enaIIl led ware has two coats of enamel on a heavy hen steel fojun fojundation foun foundation Oun Oundation dation making an unusually strong and durable cooking vessel Most of the thepieces the thepieces thepieces pieces are seamless This ware will not chip easily Every piece carefully wrapped wrappedat at the factory fa tory to t prevent damage in shipping shippingS9 sl shippingI pping S9 < I Sc tf 2 9e S 2 De c Rinsing or Dish Pans ef efcamie uflII ofaeamleaa aeamleaa lII camie French < rench srrey en enamel enamel enamel ¬ amel riveted handles Xo o j tin tinalze S + size sizec 15 JLOC JLOCX C Ct X t c < Hinslar or Dish Pan ef efMcnmleMH uflI ofscnmleas McnmleMH lI mICJI French srrey enamel enamelware eaamelunrerleted enamelhare ware unrerleted riveted handle Xo o IQ IQ1O 19 19c 19ce 10 size adz JLJC JLJC48e C 48e 49 e < Dish Pan of seam seamless seamlessFrench eamlesFrench leas leasFrench French srrey enamel ware Yrareriveted wareriveted waret riveted t handle a Ie Xo 14 4 29c 29cODe OQ OQsize size size00e size mtiJs mtiJs60c ODe Dish Pans II of seamless seamlessFrench seamlessFrench French srrey re enamel wareriveted ware wareriveted Taret I riveted t handle Af > IT 1 QQ lze O 39c 39cDSe 33 33DSc f1C U U9Sc 9Sc Dish Pan of seamless seamlessI eamle eamlei eamletench i rench srrey enamel ware Tvareriveted wareriseted warerheted riveted handle handlclIIy Xo > o 21 1 1aY > 4Q 49 49c 49c5e alze aY Ize a TC U U2Be CC 2Be C Preserving Kettle or C seam IIeamICA seamIran eamle le ICA Iran French srrey enamel ware warehall warehall hall handle I and lip I 4qt 4qtz f falze 15c 15cDc alze z JLclC JLclCW I W SPe > Dc c Pre Prelllf Preserving ervlnjc lnJ Kettle ef lleam lleamIC2I11 sesmless e m mleitn less French grey rrey enamel ware tvareball warebail Tarey Tareyball ball handle and lip ltplnt OQ OQalze > 29 tlflC size sizeT0c iD iDIJOc C Ctot IJOc tot Tea Kettle of French Frenchtjrey FrenchJrC Frenchgrey JrC tjrey enamel ware are ball ballhnodlc balldl ballhandle handle dl and cover e 6plnt I 29c 29cfIDe OQ OQclre size size6Jc iUf iUfenamel fIDe Tea Kettle of FrenCh JreT JreTcnamel greyenamel enamel Tare hall handle handleand and cover coTery SpInt size atzcS9c sizeSOc be l 39 C CSOl SOl Tea Kettles of French jrrey jrreyenamel J3CYcnamel greyenamel enamel ware hall handle handlenail AQf AQfnnd 49e 49 ri C 7t nnd cover OTeTy llplnt size lze Curtains at 498 498Worth 498Worth I IYorth Worth 598 650 and 750 750Biff 750Big 50 50DIe Biff lot Most 02lt of them are real realIrish realIrhlh realIrish Irish Point Curtains Some are areBruwielR areDraelA areBrussels Brussels Net Nety Extra Fine Import Imported ¬ ed NottinKhams ottln hDm and Dainty Fine Kineinesh 1lncue8 Fineness ness ue8 Scotch Cable X Net t Curtains CurtainCurtains CurtainsCurtains CurtainsCurtains Curtains V at 10 10Worth 1 0 0Worth Worth X15 h 15 and 1650 pair pairThe pairThc pairThe4e The The4e ic e are pleasing Irl Irish h Point PointCurtain PointCurtain PointCurtains Curtain with rich designs in inembossed Inembossed inembossed embossed effect Some arc Cluny ClunyCurtain CluayCurtalmc CinnyCurtains Curtain with extra TIde Inser Insertion Inllertlooll insertions ¬ tion A few fe pairs of Brussels BrusselsPoint BrusselsPoint BrusselsPoint Point Curtains Curtain In the lot lotOdd lotOdd lotOdd Odd portieres 59c 59cIjot Lot of SOO 00 Many cnn be hematch hematched match matched matchcd ¬ ed on D info pairs All of one onetylc ODeKtyle onestylegood tylc stylegood cood combination of ofKrecn ofJTecn ofgreen green red and 4ndiHn brat i > ufi All 11 have havedeep haedeep havedeep deep fringe Worth orth SZ SsO F SO pair pairv v SOc Water Palls of ne neFrench seamless seamlessPreach French crey cname enamel with withhalt Tlthhall TUhhaU I hall handler haDdlel4y 10quart 10quartenamel 10quartsize IIIlze 39 3 C e3c I 3c J e Chambers of seamless grey greyenamel ey enamel Tare caret with ntroa strong trouhhandl IQ 19c 19c4De handle N fall size size40e Iz Ie ± tC tC48c I 48c Double Roasters RoaJlCtenof > of seam neamlei seamless I lei French jrrey e enamel Tare Jvarcwith I IuIth with Jttronsr handles nelf haslinir haslinirnelf hastincself I self hrotrnlnj require ao attention at attention attentloa ¬ tention while In u Ullle e 12 1 1inch OCT OCTInch I Inch size Ize itJU itJU66c ioj rt C c8fc i iG 66c G e Cereal Cooker of French Frenebgrey Frenchjrrey jrrey cr Y enarel enar el ware warey stronghandles strong stroajrhandle troueI I handle d and cover 4plnt 4pintsize I > Q QHlZC = 39c 9c 9cG size I O C CC CTKc C I IWe TKc Berlin Saucepans of seam seamleu lieamleflll seamless leu leflll French srrey enamel ware vrarcTlth wareTlth warewith Tlth Ions handle and cover eovery coverplat f Q Q7pInt 7pInt pint size 19 JLtC JLtC40c C C4D 40c 4D < Berlin D rlla Saucepan of seam xeamle Aeamlellll seamless le lellll French urey Jre enamel war rvaretvlth i with Uh Ion long I handle and cover eoery OQO 29 2fic I IGpInt size sizet10e MtC MtC6Oc C I IODe ODe Berlin Saucepan of French FrenchKrey Fr Frnehgrey lI h I Krey y enamel Tare seamless with Trlthlonj withlong long handle and cover co er 14 14plat 14pint QQ QQpint 39c 39cSUe pint size sizeSDc OIC OICSOc I SOc Berlin Saucepans of Seam SfeamlenH Seamtt1a Seamless less French srrey cre enamel Tare warewith JTarctvlth TareTlth with Ionic handle and co eoery cover coverIFPlat er 49c AQf AQfliepint liepint plnt adze adzefoe Ize Ize60e w rtJC rtJC60c foe Berlin Kettles l ettleJII of seamless seamleFrench llea seamlessFrench ICJCII ICJCIInn French jrrey enamel ware y TUb withbait rvlthhall hall nn nna handle a and cover r M 14nt 39c QQx QQxpint I Ipint pint nt size Ize O 7C i Curtains at 1498Worth 1498 1498lY 8 8Worth Worth lY orth 20 20n a few worth more moreThese moreTheflle moreThese These are most exquisite exqnl lte curtains cur curtain curtalall ¬ tain In Iris point Saxony brus brusel brusaelK brueaeIs aelK el and Lacet Arabian Only Oal a afe afew afew fe few v of a pattern of some but buttrvo buttwo buttwo two pair alike T while hIIe of other otherthere othenethere othersthere there are a all many DIan as a dozen dozenpair doz dozenpairs n npairs pairs pairNottingham pairsNottingham pairsNottingham Nottingham curtains curtains45c curtains45c curtains45c 45c a strip stripThey stripThey stripThey They are worth 175 17 a pair pairSome pairSome Some 2 pnrs pn rs of a kind some 8 mf 4 4pairs 4palrsy 4pairs I pairs Home 6 pair and a 1 fewas few fevran fewas as many a all 12 pairs AH per perfect perfect ¬ fect T Lengths en tb range 2Vfe Y yard to 3 4 yard All to RO tomorrow tomorroTrInto tomorrowinto I Ilato Into one lot They are sorted up 1 1Into Into pairs but white they last lastwill Till be sold old hy the strip or half I II j jpair I pair S8c Berlin Kettles ef f seamless seamleiwtFrench seamlessFrench eaml eamlFreneh French jrrey JT Y enamel ware with trlthball withhail Itk Itkban ball handle and cover cr CF IS ISpint AQf AQfpint pint CI19 Hire rr 49 7O C 119 Berlin Kettle of seamier seamierKrench seamlessFrench eaa eaaJ French J rench irrey Jre enamel ware arey with withball It Ii r rhall fhail ball handle and cover coverpint 22 CQr CQrpint pint size size60c Izo 69 JtC JtClOc C Cl lOc < l c Berlin Sa Sauce ce Pot of oflc seam seamless < R Rlet > lc let Krench l reBch srrey rey enamel e 1 ware waressUh w wnith warrAvith Avith side Selc handle and C8 cover ver er7 OQ OQ14plnit Q314pint 14plnit size xlzeSOc Ire a OtL OtLSOc 39c iC iCS0c SOc Berlin S Sauce naee P PM Pets 4 of oflens sea sealel seam seamless < lens lel French sre TC > en enamel iit I rare varewith Ta rarewith y ylIh with lIh side Ifle handlessad handle and cover AQr AQrispiat 49c ispiat size sizeF11t lze IzeIID rtit rtitlli F11t lli > Berlin Sauce Pot Pets of seam MeamIe seamless eBBIlelJ Ie lelJ less French crey Jre enamel ware vrareivith are arenith f fwith with side Ide handles and caver CQ CQ22fint 69c QC 22fint = plat size 81zee sizeSac tJs tJsP3c Sac e Rice or Double Boiler < of ofKrench eCFreach ofFrench French Brey re enamel eJHI eJ ware are with Kithlong HUllIODJ withlone lone handle and cover ery 4 4pint 1Q 1Qpint 49c pint size sizeac be bee 4t 7C 7C25c 25c ac e Bucket of seamless Jluamle French Krenchprey FrtJltkJrC Frenchgrey prey JrC enamel ware are bail handle handleaad Jiatller handleand and cover r SpInt pint I f O Olate size sizelzc late 12c 12cBu I ± C CS5c S5c Bucket Bu kct of neamtexs French Krenehjsrey FrC Frenchgrey k kr jsrey r enamel ware n8 ey bail handle handleand ka handleand dle J JI JIat and cover 4pInt 4pintsize Iat f 19c 19c4De Q Qilz size size40c ilz I XJ71 XJ7140c 40c Buckets of seamless eamle French Krenchcrey Frea Frenchgrey k kere crey ere > enamel < < ware va hail handle handleand kadleI beadleand and cover 8pIat I OC OCIze size Ize I 25c 25ciO rftJ UC C C50c 50c iO 0c Bucket of sea seamless eamle c French Krenchsrey Fre Frere Frenchgrey srey re enamel cDam 1 ware t aro ball handle handleand kalI kalII handleand and cover 9plnt 8platsize I t 39c QQ size I t3t curtains 1 49 25 z 5 different lots ors in in 2 and r 250 qualities qualitiesSix IlL x iriun v v r I I1f t i ii i Z n r 1 a 3 1f 1K 1Kv w v ° t a at d t 1 r rSix Six styles are pictured Nearly all of the 25 styles may be had in white cream creamor creamor or Arabian Some are the new popular sill lengths others medium length and andothers andothers andothers others extra long up to 4 yards Widths vary 36 to 60 inches inchesPictures inchesChoice inchesChoice Choice of all at 149 1 49 pair pairPictures pairPictures Pictures 1 and 2 are sketched from Scotch cable net curtains curtainsthe the heavy durable du durable durab1e ¬ rable 3 thread curtains and are copies of fine cluny curtains curtainsPicture curtainsPicture curtainsPicture Picture No 3 is of a scrim curtain of fine quality net with braid edge edgePictures edgePictures edgePictures Pictures 4 and 6 are of fine net curtains in Battenburg braid designs which whichare whichare whichare are very popular at present presentPicture presentPicture presentPicture Picture No No5 5 was sketched from the styles in closely woven Nottingham and andBattenburg andBattenburg d dBattenburg Battenburg curtains Curtains at 298 298Worth 298orth 298Worth Worth orth S39S 398 and S450 40 ptiirSmall pair pairSmall pairSmall > i iand Small lot Imported Import 1 Irish Feint Feintnnd Pelatnnd nnd luny Certain with real realhandmade realhundmade realhandmade handmade Insertions aDd edges cdRcsBattenhnrp efl edgesBattenhurg es esDattenhur Battenhnrp Curtains la novelty noveltyeffects nOTelt nOTelte1fcct2ly noveltyyeffects effects and Nottingham and amiScotch alltlScotch andScotch Scotch Cable Xet Curtains in fapleasing inpleasing a apl pleasing pl lnJ designs designs15c desf designs15c s s15c 15c curtain poles 5c 5cComplete 5cComplete 5cComplete Complete wIth trimmings s and aii4bracket andbrackets l lbrackets brackets bracketsft n = ft 10 in Ions Ion The factory factoryovershlpped faCtoroTerohlpped factoryovershipped overshlpped our order 1 1e gross srrwwSurplus sro sroSurplulf grossSurplus Surplus to KO o tomorrow All Allwhite 111white 11 11Thlte f a ahall white enamel covered Metal Metalhal Ietala hal hall a It < ends cne18r tI I Iti r ti 1