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Where District Boundary Marker, Missing for Half Century, Has Been Found, and Its Discoverer
Finished Samples of Work
by Ungraded Class Cause"
Much Comment.
Horse That Was Named
After Weil-Known Ken
tuckian, Scores Victory.
rf f? r-
They were looking for Joe Morris at
the Capitol today. They wanted to
cheer him as he crossed the Capitol
grounds, to wring his hand, to call his
name aloud, to carry him upon their
So they sought him up and down the
long, long corridors of the House Office
building, and In the many turns and
corners, and lobbies of the Capitol, and
a ally with large presence of mind. In
I office of Representative J. A. Can
trill, of the Seventh Kentucky, for whom
Morris is secretary. But Joe Morris
was in Kentucky. Then they wondered,
and smiled.
Takes Feature Event.
For Joe Morris must have seen his
namesake lead from start to finish, nev
er headed, and come under the wire
with his own long length to spare. In
the third and feature event at Latonla
track yesterday afternoon, while urged
with whip and spur, and a mighty host
of thousands roaring, "Go on. You Joe
Joe Morris' namesake lowered the
track distance, a mile and an eighth,
bythree tenths of a second.
There couldn't have been a more popu
lar victory for the Capitolians. those
strange nomads who camp on the hill
every little while. Mr Morris has been
secretary up there for several years,
and Is known and Is liked in proportion
to the knowing.
Joe Morris Has Won Before.
When that horse was named for him,
everybody said he would be a winner.
And Joe Morris (horse) has been a win
ner not every time, of course, like Joe
Morris (man), but often enough to keep
his name from being ashes in the mouth
of the talent Joe Morris (horse) wasn't
the favorite at Latonia yesterday, but
he was at the Capitol.
There are some mighty loyal people
tip there, especially in the Kentucky
It is said that loyal persons would
have drawn down about six for every
one the new system vou know If they
had "had anything on."
Complaint Is Made
Of District Stable
The presence of fifty horses, some of
which are said to be diseased. In the
temporary new District stables, at Four
teenth street and Pennsylvania avenue
southeast. Is causing Indignation against
the Commissioners among the citizens
of Southeast Washington.
Capt. W. M. Potter, chairman of the
executive committee of the Southeast
Washington Citizens' Association,
today said the horses were put
In the "makshlft stables" early
yesterday morning before Jus
tice Etafford, of the District
Supreme Court, granted a temporary In
junction against the Commissioners, en
joining them from establishing stables
at the new site.
"These horses are said to be sick and
already show what a menace such
stables. If made permanent, will be to
the health of our citizens," said Capt.
Potter this morning. He declares the
stables are without drainage facilities.
"Monday I will petition the Commis
sioners to immediately remove the
horses, following the spirit of Justice
Stafford's Injunction order," said Cap
tain Potter today.
Xext Wednesday evening the South
east Washington Citizens' Association
will meet to continue its campaign
against location of the District stables
at the proposed new site by the Com
missioners. The association has already
passed resolutions of protest against re
moval of the stables to that section of
the city.
Andrew Wilson, attorney for the pro
testing citizens, is confident of gaining
a permanent injunction against the
Commissioners in the case, and forcing
the use of appropriations fort new
stables at the present old site, near
Tenth ard O streets northwest.
Funeral on Monday
For Owen McCabe
Funeral services for Owen McCabe,
eighty-five years old, a long-time
resident of this city, will be held
Monday morning at 10 o'clock at the
Church of the Immaculate Conception.
The Rev. McCabe, of Dougheran Man
or, Md . his nephew, will celebrate
requiem mass. Interment will be in
ML Olivet Cemeterj.
Mr McCabe died yesterday after
noon at the residence of his son-in-law
and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Rob
ert J. Wynne, 915 Rhode Island av
enue northwest, from the Infirmities
of old age. He had been in falling
health for a long time
He was born in County Antrim, Ire
land, and came to this country when
young. He went West and settled in
Watertown, Wis., where he taught
school and later held office as deputy
commissioner of highways. At the
outbreak of the war, he enlisted and
served as a hospital steward until
the close.
After the war, he entered the real
estate business in Kansas City and
was very successful. A few vears
later he came to this city and be
came a clerk in the surgeon general's
office, from which position he retired,
more than twenty vears ago. From
that time to a year ago, when he was
forced to retire, he had been devoting
his time to his own personal affairs,
operating a real estate and financial
investment business.
The Infirmities of old age obliged
him to graduallv withdraw from ac
tive service Mr McCabe's wife died
fifteen vears ago Hp was a member
of the Kit Carson Post. G. A. R.
British Troops March
Again at Bunker Hill
BOSTON, Mass., June 17. The steadv
tread of British troops was heard ti
the vicinity of Bunker Hill today as on
that memorable day 136 years ago, when
the first Important conflict of the Amer
ican Revolution took place. Today, hew
ever, the Americans were not fortified
on the crest of the hill ready to "fire
when you see the whites of their eyes."
The Americans were on hand this time
in vastly superior numbers, and thev
gave the British soldiers a warm recep
tion, for the latter were the St. John
Fuslleers, of St. John. N. B., who had
come down on a fraternal visit to help
in the celebration of Massachusetts'
Fourth of July. The celebration cen
tered in Charlestown, where the British
troops marched in parade with the Mas
sachusetts: militia and sailors from the
.American warships at the navy yard.
1 . . i 1
Tlaffl ii liilii HUM I ft- .r ;? i ?J'
SBJte? v 'i ' p I By Standing Directly Over the Long-Lost Rock.
District Boundary Stone at
Jones' Point Is Under
Following a careful study of old
records, old newspapers, and old tra
ditions. Fred E. Woodward, who has
located other District boundary
stones, has now found the lost cor
ner stone, the 'first landmark" on
Jones' Point This is tho stone at the
southernmost corner of the District
as ceded to thi- United Mates by the
5-tate- of Man land and Virginia, and
Is located on the Virginia aide of the
river In the half of the District re
ceded to the State in later time.
This stone. It has alwas been known.
was located at Jones' Point, on the
shore of Hunting Creek, below Alexr-.-
drla. This location was known In a
eneral way not only from Fresident
Washington's directions to tne survey
ors, but from old newspaper accounts,
which Mr Woodward has found includ
ing one in the "Massachusetts Spy,"
written from Alexandria. Friday. June
15, 1791. the date upon which the stone
was placed. The article describes the
ceremonies incident to the setting of
the stone.
Mr. Woodward's researches would have
been unnecessary if in 1S55 the Govern
ment had not built a lighthouse upon
the point within fifteen feet of the
stone and followed this up In 1S61 with
a seawall which extended over and up
on the top of the stone, hiding It from
Hidden Many Years.
"There for more than fifty years,"
says Mr. Woodward, "no one has seen
this earliest landmark, an object wor
thy our highest esteem and admiration.
"This stone, still landing, though hid
den from view, being under the gate
way. In front of the south door of the
Mr Woodward learned from the En
gineer Corps of the War Department
that "a report In that office made by
mv. Sinclair In 18S4 on the trlangulatlon
of the District, mentions a mark made
on the face of the wall when the stone
was discovered. In 1S61, undoubtedly for
the express purpose or locating tne
stone, should this ever become neces
sary." ,
rnls mark now nas oeen iouna d
Mr. Woodward, and there is no reason-
aole ground for doubting that the stone
lies immediately beneatn tne mam.
From the data at nana, says .nr.
Woodward, "It Is almost certain that
the stone can be located about two feet
and six Inches below the top of the sea
wall and not more than seven to twelve
inches back from the face of wall."
Excavation Is Urged.
Mr Woodward would like to see the
Government authorize an excavation
which shall exhibit to the sight this
venerable and noteworthy relic of an
earlier day
It will take, he says, but a small
amount of monev, and not much more
would be necessary to protect the stone.
"Such protection," he argues "might be
secured by making a cement or mason
ry niche In the present wall, protecting
It In front by Iron bars or gratings, or
the stone Itself might be raised so as
to bring It up to the level of the top of
the wall."
It Is the disco'ery in Engineer Corps
records by Mr Woodward of the note
made by Mr. Sinclair In 1884 that gives
the real clue to the location of the stone.
Washington Actor "Busts"
A Wild Maryland Colt
Herbert W. Parker. 1G33 Rhode Island
avenue northwest, who has been acting
with stock companies In Washington
this summer, can go Into the ramifica
tions and refinements of "barnstorm
ing." He proved it by doing a little "horse
pley" out on the RIverdalo stock farm
of R. W. 'Lone yesterdav pfternoon. He
took a colt out of the barn, threw him
down, saddled and bridled him, and
then "broke" him. Hitherto nobody had
been able to do anything with the colt.
Afterward, while the horse was eating
out of Mr Parker's hand, the actor said
it was not a great thins for him to do.
Mr. Parker used to "bust" bronchos in,
The Cleaning of Fine Carpets Is Best
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Methods that insure thorough work and
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Maryland, 1008 Pa. ave., 510 9th at.
&y&is- -cy)ya f'
rri si at w i ii m. m . .j. i
Who, After Much Research, Has Deter
mined the Location of the Stone.
Representative Dyer, Speak
ing Before Students,
Espouses Plan.
Congress Is to be urged to give the
school children of Washington the bene
fit of half fares on the street railways
of the Dlstrltc of Columbia.
In an address before the certificate
class of the Business High School last
evening. Representative Dyer of Mis
souri said that he would use his influ
ence In eery way to Induce Congress
to pass a bill giving the school children
half fares.
"Instead of passing so many laws.
Congress should give more attention
to the poor people of this city," said
Mr. Dyer. "There are many opportu
nities right here in the Capital to help
the poor and sick."
Speaking on the Hquor traffic of the
District, which, he saldhould be more
stringently regulated, Mr. Dyer advised
all young men never to enter a sa
loon. "I am not a prohibitionist, but It is
my earnest advice to you to keep away
from saloons unless you have business
In them."
Announcement was made today of the
program for the commencement exer
cises of the fourth-year class, which
will be held Monday evening in the
school assembly hall.
Mrs. Ellen Spencer Mussey, of the
Board of Education, will preside, whllo
the chief address will be delivered by
Representative Lloyd of Missouri.
The exercises will open wlt,h selections
by the Marine juand, after which invo
cation will be pronounced by the Rev.
J. J. Dimon. The award of scholar
ships will be made by Allan Davis,
principal, and the diplomas will be con
ferred by Henry P. Blair, of the Board
of Education.
The officers of the graduation class
are Leon Shore, president; Miss Verena
Schmld, vice president; Miss Agnes Mc
Garraghy, secretary, and Walter AV.
Burdette. treasurer.
Marlboro Graduates
Observe Class Day
The first class to graduate frorr. the
Marlboro High School, now closing its
third vear, entertained a. large and en
thusiastic audience in Gibbons Hall last
nls;ht with its class day exercises.
The class roll Is as follows: Miss Ger
trude Toanna Wyvlll. Miss Emily Cecilia
Traband. Miss Marv Jcanna WyvlU.
Miss Ruth Cleveland Wyvlll. Miss Sarah
Elliott Traband. Miss Barbara Edith
Orant. Miss Helen Anna Roeder. Miss
Nellie Louise Pumrhrey. Miss Beulah
Mae Tavloi. Mr. William Iienrv Talbot
H5j) Cannot
You wouldn't dare do this
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For Safety Sake demand
Cleans AH Wearing Apparel
.Removes Grease Spots Instantly
UCj..jCoJ?cli.tUifittlci AUjjrug itorej.
" -
Engineer's Mark on Sea Wall, Indicat
ing Whereabouts of Landmark.
Dailey and Keister Lads Lo
cated While Sleeping on
Door Stoop.
What probably are the two happiest
youngsters In the city of Washington,
and as well, the two happiest families
are to b found in Tenth street north
west. Byron Dailey, aged seven, and
William Keister. elgnt years old, are the
boys, and their happlnes and that or
their parents, lies In the fact that they
have returned home after many ad
ventures In the wide, wide and strange
old world, into which the lads sallied
It all began when Bryon's father took
the two little lads to a baseball game
at Seventh and Park road yesterday
afternoon. After the game he gave
each of them several pennies for "hokey
pokey,'1 and told them to hurry home
before it became dark. It was not until
early this morning, however, that the
two boys again saw S536 and 3545 Tenth
street, where they live, and it was
through the kindness of a big police
man that they did get home.
Just what happened after they were
left consuming ice cream cones near
the ball park and up to the time that
their anxious parents again saw them Is
a mystery for neither little lad could
exactly tell. They "Just wandered
around," they said today. About 3
o'clock this morning the Tenth precinct
police were notified to search for them,
and shortly afterward they were found
curled upon a door stoop.
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Us Beneficial Effects;
Always Buy the Genuine
manufacture hyihe
Sold ly all leading
( Drwjgists '
OneSiZQ Onl&iOf a Bottle
Addresses Made, Prophecies
Read, and a Musical Pro
gram Given.
The commencement exercises of Cen
tral High School will be held Tuesday
afternoon in the Columbia .theater.
Class night exercises were held last
evening In the assembly hall of the
school building In O street, at which
Emory si. Wilson, prolnclpal of the
school, delivered an address to the
graduates William Shock Boteler de
livered the salutation, while the class
history was read by Paul Stuatt Arm
strong. Miss Elizabeth Wilbur played
a violin solo, "Hungarian Kantasle."
The class prophecies were :ead by
SIlss Sliriam Franc. Sliss Fiora Hill.
SIlss Dorothy Whitford. Norman Sillier,
and Sliss Grace Dunreath Odell. A
piano solo, "Hexentanz," was given by
SIlss Sllldred Rider; SIlss Steffcns sang
"Ring, Bluebells, Ring," und Paul
Koester gave a viollncello nolo.
Walter Klbbey composed and read the
class poem, and Paul Taylor addressed
the members of the class. The vale
dictory was given by Randolph Shaw.
The officers of the class are William
Shock Boteler. president: Pauline Slar
garet Johnson, vice-president; Slarian
Roeder Heltmuller, secretary, and Wil
liam Hazel Collins, treasurer.
Sliss Katherlne Lockwood. Miss
Grace Gllmore. John Kelly, and Paul
Armstrong were the members of the
class night committee.
Petworth Citizens Will
Celebrate Fourth of July
An interesting program has been ar
ranged bv the citizens of Petworth and
vlclnltv for their Fourth of July cele
bration. The patriotic exercises will bo
held on the new park site, and, at their
conclusion, the field sports will begin.
In the evening there will bo a display of
Women who bear children and
remain healthy are those who pre
pare their systems in advance of
baby 's coming. Unless the mother
aids nature in its pre-natal work the
crisis finds her system unequal to
the demands made upon it, and she
is often left with weakened health
or chronic ailments. No remedy
is so truly 4 help to nature as
Mother's Friend, and no expectant
mother should fail to use it. It
relieves the pain and discomfort
caused by the strain on the liga
ments, makes pliant and elastic
those fibres and muscles which na
ture is expanding, prevents numb
ness of limbs, and soothes the
inflammation of breast glands. The
system being thus prepared by
Mother's Friend dispels the fear
that the crisis may not be safely
met. Mother's Friend assures a
speedy and complete recovery for
the mother,
and she is left IffAflUlfflC
a healthy wo- JVftJ illljKO
man to enjoy JRnTnn
the rearing of J MLoU
her child.
Mother's Friend is sold at drug
stores. Write for our free book
for expectant mothers.
Commencement at Laurel.
LAUREL, Sid., June 17. Commence
ment exercises of the Laurel High
School were held In the Academy of
Music here The members of the grad
uating clas3 were SIlss Slargaret C.
Rutledge. SIlss Slary Baldwin. SIlss
Slary Emma Fisher. SIlss Mary Rachael
Keys. SIlss Clara Louise Lawrence,
SIlss Slarguerlte Esther Long. SIlss Slar
garet Cecelia Rutledge, and Sliss Ra
chael Scaggs.
I . I
I r 1
J "Knob-Joint"
Hard and
f xnel
For All Foot Troubles
"Dissolve two tablespoorfuls of Calo
clde compound In a basin of hot water,
poak the feet In this for full fifteen
minutes (L'"ss time w'U not bring re
tults.) SlassaiM t"ie sore parts gently
while In the water." This thould be
lepeated for a number of nights until
tbe cure is Dermanent The cfieits aie
almost magi.-al. All soreness goes In
stantly and the feet feel so good that
the whole nervous system Is benefited
Corns .ind callouses can be peeled right
off. Bunions are reduced and the in
flammation drawn out Sweaty, bad
tmelllng feet and swollen, tender feet,
need but a few application. Any drug
gist has Caloilde in stock or will get It
from his wholesale house. A twenty
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to cure the worst feet. Caloclde Is not
a patent medicine. FOrmerlv used only
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the public In general, and Is saving
manv an hour of torture for thousands.
i w
! Compound
I Sweaty
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I ; Feet
wm ' -
d o.o
Swollen glands about the neck, weak eyes, running sores and
abscesses, pale, waxy complexions and frail, poorly developed sys
tems, are the most usual ways in which Scrofula is manifested. In
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cjieck during young, vigorous life, but when the system begins to
weaken, especially after a spell of sickness, the disease will often
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Scrofula, made entirely of healthful roots, herbs and barks, a per
fectly safe medicine for young or old. 5. S. S. goes into the circula
tion, and drives out all scrofulous matter, and supplies the blood with
the healthful qualities it is in need of. In this way it builds uprek,
delicate persons and makes them strong and healthy. Book on the
Blood and medical advice free. S.S.S. is for sale at drug stores.
Want Ads for The Sunday Evening
Tlme3 are received at the Main
Office of The Times on Saturday
nights until 11 o'clock and on Sun
days till noon.
Telephone Main 5260 and give your
advertisement over the telephone if
you like. Then, too. Times Want
Ads are received In nearly every
drug store at regular rates.
Want Ads In The Sunday Evening
Times bring
Monday Morning Results
A hundred or more persons interested
in the work of special schools, including ,
bchool officials and those connected
with charitable organizations, attended
the exhibition held In the ungraded
class of the Curtis School, Georgetown,
yesterday. This li the first combined
exhibition- of special schools since their
establishment a few years. An attrac
tive feature was the children In the
large, bright schoolroom, engaged xa
the several branches of study, typewrit
ing, and industrial work.
A Japanese booth, containing baskets
of original and attractive designs,
benches, tables, and frames from the
manual training shop, and artistic
needle work represented the N Street
School. Beautiful specimens of Vene
tian Ironwork, hammered and perforated
brass, artistic and commercial basketry,
woodwork, stenciling and various forma
of art handicraft showed the ingenuity
and excellent work of the ungraded
The display was under the direction of
SIlss SI. A. Robey teacher of the class,
and Miss C. E. Logan, in charge of
the Atypical School. SIlss A. SI. Atlee.
Sliss E. Malcolm, and Miss Amy Sled
ford were on the receiving committee.
Among the visitors were Sirs. Ellen
spencer siussey. vice president of the
Board of Education: Mrs. Jenness Mil
ler, Miss Vivian Sillier, Mrs. Charles W.
Richardson. Miss SI. SI. Greenwood,
president Special Child Club. sirs. SL
W. Gate, director of domestic art; Mrs.
C. F Livermore, Sliss Isabel Jackson.
H. B. F. McFarland, of the Education
Commission: Walter 8. Ufford, secre
tary Associated Charltlas; Ruel P. Tol
man. E S. Santmyer, Dr. II. C. Sw
eatee, Dr. F. A. St. CI?'. Principals
and teachers attended in large numbers.
Strike Holds Steamer
Minneapolis in Port
LONDON. June 17. The steamer Min
neapolis, of the Atlantic Transport Line.
wm unabls to sail today, owing to the
seamen's strike.
A number of other vessels are held at
their docks. The strike presents a more
serlout situation than at any time since
it began.
Although as yet the strike cannot be
called genertl. the union leaders are
hopeful of cradually extending It Sev
eral hundred were added to the strik
ers' rolls today The Lake Erie. Tona
wanda. and Potomac are somi of the
smaller ships that have failed to get
French Heel Cramp t
Soft Coma
Home Treatment
Aching '
Feet ;!
""tO-.'V w.
,-5f &
u ". -Vi
rf -- -. I