? 1
Open 8 A. M.
Close 5 P.M.
Owners Of Such Space Must
Pay For It, If Bill
Goes Through.
Former London Success Will
Be the Offering Next
"Facing the Music" will bt the of
fering at the Columbia Theater next
week. It Is described as a farcical com
edy In three acts by James Henry
Darnley, but is better known In thta
country as the play in which Henry E.
Dixej came nearer to finding a suc
cessor to Adonis" than any other In
which he ever appeared.
"Facing the iluslc" was a bis; London
success before It was brought to this
country, having enjojed an extended
xun at the Strand Theater, and since
then it has been translated liito both
French and German, and is today a
reigning success in the countries where
those languages are spoken. Its run
at the Garrlck Theater, New lork. was
(One of the events of eoveral years ago,
nd Mr. Dixey found In it a prolitable
starring vehicle in which he tuured tho
country for several seasons.
The complications all arise over tho
Sresenoa In a single Hat iiou&o in Lon
on of two men named Jour. Smith
jOne Is the curate of St. AndieWs par
ish and the other is an American horse
The wives of both are nway In the
country, but the unexpected return of
one qets things going in a manner that
constantly convulses those v. ho aio
watching their antics.
Travel Festival At the
Columbia On Sunday
Lyman H. Howe brings his travel fes
tival to the Coliunbla Sunday evening
He -will prssent scenes ot tho corona
tion of Klntr Geor?e and Queen Marv
Ithat are new to Washington, the views
being made by permission of the Brit
ish officials, who gao the cameias guod
positions to mako a reproduction for
Dosterlty Tho films will be pl.n-ed n
the archives of Knslish lijbtoncal so
cieties. They show the roial pair peers an.1
(peeresses. In close portraits, and the
Xiaval review reveals our U. 8. S. Pela
Iwnre as the nost notable fliuire In tht
Jlne of warships. A ride In an aero
plane la a ne- thriller. I,incoln Hciu hv .
invlator. strapped a Howe camera to his
Ibiplonc and kcni the apparatus, in action
with one Land while he directed the
machine with the other. The scenes
were made nt a he'ght of 1.0!0 feet.
There are twenty other subjects in th
irew program.
Gayety's Opening On
August Fourteenth
George Pck. manager of the Gayety
theater, will arrive In Washington from
Jls roi'ntiv home at Jlai Ilnd.ile Depot.
I- . the last of t'lis week to rropam
J ir ilio orening if Pi theatel on .Mon
ca August 14 D.iring the summer tho
i"ai"i ha been renowned, painted, and
r ! mated t! romilitut, and pre.-ents a
luana new appearance for the patrons of
the comins .eaeon
The opt-nins attraction will be Al I
jleeves. and his big beauty show, wlta
Everything new and up-to-date.
Prize Waltz Contest On
Program For Glen Echo
Because of tne great popularity of the
dancing pavilion at Glen i;cho Park
with the throrms of summer pleasurf
ecekers, the management has determined
upon another feature for that section of
the rosort In the shape of a prize waltz
ing contest which is scheduled for next i
Tuesday evening. The winner of thN i
event is to be the choice of live Judges i
who are selected fiom among the on-
lookers, and to the iung lady receiving
a majority of the ballots is to be pre- I
rented a gold medal upon which her
Trowels In dancing will be appropriate
ly Inscribed "Shadow dancing," first
Introduced to Washington at Glen Echo,
has proved a most attractive innova
tion The spectacle of the dancing
fioor, lllumlntted onl- by the constantly
changing colors of a spotlight against
a dark background, has pioved suf
ficiently preilj to attract a lurge crowd
each evening
Moving pictures is one of the big free
Xeaturcs. An entirely now sot of films
U displayed evei j evening.
Manager Bchloss announced today that
the park will be open to tho public next
Sunday afternoon ar.d evening. A spe
cial program is being arranged, which
Is expected to pro ide several surprises
for tho rrnv K that aie always to be
found at the rec-ort on Sunday.
Youngsters Enjoy An
Outing At Fort Myer
Much Interest was excited by a
strange looking caravan which wended
Its way from 923 H street, the central
office of the Associated Charities, to
Fort Myer yesterday. The caravan
was headed by a four-mule carryall
filled with mothers and Infants.
Then came four army escort wagons
full of boys and girls who wero In for
ft good time.
The occasion was an outing given to
Sxty mothers .nd children by Mrs.
arrard of Fort Myer. The children
took their own lunch, but Ice cream
cones were served at the post.
Those Invited were so eager to go they
fcegan to asxnnio two hours before the
appointed time The threatening rain
liunled them hnm befure they expect
ed, but It was a happv, criwd, and one
email boj announced as he jumped out
of tho wagon "I et ten Ice cream
cious and durable.
won't crack, chip,
monia can't harm it.
can collect on its smooth, sanitary surface. So easy to clean I
Mil nfcj. i ' y
Use it on wood, metal, brick, stons or plaster indoors and out
doors it's weather-proof and stands hard use.
Freshen up things after your Spring housecleaning, and use it
all he year. Order by name to be sure you-get the genuine.
We also make
"Dresden China"
and "Oxidized"
Enamels forspecial
purposes. Insist
that your painter
cse them.
PECORA PAINT CO, Mrrsu, Philadelphia
For sale by GEORGE: F. MUTII CO,
418 Seventh St.
W. H. Butler Co.
Transfer Of the Romaine
One Of Deals Reported
Jacob M. Stein has purchased the
Romaine apartment house, 1S31 Cali
fornia avenue northwest. It Is a three
story building on a lot containing 6,000
snuare feet. The nrlce Is not disclosed.
but a trust of $17,000 was placed on tho
Thomas E Jarrell has purchased the
dwelling on lot 33 in square 2552 on the
south side of Belmont road between
Eighteenth street and Columbia road,
for $6,500. Tho lot is 16 67 by 120 feet In
Mrs. Florence Archer has purchased
from I. S Llndley, of Los Angeles, Cal.,
the two-story detached dwelling at Utti
Harvard street northwest, for $3,500.
After making extensive improvements
Mis. Archer will occupy the house. The
dwelling is one of ten detached houses
said to have been one of the first build
ing operations on Columbia Heights. Th.e
sale was made through the office of
Shannon & Luchs
Moving Old Stables.
The work of moving the stables
elected by Governor Van NeFS, in 180ft,
In tho rear of his mansion, which stood
until a few years ago. where the new
home of Pan-American Union now
stands, has commenced. The building
will be moved from Seventeenth street,
opposite the Corcoran Art Gallery, to
the southeast '-orner ot Eighteenth and
C streets northwest. Since President
Grant's time the stables have been used
for the White House equipage, but as
President Taft uses an automobile. Col.
Spencer Cosby, superintendent of build
ings and grounds, ordeied the removal
of the ancient building. The work Is
being done by T. Edward Clark.
Buys a Residence.
Robert Daniel has purchased fiom
Charles E. Wire the new three-storv
dwelling at 1W1 Nowton street north
west. It Is ono of a row being built at
the corner ot Seventeenth street. The
s-ile was made by Shannon & Luchs.
Mr. Daniel will occupy the house.
Sells His Large Farm.
S P.rown Mercer has sold to William
Graff, of Ishpemlng, Mich., his 131-acre
farm neai Hamilton, Va., at i.-Ki nn
aire. The sale v as made by A. C. Van
Devai.tei, of Paeonlan Springs.
Julius Abramson has purchased from
James R. Allerson and Thomas H. Pick
ford the six-room dwelling at 1541 First
street northwest for $4,650 The lot is
20 by 90 feet. The sale was made by
Wlllige, Gibbs & Daniel.
Real Estate Transfers.
Fourteenth treet nortlwvMt, between B and
C streets It. C. Blrge and William H
Saunders, trustees, to George II. Dlerkoph.
lot &. square 1C"5. H25. George II. Dler
koph tit ux .omejs some property to
flauile Llv ltigiiun. J10.'
Woodley 1'ark II It. Dulany et al , re
celvers. to Georga O Pumphrey. part lot
J10. square 2107. $1,319
Delaware avenu southwest, between G an!
II street Francis Leonard to Thomas P.
Urown, part lot 37 and lots 33 and S3, square
SS!. 110.
IMKonsln avenue and Q street northwest
Frank L. Ash et ux to George N. Ash,
part lot 21. square 12S0. J10
Interest-Charles A Harbaush et ux. to
Joseph W Horbaugh, trustee, lot 71, block
10, Meridian Hill, lot 201. square 1029. lot
UO; square 1029. $10.
Today the Anniversary
Of a Labor Champion
Many American laboring men today
are commemorating the birthday annl
vursurv of Uriah S StepJiens. founder
of the "Knights of Labor. Mr Stephens
was born August 3, 1821, near Cape May,
N J , am' died Februarj 13, 1KS2.
Today Is also notable In history as the
the anniversary of the opening of the
Welland canal, in 1&J0, the first vessel
arriving at Oswego, N. Y., on August
3 of that ear. Telegraphic service was
alho established botween Toronto, Buf
falo, and Montreal for the first time Au
gust 3. 117. One year later tho move
ment for women's suffrage was given
momentum by a declaration of the
woman's rights convention at Roches
ter ,
Eighteen vears ago today, August 3,
168" currency was bought and sold at a
premium In New York. durlnK the Ia
rr.'iu.-. "panic of '93."
T"dav is also the anniversary of the
capture in 1777 of Fort Schuyler, at tho
head of tho Mohawk river, by the
Service Orders
Commander C. B. PRICE, detached
Tennessee; to Kansas as executive
Lieutenant Commander N. E. IRWIN,
detached Kansas; to navy jard, Bos
ton, Mass , as aid to commandant.
Assistant Surgeon D. H. NOBLE, de
tached Villalobos; to home and wait
Assistant Paymaster P. A. CLA-RK, to
Assistant Paymaster S. E. DICKINSON,
detached Paducah; to home and wait
Assistant Paymaster W. R. VAN
Ill'REN, detached Nashville; to
home a and wait orders.
Assistant Paymaster R. W. CLARK,
detached North Dakota; to Nash
ville Assistant Civil Engineer D. G. COPE
LAND, to Renssataer Polytechnlo
Institute for Instruction.
Assistant Civil Engineer G. A. DUN
CAN, to Rensselaer Polytechnic In
stitute for instruction.
Arrived Hopkins, Hull. Truxtun, Paul
Jon-s, Peiry. Preble, Stewart,
Rowan, at Bremerton, Chester at
Port au Pilnco Nashville at De
troit, Vulcan at Gibraltar.
Sailed Brutus from Boston for
Hampton Roads, Wolverine from
Cleveland for Toledo. Standlsh
from Annapolis for Norfolk.
THE Enamel That Stays
White and Won't Crack
Flawless, ttainlesi beauty. The finish that's elastic, teni.
Forms a hard, lustrous surface that
peel nor blister. Water, steam and am
Hot weather non'tsoften it. Nogerms
N. W.
609 C
St. N. W.
S. P. Bartlett, Federal Em
ploye, To Hold Place
With Illinois Board.
President Taft today vyalved the
Executive order of January 17; 1873,
prohibiting Federal employes from
holding State, Territorial, or munici
pal offices. In the case of Sylvester P.
Bartlett. Held Superintendent of the
Bureau of Fisheries.
Under the order today, Mr. Bartlett
may become secretary of the 'Illinois
Fish Commission, and at the same
time hold his Job with tho Govern
ment While an exception of this sort
Is not unprecedented. Presidents rare
ly have used their authority to per
mit a Federal employe to hold two
positions at once.
In thlB case the Civil Service Com
mission mado an investigation of the
situation, and found that It would
be a great service to the Illinois Fish
Commission to have the Federal em
ploye on its staff. Also It would pro
mote the work of the Bureau of Fish
eries to have this employe co-operating
with the Illinois commission.
The American Church Institute,
headed by Bishop Greer, today Invited
President Taft to address the Insti
tute in New York on November 12, at
the Church of St. John Tho Divine.
Mr. Taft has the invitation under
The announcement was made at the
White House this morning that the
President would receive a detail of
the Fourth Regiment. Maryland Divi
sion, United Boys Brigade of Ameri
ca, in the East Room of the Whlto
House at 2:30 o'clock, August 10.
Col. H. Clay Ward, commanding the
regiment, made the arrangements for
the reception The regiment, he ex-
Slalned, would go Into camp at Loch
;aven near Baltimore for a week In
August. 1
Another big bargain day Friday!
Right on the heels of the biggest bargain period yet comes a Friday sale which eclipses in value
giving anything we've ever attempted.
8 to 11:30 only dresses up to $10 at $2.98
100 Lawn Dresses of most desirable sort that sold up to $10.00, at $2.98 but only between
8 and 11a. m.f and none sent out on approval.
$5 for dresses up to $15
-best materials and the newest effects.
$10.95 for dresses that sold up to $35
-the Handsomest Dresses of th e season silks, marquisettes, lingeries, etc. exquisite creations.
$1.69 for skirts up to $3.98
linen and rep a special lot.
A slaughter of prices of
for Suits which sold
up to $29.95.
Slip-on Raincoats that sel
A lot of Coats big variety sold up to $22.0 at $7.95.
4 lots of Underskirts under price $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, and $1.98.
$3.98 for best $7.00 and $8.00 Taffeta and Messaline Underskirts.
Good waists never brought so little
S2.98 for the best $5.00
$1.85 for S3.00 and $4.00 Lingerie, Voile, and Marquisette Waists.
Si. 69. for $4.00 Striped Wash Silk Waists.
Si. CO for S2.00 Lingerie and Linen Waists.
Wouldn't You
Have Pearly White Teeth?
S. "I Mini - - .?7w
Easy Terms of Payment to
Suit Your Convenience
My Patent Suction Teeth
They Never Slip or Drop
TXTa trAAn nnan until fi n ?
xj v-w, ww v...fc. w j, 411, iW1 KLlv aucuuiiuuutiiiuu ul luuDa
who cannot come during the day. Sunday hours, 10 to 4.
Ztmxgcst and Moat Thoroughly Equipped Parlor la WaaotngtoB.
Appointments May Be Made By Telephone.
Do Topographical Work
While Scouting About
In Aeroplanes.
Tho officers at tho army aviation
school spent the morning In completing
topographical work, namely, a map
showing tho course they will take for
cross-country flights to Baltimore,
Frederick, and Annapolis, Mil., and
Fort Myer being completed.
Tho details making up these majia
were obtained by the officers while do
ing practice scouting work In their
aeroplanes. The pictures which were
taken wero all developed today, and
arrangements are being made to take
more pictures of the country over which
the aviators fly.
The officers expect to make flights late
this afternoon, and both Captain Beck
and Lieutenant Klrtland will fly for
their pilots' licenses If the weather
conditions permit.
Member of the Geological 8urvey are1
taking much Interest In the pictures-and
maps made by the officers while flying.
Lieutenant Klrtland believes that
with twelve or fourteen Alms he could
get pictures of the country over which
a day's march had been planned.
The pictures will be of great eervlce
to commanding officers who are taking
troops through a new territory, aa the
av latere ran fly ahead and get pictures,
which would be of more service -than
a map
Lieut. F. M. Kennedy reached the
school yesterday. He will be Instructed
by Captain Eeck in fljlng tho Curtlss
biplane, and probably will take his first
lesson today. Captain Berk again
demonstrated that his aeroplane 1h a
fnst rlyor He believes he made a. new
speed record at College Park by going
over jfvntv rn'ies an hour.
The Wright aeroplane proved a great
attraction to the visitors yesterday,
lieutenant Milling took the ciaft up
,000 feet, came down a thousand in a
reverse spiral glide, and then volplaned
for 2,000 feet to the field. This was one
of the most spectacular feat so far
seen at College Park.
Largest Women's Outergarment Store South
Closes at 5 o'Clock. Saturdays at 1
$7.95 for dresses up to $20
foulard silks, imported lingeries, etc
No alterations.
for Suits which
sold ut to $45.
at $5.98, for S4.50.
and $6.00 Waists we've shown.
Like to
Consult Dr. Wyeth, a dentist
of known ability and skill, if
you would have beautiful teeth.
No matter how bad a condition
your teeth are in, I and my
corps of competent dentists will
put them in perfect condition
at a small cost.
Consult me and get my
prices and terms for Guaran
teed Painless work.
-. n..J.ii aI.-ha
427-429 7th St. N.W.
Opp. Lanaburgh & Bro.
Over Grand Unlofl Tea Co.
Owners of vault privileges In the Dis
trict will havo to pay an annual rental
to the District government if a bill
which Is before the District committee
of the Senate becomes a law. In a
favorable report, the Commissioners
suggest several changes in the bill and
urge the need of Its adoption.
If tho bill becomes a law, persons who
use the spuce under sidewalks will have
to pay rental.
In a number of Instances the District
hus actually been put to expense be
cause of these vaults, and by reason of
the caving In of parts of streets which
vaults are under, actions for damages
have been brought against tha local
A formula for the assessment of the
rental is provided In the bill. As this
stands now, with suggested changes by
the Commissioners, the amount of tho
rental Is to be obtained by taking the
number of square feet In the nrea of
the vault or excavation, multiplying It
by the value per square foot of the ad
Joining property as assessed, and then,
taking one-half of one per cent of this.
No rental Is to be less than J5. however.
The tr.easura la to go Into effect No
vember 1 next If passed. It is doubt
ful, however, if It can be acted on until
next scs&lon.
The Commissioners say the District
will derive considerable revenue from
this source If the measure Is passed.
Electric Webster. Where?
Julius Caesar.
Com on Cob. Md., 1008 Pa. ave; 610 gtfl.
of New York mT
11 exi
to Cor.
P. M.
for suits up to $12
natural and oyster linen and ramie.
cloth suits
for Suits which
sold up to $50.
Gold Crowns,
Bridge Work
Fillings in Gold, Silver,
Platinum and Porcelain
50c to $1
I I r 1
Easy I
Your Unrestricted Choice Tomorrow of
Any Woman's Dress
In the House
Worth 25,22.50)20,$17.50,n5,n2.50,$10 or $7.50
Choice. $3.85
Special, Tomorrow, d0 QEt
Your Unrestricted Choice, p009
Great Bargains in
Silk Remnants
$1.00 ni. 9C I $1-25 0 QCU
Thousands of yards of all kinds and colors; all good lengths
from 1 yard to dress patterns of 10 and 12 yards. In the lot youjwill
find Foulards, Pongees, Taffetas, Messalines, and Wash Silks. Get
here early and get the best choice.
Bargain Tables Eighth Street Annex Silk DepL
Remnants of White and Colored Wash
Goods. Linens and Flannels.
Worth up to 50c a Yard, at
5c, 7c and 9c
Thousands of yards of High-class Imported and Domestic Wash
Goods, in suitable lengths for waists and skirts, and some few dress
lengths. It is out of the question for us to try to describethe kinds
to vou. We are certain it will pay you to come and see far yourself.
Values are up to 50c yard, and we
Choice, a yard, x, 7y2c, and v$c
ar a
WF Prices Hold Good for One Day Only
75c 50-inch Cream Mohair Sicilian, yard , , 49c
50c 36-inch Navy Mohair Sicilian, yard - .29c
69c 42-inch Cream Mohair Sicilian, yard 39c
55c 38-inch Navy Mohair Sicilian, yard 36c
69c 42-inch Navy Mohair Sicilian,
75c 44-inch Gray Mohair Sicilian, yard 48c
75c 5o-inch Navy Mohair Sicilian, yard 49c
AH first quality; no seconds. A rare chance to economize on a
Skirt or Bathing Suit length. Be prompt.
Anything You Don't Need
Something You Want
Use and Read THE TIMES
Barter and Exchange Ads
We never know a dull mo
ment in our Women's Ready-to-wear
Dept. Our force of
salesladies will again be. as
"busy as bees" tomorrow by
our offerings:
Every Marquisette Dress,
embroidered or lace trimmed.
Every White Lingerie Dress,
embroidered or lace trimmed.
Every Pure Linen Dress,
natural or white, embroidered
or trimmed.
Every Fine Colored Lawn
Dress, beautifully trimmed.
Every Fine Colored Cannon
doth Dress, fully trimmed.
Every Fine Gingham Dress,
nicely trimmed.
Every Fine Colored Madras
Dress, beautiful white P. K.
In fact, every. Dress in our
house without regard to form
er prices, will be placed before
you and you have your unre
stricted choice of those worth
S25.00, $22 JO, S2O.00, $17.50,
$15.00, $12.50, $10.00, and
Sits Ol JS,
shall divide them intoithree bts.l
yard 39c