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- Jk 4- t,' - -V BMLWAVS TO CLASH' WITH GOVERNORS BEFORE HIGH COURT THE WASHINGTON TDEES, SATURDAY,. SEPTEMBER 16, 1911. Plan to Unite on Urging That Sanborn Decision Be Upheld. NEW YORK. Sept. 1C With the gov ernors of the many States represented at the House of Governor St the Spring Lake conference uniting to fight before the Supreme Court of tho rnltcd States for the right of the States to fix traffic rates entirely within the borders of the single States, the railroads aro preparing c unite to urge the court to uphold the decision of Judge Sanborn nullifying the Minnesota 2-ecnt fare T AFT ANTICIPATES ACTION OF PROBERS r- I "Beats House Committee to It" in Vindicating Dr. Wiley, But Committee May Get Best of Him Later in '- the Game. WIN END, By JUDSON C. WEltlVER President. Taft his "beaten the. Moss committee to It" In the matter of vin dicating Dr Wiley. But he will have to hustle with his reforms In the De partment of Agriculture If he beats the committee to the bigger things it has in mind. , Democratic leaders in thehouse are determined that Jeglslatlori shall be brought forward,-"early the coming ses sion, that will make absolutely certain tnat the spirit of the food law shall be enforced. They, are prepared to show that raort of the Administrative machinery now would "got law Judge Sanbjrn's decision was heraia-' employed is extra-legal; that instead of 1 bv the railroads as a guarantee that dolnir what the law Intendwi". thn Rnrno. ffWl hi thn rnfTri.n1o no o .rtiopjntaa the" Federal Government would protect vupnai engaged In transportation against restrictive laws passed by State legislatures. With the decision came Increased activity in railroad stocks. Attitude of Financiers. The. action of governors In taking what Is termed by many the most rad ical course is generally condemned In the financial district The governors, however, asserting their action was merely for the purpose of obtaining pioper legal representa tion before the highest court. They all admitted, that stiould the Supreme Court uphold the Sanborn decision, the States would "be reduced to meie prov inces of a centralized power." Willie the Mlnnes-ta case will be tbu first with which Governors Harmon, Ohio; Hadlev Missouri, and Aldrlc'i, Nebraska, the governors' committee, will have to dea. with, similar cases in volving the rghts '. the State to mako r.illroml laws In Missouri. Kansas, Ok lahoma, and Nebraska, are before ths courts. Danger to Transportation. One railroad official said: "Should the Minnesota decision be upset, a seri ous blow would be delivered to the transportation 'ntercsts of the country. The Interstate Commerce Commission has the power to decide what a reason ably rate Is, one that wlil result in a fulr profit to the railroads. Should the Statrs be permitted to lower the 'reasonable' rates established by the Interstate Commerce Commission they may entirely wipt out the piofits of the railroads." Kven the appearance of three gov ernors merely In the capacity of law jers fighting before tly Supreme Courts for the rights of the individ ual States as opposed to the powers of the United States Is a situation new In the country's history. The governors asserted that If their action was novel. It was none the less sane and necessary. Clad in Night Dress, Girl Captures Burglar WAKEFIELD. Mass., Sept. 16. In her nightdress. Miss Annie Spalding chased a ljuiglar to the street, threw him down and sat on him till a policeman came. doing what the law intended, the Roose velt and Taft Administrations have, be tween them trumped up a great mech anism, which has prevented the en forcement of the law as Congress want ed It enforced, obscured the simple and efficient Instrumentalities that Congress provided for, and made the law's sub stantial "subversion possible. urn deliberate policy of Imposing exira-iegai machinery to clog and ham per the machinery provided bylaw, will be made a strong issue by Democrats. They are not In favor of any new frills. The proposal to have a commis sion enfqjce the law does not look good. They just want "Doc" Wiley put back on the Job, with a free hand and plenty of elbow room. They want the Dunlaps the McObes. and all the oth er little Incumbrances swept aside, and they will take steps to be rid of them with great nromrtness. If President Taft does not get to all that first. End of ftemsen Board In Sight. The (Remsen board will not last be yond the present fiscal year, for anoth er appropriation measure will be care fullj safeguarded with provision tht none of the money here appiopriatc1, shall be used In iny such fashion an the Remsen boarJ has spent some $ Tne Board of Food and Drue Insnec tion will be put out of business In the like fashion, and then there will prob ably be some legislation, authorizing the establishment of food and drug stand- aiuN uiiuer me immediate domination of Dr. Wiley and nobody but Dr. Wi ley. Pending all these details, there is acute concern as to the political moves the Administration will make. Today's opinion Is that Attorney General Wlck ersham gets away with a clean bill of health. The President made an excuse for him; said he didn't have the full record before him. No Excuse Made for Wilson, But it Is notable that the President made no excuse for Secretary Wilson. Rather, he intimated strongly that de ciding the Wiley case was. not the most Important thing connected with the Ag ricultural Department that he had on hand. The other things would be much lot of the conspirators theirs" in due time. Wlil Secretary Wilson go, along with Messlrs. Dunlap and McCabe? It Is well known that President Taft did not want Mr. Wilson In his. Cabinet. He would not have included him. but for powerful pressure that was brought to bear on him from farmers' organiza tions, publishers, and the politicians from the farming States. Secretary Wilson Vas then the popular member of the Taft Cabinet. There simply was nobody else to appoint? no other men with any possible qualifications for the place could get a shallow of the back ing that Wilson commanded. Against hiss will and wishes, then, Mr. Taft appointed Mr. Wilsort. He has felt ever since that it was a mistake; that he would better have followed his own predilections. The Ballinger-Pin-chot affair started in the Department ui nsuvunure. iess wise and exper- icm-eu uii-n man now, me President did the unpopular thing. He dismissed PInchot. In the present Instance, he would likely have dismissed Dr. Wiley, only that the experience of the PInchot case taught him better. . Not Easy to Drop Wilson. To drop Secretary Wilson out of the Cabinet despite the mistakes he has mnde. Is not easy. Secretary Wilson, after all Is said, has a tre mendous hold on the farmers of tho country. They don't care whether he Is a good administrator or not. They know that he built up the department to the Dolnt where It Is of real its" and vnlue to them, which It never had been before. Thev read Its liter ature, build their chicken houses asr the bulletins- direct, doctor tht-Ii horses accordlnar to the horse book rotate crops asdlrected. and just nat urally can't bo pried away from their loyalty to the Institution or the Wil son conduct tljereof. So, whatever the President does, he will have a hard time -settling the Wilson matter. The tenor of his let ter to Secretary Wilson suggests that if the latter would amlablv resign pretty soon. It would relieve the Ad ministration. Nobody believes the Secrslary will do so. Ho will require a more dernite Invitation to do so. Representative Malby Is Fifty-four Today AI H IT'S ME FORTHEJCIDDIES They're as Serious as. They Can Be Waiting for the v Bell Monday. - Bradley Lane Film Views Prevented By The Rain Owing to rain yesterday tho moving pic ture views of traffic along Bradley lane, Chevy Chase, were not taken this, morning, but according 'to a statement made this afternoon by .XI., O. Eldridge, of the office; of public roads, In the Department' of Agricul ture, the pictures probably will be taken today. t , . They will show the effect of -automobiles upon macademlzed. roads, and the contrast when the roads areireat 'ed with tar. Bradley lane Is one of the new Government highways. Fine dust on the smooth surface of the regular macademlzed road Is thrown Into the air by rapidly moving auto mobiles. It will probably be Monday beforo the '"dust", pictures are taken. There will be other pictures to Illus trate the making of public- roads In various sections of the country. Ten thousand dollars was appropriated by Congress for experimental work along this line. The road pictures will be but 3 part of a series of moving pictures that are.Deing made by a concern to show tho workings of every branch of the Government. . Rep-sentntlve George R. Malby, mem ber of the House from the Twenty sixth New York district. Is fifty-four years old today. Mr. Malhy, whose home Is at Ogdcns burg, Is a native New Yorker. He is a veteran of the New York Legislature, having served five years In the assem bly and twelve years in the State sen ate. He Is now serving his third term In tho House. Newsboy First Depositor. i-Sh-WAKK. N. J., Spt. 16. Louis Wnlnnr a itTiuKn .IV ei I AHnA more big and Important, when he got nickels.' and dimes wan the first '. n,i ti iTh ir,tiH Z .u . rosltor In the postal savings bank just within full view of passing trains on And the broad Intimation was that a 'opened. jthis road. Advt. "School starts Monday, School starts Monday, nh, haw-ney! I'm going V bo transferred and you aint." "I don kare. D'ruther stay back than go to th" ol teacher you'll get." They've been talking about today for the past week, have the kiddies, to whom this Is the very last bit uf va cation. Juvenile minds that have been taken up with swimming, and sailing, and playing ball, and fighting over who ought to win the pennant, are all so bered today. They arc- ticking off the, - 1- ...1.1.1. .!! ... iL. 1 . ! bciujjus wiuiii nui mane wie Hours, OE the one day before the "Quarter Bell" at 8:15 o'clock, Monday morning calls rhem to school. School opening Is a serious business for the kiddles. There are new teach ers to meet, and a, kiddle must always learn just what "teacher'll stand for" befqre he Is fully satisfied, and, oh yes, there's always some 'pretty little ba rlbboned Miss who sets every boy's heart pumpin' on the verj first day of school That's why the kiddles are anxious today, and the mothers are hurrying to buy school shoes, while the young sters fl-et because "Johnnie Smith's goln' t' start long pants, and I ain't." So those who canVlip away are tak ing one long last dive Into the nools at the Bathing Beach today, whllo others are tramping out along tha country roads. And -whatever they may do, today. It's the last evidence of vacation and summer, for school starts Monday. Fined For Spending Another Man's Money George B. Cobb was flndd $20 or sixty days In Jail for larceny in Judge Aukam's court yesterday. On Saturday he went to the Naval Hospital selling reduced rate coupons for a photographer. Thomas I. Perry, of the hospital force, wanted a coupon, but a $5 bill was tho smallest money lie had. The price of the coupon was 25 cents. Perry gave Cobl the bill. T llnt in trn in n snlnnn in if.t . change," said Cobb In Police Court. "I I bought one drink out or my own money and started to leave when friends asked mo to have another. That settled It, your honor. I forgot whose motwy I was spending." "Twenty dollars or sixty days will help you to remember next time to come back with the change," said Judge Aukam. Funeral Services' Held v ,Eor Mrs. E. A. Hester . Tho funeral of Mrs.' Eliza Addison Hester; Inher eighty.flrst year, born in the District, and-a lifelong resident here, was held from the home of her daugh ter, .Mrs. Hi a. .Ansley, 2627 Connecticut avenue, this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Rev. C. Ernest Smith, of the St. Thnmn Episcopal Church, offiplatcd at the cere monies, ana. lnterement was in uaic mil Cemetery. , ,, - Funeral of Boy Injured T" In Fall JsjHeld Today Funeral services for Clifton McGlll, the elghteen-y ear-old boy. who died ta tho Emenrencr Hospital yesterdaY afr ternoon as the result t)t a fall froc the second-story veranda of his uncle e home, 900 K. street northwest, were held from St. Patrick's Church this morn ing at 9 o'clock. The Rev, William Carroll, assistant pastor of the church, officiated at th? ceremonies; Interment was In Mt. OUvet Cemetery. Viini, f"!llt hart nlanned to enter tle navy this1 fall, and had prepared him self f6r the xamInations. He was bom in Covington, Ky... and had been in, W.'.SInrlnn lnri ttiA death of his par ents, two years ago. McGlll was brush ing somo cobweb? from the celling Jf a second-storr porch, and stod upon tho ralhng In order to reach. The railing broke,, and he was thrown to the pava ment belowr-Iracturlng his skull. THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY Real Estate, Loans and Insurance 1408 New York Avenue N.'W. Have 'To Let" the following APARTMENTS 2 rooms and bath. Parkwopd Airy View Damariscotta.. Balfour Annex. $1.25 to Baltimore and Return, Balti more & Ohio. Every Saturday and Sun day All trains, both ways, both days, except Royal Limited The V. S. avia tion field and flights at College Park are 3 rooms and bath 4 rooms and bath Woodward Baltimore Shelby . . Balfour Annex. Pasadena Avalon. 1746 K St. N. W. 20th and Biltmore Sts. , 918 18th St. N. W.... 1603 U St. N. W , "Conn. Ave. & Ashmead PL. 1832-BHtmoreSt., 1419 Columbia Rd 1603 U St. N. W , 2633 Adams Mill Rd , 2627 Adams Mill &L. $50.00 $25.00 $30.50 $25.00 $40.00 $30.00 $27.50 $32.50 $30.00 $35.00 5 rooms and bath Woodward.., Airy View... Don Carlos.. Dupont Baltimore Wesley Avalon Pasadena Northampton. Mt. Pleasant., Wallis Conn. Ave. & Ashmead PL 20th and Biltmore Sts, 2007 O St. N. W 1717 20th St. N. W 1832 Biltmore St 1421 Columbia Rd 2627 Adams Mill Rd..:.. 2633 Adams Mill Rd 1405 WSt. N. W 3153 Mt. Pleasant St 1647 Lamont St $75.00 $40.00 $55.00 I $45.00 $37.50 $40.00 $42.50 $42.50 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 6 rooms and bath Woodward... Damariscotta. Wallis Charlotte 7 rooms and bath Woodward. Parkwood . . Conn. Ave. & Ashmead PL 918 18th St. N. W 1647 Lamont St..: 2120 P St. N. W $87.50 $47.50 $42.50 $35.50 Conn. Ave. & Ashmead PL 1746 K St. N. W $115.00 $67.50 THIS IS BUT A PARTIAL UST of Apartments listed in our office. Information in regard to any of our properties will be cheerfully furnished upon application. ii' " eAre Offering for the First Time HIWWIHMMHHBaBM This Beautiful Row of New Homes Just Being Completed Corner of New Hampshire Ave. and Taylor St, Facing a Beautiful Government Reservation These homes are of excellent width; two stories, attic and cellar. They contain six rooms and bath; heated by hot water; electric licrht; spacious tiled bath. Here are some of the features that commend these homes: All bed rooms of uniform size; the usual small hall room is eliminated; all radiators are low and under the windows; every room has ample space for furniture; a large atticover the entire house; every housekeeper knows how important it is to have an attic for storage; closets in every room of liberal proportipns; colonial porch in front; two-story orch in rear. The location is at the intersection of a wide avenue and full-width street; southern exposure to most of the nouses with a commanding view of the city. Easily accessible to the beautiful grounds of Soldiers' Home; venient to car line; in a section where stores, churches, and schools are convenient. . - con- --m.1-,.1 x .r;-w x.i.w.' Price $4,500 Corner House $5,000 . t To Inspect Take Georgia Avenue Car to Taylor Street, or Phone Main 5904-05 for Our Auto mobiles, . Always at Your Service. fi- ,- v 1 vlBBBBBBKBHii . t-V uh-wkjmBK'' Sample House Open Come Out This Evening N. L. SANSBURY CO. j; Exclusive Agent ' 719-21 13th StN. W. s F!BS$Wh'vkB 4 SH9H 9SSSHWPBSa9sllK - ,'.& K t , Li -' fc t A -JwS.VrfRrjk'-iC iiii&imsd-Ll.r ! vV,irfV-ve" -