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tV ,. E ar TV iV " THE, WASHINGTON TDIES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1911. The Ideal Tea Kettle ; A "J5fW .h. aBafaaffaf -faflBa aaafflVaBaTflfBaP VflHLHL P BflBaffflaV aaaflBaP bBbP ,T """""jH'"J""BbhS SoMo Bo Hi oUg0 lG Pfi IomH of "moT fyojioB K V I The Electric Kind Holds Two Quart8 Very strong and durable. An ornament to any dining room or den. Consumes but one cent's worth of electricity In twelve minutes. Can be connected to the electric lighting fixture. Full Brass or copper finish, with ebon ized wood handle and base, complete with connecting cord and plug ready to use. Call a ud See Our Display of Electric Household Appliances. National Electrical Supply Co. Headquarters For Everything Electrical. 1330 New York Ave. N. W. & Lighting Fixtures That Make Home .- , mnra Unanhfiil $a? niwie ucauuiui Fixture designing is an art. Our fixtures are designed by artists. They are exquisite and harmonize with decorative schemes. The very reasonable prices at which they are sold will surprise you. We Have Many Exclusive Lines O. R. EVANS AND BROTHER, 720 Thirteenth Street Northwest wmrmm A BIG STOCK OF ELECTRIC SUPPLIES Electric Curling Iron $3.00 Electric Iron $3.50 to $6.50 Za? feas?ffl Electric H y &)! , $6.50 to $8 Electric Hot Plates Electric Toasters, $4 to $6 BARBER & ROSS SS. I New Home of Ik Carroll Electric Co. 514 12th St N.W. Increased facilities. Larger stock of electrical supplies and machinery of all kinds. Prompt attention to all orders.' High class work. Reasonable prices. Same Phone Main 7320 sjsW9HK?iiiMsH Bin. to( - aH T a iiiHH One of the Landmarks of Baltimore. For novel and brilliant electric advertising of busi ness compelling ability write the Potomac Electric Power Co. for ideas and realistic sketches to be sub mitted by the Federal Sign System (Elec). Electric advertising promptly placed will pay for itself during the holiday season. Night Signs Bring Day Business Federal Wsssk Electric PHILADELPHIA Federal Clusters, Sockets and Specialties Electric Ozonizer Makes Fresh Air You may now have all the pure, Invigorating air you want It Is made by electricity. A small elec tric machine, called the Ozonizer, placed In the room where you work or sit, makes mountain air for you as long as you want It In high altitudes the wholesome qualities of the air are due to the fact that a considerable amount of the oxygen of the air exists in the form of ozone. Ozone is a sort of a tonic, as it were, for the red blood cells a germ destroyer, and has the power to neutralize gases and odors from organic decay. This form of oxygen is also present In the air of any locality after a thunderstorm. There now is a means of supply ing ozone to the workers In base ments, to the families at home, and to the sick In the hospitals. A box Is fitted with some small square steel plates from which project several ' thousand points similar to the teeth of a saw. The plates are stood on edge so that the teeth facing each other form narrow pas sages. This may be attached to an electric light circuit The electric current sets in motion a fan which causes a current of air to pass into the box through holes in the bottom and forces it through the passages between the steel points. The elec tric current makes tiny sparks on these steel points and the air is here subjected to a miniature thunder storm and undergoes the same pro cess which nature employs for "toning" up the air. The ozone bearing air is released from the box through a fine screen and per meates the air of the room in wfchfh the ozonizer is placed. The size intended for use In fac tories is about two feet high. The size for the doctor or the nurse about half that size. A person suffering from pulmon ary tuberculosis, catarrh, asthma, or any sort of Inflammation of the lungs, throat, nose or bronchial tubes can take the fresh air treat ment at home. The ozonizer placed by the side of the bed on a level with the pillow, allows the patient to breathe the ozone as it leaves the screen. There is a special attach ment for use in aggravated cases of asthma, tuberculosis, etc., which enables the sufferer to inhale the vitalized air direct from the ma chine. And so by the aid of a small machine and an electric current many, who would otherwise be bust ling off to a "sunnier clime," may remain quietly at home and those who must remain in basements or other places difficult to ventilate, may have a constant supply of fresh air. Large carpets which can be heated by electricity have been put upon the German market by Baur & Co., of Zurich, Switzerland. Recent Popularity ' of Electric Signs Very few realize how rapidly the appearance'Of our cities at night is changing as the popularity of the electric sign grows and grows. The .electric sign is not exactly an Innovation, but recent Improve ments In sign lamps and attention to design have made a new sign a sign of the times, as it were which is in evidence in every modern com munity. In Chicago, for example, the first electric sign was used, twenty-three years ago in a political campaign; eleven years from that time there were about twenty electric signs In the city, and within the last twelve years, this number has increased to nearly 8,000. . Other cities have, of course, un dergone the same periods of slow growth and sudden transformation in the matter of electric slgnB, Chi cago being only an example. In Washington the growth In the use of electric signs has been a substantial one. Local and out-of-town advertisers are finding the electric sign a great aid in promot ing the sale of their goods here. The new Mazda sign lamp has been a great factor in this rapid development for the brilliant white light which results from its use has doubled the beauty and artistic merit of the electric sign, making it more effective and desirable for every form of electric advertising, or sign lighting, so that It Is now used by every business which wishes to appeal to the public. Churches are rapidly taking It up. A cross outlined in electric lamps on the steeple of St Mel's Catholic Church, at Forty-third avenue and Washington boulevard, Chicago, is somewhat of an Innovation. The cross is nine feet high and six feet wide. Each side of It Is outlined by thirty four-candlepower lamps. This cross can be seen very distinctly at night for a distance of twenty-five city blocks in a direction at right angles to the arms of the cross. Rev. Father McDonald, who is In charge of the church, expresses himself as well pleased with the results obtained by the use of elec tricity for lighting this church emblem. Housewives on Ranches Use Electric Flatirons Electric flatirons are being ex tensively .used by the wives and daghters of ranchmen located in the agricultural sections of north ern Colorado. Energy is supplied throughout the district between Lafayette and Greely by the North ern Colorado Power Company, which has a large and increasing motor and lighting load in the ranch country. Out-of-door Ironing is very popular. Government Buys Twelve Big Trucks The United States Navy Depart ment has bought twelve electric trucks for the use of the Bureau of Yards and Docks. Eight of these are 5,000-pound trucks, the other four being standard five-ton trucks, and all are now equlpped'with lead batteries. The distribution will be as follows: To the Boston navy yard, one 5,000-pound truck; to the Portsmouth (N. H.) navy yard, one five-ton truck; to the New York, Norfolk, and Mare Island navy yards, one of each size; to the Philadelphia, Charleston, and Puget Sound yards, and public works of ficer. Island of Guam, one each of the 5,000-pound size. Electric Railways In Universal Favor Here are a few examples of the way electric traction is working its way into every land and into the life of every people. The use of electric current in China Is rapidly increasing. Power stations recently have been started In Hankow and in Wuchow. Japan has thirty-one electric railways, with a trackage of 567 miles. The first attempt at applying electric traction to a Spanish steam line recently was made "by the Southern Railways Company. An electric railway in Russia, connecting Sebastopol with Jalta and Alushta, is in contemplation. The cost is estimated at $14,500,000. Electric Picture Show Used for Advertising A manufacturing company which extensively advertises its products promotes publicity by means of a moving picture machine, carried about on a motor truck. In order to be sure at all times of a source of current supply, a generator has been bolted to the truck, and so fixed as to be driven by the auto mobile engine, while the automobile stands at the place of exhibition. Little Disc Stove Highly Attractive There is an electric disc stove in the shops which almost has super natural power for tempting fhe cook and the near-cook to display her skill. The housewife, the college girl, or the bachelor girl revels in the de light of preparing a hasty meal or substantial spread when she has at her command this little stove ready to attach to any lighting socket X HIM This particular type of car uses less electricity per mile I than any other commercial electric automobile. mil II InlVllMn 5 WmimllillilWlf SJE Vy KjyFJAX(hi BstJ Rl n WmyQSaNk wm Hi f !H V V ilnM r S lUffl jSEfl III II 8 B III III In) I ifi nflfHH lilvw QHB Re! I a III 111 mil rVl flJUMMllilW? XII I I Sill nfflirw 11 1JB m must Electric Light Gives a Cheering Welcome to Your Guests Its brilliant ravs disDel gloom. Decora tions are shown to the best advantage. You will find no soot or smudge on the ceiling of an electrically lighted home. Electric light is 100 clean. Mazda Lamps Have Cut the Cost in Half POTOMAC ELECTRIC POWER CO. Our New Type Cars Proving Their Merits Out of Town As Well as at Home, HERE ARE OUR LATEST SHIPMENTS: 2 to Kansas City. 3 to Chicago. 1 to New York City. 1 to New Hampshire. We build our cars to give everyday service. Every part must stand the severest test before the cars leave our factory. We challenge all makes of Electric Commercial Vehicles on low up-keep and long mileage per charge. Washington Motor Vehicle Co. 213 L Street S. W. Plone Hah 7718 ELECTRIC TABLE RANGE, $15.00 It is a completely equipped kitchen for your table. The smallest, most attractive and yet most efficient cooking utensil you can imagine a stove, a .kettle, and a stew pan, and the whole of it not larger than five inches by ten, with a detachable cord connection for the usual lamp socket. It requires but a very small amount of electricity for its operation. DULIN & MARTIN CO. Potlery, Porcelain, China, Glass, Slrrer, Etc. 1215 F St. and 1214-18 G St. You Will Believe in SIGNS If you have a Valentine Electric Sign over your door. Many merchants In Wash ington and In practically ev ery other large city east of the Rocky Mountains own and believe In Valentine Signs. They Are Business Boosters For sketches and price ask local lighting company or write Valentine, Atlantic City, N. J. The Electric Vehicle is the car of the preseit and the future the Edison has made it so Twice the mileage of other batteries: not injured by overcharge or complete discharge; no deteriora tion; many times the 'life. Do not buy a car till you Vnnw th "iIetrtf" An not buy an "electric" tjll you know the Edison Stor- age Battery. y J. D. FERGUSON 823 15th SL N.WWash.,D.C Wireless Stations Show Great Gains From January, 1910, the wire leBs stations in the world made an increase of 4B4, reaching a total of 1,217. Of this number 098 are onships and 219 on land. A feature of the Panama Pa cific Exposition which will be held in San Francisco in 1915, will be the wireless telegraph station on Telegraph Hill. It is planned to erect the largest station ever built on this occasion, by means ol which the passage of the fleet of battleships through the canal can be continually . signaled. Its range must therefore be about 4,000 miles. An all-French wireless system has been inaugurated to cover the whole world. Stations in South Orpn and Dahomey -will be in operation before the end of the present 'year, and one in Mada gascar soon will follow. Keyless Clock Runs By Electricity A keyless clock that runs with accuracy for two years without any attention whatever is one of the remarkable manufactured products of Baltimore. After having been thoroughly tested by the supervising architect of the Treasury Department, Washing ton, it has been installed in a number of Government buildings, including postoffiees and United States court houses, in both of Which absolute time accuracy is essential. The self-winding or operating apparatus is controlled by a. pair of inexpensive galvanic batteries. It Is especially adapted to use in public buildings, factories, offices, private residences,- and other places where accurate time is es sential or desirable. Clocks for private use have been sent to Canada and Cuba, and inquiries have been received from many foreign countries, including Chijm, Japan, South Africa, and Brazil. T-