Newspaper Page Text
-u a THE WASHINGTON TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1911. to V ft' .: I "4 It . K lj SHERIDAN PROPOSED THEY ELOPE, SAYS Sensation Sprung In Case to Determine Parentage of I Alice J. Farrar. Tho most sensational feuturo In the case to determine whether Alice J. Farrar, five years old, Is the daughter of. Ada D. J. Farrar Sheridan, who was employed In tho General Land Office for twenty-ejght years on tho theory that sho was single, was developed today be fore Justice aDn Thew Wright, In Equity Court, No. 2, by Mrs. Etta Q Shields- Head, sister of tho alleged mother, who said that Thomas P. Sheri dan, who has been named aH father of the child, proposed to elope with her. Tho litigation Is over an estate worth about J.60D left by Mrs. Sheridan, letters oC administration having been granted In Prince George county, Md to In terests friendly to Mrs. Shields-Read, while similar letters have been granted by the District .Supreme Court to Mr Sheridan, who claims to bo the woman"? husband. The Maryland court also ap paolntcd Mrs. Shields-Read guardian of the little girl. Question Of Jurisdiction. Justice Wilght made It plain at the outset today that tho only question bo fore him was that of jurisdiction, that Is, whether tho estate of Mrs. Sheii dan, who died at Landover, Md., should be administered under tho direction of the District or Maryland courts. How over, other questions crept Into tho tes timony. Mrs. Shields-Held said, that Sheridan had admitted to her that he had been married before he wedded her sister. Miss Fariar, whose estato Is tho ob ject of litigation. Also sho charged that ono ono occasion he proposed to her that they elope. She was heavily veiled in black and appeared in mourn ing for her sister, who died Septem ber 3. Sheridan admitted today that he rad been arrested teveral times, but said that each time he had forfeited his bonds rather than court publicity. He said that hd had been guilty oacr time of ejecting his sister-in-law, Mrs. Shlelds-Reld. fiom his home, 501 Stan ton place, after she had Intruded. Once, he testified, she appeared and Bmasrcd In windows when refused admittance. Denies Elopement Story. Ho denied with laughter, that was suppressed by the court, that ho had offered to elope with his Btster-ln-law. Attorney E. L. Gles Introduced, whl)o Sheridan was on the stand, a record of the General Land Office, tending to show that Mrs. Sheridan had been ab sent from her duty only four days at one time during the first six months of 1307, when the Farrar girl Is alleged to have been .born. During thoso four days, Sheridan testified, she attended a woman's single tax convention. Mrs. Shields-Read testified that the girl was born In April, 1907, and that next day her mother went to work ! the General Land Office. She said that BhorUy afterward she and her sister arranged a scheme whereby the child should berleft on the doorstep of their home. This was done, sho claims. District Industries School Study Begun Copies of the bulletin from the Census Bureau giving statistics of manufac tures and Industries In the District of Columbia were today distributed to all fourth grade teachers of tho city. These bulletins will be used by teachers as guides to tho study of the District's Industries being undertaken by pupils this year. Tho first factory visited by Bchool children was that of Corby's bakery. This was followed by the construction of miniature reproductions of the plant in, pasteboard and other similar mate rials. Compositions on the "Life Story of a Loaf of Bread" also were written by pupils. Some of the reproductions of the fac tory show bags of flour, hoppers, storage rooms and other accessories of the fac tory. In the near future the Chapln-Sacks plant is to be visited, and later an in spection of the Union Station will be made. Subpoenas Served For Trial of Packers CHICAGO, Nov. 13. While prepara tions were being made for a new grand Jury investigation of the Beef trust, United States marshals are busy serv ing subpoenas on witnesses today for the ten millionaire Chicago packers. Alter nine years of investigation Into the Beef trust, the packers will be placed on trial next Monday before Judge' George A. Carpenter in the Uni ted States district court, on criminal charges of pursuing a scheme to mo nopolize and restrain Interstate trade in fresh meats, in violation of the Sher man anti-trust law. The penalty which may be inflicted In the event of conviction, is a fine of $5,000, a sentence of one year in the county Jail, or both. Great Demonstration In Honor of de la Barra MEXICO CITY, via GALVESTON, Tex., Nov. 13. Senor Don Francisco de la Barra, one time President, has departed from Vera Cruz for Italy, Where he will present the thanks of JVtexlco's government for Italy's part Jn tbe centennial of 1910. Bchool children lined the wharf and showered Senor de la Barra and his wife with flowers. Several small ves sels carrying excursionists accompanied the Champagne, aboard which the couple were passengers, several miles out to sea. Vera Cruz dispatches say the demonstration has rarely been equaled In that port Triumphal arches span the streets in the downtown sec tion. Here at the capital the city Is illu minated, while thousands attended a fireworks dlsplay'ln the Zoclalo in cele bration of General Madero'a election. Nurse Shoots Doctor For Breach of Faith MARIPOSA, Cal., Nov. 13.-Dr. F. L. Wright, county physician of Mariposa o. year ago and a prominent physician In Oakland, lies at home here In a pre carious condition as a result of a gun shot "wound Inflicted by Miss Elsie Frank, an Oakland nurse. Miss Frank is in Jail. Dr. Wright was divorced in Oakland a year ago and later Miss Frank becamo a nurse In his office. She charges ho promised to marry her. A month ago he married Miss Georgia EUlngham. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE DROMO Qulnlnt Tablet!. DruKrim refund monay If It fall to cur. CW.GROVE'S ilcnaturo li on .ch box. 15c MS SHELDS-READ CONGRESS GROWS MORE EXCLUSIVE Lawmakers to Have Private Dining Rooms in Order to Get Away From Public Gaze High Prices Still to Reign. The Senate and the House both are trying to get moro and more from out of the public eye when they cat their meals. They cannot stand ttn gaze of the proletariat. Evidence of this growing desire for excluslveness is seen In the arrange ments for meals which are being per fected In the Senate and Housa ends of tl.a Capitol. Wise men who are accus tomed to ponder on the signs of the times will see In these arrangements a symptom that Senators and Represen tatives are getting farther and farther away from the plain people, and losing their democratic simplicity. House's Arrangement. The House Is going to have a private dining room for Its members, into tne sacred precincts of which an ordinary mortal cannot venture unless he uses a Jimmy. Tho same sort of an anange ment Is being made In the 9enata wing. In the House restaurant there Ion nave been rooms supposed to be used onlv by members of the House, their , Seante cafo, despite the fact the Rules afternoon from his trip to Chicago, dnel Roosevelt will deliver a Taft dele families, or Invited guests. The H uie Committee fixes the prices. The com- He expectB soon to let the contract for gatfon to the national convention Pres restaurant now Is belnn ovchouled. mlttee. however, novor depresses the !i 1.C ...m.. i w.hinrmn npar-H.nt t .j ..,,......?. .r.f.:. and. In addition to the rooms where they could eat formerly, there will be. across the corridor, a room that la especially select. The Senate, which Is Republican. Is Just as exclusive as the House In this matter of lunching and dining. On I he FIFTH JURY PANEL IN NI1MARA CASE NEARS EXHAUSTION Only Three Permanent Mem bers Selected When Trial Is Reconvened. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 13. "With only seven veniremen of the fifth panel remaining available, the attorneys In the McXamara murder trial today re sumed trying to secure twelve impartial Jurors. When court reconvened today District Attorney Fredericks resumed interrogation of Alexander Grlbllng, passed for cause Friday, but whom the State now wants to eliminate because tie has a strong prejudice against General Otis and the Times. Juror. Sexton also asked the court to be excused because his brother Is dying and Judge Bordwell took the matter un der advisement. If the condition of Sex ton's brother becomes worse he prob ably will bo excused. There are only thiee permanent Jurors In the box; I.lsk, Greeri, and Bain. Three tentative Jurors have been passed by both sides of whom Sexton may bo excused The Btato must challenge Clark McLaln, a Pasedena banker, wtio holds to the gas theory and considers General Otis a handicap to the city. The defense will eliminate Major Brews ter Kenyon, a millionaire oil man, be cause It Is discovered he is a great ad mirer o'f Detective Burns. Motion Picture Firm Loses By Court Ruling The question of whether the making of moving pictures Interferes with the dramatization rights on an unlllustrated book was decided today affirmatively by the Supreme Court of the United States. The case In which the opinion was handed down was that of the Kalem Company, which makes moving picture lllms, against Harper & Brothers, Klaw Ac Erlanger and Henry L. Wallace, who hold the literary and dramatic rights of General Lew Wallace's famous novel, "Ben Hur." The Kalem Company advertised mov ing pictures of "Ben Hur" in sixteen ucenes. In 1908 they were warned by Harper & Brothers, who hold the rights from the author, that those moving pic tures were In violation of the dramatic rights to the book which were sold to Klaw & Erlangerv The case was taken into the courts where an Injunction was asked against the Kalem Company. This was granted and appeal was taken Into tho Supremo Court of the United States. Kentucky Can Tax Railroad's Ships The attempt of Kentucky to levy taxes upon ocean-going steamers of the Southern Pacific railroad, although they had never even approached thi borders of that State, succeeded today through a decision of the Su preme Court of the United States. The State contended that as the Southern Pacific Is organized under the laws of the State and the main onice is legally located in Kentucky, it had a right to levy on all the ships of the concern, no matter where plying. The Supreme Court affirmed the decision of tho court of appeals of Kentucky. jir- Write Us For This FREE Sample There U enough Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly la this free sample for severUdays' treatment enough to give Instant relief from cold In the head or nasal catarrh. This wonderful, pure remedy (In sani tary tubes) is applied direct to the raw surfaces. It Is so soothing and healing that It gives Instant relief, and Us con tinued usowillcuropermanently all forms of catarrh. Over 35,000 druggists sell It in 25c and 50c tubes. Doctors, nurses, druggists recommend It. Even our sam ple) will convince you. Ask your drug gist or write today for free sample, Kondoa Msuautacturlna Co. Minneapolis, Minn. Evca Pare to Sanitary EnoBQk toEt 25C&50C Tubes FREE A&LAlItt?S!P IIGAata m luOCA niiiiiisi Tovvs8Sml 1 fUJli b22f Senate side there Is a now prlvato din in? room being finished. This is Just across the corridor from the restaurant. A Senator who does not feel particu larly exclusive will 'go into the old dining room for members of the Senate, but if he Is feeling more aloof than usual from other folks, ha will ea acioss the hall into tho new private dining quarters. Senators have been known to step up to the counter in run view or tne worm and buy sinkers and correo. But this seldom occurs. A Senator rarely par takes of food with the common herd. Justices More Simple, Singularly enough, the supremo Court of tho United States doesn't go to much fuss In this matter of meals. The mem hA nf tnm ntirt hHim thiil. brought to them In the conference room, contract can be let and the contractor BarnCB jrt of the ..old Qaard," Is They are mostly simple lunches. Trusts chnt the new building will bo com- willing to dellvor It to him, It Is said, are smashed, and other big things done, I peted within tho next sixteen months At the eamo time, Republican lead on bread and milk or broad and crack- the expectation. It Is tho purpose of Crs said, Colonel Roosevelt's support Is -l -"-" .wo... .. -v --1 tuiu uuiieu. High prices still will reign in figures so that tho restaurateur can bring suit for confiscation of property under the Constitution. Over on the unH.. ths PAnnfltiiMnn nt,A rtrt ,Ha House side they are going to havo a lunch counter, so that a man who has only 10 cents to spend can at least get a look-in. TO Dedication Will Be Attend ed By Prominent Clerics and Lay Members. Washington's newest charity, a homo for eged Catholic gentlewomen, will ho tOrmull" ODCnerl and rlpllrnl.1 tnm,. row afternoon at tho building secure.i for the homo at U38 N street northwest Prominent Catholic clergymen will Darticlnate In th rrmnniH niMi Cardinal Glbbons had planned to dedicate tho home, but will be unable to attend. Tho home will bo in tho bulldlnc occunled for ..nnomii. v... ,u ,, nfI, . ir'8 ' scnooi or tne Misses Kerr. A reunion of former pupils will mark tho dedica tion ceremonies tomorrow. Many of the students have contributed funds to establish the home, where fn ante- Dcuum days, and until a few years ago, some of the most prominent younr women or the Capital were educated ThrcA wnmon nn,., -.. .1. i. J inree women now aro sheltered at' the hnmA a ,,... .. .. t. cured and plans made to care for others ., .....u dvui urn uo du who need aid In their declining years. At 3 o clork tomorrow tho dedicatory exercises will be held. After the cere- monies a reception will be held by the honri nf lnrtv mr,n ,ro-. ti, ....., a nr ,h u'm i x- ' r. ,..". A.U ... """'" "." ""'... 'u utner orricers are Mrs. E. McNeil, vice president; Mrs. W. A. Wimsott. treas- urer. and Miss Worthlngton. secretary, Among the directors are Miss Alice Riggs, Mrs. Herman E. Gasch, and Mrs. Samuel Hill. umaumMMM CREDIT If You Want It CATHOLIC HOME FOR AG GENTLEWOMEN OPEN TOMORROW There's Real Advantage Not merely a price advantage but a certainty that what you select find our store-service all that thought and attention and intention can (Exactly as Illustrated.) f English Perambulator xnis is tne weatner to keep the but you must Bend It out In a comfortable and protected -TkSsaBBBBBBBBBBBnflHPQIfL (Exactly as Illustrated.) fllNMtWmiNIIImilNINiWINIIIHMHMIHIIHimnHMIIMKi PRINTING BUREAU BUILDING CONTRACT SOON WILL BE LET Bids to Be Oepned Wednes dayConstruction Work to 3e Pushed. Tho Treasury Department is hopeful that the construction work on tho new building for the Bureau of Engraving and Prlntinir soon will bo under way. On Wednesday of this week bids aro to bo opened on this now structure." Just when tho contract will be let depends nn nrhnth'nr ttnv Complications OTlSQ uIMi fannAP.f In thn hlds It U tho intention of Secretary 'Mad Vcagh however, to let the contract ut ti.h .afllci.t nnaalhln rinv nftrr the' bids nn.nml Th work nf construction la in Ha nllfthftri from the moment the I SncrAtiirv I . ..M.l nf VI nrltvilnlHtrntlnn. secretary nincveasn io o n "" , Secretary MaoVcagh returns titis Il" union Station. The probabilities " .V' hniidine wll be constructed at -- " ..w -w - . . - Vermont crranlte. and thus mauo to harmonlxo with the Union Station. Student Balloonists Rescued From Peril CLAREMONT, N. H., Nuv. 13,-Thelr tullocn bumping the tcps of forest trcos where their anchor had caught, three Williams Colleg3 students wcro discov ered ly farmers of Unity and rescued from their dangerous position. After si-mo of the smaller treos had teen cat away the aeronauts were ablo to rlldo down Ihilr anchor ropi-. The sky voyagers were H. Percy Shrarman, former president of the Will iams College Aeronaultral Society nml I lint of the bnlloons, the Stevens "I, H. pilot of the balloon, the Stevens 21, H. Jones, of New York city. The ascension ; was made from Plttsfleld, Muss., sov- tiuy-ouvcn wiles rein uniiy. Marriage of Piatt's Widow Is Confirmed NJ3W YORK. Nov. 13.-The report that Mrs. Lillian Janeway Piatt, widow of United States Senator Piatt, was marrled a wcck a William B. At- wa,or' nn avlator ot Central Valley. was con(lrnic1 bv E6r Fclton. Jus- "co of the peace, who married the cou- nle at Suffern. Mrs. Piatt at first denied the report when It came out on Saturday at Sprln valley. It had been agreed that the marriage was to bo kept a secret until marriage was 10 do xepi a secret unii 'a:Ovhen Atwater and his bride ex pect to start for California. May Nominate Leader Of Southern Society Nominations for president may bo v.Cicu iuw6"i " oj't-v.u.. uuBiucBn ,i , n.,iv,, oi... ,u HAnnltfAil 4ihI fW ft n4 n AAttnf l mau """ " "'" ""- "-'' "' '" niatflnt nf rim nmnc-a rT I ' mail rw lVnl- ton tn "the Colorado building. Speaker I champ Clark Is now first v'iee prcsl- dent 0f the society, To secure a .president not Identified with any political or other faction Is desired by tho majority of the society. At the meeting tonight plans also will bo made for tho annual meeting of tho society early In December. Some of tho Capital's most prominent residents aro members of tho society, which has pretentious social and civic activities outlined for tho winter sea- son. , ! WHSH lit DOUBT MITT or Mouse i Herrmann Golden Oak Buffet A special val ue; 42 Inoh long at base; bent French plate mirror, 10x30. Highly pullehed, swell deep draw era, olaw foet. C o 1 o n 1 al col umn!., suppo.-t-1 n g the mlr 'ored top. Da sinned mm very effective lines, and of the best construction In every detail $15 baby out-of-doors cart Tha Eng lish Perambulator Is both comfort able and protect- Jig. Easiest riding cart on the mar kef, tho gearing is of the very best; hood and u p h o 1 stery of feather cloth. Bodies finished tn Royal Blue or Brewster Green. This Is a special price for a Per ambulator of this type. $12 (Exactly asr (Exactly as Illustrated.) J mmJL UU l 3W Kit m kWWiI a.! P''i?rik fiMfk. afW BE ASKED TO NAME THE Pointed Out That Task for Taft Would Be Found Embarrassing. ALBANY, N. Y., Nov. President Roosevelt, by 13. Former Indirection, probably, will bo called upon to namo tho next speaker for tho Now York. general assembly, which the Republic- ans carried in tho recent elections. Up-State Republican leaders declared today that President Taft would be called upon to name the speaker, and that ho .would bo placed In a most em barrassing position by so doing. The Chlof Executive doslrcs a solid Now York dcleeatlon to thn Tlpnnlillpnn eon. vnnllnn ahrl UtaA nlmtrmnH lltlltnm necessary to the success of Taft's os Plratlons, and they predict that If Col- man as speaker, but will instead see to it That a Roo&vSit ml u VZLl t0 - - . " .... . Republican up-State loaders believe firmly Taft will l!noup with Roosevelt on the speakership. Although Roose velt has declared he is, not waging a war on oarnes, me teaaers point to nis past performances as Indicating his I future acts. I Then, too, they point out. President Taft can hardly align himself with an "old guard" leader like , Barnes in New York, and dally with the nro Kresslvo leaders in tho West. By so doing, thoy say, ho would lay himself open to charges of Insincerity. It is . i pointed out that when Roosevelt and I Barnes were ilghtnlg last year. Taft threw all his support to the progress ives and aided materially in their vic tory. Laud President Taft For Lomax Reprieve Praise for President Taft for signing the reprieve for Mattle Lomax was ac corded tho Chief Executive at tho col oied churches of Washington Sunday. At the Cosmopolitan Baptist Church the Rev. 8. P. Drew reviewed the history of tho flght in the Lomax woman's bo- half. The colored clergyman also spoke of tho mass meetings to come In behalf of th.e woman condemned to hang for tho muruer oi ner jiusuunu. iiiese meet ings will be as follows: November 10, Mt. Morlah Baptist Church; November 22, John Wesley A. M. E. Church: No vember 21, Central Methodist Episcopal Church. November 30, Thanksgiving ir.a&s meeting at Cosmopolitan Baptist Church. Tall Men and Women May Enter Show Free Elongated humanity Is at a premium today. The doors of the Fourth Na tional Food Show are to swing wide, and the "Welcome" mat Is to be placed . .- - m AA at tne entrance ior an men ana an . . .... ... . women, wno are six teei laii. incy are to bo odmltted to the show free, and the Inducement Is expected to attract hundreds. Furthermore, BOO pint bottles of "glngyale" are to be given to the first half thousand to arrive at the show. Five hundred packages of Jello wllj be distributed In the same way. Manager Perry P. Potrlck reported to- day that so far no one had agreed to be "married in tho hall for $25. Besides money and a liberal supply of food- stuffs, the young folks nre offered a , wcddlne march by the band and bdu- I quets of flowers. mniiMiMiiiir CREDIT In Your Buying Your Housefurnishings Here. is worthy of your confidence. You'll mase it. Morris Chair Golden Oak, frames highly polished; the most "Comfy" Chair made, very strongly constructed. The cushions are of Reversible Ve lour, In attrac tive colorings. Special Price, $7.65 The Big Value Rocker The only thlnir ch-iiip about It Is the price and that's what it is only by nias-ot of our underselling policy. Made of oak, with quarter sawed tlnlshj strong in all parts; high back, comfortable arms, and high grade In design $2 - Illustrated.) ROOSEVELT MY NEWYOR SPEAKER Pj II fj tqS"fci"' &&! r.h i Afcii! J H ITALIAN SOCETY SUBSCRIBES $50 TO T Wife of Alleged Slayer May Go to Brooklyn Next Sunday. Fifty dollars has been nutuKTitiiui vv tho Eocleta Unlono E Tni. lana for tho benefit of Mrs. Fortunata Mllano, wife of the Italian shoemaker charged with the murder of Harry Elton Smith. At a. meeting nf th nritv this amount was contributed by tho members. It will be given to her In full If she goes to Brooklyn next Sun dayas she Intends to do, but if sho stays on in Washington It will bjs given to her In Installments of $5 a week. Mrs. Mllano Is no longer at 206 Canal street She Is now at 126 D street south west with the family of Angelo Magglo, a shoemaker and tailor. When seen to day, Mrs. Mllano said that her depart ure for Brooklyn next Sunday depended upon the condition of ner baby. Tho child Is sick, but If the attending phy sician permits, she will go to her mother's home Sunday. SS M i y&&mgWensStore Men's Street Gloves 1000 pairs correct tans all sizes If you find the lightest imperfection in any pair we'll replace them without question. fjMMMMMMMBMMMBMMMWMaMfama k .sslssltaltaW ' flsstsstsslssll We Pay 3 Compound Interest on Savings Accounts HOME SAVINGS BANK 7th St. and Mass. Ave. N. W. 7th and H Sts. N. E. 436 7th St S. W. SPECIAL NOTICES Mountain-grown Buckwheat Has a delicious flaxor'alt its own You'll get a product of the finest mountain-grown grain If ou order MILLEIl'S SKLF-HAISINO Buckwheat. It's strictly pure-makes the lightest and most appetizing griddle cakes. LTAl rour grocer's. No consumers H. B. iSARNSHAW & BKO. Wholesale Grocers. 11th and M sts. se. WEDDING RECEPTIONS FINE CATERING BANQUET PARLORS 815 10th St N. W. ) Buy COAL for Cash and cet the besr ana cleanest coal In Washington at our special low cash price. Order now before tho snow begins to lly. Re J. & M. C. Grace 4th ib F Sts. N. 12., I'll. L. S3-234 Neatness in Printing GoeB a long way toward making your business literature a success. Let us do your fall printing, and you'll get better results. MJFUS H. DARBY PRINTING CO. 905, 907, 909 E STREET ARGUMENTS I THE COTTERILL DIVORCE Motion to .Dismiss Will Be Heard November 22 By Justice Wright. Arguments on the motion to dismiss the absolute dlvorco proceedings In tho case of Charles A. Cotterlll against Mrs. Henry Garland Cotterlll, were continued to November 22 by Justice Wflght In Kqulty Court No. 2 today, at tho request of counsel for tho defend ant. Tho motion is that the suit should bo dismissed on the ground that Mr. Cot terlll sought to ovado the District laws, and went to Maryland and was married a second time after he had been ad Juged the "guilty" party In the divorce suit won by his first wife The second marriage to the woman ho is now suing for divorce was within a week after ho had been divorced in the District Su preme Court. Attorney K. L. Gles contends that the motion will not carry. Attorney W. Earl Ambrose made the motion to dis miss, basing his claim on the codo which prohlbts tho "guilty" party In a divorce case from remarrying within the District of Columbia. ACTION CONTINUED 85 We guarantee these gloves as regular $1.50 quaities the equal of any make sold in Wash ington for $1.50. REMEMBER THAT THE FIRST STEP ISABANK ACCOUNT. Starts one right away and add to it regularly every week. A single dollar is sufficient to begin with, if you can not spare more. Start one tomorrow. SOUTHERN BUILDING 15th and H You have admired the Exterior now call and Inspect the Interior. Each Office is complote in every detail, roomy, light, sanitary, per fectly ventilated. Nothing to com pare with it in WASHINGTON FOUR LAilGG ELECTRIC ELE VATORS all.'night elevator service excellent janitor service Morp to Oiler Than Any Other Building of Ita Kind Rent moderate. Limited amount of desk space. Up to and Includ ing Oct. 14, building will be open nights for inspection until 9 o'clock WM. FRANK THYSON, Manager Room 217. Southern Dulldlue. Christian Xander's 18 American Whiskies Unsurpassed at their respectUo prices. Family Quality House Qno 7th Cr ' hune M 274. 3U3 III Jl. s' llranrh Ilntuti